Turkish Aeronautical Capability Matrix and contacts
Turkish Aeronautical Capability Matrix and contacts
ALP Aviation Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, 8. Cad., 26110 / ESKİŞEHİR Mr. Şenay İDİL - [email protected] Mr. Selim KOÇKAN - [email protected] ASELSAN Mehmet Akif Ersoy Mah. 16. Cad. No: 16 Yenimahalle/ANKARA Mr. Kerem ERİKÇİ - [email protected] ASPILSAN Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 12. Cad. No: 8, 38070 /KAYSERİ ATARD Defence & Aerospace Inc . OSB Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi Piramit 2, No:11, 26110 / ESKİŞEHİR AYESAŞ Silicon Block, ODTU Teknokent 06531 /ANKARA Mr. Levent TANRIDAĞ - [email protected] Mr. Yavuz İLİK - [email protected] AYYAZILIM Elektronik Bilgisayar Med. İnş. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Silikon Blok Giriş Kat No:8 ODTÜ Teknokent /ANKARA BARIŞ Elektrik Endüstri A.Ş. P.O. Box. 709, 06044 Ulus/ANKARA BAYKAR Makina San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İkitelli OSB Metal İş San. Sit. 15. Blok, No:1,3,5,7 İSTANBUL Mr. Ahmet BAYRAKTAR - [email protected] Mrs. Ebru COŞKUN- [email protected] Mr. Uğur COŞKUN - [email protected] Mr. Faruk SARI - [email protected] COŞKUNÖZ Defense & Aerospace, Inc. (CSH) Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 19. Cad. No: 16, 26110, ESKİŞEHİR FİGES A. Ş. Ulutek Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Görükle Kampüsü, 16059 Nilüfer/BURSA GATE Elektronik İstanbul Yolu Ayaş Kavşağı 16. Km No:1-A Ergazi 06170 Yenimahalle/ANKARA GLOBAL TECHNIC, Inc. Nasuh Akar Mah. 22. Sok. No:34, 06520 Balgat/ANKARA Mr. Hüdaver ATASOY - [email protected] Mrs. Nuray KARALAR - [email protected] Mr. Hakan KARALAR - [email protected] Mr. Veysel ALTUNTAŞ - [email protected] Mr. Mustafa EGELİ - [email protected] Mr. İzzet ŞİRİN - [email protected] P: +90.312.210 1961 F: +90.312.267 0116 İnönü Mah. FSM Bulv.102 Sok. No:53, 06370 Yenimahalle/ANKARA Mr. Ahmet ÜNLÜ - [email protected] P: +90.312.210 1256 F: +90.312.210 1258 Mr. İzzet BAYIR - [email protected] Hekimkoy Sitesi 16. Sok. No:53 06800 Ümitköy/ANKARA Mr. Noyan DEDE - [email protected] ODTÜ Ostim Teknokent, Uzay Çağı Cad., 78 Sok, No: 6 Z-21, 06370 Ostim/ANKARA Prof.Dr. İ. Sinan [email protected] P: +90.312.385 1944 F: +90.312.385 1942 PAVO Electronic www.pavo.com.tr Yeni Teknoloji Binaları C Blok Zemin Kat 41470 Gebze/KOCAELİ Mr. ALPER ŞENER - [email protected] PETLAS Tire Industry and Trade Co. Inc. P: +90.262.646 7632 F: +90.262.646 7647 www.petlas.com.tr Kazim Karabekir C. 124 Özcan Plaza, 06060 Dışkapı/ANKARA Mr. Cihad UZSES - [email protected] P: +90.312.309 3030 F: +90.312.312 2896 www.technoplasma.com ROKETSAN www.csh.com.tr Ankara Samsun Karayolu 40. Km. 06780 Elmadağ/ANKARA Mr. Lütfi ÖKSÜZ - [email protected] P: +90.246.237 0746 F: +90.246.237 1129 www.roketsan.com.tr Mr. B. SEÇKİN - [email protected] Mr. A. ERDEM - [email protected] SATEK Defense Technologies Ltd. Co. P:+90.312.863 4200 F:+90.312.863 4208 www.satek.com.tr ODTÜ Technokent Gümüş Bloklar No:6, 06531/ANKARA Mr. Uğur SARIBAY - [email protected] P: +90.312.210 1600 F :+90.312.210 1680 www.savronik.com.tr www.gateelektronik.com.tr Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 10. Cad. No: 10, 26110 / ESKİŞEHİR P: +90.312.257 0737 F: +90.312.257 2300 SDT Space and Defense Tech. www.globalteknik.com.tr P:+90.312.285 1040 F:+90.312.285 1042 Galyum Blok 2. Kat No: 2, Teknokent 06531 ODTÜ/ANKARA Ms. Gül KARA - [email protected] P: +90.222.236 1590 F: +90.222.236 1589 www.sdt.com.tr Mr. Uğur ÇELİKKAN - [email protected] P: +90.312.210 1015 F: +90.312.210 1121 www.selex-comms.com.tr SELEX Komünikasyon A.Ş. Konya Yolu 25. Km. 06830 Gölbaşı / ANKARA Mr. Ünal SOLAY - [email protected] P: + 90.312.484 5181 F: +90.312.484 4332 Ms. Berrak ALKAN - [email protected] www.stm.com.tr P: +90.312.266 3550 F: +90.312.266 3551 www.htr.com.tr STM-Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A. Ş. Ankara Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi, E-Blok, 5.Cadde, No:6/A, 06800 Bilkent/ ANKARA TEI-TUSAŞ Engine Industries, Inc. P: +90.312.847 5130 F: +90.312.847 5138 Çevre Yolu No: 356 P.K 162, 26003 / ESKİŞEHİR Mr. Ali DİNÇ - [email protected] P: +90.312.219 5787 F: +90.312.219 5797 P: +90.312.612 2370 F: +90.312.612 2390 P: +90.216.581 4000 F: +90.216.581 4001 P: +90.312.218 8761 F: +90.312.210 1740 P: +90.312.418 2391 F: +90.312.418 5617 www.kocsavunma.com Mr. Serdar ÇETİNGÜL - [email protected] P: +90.312.235 1550 F: +90.312.235 1540 www.parsmakina.com P: +90.262.644 9048 F: +90.262.644 9047 www.kimetsan.com Dr.Erol ÖZENSOY - [email protected] P: +90.312.278 0278 F: +90.312.278 0276 PARS Makina San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Teknokent Kosgeb Binası / ISPARTA www.katron.com.tr Mr. Feyzullah Tamer KÖŞKER - [email protected] P: +90.543.772 8768 F: +90.222.324 3148 www.onur.net PLUS ELEKTRONİK www.kaleaero.com Mr. R. Murathan TOPRAK - [email protected] www.mikes.com.tr P: +90.312.847 5100 F: +90.312.847 5114 www.nurolteknoloji.com ONUR Inc. www.ctech.com.tr www.spaceturk.com.tr KOÇ Information and Defense Technologies, Inc. ODTÜ Teknokent Yazılımparkı Halıcı Binası C bl K: 1, ODTÜ/ANKARA www.ayesas.com www.havelsan.com.tr KİMETSAN Chemicals Ind. Ltd. Şehit Adem Yavuz Sok. 11/5, 06440 Kızılay/ANKARA Mr. Argün BİÇER - [email protected] P: +90.212.671 2115 F: +90.212.671 1031 P: +90.312.289 9300 F: +90.312.210 1989 www.nanotech.com.tr SAVRONİK KATRON Defense Aerospace and Simulation Technologies Inc. ODTÜ Teknokent Yazılım Teknoparkı 06531 ODTÜ/ANKARA NANOTECH-Advanced Technology Materials and Electronic Sys. Ltd. Eskişehir Sanayi Odası Teknoloji Geliştirme Bulvarı 2. Blok No:4 Organize Sanayi/ESKİŞEHİR NUROL TEKNOLOJİ P: +90.312.398 0228 F: +90.312.398 0454 P:+90.312.292 3000 F:+90.312.210 0032 www.ict.milsoft.com.tr Ms. Ayse BAŞYİĞİT - [email protected] Ms. Yaprak TEMEL - [email protected] Mr. Kubilay ÇINAR - [email protected] P: +90.352.321 1215 F: +90.352.321 1217 Mr. M. Cağatay SERİN - [email protected] KALE Havacılık Sanayi A.