June 2016 - First Covenant Church


June 2016 - First Covenant Church
David Ewing
The Saxon Union is a
Monthly Publication Of
First Covenant Church
PMB 101
3526 Lakeview Pkwy., Suite B
Rowlett, TX 75088
Saxon Union Subscriber
has calculated the date for the
return of Christ and can show
you how to do it too! See Article on Pages 6-7
Veteran’s History
Israel Maxwell, Sr. Pastor, FCC
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s
life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 NIV
Sacrifice is a crucial structure to any great society. Giving up
one’s life is seen as an ultimate sacrifice. Probably similar to
your family, my Maxwell clan has a long history of American
service. My grandfathers defended foreign soil in
World War II in order to preserve freedom. I have
relatives both current and past who served from the
Revolutionary War to Operation Enduring Freedom.
Whenever the topic of War was brought up, my grandfathers would often talk about the people who did not
have a chance to return.
They wouldn’t go into detail about the events
of what happened. My longest surviving grandfather,
Jim Maynard, went to be with the Lord last year. I
wish I had been more proactive to inquire about his
stories and the stories of his friends. I believe that one
of the greatest ways we can honor people who have
served and the friends who lost their lives is to tell
their stories. Jesus tells his disciples that they were
“his witnesses of these things.” The disciples honored
Christ’s sacrifice by telling the story of his life, death
and resurrection. We need to honor the men and
women in our family history. We must cherish and
pass on the stories of our family’s heroes to our children.
Continued Top Of Page 2
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 1
or audio tape to send to the Library of
1. Find a veteran.
There are over 20 million veterans in American
2. Prepare interview questions.
today, but with over 1,100 war veterans dying each day,
3. Record an introductory statement.
there is an urgent need to collect their personal accounts of
4. Conduct an interview.
their war time experiences while they are still among us.
5. Study tips for recording like an expert.
There are valuable lessons to be learned and these should
6. Complete forms and submit.
be collected by the nation's library, The Library of ConEven if you decide to not share a story, I do engress. You can help create this historical record by contrib- courage you to thank the veteran in your life.
uting a story or interviewing someone yourself. Capture
God Bless,
the oral history of a veteran in your family or community.
Reverend Israel Maxwell
You can submit your story to the Library of Congress and
also keep your story preserved within your family.
6 steps for capturing veterans' oral histories on
Featured Articles & Writers
“” By Israel Maxwell
Page 1
“Israel In The New Testament-Part 3” By Comparet
“The Most Important Thing...” By Ken Kemble
Page 4
Page 5
“...The Date Foe The Return Of Christ” D. Ewing
Page 6
“Furious Frank’s Israelite Moron Of The Month”
Page 10
“You Can If You Will” By John Lovell
Page 12
“Clinton Scandals”
Page 14
Mike Vincent’s Prayer Corner
Page 3
Recipes: “Breakfast Casserole” Faith Fortner
Page 3
Humor Corner: “Pagan Workplace?” ”
Page 8
Health Matters: “” By Al Sears
Page 9
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 2
Check out Classic Teachings from Mike Vincent on
the FCC web site at www.1stcovenantchurch.org
and go to the “Downloads” page. Fascinating audios
on The Lord’s Prayer, Mysteries of Healing in the
Bible and Obtaining the Mind of Christ.
To submit a prayer request, just
send in your prayer requests along
with your donations or email Pastor
Israel at [email protected]
Mike Vincent was First Covenant Church's Pastor from late 2007 through October
2009, when he passed away from the effects of chronic heart disease. Mike believed that in Mike Vincent
praying for someone, we should go by James 5:16 which tells us to “pray one for another that YOU may be
healed.” So praying for someone else's healing actually helps you! Using Mike’s special prayer below, we ask
every reader and subscriber reading this who feels moved by the Lord to please recite the following prayer suggested by Mike at least once on behalf of the First Covenant Church Members, Saxon Union Subscribers and their
friends and relatives named in the prayer (Initials are usually used for privacy reasons) and for anyone else you
“Father because our Bible, your word, tells us that Jesus Christ came that we might have life, and
have life more abundantly; and because you have instructed us to pray one for another; and because you
have told us in your word that your mercy endureth forever, we are therefore calling upon your wonderful
name Yahweh and asking that you pour out your spirit upon: Praise Reports: Dave Barley’s miraculous
recovery. Prayer: For Pastor’s new business he just launched. For Ken Kemble to feel better and his
foot to heal. For Tabatha. For Frank’s finger wound. For F3. And anyone else you want to pray for,
and supply their every need Father, according to your timing; your will; and your good pleasure, ‘For
thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.’
“Remember that good health must be gained largely through your own efforts, do your own thinking; take new courage; give your body the care it
should have, and you will soon be on the right road to good health.” J. A. Lovell, D. D., Founder, First Covenant Church
6 Slices
bread, 8 Eggs, 1
13oz Can evaporated milk, 1 10oz package longhorn cheese grated,, 1
lb breakfast sausage (beef or Turkey) DIRECTIONS: Fry sausage
well and drain. Butter bread on both sides and place in 13x9x2 inch pan.
Sprinkle sausage over bread. Cover with grated cheese. Beat eggs, milk and
dash of salt until foamy. Pour over all. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Cook
at 350° for 35-40 minutes until golden brown. Looks like pizza. Optional:
Slice 8 oz. fresh mushrooms and a red bell pepper and sprinkle on top of
mixture before pouring on eggs.
Breakfast Casserole
Your Contributions, Donations, Tithes and Offerings keep this Ministry in Operation.
Thank you for your support! First Covenant Church, PMB 101, 3526 Lakeview Pkwy., Suite B, Rowlett, TX
75088/ email: [email protected] / Web Address: www.1stcovenantchurch.org All opinions expressed in
Saxon Union articles are of the authors only and not necessarily of FCC.
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 3
were never more that the 3 Tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi
and James is speaking to the "twelve Tribes scattered abroad."
