The official magazine of the European Federation of


The official magazine of the European Federation of
The official magazine of the European Federation of Yachting Harbours
Le magazine officiel de la Fédération Européenne des Ports de Plaisance
Features / Thémes
Man-made islands
Iles artificielles
Nautical resorts
Centres de villégiature nautique
Marina visit
Visite d’un port de plaisance
Pollution control
Contrôle de la pollution
Volume 6
Issue 4
Isabel, 165 mph, New England, 2003. Maria, 115 mph, Iceland/Scotland, 2005. Gudrun, 98 mph, Sweden, 2005.
May we introduce Isabel, Maria and Gudrun.
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SF Marina System AB, Propellergången 4, SE-417 64 Göteborg, Sweden
Phone +46 31 779 07 65, fax +46 31 779 07 35
Editorial Comment
Euromarina Review is a freely distributed
bi-monthly members magazine published by
EUROMARINA, the European Federation of
Yachting Harbours, Le Fédération Européenne
des Ports de Plaisance. Circulation is direct to over
5700+ marina owners and operators,
marina equipment buyers and specifiers,
marina constructors, contractors and developers,
including boat yard managers, throughout
Europe and the Mediterranean Basin.
17 Rue Henri Bocquillon
75015 Paris, FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 60 07 01
Fax: +33 (0)1 43 35 26 27
Email: [email protected]
Secretary General
Didier Allemand,
69 Rue Julien Brebant
59820 Gravelines, FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)3 28 23 59 26
Fax: +33 (0)3 28 23 59 37
Editorial Board
Francesc Xavier Mangrané, Chairman (Spain)
Steven Desloovere, Deputy Chairman (Belgium)
Serge Pallarés, Deputy Chairman (France)
Giuliano Valente, Deputy Chairman (Italy)
Didier Allemand, Secretary General (France)
Assistant to the Board
Cindy Montier
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 60 07 01
Email: [email protected]
Managing Editor
David Young
Tel: +44 (0) 1737 551687
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Email: [email protected]
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no responsibility for either late or non-publication.
ISSN 1740-3766
Copyright EUROMARINA 2008
Printed in Belgium by perka drukkerij nv
Issue 6-4 2008
Euromarina at the heart of two new projects
The European Seatraining project for staff in European marinas is
part of Europe’s Leonardo da Vinci vocational training programme
and has been created with the objective of promoting a specific
training model for managing personnel in nautical facilities. The
project is led by the Institución de Estudios Portuarios of the
Valencian Region (FEPORTS) and its partners are the European
Federation of Yachting Harbours (Euromarina), the Federación
Española de Asociaciones de Puertos Deportivos y Turísticos
(FEAPDT), Assonautica and INNOREG (Hungary), with the
specific collaboration of the Fundación Comunidad ValencianaRegión Europea to promote the programme. The project has
obtained financial aid from the EC’s Leonardo da Vinci programme to cover 75% of the
total cost of 437.984 Euros.
The first meeting of the project’s partners took place in Brussels on 5 February at which
the aims of Seatraining were presented by Julio Martinez of FEPORTS, Xavier Mangrané
of Euromarina, Joan Bellavista, who was standing in for Gabriel de Sandoval of FEAPDT,
Giuseppe Meli of Assonautica and Miss Orsolya Szijj of INNOREG. This initial conference
concluded with speeches by Pedro Velazquez Hernandez from the EC DG Education and
Culture-Sport unit and Miss Nathalie Hesketh from the EC Maritime Policy Task Force,
who emphasised the importance of training for the marina industry in agreement with the
Maritime Policy of the EU.
Seatraining will create a forum of best practices in order to improve the effectiveness and
quality of the services provided in nautical facilities, by sharing experiences in the use of
training materials, security and protection, environmental control and port management
at different locations. The forum will also attempt to satisfy some of the new requirements
that have emerged as a result of the growth in nautical tourism.
A principal goal of Euromarina is to encourage the development of marinas to serve the
growing number of leisure craft in European waters. It has now launched a new project
called MarinaPass to assist marina management in making the best use of harbour
facilities and to provide leisure sailors with easy and secure access to marina services as
well as a source of information about local tourist sites and events.
The official launch of MarinaPass took place on the stand of the Federation Francaise
des Ports de Plaisance at the Paris Boat Show on 6 December in the presence of Ludovic
Penin, President of SeatizenPro, whose company developed the system for Euromarina. Its
operating principles were explained by Philippe Fontenoy, Project Director, who stressed
the importance of creating a truly European standard for leisure sailors seeking marina
It is to be hoped that MarinaPass will be accepted by the industry and become established
with immediate benefits to all.
Euromarina au coeur de deux
nouveaux projets
Francesc Xavier Mangrané
Chairman of Euromarina
Le projet européen Seatraining destiné au personnel des ports de plaisance européens fait partie
du programme de formation professionnelle européen Léonard de Vinci dont l’objectif consiste à
promouvoir un modèle de formation spécifique pour la gestion du personnel dans les installations
nautiques. Le projet est dirigé par l’Institution des Études Portuaires de la Région de Valence
(FEPORTS) et ses partenaires sont la Fédération Européenne des Ports de Plaisance (Euromarina), la
Fédération Espagnole des Associations des Ports Sportifs et Touristiques (FEAPDT), l’Assonautica
et l’INNOREG (Hongrie) avec la collaboration spécifique de la Fondation de la Communauté de
Valence – Région Européenne, en vue de promouvoir le programme. Le projet a obtenu l’aide
financière du programme communautaire Léonard de Vinci couvrant 75% du coût total se montant
à 437.984 Euros.
La première réunion des partenaires du projet a eu lieu à Bruxelles le 5 février au cours de laquelle les
objectifs du projet Seatraining ont été présentés par Julio Martinez de FEPORTS, Xavier Mangrané
d’Euromarina, Joan Bellavista, pour le compte de Gabriel de Sandoval de la FEAPDT, Giuseppe
Meli de l’Assonautica et Mlle Orsolya Szijj d’INNOREG. Cette conférence initiale s’est terminée
par des discours de Pedro Velazquez Hernandez de l’UE DG Education et Culture-Unité Sport et
de Mlle Nathalie Hesketh du Groupe de Travail de la Politique Maritime de l’UE, qui a souligné
l’importance de la formation dans le cadre de l’industrie des ports de plaisance conformément à la
Politique Maritime de l’UE.
Le projet Seatraining permettra de créer un forum des meilleures solutions pratiques en vue
d’améliorer l’efficacité et la qualité des services offerts dans les installations nautiques en partageant (continué sur la page 3)
[email protected]
Contents and Synopses
Editorial Comment
Euro News 4
Marine Events 15
Man-made Islands 18
Waterfront Development 20
Nautical Resorts 23
Man-made Islands 18
Website for Marina Products 28
Marina Visit 29
Pollution Control 31
Made for Marinas 34
Ronautica to manage marinas at
The Pearl-Qatar
A new organisation, Ronautica Middle East
(RME) will manage and operate The Pearl-Qatar,
a Riviera-style man-made island developed in
an exclusive environment in Doha, the capital of
Qatar, which is home to over 80% of the nation’s
population.The development, which covers 400
hectares of reclaimed land, is the country’s first truly
international venture in the real estate field. RME
will manage berths at The Pearl-Qatar marinas
and will also offer complementary leisure services
to berth holders and visitors.These will include a
sailing school, yacht sales and charter hire. It will
also organise events to launch new boats and other
marine leisure products.
Ronautica sera chargée de gérer les ports de
plaisance de Pearl-Qatar
Un nouvel organisme, Ronautica Middle East
(RME), sera chargé de gérer et exploiter Pearl-Qatar,
une île artificielle du type Riviera, développée dans
un environnement exclusif à Doha, la capitale
du Qatar, dans laquelle vit plus de 80% de la
population du pays. Le site, qui couvre 400 hectares
de terrains gagnés sur la mer, est la première
opération vraiment internationale du pays dans
le domaine de l’immobilier. RME sera chargée de
gérer les postes de mouillage des ports de plaisance
de Pearl-Qatar et offrira également des services de
loisirs supplémentaires aux détenteurs de postes de
mouillage et aux visiteurs. Parmi ces services nous
citerons une école de voile, des ventes de yachts et
un service de location. Elle organisera également
des manifestations lors du lancement de nouveaux
bateaux et autres produits de la navigation de
Nautical Resorts Natchez on the Waterfront 24
Letter to the Editor Iles artificielles 23
Centres de villégiature nautique 23
‘Nautical tourism’ in Catalonia
The concept of‘nautical tourism’encompasses
holidays taken with the basic aim of taking part in
any kind of watersports, principally in the sea , but
also in rivers, lakes and reservoirs.The Catalonian
coastline is 580 km long, stretching from Cap de
Creus on the border with France to the Ebro Delta,
and is home to five nautical resorts, which have
received official certification from the Spanish
Government. A crucial facility for nautical activities
is, of course, marinas and together with adjacent
marine facilities these offer visitors the opportunity
to engage in a range of watersports, including sailing
in their own craft or charter boats, rowing, canoeing,
water skiing, windsurfing or simply a trip on the
water in a pleasure boat.
‘Tourisme nautique’ en Catalogne
Le concept de ‘tourisme nautique’comprend les
vacances prises dans le but de participer à des sports
aquatiques, principalement en mer, mais également
dans des rivières, des lacs ou des réservoirs de
retenue d’eau. La côte catalane s’étend sur 580
km, allant du Cap de Creus à la frontière avec
la France au delta de l’Ebre et abrite cinq centres
de villégiature nautique qui ont été officiellement
homologués par le gouvernement espagnol. Parmi
les installations cruciales des activités nautiques
nous citerons bien sûr les ports de plaisance qui, de
pair avec les installations marines adjacentes, offrent
aux visiteurs la possibilité de participer à toute une
gamme de sports aquatiques, y compris le pilotage
de leurs propres embarcations ou des embarcations
de location, l’aviron, le canotage, le ski nautique, la
planche à voile ou tout simplement une excursion en
mer sur un bateau de plaisance.
Marina Visit Visite d’un port de plaisance 29
Front cover picture:
Porto Arabia is the largest marina at
The Pearl-Qatar, a Riviera-style manmade island developed in an exclusive
environment in Doha. It will be a
showcase for Ronautica Middle East,
which has been formed to manage and
operate top class marinas in that region
(see page 18).
29 Grandson Marina, Switzerland
Owned and operated by the Grandson Town
Council, this marina provides an attractive shelter
for boats using Lake Neuchatel, Lake Biel-Bienne
and Lake Morat in Switzerland. It has recently been
expanded to provide about 100 additional berths,
including 50 for‘larger’craft, and Lee Sanitation
Ltd was commissioned to supply a new pumpout facility. Now installed, this is a‘Combi’unit
incorporating a pump-out and a portable toilet
emptying facility in a single cabinet.
