board of directors - The Kolhapur Urban Bank
board of directors - The Kolhapur Urban Bank
THE KOLHAPUR URBAN CO-OP. BANK LTD., KOLHAPUR 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 Adv. Shamrao G. Shinde President BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shirish D. Kanerkar Vice President Shivajirao M. Kadam Vishwasrao G. Katkar Namdevrao V. Kamble Pandurang T. Patil Subhash S. Bhambure Rajan P. Bhosale Jaysingrao P. Mane Babasaheb H. Mangure Madhusudan J. Sawant Mrs. Medha V. Jadhav Mrs. Madhuri V. Shinde Mansingrao J. Jadhav Dilip C. Deshpande Prakash D. Jadhav Anil A. Nagarale Expert Director Expert Director Employee Representative Chief Executive Officer Deposits Loans Investments Net Profit Working Capital Dividend Audit Class Member No. R>odr H$O} Jw§VdUyH$ {Zìdi Z\$m IoiVo ^m§S>db bm^m§e boImn[ajU dJ© g^mgX g§»`m Special Achievements {deof H$m`©Jm¡ad Reserve & Other Fund J§JmOir d BVa {ZYr 13247 A 12% 1385.61 18.76 518.83 744.44 1142.79 128.63 37.30 Year 1987-1988 15953 A 15% 3120.97 58.49 1134.17 1810.24 2541.80 327.65 71.97 Year 1992-1993 19007 A 20% 7154.23 106.29 2598.52 3861.93 5753.05 796.79 183.74 Year 1997-1998 23058 A 13% 18261.11 183.04 8206.93 8600.25 15197.74 1738.40 319.38 Year 2002-2003 24423 A 12% 26474.64 138.34 12557.80 11648.50 20184.71 3262.49 570.17 Year 2007-2008 28778 t In the category of banks having deposit between Rs.250 crore and Rs 500 Crore,our bank has been awarded “Best Agboë`m ~±H$m§À`m JQ>mVyZ `mdfu ""gdm}ËH¥$ï> ~±H$ 2012'' hm àW_ H«$_m§H$mMm nwañH$ma Omhra. t ghH$ma gwJ§Y, ghH$ma ^maVr V\o$© gd© ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$m§Mo Ahdmbm~m~V _hmamï´> amÁ`mÀ`m nmM {d^mJmVyZ ''à{Vq~~'' dm{f©H$ ''Ahdmb ñnYm© 2012'' ~±Ho$g npíM_ _hmamï´> {d^mJmVyZ {deof nwañH$ma àmá. Sahakar Bharti under five regions, our Bank has felicitated with special Award under western Maharashtra region. t In the “Best Annual Report Award 2012” named “PRATIBIMB” competition held by Sahakar Susandha- Bank 2012” by the Maharashtra Urdan Co-op Bank Federation Mumbai on 09/11/2012. A 15% 53981.48 574.89 18479.90 31379.81 44320.56 6080.62 1289.49 Year 2012-2013 (Rs. In Lacs) t {X. 09/11/2012 amoOr {X _hmamï´> A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±Šg² \o$S>aoeZ {b., _w§~B© `m§MoH$Sy>Z é. 250 Vo 500 H$moQ>r n`ªVÀ`m R>odr Capital ^m§S>db Particulars Development Chart For Last 25 Years _mJrb 25 dfm©Vrb àJVrMm Vº$m eVH$ _hmoËgdr ~±H$ {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., H$moëhmnya 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 Omhra ZmoQ>rg (\$º$ g^mgXm§gmR>r) ~°Ho$À`m gd© g^mgXm§Zm H$i{dUoV `oVo H$s, gZ 2012-2013 Mr e§^amdr (100 dr) dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^m gmo_dma {X.12-08-2013 amoOr Xþnmar 3-00 dmOVm {X Ý`y EÁ`wHo$eZ gmogm`Q>r `m§Mo am_ JUoe JS>H$ar g^mJ¥h, noQ>mim, H$moëhmnya `oWo hmoUma Amho. Var g^mgXm§Zr doioda CnpñWV ahmdo Aer {dZ§Vr Amho. g^onwT>rb {df` 1) _mJrb dm{f©H$ gd©gmÜmmaU g^m d {deof gd©gmYmaU g^oMm d¥Îmm§V dmMyZ H$m`_ H$aUo. 2) {XZm§H$ 31 _mM© 2013 AIoa g§nboë`m dfm©Mm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb, Vmio~§X d Z\$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$ {heo~ nX²YVrÀ`m _m{hVrgh VgoM ì`dgm` à_mUHo$ d BVa _m{hVr Am{U g§MmbH$ _§S>imÀ`m {e\$maerà_mUo Z\$m {d^mJUr _§Oya H$aUo. 3) gZ 2013-2014 gmbMo CËnÞ d IMm©Mo A§XmOnÌH$ _§Oya H$aUo d gZ 2012-2013 _Ü`o A§XmOnÌH$mnojm OmXm Pmboë`m IMm©g _§Owar XoUo. 4) gZ 2012-2013 gmbMm d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$ `m§Mm VnmgUr Ahdmb d Ë`mda g§MmbH$ _§S>imH$Sy>Z Ho$bobo Iwbmgo pñdH$maUo. 5) gZ 2013-2014 H$[aVm emgZ_mÝ` Ho$boë`m `mXrdarb d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$m§Mr Zo_UyH$ H$aUo d Ë`m§Mm _ohZVmZm R>a{dUoMm A{YH$ma g§MmbH$ _§S>img XoUo. 6) ~±Ho$Mo g§MmbH$ d Ë`m§Mo ZmVodmB©H$m§Zm {Xboë`m H$Om©Mr Zm|X ¿moUo. 7) d¡Ym{ZH$ boImnarjH$m§Zr à_m{UV Ho$bobr g§e{`V d ~wS>rV H$O© `oUo ~mH$s, H$O© dgwbrMo A{YH$ma A~m{YV R>odyZ Ho$di {Zb}pIV H$aUo. 8) _hmamîQ´> emgZmZo ZmJar ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zm bmJy Ho$boë`m naV\o$S> `moOZoA§VJ©V VS>OmoS> Ho$boë`m ImË`m§Mr _m{hVr KoUo. 9) godH$ AmH¥$Vr~§Ymg _mÝ`Vm XoUo. 10) ~±H$s¨J ì`dgm`mgmR>r B_maV IaoXr H$aUo, ~m§ÜmH$m_ H$aUo `mg _mÝ`Vm XoUo. 11) _m.AÜ`j `m§Mo nadmZJrZo Am`Ë`mdoir {Z¿mUmao BVa H$m_m§da {dMma H$aUo. g§MmbH$ _§S>imÀ`m AmXoemdéZ {XZm§H$ :- 27/07/2013 A{Zb A. ZmJamio _w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b. H$moëhmnya {Q>n :- gXaMr gd©gmYmaU g^m JUnwVuÀ`m A^mdr hmoD$ Z eH$bog Vr g^m Ë`mM {R>H$mUr Xþnmar 4-00 dmOVm hmoB©b d Aem g^og JUnyVuMr Amdí`H$Vm AgUma Zmhr. gyMZm :- g^mgXm§Zm H$mhr gyMZm H$amd`mÀ`m Agë`mg Ë`m boIr ñdénmV gmo_dma {XZm§H$ 05-08-2013 amoOr Xþnmar 12.30 dmOon`§©V ~±Ho$À`m J§Jmdoe `oWrb _w»` H$m`m©b`mV AmUyZ Úmì`mV, Ahdmbmg§~§Yr H$moUmg H$mhr _m{hVr hdr Agë`mg H$m`m©b`rZ doioV {_iob. AÝ` gyMZm :1) ~±Ho$À`m ` 20/- `m EH$m Xe©Zr ^mJmMr qH$_V ` 100/- Pmbobr Amho. g^mgXm§Zr Amnbo ^mJmMr a¸$_ ` 100/- Mo nQ>rV ^aUo Amdí`H$ AgboZo Anwao ^mJmMr H$_r nS>Umar a¸$_ ^éZ ghH$m`© H$amdo. 2) g^mgXm§Zr ZdrZ ^mJ XmIbo (eoAa gQ>u{\$Ho$Q>g²) _w»` H$m`m©b`mVyZ KoD$Z OmdoV. 3) g^mgXm§Zr Amnbm nÎmm ~Xbbm Agë`mg Vm~S>Vmo~ H$idmdm. VgoM R>od d eoAg© ImË`m~m~V Zm_{ZX}eZ Zm|Xdmdo. 4) H$Om©À`m naV \o$S>rÀ`m VmaIm bjmV R>odmì`mV åhUOo X§S> ì`mO ^amdo bmJUma Zmhr. doioda H$O© háo ^aV am{hë`mg AmnUmg X§S> ì`mO Úmdo bmJUma Zmhr d AmnU WH$sV H$O©Xma hmoUma Zmhr. Om_rZXmam§Mr H$O©XmamBVH$sM H$Om©À`m naV\o$S>rMr g§`wº$ O~m~Xmar AgboZo Om_rZXmam§Zrhr H$O©Xma doioV háo ^aV Agë`m~Ôb XjVm ¿`mdr. 5) Á`m g^mgXm§Zr Amnë`m ^mJmdarb _mJrb VrZ dfmªMm bm^m§e ¿moVbm Zgob Ë`m§Zr Vmo ËdarV ¿moD$Z Omdm. AÝ`Wm {Z`_mZwgma gXa a¸$_ amIrd {ZÜmrV dJ© H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. 1 Shatak Mahostavi Bank The Kolhapur Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd., Kolhapur 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 NOTICE (Only for Members) It is hereby informed to all the members of the bank that 100th Annual General Meeting for the year 2012-13 shall be held on Monday 12th August 2013 at 3.00 p.m. at Ran Ganesh Gadkari Hall of The New Education Society at Petala, Kolhapur. All members are requested to be present in time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. -: AGENDA :To read & confirm minutes of last Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting. To approve and adopt Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account Statements with accounting methods and also business standards for the year ended 31st March 2013 and accord sanction for profit appropriation as recommended by Board Of Directors. To approve excess expenditure than the budget during 2012-13 and also to accord sanction for Income & Expenditure Budget for 2013-2014. To accept Statutory Auditor's Report for 2012-13 and explanation there on by Board Of Directors. To appoint Statutory Auditors for the year 2013-14 from the Panel approved by Govt. and give powers to Board of Directors to fix remuneration payable to Auditors. To note information on loans given to Directors and their relatives. To approve write-off of doubtful & loss loan assets as certified by the Statutory Auditors keeping reserve the right of recovery intact. To note information on the loan accounts settled as per One Time Settlement (OTS) scheme of Government of Maharashtra. To approve Staffing Pattern. To accord approval for purchase or construction of building to carry out banking business. To discuss any other subject with the permission of President. Date :- 27/07/2013 By Order of Board of Directors Anil A. Nagarale Chief Executive Officer The Kolhapur Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd., Kolhapur NOTE : If meeting could not be held for want of Quorum, it will be held at the same place and date at 4.00p.m. for which there will be no necessity of Quorum. SUGGESTION : If any member wish to make any suggestion, it can be given in writing upto 12.30 p.m. on Monday 05th August 2013 at Head Office Gangavesh, Kolhapur. For any information on Annual Report it can be given during office hours at Head Office. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS : 1. Face value of Bank's one share is increased to ` 100/- from ` 20/-. Members should hold shares in multiples of ` 100/-. Therefore members are requested to pay deficient amount urgently. 2. Members may collect share certificates from Head Office. 3. Members may inform change of address, to Head Office. The Nomination be registered for deposit accounts and shares. 4. To avoid penal interest, members are requested to note due dates of loan repayment. If loan repayment is made in time, penal interest can be avoided and you will not be loan defaulter. Co-obligants (Guarantor/s) are equally responsible to repay the loans as joint responsibility with borrowers and therefore co-obligants (Guarantor/s) should ensure that borrower repay the instalments without default. 5. The members who have not collected dividend on their shares for the last 3 years, they should collect the same. Otherwise as per rules, it will be transferred to Reserve Fund. 12 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 AÜ`jm§Mo _ZmoJV... {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±Ho$À`m gd© g^mgX ~§Yy ^{JZtZm|, gdm©§Mo ñdmJV d g.Z.{d.{d. {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°naoQ>rìh ~±H$ {b. `m H$moëhmnya {OëømV ghH$mar MidirMr _whÿV©_oT> amodUmè`m eVH$ _hmoËgdr ~±Ho$Mm e§^amdm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb AmnUmg gmXa H$aVmZm gd© g§MmbH$ _§S>i Am{U H$_©Mmar dJm©g A{^_mZ dmQ>Vmo Amho. hr e§^a dfm©§Mr dmQ> H$îQ>Xm`r Oar hmoVr Varhr gd© g^mgX ~§Yy-^{JZr Am{U J«mhH$ dJ© `m§À`m gH$mamË_H$ àmoËgmhZm_wio `m ~±Ho$À`m àJVrV H$moUVmhr AS>Wim {Z_m©U Pmbm Zmhr. `mnwT>Mm H$mi ghH$mar MidirÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo {~H$Q> Agbm Var Amnë`m gdmªÀ`m ghH$m`m©da Amnbr ~±H$ A{YH$ JVrZo Am{U ZdrZ V§ÌkmZmÀ`m AmYmamda ZoÌXrnH$ Pon KoB©b Agm _bm {dídmg Amho. Jobr e§^a df} Amnë`m ~±Ho$Zo ""gm_m{OH$ ì`dgm`'' (gmoeb ~±H$s¨J) H$éZ g_mOmVrb {d{dY KQ>H$m§gmR>r _m¡{bH$ H$m`© Ho$bo Amho. JmoaJar~, Am{W©H$ÑîQ²>`m Xþ~©b, _mJmg, H${ZîQ> ì`dgm` H$aUmam {d{dY g_mO B. dJm©Vrb g^mgXm§Zm Amnna^md Z XmIdVm Ë`m§Zm Odi Ho$bo, Ë`m§À`m JaOm ^mJdë`m, H$m`_À`m {ZdmgmMr ì`dñWm Ho$br, Ë`m§À`m CÚmoJY§Úmg _XV Ho$br. VgoM gmdH$maemhrVyZhr _wŠV Ho$bo. ""~hþOZ g_mOmMr ~±H$'' åhUyZ {VMm Zmdbm¡{H$H$ Pmbm. AmVm H$mi ~XbV Mmbbm Amho. VWm{n nwT>rb eVH$mV hrM {~éXmdbr gm§^miyZ AmnUmg ""ì`mdgm{`H$ ~±H$tJ'' (àmo\o$eZb ~±H$s¨J) H$éZ `m ~±Ho$bm H$mnm}aoQ> ~±Ho$à_mUo XOm© {_idmd`mMm Amho. ì`dgm` H$amd`mMm åhUOo n¡emMm {dMmanyd©H$ d `mo½` dmna H$ê$Z Z\$m H$_m{dÊ`mgmR>rM Ho$bm nm{hOo. VemV Xþgè`mMm åhUOo R>odrXmam§Mm n¡gm dmnaVmZm H$miOrnyd©H$ d O~m~XmarZoM dmnabm nm{hOo. Ë`mgmR>r ì`dgm`mMo {dMmanyd©H$ {Z`moOZ, n¡emMr Aä`mgnyd©H$ Jw§VdUyH$, H$m`©j_ d godm^mdr ZmoH$adJ©, ÐîQ>o d ì`dhmar A{YH$mar dJ©, ì`dgm`mMr ì`már Am{U Ë`mVrb MT>mAmoT>rÀ`m ñnY}oda _mV H$aUmao kmZr d Hw$eb g§MmbH$, J«mhH$m{^_wI AmñWm d gbJr B. gmR>r AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZmMm gw{Z`mo{OV dmna H$aÊ`mÀ`m Amdí`H$VoH$S>o bj Úmdo bmJUma Amho. gZ 1991 gmbmnmgyZ ^maVmMr AW©Zr{V ~Xbbr. _wŠV AW©ì`dñWm Ambr. Ë`m_wio (1)ImOJrH$aU, (2) ì`mnmarH$aU, (3) OmJ{VH$sH$aU, (4) {e{WbrH$aU, (5) AmYw{ZH$sH$aU Ago XoemÀ`m YmoaUmV ~Xb Pmbo. Ë`m_wio ~±H$m§Zm gwX²Ym ""gj_ ìhm, ZmhrVa ~mhoa nS>m (Be Fit, Or Quit)'' `m Y_H$mdUrbm Vm|S> Úmdo bmJV Amho. g~~ Amnbr g§ñWm BVam§Mm AmYma Z KoVm ñdV…À`m 3 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 nm`mdaM C^r amhUma Amho Am{U Ver am{hbr nm{hOo ho {dgaVm H$m_m Z`o. darb YmoaUmË_H$ ~Xbm§Mr XIb KodyZM ~±Ho$Zo ñdV…Mo A§VJ©V {Z`moOZ, {Z`_mdbr d Ë`mà_mUo H¥${V AmamIS>m R>admdm bmJob. hm AmamIS>m R>adVmZm Amnë`m OwÝ`m nwamÊ`m H$m_H$mOmMr AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZmda AmYm[aV _m§S>Ur H$amdr bmJUma Amho. `mo½` ZoV¥Ëd, AmË_{Z^©aVm, gm_w{hH$ {ZU©` H$aÊ`mMr àd¥pËV, ~±Ho$À`m H$m_H$mOmda g^mgXm§Mo Agbobo AàË`j {Z`§ÌUmMr X»mb KodyZ nmaXe©H$ H$ma^ma R>odUo hr O~m~Xmar g§MmbH$m§Zr gm§^mibr nm{hOo. [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo gd© àH$maÀ`m ~±H$mH$Sy>Z ""H$mnm}aoQ> JìhZ©Ýg'' Mr g§H$ënZm Ano{jbr Amho. Vo gmÜ` H$aUo ho Amnbo ^mdr H$mimMo AmìhmZ Amho. ho H$_©Mmè`mZr d godH$m§Zr bjmV KoVbo nm{hOo. `mgmR>r ~±Ho$À`m ApñVËdmbm YmoH$m XoUmè`m JmoîQ>tMr gVV AmR>dU R>odyZ, Ë`m Q>miyZ Amnbm H$ma^ma OmJéH$nUo gm§^mibm nm{hOo. {deofV… Imbrb JmoîQ>r Q>mië`m nm{hOoV. (1) A`mo½` ì`dñWmnZ, (2) YmoaUm{déX²Y H$O© dmQ>n, (3) g§ñWm MmbH$ d g^mgX Am{U J«mhH$ `m§MoV g_Ýd` ZgUo, (4) WH$~mH$sda à^mdr {Z`§ÌU ZgUo, (5) gm_wXm{`H$ {ZU©` nÕVrH$S>o Xþb©j. ^mdr H$mi ñnY}Mm Amho. amîQ´>r`rH¥$V, ImOJr, naXoer Aem ~±H$m, ImOJr _moR>çm H§$nÝ`m, nmoñQ>b H$m`m©b`o `m gd© g§ñWm ~±H$s¨J godm XoUma AgboZo ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zm gj_ ñnYm© H$ê$ eH$VmV. `mda _mV H$aÊ`mgmR>r ~±Ho$Zo ""ì`dñWmnZ _m{hVr àUmbr'' (emIm ñVamda) H$amdr bmJob. VgoM ì`dñWmnZmV H$mhr ~Xb H$amdo bmJVrb. CXm. (1) emIm ñVamda H$m_H$mO A{YH$ J{V_mZ, à^mdr, A{YH$ J«mhH$m{^_wI H$aUo, {Xboë`m Q>mJ}Q>g²À`m nyV©VoH$S>o bj nwadUo, B. (2) ""~±H$s¨J B§S>ñQ´>r'' hr Iè`m AÏmm©Zo ì`dgm`m{^_wI d Y§X²`mà_mUo gj_nUo MmbdUo, (3) ""J«mhH$ g{_{V'' ñWmnZ H$éZ J«mhH$ godoÀ`m Anojm§Mm {dMma H$aUo, {deofV… R>odr d H$Om©Mo ì`mO Am{U H$Om©g§~§YrMo XñVEodOm~Ôb {dMma {d{Z_` H$aUo. (4) H$_©Mmar à{ejU, (5) g^mgX VH«$mar {ZdmaU g{_VrMr ñWmnZm H$aUo, B. à_mUo Adb§~ H$éZ ì`dñWmnZ J{V_mZ H$aUoMm CX²Xoe Amho. Amnë`m ~±Ho$g e§^a dfmªMm AZw^d Amho. VmpËdH$, gm_m{OH$ Am{U ~m¡{ÕH$ OmUrdoMo nmR>~i Amho. {ZVm§V ào_ Am{U _mJ©Xe©Z H$aUmè`m g^mgXm§Mm AmYma Amho. hmM AmYma gm§^miyZ, Ë`m§Mm {dídmg dmT>dyZ ^mdr H$mimMr Mmhÿb Ë`m§Zm g_Omdbr nm{hOo. hmM {dídmg Amnë`m nmaXe©H$ H$ma^mam_wio ^mdr H$mimV Cn`moJr nS>Uma Amho. `m AhdmbmVrb R>od dmT>, Z\$m dmT>, Jw§VdUyH$ dmT>, AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZmMm dmna, dgwbrV dmT> B. gd© _m{hVr AmnUmg_moa Amho. Ë`mMm Aä`mg H$éZ d AmnU g^oV ^mJ KodyZ Amnbo g_mYmZ hmoB©n`ªV MMm© H$amdr hr AmnUmg {dZ§Vr. nwZíM… EH$dma _r gdmªMo Am^ma _mZVmo Am{U `m 100 ì`m dm{f©H$ Ahdmbmg, Ë`mVrb Vmio~§X, Z\$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$, A§XmOnÌH$ B. gmXa Ho$boë`m nÌH$mg _§Owar Úmdr Aer {dZ§Vr H$aVmo. H$imdo. em_amd JmoqdXamd qeXo AÜ`j {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., H$moëhmnya 4 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 President's Message Dear Members, Namaskar ! I heartily welcome you all We, Board of Directors and members of staff are very proud to present this 100 th Annual Report of The Kolhapur Urban Co-Op. Bank Ltd., which has just celebrated the centenary and known as a pioneer of co-operative movement in Kolhapur district. No doubt, this long journey of 100 years was very painful but because of positive encouragement from members and customers, we could face all obstacles in the progress of the bank. Though the future is very difficult for co-operative movement, I am confident with co-operation of all, our Bank will progress with added swiftness and shall reach glorious heights with the technology support. By adopting concept of “Social Banking” our bank has contributed to the welfare of masses during the last hundred years. Without making any differentiation as to poor, financially weak, backward, downtrodden section of the society, our Bank helped all to fulfill the basic needs, construct dwellings and provided support for profession/business. They were relieved from the clutches of money lenders. Bank was recognized as “Bank of Masses”. Now the situation is changing. However by keeping the same epithet, we have to attain the status as corporate bank in this century by resorting to professional banking. The business will have to be done for earning profit by proper and professionally deploying the funds. More over funds of the depositors will have to be utilized with care & responsibility. To attain this, thoughtful business planning, studious investment of funds, efficient and philanthropic employee force, visionary and practical officers cadre, knowledgeable and skillful directors who can surmount business dimensions and competitive environment and adoption of up-graded technology to develop intimacy and concern towards customers, will have to be ensured. Economic policy of India undergone change since 1991. Free economy emerged. Therefore policy of the country undergone changes like [1] Privatisation [2]Commercialization [3] Globalisation [4] Relaxation and [5] Modernization. Therefore banks are under threat as to “ Be fit or Quit". Hence it is to be noted that our institution should be self supported without help from any outside agencies. By keeping in mind changed policies, we have to plan internally, frame rules and prepare action plan accordingly. While drawing the plan, we have to shift our traditional banking to modern technology. By keeping in mind having indirect control of our members on our activities, Board of Directors will have to shoulder the responsibility with transparency in operations by ensuring proper 5 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 leadership, self sufficiency and inclination for collective decisions. The Reserve Bank of India has expected to have “Corporate Governance' by banking community. We have challenge to attain the same which is to be noted by our employees. We should always keep in mind threats to our existence and handle our business cautiously. Especially we should avoid (1) Ineligible management (2) Loan disbursements against policy (3) Non existence of co-ordination between employer, members & customers (4) Control on overdues (5) Neglecting collective decision making process. Future is era of competition. In addition to Nationalized Banks, Private Banks, Foreign Banks, there is a tough competition to be faced by co-operative banks from private big companies and postal windows who are entering banking field. To face the challenges, Management Information System (MIS) will have to be developed on branch level. We will have to change management approach also, like (1) Efficient and speedy disposal of work at the branches, customer oriented approach and fulfilling of given targets (2) To run the bank as 'Industry' keeping in mind professionalism, profitability and efficiency. (3) Forming of 'committee of customers' to study and implement expectations of customers, especially interest rates on deposits and loan as well as documentation there for. (4) Employee training (5) Establishment of 'Member Grievances Redressal Committee' which will address dynamic management. We have standing of 100 years. We have philosophical, social & intellectual background. We have guiding support and pressing love of our members. With these assets, by strengthening their faith on us, we have to educate them with inclination of the future. Transparency in our working will help us in our future journey. The statistics on deposit rise, acceleration in profit, rise in investments, recourse to technology, is before you. Please study the same and I request you to take part in the debate till your satisfaction. I once again thank you, all and request you to accord sanction to this 100th Annual Report, Balance sheet, Profit & Loss account, Budget for the next year placed before you. Thanks. Shamrao Govindrao Shinde President The Kolhapur Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd., Kolhapur 6 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 Ahdmb The Report H$m_{Jar d àJVr /Performance Highlights : Vnerb Particulars ^mJ ^m§S>db J§JmOir/{ZYr R>odr gr.S>r. aoemo Jw§VdUyH$ H$O} IoiVo ^m§S>db T>mo~i Z\$m {Zìdi Z\$m T>mo~i ZoQ> Am°S>rQ> dJ© Share Capital Own Funds Deposits CD Ratio Investment Advances Working Capital Gross Profit Net Profit Gross NPA Net NPA Audit Class (` bmImV / 31.03.2013 31.03.2012 1289.49 6204.47 44320.56 70.80 18479.90 31379.81 53966.91 1152.23 574.89 3.11% 0% A 1124.11 5718.10 36051.30 67.27 16875.59 24252.45 44762.59 999.02 426.41 2.77% 0% A ` in lacs) dmT/KQ>> Increase/Decrease % (+) 165.38 (+) 486.37 (+) 8269.26 (+) 3.53 1604.31 (+) 7127.36 (+) 9204.32 (+) 153.21 (+) 148.48 (+) 0.34% – – 14.71 8.51 22.94 4.99 9.50 29.39 20.56 15.34 34.82 – – – Am{W©H$ pñWË`§Va … _mJrb dfm©V nmdgmZo AmoT> {Xë`mZo g§nyU© XoemV eoVr CËnmXZm_Ü`o KQ> Pmbr. Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm_Ü`o _mJrb XmoZ dfm©_Ü`o _§XrMr n[apñWVr Amho. {~KS>bobr Am{W©H$ n[apñWVr gwYmaÊ`mgmR>r gaH$maZo doimodoir H$mhr Cnm``moOZm H$éZhr _hmJmB©_Ü`o àM§S> dmT> Pmbr Amho. B§YZmÀ`m Xam_Ü`ohr Iyn dmT> Pmë`mZo XiUdiU gmYZo, dmhZo `m§À`m IMm©_Ü`o, qH$_Vr_Ü`o A^yVnyd© dmT> Pmbr Amho. [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo dma§dma aonmo d [aìhg© aonmo aoQ>_Ü`o KQ> H$éZhr ~mOmam_Yrb Xamda n[aUm_ Pmbobm Zmhr. eoAa ~mOmahr _§XrMr Pi gmogV Amho. `m nmíd©^y_rda ghH$ma joÌ Am{U {deofV… Amnë`m ~±Ho$darb g^mgX Am{U ImVoXmam§Mm Omo AT>i {dídmg Amho Ë`m_wio Amnë`m ~±Ho$Mm àJVrMm òmoV nydu à_mUoM dmT>Vm am{hbm Amho hr AmZ§XmZo Z_yX H$aÊ`mMr ~m~ Amho. A_¥V _hmoËgd Vo eVH$ _hmoËgd `m _mJrb 25 dfm©_Ü`o EHy$U Am{W©H$ dmQ>Mmbr_Yrb 95% dmQ>m Amho `mMr Zm|X ¿`mdr bmJob. Circumstantial Change in Economy : Last year drought condition resulted into slowing down of agriculture products in the country. Industrial sector also experienced recession during last two years. In spite of some measures taken by Government to improve deteriorated economic conditions, dearness has tremendously increased. Huge rise in fuel prices made the means of communication more dear and vehicles became costly. Reduction in Repo and Reverse Repo Rate by RBI was not much effective to control the market prices. Share market also undergone slackness. On this background, it is heartening to record that unswerving faith on Cooperative sector and especially on our Bank by the members and account holders helped us in maintaining growth rate as before. During the last 25 years from "Platinum Jubilee" to "Centenary" bank has recorded 95% achievements on economic front, which should be noted. 7 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 g^mgXËd … Ahdmb gmbmV 1139 ZdrZ g^mgX Pmbo d 214 g^mgXm§Zr amOrZm_m qH$dm _`V PmboZo H$_r Pmbo. {X.$31/03/2013 AIoa EHy$U A dJ© g^mgX g§»`m 28778 Pmbr Amho. 97 ì`m KQ>Zm XþéñVrZ§Va `oD$ KmVboë`m ZdrZ H$m`Úmà_mUo g^mgX {H«$`merb hmoUogmR>r àË`oH$s {H$_mZ `1,000/- Mo ^mJ^m§S>db H$amdo bmJUma Amho. VgoM {H$_mZ aŠH$_ ` 5000/- Mr R>od qH$dm {H$_mZ ` 25000/- Mo H$O© Agmdo. {edm` 3 dfm©VyZ EH$Xm dm{f©H$ gd©gmYmaU g^og CnpñWV ahmdo bmJUma Amho. `mMr Zm|X KoD$Z g^mgXm§Zr ^mJ^m§S>db dmT>dyZ, R>od R>odUog gwadmV H$amdr. VgoM Ë`m§Zr dm{f©H$ g^og CnpñWV amhUo JaOoMo Amho. Membership : During the year, 1139 new members joined to our bank, whereas 214 members have either resigned or expired. The Total "A" Class members are 28778 as on 31/03/2013. Consequent upon 97th amendment to constitution, according to Co-operative Act, to continue as an active member, minimum holding of share capital is ` 1000/-. Further member should have minimum deposit of ` 5000/- or minimum borrowing of ` 25000/-. Such member should have attended at least one Annual General Meeting once in 3 years. The members are requested to note the changes and fulfil the condition of minimum share capital and deposit and be present in Annual General Meeting. ^mJ ^m§S>db d ñd{ZYr `m AmYmao gj_ ~±H$ … _mJrb dfu dgwb ^mJ ^m§S>db ` 1124.11 bmI hmoVo.$ Ahdmb gmbmV Ë`mV ` 165.38 bmImMr dmT> hmoD$Z df© A»mooarg Vo ` 1289.49 bmI Pmbo Amho. _mJrb dfm©AIoa amIrd d BVa {ZÜmr ` 5718.10 bmI hmoVo. Ahdmb gmbmV Ë`mV ` 486.37 bmI dmT> hmoD$Z df© AIoarg amIrd d BVa {ZÜmr ` 6204.47 bmI Pmbm Amho. [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo qOXJrdarb OmoI_rMo _wë` d ñd… ^m§S>dbmer à_mU {H$_mZ 9% {ZÜmm©[aV Ho$bo Amho. àË`jmV ~±Ho$Mo ho à_mU 17.42% Amho åhUOo 8.17% Zo OmñV Amho. ~±Ho$Mo gÜ`mMo ZoQ>dW© ` 6942.77 bmI Amho. ~±Ho$Mo ñd{ZYr dmT>ë`m_wio Am{U [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`mH$S>rb n[anÌH$ Z§. `w~rS>r.EbEg. (nrgr~r) E_gr Z§. 14, {XZm§H$ 1 Owb¡ 2011 Zwgma Imbrb {ZH$f nyU© hmoV AgboZo Amnbr ~±H$ ''Am{W©H$ÑîQ>çm gj_ d gw{Z`mo{OV ì`dñWmnZ AgUmar ZmJar ~±H$'' åhUyZ g§~moYbr OmV Amho. hr CëboIZr` ~m~ Amho. [aPìh© ~±Ho$Mo {ZH$f 1. gr.Ama.E.Ama. Mo à_mU 10% nojm H$Yrhr H$_r Zgmdo. 2. {Zìdi Mo à_mU 10% nojm H$_r Agmdo. 3. AmYrÀ`m Am{W©H$ dfm©V gr.Ama.Ama. d Eg.Eb.Ama. amIÊ`mV H$gya Ho$bobr Agy Z`o. 4. _mJrb gVV VrZ df} {Zìdi Z\$m Pmbobm Agmdm. 5. A§VJ©V {Z`§ÌU `§ÌUm gj_ AgyZ g§MmbH$ _§S>imdarb XmoZ g§MmbH$ ho ì`mdgm{`H$ÑîQ>çm Vk AgUo Amdí`H$ Amho. 6. ~±H$s¨J {Z`_Z H$m`Xm 1949 (ghH$mar g§ñWm§Zm bmJy Ogm) d [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m H$m`Xm 1934 Mo nmbZ Ho$bobo Agbo nm{hOo d [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`mZo doimodoir {Xboë`m gwMZm§Mr / {ZX}em§Mr nyV©Vm Ho$br Agbr nm{hOo. ~±Ho$Zo Ho$bobr n[anyVu 1. gr.Ama.E.Ama. à_mU 17.42%. gVV 10% Mo da Amho. 2. {Zìdi E. 0% Amho. 3. AmYrÀ`m Am{W©H$ dfm©V gr.Ama.Ama. d Eg.Eb.Ama. amIÊ`mV H$gya Ho$bobr Zmhr. 4. _mJrb gVV VrZ df} {Zìdi Z\$m Pmbobm Amho. 5. A§VJ©V {Z`§ÌU `§ÌUm gj_ AgyZ g§MmbH$ _§S>imda XmoZ g§MmbH$ ho ì`mdgm{`H$ÑîQ>çm Vk AmhoV. 