Ş. İstanbul Deri ve Organize Serbest Bölgesi 117/1-2-3 Aydınlı Tuzla/İSTANBUL MIKES Microwave Electronic Systems, Inc. Çankırı Yolu 5.Km. 06750 Akyurt/ANKARA www.figes.com.tr P: +90.224.280 8525 F: +90.224.280 8532 INTA-SPACETURK P.K. 18 Haymana Yolu 12. Km., 06830 Gölbaşı/ANKARA P: +90.312.592 3077 F: +90.312.385 1900 P: +90.222.236 2180 F: +90.222.236 2187 Havelsan Technology Radar Inc. (HTR) Çankırı Yolu 7. Km. Akyurt 06750, ANKARA Ms. Eda FEYZİBEYOĞLU - [email protected] GALYUM BLOK 1. KAT NO: 102 Teknokent ODTÜ, 06531/ANKARA P: +90.312.210 1860 F: +90.312.210 1135 P: +90.312.210 1730 F: +90.312.210 1740 www.tei.com.tr Tekno Tasarım Inc. P: +90.222.211 2100 F: +90.222.211 2101 www.teknotasarim.com Uludağ Üni.Teknoloji Geliş.Bölgesi-Ulutek No:104, 16059 Görükle/BURSA Mr. Dr. Mustafa UYSAL - [email protected] P: +90.224.280 8490 F: +90.224.280 8492 Mrs. Yesim NEFTÇİ - [email protected] P: +90.312.811 1800 F: +90.312.811 1425 Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) www.tai.com.tr Fethiye Mah. Havacılık Blv. No: 17, 06980 Kazan/ANKARA VAKSİS ARGE ve Mühendislik www.vaksis.com Bilkent Üniversitesi Mrk. Kampüs Cyberplaza B220, 06800/ANKARA VESTEL Defense Industries, Inc. Silikon Blok Zemin Kat No: 14, 06531 Teknokent ODTÜ/ANKARA Mrs. Doc. Dr. Muzeyyen Ece ORAL [email protected] Mr. İbrahim PAMUK - [email protected] Mr.Cem GELGİN - [email protected] This documant includes information about Turkish aerospace companies the participate in EU FP7. P: +90.312.265 0146 F: +90.312.265 0147 www.vestel.com.tr P: +90.312.210 1038 F: +90.312.210 1078 TURKISH AEROSPACE CAPABILITY MATRIX ASELSAN ASPILSAN ATARD Defence & Aerospace Inc. AYESAŞ AYYAZILIM BARIŞ Elektrik Endüstri A. Ş. BAYKAR Makina San. ve Tic. A. Ş. BİTES DEFENCE AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES C2TECH COŞKUNÖZ Defense & Aerospace, Inc. (CSH) FİGES A. Ş. GATE Elektronik GLOBAL TECHNIC, Inc. HAVELSAN Havelsan Technology Radar Inc. (HTR) INTA-SPACETURK KALE Havacılık Sanayi A. Ş. KATRON KİMETSAN Chemicals Ind, Ltd. KOÇ Information and Defense Technologies, Inc. Kuzgun High Tech. Design Ltd. LNL TECHNOLOGY Ltd. METEKSAN Defense Industry, Inc. METEKSAN Satellite and Space Technologies, Inc. MILSOFT MILSOFT-Information Communication Technologies Inc. MİKES Microwave Electronic Systems, Inc. NANOTECH-Advanced Technology Materials and Electronic Systems Ltd. NUROL TEKNOLOJİ ONUR Inc. PARS MAKİNA PAVO Electronic PETLAS Tire Industry and Trade Co. Inc. PLUS ELEKTRONİK ROKETSAN SATEK Defense Technologies Ltd. Co. SAVRONİK SDT Space and Defense Tech. SELEX Komünikasyon A. Ş. STM-Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A. Ş. TEI-TUSAŞ Engine Industries, Inc. Tekno Tasarım Inc. Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) VAKSİS ARGE ve Mühendislik VESTEL Defense Industries, Inc. R&D Engineering: Companies having indigenous design capability and necessary facility & manpower infrastructure. Airframes & Components : Companies having fixed and/or rotary wing aerial platform /component/detail part design & manufacturing capability. Avionics Simulation & Control: Companies having avionics, simulation, command and control system and/or subsystem design and manufacturing capability. Software Development: Companies having software development capability. Equipment: Companies manufacturing onboard equipment (navigation & communication, electronic devices, airborne & cabin equipment). Subcontracting: Companies providing services for special processes to main system suppliers. Engines & Components: Companies having engine component/detail parts design & manufacturing capability. Systems Integration : Companies having system integration capability. Logistics & Support: Companies providing ground support services. Logistics & Support Systems Integration Engines & Components Sub-Contracting Equipment SW Development Avionics Sim. & Control Airframes & Components ALP Aviation P: +90.312.266 1520 F: +90.312.266 1393 www.milsoft.com.tr MILSOFT-Information Communication Technologies Inc. P: +90.222.236 2395 F: +90.222.236 2396 P: +90.312.266 1520 F: +90.312.266 1393 www.meteksan.com.tr Mr. Selim TOPUZ - [email protected] www.aselsan.com.tr Mr. Bilal CAN - [email protected] HAVELSAN Eskişehir Yolu 7. Km., 06520, ANKARA Teknokent ODTÜ 06531/ANKARA www.bites.com.tr C2TECH TUBITAK TEKSEB, C 210, Gebze 41470, KOCAELİ P: +90.222.236 1300 F: +90.222.236 1285 www.baykarmakina.com.tr BİTES DEFENCE AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES Silikon Blok No:1 ODTÜ Teknokent Çankaya/ANKARA MILSOFT P: +90.312.210 1329 F: +90.312.210 1756 www.meteksansavunma.com.tr Mrs. M.Melis ÖZCAN - [email protected] Bilkent Cyberpark/ANKARA www.bariselektrik.com.tr Mr. Fikret ŞENEL - [email protected] Mr. Faysal BAŞÇI - [email protected] P: +90.312.210 0110 F: +90.312.210 1309 www.lnl.com.tr METEKSAN Satellite and Space Technologies, Inc. www.ayyazilim.com.tr Mr. Atilla YENİDOĞAN - [email protected] ODTU Teknokent Kosgeb Tekmer No:402, 06531/ANKARA Beytepe Köyü Yolu No:3, 06800 Bilkent/ANKARA www.atard.com.tr Mr. Cem SAPMAZ - [email protected] Mr. Yücel DEMİR - [email protected] METEKSAN Defense Industry, Inc. www.aspilsan.com Mr. Metin DURMUŞ - [email protected] ODTÜ - KOSGEB Teknoloji Geliştirme Merkezi Ofis 202 ODTÜ Teknokent, 06531 /ANKARA LNL TECHNOLOGY Ltd. www.alp.com.tr Turkish Aerospace Capability Matrix www.kuzgun.com.tr R&D Engineering Contact Information of Companies Kuzgun High Tech. Design Ltd. Companies and Capabilities AYESAŞ COŞKUNÖZ Defense & Aerospace, Inc. (CSH) INTA-SPACETURK LNL TECHNOLOGY Ltd. NUROL TEKNOLOJİ AYESAŞ was founded in 1990 to meet air defense system requirements of Turkey. The very first program of AYESAŞ was Turkish Mobile Radar Complexes (TMRC) which still provides long range air surveillance capability to Turkish Air Forces. Based on the TMRC program, AYESAŞ developed unique expertise in various aerospace and defense areas. AYESAŞ is capable of designing and developing software components in SW development in Avionics and Command and Control. Main Services: Custom/Turnkey C4ISTAR Systems and Software Design, Avionics Software Development, C3 Software Development, Tactical Data Links Development, Communication Network Development and Installation, C3 System Design and Integration, Design/Development/Testing/Manufacturing of Electromechanical Systems, Avionics Harness, Rugged Console and Cabinet, Avionics Circuit Card Assembly, Shelterization, Airborne Workstations. CSH was established in 2007 and is dedicated to manufacturing of mechanical components for the Defense and Aerospace Industry. CSH is a manufacturer of components, structures, assemblies and engineering services for fixed wing and rotary aircraft for the global aerospace industry. CSH produces flawless, complex machined systems and provides OEM and Tier-1 supply chain delivery. CSH has well established production, cost and quality systems. Main Services: Airframe and Aircraft Engine Component Manufacturing. INTA-SPACETURK was established in 2001 and is specialized in satellite ground station operations and producing value-added satellite imagery products. INTA-SPACETURK is capable of handling Satellite/Space Based Remote Sensing Technology components and products, as well as information and communication systems services. Main Products: Value-Added Satellite Imageries and value-added geospatial products. Main Services: Satellite Imagery, Information and Signal Analysis. Nurol Teknoloji was established in 2008 which is specialized in advanced ceramic material solutions. Nurol Teknoloji is capable to handle and design all necessary advanced ceramic components. Main Products: Advanced ceramic materials, ceramic armors,ceramics for fuel cell, TVC(Test vacuum chamber), piezo sensors, Nbc, Active carbon. Main Services: PVD coating services, Satellite test & simulation systems design and integration. FİGES A.Ş. KALE Havacılık Sanayi A.Ş. FIGES was established in 1990 and is providing advanced engineering services, consultancy and trainings to the research and product development departments of Aerospace/Defense Industry companies. Main Services: Design & Optimization Studies, FEA (Finite Element Analysis) Applications in Structural Integrity, Strength of Materials and Structural Stability, Fatigue, Thermal, Shock, Vibration, Acoustics, Crash, Blasting, Penetration, Composites Analyses, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Applications in Aerodynamics, Flutter, Aeroelastic, Fluid Structure Interaction, Store Separation, Turbomachinery and Rotor Dynamics, MBD (Multi Body Dynamics) Applications in Landing Gear, Flap Motion and Mechanism, High and Low Frequency Electromagnetics Analyses, Development and Integration of Mechanical, Hydraulic, Electronic and Mechatronic Subsystems and Their Controllers, Functional Modeling, Sizing, Simulations, Analyses and Performance Optimization Studies of Jet and Turbo Engines. LNL was established in 2007 with a team that has years of experience in aeronautics and defense industry. LNL’s main line of business and expertise is in Smart Sensor and Actuator Networks, Sensor Fusion, Data Fusion-Augmented Image/Video Processing, Environmental Monitoring, CBRN Monitoring, Object-Human-Environment Interaction, Miniaturized Computing Devices and Sensors, Embedded Systems and Operating Systems. LNL is capable of handling and designing all necessary aeronautic or military grade mixed signal electronics and embedded hardware/software operating system components. With our vast experience in operating systems we have the ability to tailor an operating system to run optimally and most securely on a specific hardware product. LNL currently has products that are used in smart living spaces ranging from barracks to home to aircraft cabin. These products used for reconnaissance, monitoring, smart actuation and assisting people. Kale Aero was established in 2007 and is specialized in Complex Aero-Structures, Parts and SubAsseblies. Kale Aero is capable of handling and designing all necessary components, tools fixtures, processes and all related products and services. Main Products: Flight Critical Structural Parts and Sub Asseblies. Main Services: Complex 5-axis Machining, Tool Design and Manufacturing, Assy, and All Related Special Processes. AYYAZILIM Ayyazılım was established in 2005 and is specialized in system engineering and systems integration in electronics hardware and software and working especially for Homeland Security Systems. Main Services: Systems and Test Program Sets for maintenance of Avionic LRU / SRU, Electronic Concept Design, Electronic Sub-System Design such as Power Management Systems, Bus (CAN,1553B) Control Systems, Avionics Simulation and Control. ALP Aviation Established in 1998, Alp Aviation is dedicated to the aerospace industry and specializes on the