The Electrical Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
The Electrical Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
J. The Electrical Structure Asthenosphere of beneath Institut fur G. the Lithosphere Corrensstmβe Federal Republic (Received August The electrical of Scandinavia tal spatial ed by structure has been gradient the of the crust delineated (HSG) by IMS 811-827, 1983 and Shield 24, of Germany 15, 1983) and the techniques. Scandinavian 35, JONES* Geophysik, Munster, Geoelectr., the Fennoscandian Alan D-4400 Geomag. upper mantle beneath magnetotelluric The analyses magnetometer three (MT) were array and applied regions the to horizon- data complimented record- by telluric observations. Models and compatible northeastern negligibly small quivocal the order a It trical mation, with 1. layer of at of an response conducting is resistivity existence contrast, with depth contrast beneath a qualitative increasing distance in distinctive by in make the southern 10-50Ωm) on known indicates the due that centre demands the of lower the lack of north In the highly and an increase region. depth to long period depth European a une- definite a This asthenosphere the (i) the crust, mantle. for of to (ii) regions. Moho estimate Finland, and the Sweden exhibiting: both the seismic northern Finland in entering quantitative southern towards Moho; beneath in resistivity a measure seismic asthenosphere around with to observed are the observed increase compatible functions across electrical resistivity possible asthenosphere but response Finland function (of magnitude is not the Norway/northern the elecinfor- increases craton. Introduction The lithospheric and asthenospheric structure of shield regions is of paramount importance for determining the tectonic processes that gave riseto their generation. With this knowledge, the geotectonicistcould build physical models of the processes that are, at present, occuring, and accordingly present a viable mantle convection model of the earth. One physical parameter that is very sensitiveto variations in certain other parameters, with which it has a strong affinity, iselectricalconductivity. Many workers believe that a conductivity-depth profileof the mantle, at a certain location, can be directlytranslated into a mantle * Present Address: Earth Physics Branch , Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A OY3. (Previously Geophysics Laboratory, Physics Department, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, MSS 1A7). 811 812 A. G. JONES geotherm for that location, using laboratory data of the conductivity-temperature relationshipof samples of pure minerals, or assemblages, thought to be representativeof the dominant mantle constituents(for example, OLDENBURG, 1981). Such an exerciseis,however, frought with inherent problems (see, for example, DUBA, 1976), and itsvalidityhas been called into question. TOZER (1979) is of the opinion that variationsin electrical conductivity are more strongly correlated to variations in effective viscosity,rather than temperature, with the inference (TOZER 1981) that the role of meteoric water is of extreme importance. Notwithstanding these apparent dissensions,itiswithout question that geomagnetic induction studies over various tectonic regimes can radically constrain mantle models proposed by workers in other geophysical fields.With these considerations in mind, the recent ELAS (for ELectrical ASthenosphere) project attempted to focus the attention of the geomagnetic induction community on the detection and delineation of a possible local maximum in electricalconductivity in the upper mantle. Such a maximum may existswithout corresponding viscosity or seismic velocity minima, if the somewhat speculative carbon theory of DUBA and SHANKLAND (1982) is true. However, the converse is not possible-any minima in effective viscosity or seismic velocity, due to the effects of partial melting and/or water content, must have a corresponding counterpart as a maximum in the mantle conductivity profile. In this work, the results pertinent to ELAS are collated from the various induction studies carried out by the author and co-workers utilisingdata from the IMS (InternationalMagnetospheric Study) magnetometer array in Scandinavia, of 36 modified Gough-Reitzel variometers (KLTPPERS and POST, 1981; KLTPPERS et al., 1979) and 6 digitalfluxgate magnetometers (MAURER and THEILE, 1978), and data from telluricfield observations at two locations (JONES et al., 1983). The derived response functions from three regions of Scandinavia-northern Sweden, northeastern Norway/northern Finland, and southern Finland-certainIy display differing characteristics.Also, they are all markedly dissimilarto the "generalized"responsecurve, constructedby vANYAN et al. (1977),of the regional data from the East European Platform. The differences for northern Sweden and northeastern Norway/northern Finland from the "typical" shield response is that beneath both there must be a highly conducting zone in the upper mantle, at depths of around 100-200km, to satisfy the observations. In contrast, for southern Finland there must be a highly conducting lower crustal layer, which is not present beneath the other regions. This vindicates the previous comments by KLIPPERS et al. (1979) in their explanation of the observed stronger attenuation of the verticalmagnetic field component at short periods (i.e.,100 -1000s period)is southern Finland (south of Oulu) than in northern Finland . The observations made will be described briefly in the following section, and the transfer functions estimated from the data sets will be illustrated,both in terms of the variation of the depth of the eddy current flow with period and their "Bostick" transformations. Section 3 willpresent the best-fittingmodels (found by Monte-Carlo random searches), together with the more objective D+ The and H+ models, models acceptable follows efficacy ture Electrical Structure of (Section 2. Full be and details of the et al. (1979), from the with in with a the of et of at such al. (1983). the 100s of period), three groups near Sauvamaki of Sauvamaki KIR tensor in both which Illustrated Inductive or in analyses. real the Fig. depth (WEIDELT, be of the points (i) The estimated are "centre part the in terms as of responses of of of the WEIDELT, et real the The in-phase Platform, al . (1977), i.e., as two Sweden, and herein are the with any cited considered MT impedance considered. g, of from length, and current current illustrated calculated in the Schmucker's of induced described SAU- references eddy gEEP, and response Finland. units Also on 1980, northern maximum 1975). more (KEV)and functions part, has the the (NAT) SAU-MT, is the techni- (JONES appropriate response the function depth gravity" and East European of VANYAN worthy This the Kevo southern of et employed elsewhere confidence of (2) was 1), element estimated of (HSG) Finland, and most of C(ω). SCHMUCKER are NAT reducing estimates illustrated the the error JONES and of made by at Nattavarra be in tensor the displayed data gradient full of not found responses, considered for the curve Several 2 and MT characteristic will be places detecting Norway/northern off-diagonal Function, can 1972; the function "generalized" MT the are Response part the for the et al. (1983). representative can author They JONES be themselves only the in also in a phase Fig. see between result see made to were derive of (HOP, 20s (1970); were in 20s technique reported Brief- resolution of to HSG (1981), et al. (1983). on spatial (KIR, are considered of thus Kiruna believed functions and The northeastern included-this Also, SCHMUCKER described are describe response and details are are information used will POST temporal would on horizontal observations NAT to SAU-MT 1D, the and and and be the deployment, observations scheme were on a Finland employed (1) the (1969) JONES (this method. - (SAU-MT) HSG the al. centred (SAU) is thought five et Magnetotelluric KEV to these struc- and discrepancy objective and earth: and field timing methods the stations 1982b). above. an magnetotelluric(MT) The of concerning their KLJPPERS with unacceptable devised and southern telluric a hence induction of in The was and response functions drawn to (1978), recorded However, data used, THEILE located 1979). telluric BERDICHEVSKY 1982a, discussion be lithospheric/asthenospheric is referred were one 10s. different ubiquitous error al., was Two reader and of discrepancy geomagnetic que exception and 72° the instrumentation MAURER KLJPPERS any various magnetometers resolution magnetic A will Functions interested ly, map and 813 Asthenosphere functions. conclusions studies Response here-the KiJPPERS 10s, response finaly and Fennoscandia. given data the and induction Observations not 4), geomagnetic beneath to of the Lithosphere JONES in flow, system Fig. from into four distinct "groups", which is the (1982b). note: fall 2 correspond 814 A. G. Fig. 1. Map indicate showing the HSG JorrEs the locations of the five induction sites, whilst the circles depict the studies MT reported in the text. The triangles ones. exactly to a geographical grouping: Group 1, northern Sweden response, displayed by gKIR and gNAT; Group 2, northeastern Norway/northern Finland response of gKEV; Group 3, southern Finland response of gSAU-MT 4, the East European Platform response, BEEP. and gSAU-HSG; and Group (ii)Response function gxEV is very alike gXIR and gNAT at the shorter periods, i.e.