Jun - GWRRA Chapter "O"


Jun - GWRRA Chapter "O"
Region “E” Chapter “O”
June 22, 2016
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Officers & Staff
Bob & Charlotte Lake
Assistant Directors
John & Cheryl Papson [email protected]
[email protected]
Nancy Drawbaugh
[email protected]
Janita Stegner
Newsletter Editor
Jim Drawbaugh
Web Page Editor
John Papson
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Membership Enhancement
Nancy James
[email protected]
Sunshine Lady
[email protected]
Couple of the Year 2016
Vee Mundy
John & Cheryl Papson
We have our monthly meeting second Saturday of the month at the
Garden Café in Rockbrook Village. 108th Center.
Breakfast & chat @ 8 a.m., meeting at 9 a.m. Come join us for a gathering of Friends for Fun, Safety &
Birthdays & Anniversaries
June Birthdays
Pam Nathan
Cheryl Papson
George Lapka
Tim Suey
Doug Mundy
Laura Albers
Doris Roberts
Christy Hatter
July Birthdays
Angie Vogt
Alma Scranton
Al Wilson
Carey Ferguson
Rick Saunders
June 02
June 06
June 07
June 11
June 19
June 24
June 25
June 26
July 06
July 09
July 10
July 17
July 25
June Anniversary’s
Ed & Christy Hatter
Greg & Pam Nathan
Rick & Robin Saunders
Doug & Vee Mundy
Al & Alma Scranton
Jeff & Angie Vogt
July Anniversary’s
What’s Happening in Chapter “O”
From the Directors Desk
Bob & Charlotte Lake
Chapter "O" Directors
June 06
June 09
June 18
June 20
June 22
June 24
CD Article
Happy June to everyone. We have officially entered summer with the Missouri Rally in the books. I
certainly hope that everyone who went enjoyed themselves and there is a lot more to come. We can’t
forget about out Chapter rides though. We want to encourage anyone who would like to host a Dinner
Ride or lead a ride to some exotic place like Nebraska City to please step up. Our tempo of Chapter
activities has been good and we should maintain that even with all the other activities. After all, not
everyone will be going to each and every Rally that is offered. Our Region E Rally is coming up at the
end of the month and we would like to see as many of you that can afford the time and expense to
attend. Charlotte and I will not be competing for Region E Couple of the Year. It can get expensive and
after our unforeseen wheel bearing costs and additional days stay in Rapid City plus our Rider Course
Instructor training trips we decided that we needed to decline the invitation. I will be staying here and
working two MSF Basic Rider Courses in its place. I’ve been working diligently to produce routes for
our District Rally. This is a ―Riding Rally‖ so the activities will focus on riding in the Black Hills area,
which is great. There is a reason why the Black Hills Classic Rally brings in so many of our fellow VTwin riders each year besides the entertainment in town. The scenery is fabulous. I have some 21 routes
laid out so far and of course that makes 42 if you ride them in reverse. In addition to the riding we will
be cheering on John and Cheryl as they compete for the NE-SD District Couple of the Year. Rick and
Robin have also been working hard recruiting sponsors. Many of our meals will be free will donations.
What could be a better way to show our appreciation for the town of Wall extending its Red Carpet to
We as a Chapter have some other duties at the District Rally to ensure its success. On Friday August
26th our Chapter has two duties to perform: manning the Registration Table from 8:00 to 10:00 AM and
also performing as Rally Supervisors (helping rally goers with questions or maintaining decorum at the
site) between 12:00 Noon and 2:00 PM. We do intend to use our motorcycles to have fun with friends
and also promote safety and knowledge. A big thanks to John and Cheryl for hosting the last Chapter
Get-Together in May while we were in Rapid City for the SD-B kickoff.
50/50 winners this month were:
Pat Suey
Rodger Fawcett
Bill James
Bob and Charlotte
Are we a Breakfast Club?
