View Full Name Index - Upper Shore Genealogical Society of
View Full Name Index - Upper Shore Genealogical Society of
]Dm-a1rHs PwpLEsH-EnD rnun THr PaeraiRs Vou-uME n The Upper Shore Genealogical Society has been given obituary collections from members over the yea$. The collection has become so large, that in order for them to be useful to all of our members, we are now publishing them, with full name indexes for easy use. Not ali of the obituaries contain dates of death, but we have included some of those in each volume so as not to lose the genealogical information included. With the place of burial being indicated, the date of death can be found in our tombstone recordings if the burial took place in our Upper Shore counties. Otherwise, with the date of birth and the age atdeath the death date can be determined in most cases. We have provided the year whenever possible. Each volume will include an assortment of years, counties of residence, and newspapers. The known newspapers that these obituaries are taken from are the : Denton Joumal, The Times Record, Record Observer, Star Democrat, Bay Times, Kent County News, News and Farmer, The Pilot, Delaware State News Thanks to those who have participated to date by donating, clipping, pasting or indexing Louise Scott Sue Thompson Jean Kelly, her mother and aunt Joyce Obtreal Mary Engle Shirley Cahall Cindy Schmidt Debbie Moxy Barry Adkins Upper Shore Genealogical Society @2010 Aaton, Catolyn A. Aaron, Aaron, Aaron, Aaron, Dotr Ida Belle Oscat Patdcia Robert Aaron, lfilliam O.,Jr. Aaron, William O., Sr. Abbott, I"ola Abele, Betty Abey, Jessie, trdrs. Abrarns, George Abrams, MaryTarbox Ackers, Judy Adams, Barban Adams, Chades 52 52 52 80 52 52 52 104 72 62 65 65 57 5 17,65 Allen, Helen Maclean A[en,James A., St. Allen, Lena Allen, Lena Alen, Lovemma AIen, Margaret Ann AIen, Matgatet Fluharry A[en, percy 26,45 F;aryLake Adams, Adams, Adams, Adams, Frank Fted T. Fteddie 65 45 65 26 Altofi C. Eugene 64 Altvater, Elsie A. C. 65 Amatucci, Thomas, Mrs. 62 Ambrose, Lauta V. Johnson 65 Ambrose, Louise 80 Ambrose, Skelton Eugene 113 Anders, Doris Elizabeth 65 Anders, Hazel 65 Andersen, Chatles 26 Andersea, Helen 26 Andetsen, Mathilde Olson 45 Anderson, Agnes Cecelia 65 Anderson, Calvin 64 Andersor5 Chester D. 65 Andersoa, Chestet M. 26 Anderson, Edward 65 Anderson, Emory 89 Anderson, Frcdedck T. 74 Anderson,Jackie 104 Anderson,LuluJones 21 Anderson, Ml&ed 2 Anderson, Surnmer 61 Andetson, Terry D. 63 Andetson, Ttrelma 38 Anderson, Thelma Towets 9 Anderson, Timothy D. 9 Rnaerson, Valede 9 Andrcw, Addison 9 Andrew, Chades E. 10 Andrew, Lloyd 65 An&ews, Arthut 65 Andtews, Blanche 61 Aldtews, Bornie Sue 26 Andrews, Hannah Mddleton Adams, Jessie Strawbetry Adams, Adams, Adams, Adams, Adarns, Adams, Adams, ktoy Loretta Patsy Mary Oscar Reaa Montaque Richard Samantha Adams. Sedonia Adams, Wayne !7. Adams,'Will Adams, lTilliam Adams, Willie Adkins, Amanda Adkins, Betty Agan,Janice Albrechq Elizabeth Alexander, Carolyn B. Alexander, Ida Aliston, Satah Allaire, Flora Alleger,Jan Alleger, Mchele Alleger, Sandra ke Alleger, Scott Allea, Buleah M. Allen, E. Orville Allen, Evelyn I. Allen, Flossie Allen, Greg Anthony,Wtlliam 47 71 93 2 7L Anthony, William David Antone, David Armbrister, DuBos t6 Armetta, Edna 70 I Arnie,Jean H. 79 19 Amold, Edna 24 109 Amold, Mary 11.2 109 Asche, Alfred 72 109 Asche, Catlton Ashley, Anna Phillips Fredetick Ashley, Bevedy C. Ashley, Ellen 72 Ashley,John M.,Jr. Ashley,John Malcolm 22 Ashley, John Malcokn, III Ashley, John Malcolm, Jr. 27 59 26 65 32 65 Douglas H. Martin 77 78 Allen, Vemon Palrner Alonso, Thomas Alston, Andrew Alston, David Alston, Faonie Hatdy Alston, Geotge Alston, Hattie Bryant Ahtoa,James Akton,Joha T. Akton,Johnnie IC Ahton,Joseph Alston, Robert Dorothy EmoryLee 17 71. Anthony, Alan Anthony, Chatles E., St. Anthony, Chades Norman Anthony, Donald Anthony, Donald G. Anthony, Doonie Anthony, Dotothy H. Anthony, Frank Anthony,John Edward Anthony,John G. M. Anthony, tenaie Anthony, I-onnie Anthony, Mrry C. Bartlett Anthonn Melvin Anthony, Satah Dixon 56 65 Adams, Adams, Adams, Adams, Adams, Elizabeth Thomas 41 Allen, Robert L. Allen, Yemon Gregory 65 65 .{.dams, Clarence Andrews, Isabel McC. Angus, Betty ke Anthony, A. Haymaker 714 65 65 76 71 77 7l 7l 71 71 28 35 54 54 54 75 115 115 115 98 72 115 7 115 102 115 115 65 115 115 29 63 46 9 10 88 9 Ashley,Joseph Astrlen Margaret Gadd Ashley, Mary Ashley, Phillip Anthony Ashley, Sydney, Gadd r02 112 22 17 108 77 17 112 17 t71 tlL t7 17 93 62 t7 108 8 8 32 27 27 18 27 19 27 27 Ashley, Vernon Ashley, lTilliam Ftededck Ashley, William Jacksoa Ashman, Phyllis Astarita, Mary B. 83 Atkinson, Edward Stanley Atkinson, Mldred S. 90 Atlinson, Thomas Atwell, Cliftoo 90 Atwell, Nellie Atwell" Oliver\7. Austin, F. Eugene Ayers, Anna H. Ayres, Howatd R. 15 Aytes, Robert R. Bacon, Anne Marie 8 8 57 79 90 15 15 50 9 77 4 33,1r5 III 25,87 Bassett,James 74 99 Bassett, 74 99 Bassett, Joseph \7., Jr. Bassett,Joseph W., Sr. 74 74 Edward T.,Jr. Eleanor !7ade 33,175 16 Bambary,James Banks, Gertnrde Banks, Leonard Ida Mae 33,115 Banks, Mary 29 Bacon,James 33,115 33,175 Barmrsg, Carrie D. Banoing, Dorsey !(. 72 Bacon,JosephJohn Bacon, Marioire May Bacon, Marjode Bacon, Marjode V. Bacon, Martin Allen Banning Russell A. Banaing, Vivian A. Bannvart, Helen 72 76 Basset! Richatd H. Bast, Carrie Bateman, Agnes Bateman, Ralph C. Bateman, Ralph C.,Jr. Barber, Margaret Barcon, Raymond G. Barcus, Evelyn C. 18 Bateman, Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, Edward T., Bacon, Raymond G. Bacon, Raymond G.,Jr. Bacon, Roaald ke Bacon, Vemon Bacon, William Bacon, William R. Bacoa, STm. R. Baford, Mel Bailey, Carrie Bailey, Eugene khman L. (Iumip) 33,115 33,115 115 35 33,115 33,L15 JJ 72 37 John 74 50 78 78 78 Villiam 78 1i5 Bates, William 41 2l Batko, Catherine Fish 78 )1 Batlo, Ftank 78 174 Batko, Ftank E. 78 106 Batlo, Itene M. 78 78 36 115 Barcus,J. lfalsh Batcus, T.illian Barcus, Mary T illi21 JJ Batcus, Villiam James, Sr. 106 JJ 72 IJ Badieb, Dave Badieb, Kenneth Bames, Ead A., Sr. 75 Bames, Eatl Allea,Jt. 51 Batko, Richard W. Batko, Staaley Batko, Walter Bauger, Lisa Baughet, Alice Chtista 51 Baugher, Roget 51 Baumner, Gertnrde Madeline 33,1r5 33,t15 59 72 51 78 78 45 36 75 Bames, Margaret Rawles Bailey, Mary Bradley 75 Bames, Mary IC Bailen Phillip Baiaes, Kathedne Baines, Robert 75 Bames, Viki A. 51 B a:uzierc, 91 51 Bauziere, Eugene 4 34 101 Baker, Albert 19 Baxtet, Elva Clough Baxtet, Evelyn Baxter, Florence Hall 57 Baker Caroline Shemreyer Baker, Edwatd Baker, Hatold E. Baker,Jacques T. Baker,Jarnes Baker,Janet M. Baket, L. Bradley, Dt. 101 Bames, S7alter H. Barnett, Valery Barroll David O. B. Barroll" David O. V. Bartolt Hendetta Baxte4 Hilda 78 101 Bardebaugh, David 57 56 86 72 Bardebaugb, Donald Bartlebaugh,Joyce A. Bartlett, Grace B. 57 86 Barton, Anna Mutray 43 Baker, Leoaa R. 67 Barton,J. Ftank Barton,J. Hall Barton,J. Robert Barton,James H., 38,43 Baxter, Hilda Sterling Baxter,James Baxter, Rollison Baxter, Samuel Jenniogs Baxtet, Shaton Baxter, Steding Roy 43 Baxtet, William Jennings 56 38 Baxte\Zell 57 Bailey, 53 Baket, Martha Baket, MaryJane Baker, Mary Sydney Martin 83 Baker, Vemon 13 Baker, Virginia Baker, !7. Raymond Baker, Willye Cora Taylot 76 Truitt Il 8 4 44 57 3l son 85 712 772 30 60 31,85 60 56 25 56 43 Baylis, Marianna 91 38,43 Baynard" Anna V. 66 46 Baynard, Bessie 6l 64 lTiIson 38 Baynard, Cheryl L. 65 94 Bartoa, Loula Morgan Jump Barton, Margaret T. 38,43 Baynard, Dorothy Baynard, Florence Baynatd, Leroy Baynatd, R. Shetman Btyratd,Victoria E. 44 43 43 59 Barton, Morris T. Barton, !7. Edward Ball, Geotge O. Ball, Helen 59 Barton, W. Marvin 38 104 27 Ball Jack 59 Barton,'William Barton, William Edwatd 59 Barton, WilliamJames Barwic\ I-ouise C. Barwick, Mary Steveos Barwick, Mlton Ire B es Barton,James H.,Jr. Barton, Kathedne Merrick 67 Balke, MaryAnn BalI, Clois Ball, Emma Ba[Judy Antinette 59 59 43 52 46 79 53 I 38 Baynum, Dotothy Beachet, Georgia Carol 40 38,43 Beachy, Barbata 49 89 52 89 Beall,Joseph Beall, Lemuel Beart, Ronald 96 Beasley, Kenneth 3 Alberta 83,90 Ball, Lucille Ball, Mark Ball, Mary Ball, Richard 59 59 Barwick, William A. Balt Robert 59 Bass, 47 Beattie, Alice R. 56 Ball, Terry Bambary Eva Belle 59 Bassett, Amanda Humphdes 74 Beattie, Sam 56 87 Bassett, Beniamin 74 Beauchamp, Lorreta 59 Bambary,Jack 87 Bassett, Daniel 74 Beauchamp, Ruth 2l 74 96 52 101 Beauchamp, Ruth A. 87 60 7 Blackiston, Notman Blackiston, Ralph Blackiston, Thomas F. Blackiston, STilliam Blackiston, Woodrow Blackwell, Dotothy 7 Blades, B. S. Blades, E. Sheldon,Jr. Blades, Ida Blades, Mary Blades, I\4elvin Blades, William Blait, Ginget Blair, Hank Blair,Janet Blair, Richard Blair, Robert Blake, Charles W'ayne Blake,Joyce Blale, Nannie Blake, Robert Blakeslee, Maud Robetts Lee Blakeslee, Wnthrop Hobbs Blann,June Blann, Lois Blatlo,Joseph W. Blazagak, Shirley!7. Blazeiak"Shidey!7. Bledsoe, Diane Blessing, Howard Bhzzard,Nler Bloom, Howard 75 Bloomfield, An12 [d612'rghlin Bloomfield, H. Chester Bloomfield, Herbert !7. Bloomfield, Marion !7ells Blum, Geoffrey Ii Blum, Howard G. Blum, Vitgioia Goodruin 80 Bhrnt, Beulah Hammond Bh:nt, Edna 29 Bhmt,Jacqueline Blunt,John Blunt, Kennard Blunt, Mary Quillen Blunt, Mchael Blunt, Noah W. Blunt, Noah W.,Jr. Blunt, Olin Blung Phillip Blunt, Raymond Blunt, Samuel Boecker, GladysJ. Bolt, Wise Bomberger, Beattice Bond, Chades 77 Bentley, Ftancis 7 Bechel, Betty E. 33,77 Beotley, James 7 Beck, Mariorie Becker, Carolyn 4,47 7 Beecher, Edwirl Mathews 109 Beecher,James W. 109 Bentley,John F.,Jr. Bentley,John F., St. Bendey,Joseph Bendey, Margaret Bentley, Thomas Bentley, lTaltet 7 6 Bentley,William Benton, F. Dudley BergJackylyn, Mrs. 6 Berkey, Frannie Seese 46 74 Berkey, William D. 46 74 Berry, Gertrude V. 8...r,, J. Richard Berry, L. Ftancis 69 69 72 Beecher, Sallie E. Nutter 109 Beecher, Vfubrook N. 109 Beechet, Ifendell M. 109 Beekman, Edward,Jr. Beekman, H. Edward, 6 III Beekman, MaryUoyd Beevet,Jefftey T. Beever,Johrr Beever, Irroy A. 74 Beever, Leroy A.,Jr. 74 Beevet, illian Kirsch 74 7 7 7 7 100 69 69 Beevet, RuthJ. 74 Beevet, William Beevet, William T. Behems, Gordon Behre, Elisabeth 74 Berry, \7. Irland Berqrman, Raymond JosePh Bertomeu, DeborahJean Bertomeu, Susan Louise besanceney, Theodore, Mrs. 74 Bessey, Olive 74 36 74 Beilly, Bryon Bell Clay Bell, Floyd Be[ Fred 64 Betts, Della Betts, Roosevelt Beyet, Cathedne 64 Beyer, 63 Bicldin& Louise Biddle, Dords Bigelow,Jack Bildstein, Edward Bildsteio, Iilliaa Frampton Bildstein, Martin Bildstein, Virginia Birch, Blanche Virginia Bishoff, Bruce Bishoff,Joseph Bishoff, Timothy T Mlton 74 Beever, Patrick 74 Beevet, Bell,John 36 64 64 Be[Joseph, Mts., 70 Bell, Lena 59 Belt Tillis Mae Btown 64 Bell, Noble Bell, Stella Stockley Benner, Mchael Bennett, Cleophas Bennett, Connie Bennett, Edith Beonett, Gtace W. Bennett, Guy V. Bennett,James N.,Jr. Bennett,James N., St. Bennett, Kenneth Bennett, Lucy Bradley Bennett, Mae Beanett, Matjorie 64 Bennett,Wiliiam Benney,J. Medford Benney,J. Medford,Jr. 67 Beoney,Joseph M.,Jr. Beoney, Benney, Ijllie F. Ijllie Faulkner 64 54 67 65 Viginia 25 173 11.3 75 74 27 108 81 24 11 5t 8 8 8 90 95 95 95 Bishop, Richatd BlackJohrr Black, Francis, Mrs., 23 55 76 Blac\Jefftey Blac\John H. 42 Blacl MaryHenry 47 67 Black, Phyllis A. Blackbum,Jessie L Blackburn, Mary Ellen !7ebb Blackbum, Vedander Blackiston, Annie A. 77,108 Blackiston, Ethel Lorraine Blackiston, Hendetta 37 Blackiston, Jennings 97 Blackiston,John L. Blackiston,John I7. 97 Blackiston, John'$7., Mts., Blackiston, Joseph T. Blackiston, Lary 97 67 76 76 76 7A 67 78 78 78x -79* 78 Benney, Marvin L. 78 Benney, Ruth Benson, Lucille Bentley, Alice 25,45 2 41 98 41 53 5J 53 97 60 97 60 37 37 60 60 60 1 54 104 26 53 104 43 43 43 43 43 6 6 21 2l L74 174 46 85 78 64 73 713 55 104 72 80 80 80 76 76 75 88 29,46 29,46 29 29 29 29 88 29 29 88 23 13 56 98 Bond, Bond, Bond, Bond, Edna D. Leorr Richard 98 Robert 98 98 98 Bonftager, TillieJ. Book, kslie Booker, I\{argatet Starkey Booker, Robert I-esilie 49 Boone, Chades S. Boone, Frank Clark Boone, Ftank Thomas, Jr. Boone, Herbert 103 45 Bowet, Bower, Bowet, Bower, Edward, Sr. Etic Lynn Lefa Mark H. Bower, Thaddeus Bowers, Frank C. 174 Bowets, George Bowets, Herbert Bowers, Ida Bowers, Ida V. 114 174 Bowers,John F. Bowets, Mchael Boone, Herbert Chades Boone, Marnie Faulkner Boooe, N^ory Rebecca Boone, Paul 714 Bowets, Sarah Flanaery Bowman, Elizabeth Holloway Bowman, George C. Robert RobertJ. 103 Boone, Boone, Boone, Boone, Boone, Booze, Booze, 23 23 703 114 114 56 Roland Thomas Chatles 103 lTillatd Daniel Mles 114 Denise Ruth Booze,Lisa Gayle Bordley, Alexandet Bordley, Bordley, Bordley, Bordley, Bordley, Bordley, Bordley, Bordley, 1t4 106 106 106 106 Bowmaa, GeorgeW. Bowman, Molly Hoffet Bowman, Paul Bowser, Mary Coleman Boyce, Ida Mae C. Boyd, Allan Boyd, Clifton Boyet, Albert F. Boyer, Albert Frederick Boyer, Chester Boyer, Neta B. Boyet, Neta Baker Alexander, III Alexandeq St. 106 A:rna Catoline 55 106 Boyle, C. Fraok Boyles, Mary ke Chatles 55 Boyles, Sadie Frank 106 Boyles, Sadie E. Latricia Louise 55 Mary 106 Bozak,Bunky Bozzk,Virgioia 106 106 Bozeck, Elizabeth Bradley, Blanche Bradley, Elizabeth 55 Bradley, Josephine Botdley, Mozella 106 Botdley, Roy Bordley, Thomas Borga, Bessie M. Borga,John E. Borga, William A. Boros, Mary Bostic, James Bostic, Mchael Bostic, Raymond Bostic, Richard 55 Bostic, Vicky Lynn Boulais, Violet Bowdeo, Adeen Bowerl Emestine E. Bowen, Geotge La Roque 67 Bowen, Reba Bowen, Robert B. Bower, Amy DeWitt Bower, Brooke l,ogan Bower, E. Harold Bowet, Edward, III Bowet, Edwad,Jr. 55 55 14 102 702 Bradley, Mary Bradley, Mary Theresa Bradley, Medfotd Bmdly, Blanche Bmdshaw, Harriett t02 Bradshauz, Samuel rc2 Bramble, Addie Reed Bramble, Delnus M. Bramble, Heston H. 50 87 40 40 9l 40 65 65 Bramble,James Bramble, Orrena Elizabeth Brannock, Ead E. Bratcher, Lottie Bray, Edmund H., Sr. Brcackenddge, Elsie Breackenridge, Evelyn Uoyd 65 Bteackenridge, Sidney Oliver 7l Bteeding Dorothy Breen, Agnes Pinder 71 Breen, Edith 71 Breen, Henr,v C. 65 Bteen, SudlerP. 65 Breen, I7illiam 65 65 Btennet, Page Kelly Bresnick, Alice Beck 55 Bresnick, Bruce 55 Btesnick, Dorothy 93 Bresnick, Gilbert 59 Bresnic\ Helen 93 Bresnick, William 55 Bressler, Bruce 55 Bressler, Clatke S. 55 16 Btessler, Clarke S.,Jr. Bresslet, Constance 68 Bressler,Josephine M. 16 BrewinSon, Hazelwood 68 Brewington, Hazelwood, Mts. 2 Bdce, Albert 86 Brice, David 75 Brice, Richard 23 Brice, Ruth Coxon 23 Bridges, Bobby D. 90 101 Bridges, Elizabeth Bowie 100 Bridges, Margaret Eade 101 Btidges, Stacy D. BtighgJames 90 Bright, William 27 Bdnsfield,Wiliam i^-l 'uL'ch'n 28 78 Britt, Katen Brittingham, Yirginia W. 54 Btoadway, Ullian 33 Brockman, Golda 33 115 Brogley,James F. 106 Brogley,John E. 33,77 Brohawn, Vkginia Brooks, Agrres 79 Brooks, Beulah 47 Brooks, Dotothy 24 Btooks, Elnor 5 114 Btooks, Enos R. 22 Brooks, Geotge Tilghman Brooks, Gladys 22 14 Brooks, Helen Btooks, lillian 19 14 Btooks, Mrty E. Btooks, Mrq, L. 74 Brooks, Paul E. 14 Brooks, Robert 38 Btooks, STalter 97 Brooks, William E. 44 Brooks, Wilsoo E. 92 92 Brown, Anrrie 92 Brown, Audrey Brown, Avis 62 Brouzn, Betty 56 56 56 56 56 2 28 28 28 28 28 28 51 51 51 51 51 39 39 47 13 13 13 95 95 66 95 t1 71 51 88 86 59 16 76 76 77 105 58 39 111 58 111 97 2 58 96 58 58 ll1, 111 58 58 12 98 86 52 Brown, Chades Brown, Clara 86 Bryan, Fraoces Elizabeth Price 53 52 Brown, Elsie Brown, Freddie,Jr. 92 Bryaa,J. Edgat Bryan,James E.,Jt. Bums, Edward Bums, Elizabeth Olivia 79 53 53 Harrison 79 38 Bums, Ftances DuBois 2 Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Btown, Brown, Brown, T2 Bryan,Jan Arter 84 33 Bryan,Joseph C. Bryan, Mamie Elizabeth Bryan, Matk Parks Bryan, Robert L. llazel 86 Bryan,WilliamV. 53 Helen Elizabeth 28 Bryaa, William Valentine Bryden, Abner Bryden, Carter Bryden, Elizabeth T. 53 Freddie, Sr. T2 GloriaJ. Gtace Gardnet Hawey C. 90 31 Henrietta Hope N. Btown,J. Keanard 42 Brown,James F. t2 Brown,JoAnn.W'. Btown, Katherine Higgins Brown, Ironatd B. Brown, Loftoo Brown, Louise Blanche Brown, Mabel M. Brown, Madison Browa, Matgaret Btown, Margaret Brown, Margaret Ftances Brown, Marie C. Brown, Mlford H. 28 Bro'nvn, Patti 24 Browo, Brown, Btown, Btown, Paul Randolph O. 86 64 Ruth Brown, 86 84 84 53 2 1 Bums, Burns, Bums, Burns, Bums, Bums, Bums, Bums, Howard L. 79 Kathleen Grace Michael tt4 Robert 713 Roland Ruth Margatet 79 Susao 113 46 G. Thomtoa 1t3 R. 79 52 46 Butds, Beattice Burrows, Kathryn M. Burton, Bill Burton, Geotge Burton, Goldie Bushe, Ftank Butler, Allen Buder, Anita Butlet, Blanche Price Butlet, Comelius Butler, George 46 Buder, Geraldiae 17 Fred !f. George Mary Berkey 46 Butlet, Henry Edward Butlet, Hulda Andrews 23 23 Neffie 29 Buder,James E. Butlet, Lois Suit Paul Richard 46 Whester 96 BucHe,Ykginia 29 lfiliam 12,86,94 BucHess, George Butler, Marioa Butler, Phyllis Mae Butler, Wilbert,Jr. Butler, Wilbert, St. 8i 45 BucHe, Buckle, Buckle, Buckle, Buckle, Buckle, Btown, Ifilliam T. Brown, William,Jr. Brown, Winfield Browne, Eldted L. Browne, kviJohn Browre, Matha Eliz. Maddox Btowne, Martha Jane T aylor Browne, Otis Browne, R^y K. Bruehl, Albert G. Bruehl,John B. 31 64 28 28 88 104 31. 89 54 1 50 t04 Bryden, Mark Bryden, Mary Bryden, ITayne Buark, Anabel 98 12 2 12 79 Buchaaan, Ethel Vitginia Buck, Claudia Mae Buckel Ida 85 Buckle Fred Guy Buckle, Ann Buckle, Doris Buckle, Frank 46 95 52 46 46 46 46 5 47 24 61 23 23 67 61 61. 23 79 61 67 37 34 Butts, Wanda Byrd,,tnna Mae 34 Bym, SamuelL. 38 34 Cahall,Amanda Cowsey 52 Bunce, Sfdtet T. 34 Cahall, BarbanJeatr 36 Bunker, Dorothy 10 100 Burbh, H. Whistler 38 CahaL Blanche A. CahaU, Chatles,Jr. 38 Cahall, Donald 99 18 Caha1l, 1.12 Cahall, Hilda 74 1 16 Bulle4Josh 30 41,98 Bunce, Donald A. Bunce, Myra H. Flanders Bunce, Stephen Chandler Bunce, Vieta Robbins 34 4 23 ZJ Bulkelen Nanry H. 4 4 4 4 42 Butlet, William Edward Butts, Herbert JJ 4 95 22 23 102 Bruehl,John T. Bruehl, Katherioe O'Neal 30 Burch, Chades C.,Jr. Burchett, Anne Burger, Margaret 30 Butgess, Alice 1t3 Cahall, Ida Legar 75 Bruehl Matgatet B. Bruehl Madon L.Larter Bruehl Paul E. 53 Burgess, Bob 79 t5 30 Burgess, Clara R. 67 Cahall,John R. Cahall, Marvirr C. 30 Burgess, Evelyn 58 Cahall, Minnie Brueht Vllliam O. 30 Burk,Jack Sutk, Tillie Butke, Bardey,Jt. Burke, Kathleen Bekwith 1"02 Cahall, Otto M. 52 102 Cahall, Paul 23 100 Cahall, Robert J 100 Cahall, Stuart 3 Burke, Martha Jane Canary Butke, I7illiam B*I"y, F. Beatrice 44 Caha[ Thomas 36 99 Cahatl, Thomas Dormas 100 L2 Cahal, Walter 75 Bums, Cathetine 29 Cain, Edward 38 Bruenniag, Matilda Kueble Bruenning, Wrlliam Bryan, Amanda Fusselbaugh Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Arthur'!7. 