But we know that the Assyrians took into captivity first all the
people of the ten northern Tribes who made up the Kingdom of
Israel. Then the Assyrians, under King Sennacherib invaded the
southern Kingdom of Judah and deported 200,150 of its people in
Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet, A.B., J.D.
the same captivity with the ten Tribes. Finally we know from
historical sources that, upon the fall of Babylon, the Tribes of
In the past I have often told you there is Israel, by that time known as Scythians", swooped down on
Babylon and carried off most of the people of Judah, Benjamin
as much Christianity in the Old Testaand Levi who were captives at Babylon, leaving behind just the
ment as in the New. Although it is
harder to understand, because in the Old relatively few who returned to Palestine with Ezra and NeheTestament it is presented mostly in sym- miah. So when James wrote his Epistle, in A.D. 60, the Twelve
Tribes were scattered abroad, by that time known as the Angli,
bolic form, largely in the rituals. But
the Saxons, the Ostrogoths, the Visigoths and the Royal Scyths,
God is always consistent with His own
truth, so it is also true that the New Tes- already moving on their long march into their predestined homes
in Europe. It was to them that James was writing.
Bertrand Comparet tament proclaims God's eternal unWhat about Peter? The First Epistle of Peter leaves no
changing love for His own people, Israel. In my last two broadcasts, we have been examining the New doubt that he was writing to the Israelites. The first verse is badly
Testament to prove this. We saw that the four Gospels record the mistranslated. Instead of "the strangers scattered throughout
words of Jesus Christ and that He strongly emphasized that He
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia," as your King
was sent primarily to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. In His James version reads, the actual wording in the Greek is, "TO
parables, He taught the truth of Israel's continued place in God's THE EXILES OF THE DISPERSION in Pontus, Galatia etc.".
plan. Then we examined the various Epistles of Paul and we saw Pontus, Galatia and Cappadocia are the eastern part of modern
that he wrote to "the saints". We know from Psalm 148:14, that
Turkey and we know that the Scythian tribes of Israel did occupy
this region before they moved out on their long journey into
ALL of God's saints are His people Israel. We saw that in the
Epistle to the Romans, Paul reminded these "saints" to whom He Europe.
wrote that Abraham was their father, as pertaining to the flesh.
They were exiles from their original homeland in Palestine, they were dispersed over a wide region. Finally,
to clinch the matter, Peter identified them in the second verse as "Elect, according to the foreknowledge
of God, the Father." But who were God's elect? In
Isaiah 45:4, God speaks of "Israel Mine elect". As to
the foreknowledge of God, remember that in Romans
11:2, Paul confirms that "God hath not cast away His
people which He foreknew". "Elect" is but another
word for "chosen". In Deuteronomy 7:6, the people of
Israel are told that "The Lord they God hath chosen
thee to be a special people unto Himself above all the
people that are upon the face of the earth".
But let's look farther into what Peter has to say. In I
Peter 2:9, he says to these "exiles" of the dispersion on
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, etc., "But ye are a CHOSEN RACE, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, AN HOLY
“A Peculiar People...Chosen Race”
No changing of gentiles into "spiritual Israel" here, for Paul said who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." I know
Abraham was their father "as pertaining to the flesh". Similarly, that your King James version Bible says "a chosen generation";
but that is a mistranslation, for the word in the Greek is
Paul reminded "the saints" at Corinth that their fathers, like his,
passed through the Red Sea with Moses and ate the manna and
COULDN'T DESCRIBE ANYONE BUT ISRAEL. THE CHOdrank of the water which poured out of the rock in answer to
Moses' prayer, something that couldn't be said of "gentiles".
Among many other places we find it in Isaiah 44:1, "Yet
Now let's look at the writing of other Apostles in the
New Testament. What about James? James addresses his Epistle now hear O Jacob My servant; and Israel whom I have CHO"To the twelve Tribes scattered abroad". This could not be to the SEN"; and Deuteronomy 7:6, "The Lord thy God hath CHOSEN
thee to be a special people unto Himself above all the people that
Jews, for they were not of any of the Tribes of Israel and also
are upon the face of the earth." Next, "a royal priesthood, an holy
they were not 'scattered abroad" when James wrote, nor for ten
nation:" this also can only be Israel, for Exodus 19:6 tells the
year thereafter, they were still collected together in Palestine. It
people of Israel that "Ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests
could not even be the people of the Kingdom of Judah, for they
Israel In The New Testament
Part 3-Conclusion
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 4
and an holy nation." "A peculiar people" is another identifying
mark of Israel, for Deuteronomy 14:2 says, "For thou art an holy
people unto the Lord they God and the Lord hath chosen thee to
be A PECULIAR PEOPLE unto Himself above all the nations
that are upon the earth." Finally, "that ye should show forth the
praise of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous
light" is another identifying mark of Israel. In Isaiah 43:21 God
says, "This people have I formed for Myself; THEY SHALL
I have skipped over the Epistle to the Hebrews, which is
not signed, but is usually credited to Paul. I can't imagine anyone
disputing that this book, as indicated by its title, is written TO, as
well as written about the Hebrews, the Israelites. Probably we
need no say more about it here. If I were to start in on that book,
it alone would take several broadcasts to cover. I will go into that
some other time.
What of the little understood Book of REVELATION?
It is too clear for any possible doubt that his book is written in
symbols and is not to be taken literally. But, you must understand
the symbols used in order to know the great realities for which
they stand. These symbols are, in general Israel symbols. Hence
it can be understood only by those who can recognize the Israel
basis of the symbols. This also is a book about which whole volumes have been written. It is too long for me to take up as just a
subdivision of our present theme of Israel in the New Testament.
But, we have covered enough to show that the New Testament and the Old Testament are just the two sides of the same
coin which has the same value, whichever side you look at. If
this were not so, we could not have confidence in either one of
them. Truth must always be consistent with itself. Jesus Christ
came not to take back God's promises and nullify the prophecies,
but rather, as Paul said in Romans 15:8, "Now I say that Jesus
Christ was a minister of the circumcision, for the truth of God, to
confirm the promises made unto the fathers."
