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use post-gazette 10-16
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 16, 2009 VOL. 113 - NO. 42 Mayor Menino Honors Christopher Columbus (Photo by Ross Photography) News Briefs by Sal Giarratani COME TO THE ROXBURY NEIGHBORHOOD REUNION Remember the old days. If your old days were in Roxbury, you might want to set aside Saturday, November 7 for the Roxbury Reunion held once again next month. They’ll be all gathering at the Quincy Sons of Italy Hall on Quarry Street starting at 7pm and running until midnight. Great food to be had as usual and lots of dancing. The entertainment as usual is Roxbury’s own Little Paul and his Daughter. For more information call Steve O’Malley at 617.327.3465. PROGRESSIVE IS “FLO-ING” THESE DAYS THANKS TO PERKY ACTRESS We’ve all seen those great Progressive Insurance TV ads with that perky salesgirl Flo pushing insurance rates. She’s become the newest TV icon. They even have a Halloween costume for her character. Forget the Doublemint Twins, forget Mr. Whipple. Forget Fred “It’s time to make the donuts” the Baker and forget little Mikey and his cereal, Meet Flo. She’s a sweetheart and could sell snow to an Eskimo. CAMBRIDGE SENATOR IN TROUBLE AGAIN Senator Anthony Galluccio and operating a vehicle don’t seem to go together like bread and butter. Another incident and more excuses. Here’s a quote to ponder from the senator, “There (Continued on Page 14) $.30 A COPY Obama Wins the 2009 ‘I Hate George W. Bush’ Award A friend of mine best summed up the news that President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on his Facebook status, saying he “will be impressed (if not surprised) when Obama wins the Heisman Trophy and the Oscar for Best Actor.” Obama’s next award? You are not a serious person if you believe deep down that Barack Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize at this point in his presidency, much less 11 days after assuming office when nominations for the prize were due. You are either a fool (read members of the Nobel Committee) or so enraptured with Barack Obama that even after nine months in office you cannot see reality. Even one White House aide who was contacted for comment by ABC thought it was a joke. “It’s not April 1, is it?,” the aide quipped in apparent disbelief. My guess is when Robert Gibbs gave the news to President Obama that even by Jamie Weinstein the president thought it was a joke. Unlike many of his supporters, I have enough faith in the president to believe that he found the news absurd. At least I would like to think so. This is not to say the Nobel Peace Prize was previously a serious prize. In the 1990s, lifelong terrorist Yasser Arafat won the prize. In the past several years, the award has gone to Jimmy Carter and Al Gore. Carter got it not for some of his humanitarian work, but mainly as a direct protest against the presidency of George W. Bush. In 2007, Gore had done nothing to deserve the award, but the committee saw another opportunity to protest against George Bush. Obama’s award must also be seen as a way for the committee to lash out at Bush. Perhaps the Nobel Prize Committee should change the Peace Prize to the “I Hate George W. Bush Award.” I can only imagine who else the committee consid- ered for the award this year. Maybe the Iraqi who threw his shoes at Bush? How about the Georgian who tried to assassinate Bush with a hand grenade in 2005? Or, potentially, the insane Bushhater Janeane Garofalo? Almost certainly Keith Olbermann was a consideration. The committee justified its decision to give Obama the award by saying Obama has brought hope for world cooperation and nuclear disarmament. But he has done nothing tangible. He has not brought peace to Afghanistan. He has not brought peace to Iraq. He has not brought peace to the Holy Land. He hasn’t even shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison facility as he promised (something I hope he actually doesn’t do). Maybe Obama’s policies will bring peace. I hope they do even though I think Obama has made many foreign policy blunders. But the point is that one day Obama (Continued on Page 14) Mayor’s Column by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston The conclusion of the baseball season signals the unofficial end of summer in Boston. The cool autumn temperatures prompt us to turn on the heaters in our homes and spend more time indoors, thereby consuming more energy. As we head towards the winter months in another tight economy, everyone is looking to save money and be efficient. And energy efficiency is a great place to start. Recently, we announced a new program to help City residents improve energy efficiency in their homes. Through a pilot program called “Residential Energy Efficiency,” we’re offering residents free home energy audits. A two-person team conducts rigorous and analytical assessments of a home’s energy usage to identify the main sources of energy loss, and they execute immediate energy saving upgrades that could trim as much as ten percent off monthly energy bills. This pilot program is part of a larger initiative we started earlier this year called Renew Boston. With $6.5 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), we use the program to coordinate energy efficient and alternative energy services to residents and businesses in the city. We’ve set high goals of reducing our green- house gas emissions by 40,000 metric tons annually and stimulating green industries while creating 100 highquality green-collar jobs. While we’ve done a lot to turn Beantown into Greentown, together we can make even more progress toward reaching our goals. One of our challenges lies in rental homes, and nearly two-thirds of Boston residents rent. But landlords have little motivation to weatherize their properties because tenants pay the utility bills. Tenants, on the other hand, have no basis on which to compare the energy performance of their home. Through Renew Boston, we’re creating incentives for both sides to work towards efficiency, such as a Web site with a database of rental properties with efficiency ratings. Additionally, our neighborhood streets will shine longer — and more efficiently — with the deployment of LED street lights that use a fraction of the energy consumed by conventional lights. Because they require less maintenance and burn less energy, LED street lights will produce major savings and will pay back as soon as three years after installation. This seemingly minor upgrade will tremendously improve public safety. (Continued on Page 14) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors. Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 A Message from CONSUL GENERAL OF ITALY LIBORIO STELLINO THE BASILICAN CONNECTION The development of the ancient Roman Basilica was described in the last issue. The connection between this structure and the Basilica style Christian Church goes back to the year 312 A.D. This is when Constantine marched at the head of a powerful army towards Rome and defeated Maxentius in three battles. During this time, Constantine made open and public declarations in favor of Christianity; consequently, considerable numbers of Christians flocked to his standard, swelled the ranks of his army, and gained his full confidence by their orderly and faithful conduct. A contemporary writer named Caecilius tells us that during the night preceding the third battle, Constantine was advised in a dream to inscribe the shields of his soldiers with the “celestial sign of God”, the sacred monogram of the name of Christ. He followed this command and his obedience was rewarded by a decisive victory at the Milvian Bridge. According to a different source however, Constantine is reported to have seen this sacred monogram high in the noonday sky with the words clearly inscribed in Greek: “By this sign you will conquer”. This appearance clearly astonished Constantine and his entire army. The Savior then appeared displaying the same celestial sign of the cross, directing Constantine to use this symbol on his standard and to advance with the assurance of victory. This celestial sign is, of course, the two initial letters X and P from “Xpiozos” the Greek name for Christ, and it is what we now call “The Labarum”. The decisive victory at the Milvian Bridge secured Constantine’s supremacy as emperor of the Roman nation. He was eventually moved to stop all persecutions and to adopt Christianity as the religion of the empire. The Christians were then permitted to occupy some of the pagan temples, baths, and basilicas for the practice of their religion. In time they settled on the basilicas as the structure having the interior design which most closely suited their needs. Although it was unknown to the builders of ancient Rome, their basilica was destined to become a very important style of structure, and a direct link between pagan Rome and Christian Rome. NEXT WEEK: Cathedral Kenneally, Jackson Look to Move up a Slot or Two With less than a month remaining before the November 3 rd election, both Andrew Kenneally and Tito Jackson seem to have set their sights on moving up into the top four finishers for by Sal Giarratani City Council at Large. West Roxbury’s Matt O’Malley who ran twice for an at-large seat recently was quoted in the Dorchester Reporter saying, “I was one of the top four finishers, I’d feel cautiously BOSTON RESIDENTS, SAFELY DISPOSE OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE, UNWANTED TIRES AND PROPANE TANKS AT TWO UPCOMING DROP-OFF DAYS: 1. Saturday, October 31, 2009 9:00am to 2:00pm Parking lot at University of Massachusetts Boston Harbor Campus Morrissey Blvd Dorchester 2. Saturday, November 21, 2009 9:00am to 2:00pm Public Works Yard 315 Gardner St West Roxbury (near Millenium Park and Home Depot) City of Boston Public Works Department will recycle and safely dispose of residents’ household products containing hazardous ingredients. Residents may bring up to 50 pounds of products labeled toxic, flammable, reactive, corrosive, or poisonous; such as paint, motor oil, pesticides, solvents, glues, bleach or ammonia-based cleaners, weed killers, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, car batteries, and used motor oil. NO COMPUTERS, MONITORS, TVs, OR ELECTRONICS NO COMMERCIAL WASTE ACCEPTED The City reserves the right to reject materials PROOF OF RESIDENCY REQUIRED Boston Public Works Department Thomas M. Menino, Mayor Dennis E. Royer, Chief of Public Works and Transportation For more information, please call 617-635-4500 or visit optimistic that I’d again made the cut.” Kevin McCrea who ran for mayor this year added, “Barring a major revelation or surprise, I don’t see much chance for a change in the top four.” The top four being incumbents John Connolly and Steve Murphy who finished one-two; Felix G. Arroyo who had an impressive 3 rd place finish and Ayanna Pressley who finished in 4 th place — 4,000 votes away from the 5th spot. It would appear the strategies of both Andy Kenneally and Tito Jackson is to jump into 4 th place. At-Large candidate Andy Kenneally reportedly sent an e-mail to supporters stating, “In 2005, City Councilor Sam Yoon went from 5th in the preliminary to 3 rd in the General Election, and in 2009 with your help we can do the same.” In the preliminary he came up short about 4,200 votes and a Boston Herald column said the race was between him and Pressley. Meanwhile, Tito Jackson who fell 112 votes behind Kenneally in the September vote could benefit by communities of color who usually vote higher in final elections. Jackson told the Reporter, “I am going after that fourth place position as hard as I possibly can. I’m giving (Continued on Page 12) Vazza Funeral Homes 262 Beach St., Revere 781-284-1127 11 Henry St., E. Boston 617-567-0955 Louis R. Vazza - Mark A. Tauro Funeral Directors To the Italian Community, The President of the Italian Republic has appointed a new Ambassador to the United States. H.E. Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata has assumed his duties in Washington D.C. on October 1st and the first act of his mission was to send his personal message to the Italian community in the US. I have to say that I am truly honored to serve my last year in Boston under Ambassador Terzi’s high guidance and I am sure that, thanks to his extraordinary qualities, we are going to witness soon a further strengthening and enrichment of the already excellent bilateral relations between our two Countries and people. With such warm feelings, I invite you all to enjoy the following Ambassador’s message, kindly published by the Post-Gazette. Liborio Stellino, Consul General of Italy in Boston Cari Connazionali, Nell’assumere la guida dell’Ambasciata d’Italia negli Stati Uniti desidero rivolgere, come primo atto della missione che sto per intraprendere, a tutti Voi, ai rappresentanti eletti negli Stati Uniti, alla comunita’ di origine italiana, a quanti trovano nel mio Paese un riferimento ideale e culturale, il mio saluto unito a sentimenti di forte ammirazione per quanto la Vostra, da oggi la nostra, comunita’ ha saputo e continua a fare per consolidare lo straordinario rapporto di amicizia tra Italia e Stati Uniti. Il tricolore issato all’Ambasciata a Washington, insieme a quelli nei Consolati, negli Istituti di Cultura e in tutte le istituzioni e associazioni italiane sul territorio americano sono il segno dell’accoglienza e dell’invito rivolto a tutti i membri della grande famiglia italo americana: siamo qui per far crescere questa famiglia e sappiamo di poter contare sul sostegno e la partecipazione attiva di ognuno dei suoi componenti, anche attraverso l’importante strumento della diffusione della lingua italiana in questo Paese. Ci separano pochi giorni dalle celebrazioni del Columbus Day. Piu’ di ogni altra questa ricorrenza segna la profondita’ storica e culturale del contributo italiano alla formazione e alla crescita della societa’ americana. Erano italiani, uomini di pensiero come Filippo Mazzei, d’azione come Giuseppe Garibaldi, di scienza come Antonio Meucci, che in America, come in Italia, sono stati fautori degli ideali di liberta’ e di unita’ nazionale, ancor prima che si consolidassero nei nostri Paesi le attuali realta’ statuali. Un ricchissimo, comune patrimonio di valori politici, culturali, umani si e’ consolidato tra le nostre societa’ e i nostri Governi nel secolo e mezzo di rapporti diplomatici tra Roma e Washington. Oggi il mio Paese vede negli Stati Uniti un partner essenziale per contribuire al proprio futuro di liberta’, di prosperita’ e di pace. Cio’ deve avvenire a livello globale e in un quadro transatlantico che incoraggi l’Europa a esercitare tutte le sue responsabilita’ sulla scena mondiale. Ho trascorso molti anni in Nord America come rappresentante dell’Italia e dalla mia esperienza, anche quella recentemente maturata alle Nazioni Unite, ho trovato sempre conferma della strettissima unita’ d’intenti che lega Roma e Washington su questioni vitali della convivenza tra i popoli quali la sicurezza internazionale, l’economia, la tutela dei deboli, la protezione dell’ambiente: lo sforzo comune in Afghanistan, l’impegno per il disarmo, il sostegno al ruolo dell’Onu nel settore delle operazioni di pace e dei diritti umani sono solo alcuni dei punti piu’ qualificanti di un’azione congiunta che Italia e Stati Uniti hanno ancor piu’ intensificato in questi ultimi anni. E’ la fotografia di un rapporto solido che, come conferma un recente sondaggio sui legami transatlantici, non riguarda solo i nostri governi, ma appartiene anche ai popoli ed e’ ben radicato nelle stessa opinione pubblica. Il grado di sostegno e di condivisione che ottiene attualmente l’immagine degli Stati Uniti in Italia e’ superiore al 90 per cento, un valore in assoluto tra i piu’ elevati che si registrino tra i 27 Paesi dell’unione Europea. Vi e’ spazio per approfondire questi straordinari legami diretti che si accompagnano all’alleanza politica tra i due Paesi. A cominciare dalla cultura, con particolare attenzione all’insegnamento e alla diffusione della lingua italiana, dall’innovazione tecnologica e dalla cooperazione in campo economico ed industriale: i recenti successi italiani nel settore automobilistico rappresentano la sintesi ideale di questi tre elementi e costituiscono un modello per futuri progetti comuni. Per immaginare e realizzare questi progetti serve il contributo di ognuno di voi, che cosi’ spesso manifestate il vostro legame verso l’Italia con una straordinaria partecipazione alle vicende del nostro Paese, sia sotto il profilo della solidarieta’ come e’ stato il caso in occasione del terremoto in Abruzzo, sia con il sostegno verso le iniziative per la diffusione della nostra cultura e della nostra lingua in questo Paese. E’ con questo auspicio che inizio la mia missione, consapevole dell’apporto che ognuno di voi puo’ dare all’affermazione del ruolo e dell’immagine dell’Italia negli Stati Uniti. H.E. Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Page 3 Francesca (Auntie Fran) Summa Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 e-mail: Website: [email protected] Subscriptions in the United States $30.00 yearly Published weekly by Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 James V. Donnaruma 1896 to 1953 Vol. 113 - No. 42 Caesar L. Donnaruma 1953 to 1971 Celebrates 95th Birthday Mayor Thomas Menino congratulated “Auntie Fran” Summa for her 95th birthday at the annual Columbus Day Luncheon held at the Coast Guard Base in the North End. The event was hosted by various North End restaurants and the City of Boston. Phyllis F. Donnaruma 1971 to 1990 Friday, October 16, 2009 GUEST EDITORIAL TIME TO REIN IN ACORN by Edward P. Shallow In order to form a more perfect election process, “We the People” of the various United States demand that an ACORN Commission be conducted by an assemblage free from control or influence from political sway to conduct a full scale, no-stone-unturned investigation of voter fraud. Given the lawbreaking involved it is suggested the Federal Bureau of Investigation conduct the investigation The Center for Individual Freedom, in a recent E-mail made clear: It is now clear that ACORN which is national in scope and exerts a dangerous influence over politicians and the political process at the local and national levels, is not just a far-left political organization that is not beyond or breaking a few laws to advance a radical agenda. In fact, apparent lawlessness by ACORN representatives seems to be part of the organization’s modus operandi. ACORN’s true colors were exposed during last year’s presidential campaign when a self-proclaimed community organizing group was implicated in several instances of voter registration fraud and other illicit activity to the benefit of Barack Obama. Now we learn that ACORN workers in major cities across the country (Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Brooklyn and two cities in California so far) were caught on tape advising undercover documentarians on how to lie to the government so they could establish a brothel for underage, illegal immigrant girls. The fact that ACORN has been the recipient of your tax dollars, at least $53 million since 1994, for so many years is egregious. Especially when you consider that the group’s workings and dealings appear to replicate those of an organized criminal enterprise. I have just been informed, under the stimulus plan ACORN could be awarded $8 billion in federal funds. It should not be surprising that the unions contributed forced union dues to ACORN. Early in September, the Senate passed a highly symbolic measure to eliminate some of ACORN’s funding. In addition, this week, the House of Representatives passed the Defund ACORN Act, sponsored by Minority Leader John Boehner to eliminate all federal funding to the group finally. According to Boehner, “It is evident that ACORN is incapable of using federal funds in a manner that is consistent with the law. Simply put, ACORN should not receive another penny of American taxpayers’ money.” Well said Mr. Boehner! The Senate must now pass the Defund ACORN Act as well. It will be interesting to see how the Senate responds considering the close ties Obama has with ACORN. We The People deserve to know the full and unvarnished extent of ACORN’s apparent fraudulent and criminal activities, as well as full extent of their ties to the political establishment I will keep readers up-to-date on this vital issue. Shown, left to right: Barbara Summa, Francesca (Auntie Fran), Mayor of Boston Thomas Menino and wife Angela. Julie Billiart High School Class of ’69 to Hold Reunion The Class of 1969 Julie Billiart High School is celebrating their 40 th reunion on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at the Exchange Street Bistro, Exchange Street, Malden, Massachusetts. Cocktail hour (cash bar) will be held from 6-7pm with Hors D’oeuvres. Dinner buffet from 7-11pm and a donation to our classmates who have passed in their memory. If interested, please contact any of the committee members Flo (Capone) DiPietro 781-581-1730 [email protected] Connie Romano 781-438-7945 [email protected] Maria (Chirichiello) Ingala 781-334-2708 [email protected] Phyllis Ciampa 781-324-3189 [email protected] Paula (Todisco) Mingolelli [email protected] Joseph A. Milano Don Orione ‘Man of the Year’ 2009 The Friends of Don Orione are proud to present the Man of the Year Award at our Annual Banchetto to Joseph Milano of the famous Union Oyster House in Boston. Joe is being honored for his many charitable deeds and his leadership throughout Massachusetts as a business. religious and military leader. He is also known internationally as the Honorable Consul General for Thailand. The event is black tie and being held Friday, October 30, 2009 at the Hilton Boston Logan Airport Hotel. East Boston. Please call the Don Orione Home at 617-569-2100, Ext. 236 and ask for Paula Gaeta for ticket information. REVERENED BEDE Book Signing Reverened Bede Ferrara, OFM a Franciscan priest, signing his new booklet “The Gift of the Franciscan Educator” at Green Lake Resort, Catskill, New York. The host was the Cippitelli Family. Reverend Bede celebrated Mass and had the signing at the superb Italian smorgasbord; “Italy in the Catskill” was the one for the weekend. “The Italian and American music was heart warming and brought back memories of my youth. The Italian comedian was terrific,” said Reverend Bede. A good time was had by all of Father Bede’s friends who attended the reunion. Fr. Bede Ferrara, OFM, signing his new book “The Gift of the Franciscan Educator.” (Photo by Col. John Chiarelli (retired), Waterbury, CT) R.J. Antonelli and Company Incorporated Accountants and Auditors Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, The Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are not necessarily the same as those of The Post-Gazette, its publisher or editor. Photo submissions are accepted by the Post-Gazette provided they are clear, original photos. There is a $5 charge for each photo submitted. Photos can be submitted via e-mail: [email protected]. If you want your photos returned, include a selfaddressed, stamped envelope. Boston Business Journal Top 50 Firms – 2004/2005 Corporations • Trusts • Estates • Individuals • Computer Services • Financial Planning Buying and Selling Businesses • I.R.S. and D.O.R. Representation • Federal and State Taxes 331 Montvale Avenue Citizens Bank Bldg. @I-93 Woburn, MA 01801 A Rocco J. Antonelli, C.P.A. 781-937-9300 Since 1948 Page 4 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Italian Cruise Ship Discovers the Port of Boston Costa Atlantica Makes First Visit During Columbus Day Weekend Costa Cruises’ Costa Atlantica visited the Port of Boston over the holiday weekend as part of her inaugural voyage to the Canada/ New England region. Beginning this fall, Costa Atlantica will sail a series of Canada/ New England cruises between New York and Quebec, which includes a regular stop in the Port of Boston. Costa Atlantica’s décor boasts a Venetian atmosphere featuring mosaic tile and Murano glass. The ship’s 12 guest decks honor the life and work of Federico Fellini, Italy’s best known filmmaker. Left to Right: Erkut Gömülü, Honorary Consul General of Turkey; Liborio Stellino, Consul General of Italy; Carmine Maddaloni, Captain of the Costa Alantica; and Mike Leone, Port Director for the Massachusetts Port Authority. Our Lady of the Rosary by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, also known as Our Lady of Pompeii was recently celebrated on October 7th. The traditional story of the rosary is that Mary herself appeared to Saint Dominic in the 12th century, instructing him to preach the Rosary among the people as a means of combating heresy and sin. Originally the Rosary had 150 beads, the same number as the psalms in the Bible. In the twelfth century, religious orders recited together the 150 Psalms as a way to mark the hours of the day and the days of the week. Those people who didn’t know how to read wanted to share in this practice, so praying on a string of 150 beads or knots began as a parallel to praying the psalms. It was a way that the illiterate could remember the Lord and his mother throughout the day. The Hail Mary owes its origin to the rosary. When people said the rosary in the twelfth century, Gabriel’s greeting “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee” was often said along with the Our Father. Later, Elizabeth’s greeting “blessed are you among women” was added. It was not until the sixteenth century that the words “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death” were added. In the autumn of 1872, Bartolo Longo, a lawyer who was born at Brindisi, Italy, on February 11, 1841, arrived at Pompeii to take care of the affairs of Countess Marianna Farnararo De Fusco. In that fertile agricultural region infested with robbers he also began to spread the Rosary among the sharecroppers of De Fusco and the farmers of the region. With his wife’s help, he inaugurated a confraternity of the Rosary, he had need of a picture of the Blessed Virgin before which the Rosary could be recited every day. He obtained one as a gift from a religious of the Monastery of the Rosary at Porta Medina, Sister M. Concetta de Litala, who had been holding it for the Dominican priest, Fr. Radente who had acquired it from an antique dealer in Naples. The painting was of modest artistic merit and in very poor condition. It portrayed Our Lady of the Rosary, with Saint Dominic and Saint Catherine of Siena. Arriving at Naples on November 13, 1875, the picture was exposed in a small chapel, in that same month, Longo received permission from the Bishop of Nola to build a new church. Miracles were reported and pilgrims began to frequent the place. Hence, in 1883, when the sanctuary was completed, Longo entrusted the architect Rispoli s s s e e l l tt nneerrss o o p p SS lleeaa CC Wedding Gowns Cleaned & Preserved COMMITTED TO QUALITY DRY CLEANING SERVICE WITHIN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Shirts Laundered • Leather & Suede Expert Tailoring by Nina & Mario EAST BOSTON 24 Porter Street Tel. 617.567.9850 NORTH END 306 Hanover Street Tel. 617.742.0800 with the construction of the throne of the Virgin and directed an appeal to the faithful. Four years later saw the celebration of a threefold feast of the inauguration, the crowning, and the enthroning of the picture of Our Lady of the Rosary. The picture, already restored in 1875, was subjected in 1879 to a second and far more accurate retouching which stabilized the colors and the image. Finally, in 1965, at Rome, the picture was restored for a third time, at the hands of the Benedictine Monks. Moreover, before being returned to Pompeii (on April 25, 1965), the picture remained in the Vatican Basilica by express request of Pope Paul VI. During his homily (March 23, 1965), the Pope expressed the hope that “just as the image of the Virgin has been repaired and decorated ... so may the image of Mary that all Christians must have within themselves be restored, renovated, and enriched.” At the end of the Mass, the Pope solemnly enthroned the Child and Madonna, placing on their heads two precious diadems that had been offered by the faithful. On October 26, 1980, Bartolo Longo was beatified by John Paul II and termed the “Man of the Madonna,” and the “Apostle of the Rosary.” He died at Pompeii on October 5, 1926. Rapino Memorial Home 9 Chelsea St., East Boston 617-567-1380 Kirby-Rapino Memorial Home 917 Bennington St. East Boston 617-569-0305 Dino C. Manca Funeral Director A Family Service Affiliate of AFFS/Service Corp. Int’l 206 Winter St. • Fall River, MA 02720 508-676-2454 THINKING OUT LOUD by Sal Giarratani How Invincible is Menino Really? Mayor Tom Menino has been on the defensive side for a while now over the hubbub concerning missing emails, found computers and the mayor’s go-to-guy Michael Kineavy caught in the middle of it all. Maura Hennigan, a former city councilor and 2005 mayoral candidate told the Boston Metro newspaper, ‘Whether your average person who votes in city elections cares that much about e-mails, I don’t know.” The mayor is sounding frustrated though telling the same paper, ‘We’re talking about housing. We’re talking about making our streets safer. Nobody’s listening to that. All they want to talk about is e-mails.” Yep, inside the City Hall Beltway, everyone is talking about Kineavy’s e-mails and computers but what are they saying about it in Grove Hall, Centre Street in West Roxbury, East Broadway in South Boston, etc. Where does “your average person” to quote Hennigan stand on the controversy and the upcoming mayoral election? Will the first impact on the second or is it all about nothing but a Menino landslide? The other day, I was stopped by a Channel 5 news crew in Government Center heading toward City Hall. There’s a new Sunday morning political show called “On the Record” at 10AM and I guess this upcoming Sunday you might see me on it. Anyway, the reporter with the microphone starts asking me questions about the mayor’s race and I start answering him. When he asked me about the Flaherty-Yoon Team, I told him back in 1959 that second place finisher John F. Collins teamed up with third place finisher John McMorrow and that November, Collins beat frontrunner John E. Powers from South Boston who himself went on to become the Senate President a few years later. I also added that both Michael Flaherty and Sam Yoon represent younger adults in Boston who are looking to the future of the city. Flaherty represents traditional Boston voters of all It was a busy couple of Sundays for City Councilors Micheal Flaherty (right) and Sam Yoon. The Flaherty-Yoon team showed up for the Roslindale Day Parade on October 4th and at the Columbus Day Parade in the North End on October 11th, 2009. (Photo by Sal Giarratani) ages and Yoon represents those newer folks picking Boston as their new home. Both Flaherty and Yoon voters are the same yet different which makes the team strategy very interesting. When asked about Menino I had only good things to say about his long tenure. He has been pretty good over the years but when do you reach your time to move on and allow new voices and ideas into the mix? Four terms are enough. I told the reporter a fifth term would by necessity be redundant. What is there to propose that Mayor Menino hasn’t already proposed? I fear all we could get is the same old ideas repackaged in fancy new slogans. I believe all the craziness over the missing e-mails and the reactionary affect of City Hall proves that a culture of complacency sets in over time. Mayor Kevin White probably could have won re-election to a fifth term in 1983 but probably figured out, you can’t outstay your time. He had a great four-terms and brought Boston into the second half of the 20th century. Boston’s role as a leading American city was solidified by White’s leadership. In 1980 when Boston celebrated its 350 th birthday, Kevin White was an inspiring force who always looked to the future with hope and confidence. When he did, we did too. (Continued on Page 13) NOBILE INSURANCE