Port de plaisance de Grandson, Suisse
Possédé et exploité par la municipalité de Grandson,
ce port de plaisance fournit un abris attrayant aux
bateaux qui utilisent le lac de Neuchatel, le lac
de Bienne et le lac Morat en Suisse. Il vient d’être
agrandi afin de pouvoir offrir environ 100 mouillages
supplémentaires,y compris 50 mouillages pour des
embarcations de plus grande taille et la société Lee
Sanitation Ltd a été chargée de fournir une nouvelle
installation de vidange. Cette nouvelle installation
consiste en une unité‘Combi’qui comporte un
système de vidange et des toilettes portables dans une
même armoire.
Pollution Control Contrôle de la pollution 31
Unique floating fuel station designed in
Article introduces the Pildne 02-40 floating
fuel station, which has been developed in
Latvia. This unique new model is intended for
refuelling all types of leisure craft and has been
designed for ecologically-friendly operation
in salt water environments. The manufacturer
co-operated with the Environmental Protection
Department of Latvia’s Ministry of the
[email protected]
Poste carburant flottant unique conçu
en Lettonie
Cet article présente le poste carburant flottant Pildne
02-40 mis au point en Lettonie. Ce nouveau modèle
unique est destiné au ravitaillement de tous les types
de bateaux de plaisance et a été conçu en vue d’un
fonctionnement écologique convivial en eaux salées.
Le fabricant a travaillé de pair avec le Département
de la Protection de l’Environnement du Ministère
de l’Environnement de Lettonie afin de mettre au
point des procédures opérationnelles et formuler une
réglementation destinée aux utilisateurs qui a résulté
en un produit tout particulièrement non polluant.
Issue 6-4 2008
Editorial Comment
Euromarina au coeur de
deux nouveaux projets
(continuation de la page 1)
les expériences au niveau de l’utilisation du
matériel de formation, de la sécurité et de la
protection, du contrôle de l’environnement
et de la gestion des ports dans différents
emplacements. Le forum tentera également
de satisfaire à certaines exigences nouvelles qui
ont vu le jour suite à la croissance du tourisme
Un des objectifs principaux d’Euromarina
est d’encourager le développement des
ports de plaisance en vue de faire face au
nombre toujours croissant des embarcations
de plaisance dans les eaux européennes. Elle
vient de lancer un nouveau projet connu sous
le nom de MarinaPass en vue de permettre
à la gestion des ports de plaisance de faire
une meilleure utilisation des installations
portuaires et permettre aux marins de plaisance
d’accéder plus facilement et en toute sécurité
aux services offerts par les ports de plaisance et
à toute information sur les sites touristiques et
point le système pour le compte d’Euromarina.
événements locaux.
Ses principes de fonctionnement ont été
Le lancement officiel de MarinaPass a eu lieu
expliqués par Philippe Fontenoy, Directeur
au stand de la Fédération Française des Ports
de Projet, lequel a souligné l’importance de la
de Plaisance lors du Salon Nautique de Paris
création d’une norme vraiment européenne
le 6 décembre en présence de Ludovic Penin,
pour1les marins de plaisance qui recherchent
MARINA A5 advert.QXD 8/2/08 1:20 pm Page
des services auprès des ports de plaisance.
On ose espérer que MarinaPass sera accepté
par ce secteur de l’industrie et qu’il sera reconnu
et d’un bénéfice immédiat pour tous.
Francesc Xavier Mangrané
Président d’Euromarina
A world of possibilities
t: ++44 (0) 1945 475165
f: ++44 (0) 1945 588045
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rolec Services Ltd, Algores Way,
Wisbech, Cambs, England PE13 2TQ
Euro News
Coastal marinas worth over
£500 million to UK
A comprehensive study of coastal marinas in the UK
and Channel Islands has revealed the vital role played
by marinas in economic development. The report,
entitled ‘Economic Benefits of Coastal Marinas of the
UK and Channel Islands’, shows that the sector directly
employs over 1,700 people, supports the employment
of 22,000 more people and has a value added of over
£500 million a year to the British economy. There are
also significant benefits to local economies in terms of
supply chain businesses and tourist jobs.
The report was commissioned by the British Marine
Federation (BMF), in partnership with The Crown Estate,
Jersey Harbours and was supported by The Yacht Harbour
Association. It presents a national assessment of the economic
contribution of coastal marinas, including nine detailed case
studies from around the country. The analysis looks at all
aspects of this contribution, from on-site businesses to supply
chain, marine industry and tourism and leisure impacts.
The survey found that:
• The core coastal marinas sector in terms of operations
only employs over 1,700 people and turns over £113 million
a year. This figure excludes the diversity of activities, which
range from boat maintenance and repair to boat sales that
have been considered as part of the wider assessment.
• Every job in the core marina sector supports a further 12
jobs in local economies.
• The coastal marinas industry contributes more than £500
million in Gross Value added to the UK and Channel Islands
economy and may be as high as £700 million.
• Boating visitors to coastal marinas spend over £200 million
annually, supporting an estimated 5,350 local tourism jobs.
• On-site businesses located at coastal marinas employ over
11,600 people and generate revenue of £280 million of value
• The coastal marine industry and the spending of their
employees supports 4,200 jobs and £109 million of value
added in supply chain businesses.
An executive summary or an order form for the full
report can be downloaded from the BMF website: www.
Joint venture to
develop floating
A new member of the Marinetek Group,
Marina Housing Ltd is a joint venture
company formed by Marinetek and Sito
Ltd, which is one of the leading design,
consulting, project management and
information technology companies in
Finland employing 270 experts in their
Marina Housing is run by Managing
Director Kimo Anttalainen and Timo
Urala is the Chief Architect. The principal
aim of the company is to ‘develop-designcontract’ floating turnkey projects on a
worldwide basis, which will be undertaken
in close co-operation between Marinetek
and Sito with a view to establishing a fresh
and innovative approach to marina design
and development. One of the company’s
concepts is the ‘Active Marina’, an initiative
that combines the various requirements at
marina sites such as floating houses, offices
and restaurants with Marinetek’s wellproven marina systems.
As part of the marina development
package, Marina Housing will also take
care of traffic, parking and municipal
engineering issues, outdoor illumination
and all aspects of land use and marina
design and layout. The architecture of
the houses is always unique, but is ‘mass
tailored’ to achieve high cost efficiency.
Marina Housing’s two main product
lines are floating housing areas, including
marina villages and even large marina
cities; and floating solutions for projects
such as clubhouses, utility buildings,
restaurants, bars, offices and shops in
Villa Helmi floating house in Keilalahti Bay, Espoo City, Finland.
Left to right: Ilkka Seppala (Chairman of Marina Housing) with Kimo Anttalainen and Timo Urala.
marinas, as well as floating hotels (flotels)
and swimming centres with spas and
The first floating house, the Villa Helmi,
was launched in September, 2007, and
[email protected]
has been positioned in front of the Nokia
headquarters at Keilalahti Bay in Espoo
City. The company is currently developing
13 city plans and construction of the first
floating village will start this year.
Issue 6-4 2008
Euro News
Launch time at
marine village
A report by Phillip Nifield published
in the South Wales Echo on 20
December, 2007, says that work has
now begun on a £3 million waterside
development in the city of Cardiff
that will bring unprecedented boating
facilities to the capital and secure
more than 40 jobs. Cambrian Marina
Ltd, which also owns Cardiff (formerly
Cambrian) Marina, purchased the
prime, 1.2 acre site on the River Ely
and off Penarth Road from Cowlin
Construction for an undisclosed sum.
Planning permission was granted
in November for the Cardiff Marine
Village, which will offer a complete
boat storage, service and supply
centre from more than 13,000 sq ft of
retail and office space, workshops and
showrooms. Agents Michael Graham
Young’s (MGY) Cardiff Bay office said
the scheme was already attracting high
levels of interest from a range of marine
industry companies, including boat
sales, maintenance and repairs, sailmakers and a chandlery. Boat-owners
will be able to pass directly from the
marine village along the River Ely into
Cardiff Bay and beyond.
The development replaces and expands
the facilities of the former boatyard on
the international sports village site in
Ferry Road, where Cambrian Marina
Ltd will begin developing luxury
apartments overlooking Cardiff Bay
this year. “Cardiff Bay has been crying
out for this type of development, with
the city’s own boating population
growing by 25 per cent a year,” said Rob
Freemantle, operations director, who
was formerly harbourmaster of Cardiff
Harbour Authority. He is confident the
marine village will attract boat-owners
from further afield and the company
has more than doubled the number of
berths with more planned.
Cambrian Marina Ltd has also
undertaken a full ecological assessment
of council-owned riverbank parkland
next to the site where it is now investing in
environmental improvements, including
the creation of a wildflower meadow and
native hedgerows.
Besides protecting and providing
natural habitats for native creatures
such as toads and otters, landscaping
plans include seating and areas of lawn
where visitors will be able to walk and
watch the boating activity.
Councillor Mark Stephens, executive
member for economic development at
Cardiff council, said: “The investment
in the new facilities is a significant boost
to the local economy, safeguarding
and creating further skilled jobs in
marine engineering. The proposals
will also significantly assist economic
regeneration in the Penarth Road area
which the council is keen to safeguard
for employment opportunities”.
Walcon pontoons
delivered to Sant
Carles in Spain
The first consignment of pontoons from
Walcon Marine Ltd has arrived at MDL
Marinas’ new Spanish marina, Sant
Carles. A landmark day for the company,
the arrival of the new system is in line
with the construction schedule, which
will see the first shipment of boats arrive
at the 1,150-berth marina in time for the
official opening in the Summer. “Sant Carles is an exciting project for
the company and the installation of the
pontoons will transform the marina,” said
Dean Smith, Head of Sales and Marketing
at MDL Marinas. “The first full shipment
of boats from Peters and May will leave for
Sant Carles in May and we are looking forward to seeing more developments at the
marina over the coming months.” Walcon Marine’s System 2000 is being
installed at the marina. The modern aluminium structured pontoon system will
feature a four-metre wide heavy-duty walkway and comprises special aluminium extrusions, hardwood decking and concrete
floats. MDL’s new berths from Walcon
Marine will be fully serviced with electricity
and water, a pump-out facility and a diesel
and petrol berth. Shoreside benefits at the
marina will also include luxurious showers
and toilets, an infinity pool, restaurant and
chandlery, all situated in a purpose-built
marina facility.
The company’s Spanish Marina Manager
is Angeles de la Riva de Bustos and from
the beginning of 2008, he has been joined
by Neil Salter, who has been appointed as
the UK Marina Manager at Sant Carles.
Neil has managed all four of MDL’s West
Neil Salter of MDL Marinas.
[email protected]
Country marinas during his nine years with
the company so customers will benefit from
a team that will not only be able to offer
excellent local knowledge, but also understand the needs of an MDL berth holder.
Crystal Marinas to
use SeatizenPro
Agreement has been reached between
SeatizenPro and Crystal Marinas, a new
developer and manager of marina facilities based in Paris with additional offices
in Croatia and Dubai, for the company to
use SeatizenPro‘s state-of-the-art marina
management system software.