6. ~±H$s¨J {Z`_Z H$m`Xm 1949 (ghH$mar g§ñWm§Zm bmJy Ogm) d [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m H$m`Xm 1934 Mo nmbZ Ho$bobo Amho d [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`mZo doimodoir {Xboë`m gwMZm§Mr / {ZX}em§Mr nyV©Vm Ho$bobr Amho. 8 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 Strong Bank on the basis of share capital and owned funds : No doubt, we are strong. Last year our Paid-up Capital was ` 1124.11 lacs. With the addition of `165.38 lacs during the year it is ` 1289.49 lacs at the end of the year. At the closing of last year Reserve and other Funds were ` 5718.10 lacs. It is increased by `486.37 lacs during the year resulting into total at the level of Rs. 6204.47 lacs at the end of the year. Reserve Bank of India has stipulated minimum Capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR) at 9%. Actual CRAR of our Bank is 17.42% which is excess by 8.17% than minimum required. In view of rise in owned funds Net Worth of the Bank is ` 6942.77 lacs. As we are fulfilling all the criteria as stipulated by RBI vide its Circular No. UBD.LS (PCB) MC No. 14 dated 1st July 2011, our Bank is recognised as "Financially sound and well managed Urban Bank." This is a noteworthy feature. Benchmark Stipulated by RBI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maintenance of a minimum CRAR of 10% on continuous basis. Net NPAs being less than 10% There should not be any default in maintaining CRR and SLR during the last financial year. There should be Net Profit in the last three financial year. Internal control system should be effective and Board of Directors should consist two expert Directors having banking exposure. Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies) and Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 should have been complied and instructions / directives given by RBI from time to time should have been complied with. Accomplishment by the Bank 1. CRAR % 17.42 % and was continuously above 10% 2. New NPA 0% 3. Required CRR and SLR was maintained through out the financial year. 4. Bank has registered Net Profit in the last three financial year. 5. Internal control system is effective and Board of Directors consist two expert directors having banking exposure. 6. Compliance of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies) and Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 is ensured as well as instructions / directives given from time to time by RBI are duly complied with. g^mgX H$ë`mU {ZÜmr … {d{Z`moJmMm Vnerb 1) d`mMr 65 df}nyU© Pmboë`m§Mm d amÁ`/amï´>r` nwañH$ma {_i{dboë`m g^mgXm§Mm gËH$ma 2) e¡j{UH$ H$O© / e¡j{UH$ _XV 3) J§^ra AmOma / AnKmV / A§Ë` g§ñH$ma {dYr _XV EHy$U bm^mWu aŠH$_ ` bmImV 184 0.79 12 1.82 138 5.20 334 7.81 Member Welfare Fund : Utilisation Details 1) Felicitation of member attaining 65 years of age and members winning State Level / National Level Awards 2) Education Loan / Help 3) Serious ailment / Accident / Funeral Expenses TOTAL No. of Beneficiaries ` in lacs 184 0.79 12 1.82 138 5.20 334 7.81 9 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 R>odr … JVgmbr ~±Ho$À`m EHy$U R>odr ` 36051.30 bmI hmoË`m. Ë`m_Ü`o ` 8269.26 bmImMr dmT> hmodyZ Ë`m ` 44320.56 bmI EdT>çm Pmboë`m AmhoV. ~±Ho$À`m eVH$ _hmoËgdr dfm©V R>odr_Ü`o 22.94% BVH$s {dH«$_r dmT> Pmbr Amho. {OëømVrb AÝ` ~±H$m§Mo VwbZoV hr dmT> gdm}oËH¥$îQ> Amho. gÜ`m ~±Ho$H$S>o H$Om©Mr Mm§Jbr _mJUr dmT>V Amho. AmnU ZdrZ emIm CKS>V AmhmoV Aemdoir Amnë`m R>odr ~±Ho$H$S>o R>odyZ gdmªZr àJVrÀ`m doJmbm hmV^ma bmdmdm. Deposits : Total deposits at the end of the last year were at the level of ` 36051.30 lacs. There was addition of ` 8269.26 lacs during the year whereby it reached the level of ` 44320.56 lacs at the end of the year. Thus during the Centenary Year deposits rise of 22.94% is a record breaking achievement. It is excellent as compared to other banks in Kolhapur District. Recently there is a good demand for loans. We are opening new branches also. Therefore it is earnest request to keep deposit with the Bank and have your contribution in growth acceleration. Jw§VdUyH$ … ~±Ho$H$S>rb CnbãY {ZYrVyZ H$Om©gmR>r CnbãY AgUmam {ZYr dJiVm gaH$mar amoIo, AÝ` ~±H$m§À`m R>odr Am{U _mÝ`Vmàmá å`wÀ`wAb \§$S>m_Ü`o ~±Ho$bm Jw§VdUyH$ H$aVm `oVo. gaH$mar amo»`m_Yrb IaoXr {dH«$s Am{U AÝ` Jw§VdUyH$ H$aVmZm Ë`mVrb gwa{jVVm Am{U CËnÞ `mMm {dMma _moR>`m H$m¡eë`mZo H$amdm bmJVmo. OmñVrV OmñV gwa{jVVm Am{U OmñVrV OmñV CËnÞ {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r VmaodaMr H$gaV H$amdr bmJVo. Ahdmb df© A»moa ~±Ho$Mr Jw§VdUyH$ ` 18479.89 bmI BVH$s AgyZ _mJrb dfm©Mo VwbZoV `$1604.30 bmImZo dmT> Pmbobr Amho. Ahdmb gmbmV amoIo IaoXr {dH«$s ì`dhmamVyZ Pmboë`m Zâ`mgh Jw§VdUwH$sda {_imbobo EHy$U CËnÞ ` 1640.74 bmI Pmbo Amho. Investments : After keeping aside loanable funds of the bank, we can invest in Government Securities, deposits of other banks and allowable mutual funds out of the available resources. While trading in Government Securities and investments in other avenues, aspect of safety, profitability is required to be studied skillfully. Striking a balance between maximum safety and greatest returns is a juggling act. At the end of reporting year total investments were ` 18479.89 lacs which are showing addition of ` 1604.30 lacs during the year. In the reporting year bank has earned interest on investment along with profit in security trading amounting to ` 1640.74 lacs. H$O} … Joë`m H$mhr dfm©_Ü`o ~±Ho$À`m H$Om©_Ü`o Mm§Jbr dmT> Pmbobr Amho. ~mOmam_Yrb ~±H$s¨J ì`dgm`mVrb àM§S> ñnY}o_wio AmVm gd©M ~±H$m§_Ü`o _mH}$qQ>J hm nadbrMm eãX Pmbm Amho. ~±Ho$À`m _mH}$qQ>J {d^mJmZo Joë`m H$mhr dfm©_Ü`o gj_nUo H$m_ Ho$bo Amho. _mJrb dfm©À`m ` 24252.45 bmI H$Om©_Ü`o ` 7127.36 bmImZo dmT> hmodyZ Mmby dfu H$O} ` 31379.81 bmI BVH$s Pmbr AmhoV. H$Om©_Ü`o 29.39% EdT>r ^aKmog dmT> hmodyZ ~±Ho$Mm gr.S>r.aoemo 70.80% EdT>m Pmbobm Amho. Ahdmb gmbmV Am¡a§Jm~mX `oWrb `wZm`Q>oS> {g½_m BpÝñQ>Q>çwQ> Am°\$ _o{S>H$b gm`Ýgog àm. {b.-Am¡a§Jm~mX, _o. gwdU©aoIm S>m`qZJ hm°b A±S> bm°O - nwUo, H$moëhmnwamVrb S>m°.$ A{OV nmQ>rb d S>m°. g{MZ Hw$bH$Uu, _o. S>r. EZ. qdS> {gñQ>r_ àm. {b. B. CëboIZr` _moR>çm àH$ënm§gmR>r ~±Ho$Zo H$O© nwadR>m Ho$bm Amho. _moR>çm àH$ënm§Zm H$O© XoVmZm ì`dgm`mMr CËnÞ j_Vm `mM~amo~a Ë`mMr g_mO Cn`mo{JVmhr ~±Ho$Zo nm{hbobr Amho. hr _moR>r H$O} XoV AgVmZmM ~±Ho$Zo AJ«H«$_ joÌ Am{U Am{W©H$ÑîQ>çm Xþ~©b KQ>H$mg EHy$U H$Om©À`m 50.71% H$O© nwadR>m Ho$bobm Amho. H$O© àñVmdm§Mr JwUmË_H$ N>mZZr d {dVaUmZ§Va nmR>nwamdm `m_wio ~±Ho$Mo à_mU {Z`§ÌUmV am{hbobo Amho. 10 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 Loans : During last few years, there is good rise in loans and advances. In view of stiff competition in the banking field, "Marketing" is now a watchword. Our marketing team has done good work in the recent past. Outstanding loans at the end of the last year were ` 24252.45 lacs. With the addition of ` 7127.36 lacs during the year under report outstanding loans at the end of the year are at the level of ` 31379.81 lacs. Thus there is a bumper rise of 29.39% with CD Ratio touching the height of 70.80%. During the year bank has financed big projects like United Cigma Institute of Medical Sciences Private Limited at Aurangabad, M/s. Suvarnarekha Dining Hall & Lodge at Pune, In Kolhapur Dr.Ajit Patil and Dr.Sachin Kulkarni, M/s. D. N. Wind System Pvt. Ltd. While extending financial support to big projects, in addition to income generation capacity of the unit, social utility was a major component in assessment. Along with the big projects, bank has ensured financing to Priority Sector and weaker sector result of which total financing to these sectors amounts to 50.71% of total loans and advances. Because of qualitative appraisal of loan proposals and effective monitoring, percentage of non-performing assets (NPA) is within the absolute control. WH$~mH$s … Am{W©H$ df© AIoa EHy$U WH$~mH$sXma g§»`m 1674 AgyZ WH$~mH$s aŠH$_ `$ 665.24 bmI Amho. JVgmbr EHy$U WH$~mH$sXmam§Mr g§»`m 1402 hmoVr Am{U EHy$U WH$~mH$s ` 647.03 bmI EdT>r hmoVr. _mJrb dfm©Mo VwbZoV WH$~mH$sMo à_mU 2.67% déZ 2.12% n`©§V Imbr Ambo Agbo Var àË`jmV WH$~mH$sXma g§»`m dmT>br AgyZ ` 18.21 bmImZo WH$~mH$shr dmT>br Amho. EH$ dfm©Mo AmVrb WH$~mH$sXma {deofV… dmhZ VmaU, ñWmda VmaU Aem àH$maÀ`m WH$~mH$sV dmT> Pmbr Amho. WH$~mH$s_Yrb dmT> Aën à_mUmV Oar Agbr Var EH$ dfm©Mo AmVrb WH$~mH$sXmam§Mr _mM© A»moa dgwb Z Pmbobr aŠH$_ dgwb H$aÊ`mgmR>r nwT>o à`ËZ Mmby AmhoV. EH$ dfm©darb WH$~mH$sXmam§Mo ~m~VrV _mÌ _mJrb dfmªMo WH$~mH$sXma g§»`m 270 d aŠH$_ ` 558.33 bmImdéZ Mmby dfu ImVoXma g§»`m 159 aŠH$_ ` 428.82 bmImda Imbr Ambr Amho. hr CëboIZr` ~m~ Agbr Var g^mgXm§Zr dgwbr A{YH$mè`m§Moda X~md Z AmUVm qH$dm V§Q>o {Z_m©U Z H$aVm dgwbrgmR>r ghH$m`© Ho$ë`mg ~±Ho$Mo àJVrbm AmUIr doJ KoVm `oUma Amho, `mMr Zm|X ¿`mdr. Overdues : At the end of the year under report, there were 1674 defaulters with overdues of ` 665.24 lacs. Last year total defaulters were 1402 with overdues of ` 647.03 lacs. Even though percentage of overdue is reduced from 2.67% to 2.12% there is addition in number of defaulters with addition of overdues of `18.21 lacs. Nnumber of defaulters below one year relates especially to vehicle loans and real estate loans. Though rise in overdues below one year is very meager, we have continued our efforts to recover the same. As regards overdues above one year, number of defaulters has been reduced from 270 to 159 as well as amount of overdues is also reduced from ` 558.33 lacs to ` 428.82 lacs. Though this position is remarkable, we can do still better on recovery front provided no pressure is built on recovery officials and no disputes are raised by the defaulters. H$mb_mZmZwgma {X.31/03/2013 WH$~mH$s dJuH$aU H$mbmdYr ImVo g§»`m 1 dfm©Mo AmVrb 1515 1 Vo 2 dfm©§Mo AmVrb 29 2 Vo 3 dfm©§Mo AmVrb 26 3 Vo 5 dfm©§Mo AmVrb 41 5 df} d Ë`mdarb 63 EHy$U 1674 bmImV 236.42 69.69 48.95 119.48 190.70 ` 665.24 Periodwise Overdues Classification As on 31.03.2013 Overdue Period No.of A/cs. Below 1 Year 1515 29 Above 1 Year upto 2 Years 26 Above 2 Years upto 3 Years 41 Above 3 Years upto 5 Years 63 5 Years & above TOTAL 1674 ` in lacs 236.42 69.69 48.95 119.48 190.70 665.24 11 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 WH$~mH$sMo H$O© aŠH$_oZwgma dJuH$aU {X.31/03/2013 H$O© _`m©Xm ` 10,000/- n`ªV ` 10,001/- Vo ` 25,000/` 25,001/- Vo ` 50,000/` 50,001/- Vo ` 1,00,000/` 1,00,001/- Vo ` 5,00,000/` 5,00,001/- nmgyZ nwT>o (` bmImV) ImVo g§»`m 1453 3461 8791 5661 2964 972 H$O© aŠH$_ 92.50 576.18 2598.51 4072.12 5684.56 18355.94 ImVo g§»`m 38 164 849 172 328 123 WH$~mH$s aŠH$_ 1.87 9.68 24.29 11.21 63.40 554.79 23302 31379.81 1674 665.24 Overdues Classification according to Loans sanctioned as on 31.03.2013 (` in lacs) Loan Limit Upto ` 10,000/` 10,001/- to ` 25,000/` 25,001/- to ` 50,000/` 50,001/- to ` 1,00,000/` 1,00,001/- to ` 5,00,000/Above ` 5,00,001/- No. of A/cs. 1453 3461 8791 5661 2964 972 Loan Amount 92.50 576.18 2598.51 4072.12 5684.56 18355.94 No. of A/cs. 38 164 849 172 328 123 Overdue 1.87 9.68 24.29 11.21 63.40 554.79 23302 31379.81 1674 665.24 Z\$m {d^mJUr … ~±Ho$bm Mmby Am{W©H$ dfm©V Amdí`H$ VaVwXr H$éZ ` 574.89 bmI BVH$m Z\$m Pmbm Amho. {Zìdi ì`mOXamVrb \$aH$mMo gw`mo½` _oi amIyZ ì`dgm`mV dmT> H$aUoÀ`m hoVyZo Zâ`mMo Ano{jV C{Ôï gmÜ` Ho$bo Amho. _m.g§MmbH$ _§S>imZo Mmby Am{W©H$ dfm©gmR>r 15% XamZo bm^m§e {dMmamV KoD$Z nwT>rbà_mUo Z\$m {d^mJUr g^mgXm§À`m _§OwargmR>r gmXa Ho$br Amho. Appropriation of Profit : After making required provisions, bank has registered net profit of ` 574.89 lacs, This was possible by registering business rise keeping pace with interest margin. Board of Directors have desire to pay Dividend at 15% based on which profit appropriatiop0n is recommended for sanction. Vn{eb a¸$_ én`o Particulars Amount ` J§JmOir 25% à_mUo 1,44,00,000.00 Statutory Reserve Fund 25% bm^m§e (15%) 1,79,00,000.00 Dividend 15% Jw§VdUyH$ MT> / CVma {ZYr 1,85,00,000.00 Investment Fluctuation Reserve g^mgX H$ë`mU {ZYr 1,00,000.00 Member Welfare Fund godH$ H$ë`mU {ZYr 2,00,000.00 Employee Welfare Fund R>od gwa{jVVm {ZYr 15,00,000.00 Deposit Security Fund B_maV {ZYr 48,88,888.32 Building Fund EHy$U TOTAL 5,74,88,888.32 12 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 EH$aH$_r H$O© naV\o$S> `moOZm … emgZmZo EH$a¸$_r H$O© naV\o$S> `moOZog {X.31/03/2013 AIoa _wXVdmT> {Xbr hmoVr. gXa `moOZoMm EHy$U 23 WH$~mH$sXmam§Zr bm^ KoVbm AgyZ WH$sV ` 23.06 bmI dgwb Pmbo AmhoV. VgoM ~±Ho$À`m nmoQ>{Z`_mVrb VaVwXrZwgma emgZ `moOZoÀ`m YVr©da YmoaU V`ma H$éZ Ahdmb gmbmV gaiì`mO nÕVrZo AmH$maUr H$éZ 37 H$O©Xmam§H$Sy>Z ` 88.51 bmI dgwb Pmbo AmhoV. One Time Settlement : OTS scheme was extended upto 31/3/2013 by the Central Government. 