As Gold Wingers, eating is a high priority and so ―We do like to eat!‖ We gather together once a month
at a minimum to partake of breakfast and join in some camaraderie with the other members of Chapter
O. This is great, but can it be more? Bill and Nancy posted a piece about riding a few days ago. Isn’t
this one of the reasons we do get together for our monthly gathering? Our motorcycles bond us together
in a like or similar interest and what is a motorcycle if not a conveyance to have fun. It is, of course,
basic transportation for many parts of the world but we rarely put all ten members of our family on the
bike like they do in areas where all they have is a motorcycle. Certainly the Gold Wing would handle
the load far better than the 150 cc motorcycle that family is riding. No we use ours for fun and
enjoyment. The Gold Wing bond helps us commune together as a group in search of fun activities.
Surely the rallies we attend epitomize that, but so do all the other rides and activities we can participate
in. These can be day rides, evening rides, dinner rides or just visiting our sponsor in Dunlap Iowa for
some ice cream. Together we are stronger and can enjoy the activities of not only riding our
motorcycles but also getting together as friends. When I passed the activity book around three people
added rides or activities over 122 days. Just think of what fun it could be if only two or three more folks
decided to host a gathering or lead a ride each month. Our repartee and enjoyment riding our
motorcycles could increase many fold. Let’s not let these opportunities slip away. Please step up and
help your Chapter thrive. Thanks for indulging my plea for increased participation.
Membership Enhancement
Coordinator Nancy James
Nancy James
Chapter O MEC
Chapter NE-O Membership Enhancement Article:
Let’s talk about misinformation and myths. The list of Myths below should help dispel some
misunderstandings about GWRRA.
1. GWRRA insurance covers me as a member. MYTH - Yes and No. If you are a member you at least
have Rescue which is a type of insurance. GWRRA insurance is a liability insurance that only covers
the officer in charge on a ride or other function.
2. You MUST be in the levels program. MYTH - In GWRRA the only MUST as a member is that you
pay your membership dues. Everything else from FUN to participating is encouraged. Levels program
is encouraged as it shows your commitment to safety.
3. You MUST wear all the gear all the time. MYTH - Again, not required but strongly encouraged.
Level 4 participants chose to commit to wear all the gear all the time. Many states don't require helmets
but those who ride without them can still join GWRRA. Yep, we would still encourage them to wear
them but, it is a personal choice.
4. Being an officer requires a ―lot of time.‖ MYTH - Usually the time needed is minimal and can be
made easier by ―sharing responsibilities‖ with others - Assistants, Team members and/or any other
member who is willing to help. Some chose to do it themselves or do more than required which is their
choice but not a requirement.
5. You MUST have dinner rides. MYTH - Dinner rides are a great way to get together with other
members but, any ride is a good ride [ice cream ride, day ride, picnic ride, ride to visit other chapters,
parks ...]. The idea is to ride and enjoy the company of your friends and have a good time.
6. You MUST wear a chapter shirt. MYTH - Chapter shirts are offered. Many people like them to
show they are part of a group and proud to show it but, you DO NOT have to wear one nor do you have
to wear a vest. Remember the only must for a member is to pay your dues and hopefully Have FUN!
7. Chapter Couple or Individual of the Year [COY or IOY] is a popularity contest. MYTH - Being
CHOSEN is meant to be an HONOR given for outstanding commitment to the Chapter. It is for those
willing to ―help out‖ and participate with activities or special projects for their chapters.
8. Selected COY or IOY MUST go on to the District selection. MYTH - You have been honored by
your Chapter for your contributions and support. You have a choice but, going on to District shows you
are representing your Chapter at the District level and showing your Chapter pride.
9. All COY and IOY are expected to go to other Chapter/District events and given money to do so.
MYTH - It is the COY/IOY choice to participate. Some chapters/districts who have the funds will
sometimes help with expenses but, it is not guaranteed! Ask before you assume.
10. Couples of the Year must dress alike during the selection process. MYTH - The only requirements
are that they wear a 10" GWRRA patch on the back, a 4" GWRRA patch on the front and the
membership pin which gives the year they joined GWRRA. Vests are not required but most couples
wear them. Many also wear matching shirts. Pins/patches do not need to be exactly the same nor are
matching shirts required. OH, I forgot - you probably should wear some clothing.
