Oh No! I Have to Design a PA
Oh No! I Have to Design a PA
OH NO! I HAVE TO DESIGN A PA Pete Zampardi CS Mantech May 2013 Circuit Design Is Complicated - All Problems Should be Blamed on the Transistor Model or Process Technology Guy: Do You Really Know What All This is Doing? Design Guy: The Problem is Obviously Here… Outline • I’ve just been asked to design a handset PA, now what? • What type of PA do they want? When do they want it? What Market? • Type of PA determines die complexity and process(or material) selection. • When they want it may determine process technology and approach. Architecture is decided by specifications. • Linear (bias usually included on chip, though this is changing) SEAL PA (HELP, etc – switch for different power levels) ABC PA (Analog bias control) – smart biasing for different powers • Saturated (usually PA – multiband) with CMOS or all CMOS. • FEM – What does it have to include? Switch, duplexer, controller • Multi-mode (combines different types) How many bands? Interface? • The market (low cost, smart phone) for also has impact on technology selection. • What else do they want in the module (we won’t address, but switch selection, filters, etc come into play here) Outline II • How Do I Do Design Once I’ve Settled? • Simulation environment/design kit • Simulators (Cadence/ADS). ADS primarily used for PA design • EM (electro-magnetic) Simulators to simulate “passive devices” and matching structures • Momentum for on-wafer and laminate • HFSS if you get really serious and need to worry about bond wires etc. (HFSS if structure cannot be accurately modeled with 2D description) • Models – the link from simulator to process • Simulation says it will work, now what? • Layout • Active Devices • p-cells and design rules • Passive devices and interconnects • Simulate AGAIN! Things like MIM caps, Inductors, etc depend on what’s around them so need EM simulation of real layout! • Packaging and other stuff… Outline III • My Simulation and Layout are done, now what? • LVS: Layout vs. schematic check • Make sure that what you designed/drew is what you simulated • Design for manufacturing time! • Statistical simulation of PA die to account for manufacturing process variation. • Stuffs gonna vary, you need to make sure the PA will yield. • Adjust circuit elements to make them vary less with the process. • Statistical Simulation of Packaging • Thermal Considerations • Tape-Out! • Testing • Bench • Characterization • Production test (sub-set of characterization tests) • Probe test • Final RF test What Are We Building??? Basics of PA (Courtesy: Nick Cheng, CSICS 2011) Multi-Stage Type of PAs Here we just talk about “broad” categories. Can have combinations too! Cellular PA (for simple handset) – Linear (TDMA, WCDMA(3G), LTE(4G)) • As you expect, has a linearity requirement and less stringent ruggedness requirements than saturated PA (GSM). Has other requirements like mid-power efficiency, etc. – GSM (2G)/EDGE (2.5G) • GSM is saturated, no linearity requirement. Same chain is also used for linear. CMOS controller usually used. EDGE is linear. Usually re-uses the PA chain Multi-mode, Multi-band (MMMB) – Some combination of above! WLAN – Primarily data, higher frequency, lower output power (sometimes) – Has linearity requirements that are stringent. Market? The PA market has generally fragmented to “Low-Cost” and “Premium” segments For low-cost, cost is primary factor. PA specs are typically not as stringent (although this is changing a little). Not really fancy and silicon (CMOS) actually plays okay in this space. For Premium (mostly Smart Phones), performance is key. GaAs HBT (BiHEMT or BiFET) is still dominant technology here. Leveraging Silicon and Compound Semiconductor Attribute Silicon √ Cost Enablement High voltage handling Thermal conductivity (heat dissipation) Support √ √ Electrical conductivity (performance of passives) Mechanical strength √ Ability to integrate features √ NRE Cost ($$/maskset) Unit cost (cents/mm2) III-V √ √ √ Fab cycle time Fab capacity √ √ Fab automation (process consistency) √ √ Model, PDK Methodology √ √ Both Silicon and GaAs are Essential for Device Leadership Technology Trends Summarized • Architectural Leverage of CMOS, GaAs and Advanced Interconnect are all required to achieve optimum cost / performance • We can deliver future solutions that will allow: • High Volume feature phones to have better RF connectivity than today’s high-end Smartphones • Embedded Wireless Broadband solutions that enable gigabit speeds • Some Illustrations of next steps in the above follow: • Multimode-Multiband Solutions to Enable Smaller, Low-Cost Smartphones • Increasing Use of Signal Conditioning and Improvements needed for High speed Wireless Data Multimode RF Solutions An Illustration of Size & Performance Performance Size Discrete Antenna Switch ~ ~ ~ Multimode Hybrid Band/Mode Switch ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Antenna Switch Best Performance Flexible, Smaller Band/Mode Switch ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Antenna