ALBANO F. PONTE, CEP Financial and Estate Planning Email [email protected] Phone 617-320-0022 MICHAEL F. NOBILE, CPCU ARLINGTON 148A Massachusetts Avenue Arlington, MA 02474 (781) 646-1200 Fax (781) 646-1148 MEDFORD 39 Salem Street Medford, MA 02155 (781) 395-4200 Fax (781) 391-8493 BOSTON 251 Hanover Street Boston, MA 02113 (617) 523-6766 Fax (617) 523-0078 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Page 5 Yolanda Gives Back to the Community Bridal dress diva, Yolanda, generously donated hundreds of wigs from her bridal salon to Friends Place at Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center. Modeling some of the styles is left to right: Magic 106.7’s Canday O’Terry, Gay Vernon, Yolanda Celluci and cancer patient Donna Scopa. Former Bridal shop owner, Yolanda Cellucci, generously donated several hundred wigs to Friends Place, a part of Dana-Farber/ Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center. The wedding icon, known for helping thousands of brides, delivered the wigs to DanaFarber herself. She met with Friends Place manager Julie Durmis, as well as several cancer patients. Yolanda Cellucci, the owner of Yolanda’s Bridal Salon in Waltham just closed its doors after 41 years. Known as the “Sultan of Sequins” and the “First Lady of Fashion”, Yolanda started her business out of her home selling wigs to cancer patients and head-injury patients. FRIENDS PLACE: The mission of Friends Place is to provide hope, support and healing in a caring environment. The boutique, on the ninth floor of Dana-Farber, offers specialized consulting for men, women, teens and children who experience appearance changes following cancer treatment. Friends Place offers a range of specialty products including wigs, head coverings, skincare items, books and gifts. For more information: http:// Happy 100 th Birthday Josephine Gaeta Join Italia Unita’s Italian October Heritage Month Event Photograph Exhibit by Valentina Oppezzo Now through October 31, an exhibition will be organized by “Italia Unita” at 80 Border Street, East Boston; works by the artist will be on display. Her works include pictures from her photo- HE’S BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND MICHAEL AMANTE IN CONCERT A Saint Alfio Society Fund Raiser graphic collection of toys, food and landscape photos taken in Trieste, Italia, where she lived for eight years. Join us on October 29th from 6:30 – 8:30 at for a cocktail reception. Please RSVP to 617-561-3201 or [email protected] . Donations are accepted. About the Artist Valentina Oppezzo is an Italian photographer living in Cambridge, Massachusetts. After training as a drawer, she has decided to work in the medium of the Fine Arts Photography. Her photographic work reflects both her previous experience as illustrator and her Master studies in Cinema. She is specialized in creating tiny photographic “sets” using as subjects, everyday objects), that become the “protagonists” of indefinite, magical, ambiguous stories. Her still life pictures have been displayed in several groups and solo exhibitions in Italy, and recently at the ArtMarket Gallery of Downtown Boston. Reiki by the Sea Free Reiki Clinic and Reiki Share Wednesday, October 21, 6-8pm MARINER’S HOUSE 11 North Sq., 2nd Fl., Boston’s North End RSVP: Maxine Bornstein RN, MS Reiki Master Teacher / Practitioner 1-508-292-5258 [email protected] Saturday Nov. 21st, 2009 at 7:30 pm PRAYER TO ST. JUDE Lawrence Performing Arts Center/ LHS 71 North Parish Rd. Lawrence, MA Tickets available through Ticketmaster are $40 and $30 and are available for purchase at or by calling 1-800-745-3000 May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day and by the 8th day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. My prayers have been answered. L.M.D. A.T.P. North End resident Josephine Gaeta celebrated her 100 th birthday on Saturday, October 10, 2009 with family and friends. She was born on October 14, 1909. Left to Right: Son Anthony Gaeta, Josephine Gaeta and Boston City Councilor Sal LaMattina. The Post-Gazette extends best wishes to Josephine. (Photo by Dom Campochiaro) — FOR YOU WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST — THE Johnny Christy Orchestra MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS 781-648-5678 TOW TRUCK OPERATORS TODISCO TOWING is looking to hire professional tow truck operators. Experience is a plus but we will train the right people. All applicants must be at least 21 years of age, have a clean driving record, clean background check. All applicants must pass pre employment and random drug screenings. All applicants must have weekend availability. You must have a good working attitude and anxious to work. All applicants must have a clean and professional demeanor and want to provide professional service to our customers. We are a twenty four hour towing and road service company that strives on providing outstanding customer service. Multiple positions are open immediately. Please email Pat Todisco if you think that you qualify for this position. [email protected] Page 6 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Res Publica by David Trumbull I’M FROM THE GOVERNMENT and I’m Here to Help You The U.S. Department of Labor, on October 6 th , announced a $553,237 grant to assist about 100 textile workers in the state of Maine affected by layoffs at WestPoint Home in Biddeford. Here’s how it works. Congress passes laws to promote more imports of goods and the destruction of American jobs and then appropriates money for Trade Adjustment Assistance to train the unemployed for new jobs. But of course, those new jobs don’t exist. With results that have been quite consistent — after five years the vast majority of the laid-off workers have not been able to find employment at anything near their former level. The former WestPoint workers were getting $15 to $17 per hour. A lucky few will get $7 an hour service jobs. But senators and congressmen don’t care — each senator and congressman cares only about one job, his own. And when those unemployed Americans lose their health care or their homes due to congressional action, the senators and congressmen see that as just another opportunity to “help” and justify their re-election. Our Congress — once one of mankind’s best examples of representative democracy — is now merely a racket that creates problems so it can come to the rescue with solutions that create new problems. The people shouting down congressmen at the “Town Halls” on health care are rude. But at least they are finally paying attention to how the Washington power elite abuses the citizens. I hope we have some good candidates in 2010 so we can throw the bums out. That is if we can find out who the good candidates are. With Mr. Obama in the White House and Democrats in Congress there is talk of imposing a “fairness” doctrine on radio in order to silence anyone who does not stick to the government’s propaganda line. Campaign finance “reform” continues to be a favorite tool of the incumbents to prohibit any print, radio, or television reporting or advertising that may help a challenger to get past the tremendous advantages that incumbents enjoy. Be thankful that we have the internet to get uncensored news, one cable television network that is not a whollyowned subsidiary of the Democratic Party, and local newspapers, such as this one, which for 114 years has operated free of government or other outside control as the Italian-American Voice of Massachusetts. David Trumbull is the chairman of the Boston Ward Three Republican Committee. Boston’s Ward Three includes the North End, West End, part of Beacon Hill, downtown, waterfront, Chinatown, and part of the South End. Wine & Beer Festival on Tap Columbia Lodge #540 Order Sons of Italy in America will holds its Third Annual Beer and Wine Tasting Festival. The event will be held on Friday, October 23, 2009 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Columbia Cultural Center, 775 John Quincy Adams Road, Taunton. Representatives from several beer and wine distributors will be on hand to present their brands. Richard Simmons, Lodge President said, “This event is a huge success for the lodge. Everyone who comes seems to have a great time and we get more and more people coming each year.” All proceeds from the event go directly to the charitable works of the Lodge including scholarship awards where the lodge has awarded more than $25,000 in scholarships to area high school seniors over the past five years. . Tickets for the International Beer and Wine Festival are available from any Columbia Lodge #540 member or by calling Richard Simmons at 508-930-2898. Columbia Lodge #540 is Taunton’s chapter of the Order Sons of Italy in America. FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Richard Settipane Insurance Services AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • TENANTS LIFE • HEALTH • BUSINESS GROUP Experience makes the difference WE PROMISE TO MEET OR IMPROVE YOUR PRESENT POLICY COVERAGE AT AFFORDABLE RATES CALL TODAY FOR YOUR QUOTE 617-523-3456 1 Longfellow - Place Suite 2322 - Boston, MA 02114 NEVER TRUST A THIN COOK by Eric Dregni Soft Cover • 231 Pages • Published by the University of Minnesota Press Book titles have always Romans once did and greet intrigued me. Eric Dregni’s my friends …” book title, Never Trust a Thin It’s time for Eric to visit Cook, which is an old Italian Naples, a crowded city that proverb, certainly caught my was designed to live, shop attention. According to auand carouse outdoors. He thor Eric Dregni all he learns to his astonishment wanted to do is the following, that Neapolitans believe lit“I simply want to live in the erally in the old adage, “out place with the best food in with the old and in with the world.” This dream led the new.” On New Year’s him to Italy. After a lengthy Eve, thousands of fireworks search Eric found the perare discharged followed by fect town, Modena, where he discarding, from their winstates the best Italian cuidows, broken items such sine exists. Eric decides to as plates, glasses and old spend two years enjoying the furniture. The reader may Author Eric Dregni wonders of Modena’s food. not believe this fact. HowHe offers this savory adven- Parmesan sells for upwards ever, I can confirm this ture to his girlfriend, Katy, of $500 …” alarming declaration. SomeI enjoy reading about Eric’s time ago my family and I who accepts hungrily. Modena is the birthplace of mishaps and confrontations spent Christmas in Rome balsamic vinegar, Parmesan he has with the Italian and New Year’s Eve in cheese, Ferrari cars and people. For example, a res- Naples. We witnessed, first Luciano Pavarotti. Eric loads taurant that Eric and Katy hand, the explosion of firehis book with wonderful cli- attend often, is owned by a works followed by the outches: il bel paese-beautiful large man, named Ermes, rageous tossing of old items country, in piedi come un and is usually crowded. It is out of windows from a fifth cavallo-standing like a horse. not unusual for Ermes to floor apartment. Prior to this If you have visited Europe force you to stay until you display all streets are you will understand this have finished eating. Eric’s cleared of automobiles. comment. It will cost you use of Italian words through- They are parked in courtmore to eat sitting down out the novel I find intoxicat- yards and distant parking rather than standing like a ing. In addition, he lists lots. An alarming sight, horse. What about this? “Si seven pages of commonly never to be forgotten, but mangia bene, si paga poco!” used Italian words with in- very exciting. You eat well, you pay little. terpretations allowing the The chapter Eric devotes That is the best compliment reader to better understand on the famous cars manwhat’s happening. a restaurant can receive. ufactured in Modena, like Eric is hired, lothe Ferraris, Macally, to teach the seratis and Lamyoung Italians to According to author Eric Dregni all boghinis is pricespeak English. he wanted to do is the following, less. The populaActually he is of Modena “I simply want to live in the place tion learning more may be the greatthan he is teachest automobile with the best food in the world.” ing, in particular fans. This dream led him to Italy. Italian customs. The only negaRead this, “Sextive tone I noted Town pride runs deep in this exciting story is ual harassment that’s just Since medieval Eric’s offhand remarks that an American thing; it in Italy. doesn’t exist in Italy.” To times, the cities Bologna were addressed toward the continue, “On the front cover and Modena have rivaled remarkable and talented (of a newspaper) is an Ital- each other. Passengers ar- leading citizen of Modena, ian case of sexual harass- riving to Modena from Bolo- Luciano Pavarotti. On sevment in which the judge gna are greeted by a graffiti eral occasions Eric referred ruled a little pat on the butt sign that reads, Grazie a dio negatively to his rotund is OK but touching breasts non sona Bolognese, — thank appearance. God I am not from Bologna. isn’t.” Two years have passed and Eric is introduced into the Eric and his girlfriend Katy Coffee, especially cappuccino, is so important to life making of the precious and are preparing to leave in Italy, for example. “The expensive balsamic vinegar, Modena. The natives of protocol around coffee in which is made in Modena. Modena do not understand. Italy is strict, experimenting Eric was shown where the Why leave? You have a good so called “mother barrel” job, a good apartment, and is left to the foreigners.” He visits a prosciutto is stored. It is more than a the best in food. The addios warehouse, where his con- hundred years old and is full and buono viaggios are recern lies with his weak of thick syrupy vinegar and peated endlessly. Even I feel stomach, but his insatiable is owned by a private citizen sad leaving Modena. I enappetite for prosciutto over- who claims, “If the house joyed my visit to Modena comes all his problems. catches on fire, it’s the first with author Eric Dregni very Later he is introduced to two thing we carry outside.” much and promised myself The main street in Modena to return to Modena physipopular card games, scopa and briscola. I remember my is Via Emilia, an old Roman cally soon. father playing these two card road. In the evening everyThis is a splendid book for games while sharing his body is out for a passeggiata anyone who appreciates (stroll). “… people walk like Italy and its people and to wine with his friends. “Authentic Parmesan a pavone (peacock) on the reminisce about their own cheese is edible gold.” Eric Via Emilia to show their experiences. It is funny, is told, “… wheels of beautiful clothes and talk educational and enduring. Parmesan cheese fill some on their cell phones.” Author Eric Dregni, the raconteur, local bank vaults, as the Eric Degni is obviously uses his skillful writing to value of the cheese wheels exalted with these friendly embrace each and every remains more constant scenes when he states, “I tale. I highly recommend than any currency.” Fur- want to walk down the this fabulous book, read it, thermore, “One wheel of Via Emilia just as the you will not be sorry. WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 SONS OF ITALY MEMBER Pierino Como by Attorney David Saliba Perry Como was one of fourteen children. His father was Pietro Como and his mother was Lucia Travaglini. Perry’s father and mother were from Abruzzo. Perry was a member of the Sons of Italy in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. He used to sweep the floors at the Sons of Italy Hall. Perry later became a barber. He wanted to be the best barber in Pennsylvania. He used to sing for the customers at his barber shop. He later married his girlfriend Roselle Bellini. They had three children. Perry was a devoted husband. Perry was handsome and charismatic. Women were attracted to him, yet with all this temptation, he never got involved with another woman. Perry’s reputation as a charismatic singer became known to a band leader named Freddy Carlone. He arranged for