<1000s, but differs from them at the longer periods. This indicates that the crustal/uppermost mantle structure beneath both regions is similar,but that the depth to a conducting zone in the upper mantle is less beneath KEV than beneath KIR and NAT. (iii)gSAU-HSG and gsAU-MT are dissimilar to the other responses throughout the whole period range. This suggests that both the crust and mantle structure The Fig. 2. Comparison (EEP) are different gSAU-MT. data were que where of C (ω) for the demands This, a and Asthenosphere five analyses with whilst 1980); the residual MT resulted ρa and in Φ itself, been and the HSG were discrepancy a large estimates. beneath for the 815 East European HSG phase and gKIR from source a Platform data summer for MT MT studies, with gNAT, (b) or and one all winter time time events moderate and hence telluric an HSG and inaccurate of that HSG techni- the spatial varies in BERDICHEVSKY, were the estimated gSAU-HSG (a) the the estimation source of the and that: data; reliable (DMITRIEV between Scandinavia. considering the uniform distance error, northern remarkable manner either horizontal (c) both is rather non-uniform requires data timing has that compatible-compare a different MT manner SCHMUCKER, in highly whilst linear very in Finland there are analysed gradients the part southern functions with have real beneath regions response any of the of the Lithosphere response. (iv) in both ty, Electrical Structure events of high activity; magnetic estimate a 1979; activiand data of (d) would g from 816 A. G. JONES (v) the depth of the "centre of gravity" of the in-phase induced current system in the upper mantle, at 3000s say, becomes progressively deeper as one traverses Scandinavia from north to south, from KEV-KIR/NAT-SAU-EEP, i.e., as one approaches the centre of the North European Craton. (vi)distortion of the telluricfield,by current channelling effects,does not affect the HSG responses, only the MT ones. Hence, the similitudes of the HSG and MT responses infer that there are no appreciable, or detectable, telluricdistortion effects at NAT and SAU. Thus, no DC-type distortion removal factor, of the form discussed by LARSEN (1977) and RICHARDs et al. (1982), need be applied to the MT apparent resistivityresponse curves. That such independent estimations should produce highly compatible responses vindicates the HSG analysis, and subsequent interpretation, of data from the KIR region. It is apparent that any effects due to the high ferromagnetic mineral content in the crustal rocks at Kiruna were removed by smoothing the magnetic fields. To ascertain if the ocean-continent boundary, and/or possible mantle conductivityvariationsbetween the oceanic mantle and the continental mantle, could give riseto two-dimensionality in the response function observed at KIR, numerical modelling was undertaken. Two possible 2D geoelectricmodels for northwestern Scandinavia, taken along a profile running NW/SE from KIR towards the coast (as profile AA' in Fig. 12 of JONES 1981a), were studied. Model a (see Fig. 3) is for the case where the structure is the same beneath the Norwegian Sea as beneath the northwestern edge of the Fennoscandian shield.Model b isperhaps more geophysically plausiblein that beneath the ocean the crust isthinner (absence of sialiclayer) and the depth to the asthenosphere is less.The theoretical MT response functions that would be observed at KIR, at periods of 200s, 1000 s, and 3600s (1 hour), for both the E and H polarizations,and for both models, are indicated in Fig. 3. As can be seen from the illustration,it is not possible at KIR to detect any differences,to within the standard errors, between the 1D best-fittingmodel and either of the 21) models, in the period range of observation. Possible 3D effects due to the irregular coastline were studied by JoNEs and WEAVER (1981). They showed that, for the profile of interesthere, 2D and 3D thin sheet models gave virtually identical responses. That gsAu-HsG should be so much like gSAU-MT confirms the confidence placed by the author in the former (JONES, 1982b). The two longest period estimates of gSAU-MT inFFig. 