All that had been promised to Abraham and Moses was
to be made good. Likewise, these promises to Abraham and
Moses included the basis for Christianity. In fact, Moses was a
Christian! Does that startle you, when you remember that Moses
died more than 1400 years before Christ was born? Yet the New
Testament tells us that Moses was a Christian. In Hebrews 11:2426, it says, "By faith, Moses when he was come to years, refused
to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to
suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season: ESTEEMING THE REPROACH OF
CHRIST greater riches than the treasure of Egypt: for he had
respect unto the recompense of the reward." Now it is certain that
he could not have "esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches
than the treasures of Egypt" unless he truly understood what all
the rituals he taught the people really meant, that they talked of
the coming Redeemer. So it is that Hebrews 10:1 speaks of "the
Law having a shadow of the good things to come." The Book of
Hebrews explains how the rituals were only symbols of the coming of Christ and His sacrifice for us.
Therefore, never let anyone tell you that the two halves
of the Bible are inconsistent and that to accept one you must reject the other. No, the Bible is all one book. It tells of God's putting His sons and daughters on earth as His chosen people, Israel.
The great destiny He set for them. It tells of His foreknowledge
of their imperfections and sins and His provision from before the
foundation of the world of the Redeemer who would save His
people. Both Old and New Testaments are Christian books and
both of them are Israel books.
by Kenneth C. Kemble, P. O. Box 5204, Uvalde, Texas 78802-5204
What is the most important thing in the world to me?
Ken & Donita Kemble
Is it life? I do want to live, but live for what? Is it liberty? I do want to
be free, but free to do what? Is it happiness? I do want happiness, but
with who, and to what end? Is it wealth? I do want wealth, but what is true wealth?
No, the most important thing in the world to me is a person, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the way, the truth and the life, and I want it all. If I have Jesus, I have everything. If I
have all the wealth of this world and yet do not have Him, I have nothing.
The pleasures of this world will all pass, but He remains forever. In Him is life. In Him is true
liberty. In Him is the greatest happiness of all. And in Him, and only in Him, is found the greatest
treasure imaginable.
He is my confidence for today, my hope for tomorrow and my joy in sorrow. I love Him with all
my heart.
He gave His life for me. How could I give Him anything less?
Written December 27, 2015
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 5
They were Kindred Tribes which is the term
used in Revelation & that begins in Genesis Chapter 12
which is often quoted. It takes time to make these conThe 144,000 Project
nections & teach it where people actually understand the
connections I'm making, but I've created detailed charts
http://www.youtube.com/user/rev9video/videos that are heavily cross-referenced, which will make these
Please forward to anyone you think will be inter- points. Now that I have my charts connected to videos
ested, especially Pastors.
explaining things almost verse by verse, you can follow
along with your Bible & see that the things I am pointDavid Ewing
ing out are revealed through the preponderance of eviBranson, Missouri, USA 65680
dence & through cross-referencing 100's of verses.
Home: 417.546.2090 (9am - 9pm CST)
These Charts are available on my site & you can
[email protected]
download them as a top & bottom section of each chart.
If you take the HD image files (.jpg) to your local Copy
Finished! Revelation Summary videos:
Center & print them on 11" x 17" paper - or card stock
After 4 years of shooting videos to teach the
is a better choice; the last time I printed a set it was
connections between the OT Prophets & the Book of
about $13 for all the charts on the thicker card stock.
Revelation, I've just
That's much more confinished 9 Summary
venient than trying to
Videos that break
view them on your
down over 100 hours
computer as the charts
of my teaching into
are huge images on
7hrs & 20min! These
your screen.
may not be all that useIn fact, if you
ful for people that
point them to the links
don't know much
on my site, they can
about scripture or
just download the files
don't at least study on
right off the web &
occasion, but I've unprint them for you.
covered even some
Then you don't have to
basic connections between things like the Abrahamic
physically take them down there with you on a thumb
Covenant & Revelation that I'm sure has never been
drive. That's what they did for me here locally.
taught before!
What makes this important right now is that
There are cross-references between the OT &
there is a date in OT Prophecy that gave us the month
NT that don't exist in CR Bibles because I assume no
& year of the birth of Christ. There was another OT
one has ever realized the connections. I think this is
Prophecy that told us where he would be born. All of
ground breaking for Christians because I'm showing
the 12 Tribes should of known these, but in fact only a
that the Abrahamic Covenant is a fulfillment of the Old few Israelite Priests living in Parthia who were also
& NT. In other words, the NT is not something sepatrained in astronomy, read the prophecy, calculated the
rate from the OT or fulfilled by or to people other than correct month & year, & they made the long trip with a
the 12 Tribes.
wealth of treasures to honor Christ with those gifts.
The 12 Tribes were Christian from the beginThe date of his birth could be calculated by
ning as Abraham was promised Christ the Redeemer & someone with knowledge of scripture pertaining to depassed that knowledge to his Posterity. The first & sec- tails of Israelite history & how certain dates in propheond coming of Christ are both included in the Abrasies were calculated at that time. Calculated by what we
hamic Covenant. I can make that point beyond a doubt might call a Chief Priest, or today, a Pastor with a PhD
& that means that the people who carried the message
in Theology. There are a handful of Pastors today that
of Christ to the 4 corners of the earth who we call Gen- can teach how to calculate the correct date of his birth.
tiles, some of them at least, were actually part of the 12
And your Pastor should just play that training
Tribes & mostly the Northern 10 Tribes we know as the video to their congregation so we all know. Because I
House of Israel.
rarely speak to a Christian who is aware that the date of
We Can Now Calculate The Date
For The Return Of Christ!
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 6
Christ's birth is in scripture. The only thing they can
quote is that 'no one will know the day or hour of his
return'. That's true, but we have a prophecy in Revelation Chapter 12 that we can calculate the return of
Christ from.
The PhD's are not teaching that yet because it
appears this has only been noticed just in the last year or
so. And you would only know it if you were also pretty
good with astronomy as it relates to scripture. Again,
only a handful of Christian people fit in that category.
These 'dates' in Rev are purported to be less than 2
years out assuming they have it right. Sept & Dec 2017
is the time frame, but applying the dates correctly to the
events in Rev is a separate issue.
Because I had already done a detailed study on
Rev & how it connects to the OT Prophets, I'm pretty
sure I've got the timeline in Rev correct & others not so
much. I think it's important that we agree on these
things now, or agree to disagree. But at least we should
be aware, because I don't see Churches talking about
these events in Rev as related to these dates. By the time
they find out we'll be there!