23 defaulters availed the benefit of this scheme and about ` 23.06 lacs are recovered. As per provisions in by-laws and considering Government scheme, bank applied simple interest method to 37 borrowers and by it ` 88.51 lacs are recovered. CËnÞ j_Vm Zgboë`m H$Om©§Mr dgwbr … _mJrb dfu T>mo~i ImVoXmam§Mr g§»`m 335 AgyZ Ë`mMr aŠH$_ ` 671.74 bmI Aer hmoVr. Mmby dfu `m_Ü`o ImVoXma g§»`m 50 Zo H$_r Pmbr Amho. _mÌ aŠH$_ ` 974.81 bmI åhUOo ` 303.07 bmImZo dmT> Pmbr Amho. àm_w»`mZo emIm ZmJmim nmH©$ d JmoHw$i {eaJm§d H$S>rb XmoZ ImË`m§_Ü`o ` 391.16 bmI EZ. nr. E. aŠH$_ dmT>ë`mZo `m AmH$S>odmar_Ü`o dmT> {XgVo. gXa ImVoXmam§da {gŠ`w[aQ>m`PoeZ A°ŠQ>Zwgma dgwbr H$madmB© gwé Ho$br Amho. Recovery of Non Performing Assets (NPAs) : Last year amount of ` 671.74 lacs was involved in 335 Non Permorming Asset accounts. During the year under report, number of NPA accounts is reduced by 50. However NPA amount is increased by `303.07 lacs touching the level at ` 974.81 lacs. Major rise in NPA is contributed by two accounts with Nagala Park and Gokul Shirgaon branches by ` 391.16 lacs. Action under securitisation act is already initiated to recover the overdues. d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajU … gZ 2012-2013 Mo {deof gd©gmYmaU g^oZo _mÝ`V {Xbobo _o. ndma, Hw$bH$Uu A±S> Agmo{gEQ>g², MmQ>©S>© AH$m¢Q>§Q>g², gm§Jbr `m§MoH$Sy>Z d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajU H$éZ KoVbo Amho. d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajUmV ~±Ho$g ''A"" dJ© {_imbm AgyZ, Ë`m§Zr {Xbobm boImn[ajU Ahdmb `m AhdmbmV {Xbm Amho. Statutory Audit : As approved by the Special General Body, Statutory Audit for the year 2012-13 was assigned to M/s. Pawar, Kulkarni & Associates of Sangli. After audit, we have been given "A" category. Audit Report is covered in this annual report. [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m - VnmgUr / {ZarjU … {X. 31 _mM© 2013 A»moa Mr VnmgUr [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`mMo A{YH$mar (_°ZoOa) lr. Am`. dm`. Q>r. Zm_Ny> `m§Zr nyÊm© Ho$bo Amho. Inspection by R. B. I. : Mr. I. Y. T. Namchu - Manager of RBI has recently concluded the inspection of the Bank covering the period ended 31st March, 2013. 13 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 g_dVu boImn[ajU … Am{W©H$ df© 2012-2013 H$[aVm (1) _o. {Iao, {H$bm}oñH$a A±S> Im§S>oH$a, gm§Jbr (2) lr. {XnH$ JmS>do, H$moëhmnya (3)_o.Ama.Eg._mo{hVo A±S> H§$nZr, H$moëhmnya (4) d§XZm A^` JmobdbH$a, H$moëhmnya (5) lr._§Xma _hoe Y_m©{YH$mar, H$mëohmnay `mZ§r g_dVu bI o mn[ajH$ åhUZy H$m_ H$obo AgZy Ë`mZ§r gMw{dbëo`m Cnm` `mO o Zm H$éZ AnU y © ~m~tMr nVyV©m H$obr Amh.o Concurrent Audit : During the year 2012-13, (1) M/s. Khire, Kirloskar & Khandekar, Sangli (2) Shri. Dipak Gadve, Kolhapur (3) M/s. R. S. Mohite & Co., Kolhapur (4) Vandana Abhay Golwalkar, Kolhapur (5) Shri. Mandar Mahesh Dharmadhikari, Kolhapur were appointed as Concurrent Auditors to audit the branches. Remedial measures were taken to remove culpability. A§VJ©V VnmgUr / {ZarjU H$j … ~±Ho$Zo gd© emIm§H$S>rb ì`dhmam§Mr A§VJ©V VnmgUr / {ZarjU H$aUoH$[aVm ~±Ho$Vrb H$_©Mmè`m§Mm ñdV§Ì {d^mJ gwé Ho$bm Amho. {d{dY àH$maÀ`m VnmgÊ`m Am{U g§~§{YV VnmgUr A{YH$mè`m§À`m gwMZm§Mo nmbZ H$éZ ~±Ho$Zo Amnbo H$m_ H$m`Xoera Am{U nmaXe©H$ R>odbobo Amho. Internal Audit / Inspection Cell : To verify internal working / operations, Bank has created internal audit / inspection cell to cover all the branches of the Bank which is managed by bank's staff. By following suggestions of the inspecting officers bank has kept transactions legal and transparent. _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ … V§ÌkmZ`wŠV ~±H$s¨J godm {_iUoMr gÜ`mÀ`m J«mhH$m§Mr Anojm d VéU J«mhH$ AmH${f©V H$aUogmR>r Ahdmb dfm©V ~±Ho$Mo gwgÁO S>oQ>m g|Q>a C^maUoMm g§H$ën Ho$bm hmoVm. Ë`mà_mUo Amnë`m ~±Ho$À`m emIm Ý`y emhÿnwar `oWrb B_maVrÀ`m n{hë`m _Oë`mda Q>m`a W«r XOm©Mo S>oQ>m g|Q>a C^mabo Amho. Ë`m_wio _mo~mB©b ~±H$s¨J, EQ>rE_ eoA[a¨J, ZoQ> ~±H$s¨J, AmYma ~og gw{dYm BË`mXr godm J«mhH$m§Zm ObX XoVm `oVrb. VgoM S>oQ>m gwa{jVVm d ZoQ>dH©$ _°ZoO_|Q> BË`mXr hoVy gmÜ` Pmbo AmhoV. S>oQ>m g|Q>aMr C^maUr _o. B_g©Z nm°da gmoë`weZ B§{S>`m àm. {b. d Am`.~r.E_. H§$nZr `m Zm_m§{H$V H§$nZrH$Sy>Z hmS>©doAa BÝñQ>m°boeZ H$éZ KoVbo AgyZ Ë`m§Zrhr gXa àH$ën EH$ àm°S>ŠQ> åhUyZ C^mabm Amho. Ë`mMmM n[aUm_ åhUyZ H$moëhmnya d gm§Jbr {Oëô`mVrb ghH$mar ~±H$m S>oQ>m g|Q>a eoA[a¨J / hmoñQ>tJ H$[aVm ^mS>o VËdmda _mJUr H$é bmJë`m AmhoV. Ë`m_wio ~±Ho$bm CËnÞhr {_iob d BVa ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zmhr Ë`mMm bm^ KoVm `oB©b. S>oQ>m g|Q>a C^maUrgmR>r g§MmbH$ _m. lr. {dídmgamd J. H$mQ>H$a `m§Mo gw`mo½` {Z`moOZmImbr H$_©Mmar dJm©Zo gj_VoZo H$m_ Ho$bo Amho. Technology Up gradation : Bank had decided to erect its own precious Data Center in reporting year to satisfy expectations of technology enabled banking services and to attract young customers. Bank has erected III Tire Level, Data Centre at 1st floor of our New Shahupuri branch premises. It is easier to provide Mobile Banking, ATM Sharing, Adhar enabled services to customers. Further data security and network management etc. objects are achieved. Data Centre is erected by well known company M/s. Emerson Power Solution India Pvt. Ltd. and Hardware Installation installed by IBM Co. The company has also developed it as a Pilot Project to its product. As a result, Co-operative Banks in Kolhapur and Sangli districts are approaching for Data Centre hosting / sharing on rental basis. With this source of rental income bank's other income will be increased and other banks will get the benefits of advance technology. For erection of Data Centre the team of employees done the job efficiently under eminent planning of the director Shri. Vishwasrao G. Katkar. 14 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 H¡$. Zm_. ^mñH$aamd OmYd O`§Vr d H¡$. X. Z. H$UoaH$a ñ_¥Vr{XZ … ~±Ho$Mo g§ñWmnH$ H¡$. Zm_.^mñH$aamd OmYd `m§À`m 146 ì`m O`§Vr{m{_Îm emhÿnwarVrb Ë`m§À`m nwVù`mbm nwînhma An©U H$éZ, gd© g§MmbH$, H$_©Mmar Am{U OmYd Hw$Qw>§{~`m§Zr Ë`m§Zm AmXam§Obr dm{hbr. VgoM _mOr AÜ`j H¡$.X.Z. H$UoaH$a `m§À`m 101 ì`m ñ_¥Vr{XZmMo Am¡{MË` gmYyZ àVr dfm©à_mUo ~mb H$ë`mU g§Hw$b-_§Jidma noR>, _mVmolr d¥Õml_Ama.Ho$.ZJa, {gÕmB© _{hbm _§S>i g§M{bV _mVmolr d¥Õml_-M§~wIS>r, Hw$ð>amoJ _wº$ nwZd©gZ g§ñWm, e|S>m nmH©$ B. g§ñWm_Ü`o bmSy> dmQ>n Ho$bo. Ë`mMà_mUo CËgmhnyU© dmVmdaUmV aº$XmZ {e{~amMo Am`moOZ Ho$bo hmoVo. Anniversary of Late Nam. Bhaskarrao Jadhav & Tribute of Late D. N. Kanerkar : On 146th Birth Anniversary of Founder President of our Bank Late Bhaskarrao Jadhav, tributes were paid with garlanding his statue in Shahupuri by Directors, Staff members and members of Jadhav family. As in the past, sweets were distributed in "Bal Kalyan Sankul"-Mangalwar Peth, “Matoshri Vrudhashram” - R.K. Nagar, Sidhai Mahila Mandal's “Matoshri Vrudhashram” at Chambukhadi, Rehabilitation Centre of leprosy sufferers, Shenda Park etc. "Blood Donation Camp" was also arranged on the occasion. gm_m{OH$ H¥$VkVm … JVgmbmà_mUoM ~±Ho$À`m OS>UKS>Ur_Ü`o _mobmMm dmQ>m CMbUmè`m 65 dfmªdarb Á`oð> g^mgXm§Mm gËH$ma `mhr g^oV Am`mo{OV Ho$bm Amho. VgoM nÙmamOo Zm_H$aU {ZYr, H¡$. X. Z. H$UoaH$a nm[aVmo{fH$ Am{U ~±Ho$Mo _mOr AÜ`j H¡$.aUOrV OmYd `m§Zr R>odboë`m R>odrÀ`m ì`mOmVyZ {deof àm{dÊ` {_i{dboë`m ì`º$s¨Mm gËH$mahr H$arV AmhmoV Vr `mXr nwT>rbà_mUo Amho. Social Commitment : Our senior members have their herculean contribution in growth, strength and stability of this Bank. We are, therefore, as in the past, felicitating today members above 65 years of age. We are also felicitating students with meritorious performance as well as special achievers in cultural and sports activities as listed below, under Padmaraje Namkaran Nidhi, Late D. N. Kanerkar Prize and Late Ranjeet Jadhav (Ex-President of the Bank) Prize. Q>ŠHo$dmar nm[aVmo{fH$ é. Zmd Name Percentage No. Prize ` H¡$. X. Z. H$UoaH$a {ZYr$ Late D. N Kanerkar Nidhi _mÜ`{_H$ Secondary (Xth Std.) 1 Hw$. _¥Umb {dO`mZ§X gmoZQ>ŠHo$ /Kum. Mrunal V. Sontakke 98.40% 2000/2 Hw$. {Xì`m àem§V V|Sw>bH$a /Kum. Divya P. Tendulkar 97.64% 1500/3 Hw$. em_br CÝ_of gmR>o/ Kum. Shamli U. Sathe 96.40% 1000/4. Hw$. {l`m g§Vmof H$ma§OH$a (_mJmgdJu`)/ Kum. Shriya S. Karanjkar 93.20% 1000/nÙmamOo Zm_H$aU {ZYr$/Padmaraje Namkaran Nidhi Cƒ _mÜ`{_H$ Higher Secondary (XIIth Std.) 1. Hw$. àmOŠVm {dO` AmoVmar/Kum. Prajkta V. Otari 73.33% 601/g^mgX H$ë`mU {ZYrVyZ From Member Welfare Fund 1. lr. ~mimam_ Amßnm bmS> /Shri. Balaram A. Lad 1001/(g§Ho$V H$bm, H«$sS>m à{Vð>mZ, nwUo V\}$ amÁ`ñVar` AmXe© {ejH$ nwañH$ma) 2. lr. {Z{eH$m§V Jmonmi Jwad>/Shri. Nishikant G. Gurav 1001/(_hmamï´> emgZ CËH¥$ï> dmL>_` nwañH$ma) H¡$. _m. aU{OV OmYd `m§Mo R>odrMo ì`mOmVyZ àË`oH$s ` 2000/- From Interest of Deposits on Late Ranjeet Jadhav ` 2000/- each Z§. 1. 2. Hw$. ew^m§Jr amOmam_ gmimoIo/Kum. Shubhangi R. Salokhe Hw$. A_¥Vm AéU _moao>/Kum. Amruta Arun More 3. 4. Hw$. ndZ {H$gZ gmoZwb}/Pavan K. Sonurle Hw$. {XnH$ VmZmOr Kmobno>/Dipak T. Gholape 15 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 97 dr KQ>ZmXþéñVr … H|$Ð emgZmÀ`m 97 ì`m KQ>Zm XþéñVr d Ë`m AZwf§JmZo _hmamï´> emgZmZo _hmamï´> ghH$mar g§ñWm H$m`Xm 1960 _Ü`o Ho$boë`m ~XbmZwgma nmoQ>{Z`_ XþéñVrgmR>r {deof gd©gmYmaU g^m e{Zdma {X.13/04/2013 amoOr gH$mir 11-00 dmOVm {X Ý`y EÁ`wHo$eZ gmogm`Q>r `m§Mo am_ JUoe JS>H$ar g^mJ¥h, noQ>mim, Ý`w _hmÛma amoS>, H$moëhmnya `oWo Am`mo{OV Ho$br hmoVr. nmoQ>{Z`_ XþéñVr _gwXm {Z`_mà_mUo ghH$ma Am`wŠV nwUo `m§MoH$S>o _§OwargmR>r nmR>{dbm AgyZ Ë`mg AÚmnr _§Owar Ambobr Zmhr. 97th Amendment to Constitution : After the 97th amendment to constitution by Central Government, Maharashtra Government amended Maharashtra State Co-operative Societies Act 1960 under which Banks were required to amend their bye-laws. Accordingly, Special General Meeting was held on 13th April 2013 at Ram Ganesh Gadkari Hall of New Education Society at Petala, New Mahadwar Road, Kolhapur. Draft of changes in bye-laws is sent for sanction to Co-operative Commissioner, Pune as per rules, the sanction is awaited. _mZd g§gmYZ {dH$mg … ~±Ho$Mo gd© g§MmbH$, godH$ dJ© 13 emIm§VyZ gm§{KH$ d¥ÎmrZo H$m_ H$arV AmhoV. godH$m§À`m H$m_mV JVr `oD$Z Ë`m§Mr H$m`©j_Vm dmT>mdr VgoM Z{dZ ~Xbm§Zm gj_nUo gm_moao OmVm `mdo `mH$[aVm Ahdmb dfm©V à{ejUmÀ`m g§Yr CnbãY H$éZ {Xë`m AmhoV. VgoM g§MmbH$, A{YH$mar d AÝ` H$_©Mmè`m§H$[aVm Imbrb {Za{Zamù`m {df`m§da dŠË`m§Mr ì`m»`mZo, MMm©gÌo, à{ejU dJ© Am`mo{OV H$aÊ`mV Ambr hmoVr. Ë`mMm gdmªJrU bm^ KoVbm Amho. 1. lr. A{Zb nmQ>H$a (_w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar, OiJm§d {nnëg H$mo-Am°n.~±H$ {b.) … ì`mdgm{`H$ ì`dñWmnZ 2. lr. gw^mf Omoer (g§MmbH$, {X H$amS> A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., H$amS>) … `eñdr ì`dñWmnZ 3. lr. {Xbrn Jwad (_w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar, {X H$amS> A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b.) … C{XXîQ>m§Mo {Z`moOZ d C{XXîQ>m§Mr nyV©Vm 4. A°S>. em_amd qeXo (AÜ`j) … nmQ>©Za{en> d àmoàm`Q>a{en _mZd g§gmYZ {dH$mgmH$[aVm lr. Y_}e hf©b eoR> `m§Mr g„mJma åhUyZ {Z`wº$s Ho$br Amho. à{ejUmMo H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV H$éZ godH$m§Zm A{YH$m{YH$ H$m`©j_ ~Z{dUoMo à`ËZ gwé AmhoV. Human Resource Development : All Directors and staff of 13 branches is working as a Team to improve the efficiency and to improve ability to face the challenges. Staff is motivated and trained. Various lectures and training sessions were arranged during the year as under : Training Sessions1) Mr Anil Patkar- CEO Jalgaon Peoples co-op Bank Ltd.- Professional Management. 2) Mr.Subhash Joshi- Director, The Karad Urban Co-op Bank Ltd- Success Management 3) Mr. Dilip Gurav- CEO The Karad Urban Co-op bank Ltd- Planning of Target and ways of Achievements. 4) Mr. Shamrao Shinde-President of the bank- Partnership and Proprietorship For HR Development, Mr. Dharmesh Harsal Sheth is appointed as Business Development Consultant. ñdoÀN>m {Zd¥ËVr `moOZm … Am{W©H$ df© 2011-12 _Ü`o H$_©Mmè`m§H$[aVm ~±Ho$Zo gwé Ho$boë`m ñdoÀN>m {Zd¥Îmr `moOZoA§VJ©V (VRS) Ahdmb gmbmV 3 H$_©Mmè`m§Zr godm{Zd¥Îmr KoVbr AgyZ, Ë`m§Zm {Z`_mZwgma Am{W©H$ _mo~Xbm XoUoV Ambm Amho. Voluntary Retirement Scheme : Under the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) introduced by the bank in 2011-12, 3 staff members availed the VRS during the year. They are paid necessary compensation. 16 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 OZab _°ZoOa lr. gwaoe _hmXod Mm¡Jwbo ho Oo.E.Am`.Am`.~r. hr ~±H$s¨J narjm CÎmrU© Pmbo AmhoV. General Manager Mr. Suresh Mahadev Chougale has passed JAIIB (Banking Exam.). H$_©Mmè`m§À`m nmë`m§Mo H$m¡VwH$ / Felicitation of Wards of Our Staff Members {deof àm{dÊ` {_imboë`m H$_©Mmè`m§À`m nmë`m§Mm JwUmZwH«$_o JwUJm¡ad H$aUoV `oV Amho. Following sons / daughters of Staff Members are being felicitated for their splendid performance. Z§./ Q>ŠHo$dmar/ nm[aVmo{fH$ é./ Percentage Prize ` 1 2 3 _mÜ`{_H$/Secondary (Xth Std.) Hw$. nmQ>rb nyOm àVmn/Kum. Patil Pooja Pratap Hw$. AmSw>iH$a e¡boe g§O`/Kum. Adulkar Shailesh Sanjay Hw$. nmoi Eoíd`m© gw{Zb/ Kum. Pol Aishwarya Sunil 91.27% 88.36% 86.91% 1000/900/800/- 1 2 3 Cƒ _mÜ`{_H$/Higher Secondary (XIIth Std.) Hw$. nmQ>rb {dZm`H$ gaXma/Kum. Patil Vinayak Sardar Hw$. nmQ>rb àÁ`moV àVmn/Kum. Patil Prajyot Pratap Hw$. H$mVdao Am|H$ma C_mOr/Kum. Kataware Omkar Umaji 87.50% 68.83% 67.17% 1000/900/800/- Zmd/Name No. {deof àm{dÊ`$/Special Achievements : {M.