Quarterly Review


Quarterly Review
Quarterly Review
Half of the year is gone already! Someone said (I’m paraphasing), “If we
take care of the moments, the year will take care of itself.” Our Strategic
Plan reflects our moments, and we have been implementing each moment
(activity) with precision and enthusiam. Thank you!
April 3 - LEGO Robotics Team
As part of our Youth Services
Program, Chastity Burk and Jamie
Harris began a LEGO Robotics team
this year. They started in the fall
of 2008, meeting on alternating
Tuesdays and Thursdays through
the end of the year.
learned about climate, weather,
simple machines, design processes, and power plant operation and their
environmental impact. When the students returned from Christmas break,
they resumed with a few sessions, reviewing the information covered in the
previous sessions. Then they allowed students to explore with the legos by
spending several sessions making models and shaping ideas about their final
products, while simitaneously working on the poster portion of their projects.
Since the coaches could not find a local exhibition in which the students
could compete, they decided to host their own. The students presented
their projects to their peers, Lunch Buddy mentors, as well as a panel of
SCCAABE judges, during the Lunch Buddies Year-end Celebration.
The end results were very impressive. Two teams, composed of 4th and 5th
graders, built robots centered on Climate Change.
The H.P. Roars designed a robot to detect wind patterns, while the F.T.L.C.
Cougars designed a robot to test precipitation in the soil. In addition to the
robots, each team made exhibits detailing their research. During their
presentation, they explained the purpose of their models and how they were
built using technical engineering terms that are above my pay grade.
The judges interviewed each team, grading them on their model and
presentation skills according to established guidelines. Finally, awards were
given to the winning team and for individual merits. From my perspective,
they were all winners!
Kudos to the coaches, Chastity M. Burk and Terence J. Harris (Jamie).
Jamie said he attended Hyatt Park Elementary, and he is honored to be able
to give back.
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Quarterly Review
SCCAABE Youth services Committee
has been volunteering at Hyatt Park
Elementary for the past 10 – 12 years,
acclamations for their services.
April 14 – 18 Reflections from the
National Conference Kevin Marsh,
and Chief
Operating Officer of South Carolina Electric &
Gas Company, the principal subsidiary of SCANA
is our Executive Sponsor. With the economy on
the down-turn and cutbacks occurring in every
sector, he never wavered in his support. He
contributed as a Crystal Sponsor and approved
six employees to attend the conference - 3 were
veterans (Mammie Price, Terrence Cheatham,
and Allison Spry) and 3 were first-time
attendees (Nicole Bundy, Elaine Burton, and
Tom Jones). As I reflected on the conference, I
am always impressed by the talent in
attendance each year, but this year I was
especially aware of the young members, so I
asked them to share their perspective.
Reflections from Tom Jones, Chair of the Fundraising Committee:
I was excited about being at the conference for the first time. The place
where the conference was held was immaculate, and the staff was very
friendly. The registration process was very streamline and made the event
start very smoothly. The new attendee kickoff meeting gave me a new
charge on what this organization was really about. During the Welcome
Address, the speaker talked about being excited, energized, and engaged.
This made me excited to be there. Then Mr. Rosen talked about how he
adopted a community and followed the kids through college; this made me
realize what giving back is all about. The opportunity to interact with Energy
leaders in the fields was very rewarding. The level of commitment the
organization has put in reaching out to these leaders and making sure that
they all are telling their stories was exceptional. I really enjoyed the
opportunity to network with people that I would not meet in the everyday
course of doing business. I met CEOs, VPs and regular folks, and they all
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were the same friendly inviting people. I can honestly say that I took full
advantage of meeting new friends, business associates and fellow AABE
members that I can always reach out to. I look forward to attending the
next conference and reinforcing those bonds that were established this year
at the National AABE Conference.
Reflections from Elaine Burton, Secretary:
It was quite an exciting experience being in the midst of so many bright,
energetic, professionals from the energy industry.