2 are the preliminary estimates quoted in JONES (1982b), which did not, however, pass the very strictacceptance criteriaapplied to the MT data in the more rigorous full analysis (see JONES et al., 1983). The SAU-HSG data will not be used further as the imaginary part of CSAU-HSG, i.e.,hSAU-HSG is not considered well estimated. First-approximations of the conductivity-depth distributionswere gained from the estimated response functions for KIR, KEV, NAT, SAU-MT and EEP by using the Bostick transformation (BOSTICK, 1977; see also WEIDELT et al., 1980; JONES, 1983). For the HSG responses, there was sufficient confidence in the The Electrical Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere 817 818 A. G. JONES phase information that the "Bostick" resistivities were considered best estimated from the expression given in WEIDELT et al. (1980), which utilisesthe "approximate phase" determination Of WEIDELT (1972). In contrast, for the MT responses, and the EEP "generalized curve", more confidence was placed in the gradients of the apparent resistivitycurves than in the phases-due to the aforementioned problem with relativetiming-and therefore the conventional expression was employed for determining the Bostick resistivity. Figure 4 illustrates the Bostick inversions of the responses considered here (note: SAU refers to SAU-MT). These approximate inversions also suggest various points mentioned above: (i)beneath KEV there is a conducting zone beginning at around 120 km depth; (ii)KIR and NAT are very compatible and indicate a conducting zone beginning at around 170-200km depth; (iii)beneath SAU there is a conducting lower crust, and at long periods there is the indication that the SAU structure approaches that beneath EEP; and (iv)the EEP response is radicallydifferent from all of the others-note that for 103s period all the Scandinavian responses are around 125km depth, whilst the EEP response is at a depth of 250km. Fig. 4. The "Bostick" inversionsof the response functions.The solid circlesare the responses at 100s, whilst the open circlesare those at 1000s. The 3. Electrical Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere 819 Models Acceptable 1D geoelectric models were discovered from the response functions by the Monte-Carlo random search procedure of JONES and HUTTON (1979). Although the Monte-Carlo approach is known to be impractical if the dimension of the search space is large, i.e.,if the number of model parameters is Large, for a small number of parameters itsadvantage of not having to assume linearity gives it superiority over other available methods which necessitatelinearizingthe inversion problem (PARKER, 1983). The ranges of the acceptable model parameters will not be shown here-they are to be found in the other referenced publications-only the best-fittingmodels discovered will be considered. For the Monte-Carlo searchs, the "best" - defined as the models that minimise AMPDIF and PHADIF as defined in JONES and HUTTON (1979) - 4-layer models are illustratedin Fig. 5. These models were discovered with the a priori informa- Fig. 5. The "best-fitting" 4-layer models to the response functions, with the interpreted EEP of VANYAN et al. (1977). model 820 A. G. JONES tion, or "problem constants", WESTERLUND, 1980): 1972) KEV; mantle (same 3000Ωm (from Fig. to ρ1=104Ωm interpretation as by VANYAN as by et al. (1977) al., et al., 1983). the (same NAT; and of of et ρ4=5Ωm KIR): KIR): Joys data BUNGUM and under NAT conducted AMT from found beneath measurements Moho ρ3=80Ωm KEV assumed (from to Moho), beneath crust AMT KIR; (depth (depth assumed upper 5 is the of: d2=46km d2=46km resistivities 104Ωm in and ρ1= SAU; ρ1= Also shown "generalized" EEP response. The inclusion responses was depths for were be cient the forced found long that This satisfied at the certainly crustal data (longer below KIR, equally for due 150km KIR the SAU, at However, the between models of SAU of KEV Moho 3-layer because existence resistivity and known case. NAT, required the any be and For are to the at the to KEV well. periods locations layer), 46km boundaries discovered responses, the other at if geoelectric was information than boundary discover Scandinavian period lower layer to northern mantle ting a permissable. all three could of undertaken insuffi- for probing highly conduc- 1-200Ωm is acceptable. In order diverse assessments ascertain 1983) D+ models, that the Table misfits response analysis models H+models originate error infer 10% were then are then were sought those at can the data smoothed which with just largest 90% X2 reject level of in a 900 acceptable values 1D the for PARKER's misfit the The in manner. s are to any for (note: models Fig. are 6. The rejected from inversion). The X2 the statistic. layer the hypothesis confidence illustrated Monte-Carlo possible had independent response). are s and the to EEP them 190 the able interpreted at for were the the the of be be above employing response, to for 250km all responses after points earth given dramatically, undertaken each assumed upper too were for statistic 1D constraints space responses Lists, X2 a the is acceptable (these the was and that l a priori model the from of 2, of Table with the the inversions together data in whether restricting