2013 Fabric Selection
2013 Fabric Selection
CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Polyester Prints “Price B” Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture Cornwall Jet CORJET Cashel Truffel CASTRUF Cashel Garnet CASGAR Deveron Midnight DEVMID Cherrington Marine CHERMAR Deirdre Pebble DEIRPEB Dramatique Ivory DRAMIV Garden Scroll Delft GDNSCL Augusta Toffee AUGUSTA Amsterdam Royal AMSTDAM Laguna Sage LAGUNA Callie Coffee CALLIE Melinda Midnight MELMID Melinda Coral MELCOR Varina Wasabi VARWAS Oleanna Tobacco OLETOB Grovedale Sky GROSKY Genovese Noir GENVSE Freeport Summer FREEPORT Palm Floral Garden PALMGDN Linette Pompei LINPOM Crestwood Vinyard CRESVIN Crestwood Graphite CRESGRA Siesta Key Garden SKEYGDN Siesta Key Willow SKEYWIL Alberta Summer ALBSUM Wexford Terrace Tangerine WEXTANG Cutler Terrace Grasshopper CUTGRAS Brummel Terrace Cassis BRUCAS Madeira Onyx MADONYX 2013 Fabric Selection (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected] CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Polyester Prints “Price B” Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture Madeira Mineral MADMIN Everglades Basil EVERBAS Everglades Cranberry EVERCRAN Madrid Seagrass MADSEA Zoe Spice ZOESPICE Polyester Solids & Stripes “Price B” Green Spun Polyester GRNSPUN Navy Spun Polyester NAVSPUN 2013 Fabric Selection (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected] CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Standard Acrylic Fabrics “Price C” Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture White 5404 Canvas 5453 Antique Beige 6422 Heather Beige 5476 Camel 5468 Teak 5488 Walnut 5470 Cocoa 5425 Forest Green 6446 Stone Green 5473 Fern 5487 Citron 6420 Celedon 5419 Spa 5413 Navy 5439 Classic Royal 6434 Aruba 5416 Royal Navy 6442 Petrol 6447 Royal Blue 6401 Mineral Blue 5420 Capri 5426 Neptune 6433 Sapphire 5452 Glacier 5428 Black 6408 Charcoal 54048 Taupe 5461 Terra Cotta 6415 Melon 5415 2013 Fabric Selection (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected] CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Standard Acrylic Fabrics “Price C” Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture Coral 6423 Buttercup 5438 Wheat 5414 Spectrum Eggshell 48018 Spectrum Sand 48019 Spectrum Cilantro 48022 Spectrum Graphite 48030 Spectrum Mushroom 48031 Spectrum Dove 48032 Sparkle Pesto 1702 Sparkle Birch 1706 Sparkle Flax 1707 Sparkle Coffee 1709 Sparkle Buttercup 1712 Sparkle Pool 1713 Sparkle Nautical 1723 Sparkle Silver 1725 Sparkle Navy 1726 Sparkle Grenadine 1727 Sparkle Taupe 1731 Sparkle Snow 1732 Debut Skipper 107D Debut Coffee 101D Debut Geranium 105D Passage Skipper 2011 Castanet Beach 5604 Seville Seaside 5608 Brannon Redwood Stripe 5612 Brannon Whisper 5621 1” Green Stripe 5630 2013 Fabric Selection (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected] CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Standard Acrylic Fabrics “Price C” Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture Dorsett Autumn Stripe 5698 Luna Admiral 5801 Luna Carousel 5803 Bistro Driftwood 7040 Bistro Apple 7041 Bistro Maritime 7043 Dolce Oasis 56001 Westin Ginger 56005 Foster Surfside 56049 Foster Metallic 56051 Gavin Mist 56052 Steeplechase Malibu 56064 Milano Charcoal 56079 2013 Fabric Selection (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected] CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture Premium Acrylic & Special Weaves “Price D” Logo Red 5477 Hot Pink 5462 Burgundy 6436 Red 6403 Air Blue 5410 Tangerine 5406 Parrot 5405 Rust 54010 Coastal 54012 Bay Brown 5432 Ginkgo 54011 Basil Linen 8301 Natural Rib 7704 Antique Beige Rib 7722 Taupe Rib 7761 Paltrow Periwinkle PALTRO Pagetville Sunblu PADSUN Tradewinds Sundance 3802 Bravada Salsa 5601 Bravada Limelite 5602 Berenson Tuxedo 8521 Scavio Willow 56040 Timeline Nautical 56069 Timeline Sprout 56070 Timeline Caravan 56073 Peyton Granite 56075 Milano Cobalt 56080 2013 Fabric Selection (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected] CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture Dupiones & Special Order Fabrics “Price E” Dupione Sand 8011 Dupione Cornsilk 8012 Dupione Bamboo 8013 Dupione Laurel 8015 Dupione Galaxy 8016 Dupione Deep Sea 8019 Dupione Paradise 8050 Dupione Crimson 8051 Dupione Palm 8052 Dupione Papaya 8053 Dupione Seafoam 8058 Dupione Caramel 8059 Dupione Nectarin 8064 Dupione Celeste 8067 Dupione Dove 8069 Bessemer Brown BESBRN Plum PLUM Dupione Carnegie Hearth 8042 Dupione Carnegie Celeste 8065 Cassidy Pebble 56068 Cassidy Meadow 56067 2013 Fabric Selection (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected] CUSTOM CRAFT INC. Premium Fabrics “Price P” Cushions & Pads to Match the Quality and Style of Your Outdoor Furniture Sailcloth Sand SAILSND Sailcloth Salt SAILSLT Solana Strand 32007 Solana Seagull 32008 2013 Fabric Selection Sailcloth Sahara SAILSAH Tempo Beach 6801 Tempo Seamist 6800 (401) 822-4200 • www.CustomCraftInc.com • [email protected]
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