Kurikulum Vitae Nama : Prof Dr. Nurul Akbar SpPD KGEH Riwayat
Kurikulum Vitae Nama : Prof Dr. Nurul Akbar SpPD KGEH Riwayat
Kurikulum Vitae Nama : Prof Dr. Nurul Akbar SpPD KGEH Riwayat pendidikan : FKUI 1968 Internis 1975 Konsultan 1984 Pekerjaan : Staf Hepatologi FKUI Professor 1998 Penghargaan : Peneliti Terbaik FKUI 1998 Organisasii : Ketua PPHI 2006 Sekretaris Dewan Guru Besar FKUI 2000 Tata laksana Fibrosis , Sirosis dan Kanker Hati Komprehensif Prof Dr Nurul Akbar, SpPD-KGEH, Hepatitis Kronik dgn ALT normal juga perlu diobati High prevalence of significant liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B patients with normal ALT in central Europe. Thomas Göbel, The indication for antiviral treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B is based on serum HBV DNA levels, transaminases, and histological grade and stage. The relation of liver fibrosis and inflammation to ALT activity in chronic hepatitis B infection was investigated in a non-endemic, European setting. A total of 253 patients with CHB who had undergone liver biopsy at the Clinic of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Infectious Diseases, Düsseldorf, Germany over the past 19 years (1990–2009) were evaluated. 39 had persistently normal ALT, 86 had ALT 1–2 × ULN, and 128 had ALT >2 × ULN. Liver fibrosis or inflammation was defined as significant for stages or grades ≥ 2 according to the Desmet/Scheuer score. Significant liver fibrosis (F ≥ 2) was found in 36%, cirrhosis in 18%, and significant inflammation (G ≥ 2) in 27%, of patients with normal ALT. There was no difference in the stage of liver fibrosis and the frequency of cirrhosis between patients with normal and elevated ALT. The most important factor associated with the presence of cirrhosis in multivariate analysis was age ≥40 years (P < 0.003). If concomitant factors like elevated GGT or male sex were furthermore present high prevalences of significant liver disease were found. The data indicate that, in a European setting, patients with chronic hepatitis B infection, and normal ALT frequently have significant liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. Therefore, liver biopsy or liver stiffness measurement (LSM) should be performed in these patients to determine the stage of liver fibrosis. J. Med. Virol. 83:968–973, 2011. Need anti-fibrosis treatment (Fibroles, HpPro PLUS, AHFC NON-INVASIVE DIAGNOSIS – WHY BOTHER? • Liver biopsy Not always easy FIBROSCAN •3.5 MHz ultrasound transmitted from the vibrator toward the tissues •pulse-echo ultrasound acquisitions are performed which is directly related to tissue stiffness. •The harder the tissue, the faster the shear wave propagates •The operator, assisted by ultrasound time-motion images •liver portion at least 6 cm thick and free of large vascular structures •The measurement depth is between 25 and 65 mm below the skin surface 100 times larger than liver biopsy Terapi Causal seringkali tidak berhasil memenuhi harapan ….. diperlukan upaya optimal untuk mencegah komplikasi Protect Mitochondrial Dysfunction Stop Nekroinflamasi Stop Fibrosis & Stop Nekroinflamasi Terapi Sirosis – Tingkatkan Kualitas Hidup Immune Regulator Anti Virus Stop Fibrosis Fibrosis hati akumulasi/penumpukan jaringan parut didalam hati Pembentukan jaringan parut merupakan respon normal tubuh terhadap kerusakan sel hati, tetapi dalam fibrosis ini proses penyembuhan berjalan menyimpang ketika hepatosit rusak akibat infeksi dan peradangan dengan berbagai penyebab seperti : virus, konsumsi alkohol berat, racun, trauma, atau faktor lain maka sistem imun akan diaktifkan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan sel Kerusakan hati oleh sebab apapun akan menginduksi nekrosis hepatosit dan apoptosis Nekrosis melibatkan sinyal inflamasi dan menyebabkan peradangan klasik dan sinyal fibrogenik dan fibrogenik klasik Cirrhosis is REVERSIBLE Friedmann SL (Shanghai) Cirrhosis the most advanced stage of fibrosis