Nancy James
NE/SD District Membership Enhancement Coordinator
[email protected]
Membership Enhancement
Hey Guys, GWRRA isn't just chapter get- togethers! They are nice BUT - Remember when we used to RIDE.
We joined GWRRA to RIDE not to just eat or take training but to ride and ride safely -- with FRIENDS if that is
what you would like.
Everything is your choice but ours is to ride. Ride to eat, ride to a rally, ride to just ride, ride by yourself or ride
with friends.
You decide but we have a few options.
How about joining us at the Region E Rally [6/24-26]? We will leave Thursday AM and have a nice ride to
Cedar Rapids.
Remember how much fun a rally is? If not, join us anyway and then go see the J&M Sale in Anamosa.
Hey, here comes July SOON! Come with us to the MN/ND rally in Wilmar, MN. We will leave Thursday(7/07]
or Friday [7/08]. Call if interested.
July 16th starting at 4 PM we will have a pot luck and seminar at our house - bring your goodies, have FUN, meet
everyone AGAIN. RSVP [coming or not] by 7/9/16]
And to close out July, come with us to meet the MN-R chapter in Sioux City followed by a nice ride through
the Loess Hills and a stop at the Lavender farm.
Hey! Your choice - sit and think about riding or do something about it. If just a few of you want to ride together
then do it.
If not - get the word out and invite others. We joined to ride - what about you?
Don't say there isn't anything to do.
If it is new to you - no problem join us! If you want to lead a ride and want company call.
If you want to go on a ride and don't want to lead call. If you want to have FUN- CALL us or a member but do
yourself a favor
and get out have some FUN and RIDE.
When are the Black Hills Blue?
The answer is when you are there with your motorcycle and can’t ride! The next question is when are
you with your motorcycle but not? When it has a casualty!
I relayed this story at the Get-Together but it bears repeating, with emphasis on the inspections you
perform on your motorcycle. We call these TCLOCS or Trike Check and yes Trailer Check also. Are
they infallible? No. Do they help? Yes.
The right side axle bearing and seal on our Lehman conversion consumed itself. All was fine until the
day before the SD-B kickoff. On the way to Rapid City we, like others who traveled that day fought
horrendous winds. When you are fighting the wind and being pushed every which way it is hard to keep
a constant check on the sound and feel of the machinery. We ate dinner in Wall, SD and I noticed a
funny feeling, as if a brake was dragging as we started the last leg of the trip to the Grand Gateway
Hotel in Rapid City. I pulled to the side and checked everything that I could inspect and all seemed to
be in order. It pulled a little to the right as we departed again and then the sensation seemed to cease.
The trip to Rapid City remained uneventful. The next morning, we rode over to the Ramkota Hotel
where the meeting was and enjoyed the festivities and installation of the new Chapter. The plan was for
the group to eat lunch at Pizza Ranch a couple of miles away. On the way, the trike lurched and stalled
as we attempted to start and pull away from a stop light while making a left turn. Not good. As we
continued on to Pizza Ranch I felt and heard a rhythmic thump. The faster I rode the more frequent the
thump and vice versa. We arrived at the restaurant and I again inspected what I could and still no
indications of a problem. We ate and I asked Bob Olson, the new CD of SD-B, if there was a Dealership
in the area where the service department was open on Saturday? He said yes and it happened to be one
of their sponsors; Rice Honda Suzuki. I called and spoke to the service department. They said they
were very busy but would try and squeeze us in. I did not have high hopes. We left the group and rode
cautiously over to Rice Honda merrily thumping as we went. We arrived at Rice Honda and checked in.
Shortly after we arrived they had the trike on a test ride and then immediately brought it inside and
raised it on a lift. A short time after that the service tech came out and said come on back and see. This
was not a good omen. The right wheel and tire were off and the caliper was disconnected. He said that
the axle bearing was gone. They moved the axle and I tried also. This was not good – a major repair
action. It certainly had to be repaired before it went anywhere and they recommended replacing both
sides. Big gulp. Since one side went the other may or may not go also. I asked the question on anyone’s
mind at that point – How Much? The tech estimated seven to eight hours of labor plus the cost of parts.