Perry to sing with his band. Later a wellknown orchestra leader named Ted Weems lured Perry to join the Ted Weems Band. From there CBS signed Perry up to record his music. He became a singing star and sold millions of records. He appeared in many movies. He later had his own television show. Ray Barron and Al Natale our own eminent musicologists are more familiar than I with respect to Perry Como’s career and the songs Perry introduced. Perry was devastated when his wife died in 1998 at the age of 84. Perry was a strict Roman Catholic. He lived his later years on Jupiter Island, Florida. He sang regularly at St. Jude’s Church every Sunday. The parishioners were lucky to hear Perry sing at Mass on Sundays. Frank Privitera has a condo on Jupiter Island. They brought me and Gilda to St. Jude’s Church on the island. We saw the beautiful white marble crucifix statue that Perry and Roselle donated to the church. Sadly Perry Como died in Florida on May 12, 2001. LAW OFFICES OF FRANK J. CIANO GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW DIVORCE • WILLS • ESTATE PLANNING • TRUSTS CRIMINAL • PERSONAL INJURY • WORKERS COMP. 617-354-9400 Si Parla Italiano 230 MSGR. O’BRIEN HIGHWAY • CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02141 Page 7 Mrs. Murphy . . . As I See It Talk around Revere is Mayor Tom Abrosino backs the “Good Old Boys Club”! Meaning he can keep politics as usual and squeeze more money out of the taxpayers. Due to more state budget cuts, Tom Ambrosino is proposing a bill to have taxpayers pay for the removal of their trash while he keeps his cronies on the payroll! To tell it as it is: “there is a handful of deserving personnel ... but the rest need to go! Taxpayers cannot afford another financial burden forced upon them! Because of the city’s squandering of money during the Ambrosino administration, he has done the city wrong! The city is already up to their eyeballs with expenses on the new schools built for newcomers. Plus paying for school official’s exorbitant salaries that need to be reduced drastically across the board! Need I say more? In my assessment of Revere city politics, there are but three good city councilors that fight for the city and the taxpayers. They are Tony Zambuto, George Rotondo, and George Collella ... The buzz around town is Carmen’s Kitchen located at Bennington Street has a talented new chef blessed with a flair for cooking. He’s fondly known as “K”. His specialty entree is stuffed pork chops w/prosciutto complemented by a roasted red pepper sauce with garlic. According to patrons this particular dish is “out of this world”. His signature appetizer is purple shrimp made with burgundy wine. Carmen’s kitchen has a beer, wine and cordial license for those that enjoy a cocktail or wine with dinner. Lois DiNunzio owner and operator of Carmen’s Kitchen invites you to come in and try their outstanding menu. Carmen’s is located at 1010 Bennington Street in Orient Heights. They are open from Tuesday through Sunday. Carmen’s is a cozy place with a comfortable atmosphere, and on any given night you could bump into Ron Della Chiesa, Eddie Andelman Sr. and other familiar names that have become regular diners. Delivery service is also available ... The Columbus Day Parade was held in the North End this year. The parade drew thousands upon thousands of spectators into the North End. Businesses did well and according to all accounts of the day, everyone was having a good time and enjoying the traditional parade ... Heard C.D.C. Community Development Corp, a good and honest development corporation is planning on putting up 27 units of affordable housing apartment rentals across from DeAngelis Bakery on Maverick Street. The city is using up all available business possibilities for affordable housing. How can the community benefit economically by adding more affordable housing??? Eastie residents feel they’ve had enough affordable and want to move on! Whatever happened to the waterfront development on Massport property??? Have those plans gone up in smoke? Winn Development was first to develop the waterfront, but never broke ground. Then came Roseland Properties that actually broke ground and stopped. If the land was developed it would have enhanced the face of East Boston. Many hard working East Bostonians feel if it isn’t affordable in Eastie it gets the axe. People are getting fed up by the way East Boston has fallen to the wayside. It appears that only one class of people are being catered to, and that’s the low income. Residents say it’s not that they’re against affordable housing, but be fair, Eastie has more than its share of it! Eastie now needs higher end housing developments. Many that live here complain there is no balance in East Boston ... The Mike Flaherty and Sam Yoon ticket is shaping up. It’s an interesting spin in the upcoming election. These two candidates are very qualified. They are both well educated, know Boston, and want what’s best for its neighborhoods. Being from different backgrounds should bring some balance to the city ... Till next time! Galileo’s Telescope and the Beginning of Scientific Revolution and Space Exploration In celebration of the ninth annual “Italian Language in the World Week” (“Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo”), under the high patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, and in collaboration with Harvard University, M.I.T., UMass Boston, UMass Lowell, Northeastern University, University of Rome and the Italian Space Agency, the Consulate General of Italy in Boston is pleased to present a series of events on “Galileo’s Telescope and the Beginning of Scientific Revolution and Space Exploration.” On Friday, October 23 rd from 8 to 8:30 PM, an event entitled “From Galileo to the Web: the Evolution of Astronomical Research through the Centuries” (at Phillips Auditorium, HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge, MA 02138) will take place, which includes a telescopic observation of the stars and planets (weather permitting) at the Harvard-Smithsonian Observatory. On Saturday, October 24th from 9:30 AM until 3 PM, the principal event (at Harvard University, Science Center D) will take place with presentations by staff members of the Consulate General of Italy in Boston, university professors, and special guests, Professor Piero Benvenuti, (Vice Commissioner of the Italian Space Agency), and NASA astro- naut Albert Sacco. Remarks will be made by the Consul General, followed by the presentation of “”Padova: the ‘Best 18 Years’ of Galileo’s Life” by Professor Lucia Lovison-Gobb, the scientific responsible for this event at Harvard University. Professor Piero Benvenuti, Vice Commissioner of the Italian Space Agency at the University of Padova, will present “Shattering and Recomposing the Celestial Spheres: from Galileo to Modern Cosmology.” Professor Carlo Cipollone, Educational Director of the Consulate General of Italy, will present “Galileo’s Educational Legacy” and Professor Ubaldo Panitti, lecturer of Italian at UMass Boston will present “Galileo’s Scientific Writing.” Later, Professor Mario Biagioli in the Department of History of Science at Harvard University will present “Galileo’s Telescope between Secrecy and Public Knowledge.” Following Professor Biagioli, Professor Bruno Coppi from M.I.T. will present his “Venturing into Space: Discovery of the Heliosphere and Development of High Energy Astronomy”. Professor Daniela Calzetti from the Department of Astronomy at UMass Amherst will discuss “Exploration of the Cosmos through Ground-based and (Continued on Page 13) LUCIA RISTORANTE & BAR Traditional Italian Cuisine Donato Frattaroli 415 Hanover Street, Boston, MA 02113 617.367.2353 — Open for Lunch and Dinner Daily — Private dining rooms for any occasion [email protected] Page 8 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Columbus Day Parade 2009 (Photos courtesy of Dom Campochiaro and Ross Photography) POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Page 9 The Socially Set by Hilda M. Morrill Left to right: Radio & TV personality Upton Bell; author William Martin; author Sarah Smith; and Emily D’Amour Pardo, Executive Director, Boston Book Festival, at the festive soiree held at the home of Smoki Bacon and Richard Concannon. (Photo by Lynn Lim) For Boston’s “Socially Set” the Autumnal Equinox means the beginning of the social season — with its galas, fundraisers and traditional special events, such as “Opening Night at Symphony.” For many of the glitterati and literati, however, the season does not officially begin until Smoki Bacon and Dick Concannon host their traditional elegant cocktail party at their Back Bay home. In addition to greeting friends and catching up on what everyone did over their summer vacation, one gets to mingle with many of the guests who have appeared on Smoki and Dick’s popular television show, “The Literati Scene,” which focuses on authors. But Bacon and Concannon’s field of activity is all encompassing, covering current events, theatre, books, museums, commerce, medicine, politics, science and arts organizations — and much more. Many of Boston’s high-profile visitors often appear on the show, and an array of highly respected local talent regularly appears as contributing commentators to compliment the creativity and excitement of the hosts. Robin Powell Mandjes of the Julia Chas Gallery, and Walter Carrington, former Ambassador to Nigeria at the BaconConcannon cocktail party. (Photo by Lynn Lim) Recently, radio and TV personality Upton Bell shared his thoughts on the Boston sports scene, and Ken Gloss of The Brattle Bookstore explained the technique for identifying authentic first editions. Radio and TV commentator Richard Flavin is a frequent guest who talks about the many and varying New England lifestyles. Among this year’s guests at the September 23 soiree were: Vernon Alden, “Being Myself”; Brett Alessi, Director, Education Pioneers; Joan Arnaud, Director, First Literacy; Susan Bailey, Director, Wellesley College Center for Women; Rick Beyer, “The Greatest Scientific Stories Never Told”; Linda Bratley, Director, PINO DANIELE Makes First US Appearance Massimo Gallotta Production. Performing to a sold out audience in New York’s historic Apollo Theater in Harlem, Daniele rocked the house with his electric jam. Born to a working class family of Southern Italy, (Naples), Daniele taught himself to play guitar. His unique sound, musically and vocally brought him through many decades and he is still going strong. His career started with traditional Neapolitan sounds, mixed with tarantella, blues and rumba, then moved onto World music such as blues and rock. His final stop was in Toronto, Canada on October 4th. Author Hailie Ephron, left, literary critic for The Boston Globe and author Jan Brogan smile for the camera. (Photo by Lynn Lim) Enjoying the Bacon-Concannon soiree are, left to right, businessman Kevin Mc Donald; Diane McDonald, Curator of Ancient Art, Boston College; and Magdalene Kantartzi, Communications Director, Greek Consulate. (Photo by Lynn Lim) Mass. Commission on the Status of Women; former Ambassador to Nigeria, Walter Carrington; Ann Emerson, President Emeritus Boston Museum; F. Murray Forbes, Director Navigator Foundation; William Fowler, History Professor, Northeastern University; Chris Gabrieli, “Time to Learn” (Chris is Smoki’s son-in-law); Magdalene Kantartzi, Communications Director, Greek Consulate; Jane Holtz Kaye, “Asphalt Boston” and “Lost Boston”; Tim Kenslea, “Sedgwicks In Love”; and Josh Kimball, “The Man Who Made Lists.” Also: Vivien Li, Director, The Boston Harbor Association; Bill Martin, “The Lost Constitution”; Emily Pardo, Boston Book Festival, Director; Randy Peffer, “Seahawk Hunting”; Leo Romero, Casa Romero; Joshua Rubenstein, Director, Amnesty International; Lloyd Schwartz, “Elizabeth Bishop”; Professor Werner Sollors, “The History of American Literature”; Jane Thompson, “Design Research”; Robert Whitaker, “Laps of Gods”; and Tracy (Continued on Page 13) DIAMONDS ROLEX ESTATE JEWELRY Bought & Sold Jewelers Exch. Bldg. Jim (617) 263-7766 Pino Daniele performing to a sold out crowd at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. On October 1, 2009, Italian blues vocalist and guitarist, Pino Daniele made his United States debut produced by Mattéo Gallo o o Appraisals Sales & Rentals • Massimo Gallotta, event producer with Pino Daniele. Real Estate 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 Page 10 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 B ob D ’s B eat by Bob DeCristoforo Special guest NEAA star Robert “Teddy” Tomasone. NEAD AWARD NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN Drop into the Nazzaro Center and pick up a Nomination Form(s) and help select the 2009 NEAD Community Award Winners. Fill it out and get it back to the Center by Monday, October 26 no later than 6pm. Categories include the Andy Puopolo Youth Award, the Barbara DeCristoforo Senior Award, the Emily Pugliano Public Servant Award, the Fred Carangelo Organization Award, the Walter Salvi NSTAR Business Award, the Alumnus Award, and the John Dexter UnSung Hero Award. The Awards are given to those, who help make the North End a better place. They will be presented at the 12 th Annual Community Awards Dinner on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st at Tecce’s. It’s important to salute those who make a positive difference, and say ‘Thank You’ for what they have done. THANK YOU To all those who made the 2009 North End Columbus Day Weekend Celebration a great success. Many don’t really understand the hard work it takes to put the ‘Celebration’ together. We do, and we ‘Salute’ all the members of the 2009 North End Columbus Day Committee. FUN FRIDAYS City Spotlights ‘Fun Fridays’ program takes place October 16 th, October 30th, and November 13 th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, 30 Ash Street, Boston. It’s a FREE evening of theatre games, improvisation, and performing arts fun for young people ages 11-13. Space is limited. For more information please contact Anthony Victoria at 617-532-1221. The program is part of the Citi Performing Arts Center Education Department. ST. LEONARD’S DINNER DANCE The Annual St. Leonard’s Parish Dinner Dance takes place on October 24 at Tecce’s Restaurant. Tickets are now available at the St. Leonard’s Gift Shop. It’s an important night, not only as a fundraiser, but as a night that both old and new Parishioners come together in a special way as one. St. Leonard’s is our North End Parish. Please support this great effort. RED SOX RALLY TUESDAY It was a great day in the North End as once again NEAD and the Nazzaro Center held a day to ‘Celebrate’ the Boston Red Sox, and their 6 th appearance in the last seven years in the post-season. Hot dogs were served by Chef Mike Giannosoli, chips and ice cream were distributed by ‘Captain’ Carl Ameno and Laurie D’Elia, and a great playoff Red Sox cake, thanks, as always, to Mike’s Pastry, was served by Teen Youth Leader Nick Verrochi. With the help of the Red Sox Foundation, Red Sox hats and t-shirts were given to each of the many young people. We also give a special Shout Out to NEAA CEO Robert ‘Teddy’ Tomasone, who made a guest appearance, and to all the North End Against Drugs Board Members, who helped host this great event. HIGH SCHOOL PREP NOTEBOOK Members of the ISL League are BB&N, Middlesex, Rivers, Brooks, Lawrence Academy, St. Sebastian’s, Groton, Governor’s Academy, Roxbury Latin, Belmont Hill, Noble & Greenough, St. Paul’s, St. Mark’s, Milton Academy, St. George and Thayer ... WEEKLY ROUNDUP will be back next week! COLLEGE BOARD Massachusetts topped Rensseler 5-2. James Marcou had four assists to lead the Minutemen to the season opening college hockey night win ... most teams will be in action this weekend! ULowell Radio Announcer Bob Ellis was presented the 2009 Hockey East Joe Concannon Media Award. BU was picked second in the USCHO Hockey preseason poll. Denver was picked number one! PROLINE Big NHL Opening Week for many we know. Coach Joe Sacco, Colorado, debut