connotes not only more scar than fibrosis alone, but also distortion of the liver parenchyma associated with septae and nodule formation, altered blood flow, and risk of liver failure. However, cirrhosis still remains a dynamicand evolving state, such that Interventions even at these advanced stages could regress scar and improve clinical outcomes Scott L. Friedman GASTROENTEROLOGY 2008;134:1655–1669 Masalah TERAPI ETIOLOGI 1) Chronic Hepatitis B: cccDNA 2) Chronic Hepatitis C: Mutasi 3) Efektifitas 4) Resistensi 5) Efek samping 6) Biaya Stop Nekroinflamasi Stop Fibrosis Primary TARGET ETIOLOGI Secondary TARGET NEKROINFLAMASI FIBROSIS Fibrosis & Sirosis “ANYONE WHO CAN STOP OR DELAY LIVER FIBROSIS WOULD BE ABLE TO CURE MOST CHRONIC LIVER DISEASES.” PROFESSOR HANS POPPER A FAMOUS HEPATOLOGIST IN THE U.S. GASTROENTEROLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, VOLUME 2012 Telah Ada di Indonesia Protect Mitochondrial Dysfunction Carnico Q Stop Nekroinflamasi Hp Pro Stop Fibrosis & Stop Nekroinflamasi Hp Pro Plus Terapi Sirosis – AHFC Tingkatkan KualitasHidup BRM Immune Regulator ImReg Stop Fibrosis Fibroles Hp Pro - Mechanism of Actions 1) MAINTAIN MEMBRANE STABILITY OF HEPATOCYTES through inhibiting lipid peroxidation and covalent binding of toxic metabolite of CCl4 to lipid and proteins of liver microsomes 2) INCREASES THE DETOXIFICATION FUNCTION OF LIVER by increasing the liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 content 3) INCREASES RESISTANCE OF THE BODY TO HARMFUL STIMULI by modifying the pattern of metabolic activation and metabolite-DNA complex profile in liver microsomes of carcinogenic substance (benzopyrene) 4) INHIBITS HEPATOCARCINOGENESIS INDUCED BY AFLATOXIN B1 as indicated in less and smaller y-GT foci and inhibition of a-FP production in rats after Hp Pro treatment 5) PROMOTES LIVER CELL REGENERATION as indicated in increase of RNA and glycogen content, ATPase and cytochrome oxidase in hepatocyte mitochondria. Liu Gengtao, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing Chine FOKUS TERAPI 1) Regulasi Sistem Imun 2)Hentikan Nekroinflamasi 3) 4) 5) Hentikan Fibrosis Terapi Sirosis Terapi Kanker??? Effectiveness of Hp Pro in treatment of liver diseases: an experience in Indonesian patients Chinese Medical Journal 1998 : Nurul Akbar, Rino Alvani Gani Taher, Widayat Djoko Santoso, Soemarno Sumaryono, H M Sjaifoelah Noer, Liu Geng Tao The effects of HpPro on the level of GPT of Indonesian patients. An open trial Nurul Akbar et.al. Chinese Medical Journal 1999; 111 (30): 248-251 U/L 250 Mean of ALT on the first day 200 Acute hepatitis : 194 ± 212 N = 16 150 100 Chronic hepatitis: 69 ± 74 N = 20 Liver cirrhosis : 45 ± 18 N = 14 Fatty liver : 43 ± 21 N= 6 Dose : 3 X 1 capsule 50 0 1st day 1st wk Acute hepatitis 2nd wk Chronic hepatitis 3rd wk Liver cirrhosis 4wk Fatty Liver Comparison of therapeutic effect on GPT and GOT decreased between the HpPro group and the control group in the controlled study on chronic hepatitis % 80 * * 70 60 50 HpPro(GPT)* Control(GPT) HpPro(GOT)* Control(GOT) 40 30 20 10 * : statistically significant 0 1st week 2nd week Nurul Akbar et.al. Chinese Medical Journal 1999; 111 (30): 248-251 Im-Reg 1.Meningkatkan Jumlah Makrofag 2.Meningkatkan Aktifitas Sel NK (Natural Killer Cells) 3.Meningkatkan Jumlah Interleukin-2 (IL2) 4.Meningkatkan Jumlah Sel Th (T4) dan jumlah sel Tc 5.Meningkatkan rasio Th / Ts 6.Anti-Kanker, Sinergis dengan BRM FOKUS TERAPI 1)Regulasi Sistem Imun 2)Hentikan Nekroinflamasi 3) 4) 5) Hentikan Fibrosis Terapi Sirosis Terapi Kanker??? Peran Sistem Imunologi dalam menunjang terapi etiologik pada infeksi virus hepatotropik dr. Suwardji Haksohusodo Fak. Kedokteran, Univ. Gadjah Mada Kongres Nasional IV Perhimpunan Alergi Imunologi Indonesia Medan, 29 Maret - 1 April 2001 Stop Nekroinflamasi & Fibrosis Cegah Sirosis dan Kanker Hati Stop Fibrosis Hepatitis Kronik ALT = Normal Stop Nekroinflamasi & Fibrosis Hepatitis Kronik