Skipper.NET will provide Crystal Marinas’
managers with a user-friendly, high performance system designed to optimise daily
management tasks and reduce marina operating and maintenance costs.The system is
built around three distinct applications:
Administration Module. A back-office solution for the management of daily marina
operations, providing real time monitoring
and managing of berth utilisation through
sophisticated interactive graphic displays, as
well as integration of energy consumption,
customer management, accounting management, advanced marketing and financial
reporting according to worldwide standards.
Boat Owner Manager (extranet module).
This innovative concept will provide Crystal
Marinas with a powerful communication
tool, which will enable the company to provide new, value-added services to its customers. These include personal accounting
information, web cam monitoring, berth and
marina services reservations, local boating
guides, weather forecasts, news, worldwide
boat charter and spare parts finder, etc.
Marina Service Portal (content management module). This proprietary module will
provide Crystal Marinas with a flexible and
user-friendly system for management of its
external internet presence. The simple interface of the Marina Service Portal will provide
an intuitive way for the company to develop
and publish new web content and promotional services for its websites.
“SeatizenPro is proud to have been chosen by Crystal Marinas to equip all of their
marinas. This combines the finest marina
management solutions with the finest marina manager,”said Ludovic Penin, Executive
Chairman of SeatizenPro sas. “We have
made extensive market research and comparison among the existing marina management solutions today,” added Turker Ozan,
CEO of Crystal Marinas.“Only SeatizenPro
can provide the solution, which can fulfill
the highest standards requested by Crystal
Marinas management”.
Issue 6-4 2008
Design below
Design above
The Poralu Mark of Distinction: Experience-25 year's worth. Today, Poralu is
the largest manufacturer of aluminium pontoons in the world.
To its credit and distinction, Poralu has some 30 000 berths around the
globe. And the accolades attest to Poralu's performance. Poralu has won
numerous awards such as Marina of the Year 2004 and Best Waterfront
Development of the Year 2002.
Euro News
New marina on
coast of Dalmatia
Marina Preko, which opens for
business this Spring, is situated
on the beautiful Dalmatian island
of Ugljanu in Croatia’s best sailing
area. The 90-berth marina provides
the delights of an island, yet has
easy access to other anchorages in
waters sheltered by nearby islands,
providing a wonderful location for
‘island hopping’.
It will offer secure berthing surrounded
by modern facilities in an attractive
small town on the North-East coast of
the island and has 87 berths for craft up
to 20 m and three berths for superyachts
up to 60 m. Many additional facilities will be
provided within the cost of the mooring
fees, including electricity, water, pumpout service, laundry facilities, Wi-Fi
access to the internet and refuse disposal.
There is a modern shower block and
marina office on site, as well as the
village bars and restaurants nearby.
Shops, including a regular local fruit
and vegetable market, are within 50 m
of the marina. Other facilities include a
bank and regular bus and ferry service.
The marina is just a short ferry ride
from the mainland port of Zadar, which
is just two and a half miles away by
water. A frequent ferry service runs
between the island and the mainland. The nearest airport is also at Zadar, a
short taxi ride up the mainland coast,
with regular connections to main
European airports. Marina Preko is
within easy cruising distance of Italy’s
Adriatic coastline and can be reached by
car from central Europe.
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Issue 6-4 2008
Euro News
Seaplane charter
service to Oban
Since its inaugural flight in August,
Europe’s first city centre seaplane
service has proved popular with
yachtsmen and other visitors
using the regular fast service
from Glasgow to Oban Marina.
Loch Lomond Seaplanes has been
flying passengers from Glasgow’s
city centre direct into Oban Bay,
where it is possible (with a flight
time of around 22 minutes) to get
from ‘desk to dock’ in under 40
Now, charter flights are also possible
The new nine-seater Cessna Seaplane landing in Oban Bay
from virtually anywhere in the UK in
already proved popular with boat
we think this will attract a number
the new nine-seater Cessna seaplane,
owners, who leave their yachts in Oban
of South Coast owners to keep their
making a long weekend of cruising
Marina and fly up with their crew for
boats in Western Scotland for a
in Scotland a real possibility. The
a long weekend cruising or racing on
season or longer.
lure for berth-holders in busy South
the West Coast of Scotland.
“Economical berthing, haul out,
Coast marinas includes cost-effective
“A big incentive to berth at Oban
dry standing, Winter storage and all
berthing, reduced travelling time,
Marina is the 25% discount on Loch
the usual marina services are also
unspoilt cruising grounds and the
Lomond Seaplanes flights,” says
an attraction so the seaplane service
knowledge that this unique mode of
makes it all the more feasible.”
and creates
Proyecto1is 31/10/07
Página 1 Marina Manager Susan Price. “This
offer is available to owners, their
Further information is available
minimal impact on the environment.
crews and family and friends, so
The short flight from Glasgow has
At RONAUTICA we design, build and manage sophisticated and environmentally
friendly marinas. Our R&D Department collaborates with leading universities
and European technical services departments to ensure we are not only kept
permanently up to date but also make use of and apply the latest generation
materials and technologies. Our international expansion continues to advance
accordingly. Dedicated as we are to the sea, at RONAUTICA we build sailing
yachts renowned for their versatility, strength and exceptional quality. We also
specialize in brokerage and charter management, for which we have our own
large fleet and branch offices. And last but not least we also teach sailing and
navigation in our sailing academy. All because, for more than twenty years, the
sea has quite simply been our world.
Welcome to the sea, welcome to RONAUTICA...
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
Euro News
Tingdene Marinas appoints
new Operations Director
Another record year for Marinetek
A sales increase of 30% compared with the previous financial year,
itself a record, was recently announced by Marinetek Finland Ltd.
The marina builders’ joint venture production companies, such
as Marinetek Gulf, Marinetek NCP and Marinetek Latvia have
continued to expand and during this very successful year, the
company has delivered more than 18,200 m of pontoons, which is
also a new record. Its biggest markets in 2007 were in Finland, the
UAE, Russia, Spain and Croatia.
Superyacht berth revenue better than expected
The news that Grand Harbour Marina plc (GHM), a subsidiary of
Camper & Nicholsons Marina Investments Ltd (CNMI), has sold
three 75 m superyacht berths for a total of ten million Euros at
the Maltese marina means that anticipated berth licensing sales
have been exceeded by over five million Euros. GHM has now
licensed ten berths for superyachts and has a further 23 superyacht
berths available for phased release. The marina also provides
197 berths for yachts up to 25 m and 95% of these have already
been let. According to George Kershaw, Chairman of CNMI, “We
believe GHM continues to be well placed to benefit from the strong
superyacht order book, which currently stands at over 750 yachts
Marbella’s marina to be revitalised
The Council of Marbella, Spain is planning to revitalise the city’s
marina by improving street lighting, signposting and landscaping
and generally sprucing up the area, together with an on-going
programme of public cleansing. The project will involve building
a new ramp to provide access to the 4,000 sq m upper terrace of the
marina, which will also be refurbished.
Busy time for Monaco Marine’s new superyacht yard
The new 35,000 sq m superyacht repair yard operated by Monaco
Marine in La Ciotat, France, has accomplished 25 successful haulouts since the new facility was opened in April, 2007, and the yard
is expected to remain busy during 2008. The concrete apron at La
Ciotat enables up to 14 yachts from 40-80 m to be hauled from the
water to undergo repair and servicing. The yard has created around
40 new jobs as well as employing 250-300 outside subcontractors.
Two new marinas for Cyprus
Rumours of a much needed marina at Phaphos in the North-West of
Cyprus have been circulating for some time and it now seems that
there are plans to build two at the existing harbours of Phaphos and
Latsi. Although no details are yet available on the size and cost of
these projects, they are both expected to become operational during
Extra berths for Clyde Marina and more to come
Marina and pontoon contractor Varis Engineering Ltd, which is
based in Forres, Scotland, has signed an agreement with Clyde
Marina to construct and install an extra 28 berths within its inner
basin during the first quarter of 2008. This latest phase in the
marina’s growth will be on stream by April for the beginning of
the new season. Further expansion of berths at Clyde Marina for
the end of 2008 was also announced with the planned facilities set
to be ready for the following year. The marina is also in long-term
discussions to double total capacity, including the construction of a
second basin. “We are delighted to be working together again with
Varis Engineering to be able to offer increased berthing capacity for
the 2008 season,” said Simon Limb, Managing Director of Clyde
Croatian shrinkwrap applicator expands into Europe
Dr Shrink distributor Exprima Adria , which is based in Zagreb,
the capital of Croatia, has expanded its service into Austria, France,
Germany, Italy, Spain and countries in Eastern Europe. Commenting
on recent business growth, Ana Muha of Exprima said, “We want to
be the centre of Europe for shrinkwrapping needs. We just need to
educate people on the benefits of shrinkwrap. It is really the most
protective storage solution available.
[email protected]
It has been confirmed by
Tingdene Marinas Ltd that
Steve Arbour, CMM, has
been appointed to the role of
Operations Director of the
company’s group of marinas
with immediate effect. Steve
has over 25 years experience
working in the marine
industry, and has been the
group operations manager
since the inception of the
Tingdene Marinas group in
Managing Director Matthew Gibbard, commented: “We are
pleased to have added Steve to our team of Directors as this
will further strengthen our ability to develop and expand our
marina business”.
The Tingdene Marinas group owns and operates six
prestigious inland marinas in the UK: Brundall Bay Marina in
Norfolk; Pyrford Marina on the River Wey; Racecourse Marina,
Thames & Kennet Marina and Walton Marina all on the River
Thames; and Upton Marina on the River Severn.
Change at the top for
TransEurope marinas
After three years as Chairman
of TransEurope Marinas (previously known as TransManche
Marinas), Jean-Michel Gaigné,
CMM,has handed over the Chair
to Andrew Jaggers, CMM, at the
Association’s Annual Meeting,
recently held during the London
International Boat Show.
Jean-Michel is Managing
Director of Saint-Quay Port
marina with a fine reputation as
a cruising destination. He said,
“I have been honoured to have
been in charge at TransEurope Andrew Jaggers (left) of Bangor
Marinas for the past three Marina making a presentation to
years. Our organisation is a Jean-Michel Gaigné.
unique European grouping of
independent marinas which co-operate solely for the benefit
of yachtsmen and women, providing high quality destinations
around Europe in seven countries. I look forward to watching
TransEurope flourish in the future”.
Andrew Jaggers is Manager of Bangor Marina and
Harbour in Northern Ireland. Bangor welcomes around
2,000 visiting boats each year and the marina has been a
TransEurope member for over three years. He said: It is
a pleasure to take over the Chair from Jean-Michel. He
has provided excellent leadership during his time in office
and has cemented the already strong links between our
members. The organisation continues to expand, with 27
fine marinas throughout Europe committed to offering the
best facilities and service at discounted visitor berthing
rates to members’ customers”.