Also, I've started my teaching of the NT pointing out all the contextual errors basically verse by verse.
I don't think many Christians will believe the errors
they've been taught all their life unless they see it &
study it out for themselves. These newer videos &
charts I'll add to my channel every week or so as I finish
them. My last video is a beginning to the NT which
shows the problems.
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 7
HUMOR CORNER: Pagan Workplace?
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 8
We Believe: In the Gospel of the Kingdom. That Jesus Christ will bodily return to earth, restore His Kingdom,
take David’s throne, unite with His Church Body, and rule for 1000 years. Matt. 4:23, Matt. 24:14, Acts 1:
911, Isa. 9:7, Luke 1:32, Rev. 20:16, Eph. 5:2433, Col. 1:24, 1Cor. 15:5058, I Thess. 4: 1418, Rev. 19:9
Letter To Frank From Dr. Sears: Mitochondrial DNA
Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
Dear Frank,
Telomere science changed everything
we knew about aging. But today, I want to talk to
you about the other half of the anti-aging equation.
Regular readers will already know by protecting your telomeres, you can slow — and even
reverse — the aging process.
You see, your telomeres are like little countdown clocks that protect the DNA in your cells.
They shorten with each cell division. And the
shorter they get the faster you develop the signs of
aging. So by protecting and nourishing them, you
can literally turn back the years.
I was one of the first doctors to put telomere
science to the test. And for years, I've been helping
patients measure, protect and lengthen their telomeres.
But I've also discovered that telomeres are
only HALF the story when it comes to aging. Let me
Telomeres protect the DNA inside the nucleus of each cell in your body. But there is other
DNA in each of your cells outside the nucleus.
You see, your cells also contain tiny organelles called mitochondria. These are the power
plants that turn fuel into energy. And your mitochondria have their own DNA and their own impact
on the aging process.
Mainstream medicine still ignores the antiaging power of mitochondria. But in today's letter,
I'm going to show you how to boost yours while at
But first, let's look at why your mitochondria
are so important…
Each of your cells has at least one of these
tiny power plants. The average cell has 200. And
cells for important organs, like your heart and
brain, can have more than 10,000.
But here's the problem: As you age, these
tiny power plants become damaged and start to die
off. And you lose your capacity to make energy.
The first thing that happens is that your cellular energy takes a dive. You feel tired and fa-
tigued. But then they malfunction, and devastating
diseases can follow:
Schizophrenia and bipolar disease;
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease;
Epilepsy, migraines, and nerve pain;
Loss of muscle control and balance;
Heart disease and strokes;
Hepatitis C and cirrhosis.1
Today, this happens at a faster rate than
what your parents and grandparents experienced
because now we're living in a highly toxic environment. And exposure to toxic chemicals can cause
the body to age faster.
You see, today, we're faced with
"accelerated aging" because of environmental factors, such as cigarette smoke and ultraviolet rays
from the sun. And its effect can age you prematurely.
But there are ways to support mitochondria…
Here at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging
Medicine, I help my patients prevent and repair
damage to the mitochondria.
And I do this not with Big Pharma meds, but
with nutrients. Here are just four of the nutrients I
recommend that have been proven to support your
mitochondria and boost energy.
CoQ10: Co-enzyme Q10 sparks your aging
cell engines to make more energy. And it's a potent
free radical scavenger, soaking up oxidized molecules before they cause damage.
I recommend taking 50 mg of CoQ10 daily. Look for
the ubiquinol form. It's more powerful and much
easier for your body to absorb.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine: The amino acid Lcarnitine plays a critical role in making energy in
your cells. It transports fatty acids into the mitochondria. There they can be burned for fuel. It also
carries toxic waste out before it can do damage.
But as you age, carnitine levels in your tissues drop.2 That's why you need acetyl-L-carnitine
(ALC). Your body converts L-carnitine to ALC. And
studies show when your mitochondria slow down,
ALC can fire them up again.3 Studies also show ALC
reverses the malfunction in
Continued Next Page
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 9
First Covenant Church: Preaching And Teaching The Kingdom Message, Universal Reconciliation, Israel
Identity, and the Absolute Sovereignty of God
mitochondria as you age. ALC can also improve
brain performance and increase neurotransmitters.4
The best source of L-carnitine is grass-fed
red meat. But you can also supplement. I suggest
taking at least 500 mg of ALC every day on an
empty stomach. Look for a formula with only Lcarnitine and not D, L-carnitine. D-carnitine is synthetic.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC): This amino acid
is also a powerful antioxidant. You see, NAC helps
make glutathione, the body's most powerful antioxidant. Glutathione is the main line of defense for
mitochondria. It helps prevent and repair oxidative
damage, thus protecting your mitochondria.6,7
And there's another reason I recommend NAC to
my patients. Studies show it protects your telomeres from oxidative damage.8 So it throws a one
-two anti-aging punch. I advise supplementing with
500 mg per day.
Rhodiola Rosea: This tough, little yellow
flower is native to the arctic mountains of Eastern
Siberia. And I've seen its power to energize my patients. In just a few months, they are visibly
younger and stronger. And they tell me they feel
Furious Frank's Israelite
Moron Of The Month Award
Rather than give out this award to obvious
targets like Pelosi, Clinton, Barrack Hussein
or CNN News, Furious Frank searches out
ordinary Israelites who have distinguished themselves from the
crowd as being ridiculous, brainwashed tools and/or just plain
imbecilic due to not obeying or knowing nothing about God’s
Law. Heroic efforts will be made to spread out the awards
across the country so as not to pick on New York or California,
where the massive majority of brainwashed Israelite tools reside.
Jennifer Mary Nicholson, 37, was arrested after
police say she stripped off all her clothes and went on a
rampage at a Georgia Waffle House.
Investigators said Nicholson of Marietta, Ga., took
off all her clothes, punched a woman in the face and broke
her nose and then threw plates and other dishes at a window and at stunned patrons on Jan. 8, Fox 5 Atlanta reports.
The incident took place at the Waffle House restaurant in Kennesaw, about 27 miles north of Atlanta, the
station reported Thursday.
Jennie Box told the station Nicholson grabbed her
and then punched her.
“She came across and hit me in the nose, grabbed
me in the chest and made a second attempt to grab me in
the arm,” Box said. “She broke my nose, broke my glasses
that way, too.