ALT > Normal Fibroles Hp Pro Plus Salvianolic Acid B and its metabolite SMND-309 FIBROLES Mechanisms of Action and Therapeutic Effects 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Ameliorated liver function Decreased the elevation of • Serum HA, LN, PIIIP • Hydroxyproline content in liver tissue • MDA Restored the decrease of • Superoxide dismutase (SOD) • Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) activities Reduced liver damage and liver fibrosis grade. Powerfully down-regulated the expression of CTGF rather than TGF-B1 Therapeutic effects of SMND-309, a new metabolite of salvianolic acid B, on experimental liver fibrosis. prevent the development of decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Cirrhosis is a series of progressive stages (not a single stage) Fibroles HpProPlus AHFC prevent the development of decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cpd 861 (AHFC) • an aqueous extract of 10 defined herbs based on TCM • The chief herbs used in cpd 861 are : ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Salvia miltiorrhiza (FIBROLES) Astragalus membranaceous Spatholobus suberectus Bupleurum sinens • The aim of TCM is resolution of : - blood stasis and - liver stagnation two conditions that form the basis of liver pathology and patient discomfort Hepatology, October 1999 Herbal Products for Liver Diseases: A Therapeutic Challenge for the New Millennium. D Schuppan, Ji-Dong Jia AHFC ; The Mechanisms leading to The Reversal of Fibrosis Significantly inhibit LX-2 cell proliferation Suppression of fibrogenesis and Concurrent Enhancement of ECM degradation • reduced the mRNA levels of collagen type Ⅲ, MMP-2 and TGF-β1 • enhanced the MMP-1 mRNA levels • down-regulated the TIMP-1 mRNA expression increasing the ratio of MMP-1 to TIMP-1 REF - World J Gastroenterol 2004;10(19): 2831-2835 - World J Gastroenterol 2008 March 21; 14(11): 1790-1794 Cpd 861 (AHFC) is proved to be an effective anti-fibrotic herbal compound 1. Animal Experiment 2. Open Clinical Trial 3. Double Blind Cinical Trial Efficacy Confirmed by Liver Biopsies GOLD STANDARD double-blind The AH F C (n=50) , REVERSAL 52% 100 75 SCORE ≥2 53.3% 50 38.9% 25 0 Confirmed by 0% (Liver Biopsies) S1 (n=3) S2 (n=18) S3 (n=15) S4 (n=14) AFTER 6 (SIX) MONTHS TREATMENT The Overall Reversal Rate AHFC 52% vs Control 20% p<0.05 YIN Shan -shan et al. Rate Fibrosis 78.6% Chin J Hepatol, August 2004 100 75 50 25 0 C ontrol (n=50), 20% 0.0% S1 (n=12) 14.3% 25.0% S2 (n=14) S3 (n=12) 41.7% S4 (n=12) Treatment with Cpd 861(AHFC) Patient no 15 Ma, male, 49 year-old HBsAg(+) for 6 years with increased ALT Before After Normal 198 54 <40 IV-C (ng/ml) 287.8 133.9 <140 H A (ng/ml) 736.7 109.7 2-110 P-III-P (u/ml) 2.05 1.51 0.3-0.8 Ln (u/ml) 2.25 1.62 1.0-1.6 PV (mm) 12.0 11.0 <14 Spleen(mm) 52.0 50.0 <40 ALT (u/l) Penelitian di Indonesia Evaluasi Fibrosis hati secara non invasif dengan Fibroscan pada Terapi Anti-Fibrosis Prof.Dr.Nurul.Akbar,SpPD-KGEH Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM. Jakarta F0: < 5, F1: 5 -7, F2: 7.1-9.4, F3: 9.5-12.4, F4: 12.5-20, Sirosis > 20 BRM 1.Mencegah Pembentukan Lipid Peroksida Hepar 2.Anti-Fibrogenesis 3.Regenerasi Sel Hepar (merangsang sintesa DNA,RNA,dan Urea Pad Sel hepar yang terganggu) 6.Menghambat Sel Hepatoma & Metastasis 7.Memacu Apoptosis Selektif Sel Kanker 8.Mencegah Penurunan Sel lekosit & Imunitas Pada Penderita Kanker Yang Menjalani Kemoterapi / Radioterapi KESIMPULAN: Terapi Hepatitis Kronik 1) Terapi Causal Hepatitis Virus Terapi Imun (+ anti virus, sesuai pedoman) Hepatitis Non-Virus Terapi Etiologi (Obesitas, DM, Alkohol, dll) 2) Stop Dysfungsi Mitochondria Cegah Hepatic Fat Infiltrasi & Nekroinflamasi 3) Stop Nekroinflamasi Cegah Fibrosis 4) Stop Fibrosis Cegah Sirosis 5) Terapi Sirosis Cegah Sirosis Dekompensata & Kanker Hati You’re Eating Too Many Herbs! You’re Eating Too Many Herbs! Terima Kasih prevent the development of decompensated cirrhosis and HCC