30 53 54 54 53 53 Chades 47 Coursey 19 David C. 53 Edward C. i. 75 52 36 38 Caplan, Marvin Cain, Ruth JI Cain, Virginia 2 Caimes, Robert 4l Caporin, Edward Arthut Caporin, Kadyn Anne Caporin, Richard Amold Caporin, Robert Allen Cain, I-ouise Caldwell, Caldwell, Caldwell, Caldwell, Blanche Viola 28 Crawford R. 28 Mary 61 R. Steven Caporin, Susan Carallo, Gilbert 1t2 Cadisle, Ann 28 Carlisle, Itene Callahan, Cadtoa 81 Callahan, Cadton N. 36 Callahan, Edna E. 65 Camabuci, Agnus Camabuci, Phil Carnibuci, Alges Callahan, Geotge F. 36 Carpenter, Caldwell, Robert S. Biff Callahan, Flernan 23 Carpenter,John Cdlahan, Mary 108 Carpenter, Kenneth N*.y 64 Carpenter, Timothy Callahan, Nancy IJ Ca4renter, William Callahan, Parket 52 Callahan, WilliamJ. 36 Carptnet,John CarrolJ, Albert D. Callaharu CalLawy,HazelM. 16 Caro[ Calloway,James Calloway, Samh lTalley Cameroa, Hope CarnpbelJ, Bruce 72 Carro[ David 72 Camoll, Dawson t Campbell, Catherine Campbell, Geotge Campbell, Pauline 95 Cartoll" Eliza Griffin CarrolJ" Esther Carro[ Evelyn 56 Carto[ Evelyn Sherwood 2 Caroll H. Stanley Campbell, Robert Campbelt Roger 56 Cartolt Herbert 2 Carrolt Mary Ellen Wilkinson Campbell, Sara Ducan Campbell, William 56 Caro[ 2 Catrolt Steven D. Canby, Agnes L. 81 Carrolt Thomas Edward Carro[ ThomasJ. Cann, Mil&ed 56 98 Bertha S. Rhoda Hurst Cannon, Clara lTooters 52 Camon, Clinton 89 Carro[ !(alter R. Sr. Carro[ Wilbur M. Doris 54 Carson, Kenny Ed 79 Edward C. Ethel R. 66 28 Carter, Chades W. Carter, Chades Walter Carter, Clayton C. Ezekiel Florence 89 Carter, David 64 89 Carter, Edith Carter, F. Bennett Carter, Geotge W., m Carter, George W.,Jr. Myta N. 32 Carter, George W., Mts., Nola W. 52 Carter, Gladys Raymond 52 Cartero 52 Cartet,J. Hetbert Carter,J. Ralph Cannon, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon, Frank Camon,James Cannoa, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon, Margaret Robert Cannoo, Vemon 52 32,52 81 Hartiet Cannon, l7illiam Cannon, Winsie Canterbury, Hartiet C. Capel Alice 52 Carter,John 81 45 Carter, Joseph Carter, Laura A. 26 Carter, Matgaret E. Troy Capel,Jesse 3,13,24 Carter, Maryline Capel, Marie 1tl Carter, Nellie Capel Otto 47,56 Carte4 Nettie Mae Paswater !7. Thomas Carter, Case, Mary !7. Castiglione, EileenJoyce Cate, ,\ustin J. Cate, AustinJ., I\ufrs. Caulk, Albert Caulk, Betty E. Caulk, Elsie Olivia Caulk, George, Sr. Caulk, Haywood Caulk,John Melitota Caulk, Lillian Cawley, Bryant M. Cawlen Wayae A. Cawley, Wayne A., Sr. 41,74 Cawley, Wilbet H. Cecil, Charles!7. 81 Cecil Helen 50 Cecil Helen M. 23 Cecil" M. Hubert 50 23 Cecil S. Philip Chaffinch, Clarence E. 50 101 Chaffinch, Earle S. Chaffinch,JohnE. 64 50 Chaffinch, I-eaMrc Chaffinch,Peatl 50 Chaffins,Pead 95 Chaires, Elva 23 95 Chaites, Elva Lee Chaires, Enna, Mrs. 50 23 Chaires,JohoJ. Chambers, Arraa V. 50 Chambers, C. Dunbat 50 Chambers, Dora Palmer 50 1I3 Chambers, Harry'$f. 15,91 Chambets, Marion H. Chambets, Mary Covingtot 28 105 Chambers, Miriam Palmer Chanaud, Elizabeth M. Curtirr 53 Chanaud,John S. 92 64 Chaaaud, Katherine Scott Chanaud, Lawtence L. 4 4 Chanaud, Iron 63 Chanaud, Norman P. Chanaud, Norman P., III 26 Chanaud, Notman P.,Jt. 53 Chanaud, R. David 64 Chance, Aoaie Elizabeth Roe 64 53 Chance, Betty H. Chance, C. Edwad 53 91 Chance, C. Lester Chance, Catole Meeks 64 Chance, ChadesB. 28 Chaace, Chatles Edward 53 Chance, Chades!7. 4 42 58 58 58 58 58 95 172 t72 33 33 115 41 27 41 41 Cattet, Rachel 64 28 171 40 89 89 t3 38 13 1'3 t3 13 13 75 75 75 75 22 18 97 97 91 38 38 38 38 25 28 47 4 60 112 87 22 105 105 22,78,87 22 105 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 8 79 37 8 1 8 79 8 3 8 8 34 8 I 8 19 55 34 60 34 34 81 60 60 8 34 34 Chance, Chades, Mrs. Chance, Clarence D. Chance, Clareoce D., III Chance, Comelia Marshall Chance, Eade F. Chance, Floyd W. Chance, Floyd W.,Jr. Chance, Hatold Franklin Chance, Helen D. Chance,Jack E. Chance,James Chaace,James L. Chaace,Jessie T. Chance,John M. Chance,John !7. Chance, Kenneth Chance, Leona White Chance, kslie E. Chance, Leslie R. 60,63 Chance, Louis Chance, Lucy Mae Chance, Mary E. Hook Chance, Mldred Sloulsby Chance, Chance, Mlton R. Mlton Raymond, Sr. Chance, Robert D. Chance, Ronald S. Chance, Satah E. Chance, Thomas L. Chance, Vemon W. Chance, Vemon S7.,Jt. Chaflce, Virginia H. Chance, William C. Chance, l7illiam Hatold Chandlet, Emma Chappell,Jessie Ray Chades,John, Mrs., Chase, Everett Chase, Madge Chase, MaryJackson Chase, Moses Chase, Notman Chatt, Minnie Cheers,,{naa Cheets, Daisy Cheezum, Dorothy Cheezum, Jaqueline Cheezum,William Cherewko, Edir F. Cherewko, Kylyt, Fedosenko Chetewko, Mary Pacyouk Cherewko, Mchael F. Cherewko, Thomas Cheszum, Eugene Chilcutt, C. Covey Chilcu6 Caroll Covey 79 60 34 34 34 1 34 60 8 g 8 60 8 79 23 88 6'1, 75 27 75 75 75 13 47 52 8 56 8 51 51 51 51 51 77 54 68 Chilcutt, Estella T. Chilcutt, Estella Trader Chilcutt, George B. Chilcutt, Kate O. Chism, Dotsey Chdstian, Mary F. Chtistopher, Dorothy I. Clark, Ada Louise Clark, Ada Mae Clark, Allen Clark, Anna F. Clatk, Betty Clad., Bude fl"rk, C. S7.,Jr. 54 68 68 68 34 23 25 3l 85 2 101 82 2 87 Clark, Chades 2,104 Clatk, Chades William Gayland 87 27 52 87 2 2 t1 107 57 27 9L 102 Gordon 31,85 Grace Bratcher Famela 2 92 9 9 107 2,72 9 90 81 107 707 97 27 87 9,87 L07 90 30 87 87 85 31 174 1l 109 52 87 Pete 30,85 Clark, Clayland Waltet Clarl David Clark, Debra Clad<, Deonis A. f,latk, Dennis W. Clath Dulin Clad Dusetta Scatborough Cladq Elizabeth C. Cla*, Elizabeth Homburger Clatk, Clark, Clark, Clatk, Ethel [lark, Hawey Cladr, Heffy Cladq Hilda CladlJ. Thomas,Jr. Cla*,James Cla*,James H. Clar\Jean (lla*,Jeff CladqJohn Thomas CladJoho Thomas,III CladqJulia Clark,Julia Anna Gdmes Clark,Ii William [lark, Louise Clark, Mae Dill Clark, Marioa CladMary Clar\ Mary Edith Pdce Clark, Mary Toulson Clark, Mchael Clark, Mke Clark, Mldted Cla*, Nancy C. Clark, Clatk, Clark, Clark, Nora Oliver C. Clark, Ralph 8,. Clark, Sallie Dulin Clark, Seth Clark, Susar E. Clatk, Trudy Greenwood 9 52 73 69 29 52 Clark, Van Clart, Vermadella B. 2 Clarh Viliam 60 Clark, WilliamJames L07 Clark, \Tilliarn Noris 5 Clark, Wilson -) Clatke,John A., Made Blakey Clatke, Maude Clarke, l7illiam B. 87 Clement, Eugeoe Clement, Rachell P. Clements, Alday M. Clements,James B., Mts., 26 Clemmors,Jane Clendaniel, Delia Ann 88 Clevenger,Jeanette Clogg,James S. Clogg, Nellie Mason Cloud, Chatlotte Cloud, Dennis Clough, Albert Clough, Almond G. Clough, Anna Clough, Bertha Cahall Clough, Bill Clough, C. Oscar 87 87 87 26 8 82 97 89 79 79 89 47 t4 89 39 89 r02 89 Cloug!, Calab, 102 Clough, Caleb,Jr. Clough, Cecil E" Clough, Chades 7 Clough, Chatles F. Clough, Dana A. 39 Clough, Dudley 39 Clough, Ead Clough, Elmer Herrnan 89 Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, 39 89 89 39 Elsa Emma Everett Esther Florence Cahall 60 Floyd 89 Clough, George Clough, Geotge L. Clough, Hary Clough, Helen S. Clough,J. Ervin Clough,Jay 39 52 74 60 60,89 89 7 89 74 Clough,Jay T. Clough,Jessie 109 Clough,John Clough,John F. 59 74 74 Clough, Joseph Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Clough, Louis E. Margatet Elizabeth MadonW. Mary Cathedne Matilda L. Mldted I. Ambrose Nelson Nelson H. OIin Olivia Dolores Omer Clough, Peggy Am Clotgh, Phnhp L. Clough, Ralph Clough, Ronald Clough, William kvi Cochran, Beth Cochran, Edna Mae Cochtan, Edward Cochran"John R. Cochtan, Margaret D. Cochran, Richard,Jt. Cochran, Robert Cockerham, Carolyn Cockey, Bessie Cockey, Clay Cockey, Ftank B. Cockey, James Cockey,James Alton Cockey,John Cockey,John G. Cockey, Lois C. Cockey,Mfuiam Cockey, Mfuiam Stevens Cohee, Betty Lou Cohee, Chades Cohee, Elijah Cohee, Elizabeth Cohee, Emest Lee Cohee, Hadan Cohee, Harold Cohee,James Cohee,James Edward Cohee, Kevin Eugene Cohee, MargaretJean Maffin Cohee, MaryJane Cohee, Pauline Colbert,James Colbert,John T. Colbert, Mary lTillard Colbert, William Coldwe[ Frank L.,Jr. Coldwell, Frank Leslie Coldwell, Ida Marie Cole, Cad E. Cole, Clara E. Cole, DanielJ. Cole, HarryJ. Cole, Howatd P. Cole,John Heory Cole, Co1e, honatd F. kslie T. Cole, Mary Elizabeth Smith Cole, Thomas Coleman, Aonabelle Holden Coleman, Arthur G. Colemaa, Arthur I,ee Coleman, Chades A. Coleman, Charles, Mrs. Colemao, E. Marie Coleman, Edith E. Coleman, Emie Coleman, Gerald 70,705 Coleman, Hilda Cockey, Bevedy Cohee, 74 39 85 39 87 60 109 10 39 89 103 39 89 89 85 60 103 43 63 43 43 43 43 43 91 68 Dill Cohee, Robert Cohell, Pauline Cohn, Ruth Colbet, Benjamin Colbert, E. R. Colbet, Elizabeth 68 27 109 30 27,709 27 27 96 27 37 37 37 22 37 37 37 37 37 :: t i, oa :: :: -)t ct) ;; a i I 3 Coleman, Hilda G. Coleman, Howard Coleman,John B. Colemaa,John Henry Colemaa,John P. Colernan, Keith Coleman, Kennatd Coleman, Kenneth Coleman, ke Coleman, MaryE. Coleman, Norwood Coleman, Pauline E. Coleaan, RebaJ. Colemao, Robert Coleman, RobertJ. 3 3 3 3 56 56 56 35 35 25 25 35 25 35 35 25 25 106 106 106 106 24 12 47 5 45 21 g1 6 12 g6 106 45 47 47 9 tZ 47 t2 106 12 106 Coleman, Thos. Beni. Handy, Jt. 12 Coleman, Thos. Beni. Handy, Sr' t2 Coleman, Wiliam H. 106 Colison, Etta L. 93 Collier, Chades collier, charles cottier, Florence Collier,James C' tl4 30 45 45 Collier,Jo Ann 87 Colher, Louts 114 CoUier, Madon 87 Cotter. Minnie A. 115 Collins, Collins, Collins, Collins, Collins, Collins, Collins, (l6llin5, Clayton S. Hazel Bennett 67 Jessie 2 Lucille 67 Maurice M. 38 Naomi 73 Thomas Thomas F. 37 67 38 Collins, William Clalton 67 Collison, Clatence L. 51 Collison, Elizabeth N. Coliison, Helen Collyer, Bobby Collyer, Gertnrde Pinkine Collyer, Gladys DeFord 51 Coppage 8 Collyer, Robert D. Collyer, Samuel Bartus Collyet, Samuel M. 8 Coher, Samuel Melvin 8 Collyet, Wrlliam B' Colombo, Cad M. Colombo, Marcia Blunt Colombo, Mary Mchelle Colombo, Mchael AComegrs, MadaJo Comegys, MarY Ethel 8 Condon, Ama 110 Condon, Chatles Condon, Mabel Masters Conley, Doaald Conley, Thomas t13 1t3 r03 5 8 8 8 88 88 88 88 45 18 41 41 Conner, Cora Cooner, Mary Connolley, Francis, Mts., 97 Connolly, Edith 20 Connolly,J. Alvin 54 Connolly,James Edvratd Conaolly, M' Thomas Connolly, Mary Elizabeth Boyle 27 Connolly, Philemon Connot, Amy Conaot, Edwirr A. Connor, Elizabeth lTalters Connor, Irna Hagerty Conrror,Jacquelyn Rita 105 Connor,Jeraldine Anne Coanor,Joseph Maris 93 Connot,Joseph Viocent Connor, Marth Connor, WilliamJoseph Conoot, WilIam Joseph, Jr. Contad, Elinor M. Cook, Alice Cook, Alice \f. Cook, Chades G. 58 1t 27 27 85 93 93 93 93 93 93 45 93 93 1,6 29 68 42 Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, Chades Paxton Chdstine Anne Chtistopher Edwad Eduin G., Mrs. Elizabeth Morton Cook, Emma Cox Cook, George A,Jt. Cook, George A. Cook, Isaac !7. Cook,James L. Cook,James L., Mrs., Coo\Jeffrey Walter Cook, Josephine Frzzer Cook, Karenda Ann Cook, Louise C. Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, Marion E. MaryJane Maude S. Robin G. Cooh Sheridan Cook, Thomas Coo\ Thomas D. Cook, Thomas D., Mrs., Cook, Walter Cooper, Alma Cooper, B. Reginald Coopet, Cooper, Coopet, Cooper, Cooper, Clara Eleaflor Matgatet Martha Mrry E. Cooper, Wdtet Coppage,Jeff Copper, A-lvin Copper, Mary Coppet, Melvin Coppet, Robet Coppet, Robert K. Coppet,William Copper, lTilliam A. Cotbett, Alex Corbett, Dorothy Corbett, Rena R. Corke[ Mldred Cotke[ Sherri Codey, Alice I. Cotnelius, Alice Wood Comelius, Elizabeth Comelius, Frederick !7. Comelius, Hartison T. Comelius, Myrde Comelt Murray Corre[ Pead W. Correll, Reed Cotrell, Wiltiam 42 42 43 19 89 16 36 42 42 36 43 43 42 106 43 22 106 42 19 110 36 43 43 43 36 50 1 62 12 101 108 108 108 704 59 59 59 59 98 59 59 1 63 1 92 104 25 77 55 77 7j g7 76 76 76 76 J 8 Coverdale, !7ayne Cory, Vemoa L.,Jr. Cory, Vemon L., Sr. Cosden, Benjamin Cosden, Eva C. Cosden, Henrietta Donlia I Covey, Chades r73 8 Covey, Chades "Duke" 35 J Covey, Dorcthy 26 52 Covey, Keoneth M. 77 3 Covey, Mary Dyott t73 Cosdea,J. Clatk 52 Covey, Sharon 66 Cosden,James W. Cosden, Marion Cosden Dale 52 Covey, Wm. Henry t73 52 Covington, Alfted B. 22 Cosden, Paul 52 CovinSon, Henry Coviagton, Kathryn 22 Cory, Elizabeth Deiz Cotton, George 2 Coudle, Rachel 79 Cougheoour, Au&ey Coulbourne, Cad, Mrs., Coulboume, Linda 103 Coulby,James Couocell, Betty Ann 81 67 Covingtoo, Covingtoa, Covlngton, Cox, Adele R Llliao Estella 54 Reed 22 25 Susanf, r6 Wesley 57 Councell, Kenny Councell, Philip E. Council, Anna Elizabeth Baxter Council, Cadton T. Council, Frank George, St. 60 Laodis Cox, Chester Clanatt Cox, Ida Elnora Cox, Marie 28 Cox, Martin 57 57 38 Council Frank,Jr. 30 Council, George F. (Buddv) Councill, Phillip E.,Jr. Councillor, Alice Pinder Councillot, Edna Roe 57 28 Cox, RobertW. Cox, William H. Coxon, Douglas Coxon, Pauline Wilheim Coxon, W-rlliam O. Coxon, William O., III 30 Coxon, William O.,Jr. 13 30 Coyoe, Mike 102 98 66 28 702 57 57 57 72 1.13 13 73 13 73 Councillot, Edward Councillor, Kennard 30 Councillor, Thomas 30 Craddock, Joseph C., Jr. Craddock, Joseph Clement Craddock, Mary C. Davis 96 Craft, Dorothy Sparks JJ Coutsey, Alfred W. 7t2 Craft,E. Amold JJ Coutsey, Bertha 87 33 Coursey, Bertha D. 107 Coursey, Calvin Edgar t12 Ctaft, Ernory A. Craighead,J. Thomas Crain, Beniamin Franllin Corrsey, Clait Ann Coursey, Ethel Redden 712 Crain, Glenn 62 23 57 Coursey, Fred 81 Coursey,J. Dawson Coursey,JamesDawsoa 52 Ctandall, Ruth Crawford, William, Mts. Creighton, Amos S. Creighton,John Henry Coursey, James L. 52 Coursey, Al 30 23 lrwis 98 98 77 62 81 38 38 38 23 Creighton, Phoebe Ctew, Julian Lee Coursey,John Coursey,John Walter Milton Coutsey,John, Mrs., 106 Ctew, Marie 78 712 Crew, Nelson 99 89 Ctew, Patricia 25,28 Coursey, Marion 56 Crewe, David 60 t12 1t2 Cdst, George E. Crist, Margaret Eaton Ctocker, Mchael S. Cronshaw, Alice Colliet Cronshaw, Ead Cronshaw, Franklin 21 Coursey,James Coursey, Irmuel Mlton David Coursey, Ottis Coutsey, SadieJones Coursey, Sara Sheubrooks Coutsey Coursey, Sarah Shuebrooks Coutsey, !7. Ftederick t12 Coursey, William 112 Coursey, lfilliam A. Covach, Shidy 52 23 81,107 t07 1t2 Ctonshaw, Henry Cronshaw,James Henry Cronshaw, Paul Cronshaw, Roy, Mts., 41 21 27 87,107 t07 78,98 t07 87 1.07 63 Crooshaw, Ruth Flotence Crosiet,John A. H., Mrs. 50 Crossley, Ethel 56 Crouch, Crouch, Ctouch, Crouctr, Ctouch, Albie Amos 11 Dadds, Bemard F. Dadds, Emie L., Mrs., Dadds, Thelma Daffin, Bemice t1 Dagenais, Henry Billy t73 Katie P. Mary Virginia Long Dalker, Dotothy Darby, Alice Dar\, Ida Bmgg Crouch, Crouch, Crouch, Crouch, Crouch, Ctouch, Crouch, Ctouch, Maurice A.,Jt. Maurice A., Sr. 7t t7 1t 85 71 Drrby, Orlando DadingAshley Maurice,Jt. t1 Dading, Bruce Sandra 109 Datling Dorothy M. Stewart,Jr. t3 Dading, Flotence A. Dolfu lTittiam 17 William'Billy' Wiliam,Jr. 1,1 Dading,James A.,Jr. Dadiag,James, Sr. t7 24 Darling, Mark Dading, Melvin H., Sr. Darling, Melvin,Jr. Dashie[ Anne Dashiell, Edward Dashiell Martie Barton 77t Dashie[ Mazie Adele 59 Daue, Susie Daugherty, Marie C. Daveoport, Annette Davidson, C. Richard Crouse, Paul 17 Crowding, knora Cruikshank, Julia SToodall Cruikshanl<, Lewis W. Cruikshenk, Louis, Mrs. Cruikshank, Thomas C. 29 Cruwys,Juanita Cruz, Edith Cucinotta, Emily Culley,James Nelson Cullum, Cathy Culver, Catherine Culver, Elsie Davis 59 t7l 111 105 4 4 26 66 Culver, Norman R. 66 Curnrnings, Eleanot V/alls Cumrnings, Robert Wayne Cummings, l7illiam kwis, Jt. Cummings, William kwis, St. Cuneo, Frances Crinniagham, Curtis !7. 62 Cunoingham, Itene Cunningham, Jessie 58 Cunningham,John 25 Crmningham, Rose Wallace Curry, Barry I( Curry, Chadotte C. Curry, Chtistopher Curry,Joseph Curry, Lisa Kim 25 Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, 62 62 62 38 58 7 77 77 J J 77 Paul L. 77 Philip 77 S. Stanley I( 77 Stadey IC,Jr. Curtin, Stewart G. Czajkowski, Helen Czatnowsky, Allan 77 Czamowsky, Edith M. Czamowsky, F. Vemon, Jr. Czarnowsky, F. Vemoo, Sr. Czerwenla, Ellen C. 2 110 7 2 2 2 64 Davidsoo,Jack Davidson,John F. Davidson, Notman Davidson, Pauline Davie, Robert Davis, Anah Cannoa Davis, Ava Irene Davis, Baynard P. Davis, Calbe Davis, Caleb !7. Davis, Cad Davis, Chades H. Davis, Chades Henry Davis, Dorothy C. Davis, Edwatd Davis, Grace Davis, Helen Fogrrell Davis,James Davis,James C. Davis,Joseph Davis,Joseph Edwell Davis,Joseph !7. Davis, Lawreace Davis, Lawrence Edward Davis, T illis Gussford Davis, Iillie R. Guessfotd Davis, Mark Anthony Davis, Mark Anthony, Jt. Davis, Mildred F. Davis, Nina Virgtola 78 60 25,45 Julian R. Julian, Jr. Robert L. Stanley Lyle,Jt. Thomas Edward Thomas J. Virginia William !(rlliam A. Davis, William T. Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, R. 10 10 4L 171 108 66 97 66 45 106 73 94 110 62 110 26 80 17 Stevens Mae Dotothea Dawson, 58 64 Dawson, Helen H. 58 17 Dawson, Steven 80 t7 Dawson, Warren P. 80 17 Dawsotr, Wilbert Elwood, Sr. 80 t7 Elwood,Jr. Wilbert, Dawson, 80 47 Day, Dan 80 92 Dean, Amy 80 26 Dean, Calvin 48 101 Deaton, Bessie 49 88 C. Clement Deaton, 49 88 Deaton, Hariet 49 88 Deaton, ktoy 29 88 Deaton, Melvin 54 88 t6 Deaton, Richatd 50 1 DeBary, Robert Carroll 69,172 N. Decker,John 56 67 Deen, Fannie Trice 23 61 Deen, !7. Brewster 23 79 DeGrange, !7atd, Mrs., L4 Deighan, Catherine KennedY 108 40 108 Deighan, Cathedne Marie 66 108 Deighan, Daaiel 25 108 111 Deighan, Doreen C. 108 Deighan, George E. 94 108 Deighan,John 26 108 Deighan, KevinJ. 62 108 ?. Mary 32,83 Deighan, 108 Deighan, Mona Keenan 83 108 Deighan, Richard B. 1l 108 Deighafl, Robert G. 94 108 Deighan, Thomas 46 23 Mrs. Cad, deJonge,J. 10 22 DeMatco, Terry, N&s. 32 19 Demars, Robert, Mrs. 77 98 Demby, Carrie 94 83 Dembn Dorothy 26 97 26 Dempsey, Robert 100 Thomas DenbeclJohn 62 100 Denbec\ Steve 83 94 Deony, Emily Peale Roe 94 60 Denny,Joyce 26 94 111 Dennn Richatd Carvel 94 SPencer Sara 111 Denny, 94 Denny, T. l7alter 32 94 Denny, Thomas !7alter, II 83 Denny, Waltet Tmpnell 94 DePasquale, Betty 70 Depew,Joan 29 deRochefoat, iVlatgarete E. 43 Derr,Juanita Descheae, Berttam 34 DeShane, Elizabeth lf DeShields, Esthet M. .W'' Deterrnan, Kathleen Devine, Francis 't6 35 Devine, John J., Jr. 35 Devine,JohnJ., St. Devine, Kevin W. 35 Madeline Hogan Made O'Connor Michael Thomas F. 32 86 35 Devine, Devine, Devine, Devine, Deviae, Vincent 35 DeWitt, Mervin, Mrs., DiBello, Esther C. Dick, Mary Burton 65 Dickerson, Alfted F., Jr. 24 Dicketson, Dick 106 Dickerson, Edith 57 Dickerson, Eugene Dickersoa, Ftairet 98 35 35 35 35 52 Dlugloboski, Benoie Dobson, A. Elizabeth Dobson, Clara Dobson, Claudia Dobson, Emory, Mts. 18 99 99 27 63 Dobson,James Madison Dobson, lTilliam 99 Dodd, Paticia Dodd, Steve 28 Dodson, Norna Doehler, lfilliam F. Doetsch, George L.,Jr. Dolan, George Dolan, Mabel Dolan, Thomas Donnelly, Gladys Estella 113 99 28 Doresy, Clinton Dorsch, William Dorset,Jessie Hawkias Dotsey, Aldridge,Jt. 27 86 71 77 71 J 111 9 3t 105 98 Dorsey, Aldddge, Sr. Dorsey, Ann DotseR Beatdce Dorsey, George Dorsey, Irene Gtaves DorseSJeremiah 105 Dicketson, H"llie 98 Dorsey,John 105 Dicketson, Ieon Dickerson, Philmore 98 105 24 Dotsey, Maggie Dorsey, Wayne Dicketson, Ruth Dickerson, Walter Dickinson, Dorothy Dietker, Phyllis Dietz, Rolla 24 Dorton, Kenneth 37 98 55 108 Douglas, Rigby Douglas, Rigby, Mrs. L3 Douthirt Emma 23 23 Di[ 66 Douthirt,Joha F., III Douthirt,John F., IV John Ftancis, Jr. 23 William A. 23 Chades 96 Helen M. Gill 96 Delia Ullian 53 77 Dill, l,fary 6 Dill,William 92 Di[l?illiamE. 