Issue 6-4 2008
a real opportunity to increase your profits
by running a ‘boat hire service’ from your
Marina using the new breed of exhilarating
and versatile ‘Sea-Karts’ from
‘Floating’ office for
Golden Boatlifts
Due to the further growth of Golden Boatlifts,Vanderbow
Marine (Golden’s importer) has moved to a new ‘floating’
office in Amsterdam. The two-storey building with roof
terrace, which was opened in June, 2007, is located at
Amsterdam North, in the IJ-river and provides an
outstanding view over the river and to the town centre
and is also close to Schiphol Airport.
It is from this unique spot that Vanderbow/Golden Boatlifts
will co-ordinate all business activities to expand its already
strong position in the market for stationary and floating boat
lifts in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
New selling partners have been established in various
countries within these areas, all of them with an excellent
knowledge and experience of the local boat trade and marina
Golden Boatlifts’ website introducing the company’s range
of products and listing dealers around the world is at: www.
❒ New in Europe and available for:
❒ Marina/Port based hire service
❒ Municipal pleasure beach hire
❒ Hotel and holiday resort hire
❒ Sailing schools
❒ Watersport clubs etc.
❒ Safe and secure for easy sailing in
suitable inshore coastal regions,
estuaries, lakes and river locations
❒ Built to European certification
❒ Very affordable with a quick return
of capital outlay per boat in less
than 200 hours of hiring
❒ Sailing experience not required
❒ Very stable and easy to handle,
available in 3 versions providing
performance to exhilarate family
members of all ages and skill
levels through to sports enthusiasts
❒ Maximum speed up to 16 knots
❒ Comfortable, secure and unique
forward-facing seating position
❒ Innovative steering system
❒ Well built with low maintenance
❒ Easy to rig and pack away
❒ Transportable with easy storage
Portuguese marina wins award
Winner of a Bronze Award in the Best Marina
Development category in the fourth Homes Overseas
Magazine Awards was Troia Resort close to the
Portuguese capital Lisbon and a short ferry ride from
the port of Setubal (see This has
been developed by Sonae Turismo, part of the privatelyowned commercial group Sonae SGPS.
Apartments in the central area of the resort benefit from
the facilities offered by a five-star hotel, two four-star
aparthotels a conference centre, casino, bars, restaurants
and shops, all of which are grouped around a 184-berth
Being located on the Troia Peninsula, the marina provides
access to protected sailing waters for beginners on one side
and the open Atlantic for more experienced sailors on the
other. Its Southerly location also makes it an ideal place to
embark on longer voyages to the Azores, the Canaries or
across the Atlantic.
Judges for the Homes Overseas Awards, who include
the Editor of Euromarina Review, are recruited from the
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the Royal
Institute of British Architects (RIBA), as well as respected
property journalists and technical experts. They travel the
world to assess short-listed developments, awarding Gold,
Silver and Bronze accolades to those of outstanding design,
location and value for money.
Further information about the 2008 Awards is available
to developers of marina property on www.homesoverseas.
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
For all enquiries or a demonstration please contact:
Windkart Sales & Marketing (Benelux),
c/o Gemini Media International sprl/bvba,
Rue du Culot 30/c, 1320 Tourinnes-La-Grosse, Belgium.
Tel: +32 (0)10 867486, Fax: +32 (0)10 843688,
Email: [email protected] Website:
Euro News
Dean & Reddyhoff choose Walcon
for London 2012 Olympic marina
Port Falmouth ready
for Summer
In one of the largest contracts to
be struck in recent years for the
manufacture, supply and installation
of marina pontoons in the UK, Dean
& Reddyhoff, owners and operators
of Haslar, Weymouth and East
Cowes marinas, has chosen Walcon
Marine Ltd of Fareham to supply
the pontoons to the company’s new
Portland Marina, which will form
part of the venue for the sailing
events of the London 2012 Olympic
and Paralympic Games.
The new 300-berth Port Falmouth
Marina in the West of England
will be open for business this
Summer, creating a state-ofthe-art gateway to the historic
seafaring town of Falmouth and
the rest of Cornwall. It is the
first stage in a major investment
at the town’s docks by A&P Ports
and Properties.
The new marina will transform the
area between Queens and Duchy
Wharves. A floating breakwater
will also be built to protect the
marina from prevailing winds,
providing additional berthing for
superyachts and commercial craft.
The marina will be served by a
300-space car park with buildings
to house shower and changing
facilities for berth-holders as well
as the marina offices. Among the
first vessels likely to use the new
facilities will be some of the world’s
Tall Ships before they race to
Funchal, Madeira, in September.
Drystan Jones (33), who previously
managed Ocean Village Marina at
Southampton, has been appointed
as marina manager. He said, “I
am delighted to be joining the
A&P team and look forward to the
tremendous challenge of helping to
create a world class international
marina at Falmouth”.
In one of the largest contracts to
be struck in recent years for the
manufacture, supply and installation
of marina pontoons in the UK, Dean
& Reddyhoff, owners and operators
of Haslar, Weymouth and East
Cowes marinas, has chosen Walcon
Marine Ltd of Fareham to supply
the pontoons to the company’s new
Portland Marina, which will form part
of the venue for the sailing events
of the London 2012 Olympic and
Paralympic Games.
[email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
Docks and dry dock systems
is our business
Innovation is our way of life
and service is our trademark...
visit us at the paris boat show
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Issue 6-4 2008
Marine Events
French partner for IMC 2008
The next International Marina Conference (IMC) in the triennial
series of events organised by ICOMIA will take place in Ostend,
Belgium, from 23-28 May, 2008.
IMC 2008 will examine what attracts boat owners to marinas and
yacht harbours as tourist destinations. It will look at various systems
for rating facilities and services for quality due to the fact that cruising
yacht owners and crews regard the place where they tie up as key to
a quality recreational boating experience. It will also discuss clean
marina programs worldwide, recognizing that many boaters have
travelled a great distance just to enjoy the environment. It will evaluate
tourism literature for the inclusion of recreational boating and fishing
opportunities and the availability of marinas and yacht harbours, and
develop strategies for improving boating facilities information in tourist
brochures and on the internet.
Other Conference highlights will be the airing of government
initiatives for the promotion of nautical tourism and government
policies for the preservation of public access to recreational waters for
The Syndicat Mixte Cote d’Opale (also known as Plaisance
Transmanche) will be an official partner of the event and will work
closely with the Federation Francaise des Ports de Plaisance and
the Flemish Marina Community to arrange an all-day field trip to
important marinas on the Cote d’Opale as well as to the largest marina
in Belgium at Nieuwpoort. As the Conference will emphasise the key
role of marinas in nautical tourism it is appropriate to showcase these
locations, which are already active in the tourist trade.
Further information about the Conference is available on its official
HISWA 2008
HISWA RAI Multimedia BV,
Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Hoofdstraat 82, NL-3972 LB
4-9 March
Driebergen,The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)343 52 47 47
Dubai International Boat Show
Dubai World Trade Centre (LLC),
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
P.O. Box 9292, Dubai, UAE
11-15 March
Tel: +971 4 308 6069
Palma International Boat Show
Fires de Balears,
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Modul A, Aeroport de Son Sant Joan,
26 April – 4 May
07611 Palma, Spain
Tel: +34 971 77 13 02
IMC 2008
IMC 2008,
Ostend, Belgium
Watersportlaan, B-8260 Nieuwpoort,
25-28 May
Tel: +32 (0)58 23 52 32
Seawork 2008 International
Mercator Media Ltd,
Southampton, UK
The Old Mill, Lower Quay,
10-12 June
Fareham, Hants P016 0RA, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1329 820485
Festival International de la Plaisance
Reed Expositions France,
Cannes, France
52-54 Quai de Dion Bouton,
10-15 September
92806 Puteaux Cedex, France
Tel: +33 1 47 56 64 79
Grand Pavois de la Rochelle
Grand Pavois Association,
La Rochelle, France
Avenue du Lazaret, 17042 La
10-15 September
Rochelle, France
Tel: +33 5 46 44 46 39
Southampton International Boat Show
National Boat Shows Ltd,
Southampton, UK
Marine House,Thorpe Lea Road,
12-21 September
Egham, Surrey TW20 8BE, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1784 473377
Genoa International Boat Show
Fiera di Genova/UCINA,
New MD at the RAI
Genova, Italy
Piazzale J. F. Kennedy 1,
4-12 October
16129 Genova, Italy
Ids Boersma, Director of International Fairs at Amsterdam RAI,
has been appointed Managing Director of RAI Exhibitions. Mr
Boersma, who joined the RAI in 1992 and has held a number of
positions there over the past 15 years, succeeds Derk Egeler, who
has become an independent consultant in the sphere of corporate
Trade show organiser Amsterdam RAI operates in a wide variety of
sectors and is responsible for the Marine Equipment Trade Show (METS),
which is now recognised as the world’s largest trade exhibition of marine
equipment and accessories for the marine leisure industry.
A report on the previous METS is published on page 13.
Tel: +39 010 53911
Barcelona International Boat Show
Fira de Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain
Avenida Reina Maria Cristina s/n,
9-16 November
08004 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 2332363
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
Marine Events
Positive feedback from record
visitors to best-ever METS
Record exhibitor and visitor numbers for 2007 further endorsed the Marine
Equipment Trades Show (METS) in Amsterdam as the world’s largest and
best attended leisure marine trade show. “It felt like boom time,” said METS
product manager Irene Dros. “It could not have been a better reward for us
as we celebrated our 20th anniversary. Such a significant rise in visitor levels
was a triumph and a testament to the attractions METS offers with its core
exhibitors, bustling national pavilions and thriving SuperYacht Pavilion,” she
added. “Feedback from attendees so far has been extremely positive and we are
delighted that so many companies have already signed up for METS 2008.”
Enjoying the unique METS mix of serious business and social networking, 1,137
exhibitors from 39 countries promoted thousands of marine products. A visitor total
of 19,764 from 101 countries, compared to 16,805 from 89 in 2006, made for the busiest METS to date. This year, for the first time, exhibitors were also scanned upon
entering the show. In addition to the visitors, on an average day more than 4,000
stand personnel entered the show.
The 17th DAME competition attracted a total of 138 products from 107 companies.
A shortlist of 34 products was drawn up and from these the jury selected the overall
winner, five outright category winners and gave 11 special mentions.
All companies entering products for the DAME this year paid a registration fee per
product. All money collected was donated to the Batavian Yard museum in Lelystad to help fund the building of a replica of ‘The 7 Provinces’, a 17th century Dutch
warship. Mr Beije, the Director of Batavian Yard, accepted a handsome cheque for
€20,850 from Ids Boersma, RAI Exhibitions managing director, on behalf of the competition entrants.
In 2008, the event will again take place at the RAI exhibition halls from 18-20 November.