I concurred and told them to wait while we figured out what to do. The options were to rent a truck and
haul it back to Papillion or to have it repaired there. I checked with U-Haul and a truck was going to
cost as much as the repair so that did not make sense. Over a barrel, as the saying goes, we authorized
the repair. Now for the other shoe!
Nothing could be done that afternoon. Parts could not be procured from Lehman because the company
had gone out of business and they stopped making the kit I have several years ago. Too bad since they
used to be located in Spearfish SD, not too far away. We didn’t know this was going to happen when
we purchased, otherwise we would have selected something different. Monday was the first day
anything could be done. We resolved ourselves to enjoy the hotel because we thought we were stuck.
Our GWRRA family pitched in to help. No they didn’t pay for the repairs but Dallas Risling, NE-NE,
hooked up our trailer and towed it back to the hotel and Bob and Nicki Fowkes, Region E RD gave us a
ride back to the hotel. Thanks to both. Ross and Donna Jimenez asked if we would like to join them on
Sunday for a ride to check out the routes we may use during the Rally this summer. Get out of the hotel
and do something productive, you bet! We enjoyed their company and had fun. Thanks Ross and
Monday I called the dealership to see how things were going around noon. To our surprise, they were
just finishing up. They managed to procure the parts from a local jobber and wait for it … it was going
to cost less. Still a $500 bill exchanged hands but it could have been a lot worse. They even sent a
driver over to pick me up. Great service! That afternoon we took advantage of our release from broken
trike purgatory and rode up to Sturgis and Deadwood to see what we could see. Tuesday morning, we
departed Rapid City, two days later than anticipated, but operational. We stopped by two of the State
Historic Parks en-route and ended up staying the night in Grand Island. Wednesday we made it home to
our relieved daughter and happy dog.
Would we have found the problem sooner? I don’t know, but it certainly demonstrated the value of the
Rice Honda was great. They helped us out and provided speedy service for a major repair. SD-B is
certainly lucky to have them as a sponsor.
Rider Education Never Stops! – Because We Don’t Want To!
We had a number of activities since our last Get-Together. They mostly qualify as District Rider Ed
events but many of our members participated. First off, Mark Burwell travelled to Des Moines for the
Iowa Safety Weekend, while others were headed to Rapid City for the Kick Off of SD-B. He taught two
Trike Rider Courses (TRCs) this year so he was well versed for the courses we conducted here in
Papillion two weeks later. In between, many of us attended a Blessing of the Bikes at King of Kings
Church on May 21st. We had nine Chapter members in attendance: Rick and Robin Saunders, Rodger
and Marty Fawcett, Paul and Staci Griel, George and Cheryl Lapka and me. I wish the Enterprise could
have received its blessing before the South Dakota trip but life goes on. We had a small service and
afterwards I was asked to talk about the availability of rider training courses. We then proceeded to the
parking lot and had our bikes blessed. We returned to the building and WOW, you could get lost in that
building, for the next evolution. Rick asked me if I would give a Team Riding Seminar (TRS) to the
members of the Church’s riding club and also the GWRRA members who attended. We had many
attend and I believe all enjoyed learning about team and group riding. We had folks who had never
ridden in a group to those who do so all the time.
Over Memorial Day weekend, Mark and I conducted an Advanced Rider Course (ARC) (bike) on
Saturday, May 28th and a Trike Rider Course (TRC) on Sunday May 29th. George Lapka, Pete Winter (a
friend from MN-N) and John Hunter (Mark’s associate at STRATCOM) took the ARC and had fun.
Two trikes participated in the TRC; Laura Winter (MN-N) and Gary Stegner participated. The weather
cooperated both days and we came away with a new Level III, renewed Level IVs and several Levels
updates. It has been a good period. These courses are refresher courses. GWRRA knows everyone
knows how to ride, in fact, a Motorcycle Endorsement ―M‖, is required to enroll, but we often forget
important riding details if they are not used frequently. Time is at a premium when riding and we must
be able to respond immediately. Taking these courses periodically helps us refresh that information and
improve our response and reaction time. Plus, they are fun,
Phantom Rider Educator
Nebraska Motorcycle Safety Training (NMST)
“Motorcycling Is Fun” FREE Seminar Series for 2016–
Learn more about the details of riding and how to extend your
riding abilities through these seminars.
