Moot`s Point


Moot`s Point
President Dave Moot 952-703-0373
[email protected]
Vice President Jim Kojola 612-374-8913
[email protected]
Treasurer Linda Schunk 952-831-5065
[email protected]
Secretary Deb Riggs 612-869-7038
[email protected]
Newsletter Paul Meisel 952-472-2097
work 952-746-2361
[email protected]
Graphics and Greg.Claflin 612-529-5812
[email protected]
Club Historian Tom Jones 763-533-9163
Kerry Rasmussen
Tom Broich
[email protected]
Newsletter of the Viking Chapter
Antique Motorcycle Club of America Inc.
Published Quarterly
March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, December 1st
[email protected]
Hey gang, Greg and I are pleased to present another Special Issue. As most of you
know, when we do a special issue you can expect something just a little bit off-thewall. Something that I hope you feel is a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor. I did a little
research on bubble gum and learned that it was invented in 1906. Since then, millions
of people have munched billions of wads. It is said that if you stuck together every
Sean O’Neil
Gene Hostetler
piece that’s ever been chewed, you would have a stick 113 million miles long. That’s
[email protected]
geneallendesign@ long enough to reach to the moon and back two hundred times! But getting back to
this special issue, whets in it for you? Well, first of all I asked Ray Haefy if he would do
a special Square Dude cartoon having to do with bubble gum. He agreed. Next I had to
Deputy Judge
get lots of members agreement to blow the biggest bubble they could to help create
Jerry Richards
Roger Rimnac
interesting photos through out the newsletter. And lastly I had to convince the Board
[email protected]
[email protected] to approve giving out FREE BUBBLE GUM at the March General meeting to all of you
who can attend. What more could a Viking member ask for?
March 8,2006 BOD Meeting (7:00pm)
Rick and Linda Schunk’s
5065 Nine Mile Creek Circle
Bloomington, Mn (952) 831-5065
March15, 2006General Meeting (7:00pm)
Lucky’s Garage
815 Cedar Ave.S.
Minneapolis,Mn. (612) 332-5825
March 25-26,2006 Donnie Smith Bike Show
River Center, St.Paul Mn.
Guys and Gals, we need bikes to display for this
one. If interested, contact Dave Moot.
April 12, 2006 BOD Meeting (7:00pm)
Betty’s Bikes and Buns
600 E Hennepin Ave., Mpls. MN
(612) 378-4988
April 19, 2006 General Meeting (7:00pm)
Fury Motorcycle
740 N. Concord, So. St.Paul,MN
(651) 251-8230
May 10, 2006 BOD Meeting (7:00pm)
Jerry and Trudi Richards
3295 Victoria St., Shoreview, MN
(651) 482-0096
May 13, 2006 General Meeting & Vintage
Ride-in and Old Bike Show
10-2PM Hot Dogs,chips and pop
General Meeting (1:30pm)
Club Ride 2:00pm
Betty’s Bikes and Buns
650 25th Ave S.E., Mpls. MN
1-1/2 block north of University Ave. S.E. on 25th
(612) 331-scoot
May 24, 2006 GarageGet-together
Jim Kojola’s
2006 Emerson Ave.S.,Mpls,MN.
June 23-25, 2006 Farmington Natl. Meet
Dakota County Fairgrounds
Moot’s Point
ello everyone, may I indroduce
myself? Dave Moot your new
president. Out of respect for
the office,please refrain from
wearing your “Challenge Authority” T
shirts for a few years…I know I will.
One of my first acts as your president
ended in complete and utter failure.
At the recent holiday party,I was
instructed to present our
outgoing president
Keith Peters, his “Past
President” rocker patch
and because I “froze
up”, I neglegleted to
outstanding service as
our club leader.
He has been our
captain and has sailed
our ship straight and
In the off-season besides working on my
true with absolutely no
bikes, I sell do-it -yourself bubblegum kits
danger of running us
and print my own baseballs cards. You never
aground (I thought Keith
know, besides being a bubblegum tycoon,
this Dave Moot baseball card could one day
would like all the nautical metaphors).
be as valuable as a 1902 Homious
He has certainly left some big deck shoes
to fill!
I for one say we do not allow him to sail off into the sunset because his outstanding organizational
skills can certainly be put to good use in the future!