More information about METS can be found at:
[email protected]
Sixth Seatec
featured new
equipment for
In its sixth year of operation,
Seatec, the international exhibition
of technologies and subcontracting
for boat and ship builders, which was
staged by CarraraFiere Srl in Marina di
Carrara, Italy, from 7-9 February, 2008,
incorporated many new features.
The exhibition is constantly growing in
terms of display space and both the number
of exhibitors and visitors from the industry.
In addition, this year Seatec opened its
doors to an important new branch of the
Italian nautical industry: port equipment.
“In a country like Italy whose coastline
is over 8,500 km in length and where new
marinas are being created and existing
ports expanded to meet the increasing
requirements of leisure boat owners, there
are new market opportunities for the port
equipment branch of the industry,” said
Paris Mazzanti, Managing Director of
Issue 6-4 2008
Marine Events
Marinas in Europe
On 9 November, 2007, 190 participants came to the FFPP conference at the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris to listen to the
second part of the debates on the various problems of Yachting
Harbours in Europe. The 2006 edition discussed the economic
impact of yachting harbours in Europe. The 2007 event, on the
other hand, was more focused on the role played by elected officials and their management style.
The French Minister of State for Transport, Dominique Bussereau,
opened the debates. He emphasised the importance of increasing
the capacity of harbours as well as preserving the environment. He
then thanked the work done by the FFPP and the CODCAP regarding ‘clean harbours’. The FFPP president, Serge Pallares, requested
the creation of a Yachting Harbours Task Force. Upon this demand
the French Minister gave a positive response.This will be operational on the French Atlantic shores by April.
The first table was introduced by Xavier Bezancon, Deputy General
of EGF BTP, PhD in Law and Economics, author of numerous books
and articles on public service delegation/outsourcing. He discussed
various operating tools available to elected officials and managers in
France. He insisted on a new tool that would solve the problem of
financing between private and public partners.These first table participants then gave examples at the national and European levels.
The second table was comprised of Chantal Maignan, Special
Council for the Economic Development of Martinique, Yvon
Bonnot, President of ANEL and Mayor of Perros Guirec (France),
Franco Cuccureddu, Mayor of Castelsardo and Chairman of the
Association of the Ports of Sardinia, Steven Desloovere, Chairman of
the Belgium Ports Federation, and Gabriel de Sandoval, Chairman
of the Spanish Federation ofYachting Harbours.
All of the participants agreed that there is a real impact on the local
economy due to the creation ofYachting Harbours.This goes beyond
the boat/harbour users themselves.
Xavier Mangrane presented conclusions of the European Marina
Conference (EMC 2007) held in Palma de Mallorca in April, 2007.
Then Steven English, Director of Business Development, began
speaking about the numerous Dubai city projects. This example
startled the audience by its originality, its liberal character, both in
total contrast with the French style.
The last part of the morning focused on the marinas as steppingstones to the inland areas. Jacques Blanc, Senator of Lozère and author of the Mediterranean Pact, insisted on coordinating a relationship among the various Mediterranean areas that have historically
had so many things in common with each other as well as the primary role of yachting harbours as tourist destinations
The Odyssea European project premiered during the conference
and was presented by Christian Jeanjean, Mayor and Deputy of
Palavas (France) and President of the Odyssea mission in France,
and Philippe Calamel, Project Head.The project consists of creating
a partnership among port cities as well as inland areas to focus on
tourist attractions and culture. Nicolas Mariel, European Task Force
on the Maritime Policy, gave his official support to the Odyssea programme, which is in perfect harmony with the maritime politics of
the European Union.
Ports de plaisance
en Europe
Le 9 novembre, 2007, 190 inscrits à la journée FFPP au Palais
du Luxembourg ont pu écouter le deuxième volet des débats
sur les problématiques des ports de plaisance en Europe.
La journée de 2006 avait dressé un tableau général du poids
économique de la plaisance en Europe. La journée de 2007
quant à elle s’est attardée davantage sur les outils et choix des
élus en matière d’exploitation des ports de plaisance et sur les
retombées économiques induites localement.
Le Ministre, Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Ecologie, Développement et
Aménagement Durable, Dominique Bussereau a ouvert les débats.
Il a insisté sur l’importance majeure d’inscrire les extensions de ports
de plaisance dans une démarche de respect de l’environnement. Il a
pu ainsi féliciter les travaux de la FFPP et du CODCAP dans ce sens
avec notamment l’opération ‘Ports Propres’. Selon lui le manque de
places dans les ports est un sujet important et une réponse doit y être
apportée. Le Président de la FFPP, Serge Pallares a demandé sur un
ton volontairement provocateur à la fin de son allocution que soient
organisées des Grenelles des Ports de Plaisance. A cette requête le
Ministre a répondu positivement. Elles seront mise en place en avril
sur la côte atlantique.
La première table ronde a été introduite par Xavier Bezancon,
Délégué Général de EGF BTP, Docteur en Droit et en Economie, auteur de nombreux ouvrages traitant des diverses procédures de délégation de services public qui a exposé les divers outils d’exploitation
à disposition des élus et des gestionnaires en France. Il a insisté sur
un nouvel outil qui pourrait permettre de répondre au problème
des financements: le Partenariat Public-Privé. Cette première table a
ensuite été illustrée par des exemples nationaux et européens.
Ont été accueillis lors de la deuxième table ronde, Chantal
Maignan, Conseillère pour le développement Economique
pour la Martinique, Steven Desloovere, Président de la
Fédération des ports de Belgique, Gabriel de Sandoval,
(continué sur la page 23)
      
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Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
Man-made Islands
Ronautica to manage marinas
at The Pearl-Qatar
A new organisation, Ronautica
Middle East (RME) has been formed
as a partnership between Ronautica
SA and the United Development
Company. RME will manage and
operate top class marinas in the
Middle East, those at The PearlQatar being the showcase for the
company in that region.
The Pearl-Qatar is a Riviera-style
man-made island developed in an
exclusive environment in Doha, the
capital of Qatar, which is home to
over 80% of the nation’s population.
The development, which covers 400
hectares of reclaimed land, is the
country’s first truly international
venture in the real estate field.
RME will manage berths at The
Pearl-Qatar marinas and will also
offer complementary leisure services
to berth holders and visitors. These
will include a sailing school, yacht
sales and charter hire.
It will also organise events to launch
new boats and other marine leisure
The two main marinas at the PearlQatar are Porto Arabia and Viva
Bahriya. Port Arabia is the largest
of the marinas with an estimated
population of 15,000 residing in high
rise apartments and townhouses
boardwalk. The marina will provide
berths for 453 craft from 10-25m
and larger berths to accommodate
55 superyachts from 30-60m. The
marina at Viva Bahriya will house the
development’s major yacht club and
offers 100 berths for boats up to 15m.
It will also be the location for a major
boat repair and maintenance facility.
In addition to the main marinas, a
further 120 wet berths will be provided
at the lagoon of Costa Malaz, which
also has its own sailing club.
Ronautica Middle East LLC,
P.O. Box 7256,
The Pearl-Qatar – Development
Site Office, Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 674 1573
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Phase 2 begins
at The World
Nakheel, the most prominent player
in realising the vision of Dubai as
a top class destination for tourism,
has announced that the first phase
in building the offshore island
development known as The World
is now complete.
The final stone on the breakwater
for The World, which consists of 300
islands based 4km offshore from
Dubai in the Arabian Gulf, has been
laid in position and reclamation work
has been finished exactly to schedule.
With reclamation completed on
time, Nakheel will be moving on to
phase 2 of the development of The
World. Islands are being handed over
to individual developers, who will
shortly begin construction work on
the individual islands. These islands
are sold by invitation every year to
carefully picked developers and it is
expected that they will bring their
own creative experiences to the
individual islands.
The World will become one of the
most exclusive tourist destinations
on the planet. From 2010 more than
40 luxury resorts will start to open.
Different world class brands and
names will offer fine dining, spas
and luxury boutiques, idyllic vacation
homes, spectacular marina, yacht and
beach clubs as well as scuba diving,
snorkeling and dive centres.
Issue 6-4 2008
Man-made Islands
Services now installed at
Bahrain waterfront
Middle East
marina resort
The design and installation of
services at the new Amwaj Islands
Marina, part of the huge Amwaj
Islands waterfront development in
Bahrain, was recently carried out
by Rolec Services Ltd, working in
close co-operation with Clement
Gulf Systems, which constructed
the pontoons.
Kieron Alsop, Rolec’s Managing
Director, comments: “As far I am
aware, the Amwaj Islands Marina
represents the first fully circular
marina to be constructed in the
Arabian Gulf region. This marina not
only has a circular basin, but also has
circular pontoons following almost
the entire shape of the quay walls.
“The pontoons by Clement Gulf
heavy duty concrete complete with
enclosed service ducts and service
access chambers. Rolec was given
the task of designing, managing and
commissioning the services with the
general installation being carried
out by engineers from the pontoon
Kieron went on to say, “The marina’s
services have been designed to cater
for all sizes of boats from 6 metres up
to superyachts with electrical supplies
ranging from 16 amp single phase up
to 250 amp three phase”.
All of the Rolec service bollards and
Al Khaleej Development Company
(Tameer) has signed a memorandum
of understanding with Durrat Al
Bahrain to develop the $4 billion
marina resort, which is now
being created at this city of 15
inter-connected islands set in the
Southern Bahraini seas.
Spread over three islands, the
marina is destined to become the first
commercial development of its kind
in the Middle East, covering an area of
700,000 sq m. It has been specifically
designed to become a waterfront
resort that will feature a large harbour
to accommodate approximately 400
boats, luxurious villas, town houses
and apartments, commercial space,
recreational facilities, restaurants
and cafes.
The marina will be mainly residential,
providing a mix of 85% modern
waterfront residences with sea views
and 15% commercial premises. It will
have its own yacht club and be linked
to the mainland by a bridge.
Jassin Al-Jowder, CEO of Durrat Al
Bahrain, said: “With both phases of
the residential villas well underway,
we are now bringing additional focus
to the other important elements
of the development, which offer
significant potential for developers
and investors as we create a new
island-based community”.
Issue 6-4 2008
Megamaster units are manufactured
in polished stainless steel, offering
electricity, water and illumination.
The Megamaster units were designed
to offer the superyacht berths with
almost limitless service variations.
The Amwaj versions offer 2 x single
phase outlets, 2 x three phase outlets
and 2 x 1 inch water supplies for
the large superyachts now common
around the Arabian Gulf.
In keeping with this high quality
marina and waterfront development,
each boat owner will be issued with
their own Amwaj Marina smartcard.
This smartcard is charged with
credit and can then be used to:
pay for electricity and water at the
customer’s berth; authorise entry
into the marina; utilise the pump-out
facility; and refuel. On departure, the
boat owner simply returns the card to
the marina office to receive a refund
for any unused credit.
The new marina is also fully
equipped with both fire-fighting and
life-saving equipment.