Switch Lowest Cost & Size Integrated MMMB RF Solutions Will Reduce Size and Power Specs & Requirements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Frequency – must operate across a band, not single point Collector Voltage – a range (0.5 (low power) to 6) Bias Supply Voltage – a range (also low current draw) Output Power Minimum (-50) to Maximum (27, 29, 34 dBm) Power Gain (26 to 28 dBm) Gain Variation over Temp (-1 dB to 1 dB) ACP (1st and 2nd) and ACP under mismatch DC/DC Compatibility MSL Level ESD Robust Max Current Receive Band Noise Research Papers Typically Only Report Harmonics Stuff in RED and they usually quote ACP Leakage Currents to the SYSTEM spec, not PA SPEC Switching Time Stability, Control Slope Pad configuration Many specifications besides Gain, PAE, and Linearity Not everything looks as good on Wafer as it does on paper! Examples of PA Parameters Gain for Different Tuning Conditions PAE for Different Tuning Conditions 100 10 5 PAE = 80 15 PAE (%) Transducer Gain (dB) 20 Gain (Pout/Pavail) 60 40 20 0 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 0 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 Available Input Power (dBm) 12 16 20 Available Input Power (dBm) Ref Lvl -23.8 dBm Ave DC Current (A) Ave. DC Current for Different Tuning Conditions 0.4 0.3 Pout − PAvail PDC Collector Current 0.2 Marker 1 [T1] -29.45 dBm 899.71543086 MHz RBW VBW SWT 30 kHz 300 kHz 500 ms RF Att Mixer Unit 10 dB -20 dBm dBm -23.8 1 1 [T1] -29.45 899.71543086 CH PWR -15.00 ACP Up -50.20 ACP Low -49.57 ALT1 Up -63.25 ALT1 Low -62.50 -30 -40 -50 dBm A MHz LN dBm dB dB dB dB 1RM -60 -70 EXT -80 0.1 -90 ACPR= Power in Main Channel/Power in Sideband cu2 cu2 0.0 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 Available Input Power (dBm) -100 cu1 cu1 C0 C0 -110 cl1 cl1 cl2 -120 cl2 -123 Center 900 MHz Date: 26.APR.2004 400 kHz/ 18:30:54 From Marcel Tutt: Microwave Measurements and Their Uses Span 4 MHz Logic and Control Interface (Silicon Coming into Linear) • Systems supporting Penta-Band WCDMA and Quad- Band GSM/EDGE need 8 discrete control lines! – 7 RF paths 3 bits for I/O switch control – 21 operating modes 5 bits for PA mode control • More standards/bands/modes more control lines – Creates routing challenges at the board level – PA modules become I/O limited at the package level • Standardized serial bus interface, i.e. MIPI, significantly reduces control interface I/O requirements 3 discrete control lines - VIO, DATA, CLOCK for MIPI Package Integration Path On Package Matching Component Detector ICs Switch GaAs/SOI Component Passive IC PA for Different Bands In GaAs Bias Control IC In Silicon Bond Wires Via in Laminate PA die is not the only thing in there (percentage cost) Lots of Trade-offs Real-Life Front-End Module (FEM) HINT: NOT MADE OF DISCRETES WCDMA Usually Combine These On-chip Power Amp IC Control/Logic IC Simulation: DC, Trans., S-par and HB Layout: GDSII Simulation: DC, Trans., S-par and HB Layout: GDSII Glasbrener Breaking EDA Barriers RFIC Panel 2002 Power Amp Product Simulation: DC, Trans. S-par and HB EM Simulation Layout: Gerber Components SMT, Filter, etc Substrate and Assembly Each Piece Has It’s Own Challenges • • • Components (Simple Small Signal Models Okay) • Fit for Design Flow: • Tunable for Optimization • Sensitivity Analysis for Tolerance Selection • Fixed Predefined Sizes Components • NO Double-Counting Substrate (Feature Size Determined by Customer/Product Needs) • EM Simulate as Soon and Much as Possible • Variation is Important (Weed Out Bad Layouts) • Design Issue • Need to Run DRC and LVS on Substrates Substrate ICs (Controller and PA) • DC, Time Domain, Small Signal S-parameter and Possibly HB/Env sims • Design Library Supported by Foundry/Fab • EM Sim. for on Chip Passives (Inductors, MIM Caps, Bad wiring) • Design Issue • Need to Run DRC and LVS on ICs • Challenges for Controller • Predictable Interface with PA for Co-Simulation/Co-Development Control/Logic IC Power Amp • Challenges for PA • Models Need to Work in DC, Small Signal, and Large Signal with Correct DC Predictions Under Large Signal • Need to Simulate with Everything Else Substrate, Logic/Control and Components • Let’s Not Even Talk about Diplexer’s Filters, etc… IC WCDMA/Multi-Mode Considerations Challenge: AM&S Approach Needed for Most Circuitry • Control Circuitry is ON-CHIP! • What the PA Must do Now is Complicated • Power Level Switching/Control • No Vref Bias Circuits • Simple Switch Control Power Power Transistors Transistors • Barrie Gilbert “RF design is 30% RF, 70% Bias Circuit” • Analog-mixed Signal Modeling Methodology Must be Applied • Fully Scalable Device Models (for Optimization) • Statistical Simulations (Physically Based is Better) • For High Volume Commercial Products, Yield Matters! • Statistics for Laminate Variations are Important (Not Just the Die) Most of the Chip is NOT Power Transistors PA Die are More than “Just Two Transistors” Carriers/Phone manufacturers are benchmarking phones for linear applications at 16 dBm or “mid-power” – GaAs HBT/BiFET enables bypass switch or parallel stage design – Si also good for this This is being addressed several different ways This may move (lower) in the future Probability Mid-Power Efficiency 5.0% 4.5% 4.0% 3.