$ hf©dY©Z e¡boe ^mogbo (lr.e¡boe _mohZamd ^mogbo `m§Mm _wbJm) Harshwardhan Shailesh Bhosale (Son of Shri. Shailesh Bhosale) Ü _hmamîQ´> amÁ` narjm n[afX, nwUo A§VJ©V nyd©_mÜ`{_H$ emim {eî`d¥ËVr narjm 2013 (4 Wr ñH$m°ba{en) … {Oëô`mV 12 dm Pre Secondary Scholarship Examination 2013 (Std. IV) : : 12th In District lr.$àXrn {dîUw nmQ>rb … Vm`¹$m§Xmo \o$S>aoeZ Am°\$ B§{S>`m, _w§~B© `oWo Pmboë`m Vm`¹$m§Xmo ãb°H$ ~oëQ> nXdr : àW_ H«$_m§H$ Shri. Pradip V. Patil : Taiquando Federation of India, Mumbai - Taiquando Black Belt : First Prize hm{X©H$ A{^Z§XZ … ^maVr` g§KmZo Am` M°pån`Z MfH$ 2013 nQ>H$m{dbm. Ø Ø 19 dfm©Imbrb ^maVr` {H«$Ho$Q> g§KmZo {dœH$a§S>H$ 2012 qOH$bm. Ø àmMm`© nr. ~r. nmQ>rb, em§Vr{ZHo$VZ bmoH${dÚmnrR>, gm§Jbr (g§ñWmnH$ g§MmbH$ Zd^maV {ejU _§S>i) `m§Zm gZ 2013 Mm amO{f© emhÿ nwañH$ma Omhra. Hearty Congratulations : Ø Indian Cricket Team won Champions Trophy 2013. Ø Indian Cricket Team below 19 years, have won World Cup 2012 Ø Mr. P. B. Patil, Principal Shanti Niketan Lokvidyapeeth, Sangli (Founder Director Navbharat Shikshan Mandal) is awarded Rajashri Shau Award 2013. 17 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 Cultural Activities to celebrate the Centenary: gm§ñH¥${VH$ H$m`©H«$_ : H¡$. X. Z. H$UoaH$a A~©Z ~±H$ eVmãXr MfH$ : Am§Va~±H$ {H«$Ho$Q> ñnYm© 16 g§KmMm gh^mJ àW_ H«$_m§H$ : Ho$.S>±H$ (é. 5000/- amoI d {eëS>) {ÛVr` H«$_m§H$ : {X aËZmH$a ~±H$ (é. 3001/- amoI d {eëS>) CËH¥$ï> \$b§XmO : amO|Ð Ho$b} (Ho$.S> ~±H$) CËH¥$ï> Jmob§XmO : XÎmmÌ` {Jado (dmaUm ~±H$) _m{bH$mdra : Ow~oa _wOmda (Ho$.S> ~±H$) gm_Zmdra : {ZVoe _bHo$o (Ho$.S> ~±H$) Am§Va~±H$ H°a_ ñnYm© Am`moOZ : `m ñnY}V 45 IoimSw§>Zr gh^mJ KoVbm. qgJb : àW_ H«$_m§H$ (é. 3001/- d {eëS>) : {ÛVr` H«$_m§H$ (é. 2001/- d {eëS>) S>~ëg : àW_ H«$_m§H$ (é. 5001/- d {eëS>) : {ÛVr` H«$_m§H$ (é. 3001/- d {eëS>) : : : : Late D.N.Kanerkar Urban Bank Centenary Trophy Inter Bank Cricket Tournament 16 Banks participated in the tournament. Winner : Runner-up : Best Batsman : Best Bowler : Man of series : Man of The Match : KDCC Bank (Rs.5001/- & Shield) The Ratnakar Bank (Rs.3001/-& Shield) Rajendra Kerle (KDCC Bank) Dattatray Gurave (Warana Bank) Juber Mujawar (KDCC Bank) Nitesh Malke (KDCC Bank) JOmZZ nmIao (qgS>rHo$Q>> ~±H$) _h§_X _w„m (Am`.S>r.~r.Am`. ~±H$) CX` {H$„oXma d aKwZmW Hw$bH$Uu (qgS>rHo$Q> ~±H$) _h§_X _w„m d A{OV H$m§~io (Am`.S>r.~r.Am`.~±H$) Inter Bank Carom Tournament: 45 players participated in the competition. Single : Winner- Gajanan Pakhare(Syndicate Bank) (Cash PriceRs.3001/- and Shield) : Runner -up-Mahamad Mulla (IDBI) (Cash PriceRs.2001/- and Shield) Doubles : Winner-Uday Killedar and Rashunpth Kulkarni(Syndicate Bank) (Cash PriceRs.5001/- and Shield) : Runner-up –Mahamad Mull a and Ajit Kamble(IDBI) (Cash PriceRs.3001/- and Shield) A§Va§J JrVJm`Z H$m`©H«$_ : lr. _hoe {hao_R> `m§Mm A§Va§J hm _amR>r-qhXr JrVJm`ZmMm gwaoI H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV Ho$bm hmoVm. `mMm ~±Ho$Mo g§MmbH$ d godH$m§Zr AmZ§X KoVbm. "ANTARANG" Vocal Music Programme (Marathi –Hindi Songs) Presented by Mr. Mahesh Hiremath was enjoyed by Directors and Staff members. A~©Z Amamo½` `moOZm : A~©Z Amamo½` `moOZoA§VJ©V H$moëhmnya ehamVrb Zm_m§{H$V hm°pñnQ>b `m§Zr ~±Ho$Mo g^mgX, J«mhH$, godH$ d g§MmbH$ `m§Mo Hw$Qw>§{~`m§H$[aVm d¡ÚH$s` \$s_Ü`o gdbV / gyQ> XodyZ ~±Ho$er A{YH$ OdirH$Vm {Z_m©U Ho$br. `m_Ü`o H$moëhmnya H°Ýga g|Q>a àm. {b., `emo{Xn AmWm}no{S>H$ d _ëQ>rñnoem{bñQ>, Amo_ gmB©, `wJ§Ya, _moa`m _ëQ>rñnoem{bñQ>, dmgZ Am` Ho$Aa, JaS> hm°pñnQ>b d H$m°ånwQ>amB©ÁS> hmo{_Amon°Wr CnMma (ìhmB©Q> hmCg) `m§Zr A~©Z Amamo½` `moOZoVyZ Amamo½` godm XoUoMo ~hþ_wë` `moJXmZ {Xbo. `m godm§Mm g^mgXm§Zr _moR>çm à_mUmV bm^ KoVbm. Urban Health Scheme : Under "Urban Health Scheme" renowned hospitals made available concerned medical treatments at concessional rates. Kolhapur Cancer Center (P.) Ltd., Yashodeep Orthopedic and Multi-Specialist, Om Sai, Yugandhar, Moraya Multi Specialist Hospital, Wasan Eye Care, Garad Hospital and computerised Homoepathy Treatment (White House) contributed in this campaign. The facilities were availed by the members on large scale. 18 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 eVmãXr _hmoËgdm{Z{_Îm {d{dY {df`mda _mÝ`dam§Mr ì`m»`mZo … Ahdmb gmbmV ~±Ho$À`m eVmãXr _hmoËdgm{Z{_Îm {d{dY {df`m§da _mÝ`dam§Mr Imbrbà_mUo ì`m»`mZo Am`mo{OV Ho$br hmoVr. `m ì`m»`mZm§Mm ~±Ho$Mo g^mmgX, J«mhH$, g§MmbH$, A{YH$mar d godH$ dJmªZr bm^ KoVbm. àm. {Za§OZ {IMS>r … AmZ§Xr OrdZmgmR>r hgm d hgÊ`mgmR>r OJm ! gm¡. AnUm© \$S>Ho$ … qhXþñWmZmVrb n{hë`m _{hbm S>m°ŠQ>a - AmZ§Xr~mB© Omoer _m. Hw$_ma Ho$VH$a … AmìhmZo ~XbË`m OJmMr Am{U OmJ{VH$sH$aUmZ§VaMm ^maV ! S>m°. E. E. ZmVy … gm`Ýg {dÚmÏ`mªZm H$[aAaÀ`m g§Yr lr. àgmX ~wam§S>o … J«mhH$ godm Guest Lectures in Centenary Year : In Centenary Year, lectures of following eminent personalities were arranged which were enjoyed by members, customers, directors and staff. Prof. Niranjan Khichadi : "Anandi Jeevanasathi Hasa, Hasnyasathi Jaga" Sou. Aparna Phadke : "First Lady Doctor in Hindusthan : Dr. Anandibai Joshi" Shri. Kumar Ketkar : "Awhane badaltya jagachi ani jagtikikaran nantarcha Bharat" Dr. A. A. Natu : "Career opportunities for Science students" Shri. Prasad Burande : "Customer Service" ghH$ma n[afX … ~±Ho$À`m eVmãXr _hmoËgd Am{U Am§VaamîQ´>r` ghH$ma dfm©{Z{_ËV ""97 ì`m KQ>Zm XþéñVr_wio ghH$mar ~±H$m§da hmoUmao n[aUm_'' `m {df`mda ghH$ma n[afX Am`mo{OV Ho$br hmoVr. H$moëhmnya {Oëhm ZmJar ghH$mar ~±Šg² Agmo{gEeZ {b. d Amnë`m ~±Ho$À`m g§`wŠV {dÚ_mZo e{Zdma {X.$ 16 _mM© 2013 amoOr ao{gS>oÝgr Šb~, Vmam~mB© nmH©$, H$moëhmnya `oWo hr n[afX Am`mo{OV Ho$br hmoVr. `m n[afXoV gm§Jbr {Oëhm ~±Šg Agmo{gEeZgh AÝ` 60 ghH$mar ~±H$m§Mo 250 hÿZ A{YH$ à{V{ZYtZr gh^mJ KoVbm. `m n[afXog Am_À`m ~±Ho$Mo AÜ`j A°S²>. em_amd qeXo `m§Zr _mJ©Xe©Z Ho$bo. H|$Ð gaH$maZo Ho$bobr KQ>Zm XþéñVr d Ë`m AZwf§JmZo amÁ`nmb, _hmamîQ´> amÁ` `m§Zr ghH$mar H$m`X²`mV XþéñVr H$éZ nmarV Ho$bobo AÜ`mXoe VgoM ghH$ma Am`wŠV, _hmamîQ´> amÁ` `m§Zr AmXe© nmoQ>{Z`_ pñdH$maUo~m~V {Xbobo {ZX}oe `m {df`mda {Zd¥ËV Ý`m`mYre _m. lr. A{Zb gmIao `m§Zr KQ>Zm, H$m`Xm XþéñVr d ZdrZ AmXe© nmoQ>{Z`_ `m~m~V _mJ©Xe©Z Ho$bo. VgoM H$moëhmnya A~©Z ~±Ho$Zo eVH$ _hmoËgdr H$maH$sXuV gd©gm_mÝ`m§À`m Am{W©H$ JaOm nyU© H$éZ ZoÌXrnH$ àJVr gmYbr AgboMo Jm¡admoX²Jma H$mT>bo. gm§Jbr {Oëhm ~±Šg Agmo{gEeZMo ~mnygmho~ nwOmar `m§Zr H$m`Xm d nmoQ>{Z`_mVrb ~Xbm_wio ghH$mar ~±H$m§da hmoUmao n[aUm_m§~m~V Cnm``moOZm gwM{dë`m. Va {X H$amS> A~©Z ~±Ho$Mo AÜ`j lr. gw^mf Omoer `m§Zr H$m`Xm d nmoQ>{Z`_mVrb ~Xbm_wio ZmJar ~±H$m§da hmoUmao n[aUm_m§Mm {dMma _m§S>bm. ghH$ma ^maVrMo à{ejU H|$Ð à_wI MaoJmdH$a `m§Zr H$m`Xm d nmoQ>{Z`_ XþéñVr_mJrb gaH$maMr ^w{_H$m d VaVwXr `m~m~V _V {dfX Ho$bo. H$m`Xo gëbmJma A°S²>. A{^OrV H$mngo `m§Zr KQ>Zm, H$m`Xm d nmoQ>{Z`_mVrb {dg§JVr `mMo {díbofU Ho$bo. `m n[afXo_YyZ H$m`ÚmVrb ~Xbboë`m VaVwXtMo ghH$mar ~±H$m§da hmoUmao n[aUm_ d Ë`m~m~V ~±H$m§Zr ¿`md`mMr H$miOr VgoM AmXe© nmoQ>{Z`_mVrb VaVwXtMm A§_b `m~m~V `mo½` _mJ©Xe©Z {_imbo~m~V ~±H$m§À`m à{V{ZYtZr Am^ma ì`ŠV Ho$bo. `m n[afXog H$moëhmnya {Oëhm ZmJar ghH$mar ~±Šg² Agmo{gEeZMo CnmÜ`j {ZnwUamd H$moao hohr CnpñWV hmoVo. Conference On Co-operation : A conference on co-operation was arranged to celebrate Bank's Centenary and international Co-operative year on “Effect of 97th Amendment to constitution on co-operative Banking Sector”. The Conference was arranged jointly by our bank and Kolhapur Dist. Urban Co-op Banks Association Ltd., Kolhapur on 16th March 2013. More than 250 delegates from 60 co-operative Banks and Sangli Dist. Urban Co-op Banks Association participated in the conference. Mr. Shamrao Shinde, President of our bank guided the gathering. Mr. Nipun Kore, Vice President of Kolhapur Dist Urban Banks Association Ltd. also participated in the conference. Mr. Anil Sakhare Retired Judge in his speech on “Constitution, Amendment to Co-operative act and ideal Bye –Lows” expressed his detailed views on constitutional amendment to co-operative Act and adoption of bye –laws. He also appreciated performance of our Bank. While addressing the participants, Mr. Bapusaheb Pujari of Sangli Dist Urban Co-op Banks Association narrated the effect on co-op banks after revision of Act and Bye Laws and suggested ways and means to address the changes. Mr. Subhash Joshi of Karad Urban Co-op Bank expressed his views on similar topic where as Mr. Shekhar Charegaonkar of Sahakar Bharati in his address narrated his views on Government's stand on co-op Act and nature of amendment to bye-laws. Mr. Abhijeet Kapse ,Legal Consultant expressed his views on anamaly between constitution, Act And bye-laws. The representative of various banks expressed their satisfaction for enriching their knowledge on subject matter of conference. 19 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 emIm {dñVma … ~±Ho$Zo emIm {dñVmamÀ`m Ñï>rZo R>mUo, nwUo, gm§Jbr `m {R>H$mUr emIm _§OwargmR>r [aPìh© ~±Ho$H$So> àñVmd nmR>{dbo hmoVo. [aPìh© ~±Ho$Zo `m {VÝhr {R>H$mUÀ`m emIm§Zm nadmZJr {Xbr Amho. The proposal for branch expansion was submitted to RBI. RBI has given permission to open branches at Thane , Pune and Sangli. g§H$ënnyVu / Goal Achievement ¦ ~±Ho$Mr OaJ ZJa emIm Jwédma {X.14/02/2013 amoOr gwé Pmbr. ¦ ~±Ho$Mr aËZm{Jar emIm gmo_dma {X.04/03/2013 amoOr gwé Pmbr. ¦ AÚ`mdV S>oQ>m g|Q>a nyU© Pmbo Amho. ¦ E.Q>r.E_. eoAatJ Mr nyV©Vm A§{V_ Q>ßß`mV Amho. ¦ Our Jarag Nagar Kolhapur Branch Commenced its business from 14/2/2013. ¦ Our Ratnagiri Branch commenced its business from 04/03/2013. ¦ Data centre is ready. ¦ Process of ATM Sharing is towards completion. ^mdnyU© lX²Ym§Obr … Ahdmb gmbmV ^maVmMo _mOr n§VàYmZ B§ÐHw$_ma JwOamb, H|$Ðr` {dkmZ d V§ÌkmZ _§Ìr Am{U _hmamîQ´>mMo _mOr _w»`_§Ìr _m. {dbmgamd Xoe_wI, _hmamîQ´> amÁ`mMo Amamo½`_§Ìr {Xp½dO` ImZ{dbH$a, qhXþ öX`g_«mQ> {edào_r _m. ~mimgmho~ R>mH$ao, YdbH«$m§VrMo AmÚ OZH$ S>m°. dJug Hw$[a`Z, ñdaP§H$ma n§{S>V a{de§H$a d_m©, Á`oð> M[aÌ A{^ZoVo : E. Ho$. h§Jb d àmU, H$bmào_r lr_Vr e{eH$bm M§ÐH$m§V _m§S>ao, _mOr g^mnVr, H|$Ðr` {Z`moOZ _§S>imMo AÜ`j : _m. ~m~mgmho~ Hw$noH$a, {H«$Ho$Q>nQw> ^mD$gmho~ ~m~mgmho~ qZ~miH$a, _mOr ZJagodH$ d _mOr AÜ`j, adr H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b. : ~m~wamd nm§Sw>a§J OmYd, à{gXY CÚmoOH$ O`Hw$_ma ^a_Jm|S>m nmQ>rb, gm¡. O`mXodr nr. nmQ>rb (lr. nr.EZ.nmQ>rb `m§À`m nËZr), AÜ`j, VmamamUr {dÚmnrR> : am_amd gXm{ed ~oZmS>rH$a, gm¡. gamoO (_mB©) nm§Sw>a§J nmQ>rb (àm. nr. ~r. nmQ>rb `m§À`m nËZr), _mOr g§MmbH$ : ~mnygmom C\©$ ~m~wamd dUHw$Ðo, ñÌrdmXr bo{IH$m … >lr_Vr _mYdr XogmB© (aU{OV XogmB© `m§À`m nËZr) d H$_{e©Ab ~±Ho$Mo g§MmbH$ lr. _ZmoO {ZJS>o `m gdmªMo VgoM CËVamI§S> amÁ`mV A{bH$S>rb àb`H$mar {dZmemV àmU J_m{dbobo hOmamo `mÌoH$é, n`©Q>H$ d ñWm{ZH$ a{hdmgr `m gdmªMo, kmV d AkmV {d{dY joÌmVrb _hZr` ì`ŠVr, OdmZ, Am{U ~±Ho$Mo g^mgX, J«mhH$, godH$ d Ë`m§Mo Hw$Qw>§{~`, {hVqMVH$ d kmV, AkmV ì`ŠVtMo {ZYZ Pmbo Amho Ë`m gdm©§Zm ^mdnyU© lX²Ym§Obr ! Obituary : We deeply regret to note the sad demise of following personalities since last report. Ex-Prime Minister of India : Shri. Indrakumar Gujaral, Central Cabinet Minister for Science & Technology and Ex Chief Minister of Maharashtra : Shri. Vilasrao Deshmukh, Ex-Health Minister, Maharashtra : Shri. Digvijay Khanvilkar, Chief of Shiv Sena :Shri. Balasaheb Thakare, Pioneer of White Revolution : Dr. Vargis Kurian, World renowned Sitar Maestro : Shri. Pandit Ravi Shankar, Veteran Cine Actors : Mr. A. K. Hangal & Pran, Connoisseur of Fine Art : Smt. Shashikala Chandrakant Mandare, Ex-speaker of Maharashtra Legislative Council and Ex-Chairman – Planning Commission : Shri. Babasaheb Kupekar, Cricketer : Shri. Bhausaheb Babasaheb Nimbalkar, Ex-Corporoter & Ex-Chairman, Ravi Co-op. Bank Ltd. : Shri. Baburao Pandurang Jadhav, Renowned Industrialist : Shri. Jaykumar Bharamgonda Patil, Sou. Jayadevi P. Patil (Wife of Mr. P. N. Patil), Chairman of Tararani Vidyapeeth : Shri. Ramrao Sadashivrao Benadikar, Mrs. Saroj (Mai) Pandurang Patil (Wife of Principal P. B. Patil), Ex-Director of our Bank : Mr. Bapusaheb alias Baburao Gangaram Vankudre, Eminent Authoress : Smt. Madhavi Desai (Wife of Ranjeet Desai) and Director of Commercial Bank Shri. Manoj Nigade., Thousands of Pilgrims, tourists and residents who lost their lives in the recent disaster in Uttarakhand. We profoundly expresses our deep sorrow at the sad demise of known and unknown personalities, soldiers, members, customers, ex-employees and their family members. We prey the Almighty that their souls may rest in peace. g§MmbH$ _§S>imÀ`m dVrZo em_amd Jmo. qeXo AÜ`j 20 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 boImnarjH$mMm Ahdmb 1. Amåhr {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°nao{Q>ìh ~±H$ {b., H$moëhmnya Mo {X. 31 _mM© 2013 amoOrÀ`m Vmio~§XmMo VgoM Ë`m gmo~V OmoS>boë`m Ë`m {Xder g§nUmè`m dfm©À`m Z\$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$mMo boImnarjU Ho$bobo Amho. gXa Am{W©H$ nÌH$mMr O~m~Xmar hr ~±Ho$À`m ì`dñWmnZmMr Amho. Am_Mr O~m~Xmar hr Amåhr Ho$boë`m boImnarjUmMo AmYmao gXa Am{W©H$ nÌm~m~VMo _V ì`º$ H$aÊ`mMr Amho. ^maVmV gd©gmYmaUnUo pñdH$mamh© AgUmè`m boImnarjU à_mUmZwgma (Am°{S>Q>tJ ñQ>±S>S>©) Amåhr Am_Mo boImnarjU Ho$bobo Amho. Ë`m boImnarjU à_mUmZwgma Amåhr boImnarjU H$ê$Z gXaÀ`m Am{W©H$ nÌH$m_Ü`o _moR>çm à_mUmda MwH$sMr _m{hVr Zmhr `m~m~VMr Amdí`H$ Vr {dídmgmh©Vm gXaMr Am{W©H$ nÌHo$ XoVmV `mMm nS>Vmim gXa boImnarjUm_Ü`o ¿`md`mMm Amho. boImnarjUm_Ü`o Am{W©H$ nÌH$m_Ü`o XmI{dboë`m a¸$_m d Ho$bobr {dYmZo `m~m~VÀ`m nwamì`mMr VnmgUr H$aUo `m§Mm A§V^m©d AgVmo. boImnarjUm_Ü`o Or {hemo~mMr VÎdo (AH$m¢qQ>J {àpÝgnëg) A§_bmV AmUbr AmhoV Vr nmhUo VgoM ì`dñWmnZmZo Oo _hËdnyU© A§XmO Ho$bo AmhoV Ë`mÀ`m VgoM gd©gmYmaUnUo Am{W©H$ nÌm§À`m gmXarH$aUmMm AmT>mdm KoUo d _wë`_mnZ H$aUo `mMmhr g_mdoem AgVmo. Am_À`m {dídmgmZwgma Imbrb n[aÀN>oXm§_Ü`o Z_yX Ho$boë`m eoè`m§_wio Am_Mo _Vmg Amdí`H$ Vr nwaH$Vm XoVo. 2. _hmamï´> ghH$mar g§ñWm, H$m`Xm 1961 Zwgma, Z\$m-VmoQ>m d Vmio~§X nÌH$ Z Z_wÝ`mV H$mT>bobo AmhoV. 