was a great success as the Avalanche posted a solid 5-2 win over San Jose. BC Alum Brian Gionta scored a goal in his debut with Montreal, a 4-3 OT win over Toronto, and then he scored the game OT winner in the 2-1 victory at Buffalo. Former BC star Benn Ferriero got his first NHL goal when San Jose downed Anaheim 4-3, and former BU star Matt Gilroy got his first NHL goal, the game winner, when the New York Rangers defeated the New Jersey Devils 3-2, and Keith Tkachuk had two goals and an assist to give the St. Louis Blues a 5-3 win over Detroit. TIDBITS - Birthday Best to Karen D’Amico and Laurie D’Elia. - Celeb Sightings: Newly appointed Democratic Ward 3 Chairperson Jason Aluia, and Dino DiFronzo at the Saint Anthony’s Club, Justin Amoroso taking in the Anaheim-Bruins Game at the TD Garden, the Legendary Ralph DelGaudio working hard at the TD Garden, movie star to be Chris Pereira, Paula Lyons home from the Cape, and George ‘the Great’ Hadaya. - Thank You again, Michele Morgan. SMILE! NEAD/Nazzaro Center celebrates the Red Sox. WHITNEY HOUSTON — I LOOK TO YOU (CD) Arista Whitney Houston delivers an early Christmas gift for music fans with her outstanding new album I Look To You. It’s been a long hiatus for Houston, but she doesn’t miss a beat with 11 exciting tracks. Cashing in with the opener penned by Alicia Keys, “Million Dollar Bill” sets the pace, followed by the dance groove “Nothin’ But Love,” the promising “Call You Tonight,” a pair of R. Kelly tunes, the pretty “I Look To You” and “Salute.” Hitmaker Akon is featured on “Like I Never Left,” plus a cover of Leon Russell’s “A Song For You,” one of the many highlights is Diane Warren’s powerhouse ballad “I Didn’t Know My Own Strength” produced by David Foster, along with the tender “Worth It.” Whitney made some decisions that paid dividends on this album — one was pairing herself with some of the hottest writers and producers in pop and R&B, including R. Kelly, Foster, Akon, Stargate, Keys and Swizz Beatz, enabling her to deliver songs that showcased her signature vocal power and passion. She winds down her ‘comeback’ album with the uplifting “Worth It” and the confident “I Got You.” The only thing missing now is a Whitney Houston Tour. THE STEPFATHER — ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK (CD) Lakeshore The Stepfather is a horrorthriller film chock full of mystery and suspense. The soundtrack music serves to heighten the action via a haunting soundtrack that includes, “Typical” (Mutemath), “The Air I Breathe” (Sleep Detectives), Hoobastank’s “Say The Same,” plus “Safeway” (Feersum Ennjin), “Melee” (Drew Smith), “What Is Real” (Ken Andrews) and hit the midpoint via “Never Less Than Perfect” (Blurtonia). Adding to the thrills are, “Eternal Summer” (Red Means Go), “Secret Things” (Ken Andrews), “Safer When” (C’Mon), “Platinum Camelot” (Lightning Swords of Death), lowering the decibels for “Given” (Seether), and the fatal finish is reached with a cover of The Turtles’ “Happy Together,” performed by Filter. Check out the action and feel the thrills throughout your body! VANEESE THOMAS — SOUL SISTER VOL. ONE (CD) Segue If your sister is Carla Thomas and your late father was Rufus Thomas, you have golden credentials. Using ‘gold’ as a standard, Vaneese Thomas delivers a dozen songs from the past and makes them fresh. The tracks represent a dozen years of seminal soul for your ears to feast on. Opening up with “Tell Mama” saluting Etta James, “Love Makes A Woman” (Barbara Acklin), “Comfort Me” from sister Carla’s 1966 album, “Since You’ve Been Gone” (Aretha Franklin), and salutes Ana Mae Bullock a.k.a. Tina Turner with “Nutbush City Limits.” VT doesn’t disappoint with second half happenings as, “It’s Killin’ Me,” a song she penned for her father, who never got to record it, followed by “I Had A Talk With My Man” (Mitty Collier), “Operator” originally recorded in 1961 by a teenaged Gladys Knight, plus “Trapped By A Thing Called Love” (Denise LaSalle), the mesmerizing “Hypnotized” (Linda Jones), and ends with “Make Me Yours” from Betty Swann, who first made it happen. Even though Vaneese only wrote one of the dozen songs, she takes them and makes them her own! NEEDTOBREATHE — THE OUTSIDERS (CD) Atlantic South Carolina natives Bear and Bo Rinehart founded Need To Breathe in 1999. The 14-songs they penned, reflects the rock group’s Southern sensibility. Opening with the anthemic title song, dipping into the “Valley of Tomorrow,” the powerful anthem “Through Smoke,” the gospel-flavored “Lay ‘Em Down,” the pain of “What You’ve Done To Me,” the sharp alt-rock edged “Hurricane,” and the tender ballad “These Hard Times.” Seth Bolt on bass and Joe Stillwell on drums, joined the band to round out the foursome. Sara Watkins of Nickel Creek lends her vocals to the beautiful “Stones Under Rushing Water,” as the group continues with beauties as the arresting “Prisoner,” the positive “Won’t Turn Back,” and the memorable encounter with “Girl Named Tennessee.” The soaring “Something Beautiful” starts the wind down to an excellent album, followed by the lush sounds of “Garden,” and the lyric driven “Let Us Love.” Don’t miss NeedToBreathe live on Monday, September 19 th, at Boston’s Paradise — it will be well worth the effort! BLAKE LEWIS — HEARTBREAK ON VINYL (CD) Tommy Boy On season six of American Idol, Blake Lewis was runnerup to Jordin Sparks, on his sophomore album Heartbreak on Vinyl he is the clear ‘winner’. Lewis creates 13 tracks of dance beats and broken heartbeats, all songs written from the heart, and life experiences. Pulsating tunes include the spirited title cut, along with the seductive “Binary Love,” the rhythmic “Freak,” his current single “Sad Song,” plus the throbbing beauty “Rhythm of My Heart,” the fear of “Afraid,” and “Left My Baby For You.” Lewis has the electro, dance, trance beat pumping with, “Rebel Without A Cause,” the pure pop “Our Rapture of Love,” trailed by “The Point,” the high-energy of “The Remedy,” ending with the pleading “Love Or Torture (Please Don’t Stop).” Visit Blake Lewis at:, or Twitter@blakelewis or Facebook www.facebook. com/blakelewis, or MySpace lewis. POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Page 11 ITALIAN EVENTS & PROGRAMS NOW PLAYING UPTOWN & DOWNTOWN ITALIAN RADIO “The Sicilian Corner” 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM every Friday with host Tom Zappala and Mike Lomazzo and “The Italian Show” w/Nunzio DiMarca every Sunday from 10AM to 1PM “Italia Oggi”(Italy Today) Sundays 1PM to 2 PM with host Andrea Urdi 1460 AM “Dolce Vita Radio” DJ Rocco Mesiti 11 AM-1 PM Sundays. 90.7 FM or online “The Nick Franciosa Show” Every Sunday at 12 Noon to 3:00 PM on radio stations WLYN 1360 AM and WAZN 1470 AM. “Guido Oliva Italian Hour” 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM every Sunday on WSRO 650AM Framingham and online at NATIONAL HERITAGE MUSEUM MAXWELL AUDITORIUM 33 Marrett Road Lexington, MA PASQUALE ESPOSITO - Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 8:00 PM. Pasquale’s love of Italian language and culture is apparent in his CDs: “My Passion” (2000), “My Destiny” (2004), “Naples … That’s Amore!” (2005) and “Il Fornaio: Authentic Italy, Vol. 1”(2008). Most recently, Pasquale has finalized his latest CD: “A Brand New Me” consisting of original compositions in his distinctive pop-opera style. The making of this CD was an international collaboration of many talents. The music and lyrics were written by Pasquale Esposito and Antonio Aprile, a composer and an arranger from Naples, Italy. The recording of the CD took place in Italy and the United States under the supervision of Antonio Aprile and Ettore Gatta. For tickets log onto or call 1-408528-6308. MGM GRAND FOXWOODS THEATER Mashantucket, Connecticut LAURA PAUSINI - Sunday, October 25, 2009 - Roughly a decade after she made her recording debut at the age of 18, Laura Pausini had sold over 25 million albums worldwide, quite an impressive feat for someone who’d never really broken into the lucrative English-language market. The Italian singer began her career at a young age, making her live debut at only age 12. In 2008 Laura spent most of her time in the studio, recording another new album. Her tenth studio album called “Primavera In Anticipo” was first released in its Spanish language edition Primavera anticipada and in the hispanophone market, then was released in the Italian language edition in Italy. The international version of the album was released in other European countries. In 2009, Laura Pausini began a new World tour, starting in Italy and across Europe, then to North America, South America and Australian. Log onto for more information and to order tickets. CONSULATE GENERAL OF ITALY 600 Atlantic Avenue (Federal Reserve Building) – 17 th Floor, Boston, MA SUN, LIGHT, WATER, FLOWERS - Works by Rosetta Nasisi - The exhibition will continue through November 18, 2009. Sun, Light, Water, Flowers are symbols of joy and fun that are the basics of her life. The deliberate abstraction of her style evokes the mystery and beauty of the places, and the emotional response it extends to the viewer, allowing him or her to imaginatively enter and complete the scenes. In addition, Rosetta teaches art and Italian in Boston. A true artistist soul, you don’t miss this beautiful exhibit You may e-mail Rosetta at [email protected] or call 617-722-9201 for further information. When Laura Pausini was only eight years old, she began to sing with her father in piano bars. On February 26, 1993, she sang La Solitudine at the Sanremo Music Festival. She won the title in the Young Performer’s category. This was the beginning of a music sensation. Shortly after her win at Sanremo, Laura published her first album, Laura Pausini. It was released in Australia, Europe and Japan and sold over 2,000,000 copies. It topped the music charts, not only in Italy, but several countries worldwide. She recorded a special rendition of La Solitudine for the English speaking market. The lyrics were by Tim Rice. “Laura”, her second CD, which was released in 1994, was a music sensation. It included Strani Amori, which brought her third place at Sanremo in the Big category. The album was released in several countries and topped the charts in Italy. Over 4,000,000 copies were sold. Her music is always of the highest quality. Check out Italian Special Events and Programs for more information about her upcoming concert. EMERSON COLLEGE Cutler Majestic Theatre 219 Tremont Street, Boston, MA CARMEN – Friday, November 6 at 7:30 pm, Sunday, November 8 at 3:00 pm. Wednesday, November 11 at 7:30 pm. Friday, November 13 at 7:30 pm. Sunday, November 15 at 3:00 pm. Tuesday, November 17 at 7:30 pm. Music by Georges Bizet. Sung in French with French dialogue and projected English translation. Carmen and Don José crash into each other with a passion that’s as much about will as it is about desire. At its premiere, Bizet’s opera shocked and thrilled audiences. STOMP – Now through October 18, 2009. Explosive, provocative, sophisticated, sexy, utterly unique and fun for everyone! The eight-member troupe uses everything but conventional percussion instruments — matchboxes, wooden poles, brooms, to fill the stage with magnificent rhythms. For tickets call 1-800-4327250 or visit ZERO ARROW THEATRE 2 Arrow Street, Cambridge, MA THE DONKEY SHOW – Now through January 2, 2010. The intoxicating international sensation that takes you behind the velvet ropes into a glittered wonderland of decadence, divas, and disco, inspired by Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night Dream.” For tickets or more info, you may call 617-5478300 or log on to the webiste at: MUSIC BERKLEE PERFORMANCE CENTER 136 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA DIANNE REEVES – Friday, October 23rd at 8:00 PM. Recognized as one of the premier vocalists in the world, four time Grammy Winner, Dianne Reeves is among the most prominent and influential singers in jazz. MILTON NASCIMENTO – Sunday, November 15 th at 8:00 PM. Milton’s deeply moving music and rich, remarkable voice have made him an international legend and one of Brazil’s biggest stars. His sound is a harmonious mix of African rhythms, Brazilian folk melodies, bossa nova and diverse undercurrents from across the globe. For tickets and further information, please call: 617-876-4275 or visit: FIRST CHURCH IN CAMBRIDGE, CONGREGATIONAL 11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA THE MUSIC OF DOWLAND AND PURCELL – Friday, October 23 rd at 8:00 PM. The program consists of Music and Sweet Poetrie: Orpheus in England. For more info, please call: 617-661-1812 or visit: SYMPHONY HALL 301 Massachusetts Avenue Boston, MA WORKS OF MARTINU; STRAVINSKY; THOMAS AND TCHIKOVSKY - Saturday, October 17th at 8:00 PM under the baton of Ludovic Morlot. To purchase tickets, please call: 617-266-1200; 1200 or visit the BSO website at: BEETHOVEN: THE COMPLETE SYMPHONIES, PROGRAM 1 – Thursday, October 22 nd at 8:00 PM and Saturday, October 24 th at 8:00 PM. James Levine is the conductor for these two evenings. BEETHOVEN: THE COMPLETE SYMPHONIES, PROGRAM 2 – Thursday, October 27th at 8:00 PM and Thursday, October 29 th at 8:00 PM. James Levine is the conductor. BEETHOVEN: THE COMPLETE SYMPHONIES, PROGRAM 3 – Friday, October 30th at 8:00 PM and Saturday, October 31st at 8:00 PM. BEETHOVEN: THE COMPLETE SYMPHONIES, PROGRAM 4 – Thursday, November 5 th at 8:00 PM and Saturday, November 7 th at 8:00 PM. To purchase tickets, please call: 617-266-1200; TDD/TTY 617-6389289 and in other areas: 888-266-1200 or visit the BSO website at: © 2007 Feld Entertainment THEATER OCT. 14 - 18 Wed. OCT. 14 ( 7:00 PM OPENING NIGHT TICKETS $15!* Thu. OCT. 15 7:00 PM Fri. OCT. 16 Sat. OCT. 17 10:30 AM 2:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Sun. OCT. 18 10:30 AM 2:30 PM *(Excludes Circus CelebritySM, Front Row and VIP seats. No double discounts.) Buy tickets online, at Retail Locations, TD Garden Box Office or call 1-800-745-3000 TICKET PRICES: $15 - $20 - $25 Limited number of Circus Celebrity, Front Row, VIP and Club seats available. Call for details. (Service charges, facility and handling fees may apply.) Come one hour early to meet our animals and performers at the All Access Pre-show – FREE with your ticket! For events going on in Massachusetts this FALL, visit the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism Website at For a complimentary Massachusetts Getaway Guide, call 1-800-447-MASS, ext. 300. Page 12 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Recipes from the Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli Rather bad news! Dan Rather’s suit against CBS dumped! A state appeals court has dismissed former news anchor Dan Rather’s $70 million wrongful-discharge against CBS. Rather, 77, charged that CBS had caved to political pressure when it removed him from his anchor post for narrating an explosive story, prior to the 2004 election, claiming that President Bush received preferential treatment from the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. ProBush bloggers raised doubts about the authenticity of documents cited in the report, and CBS eventually apologized and retracted the story. In tossing the suit, a five-judge appellate panel noted that CBS continued to pay Dan Rather $6 million a year after removing him as anchor. He left the network in 2006. Calabria, Italy: Local officials are pressing the Italian government to act on reports that the Mafia has dumped radioactive waste in the Mediterranean. A Mafia informant tipped off authorities that Mafia-run waste disposal companies had sunk dozens of ships carrying cargoes of toxic waste. BBC cameramen sent to the scene got footage of the rusting hulks on the sea floor, complete with big yellow drums marked “toxic.” Yet so far, the government has done nothing. Local authorities in the Italian coastal state of Calabria said they would appeal to the European Union to order Italy to clean up the waste. The “battle for America’s behinds” has begun, said David Fahrenhold in The Washington Post. As ice caps melt and forests