schemes. astandard given by and (1980, X2 to effect The KEV the H+ These parameters, Table 1. The misfitofthe responsefunctionsto theD+ models listedinTable 2,and theminimum misfit to be ableto rejectthe hypothesisthatthe data are from a 1D earth,atthe 90% levelofconfidence. KEV* isthe KEV response without the two anomalous, and physically unacceptable, gKEV values at 190s and 900s (see Fig. 2). The Table and are therefore be seen that 2. of section. the least H+ for the response delta-like. models the points For the electrical and functions These are very models Asthenosphere 821 of interest in this work. modles reproduce "best-fitting" satisfy then geophysically the crust, however, lower As that dinavia the highly display thus are significant crust, conductivity Scandinavia. and D+models of the Lithosphere shown in faithfully illustrated all in Fig. Fig. 7. the pertinent It can 5. Discussion Various in The the characteristics 4. Electrical Structure observed there the does the not responses conducting the 3-layer at KIR, upper them is radically as Type different Ⅱ in the be a lower Note that the range crustal models These and all models Joys layer. previous variation for (1981b). This northern can be found models would uppermost 100-300Ωm to the beneath KEV. crust in substantial boundary and according lower to geoelectric NAT crust, resistivity presented seismic asthenosphere. electrical models appear Moho previously, represent classifying there across mentioned an about layer mantle, northern Scan- for lower the Beneath SAU is highly con- 822 Fig. 6. The D+ models listed in Table 1. A. G. for the response JONES funcitons discussed herein. The misfits to the data are The Fig. 7. The H+ Electrical Structure models that the X2 derived misfit was by of the Lithosphere inverting the maximum and the response permissable, Asthenosphere functions i.e., these with 823 a layer parameter such are the least delta-like acceptable models. ducting, is of very resistivity difficult graphitization very to BUNGUM et Finland be the very response, beneath not of may upper similar SAU exceptionally no there Moho their in be to but the one an mantle, of 3). such restriction indication fixed was that JONES, H+inversion locations where the et a quite Fig. al., seismic for a According is at (see (JONES as provides layer. correlates inversion and theories layer Finland depth 1981b), speculative underlying southern transition was the This Parker's few Ⅲ, such conducting beneath depth well 7), and 1983). of with the Hence, Moho transi- zone. resistivity value so. the the (this is the highly Monte-Carlo electrical to it and Table in the (Type recourse between 62km 42km corresponds For to (1980), zone of 10-50Ωm This resistivity (see depth southern tion in al. transition range without serpentinization. 45-49km average the explain contrast between the or large in to beneath in the applied the KEV, Monte-Carlo in upper Parker's mantle KIR and search H+ is more NAT for appears the inversion), resistive, KEV but but 824 A. G. JONES The most quirements all pertinent of three a (KIR zone of 105km was the was about 200s Bergen was MT For ferent groups Sweden ed that (such a models 2D can also be infer towards the ahighly conducting and S, which integrated a depth (see this a stable implies SAU, the showing a not earlier at 250km a than the H+model of more rigourous et by al.'s gsau analysis of the 3.8Ωm some (1977) NAT, the zone integrated of of 8000 criterion 4500S than inversion models indicates of interpretation the H+ resistivity i.e., for KIR progressively Beneath s best-fitting However, product VANYAN 3000 propos- beneath The moves thickness, confirmed the true. 178.5km 1982b) 1977; the than one KIR, dif- beneath NOLET, to from be as 1000S). at models interpretation). to of 18km depth is not from 1979; NAT thins Beneath (JONES, zone, zone depths 1D have by shallower well Spitz- Three velocity Fucxs, the a depth and not geolectric low a conductivity-thickness 4.1Ωm is West (1982a). indication, and greater of higher estimates conducting JONES beneath affect at around had on acceptable by and is the craton. he highly comparible deeper does by of is somewhat (1965) seismic very deepens depth parameter a coninter- the the MT for gEEP, data MT response of data. Conclusions In this paper, studies quite able patible of to The two results shown giving delineate response possibility the have capable position. the 2), derived These be which beginning 203km, asthenosphere 5. at There seriously conductivity of For Fig. function zone. not This the detail of is slightly the zone 30km. conductivity. an of of a 115km. of is a "well-developed"asthenosphere (adepth is at in all asthenosphere centre thickness - electrical