Moot’s Point continued
I plan to carry on his presidental legacy of
taking the job seriously with a healthy portion
of irreverant humor!
Speaking of the holiday party,did you get a
chance to attend? We had a great turnout and
it sure looked like a big crowd especialy when
looking out from the podium.
Lots of great chow and chatter and it seems I
always run out of time before I run out of
chums to shoot the breeze with. It is certainly
one of the highlights of my winter.
We had a chance to introduce a couple of new
board members too.
Sean O’Neil a new director and Linda
Schunk our new treasurer. Welcome aboard!
Keith Peters, AKA “old salt” once wrote
“volunteers do the best job they can”and it is
my intention as your new president to do my
very best to keep this club prospering and
hopefully being a lot of fun for all it’s members.
My vision for the Viking Chapter in the years
to come is to continue to foster the
fundamental purpose of the AMCA as outlined
in its mission statement which is to “promote
the collection,restoration and preservation of
antique motorcycles”.
One of my main responsibilities as your new
president,as I see it, is to encourage and
facilitate the rewarding exchange of
information (about motorcycles) and the
helping of one another
to locate
machines,parts and services.
The social aspect of this club is extremley
important and it is the glue which holds us
together,but let us not forget the underlying
focus should always be the motorcycles we
are all so fond of.
Membership in the Viking Chapter ought to
bring with it a vast source of help because
each member possesses something the other
members need such as:
technical infomation; parts; knowledge of
dealers, suppliers, finishers, machinists,
etc.and it goes without saying that our fellow
members can be of immense help when it
comes to maintaining and restoring these
wonderful old bikes.
My thought is that we have somewhere
upwards of 6000 years in motorcycling
experience among our members!
There was a time when buying and
maintaining a very old motorcycle required a
very low percentage of one’s income.
That has all changed.
Recently I checked some closing prices of old
bikes on eBay.
A 1910 Harley went for $65,200.00; a 1946
Harley went for $25,400.00 and a 1931 Indian
four went for $46,200.00!
Last year at the Farmington banquet,our
AMCA president Pete Gagan ,spoke to us
about the future of the antique club and to
paraphrase him “very soon many of the
members’ (antique) machines will be Hondas,
Suzukis and Yamahas”
I share his viewpoint on this matter due to the
high cost of the older machines and the supply
and affordability of the import bikes from the
sixties and early seventies.
Therefore it is my humble opinion that we
continue to embrace the idea of an “all
inclusive”Antique Motorcycle club and be
respectful of ALL antique motorcycles.
This does not mean you have to give up your
loathing of the “Ninjas”!
As long as we are on the topic of the future
here are some ideas being implemented in
the following months:A more vigorous
emphasis on welcoming new members; an
effort to expand Viking/AMCA membership
through an expanded campaign of displaying
and promoting membership materials at all
our major public events.
meet currently held in Farmington, and a
big motorcycle auction is now being
planned for this year’s Farmington meet.
Bikes, parts and memorabilia will be
auctioned Friday and bikes Saturday.
I have been told that the club has been invited
to display bikes and beat or drum at the big
St.Paul Donnie Smith Motorcycle show in
late March.
Lots of fun things to look forward to.
And finally let me express on behalf of all
Viking members, a very hearty thanks to our
outgoing treasurer Kathi Rimnic for her
tireless dedication and to director Stan
Mewhorter who works in the club’s “engine
room”and probably always will.
Until Stan returns to the board, I think we might
bestow upon him the honorary title “seargent
at arms”.
Thanks again to all of you who voted
for me.
Long live the Viking Chapter!
Dave Moot.
I stongly encourage all the current and past
Viking members to do some recruiting
whenever they can as I think our
membership will either grow or decline but
unlikely to remain static.
A questionaire will be sent to all current Viking
members to get some up to date feedback on
what they expect and want from their club.This
will help the board of directors decide what
events deserve the most emphasis and
perhaps inject some new energy into the club.
We need your thoughts and ideas!