Manufacturing of Precision Airframe, Transmission and Engine Components as well as Mechanical Assemblies and posseses a wide range of inhouse special processes, test and lab capabilities. Main Products: Medium Lift Rotary Wing Aircraft Dynamic Components, Flight Safety Structural Fittings, Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Details and Assemblies, Flight Control Hardware, Engine Rotating Parts, Fixed & Rotary Wing Aircraft Landing Gear Components and Actuator Diffusers. Production and processing skills cover all major alloys with a special focus on titanium. Main Services: Procurement of Rawma, Production & Process Planning, Fixture Design, Outsource Management, Precision Machining, Application of Special Processes and Coatings, Assembly and Test. ASELSAN ASELSAN Electronics Industries Inc. was founded in 1975, in order to produce tactical military radios and defense electronic systems for the Turkish Army requirements. Today, ASELSAN is the leading multi-product electronics company of Turkey that designs, develops and manufactures high technology electronic equipment, state-of-the-art systems and devices in order to meet the requirements of its customers in both domestic market and the international markets of 36 countries. Main Services: Military Communication Systems, Radar Systems, Electronic Warfare Systems, Electro Optic Systems, Navigation & Avionic Systems, Weapon Systems, C4ISR Systems, Naval Systems, Homeland Security Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems. ASPILSAN Aspilsan was established in 1981 and is specialized in developing and manufacturing portable battery packs and Ni-Cd aircraft batteries. Battery systems for F-16 aircraft, CASA transport plane CN-235, BELL UH-1H, AB-206, Cougar AS-532, Sikorsky UH-60 (S-70) helicopters and MARCONİ HF SSB radio have been successfully supplied. Products meet the quality demands of all military and civilian standards and Military Specifications in excess. Main Products: Ni-Cd, Ni-MH, Li-Ion, Li-Po and other portable battery packs, thermal batteries, chargers and Ni-Cd aircraft batteries. BARIŞ Elektrik Endüstri A.Ş. BARIŞ Electrical Industry Inc. was established in 1979 and is specialized in design and production of composite structural parts and sub-systems particularly for missile industry for land, naval and air platforms. Main Products: Stinger Launch Tube and Coolant Reservoir Assembly, Anti-Tank Missile Launch Tubes and Fire Box, Add-on Armor for Land, Naval and Air Platforms, All Composite Launch Tube for Multi Launch Rocket System, Pre-fragmented Composite Body of War Heads and Drop Bombs, Storage Tanks for Hyrogen, CNG and Argon, Antenna Masts, Unmanned Vehicle Bodies. BAYKAR Makina San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Baykar Makina was established in 1982 and is specialized in Unmanned Aerial Systems. We are capable of designing and producing all the necessary Software & Electronics for Avionics, Ground Control and Autopilot Systems as well as Composite Airframe design and production. Main Product: Tactical and Mini Class, Fixed-Wing & Rotary Unmanned Aerial Systems. Main Services: Embedded Real Time Avionics Software Development, Command & Control Software Development, PCB Design & Assembly, Mechanical Subsystems Design & Production, Composite Airframe Design & Production, Hardware in the Loop Simulation Systems Airborne Digital Telmetry Tele-Command and Video Link Systems Integration, CNC Machining. ATARD was established in 2008 and is specialized in design, development and prototyping of Propulsion System for Defense Applications, Composite and Metallic Airframe Design, Development, Analysis and Manufacturing for Aerospace Applications, Composite Part Design, Structural Analysis and Manufacturing for Defense, Aerospace and Industrial Applications, Flywheel Energy Storage System Design and Prototyping for Space Applications. ATARD is capable of handling and designing and manufacturing of all necessary Aircraft Components, Composite Airframe and their Sub Products, as well as Engineering and R&D services. Main Products: Flywheel Energy Storage System module for Satellite, Some Composite Parts for Missile Systems, Helicopters, and Unmanned Air Vehicles. Main Services: Specialized Engineering Services, R&D on Composite Applications and Propulsion Systems, Composite Parts and Component Manufacturing, Project Management. GATE ELEKTRONİK was established in 1989. Our Company provides services in the field of electronics, depot level maintenance of military/industrial systems, engineering work, software development and electronic manufacturing. Main Services: PCB Design And Manufacturing, Test Program Set Development For Cougar Helicopter Avionic LRU/SRU, Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment Development & Manufacturing, Electronic Jammer Development & Manufacturing, IFF Mode-4 Development, Electronic System Integration & Installation, Communication & Identification Simulation For S-70 Helicopter, Simulator Of AAA (Oerlicon), Avionics Simulators, Test Sets Of Helicopters’ Hydraulic Cranes, Test Sets Of Helicopters’ Electro Valves. GLOBAL TECHNIC, Inc. Global Technic, was established in 2004 and is specialized in providing Aviation, Defense, Automation and Home Land Security solutions for Military, Civil and Government Projects. Global Teknik is capable of handling and designing hardware, software, test and production of Mini Unmanned Vehicles (air, land, surface), UAV Electro-optical Systems and Avionic Parts. Main products: Mini Unmanned Air Vehicle (GLOBUAV), UAV Electro-optical Systems and Avionic