NMST continues our free and informative motorcycling safety community outreach program for 2016. These
seminars provide information on riding a motorcycle for both the rider and the co-rider. During this seminar
series we will cover numerous topics concerning riding techniques and risk management . Some months
will include two seminars (S1 and S2). The seminars are free and all are welcome to attend. Riders and
non-riders can to benefit from this information.
Come out and learn a little more about riding or just enjoy the camaraderie and discussion of other riders
and co-riders. The seminars
will be held monthly at the Sarpy County Law Enforcement Center Motorcycle
Safety Classroom (1st floor, southwest corner) on the second Thursday of the month (except as noted).
Seminars begin at 7:00 PM and end not later than 9:00 PM. Since our classroom space is limited, please
contact our registrar, Pam (402-593-1564), and let her know if you will be attending. Seats will be allocated
on a first come first served basis.
S1 - Motorcycling for Mature Riders
S2 – Riding with New or Inexperienced Riders
S1 – Dealing with Different Elements
S2 – Riding in the Heat
MSF - Intersection
S1 – Going, Going, Gone …
S2 - Trailering
Night Riding
Running Mountains, Hills, and Curves
MSF – Street Smart – Rider Perception
No Seminars are scheduled
S1 – Helmet Myths
S2 – High Side Scenarios.
S1 – Motorman Paladino – Ride Like a Pro IV
S2 – Motorman Paladino – Deal’s Gap
September Seminar will be held on the 3 Thursday.
Visit us at www.sarpy.com/sheriff/safetyprogram.
From Our Members
A number of members had a chance to go on a ride to mile marker 110 between Blenco
and Onawa IA on Saturday June 18th to honor one of our fellow riders, Willard Crowl,
who passed away from a motorcycle accident one year ago at this location. Al Scranton
was kind enough to give us a closing talk and prayer for Willard along with comments
from some of the members. Terry and Cheryl (Willard's daughter and son in law) joined
us for a time of remembrance. Then some of us went to the Casino for lunch. From all of
us, Willard will be in our hearts forever. GOD BLESS!!
Gary & Janita Stegner
6211 S. 135th St.
Omaha, Ne. 68137
GWRRA of Chapter "O"
Now Hear This!
The Importance of Hearing Protection
Anyone that rides a motorcycle knows how uncomfortable the noise associated with it can be; both the
sound of the bike, and the roar of the wind in your ears.
After you get off the bike, you have to put up with annoying ringing in your ears, a full feeling in your
head, and maybe even dullness in your hearing.
Many assume this is a normal feeling, but the symptoms are a natural reaction to excessive and
damaging noise.
Hearing Damage
Whether you ride a dirt bike or a street motorcycle, protecting your hearing is a must. Exposure to noise
levels over 80 decibels for more than a few minutes can start to cause irreparable hearing damage, and
motorcycles can easily produce sounds of 100 decibels or more—that can damage hearing even in very
short exposures.
That's why it is so important to wear hearing protection when you ride. Most people aren't aware that
hearing damage is not reversible. It is something that stays with you forever and currently there is no
cure. But there is some good news—hearing loss can be prevented.
Helmets Aren’t Enough
Many riders incorrectly assume that by wearing a helmet, they are doing enough to protect their hearing,
but that's simply not true. Helmets are designed to protect heads, not hearing.
In fact, studies have found that a helmet only reduces noise levels by about four decibels, and in some
cases, noise levels can actually increase while wearing a helmet.
Tolerance to sound and frequency levels differ from person to person, but in many cases a helmet can
amplify harmful frequencies to unsafe levels damaging your hearing without you knowing about it.
Earplug Options
Thankfully, when it comes to protecting their hearing, riders have several earplug options ranging from
inexpensive disposable ones all the way up to the custom-molded variety designed specifically for
Molded earplugs work remarkably well because they're the exact shape of your inner ear, and as a result
they block out more sound and wind. If you already have some hearing damage, but find that solid plugs
block out too much noise, there are also filtered options that filter out unsafe sound levels and protect
the wearer’s hearing.