I believe that all employees of the company should be afforded the
opportunity to attend conferences that include such a vast amount of
information about the energy industry. The seminars that I enjoyed the
most were the Financial Planning, Professional Development, and Smart
Grid/Smart Technology.
These seminars helped me tremendously with my understanding of the
energy industry. In order to be a more productive employee, I believe that
is very important for me to understand the “Big Picture” not just how my job
impacts the overall strategic goals of the company, but how new technology,
energy policies, regulations, and other issues affect the energy industry and
how it relates to the success of the business.
The conference was very educational, and it was also a great opportunity to
network with individuals from other AABE chapters which represented many
companies - large and small. I was able to converse face to face with other
AABE members whose names I had seen in emails and on the AABE National
website. This opportunity allowed me and others to learn more about our
counterparts and to gain more knowledge about their perspective
I appreciate our President, Kevin Marsh, and the SCCAABE Executive
Committee for investing in my professional development, by allowing me to
attend the national conference in Orlando. This will be an experience that I
will treasure and remember for many years to come!
On Thursday, Paul Fant, President and Chief Operating Officer of Carolina
Gas Transmission, a SCANA subsidiary, attended the conference.
presented during the Professional Development Session. Accompanying him
were 3 employees from his area: Mike Ferguson, Jamesetta James, and
Chastity Burk (also a first-time attendee). Mary Priester-Clarke also joined
us Thursday.
It was also a pleasure to meet for the first time, another member of our
chapter, Winston O. Stewart, from Progress Energy.
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April 22 – Lunch Buddy Year – End Celebration
Members of the Lunch Buddy program pose for a photo at the yearend
celebration. Mrs McClinton, Coordinator, expressed her gratitude for the
work the Lunch Buddies have done over the years. She hopes we will
continue the program after our move to our new campus. The Lunch Buddy
Program received three awards during the luncheon, one from the school
district and two from Hyatt Park. Thanks to all who participated in the
Hyatt Park’s Open House and “Back to
School Supply Drive will be held August
14. This is our second year participating in
the program.
If you would like to
volunteer to staff our SCCAABE table or
donate school supples, please contact
Elaine Burton or Clarenza Tucker.
April 22 - Financial Planning Workshop
The Chapter sponsored a financial planning workshop on Wednesday, April
22, 2009. It focused on retirement planning. The featured speakers were
Milton Price and Bobby Raines from the Employee Stock/Pension Plans,
Taranda Frost from Human Resources, and an outside speaker, Jim Caulder
of Informed Solutions. Information was presented on SCANA’s retirement
plan, 401(k) Stock, and retiree insurance. Jim Caulder addressed Social
Security benefits and the transition to retirement. The workshop was
attended by SCCAABE members and employees from various areas of the
May 17: WISTV Awareness – SCCAABE received statewide publicity by
appearing on Awareness. Awareness is a local minority affairs TV program
that focuses on educating its viewing audience on community programs. A
DVD is available for viewing.
June 5: 13th Annual JKC Memorial Golf Tournament
We had great support for our tournament with 116 golfers participating.
Everyone had a good time. Because of the generosity of participants and sponsors,
we were able to meet our goal. Thanks to everyone.
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S.C. Junior Achievement Business Hall Of Fame
SCCAABE members and guests represented SCANA at the SC Business Hall
of Fame on May 21 at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.
Other events attended include:
2009 Freedom Fund Celebration
Saturday, May 16, 2009
June 30, 2009
Benedict College
2009 Charter Day Awards Dinner
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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2009 Josie K. Claiborne
Scholarship Luncheon
Scholarship Recipients and speaker (Felicia
Howard): Left to right: D. Collier, B. Dawson, N.
Wigfall, F. Howard, V. Volious
This year’s Josie K. Claiborne Memorial
Scholarship Luncheon was well attended
by both members and guests. The event
was held July 17, 2009 at the Brookland
Banquet & Conference Center on the
campus of Brookland Baptist Church in
West Columbia, South Carolina. This
luncheon’s attendance count shows that
71 persons participated.