Parts, Composite Parts for Aircrafts and Helicopters, LOS/SATCOM Data Links. Main Services: Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul, Helicopter Logistic Support Services. BİTES DEFENCE AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES BİTES was established in 2001 and is specialized in Computer Based Training System, Virtual Maintenance Trainer, Embedded Training System, Desktop/Part Task Trainer, System Test Simulator Software, Training/ Stock/ Maintenance Management Information System, Modelling and Simulation. Main Products: Blackhawk, Seahawk and Cougar Helicopters Computer Based Training System for Technician and Pilot, Maintenance Management System, Fleet Management System, S70A Simulation Based Avionic System Training Software, Training Management System. Main Services: Interactive Computer Based Training Software Development, Part Task Trainer, Custom Software Development, Embedded Software Development, Simulation Software for Embedded Training Systems, Virtual Maintenance Software Development. C2TECH ATARD Defence & Aerospace Inc. GATE Elektronik C2Tech was established in 2005 and is specialized in design, development, and system integration of Embedded Secure Communication and Network Systems, RF and CommandControl Systems and Simulation Systems. C2Tech is capable of handling and designing all necessary Software Defined Radio Based Embedded Secure Communication Systems, Radar Systems and High Fidelity Simulation Systems. Main Products: X-Band EPM Modem, Software Defined Radar, Air Defence Simulation, Multisensor Information Fusion, High Fidelity Radar Simulator, Radar Signal Interceptor, Plate Recognition Software, IP based Video and Voice Streaming. Main Services: Radar Cross Section Analysis, Managed Security Services. HAVELSAN HAVELSAN Inc. was established in 1982 and is specialized on tactical environment solutions, command control systems, information technology systems, electronic warfare systems, simulation systems and simulators, naval combat systems, avionics / radar maintenance and modernization areas. Integrated logistic support of developed product is another important performance area for the firm. Research and development activities concentrate on tactical and operational level command control in network centric warfare, and also logistic supportability on the network centric operation. Main products: Simulator and Simulation Systems (Flight and Weapon System Simulators, Electronic Warfare Test and Training Ranges, Combat Simulation Systems), E-Government Information Systems (Public Sector IS Systems, Homeland Security Solutions), Command and Control Systems (Tactical Level and Platform Based C2/C4ISR Systems, Force/Strategic Level C2 Information Systems) KATRON KaTron was founded in 2004 and is specialized in Simulation Software and Simulators. KaTron is capable of handling and designing all necessary components, products and services for Ground, Helicopter, Rail and Ship Simulators, Tactical Simulations, Virtual Maintenance Trainers, Flight Data Monitoring, Analysis and Debriefing, Data Acquisition and Recording, Navaids Simulation and Terrain Server Software as well as Virtual Reality, 3D Modelling, HLA, Simulation, Simulator, Training, Visual Systems, Management, Entertainment, Flight Data Monitoring and Analysis, Flight Debriefing, Aerospace, Aviation, Transportation, Automotive, Naval, Marine, Telecom, Broadcast, Construction Industries. KİMETSAN Chemicals Ind, Ltd Kimetsan was established in 1986 and was specialized in chemicals and materials industries, and capable of handling, developing and manufacturing all necessary chemicals, coatings, corrosion inhibitors, paint strippers, surface preparation technologies for aerospace and military applications. Main Products: All Types Camouflage Coatings (NIR/IR, UV VISIBLE ZONE, RAC/ RAM, MICRO WAVE, ULTRA MAT FORM), Aerospace Water Borne Nanotech Coatings , Run Ways Markers, Naval/Aerospace Radome & Missile/Launcher Water Borne Nanotech Coatings, Squalene Dyes/Squaric Acid Derivatives, IR Absorptive & Reflective Coatings, Water Borne Cleaners & Carbon /Grease Removers, Water Borne Aerospace Paint & Coating Strippers & Paint Removers, Industrial/Fine/Performance Chemicals And Special Solvents, All Type Corrosion Inhibitors and VCI, De-Icing Fluids/Antifreeze Solutions. Main Services: Surface Preparation, Coatings and Applications, Armex Technology Applications, Depainting & Paint Removing, Carbon Removing, Special Formulation R&D and Production, Heavy Duty Coatings, Process development & Environmentally Friendly Formulations R&D and Production. KOÇ Information and Defense Technologies, Inc. KBS, which was established in 2007 is specialized in Command, Control and Information areas that include the common operating picture, Modeling & Simulation, Message Handling & Distribution, Sensors Integrations, System Platform Integration, and Battlefield Digitization. Underwater Acoustics area that Consist of Sonar System Design & Development, Underwater Acoustics Signal Analyses of Surface and Subsurface Platforms, Underwater Systems & Sea Environment Interactions, Torpedo Countermeasure Systems and Decision Making and Fuse Mechanism of Influence Underwater Mine Systems and its reflected signal pattern. Main Products: Diver Detection Sonar (indigenous design & development), Submarine Torpedo Countermeasure System, Surface Ships Torpedo Countermeasure System, Convoy Simulator, Glass Reinforced Plastics Underwater Mine System, Turkish Armed Forces Information System, MEDAS II (Message Distribution & Handling System), Tactical Environment Simulator. Main