3. _hmamï´> ghH$mar g§ñWm, H$m`Xm 1960 Zwgma darb n[aÀN>oX (1) À`m AmYmao Am{U _m{hVr à{gÕ H$aÊ`mÀ`m _`m©XoÀ`m A{YZ amhÿZ Am_Mm _w»` H$m`m©b` d 13 emIm§Mm ñdV§Ì boImnarjU Ahdmb d {heo~r YmoaUm§Zm AZwgéZ Amåhr Ahdmb H$aVmo H$s, A) Am_À`m boImnarjUmÀ`m CÔoemgmR>r _mÂ`m g§nyU© kmZmà_mUo d {dídmgmà_mUo Oê$a Vr _m{hVr d Iwbmgo CnbãY AmhoV. ~) Am_À`m _Vo ~±Ho$Zo _hmamï´> amÁ` ghH$mar g§ñWm§À`m H$m`Xm 1960 d Ë`mImbrb {Z`_ d g§ñWoMo nmoQ>{Z`_ AÝd`o Ano{jV Agë`mà_mUo `mo½` Vr {hemo~mMr nwñVHo$ R>odbr AmhoV. H$) ~±Ho$Mo ì`dhma ho ~±Ho$Zo Amåhr Vnmgboë`m d OoWn`ªV Ñï>moËnVrg Amë`mZwgma d boImn[ajU AhdmbmV Amdí`H$ VoWo {Xboë`m eoè`mg AZwgéZ, ~±Ho$À`m A{YH$ma H$joV amhÿZ Ho$bobo AmhoV. S>) emIoH$Sy>Z {_imbobr _m{hVr hr boImn[ajUmgmR>r n`m©á hmoVr. B) ~±Ho$Zo V`ma Ho$bobo Vmio~§X d Z\$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$ ho R>odÊ`mV Amboë`m {hemo~r nwñVH$mer OwiVmV. \$) Am_À`m _Vo d Amåhmbm {_imboë`m _m{hVr d IwbmemMo AmYmao, CnbãY H$ê$Z {Xboë`m {heo~r nwñVH$m§À`m AmYmao d Amdí`H$ Ë`m {heo~r YmoaUmg AZwgéZ d `mo½` Ë`m {heo~r {Q>ßnUrg Am{U Am_À`m boImn[ajU AhdmbmVrb eoao, {ZarjUo d gwMZm `m§Zm nmÌ amhÿZ : 1) ~±Ho$Mm Vmio~§X hm {X. 31 _mM© 2013 À`m ~±Ho$À`m n[apñWVrMr dmñVd d ~amo~a pñWVr Xe©{dVmo. 2) ~±Ho$Mo {X. 31 _mM© 2013 AIoaMo Z\$m-VmoQ>m nÌH$ ho `m {XZm§H$mg g§nUmè`m dfm©À`m AJa _wXVrV Am_À`m boImn[ajU AhdmbmVrb {ZarjUmg AZwgéZ gm_mÝ`V: dmñVd Z\$m Xe©{dVo. boImnarjU dJ© : {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°nao{Q>ìh ~±H$ {b. H$moëhmnya `m ~±Ho$g ghH$mar df© gZ 2012-2013 H$[aVm boImnarjU dJ© ""A'' XoUoV Ambm Amho. {XZmH$ : 16/07/2013 ñWi : gm§Jbr _o. ndma, Hw$bH$Uu A±S> Agmo{gEQ>g² MmQ>©S>© AH$m¢Q>§Q>g² H$[aVm gr.E. lr. _H$a§X em§Vmam_ Hw$bH$Uu _|.Z§. 102856 \$_© a{O. Z§. 118008 S>ãë`w (^mJrXma) 21 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 {X. 31 _mM© 2013 AIoaMm Vmio~§X BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31.03.2013 ^m§S>db d XoUr Sch. No. CAPITAL & LIABILITIES A{YH¥$V ^mJ ^m§S>dc 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 25,00,00,000.00 25,00,00,000.00 12,89,48,540.00 11,24,10,520.00 62,04,46,908.38 57,18,10,493.25 0.00 00.00 4,43,20,55,686.06 3,60,51,30,269.13 0.00 0.00 14,56,524.00 17,21,638.82 0.00 0.00 2,07,56,992.00 1,66,02,541.00 9,16,41,064.32 92263562.58 4,53,53,404.46 3,54,01,097.07 5,74,88,888.32 4,26,40,661.67 5,39,81,48,007.54 4,47,79,80,783.52 Authorised Share Capital 1. dgyc ^mJ^m§S>dc 2. J§JmOir d BVa {ZYr 3. n«mYmÝ`nyaH$ gaH$mar ^mJrXmar ImVo 4. Ro>dr d BVa ImVr Subscribed and Paid-up Share Capital 1 Reserve Fund and Other Reserves Principal / Subsidiary State Partnership Fund A/c 2 Deposits and other Accounts 5. KoVcocr H$O} 6. dgwcrg Amcocr {~co 7. emIm {_idUr Borrowings Bills Received for collection (As per Contra) Branch adjustments 8. XoUo ì`mO Interest Payable 9. WH$ì`mO VaVyX Overdue Interest Provision 10. BVa XoUr 3 Other Liabilities 11. {Zìdi Z\$m Net Profit EHy$U TOTAL (h_rnÌmnmoQ>r g§^mì` XoUr é. 2472026.00) (Contingent Liabilities for Bank Guarantees Rs. 2472026.00) {XZm§H$ … 23/04/2013 {H$emoa ~miH¥$îU Vm§~Q> gwaoe _hmXod Mm¡Jwbo ~mOramd XJSy> Iamoeo> A{Zb AZ§Vamd ZmJamio OZab _°ZoOa (bmoZ A±S> [aH$ìhar) OZab _°ZoOa (AH$m¢Q>g²) OZab _°ZoOa (A°S>{_{ZñQ´>oeZ) _w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar _o. Ama. Eg. _mo{hVo A±S> H§$nZr _o. ndma, Hw$bH$Uu A±S> Agmo{gEQ>g² MmQ>©S>© AH$m¢Q>§Q>g², A§VJ©V boImn[ajH$ MmQ>©S>© AH$m¢Q>§Q>g², gm§Jbr (d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$) 22 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 {X. 31 _mM© 2013 AIoaMm Vmio~§X BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31.03.2013 qOXJr d `oUr 1. Sch. No. PROPERTY & ASSETS amoI d ~±Ho$Vrc Mmcy ImVodarc {e„H$ 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 4 14,34,36,596.88 12,04,37,010.66 5 7,57,00,000.00 1,47,00,000.00 6 1,77,22,89,839.00 1,67,28,59,059.00 00.00 00.00 7 3,13,79,80,607.20 2,42,52,45,381.37 8 16,71,52,933.57 14,32,42,935.16 14,56,524.00 17,21,638.82 1,42,308.00 1,40,270.00 6,84,29,970.00 7,60,33,310.00 2,31,33,649.68 1,81,25,769.20 12,45,174.00 11,08,734.00 71,80,405.21 43,66,675.31 5,39,81,48,007.54 4,47,79,80,783.52 Cash and Bank Balances 2. _mJUr d Aën _wXVrÀ`m Ro>dr Money at Call & Short Notice 3. Jw§VdUyH$ Investments 4. n«mYmÝ`nyd©H$ gaH$mar ^mJrXmar ImVo Principal / Subsidiary State Partnership Fund Account 5. H$O} Loans & Advances 6. `oUo ì`mO Interest Receivable 7. dgwcrg nmR>{dcocr {~co (XoUoH$So> XmI{dcon«_mUo) Bills Sent for Collection (As Per Contra) 8. emIm {_idUr Branch Adjustments 9. ñWmda {_iH$Vr (PrO dOm OmVm qH$_V) Premises (Less Depreciation) 10. \${Z©Ma/CnH$aUo (PrO dOm OmVm qH$_V) Furniture, Fixtures & Equipments (Less Depreciation) 11. dmhZ ImVo (PrO dOm OmVm qH$_V) Vehicle (Less Depreciation) 12. BVa `oUr 9 Other Assets EHy$U TOTAL g§MmbH$ _§S>i {earf XËVmÌ` H$UoaH$a em_amd JmoqdXamd qeXo CnmÜ`j AÜ`j {edmOramd _méVamd H$X_ {dídmgamd JOmZZ H$mQ>H$a Zm_Xodamd {dR²>R>bamd H$m§~io> nm§Sw>a§J VwH$mam_ nmQ>rb amOZ naeam_ ^mogbo gw^mf e§H$aamd ^m§~wao O`qgJamd nm§Sw>a§J _mZo ~m~mgmho~ qhXþamd _m§Jwao _YwgyXZ OZmX©Z gmd§V gm¡. _oYm {dH«$_ OmYd gm¡. _mYwar {dO` qeXo _mZqgJamd O`qgJamd OmYd {Xbrn qMVm_U Xoenm§S>o àH$me {XZH$a OmYd (VÁk g§MmbH$) (VÁk g§MmbH$) (H$_©Mmar à{V{ZYr) 23 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 {X. 31 _mM© 2013 AIoaMo Z\$m VmoQ>m nÌH$ PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31.03.2013 IM© Sch. No. EXPENDITURE Ro>drdarc ì`mO 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 31,72,38,709.86 21,98,29,620.20 1,18,728.00 0.00 6,38,40,406.15 5,84,24,489.86 6,51,170.00 5,31,020.00 11 90,11,887.69 61,72,728.16 12 9,12,687.03 7,74,873.33 13 14,35,443.40 14,18,632.62 14 6,11,592.60 5,09,759.01 15 11,04,200.00 9,54,800.00 16 77,98,438.12 70,94,080.94 17 17,01,622.25 11,37,048.00 18 1,21,50,496.17 93,11,816.28 19 2,94,62,000.00 3,60,26,000.00 2,81,15,924.98 2,05,70,814.00 47,41,53,306.25 36,27,55,682.40 5,74,88,888.32 4,26,40,661.67 53,16,42,194.57 40,53,96,344.07 Interest on Deposits Ro>d VmaU H°$e H«o${S>Q> darc ì`mO Interest on CC Deposit Loan nJma, ^Îmo, àm°. \§$S>, CnXmZ, B. 10 Salaries, Allowances, P.F., Gratuity etc. g§MmcH$ {_Q>tJ d n«dmg ^Îmo Directors' Fees & Allowances ^mSo>, H$a, {d_m, drO ~rb, BË`mXr Rent, Taxes, Insurance, Electricity etc. H$moQ©> IM©, H$m`Xo g„mJma d BVa \$s Court Expenses, Legal Advisor & other fees etc. H$m°åß`wQ>a gm°âQ>doAa \$s d _|Qo>ZÝg Computer Software Fee / Maintainance Q>nmc d XyaÜdZr Postage & Telephone etc. {hemo~ VnmgZrgm§Mr \$s Auditor's Fee {_iH$Vrdarc Kgmam d XwéñVr Depreciation and Repairs, Maintenance etc. N>nmB©, gm{Xcdma d Om{hamV IM© Printing Stationery, Advertisement etc. BVa IM© Other Expenses VaVwXr Provisions Am`H$a Income Tax EHy$U IM© Total Expenditure {Zìdi Z\$m Net Profit EHy$U TOTAL {XZm§H$ … 23/04/2013 {H$emoa ~miH¥$îU Vm§~Q> OZab _°ZoOa (bmoZ A±S> [aH$ìhar) gwaoe _hmXod Mm¡Jwbo OZab _°ZoOa (AH$m¢Q>g²) ~mOramd XJSy> Iamoeo> OZab _°ZoOa (A°S>{_{ZñQ´>oeZ) A{Zb AZ§Vamd ZmJamio _w»` H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar _o. Ama. Eg. _mo{hVo A±S> H§$nZr _o. ndma, Hw$bH$Uu A±S> Agmo{gEQ>g² MmQ>©S>© AH$m¢Q>§Q>g², A§VJ©V boImn[ajH$ MmQ>©S>© AH$m¢Q>§Q>g², gm§Jbr (d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajH$) 24 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 {X. 31 _mM© 2013 AIoaMo Z\$m VmoQ>m nÌH$ PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31.03.2013 CËnÞ Sch. No. INCOME ì`mO d gyQ> 20 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 51,86,38,211.37 39,46,52,203.94 23,63,000.00 19,88,000.00 5,55,603.22 5,95,815.12 2,80,034.00 0.00 98,05,345.98 81,60,325.01 53,16,42,194.57 40,53,96,344.07 Interest received on loans & advances, investments gaH$mar amoIo IaoXr/{dH«$rVyZ {_imcoco CËnÞ Profit on trading & sale of securities H${_eZ, dQ>md dJ¡ao Commissions, Exchange, Brokerage, etc. _mc_Îmm {dH«$rVyZ {_imcoco CËnÞ Profit from Sale of other Assets BVa CËnÞ 21 Other Income EHy$U TOTAL g§MmbH$ _§S>i {earf XËVmÌ` H$UoaH$a {edmOramd _méVamd H$X_ {dídmgamd JOmZZ H$mQ>H$a Zm_Xodamd {dR²>R>bamd H$m§~io> nm§Sw>a§J VwH$mam_ nmQ>rb _mZqgJamd O`qgJamd OmYd (VÁk g§MmbH$) CnmÜ`j em_amd JmoqdXamd qeXo amOZ naeam_ ^mogbo gw^mf e§H$aamd ^m§~wao O`qgJamd nm§Sw>a§J _mZo {Xbrn qMVm_U Xoenm§S>o (VÁk g§MmbH$) AÜ`j ~m~mgmho~ qhXþamd _m§Jwao _YwgyXZ OZmX©Z gmd§V gm¡. _oYm {dH«$_ OmYd gm¡. _mYwar {dO` qeXo àH$me {XZH$a OmYd (H$_©Mmar à{V{ZYr) 25 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 1 J§JmOir d BVa {ZYr RESERVE FUND & OTHER RESERVES 1) J§JmOir 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 11,11,12,287.00 9,94,97,348.34 3,06,14,292.10 3,02,79,795.84 1,01,17,000.00 84,80,000.00 50,00,000.00 50,00,000.00 24,35,47,883.79 22,14,96,304.58 82,00,000.00 82,00,000.00 11,83,881.00 11,83,881.00 8,28,522.52 6,63,811.52 46,62,091.97 44,34,481.97 6,00,000.00 6,00,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 3,89,99,700.00 3,20,90,700.00 4,69,85,000.00 4,69,85,000.00 1,51,00,000.00 1,01,00,000.00 1,19,00,000.00 92,00,000.00 1,85,00,000.00 1,60,00,000.00 1,15,80,000.00 92,50,000.00 6,14,96,250.00 6,83,29,170.00 62,04,46,908.38 57,18,10,493.25 Statutory Reserve Fund 2) B_maV {ZYr Building Fund 3) cm^m§e g_rH$aU {ZYr Dividend Equalisation Fund 4) g§H$Q> {ZdmaU {ZYr Risk Fund 5) ~wS>rV H$O© {ZYr Bad and Doubtful Debts Reserve 6) ~±H$ {dH$mg {ZYr Bank Technology Development Fund 7) AmH$pñ_H$ IM© {ZYr Contingency Fund 8) godH$ H$ë`mU {ZÜmr (`m ì`{V[aº$ `oUo H$O© é. 6,070/-Amho.) Staff Welfare Fund (Outstanding loan Rs.6070/- not included) 9) g^mgX H$ë`mU {ZYr (`m ì`{V[aº$ `oUo H$O© é.2,85,283/-Amho.) Member Welfare Fund (Outstanding loan Rs.285283/- not included) 10) H¡$.X.Z.H$UoaH$a ñ_¥Vr {ZYr Late D. N. Kanerkar Fund 11) nÙmamOo Zm_H$aU H$m`_ {ZYr Padmaraje Namkaran Fixed Fund 12) Jw§VdUyH$ MT>-CVma {ZYr Investment Fluctuation Fund 13) Jw§VdUyH$ Kgmam {ZYr Investment Depreciation Reserve 14) eVmãXr _hmoËgd {ZYr Centenary Celebration Fund 15) CÎm_ qOXJrgmR>r VaVyX Provision for Standard Assets 16) Ro>d gwajm {ZYr Deposit Security Fund 17) {deof amIrd {ZYr Special Reserve Fund 18) nwZ_©wë`m§H$Z {ZYr Revaluation Reserve EHy$U TOTAL 26 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 2 R>odr d BVa ImVr 31.03.2013 AMOUNT DEPOSITS & OTHER ACCOUNTS A) _wXV Ro>dr Term Deposits ì`{º$JV Individuals & others ghH$mar g§ñWm Co-op.Societies ~) gopìh¨½O Ro>dr Saving Deposits ì`{º$JV Individuals & others ghH$mar g§ñWm Co-op.Societies H$) Mmcy Ro>dr Current Deposits ì`{º$JV Individuals & others ghH$mar g§ñWm Co-op.Societies S>) BVa Ro>dr Other Deposits ì`{º$JV Individuals & others EHy$U 3,21,13,30,145.36 12,82,47,393.00 2,47,19,57,921.36 3,33,95,77,538.36 86,15,52,228.26 24,71,616.73 TOTAL 8,69,08,098.00 82,27,55,973.94 86,40,23,844.99 12,17,50,848.43 29,89,305.06 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 27,79,226.47 12,33,68,160.02 12,47,40,153.49 79,73,498.84 10,37,14,149.22 8,93,87,390.50 4,43,20,55,686.06 3,60,51,30,269.13 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 3 BVa XoUr 31.03.2013 AMOUNT OTHER LIABILITIES 1) g^mgXm§Mr XoUr 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 53,06,441.45 76,22,074.15 2,31,89,381.48 1,53,82,021.48 35,23,187.80 38,30,620.80 1,33,34,393.73 85,66,380.64 4,53,53,404.46 3,54,01,097.07 Shareholders Liabilities 2) H$_©Mmè`m§Mr XoUr Staff amount Payable 3) \$s, H$a XoUr Audit fee, Tax Payable 4) BVa XoUr Other amount Payable EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> amoI d ~±Ho$Vrb [eëbH$ CASH & BANK BALANCES 1) amoI hmVmVrc {e„H$ SCHEDULE - 4 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 3,21,57,400.38 2,72,16,941.91 10,21,65,978.61 8,34,72,183.31 91,13,217.89 97,47,885.44 14,34,36,596.88 12,04,37,010.66 Cash In Hand 2) gy{MV ~±H$mVrc Mmcy Ro>dr Balances with notified Banks 3) BVa ~±H$mVrc Mmcy Ro>dr Balances with other Banks EHy$U TOTAL 27 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 5 _mJUr d Aën _wXVrÀ`m R>odr 31.03.2013 AMOUNT MONEY AT CALL AND SHORT NOTICE 1) H$moëhmnya {Oëhm _Ü`dVu ghH$mar ~±H$ {b. 