Research proves what I've seen in my patients. Lab Rats given rhodiola were able to swim
25% longer before becoming exhausted.9 That's
because the herb helped trigger energy synthesis in
the mitochondria.
Rhodiola can also energize people. Just one
200 mg dose helped people in one study improve
their exercise endurance.10 In another study, students taking 100 mg of rhodiola every day improved their capacity to work. Their learning ability
increased by 61% and their fatigue levels dropped
by 30%.11
You can find rhodiola tea in your local health
food store. Or you can take it in capsule form. It's
also called golden root or roseroot. But make sure
you get a formula with enough of the herb's active
compounds. Look for an extract standardized to
contain at least 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside.
That's the same ratio found in the natural root.
I recommend taking 200 mg a day on an
empty stomach, preferably in the morning because
rhodiola stimulates your brain.
I've been tinkering
Continued bottom page 11
and my phone went flying out of my hand.”
Police said they restrained Nicholson with a stun gun. She
is facing several charges, including assault and public indecency. She’s also accused of scratching one of the arresting officers.
She is being
held in the Cobb
County Jail.
The popular 24hour restaurant
chain has drawn attention in several states
recently as the scene of
several criminal acts
and unsavory behavior.
[Maybe it is all
the pork served thereFB]
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ISRAEL? By Dave Barley
Today we know that the
Jews claim to be the
House of Israel, but instead of believing what
man has said, study what
God says. We know that
Jesus Christ in the Revelation to the apostle John
says that the people who
claim to be Jews are actually liars and are the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev. 2:9; 3:9)
Truth will always expose a lie, and the word of God is truth.
(John 17:17) God always makes a distinction between these
Jews and the House of Israel, His Chosen People. The Bible
says that Israel would: (a) be a GREAT nation (Gen. 12:2;
18:18; 46:3), not a little country which would be dependent
upon other nations for aid. (b) Have a VAST population
(Gen. 28:14; 49:22-26; Num. 23:10) not a minority race. (c)
Colonize and inhabit even the desolate (wilderness) places.
(Isa. 54:3; Ezk. 38:12). (d) Have a NEW land (II Sam. 7:10; 1
Chron. 17:9), not Palestine because they were already dwelling there when this future prophecy was given, (e) Be secure
in this new land (II Sam. 7:10), not true of Jews in Palestine.
(f) Be a land of unwalled villages (Ezk. 38:11), this also is
not true of the cities in Palestine which have walls and
barbed wire fences. (g) Totally be regathered into this land
(Ezk. 34:13). (h) Be regathered from the heathen (nonChristian) nations (Ezk. 36:24), this does not apply to the
Jews since they are not Christians. ( I ) Have a NEW name
(Isa. 62:2; 65:15), they would be named after the Lord —
Jesus Christ — Christians (Deut. 28:10). ( j ) Have a NEW
language (Isa. 28:11; Zeph. 3:9). (k) Lose trace of lineage and
identity (Hosea 2:6; 1:10; 2:17). (1) Have a NEW religion
with a new formula to support your mitochondria.
And it contains all the ALC, NAC, and rhodiola you
need. So stay tuned.
To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD, CNS
1.Neustadt J, Pieczenik SR. "Medication-induced mitochondrial damage
and disease." Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008;52(7):780-8.
2. Opalka, J., Gellerich, F., Zierz, S. "Age and sex dependency of carnitine
concentrations in human serum and skeletal muscle." Clinical Chemistry,
2001, 47: 12, 2150-2153.
3. Kidd PM. "Neurodegeneration from mitochondrial insufficiency: nutrients, stem cells, growth factors, and prospects for brain rebuilding using
integrative management." Altern Med Rev. 2005; 10(4):268-93.
4. Hagen, TM., Wehr, CM., Ames, BN. "Mitochondrial decay in aging. Reversal through supplementation of acetyl-L-carnitine and N-tert-butylalpha-phenyl-nitrone." Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1998;854:214-23.
5. Arakawa M, Ito Y. "N-acetylcysteine and neurodegenerative diseases:
basic and clinical pharmacology." Cerebellum. 2007;6(4):308-14.
6. Montserrat Marí, Albert Morales, Anna Colell et al. "Mitochondrial Glutathione, a Key Survival Antioxidant." Antioxid Redox Signal. 2009; 11
(11): 2685–2700.
(Jer. 31:33-34; Heb. 8:13). (m) Have a NE`,7 heart (Ezk.
36:25-27). (n) Have a NEW covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8).
According to Dr. Scofield's note on Romans 11:26
we know that Israel has a God given mission which the Jews
have not fulfilled simply because they are not the nation of
Israel! Dr. Scofield says that Israel's duty was: (1) "to witness
to the UNITY of God in the midst of universal idolatry."
What nation has been the worldwide witness to the unity of
God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? (2) "To illustrate
to the nations the blessedness of serving the true God." What
nation has shown all others the blessings which will come
from God when serving Him? What nation is known as
Christian and the land of blessings? (3) "To receive, preserve,
and transmit the scriptures." What nation today has accepted
God's Word, has kept publishing it, and has sent it to all parts
of the world? Have the Jews translated the Bible into the
modern foreign languages and sent out all the missionaries
with the Bible? (4) And "to be the human channel for the
Messiah." What nations sing "Make Me A Channel of Blessing Today?" What nation is the channel that Jesus Christ is
using today to reach and to bless the entire world?
Now can you more clearly see what Jesus meant
when He told the Jews "Therefore say I unto you (Jews), the
kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a
nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matt. 21:43)
What nation or groups of people are still bringing forth the
fruits of God's kingdom?
"Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the
kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder,
which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and
old." (Matt. 13:52) If you are not instructed in the things of
the kingdom, then you have no treasure which is wisdom
and knowledge (Col. 2:3) of things in the New or the Old
Testament. Believe only the Bible!
P.O. BOX 157
7. Kelly GS "Clinical applications of N-acetylcysteine." Altern Med Rev.
8. Ludlow A, Spangenburg E, Chin E, Cheng W, Roth S. "Telomeres
Shorten in Response to Oxidative Stress in Mouse Skeletal Muscle Fibers."