To quote the AMCA web site “Networking in
this club means rubbing elbows and turning a
few wrenches with fellow club members who
share your passion for old bikes.”, so, in
keeping with the spirit of the AMCA, a new
monthly gathering called the “Garage GetTogether” will be held once a month (May
through Sept.) at various club members’
garages with the focus on maintainence,repair
and a good deal of general BS about our old
bikes!This will be a great opportunity for some
of you seasoned members to offer your much
valued advice and guidance to the newbies
about general repair and maintenance.
The hosts of these events may provide some
beverages and snacks if they wish.
Let me know if you are willing to host such a
Some of the other exciting things our board
of directors are working on, is talking with
the Minnesota State Fair on possibly
securing some space for our 2007 national
The 2006 Viking Rosters were e-mailed
to all current Viking members who have
supplied us with an e-mail address. If
you would like a printed roster please
send a self addressed, stamped
business size envelope to Linda
Schunk, 5065 Nine Mile Creek Circle,
Bloomington, MN 55437. Please help
us update our records by e-mailing us
your e-mail address. Send a message
to: [email protected]
Life Members:
Jones and Wyatt
by Keith Peters
t the Viking Party on Saturday night,
January 7, I’m proud to say that my final
act as outgoing president was to award two
Life Memberships. With Board approval, Tom
Jones and Rick Wyatt were made Life
Members of the Viking Chapter. Thanks to
Trudi Johnson-Richards and her quick
ordering action, there were even rockers to
award them at the party.
Both of these gents were founding members
and have been active in the club for over 30
years! Over those decades, Tom has been
President and Editor, has written and edited
the “25 Years of the Viking Chapter” booklet,
leads the antique bike rides to Davenport and
is the Club’s historian. Rick has also held
many positions including Vice President,
editor, treasurer, deputy judge, has initiated
and organized the Fall swap meet, organized
shows and rides. Congratulations,
Tom and Rick! This recognition was
long overdue.
Appreciation Dinner
Text and photos by Paul
n November 2nd, 2005, we
had our appreciation dinner
at the Old Country Buffet in
Richfield. The attendance was
excellent, which shows that lots
of members volunteered some of
their valuable time. Any club
depends on volunteers and our
club is no exception. For all you
newer members (or older
members who still aren’t sure how to get
involved) I want you to know that this is about
the easiest club imaginable to become
involved in. We are definitely not what is
known as a “closed group” type of club. To
get involved, the first step is to attend the
general meetings. (As Woody Allen once said
“Half of what there is to life is just showing
up.” Then while you’re at the meeting,
introduce yourself to at least one other
member so you start to get acquainted. Then
volunteer to help at something, even in some
small way. Perhaps volunteer to work a two
hour shift at the gate at Farmington. This is
not only a great help to the club, but you
get to know whoever is
working with you at the gate. So you see, it’s
really very easy to get involved and you won’t
find nicer people anywhere.
Movie Night at
Betty’s Bikes &
By Keith Peters
ednesday, December 7, was
the first official “Motorcycle
Movie” night at Betty’s Bikes
& Buns, with 10 members
attending. The night’s feature was
We had a good turn out for movie night at Betty’s
and believe me they appreciate it.
Little Foss and Big Halsey
starring Robert Redford, in this
If you’ve got a copy of motorcycle film they
most memorable portrayal of a dirt racer, don’t have on their list, be sure to share it
male chauvanist pig, liar, thief and cheat. But with them. Heck, one night someone brought
he was cute so he always had babes to clean in “Motorcycle Gang” with Carl “Alfalfa”
up after him. The soundtrack was by the Man Switzer. It was a hoot!!
in Black, Johnny Cash, who garnered
a 1970 Golden Globes nomination for
his original music, “Balad of Little Foss.”
Some unfortunate younger fellow came
into Betty’s just at the moment when a
movie couple was caught “en flagrant
de’lit” (lay translation from the French:
caught buck nekked and very close
together). He looked up at the TV and
then at the crowd at the table. He must
have thought that he stumbled into skin
flicks night at an AARP meeting, and
quietly moved to the back of the room.
Here are some photos taken of our tables
during the dinner.
If I missed you, you have my apologies.
You were probably up refilling your plate. (Or
you are a new member and failed to introduce
Once again let’s finish by saying, all the
volunteers who’ve helped out though
the year are greatly appreciated.