Services: Sensors Integrations, Link Network Simulations, Battlefield Digitization. METEKSAN Defense Industry, Inc. METEKSAN Defense is an investment of Bilkent Holding and Bilkent University. The company’s mission is to provide local inputs to Turkish defense industry while offering hi-tech solutions for the Turkish Armed Forces. Main Services: Combat Area Recognization and Identification, Reconnaissance, Intelligence and Surveillance Systems, Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence (C4I) Systems, Search and Rescue Systems, Electronic Combat Systems, Sensor Technologies, Air Defense Systems, Underwater Acoustic Systems, Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Technologies, Avionics Systems, Navigation and Guidance Technologies, Third Generation Data Transmission (data link) Systems and Secure Communication Systems and Develops Software, Perform Software Verification and Validation in these fields. Platform Modernization and System Integration, Airport Operations, Information Technologies, Construction, Homeland Security. METEKSAN Satellite and Space Technologies, Inc. METEKSAN Satellite & Space Technologies was established in 2006. Satellite and Space Technologies, Satellite Ground Station, Satellite Subsystems, Image Processing and Automatıc Target Recognition. MILSOFT MilSOFT was established in 1998 and is specialized in C4I, Data Links and Messaging, Image Exploitation Systems, Electronic Warfare (EW), Modeling and Simulation, Embedded Systems, HW Manufacturing through Subcontract Management. Main Products: Command Control Systems, Data Links & Messaging Solutions, Image Exploitation Solutions, Modeling & Simulation Systems and Embedded Systems Main Services: System Integration and Software Development MILSOFT-Information Communication Technologies Inc. (MiLSOFT ICT) MilSOFT ICT was established in 2007 and is specialized in the development of Core Information and Communication Technologies. Main Services: Network Enabled Capabilities (Network Centric Operations and Warfare), Homeland Security Systems, Crisis/Emergency Management Systems, Integrated Border Security and Management Systems, Fleet Management Systems and e-Government. MİKES Microwave Electronic Systems, Inc. MİKES was established in 1987 and is one of the leading Turkish companies engaged in the area of electronic warfare and defense electronics. It is a value oriented engineering and manufacturing house focusing on defense programs with its highly qualified R&D personnel experienced in design, development, procurement, manufacturing, integration, testing and logistic support of RF/Microwave and Digital Systems, Subsystems and Support/Test Equipment in both hardware and software applications. Main Services: Electronic Warfare Systems, Signal & Information Technologies, Sensor Equipment, Sensor Technologies, Information Warfare/Intelligence Systems, Scenario & Decision Simulation, Simulation, Training and Synthetic Environments. Havelsan Technology Radar Inc. (HTR) HTR was established in 1990 and is specialized in Radar Production, Maintenance, Wire & Harness and Electronics Security Systems. HTR is capable of handling all necessary components, products in scope of the main services. Main Products: TRS 22XX Long Range Radar. Main Services: Radar Production, Maintenance, Wire & Harness and Electronics Security Systems. Kuzgun High Tech. Design Ltd. KUZGUN was established in 2007 in the defence industry as a research and development company and is specialized in design and manufacturing of air vehicles. KUZGUN is capable of handling and designing all necessary Airframe Components such as Bulkheads, Panels, Wing Parts etc. The company's main interests are research, design and development of Unmanned Airships for reconnaissance and surveillance missions. Main Products: KUZGUN_1 Unmanned Airship, KUZGUN_A1 Aerostat, KOLIBRI_Ultralight (ongoing) Main Services: R&D on Airvehicles (including Lighter Than Air-(LTA)'s), Consultancy on EU 7th Frame Programmes. NANOTECH Advanced Technology Materials and Electronic Systems Ltd. NANOTECH was established in 2005 and is specialized in Piezoelectric Ceramic MaterialsTransducers and Antimicrobial Materials-products. NANOTECH is capable of handling and designing Piezoelectric based Transducer Sensor and Actuator Components, for Active and Passive Monitoring and Noise Cancelation products. Main Products: Piezoelectric Ceramic Materials and Transducers for Active and Passive monitoring, Nano Technologic Air Filtration and Purification System designing and manufacturing. Main Services: Transducer, Sensor and Actuator Design for various applications. ONUR Inc. ONUR Inc. was established in 1980 and is specialized in Integrated Communications Systems (voice and data switching, radio integration and interoperability) for Command and Control Systems for both civilian and defense applications. ONUR is capable of designing, manufacturing, installing and commissioning integrated voice and data switching solutions for all kinds of platforms (including but not limited to shore based, mobile, onboard, airborne platforms). Main Services: Aeronautical and Naval Navigation systems, Air Traffic Control Systems and Air Traffic Simulation Systems, R&D activities on Network Enabling Legacy Communication Systems for Next Generation Network Centric Warfare Environments. PARS MAKİNA Pars Makine was established in 2005 and is specialized in novel small turbomachinery system research, development, design, manufacture and component tests. Pars Makina expertises excel in lean combustion, low mass flowrate, high speed machinery and is capable