Rolec Services Ltd,
Algores Way, Wisbech,
Cambs PE13 2TQ,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1945 475165
Fax: +44 (0)1945 588045
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Waterfront Development
New marina for Waterfront Barrow-in-Furness
On the edge of the Lake District and by
the shores of Morecambe Bay in England,
the town of Barrow-in-Furness offers
a high quality environment for both
living and working. Barrow has already
benefited from significant investment
and development. Its distinctive centre is
a vibrant mix of retail, leisure and cultural
facilities. Investment in world-leading
naval and offshore energy technologies
and industry continues to grow year on
year, creating prosperity and a culture of
change and opportunity. The economic
conditions for development in Barrow are
therefore excellent and demand for new
high quality commercial space is high.
West Lakes Renaissance and its
development partners, including the
Northwest Regional Development Agency,
are committed to the comprehensive
regeneration of Barrow-in-Furness over
the coming decade. They are now looking
to build upon their recent successes with
the development of Waterfront Business
Park, a high quality office and commercial
development that will set a new standard
in the town and form the first phase of the
wider regeneration of the town’s waterfront
through the Waterfront Barrow-in-Furness
Waterfront Barrow-in-Furness is central to
the exciting regeneration proposals for the
town. The planned development will cover
over 160 hectares,with a new marina situated
in docks right in the town centre, taking full
advantage of the unique waterfront location.
A new landmark foot/cycle bridge over
Buccleuch Dock will link to the Waterfront
Business Park creating easy and attractive
access between the different sites in the
development. Through a comprehensive regeneration
approach, the partners are committed to
creating a new, vibrant, sustainable and
attractive waterfront for the town that will
incorporate the following elements:
Waterfront Business Park.The 23-hectare
Waterfront Business Park has been identified
as the key employment site for Barrow in
Furness. It is the location where all major
commercial and industrial development will
take place over the next ten years. Marketing
that has already taken place clearly
demonstrates a high latent demand, with
over 50 detailed enquiries from companies
interested in new premises on the business
park to date.
MarinaVillage.This innovative mixed use
residential scheme providing over 650 new
homes will also include shops, restaurants,
[email protected]
an athletics track and children’s play areas.
It will benefit from an £8 million, 400-berth
marina that will feature an overland boat
lift operating round the clock, which will
allow up to six craft to leave the Walney
Channel and enter the dock system at the
same time. Marina berths will be located on
the Barrow side of Buccleuch Dock adjacent
to Town Quay, with further berths on the
Barrow Island side of Ramsden Dock. The
construction programme at Barrow calls for
the marina to be ready for occupation by
2009. Work on the Marina Village will start
the following year and is expected to take ten
years to complete.
Cruise Facility. A new cruise facility is
planned to enable cruise ships to berth on
the adjacent Walney Channel, providing a
new gateway to the English Lake District.
Cavendish Dock.The adjacent Cavendish
Dock supports a range of internationally
acknowledged wildlife habitats and will
feature environmental improvements and a
new wildlife attraction.
Watersports Centre. A watersports centre
at the nearby Ramsden Dock will provide a
destination for visitors and tourists and will
have wider regeneration benefits, providing
the opportunity to host major watersports
events such as powerboat racing.
Issue 6-4 2008
We will help you
with your business on The Waterfront & throughout Furness
Furness Enterprise - First choice for business support
Call: 01229 820611
Supported by West Lakes Renaissance & The European Commissioning
Bellingham Marine Europe Ltd
Based in the UK and a subsidiary of BMI, we offer the experience and expertise of the
world’s leading dry storage and marina company, specifically to the European market.
Superyacht Berthing Solutions For Europe
Extensive experience building berths for some of the
worlds biggest superyachts
Heavy duty custom design solutions
Safe, stable and secure berthing
Options to suit individual yacht requirements
Full turn-key design and build capability
Contact us:Matthew Hardy General Manager
tel: + 44(0) 191 230 8111
fax: + 44(0) 191 230 8112
email: [email protected]
Supported by:
[email protected]
Spanish office: tel: +34 933561229
French office: tel: +33 871569564
Italian office: tel: +39 3358394172
Subsidiary of:
Issue 6-4 2008
Nautical Resorts
‘Nautical tourism’ boosts economy in Catalonia
As reported in the ‘Marina Visit’
to the Club Nàutic Estartit on the
Costa Brava in the last issue of
Euromarina Review, the town is
the main office for Catalonia’s five
nautical resorts. In addition to
Estartit, these are based at Badia
de Palamós i Sant Antoni-Calonge,
also on the Costa Brava, Vilanova i
la Geltrú on the Costa de Garraf,
Salou-Cambrils on the Costa
Daurada and Santa Susanna on the
Costa del Maresme.
These five nautical resorts have
been created by the collaboration of
marine leisure companies with the
tourist industry operating in their
area. In each case, the resulting
increase in trade has acted as an
engine to drive the local economy
forward. However, to gain the status
of a nautical resort, the town must
first pass an inspection to confirm
that it is worthy of becoming part
of the Spanish Network of Nautical
Resorts. Certification is awarded by
the Spanish Government through
the Secretariat of State for Tourism
and Trade, which forms part of the
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and
The concept of ‘nautical tourism’
encompasses holidays taken with
the basic aim of taking part in any
kind of watersports, principally in
the sea , but also in rivers, lakes and
reservoirs. The Catalonian coastline
is 580 km long, stretching from Cap
de Creus on the border with France
to the Ebro Delta, and includes the
port city of Barcelona and three major
environmental protection zones –
Cap de Creus Natural Park, Medes
Islands Marine Reserve and Ebro
Delta Natural Park, which is one of
the most important bird habitats in
the Mediterranean.
A crucial facility for nautical
activities is, of course, marinas and
there are no less than 46 in Catalonia
with nearly 15,000 berths for craft
between 15-25 m although provision
for superyachts is also increasing in
scope and availability. Marina Port
Vell in Barcelona, for example, can
accommodate boats up to 130 m.
Marinas and adjacent marine
facilities offer visitors the opportunity
to engage in a range of watersports,
including sailing in their own craft
or charter boats, rowing, canoeing,
water skiing, windsurfing or simply a
trip on the water in a pleasure boat.
A high standard of accommodation
Issue 6-4 2008
is maintained for those taking part
in watersports at nautical resorts
and there are always bars and
restaurants for relaxation after the
day’s activities.
At an official nautical resort, it
is possible to book a variety of
watersports activities and reserve
accommodation with just one
telephone call. Further information
about this service is available from
the Catalan Association of Nautical
Resorts on the organisation’s website
( and details of
individual marinas are given on the
website of the Catalan Association of
Yachting Harbours:
Ports de plaisance en Europe
(continuation de la page 17)
Président de la Fédération Espagnole des Ports de Plaisance,Yvon Bonnot, Président de l’ANEL
et Maire de Perros Guirec et le Dr. Franco Cuccureddu, Maire de Castelsardo, Président
de l’association des ports Sardes. Il était sujet dans cette deuxième partie des retombées
économiques induites par l’activité d’un port de plaisance.Tous les intervenants se sont accordés à dire qu’il existe un réel impact sur l’économie locale induit par la création d’un port de
plaisance, au-delà de la simple présence des plaisanciers, comme pôle d’attractivité touristique.
Par la suite,Xavier Mangrané a apporté les conclusions de la Conférence Européenne des Ports
de Plaisance 2007 (EMC 2007) et laissé la parole Steven English, Directeur du Développement
de Island GlobalYachting porteur de nombreux projets pour la ville de Dubaï. Cet exemple extrême a surpris l’assemblée par son originalité et son caractère libéral en parfaite opposition avec
l’exemple français.
Une dernière table ronde a positionné les ports de plaisance comme vitrine vers l’arrière pays.
Jacques Blanc, Sénateur de la Lozère et auteur du Pacte Méditerranéen, a insisté sur la nécessité
de mettre en relation les pays de la méditerranée qui ont historiquement tant de choses en commun et sur le rôle primordial des ports de plaisance dans cette logique en tant que destinations
Le projet Odyssea Europe a été présenté en avant première par Christian Jeanjean, Député
Maire de Pallavas, Président de l’APLR et président de la mission Odyssea France ainsi que
par Philippe Calamel, Auteur du programme. Le projet consiste à créer un partenariat entre
les cités portuaires et les communes de l’arrière pays, à allier le potentiel touristique des premières et la richesse culturelle des autres. Nicolas Mariel, représentant de laTask Force Maritime
Européenne a donné son soutien officiel au programme Odyssea qui rentre selon lui parfaitement dans la logique des politiques maritimes de la CE.
[email protected]
Natchez on the Waterfront
A preview of
IMC 2008
By Dan Natchez*
The trumpets are sounding, the chimes
are ringing and the preparations
are well underway to make the
International Marina Conference 2008
(IMC 2008) an outstanding reality
where the world’s marina operators,
managers, owners, developers and
government officials will gather as they
do once every three years to participate
in the most comprehensive forum for
exchanging ideas, education, and case
studies of what works and what has
not been so successful in the marina
industry from around the world.
As you may recall, the last
conference was held in 2005, in San
Diego, California, and was perhaps
the largest and most successful
marina conference in the world.
There were over 541 participants from
26 countries. They included marina
operators, developers, regulators,
other governmental officials and
suppliers to the industry; in short,
a complete mix. A most impressive
aspect of IMC 2005 was the upbeat
attitude, positive thinking and
active participation by the delegates
throughout the conference. When
have you been to a conference where
on the last segment of the final day
of the conference the room was full
and had almost as many people as
the opening ceremonies? IMC 2005
was by all measures a resounding
IMC 2008 is shaping up to be
even more impressive, where the
networking opportunities will abound
and the exchange of information
will only be limited by one’s own
participation. It will be held in the
Media Centre, Oostende, Belgium,
from 25-28 May, 2008.
Oostende is a cosmopolitan city
less than 75 minutes by train from
Brussels with many advantages and
a rich historical past. Protected from
the North Sea by a network of dikes,
it is the largest population centre on
the Belgian coast, with 67,000 yearround residents. Oostende received
a city charter in the 13th century and
was plagued throughout its early
history by a constant onslaught from
seaborne invaders. The city’s fate
changed when the first two Belgian
Kings, Leopold I and Leopold II,
chose to spend their Summers in
Oostende, which raised the town’s
fortunes and ultimately transformed
it into a fashionable 19th century
Unfortunately, the city’s
fate changed once more in the early
twentieth century when considerable
destruction came again, this time
in the form of World War II aerial
bombardment. Today, the German
[email protected]
fortifications along the waterfront
are among the most visited tourist
sites in the city, as is Fort Napoleon,
which as its name suggests, was
constructed by Napoleon towards the
end of the Napoleonic Empire and
was subsequently used as a German
military headquarters. Somehow it
survived the WW II bombardment
and remains intact.
Modern Oostende is a transportation
hub and resort town. There is the
commercial harbour and expanding
port facilities, the yacht basin, the
airport, rail and coastal tram and some
61 hotels. An extensive ferry service
makes use of the harbour, providing
cross-channel as well as coastwise
transport. By rail, Paris, London and
Amsterdam are just three hours away.