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 16 dBm -20 -10 0 10 20 Pout, dBm Urban PDF • • Suburban PDF CDMA Development Group – Urban & Suburban Output Power Statistics Application to Power Amplifier – 5dB offset for worst case PCS losses between PA and antenna – 90% Operation 10dB to 17dB Below Rated Power – Low Power Efficiency Enhancement Statistically Significant 30 More Recently – III-V BiFET/BiHEMT B E B C C D GaAs HBT BiFET -Analog FET added for bias & LF switch 45 PAE -10 -20 Gain 25 -30 20 ACP1 15 ACP (dBc) Gain (dB)/PAE (%) 35 30 -40 10 -50 ACP2 5 0 -60 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 pHEMT BiHEMT - FET added for switching and bias 0 40 G 3.2 Vref (V) Address Bias and Mid-Power Efficiency S Si(Ge) vs. GaAs Status • • • • Si(Ge) is rugged enough for linear applications Si(Ge) performance is adequate for linear 900 MHz operation Si(Ge) performance at 900 MHz for GSM not quite as good as GaAs Si(Ge) higher frequency performance insufficient for 1.9 GHz linear or saturated applications (for linear the gain is too low, for saturated the PAE is not nearly as good) • Si(Ge) is fine for some other “PA” applications like WLAN • Really don’t need the (Ge) for the most part if you use HB device Si(Ge) Currently Does Not Have Market Traction for Handset PAs BUT! Can TSV help RF Gain (not so much)?, Good Low Voltage Operation (not at high current), and Functionality Still Make People Ask! Si(Ge) Bipolar PA Examples Philips – “Smart Technology Mix” 2003 ATMEL TST0912 (1999) SE2546, 1.24 x 0.94mm SiGe Semiconductor – 2.4GHz PA Ericsson PBA 316 03 (2002)? Ericsson/IBM 2002 HA31010 SiGe dual-band WiFi PAM: 4x4mm Si(Ge) DOES Have Market Traction for WLAN PAs Moore Integration Dilemma’s (or Sometimes Moore is Less) Schlovin & del Alamo Uses Latest Generation Being CMOS ($$$$) Sucked into For Chip-Size Baseband SOI Or SOS Breakdown & RF Performance Degrade with Node Technology Node: 0.13 um 2.8mmx1.5mm RF Performance Gets Worse AND Mask Cost Increases Dramatically (RF Does Not Scale Like Digital) 130-65 nm 65 nm 45 nm Okay, I’ve Selected Technology, Time to Design… How Do I Do Design Once I’ve Settled? • The most popular PA design flow (for commercial handset PA is Agilent Design System (ADS) “front-end” and Cadence “back-end” where frontend is the circuit simulation and “back-end” is the layout and checking of the chip. • Besides the chips themselves, the package (laminate) also is used for output match and needs to be simulated. • The simulation phase is usually done with NO KNOWLEDGE of the layout, it is the point at which architecture is being defined. Many pieces are unknown, but can be guessed at from previous designs. (W)CDMA PA/FEM Product Development Flow Challenge: For RF LAYOUTS Matter! Simulate Stuff You Didn’t Know Earlier (Passives) Don’t Know Layout or off-chip stuff Understand Critical Blocks With Estimated Tolerance to Parasitics Feasibility Study Provide Tools For 1st Order Best Guess of Things You Will Layout (Inductors/Caps) Know Variations Scalable Device Models (Partial) Building Block IC Design Extend Simulation MCM_RF IC Layout Parasitic Initial Simulation Schematic Connectivity/ DC/Functionality Layout Module Design (Layout) IC Design Layout Best Guess At Bond Wires Co-Simulation IC+Module EM Simulation CoSimulation For Production, Statistical Simulation Over Die Process And Package Variation Design for Manufacturing “Device” Compact Models Challenge: Curve Fitting is Appealing to Non-Physicists • Compact Models Provided (at Schematic Phase) for: • Transistors • HBTs (for Logic and for Power Chain). • MESFETs (for Logic and Switching Functions). • Diodes (Used in Logic Circuits and ESD) • Resistors (Precision Thin-film and Semiconductor) • Inductors (Inductor Tool Provided to Help Selection, EM Sim Later) • Simulation Based on Method of Line, Momentum and S-parameters Pulled in • Capacitors (Tool Provided for Selection, EM Sim Later) • SMTs and Wirebonds (Part specific models and EM Sim Later) Compact Models are Required for Bias Circuit Design and for Power Device Optimization Provides an Easy Path for Statistical Simulation So What Does This Mean for Mantech Community? • The devices (not just transistors, but caps, resistors, inductors) depend on manufacturing. • Front-End Devices (here we mean stuff in the semiconductor): Transistors, Diodes, and Semiconductor resistors behavior depends on the starting material and the fabrication process. • Back-End Devices (MIM caps, thin-film resistors, inductors, etc) depend primarily on process and are just as important for circuit yield and function as the active devices. • Device Designers and Modelers need to know what is really on the wafer not what is thought to be on the wafer! • If these things change, and the models don’t reflect them, designers become “unhappy” (Different=BAD) During “Simulations Phase” Designers Make Some Choices Designs using “ideal components” will never resemble reality! • Should already know what they are designing and what the technology needed for it is (topology is selected already, including type of bias design) • Within the technology, they now want to select from a palette of devices to make their circuit. These are the front end devices. • • • • • • • HBTs – different HBTs can be used for different purposes – there are trade-offs. Scalability is a good approach to provide designers with the right tool for the job. FETs – the requirements on the FET depends on how it is used. For bias circuit, FET above Emitter is okay. For higher frequency/power switching, the FET must be under the HBT. Diodes (can be BE, BC, or Schottky) are also used for different purposes and should be scalable. The use is from bias circuit to logic to ESD/ruggedness protection. Resistors can be semiconductor or thin-film. There are pro’s and con’s to each and this should be communicated to designers by letting them know the tolerance (sheet resistance and due to geometry variations from fab) as well as the temperature coefficients. MIM capacitors are important for matching in the circuit. The variation is very important to communicate to designers. The variation can differ by type, film thickness, and layout Inductors are fabricated from the metallization layers. Variation in the metal resistance, geometry, and inter-level dielectric spacings can be important. Bondpads – bond pads actually count as a device, but usually not important until layout phase Variation of Device Features Is Important To Know Ledge CC EC Effects Contact Resistance (Emitter) EM Determines Emitter Size (current density), Emitter Resistance, and is Part of Ledge Definition BC Part of Base Contact Resistance and Ledge Formation. BC to BP spacing also important for offset BP Determines Cbc of Device and Defines Part of Passivation Ledge CC Part of Collector Resistance and Also Defines Part of Cbc (especially reverse bias) AA Device Isolation (contributes some overlap capacitance) ALMOST ALL IMPORTANT PARAMETERS SCALE WITH AREA! Two-Stage Design Considerations Vi(t) Predistorter S1 Vx(t) Vo(t) Linearized System = S2 Vo(t) Vo(t) Vi(t) Vi(t) Vo(t) Vx(t) Vx(t) Vi(t) Stage System Add Predistorter Linearize FirstSingle Stage of PA –ISNon-linear atoPredistorter! • Efficiency and Linearity “Compromise” Takes on a Different Meaning Once We Realize This After Lavrador IEEE Microwave Magazine, August 2010 Geometry Types – Different Transistors for Different Purposes! Straight Finger Nb>Ne (BEBEBEBEB) Ne>Nb Round Devices Ne=Nb Horseshoe CBE (EBE) CEB (EBEBEBE) (½E)BEBEB(½E) Device QSM QSM Dot Ring Description M1+BC base finger M1 only on emitter connection QSB QSB BC base finger (extra Cbc) Narrower BC=lower Cbc M1/M2 on emitter QSB_ALT 1 Base, 2 Emitter version of QSB QSF 1 Base, 2 Emitter M1/M2 on emitter (at certain width) QSF QS QS 1B, 1E, 1C, M1 only on E QR True-ring emitter HBT QRH Horse-shoe (ring) emitter HBT QD Dot emitter HBT Only Practically Supportable with Scalable Model Transistor Sizing • Depends on: • Required Output Power • Reliability Limits (Thermal, Electrical) • Performance Requirements • Loss of Stuff After the PA!!! Current Density vs. Output Array Area 0.4 0.35 Current Density (mA/um2) 0.3 0.25 WCDMA 0.2 PCS GSM 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 2000 4000 6000 Output Array Emitter Area 8000 10000 12000 Calculation Example • • • • • Find Power in dBm Convert Power to mW Use Power Supply Voltage to convert to mA Divide by Total Linear Efficiency Pick Device Area to Not Violate Your Current Density Rules! • Working backwords: Divide by device area = current density (mA/um2) In Mike Golio’s Words: A Bit is a Bit, a Watt is a Watt Examples • (GSM PA) Output Power= 36 dBm (=3.98 W), PAE=56 %, 3.5 Volts ⇒ 1.137 Amps/7680 µm2=0.26 mA/µm2 Bias Close to gain peak for GSM • (CDMA/AMPS) Output Power=29 dBm (=0.794 W), PAE=35%, 3 Volts ⇒ 0.667 Amps/5760 µm2=0.12 mA/µm2 Bias for good linearity for CDMA • Fujitsu (1998), Output Power=31 dBm, (1.259 W), PAE=63.2% Driver=8 fingers=320 (Icq=0.0625 mA/µm2), Power=48 fingers=1920 (Icq=0.052 mA/µm2), Vce=3.5 (this is a RESEARCH paper using a “gold-sandwich” device) For Linear PAs, Bias is set by DESIGN, not Technology For GSM, Bias Set to Peak Gain, No Higher Saturated PA Bias (Power Control with CMOS) Base Current Control Silicon Chip • Amplifier output power is adjusted by means of voltage saturation by limiting DC collector voltage (After Ripley, 2009 IMS) • • Amplifier output power is adjusted by means of limiting DC base current Implemented with voltage control through moderate impedance or high impedance current source Bias Circuit Examples and Challenges • • Current Mirror • With applied Vref • Problems cold • Beta sensitive • Bias resistor Vref sensitive Current Ratio, Base Current Compensated Mirror • Problems Cold • Bias resistor sensitive Iref=(Vref-Vbe)/Rref Iref Vbe Vbe 1 + VCE 2 VA