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2014;69(7):821-30.
9. Abidov M, Crendal F, Grachev S, et al. "Effect of extracts from Rhodiola
rosea and Rhodiola crenulata (Crassulaceae) roots on ATP content in mitochondria of skeletal muscles." Bull Exp Biol Med. 2003;136(6):585-7.
10. De Bock K, Eijnde BO, Ramaekers M, Hespel P. "Acute Rhodiola rosea
intake can improve endurance exercise performance." Int J Sport Nutr
Exerc Metab. 2004;14(3):298-307.
11. Spasov AA et al. "A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the
stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea SHR-5 extract on the
fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a
repeated low-dose regimen." Phytomedicine. 2000;7(2):85-9.
This article is presented for your consideration. Neither First
Covenant Church, the Saxon Union, nor any affiliates or assigns, guarantees the veracity of any of the content of this
article and does not endorse or recommend any medical
treatment, including but not limited to, allopathic or alternative, for any disease or medical condition.
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You Can If You Will
John Lovell, DD, Founder FCC
THIS IS INDEED a day of complicated living. Tension marks every
step of our way! There has never
been a period in the history of the
world when things were as hard on
the nervous system as our daily
lives are today. Under such condiJohn Lovell
tions it is easy for one to get into
the habit of excusing himself for
not doing right, for disobeying the Lord, ignoring His divine commands, and doing things he should not do. Keep
in mind, however, that despite our modern way of living,
the Lord does not condone wrong-doing under any circumstances whatsoever.
Let us repeat our subject—"you can, if you will,"
In other words, if you will a thing, that is, wish it or want it
badly enough, you can have it, or you can do it. The Apostle Paul reminds us "I can do all things through Christ who
strengtheneth me." Concerning our will or desires, may we
be reminded, "Whosoever will, let him drink of the water of
life freely." Again, "Ask what ye wilt in my Father's name,
believing, and ye shall receive."
Let us remind you of our text. Daniel, a man of
God, upon seeing the king and his compatriots stuffing
themselves gluttonously on all kinds of concoctions, rich,
unhealthful foods, and consuming poisonous intoxicating
liquors, realized that these things did not make one mentally alert, physically well, or spiritually strong. Knowing
there was a better way of life, and that God would bless
him for living it, he made a resolution. He purposed in his
heart that he would not defile himself with the king's meat
and the wine he drank. Dan. 1:8: But Daniel purposed in
his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion
of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might
not defile himself. Thus, when the temptation was put before Daniel to consume such foods and beverages, there
was no question but that he would win and be an overcomer, for he had already purposed in his heart to do right.
So this message is a personal one dealing with one's purpose, aim, resolution, and determination to do right, to be
strong, to be adamant, to obey God, and to get the blessings
that come there from. In other words, this is a message on
being steadfast, resolute, dependable, and stable.
As we try to apply this principle to every day living, let us remind you emphatically that you can have the
following things, if you want them badly enough to pay the
Domestic Happiness. A good definition of hell on
earth would be a broken, divided, unhappy home where the
husband and wife fuss, nag, accuse, and quarrel. It is so
easy to do this, with each blaming the other for everything,
feeling that the other one is all wrong, and that he is all
right. On the other hand, a good definition of heaven on
earth is a home where the husband and wife trust, love, and
believe in each other,
and they have tranquility,
security, happiness, and
peace. God meant it to be
this way. Seeing that
Adam was alone, He
took from him a portion
of his body, from which
He made a helpmate, or
companion, that they
might walk along life's journey together, being companions, lovers, and helpers. There is only one thing involved
in the matter of an unhappy home, and that is—do the husband and wife want tranquility and happiness? If they do,
they can have it. Let them be willing to put into practice
the golden rule, and they can have a happy home. Make a
list of everything that your companion does which displeases and irritates you. Let the other one make such a list;
let each one confess his wrongs; let each one ask God to
help him overcome his faults. Observe the family altar service daily—read the Word of God and pray. Love one another, trust one another, be good, kind, and thoughtful of
one another. You will find that your domestic problems
will be solved and you will have happiness, harmony,
peace, and tranquility in the home!
Faith. Would you like to have more faith than
what you have? Would you like to receive more blessings
than you are now receiving? Would you like for God to
honor your prayers? You may have all of these things and
more if you want them. So many people are heard to say
that they would like to have more faith, and that if they
were a minister, missionary, broadcaster, or some outstanding religious personality, they would have more faith.
The truth is, many such people don't have faith. You have
as much faith as they have, and we all have enough faith,
as God's children, to obtain and receive His blessings, if
only we will act upon the Word of God and use what faith
we have. God says if we have as much faith, relatively
speaking, as the size of a grain of mustard seed we can do
mountainous things for God. Satan is honored and pleased
when he can get people to believe that this matter of faith is
complicated, that it is bound up in the religious, theological
matter, and that it is difficult to understand. But we want to
tell you that it is all very plain and simple, in the reach of
everybody. The Word says, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my
Father's name, believing, ye shall receive"- Suppose someone offers you a watch, if you will come and get it. Does it
require a lot of complicated machinery for you to step up
and get the watch? None whatsoever; nor does it require
anything big, unusual, complicated, or religiously difficult
www.1stcovenantchurch.org THE SAXON UNION PAGE 12
for you to accept the promises of God Almighty!