Holiday Party
Text and photos by Paul Meisel
ur Holiday party in January is the official
start of the new calendar year for the
chapter and is the time the newly elected
officers take over their respective volunteer
Outgoing president, Keith Peters handed
the gavel to incoming president Dave Moot.
Sean O’Neil is new to the Board of Directors,
Gene Hostetler was re-elected to the board,
Deb Riggs is our new Secretary and Linda
Shunk is our new Treasurer.
We enjoyed record attendance -113 the
official count taken by Deb Riggs.
Over $1000,00 is door prizes were given out.
Many shops and severalClub members
donated items. Some of thee shops
include: Delano Sports Center,Bob’s
Cycle Supply and Leo’s Cycle. A special
thanks to Delano for donating over
$600.00 worth of items. Please support
these fine shops and when you visit, please
identify yourself as a Viking member and
thank them for their support.
Service awards were given to several Club
Members. (See article on page 5)
The 2006
Viking Chapter
Club Officers
Board Members
Pictured from left to right,
starting in the front are:
Gene Hostetler, Tom
Jones, Linda Schunk, Deb
Riggs, Jerry Richards,
Roger Rimnac, Dave
Moot, Kerry Rasmussen,
Jim Kojola,Paul Meisel,
Stan Mewhorter, Sean O’Neil and Tom Brioch. Not pictured Greg Claflin.
‘06 Holiday Party
We had a great turn-out again this year for
the annual Holiday Party and it gave us all
a chance to get reacquainted with friends
and Club members we may not see as often as we’d like to.
Service Award Recipients for 2005
by Keith Peters
Seat Recovering and Rebuilding by Bob’s
General Services of Ira, Iowa
Editor’s Note: The Viking Chapter doesn’t
endorse or guarantee the following vendor(s)
will do a great job for you, but he/they have
been recommended by a Club member.
Please tell Keith if you’ve found a good source
for parts or have received great service.
We’re not sure what the people in the
lower left hand corner are doing, maybe
all the excitement was too much for them
and we’re just trying to keep from
cracking up.
Pictured from left to right are: Stan Mewhorter, Tom Jones, Rick Wyatt, Kathi Rimnac, Dave
Radumacher and our outgoing President Keith Peters.
by Trudi Richards
Service awards were presented to the following
Viking Chapter members at the Holiday Party
on January 7, 2006 at the Richfield Community
Center, Richfield, Minnesota
Keith Peters, Past President Award 2004-2005.
Keith joined AMCA in 1986. Offices held:
Director 1987-1988, 1992-1996 and 2000.
Secretary-Treasurer 1989-1990. Vice President
2002-2003. Keith presided at the board meetings
and made decisions as necessary. Keith is a
regular contributor of articles and book reviews
to the Viking newsletter, Re-Cycle.
Kathi Rimnac, Past Treasurer Award 2002-2005.
Kathi joined AMCA in 1994. Kathi was
responsible for financial reports and membership
rosters. Kathi was in charge of the registration
desk at the Viking Chapter National Meet among
other duties during the year.
Stan Mewhorter, Past Director Award 20022005. Stan joined AMCA in 1994. Stan
coordinated the gate volunteers at Viking National
Meet in Farmington 2002 and continues to do
so. Stan kept track of club members and points
who rode antique bikes to chapter events in 2004
and continues to do so.
Dave Rademacher, Service Award. Dave joined
AMCA in 1979. Offices held: SecretaryTreasurer 1984-1985. Director 1997-1998. Vice
President 2001 and 2004.
President 2002-2003. Dave coordinates the
design and sale of chapter tee-shirts and other
Tom Jones, Life Member and Service Award.
Tom joined AMCA in 1975. Offices held:
President 1977. Secretary-Treasurer 1979-1980.
Secretary 1988. Editor 1983 and 1988. Prior to
2004, Tom kept track of club members and points
who rode antique bikes to chapter events. Tom
compiled and edited “Viking Chapter 19741999—25 Years of Fun” historical document.
Tom is the Viking Chapter Historian.
Rick Wyatt, Life Member Award. Rick joined
AMCA in 1975. Offices held: SecretaryTreasurer 1977 and 1983. Vice President 1979.
Editor 1980-1981 and 1985. Director 1989,
1994-1997. Deputy Judge 2001-2002. Rick
coordinated the first Viking Bike Show at Aldrich
Arena in 1992 and is ongoing. Rick planned the
first Mystery Fall Ride in 2001 and continues to
do so.