A2 1 I2 = I ref 1 + V V A1 1 A BE A 1 + 1 + 2 β A1 1 + VCE 2 VA A 1 I 2 = 2 I ref + V V A1 1 2 A 1 BE A 1+ 1 + 2 2 β + β A1 Figures from: Jarvenin, “Bias Circuits for GaAs,” IMS 2001, pp. 507-510 General Definition of Resistor (Any Kind!) Lbody Lcont dW (∆W) Actual Wbody Lbody: Resistor Length Wbody: Resistor size Lcont: Contact Size, Resistor size, mis-alignment R= 2 RC L + RS (W + ∆W ) (W + ∆W ) (Rc absorbs the dL term) Long Skinny Resistors Depend on dW Short Fat Resistors Depend on Rc Variation Depends on Aspect Ratio Old Pre-BiFET Solutions (CMOS Assisted PA) Multiple Chip Solutions (Flexible / Added Features) – CMOS Integrated Circuit – 6mm x 6mm WCDMA PA CMOS Bias IC (From Fowler, RFIC 2002) Bandgap Voltage Reference Combinational Logic Stage-1 Bias Input Matching Circuit Stage-1 Analog Control Circuit Stage-2 Bias Inter-stage Matching Circuit Stage-2 Output Matching Circuit 2-Stage GaAs PA MMIC 50Ω Matched Power Amplifier Multi-Chip Module Multi-Mode is Pushing Things Back This Way to Include Digital Interface Packaging and Output Match Okay, so now all the “chip” level stuff is decided. For PAs, the packaging (matching network) is also part of the design! The packaging (we won’t go into great detail) involves knowing the assembly accuracy, bond-wires (shapes, etc since they are inductors), and SMD components (values and tolerance). There is some give and take on the array size to accommodate other specs and getting the matching right. Once all this is in place, things are optimized to meet a given performance specification. At least on paper Once You Have Simulation Done, It’s Layout Time! Once the simulations (in this case, just baseline, no statistics) are completed, that schematic must be translated into the technologies (semiconductor and package). The package size is usually known before even simulation is done. The layout is not always done by an electrical engineer (how things are routed matters ELECTRICALLY). Some layout engineers are TOO creative. The exercise of laying out the chip is the same as trying to put 10 lbs of manure into a 5 lb bag. Improper layout generally results in a larger die which impacts fab utilization. This is where many of the design rules, especially spacing rules, via sizes, etc, become important and impact die size. Bond pad size reduction (if the probe guy doesn’t kill you) becomes important here if the design is bondpad size limited (even if it’s not smaller pads shrink the die foot-print dimensions some). Not a Good Time to Color Outside the Lines! Okay, I think My Layout is Done, Now What DRC (Design Rule Check) DRC, or Design Rule Check is run after layout (it’s usually a good idea to DRC blocks as you are doing it if you are doing larger circuits). This check is meant to make sure that whatever got drawn is manufacturable in the fab. It does not, by itself assure that yield will be good or that some problems won’t be created. Again, good layout helps. This is generally where fab engineers first see the designs! Why is DRC not enough? – Bad layout practices can change the electrical performance by adding unwanted resistance, inductance, or capacitance. Good designers actually look at the layouts and include important parasitic elements from the layout into the simulation to see if they are impacting performance. Good designers also do EM simulation at this point to see if there are any issues. – Sometimes one of those creative guys finds a way to lay things out differently than anyone before him that leads to yield failures Design Kit - DRC BP EM Emitter Contact Base Contact Emitter BC Base Contact Base Collector Collector Contact • Physical Structure Sub - Collector Semi Insulating Substrate - • Design Rules – Process Capability Intent, Implementation, Verification, and Release • Width Rule EC.W – Min Width of Emitter Contact • Enclosure Rule EM.E.EC – Min Enclosure of Emitter Contact by Emitter Mesa • Spacing Rule BC.S.EM – Min Space of Base Contact to Emitter Mesa Meaningful Design Rule Names – Easier Comprehension by Designers Isolation Passing DRC DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD LAYOUT! DRC rules are supposed to represent fab capability. – Either developed using test masks or from historical products • Test masks not usually statistical, may not test all topologies Designers are VERY good at exposing “weak points” in the process. Following certain “rules” for good manufacturability can help Rules should be changed in a controlled manner, not “sprung” on design teams at last minute You cannot possible check everything that’s ever gone wrong because of fab events Yield Enhancement Layout 1. Make layouts as small as possible. Smaller layouts have just as good yield as big ones, and you can fit more on a wafer. Use minimum design rules when it makes your layout smaller. 2. Allow greater than minimum spaces if possible. When it does not grow the layout beyond the available space, move elements as far apart as possible. If the layout is wiring limited, spread out the devices, and vice versa. If you have white space, use it! 3. Even out the wiring. Within a layer, spread out the wires, and balance the wiring between levels. Avoid a very dense level matched with a very sparse level. 