The speaker for our scholarship luncheon
was Felicia Rhue Howard, SCE&G’s
Director of Demand Side Management and a member of SCCAABE. Mrs.
Howard spoke on the topic of “Embracing Change and Diversity in a Global
Just as he did last year, Sheldon Ferguson, entertained us with his gift of
several guitar musical selections. Sheldon is the son of former SCCAABE
President, Mike Ferguson. Sheldon is a 10th grader at Spring Valley High
We awarded scholarships to five (5) students, totalling $10,000. We give
kudos to Tom Jones and Terrence Cheatham, co-chairs of the Fundraising
Committee, and their team of volunteers. We also recognize our president,
Deloris Brown, for her leadership and inspiring us to “take it to the next
Donations for the JKC Memorial Scholarship were received from SCANA
Corporation, other large organizations and individual contributors. We are
also proud to acknowledge a $2,000 memorial donation from Claudia Miller,
M.D. (Josie’s daughter) and her husband R. Christopher Miller, M.D. in honor
of their mother.
The scholarship committee worked in teams this year to present a great
program. This year’s event was a success and we have five teams of
SCCAABE members to thank. The following teams make up the 2009
Scholarship Committee: Scholarship Selection Team, Scholarship Luncheon
Planning Team, Media Presentation Team, and the Program Booklet Design
The following scholarship recipients were selected from a pool of 10 gifted
and talented students.
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Name / High School
Dale Collier
White Knoll High School
College pursuit
Clemson University
Bria Dawson
Spring Valley High School
Clemson University (Bridge Program)
Briana Jackson
Timmonsville High School
Clemson University
Vaughn Volious
Dreher High School
Presbyterian College
Nigel Wigfall
Dutch Fork High School
Clemson University
Congratulations to our Graduates!!!
Committee News
Energy Policy Committee
Charles Fulmer and Alvin Bonaparte attended the 2009 Energy Summit, July
13 that was held here in Columbia.
The committee has volunteered to work with state agencies to help
customers signup for LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance
Program). Training will begin shortly and volunteers will begin work in
September. Interested members should contact Terrence Cheatham, VP –
Check their page on our SharePoint site for the latest energy news.
Fund Raising Committee
A softball tournament is planned for the fall and the 25th Anniversary Gala
will follow on December 19. It promises to be exciting, so save the date.
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Professional Development Committee
The co-chairs and the President of SCCAABE held meetings with Jeff Archie
to identify a date and drafted an agenda for the professional development
Jeff obtained presenters for the topics identified and
communicated with other management to determine their availability to
participate in the event.
The SCCAABE professional development seminar is scheduled for August
26, 2009 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. It will be held at the VC Summer
Nuclear Learning Center Auditorium, Jenkinsville, SC. The theme for the
event is, “Knowledge is Power, Energize Your Career Today.”
All the
speakers have been confirmed. Mark your calendar.
If you are interested in serving on the Professional Development Committee,
please contact Mammie or Mildred. They are looking for members to join
the committee to assist with organizing the program for the meeting and
setting up that morning.
One-on-On (SCCAABE Mentoring Program)
One of our initiatives this year is to establish a mentoring program for
SCCAABE members. Myrelo King is chairing this committee and has had
interest meetings to lay the groundwork for the program. She will be
lauching the program soon. If you are interested in working on this
committee, please contact Myrelo.
Program Committee
The Program committee is planning a membership cookout at Pine Island on
September 12. The cookout is designed for members and their families.
Save the date. You will not want to miss this event.
Information Resources
AABE National Website: http://www.aabe.org
South Carolina Chapter Webpage: http://www.aabe.org/SouthCarolina
SharePoint Site: http://corporate.scana.com/AABE/default.aspx
It has been a very busy second quarter, and more activities are planned.
Kudos to the all the committees for the work that they are doing in support
of SCCAABE and our community. Get off the sideline and get in the
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