59 DowlingJosh Dillon, Carrie Jo Dillon, Denais Dillon, Dennis P. 95 95 Downey, Frank Downey,Jesse Downey, Joseph, Jt. Draper, Frank !f., III 95 Draper, Frank, 95 Ddmal, Audtey Dubel Anne Dubel, Eatl Dill, Earl Dilt Martha Tribbitt Dillon,James I(, Dillon,James IC,Jr. Dillon,James I(, Sr. Dillon,James K., Sr., Mrs., Dillon, Rex lTalter Dillon, Sara Jane Bishoff Dininni, Chede 92 95 95 95 95 17 105 105 105 105 Douthirq Douthirt, Dowling, Dowling, 92 105 55 23 2 III, Mrs., 216 t7 105 65 702 95 95 Disney, Anna C. LI DuBois, Benj. Matland, Ivfts. DuBois, Beaiamin Madand DuBois, Beflramin Matland, Jt. Ditchfield, Ruth Ditzel, Ida Dixon, Ftank Thomas Dixon, Louise 85 Dubois,Judith 67 7A Duckery, Phyllis L. Dudley, Arthur,Jr. 90 4 Dixon, Zelda 713 Dudley, Batbata Dudley, Cora Beal 95 70 99 15 2 2 ) 91 100 Dudley, Edna P. Dudley, Hkam Coppage Dudley, Irene Coppage Dudley Dudley,James G. Dudley,John Dudley, L. Gertnide Dudley, W.Hazel,Jr. Dudley,William Dudley, William Chdstophet Dudley, \Tilliam Hazel, Sr. Dudley, William L. Duff,Joan Helen Duff,John H. Dugaq Dennis Dugan, Fted Duggan, Beatrix P. Duggins,Jewell, Mrs. Dukes, A. Wilson,Jt. Dukes, Alfred !7. Dukes, Bessie Cecil Dukes, HowatdJ. Dukes, Mlford Dukes, Sue A. Dukes, Sue Andetson Dukes, !7. James Dukes, William Dulikn, Woodtow Dulin, A-nna Thomas Dulin, Bradford R. Dulin, CavoniaJ. Clifton Dulin,John !(2. Dulin,L.Mldred Dulin, Irslie M.,Jr. Dulin, Margatet Briscoe Dulin, OrmanD. Dulin, Queattn Dulin, Rebecca Michael Dulin, Thomas C. Dulin, Thomas Caroll Dulin,WilliamB. Dumel, Gloria Duaiing, Laura Dwrn, Clatence R,Jr. Dunn, Clarence R., St. Dunn, Daniel R. Dunn, Donald Lee Dunn, Eva Mae Fletchet Dunn, George H. Dunn, Gladys Booket Dunn,John E. Duor, Kathleen S. Duna, I\daryAnna Gdffin Dunn, Steve n7. Dunn, Susan Durham, Made Dustin, Velma 91 20 20 91' 100 9t 91 20 20 97 100,115 19 79 7 99 5 49 31. 31 37 78 99 1,1'5 3t 31 99 52 73 57 73 73 8 8 57 73 18 71 71' 7l 73 92 84 64 64 27 64 64 64 23 64 93 64 64 27 60 42 Dutch, Sonja I-ee Duty, Butch Duvall, Helen Duva[ Rose C. Dyer, EIla Dyson, Charles Dysoa,John S. Dyson,Joseph Dyson, Dyson, Dyson, Dyson, Dyson, Dyson, Dyson, Dysoa, Lee IrRoy B. Lynn Mary Catherine Patricia Roy Steven Virgiaia Marie Easg E. Reamy East, Vemon O. Eaton, Chris Eaton, Christopher'$Talter Eaton, Deborah. Kelly Eaton, Dora Eatoq Dora May Eatoa, G. Russell Eaton, Granville Eaton, Harman Eaton,James !7ade Eaton,Julia G. Eaton,Julie Lyn Eaton, Maggre Gardner Eaton, Norman Eaton, Norman F. Eaton, O. Tilghman Eaton, Roy Leland Eaton, Tilghman G. Eaton, lTilliam R. Ebberts, Gilnore Idayo Ebberts, Harry Gilmorc Ebberts, Mary Augusta Reinhardt Ebedy, AlbertaJewell Eck, Matk Edeafield, Mae Thomas Edge, Edurard V. EdS", Mrty Emma Edge, Thomas Edwatd Edkles, Notman Edsall, Emma Coxhead Edsall, Howatd Edward, !7illiam Edwatds, Anna Mae Edwards, Charles Linwood Edwards, Cora VanSant Edwards, GeorgeJames Edwards, George Lfurwood Edwatds, Howatd Franklin Edwards, Ida Katherine Benson 29 58 5 Edwatds, Ids l7t 73 Edwards,Jesse Raymond 97 11 Edwards,John 27 96 Edwards,John W. 41 99 Edwards, ko Pete 80 96 Edwatds, Leona Rasins 80 99 Edwards, Lula 80 13 Mae Edwatds, 80 L3 Eduratds, Mildted 80 93 Edwards, Phil 80 13 Edwards, Raymond Lee 80 702 Edwards, Robert 80 22 Roy Edwards, 80 22 Edvrards, William C. 80 41 Edwards, Willie Bates 80 4l Edwards, Willie Smyth i0 65 Ege, Edward 10 39 Eggetson, Chatles E. 18 39 E., Mrs. Eggersoo, Chades 75 86 Eggetson, Ullian 2 73 Eglsedet, Waltet 18 72 Einolf, Dora 75 t02 115 Elbea,James 85 Mae Elbom, Bertha 2l 85 Elbom, Billy 27 85 Elbom, David 75 85 Elbom, Eatl l7i]lie 43 85 Elbom, EarlJr. 43 85 Elbom,James Elmer 43 85 A. Elbom,John 18 85 Elbom, Ralph Lee 75 85 Elbom, Thomas Ftaoklin 43 85 Elbom, Willir* Thomas 43 85 Elbom, !7illie Ead 43 37 Birtha Elbum, 43 31 Elbum, Birtha M. 33 37 Elburn, Chades 33 3l Elbum, David 33 31 Elbum, Earl,Jr. 9l 31 Ebum, Elizabetgh M. Allick 67 13 Elbum, Harriet g 100 Ebum, Hetbert W. 28 13 Elbum,J. Leroy 28 13 Ebum,Jack 28 4,73 Ebum,James Albert 79 3l Elbum,James E. 14 t3 Elbum,James I. 74 31. Ebum,JohnA. 98 73 Ebum,John E. loz Ebum,John Edwad 4 29 9 Ebum, Lois T. 22 73 Elbum, Matilda Brady 29 31 Elbum, Norman H. 29 37 Elbum, Ralph L. 29 31 Elbum, Thomas F. Elbum,lTilliam 31 Elbum,WilliamA. 9 Elbum, lTilliamEad Elbum, lTilliam Roy Eley, Howatd, N4rs. Ellington, Andtew Ellington, Elizabeth 37 EllinSon, ke 31, 49 8 8 8 Ellington,'W'. Porter Elliott, Carol Anne 8 Elliott, Chades Elliott, Clayton 2A Elliot! Cora May Green 26 Elliott, George Elliott, Ida 84 103 i03 173 Elliott,Jessie R. 16 Elliott, Kathleen Elliott, Lance Elliott, Lottie Shores Elliott, Neill Elliott, Robet Elliott, Thomas Elliott, Tyson 7 Ellis, Nancy Jean Usilton 8 Ellsworth, Billy Ellsworth, Dennis Ellsworth, Doug Ellsworth, Elva @dward$ Ellsworth,Jack Ellsworth, Leslie Ellsworth, Lnrratae George Ellsworth, Marshall Ellsworth, N{ike Ellsworth, Petcy Ellsworth, Ray Ellsworth, Robert Ellswotth, Roy 74 Ellsworth,Tim 74 Ellsworth, !7ayne Ellsworth, I7ellington Ellsworth, Wellington, Jr. Embert, Harry D. Embert, Madan Emory, Emma Hawkins 74 EmoryI-ouis 21 Emory, \dary Elizabeth Emory, Richard Edwatd Engle, Donald Lee Engle, Elizabeth Williamsoa E*gle, Helen Engle, Raymond Downs Englehaupt,John Engler,Julia Patker English, Kay Engram, Brent Engram, Henry Medford, Jr. 64 84 35 84 46 35 26 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 78 40 2l 96 89 89 48 89 72 46 48 713 40 Engram, Myrtle E. Enpgam, Terry Eogtam, Walter Ennels, l,ola Ennis, Shirley Ennis, Shirley Erilz, Raymond Erskine, Della Mae Erskine, HueyJ.,Jr. Etskin6,Jzms5 Erskine, Kathedne F. Ervia, Karen D. Ervin, Robert Espey, Alice A. King EspenJohn Edwatd 1.13 Ewing,James 32,82 Faulkner, lToodtow 115 113 EwingJames,Jr. Esrng, Katje C. Ewing, Mable 60 54 MaryJoqy Ray 82 Fehseafeld, Raymond L. Roget Scott 32 36 Ewing Ewiag Ewing Ewiag ot Fautkner, A. June Favors,Jeao Fay, Kathleen Fazlrcr, Beatrice 36 Ewing, Ronda Crichton 36 7 Ewing, Thomas 32 7 Ewing Todd Lewtet EwinSWilliam 36 108 704 Fah, Cora Mae Patdck 39 Fellows, Fellows, Fellows, Fellows, Fellows, Fellows, Fellows, 47 Fah, David L. 39 Shallcross 47 39 Fender, Dorcthy Butz 91 39 Fender, Irwis 91 7t3 75 90 40 7 ?, 28 36 32 Espey, John Joseph 47 Espey,John,Jr. 47 Fah, Glen Clifton,Jr. Fah, Glen Clifton, Sr. Fah, Goupe Glen Espey, Robert E. 47 Fah, GumeyW. 39 Essick, Anna S. Essick, Henry W. Evans,Sharon Louise 67 Fah,JohoJ. 67 Fah, Margaret G. Evans, Calvin Evans, Catherine 18 Failor, Robert 55 Fairbardr, Norma R. Evans, Linda 15 Fafubank, Samuel O., Evans, Neil Evans, Wanda Eveland, Gertrude Eveland, Katherine Everett, Clifton Everett, Evelyn Everett, Frances 18 Fallowfield,Jane 101 88 Falls, Don T.,Jr. J eanette W. 34 22 39 45 Benjamin R. 6 Edward Gail 6 G"ry, B. 6 Grace Ruland 6 Howatd Edward Mae Elizabeth 6 7 6 C. 39 39 Fennimore, lToodall Fenwick, Terry Fetguson, Sinah M. 39 Fergusoo, l7eldon 74 39 100 Ferick, Anthony Ferick, Bertha M. 86 76 Ferricl Bertha N{ay Jones Wlaker Frances Ferrick, 52 52 8 Ferrick,James Ferrigo.o, Carolyn 59 59 25 Fatgnoli, Lucy Farnsworth, Geotginanna Ferigno,Joseph 59 1t4 Sullings 52 52 109 Famsworth, Nathan Farrell, William E., Mrs. Fassett, Connie P. Ferrigno, Mary Jo Ferrigno, M"ty L. Ferrio, Jeff Ferdo, Patricia Fields,J. Stewart Everett, John Wesley 109 Fatz,Marloie 62 Everet! Katherine 109 Everett, Olive May Evetett, Thomas 114 Everton, Rose Mary 67 Evey,Janice C. Evey, KathetineJ" Evey, Mary Mae 75 Evey, Scott R. Evey, Tlhomas 75 Everett,John T. 18 6 22 109 109 75 75 S. 75 Evey,W. Marlin Evey, William M. Ewen, A. Taylor Ewen, Louis T. 75 Ewen, Lynne E. Ewen, Maud L. Ewing Aimee Wherry 78 EwingAmos 32 Ewing Emma Marvel 32 Ewing, Frank A., Mrs., Ewing, Geotge Roger Ewing, Hetbert H. Ewing, HetbertW. Ewing, Isabel 96 75 78 78 78 36 36 36 36 60 39 Fah, PaulA. UI 76 62 18 Faulkner, Bessie Louise Comegys 66 Faulknet, Chtistopher M. Faulknet, Edoa Faulkner, Elsie Faulkner, Eugene A. Faulkaer, Eugenia Hogao Faulkner, Frank Faulkner, Ftank T. Faulkner, G. Davis 54 41 Fields, Olivia Filligame, Helen Finn, Bruce Finn, Lula Elizabeth 55 79 52,86 52 59 59 74 74 50 111. 6 63 63 Finn, William Fishet, Catherine Oliphant Fishet, Edith L. Rowland 63 53 72 Fisher, Elizabeth Fisher,James R. Fishet, Lula Fisher, Nanry Rowland Faulkner, Hannah Gortimiller 54,78 Fishet, Raymond 9 Faulkner,J. Ftederick Faulkner, J. Frederick, Jr. Faulkner,J. Robert Faulkner,James 69 55 31 Fisher, Ruth Fishet, Sally-Ann B. Fishet, Sydney 55 Fisher, Y/illiam 6,9,33 Faulknet Jessie NIae 37 Fizgerald, George L 77 Faulkner,Judy D. Faulkner, Mary Elitz. Donnelly Faulkner, Robert 108 79 69 Fitzgetald, Mldred Clogg Fitzgetald, !7. Stewart 37 Flaggs, Jean 57 Faulkner,T. Mlton 66 Flagle, Betty 52 Faulkner, Timothy 72 Faulknet, l7iliam C. 41 Flaherty,Joe, III Fleetwood,James O. Fleetwood, Louise 84 Faulkner, lfilliam Edwatd 53 69 31 78 5478 69 66 75 15 75 6 1 2 15 79 107 36 Fleetwood, Mabel S. Flegenhour, Richard Fleming, Margaret Flemming, Lloyd H.,Jr. Fletcher, F{erman Fletcher,James Fletchet, Kenneth,Jr. Fletcher, Theodote Flinchbaugh, Maria Petry Fliachbaugh, Raiph Flower, Dulcie Fluharty, Charles A., Jr. Fluharty, Chades A., Sr. Fluharty, Chet Fluharty, David F. Fluharty, David R.,Jt. Fluharty, Fluharty, Fluharty, Fluharty, Fluharty, Doug Erma Mae Geotge S. Gertrude S. Helen C. Fluhaty, Mary Elizabeth Fluharty, Mildred Fl"h^.ty, Timmy Flynn,Jeanne C. Fogwell,James E. n(. Fogrvell, Josephine Fogwell, MaryWeir Fogwelt Pead Ford Fogwell, Robert L.,Jr., RobertL., Sr. Fogwell, lVilliam H. Folker, Bemard F. Folker, Bemard L. Folker, Chatles W. Folker, Mrq, G. Fooks, Minaie Ford, Ada S. Ford, B. Frank, St. Ford, Helen Heather Fotd,Jay Ford, Lawtence Ford, Mary Lou Ford, Molly Yeager Ford, Norman E. Ford, T. Olin Ford, Thomas Foremaa, Hilda Foreman"John Forman, Hatry Fotrnan, Hatry, Nfts., Fornan, Robert Henry Forney, Vitgioia H. Forest, MaryJane Foster, Arthur L. Fostet, Betty R. 84 36 77 1I2 64 79 4 75 98 98 67 26 26 26 26 26 26 55 26 26 38 3,66 29 26 110 tZ 10 72 10 10 10 12 54 54 54 54 85 98 98 22 23 7'7 Foster, Chades Foster, Danny Fostet, Donald L. 93 Fteestate, William 23,103JA5 102 Ftere, Edward Ftere,J. B. 107 Fostet, Glendoo Foster, Linda Foster, Ruth E. Foster, Ruth F. Fountain, Chades F. Fountain, Clatence Fountain, David Fountain, Debbie Devote Fountain, Frederick !7. 3l Frere,John Frere, Phillip Frete, \ilfilliamJ. 107 rc7 67 Ftere, WilliamJ., Sr. Ftere, WilliamJ., Sr., I\drs. 75 Frere, Fountain, Henry Steven Fouatain, Henry,Jt. Fountain, Herman N. Fountain,James Fountain,James H. 75 Fouatain,JosephJ. 61 Fountain, Matgatet E. Fountain, Mary Am 67 Fountain, Robert Fountain, Robert C. Fountain, Thurman D. Fowler, Chades L. Fowler, Edgar Orem 75 Fowlet, Eileen Hoxter Fowlet,James L Fowler, 37 9 43 31 lfilliam t01 107 r07 Joseph, Jt' 107 107 Frey, Germaine Hilda Frey, Roget 25 Friedel, Alice Friel, Francis deSalles Friel, Sara G. Scanlon 79 Friend, Betty Frisby, Chades Frisby, Haqv 65 Frisby, Mary Frisby, Naomi Fritz, AndrewJ. Ftitz, Caroline A. Fritz,Jacksoo W. 113 112 r07 Fria,John Friz, Lena Sheck Ftiz, Marian D. Friz, Stephen 7 Fuchs, Rose Made 64 7 Fuelahman" Minrrie 64,73 Fowlet, Mark 99 Fulton, Elizabeth Bryan 71. Fowler, Susie Riggin 7 45 75 61 6l 75 61 75 86 80 6l 61 7 7 25 58 58 113 1t3 713 1t2 172 rt2 t72 11.2 712 7t Fox,,{rdenJ. 15 Fulton, Fraaces Lee Fulton, Kathedne Cockey Fox, Bette R. 54 Fulton, Lee Bryan 71. Fox,Laura 26 48 Fox"Villiam 15 Ftampton, Alvan M. Frampton, Diana 54 Gabrief Suzanne Gadd, Alvert Sydney Gadd,John D. 79 Gadd, Margatet Estella Taylor 27 Framptoo, Toai P. 76 Gagalski, Joseph 73 Frank,John 9 egdrk,Wayne J Frank, Marcia C. 98 Gainet, Helen 96 Franklin,Jarnes Franklin, Susan Mae Fray, William, Mrs., 66 Gaines, Martha 27 66 23 27 27 105 Galle, Delores Gallion, Allen Btook, Gallion, Meg 22 94 22 22 97 45 86 86 86 63 Freeman, Anoie 73 Galloway, Edwad Fteernan, Charles 9 Fteeman, Edward Fteeman, Elizabeth Fteeman, Harry Paul t3 4 Freemaa,-fames 11 Galloway, Ellen Motan Gambdel, Shaton Gannon,J. Richard Gannon, M. Catherine Gannon, Madon L. Freeman, Marcus 9 Freeman, Mawa,Etta 4 Freeoao, Metcedes, Mts. 9 Freeman, Myron Lamont 20 48,59 Freeman, Raymond t3 31 79 Freestate, Arna Meredith 23 Freestate, Matk M. 23 77,108 Fredin, Mack 96 70,105 III Gannon, Sylvia Ganaon, Thomas Ganaon, Thomas N. Garber, Mrtie Louise Gardiner, David C. Gardiner, David C.,Jr. Gatdiner, Hugh C., [I 26 26 101 101 26 36 91. 97 72 22 27 100 107 t07 107 Gardiner, Hugh C., W Gardiner, Hugh C.,Jr., Mrs., Gardner, Dorothy E. r07 t07 Gibsoa, Edward,Jr. Gibson, Edward, Sr. Gardner, Dotothy L. Gardner, Evelyn C. Gardner, Gary Lee 95 Gibson,John L. Gibson, R. Harry 31 Gieb, Louise t6 Gilt Dorothy Baxter Gardnet,J. Orem Gardnet,J. Orem, Mrs., 35 Gilleawater, Catherine Dukes Gilleflwater, Clarence Gatdnet, Gatdoer, Gardner, Gardnet, Louise Mary Davis Mary Randolph 86 79 29 Gillenwater, Gillenwatet, Gillenwater, Gillenwater, Claude Gatdner, Rufus Ranson Gardner, Victot'!7ayne Gardoer, Wilson Timothy 16 Garey, David 99 Garner, Ron Garrett, Sharon 1 Eulah Floyd Lon W' Gillenwatet, Mitchell Gillenwatet, Susan White Gilleflwater, Vtrginia Ginn, Molly Matttrews Girard, Helen 72 Girman, ViYiarl Reba C. 16 16 28 76 76 52 Ql2sling Evelyn Garrettson, Herbert Gassaway, Ernma 47 Glanding, George 26 Gaulknet, Donald 78 Gay, Vivian V. 36 6 Glanding, }.4aryl,a Glandings, Eddie Gleaton, Linda Gleaves, Edoa Garett, Steve G""ry, Rachel 104 Gleo::, Delma 95 Glessner, Chades William 24 Glessner, Flora P. Cougheaour 24 Glessaer, Harry 24 Glessnet, Harry W. Geiser, Tilden A. 'Mac' 24 Glessner,James Geissler, Amanda 38 Glessoer, Metle Geissler, Ralph F. 38 Glessner, Mldred Langrell Geissler, Rudolph 38 Glessner, Robert W. Genow, Lois Geotge,James George, i4 George, Lury C. Geotge, Lydia Richardson George, Mary C. George, Phyllis George, Richatd 111 Goad, Nancy I. Godfrey, Ronald Godwin, Isabel Godwin,John E. 115 Goettling, Ida J 34 Goldberg, Marcia Goldsboro, Ida Harkless J Goldsboro,John Geotge, Richatd'Buddy' George, Susie Bell 14 Gerkin, Gene 56 Goldstroro, Joha W. Goldsbotough, Bessie Goldsborough, Bevedy Gebhart, Evelyn Geib, ITesley Geiset, Anna Evans Geiser, Chades H. Geiser, Martha Virginia Meekins 115 t7 L7 Gemer, Christian Geme4 Neona Higdon Gemet, Thomas E. Gemert, Tillie Mae 24 Goldsborough, Chades 24 Gernert, Lillie Mae Gemerg Marci Lynn 26 Goldsborough, Chades, Jr" Goldsborough, Clarence Webster Goldsborough, Elealror M. Gemert, \Tilliam Henry 60 24 94 60 Geru, Stevie 17 Gibbs, Alice Gibbs, Marie 75 Gibbs, Stevea Gibson, Edward Thompson, Jt. t13 83 40 Goldsborough, Elva Goldsborough, Felix Vincent, Jr. Goldsborough, Felix Vincent, 55 67 115 115 92 57 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 8 86 46 103 63 63 46 25 58 32 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 25 99 26 45 36 103 t6 16 54 77 47 77 17 l7 47 17 J t Goldsbotough, Gilford 37 77 Goldsbotough, Joseph Goldsborough, Patricia Crump 3j Sr. 17,11L Goldsbotougtr, RandolPh,Jt' Goldsbotough, Raodolph, Sr. Goldsborough,William Golt, Helen Maire Golt, Keith Golt, Marion Golt, Nettie Golt, Ronald Golt, Ronnie Gooch, Christian Claibome Gooch, lTilliam Armisted 17 17,l1t 17,177 79 1,9 93 72 7 r07 16 16 Goodell, Chades P. 110 Goodell, Chades P.,Jt. 110 Goodell, Elizabeth Baker Goodhand,Jeanette Goodhaods, Edwatd Goodman, Bertha 110 r04 47 42 73 Goodman,Jamie Goodman, Mary Pierce 4 Good.nan, William 4 Goodwin, MidtedV. Goodwin, Raymond T. Gordy, Alice 76 Gorham, Isabel Gotsuch, Bevedy Gotsuch, George'Soony' 2 Gosman, I.illiart 9 Gosman, lTeldon Goss, Flotence Gotdeib, Marcus 9 Gould,James 59 Gove, Chase Ca{Perltet 44 Goves,Joho 3 Graham, Elizabeth Graham, Elmet Gtaham,J. Stirlein, Mts. 72 Graham, Margaret Gtainer, r\lice Gtaman, Ftaoces DuBos Graadfield, Helen G. 23 Grant, Helen Gray, Erma G. 19 65 Grty,Eva 30 Gray, Franklin Gray, KayAnn Z) Gray, Gray, Gray, Gmy, Gray, 75 15 t 80 115 72 5t 64 108 42 rc2 65 MarieJo Robert Ruth lfilliam 76 65 86 F. 65 W'illiam F., St. Graybeal Evelyn creaves, Anna 65 Greaves, V/illiam 25 7 25 Gteen, Arthur 107 Green, Arthut M. 87 Greerr, Augustine 16 Griffin, Albert 16 Augustine,Jr. Gdffin, Angeiine 47 Barbara GdfEn, Cecelia B. 26 Green, Burton Griffin, Chades 47 Gteen, Constance Griffin, Ed 47 Green, Darten, 47 Griffin, Edward Green, Edward 83 Griffin, Ellen T. Edward Wilson Green, Griffin, Harrison Gleen, Eleanora Catherine 64 Griffin, Hattie 47 Green, Elizabeth Griffin, Hattie P. 47 Gteen, Emest 87 Griffin,James Greea, Ethel Matilda Gdffin,James A. 47 Green, Eva 14 Griffin,James Oscar Green, Evelyn 64 Gdffin,John Green, George H. Gdffin,John Emory 14 Green, Harry C. 47,64 Griffin,John Emory, Mrs. Green, Howard Grif.fin,JosePh 47 Gteen, Howard A. Griffifl, Kennard 16 Green,Jerome Douglas 16 Gdffin, LetoY Green,Jessie Roafle 16 Grif6fl, Louis V. Green,Joseph Gdffin, MelindaJohnson 16 Gteen,Julia 111 Gdffio, Otha Green,Julia M. Griffin, Pdce 64 Green, Lucinda Gibbs 16 Grif6n, PdceJ. Green, Mary 47 Gdffin, William F. Green, Stephanie 87 Griffith, Alice Green, Thomas Gdffitb Batbara S. 16 Gteen, Vemetta 16,47 Griffit}, George Green, William Griffith, Helen 85 Greea, William Ftankiin Gdffith, Luther Green, William Franklin, Mrs., 85 Gdffit}, Lydia A. Bodel 79 Greene, Betty Giffith, Molly Spence 79 Greeae, E. St. Pierre Griffith, Olin McKinley 79 Greene, LawaJar.e 79 Griffith, Rebecca Lawrence Greene, 75 Gdffith, Ruth Webbet Greene, I-ena 57 Gdffith, Sylvia Greeae, Made Griffith, STalter 57 Greene, Martin 79 Griffith, lTilliam H' Greene, Maudce B. 57 Griffith, Wilson Greene, Medfotd 79 G"i-es, Geotge C. Gteene, Samuel 57 Gdmes, Molly Greene, W'ill Gtimes, Raymond 61 Greenley, Edith 61 Groome, Sharon Lee Gteenley, Elfie, Mrs., 29 Gtosch, Albert Gteenvrood, Betty !7. Grosch, Matha Henchen 26 Greenwood, Chatles H. 76 Gtoss, Doris Gteenwood, Eleanot R. Gross, Wendle Barry 29 Greenwood, George Milton Gross, William 4l Greenwood, James 29 Grosso,Joseph Greenwood,John Thomas 29 Gtove,John Robet Greeawood, KevinJ. 