Regular excursions are available to
tour the nearby city of Bruges, whose
entire historical city centre is listed
as a UNESCO World Heritage site
(and Belgium’s most popular tourist
In part due to Belgium’s role as
the hub of the European Union,
Oostende has also been undergoing a
considerable renaissance, particularly
with respect to its waterfront. In fact,
Oostende has seized upon the idea
that any time can be a good time for a
festival and is increasingly becoming
known as the ‘City of Events at
the Sea’. Activities take place the
whole year round, with some of the
highlights including Oostende at
Issue 6-4 2008
Natchez on the Waterfront
Anchor, Theatre at Sea, Sparkling
Mondays, Magic Lights in the Park,
Kiosk-on-Ice, Carnival week-end
and many more. The Casino Kursaal
Oostende, fully renovated and
expanded in 2004, also enlivens the
downtown area for those wanting
to gamble. There are also, of course,
abundant supplies throughout the
city of perhaps Belgium’s four greatest
staples: beer, mussels, ‘French’ fries
(which actually are widely believed to
be a Belgian invention) and chocolate!
The conference is being organised
by the Marinas Committee of the
International Council of Marine
Industry Associations (ICOMIA)
under the host sponsorship of the
Flemish Community, the French
Marinas Federation and the Syndicat
Mixte de la Cote d’Opale.
Speakers from every continent of the
world will lead discussions at a truly
international forum with the backdrop
in Flanders, Belgium, where Oostende
and nearby ports in Belgium, France
and England are known for being
not only home ports, but points of
destination for sailing, yachting and
In a global economy where it is
increasingly easy for tourists to come
by boat, be it a cruise ship or private
yacht, the economic significance of
boaters as tourists is compelling. Thus,
ICOMIA’s Marinas Committee has
made it one of its primary goals to
create new opportunities for marina
and yacht harbour development and
expansion by creating partnerships
with the commercial tourist industry
and government tourist authorities.
Hence, the theme for IMC 2008 is
‘Alliances for Progress’. This provides
real opportunities for meaningful
networking within the marina
industry as well as with allied public
and private sector organisations
worldwide for the enhancement of
the recreational boating experience
through upgrading, refurbishing and
constructing new boating facilities.
The conference programme calls for
an opening social reception on 25 May
followed by two days of interactive
discussions, case studies and open
forums and culminating with a oneday tour of some of the finest marinas
in Flanders and Northern France.
Some of the topics that are anticipated
to be covered in the conference will
• Economic impacts of marinas, the effects on the local community
and region as well as what it means to
the surrounding support businesses
and economies;
• Operational issues including
practical, cost-effective answers to
common marina management issues
such as maintenance dredging, drystack storage, personnel problems,
attracting and keeping quality
mechanics, staff and operators,
survival planning for the dreaded
catastrophic events such as fires,
hurricanes, earthquakes and other
natural disasters;
• The real threat of competing
forces that are driving marinas
out of existence and what can be
done to protect and preserve working
• The need for and creating water
• Designing for trends in the boat
• Designing for and the
development of megayachts - their
needs and benefits;
• Upgrading and expansion of
• Marinas as community centres
for the generation of water-oriented
tourism as well as destinations for
cruising yachts, with particular focus
on what boaters regard as quality
facilities and services;
• The universal appeal of clean
• Surfing the internet for marina
[email protected]
• Government promotions for
marinas and yacht harbours;
• The expansion of boating
opportunities on inland waterways;
In addition to the conference
programme, there will be an exhibition
hall where international suppliers of
equipment and services to the marina
industry will be available to talk to
delegates. At IMC 2008, you just might
see something you haven’t seen before
to broaden your horizons before
heading back to your home port.
Potential delegates and exhibitors
can find out more information about
the conference, register, and/or check
out securing space in the exhibition
hall and hotels online at www.imc2008.
com For those who still don’t surf the
net, contact:
Steven Desloovere, CMM,
VVW-Nieuwpoort vzw,
Watersportlaan 11,
8620 Nieuwpoort,
See you in Oostende!
*Dan Natchez is President of Daniel S. Natchez and
Associates Inc,a leading international Environmental
Waterfront Design Consultancy specialising in the
design of marinas and marina resorts throughout
the world. Your comments and enquiries are invited
on Tel: +1 914 698 5678, by Fax: +1 914 698 7321,
by E-mail: [email protected] or on the Web:
Issue 6-4 2008
Letter to the Editor
Marinetek team in Finland is
now stronger than ever
I am pleased to inform you that from 1 January,
2008, Marinetek Finland Oy will implement the new
organisational structure outlined in the accompanying
chart. The Marinetek team in Finland is now stronger
than ever and includes two new engineers, Ville Leisti
and Juha Timonen. The company also has a new Board
of Directors and management team.
Marinetek now has both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Management
System Certificates - Det Norske Veritas (DNV), along with
several other type approvals and Register of Shipping approvals
for its products in several countries.
The Marinetek Group currently comprises 14 companies
including one newcomer - Marina Housing, which concentrates
on the development of marina villages and floating solutions.
Most of the Marinetek Group companies, such as the production
companies in Latvia, Croatia and Dubai, are experiencing
rapid growth. The company now works in 30 countries with 47
distributors and group turnover has increased by 34 % over the
previous year.
The future of the marina industry looks very promising and I
am sure that we are now able to give our customers improved
products, better quality, shorter delivery times and better
Ilkka Seppälä,
CEO, Marinetek Group
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
Website for Marina Products
Aquamore BV
online shop
Situated at Loosdrecht Lakes, near
Amsterdam,Aquamore BV is the exclusive
importer and distributor for Martini
Alfredo pontoons in the Benelux countries
and Germany. These are featured on the
company’s new website: www.aquamore.
info, together with other equipment and
accessories for the marina industry.
Aquamore is able to supply Martini Alfredo
pontoons to satisfy the requirements of any
type of marina,water condition or size of boat to
be moored. Products range from the ‘Antibes’
for small marinas and private moorings to
the ‘Montecarlo’, which has been designed to
moor large craft in extreme conditions. Martini
Alfredo pontoons are constructed from deepgalvanised steel and aluminium decked with
These durable planks appear similar to teak,
but offer a number of advantages, including an
anti-slip surface that is rot-proof, maintenancefree and has absolutely no splinters.
Other products available from Aquamore’s
online shop include Storm Surge boatlifts,
Dock Edge fenders and a ‘do-it-yourself’
pontoon system of flotation units and
The rapid growth of Aquamore has led
the company to open a new sales office at
Huizer Marina at Huizen in the province
of North-Holland. It has also opened an
office in Instanbul to serve the expanding
watersports market at Turkish marinas and
in the country’s tourist resorts.
Aquamore BV,
Veendijk 18a,
1231 PC Loosdrecht,
The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 35 58 23332, Fax: +31 35 58 22446
Email: [email protected]
Marinas_MarinaWorld07orizING30lu2 2
30-07-2007 12:42:14
[email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
Marina Visit
Grandson Marina, Switzerland
Situated at the South-West end of
Lake Neuchatel in Switzerland is the
small town of Grandson. Dominated
by its 13th-century castle, the town is
popular with visitors who arrive by
both land and water. Lake Neuchatel
covers an area of 218 sq km and is
38 km long by about 8 km across
at its widest point. It is the largest
lake entirely located in Switzerland
(with no shores bordered by other
countries). It also has access via the
Canal de la Sauge to the considerably
smaller Lake Biel-Bienne in the
North and by Thielle Canal to the
even smaller Lake Morat in the
East. Between them, the three lakes
support a population of about 6,000
In the shadow of the castle and set
on the curve of the promenade is
Grandson Marina, which is owned
and operated by the Grandson Town
Council. The original marina, which
was constructed in 1971, provided
moorings for over 100 resident
boats. In early 2007, work began on
expanding Grandson Marina, adding
extra space to provide about 100
additional berths, all of which have
finger piers, including 50 for ‘larger’
craft. The new section was opened
on 30 August, 2007.
As part of this expansion, the
architect’s office of Dolci in Yverdon
contacted the local representative
of Lee Sanitation Ltd (LeeSan), Bob
Van Meel, and asked him for help
designing, specifying, supplying,
installing and commissioning a new
pump-out facility. Until now, the
marina has not offered this service
and the operators felt that in addition
Issue 6-4 2008
to providing a necessary service
for berth holders, the new pumpout would attract visitors requiring
this facility to the town and its local
LeeSan already has several pumpout installations around the country,
including one at Boatyard Rohn in
Twann on Lake Morat, which was the
company’s first unit in Switzerland
and has now been operating for over
four years.
For a number of reasons, including
limited space and after-hours
service, LeeSan was asked if it
could provide a compact pump-out
station and facility for emptying
portable toilets. Previously, the latter
function was either carried out in
the public toilets or forced owners to
go to an alternative marina offering
this service. This type of facility
is essential to ensure that nobody
is tempted to dump black waste
overboard into the lake, which is a
designated Nature Reserve.
Since the marina operators wanted
the unit working for the start of the
July holiday season, there was also a
very short time scale. This meant just
eight weeks to quote, agree, design
and deliver a fully commissioned
Working closely with his associate
Didier Steimer, Bob Van Meel
already had an excellent reputation
for providing high specification,
high quality and reliable pumpout equipment in Switzerland and
Grandson and Yvon Steininger of
project engineers Intra Sub were
impressed with the testimonials
from other satisfied customers who
[email protected]
had LeeSan equipment installed.
A site survey involving the architect
for the marina extension, the LeeSan
team and the Grandson Council
was carried out and at this meeting
LeeSan suggested that it could
build and supply a ‘Combi’ unit
incorporating the pump-out and the
portable toilet emptying facility in
a single cabinet. This unit would be
extremely cost-effective and would
fit on a very small footprint, thus
saving valuable space.
LeeSan put forward a set of
proposals, which included designing
and building the new ‘Combi’
unit and these were accepted by
Grandson. Site preparation, water,
waste and electricity connections
was carried out to LeeSan’s drawings
and specifications by the company
constructing the marina while the
new unit was being built at LeeSan’s
factory in England.
Just five weeks later, the LeeStrom LS
200 Combi was delivered to site to be
installed, connected and commissioned
by Fredy Marine and the new pumpout and portable toilet disposal unit
was fully functioning in just one day.
The unit, which is ‘token’ operated,
features a powerful and well proven,
ultra reliable peristaltic pump. This
pump can be serviced or repaired
extremely quickly and is similar to
other LeeSan installations already
operational in Switzerland. It is
capable of pumping up to 200m
horizontally or 15m vertically.
The ‘Porta’ (portable toilet) empty
system consists of a stainless sluice
facility, which has a flush rinse
incorporated into it via the built-in
water system. This is activated by
a button on the inner fascia of the
unit. The waste is transferred to the
mains sewer via a ‘P’ trap to avoid
any contamination or bad odour.
