Configuration Renderings
Configuration Renderings
OVER LADY BIRD LAKE TWO EXPRESS LANES + ELEVATED RAMPS NEAR BARTON SKYWAY LEGEND EXISTING BRIDGE WIDENED ON INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO PROVIDE FOR ONE EXPRESS LANE IN EACH DIRECTION AND ONE ADDITIONAL GENERAL PURPOSE LANE IN EACH DIRECTION Existing R.O.W.** Straddle Bent Direct Connector Lane Express Lane General Purpose Lane* Auxillary Lane Direct Connectors Express Lanes and Ramps General Purpose Lanes and Ramps *The same number of non-tolled general purpose lanes that exist today would remain, in accordance with state law. **The schematic does not propose any land acquisitions to expand the right-of-way beyond the existing limits. N RAMP SHIFTED NORTH TO PROVIDE LONGER WEAVE EXPRESS LANE TRAFFIC DROPS INTO MAINLANES FLYOVER RAMPS PROVIDE ACCESS TO EXPRESS LANES WITHOUT WEAVING OVER ON MAINLANES The artist renderings shown are conceptual in nature and are for discussion purposes only. Final alignments and construction elements may vary. NORTHBOUND VIEW AT BEE CAVE ROAD TWO EXPRESS LANES IN EACH DIRECTION + ELEVATED RAMPS NEAR BARTON SKYWAY ONE LANE EXPRESS LANE RAMPS EXTEND OVER THE MAINLANES JUST SOUTH OF BEE CAVE ROAD, PROVIDING ACCESS TO EXPRESS LANES WITHOUT IMPACTING MAIN LANE TRAFFIC. BARTON SKYWAY PARK HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH N BE E MOPAC CIRCLE CA VE RO AD INTEL P RAM P EC RAM ONN EXIITRECT C TO D BARTON OAKS PLAZA Looking North D ROA C FR OPA NB M AGE ONT Y KYWA ON S SB TOR BART TAG RON AC F MOP D A E RO The artist renderings shown are conceptual in nature and are for discussion purposes only. Final alignments and construction elements may vary. VIEW FROM ZILKER CLUBHOUSE TWO EXPRESS LANES + ELEVATED RAMPS NEAR BARTON SKYWAY EXISTING BRIDGE WIDENED TO ACCOMMODATE ONE EXPRESS LANE IN EACH DIRECTION AND ADDITIONAL GENERAL PURPOSE LANES P M TR RA M DO RA MP RO ST RE ET NF TIO W. CE SAR CHA VEZ EC T EXI NN EN CO AN C ER AM P N OW T WN Looking East N AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL AUSTIN NATURE AND SCIENCE CENTER ZILKER PARK ST RA TF O RD D RI VE ZILKER BOTANICAL GARDEN The artist renderings shown are conceptual in nature and are for discussion purposes only. Final alignments and construction elements may vary. SOUTHBOUND VIEW AT BEE CAVE ROAD TWO EXPRESS LANES IN EACH DIRECTION + ELEVATED RAMPS NEAR BARTON SKYWAY BEE CAVE ROAD PARK HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH N BE E MOPAC CIRCLE CA VE RO AD INTEL C FR OPA NB M AGE ONT D ROA Y KYWA ON S SB TOR BART TAG RON AC F MOP D A E RO P RAM P EC RAM ONN EXIITRECT C TO D BARTON OAKS PLAZA Looking South NEAR BEE CAVE ROAD TWO EXPRESS LANES + ELEVATED RAMPS NEAR BARTON SKYWAY RAMP SHIFTED TO PROVIDE MORE WEAVE LEGEND ONE LANE EXPRESS LANE RAMPS EXTEND OVER THE MAINLANES JUST SOUTH OF BEE CAVE ROAD Existing R.O.W.** Straddle Bent Direct Connector Lane Express Lane General Purpose Lane* Auxillary Lane Direct Connectors Express Lanes and Ramps General Purpose Lanes and Ramps *The same number of non-tolled general purpose lanes that exist today would remain, in accordance with state law. **The schematic does not propose any land acquisitions to expand the right-of-way beyond the existing limits. N The artist renderings shown are conceptual in nature and are for discussion purposes only. Final alignments and construction elements may vary. AT US290 TWO EXPRESS LANES +DOWNTOWN DIRECT CONNECTION TWO EXPRESS LANES WITHOUT DOWNTOWN DIRECT CONNECTION TWO EXPRESS LANES + ELEVATED RAMPS NEAR BARTON SKYWAY LEGEND ONE LANE EXPRESS LANE DIRECT CONNECTORS TO/FROM US290. THESE DIRECT CONNECTORS CAN BE INCORPORATED INTO ANY CONFIGURATION. Existing R.O.W.** Direct Connector Lane Express Lane General Purpose Lane* Auxillary Lane Direct Connectors Express Lanes and Ramps General Purpose Lanes and Ramps *The same number of non-tolled general purpose lanes that exist today would remain, in accordance with state law. **The schematic does not propose any land acquisitions to expand the right-of-way beyond the existing limits. N The artist renderings shown are conceptual in nature and are for discussion purposes only. Final alignments and construction elements may vary. AT US290 TWO EXPRESS LANES +DOWNTOWN DIRECT CONNECTION TWO EXPRESS LANES WITHOUT DOWNTOWN DIRECT CONNECTION TWO EXPRESS LANES + ELEVATED RAMPS NEAR BARTON SKYWAY EXPRESS LANE FLYOVER TO ELIMINATE WEAVE ON MAIN LANES BRAIDED RAMP SEPARATES EXITING AND ENTERING TRAFFIC LEGEND Existing R.O.W.** Express Lane General Purpose Lane* Auxillary Lane Direct Connectors DIRECT CONNECTOR/ COLLECTOR DISTRIBUTOR SEPARATES EXISTING AND ENTERING TRAFFIC NOTE: RAMPING CHANGES BETWEEN 290 AND WILLIAM CANNON DRIVE CAN BE INCORPORATED INTO ANY CONFIGURATION. The artist renderings shown are conceptual in nature and are for discussion purposes only. Final alignments and construction elements may vary. Express Lanes and Ramps General Purpose Lanes and Ramps *The same number of non-tolled general purpose lanes that exist today would remain, in accordance with state law. **The schematic does not propose any land acquisitions to expand the right-of-way beyond the existing limits. N
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