4. Avoid shorts. Wiring shorts are a more likely problem than opens, so when space is tight widen the spacing rather than the wire width. Also, avoid coincident edges of unconnected metals since the topology may result in shorts. 5. Avoid opens. Most opens occur at contacts or vias, so use redundant vias! 6. Do not add unnecessary wiring. Without a specific electro migration or performance requirement, avoid redundant wires or fattening existing wires. If you find a better way to hook up a node, delete the old one. Resistance of local wiring is normally negligible compared to device conductance (for FETs). 7. Allow Extra Overplots (extensions) where possible For M1-M2 vias and M1 over via if other design rules allow, make the M1 or M2 bigger than the minimum via overlap. This will provide some protection against via etch blow-out. Also, move vias away from edges (center them) if possible. 8. Avoid Small Slivers, notches, or donuts in metallization. Avoid having small protrusions of metal or “notches” since these have problems lifting off and can reduce yield. Also, avoid enclosed shapes in metallization since they may not lift (even very large enclosed openings may present problems!). Layout Close to Finalized – Electromagnetic (EM) Simulations Since we want to be like “good” designers, let’s look at what get’s fed into EM simulation and how that is impacted by process. The first thing is the “EM stack” a definition that goes into the tool based on the information on metal thicknesses and dielectric thicknesses in the processes. For nonplanar processes, this can be tricky since the thicknesses may change with feature size! This information comes from the fab and may or may not be routinely monitored (on actually processed wafers not test wafers). This applies to laminates too. The second thing that becomes important is the GEOMETRY of the metals: drawn width vs. realized width, alignment to layers below, etc. For laminates, even though the features are much grosser than wafer, it is important too! What the EM Simulator Thinks the Back-End Looks Like Top Coat Scratch Protection Metal 3 Interlevel Dielectric 2 V2 (Via) Metal 2 Interlevel Dielectric 1 V1 (Via) MIM Layer NV (Via) Metal 1 GaAs Need Thicknesses, Dielectric Constants, and Sheet Resistances What Back-End REALLY Looks Like Variation of “Back-End” Devices – MIM, Inductors, etc is Also Important Tough to Simulate When Far from “Ideal” Design Kit – Passive Device • Use of EM in Modeling • Passive Structure Described with pCell is Known a Priori • Layer Stack is Known • Terminal Definitions are Known It is possible! • How ? • • • • Extract Geometry Information Predefined Layer Structure Defined the Freq Range from DC to 3Fo Launch EM Behind Scene if Necessary (No Re-calculation if no Changes Were Made.) • Resulting s-param File Included in Circuit Sim. Process Variations Can be Simulated as Well. Circuit: Inductors – Neighbors Matter, Don Not Know Layout On-Chip Inductor Tool Customized in ADS Select inductor type, frequency Enter TW, S, N, ID Calculato r outputs L,Q, etc. Specify required L, Q, layout area Press ‘Select’ to place instance in schematic Selector Mode Calculator Mode Kwok, Mantech 2008 Parasitics and Array Simulation (Teaching Designers to Fish) Simple Multiplicity Factor Pro: Fast/Simple Con: Phase Error >8GHz Transmission Line: Pro: Moderate Speed, Scalable, Easy Con: Accurate Up to 12GHz EM Simulation Reduced Number of HBTs or All HBTs Pro: Easy to Do, No Modeler Required Con: Simulation Speed Bogs Down with Increased Transistor Count Lumped Element Pro: Fast Con: Layout Specific, Hard to Scale Load-Pull Power Sweep with Different EM Approaches Gain Comparison Pout Comparison 22 30 20 25 Pout, meas Gain, meas Gain, EM-1HBT Gain, EM-2HBT Gain, EM-3HBT 16 Gain,EM--12HBT Gain, Simple_M 14 Gain, TLM Pout, EM-1HBT 20 Pout (dBm) Gain (dB) 18 Pout, EM-2HBT Pout, EM-3HBT 15 Pout,EM-12HBT Pout, Simple_M 10 Pout, TLM Gain, Lumped Pout, Lumped 5 12 0 10 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 -15 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Pin (dBm) Pin (dBm) • On-wafer LP measurement at freq=1.9GHz, Vc=3.4V, Ic=14.6mA Ic Comparison 200 180 Ic (mA) 160 Ic(mA), meas 140 Ic(mA), EM-1HBT 120 Ic(mA), EM-2HBT Ic(mA), EM-3HBT 100 Ic(mA),EM-12HBT 80 Ic(mA),simple_M 60 Ic(mA), TLM Ic(mA), Lumped 40 20 0 -15 -10 -5 0 Pin (dBm) 5 10 15 No Huge Differences EM Slightly Better No Impact on Circuit Level Simulation EM (Match and Ground) Challenge: Where is Ground? +45 degree phase Y1 Vcc Y2 DC Feed DC Feed DC Feed Input matching Vcc DC Feed and Harmonics tuning Inter stage matching -45 degree phase Power Combiner DC Block RF IN -45 degree phase Bias circuit 1st stage Input matching Inter stage matching DC Feed and Harmonics tuning +45 degree phase Bias circuit 2nd stage Vcc Vcc Vref Y1 Vref Y2 DC Feed DC Feed DC Feed Y1 Vcc Y2 Why