If more motorcyclists wear hearing protection, they're not just protecting their own hearing, they're also
setting a positive and healthy example for the next generation of riders.
Earplug Laws
Wearing earplugs while riding is not legal everywhere, so be sure to check state laws to make sure you
can use them where you ride.
Glenn Hood is CEO of Big Ear Inc., a leading custom earpiece manufacturer on the forefront of hearing
health technologies.
History of Police Motorcycles Quiz
The motorcycle has been an integral part of law enforcement since the early part of the 20th
century. The dedicated men and women who serve and protect on two (and three) wheels are
a rare breed of law enforcement officers that live to ride, and ride to keep us safe. See how
many you can get right.
Question 1
What city was the first to purchase police motorcycles in 1908, according to Harley-Davidson?
St. Louis, Missouri
Phoenix, Arizona
Detroit, Michigan
Rochester, New York
Question 2
In what year did the Berkeley Police Department, under the leadership of Chief August
Vollmer, organize the first official police motorcycle patrol in the United States?
Question 3
Starting in the early 1920s, what type of criminals were often found riding Harley-Davidson 74"
JD models that were faster than the 61" J models used by the police?
Mob Hit Men
Bank Robbers
Question 4
What was the name of the three-wheeled motorcycle, introduced in 1931 by HarleyDavidson, that became the standard traffic and parking enforcement vehicle for the next
41 years?
Question 5
In what city during the 1950s did the police department form its motorcycle officers into a Hot
Rod Squad to help combat the teen phenomenon of street racing in hopped-up jalopies?
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Des Moines, Iowa
Dallas, Texas
Mobile, Alabama
Question 6
What brand of bike did Jonathan "Jon" Baker and Francis (Frank) Llewelyn "Ponch"
Poncherello ride in CHiPs, the 1977-1983 television drama series that followed the lives of two
motorcycle police officers of the California Highway Patrol?
Question 7
In 2008, what manufacturer claimed to be the largest seller of motorcycles for authority use
(including law enforcement departments) with more than 100,000 bikes in official use in over
150 countries on five continents?
Question 8
Which university’s police department became its state’s first to use Victory Police
Motorcycles—the VPM Commander I and Commander II models—in 2012?
University of Arizona
University of Kansas
University of Iowa
University of Washington
Quesiton 9
Which police department added the Zero Motorcycles MMX stealth electric motorcycle to its
fleet in June 2014?
Los Angeles
New York
Answers at the bottom of the News Letter.
I only got two right. Jim
Calendar of Events
June 24th-25th Region E Rally in Cedar Rapids,Iowa
July 09, Sat ~ Chapter meeting at the Garden Café located in the Rockbrook
Village Shopping Center.
Meet us for Breakfast at 8am and join us for our meeting at 9am.
Jul 14, Thu ~ 7-9pm - Rider ED Training
Jul 16, Sat ~ 4pm - Potluck and Seminars sponsored by Bill and Nancy. We
will meet at 9933 Olive Street,
La Vista. Bring your goodies, and HAVE FUN. email RSVP (coming or not) by Jul
9th - Sat.
Jul 23, Sat ~ Ride to the Loess Hills sponsored by Bill and Nancy. Please
contact Bill or Nancy by email for
more information.
Jul 29-31, Fri-Sun ~ Mystery Ride - Please contact Bill or Nancy by email
for more information. Those of you who are going from here we will be leaving Friday
First clue-Come on and be a little bit perky/don’t be a jerky, a ride like this is yet to be seen. Join the
mystery ride 2016
Second Clue-North, South, east or west? Which way is best? Up, down, all around, Over here, over
there or around the bend, a little money you may need to spend.
Third clue-Country cornfields, clear lakes and streams you might see. Towns and cities, parks,
fountains, churches and museums might be. Come along, come along with me.
Fourth and final clue-Trains, planes, automobiles, and motorcycles, all these you will have spied.
For the food and the fun, you will be so glad you came on this mystery ride.