dwindle, U.S. environmental groups are taking aim at what they say is a grave and gathering threat to life on Earth: extra-soft toilet paper. According to Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council, et al., the luxurious, quilted paper many of us are used to here in the States owes its softness to extra-long wood fibers, found only in old growth trees in Canada, the U.S., and elsewhere. If we care about the planet, say the eco-activists, we’ll abandon our mad pursuit of velvety soft toilet paper and embrace the significantly rougher recycled tissue used by Europeans. We read recently, fresh food isn’t always best! Frozen food — especially green beans and peas — can be better for you than fresh produce, says a new study. Most fruit and vegetables in the freezer section of supermarkets are frozen soon after they are picked, which preserves their vitamin and mineral content. In contrast, fresh food often loses much of its goodness in the time it takes to ship it from the field to the store, says scientists in England. Speaking of foods, the roundness of a bird’s eye inspired the name of a tiny round Italian pasta called occhi di passeri, or “sparrows’ eyes.” And the pasta known as creste di gallo has an Italian name indicating that it’s shaped like a “rooster’s comb.” It makes scents! Oops! There are scents to soothe stress! Sniffing lemon, mango, lavender and other fragrances can snuff out stress. Scientists have found inhaling certain aromas alter blood chemistry and gene activity in ways that can slash anxiety levels, reveals an article in the Journal of Agriculture And Food Chemistry. Noting that since ancient time’s people have inhaled the scents of plants to reduce stress, fight inflammation and depression and induce sleep. The astute Tom Analetto reminds us, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but an onion a day keeps everyone away. Moron of the week! A Texas man with a sneezing fetish has been arrested for blowing white pepper into a woman’s face. The unnamed elderly suspect was hauled in after he twice left a hardware-store cashier covered with pepper and sneezing. After talking to the suspect, said Police Chief Kerry Crew, “We found out he’s got a problem. He becomes aroused by females sneezing.” Deer me! The state where motorists are most likely to hit a deer is West Virginia, where one in every 39 drivers had such a collision last year. The rural state, which has 1 million deer and just 1.8 million people, “is 100 percent deer habitat,” explained one West Virginia official. From moo-to-you! If your drinking water comes from a well, river, or aquifer, it may contain cow manure, warns the Environmental Protection Agency. EPA is now trying to reduce agricultural runoff containing cow manure, which is the primary polluter of the nation’s streams and rivers. Three years ago in Brown County, Wisconsin, where 41,000 dairy cows produce as much as a million gallons of waste each day, runoff contaminated more than 100 drinking wells and laid low dozens of people with stomach ailments and infections. “Sometimes it smells like a barn coming out of the faucet,” one resident tells The New York Times. One Brown County official points out that one cow produces as much waste as 18 people. “There just isn’t enough land to absorb that much manure,” he said, “but we don’t have laws to force people to stop.” The brilliant and alluring Rosalie Cunio of Waltham, says, “Why should a cow be contented? It is all the time surrounded by a lot of high-priced meat.” Struck by stupidity! Of the 648 people killed by lightning in the U.S. in recent years, more than 80 percent were men. Do males perhaps contain more lightning-attracting iron? Does their slight height advantage make them more attractive targets? Alas, no. It’s just that men are stupid. Whether through ignorance, denial, or bravado, men seem less willing to interrupt their outdoor activities when dark clouds begin gathering. “Men take more risks in lightening storms,” John Jensenius of the National Weather Service tells Popular Science. This year’s casualties so far include men killed while fishing, playing baseball, and mowing the lawn. Mother Superior Frances Fitzgerald, says, “The Lord takes care of his own, but church trustees still put lightening rods on the steeple.” The wondrous Lisa Cappuccio of East Boston, says, “Lightening never strikes twice in the same place — once is enough.” Wow! The moon has always been thought to be bone-dry, but in fact, large portions of its surface may be laced with water, says new research. New data from three research satellites sent to study the moon found the chemical signature of H 2 O not only at its poles, where it was expected, but scattered all over its surface. In addition, chunks of ice may exist. Our noted maestro and musicologist Albert Natale reminds us of noted Italian Americans in popular music. Musical arranger Al Caiola wrote the theme song for the 1950s TV series “Bonanza.” Sonny Dae, born Pascal Vennitti in 1931, recorded “Rock Around the Clock” in 1950, four years before Bill Haley and the Comets made it “Rock ‘n Roll’s” first big hit in 1954. Songwriter Joe Raposto co-created the award-winning children’s show Sesame Street with Jim Henson and Jon Stone. Raposta also composed such Grammy-winning songs as “Sing,” “Bein’ Green,” and “You Will Be My Music,” and was the musical director of the PBS educational series, The Electric Company. And Frank Guida, song writer and music arranger, produced the 1960s gold records “New Orleans,” “Quarter To Three,” “Stand By Me,” and “If You Wanna Be Happy.” His “Norfolk Sound” is believed to have influenced the Beatles’ “Liverpool Sound.” Wee bit of Italian American History: It was in 1835, the famous Delmonico’s Restaurant in New York City was founded by Italian-Swiss brothers. One hundred years later, the restaurant is frequented by legendary movie star, Gary Cooper born Frank Brascia Cooper. Some other notable diners, born of Italian mothers, are Tyrone Power, Ronald Coleman, and George Raft. AMERICA IS A BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN NAME COPYRIGHT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LINGUINE WITH CLAMS IN BIANCO In White Sauce 2 dozen freshly steamed littleneck clams* 4 or 5 garlic cloves chopped 1/4 cup of olive, canola oil, or a mixture of both 1 tablespoon chopped parsley (preferable fresh) Romano or Parmesan grated cheese 1 pound linguine *OPTIONAL: In place of freshly steamed clams, use two cans of chopped or minced clams and two bottles of clam juice available in supermarkets. To steam clams: Wash clam shells thoroughly several times. Add about one quarter of an inch of water to saucepan and place on burner to heat. Then add clams. Cover and allow steaming until the clamshells open. Remove saucepan from burner. Remove clams from shells and set aside. Save the broth. White sauce preparation: Skin and chop garlic cloves. Heat oil slightly in two-quart saucepan over medium heat before adding chopped garlic. Simmer slowly. Do not brown garlic. Remove pan from burner for a few seconds before adding parsley and clam broth from steamed clams. Return to burner and bring to a boil. Add clams, chopped or whole. When mixture comes to a boil, turn off burner. Cover and let stand. Follow directions on package for cooking linguine or pasta as desired. After draining cooked pasta in colander, place in serving bowl. Pour clam broth from saucepan over linguine. Top each serving with one or more tablespoons of clams. Serve with preferred grated cheese. Use directions above for preparing oil, garlic mixture. Remove saucepan from burner and let stand a few seconds before adding parsley, bottled clam juice and clams. Bring to a slow boil for a few seconds. Turn off burner. Cover and let stand. Then follow directions above for serving the clams in bianco with the cooked pasta. Serves four. NOTE: One of my delights is to prepare this meal for my family and friends with fresh steamed littlenecks whenever possible. It always reminds me of the many times we experienced the pleasure of digging for littlenecks along various north or south shore beaches during my childhood. We couldn’t wait to return home for Mama to prepare this meal for us. Whenever I use fresh steamed littlenecks today, I make sure to save some in the shell after steaming. I top each serving bowl of linguine with the chopped littlenecks and a few littlenecks in the shell. Vita can be reached at [email protected] • Kenneally, Jackson (Continued from Page 2) it my all.” He just hired Rose Arruda to be his campaign coordinator. There’s definitely a big target on Ayanna Pressley’s back, but she appears up for the challenge continuing her broad-based campaign for one of the four at-large seats on the City Council. The Boston Globe’s Adrian Walker did an interesting piece on Ayanna Pressley’s background and commitment to public service. If there is a big target on her back from the candidates who finished near her, it is a moving target because she’s been seen all over the city trying to solidify her hold on 4th place. Sandwiched between Arroyo and Kenneally, she’s only concentrating on her own campaign speaking for herself. Obviously, she holds dear that wisdom of the legendary Satchel Paige who once observed, “Don’t look back, they maybe gaining on you.” Meanwhile Andrew Kenneally and Tito Jackson keep plugging away. Everyone’s eyes are on the prize, right? 1st Generation Italian-American Vita Orlando Sinopoli Shares with us a delightful recollection of her memories as a child growing up in Boston’s “Little Italy” and a collection of Italian family recipes from the homeland. Great as Gifts FROM MY BAKERY PERCH available on AMAZON.COM and in local bookstores — ask for Hard cover #1-4010-9805-3 ISBN Soft Cover #1-4010-9804-5 ISBN POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Page 13 • The Socially Set (Continued from Page 9) For the past couple of weeks, I have been talking about the Columbus Day Parade in Boston, one of the oldest celebrations of its kind in America. The parade takes place in both East Boston and the North End, alternating from one neighborhood to the other each year. This year the parade took place in Boston’s historic North End. In the past, I’ve concentrated on supplying marchers and antique cars for my own lodge of the Sons of Italy, which is the Greater Boston Renaissance Lodge. Lodge president, Dean Saluti, and I are old car buffs, Dean preferring British cars with my preference being American. As a result, each Columbus Day for the past 12 years or so, Dean’s 69 MGB and 65 Jaguar Sedan, along with my 62 Lincoln Continental and my 66 Thunderbird have led the way for the lodge in division 3, the Sons of Italy section of the parade. For most of those 12 years, I have been dropping by old car get-togethers at various locations during the spring and summer months. As a result, I have become friendly with many other old car enthusiasts who like to show their cars in parades and have committed themselves and their vehicles to me each October. As a result, we have been accompanied by the Road Runners, a North Shore hot rod club led by Ron Roy and his sister, former race car driver, Lorraine Pard. Ron spent many years in the Marines and most of his hot rodders are retired military. On Tuesday afternoons, when the weather is warm, I drop by Alexander’s, a pizza restaurant in Lexington. They sponsor an old car get together and people like Peter Walsh was enlisted to drive his 1956 Oldsmobile hardtop in the parade. Probably the people who have been with me the longest are Andy and Joan Roketenetz, who drive his and hers 55 Chevy hard tops. Along with them, in terms of longevity are Chet and Joan Leary who own a 60 Chevy Bel Aire and are seen in every one of our parades, rain or shine. Well, this year, our new OSIA state president, Jim DeStefano, asked John Silva and me to handle the entire Sons of Italy section of the parade. John usually drives his VW convertible with Chipper Riley riding in the back dressed like the lodge lion. This year, John set up the marchers from the many lodges that participated in the parade. I kept burdening John, as I received several calls from Italian organizations that wanted to march with the Sons of Italy, many of them supported by Comm. Lino Rullo, one of the most active members of the Italian community. Lodge members from Watertown, Newton, Boston, Lawrence, Willmington, and other cities in the state were set up by John, along with the Haverhill Drum and Bugle Corps. Those who couldn’t march were turned over to me and were placed in the antique cars. This year, I asked Dean Saluti for help. I wanted to expand the scope of the parade and knew that the organizations he belongs to might be interested in showing off their cars. Dean belongs to an MG club and a Jaguar club considering he has both of these British cars. Well, even though most of the participants who owned the British cars that participated were not Italian, you might think they were due to the enthusiasm they displayed. The results were a combined array of old cars that totaled about 50, the greatest number we’ve had thus far. We had several old MGs, thanks to Paul Seeberg, the president of the Boston area MG Club. We also had many Triumph sport cars with Dan Foster leading the pack. Dan is the New England Triumph Representative. Ray O’Brien, the head of the Jaguar Association of New England (JANE) drove his 2009 XKE followed by an array of Jaguars from years past. Giovanni Tosti, who manages a Herb Chambers Mini Cooper dealership was present with the resurrected model of this 1950s-1960s classic. Behind the Mini Coopers were a couple of old Range Rovers, brought in by Dirk Burrowes of Rover America. Kurt Steele from the British Consul General’s office drove the consul’s own car, a 2009 Jaguar Vandan Plas. I received a call from friend Sal Bramante asking for my help. It seemed that Italian Countess Aurora DePetris Vivo Amore and her daughter Destina, needed a ride. The countess, dressed in a gown, would need an open convertible and we enlisted the aid of a new friend. Mike Iandoli, the president of the Larz Anderson Auto Museum in Brookline (the most prestigious auto museum in the U.S.) joined us in the parade with his 1966 Lincoln Continental convertible. The countess and her daughter sat on the parade boot of the folded top and waved to the fans as we drove through the North End. Along with the countess, sitting in the back seat were Sal and Marie DiDomenico, and members of the Saints Cosmas and Damien Society of Cambridge. Dean and his wife, Margie Cahn fed the old car crowd pizza before the parade, serving them from boxes housed in the trunk of their Jaguar. Once everyone had been fed, it was time to head out of the Government Center and drive through the North End. John Silva led the way for the marchers and all was under our control as we headed left on State Street. After the parade, the OSIA had a luncheon set up for Sons of Italy marchers. With cold cuts supplied by J. Pace, paraders feasted in the cafeteria of St. John’s school in North Square. Dean and I brought the old car crowd (about 80 of them) to the No Name Restaurant on Boston’s Fish Pier. When we march in the North End, this is a post parade tradition. Also joining us this year in the parade and for dinner was old friend, John Lombardo, who drove his 1972 red Cadillac Eldorado. Joining him were father and son Dick and Glenn Morgan with their 1956 (showroom condition) 1956 Chevy. My thanks to all the participants who made the Sons of Italy and the Renaissance Lodge look good for the parade 2009 viewers . Babbononno was never into cars. As a matter of fact, he hated them, but if he were alive today, he would be proud of the people who keep the traditions alive and participated in his favorite parade, the one that honored Cristoforo Colombo. GOD BLESS AMERICA • Galileo’s Telescipe (Continued from Page 7) Space Telescopes” while Professor Giuliano Bellezza, Vice President at IGU (International Geographical Union), will present “A Geographer’s View on Culture and