BSV (backside via) is important More important as frequency increases too! W. Sun, Workshop WSO, 2012 International Microwave Symposium V=0; I=0 Defined in circuit Sim (static equation) One single node in circuit Infinite current sink No current between two tied nodes (no inductive/resistive loss) Re-simulate! and LVS (Layout vs. Schematic) With the EM blocks done, now everything gets re-simulated to make sure stuff is okay. While doing DRC, the other thing that can be done concurrently (and should be in-case something get’s accidentally moved while fixing stuff) is LVS, or Layout versus Schematic. LVS compares the simulation information to the on-wafer information to make sure you are building what you simulated. – Checks connections of circuit elements to make sure it’s wired how you want. – This is where checks of device type, area, and value can be performed. – This is generally restricted to die level, but sometime expanded to product level Smiley Face… With simulation done, layout done, design rule checked, and layout vs. schematic verified, it’s time to fab some wafers! Design Kit – LVS • Applications – Layout vs Schematic (LVS) BP EM • LVS Procedure • Extraction of Netlist from Layout Base Contact Emitter Contact Emitter BC Base Contact • Device Recognition Based on Collector Physical Layers • Device Properties Drawn from Sub-Collector Semi-Insulating Substrate Physical Processed and/or Derived Layers Only Exception: Inductive Devices (Same as Interconnect Physically) Base • Netlist from Schematic – Created from Physical Devices, with Handling of Probe Component Behavior Considered (E.g., Voltage source Open, Current Probe Short, etc.) • Comparison of Extracted Netlist from Layout and Netlist from Schematic Myth: LVS depends on pCell – NO! LVS do NOT depends on pCell at All! Most Immature Features in Kit for Compound Semiconductor Technologies Collector Contact Design Kit –Layout Parasitic Extraction and LVS (Full Chip EM ≠ LPE (Layout Parasitic Extraction) • Parasitic Extraction Equivalent Circuit Models of Interconnect NOT Included in Device Model – Appropriate for Broadband Application (Time Domain Sim) • Considerations • Device Model Boundary to Eliminate Double Counting of Physical Effects • Proven for RC, Inductance and Mutual a Real Challenge • EM Engine with Proper Design Hierarchy and Frequency Range • LVS – a Prerequisite for Parasite Extraction Binding the Extraction Results (Equivalent Circuit or S-Parameter) with Original Circuit IC Level Schematic With Simple SMT Physical Verification OK LVS Post Layout Extraction Physical Design With or w/o Connectivity Time Domain CktSim Freq Domain Sim Modeling/Design Philosophy What are the Expectations? Goal of Modeling (for PA) is to Get Designer on the Green – Compact Models are the Drivers, Irons, and Wedges – Correlation of Lab and Simulation Benches is Like “reading the green” – Not as Trivial as Small-signal or Low-frequency Simulations Modeling VARIATION of the Process is More Important than Modeling a “Hero Device” – Variation is Important for Yield and System Performance – Nominal-ness of Measured Part not Obvious Early on There is a LOT More Than Just the Active Device Model That Can Account for Differences Goal of Simulation is to Get Close as Fast as Possible, Predict Trends HBT Circuit Simulation – Parameter Selection Analysis Summary of Parameters and their Effects Device parameters Impacted Model Parameters Observations Vbe Is, Ibei, Iben Controls turn-on voltage and shift both Ic and Ib β Ibei, Iben Controls Ib, Rb and changes DC current gain Re Re Rb Rbi, Rbx Highly correlated to β, affects RF power gain Rc Rci, Rcx Rci is insignificant, Rcx is correlated to Rcsh fT Tf Tracks transit time, depends slightly on base and strongly on collector design Cbe, Cbc Cje, Me, Pe, Cjc, Cjen, Mc, Pc Affect total transit time, impedance and RF gain. Tracks emitter resistance, affects Gm and RF gain HBT Model Development – Parameter Selection Selection Criteria – Model Parameters • Parameters that affect most of device/circuit performance • • • • • DC gain β (Ic/Ib) Turn-on voltage Vbe Series resistances Re, Rb, Rc Junction capacitances Cje, Cjc Transit time Tf • Data available in database from process control measurements • Leverage existing data for fast model development instead of years of data collection. • Parameter set must be device-physics compliant and should be physically non-correlated. Factor Selection - HBT • Base Thickness (BT) • Impacts DC Gain (β), Small-Signal (fT and fMAX), and Base Resistance (Rbsh) • Base Doping (BD) • Impacts DC Gain (β), Small-Signal (fT and fMAX), and Base Resistance (Rbsh) • Collector Thickness (CT) • Impacts Cbc(reverse), Breakdown Voltage, and Small-Signal Performance (fT and fMAX) Base thickness and doping occur as product (Gummel Number) in β and Rbsh and impact many device parameters Collector thickness is supposed to interact with β for ruggedness and impacts a number of device parameters Package Variation (Output Match) Laminate DOE Simulation Tool • Batch Based Momentum