NOTICE: The ride will be Friday July 29th, Sat. July 30th and you could be home as early as midday on
Sunday. We plan to visit some places that have an entry fee. (approx.$30 per person for all fees) The
rooms are $75 to $80 for both nights. WE had a great time putting all this together for you. We hope
you can join us!
We must know by June 28th who all is coming on the mystery ride this year. It was quite hard finding
motels and restaurants for a group this time of the year. Everything is filling up fast.
Gary and Cindi
(402)337-3300 or (402)360-0294
[email protected]
Aug 25 ~ District Rally, Wall SD.
Check out the District website for more information –
Wall, SD - Main Attraction – Wall Drug
Wall Drug is what makes Wall, SD a ―MUST‖ travel stop on I-90 as you travel through
South Dakota. Not only is it situated such that you will need a break, but there is much to
do once you get there. Wall, SD is also the destination for all NE-SD District members
and also members from every district over the last week in August. This is when and
where the NE-SD District Rally will be held. Not only will the rally be fun because there
is lots to do, Wall Drug, Badlands National Monument, and more, but we can renew
annual acquaintances and have fun making new friends. This year will be a banner year.
If that wasn’t enough, after the NE-SD District Rally ends Wing Ding 38 begins a couple
of days later. Wow, two whole weeks and it is in our back yard! Please plan on
attending the NE-SD District Rally and also WD 38 this year. It is guaranteed to be
talked about for long afterwards.
Aug 28th - Wyoming District along with the NE/SD District is putting together a tour/trip
schedule like no other, encompassing a total of 10 days of rallies/conventions when Wing
Ding is added into the trip. Starting off in Wall South Dakota on the 25th of August you
can enjoy the NE/SD rally/convention thru the 27th of August. Traveling on Sunday the
28th from Wall to Sheridan Wyoming for just under 300 miles. You than can enjoy the
Wyoming District rally/convention from the evening of the 28th thru the morning of the
30th. Just a few things on the agenda are a welcoming party Sunday night the 28 th, huge
BBQ the evening of the 29th , which is included in the registration fee. We are also trying
to put together a dance for Monday night, guided and unguided rides, western history like
no other including several top rated western museums, awesome western old down town
style shopping, Custer’s battle field and last stand, Light parade, and I can’t leave out
some very awesome mountain and plains riding, just to mention a few. Leaving
Sheridan Wyoming the morning of the 30th right after a western style no host breakfast of
course to send you on your way. You can take one of several beautiful routes to Billings,
a couple of which are Beartooth Pass and Chief Joseph Scenic Highway, getting to
Billings just in time to enjoy the downtown party the city of Billings is putting on. If
you all would be so kind as to forward this e-mail on along with our registration form and
information to all your Chapter Directors, so they all can forward onto their members and
have a chance to enjoy these awesome 10 days with other GWRRA friends it would be
much appreciated.
We are getting really excited to host all our GWRRA Friends out West and make sure
everyone that joins us knows what Western Hospitality is all about.
Aug 31 – Sept 3, Wing Ding – Billings Mt.
For more information and flyers, visit the
Chapter 'O' Website at www.gwrraneo.com
District NE/SD Website at www.gwrrane.com
Region 'E' Website at www.gwrra=region-e.org
If you know of anything that is going to happen in the future, please
e-mail Bob Lake @ [email protected] . The more we know, the more will go. So let’s
keep everyone in the loop.
Keep an eye on the Web site happenings page for ice cream and dinner
If you went on a nice trip or read a nice article, email me a summary of it to share
with the chapter. We are always looking for the next adventure.
Thanks: Jim Drawbaugh (Editor).
[email protected]
Visit the web sites below for more GWRRA news.
Chapter 'O'
District News & Links
(From the District Website)
Region “E” News
From the Region “E” Newsletter
National News
From the Wingin’ It Newsletter
Thanks To Our Sponsors!
We thank the following businesses for supporting our Chapter "O"
and encourage you to patronize them! Please
C Detroit
A 1911
D Bootleggers
A Servi-Car
A Pittsburgh
A Kawasaki
8. C Iowa
9. A Los Angeles