Tithe. Two-thirds of the Christian people rob God,
Bodily Care. We have heard people declare that
denying His command by using the tithe for themselves,
they would give anything in the world if they only had a
rather than dedicating it to God. Imagine such a record! If
well body. We have heard people say they would give any- you don't want to tithe, we assure you there are plenty of
thing if they could know how to eat right. Now, the truth is, excuses for not doing it, but remember not a single one of
you can have these things if you want them, or if you are
these excuses justifies your disobeying God, for not one of
willing to pay the price. Most people are not willing to pay them is a reason--each one is only an excuse! People will
the price. They want to indulge in their wrong eating, livsay, "Well, it isn't taught in the Bible." The answer is, tithing, and thinking habits, and yet have health. It isn't possi- ing is plainly taught in both the Old and New Testaments.
ble! Too many people want to go to a medical doctor and
Others will say, "We don't believe in it." You might stand
rely upon a mysterious pill to give them the desired results, on a railroad track, not believing that a locomotive would
instead of their giving up bad eating habits. Others want to hurt you if it hit you, but it would kill you, just the same.
take treatments of various kinds (many of which are good) Still others will declare, "I am not able." The truth is, you
instead of giving up their bad eating habits. The truth is,
are not able not to tithe. In other words, you cannot afford
though certain pills may help in some
not to tithe, for to disobey God and
respects and treatments are often
rob Him is to displease Him and to
good, unless one is willing to give up rob God, denying His command by rob yourself of money and blessings
using the tithe for themselves, you can have, if you will only obey
his bad eating, thinking, and living
habits, none of these things will give rather than dedicating it to God.
and honor God. Others declare, "I
him perfect and permanent health. It
don't know how much I make."
all falls back in his lap, making him responsible for exerWell, you are a mighty poor businessman if you don't, and
cising his will in taking care of his body. Your body is the besides, you had better not tell Uncle Sam this, because he
temple of the Holy Spirit. Take care of it! Exercise your
says you are to pay twenty per cent, more or less, of your
will power. Eat live, fresh, life-giving, vital foods. Give up earnings to him. Yes, you do know what you make. So, you
the dead, devitalized, demineralized, unclean foods.
see, these are all excuses. Most people don't tithe because it
Church Attendance. The matter of attending dicosts them something. We ought to be ashamed to rob God,
vine services is a serious one. It is deeper than just going
seeing how wonderfully good He is to us to give us life,
somewhere to meet your friends, or to swell the attendance liberty, freedom, happiness, peace, joy, salvation, the Bible
record for sonic ambitious minister. It is a matter of obey- to read, the Holy Spirit to Lead, guide, and direct us, and to
ing God, who declares that we are not to forsake the assem- give us all the blessings of the future. Shame on us! Many
bling of ourselves together on the Lord's day—it is a matter people say, "Well, we will try." That is no way to do. You
of obeying the Word of the Lord--it is a matter of putting
don't try telling the truth; you don't try living a moral life;
first things first, and your spirit to do right, to honor God,
you don't try not being a murderer—so why just put the
to seek Christian fellowship, to hear the Word of the Lord matter of obeying God in the doctrine of tithing on a trial
preached, to receive blessings, and to increase your spiribasis? Do it because it is right; do it permanently; and in so
tual way of living. We have been in the ministry approxidoing you will be happy, and God will bless and prosper
mately thirty years. Being conscientious and wanting to
you in a wonderful way. You who find that you are having
enlist the attendance of people in our services, we have
sickness, trouble, and difficulty making ends meet finanvisited multiplied thousands of people. We have listened to cially will soon have these matters cleared up the moment
every kind of excuse for not attending services, such as
you obey God. Put Him first, and let the tithe come out of
"We didn't have anything to wear"; "We had company
your pay check before anything else, and do it regucome in at the last moment"; "We were sick"; and there are larly, regardless of circumstances!
many other excuses people use, not one of which would
May we, then, remind you that you can have
stand up if you were to face God in the judgment day. Ac- domestic happiness, faith, health, church attendance,
tually, there is no law against bringing people to church
and you can tithe, if you want to do these things.
with you, if they come to see you on Sunday morning.
Christ on the cross gave all for you. Can you afford to
Every person has enough to wear, if he will only wear it.
give less for Him?
Very, very few people are sick on Sunday morning, espeMay God move upon the hearts of each person
cially when they are well on Saturday and go to work on
Monday! These are only excuses that people use. Satan is reading this—may you resolve to do these things,
delighted and honored when you use them for his glory and knowing you will honor the Lord in so doing, and God
for the detriment of your own spiritual life. Actually, you
will bless you in an unprecedented way.
(except people who are crippled, aged, or for some other
good reason cannot attend) can attend divine services regularly if you want to badly enough.
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The Clintons have kept reporters busy for decades,
with an almost endless string of scandals following them
around since Bill Clinton was first elected to public office
in 1977 as Arkansas’ Attorney General. After Clinton’s
two terms in the White House – bookended by news reports on Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky – focus shifted
squarely to Hillary Clinton, who logged years in the Senate, at the State Department and on her own campaign trail.
As Clinton mounts her second presidential bid this
year, the particularly bruising scandal involving her email
system while at the State Department continues to snap up
headlines. InsideGov examines this controversy and a
handful of others
MURDER: A childhood neighbor
of former President Bill Clinton,
Vince Foster was an Arkansas lawyer who worked with Hillary Clinton
at Rose Law Firm in the 1970s. He
joined the Clinton administration
Foster’s Grave Stone staff as the deputy White House
counsel when Clinton was elected in
1992, but struggled with depression after the move to D.C.
Foster committed suicide on July 20, 1993; he was found
dead in a suburban Virginia park from a gunshot wound to
his mouth, the revolver still in his hand. Multiple investigations ruled Foster’s death a suicide, but some people remain convinced it was a cover-up.
Cabrera cut a check for $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee in November 1995, and the next month,
he was invited to a holiday event at the White House,
where he snagged a photo
with first lady Hillary
Clinton. But in January
1996, Cabrera was among
a group arrested in Miami
on a drug bust; he was
sentenced to 19 years in
Jorge Cabrera, V P Al Gore
prison. In October 1996,
and an unidentified woman
the DNC returned the donation check when it learned
Cabrera was a convicted
drug trafficker.
Jones was a state clerk in
Arkansas when, according
to her account, then Gov.
Paula Jones arrives
Bill Clinton sexually harat a D.C. law office
assed her in a hotel room
in Little Rock, Ark. Jones
filed a civil suit in January 1994, seeking $700,000 in damages; ultimately, the parties settled out of court where
Jones was awarded $850,000. Fast-forward to May 2015,
when Jones did an interview with the Daily Mail Online
and said that Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president because of Bill Clinton’s actions. “There is no way that she
did not know what was going on, that women were being
abused and accosted by her husband,” Jones said in the
article. “They have both lied.”