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 7,57,00,000.00 1,47,00,000.00 7,57,00,000.00 1,47,00,000.00 Kolhapur District Central Co-op. Bank Ltd. EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> Jw§VdUyH$ SCHEDULE - 6 31.03.2013 AMOUNT INVESTMENTS A) _wXV~§X Ro>dr Fixed Deposits 1) amÁ` d {Oëhm gh. ~±H$ {b. 4,05,70,000.00 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 10,68,50,000.00 State & District Central Co-op. Bank Ltd. 2) BVa ~±Ho$Vrc Ro>dr 47,33,00,000.00 51,38,70,000.00 50,34,00,000.00 ~) H|$Ð gaH$maMo H$O© amoIo Central Govt. Securities Xe©Zr qH$_V Face Value 79,80,00,000.00 ~mOma^mdmZo qH$_V Market Value 77,15,15,900.00 80,75,32,370.00 80,08,91,590.00 H$) amÁ` gaH$maMo H$O© amoIo State Govt. Securities Xe©Zr qH$_V Face Value ~mOma^mdmZo qH$_V Market Value 34,08,84,468.00 14,06,14,468.00 7,00,00,000.00 7,00,00,000.00 3,001.00 3,001.00 4,00,00,000.00 5,11,00,000.00 Other Bank Deposits S>) BVa gmd©O{ZH$ amoIo Bonds of PSU Xe©Zr qH$_V Face Value ~mOma^mdmZo qH$_V Market Value 34,04,40,000.00 34,76,03,480.00 7,00,00,000.00 6,97,34,000.00 B) ghH$mar g§ñWm§Mo eoAg© Shares in Co-op. Societies B©) å`wÀ`wAc \§$S> Jw§VdUyH$ Mutual Fund Investment EHy$U TOTAL 1,77,22,89,839.00 1,67,28,59,059.00 28 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> H$O} SCHEDULE - 7 31.03.2013 AMOUNT ADVANCES A) Aën _wXVrMr H$O} Short Term Loans 1) gaH$ma d gaH$ma_mÝ` amoIo `m§Mo VmaUmda 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 2,85,500.00 5,23,862.00 1,17,84,43,371.29 88,05,47,310.43 Govt. and other Approved Securities 2) BVa VmaUmdarc Other Tangible Securities 3) d¡`{º$H$ Om_rZH$sdarc 99,05,926.82 1,18,86,34,798.11 80,43,072.28 Personal Sureties (n¡H$s WH$~mH$s é. 1,49,75,023.65 n¡go) (Of which overdues Rs. 1,49,75,023.65) ~) _Ü`_ _wXVrMr H$O} Medium Term Loans 1) gaH$ma d gaH$ma_mÝ` amoIo `m§Mo VmaUmda 2,72,149.00 4,75,573.00 62,29,85,162.00 56,05,32,980.80 Govt. and other Approved Securities 2) BVa VmaUmdarc Other Tangible Securities 3) d¡`{º$H$ Om_rZH$sdarc 10,73,25,368.75 73,05,82,679.75 9,28,89,534.97 Personal Sureties (n¡H$s WH$~mH$s é. 2,35,67,618.75 n¡go) (Of which overdues Rs. 2,35,67,618.75) H$) XrK© _wXVrMr H$O} Long Term Loans 1) gaH$ma d gaH$ma_mÝ` amoIo `m§Mo VmaUmda 96,122.00 1,22,081.00 1,21,85,00,964.34 88,20,21,322.89 Govt. and other Approved Securities 2) BVa VmaUmdarc Other Tangible Securities 3) d¡`{º$H$ Om_rZH$sdarc 1,66,043.00 1,21,87,63,129.34 89,644.00 3,13,79,80,607.20 2,42,52,45,381.37 Personal Sureties (n¡H$s WH$~mH$s é. 2,79,80,925.75 n¡go) (Of which overdues Rs. 2,79,80,925.75) EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> `oUo ì`mO SCHEDULE - 8 INTEREST RECEIVABLE Jw§VdUwH$sdarb On Investments H$Om©darb On Loans and Advances (n¡H$s CËnÞ j_Vm Zgboë`m H$O© ImË`mdarb `oUo ì`mO é. 85749000.00 AgyZ WH$ì`mO VaVyX é. 85786000.00 Amho.) 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 2,94,90,233.00 2,09,78,836.00 13,76,62,700.57 12,22,64,099.16 16,71,52,933.57 14,32,42,935.16 (Of which Interest Receivable on NPA Loan Rs. 8,57,49,000 and Provision made against NPA Interest is Rs. 8,57,86,000) EHy$U TOTAL 29 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 9 31.03.2013 AMOUNT BVa `oUr OTHER ASSETS AZm_V R>odr 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 7,78,924.00 7,47,794.00 18,42,696.21 17,23,257.21 0.00 2,01,690.00 2,14,294.00 2,63,171.10 33,14,963.00 4,02,595.00 22,250.00 20,890.00 7,54,150.00 7,54,150.00 2,53,128.00 2,53,128.00 71,80,405.21 43,66,675.31 Anamat Deposits CJ_ H$a H$nmV/ [a\§$S> `oUo aŠH$_ TDS, Income tax refund receivable A{J«_ Advances {eëbH$ N>nmB© ~m`qS>J Balance of Printing & Stationery BVa `oUo, S>oQ>m g|Q>a C^maUr A°S>ìhmÝg Advance against dead stock, equipments, data center erection A°S>ìhmÝg BÝewaÝg {à{_`_ Advance Insurance premium emIm B_maVrVyZ amoH$S> Mmoarg JoboZo Cash theft in Branch Premises H°$e_Yrb A\$amV\$a Misappropriation In Cash EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> nJma, ^ËVo dJ¡ao SCHEDULE - 10 SALARIES, ALLOWANCES, ETC. nJma ^ËVo Abm¡Ýg dJ¡ao 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 5,15,78,158.15 5,03,68,678.86 50,12,336.00 44,91,048.00 71,99,466.00 32,06,821.00 50,446.00 3,57,942.00 6,38,40,406.15 5,84,24,489.86 Salaries, Allowances etc. ^.{Z.{ZYr, dJ©Ur, godm AmH$ma CnXmZ {ZYr P. F. Contribution, Gratuity, etc. ZmoH$a ~moZg d gmZwJ«h AZwXmZ Staff Bonus, Exgretia etc. H$_©Mmar à{ejU/H«$sS>m/_Zmoa§OZ/{enmB© S´>og Staff Training / Recreation EHy$U TOTAL 30 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 11 ^mS>o, AÝ` H$a, {d_m, drO {~b 31.03.2013 AMOUNT RENT, TAXES, INSURANCE, ELECTRICITY B_maV ^mS>o, pŠbA[a¨J d _m`H$a pŠbA[a¨J MmO}g 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 21,21,389.75 14,68,258.04 26,90,064.34 13,20,471.12 24,63,242.60 21,18,159.50 17,37,191.00 12,65,839.50 90,11,887.69 61,72,728.16 Building Rent, Clearing & MICR Clearing Charges å`w{Z{gnb \$mim, ì`dgm` / godm H$a Municipal Tax, Professional / Service Tax {d_m Insurance bmB©Q> d nmUr {~b EHy$U Light & Water Bill TOTAL n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 12 H$moQ>© IM©, H$m`Xo gëbmJma d BVa \$s COURT EXPS., LEGAL ADVISOR & OTHER FEES H$moQ>© IM© d \$s 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 5,62,582.03 5,10,938.23 3,50,105.00 2,63,935.10 9,12,687.03 7,74,873.33 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT Court Expenses, Fees, etc. gwnapìhOZ d ì`mdgm{`H$ \$s Supervision & Professional Fee EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 13 H$m°åß`wQ>a gm°âQ>doAa \$s d _|Q>oZÝg COMPUTER SOFTWARE FEE & MAINTENANCE ZoQ>dH©$ H$ZoŠQ>rìhrQ>r MmO}g 4,87,668.00 6,23,726.00 9,47,775.40 7,94,906.62 14,35,443.40 14,18,632.62 Network Connectivity Charges H$m°åß`wQ>a _|Q>oZÝg / H$m°åß`wQ>a H$ÝgëQ>§Q> \$s Computer Maintenance / Computer Consultant Fee EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> Q>nmb d XÿaÜdZr POSTAGE & TELEPHONE SCHEDULE - 14 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT nmoñQ>oO d Hw$[a`a MmO}g Postage & Courier Charges Q>o{b\$moZ Telephone 1,77,119.00 1,43,882.00 4,34,473.60 3,65,877.01 EHy$U 6,11,592.60 5,09,759.01 TOTAL 31 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 15 {hemo~ VnmgZrgm§Mr \$r 31.03.2013 AMOUNT AUDITORS' FEES d¡Ym{ZH$ boImn[ajU g_dVu boImn[ajU EHy$U 31.03.2012 AMOUNT Statutory Audit 7,47,300.00 6,30,300.00 Concurrent Audit 3,56,900.00 3,24,500.00 11,04,200.00 9,54,800.00 TOTAL n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 16 {_iH$Vrdarb Kgmam / XþéñVr 31.03.2013 AMOUNT DEPRECIATION AND REPAIRS TO PROPERTY PrO Depreciation H$a§Q> [anoAar / B_maV _|Q>oZÝg MmO}g 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 56,19,637.25 52,82,698.00 21,24,995.62 17,18,491.18 53,805.25 92,891.76 77,98,438.12 70,94,080.94 Current Repairy / Building Maintenance Charges dmhZ / Q>o{b\$moZ / BVa _|Q>oZÝg MmO}g Vehicle / Telephone / Other Maintenance Charges EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 17 N>nmB©, gm{Xbdma d Om{hamV IM© PRINTING, STATIONERY & ADVERTISEMENT N>nmB©, gm{Xbdma Printing & Stationery Om{hamV Advertisement EHy$U TOTAL 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 5,05,695.15 3,91,758.00 11,95,927.10 7,45,290.00 17,01,622.25 11,37,048.00 R>odtdarb {d_m / (INSURANCE ON DEPOSIT) R>odtÀ`m gwa{jVVogmR>r ~±H$ gßQ>|~a d _mM© `m ghm_mhr AIoa nwT>rb ghm_mhrÀmm R>od {d_m hám {S>nm°PrQ> BÝewaÝg A±S> H«o${S>Q> J°a§Q>r H$mnm}aoeZ `m [aPìh© ~±Ho$À`m R>od {d_m {d^mJmg nmR>{dV AgVo. ~±Ho$À`m _wXV R>od nmdVrda {då`mMo háo `m {d^mJmg nmR>{dV Agë`m~X²XbMo h_rnÌ XoÊ`mV `oVo. S>r.Am` H$S>o {d_m hám ^aUm Vnerb aŠH$_ ^aUm {XZm§H$ {X. 25/05/2012 {X. 27/11/2012 {d_m hám aŠH$_ én`o ` 18,09,688/` 20,31,075/- H$mbmdYr {X. 01/04/2012 Vo {X. 30/09/2012 {X. 01/10/2012 Vo {X. 31/03/2013 32 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> BVa IM© SCHEDULE - 18 31.03.2013 AMOUNT OTHER EXPENDITURE {n½_r H${_eZ 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 56,78,634.00 49,96,315.00 15,45,327.00 20,53,945.00 1,56,000.00 6,64,688.00 6,06,426.00 2,52,671.00 13,101.00 14,639.50 4,69,823.25 4,41,054.40 37,605.00 30,100.00 0.00 30,000.00 6,43,928.00 4,84,506.50 95,599.00 10,150.00 2,18,459.00 1,52,898.00 1,09,841.26 1,09,506.13 1,15,628.66 16,110.75 0.00 8992.00 23,168.00 46,240.00 24,36,956.00 0.00 1,21,50,496.17 93,11,816.28 Pigmy Commission Charges H$Om©Mo ì`mOmdarb [a~oQ> Rebate on Loan Interest amoIo Jw§VdUwH$sdarb {à{_`_ Amortisation of premium on Securities gd©gmYmaU g^m / {ZdS>UyH$ IM© AGM expenses / Election expenses d¥ËVnÌ dJ©Ur News Paper Bill {H$aH$moi/AZ\$mo{g©Z IM© Sundry expenses / Unforeseen expenses n[afX, ghH$ma _§S>i g^mgX dJ©Ur Co-op. Membership Contribution {ejU {ZYr> State Co-op. Education Fund emIm VnmgUr, dgwbr d àdmg IM© Branch Inspection, Recovery &Traveling Exps. XoUJr Donations g_ma§^ IM© / CX²KmQ>Z Ceremony dmhZ IM© Vehicle Expenses {Zén`moJr S>oS>ñQ>m°H$ Deadstock Written off _mb_ËVm {dH«$sVyZ Pmbobm VmoQ>m> Loss from sale of assets g§MmbH$ d A{YH$mar Aä`mg Xm¡am> Directors & Officers Edu. Research Tour eVmãXr _hmoËgd IM© Centenary Celebration Expenses EHy$U TOTAL H$_mb H$O© _`m©Xm / (EXPOSURE LIMIT) Vnerb Particulars A. ì`pŠVJV H$O© _`m©Xm A. _mM© 2013 ` 6.00 H$moQ>r _mM© 2012 ` 5.90 H$moQ>r Single Exposure Limit ~. J«wn H$O© _`m©Xm B. Group Exposure Limit ` 16.26 H$moQ>r ` 15.73 H$moQ>r 33 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 n[a{eîQ> SCHEDULE - 19 31.03.2013 AMOUNT VaVwXr Provisions {deof amIrd {ZYr 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 23,30,000.00 25,00,000.00 2,44,32,000.00 1,88,34,000.00 0.00 1,42,30,000.00 27,00,000.00 4,62,000.00 2,94,62,000.00 3,60,26,000.00 Special Reserve Fund ~wS>rV d g§e{`V H$O© {ZYr Bad & Doubtful Debts Jw§VdUyH$ Kgmam {ZYr Investment Depreciation Reserve {Z`{_V H$Om©gmR>r VaVwX For Standard Assets EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> ì`mO d gyQ> INTEREST SCHEDULE - 20 31.03.2013 AMOUNT & DISCOUNT H$Om©darb ì`mO 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 35,45,63,698.39 25,52,67,473.67 16,40,74,512.98 13,93,84,730.27 51,86,38,211.37 39,46,52,203.94 Interest on Loans & Advances Jw§VdUyH$sdarb ì`mO Interest on Investments EHy$U TOTAL n[a{eîQ> BVa CËnÞ> OTHER INCOME {d_m H${_eZ SCHEDULE - 21 31.03.2013 AMOUNT 31.03.2012 AMOUNT 5,25,341.53 4,85,391.00 7,68,254.90 2,96,613.50 44,20,883.55 39,93,148.51 24,65,190.00 20,16,300.00 414.00 710.00 16,25,262.00 13,68,162.00 98,05,345.98 81,60,325.01 Commission on Insurance ZmoQ>rg \$s Notice Fee BpÝgQ>|S>b MmO}og/ godm AmH$ma Incidental Charges / Service Charges etc. àmogoqgJ \$s Processing Fee BVa O_m Other Receipts bm°H$a ^mS>o Rent on Lockers EHy$U TOTAL 34 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 NOTES FORMING PART OF BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2013 & PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2013 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (1) Accounting Conventions : a) The financial statements are drawn up in accordance with the historical cost convention and on going concern basis. b) Items of Income and Expenditure are accounted for on accrual basis, unless other wise stated. (2) Revenue / Expenditure Recognition : a) Interest on performing advances is recognized on accrual basis. b) Interest on non performing advances is on realisation basis. c) Interest on fixed income securities is recognized on accrual basis. d) Commission, Locker rent, commission on the bank guarantees is recognized as income on realization. e) Other items of income are recognized on realization basis. f) Revenue expenditure is accounted for generally on accrual basis. g) Interest provision on matured deposits : Interest on matured term deposit has been provided for the period from the date of maturity to 31st March 2013, at saving deposit rate. (3) Advances : a) Advances are classified into standard, sub-standard, doubtful and loss assets in accordance with the guidelines issued by the R.B.I. b) Provision for sub-standard, doubtful and loss assets is made in accordance with the guidelines issued by R.B.I. In addition a general provision is also made on all standard assets as per R.B.I. guidelines. (4) Investments : a) The bank has classified the investments in accordance with R.B.I. guidelines applicable to Urban Co-op. Banks. Accordingly, classification of investments for the purpose of valuation is done