Dr. Yasmin Davidds Presenting: Latinas Negotiating Leadership


Dr. Yasmin Davidds Presenting: Latinas Negotiating Leadership
Welcome to the National Hispana Leadership Institute
2012 Webinar Series with:
Dr. Yasmin Davidds Presenting:!
Latinas Negotiating "
Leadership Success!
About NHLI The National Hispana Leadership Institute is the premier leadership organization preparing Latinas for
positions of national influence, public policy impact, and to contribute to the advancement
of the Hispanic community. www.nhli.org
Dr. Yasmin Davidds is an international bestselling author,
women's empowerment and negotiation specialist and an
expert in the world-renowned KARRASS negotiation
program. As one of the top leading female negotiation
experts in the U.S. and Latin America, Yasmin has trained
and consulted thousands of corporate leaders in over 200
blue chip companies throughout 22 countries in the art and
skill of negotiation. A graduate of USC with a degree in
Business Entrepreneurship, Yasmin went on to receive her
Master’s Degree in Women Studies and her doctorate
degree in Organizational Psychology. For more information
about Dr. Yasmin Davidds and her work, please visit !
" !
The webinar will be recorded and will be made available on NHLI’s website: www.nhli.org
For questions e-mail: [email protected]
Latinas Negotiating Leadership Success: What Research Shows Overview of 5 Negotiation Styles Negotiating with Competitive Style Negotiating with Accommodating Style Negotiating with Avoidance Style Negotiating with Compromising Style Negotiating with Collaborating Style Determining the Best Negotiation Strategy LATINA NEGOTIATION STUDY
A study conducted by the women’s institute of
negotiation found that out of 250 Professional Latinas
•  97% said their greatest fear when negotiating is not
knowing “how to ask” for what they want
•  92% feared that when they do negotiate, that they may
be asking for too much
•  90% feared they might be perceived as “too
POLL QUESTION When negotiating, do you feel you can Jlex negotiating styles and adapt your style as needed? 5 NEGOTIATING STYLES
Often assertive and unwilling to cooperate. They place their needs above the needs of others They try to manipulate the situation in their favor. They are usually more concerned with winning the :ight than :inding the best solution ACCOMMODATING
•  They tend to be passive as they seek coopera2on. •  They o>en neglect their needs and want to make sure others get their way. •  Tend to be submissive and afraid of conflict. AVOIDING
•  They have no desire to be involved in the nego2a2on (could be for mul2tude of reasons) and will try to sidestep the situa2on, postpone dealing with it, or propose that the issue be ignored. •  Typically ambivalent to their own wants and desires as well as the wants and desires of others. COLLABORATING
•  They are both asser2ve and coopera2ve. •  They seek a solu2on that sa2sfies all concerns while taking a leadership role in the solu2on. •  Collabora2ng involves crea2ve solu2ons that embody the wants and needs of all involved. COMPROMISING
•  Those who compromise try to find a quick solu2on that benefits everyone involved. •  Compromising means both sides will give up part of their wants and desires in order to find common ground. HOW TO NEGOTIATE WITH
• ASK, LISTEN & SHUT UP. Competitors love to talk and try to persuade. Let them. The more they try to persuade you, the more negotiation power you’re getting. STICK TO YOUR PRINCIPLES. Gain their respect. Compe2tors Respect strength. Not necessarily do it in an adversarial way, although this might be needed at 2mes. FRANKLY EMPHASIZE YOUR LEVERAGE. Competitors will not be offended by direct language about your leverage. Emphasize it. Lower your voice, look them in the eye, and just lay out the facts. NEGOTIATING WITH ACCOMMODATOR STYLE •  Get commitments in writing (such as an email) – accommodators easily not comply with a Descrip7on m
of ay the contents verbal commitment. §  Descrip7on of the business •  Resist the urge to share too much information too early. §  Descrip7on of the business •  Be sensitive to the of itmportance accommodators §  Descrip7on he business place on relationship. 1.  Focus on Most Important Items First Descrip7on of Interests the contents 2.  Probe for their •  Find oescrip7on ut what hey need and want. §  D
of tthe business •  They will try to hide these if they believe §  Descrip7on of the business discussing them will lead to con:lict. §  Descrip7on of the business •  Your likelihood of success will increase the more you :ind out what they truly want and need. NEGOTIATING WITH
COLLABORATING Use Principled Negotiation Framework •  Look for underlying issues •  Use Objective Criteria •  Find Variety of Options •  Create New Value COMPROMISING •  Use creation of “new value” to raise the negotiation outcomes to a new standard. • Children • Married • Same work posi7on “I win, you lose” aJtude. When it’s best to use: when you must have what you want Competi7ve Style Ques7ons Yes Is your interest in the outcome more important than the ongoing or future relationship with the other party? Is this a one-­‐time nego2ation? No “I’ll let you win in in exchange for some other benefit I hope to gain now or later” or “I will let you win because I don’t want to deal with poten5al conflict.” When it’s best to use: when you have done wrong and want to seQle quickly Accommodation Style Ques7ons Are you willing to lose in order to gain something more important? Is preserving or enhancing the relationship very important? Yes No “I don’t care who wins, I just want to get this over with quickly.” When it’s best to use: when expedience maQers most Compromise Strategy Question Yes Are you seeking a quick and easy end to the negotiation? No • Children Collabora2on strategy is “We can both win by making the pie bigger.” • M
arried When it’s best to use: when you want to create a bigger pie • Same work posi7on Strategy Questions Collaboration Is the outcome just as important as the relationship? Yes No Do you have the time required to find creative solutions that meet both parties’ needs? “I don’t really want to nego2ate at all.” When it’s best to use: when you are not yet ready to nego2ate or don’t care to nego2ate Avoidance Strategy Questions Yes No Do you need more time to prepare for the nego2ation? Can • 
your needs be met without nego2ating? Children • Married Are the ends not worth the effort of a full-­‐blown • Same work nego2ation?
posi7on COMPLIMENT REQUEST COMPLIMENT Show Appreciation Request Describe Direct Bene:its Thank you for attending NHLI’s webinar:
Dr. Yasmin Davidds Presenting:!
Latinas Negotiating "
Leadership Success!
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For questions on NHLI webinars, e-mail [email protected]