Rick started the first Youth Restoration Award in
2003 and is ongoing. Rick coordinated the first
Motorcycle Swap Meet at the Minnesota
State Fairgrounds in 2003 and continued
through 2004-2005.
He’ll interview the vendor and write about
them, or you can send your own write-up
directly to Keith.
ast year, nuevopres Dave Moot told us a
bit about seats that he’d had repaired by
Bob’s General Services of Ira, Iowa, in his
“works in progress” article about his ’67 Royal
Enfield Intercepter. Rick Schunk, Tom
Broich and I have also had seats rebuilt by
Bob, and he does a nice job and returns
rebuilt seats quickly. Tom had several custom
seats fabricated by Bob’s, who also rebuilds
boat and car seats. But, motorcycle seats
make up 90% of the business. Bob has been
an AMCA member over 20 years.
Tom Broich has been down to visit him and
says that Bob works out of his small shop on
the edges of the small town of Ira, starting
his business when the construction crane
manufacturing company he worked for, for 23
years, moved to Winona. Bob, who has been
in business full time for three years, rebuilt
my 1966 Honda 90’s seat with total turnaround time about four weeks, including
mailing time both ways. Bob and I discussed
that I wanted it stock; seams in the same
place, piping, lettering on the back, vinyl
matching original and he did exactly that.
Vendorama continued
The total cost including shipping and tax was
about $175. Bob replaces foam as needed
and sews the vinyl covers himself, including
making them for three other businesses who
sell just the covers and parts on line.
Bob’s General Services is at P.O. Box 102,
Ira, Iowa, 50127. His phone number is 641/
363-3271, web site is and
[email protected]
Stan’s First MC Trophy
by Keith Peters
ormer Director, Stan Mewhorter,
finally received his first motorcycle
related trophy at the January 7 Holiday
Party in Richfield. Stan runs the gates at
Farmington and tracks yearly riders to
meetings. He had pointed out several
times at Board meetings that he was one
of the few Viking members who haven’t
earned, traded, bought or made their own
motorcycle trophy. When he bought his
1200 cc Sportster, friends told him that
Sportsters are ridden by “paper boys and
Seeing an injustice, this special trophy
was made to help make Stan’s life
It is actually a recycled cheerleader’s
trophy from 1962, in passionate pink
plastic with a baton twirler atop it. Not for
hill climbing, short tracking, showing a
bike, restoration, maybe not exactly what
Stan had envisioned, but a start. It reads
“Stan Mewhorter Prettiest
Sportster 2005 Viking Chapter,
Be sure not to miss the
March General Meeting.
Be sure to say howdy
and congradulations to
Bazooka Dave.
My first Bike
by Mark Backlund
y first bike offered me the three things
many people today take for granted:
Reliability, economy, and ease of
maintenance. I was all of eight years old and
my trusty straight-frame mini-bike with 3 1/2
horsepower Tecumseh motor carried me
everywhere. To the gravel pits, the swamps,
and once, five miles between my Uncle Al’s
house and my cousin’s place. And to think
kids today complain about the weight of their
backpacks! As I got older, I progressed
through a steady stream of larger mini-bikes
and a bunch of dirt bikes of dubious reliability.
One, which I still curse to this day, would not
make it up the big hill at the local gravel pit.
You learn many things in a hurry about riding
while stalled three quarters of the way up a
steep hill! And, with the bad brakes of the
era, it was much more interesting going down
the hill than going up.
In my never ending quest for more power,
my brother Lowell took me over to a friend of
his who happened to be a collector and trader
of all things motorized. We were there to
check on the availability of a Honda. But when
we rounded the corner of his house and
gazed at the three motorcycles he had for
sale, my eyes were locked on only one.
A Ducati!
This bike was made back in the days before
Ducati would rule the road-racing world with
their amazing V-twins. Prior to the early
seventies Ducati built high quality, single
cylinder motorcycles that, pound for pound,
could kick butt on bikes that had double the
displacement. The bike I purchased bore little
resemblance to the day it came out of the
Bologna, Italy factory. It had been stripped of
its lights and fenders and used for flat track
racing. Its last race ended in a fireball, which,
until I bought it for the grand sum of $25.00,
would be the last time it moved under its own
Not being smart enough to know this once
proud Italian two-wheeler was a total loss, I
rebuilt it. I put many miles on this extremely
competent motorcycle, but the highlight for
me came when a friend of my older brother
showed up on his BSA looking for my brother.