Simulations on DOE states to capture the laminate process variations: • • • • Layer over Layer Misalignment Geometry Size Variations Dielectric and Layer Thickness Variations Can Also Be Applied at Die Level • After Completion of the Batch Based simulation, a Symbol is Generated to Enable the Passive Block, with DOE Analysis Results, to Simulator with Other Blocks at the Circuit Level • Pareto charts in ADS Data Display is created once the circuit level DOE analysis is complete. Portion of Output Match Symbol in ADS schematic Seven laminate related variables are defined for DOE analysis Automated Electromagnetic Corner Analysis Laminate Variation Laminate Variations are Also Important For Electrical Parameter Variation! +/-5% From Laminate Only!!! Automated Electromagnetic Corner Analysis Pareto Chart Shows Which Parameter(s) Are Most Sensitive PAE ACPR After World Record Turn Around Time, Your Wafers Are back! It’s Tune-Time! The designer has the wafers, the laminates, and all the other external components. These are assembled and tested. The testing at this point in time is generally more detailed than dispositioning product (characterization). Tested over Power-Voltage-Temperature (PVT). Have to meet spec from low power to rated power, specified voltage range (battery minimum to charger), and -35 to 85C. This is also for every frequency within a band. If performance is not being met for one of the specifications, then there are basically two options. The first option is to “tune” by changing SMD’s in the matching network and/or bond wires. If these work, life is good since the chip does not to be re-spun. The other “parameter” that can be modified with the biasing of the PA or the interstage match (on-chip). Those will require a re-spin (show PA workshop result on what the interstage matching cap does). Show Vincent’s metric. Caveats: designers need to make sure it’s a nominal wafer and nominal laminate or there will be yield problems later. Statistical models help assure the design is robust. So You Think It Works, Right? After characterization of basic specs, there are other specs that must be checked before you can send stuff to a customer: Junction temperature (junction to board Rth) Ruggedness: Does it blow-up when you turn-it on? Does it blow-up under mismatch? ESD: if you zap it, does it fry? Transient performance (switching, etc), stuff they will likely do in the phone. Reliability Testing (product rel). If you have to change something to meet one of these, it is often at the die level so it’s a spin. Note these things are not really related to performance, but may end up trading off with it! These things are often tested towards the end of the development so are usually the most painful/urgent to correct because of schedule Some Examples Gain vs. Temperature Vref=2.6 Volts 30 Gering, PAWS 2002 Gain (dB) 25 20 15 Pgain, T=-30 C, InGaAsN 10 Pgain, T=85 C, InGaAsN Pgain, T=25 C, InGaAsN Pgain, T=-30 C, Control 5 Pgain, T=25 C, Control Pgain, T=85 C, Control 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Pout (dBm) Waveform under VSWR Thermal Scan. Tj<Rel Limit? Ramping… Once the circuit has passed everything (sometimes in parallel to it) it’s time to ramp. This is where the rubber meets the road for the manufacturing. If statistical simulation of the die and laminate has been applied, and sensitivity to bondwires/die placement is minimize/understood, this can go smoothly. Probe limits need to be developed – A goal is to be able to SIMULATE these first – A second best approach is using DOE builds Final test limits need to be developed – Also useful to have DOEs (see Mantech 2004 paper) Survive ramp and keep fingers crossed References M. Glasbrener, “Breaking EDA Barriers” 2002 IEEE MTT Panel Discussion B. Gilbert, “Biasing techniques for RF/IF signal processing”, presented at the MEAD Lecture Series shortcourse lecture, UC Berkeley, CA,1987 P. Zampardi, “III-V HBT Modeling Issues and Future Directions”, CMRF 2004 Workshop, Montreal, Quebec, Canada K. Kwok, “Simple DOE-based inductor tool for design automation”, 2008 CS Mantech Conference, Paper 17.2 Y. Yang, “An Innovative and Integrated Approach to III-V Circuit Design”, Microwave Journal, September 2008, pp. 136-156 W. Sun, Workshop WSO, 2012 International Microwave Symposium A. Metzger, “Evaluation of thermal balancing techniques in InGaP/GaAs HBT power arrays for wireless handset power amplifiers,” 2012 IEEE Topical Workshop on Handset Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications Jarvenin, “Bias Circuits for GaAs,” IMS 2001, pp. 507-510 Ripley , “Power Detection and Control for Handset Power Amplifiers,” IMS Workshop WSF, 2009 Hongxiao Shao – Mantech 2011 Workshop Nick Cheng, “Challenges and Requirements of Multimode Multiband Power Amplifiers for Mobile Applications,” CSICS 2011, pp. 1-4 Acknowledgements The support of the SWKS Newbury Park Design Automation and Device Design Teams is gratefully acknowledged, especially Mats Fredriksson, Kai Kwok, Hongxiao Shao, Weimin Sun, and Yingying Yang