REPORTS: During investigations related to
Travelgate, the House
Committee on Oversight
and Government Reform
found the Clinton administration amassed upwards
of 700 FBI background
reports on Republicans,
many of them officials
from previous GOP administrations. There was some dispute about how Craig Livingstone, the director of the Office of Personnel Security and the person who requested
the background checks, came to have such a prominent role
in the White House. Some asserted that Hillary Clinton had
“highly recommended” him for the job and that she was
friends with Livingstone’s mother, but an affidavit from the
mother revealed she did
not know the first lady.
YEARS: Former President Bill Clinton has
been dogged by sexual
harassment charges
throughout his political
Monica & Bill
career. But Bubba’s socalled zipper problem
hit an apex in the late ’90s when the Monica Lewinsky
scandal came to light, linking the president to a White
House intern, as well as a number of other women who
accused him of harassment. When Hillary Clinton defended her husband on the “Today” show in January 1998,
she memorably described the situation as a “vast rightwing conspiracy." An unquestionable whopper of a trans-
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gression for Bill, Hillary’s public assertion of a premeditated scheme meant she got caught up in the scandal, too.
During her first campaign for the the White
House in 2008, Hillary
Clinton spoke about a
trip abroad as the first
Hillary & Chelsea lady, describing “landing under sniper fire” at
In Bosnia
an airport in Bosnia. A
week after the comments, her campaign said she “misspoke,” and a few days
after that, Clinton said she “made a mistake” in her recounting of the events.
Norman Hsu was a prominent Democratic fundraiser in the
early 2000s, raising hundreds of
thousands of dollars for the party
and candidates, as well as contributing to the Clinton Global Initiative, an arm of the Clinton Foundation. During Hillary Clinton’s first
presidential campaign, Hsu was a
so-called bundler, someone who
collects campaign contributions
from multiple people and delivers
the cash to one candidate. But
when it was discovered that Hsu was a fugitive, wanted for
fraud charges in 1992, Clinton returned $850,000 in donations that were somehow tied to him.
STEALING from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. :
A Government Accountability Office report found that
Bill & Hillary
“damage, theft, vandalism
and pranks” occurred at the
White House in the transition between the Clinton and
Bush administrations, to the
tune of more than $13,000.
Questions also arose about
whether or not items that the Clintons moved from the
White House to their new home in Chappaqua, N.Y., were
gifts to them personally or were intended to remain at the
White House. The Clintons ultimately returned the items,
but Hillary Clinton, at the time a freshman senator, caught
flack from her new colleagues for accepting gifts totaling
In the late 1970s, Hillary
Clinton made close to $100,000 on
cattle futures trading based on advice from a personal friend who
was, at the time, a top legal adviser to Tyson Foods Inc.
During that time, Tyson was one of the largest employers
in Arkansas. According to a 1994 New York Times article
investigating the Clintons’ finances, while Bill Clinton was
the governor, Tyson did well, receiving, for example, $9
million in government loans and appointments to important
state boards.
The whole Clinton family – Bill, Hillary
and Chelsea – are highprofile gets for event
speeches. But where they
decide to speak, their fees
and the content of the
Hillary and Chelsea
talks have come under
scrutiny in regard to conflicts of interest. Chelsea Clinton,
for example, directed a $65,000 fee in 2014 to the foundation; Hillary Clinton did the same with her $300,000 fee for
a speech at UCLA. However, financial disclosure forms
show Hillary Clinton reported personal income of more
than $11 million for 51 speeches in a 13-month span. The
Clintons haven’t said how they decide to designate their
speaking fees as income versus charity work.
Whitewater Witness
Being Sworn In
Whitewater has become
shorthand for the string of scandals
that have dogged the Clintons
since their years in Arkansas. Bill
and Hillary Clinton joined their
friends Jim and Susan McDougal
in purchasing a few hundred acres
of land along the White River in the Ozarks, with the longterm plan to turn a profit by sectioning off lots for vacation
homes. The land deal was a failure, and investigations into
the labyrinth of business arrangements revealed a string of
shady transactions and questionable practices. But the biggest consequence of Whitewater – a fairly dry legal scandal
– was that it ultimately led to Kenneth Starr’s investigations. It was Starr’s panel that brought to light President
Clinton’s relationship with White House intern Monica
Lewinsky, a decidedly more made-for-TV scandal.
After Bill Clinton left
the White House, he kicked off
his post-presidency with the
Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit with a ballooning list of
issue areas, ranging from
global health to climate change
to women’s rights. But with
both Bill and Hillary Clinton’s wide-ranging political connections and deep involvement in
Conclusion Next Page
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2016 06 Issue
multiple government sectors, questions of conflicts of interest came up early and often. When Hillary Clinton became the Secretary of State in 2009, the former president
said he would disclose his foundation’s donors, among
other agreed-upon stipulations. But in spring 2015, a blockbuster book titled “Clinton Cash” investigated donations
from foreign entities to the foundation, claiming the State
Department (under Hillary Clinton’s tenure) doled out favors to the donors.
Former President Bill Clinton handed out many
pardons during his time in office, including 140 on his last
day in the White House, but few were as controversial as
the one he delivered to Marc
Rich. The fugitive fled to Switzerland in the ’80s when he
learned he would be indicted on
65 criminal counts, including
tax evasion, fraud and working
with Iran during the hostage crisis. Rich’s pardon was among
Clinton’s last-day sprint, and
came under much scrutiny after
it was found that Rich’s first
wife, Denise, had contributed
$450,000 to the foundation for
Marc Rich
the Clinton Presidential Library and $100,000 to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign.
While serving as Secretary of
State, Hillary Clinton worked
off of a private email server at
her New York home. Since her
emails were not archived on official, government-run servers,
Clinton aides decided which
emails to hand over to the State
Department – and opted to delete notes they labeled as personal (the FBI reportedly has been able to retrieve the deleted emails). The FBI is investigating the security of the
server, not Clinton herself, especially since classified information had been found in some of the correspondence.
In September 2012, four Americans died in attacks
on a diplomatic compound and
CIA outpost in Benghazi,
Libya, including Ambassador
Christopher Stevens. Questions
Clinton Testifying
on how the Obama administration reacted to the incident led
to a House select committee
investigation of the events, with emphasis on what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew before, during and after
the attacks. The committee’s ongoing investigations and
hearings revealed Clinton’s complicated email account and
server setup.
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