26 Grove, Katharine N. Greenwood, Narmie lr{cQuay 29 Grove, Susan Greenwood, Tina Louise Groves,John, Sr. 36 Greenwood, W'oodtow 21 Grubb, Delma Neal Grenier, Connie C. 51 Grubb,James William Greundwald, Hudson, Mrs. 16 Grubb, Tilliall Lou Gribben, Ella Gteen, Green, 101 Richard 90 V. 43 Gruwell, Kenneth 75 Doris 27,87 Gryzeski, 12 21 Gsell, Allen E. 12,24,47 Gse[ Claude 81 12 Gsell, Clifford 57 12 Gsell, David 81 L2 David,Jr. Gsell, 81 12 Gsell, Edward 2l 59 Gsell, Fred 27 12 Gsell, Freddy 81 3 Gse[ Frederick 39 1'2 39,57 Gsell, Henry 25 Gsell, Isabelle 39 12 Gsell, Joseph 39 72 21 Gsell, Mary Faulkner 12 2'1,81 Gsell, Mary Hurd 12 27 Gse[ Mchelle 24 Mrs., Gtosso, Joseph, 39 5 Guastavino, R. J. 81 28 27,81 Guesfeird, Dadene 37 Guesfeite,Joyce 81 5 2l Gulden, Fraok, jr., Mrs. 57 Ruth 53 Gukich, 25 Gunther,Jean l1l 67 Gunther, Paul 67 67 Grmther, Robert 33 98 Gustafson, Edwatd 33 60 Gustafsoo, Etta 35 76 Rebecca M. Guydice, 33 70 Gwyon, Noland, Mts., 35 30 Habberton, Anne Emory 45 112 Habberton, Benjamin Geotge 30 Habbetton, Helen Redman 30 45 30 Habberton, Sarah Tupln 72 30 Habberton, William Peck 35 58 Hackett, Alrna B. 33 105 Hackett, Clarence 45 105 Hackett, Clinton 30 105 Hackett, Louise B. 3L 112 Flackett, Thomas 89 2 Hadaway, Christine 88 9 Hadaway, Howard B. 83 68 Haddaway, A. Mason (Iack) 83 68 40,90 Haddaway, Aifred H. 39 George HaddavraR 83 100 47 Haddaway, Gordon 17 Fladdaway, L. Wayne 97 68 Haddaway, M. Calvin 46 100 Haddaway, Margarct 46 68 Marian Croswell lladdav-ay, 88 36 Haddaway, Maude C. 2 68 101 Haddaway, Maude Cook 39 101 Haddaway, Robet E. 101 Haddaway, Satah Hollingsurorth 100 81 39 53 Grubb, Grunden, Alice Hardy, Dan Hardy, Elizabeth Hrtdy, Pauline Haddawan ThomasJ. Hague, Florence Flague, Florence P. Hagrre, Helen 100 Hahn, Henrietta 25 Hales, Sophie 27 Harkless, Ida Fladow, Anne Harman, U. L. Hall, Alexandet 72 Harmon, Geoeva Hall, Eunice HaltJennie Whitely 57 Harp,Joseph, Mrs. 72 Hall,Jessie, Mrs., 62 Hall, Lucy Hall, Marie Hall, MazieJane Hall, Nancy Hallowell, Donald,lr. Halsey, Hollis 46 102 Hatper, Harper, Harpet, Ha4rer, 72 Hatper, Marie 18 Harper, Paul 26 91 Hatringtorl Cecelia H. Hariogton, Douglsa N. Alfred 106 Harrington, Emerson C. BemardJ. Catl MarionJ. 106 Harington,John E. 106 Hardngtoa, Mamie E. Harriagton, Olevia Smith Harnmer, Harnmer, Hammer, Harnmer, Flammet, lfilliam 15 28 18 106 106 llammond, Caroll 82 Flammond, Ftaflces Hammond, Martha llamptoa, Dennis 62 82 Doaald Dods Douglas Kathleen Harrington" Richatd D. Harrington, Thelma HardnSon, lTilliam E. 62 Harrhgton, WilliamJ. Harrington, Winder F. Hards, Alice 67 Haris, Barbara 61 106 Hards, Bruce Palmet Harris, Carol 54 I{arris, Donald 79 79 Harris, Elzabeth'Betty' Harris, Emmanuel Hanes, Bob 79 Hartis, James P. Hanes, Fted 79 Hanes,John E., III Hanes,Joho E., Sr. Hanes,John Ellis,Jr. Hanes,Joy Dean Hanes, Margatet Bmuley llanes, Mary Louise Redding 79 Harris,Jerq, Hartis,John Hayaes Hards, Lloyd B. 79 Hartis, Robert Hamis, Satah Willis Flanes, Peggy 79 Haris,'lTilliam T., Jt. Hanna, Effie Hannah, Robert Hering Hannah, Susan Ann Muir Hannan, Amanda 16 Harnpton, Myrtle Handley, Barbara Haadley, Dorsey Handy, Emma B. Handy, Madeline Hanes, Becky Hanes, Bill 45 79 79 79 79 Harris, Louise Harris, Orville L. t13 Harrison, Alice Garrrin Flarrison, Boonie F. Harrison, Calloway 28 Hardson, Chatles R. Hannan, Chet Hardesty, G. Hines Hardesty, Rodney Hatding, Mabel H. Harding, Mary Jane 28 llarrison, Cordelia 100 Harding Rebecca 35 Harrison, Harrison, Flatrison, Harrison, Hardson, Harding, Romie M. 57 Hatison, Ida Mason Hardiag Wesley 35 Harison,James C. Hardman, Alma Hardman, Arthur Hardman, Murtay 110 Hardson,James O. Harrison,James !7. Harrison, Katherine E. 713 77 57 74 i10 110 Eugene R. Eva West George I[. H. Elberte Hattie G. 42 III 42 W 42 F.,Jr. I{atrison, kvin 35 Hardson, Marion R. 75 Harrison, Peatl 115 Hardson, Richard B. 115 Hardson, Rozante 115 Harrison, Ryan 17. 76 Harrison, Sam,Jt. 73 Harrison, Samuel, Mts. 76 Hartison, Skippy 35 Harison, Victot R. 73 Flartison, lTesley 49 B. Harrold, Chades 49 Harold, Sue C. 102 Hart, Connie L02 Hart, Kitty 104 Hart, Virginia 19 Hartgman,Jimmy 19 H:artlolrar',ltrez 19 Hartman,James 29 Hartrnann,Johanna 22 Hauenstein, Elizabeth 22 Flauenstein, Louis Conrad 22 Torkman |fauenstein, Matie 22 Hauenstein, Michael 22 99,101 Hauemstein,John 22 Haustein, l7alter Louis 67 12 Flauvet, Ruth 99 102 M. Dods Flawkins, 66 18 Hawnie, Alpheus 15 18 Flawnie, Elizabeth Walker 22 32 Haxton,Jean 18 37 Haymaker, BobbieJean 28 112 A. Charles Haymaker, 67 112 Haymaker, Chatles A',Jr. 66 112 2 Haynaket, Elizabeth Laird 37 115 Haymaker,Jean D. 112 102 Haymaker,Joseph M. Haymaker,Joseph Mclaughlia 112 66 172 22 Haymaket, Ronald M. 31 Haymaker, Shitley Sue 42 92 79 Hayman, Ruth Anna 45 Haynes, Paul 64 t3 Hays, DorothyJacob 42 52 Helen Headle, 66 77 Heam, Bud 35 70 Fleam, Madan 35 67 115 Heam, Ray, Mrs. 67 Heam, Ruth 35 64 M^ryJ. Heame, 115 22 Heathet, Gtaftoo 42 22 Heather, Hatry 17 52 115 Hebel, Bertha 97 1,15 Heck, ErmynJewell 3 Hegge, Mary 76 113 L04 86 54 92 22 23 34 51 46 51 67 7i 51 32 48 48 48 71 77 N 76 48 48 77 22 Flardson, Irvin F., Flardson, Levin F., Heinefield,Jery 45 Heinefield, Ullian Au&ey 4 Heinold, Flilda 63 Heisterhagen, Frederick Heistethagen, Kathedne Ann Heisterhagen, Sophie Rott 21 Heisterhagen, W"rlliam Jr. Heisterhagen, lfilliam Jo 2l 21 seph, 2l Joseph, Sr. 21 Heisterhagen, William Nelson 21 I( Helmer, Elizabeth Henckel Fted C. 53 JO Ilendetson, Mldred Flenderson, Nancy 2t Hendley, Mldred 24 Heninget, Roy 8., Mrs. Henry, Carolyn Henry, Edward Henry, Emily T. Henry, Helen Henry, M*ty B. 98 100 36 41 36 105 47 Henry, Mirrflie 90 Hepbton, lTilliam Fletsch, Emily Steven Hersch,John M. 4 Hetshbetget, Sylvia Fless, Alice Elizabeth 49 Hess, Anna Louise Hampton 32 Hess, Bemald L. 32 Hess, Jack 32 Hess,James B. 32 Hess, Larry 32 Hevetia, Elizabeth Jean Hewitt, Emma Hewitt, Hilda 6 Hickel Albert Hickel Ned R. Hickman, Albert Hickman, Alfred Hickman, Alfted 62 99 99 32 26 110 62 1 26 E,., Sr. 56 Hickman, George Otho Flickman, MamieJ. Hickman, Margaret Hickman, Margatet !7. 10 10 20 56 Hickmaa, Paige Hickman, Waltet Hicks, Carrie Lewis 74 Hicks, Clayton C. 2 Hicks, Clyde D. Hicks, Daaiei Hicks, Larry Hicks, Iillian 2 Hicks, Ruth 59 Hicks,'!7. Iro Hicox, Mary 2 56 2 JI 2 85 110 Hidalgo, Stanley, Mrs. Higdon, Belle Higdon, Bdaa,Jr. Higdon, Higdon, Higdon, Higdon, Higdon, Emma Geotge George C. George C., Mts., I-ee, Jr. Higgins, David Higgins, Edward H. Higgins, Elizabeth B. Higgins, Gardnet F. Higgins, Helen C. Higgins, Henrietta Jones Higgins, Flerman Higgins,J. Waltet Higgins,John D. Higgins, Nancy S. Higgins, Owen Higgins, Richard D. Higgins, RichardJ. Higgs, Cahterine Higgs, Cliffotd Higgs, Eugene Higgs,Joseph Higgs, William Robert, Jr. Hignutt, Henrietta Hill, Allan FIi[ Charles W. Hill, Douglas Hill, Herman Berg Flill, Flerman Edwatd Hill, HildaAshley F{i[ Jay Hill,John W. Berg Hill, Leroy Hill, Maty Hill, Matjlda Grulkey Hi[ Priscilla Goodwin Hill,l?illiam F. Himekight, Edgat R. Himehight, Sue Mary Hinefelt, Ftanklin Hiaefeh Gilbert Hinefelt, Tina Hines, Amy Hines, Anaie M. Hines, George Flinkel, Audtey M. Flinkel, Floreace Dasheilds I{inkel, William Hirst, Edwin D. Hitst, Midam B. Hoby, Richard Hockenbury, Matcella Hockessin, Hattie Cartet Hodges,Jean 15 Hoffecker, Mdam 60 Hoffman, Alton L. 60 Hoffman, Alton, III 82 707 Hoffman, Alton,Jt. Hoffrnan, Dorothy 60 Hoffman, Harvey, Mrs., 60 Hofftnan, Ishmael 60 Hoffman, Katie Miller 39 Hoffman, Latry Allen 39 Hoffman, Larry,Jt. 64 Hoffrnan, Mark 64 Hoffman, Melvin O. 64 Hoffman, Priscilla T" 39 Hoffman, Wilbur 39 Hoffrneister, Bob 39 Hogan, BarbaraL. 64 Hogan, Harry 64 Hogaos, Dan Ayres 39 Hogans, Donald 39 Hogans, Joseph 39 25,28 Hogans, Matgaret Hogaas, Nellie Ayres 67 102 Hoke, Meriam Holden, Carie Boone 2 Holden, Clata 40 Holden, Clifton 56 Holden, Edna E. 15 Holden, Edward Dodd 25 Holden, Gary 93 Holden, Geotge H. 93 Holdeo,Josephine 93 Holden,Julia Davis 93 15 Holden, Margaret Holden, Martio 93 Holden, lVlildren D., Mrs. 93 Holland, Annie E. Phelan 15 Holiand, Catherine Mullikio 93 Holland, Donna 76 Holland, EmestW. 93 Holland, George !7' 34 Holland, Laurence G. 34 Holland, Thomas 13 13 Holland, William Henry Holland,William M. t3 Holle, Dotothy 16 Hollett, Eleanot Skianer 54 Hollett, Ellen Maria 54 Hollett, Geotge S. 13 Hollett,James Herbert 13 Hollett,John !7. t3 Hollett,John'!7., Mts. 68 Hollett, Madeline G. 68 Hollett, Saodta 59 101 Holliday, Lawtence,Jr' Holliday, Lawtence,Jt., I\4rs. 7 32 98 104 1'04 104 34 70 104 1'04 1'04 104 104 744 104 104 702 77,108 77,708 6 6 6 6 6 55 103 21' 46 113 103 L2 20 87 2A 85 12 109 3 57 15 3 3 3 92 57 3 3 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 28 28 Hollingshead, Edna Hollingsworth Geotge Holliagsworth, Hollingswotth, Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth, 52 21 Chatles A. 21 Colin Pdce Dan 30 Frances 52 Gary Geotge Edward George Vickers 11 23 27 30 Hollingswoth,Jack Hollingsworth,Juy D. 26 Hollingsworth,John E. z',t 2t Hood, Hood, Hood, Hoop, Hope, Hope, Katherine TheodoreJ. Virginia P. 30 Celeste 15 Clifta 44 Cliftoa 44 44 Hope, Douglas S. Hope, Elizabeth Harrison Hope, Hope, Hope, Hope, 36 30 M Helen Peari A. 32 PeatlAme Philip H.,Jt. 85 31 44 44 89 Hope, Philip H., Sr. Hopkins, Calvio M. Hopkins, Chades !7. Hopkins, Claude W. Hopkins, Dan Hopkins, Edvrard S. Hopkins, Bffs Hopkins, Evelyn D. Hynson Hopkins, Frank Dudley Hopkins, Hardet S. 89 HoPkins, HarrY Parker BoYd 20 Flollingsworth, Joyce R. 27 Hollingsworth, J utia Virginia 26 flqllin gswofth, Mary Mullikin 21 Hollingsworth, Richard E. Hollingsworth, Rosalie Payne Hollingsworth, Signe, Mrs. Hollingswotth, Virginia Hollingsworth, W'ater W. Hollingsworth, \Tilliam Hollingsworth, William J., Mrs. tlollingsworth, William J ames Hollman, Glenn Hollman,Jack Hollman, Mabel 21 JJ 56 JJ 26 26 18 18 18 Hollmes, Alvin,Jt. Holloway,Jessie 27 Holloway, Mary Holmes, Doris Wallower Holmes, Edward 12 6 Hopkins, Larry !7. Hopkins, Ironard N. Hopkins, Iillian H. Hopkins, Lloyd P. Hopkins, Lula Ellen Perry Hopkins, Margaret Moore Hopkins, Martha Henry 41 41 27 Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss, llotch-kiss, Bruce lfl. 72 Heathet 72 Jeffrey 72 Mandy Hotchkiss, Mercy !7. 72 Hotch.kiss, Timothy 72 Howard, Anna Clough Flowatd, Edwatd Floward, Foster S. 103 Howard,John A. 0".k) Howatd, Paul L. 71 Floward, Paul L.,Jr. Howarth, Elizabeth Jane Sinclair Howarth, George Edwatd Howarth, Harvey C. 103 72 103 100 103 68 68 68 47 Howarth, Nanie Frampton Howeth, Delotes C. FIowetI, Norman D. Hoxtedr, Iris Hoxtedr, Vzlerie Hoxter, Delores FIoxtet, Elizabeth H. Hoxter, Emma Rasberry Hoxter, Emest lloxter, H. Hill Hoxter, Keith Hoxter, kon P. 20 Floxter, Lisa 6 41 45 23 41 20 27 27 20 41 47 2t 41 68 86 42 6 6 54 107 6 6 t07 45 90 27 Hopkios, Ray 99 Hoxter, Lloyd Floxter, Lynn Holmes, Elizabeth Holmes,Jacob Thomas Holmes, Jacob Thomas, III Holmes,Jane E. Holrnes, Jeffrey Thomas 85 41 floxtet, Robert W. 90 70 Holsinger, Lyda E. Holsinger, Russell I{oltzmao, Tim Steward 63 Homily, /J.orza Hoxter, Robert W.,Jr. Hoxtet, Samuel Hoxter, Samuel Theodore Hoxter, Stewart Lee, Jr. Hoxtet, Stewart Lee, St. Hoxter, Stuart Lee Hoxter, l7iliam Hubbard, Chades Eugene Hubbatd, Clifton Hubbatd, Evelyn ilubbard, Gleo Hubbard, Herbie Huchins, l7illiam J., Jr. Hughes, Nellie Hughes, Wionie Hughlett, Chades W. Hu[ Chades Edmuod 90 Holmes,John !7. llolmes, Matk !(rrlliarn Holmes, Velma Yung Holsinger, Adam Hopkins, Robet L. Hopkins, Roland R. Hopkins, Sherrrlarl M. Hopkins, Sylvia D. Hopkins, !7. Boyd Hopkins, lfilliam A. 47 70 70 70 3l 70 41 41 39 20 20 70 Hom,JoyceA. 1 70 llom, Vemon,Jr. 1 63 24 40 Hom, Victor Homey, BematdW. Homey,Bill ilomey, Chades Emory 72 Flomey, Darrell Evans 19 63 45 t9 19 Homily, Alonza, Mrs. Honeywelt Duaoe 12 Homey, Eiizabeth JoAnne 45 94 47 Honeywe[ Florence D. 94 Flomey, Grason,Jr. Homey, Harqy !7. Honeywell, Marvin E. 94 19 Floney'well, Marvin E., Jr. Honey'rvell, Patdcia 94 Homey, Homey, Homey, Hotney, HomeR Homey, Honeylvell, Susaa Hood, Bessie Fleetwood 94 94 30 Larry LisaAnne t9 45 6 103 57 103 i03 103 90 38 22 66 96 t9 Tylethia 65 Hu[Timothy 41 19 Hull, lVilliam 96 Hdl 96 Flotsman, Susanne D. 108 Hood,John william,Jr. 45 40 19 30 30 45 Merwin Harry 30 Hood,John O. Hood,John !7, St. 6 Mamie Pietson 45 30 6 Hult Eleanor Hull,EmilyN. !7illiam W. Horsey, Elmer Horsey, ELner E. Hood,Joe A. M. 90 4 James, Jr. WilliamJames, Sr. Hunq Georgeanna Hunt,Joseph 96 114 774 Hunt, Thelma T. Hunter,Jerry Jacob, W. Calvin Jacobs, Carmeta 105 11 24 InseLnan, 106 InseLnan, Fred Inselman,Jean Olison Irby, Ftank Talbot Irby,James Frank 28 Irby, Kermit Irby, Mary Agnes Irby, Paul Ireland, Albert L. t07 Hutd, Clatence E. 11 Hurd, Clarence Patrick Hurd, Maggie P. Hutd, Sharon 71 Hudey, Thomas W'., Mrs., Hudock Richatd 1,6 75 Inman, Mary Inscho, Jessie Inscho, William Inselman. Dale Rose Bresnick Inseknan, Darryle Frederick, II 79 26 Hurson, Robert Hurst, Ann Hurst, Dorothy 92 Hurtt,Jimmy 4 113 70 Derick William 4 75 Jacobs, Chades 47 28 Jacobs, Edna 96 28 28 Jacobs, Elizabeth Jacobs, Eugene 47 Jacobs, Gene 97 Harison 105 105 28 Jacobs, 100 100 Jacobs, Robert Jacobs, Stanley 47 100 Jacobs, l7arten 47 100 100 Jacquette, Ruth Jacquette, Sirnms 99 25 James Bmeda 23 Ireland, Chades Irelaad, David E. 99 James Emmatluel 23 99 25 James, Alice James, Chades 30 Ireland, David P. Iteland, Douglas C" Ireland, Francis 38 James, Douglas 48 79 James, Ead 23 99 James, Earnest 23 34 James, Edwin 70 99 James, Elwood P. 70 25 James, George 23 105 18 Flutchins, Alice Flutchins, Allen A. Flutchins, Alvif, A. 67 Hutchins, Chades !7. Hutchins, Cynthia E. Flutchins, Dorothy V. Hutchins, Henry 90 Hutchins,James 64 Hutchins,James A. 90 Hutchins,Janie Gibbs 90 Flutchins, Learrder 98 Iteland,John Ireland,Julia C. Iteland, Katherine Ireland, LouisJ. Hutchins, l,eon F. Hutchins, Mary Esthet Hutchins, Ronald D. 90 Ireland, Margery Pennington 25 James, Gladys W. 70 98 Irelard, Madon, Mrs., 99 James, Hiltoo 23 90 Mil&ed Cole 99 James, Jesse 70 Flutchins, Samuel N. Hutchins, Thomas E. 90 36 James,Joseph 70 56,82 90 James, Linda James, Listet pis) James, Louis 48 Hutchins, William A. Flutchins, William Albert Pauline Ralph Sarah E. Thomas 90 90 90 90 98 23 Hutchins, lV-tlliam Joseph Hutchinson, Elizabeth S. 90 Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, 104 James, Maudce 23 5t Irvifl" Hesry 46 James, Mchael 48 Hutchinson, Janie Flutchinson, Phillip L. 83 Isde[ 47 James, 37 78 James, 105 James, 77 James, 80 Jackson"John Jackson, Madaa E. James, Phillip James, Shidey James Barban 23 106 106 James, Walter E. Sody) 48 80 34 27 Jackson, Roland 80 James, Wildar,Jr. James, Wildai, Mrs., James, William E. John 70 81 Jackson, Mary Jackson, Naomi 48 27 80 Jarnison, Raphell 2 83 Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Warren H. 71 Jaaes,Janie 23 Kennita 83 Jacob, BemiceJ. 83 Marie 57 Jacob, Brady Jacob, Chades Janicke,John Jarboe, Evelyn Frampton 59 Ijllian Mae 4 4 4 4 4 4 Jarboe, Wilson M. 72 t3 90 98 Wiltoo H. Sue Hutchinson, Wiliam A. 83 F{ynson, Anna E. 83 Ivey, Eunice Jackson, Catlene H. Jackson, Emma Phillips 81 Jacksoa, Eva May Slacum Hynson, Annie Gibson Hynson, Carrie Hynson, Chades L. Hynson, Chestet Hynson, Henry!7ilbur Flynsoa, Hubert Flynsoo, Hubert !fl. Hynson, Kennard S. Hynson, Hynson, Hynson, Hynson, Otha 27 27 81 S. 25 99 Olevia Patricia E. Percy Lee Percy,Jr. 48 70 23 43 23 23 23 70 72 Jarman, Edith 103 Jamran, Kline 46 Jarrell, Annie Todd 23 Jao"ll" C. Olin Jarell, Chades O.,Jr. 16 llynson, Raymond Flyason, Romie E.,Jt. 27 Hynson, Rozanne 83 Jacob, Chades F. Jacob, Edi& Wheat Jacob, Eugene Jacob, Tilli211 Coxon Hynson, Ruth Hynson, Sandta Flynson, Sophelia Iannacone, Anne 27 Jacob, Medfotd 72 Jacob, 83 13 Jarrell, Chades R. Jo.r"L F. Henry 23 59 Jacob, Robert H.,Jr. Jacob, Robert N. 1.3 JanellJohn B" 23 Ingersoll,Jane C. t07 Jacob, Sandta 4 Jarrell,Julian B. 23 83 83 Mke 4 4 16 16 J*"lt Tillie fuager Jarell, Mary Davidson Sylvester 16 Jarrell, Mlton D. Jarrell, Ralph Jarrell, Ruth Doty Z3 Jarell, !7illiam 23 Jeff, Alice Jefl Ead A. 81 Jeff, George H. 81 Jeff,James 81 Jeff,James E. Jeffets, Marguerite Jefferson, $Toodrow 81 Jeffries, Bessie 3t Jimenis, Olive P. Johnson, Alice Blake Johnson, Allen Melvin Johnson, Anne t6 16 Johason, Arlington Johnson, Edith 23 Johnsoo, Edward Johnson, Edward Oliver 81 Johasoa, Johason, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johasor:, 2 47 Edsrard Olivet, Jt. Elizabeth Moote Geraldine Harry Ida Gustasson India t2 7t Johnson, Irene Johnson,James 14 Johason,Jenny 14 Johnson,John L. jenkinson, Flossie Jenkhson, Hugh M. Jenkinson, Hugh R. 74 Jenniags, Constance Ann Kerbs 41 Jennings, James R., Sr. Jennings,James R., Sr., Mts. 4t Jennings, James Robert, Jr. I-orxune J ennings, T ara 47 Jennings, Victotia Lynrr 47 Jennings, Yvoone Marie Jerome, Celo T. 41 Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Jester, Harry 104 Jester, l,ouise 106 Jestet, Robert Jester, Roger F. 89 26 Jester, William R. 26 Jenlins, Ada C. Jenkins, Emmajeaa Jenkinson, Elizabeth Hudson Jenkinson, Ellen Shaw t4 14 41 41 Kathleen Learessa Marshall P., Mts. Paul Percy Elwood Rebecca Roy Sata Vivian E. l7altet B. (B".k) Johnson, ITilliam Johnston, Arthur 105 Johnston, Robert Johnston, Rosalie Lut} ringer Johnstoo, Sam Johson, Davera Jewelt Alberta Smith 97 Joiner, Chades Joiner, Chades !7.,Jr. Jewe[ Alfred Jewell, Barban 87 Joiner, Harold 56,171 Joiner, Howard, Mrs., Jewe[ Chades 50,1i Joinet,Jimmy Jewell, Dotothy Digby 97 Jewe[ Elwood Jewe[ GeorgeJ. 1L1 87 Jewell, Henry Theodote 97 Jewell, Jacob L1l Jewell,James H.,Jr. 97 Jewell,James Hylaad Jewelt JohnJacob Je*.ll Mary Lou 97 Jonczak, Barbaru Jones, Addie Jones, Anna Graham L11 Joaes, Anna Mae Jete4Jean R. Jewell, Jewelt J.*"11" Jewell, Percy Price Roseberry Thomas Jewe[ ITalter Jewell, William L. Jewett, Barbara Jimenis, Edwh A. 83 1 97 87 87 711 14 87 98 79 115 Joiner, Robert W. Joiner, Walter L. Joiner, l7illiam L. Jolley, Rosetta Jones, Anna Made Doeller Jones, Anna W'. Jones, Arthur Joaes, ArthurJ. Joaes, Austin Jones, BettyJ. Jones, BettyJoy Jones, Bill Jones, Chatles W. 115 2l 98 2l 98 104 98 96 96 73 23 96 56 27 98 Jones, Daniel t+ Jones, Donald Lyn Jones, Donald Lyn, 1.9 96 56 7l 98 38 15 2 12 56 105 90 73 56 6 6 6 6 55 24 4 1 62 113 98 98 98 70 28 39 28 111 13 39 Jones,John E. Jones,John H. Jones,Joseph Jones,Joyce Joaes, laDonna Hartman Jones, l,eslie Jores, Lulabell Mords Jones, Mable Jones, Martha 39 Jones, Marvin L. Jones, Mary 39 Jones, Mary A1ice 56 Joaes, Mary Helen Jones, Mary Lou 29 Jones, Matilda (Itllie) M. 99 Jones, lrday Smith 86 Jooes, Nancy 3 Jones, Nellie Rasin 15 Jones, Peatson C. 19 Jones, Pearson C. 19 II 71 Jones, E. 95 Jones, Effie Mae Abbot 77 Jones, Evelyn RJones, Evelyn Thomas 76 100 Jones, Frances 56 Jones, FrankEvert 43 Jones, George B. 10 Jones, Irvin Henry Jones,J. Russell 56 Jones,James T., 18 III Jones,James !?. 27,8'1. Jones,Jane D. 1 12,13 39 28 3 72 107 10 t9 Jones, Dorothy 77 t3 7t 39 86 52 19 71 43 97 62 95 98 Jones, Phillip t9 Jones, Pietson 79 Jones, Raymond C. 95 Jones, Richard R. Jones, Richard R.,lr. 43 43 Jones, Robby 19 Jones, Sandy Jones, Satah 30 19 Jones, Scott Jones, Thelma Jones, Thomas 7) Jones, Tina 29 Jones, Viola Virginia 29 Jones, Whester Jones, Whester Porter,Jr. 99 Jones, W-rlliam 3,13,77 Jones, l7illiam Henry 77 Jones, Wiliiam R. 95 Jones, Willis IC J Jotdan, Donald 18 99 15 99 Jotdan, Hollis Knox Jordan, Larry S. Jotdan,'STyona Adams Jorden, ElsG Jory, Alfred Jory, Daisy Evans Jory,Joseph G. Jory, Mary Evans Joy, Alice Judefnd, Edgar Judefind, Harold Judefind, Jennie Stevens Judefind, ri7illiam Jump, Chatles Medford Jump, Cora TrewJohnson Jump, Frank Guemey Jump, Fred P. Jump, George F. Jump, Harold M. Jump, Madge Gooding Jump, Matgatet JumF, Margarette D. Jump, Morris H. Kagan, Alfred ts.,Jr. Kalet,James Kaler, Price Kalinowski, Laura Kambrer, Irah Kangas, Alice Y. Karas, Katen Fay Karbaum, Mary S. Kardine, Susan Karpell, Batbara Kauffman, Annie Eliz. Yarnall Kauffman, Eloise Hepbum Kauffman, Emmett Clarence Kauffman, Geotge Emmett Kaufman, Calvin Kaufman,Jerry Kaufman,Joan Kaufman, Rosalie Keenan,Joseph Keeoe, Ed.rin Keene, Genie Keene, Melvin Keith, Anne Keith, Frances Emma Kellas, Angelo Kellas, Geotge E. Kellas, Helen Kellas, Kathethe Batchelor Kelley, Betty Kellum, Drusilla Kelly, Donald Kelly, Donaldsori Neylor Kelly, Frances Neylor 18 18 18 77 82 82 82 82 57 10 10 10 10 23 23 23 27 49 Kelly, Gay Page Kelly, Rebecca Adams Kembler, Theodore Kemp, Alfred Kemp, August Kemp, Dorothy Kemp, Emma Reinhardt K*p,J.Hardson Kemp,John H.,Jt. Kemp, KathedneJune Kemp, Ronald Kemp, RutI Anna Kemp, William Kendall, Chades Kendall, David Kendall, Harry Kendall, Hubbard Kenda[Joe 49,172 Kendall, hnox 27 30 71 71 112 22 22 102 87 95 4t 24 57 1 98 98 98 98 2 33 33 56 64 71 39 71 17 61 12 12 12 12 20 5 55 2 2 Kendall, Melvin Kenddck, Mldred Elizabeth Kennatd, George lTashiaSon Kennatd, Mary Frances Cotton Kennedy, Ada Kennedy, Lucile Kenny, Doris R. Kerebs, Catherine Kems, Douglas Kems, Edurard D. Kems, HelenA. Ketsey, Amold !f. Kersey, Evelya Matgatet Kersey, Laveme Kerwick, Viola Kesmodel Patricia Kessler, Elnet H. Keyes,Janet Keys, Nina Keyser, Pedita Kibler, Edward E. Kibler, Grace !?. Kibler,Joseph B. Kibler, Martio A. Kibler, Mary Kirsch Kiblet, Robert M. Kilmon, DanielJ.,Jr Kilmon, Dooald Kilnon, Harvey Kilmon, Mary l\{etle Kiknon,Michaell Kilmon,TimothyW Kimball, Clara H. Kimble, Caspet (Dick) Kimble, Etta R. Kimble,J. Wesley Kimble, Kevin 2 2 72 36 36 27 33 66 66 89 36 25 36 62 11 62 99 4 13 9 27 6 6 6 6 73 41 59 59 59 Kira.ble, lTesley S. Kimbles, Barbara Kimbles,William Kimmett, Alice Kimmett, Raymond Kincaid, Datlene 56 Kimbler, Sue 37 Kinder, Batbxa Fayae Newnam Kindet, Darris Kindet, Evetett l,eon'Bob' Kindet, Franklin Kinder, George lloyd Kinder, Hatry Kinde4 Nella May Doziet Kinder, Robert 7 Kindrg, Evelyn E. 66 Btagg 102 81 28 28 87 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 66 Gilbert 81 Lynn 77 King, Chades Bamey 17 EnochJerome King 17 King Enoch Leroy 113 King Flota Frisby 17 King,Juliaa 17,24 King, l,ouise Geiser 17 King Mary Solloway 77 Kiag R.Iee 87 King, Ruth 50 King, !7. t. @,lty) 47 I(innamon,J. Lambert H. Kinaamon,John Edward,Jt' 47 47 38,113 Kinnamon, MaryPalmet 47 173 Kinnamon, Mchael H. 45 Kirby, Cad 60 45 Kilby, Helen 52 45 Kfuby,James Partick 10 45 F. Kirby,John 78 51 Kitby, Laura N. 69 50 Kirby, Viola Deckman 57 51 13 Kirby, Williarn N. 99 73 Kirey,James 79 Kirl Clara Noble 64 89 Alice 73 Kitkwood, 72 64,73 Kirlacl Ann 95 73 Kish, Beattice 47 64,73 Kistlet, Alfred L. 41 Kistler, Bemadine Stortz 37 95 Kistlet, Clair 37 47 Kisder, Donald S. 37 95 Kisder, Ethel 37 4l 37 Kistlet, Kathryn M. 41 Kisder, Mae E. Dietrich 37 95 Kistler, Norrnan Leroy 32 95 26 Kistler, Seville 15 Kitson,June 26 61 Klecan, Adeline 26 61 Klecan, Albert 26 Kindig Kindles, Klecan, Enrma Klecan,James Klecan,Joan Klecan, l,ouis Klecan, Klecan, Klecan, Klecan. 67 Kratz, J eremiah F., Mts., 61. Ruth Shitl"y 67 61 Krauch, Dotothy Kreeger, Fannie Anthony Kreeger,James S.,Jr. Kreeger,James Samuel Krewonrka, Abe Butch' lftlliamJ. 61 Kteworuka, Abtaham George 61 Kreworuka, Alekay Krewonrka, Lauti Ftaaces 61 61 Kline, Elizabeth Kneller, Ruth Knipple, Etzabeth D. Knipple, Kathryn Ritter Knipple, Oliver E. 77 41 8 8 8 L4 14 Lane,James Ftanklin, Sr. tl4 Lane,Jimmy 60 Lane, Ronald R. 1.12 Lane, Rosezena Btidges 114 Lane, Thomas E. 59 Lane, Thomas E., Ldrs. 59 Lane, lTilliam 32 1,4 Langford, Evelyn O. 75 14 Langrell, F. S. 70 Kteworuka, Lewis'Corky' Kreworuka, I-illian B. 14 Lankfotd, Emest E. Lankford, Georgia Covey 62 Kreworuka, Nicholas Kreworuka, Paul Kreworuka, Pauline Dowman Kronau, Ead, Sr. 74 106 76 76 Ktonau, Hary M. Ktonau,John L. Kronau, Mary Estelle Eslin Lantz, Bob Lapp, Daniel E. Lapp, Elvin H. Lapp, Mary Ann Smoker Lapp, Merrrin L. 76 Ku&ma, Iillian 27 76 11 76 Kuechler, Mke Kuehne, Shaton 76 Kuehne, Sharon L. 48 76 77 76 Kuhn, Rose Kuilan, Fteddie 5t 76 Kunse, Mil&ed I. 55 76 Kunze, Mldred Kunze, Sidonia LaBrie, Betty Lee 59 103 99 77 77 77 Knipple,Wiliam 77 Knode, Paul Knopp, Benjarnin F., Jr. Krlopp, Beniamin F., St. Knopp, Edith Blunt Knopp, Ernetson Krropp, G. Robert Knopp, George R. Krropp, Houratd Krropp, Katherine Griffith Knopp, Robert M. Krropp, Steven P. Knopp, Tnrdy Lee 72 Knott, Hazel 80 Knotts, Mabel Carter 20 Knowles,Jeff 72 Knox, Doris l7oolford 76 76 14 14 14 76 76 i6 59 36 Lapp, Samuel Lappin, Beaulah 62 i 1 1 1 1 72 LaPtad,Katherine Lee LaPrad, MatthewThomas LzPrad, Robert David 67 LaPrad, Robert Lee Latamore, BessieJ. Lararnorc, Nicodemus 67 lI. 92 Laramote, William Lare, Roy B. Larmore, Elwood 67 67 92 92 73 77 Knox, Roscoe Knox, Thomas V. 25 Lachimia, Elizabeth 18 Koeneman, Katlrleen R* 28 Lafu4AnnaE. 34 Kohn, AntonJ., Sr. Kohn,Joseph !7. Kohn, Margaret Reis Kohn, MatthewJ. Kolpack, Anna Boumet Carroll Kolpack, George Kopp, Elizabeth 53 LaLd, HaryA. Laird,J. Ira,Jr. 22,712 23 53 Lake, Robert Lambert, Batbara Larrimore, Clay Lartimote, Dorothy Larrimote, Edna B. Lartimote, Edwatd Larrimote, Faye Larrimore, Harry Larrimote, Henry Larrimore, Henry M. Larrimorc,J. lTesley JJ Larrimore, J. lTesleR Jr. 44 23 Lambert, George Dailey J 23 Lambert,Jear 71, 7t3 t04 50 Lambert, Thomas J 50 Lambert,William 11 Larrimore,Jack Larrimore,John Larimore, Lucille Lardmore, Matlene Lamimore, Phillip Lauset, David Lauser, Donald Kopp,Joha R., III 111 1t7 25 LaBrie, Chippet LaBrie,James 109 Labrie,Jimmy 60 )J 53 Kor,ell, Adam 61 KoreltJames Korell, Peter Kotpolinski, Adell Kotrla, Catherine M. 61 Kovac, Olga l4 Kovach, Ethyl Csire Kovach, FraokJ. Kovach, Frank,Jt. Kovach, Frank, St. 111 34 59 67 Landa, Christopher Landa, Fran} Lal;.da, Frank, Mrs., 80 Landa,Gina 59 44 Landa, Michael Lane, Anna Melvin 59 r12 r12 Lane, Annette 59 Lane, Annie Hevalour 32 112 1L2 Lane, Bennett H. Krams, Flotence E. Krams, H. Kirby Ktasus, Dennis Kraz, Dorothy M. 77 Kratz,Jeremiah F. 77 59,85 59 5 5 44 1i5 44 115 52 16 44 44 r04 44 J J J 32 Lauset,Jack Lawrence, Ada Lawtence, Cargill,Jr. Lawtence, Cargill, Sr. Lawrence, Edna Lawrence, Gus Lane, Chatles 114 Lawtence, Josephine 54 94 Lane, Dorothy 9t 54 94 Lane, Edward Lane, Ftank E. Lane, Helen Lane, James Fmnklin, Jt. 60 Lawtence, Mary Lawrence, Norris Lawrence, Robert M. Lawrence, Robert M., Jt. Lawrence, Ruth 28 6 32 32 29 114 54 54 54 54 54 54 28 34,54 R 7 Libersky, Barbara Ohildka Libersky, Joseph Liddecoat, Elizabeth Ann Lalton, Francis L^ttor', Orville'Sonny' 93 t4 Lehman, Charles,Jr. I-ehman, Evelyn Millet Lehman, Susan Lcomegys, Peggy Lee I*ager, Frances B. 40 Leibowitz, Melvin J5 31 Lght, Chades 99 Iraget,James Irager,James Edmund 73 Leonard, Arrin5on N. 81 31 Leonard, AtthurJ. 81 Leonard,James 7t3 Lawrence, Shidey 28 7 7 Iiebetman, Irona Lieby, Edward Lighteret, George S. 18 18 67 5 4t 49 IJlley, Paul, Mrs., Lingle,James Boal 6t 69 69 kager, James Edmund, Jr. 31 Leaget,Jean E. Leager,John Flarman 87 Leonard Jefferson lludson 8i 31 Ironard,Judith J Liagle,Jennie BoaI T.ingle, Lycutgus 7' Leonard, Kimbedy Leonard, Latry,Jx. konard, Mabel G. Leonard, Richard 81 Unk, Alice A. 36 40 T ink, John P. 36 Leatherbury, Robert Irathetwood, Blanche 70 Iraverton, David 97 Iravin, Gabrielle 712 Leazer, Blanche 42 kcates, Harvey Lee 66 81 81 69 I;n\John Phillip,Jr' linsmyer, Barbanl*e 36 66 22 konard, Wrrifred Walls 81 Walsh 74 Lescaleet, Gertrude 72 lrdnum, Ellis 36 Leslie, Lee 22 lednum, Ollie 74 Levetage, Ned 702 Lippold, ArthurLouis Lippold, Louise F. Lipscomb, Edward Lister, Harry Lister, Ruth Litde, Kathleen Lee, Anna Marie Smith 9 I*verage,Roberta rc2 U"rhNrrry 105 Lee, Brenda 6 l,ewis, Agnes 18 Livingston, Virginia Ann 712 ke, CherylAnn 6 kwis, Billy 96 Lee, Danny 111 I-ewis, Bradle.y 18 Llewlyn, A-on D. Lloyd, Catherine 99 I*e, David Ire, deVismes 11.1 kuris, Butch 106 108 Lewis, Cad 96 Lee, Fraoces 6 kvris, 19 Lee, George C. Lee, George H. Iee, Harriett Combs I-ee,James E. 4 4 101 Lee,John Henry Lee, Kennatd Lee, Linda 6 Lewis, Corey Lewis, Davd Lewis, Derick Lewis, Dwayne Lewis, Edna Lewis, Gwendolyn l,ewis, Harvey Lewis,Jaqueliae Irdnum, Beatrice Cavallato 78 9 4 6 ke, MaryB. Ire, Mary E. ke, MaryJean 4 Leooatd, Robet Leonatd, Wilbur 26 R Chatles 81 101 Iloyd, 5 101 lloy-d, Samuel, Jt. Lloyd, Thetesa Ann Lloyd, Wesley 5 Llynch, Francis,Jr. Lockhard, Cynthia f,ockwood, Aliece 49 101 101 10i Ire, Mchael ke, Robertl. ke, Roger 78 I-ewis, Keith 53 67 82 Lee, Sheila 6 kwis, Lulu Belle Smith kwis, Marie kwis, Marvin ke, 4 Legg, Bill 18 704 17 41 46 10 I-loyd, Myrde I. Lewis,Judy Lewis, Marvin S. Lewis, Nelson Lewis, Nelson 100 101 kwis,Jean A. 46 48 101 18 6 Welford Legates, Dorothy A. Irgates, Kim 2 47 Lloyd, Chades Edwatd Lloyd, Dorothy Mae Lloyd, Estella Mae IJoyd, George Edward Lloyd, Hattie Carde Mles Lloyd,John Wesley 67 18 66 36 96 101 101 2 Legg, Elton $.ose) Coleman Legg, Elton Leslie 18 kwis, Robert C. kwis, Roger 18 Lewis, Stanford 7 Legg, Harold 18 79 Legg, Ida Thompson 18 Lewis,Tommy Lewis,W. Henry I*gg,J.Emory Irgg,John r04 lewis, Wilbrr B. 96 18 kwis, ITiltrur B., Mrs., 96 Legg, Teddy 47 Leuris, William S. Legg, Weldon Benfet 18 Legg, William H.,Jt. 18 Legq, ITilliam H., Sr. 18 Lehman, Chades 7 40 r07 Samuel Lockwood, Wayne Lofland, Dotothy Loflaad,Joyce Lofland, Mabel l,oller, Annie R Lollet, D. Sudler Lolleq Da:r Loller, Horace Loller, Irnin Lollet, Walter Bowe' 5 92 104 104 92 5 92 76 55 104 64 7t 60 1 L 41 1 1 1 51 82 Lomakovsky, Tanya Lomas, Cordley Lomax, Barbata Ann Lomax, George Bradley Iewter, Wanda 36 Lomax, Flelen 80 Libetsky, Anthony Libersky, Anton Libersky, Batbata 18 L,omax, ktoy 20 18 l,omax, Mldrcd I-omax, Nona I. 82 18 12 6 20 20 20 Long Carolyn LongJohn Deowood Long, Paul M. Long, Paul Marshall, Jt. Long, Paul Matshall, Mrs. Looney, Barbara D. Lopez,Jose Modesto l-opez, Ramona I-op ez, William Richardo Lorah, Kathryn N. Lod, Alfred Lord, Annie l?eaver I-ord, Benedict !7. Lotd, Beulah E. Lord, Clarence Lord, Connie Ann Lord, Donald Lord, Dorothy Lord, Fteda I-ord, lTeaver Losten, Mchael Losten, Stephen I-otg Lotena Lotterman, Katherine Loud, Edwatd Loud, Rachel Maslin Loughry, Dale Love, Edgar Love,Jane Hazelton Love, Kathrya Bumett Love, Paul I-ove, Sally Love, Thomas McAdoo I-ove, Thomas,Jr. Lowe, Cliff,Jr. Lowe,Wick l,owery, Claude Lowery, Claude,Jt. Lowery, Claude, St. lowery, Edith Cook f.owery, Lowery, Lowery, Lowery, Louise Reba E. Robert C. Roberta C. Lowery Sam Lowery, Samuel Lowery,Villiam C. l,owman, William Lr,zor, Shidey Ludwig, Ftank Ludwig, Stella V. Luebbecke, Chades l,uf{ Lufl Bessie Draper Carol Luff, Chades Edward Luff, Emma'V7arner 38 27 38 27 27 21,87 101 101 101 9 26 26 26 26 26 66 26,53 79 53 26,53 7 7 4 61 50 50 6 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 23 64 46,60 60 18 46 30 60 46 46 114 46 46 15 53 65 65 73 85 28 85 21 Luff, G. Gary Luff,Hatry Luff,James Alan Luf{,James M. Luff, I-ouise Luff, Paul Luff, Tmcylynn Luike,John M. Lumpkin, Nellie Cober Lund, Carl Arvid Lund,CadR. Lund,CadR. Lund, Clifford Lund, Dorothy Othel Lund, Edward A. Lund, Elmer Lund, Gustav Lund, Victoria Luthringer, Gordon, Mrs. Lutz, Edward Ltt.rz. Margatet Lynch, Calvin D. Lynch, Cathedne Lyoch, Dorcthy Ly.t.b Holton Lynch,James H. Lynch"James H.,Jr. Lynch, Loleta Golt Lyach,Ray Lynch,RobertT. Lynch, Thomas Lynch,'!?illiam Lynons,Irvin Lyons, Seymout D Lyons, Yivian MacDonald,Jean MacKnight, Elsie P. l\{acombet, Ully Mahathey, Bertie Malthan, Catherine Mandel, Marvin D. Mane, Wayne Mangels, Cad Mangels, Roger Mano, Bertha Bollinger Mann, Elsie Mann, Frededck Mann, Randolph Mannering, William Maaown,Jane Manuel Gertrude Markert, Miriam Marshall, Ida l,ouise Marsha[ Irma Mae Matshall, Marion C., Sr. Marshall Marion,Jr. 85 85 85 85 63 85 85 98 26 Matshall, Ruth C. 50 Marsha[ Williarn 63 Marth, Bemard Marth, Paul Madn, Hazel M. J 21,87 Marvel, Martha Marvel, Sara Cathedne Marvel, Thomas H.,Jr. 67 Masiely, Mary Mason,John Wesley 75 Mason, Martha Seoey Massey,J. V., Mrs. Massen Mary Ann Roe 26 Masten, Isaac Masten,James 45 Matassa, Drue 87 Mathews, Francis, Mrs., 97 87 27 2l 87 87 27 21 21 15 71 71 49 52 71 51 49 49 49 45 49 45 108 77 31 50 45 59 97 35 92 42 82 4 4 105 5 105 5 97 5 83,90 110 26 63 64 73 Martin, Lois S. Martin, William Marvel, Doris Marvel, Everett J 46 100 S. 67 25 6l 90 3l 26 34 174 45 Mathews,Jesse 82 Mathis, Emma 7 Matlock, OliverJ. Matthesw, Mary Ellen Matthews, Ann Kreeger 34 Matthews, Grace 70 Matrhews,JamesPorter Matthews, Lula 8 Matthews, lvlatk G. Matthews, Mary McD. Inscho Matthews, Mchael Gary lvfatthews, Mchelle G. 6 8 72 70 75 70 70 Matthews, Richard A. Matthews, Richard Porter 70 Matflews" Russell 70 MadWayne 45 Maul, W-rlliam R.,Jt. Maule, Batbara Ann Maule, Blanche Raisin 45 Maule, Maule, Mauie, Maule, Chatles 20 Clifton 20 Edgar Paul Steven 20 Maule, lTilliam Russell, Sr. 20 Maxwell,Viryil 35 Maybeck, Edward 65 Mrybeck, Frances E. 65 Maybeck, Merrell G. 65 Mryberry, Ika 46 Maye4Larra Mayer, Nlil&ed Mayer, !7. Frank 68 8 20 20 20 76 38 lfil L7 McCall, Mary Etta McCalleb, $Talter 75 Mayer, 19 McCann, Sally Ann McCarry, George !(.,Jr. McCarty, George W'., Sr. McCarty, StevenJ. McCeney, George Bowie McCeney, Robert S. 82 Meeks, P. Francis 1 109 Meeks, Percy F. 7 27 t 44 Mclaughlin, G. Edward Mclaughlin, Kenneth G. Mcl-aughlin, Mabel Mclaughlin, W. Elmer Meeks, Reba Taylor Meeks, Ruth Fogwell Meeks, Wilson 75 McClellan, George McClements, Don McCluley, Margaret McClyment, Roberty 108 Mcl-augtrlin, !7. Philip 27 Mclaugtrlin, Wilbert B. Mclaughlio, Wilbet B., Jr. 2l 2l Meginnes, Ida Mae Meilke, Clara Meise, Marie 90 91 McClyments, David B. McClyments, Henry 16 McMahan, Arthur S. McMahan, Leila Smith McMullen, Agnes Melvin, Lucy Virginia Colliet Melvin, Marvi Iola Leary 9t Melvin,W. Eugene 90 61 90 Mende, Conrad Mende, Etic 72 41 McMullen, Beattice McMullen, Marioa McNatt, Florence 28 Melvin, lTilliam Lloyd Melvin, William Thomas 41 McNeil,Jim 80 IlIcQuay, Mary 26 24,47 McTadin, Hearietta McTadin,John,Jr. McTarlin,John, Sr. McVeao, Atlene Hildreth Swan 55 Mende, Gerhatd Mende, Gordon Mende, Gustav,Jr. Mende, Gustave Mende, Helene Nette 72 47 12 Mende, LarrraCox Mende, Maxmillian Metedith, Annie Mullikin Meredith, Bruce 72 5 Meats, Molly 103 Meredith, Chades C. Meredith, Ethel W. Metedith, Frances M. Meredith,J. Thomas Meredith,John T. Meredith,Julia Meredi&, Louise 57 tlt McVeao, Grace R.. McVean,Jarnes Dunhan McWilliams, Antonia Meats, Basrbata Meats,James A. Meats,John E. McComas, Howard K., I[ McCormick, Alexandet T., Jr. McCormick, Alexandet T., Sr. McCotmick, Bertha Patdck McCormick, Edna Smith McCory, kttia McCoy, Denise H. McCullough, Alan McCullough, Mark McCullough, Norman McCullough, Robert Earl McDaniels, Elva 57 55 55 55 44 1.2 111 82 9 t3 41 105 82 t73 1t3 113 98 McKnight, !7i11iam R. Mclain,Joseph H. 21 (a 21 23 29 55 55 t2 1"2 87 1 1 704 80 90 90 72 72 72 72 72 72 23 75 McDonald, Dotothy Rouse McDonnell, Ada McDowell,Julia C. McDowell, Pearl I)avis McDowell, Richatd 48 5 Meats, Raymond 7 McFadand, Elizabeth McFarland, lfayne McGee, Devin H. McGee, Richard P,Jr. McGee, Sondta Hatisoo McGinnes, Bertha McGinnes, Bertha M. 29 Meekings, Daniel 51 t02 51 42 Meekings, Ida M. Meekings,John R. Meekings, Sarah Ann Maguire 51 Meredith, Matgaret Merick, Pauline Chambers 101 42 42 Meekins, Albert 26 Merrikea,James !7. 73 59 70 Mertiken,John R. t3 26 Merdken, Priscilla 73 McGiane s, Betha Platzet McGinnes, EdgarAllen McGinnes, Edgar Allen, Jr. 15 26 Merriken, Wilbert L. 73 26 Merritt, Ethel 105 80 Messer, Alton R. 48 I!{cGinnes, ThomasJ. McGinnes, lTilliam Howard 15 Meekins, Bertha May Hay'watd Meekins, Carrie Louise Meekins, Chatles E. Meekins, ChadesJames Meekins, Elizabeth !7ilson Meekins, Fannie 24 Messer, Flotence Otsrien 48 26 Messick, Charles 61 McGinnis,Jane 74 Meekins, George Meekins,James Norris 26 Messick, Ullian 70 40 Meekins,John 80 Messick, Louise 37 McGuire, Larry Edward Mclntyre, Dorothy McKay,James L. McKay,John 29 Meekins,John E. 70 Messick, Luke H.,Jr. 67 49 7 Messick, I-uke Hardson, Sr. 67 Moses 2 Messick, Marguerite Hudey 61 Sadia Guieser 26 Messid 34 McKay, Margaret McKay, Raymond McKay, Robert Scott McKay, Ruth A. McKebbeo, Orvin 105 Meekins, Meekins, Meekins, Meekins, Susan Copper 2 Messick, Perry H. 61 105 Meekins, Ulysses !7. 