the of (CASSELL 1980) found than presence in model to peninsular a which OELSNER the observations would this by depth discussed asthenosphere effect a they existence their the hence the nor- formal Kola zone at to beneath the at period correlation been HELMBERGER, conducting models, the has proposed explain and highly ones have to GIVEN at the 80Ωm re- beneath closer transition from conducting 1960's indicating Sweden, seismic the and early beginning to longest 1), the on 600Ωm be than a comes Lovozero of for KEV the surface to (KEV) evidence are the appears Finland from Fig. in as 1Ωm, northern the his work of zone beneath resistivity however, 200km This Vladimirov's interpreted resistivity with but (see Also, within at transition The value, project, Independent depth recorded A interpreted. KEV resolved. zone NAT). data (197E)). ELAS stations. 100km MT VLADIMIROV the Norway/northern and at around pretation than conducting northeastern Sweden ducting for Scandinavian beneath thern of highly northern surface results various estimated the methods functions. of of conclusively telluric studies geomagnetic functions asthenosphere employed, distortion induction response electrical This that MT and effectively effects with and HSG, eradicates on the MT have been induction sufficient any with surprisingly very aspersions responses, or are accuracy its variations gave collated. techniques to lateral com- concerning of significant The magnetic field The Such zone existing at a the is that the depth of of one around the centre the of the Lithosphere the iron beneath deeper less than 300km on Spitzbergen, to north this al. zone increases European Two of distinct the existence impression increasing This theory given lateral gains a highly the surface. is interpreted European analyses, with craton. East exist of and the other must 200km SAU, postulate the there beneath (1977). Thus, Kiruna. within centre 825 Asthenosphere at 10Ωm) the et depth. deposit 150km beneath and Scandinavia than VANYAN West ore northern resistivity 100km depth of (i.e., be and at by that must model peninsular zone show zone a from distortion results conducting Electrical Structurc one of on the Kola a conducting by these distance weight as Platform from studies towards the obser- vations of ADAM et al. (1983) on the Karelian megablock. They report that the Niblett inversion (which is exactly the same as the Bostick inversion, see JoNEs, 1983) of their data shows a continuous decrease of resistivitywith depth with aform very similar to that of the EEP curve illustratedin Fig. 4. The other result of importance is the requirement of a conducting lower crust beneath southern Finland. This zone explains the previously observed stronger attenuation of the vertical magnetic field component at locations south of the Svecokarelian fault compared to that observed to the north of it (KUPPERS et al., 1979). It could also explain the observations by PAJuNPAA et al. (1983) of differences between western and north-eastern stations of their magnetometer array which straddled the Svecokarelian fault. The author is indebted to many colleaguesand friendsin Scandinavia and MUnster who aided in the organizationand executionof the magnetometer array.The listisendless -please referto the Acknowledgements in KUPPERS et al. (1979).He wishes particularly to mention the continualhelp and guidance given him by Professor J. Untiedt and Drs. W. Baumjohann and F. Kuppers whilstat Munster. Three groups in Scandinavia made the induction work, particularly the MT phase, both possibleand enjoyable;namely B. Olafsdottirand Dr. F. Eleman of Uppsala (Swedish GeologicalSurvey),Professor S.-E. Hjelt,Dr. P ..Kaikkonen, J. Tiikkainen and K. Pajunpaa of Oulu(Geophysics Department, Oulu University), and Drs. C. Sucksdorffand R. Pirjolaof Helsinki(Geomagnetism Division,Finnish Meteorological Institute). Dr. R. L. Parker is thanked for providing the coding of his inversionroutines. The author was supported by grantsfrom the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaftwhilst in Munster, was a guest of the Swedish GeologicalSurvey for fivemonths, and has been supported by Natural Sciencesand Engineering Research Council of Canada grants to Professors G. D. Garland, R. N. Edwards and G. F. West (NSERCC A2115, NSERCC GO501) whilst at the Universityof Toronto. He wishes to express his appreciationto all three bodies. REFERENCES ADAM, A., L. L. Acomparison J, Geophys., VANYAN, S. E. HJELT, of deep geoelectric 54, 73-75. 1983. P. KAIKKONEN, structure P. P. SHILOVSKY in the Pannonian Basin and and on N. A. PALSHIN, the Baltic Shield, 826 A. G. JONES BERDICHEVSKY, M. spatial BUNGUM, H., J. R. S. F. 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