Lenses: from Galileo, Look at the Sky, to Satellite Images, Looking Down at Earth.” Albert Sacco, NASA astronaut from Northeastern University, will then discuss “Flying in Space: One Man’s First Steps into Galileo’s Universe.” Following this session will be another complimentary tour of the exhibition, “Time, Life, and Matter.” Moreover, there will be several projects on display from Massachusetts and New England schoolchildren who have chosen to participate in the contest commemorating Galileo’s 400 th anniversary since his scientific discoveries. Those who have won their category will have their projects on display. This project was run by C.A.S.IT. (Centro Attività Scolastiche Italiane), an Italian-American non profit organization responsible for the promotion of Italian education in and around New England, as well as the Office of Education at the Consulate General of Italy in Boston. This is a great opportunity to see the creative and analytical work done by the future scientists and professionals currently taking Italian classes in our schools. (For further info or reservations, please call Dr. Carlo Cipollone, Educational Director, at 617-722-9409 or [email protected]). Winn “Mrs Somebody” — just to name a very few. Smoki and Dick started covering events and personalities on their “Celebrity Time” radio show in 1980 and have been producing and hosting their popular TV show since 1996. The format is officially produced by “Bacon-Concannon Associates.” “The Literati Scene” can be seen Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. on Channel 23 in Boston, as well as on 16 other TV stations throughout New England. Episodes are archived and showcased by the International TV Show Archive site Take a look! We know you’re going to like it. ……. Looking ahead: Continuing one of Boston’s most beloved holiday traditions, Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops open “The 2009 Boston Pops Holiday Series” on Wednesday, December 9, kicking off a season that runs through Sunday, December 27. This year’s Holiday Series includes 35 pre- and postChristmas evening and matinee concerts. The season also includes six special kids’ matinee concerts. These family concerts include a children’s singalong, and parents can bring cameras to take photos of their children with Santa after the concert. Table seats will include a kidfriendly menu, along with special holiday treats. Holiday Pops tickets are available online at boston Tickets may also be purchased by phone at SymphonyCharge at 617266-1200 or 888-266-1200, and through the Symphony Hall Box Office, located at 301 Massachusetts Avenue. The Box Office remains open through intermission on concert nights. Note that there is a ticket handling fee for tickets ordered by phone or online, and that all Holiday Pops patrons, regardless of age, must have a ticket. Incidentally, the new arrangement of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” by Broadway composer and arranger David Chase, was recorded live at Symphony Hall during the 2008 Holiday Pops season and features the Boston Pops Orchestra and Tanglewood Festival chorus under the direction of Keith Lockhart. “I knew we had a winning new arrangement of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” when we premiered it in 2007, but the audience’s enthusiastic response night after night was unlike anything I’ve ever seen at the Pops,” said Boston Pops Conductor Keith Lockhart. “Then a flood of letters and phone calls came in requesting a recording of the new arrangement — an incredibly creative twist on one of the greatest Christmas-time classics. We knew then and there that we would make a recording of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” and that it would become a staple of our Holiday season programming.” The 2009 Holiday Pops season is sponsored by Fidelity Investments. New England Coffee is the official coffee of the Boston Pops. The 8 p.m. concert on December 10 is sponsored by The Fairmont Copley Plaza, the official hotel of the Boston Pops. The 8 p.m. concert on December 11 is sponsored by Commonwealth Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation, the official chauffeured transportation of the Boston Pops. American Airlines is airline partner of the Boston Pops and has sponsored the 8 p.m. concert on December 15. Patrons with disabilities can access Symphony Hall through the Cohen Wing on Huntington Avenue. An access service center, accessible restrooms, and elevators are available inside this entrance. For ticket information, call the Disability Services Information Line at 617-638-9431 or TDD/TTY 617-638-9289. Programs and artists are subject to change. For further information, visit the orchestra online at or call the Boston Pops at 617-2661492. Enjoy! (Be sure to visit Hilda Morrill’s gardening Web site, In addition to events covered and reported by the columnist, “The Socially Set” is compiled from various other sources such as news and press releases, PRNewswire services, etc.) • Thinking Out Loud (Continued from Page 4) Boston is still a great city with great people living in it. However, we have issues to be resolved like safer neighborhoods, better schools and more decent housing. The mayor leads but it is we who are the army that pushes progress forward. I certainly hope my little interview on City Hall Plaza makes it on to the Sunday morning show on Channel 5. Bottom line, though, is not just voting on Election Day but continuing every day to lobby our elected officials when matters of importance are raised in the public arena. If you like the way things are going and don’t want to rock the boat, you can express that attitude at the polls in your choices but if you think change can be good and that new voices can raise new hopes and ideas, you can support that feeling on Election Day too with your choices This year, and nothing against Mayor Menino, I think four terms is enough. I await the new energy of a new mayor with a new vision for the city’s neighborhoods. I think the duo vision of Michael Flaherty and Sam Yoon inside City Hall can continue the work already begun. Fresh ideas and a clearer vision for the 21 st century are needed now more than ever! Page 14 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 • Obama Wins (Continued from Page 1) may deserve this prize — maybe — but it is beyond belief that he deserves any international peace prize now. Writing on Commentary Magazine’s Contentions blog, Noah Pollak was right when he suggested that Obama should reject the award. In so doing, Obama would have demonstrated that he himself is not caught up in his own glow even if so many others are. He would have garnered • Mayor’s Column (Continued from Page 1) credibility by showing that he understands that he has a long way to go before he is deserving of this prize. But Obama did not take that path. I’m afraid this will hurt his presidency by highlighting the stark dichotomies between so much high oratory with so little action; so many awards with so little results. God bless the president. Let us hope he earns this award by actually achieving peace. I’m afraid, however, to achieve peace in the long run he will have to make decisions that the committee that awarded him this prize will not like. Next up on the Undeserved Award Circuit: Michael Moore’s Academy Award for Best Documentary. But I will stop here. Alfred Nobel is calling. He wants to know when his Peace Prize can get its reputation back. Reprinted with permission from the Northstar National • News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) was no reason for me to believe that there was personal injury. However, that is no excuse for leaving the scene.” Pardon me, but how would he know about personal injuries since he hightailed away quickly. He’s got lots of explaining to do about his horrible track record on the road. SOUNDS LIKE SCOUNDRAL TIME AGAIN There was the headline in the Boston Herald on October 1 st , SCONDRAS SUES OVER ARREST.” LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4394EA In the Estate of CAMILLE J. GALLAGHER A/K/A CAMILLE JOANNE GALLAGHER Late of FRAMINGHAM, MA 01701 Date of Death July 27, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that JOHN GALLAGHER of Dudley, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 4, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 7, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 Former Boston City Councilor David Scondras is back in the news suing the Lawrence Police Department alleging he was beaten by cops and denied medical attention after a 2006 arrest for seeking a tryst with a “15-year-old boy” he met online. Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan is backing the arresting officers. The “boy” who police accuse Scondras of trying to meet reportedly turned out to be the 20-year-old son of one of the arresting officers. Scondras now of Cambridge pleaded guilty in 2007 to LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4440EA In the Estate of THOMAS G. WEBSTER Late of CONCORD, MA 01742 Date of Death July 25, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that DAVID M. WEBSTER of Belmont, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 6, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 9, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 enticing a child under 16 and was ordered to serve 18 months of probation and register as a sex offender. EMPIRE STATE LIGHTS UP FOR CHINA The Empire State Building glowed read and gold on September 30 to honor the 60th anniversary of the founding of Mao’s Peoples Republic of China, an action that was condemned by critics since China has had one of the worse human rights records of an nation in the world for, let’s say, 60 years now. Through another initiative, “Blue-in-Green” we joined residents of Blue Hill Avenue Corridor to rally for green jobs as a pathway out of poverty and into a green economy for these residents. The rally was in support of the City’s grant application for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Pathways Out of Poverty Grant that is focused on unemployed individuals, high school drop-outs, ex-offenders, and families living in areas of high poverty. Bluein-Green will target jobs in energy efficiency, among other related areas. As we look to become more energy efficient, we’re also finding innovative ways to use alternative energy sources. Just last week, the City won a highly competitive solar energy grant. The grant from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) will allow the City to integrate solar energy applications into its emergency response infrastructure by creating a pilot solar evacuation route that will feature a backup photovoltaic (PV) system at Boston’s main emer- gency-vehicle fueling station, as well as solar-powered traffic control and monitoring equipment, lighting, and emergency radio repeaters. LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09D3678DR DIVORCE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ALEJANDRA PEREZ PORTILLO, Plaintiff vs. DOUGLAS BLADIMIR CALLEIAS, Defendant To the above named Defendant: A Complaint has been presented to this Court by the Plaintiff, ALEJANDRA PEREZ PORTILLO, seeking a DIVORCE. An automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. Please refer to the Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411 for more information. You are required to serve upon Cindy T.K. Palmquist, Esq., - Attorney for Plaintiff - whose address is P.O. Box 423, Brookline, MA 02446 your answer on or before November 10, 2009. If you fail to do so, the Court will proceed to the hearing and the adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer in the Office of this Court at CAMBRIDGE. Witness, Hon. Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE, this 29, day of September, 2009. Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4450EA In the Estate of HEBERT JAFFE Late of STONEHAM, MA 02180 Date of Death August 25, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4397EA In the Estate of HANNA MACHLUP HASTINGS Late of LEXINGTON, MA 02421 Date of Death June 15, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4290EA In the Estate of DELIA GERRAUGHTY Late of MEDFORD, MA 02155 Date of Death September 17, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that ROBERT J. COTTON of Upton, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 6, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 9, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that J. WOODLAND HASTINGS of Lexington, MA be appointed executor/trix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 4, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 7, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that RODDY F. GERRAUGHTY of Altoona, PA be appointed executor/trix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON October 28, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: September 30, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4410EA In the Estate of JOHN C. MORGAN Late of FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 Date of Death July 24, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4393EA In the Estate of JOHN P. COSTAS Late of NEWTON, MA 02462 Date of Death August 9, 2008 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4133EA In the Estate of DIMITRIOS SKAFIDAS Late of FRAMINGHAM, MA 01701 Date of Death August 10, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4378EA In the Estate of JOHN CLANCY Late of SOMERVILLE, MA 02145 Date of Death September 7, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4327EA In the Estate of DOROTHY N. A. TRAVASSOS Late of WALTHAM, MA 02453 Date of Death July 31, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that DAVID W. WHEELER of Natick, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 4, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 7, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that PAUL D. COSTASWellesley, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 4, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 7, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that ETHEL SKAFIDAS of Framingham, MA be appointed executrix named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 4, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 7, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that CARL R. BARNHILL of Medford, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve With Personal Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 3, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 6, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that BRUCE R. GALE of Sun Lakes, AZ be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON October 30, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 2, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 Page 15 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4390EA In the Estate of LEO J. ALOISIO A/K/A LEO JAMES ALOISIO Late of BEDFORD, MA 01730 Date of Death August 31, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4438EA In the Estate of ELVIRA M. IOVANNI A/K/A ELVIRA IOVANNI Late of STONEHAM, MA 02180 Date of Death September 15, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4384EA In the Estate of MARY RITA ROSATI A/K/A MARY R. ROSATI Late of WAKEFIELD, MA 01880 Date of Death July 31, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P3879EA In the Estate of ALFRED STEPHEN MACDERMOTT Late of FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 Date of Death July 28, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that FRANCES M. PEDROLI of Lexington, MA be appointed executrix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 3, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 6, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that JOHN IOVANNI JR. of Tewksbury, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 5, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 8, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4375EA In the Estate of VIRGINIA MARJORIE CAMERON BUSA