70 Messick, Raymond D. 67 i05 Meeks, Anna 87 79 105 Meeks, Ead, Ntks., 9 Messick, Samh C. Messix, Louise 66 Meeks, Edgat Ray 1 99 McKee, Mldred 45 Meeks, Ervin McKillips, Chades E. McKoight, Frances Ruth McKnight, Louise McCullough 115 Meeks, Ivan t t 82 Meeks, Lawtence E. 1 82 Meeks, Margaret Anne 7 Metzger, Mary Meyd, George B. Meyers, Caldwell D. Meyers, Chadotte Probert Meyers, Robert D. McGir, Helen STescott Glenn 108 93 15 15 15 105 105 Marjorie 3 1 1 51 Pamela Faye 57 23 23 23 57 18 105 3,66 20 59 59 59 49 Moeliet, Ruth 47 32 27 (r3 27 27 '72 63 l7 27 28 102 63 63 79 101 57 57 57 77 16 Moffett, Grace 5 11 Moffett Maxwell 2 10 I\{offett, Wilson 2 Mller, Eugene t7 Moldoch,William 75 Mller, Hattie B. Mllet, HenryJ. GIroy) Mllet, Henryetta 1.6 38 49 Moler, Calvert, Mrs. Molony,Joseph 21 Money, Frances 15 Mont Hilda 44 Moore, Dallas Moore, E. Howard IvIoore, Ead Vemon Moore, Edna Applegarth Moore, Emile Moore, Emile, Mrs. Moore, Frank 59,107 Meyers, William 1. Minnet, Clarence Mitchell, Arti III 59 Meyets, William C.,Jt. 59 Michaud,Joyce Ann t02 Mtchell, Beniamin Howard Mitchell, Bryan K. Michener,James A. Middlemas, Miriam Todd Mddlemas, lTilliam B. 105 Mitchell, Chades 62 Mtche[Jack l,awrence 62 Mtchell,James Mitchell, Margatet Meyers, lTilliam C., Mddlemas, lTilliam B., Jr. Mddleton, Alixandet Robertson Middleton, Atherton Middleton, Debbie Mae L. Mddleton, Howard Mddleton, Sata Mddleton, Viola 62 5 Mtchell, Mariam C. Mtchell, Mary Mitchell, MildredR. 55,67 Mitchell, 55 Mtche[ Wilmet Mtche[ Wilmet, Mrs., 108 108 85 MftI"J. Mles, Walter,Jr. t04 Mtton,Joann N4illeman, F. Irene 69 Mllet,AndrcwB. 1t4 Miller, Barbata Miller, BettyAnn Miiler, Civille Mller, David A. Miiler, Dora Mllel Edith Naomi 15 Moaoey, Elizabeth Moaney, Viola Greene Moaney, l7illiam F. Moaoey, William Fletcher 45 Mller,Jake Millet,James Flenry Mllet,James R. 29 10,15 Mller,Janie Mller,John Mller,John C. 20 Mllet, Kathryn Roe tt4 Miller, Leroy Miller, Liodale 36 J 93 45 Mllet, LomaJ. 10 Mller, Mamie Butler 29 \{illet, Margaret t5 Mller, Pauline Mller, Roda 20 Mllet, Roland ?9 Mller, Roland !7. Mller, Ruth!7. 10 Mller, Mller, Mllet, Mllet, 49 49 S. 11.4 77 Moote, Marion Victorine Pike Irgg Carroll Edgar Elsie S. 36,46 50 115 50 61 18 Floyd Helen Kenneth 36 Matgaret 4 Marion Mariorie 36 Roland,Jr. 36 Morgan, T. Lud Moryan, W., $7ayne Morrnando, Mary Elizabeth 50 61. 36 32,36 18 106 47 40 Morris, Frances R. 55 40 Morris, Francis Mortis, George Mortis, Gregory A. Mortis, Hatold Mords, Harvey Morris, Hope Mords,J. Robert Morris,Jackie C. 43 Morris,James Morris, Jeffrey T. 43 Morris,Jimmy Morris,John Loud Morris,Josephine Loud Mords, Katie Starkey 43 Moris, kland Moris, Marie 47 t3 62 62 1 40 52 t13 40 40 111 Shelly 15 I\4oote, Mary Frances Mller, Yicky 95 lVloore, Naomi 57 Mller,William 15 Moore, Noah W. t 14 Moote, OllyD. Moore, Olly Hadngton 1 Mlligan,James Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, S. 110 Moris, Emma Price 52 Sharon D. 40 40 t3 Samuel E. 47 Moote, William H., Sr. Mootehead, Elizabeth Motgan, Allen Morgan, Ann C. Morgan, Beatrice A. 40 73 73 Moore, Louise Evaos Moorc, Mamie Vtginia Sarnmy 4A 55 59 Moore,James F.,Jt. Moote,Jamss \7. Moore, Kathleen Carter Moore, Kennard E. Moore, Leslie Griffith Moore, Linwood W., Mrs. Moore, Louise Emma 4A Moore,.!7ilbertGriffith,Jr. Moote, lTilliam H.,Jr. Motds, Albert R.,Jt. Morris, Betty Anne Morris, Buddy Morris, Chades Morris, Chades P. Morris, Chadotte Morris, Cookman Morris, DavidJames 98 Moore, Gladys Tull Moore,Jack Moote, Wilbert Griffith 1 Monis, Motds, Morris, Mords, 172 43 6l 47 61 57 43 57 55 47 50 48,59 50 54,68 55 50 50 57 70,105 Mary 81 Olebelle 43 Olivia Otis 47 50 57 62 61 Moore, Robert E. Moore, Robert Irving Moore, Robert Montoe Motis, PauI Morris, Peter Morris, Phyllis 173 Morris, Richard 50 74 Moote, Sylvia 115 Moris, Ronald H. 66 Mlligan, Pauline Mlligan, Rachel 36 Milller, Harold,Jr. Mlls, Galen, Mts., 15 Mllword,Joseph t3 1 /J 50 43 rc4 20 89 Nichols, Chdstopher Nichols, Emma Olivia Nichols, Emest Nichols, Ira Nichols,Jean Nicholson, Robett Nicholson, Zola 24 Nickerson, Chades 101 25 Nickerson, Essie L. Nickerson, Gary Nickerson, George 43 Mortis, Ruthe Catherine Kahal Morris, Scotty Morris, Ted Morris, Yirgtrria Mords, Willatd Mosberg Miraim P. 43 Napsinger,John 43 Nash" 43 89 43 Nash, Arthur Orville, Jr. Nash, Jeanette Elizabeth Samm 43 Nash,John 95 59 89 Mousley, Nellie B. t6 Nash, Robert Ephraim Nash, lfilliam E., Sr. Artlur O., 89 Sr. 89 Mousley,WilliamH. B. 16 Moxley, Rose Moyer, Ellen 54 Neal Evans, iVfus. Neander, Mrry E 6\ Needles, Bessie Moyer, Ethel Mueller, F. Yemon 61 Neeldes, Florace 1t t07 76 Neighbors, Alga 32 Muir, David Muir, Elizabeth Fulton Muir, Marion T. 103 32 Mufu, Rona 46 Mull, Dotis A. 64 Neighbors, Dekna Quimby Neighbots, Effie Buch Neighbors, Elmer Nelsoa, Donald l,ee Nelson, Gladys Vitginia Foster 102 102 102 103 103 32 32 702 t02 20 20 20 104 2 47 83 83 Nickerson,John Nickerson, Mary Nicketson, Mary Ann Nicketson, Midam States Nicketson, Nellie G. 59 Nickerson, Richard Nickerson, Robert 60 Nickerson, Sarnuel R. 60 58 15 60 101 Mullikin, Mary Kathryn Mullikin, Terrence 37 93 Nelson, John V'alter, III Nelson, John Walter, Jt. Nelson, KellyJ. Nelson, Susan H. Nesbit, Thorpe Nesbit, Thorpe, Mrs., Nesbitt, Bland Nesbitt, Elizabeth B. Mumaw, Margatet Mulphy, Cora Moote 100 Nesbit! Thorpe 42 45 45 Nestot, Bessie M. Fteeman Nestor, Howatd E. 86 Murphy, Etta M. M"fphy,J. Raymond 45 Murphy, Laura Muphy, MargatetR. 45 Mqphy, Mke M"rphy, fuchatd "Dick" 45 45 Newbegin, Catolyn Newcomb, Annie Tart Newcomb, Dawn Marie Newcomb, Ethel Ne'*{omb, Fred Wayne 18 Murray, Eunice Fisher Murray, George Murray, George M.,Jr. Murray, George Metcalfe, St. Murray, Helen D. Murtay,James Mutray, Janet 1lfacCracken 69 Newcomb, Harry!7amen 93 Nordhoff, Edril/in C. Nordhoff, Esthet Mae Kelly Nordhoff, Gregory Newcomb, N*.y Chambers Newcomb, Timothy !7ayne 93 Nordhoff, Joha Joseph 69 93 69 NewComb, Towles Wilson 93 83 Newe[ Gerald 22 69 Isabel 60 Rebecca 12 Muray, Kenneth 69 Shidee 66 Murray, Kenneth F. Murray, Mrrylf. Murray, !7illiam M., Dr. Muse, Dennis 69 Edith Parsons 51 86 Newman, Newman, Newman, Newnam, Newnam, Nordhoff, Michael Nordhoff Otto C. Nordhoff, Paul Btent Notdhoff, Richatd 69 Newoam,lfili4mB. 51 99 59 Myets, Harold Stafford t04 t02 Nutt, Elsie 61 Myers,John 1 L1 1.04 Myers,'l7alter C. 104 Mylande4 Paul Hopf Mylander, Virginia Boggess 37 7 Nuttle, Butdette Nutde, EmilyJopp Nuttle, Ftederick B. Nutde, Mary Hopkins Nutde, MaryThalp Otsden, Pauline 9 Myers, Laua Stafford Myers, Pauline Nicketson Myers, Robert NewporgJessie Newsome, Frank Newsome, Frank, Sr. Newsome,Jack Newton, Eva Lee Newton, Gtace Nords, Nords, Nords, Nords, Nonis, Norris, 7 O'Bryan, Hazel 70 7 O'Donnell, Evert O'Donnell,John O'Donnelt Montoe 96 Multigan, Chadotte Mulligan, Stein, Mrs. 78 41 3t Mullikin, Arthur!7. Mullikin, Christjne 20 Mullikio, George Mullikin, Grace Mylandet, W. Chades, Mylander, Walter, Jr. Nagel, Susan M. 100 26 43 III 69 69 104 704 31 37 3l 74 Maurice E., III Newton, Linda Fay Nicewamer, Edwin L. Nicewamer, PaulW. Nicewamer, Virginia Mller Nicewamet, Wilbur Nicewonger, Catolyn t02 25 25 42 42 86 93 93 98 93 86 9 28 47 57 7 7 9,41,60 Nickerson, Wayne A. flitter) 60 Nicketson, Zola Nicols, Geotge Baynatd Nicols, Lucy Riley Nimmo,John, Mts. Noble, BarbaraL. Noble, Chades K. Noble, Louis E. Noble, Matgaret Noland,John Noonan, Nina Nodhoff, Chtistophet 4 4 46 46 50 172 79 79 t5 4 98 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ethel 113 Hazel M. Partan Leigh 6 6 Robert 11.3 Thomas 28 Tommy 28 9 9 9 9 87 85 96 Oehring Feodot 21 Parsons, Geotge Oehdng, Selma Nauman Oertel, Art Oldham, George Oliphanq Ella F. Davenport 27 28 Parsons, Levin Patsons, Walter 52 Passwater, Mabel 75 Patchett, Linda Oliphant, Frank Olsen, Elva Olsen, Mary O'Neal, Chades O'Neal, Clarence O'Neal Clifton O'Neal, Ella 75 Patrich BarbaaJean Patrick, Betty C. O'Neal, Nicholas O'Neal, Theresa George O'Neil Agnes 5 Obleill, Edwad F. 49 Patterson,Joaona W. Patterson, Richard S. O'Neill Fiorence 49 Patterson, Ruth O'Neill,JohnJ. 49 Paul, Edwin L. O'Neill, Margaret McCabe O'Neill, Miss Orem, A. Russum,Jr. 49 Paul, Floreace Tylet 49 Paul GeorgeJeffetson 53 Orem, Darrid Orme, A" Russum,Jt. Orr, Carl 40 Paut Russell L. Paul,WilliamJ. Osbome, Ftances 28 Othel Dorothy Otis, Forest 21 Otis, Hellen Haymaker Owens, Batbata Owens, Phyllis, G. 112 99 Owens, Vivian 5 Paxton, Gary Payne, Elizabeth Payne, Helen S. Payne,J. Roy Payne,John R. Payne, Margatet H. Payne, Mary Anae B. Payne, Raymond L., Sr. Payne, Raymond Lannie, Jr. Paalz, Anthony L. 58 Payne, Roger T. Paalz, Anthony,Jr. 58 Peatsoa, Anne Paalz, Eileen 58 Pearson, David Pmlz,F,laune H. 46 5 Patrick, Calvin Patrick, Eddie Patrick,James Edward 5 Patdc\ 78 5 L 5 60 105 7l 1t2 Wolf 14 Sadie Knotts Paftick,William E. Patterson, Clata E. Pattetson, Edward 58 Pearson, George Pagaaini, Robert 5 Peatson, Woo&ow Page,Jean 1 Peck Rosemary Palmatory William, 1![rs., 62 Pecsok, Florence Palmet, Flelen Palmer, Margarete Pauline Parket, Eugene Parker, Eunice Parker, Herbert E,. Parker, Lida Parket, Margaret E. Stokes Par-ker, Nancy B. 106 Peery, Alpha Lee @illy) Pennypacker, Getrude 114 46 45 60 20 60 2 Perkins, Perkins, Perkins, pgtkins, Bertrice Donald Grace Helena Perkins,Jirrrmy Petkins, Margaret Petkins, Okey Petkins, Paul Perkins, Royden A. (Buddy) Petkins, Terri Petrone, Margaret Patks, Ephram,Jr. 56 Parks, Guy 35 Pards, Evelyn A. 8 Parrot, Ella Parry, Dennis Robett 702 90 Pary, Edward Richard 90 Parry, Gerald Francis 90 Perry, An&ew "Peck", Jr. Perry, Andrew'Rip' Parry, MaryLou 90 Perry, Hugh Parry, PamelaJan 90 Perry,Jeff Patry, Thelma Romaine 90 Perry, knora 24 Per1y, Ray 75 56 Pery, Virgina Mae 75 56 Perry, Virginia M. 60 25 Peters, BevedyJ. L7 25 103 Peters, David 18 Peters, Harry 33 18 113 Peters, Hattie 16 Peterson, Kathryne B. 24 98 113 Petry, Charles 98 Petry, Mary 11 4 Peyton, Eunice 11 40 Phillips, Albanus, III 11 80 Phillips, Amos 34 39 Phillips, Bertha 89 5 Phillips, Blaache E. 89 75 Phillips, Clarence 34 5 Phillips, Clatke 75 80 Phillips, Emmett 71 97 Beduzell Florence Phillips, 71 97 Phillips, Franklin 71 73 Phillips, Ida B. 71 105 Phillips,James M. 77 23 Phillips,Jane L. 82 80 Phillips,John 29 106 Phillips, Kathleeo 35 80 Phillips, Myrtle Meekins 33 5 Phillips, Paul Whitaket 48 80 Phillips, Roxie Mae 26 52 Phillips, Yivian 48 99 lTalter Phillips, 48 85 Phillips, William 48 97 Phillips, William C. 48 72 Phume, Melvin 14 5 40, 90 Pickering, Anne Mamel 5 Edwin Pickedng, 84 5 Pickering, Mildred R. 84 nl"lsring, Owings Sarnuel'Doc' 5 35 5 Pickering, Samuel Owings 78 56 Pieffet, Marie M. 76 5 Pierce, Madeline 77 28 2 Piersoo, Doug 55 1 Pierson, George 28 Pierson,Jimmy 79 28 Pierson, Martin 58 84 Pinder, Annabelle 58 86 Arlie Pindet, 1 173 Pinder, Bertha 58 15 Pindet, Dorothy 58 4 58 Pinder, Ead H. 74 Pinder, Ed 58 86 109 Pinder, Elizabeth Morris 86 Pinder, Emest 24 86 24 Pinder, Emest O. 15 10 Pinder, Gary 10 Pinder, H. Ead 24 86 Pindet, Harvey M. 27 Pinder, Hiram Pinder, Irving F. Pinder,J. Thornas Pinder, Ironard 8., Sr. Pinder, Mollie Pinder, Nathan Pinder, Nellie Mae Chaoce \Vayne Pindel \t4lliam M. Pinkney, Martha Pinkney, Reverdy,Jr. Pinkston, Betty M. Pioner, Carolyne Pippin, Alrna Pippin, Alma C. Pipprn, Cad C. Pippin, Gleo \[/. Pippin,James O.,Jr. Pippin, Madaleine Thomas Pippin, Mldred M. Pippin, Waltet !7. Pippin, l7illiam B. Pittman, Dorothy Plummer, Francis H. Plummer, Matgaret Poet, Alen Eugene Poet, Chades Russell Poeg Chatles RusselJ, N{rs. Poeg Daniel Eugene Poet, David \7ayne Poet, Frances Mary Pindet, 86 86 86 86 21 86 86 15 86 97 20 45 56 23 52 704 104 104 L04 95 104 95 52 3 3 89 89, 101 Powell, Simson M. 115 Powers, Anne 48 Powets, Maurice Powns, Bradford Powns, Norman Prather, Bonita, Mrs. 103 Price,John F., III Price,John Thomas 15 30 15 67 Price,John,Jr. Price, Katie E. Pritchett Price, Katie Finley Bright 9 Price, Laura Griffirr t72 79 Price, louise D. 83 20 Price, Mary 54,78 Pratt, William T. 20 Ptice, Mary Fotd 97 Ptesley, Elaire 79 Price, Merdtt 97 preston, Dickson Prettyman, Regina Prettyman, Robert D. 105 81 72 Price, Mldred !7. Price, Mldted Walls 101 Price, FloYd !7. 15 Price, Mords Pdce, Nom Crouch Price, Adelaide Cory 8 Price, Norman 101 Pdce, Agnes Rhodes 97 97 Price, Oscat Berman, St. Pdce, Oscar, Jt. Price, Philemon Bright 101 Price, Alan Ptatt, Barbam Arrn Pratt, Nora E. 67 36 Price, Ann C. 64 Pdce, Annie May 30 Price, BettY Price, C. Roland Price, Charles R. Pdce, Chades W. Price, Charles W.,Jr. Pdce, Charles'S(/., Sr. Price, Clara B. Price, Cota Dotity 89 Price, Dewey S. 89 Price, Donald 89 101 Ptice, Elizabeth M. Pdce, Ella PoegJoan Viola Hollingswotth 89 Ptice, Elmer,Jr. 89 Poeq Katen Lynn Price, Elmet, Sr. 89 Poet, Teresa Gail Price, Floyd W. 7 Poole, Danny 100 Price' Ftank Porter, Albet Beoson Price, Ftanklin 27 Pofier, Emest Pdce, Fran-klin "Sidney", St. 26 Pofter, Gerttude Dobson 27 Price, Fmnklin C. Porter, Hatry Pdce, Franklin,Jr. 49 Portet, Harvey 26 Price, Gertrude Porter,James Wesley 100 Price, Gloria Porter, Myrde Etta Pdce, Gtace 26 Portet, Wesley Pdce, Gtace Eva 95 Betty O. Post, 22 Pdce, Harrison E. Poffer,Jane C. Pdce, Henry 1t Potts, Terry Price, Herman 83 Powell, AlbertW. Price, Hester Leaverton 42 Powell, Carole Pdce, Howard E' 25 Powell, Donna 115 Price, I. Made Powell, Elizabeth Whyte 102 Ptice,James Walket Powell,Johnny Price,James Walter 83 Powe[ Lee 103 Price,Jarett Powell, Robert 24,102 Pdce,Jefftey Powe[ Roland Price,John Albert 22 Powell, Royden N.,Jr. Pdce,John F. 47 Powell, Royden,Jr. Price, Delbert 101 30 97 97 101 30 97 9l Price, Raymond Ptice, Robert R. Price, Roland Price, William E. 91 Price, William !7. 15,28 81 81 Pritchard, Marie Pdtchetg Enoch 67 112 Pritchett,Joh::, Mts. 96 15 Pritchett, Mabel 77 101 Ptobert, H. Dutton Pruitt, Catl Pruitt, Carl, Mrs., Przybyl Ron Puckett, Flemon Dextet Puckett,John Puckett, Kenneth .7 97 97 97 112 101 15 15 22 98 15 tl4 59 27 2t 4 t3 13 13 Puckett, Leonard Puckett, Rose Nestet Puckett, Sybil Bolt 13 7t 97 Pullen, Mary Pupke, Henry R. 97 Pumell, Ehner 37 87 Pume[ Elmer 81 37 28 Pumell, Elmer, Mrs., Pume[ SamuelB. Pume[ lfiliam E. 112 Pyle, Frances C. 64 101 Quail,John 87 101 Quail, Marie Hudey Quay, Paul 87 28 101 101 97 101 97 53, 105 15 30 30 R. Quay, Phil Quay, Philip Quidas, Albertjna Schulke Quidas, AugustJ. 1.3 13 105 37 37 55 55 t04 48 48 Quidas, Edwadlf. Quidas, Elbert C. 48 30 101 Quidas, Eugene D. 48 15 Quidas,James L. 48 97 48 48 Redifer, Ead F. 48 Redman, Theodote 48 48 Redmond, Dennis Reed, Andrew Douglas 48 Reed, Dudley Quillivan, George Quillivaa, MaryRogat Quimby, David A. 23 Reed, Edith Y. Quimby, Elsie Pauline Quimby, HenryH. Quidas,John H. Quidas, Nellie Kennedy Quidas, Otto Quidas, Paul K. Quidas, !7i11iam M. Quimby,Jimmy Quimby, Kathryn C. Quimby, Samuellee Rada, Amy Sue 23 Reed, Etta May 81 Reed, Fannie 81 Reed, Helen 81 Reed,Jack, 81 Reed, Jack, Jr. 22 Reed, L. Dudley B1 Reed, Margaret II 96 Reed, MIes Rada, Eric James Rada, KimbedyAnn 96 Reed, Sarah Augusta 96 Reeder, Kattrleen Kelly Rada, Mary Frances Ewing 96 Reedy, David Rada, Mchael Allan 96 Reese, Kathedne Rada, Rosalie 96 Reese, Nora Rada, Tina Made 96 Reese, Tyton Rada,VilliamA., St. 96 Reeset,JaneJ. William 4., Sr., Mrs., Rada, William Alton, III Rada, William Alton, Jr. 96 Reeve, Reginald A. 96 Regan, Nota 96 Regins, Mother Mary Radcliffe, Dale Radcliffe, Roy Radtka, Cade Ire Radtka, Chades S. Radtla, Sara E. Rahr, Rebecca 46 Reid" RuthA. 46 Reihl, Dusetta Carol 60 Raleigh, Albett I Ramge, Notman O. 25 Ramsey, Edaa 66 Randall Paul, Mrs. Rasch, Ruth Rash, Emma Emory 34 113 Reilly,JoAnn Reilum, Biva Reinharg Lambefi, Mrs. Reinhold, MidamBowman Reiter, Andrew T., III Reiter, Della Hoxter Remekis, Anthony S. Renshaw, Robert,Jr. Repetti, Betty Revels, Willa Rash,John Rasin, A. Parks,Jr. Rasin, Alexander P., Rasin, George B. 713 Reynolds, Bedine 4 4 Reynolds, Bradley Rada, 60 60 52 69 [I Reynolds, Ronnie 10 Reynolds, Ronnie Oleada Rasin, lTalter 98 Rhodes, C. Temple,Jr. Ratcliffe, Edwatd Ratcliffe, Howard Ratcliffe,James H. 56 Rhodes, C. Temple, St. 56 Rhodes, Dolly 56 Rhodes, Edwatd E. Ratcliffe, Nicholas 56 Rhodes, Rawlings, Almira Dishatoon 50 Rhodes, Elizabeth Hopkins Rawlings, Henry C. 50 Rhodes, Holton Rawlings, Raymond B. 50 Rhodes, Holton E., Sr. Raynes, Martha 5 Read, Caroline 50 EdwardV. 35 Rhodes,Joseph Rhodes,Josiah Rhodes, Leona !7ood 35 Rhodes, Lonie Wood Rebert, Thelma R. 3L Rhodes, M. Rita Redden, Harold 23 Rhodes, Made Redden, Marvin 23 Rhodes, Read, Margaret Fooks Read, Williarn !7. Redden, Ruth 81 Mlton Rhodes, Temple C. 54 97 18 44 93 40 81 44 25 47 45 8 61 6t 44 2 18 89 44 55 77 17 109 25 11,5 107 78 62 34 68 107 107 115 7 48 74 23 48 47 24 28 28 60, 65 28 28 28 100 28 714 L06 114 106 174 1l 714 28 Rhodes, TilghmanA. t06,114 Rice, Carol D. 1"t3 Rice, Hackett A. 17 Rice, HowardJ., Sr. 1.02 Rice, HowatdJames 702 Rice, Mldred Mae t02 Rice, Myrtle Thomas Richard, Alfred L. Richard, Anna Y. Richatd, Calvin R. Richard, Catlton H. Richatd, Elsie Gteenlee 102 54 54 67 54 67 Richard, George D. Richard,J. Harvey Richard,James E. 54 Richard, MervinJ. Richard, T. Charles 54 Richard, Truman H. Richard, WilliamA. Richatdson, Carrol Ann 54 Richardson, Dixie Richatdson, Helen Ricker, Cindy Riddleberget, Arln Riddleberger, Mary Ethel 24 Ridet, Homet 64 Ridgeley, Mary Gnce 96 Ridgl"y, Katheryn Riggeaf Elaine tuggi, Sam Riggleman, Pat 704 54 54 54 54 100 26 97 65 25 110 46 100 Riggs, David Wylder 22 Riggs, Floreace Wyldet 22 Rlggs,John C. Riggs, Ransom David Riggs, Thomas I( Riggs, William B., Il 22 Riggs, William V. 22 Rimmer, Katherine M. Ring, Helea Ringgold, Eleaaor Ringgold, Elizabeth Derry Ringgold, Flossie Ringgold, Geotge 34 Riaggold, George Hery Riaggold, Rockwell 50 Risley, Pete 47 Ritter,James!7.,Jr. futtet,James Willis Ritter,John H. Rittet, R. Heber,Jr. 50 Roane,John D. C. 110 22 22 )) t07 83 50 115 50 88 50 50 50 Roane, Ma{orie D. 110 Robbins, Gilbert, L{ts., 71 Robbson,Ruby 17 Roberts, Bertie 96 Roberts, Cota D. 28 Roe, Anne L. Roberts, Einita Roberts, Elizabeth Eihinget Roberts, Gladys 26 Roe, Brown M., Sr. JJ Roe, Chades 26 Roe, Chades E. Roberts, John James JJ Roe, Edna Coursey Roberts,Joseph Roberts, Lambert,Jr Roberts, Lambert, St. JJ Roe, Erica 26 Roe, Gail L. 26 Roe, Herman D.,Jr. Paul Laua, Mts. 103 Roe, Hetrnan D., St. Richard JJ Roe,James Thomas Stephen JJ Roe,John Vergie 101 Roe,John B. Thomas, Roberts, !7illiamJ. 