I told ol’ Roger that the only rider and
motorcycle available at our house that day
were my Ducati and me. He mumbled
something about babysitting and then said
“Well, come on then.” Now his BSA, while
ten years old, was no slouch. But my Ducati
had no trouble keeping up to him, at least up
to 70 mph or so. At the end of the day he was
very impressed both with me and my scratch
built Ducati.
Just like a first love, I will always have a
special place in my heart for that
tough and fast little bike.
Announcing the 1st ever
“Garage Get-together”
by Paul Meisel
new activity for Viking members will
be Garage Get-togethers held on
Wednesday evenings as announced in the
Future Club Events notice in the front cover
on this newsletter. These get-togethers are
very informal, just-for-fun gatherings.
Show off your bike, ask for advice from
fellow members and perhaps even get help
with some wrenching difficulties you might
be having. Check it out starting
Wednesday, May 24th. Like to volunteer
your garage? Call your club president or
your newsletter editor.
The first ever Garage Get-together will be
held at Jim Kajola’s house. Wednesday,
May 24th from 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM ,2006
Emerson Ave. So. Minneapolis.
For farther infomation contact: Jim Kajola
@ (612) 374-8913 or [email protected]
A special thanks to Ray Haefy for
creating a special Square Dude cartoon
strip just for our newsletter.
Donnie Smith Bike Show and Parts
Extravaganza, Saturday March 25th &
Sunday March 26th, 2006 held at the
St.Paul River Center, St.Paul,MN.
Bike Show and Swap Meet - March 19th,
2006 at Aldrich Arena located at 1850
White Bear Ave., Maplewood, MN.
All members are encouraged to write
articles, letters etc. for ReCycle. We are
especially looking for pictures for “Who’s
that Biker” and Works in Progress.
If you have some time to visit the the
a106594.htm This is a link that has all sorts
of things about motorcycles. They have
motorcycle tales, jokes (some X-rated) etc.
We received an e-mail from Viking
member Tim Leary letting us know that
the Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly
(MMM) is looking for people to contribute
articles. He reports that readers are
especially interested in articles about
antique and classic bikes, historical events
in motorcycling (preferably in Minnesota
or the Midwest)Viking Chapter events and
literally anything at all that has to do with
old bikes. Articles with photos are
especially desirable. Contact Editor,
Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly, @
Hartman Press, 7265 Balsam Lane
North, Maple Grove, MN 55369
Wanted: Club member who is
experienced in art to help develop misc.
club flyers and help put the finishing
touches on the Farmington logo each
year. Contact Dave Moot at (952) 7030373 or e-mail [email protected]
From the Club Presidents desk.
Our club has been officially invited to the
Donnie Smith Motorcycle Show at the
St.Paul Civic Center March 25th.- 26th.
Here is an opportunity to show off your
old bike.
The show organizers would like to see
from 10 to 50 antique motorcycles
displayed so there will be room for all who
wish to be involved.
Tickets will be provided for all that
We will also require some volunteers to
work the show. Here is yet another chance
to beat our own drum and promote our
club. Please let me know if you would like
to display a bike at this event.
Heck by late March you may want to ride
it down there!
Dave Moot
Your editor says: “over two hundred
Viking Club members and not one of
you could send me an old photo of
yourself for the “Who’s that Biker”
Come on you guys!
Should we move our national
meet from Farmington to the
MN State Fairgrounds?
Attend a feasibility study meeting
March 5th at 9 am Call Jim Kojola for
location 612-741-0176
Bikes for Auction to be held in conjunction with
[email protected] Bryan Peterson 612670-2740
Wanted - Tilitson carburetor for 1968
Electraglide in good working condition or
information or a recommendation for someone
who could rebuild mine. Paul Meisel (952) 7462361 (days)
Harley Hummer early frame, forks and wheels.
Free to the right home.
Mark Backlund (763) 226-9195 (cell)