A/K/A VIRGINIA MARJORIE BUSA Late of BURLINGTON, MA 01803 Date of Death August 7, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be a copy of the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that ANGELO BUSA of Bedford, MA and JACQUELINE A. BUSA GULLAGE of North Billerica, MA be appointed executors, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 3, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 6, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will with cancellations and interlineations of said decedent be proved and allowed and that VIOLA N. DiLEO of Atkinson, NH be appointed executrix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 3, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 6, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that ALESSA M. PURPURA of Southborough, MA 01772 be appointed executrix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 5, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 8, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4336EA In the Estate of SANDRA CHENEY A/K/A SANDRA J. CHENEY Late of WILMINGTON, MA 01887 Date of Death August 21, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4448EA In the Estate of JAMES P. DUFFY A/K/A JAMES PETER DUFFY Late of BELMONT, MA 02478 Date of Death July 27, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4374EA In the Estate of JOSEPH PLONKO Late of CONCORD, MA 01742 Date of Death August 28, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4423EA In the Estate of JANET CONNORS Late of MELROSE, MA 02176 Date of Death July 24, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that GAIL PARSON of Dayton, OH be appointed executrix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON October 30, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 2, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will with cancellation and interlineations of said decedent be proved and allowed and that J. PATRICK DUFFY of Belmont, MA be appointed executor named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 6, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 9, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that DIANE E. MURRAY of Scranton, PA and PETER R. BROWN of Waban, MA be appointed executors, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 3, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 6, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that LAWRENCE CONNORS of Boston, MA and ANN CONNORS of Boston, MA be appointed executors named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 5, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 8, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4365EA In the Estate of CONCETTA C. AUFIERO A/K/A CONCETTA AUFIERO Late of MELROSE, MA 02176 Date of Death September 12, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4449EA In the Estate of AUDREY B. INCE A/K/A AUDREY INCE Late of CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 Date of Death May 27, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4373EA In the Estate of RUTH R. COHEN Late of FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 Date of Death July 20, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4425EA In the Estate of MARY L. MEARLS Late of WATERTOWN, MA 02472 Date of Death April 26, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be copy of the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that ROBERT E. LAYNE of South Grafton, MA be appointed executor named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 6, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 9, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that DEBORAH C. BRESNICK of Ashland, MA and HOWARD W. COHEN of Wayland, MA be appointed executors named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 3, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 6, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that MARY E. COSTANZA of Watertown, MA be appointed executrix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 5, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 8, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4403EA In the Estate of JOHN J. KELLEY A/K/A JOHN JOSEPH KELLEY Late of SOMERVILLE, MA 02145 Date of Death September 18, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 Run date: 10/16/09 To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that WILLIAM T. KELLEY of Malden, MA be appointed executor, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 4, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 7, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that LINDA A. PYTLAK of Melrose, MA be appointed executrix named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 6, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 9, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Middlesex Probate and Family Court 208 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Docket No. MI09P4404EA In the Estate of MICHAEL B. MAZUR ALSO KNOWN AS MICHAEL BURTON MAZUR AND MICHAEL MAZUR Late of CAMBRIDGE, MA 02140 Date of Death August 18, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, a petition has been presented requesting that a document purporting to be the last will of said decedent be proved and allowed and that GAIL B. MAZUR of Cambridge, MA be appointed executrix, named in the will to serve Without Surety. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON November 4, 2009. In addition, you must file a written affidavit of objections to the petition, stating specific facts and grounds upon which the objection is based, within thirty (30) days after the return day (or such other time as the Court, on motion with notice to the petitioner, may allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. WITNESS, HON. PETER C. DiGANGI, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 7, 2009 Tara E. DeCristofaro, Register of Probate Run date: 10/16/09 Page 16 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 16, 2009 CORNER TALK HOOPS and HOCKEY in the HUB by Reinaldo Oliveira, Jr. Battlers Battalion; Mike “Little Rock” Cappiello, Iron Mike Pusateri, Missy Fiorentino, Joe Angelo, Tony Petronelli, Vito Antuofermo, Tony DeMarco. Italian Heritage Month, personifies Boxing with great names of the past and present in New England, promoters, matchmakers, and managers: Allie Colombo, Jimmy Burchfield, Joe Carroli, Al Clemente, Johnny Dunn, Bill Ebel, John Gagliardi, Danny LaFratta, Charley Longo, A.F. Lupo, Dennis Marrese, Joseph Marsaro, Michael Miano, Paul Mitrano, Goody Petronelli, Pat Petronelli, Chris Rucci, Bobby “Rocci” Roache, Skeets Scioli, Roger Sala, Freddie Trozzi, Vito Tallarita, Rip Valenti, Frank Valenti, Al Valenti, Fred Valenti, Gene Villacci, Nick Zibelli. There are also the fighters, who’ve entertained the great fans of New England Boxing. Fighters who have kept this area, on a World Marketing Level, Great fighters, past and present; World Champions; Tony DeMarco, Vinny Paz, Vito Antuofermo, RIP Sal Bartolo, Milo Bettina, Battling Battalino, Rocky Marciano, Willie Pep, tough World Battlers that’s made their presence known around the World, with a Bang; Juan Botta, Mike “Little Rock” Cappiello, Vinny Curto, Bobby Covino, Joe DeNucci, John “Dino” Dennis, Tony Danza, Missy Fiorentino, Peter Manfredo, Vinny Marino, Tommy Martini, Tony Petronelli, Iron Mike Pusateri, Frankie Ross, Al Romano, Paulie Stivaletta, Joe Spina, RIP Johnny Cesario, Joey Cam, Sammy Fuller, Francesco Fratalia, Nathan Mann surname Manchetti, Nick Previti, Al “Red” Priest, Johnny Potenti, Tony Shucco, Ralph Zannelli. The odds in the first Heavyweight Title fight between Jersey Joe Walcott and Rocky Marciano on September 23, 1952, was 9 to 5 for Rocky Marciano. The Rock won by way of a knockout in the 13th round, becoming the New Heavyweight Champion, of the World. The First Ring Magazine Fight of the Year, was June 29, 1945 Rocky Graziano vs. Freddie Cochrane. In subsequent years: February 11, 1949 Willie Pep vs. Sandy Saddler; September 23, 1952 Rocky Marciano vs. Joe Walcott; September 24, 1953 Rocky Marciano vs. Roland LaStarza; September 17, 1954 Rocky Marciano vs. Ezzard Charles, and November 30, 1955 Carmen Basilio vs. Tony DeMarco. Did you know that, Willie Pep had a winning streak of 73 fights? He was 72-0-1, in his first 73 fights. Willie Pep, had an amazing 65 KO’s in his career. Who said he couldn’t punch? The draw he fought, was with Jimmy McAllister on December 13, 1945. Willie Pep atoned for this draw on March 1, 1946, when he kayoed Jimmy McAllister in two rounds. These Star fighters Carmen Basilio, Tony DeMarco, Rocky Graziano, Roland LaStarza, Rocky Marciano, Willie Pep, in this great era, participated in The Best of the Best National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame New England Chapter Save the Date - Join Us Annual Induction and Scholarship Award Dinner SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2009 DANVERSPORT YACHT CLUB, DANVERS, MASSACHUSETTS For additional information call Pam Modugno - 781-956-7441 For Credit card payments visit Fights! The first world title fight held in Italy, was between Al Brown and Dom Bernasconi, on March 18, 1933 in Milan. The 1960 Olympics were held, in Rome, Italy. Future World Middleweight Champion Giovanni “Nino” Benvenuti of Italy, won a Gold Medal as a light-middleweight in the 156 lb weight division. Nino Benvenuti later went on to fight World Champion Emil Griffith, in three rousing battles. In their trilogy, it went as so. The first of their fights, Nino won the World Middleweight title on April 17, 1967 from Emil Griffith. He lost the title back to Griffith on September 29, 1967, and won the title back from Griffith on March 4, 1968. All three fights were held, in New York. The Ring Magazine Prospect of the Month in December 1948 was Heavyweight Rocky Marciano. Our Massachusetts State Auditor, World Rated Title contender Joe DeNucci, was highly considered as a candidate to get a shot at World Champion Nino Benvenuti. It was tough back in that era. There were only WBC and WBA Champions. Now there are more than 100 plus, world Champions. There are sixteen different weight divisions, and many different governing bodies, WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO, and several other governing bodies in the mix. In the late sixties, and seventies, there were only eleven weight classes. In earlier generations, there were only eight. It’s so much easier to get a title shot now. Because of more weight classes, and governing bodies. Also, did you know that the fight between World welterweight Champion Greats Tony DeMarco of Boston’s North End and Carmen Basilio of Canastota, NY was the “Fight of the 20 th century!” Boxing’s Birthplace, “The Colosseum in Rome where boxing got its start ... known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, built by Vespasian and Titus in A.D. 75-80. To all, a Happy October Italian Heritage Month. by Richard Preiss They departed the Hub amid questions and controversy, rather than the triumph that some had predicted, and now it was the road that offered solace and respite — a time away from the Garden, the home crowd and the regional media. What a number of prognosticators thought would be an excellent way for the Bruins to start the season — five home games at the Garden — the longest home stand to start a season in the team’s history, had been upended. It turned out to be a span when goaltending appeared softer than last year and the fourth line seemed to possess more energy than the top one. When the ice chips had settled it was the Bruins who staggered out of the building, lugging a less-than-impressive 2-3 record out the door to the airport and what was hoped would be an opportunity to get refocused while on the road. The next home game for the B’s comes on October 21 against Nashville and it’s hoped by the coaching staff that a revitalized squad will take to the ice on Causeway Street that night. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing (the road trip),” opined head coach Claude Julien after the Columbus Day setback to the Colorado Avalanche at the Garden that concluded the opening string of home contests. “You don’t have the pressure of necessarily performing in front of your home crowd. You don’t have to worry about putting on a show. What it might do is make us focus on what we we’ve talked about before — getting back to being stingy and just doing what we have to do here as a team to get back on track. We hope to utilize the road trip to stabilize the team a bit. Hopefully that happens and the next time our home fans see us we’ll have a much better team.” The coach further expounded on the problem of continuity from last year when the club amassed 116 points in the regular season, second highest in the league and best in the Eastern Conference. He indicated that the situation comes down to the most basic (and important) skill in hockey — that of skating. “When your head isn’t there, you don’t skate like you should. Right now I use the term forward. You can skate with cement boots or you can play with wings. When you feel good, everything is clear in your mind and you feel good about yourself. You do play with those wings. Right now anyone who has seen our team before and sees it now knows we’re not skating the way we have in the past. Somewhere we’ve got to get that energy in our legs and that will probably result in better forechecking, more physical play and more scoring chances. If we’re skating well, maybe we won’t give up as many goals because we’ll backcheck better.” And there was a revelation of sorts, by the coach. Recall, as training camp opened, when many had mainly upbeat comments concerning the Bruins. It turns out that maybe things weren’t quite so positive. “The one thing is that we started with a lot of challenges,” noted Julien. “You had four guys coming off surgeries. Those are things right away and you’re already behind the eight ball.” In addition, the compressed preseason schedule had the B’s playing quite a bit — but not practicing. “We didn’t get to practice with our team until the last exhibition game. We only had three days before the regular season started. There were a lot of things you can put in place here that were going to make it challenging. We knew that. We talked about it before the season. We said it was going to be a grind. I don’t think we’re surprised it’s a grind. We’ve just got to work through it. Right now I think the players care. It’s just been a grind. Through the course of the season you get slumps and we’re going through one right now. I’d rather have it now than at the end of the year, if you want to put it that way.” Defenseman Andrew Ference notes that the difference between success and failure in the NHL is minute — and that last season it was the B’s who did the little things well. “I said the same thing last year when we were on top and winning a lot of games. The difference between winning and losing in this league is very, very small. One of the things we did last year was to figure out how to get that little edge and get those little details that mean winning more games than not. Right now, I think some of those little details are things we are getting beaten on by other teams.” Julien agreed and cited the Colorado game when the Bruins fought back to tie the game at 2-2 only to see the Avalanche go ahead again moments later. “We battled back in the second period and tied it up. The next shift was crucial. We had a terrible shift, a penalty and then it’s 3-2 (on a Colorado power play goal). That shift was important. We had the momentum and we needed to bring it back to their own end. The little things like that are game changers.” Oh, and don’t even think this is about Phil Kessel. Even if he had remained with the Bruins, he wouldn’t have played until late November since he is recuperating from surgery. For sure, it’s been a rocky start. But it’s the finish that counts the most. When the Bruins are playing in the Stanley Cup next spring, will fans really recall the slow October start?