of handling R&D, designing, manufacturing and testing all necessary small turbomachinery components such as compressor, turbine and combustor related high efficiency/high power density/high speed products and also provides consultancy services. Main Products: Test Stands and Consoles for Turbomachinery Components, Turbo-Rotary Engines for UAV and Hybrid Car Electrical Generators, Innovative Turbocharger for high altitude UAV Engines (Wankel and Piston Types), Innovative Heat Recovery and Cooling Systems for Aerospace and Marine Applications. Main Services: Development and application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Software for Turbomachinery and High Speed Marine Vessels, design and manufacturing of Wind Turbines, Wind Resources Assessment and Micrositing, Consultancy for Gas Turbine, Hydraulic, Wind and Solar Power Plants. PAVO Electronic Pavo was established in 2003 and is specialized in embedded system design and communication electronic products as well as system research, design, development and production. Pavo is capable of handling and designing all necessary Electronic Components, FPGA, Microprocessor (8 to 64 bit), DSPs in Real Time Multitasking Operating Systems. Main Products: Military Router & Switch, Laser Electronic Sensor Electronic, Video Encoder&Decoder, Image Processing Units, 802.16 and 802.22 Wireless Transreceivers, Power Distribution and Power Units. Main Services: Electronic and Mechanical Product Design, Production and After Sales Support. PETLAS Tire Industry and Trade Co. Inc. PETLAS was established in 1977 and is specialized in Tire Production. PETLAS is capable of handling and designing all necessary products to satisfy market demands. Main Products: Vehicle and Aircraft Tires in different sizes. PLUS ELEKTRONİK Plus Elektronik was established in 2007 and is specialized in Plasma Technologies, Technological Material Coatings, Surface Modifications, Sensor Technology, Chemical Biological and Medical Materials, Space Systems, Biotechnology, Nuclear Technology. Main Services: R&D activities in Plasma Surface Coating Systems, Plasma Actuators for Unmanned Air Vehicles, Sensors for Space Shuttles, Plasma Thrusters, Optical Systems, Thin Film Coatings, Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Nanoceramics, Nanocomposites, High Power Microwaves, Mine Detection, Nuclear Technology and Power Plants, Solar Cell Production Systems. ROKETSAN ROKETSAN, was established in June 1988, and has been involved in numerous projects in the field of design, development and production of missile systems. Main Services: System Design, Modeling and Simulation, Guidance Control Hardware and Software, Propulsion Systems, Mechanical, Structural and Thermal Design, Advanced Material Technologies, Development of Flight Simulation and Trajectory Planning Software, and Development of Fire Control Software. Mechanical, Plastic and Composite Part Manufacturing Lines; Composite Propellant Production Line; Avionics, Optics, and Control Actuation System Production Lines, and Assembly, Integration and Testing Facilities; the Company has organized to serve homeland defense and contribute technological infrastructure of Turkey with products used in under seas to the depths of space. SATEK Defense Technologies Ltd.Co. SATEK was established in 1997 and is specialized in Training Simulators, 3D Virtual Reality, UAV Technologies and Radio Communication Systems. SATEK has brought the simulation and embedded control systems technology into the UAV Autopilot, 3D Ground Control Stations and Data Link Systems. SATEK has its own design. Main Products: TDMA VHF Data Link that can be used as AIS for air platform as well as IFF and similar data communication, 3D UAV Control and Monitoring Software. Main Services: IMU, AutoPilot, Payload Control, Data & Video Link (Encryp/Decryption), Ground Station Receiver, Data Validation and Enhancement. SAVRONİK Savronik was established in 1986 and is specialized in Electronic System Design, Manufacturing and Integration of Defense System Programs, Railway Programs and Intelligent Highway Programs. Main Products: Data Link Solutions for UAV, Flight Test systems, Avionic Panels, Airborne & Military Electrical Power Control and Distribution Units, Fire Control Systems, Shelterization, Satellite Ground Terminal, Motorway Automation and Signalization, Intelligent Traffic Systems, Train Automatic Stopping Systems, Train Computers and Train Recorders. SDT Space and Defense Tech. SDT was established in 2005 and is specialized in Sensor Signal Processing and Remote Sensing, Embedded Systems for Mission Management and Support, Simulation and Training, Sensor Fusion and Decision Support. SDT is capable of designing and developing Software and Hardware Components /Subsystems/Systems in its fields of specialization. SDT has also the necessary infrastructure and capability for Electrical and Electronics Design and Development of; Power Supply, Conditioning and Control Circuits, Protection and Filtering Circuits, FPGA Based Applications, along with Mechanical Design with Solid Modeling, Environmental Conditioning and Packaging, Ruggedization, Assembly and Limited Environment Testing. Main Products: Digital Data Recorders, Airborne Computers, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Software & Simulation, Synthetic Environment Software for MODSIM Applications, 3D Visual Models Library. TEI-TUSAŞ Engine Industries, Inc. TEI was established in 1985 and is specialized in the Gas Turbine Industry. TEI is capable of handling and designing Aircraft Engine Modules, Components and Engine Test Equipments