under the following categories. (i) Held to maturity (HTM), (ii) Available for Sale (AFS), (iii) Held for trading (HFT) b) Premium, if any, on investment under HTM category is amortised over the residual life of the investment. c) Investments under “HFT” and “AFS” categories have been marked to market on the basis of guidelines issued by RBI. While net depreciation, if any, under each of the categories has been provided for, net appreciation, if any, has been ignored. d) For the purpose of valuation, market value in the case of State Government and other Securities, for which quotes are not available, is determined on the basis of the “Yield to Maturity” indicated by Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) jointly with Fixed Income and Money Market Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) 35 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 e) Investments are grouped under following five heads for disclosure in Balance Sheet as per RBI guidelines. (i) Central Government Securities (ii) State Government Securities (iii) PSU Bonds (iv) Shares in Co-op. Institutions (v) Mutual Funds (5) Fixed Assets and Depreciation : a) Fixed assets (Building) are stated at revalued price less depreciation provided, other fixed assets are stated at written down value. b) Depreciation on Fixed Assets (except on Computer and Software) is provided for on the W.D.V. method at the rates prescribed by the management as under. a) Building 10% b) Furniture and Fixture 10% c) Vehicles 20% d) Library 20% e) Electric Fittings / Items 20% c) Depreciation on computer and software is charged at 33.33% on straight line method as per R.B.I. guidelines. d) Depreciation on Fixed assets is charged for the full year if assets are purchased and installed during the first six months of the year. If the assets are purchased and installed in the last six months then 50% of normal depreciation is charged. No depreciation is charged on fixed assets sold during the year. (6) Retirement Benefits :- (AS - 15) a) Provident Fund and Family Pension Scheme contributions are deposited in the Office of the PF Commissioner and are accounted for on actual payment basis. b) Contribution to Group Gratuity Scheme of Life Insurance Corporation of India is made on the basis of actuarial valuation done by LIC and the same is charged to Profit and Loss Account. c) Provision towards Leave encashment is made during the year to comply with the Accounting Standard 15 (AS-15) i.e. Employee Benefits issued by The ICAI, which covers liability of the bank right from its inception. The basis of calculation is unconsumed / balance leave (number of days) in hand of all the employees as on 31-03-2013. Total liability provided for is ` 82.95 Lacs which is covered under the head “Other Liabilities”. d) During the year bank had introduced Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for its employees. 3 employees have been opted for VRS. An amount of ` 26.45 Lacs being the compensation payable as per the scheme has been paid to concerned employees. The bank has decided to charge entire amount of VRS to Profit & Loss Account. Accordingly the entire amount has been charged to Profit & Loss Account. (7) Related Party Disclosure :- (AS - 18) The bank disclosed the necessary information regarding related parties as per provision of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 by way of loans given by the bank to Directors. 36 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 (8) Taxes on Income :- (AS - 22) a) Provision for current Tax is made as per provision of Income Tax Act 1961 on the basis of estimated taxable income for the year. b) Tax expenses comprises current taxes. c) Deferred tax is recognized on timing differences. Being the difference between taxable income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods is provided. (9) Prior Period and Extra Ordinary Items : There is no prior period income / expenses credited / debited to profit and loss account during the year. There is no extra ordinary item credited / debited to profit and loss account during the year. (10) Other Notes : a) Reconciliation of Inter Branch Adjustment and Inter Bank Accounts as on 31-03-2013 are completed. Follow up for elimination of pending items therein is in progress. b) Previous year figures are regrouped or rearranged or classified wherever necessary to confirm the layout of the accounts of the current year. (11) Net Profit : Net Profit has been arrived at after provisions on Performing Assets, Non Performing Assets, Investment Depreciation fund and other usual and necessary provisions as per R.B.I. norms. g§MmbH$ d ZmVodmB©H$ `m§Zm {Xboë`m H$Om©Mr _m{hVr A. Z§. Vnerb dfm©À`m gwadmVrbm `oUo a¸$_ Sr. No. Particulars Outstanding at the beginning of the year 1. g§MmbH$ gXñ`m§Zm {Xbobr H$O} LOANS TO DIRECTORS AND THEIR RELATIVES ( ` bmImV/in Lacs ) gZ 2012-13 gZ 2012-13 31 _mM© 2013 `oUo a¸$_on¡H$s `m gmbmV `m gmbmV Ho$bobr bm `oUo a¸$_ WH$~mH$s {Xbobr H$O© a¸$_ naV\o$S> a¸$_ Loans give during 2012-13 Repayment during 2012-13 Outstanding as on 31-03-2013 Overdues as on 31-03-2013 0.00 2.50 0.00 2.50 0.00 5.59 5.16 1.35 9.40 0.00 5.59 7.66 1.35 11.90 0.00 Loan to Directors 2. g§MmbH$m§Mo ZmVodmB©H$m§Zm {Xbobr H$O} Loans to relatives of Directors EHy$U Total 37 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 BALANCE SHEET OF BANKS - DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION AS ON 31-03-2013 IN TERMS OF R. B. I. CIRCULARS ( ` in Lacs ) Sr. No. Particulars 1. Capital to Risk Asset Ratio (CRAR) 2. Investments i) Book Value ii) Face Value iii) Market Value 3. 17.42 18.56 11484.17 11384.40 11191.19 10630.56 10487.90 10026.86 7883.97 3930.27 1543.53 5600.00 3194.15 1277.84 0.00 0.00 11.90 0.00 5.59 0.00 NPAs : i) Gross NPAs Amount ii) Net NPAs Amount 974.81 0.00 671.74 0.00 Movement of NPAs. Opening Balance Add : Additions During the year Less : Recovery during the year Closing Balance 671.74 437.05 133.98 974.81 870.89 16.48 215.63 671.74 7.83 6.85 10.72 0.27 2.39 1.19 437.19 3.71 10.17 0.28 2.58 1.10 333.75 2.71 Advance against Real Estate, Construction Business & housing i) Real Estate ii) Housing iii) Builders and Developers 4. Advance against shares & debentures 5. Advance to directors, their relatives, companies/ firm in which they are interested : i) Fund-Based ii) NON - Fund Based 6. 7. 31.03.2013 31.03.2012 8. Average Cost of Deposits 9. Profitability : i) Interest income as a percentage of working funds ii) Non-interest income as a percentage of working funds iii) Operating Profi t as a percentage of working funds iv) Return on Assets v) Business (Deposits + Advances) per employee vi) Profit per employee 38 100th Annual Report 2012-2013 Sr. No. 11. 12. 31.03.2013 31.03.2012 Particulars Movements in Provision i) Towards NPAs (BDDR) ii) Towards Depreciation on Investments iii) Towards Investment Fluctuation Reserve 2435.48 469.85 390.00 2214.96 469.85 320.91 iv)Towards Standard Assets 119.00 92.00 0.00 0.00 Foreign currency assets and liabilities Issuer composition of Non SLR Investments ( ` in Crore ) No. 1 2 3 4 5 Issuer Amount Extent of Below Investment Grade Securities Extent of "Unrated" Securities Extent of "Unlisted" Securities PSUs Fls Banks Mutual Funds Provision held towards depreciation 7.00 0.00 47.33 4.00 9.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 68.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Non Performing Non - SLR investments ( ` in Crore ) Particulars Opening balance Addition during the year Reduced during the year Closing balance Total provision held Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 Am{W©H$ df© 2013-2014 H$[aVm CËnÞ d IMm©Mo A§XmOnÌH$ ANNUAL BUDGET OF INCOME & EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 2013-2014 IM© ~OoQ> EXPENDITURE ì`mO ImVo IM© àË`j ( ` in Lacs ) ~OoQ> Budget 2012-13 Actual 2012-13 3300.00 3173.57 3950.00 625.00 638.40 700.00 7.00 6.51 8.00 80.00 90.12 155.00 10.00 9.13 15.00 8.00 6.12 8.00 12.00 11.04 12.00 70.00 77.98 130.00 15.00 17.02 15.00 20.00 23.12 25.00 70.00 24.37 50.00 18.00 14.35 22.00 5.00 0.23 5.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 940.00 918.39 1160.00 25.00 15.45 20.00 60.00 56.79 65.00 C 85.00 72.24 85.00 A+B+C 4325.00 4164.20 5195.00 925.00 1152.23 1205.00 200.00 281.16 350.00 10.00 1.56 2.00 220.00 294.62 150.00 495.00 574.89 703.00 5250.00 5316.43 6400.00 A Budget 2013-14 Interest on Deposits nJma, ^Îmo, àm°. \§$S>, CnXmZ B. Salaries, Allowances, P.F., Gratuity etc. S>m`aoŠQ>a {_Q>tJ ^Îmm Directors' Fees & Allowances ^mSo>, H$a, {d_m, drO {~b, B. Rent, Taxes, Insurance, Electricity etc. H$moQ>© IM©, H$m`Xo g„mJma d BVa \$s Court Expenses, Fees, etc. Q>nmb d XÿaÜdZr Postage & Telephone {hemo~ VnmgZrgm§Mr \$s Auditor's Fees Kgmam d XþéñVr, _|Q>oZÝg Depreciation & Repairs, Maintenance N>nmB©, ñQ>oeZar d Om{hamV Printing, Stationery & Advertisement BVa IM© Other Expenses eVH$ _hmoËgd IM© Centenary Celebration Expenses H$m°åß`wQ>a gm°âQ>doAa d _|Q>oZÝg Computer Software & Maintenance g§MmbH$ d A{ÜmH$mar à{ejU, {ZarjU Aä`mg Xm¡am Directors & Officers' Training, Research Tour n§Mdm{f©H$ {ZdS>UyH$ IM© Election Expenses EHy$U ì`dñWmnH$s` IM© Total Management Expenses B H$Om©Mo ì`mOmdarb [a~oQ> Rebate on Loan Interest {n½_r H${_eZ Pigmy Commission EHy$U IM© Total Expenses T>mo~i Z\$m Am`H$a d VaVwXrnydu Gross Profit Before Tax & Provisions Am`H$a Income Tax gaH$mar amoIodarb {à{_`_ Premium on Govt. Securities VaVwXr Provisions {Zìdi Z\$m Net Profit EHy$U IM© Total Expenses 40 100 dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 Am{W©H$ df© 2013-2014 H$[aVm CËnÞ d IMm©Mo A§XmOnÌH$ ANNUAL BUDGET OF INCOME & EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 2013-2014 CËnÞ INCOME H$Om©darb gaiì`mO ~OoQ> àË`j ~OoQ> Budget 2012-13 Actual 2012-13 Budget 2013-14 3530.00 3545.64 4440.00 770.00 777.93 820.00 830.00 862.82 980.00 25.00 23.63 30.00 8.00 5.56 8.00 87.00 100.85 122.00 5250.00 5316.43 6400.00 Interest on Loans & Advances Jw§VdUwH$sdarb ì`mO Interest on Investments amoIo Jw§VdUwH$sdarb ì`mO Interest on Govt. Securities amoIo IaoXr {dH«$sVyZ Z\$m Profit on Trading & sale of securities H${_eZ Commission BVa CËnÞ Other Income EHy$U CËnÞ Total Income ^m§S>dbr IM© Vnerb PARTICULARS nwñVHo$ IaoXr CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ~OoQ> àË`j ~OoQ> Budget 2012-13 Actual 2012-13 Budget 2013-14 0.10 0.08 0.10 100.00 77.20 100.00 45.00 20.81 160.00 145.10 98.09 260.10 Liabrary \${Z©Ma, {\$ŠMg© Furniture Fixtures g§JUH$sH$aU d BVa CnH$aUo Computerisation & other Equipments EHy$U IM© Total Expenditure `m Ahdmbm_Ü`o EHy$U 1 Vo - nmZo AgyZ H$mhr g§H${bV ~m~r g^mgXm§À`m _m{hVrgmR>r Va H$mhr _OHy$a _§OwargmR>r {Xbm Amho. g§nyU© Ahdmb g^mgXm§À`m _§OwargmR>r gmXa Amho. A°S. em_amd JmoqdXamd qeXo AÜæmj 41 100 ~±Ho$Mo Zmd Name fo the Bank dm dm{f©H$ Ahdmb 2012-2013 … {X H$moëhmnya A~©Z H$mo-Am°n. ~±H$ {b., H$moëhmnya : THE KOLHAPUR URBAN CO-OP. BANK LTD., KOLHAPUR _w»` H$m`m©b` Head Office … 514, S>r dm°S>©, J§Jmdoe, H$moëhmnya 416 002. : 514, D Ward, Gangavesh, Kolhapur 416 002. Date of Registration : 30/09/1913 Zm|XUrMr VmarI [aPìh© ~±Ho$À`m nadmÝ`mMr VmarI [aPìh© ~±Ho$Mm nadmZm H«$_m§H$ H$m`©joÌ Area of Operation … Website : Vnerb Date of RBI License : 29/11/1986 RBI License Number : UBD/MH/686P PARTICULARS g§nyU© _hmamîQ´> amÁ` Entire State of Maharashtra 31/03/2013 ( bmImV/in Lacs) emIm§Mr g§»`m (_w»` H$m`m©b`mgh) Number of Branches (Including HO) : 13 g^mgX Members A dJ© "A" Class : 28778 Zm__mÌ Nominal : 4262 H$O©Xma g^mgX Borrower Members dgwb ^mJ ^m§S>db Subscribed Paid up Share Capital : 1289.49 EHy$U amIrd d BVa {ZYr Reserve Fund & Other Reserves : 6204.47 R>odr Deposits ~MV Savings : 8640.24 44320.56 Mmby Current : 1247.40 _wXV d BVa R>odr Term & Other : 34432.92 {Xbobr H$O} gwa{jV Secured : 30205.84 31379.81 Agwa{jV Unsecured : 1173.97 Q>ŠHo$dmar Percentage : AJ«H«$_ joÌmgmR>r Priority Sector : 50.71% Xþ~©b KQ>H$m§gmR>r Weaker Sector : 10.04% KoVbobr H$O} Borrowings : 0.00 Jw§VdUyH$ amÁ` d {Oëhm _Ü`. gh. ~±Ho$Vrb R>odr State & District Central Co-op. Bank Ltd. : 1162.70 Investments BVa ~±H$m§Vrb R>odr Deposit with other Banks : 4733.00 18479.90 gaH$mar d BOa gmd©O{ZH$ amoIo Govt. Securities & Bonds of PSU : 11484.17 å`wÀ`wAb \§$S> Jw§VdUyH$ Investments in Mutual Fund : 1100.00 amÁ` d {Oëhm _Ü`. ~±Ho$Vrb eoAg© Shares in State & Dist. Co-op. Societies : 0.03 WH$~mH$s Q>ŠHo$dmar Percentage of Overdues : 2.12% Am°S>rQ> dJuH$aU Audit Classification : A dm{f©H$ Z\$m Annual Profit : 574.89 EHy$U H$_©Mmar MVwW© loUr H$_©Mmar Class IV employees : 35 Total employees BVa H$_©Mmar Other employees : 120 155 IoiVo ^m§S>db Working Capital : 53981.48 42
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