7 Robertson,James Robins, Margatet 16 Roe,John B. Thomas,Jr. Roe,John B. Thomas, V 75 Roe,John C. Robinson, Amanda Roe 94 Roe,Josephine Ptchal Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Robefts, Robhson, Anita Robinson, Annie E. Robinson, Cecilia Ann Robiason, Cora Bradley Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, 106 Roe, Kathryn Blakeslee 53 Roe, Katie 22 Roe, Matgatet Emma Iravefiofl )') Roe, Medford David F. 111 Roe, Olin Louis Dorothy 4 Roe, Sara Spencer Eatle Handy Pastotfield Robioson, Hazel Robinson,J. Robert Robinson, James W. $ack) Robinson,John Robinson, Julia Anne Larrimore Robinson, Laura Ringgold Robinsoa, Louise Robinson, Matgaret France Robinson, Myrde Holden Robinson, Paul IY 100 Roe, Sarah Elizabeth Peters 22 Roe, Sylvia V. 97 Roe,WilliamT. L7 Rogalski, Alice Habberton 53 Rogers, Myrtie 2 Rolaad, George Roland, Samie Dave Rolaad, lTilliam M. Roland, Williarn M., Mrs., Rollisoo, Elzabeth C. Rollison, Paul Major, Jr. Rollison, Paul Major, Sr. 11t 100 47 tll l7 100 17 Rollison, lTilliam Edward Rolph, Gladys Romain, Gregory Ronocket, Hilda Roaocker, Ray Rose, Ar:rr 111 Rose, Bren& Sharon 64 Rose, Daisey Robinson, Pauline C. Robinsoo, Rembert D. Robinson, Robert Stanley Robinson, Stella Reeve Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Vlginia Councell Robinson, Walter Robinson, Willis Rocca, Made 4 Rochestet, Addie Rochester, Comad 37 55 Ross, Addie Rochester, Ida 59 Ross, Rock, Elroy 9 Ross, Betty Rocl Ruth Goonough 9 Ross, Catherine N. 100 17 17 100 Rose, Dods Rosenberry, Sonny Alfted Rockermann, Barbara Ar:ne Lane 114 Ross, Emrna Rodgers,Jim 30 Ross, Shfuley Rodney, Mil&ed 6 Rosser, Arthut B., Mrs. Rodney, Neil Rodway, Tom Roe, Amanda Thompson Roe,Aona Mae 9 Routh, Matgaret 22 Rowan, Iillian H. Rowland, Henrietta Rowland, HetbertW. Ross, David 94 55 32 8 58 76 55 76 76 76 76 16 85 114 174 114 55, t07 76 174 76 63 94 55 94 18 36 18 30 24 24 24 24 24 4 85 85 85 17 46 43 43 25 29 58 58 47 61 61 42 59 37 98 46 61 99 87 15 15 15 Rowland-Fisher,John RubsarnetL Hattie CaPell 39 Rubsarnea, Kad 39 Rudolph, Ched t13 Ruperqlynne$7. 86 Russ, FIenry 54 Russum, Marthua 60 Rustin, Dorothy Vella Ruth, Audrey South t71 106 Ruth, Dana Mchelle Ruth, Diane S. Ruth, Harvey lfilliam 25 Ruth, Jeff 106 Ruth, Matgaret Rosann Ruth, Pteston, Mrs., Ruth, Rebecca D. t9 Ruth, Ruth, Ruth, Ruth, Ruth, 106 106 94 26 Stephen 106 Steven t9 !(esley 106 Wesley,Jr. 79 William Harey 106 Ruth,WilliamTimothy 106 Rutherford, Alan Ryan, Betnard, Mrs. 1.9 Saathoff, Alfred Saathoff, Robert Saddler,Joseph 72 Saddler, Percy 56 Sadler, Elizabeth Helen Sadler,Joseph Wame 20 Sadler, Revetdy Pinkney 20 Sadue, Ftank 77 Kathryn Bolknan Sailer, Kathatine G. 46 Salisbury, l7illiam 47 Salloway, Chatles 47 Salloway,Chatles,Jr. 47 Salloway, John Salomon, Lewis 47 Samis, Albert Watd 44 Samis, Georgie Voothees 44 Samis, Harvey E,, St. M Samis, HarveyV.,Jt. 44 Samis, Margaret Shaw Sample, Isabella 44 114 L14 Sampson, Clara 65 Sampson, Mary 101 Sanferrano, Antonia 59 Sanferrano, Matgaret 59 Saofertano, Michael 59 Sadue, Sample, Elizabeth 62 72 85 20 77 105 Sanferato, Bobby 59 Sanferraro,Joseph Saafertaro, Nicky Sanferraro, Peter 59 Sat{ Dorothy 61 59 59 Satgent, Bette C. 54,68 Schelts, Earl !7. 5 Seger, George W'., Mrs. 43 43 Schelts, Margatet O'Neal 5 Annie Thompson 714 174 Seget, Michael !il. Schlegel, Martha 45 Seidel, Genevieve Curde 5 Elmer 55 Schliep, Grace 74 Seidel,William H. 5 George tt4 Schlosser, i\fildted 114 10 Schlotzhauer, Donney Sclrlotzhauet, Donny Mae Schlotzhauer, Myrde V. Schmitt, Audrey 78 95 Seifreit, Sandra B. Selman, Nks., Seltzer, Alice L. Seltzer, Alice Leonice Gemet 30 Selzer, George 47 46 Seltzer, HenryJ.,Jr. 24,47 )) Schmock,James Schmotzet, Louise 67 Seltzer, HenryJ., Sr. 47 Saulsbury, Amelia A. 21 Schmozer, William 67 Seltzer, HenryJacob 24 Saulsbury, Avery 72 713 Seltzet, Howard 24,47 Saulsbury, Gladys 30 L13 Seltzer, Pauline 24 Satterf,eld, Aldrich Satterfield, Satterfield, Satterfield, Satterfield, Helen Satterfi eld, James Henry 55 Satterfield,James M. Sattetfield, Rosie Smith 55 Satterfield, William 55 Sanila, Robert 55 56 51 42 47 24 Saulsbury, Irwin T. 112 Schmutzer, A-ady Schmutzet, Emma Schneidet, Mary Warner 108 Seney, Saulsbuty, Mllard L. 21 SchnohoflJohann 75 Sedo,Joseph 36 Saulsbury, Renee 112 Seward, Emil, Mrs., 70 Saulsbury, Ruby B. 1.t Schnohofl Wallace Schoman, Bill 75 27 Seward, llerman 75 Saunders, Dora 83 Schufelt, Cathedne 91 Seward, Ida Larrimote 75 Saunders, Frank 83 Schuler, Edwatd 97 Seward,James H.,Jr. 1t4 Saunders, Mary 83 Schults, Ella 5 Sewatd,James R., Mrs. 23 Saunders, Pamela 6 Schulz, Alice lvlaude Higgins 49 L74 Saunders, Perry 83 49 19 Schukz, Frederick W. Schultz, Viola E. Seward,John H. Seward, Maud Roe 2t Sewatd, Ruth 64 13 Schr:rnan, Charles Howard 42 Seward, Savington, Albert 46 42 Sewell, C.Larry 115 Savingtoa, Alice Bost'wick Savington, Barnett SavinSon, Bartett Edward Savington, H.flton Savington, Hartiett Arrn SavinSon, Hamiett Holden Savington, Samuel Thomas Sawyer, Nancy Messick Scanlon, Anaa McGrath Scanlon, Frank Schaefer, Mary E. Schaefer, Otto B. 103 Schuman, Margaret Anna ggfuumann, Martha 77 Sewelt Effie Tucker 70 46 Schurmao, Lulu 29 Seurell, Sauyl, Gaylen Savage, Gloria Schaefet, Sarah 25 Alice Will 1t4 75 Famsworth 18 103 Schuyler, Chades C., Sr. 54 46 Schuyler, Mary Ellen 115 SeweltJackson Sewell,John 67 45 Schuyle4 Olin 54 SeweltMary 61 103 Schwartz, Levi 34 Sewell, OwenN. 9 103 Schwarz, Sarah 34 Sewell" Robert O. 70 1 Sewelt Ruth 57 15 Sewell, Sara 70 70 58 Scoppettuolo, Edward Scotg Beliada ke 58 Scott, Carol 15 Sewell, William O. 70 55 Scotg Della Fry 45 77 Scott, 30 77 Scott, 15 Shaffer, Kenneth Shaffet, Made Shaffet, Mary Viginia 54 70 EarlJr. Earl Sr. 15 69 18 Schall" Ida Mary Smith 67 Scott, Earl' St., Mts., 15 Shahan, Dotothy R. Scha[Jefftey B. Schall, Mervin K. 67 Scott, Elealor B. 2 Shaaks, Ftanklin 56 67 Scott, Elsie 25,28 Sha1p, Anna Davis Stewart J Schall, Raymond E. 67 Scott, Emily 20 Sharp, Scha[ Raymond E.,Jr. Schall, Robert L. 67 Scott, Henry 45 Sha1p, Chades E. 66 15 66 Schall,William H. 67 Scott,John Franklin Scott, Larry 102 Shatp, Geotge Sharp, George Byatd Schantz, Elizabeth 76 Sharp, Gibson 3,66 70 Scott, Ray Scott, Richard 92 Schalpf, Dorothy 15 Sharp, Hansen Dashiell 3 Schauber, Frances \Toodall 5 Seaman, Dolly 70 Sharp, Howard 3,66 3 67 Ama Stewart 66 3 Schauber,James F. 5,11 Seatles,Joan Denny 94 Shatp,James Schauber, Richard E. 5,lt Seades, Mary Elizabeth 94 Shalp,J'ames L. 66 Schauber, Richard F. 5 Seades, Rebecca Roe 94 Shary,John 66 Schaubet, Richard,Jr. 5 Seades, Richatd 94 5 58 Sharp,John B. Sharp,John Byard 66 Schelts, B. Kenneth, Jt. Schelts, Bulie K., St. Denay Seats, Doris VanDerveer 5 Seats, Ftederick R. 58 Sharp, Kemp 3,66 Schelts, Chades A. 5 Sears, 58 Sharp, MabelVrtight 66 Kendrick A., Dt. J Sharp, Robert 3 Simpets, F. Var:nort Simplet, Allea Sharp, \Tilliam Byard 3 Sirnpler, Shastri, Hope 32 Shelhouse, !7i11iam 774 Shelties, Dorothy 92 Sheppard,James 46 Simpler, Clifton Simpler, Dudley Simpler, Edaa Haxel Simplet, Gary Simpler, Ida Rebecca J Sharp, Paul Sheppatd, Mary Ruth 80 Sherkliff, Margaret Sherman, Ada S. 4 Sherman, Chades Houston 49 Sherman, Hilda 77 49 Bxbata Simplet,James A. Simplet, Kenneth Simplet, lTilliam ,Jr. Simpler, l7iUiam A., Sr. Simpson, Mayetta Sinclair, Angie Frampton Shetman, Neal 115 Sherwood, Mrry- M. Sheubrook, Larry Sheubrooks, Cadton Sheubrooks, Lee 65 Sheubrooks, Mlton Shinkie, Camilla Melvina 81 Sisco, Shirley JI Sisler, Peggy Shipley, Frances 26 Sites, George Shotes, ShitLy 87 Sites, Katherine Short, Matgaret Short, Peter R. Shortall, Ann Shortall, Grace Connelly 52 Sinclair, Chades 81 Single, 1 83 83 Sixbey, George L. t-) 79 83 Shortall, Phillip A., 83 Shotall, !7. An&ew Shortall, \Talter P. 83 Shugars, George lfilson Shugats, Gerry Lee Nelson Stulz Sixbey, Charles Arthur Sixbey, Daoiel !7. Sixbey, David H. Shorta[ H.Joseph Shorta[J. Edward Shorta[ PemellA. Shugars, Barbara Jean Smith Shugars, Dorma Sisco, Mty 83 83 83 82 82 Sixbey,John W. Skioner, Adeline R. Skinaer, Chades A. Skinner, Daivd B. gkinngl, Donoie gkinner, Gleon Skinner, He*ao R. $kinn6l,Jamg5 A. 82 gkinns1,J6fu1 82 Skinner, Noah Skinner, R Benson Skinner, Ruth Shugars, John !7ilson, Jr. Shugars, John'Wilson, St. 82 Shugars, Martha A.R. Kimble 82 82 !I. Shwmway, Elizabeth 74 Skinner, S. Eugeae Skinnsf, Satah Gmce Skinner, Suzaone N. Skinner, T. Raymoad Siccatdi, Catherine B. 38 Skinner, Theresa K. Siccardi, FrankJ. 38 $kinns1, Sfitliam T. Shugars, Troy Lane 82 Shwmway, Donald 74 Siccardi, Henry 38 Siccardi,John Sidell-Fish, Bevedy Price Sieman, Matilda H. 38 Robert Slatet, Amos 30 Slater, Geneva Silcox,John S. Silcox, Mary S. Bennet 100 Slagle, Slater, Mark 34 Slaughter, Ann 34 Slowinski, Susan M. Smdlwood, Beatrice E. Simmons, Carbin T., Mrs., Simmons, Leona 71 Simmons, lTilliam Simon, HarryAlbert 79 Simon, Mrrl, M. Simon, Ross 35 Simons,Joseph 79 37 79 35 Smallwood, Willie Smith, Agnes Smith, Albert Smith, Alfred A. Smith, Andrew Smith, Anna BucHe 8 104 54 104 I04 104 704 104 104 104 1.04 704 54 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Aana Louise Buckle 28 Audtey M. 9 Barett 55 Bemard L. 98 Betty 61. Billy 19 Blanche Cannon Allen 65 Btian 82 Bruce Bruce C. Bucky Calvin 79,79 36,72 39,82 Smith, Calvin M.,Jr. 39 Smith, Charles Smith, Chades A' 1.77 19,25, 72 26 64 106 g5 110 110 32 32 32 32 32 92 g7 27 LO2 102 92 92 92 7g 92 gj 92 46 9 46 53 92 104 73 73 73 63 75 47 47 75 g2 9g 70 25 Ll4 28 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, 98 Chades H. 63 Chades Henry Chadotte Luike Clatence Oliver Collier 98 Cota RebeccaJewell 98 98 45 117 David Nathaniel David T. Smith, Diane 25 Smith, Dotothy Smith, Dorothy Louise Smith, E. Viola 79 45 87 39 43 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Earl 19 Edna 30 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Edward 60,82,85 EdwardA. 85 Edrvard G. 110 Edward R. 98 Eli 39,64,82 Elizabeth O'Donell Ellen Brice Ekner Alpheus 98 85 98 Elwood Emest 82 Smith, Eugene Smith, Eva Smith, Frank 82 70 Fankie 28 George Glenn Richard 82 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Goldsborough Harold Smith, Hawey Srnith, Hazel M. Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Helen Sabins Henneritta 25" 45 25 39 18 82 82 49 19 79 Homer Howard Ead Smith, Hyle 43 Smith, Iwing 98 23 19 Smith,James Smith,James David Smith,James Montgomery Smith,James R 5 Spray, Geneva Woodall 1l Spray,Jill t1 Sparks, Clyde 12,56 12 81 23 81 81 72 74 72 94 74 72 72 l7l 94 21 21 95 95 50 172 97 50 50 92 18 18 5, 11 5,17 5,11 5, 11 lronard 19,25 Som.anets,Flelen Sommers, Otis C. Sparls, Henry Saulsbury Sparks,Joseph Smith,John A. Smith,John B. Smith,John Edwatd Smith,Joseph !7. T. Smith,Julia Smith,Julia K. Smith, Katherine Smith, Kimbedy Smith, Laua Noble Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Mchael Minnie Downes Norman Martin 171, 9 6 4 82 109 4 67 63 26 9 39 43 l1l Patricia Ann 64,73 Paul Albert 43 43 111 96 6 82 43 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Stella Smith, LeroyWilliam Smith, Lewis'Hanson' Smith, Lillian E. Smith, Lola M. Smith, Lydia Srnith, Margaret B. Smith, MagatetE. Smith, Mattha E. Smith, Marvh H. Smith, Mary Ellen Smith, Mattie Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Sptay, Geneva Sparks, Chades H. 74 43 43 82 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 59 3, +5 73 73 73 73 62 79 30 94 81 33 Smoot, Bunnie ke Smith,Janet Smith,Jeaa Smith,Jeanaette Brown Smith, Smith, 28,45 25 25 25 21 45 63 63 98 85 10 59 55 35 19 63 35 PaulAllen Phillip Robert Ray Raymond Ricky Robert Allen Roland Ronald David Ronnie Ruth Naomi Samuel E. Collier Sarah Collier Sara Stanley Susie Latrimore Thomas Thomas T. Yiolet !7ayne William Bruce l7ilson Albert, Ndrs. Snead, Albert, Rev. Snead, Snyder, W'illiam, Nfts., Solomon, Abraham Solomon, Barry Solomon, Bonnie Solomoo, Mamie Solomon, Mary Solomon, Max Solomon, Iv{orris Solomon, Robert Solomon, Sophia (Sunny) Soloway, Alfred Somoers, Chades Sommers, Clayton Sommets, Clalton Otis Sooders, Minerva T. jllian N. Spaogerburg MaryJane Spain, T Sparks, Bessie Sparks, Chades F. Sprk3, Sparks, Sparks, Sperks, Clyde, Mrs' David G. F.lizafsth Emily L. (t{ee Vogel) Sparks, Fred Sparks, Helen Sparks, Kenneth Sparks, T .illian Lee Sparks, Mary Sparks, Sarah Andetson Sparks, Sylvia Sparks,WilliamJames 25, 28, 4Bpatrow, Helen Marion 25 82 69 82 45 25 82 30 18 82 55 13 82 49 18 Sparrow, LisaJean Speller,Johnny Speller, Matgaret Spencer, Isaac Speacer,Jacqueline Spencet,John Spencer, Mary Spencer, Samuel Spicher, Wayne Albert V., Jr. Spies, Donald R. Spies, Sptay, Chades Spray, David Sptay, Edward Spray, Frank Spray, Linda 11 Spray, Robert 5, 11 Spray, Robert C. t7 Sptay, Thomas 5 Spray, Thomas !7. 71 Spray, Thomas !7., Jr. Spdggs, Hilda 86 Stackhouse, Ethel C. 27 Stackhouse,JamesEdward Stafford, Evelyn Mae 27 1.1. 79 Stakiel, Catolyn 112 Stanbddge, Melvin 7 Stanbury, Clara Stanley, Belaidia 27 Stanley, Douglas Stanley, Flilbet Staaley, Idella Stanley,James 49 81 49 70 HilbegJr. Stanley, Linda 49 41 Stanley, Lizzie 81 Stanley, Nathian 49 Stanleyh, Lester 49 Stansbury, Belle 37 Stansbury, Bessie 5t Stansbury, Clata 27 Stansbury, Dennis 95 Stansbury, Dorothy 37 Stansbuy, Edwatd 3t Stansbury,James 37 Stant, Mary 26 Stant, Michael 18 Stant, lTilliam 52 Starin, Arthw N. 105 Starifl, Mary Ehzabeth 105 Starin, Phillip N. Starin, William 105 Starkey, Bessie Warner t9 105 Starkey, Cad 19 Starkey, Clara 78 Starkey, Edna 60 Starkey, Fletman 78 Starkey,James B. 93 Starkey,JaniceMoore Starkey, Uoyd Watts 59 StarkeR Marie Anthony 93 Starkey, Mchael 93 Staftey, Richatd Starkey, Richard R. Starkey, Thelma M. Statkey, Thomas Statkey, Thomas E. 59 Starkey, Thomas M. 48, 59 Statkey, Thomas R. 48 93 48 48,59 59 59 Steveas, Ruth Ann 100 20 100 97 100 21 Stevens, Thomas 20,27 Sutton, Nancy L. Swar, Emma Hildreth Swan, Mary Phillips Stevens, William Clayton 100 Swan, Robert Stevens, Wiliam Flerman 17,20 Sw'an, Stevirrs, Margery 56 35 9 59 9 9 35 29 2 9 27 1 1 60 1 75 76 78 58 78 78 78 79 102 702 t02 102 25 97 6l 111 46 46 50 46 2 68 M 63 44 63 63 44 Swann, Chades D. 37,54 Swann, Chades !7. 49 Swann, Gadand T. Swann, Gadand T.,Jr. 5t Swann, I. Reuben 3/ Swan:r,J. Elmet Swam,James E,.,Jr. Swann,John H. 1l Swann, Kenneth H. Swann, Minnie Taylor 5t 5t Swann, R. Eade 54 Swann, Sammy 72 Swann, Sammy D., Sr. 37 Swann, Vera I. 67 Swann, Vemon Lee,Jr. 37 Swann, Vemon Lee, Sr. 37 Sterbach, Chades John Sterbach, !flalter Charles 93 78 55 20 20 30 30 30 30, 60 30 30 30 30 30 3 20 3 58 58 58 58 16 102 102 63 72 72 72 72 72 72 30 39 56 56 Steding, Carroll l7esley 78, Steding, David Stediog, DonaldJ. Steding,Joseph 56 78 56 Stover,Joan C. Strangman, CarolynJewell Strausbug, Lois, Mrs., 56,78, 105 56 78 78 Sffawmeyer, Steding, Mayola Mansfield Steding, Richard Stetliog, Richard D. Steding, Ruth Marie Hagao Stetling, Willard 56,78 Starkey, Vrrliam L. Starkey, $Tilrnet Statks, Marvin Starn, Ethel Mae Startt, Phyllis Ann DonnaJo States, Dora Heath States, States, Eade States, Francis States, Irven States,John Henry States,John T. States, John T., Jt. States, Wilson Stavely, Ethel Stavely, Henrietta Stavely,James Stayton, Bucky Stayton, Douglas Stayton,James Stayton,James, Mrs., Steddings, Bobbie Steele, George T. Steele, M. Annabelle Steele, Rosetia Steenken,Joseph Henry Steenken, Kathedne Steenken, Otto Henry Steenken, Patricia Adriano Steenken, Teresa Marie Steenkea, Tioa Marie steikie, v. Gail Steininger, Fannie 105 78' 105 56' Steriing, William StediogWilliam C. Stevens, Elizabeth Walker Stevens, Emily Dreer Stevens, Florence Estelle Marshall Stevens, Frederick Clayton Mts., Brown Stevens,James Stevens,James T. Stevens, J. Thomas, Stevens, James T., Mrs., 1R .; )o 17 100 78 100 96 96 Stevens,JohnArthut Stevens, Margatet I-ouise Stevens, Mary R. Clark Stevens, Maudie Stevens, Robert Frederick Stewart, Anrde E. Stewart, Cora Stewart, Dorothy P. Stewart, FIenry Stewart, Isabelle Stewart,John R. Stewart, illias Thetesa T Stewart, Madeline Stewart, \fiUiam H. Stockman,Janet E. Stokes, Clara Astrley Stokes, Herbert Stokes,John F. Stokes, W. Horace Stolte, Mattie Bailey Stone, Billie A::rl Stoops, Lucy Elizabeth Stoops, Madon Stoops, Richatd E. Stoops, William F., Il Stoops, Wil[am F.,Jr. Stopyra, Barbara IC Stotey, Annabelle Stotey,Joe Stotey,Joseph Storey, Tilden 8., Mrs. N6.y Sffoag,Ernest Strong Mldred Willson Strong, Ringgold Sftong,RobergJr. Strvchnins. Mildred st*rr ari"." coot stubbs. Annie cain Stubbs, Beniamin Stubbs- Earl Stubbs, Edward Stubbs, Kenrreth Stubbs, Thomas Stubbs, Violet 25,28 Stweat, Chades E. 35 7 36 Sulsberge4 Cathy Sump, Herman Sump, Patsy V. 36 Supers, Chester 61 Supers,Eugene 6t Supers, Vemon 61 45 lfilliam B. Swann, W. kster 12 97 72 97 37 -7 I 35 37 Swann, William H. 67 Swartz, Arthut L.,Jr. 77 Sweetman, Mary 20,56 Sweigart, Bertha Parethemer 55 Sweigrq Claytoa W. 55 Sweigarg Russell 55 Swrggett, Ethel 60 Taggt4 Marian Tanner, Robert 46 Tarbutton, Annie Tarbutton, George Tart, Geotge Tate, Gatnett 53 Tate, Genevia Tate, George O. Tate, Henry E. 97 Tate,John 97 Tate, Oscar Tate, Raymond Tate, Robert 97 Tate, lTilson 97 Taylor, Taylot, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, 59 53 t3 97 97 97 97 97 Alvao F. Anna M. Ward 115 Chadie 62 Clifford 62 Crystal Taylot, Dale Taylor, Dorothy T^ylot, Edward Taylot, Frank 115 108 115 9t 2,t0,26 11,62 Trl'lot, Frederick T aylor, Frededck A., Jt. Taylog Frederick A., Sr. Taylor, George Taylor, George, Mrs., Taylor, Helen Taylor,Jimmy Taylor,Joe,Jr. Taylot, John Taylot, Lynnette Taylor, Mchael Tayloq Minnie Grace Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Ruth Sadie Wheeler Sarah Tracy Taylor, lTalter Taylor, Walter W. Taylot, !7illiam Teat, kwis Teag Susie Tebo, Kenneth, Mts., Tevelbeck, Ethel R. Tevis, Irma Tha,wley, Albert Thawley, Thawley, Thawley, Thawley, Albert,Jt. Chades Madeline VTesley Thawley,William Thayer, DeFane Theobald, Chatles Theobald, Ftederick Theobald,Jes Theobald, Martha Ann Cuder Theobald, Robert Thom, A. Lousa Dietert Thom, EtnestJ. Thom, Frank Thomas, Alberta Thomas, Alfonzo Thomas, Alice 'fhomas, Alma Hunter Thomas, Alphonza Andtew Thornas, Beniamin Thomas, Buddy Thomas, Chades Thomas, Debbie Thomas, Delma Elliott Thomas, Edward Thomas, Edward !7. Thomas, Elmer C., Mrs., Thomas, Georgra Anna Lewis Thomas, Herbert Thomas, Howard Thomas,James O., Sr. 108 108 108 115 105 101 115 702 Thomas,John R. 85 Tilghman, Mercedine 73 104 Tiller, Anna Tiller, Harvey Tiller, Ida Tiller,Joseph Tiller, Mary Tiller, MaryJane Donald Tilier, Rebecca Tillet, lTilliam Timco, Steve Timko, Yirginia Timkovski, Sergeir Timkovski, Valentine Timmernan" Helen E. Timrrrons, George A. Thomas, lfiliarn Thomas, Ifilli'am T. 85 Timrnons, Rosa Lee Carter 74 105 7 Timmons, Sally Timms, Bobbie Timms, Delores 60 Thomnpson, Francis Tinnemeyer, Henrietta Tinnemeyer, Henry Tionnemeyuer, Josephine Hanley 51 Tippett,John Tippett, Mchael Tjnecky, Narcy 15 Thomas, Thomas. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Kenneth R"., Mrs. I-olaJean 17 Louise Elizabeth 52 Mae 47 Mark Mary Gladys Medford 45 108, 115 Thomas, Odella 85 85 52 108 115 62 92 108 108 108 101 115 26 56 Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thompson, Beniamin C. Ttrompson, Chades 43 20,56 Thompson, Courtland, Mrs., 84 62 53 95 62 62 62 62 47 62 74 3 3 3 3 3 36 36 36 83 82 52 104 85 100 17 Thompson, Edith Thompson, Edna Thompson, Eleanor 7 Jlempson,J. Elmer,Jr., Mts., 43 Thompson,James F. Thompson,Jeffrey E. Thompson, I illian Thompson, M. Alma Thompson, Mabel Thompson, Mary Elizabeth Thompsori, I\4urtayJ. Thompson, Nettie Pauline Thompson, Ralph Thompson, Satah Nicketson Thompsotr, Scott A. Thompson, Terry Thompson, William Thompson, lTikner Thompson, Wilson 52 83,85 L9 47 47,60 47 43 100 85 47 52 Ralph 85 Robert 52 Violet 34 Vrgrnia Virgiaia IC Wallace A. 83 47 t02 t9 97 43 42 101 55, 81 52 43 20 52 52 43 7 52 82 Todd, Bertha Todd, Cecelia H. Todd, George, Mrs., Todd, Mchael Tolmie, Matgaret Tolson, Cora Rebecca Tolson, Edmund L. 29 13 52 52 13 13 52 13 52 97 15 15 15 110 74 17 t7 51 51 15 7 87 3t 91 25 74 87 96 Tolson, Eleanor Tolson, Ida Bamberget Tolson,James C. Tolson, Minnie Lowe Tolson, Sudlet B. Tolson, Sudler Cockey 56 96 96 96 96 96 96 Thornton, Herman Tho.p, Ann Price Thorpe, Charles H. 28 Tolson, WilliamH. Tomes, Benjamin L. Tomes, Olivia B. 67 Totbit,Joy 95 Tholpe,Ead 67 6 Thorpe,ElizabettrJane Thorpe, Henry Thorpe, Levi Thorpe,Louis Thorpe, Matian T'ete Thutrnon,Richard Tibbett, Elsie Tiley, Carde Lynn Tiley,Rachel 67 Torance, Daisy Toulson, Betty 60 Toulson, Chades Henry 9 60 Toulson,Jeff 2 61 Toulson,Julian 9 9 Tiley, Richard 19 Toulson, Susan Wilmer Towers, Aarr Towers, Grace Towers, Lee Towers, Raymond, Mrs. Towers, Sara Elinor Towne, Raymond Towne, Raymond, Mrs., 105 Tilghman Grace Sweitzer Tilghman,John Lomax 52 59 50 79 77 79 19 72 72 79 79 60 59 29 47 89 18 105 Tndet, Chades B. Tradet, Chades !7. 54 54 Tumer, Clata Tumet, Clatence Flomer Tumer, David Tumer, Erma Tumer, Floyd Tumer, Gerald Tumer,J. Frank Tradet, Kareo Ttavers, Charles, Mrs. Travers, Hudey 75 Tumer,James 38 Travers,John Emory Travers, John Emory, Mrs., 39 Travets, Louise Ttavets, Lyda A. Ttavers, Melvin 39 Tribbett, Tribbett, Ttibbett, Tribbett, Tribbett, Tdbbett, Tribbett, Tribbett, Tdbbett, Donald Ellwood C. 75 Ida Marie Lawrence I-eonard 75 Tumer, Lula Tumet, Marion Tumet, Marnin Tumet, Mary Turner, Maurice Tumer, Nathaniel Turnet, Oney Tumer, Sallie M. Tumer, Vergie Tumer, Walter Tutic, Mary Tyle4 Alma Mary Robert William WilliamJ. 52 Townsend, Townsend, Townsend, Townsend, Elva 17 George Ude Marion t3 Howard Rupert "ftadet,Alice Tawes L 11i 54 39 39 71 39 75 108 75 75 Tyier, Matgaret K. Tyson, Robert, Mrs., 75 Uh-lman, Clatence 75 Uhknan, Paul 74 Underwood, Sallie Unruh, Aubrey Tribbitt, Etlel Tribbitt, R. Elizabeth 77 Trice, Elma R. Trice, Elmer 45 Jf Trice,John Trimble, Betty L. Ttimble, Evelyn Tdmmer, Lawrence, Mrs., Trippett, Elizabeth Trittapoe,John D. 45 Trossbach, Dondd Trossbach, Eugene 55 Trott, Emma McCurry Trott, Samuel !7. 68 Troyer, Bevetly S7. 42 Truitq Aathony 104 Truitt,John Truitg lillian Truitt, Mira Truitt, Reginald V., Mrs. 2 2 80 53 36 55 68 100 85 104 48 Tschantre,Joyce Tucket, Beniamirr Tucket, Betty IdTucker, Burgess 72 Tull, Alverta Hopkins Tull, EbenA. 73 Tull,Joha IJ Tull, Richard Tulley, Minnie Tully, Frances Kreeger Turkington, Hat4' Tumer, B. Hackett,Jr., Mrs., 2 26 26 t5 t3 Urie, Willia.m Thomas Usilton, Alice Virginia Usilton, Archie L. Usilton, Archie,Jr. Usilton, Blanche \Voolford Usilton, Usiltoa, Usilton, Usiltoo, Usilton, Usilton, Usilton, Usilton, David David Lloyd Donald L. Donald,Jr. Ead Grace Gregory Hanoah Maslin Usilton,James Usilton,Jeffrey Usilton, Mamie Davis Usilton, Meeks Llsilton, Michael H. Usiltoa, Mlford Usilton, Mlfotd Meeks, Sr. Usilton, Perry, Mrs. Usilton, Robert M. Usilton, William 8., III Usilton, William B.,Jr. Usilton, I7i]liard Van Roon, Edward t02 Van Roon,John Van Roon, Peter Van Roon, Tdna 84 Van Sant, Betty 70 8 Yara Schaik, Arthur 2 Van Schaik, Comelia 79 Van Schaik, Doug 34 Van Schaik, Edwin 34 Van Schaik, Geratd 34 Van Schaik, Gemrd A. 34 Van Schaik,Joseph 79 34 Van Schaik,Joseph V. Van Schaik, kooard 34 Van Schaik, Margatet 34 Van Schaik, Madnus 34 Van Schaik, Richard 34 Van Schaik, Robert 34 VxrDyke,Joyce 34 Yanlluss, OlaJean 34 VanSant, D. Pead 79 34 VanSant, EdwardW 34 VarSant, Harry E. VanSan! Kenaeth W. 51 Vansant, Pead 52 66 VanSant,R yE. Vansart, Stanley 96 82 Vansant, Thelma 82 VanSant, WiUiam !7. 39 Vasquiz, Pamela Vella, Louise 45 Verill, Gary A. 99 104 Vedl Robert B. Verrill, Etlel V. 1 1 Vohs, Kay 1 Yolkma4 Sylvia 702 Vonville, Chades 104 Vorst, HendeltaY*o, 1 Yorwald, Elsa Bolte 1 Vorwald, Heidi M. 29 1,704 .ro 85 1 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 rc4 8 1 8 8 1 95 95 95 95 84 Vorwald, Randolph H. Vorwald, !fftlhelm Vorwald, W-rlliamJ.,Jr. Yorwald, WilliamJohn, Sr. l7addington, Eleanor Wade, Edward R.,Jr. Wade, Edward Reynolds 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 92 39 10 10 10 10 t3 10 2 2 10 79 53 21 27 21. 19 t9 23 64 36 36 36 36 36 46 t6 t6 !7ade, Evelynne D. Wade, Louis 36 Wade, Lydia Robertson 'Wade, Marshall 36 lfade, Sarah Elizabeth (Smith) L6 t6 16 $Taggoner, Chatles Owen 55 Waggonet, Chatles Owen, III lTaggoner, Chades Owen,Jr. lTaggoner, Dotothy Elizabeth Waggonet,James Fraziet $7agne4 Flotence Comelius 55 lfagnet, Harry 18 !7aper, Harry, Mrs. 18 Wagner, Martin 18 55 55 55 18 lTagneq Mary 'Wagnet, Robert T. lfahl, Anna Mae !7ahlert, Ann Wainwright,Jane 'STalbert, Greta C. Sfalbert, Owen lfales, Geotge E. IiTales, James M. Wales, Julia'SToodmender Wales, Robert D. Wales, W. Albert !(alket, Agnes 'Walker, Alpha ke !(alker, Anita !7alket, Chades Walker, Dadyne Walker, Floretta Kiser Walker, G. Lee,Jr. !7alker, Gamett L., Sr. Walker. George G., Mrs. !7alker, John Alexander Walker, Lorena Ashbum Walker, Mary Tina Braswell 'lValker, 'Waiker, Moody R. Willis B. Wall, Ralph P. !7allace, Bemard Wallace, Betty Lee Wallace, David H. Wallace, David H.,Jr !7allace, Douglas C. 'Wallace, Hellen lfallace, Stephen M. Wallen, Ada !7allen, Ada W. 'S7allen, Samuel A. 'S7allen, Susan E. Rutter !7aller, Christine !7alley, Freddie rffalley, Helen Cann Walley, Howard Freddie Waley,Joyce O. Walls,Alma .S7alls, Beatdce !7alls, Bertha !7alls, Darriel lfalls, Edward Walls, Elwood T.,Jr. lfalls, Elwood Tyson, Jr. Walls, George 'W'alls, George Elwood Walls, Grace Myrtle Walls, l,eathal Lotetta C. !7alls, Louis S7alls, 47 4 63 tl 3l 173 !0alls, Margatet 28 Walls, Martla Walls, Mary Betha Sparks !7ayman, Maranda Beatflce Wayman, Marie 67 57 25 107ayman, 25 WaIs, !7illiam 25 S. Walsh, Margery Case 74 Mke 24 STalsh, 12,59 !7alsh, $Tilliam C. 74 51 51 51 51 51 29 76 77 76 42 42 76 76 51 42 76 42 42 42 78 97 6 29 29 29 38 29 59 93 93 93 99 717 111 111 39 6 25 26 1 92 25 25 94 25 94 62 106 57 Walsh, William Carroll 74 Walters, Doris L 90 Walters, James Walters, Leonote 30 Walters, Louise 76 Ward, Ftededck, N{rs. 'S7atd, Peatl 62 !7amer, Gilbert Wamer,John 59 Wamer,Josephine Wamer, Madeline JJ 110 10 79 'Wayman, Mary Norman lfayman, Thelma Wayman, WinfiledJames lVeaver, David W.,Jr. 'Weaver, David Wilson 'W'eaver, IIenry 'Weavet,J. Edgat,Jr. 'Weaver,J. Edgat, Sr. 'W'eaver, Janet Huntet 'Weaver,Joyce .S7eaver, 92 67,92 67,92 25 67 67 63 63 63 67 9l Lury Wilson 67 V/eavet, Robert B. 'Weavet, Ttacie Reaee 67 'Weaver, l7alter 'Weaver, 67 63 'W'amet, Mary 1 Warner, Melvia 59 Wilson B. Weaver,Zeth Webb, Betty Wamer, Roland Wamet, Thomas Melvin Warner, Vetna Della Cox Wamer, Viilliam Melvin Warren, Anna Warren, Asa Warren, Grace P. 1.9 Webb, Edoa 110 53 lVebb, EmilyJewell 'Webb,Joseph 97 Webb, Lucille Webb, Lydia 70 19 JJ JJ 64 64 /J 67 63 102 I 56 'Sfebster, D'Atty 97 'STebster, Esther 2l Watea, Henry 64 64 Webster,Jaoice Webster,Johnson Hall 7 Warren, Robert !7arren, Skip t7 STebstet, Johason Hall, Sr. 91 Warren" Toby Warriagton, Helen Howell 'STaringtoa, Howard !7., Sr. 64 29 'Webster, Mary Hall Maudie Stevens .W'ebstet, 97 91, 91 !7eddle, Virginia Weeks, Edson 79 29 65 Weeks, Henry 16 Wartner, Elsie 8 Weeks, Horton F., St. 76 \X/ashington, Waltet Ed.rard 2 !7eeks, Horton Fted, Jr. 16 Watlins, Alben JI lTeeks,John F. 76 'Watson, Anna Mae 101 Warriagton,HowatdWilson,Jr. lTarringtor, Ml&ed L. STatson, Bertha M. 29 'W'eems, Ftalk 16 41 1 'W'egenet, 54 Betty M, 48 103 'Weichert, Catherine Gilbert L, III Watson, Gilbert L., II 103 -ro 103 !7eir, Doaald E. lVefu, W. Harold lfatson, Made-I-,ouise Watson,Nelson'Nick' 103 Weist, Elizabeth N. 32 2 lTeist,John 32 Watson, Ralph t1 Weist, Tumet 32 !7atson, Stella Watson, Virginia M. 64 44 Welch, Durrie 'Welchert, Katherine 78 STatson, George S., Dr. 'Watson, 36 103 99 92 Wellham, Howard Wellham, Marguerite E. Wells,Joseph Wessel Edward A. 'Wessel, G. Edward 67,92 Wessel, Howard 7 25 !7essel, Lee 7 92 'VTessel Margaret Seltrnan 7 Sfatson, W'alter'Pete' Watts, Delores Beatrice 2 Wayman, Bishop 25,92 Wayman, Btadfotd 92 'U(/ayman, Dulcia !7ayman, Henry Wayman, Heffy Wayman, Matanda 1t1 99 59 7 7 Wessel, Melvin H. 7 Wessel, Mldred Simon 7 Wessel Reese Wessel, Roland lfessel Ronald M. 61 Wessel, Susie 67 Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, V/hitby, Whitby, Wessel, Walter Clayton 67 \X4ritby, Harry lTesseley, Marie Louise JJ Whitby, Ida Pinder lTesseh Frank Mchael lfesseh Mchael Emil West, Doris JJ Whitby,l. Earl Jt. JJ 45 West, Matleen 23 Whitby,James Whitby,James R. Whitby,James S. Westbtook, Dorothy 23 'Westetgard, DavidJ. Westergard, Florence McHatdy 'Westergard, ManftedJ. 7 7 87 87 87 Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, Whitby, Daniel S[. Dotothy N. Elmer Emest L. E&el May Frederick A. Tillian A. Perry L. Perry Lee Ricky Roy lTestergard, PeterJ. 87 \Tetrnore,John Wiliam 99 Wetmore, Robet Gale Wetmore, SusG Elizabeth 99 (Casey) 99 Wetzel David 82 Whitbn Y. Louise White,:\lice Perks Whaley, Barbara Lee Hopkins Whaley, Catlton L. Whaley, Clayland H. Whaley, ElinorL. Whaley,Joha Lee Whaley,John I*e,it. 18 V/hite, Bob E. 64 !?hite, White, White, White, White, White, 18 18 18 18 Wraley,John R. !7haley, Matc E. 64 !7haley, Ralph C. Whaley, Ralph L^ Whaley, Sara Stevens 18 18 18 18 K. 18 Whaley, Valeda A. Wharton, David B. 23 W{haley, Sharon Whafion, F. M. Wharton, William F. Wheat, Calvin Wheat, Elwood Wheat, George Wheat,James Robie 'S7heat,James W. 18 23 23 6 6 6 6 6 S. Philip S"-uel W. Winnie P. Cacoll David Cathedne Ude Chades A. Chades D. Clintoo E. !7. Clinton E. !7., Sr. White, Donald L. White, Dudley Parks White, zabeth Price 'White, George White, Harry White, Hilda Kirshaw White, J. J., III White,JamesJ. White,JamesJ., III White, James Judson, Jr. White,Jeffetson Y/hite,Jimmy White,Joseph White, Kenaeth C. Wheat, Louis Wheat, MaryBigelow 6 Wheat, Samuel '$?heat, Thomas !7. 6 6 'Wheat, William H. White, Ollie Elizabeth White, Ollie !?illiamson Whitby 6 'S?hite, Vheeler, Anne L. 47 White,WilliamU. Wheeler, Edith Wheeler, Satah Wheeler, Thomas t3 Whiteley, Nellie B. 59 41 Whillen Edward 37 Whitaker, Ftanklin R. 34 'J('hitby, Annebell 72 Whitby, Chades 58 Whitely, Oleada Whitman, Margaret Read Whitman, Robert !7. Whitmore, Mary Lyles lThitmore, Wil[am Whittico, Marie 6 White, Louise White, Mary Montague Russell Sandra Margatet 16,32 Wickes, Bertha Iola 55 Wickes, SadieJones Wickes, Walter 58 77,108 Wickes, William 58 Wicks, Helen 55,59 Wilcox, Isabel Wilford, Flotence 8 108 Wilhart, Evelyn Wiliams, Caroll B. 77 77,708 'W'ilkersoa, Beatrice 'Wilkerson, Ruth Anna 59 Andrew Wilkias, 55 59 Wilkins, Elizabeth 108 Wi]kins, Nelson Thomas Wilkins, Nelson,Jr. 77 Wilkins, William 59 A. L., Mrs., Wilkinson, 59 Wilkinson, Beatdce 55 Wilkinson, Burton 8 97 W'ilkinson, Rosalie lTilkinson, \Talter Scott 20 Willen, A. Lee 30 97 Willen, F. Letoy 115 Willen,Josiah E. 115 Willen, Rebecca E. Bennett !7illen, Satah Elizabeth Phillips 30 30 Willey, Olive 115 !(illheart, Evelyn A. William R Maule,Jr. 97 Williams, Abbie Booker 30 2 Williams, Alice C. 95 Williams, Arthur 115 l7illiams, BxbaraJeat 45 W'illiams, Benjamin 97 Williams, Bennie H. Williams, Benny 97 97 Williams, Bemard 108 Williams, Bessie 27 Williams, Beulah 115 'Williams, Carroll 77,708 Williams, Chades 3 Williams, Chades Henry 108 \Tilliams, Chadette A. lfilliams, Chatlotte 77 108 !flilliams, Chatlottie A. Williams, Donald 95 97 Williams, Elsie !7i11iams, Elva 31 24 Williams, Elva A. 35 ITilliams, Emma 35 Villiams, Enos E. lTilliams, Eugene 1 1 n7iliams, Evelyn $ililliams, Evelyn C. 67 55 32 l7hittington, Whitde, 25 89 2 2 2 2 86 44 111 85 20 50 37 73 100 73 73 73 79 59 49 94 68 79 79 79 79 79 57 31 20 20,56 111 57 20 10 73 17 59 50,59 42 56 36 57 50 59 27 20 90 59 27,50 50,57 73 34 50,59 4 W'illiams, Evelyn V. 27 Williams, F. Geneva 'W'illiams, Fannie G. Williams, Fostet Williams, Ftancis, Mrs. 'UTilliams, 50 27 20 S7ilson, Harry N., Sr. 86 68 Ifilson, Harvey 39 89 lVilson, Howard E. N. 86 89 66 Wilson,James lVilson, Janice C. Grimes 31 66 !7ilson,John 96 33 Wilson,Judith !7. 42 -)-) Wilson, KathleenN. 'Wilson, 86 73 4 l0/illiq Harvey Vincent 55 20,56 33 59 lTilliams, Gertrude F. Williamson !(rrlliams, Harold C. l7illiams, Harry 68 Williamson, Roy C. Williamson, William Willin, Cindy i,ee Willin, Curtis E. 40 Geneva Williamson, Laura Brown 'Williamson, Mary E. Cahall Williamson, Octavia Cole 'Williamson, Robert @*d) Williams, Henry E. $7illiams, Irene Kemp 36 WilIin, Hilda Mae Ptitchett Willin, Randy Dale Willis, Catheti.e Willis, David 20 !7illis, G. Lawrence Williams,James 50,59 !7illiams, James, III 'lVillis, Grace Ma 11 Williams,John !7. lTilliams, John !(alter, Jr. WilIiams, John'Waltet, Sr. 50,59 Willis, Hilda lTillis,Jennie Rogers 45 27,50 lTillis,John T. Williarns, John, Jr. 59 Willis, Lawrence Willis, Lawrence M. Willis, Leo R Willis, Martha Villis, Ralph L. Willis, Roger l. Willis, Ruth F. t3 Williams, Hazel Collins 'Williams, Helen 2 27,50 t1l Wiltams,Joyce \X/illiams, Leo Williams, 'Willia:rrs, 99 Iron 2t,81 50,59 l,ester Williams, I-ouis Ead 20 22 52 !7ilson, Melvin 64 52 Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, 37 Mildred 94 Norris 39 Norris Eugene Wilson, Olia Phitip 96 45 100 Wilson, Paul 94 45 Wilson, Paul, N{ts., 96 45 '$7ilson, Philip 94 Wilsoa, Rebecca Hatdett Wilson, Robert B. 'S7ilson, Roger 38 28 115 52 45 52 94 53 64 'Wilson, Thomas Wilson,Viqie O. \7ilson, Wallace 64 'S7ilson, 64 44 3l Wiltbank,Joyce Winchester, Aaron H. Winchester, Emma C. 'W'inchester, Hamilton Winchester, Mary XTindham, Lois A. Windsor, Alfted E. Windsot, Dotothy \flindsor, Edwatd H. Windsor,John A. lTindsor,John H. lVindsor, Marion E. 37 Wiadsor, N4ary Afln 33 89 Winer,Lawtence K. Wits, Hilda Wirts, lTi]liam 46 'Wisher, 83,90 37 Pauliae Wisk, Beatdce R. Wismxr, Bernard C. 28 Wisman, Matie C. 27 53 Wolf,ArthurD. 7t 3 Wolf, Elma Ann 77 86 !7olf, Herbet 58 58 Wolf, Herbert C., Mrs. lfilo',giby, 64 36 'W'illiams, Mollie Williamson 'W'illiams, \Tilloughby, Donald Wrlloughby, Harry R Willoughby, Tinda A. Willoughby, Lucy Warrington Willoughby, P. !7ayne Willoughby, Robert N. Willoughby, Robert N., Jr. 75 36 Wiloughby, Susie Wooters 64 S7illiams, Rita Marie 'Williams, Robert D. 'W'illiams, Robert Daniel 'Williams, Sanford 100 91 II 91 64 64 64 47 Willsoa, Hester 97 l7illiams, Tanya 83 46 Williams, l7illiam M., Jt. Sfilliams, William Martin Williamson, Bessie Hurd Williamson, Bruce Williamson, Caleb G. F. 20 Willson,James Emest 'W'illson, I\f ary Ringgold 20 nfilmet,Joseph 104 66 Wilsoo, Albert 'U?ilson, Alexander 96 115 68 'W'ilson, Williamson, Cardelia 66 Williamson, Catolyn Williamson, Chades 77 W'illiamson, Chadie 'W'illiamson, Cynthia Williamson, E. Lee 66 66 Wilsoa, Barbara Roberta Wilson, Btenda 'Wilson, Btuce Wayne 'Wilson, Catherine 'Wilson, Chatlotte 94 79 66 lfilson, David 94 Williamson, Emetson 66 'D7ilson, 77 Williamsoa, Gladys Williamson, H. Melvin \Williamson, Harvey !7. 66 65 David Glenn Wilson, Dewey F.,Jr. Wilson, Dewey F., Sr. 'Wilson, Douglas Wilson, Gertrude C. Wilson, Gladys Estelle 37 lTilliamson, Flota Collison Williamsoa, FtedJ. Williamson,Joan Williamson,John 7 'W'ilson, 68 66 66 Annie H. Notman,Jr. 'Wilson, Hackett 96 !7ilsoo, Sands Wilson, Susie 64 21 111 94 $7illoughby, Alan B. lfilliams, Faul 104 V4lson, Samuel Eugene Wilson, Samuel,Jr. 52 34 81 53 Mchael Williams, Mary Elirzabeth Williams, Matilda (Flilda) Irene 91 96 Wilson, Madeline K. Wilson, Marioa 1 Notma L. lTilliams, Patricia M. 58 12 JJ lTilliams, Mary C. Vemoa, Sr. kna W-Ilson, kwis 58 46 39 39 J 3l 94 96 William R., 96 94 III C. 86 101 101 101 101 105 33 JJ 33 JJ JJ 33 115 115 54 27 58 -'t 115 !7right, Russell lfdght, ShirLy 70 5 109 109 86 17 57 54 64 22 106 Woodall, Andtew Washington L1.l Vzright, Shirley A. 90 lfoodall, Edwatd 5 Wtight,Vtugil 32 Woodall, Geneva Cochtan $ToodaltJohn L. Woodbury, Hazel Woodtow, Peade Virginia Taylot Woodrus, Marion, Mrs., $7oody, Hilda R Wooleyhan, Clinton E. lTooleyhan, Florence A. 5 I7right, Wilbert rJfright, !0ilhelrnina Edgell Wright, William Oliver, III Wright, William Oliver, Jr. Wright, lfinfield Wright, Winfield T., Sr. Wooleyhan, Frank C. l7ooleyhan, Julian Wooleyhan, Kathleen Mary lTooleyhan, Philip lfoolford, Daniel Webstet Wood, LeoJ" 'Wood, Marion !7ood, N. Ethel 69 Wrighq Mabel \X/nght, Margaret Wright, Mark E. !7right, Mark Eldon Wright, MaryAlice Wright, Nancy Wtight, Norman 6l Wnght,RobetY. S7ood, Steve 46 Wood,VirginiaA. Wolfe, Arthut Pratt 66 $7olfe, Keith 52 lfolleyhan, Ted 85 !7ood, Doris Wood, Elizabeth 6l 'Wood,Jeannette 46 R. 49 93 5 115 94 105 'Wright, Rosa 57 32 28 28 52 86 8i t3 Wurst, Pat 45 Wyat!Amos 22 L3 Yanacek, Susa.. 23 t3 Yates, Alice 23 23 Yates, Ireoe 23 23 Yeager, Ernma 90 23 Yeager, George 90 25 Yeaget, Henry 90 Woolfotd,James Woolfotd, Larry 25 Yeager, Henry 40 25 Yeaget, Heory,Jr. 90 lToolford, Mary Briscoe l7oolford, Mldred Bambary 25 Yeager, Irving 40 25 Yeaget,Jobn 40,90 25 Yeager,kwis Iwing 40 25 Yeager, I illien L. 40 115 Yeaget, Lucy May 90 !7ooters, Mary V. Wootten,John !7ootten, Paul Workman, Amelia Wdght, Andrew l7righg Annie Wrighg Bertha Haris 45 Yeager, Pearson 40 64 Yeager, Raymond 40,90 64 Yeager, Robert 40,90 39 Yeager, Sharon Lee 40 57 Yeager, WilliamJames 40,90 101 40 Wrrght, Bessie Gteene 57 Yesket, Delores L. Yewe[ George O.,Jr. Yewe[ George Oweo \fright, Elmer 55 YewelJ, Marion 109 Wright, Elwood 64,86 Yewe[ Maryleoora 40 I7right, Francis H. 32 28 Yewelt Veda O. Yewelf !7. Owen 40 Woght, Frank M. Wright, Harry B., 3rd Wright, Harry Bushey, Jr. lftight, Henry Wdght, Howard Wright, Ida \Tdght,James Wright,John N. !(ztighgJoseph W. Wright,Joseph Walton Yiaffrakis,James Yiannakis,Jane t7 t7 lfright, Louise Beecher 109 'l7oolfotd, Ralph l07oolford, Vincent Thomas '!7ooters, Josephine 18 48 48 64,86 i8 74 57 71 109 109 101 40 40 Alvin Ftank,Jt. I Anna Mller Edna Mae 49 Eli 49 Elizabeth 49 Jacob 49 Yoder,Jeffrey Lynn Yode1 Rudy I Yoder, Yoder, Yoder, Yoder, Yoder, Yoder, 1 49 Yoder, S"llyJ. Young, Albert Young, Cathedne young, Gregory Keith 49 Yow, Betty 79 Zellet, Dorot}y Zerwick, Terry 32 Zook,Linda t72 Zuccadni" Clint Ztccat;trri, Suzanne 26 Zwak,Jez.n- 92 45 79 40 114 26
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