as well. Main Services: Engine Assembly & Overhaul, Engine Parts Manufacturing, After Sales Services, Research & Development Activities, Small Scale UAV Engine Design, Manufacturing and Tests. Tekno Tasarım Inc. Tekno Tasarim was established in 1997 and is specialized in System Integration and Vehicle Development Areas. We are capable of handling and designing Structural Components and Software Applications for various platforms, including testing components and supplying OEM companies with state-of-the-art technologies on Virtual Simulation, Control and Testing Services. Main Products: Data Acquisition Components, FEA Simulation Software, Electrical Vehicle Drive System, Hybrid Technology Development, Mini Renewable Energy Turbines (hydro or wind). Main Services: Custom Engineering Software Developments, Product Development, Monitoring System Development, Vehicle Integration. Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) TAI was established in 1984 and is capable of designing, developing & manufacturing of Fixed and Rotary Wing Aerial Platforms, Aerostructures, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Software Development, System Integration, Structural Modification & Modernization for Fixed and Rotary Wing Aerial Platforms. TAI also provides design, development, manufacturing and system integration for satellite programs. TAI is also qualified supplier and risk sharing partner in the design and manufacturing of structural components with Aermacchi, AgustaWestland, Airbus, Boeing, EADS CASA, Eurocopter, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, MDHI, Sikorsky and many other leading international aerospace companies. Main Products: F-16, CN-235, AS-532, SF-260D, KT-1 – manufacturing (incl detailed parts & components), flight tests; F-16, CN-235, S-70, B737, C-130, T-38, ATR-72 - structural & avionic modernization, systems integration, conversion to special mission roles; Turboprop Trainer Aircraft (HURKUS), MALE UAV (TİHA), Target Drone (TURNA, KEKLİK) – indigenous design, development & manufacturing; F-35 (JSF) - strategic sourcing partner (manufacturing, Integrated Logistics Support-ILS); A400M - strategic sourcing partner (design, development, manufacturing, ILS); Attack/Tactical Reconnaissance Helicopter (T129) – customization, systems integration, manufacturing, ILS; Earth Observation Scientific Research and Technology Satellite – co-development /development and production. SELEX Komünikasyon A.Ş. SELEX was established in 1990 and is specialized in the field of Tactical and Strategic Communication Systems. The company is capable of handling and designing Military and Professional Communication Systems, Avionics and Various Lighting Equipment for Land and Airborne Platforms. Main Products: HF, VHF, UHF Radio Systems for Land, Naval and Airborne Platforms, Tactical and Strategic Communication Systems, Fully Integrated Communication Systems for Naval Platforms, Avionics, LED Based Lighting Systems, NVIS Conversion of Lighting Systems. Main Services: TETRA Communication Solutions and Depot Level Maintenance. VAKSİS ARGE ve Mühendislik STM-Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A. Ş. VESTEL Defense Industries, Inc. STM was established in 1991 to provide systems engineering, project management, technology transfer and logistics support services. STM is capable of handling systems, software engineering and consultancy services in defense, public and naval sectors through the innovative applications of technology and its accumulated field knowledge. Main Products: Mission Management and Support Systems (Digital Moving Map, Replanning, Recording),Tank Command Control and Information System, UAV Mission Planning and Tracking System, Command Control & Information System (C4ISR), Message Formatting System (MEFORS), Link 16 Interoperability Analysis, Vertical Wind Tunnel - Free Fall Training Simulator, City Monitoring System. Main Services: Engineering and Consultancy Services for R&D Projects, Marine & Land Border, Security and Surveillance Systems. Aviation & Air Worthiness Certification Support Services, System Engineering, Software Engineering, Project Management, Technology Transfer, Information Security Services, Information Technologies Infrastructure Services, Homeland Security Services, Feasibility Analysis, Naval Platform Design and Engineering Services, Quality Assurance Services, Establishment and Operation of Airport and Naval Shipyard Infrastructure, Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Services. VESTEL Defence Industry which is the youngest member of VESTEL Group of Companies was established in 2003 and specialized in ; Autonomous Systems, Alternative&Renewable Energy Systems, Comman & Control Systems for Naval Platforms, Computer based Training Systems, Hydrogen Technology and Fuel Cell R&D. VESTEL Defence is capable to handle and design all necessary components,products and services for Unmanned Air Vehicles,Naval Platform Systems and Alternative Energy Systems. Main Products : Tactical, Mini and Micro UAVs, Electronic Warfare Operator Console(OPCON), Tactical Command Console ( TACON), Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), Sodium BoroHydride (SBH), PEMFC. Vaksis was established in 2004 and is specialized in designing and manufacturing of Customized Vacuum Coating Systems. Vaksis is capable of handling and manufacturing all necessary vacuum coating systems and their related components. Main Products: Vacuum coating systems. Main Services: Technical support and services for vacuum coating systems.
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