The unit also features LeeSan’s
hands-free ISO standard pump-out
probe connection which, used with a
standard ISO deck fitting, will ensure
a fast and clean pump-out. Double
‘O’ ring seals ensure an excellent
suction vacuum and help to make
the operation faster and cleaner than
filling with fuel.
Unfortunately, not all boat builders
adhere to the ISO standards
(despite the best efforts of LeeSan,
the industry and of this magazine)
and some users are still faced with
having to add rubber cones, screwin adapters, etc, and stand holding
the nozzle for the entire pump-out
service. So yet another request to
boat builders all over the world –
Marina Visit
Bob Van Meel, with his engineer Diddier
Steimer (who made all of the power and hose
section calculations), provide an ‘on call’ service
and maintenance contract to Grandson Marina.
It is estimated that the new unit will pump-out
about 300 boats each year and that the portable
toilet emptying facility will service many users,
thus keeping the lakes clean and bringing
considerable additional business to Grandson
and the surrounding area.
Lee Sanitation Ltd,
Wharf Road, Fenny Compton,
Warwickshire CV47 2FE, United
Tel: +44 (0)1295 770000 Fax : +44 (0)1295 770022
E-mail: [email protected]
Rheinstrom Pumpenfabrik GmbH,
Wallersheimer Weg 13-19, D-56070,
Koblenz, Germany
Tel: +49 261 82027
Fax: +49 261 82029
E-mail: [email protected]
pump out
Design 9
Supply 9
Installation 9
Service 9
Maintenance 9
Challenge us to solve
your Pump Out problems!
coin, card, token, marina operator
+44 (0)1295 770000
+49 261 82027 / -28
[email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
Pollution Control
Unique floating fuel station
designed in Latvia
Almost 1.5 million Euros has
been invested by Pildne Ltd in
the development of a floating fuel
station (FFS) designated the Pildne
02-40. According to the company’s
Chairman, Andris Kursitis, this
unique new model is intended for
refueling all types of leisure craft and
has been designed for ecologicallyfriendly operation in salt water
“This patented product designed by
our in-house specialists, is aimed at
capturing export markets, particularly
in Russia, as well as countries of the
CIS, EC, Middle East and Africa.
Today, the Russian market is the
primary objective for us because of
its explosive development. However,
we are also conducting negotiations
for co-operation with the United
Arab Emirates, where Pildne has
been involved in tendering for many
contracts, as well as Nigeria, Korea,
Portugal, Croatia and other countries.
Only two companies in the world
Issue 6-4 2008
ensure this type of safe fuelling afloat,
and as one is our company, we don’t
see any obstacle to gaining business
Kursitis, adding that the Pildne model
02-40 will become one of Latvia’s most
powerful export commodities.
Pildne 02-40 provides an ecologically
safe solution to refueling leisure craft
in marinas, harbours and within tidal
estuaries and its quality has been
verified by the competent authorities
in Latvia. A representative of the
Environmental Protection Department
of the Ministry of the Environment,
Armands Plãte, confirmed that the
co-operation of Pildne with the
Ministry’s environmental specialists
was an important factor in developing
operational procedures and drawing up
user regulations, which has resulted in
a particularly pollution-free product.
The new model has also been certified
for use in Russia where co-operation
with the Russian River Register has
continued for many years. “Pildne
[email protected]
02-40 has been designed under the
supervision of our specialists and is
indeed a quality product,” said the
Head of the Inspectorate of the NorthWest branch of the Russian Rivers
Register, Nikolay Fomin.
Pildne 02-40 is an innovative FFS
specifically designed for use in sea
water. The new model has a body frame
with a principally new structure, which
is specially made to resist an aggressive
salt water environment by utilising the
most efficient anti-corrosion treatment
expertise. The 40,000 litre capacity fuel
tanks are double-walled, and secured
Pollution Control
within a steel safety frame. They are
also equipped with automatic leak
Measuring 16m x 5m, the FFS can be
moored either by piles or anchors and
requires a water depth of just 3m. It
can be operated in wave heights of up
to 0.5 m and wind speeds up to 10m per
Pildne Ltd,
19 Skunu Street, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
Tel: +371 6 7214054
Fax: +371 6 7214100
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
Interspill moves to Marseille
Every three years, Interspill hosts the world’s leading experts in
oil and chemical spill prevention, preparedness, response and
restoration. In 2006, this well-established conference and exhibition
was held in London and in 2009 it will be held in Marseille.
The 5th edition of Interspill will take place at the Parc Chanot in Marseille,
France, from 12-14 May. The event will not only bring together the oil
industry, the spill industry, governments and international agencies,
but the 4th IMO R&D Forum will be held at the same time, bringing
This combination underlines the conference theme, Working Together,
which has improved prevention and lead to better response to and
restoration of spills over recent years due to greater collaboration.
The event is expected to attract over 1000 visitors and delegates from 70
nations and more than 100 companies will exhibit the latest advances in
oil spill technology and solutions. The event is organised by Intelligent
Exhibitions and the European spill industry, together with IPIECA,
representing the international oil industry, and EMSA, which represents
the European Union.
Conference Chairman Bernard Tramier commented:“At a time when
oil spills have reappeared in the news, the issue of Working Together is
clearly vital in reducing the impact of these events. France is pleased to
be the host for Interspill 2009; its government, agencies and industry are
looking forward to providing not only a great location, but an opportunity
for both France and Europe to demonstrate their capability in this vital
Further information can be obtained fromVersha Carter,Show Director
of Interspill 2009, on tel: +44 (0)1453 or e-mail: [email protected]
Looking after our
30 years of proven equipment
and expertise for the protection
and recovery of oil and floating
debris from the open sea,
coastal waters, harbours,
marinas and inland waters.
DENMARK: Hestehaven 21B, DK-5260, Odense S, Denmark
Tel: (+45) 65 910201 Fax: (+45) 65 908877
UK: 5 Morley Business Centre, Morley Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1RA, UK
Tel: (+44) 1732 352125 Fax: (+44) 1732 352273
USA: 2551 Eltham Avenue, Suite G, Norfolk, VA 23513, USA
Tel: (+1) 757 857 3169 Fax: (+1) 757 857 6989
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
Made for Marinas
Bomb threat detection
at marinas
The TPXi-675 made by 3DX-Ray Ltd is a portable X-ray system
designed specifically for bomb and threat detection. It offers worldclass image clarity, and can fit into tight corners. Being highly
portable and quick to deploy it can help combat the terrorist’s
increased reliance on ‘soft’ targets and areas of high pedestrian
traffic such as marinas.
Weighing just 6.5kg for the source and 8kg for the detector, it is easy
to transport and place, even when the user is wearing heavy protection,
and provides the largest detector area (around 53cm x 41cm) currently
available. The system uses secure WiFi communications so that the
operator can retire to a safe distance after just a few seconds, yet can still
control the system and view the resultant X-ray images.
The detector is just 5cm thick so it can slip into very narrow gaps behind
suspect packages, previously the simple trick of placing a package near
a wall would mean X-ray systems might not be effective.
3DX-Ray Ltd,
Pera Innovation Park, Nottingham Road,
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 0PB,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0) 1664 503 600,
Fax: +44(0) 1664 503 601
E-mail: [email protected]
Stick-on senders for tank gauges
A simple solution to measuring the
contents of a water or waste tank has
been introduced by Tek-Tanks Ltd. All
that is necessary is to apply the selfadhesive pads built into the senders
to the side of any plastic or GRP tank,
connect the wires to an appropriate
gauge and the tank contents are
measured and displayed.
Most sensors will work well in a
waste tank for a while. However, when
they eventually foul they have to be
removed, cleaned and re-installed with
no guarantee of how long before the job
will have to be carried out again. The
answer is to install a sensor that can’t
foul because it doesn’t have any moving
parts. Tek-Tanks non-invasive sensors
are installed on the outside of the tank wall and never even touch the contents.
Fitting an external sensor on the tank wall of an HDPE tank consists of three
simple steps. First, a pair of self-adhesive aluminum sensor foils is stuck from
top to bottom of the tank. Second, an electronic sensor module is attached to the
foils. Finally, wires are connected between the sensor module and the monitoring
There are two models: the Solo for monitoring a single tank; and the Legacy for
monitoring up to eight tanks. Both feature a built-in diagnostic function, allowing
analysis of wiring for fault finding.
Tek-Tanks Ltd,
The Old Stables, West End Farm, Colthouse Lane,
Upper Froyle, Hants GU34 4JR, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1420 520830
Fax: +44 (0)1420 520840
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
DockAdd fender
system now in
The fender system previously available in
white and dark blue from DockAdd has
been extended to include a black version
of these solid pvc profiles for attaching
to the sides of jetties and pontoons.
The profiles are all made from the same
durable material, but provide varying
degrees of shock absorbency to satisfy
different mooring requirements. They will
not fade and are resistant to the effects of
UV radiation.
The DockAdd fender system also features
a range of corners, connectors and end
Tjotterspad 32, 1081 KD Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 642 20 62
Fax: +31 (0)20 642 20 58
E-mail: [email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
Made for Marinas
Shore power cable rated
at 100 amps
New brochure highlights
Rolec range
To meet the increased electrical
needs of onboard appliances and
electronics installed in today’s
bigger boats, Hubbell Marine
Electrical Products uses the only
marine UL-listed shore power cable
rated for true 100 amp service
when manufacturing its 100 amp cable sets. Each set is
factory assembled and thoroughly tested to ensure quality
Hubbell’s watertight, yellow STOW cable stands out for
safety. It’s UV-stabilised, corrosion resistant and rated to 105
deg C. The cable’s flexibility also allows it to be used with a
winch system.
Each rugged 100 amp fitting is made from super tough nylon
with nickel-plated pins and sleeves. Ensuring every customer
need is catered for, Hubbell offers three, four and five-wire
configurations, including models for use with onboard isolation
Hubbell’s Cable Sets are available in lengths of 22.8, 30.4 and
38.0 m and there is also an optional 15.2 m extension lead.
Hubbell Marine Electrical Products,
185 Plains Road, Milford, CT 06460, USA
Tel: +1 203 882 4800
Fax: +1 203 882 4849
Marina and waterfront services
specialist Rolec Services Ltd has just
released what is said to be the most
comprehensive brochure it has yet
produced. According to Managing
Director Kieron Alsop, “This new
48-page brochure provides the
marina industry with a shop window
to almost every marina service
requirement they will ever need”.
The brochure highlights many new
additions to the Rolec range, including
the Spinnaker service pedestals and an
enhanced range of emergency service equipment.
Further new products include flush-mounted LED deck lighting,
high quality underwater lighting and the launch of Wi-Fi systems
designed specifically for marinas.
Copies are freely available by contacting the company as
Rolec Services Ltd,
Algores Way, Wisbech,
Cambs PE13 2TQ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1945 475165
Fax: +44 (0)1945 588045
E-mail: [email protected]
Rolec 48pp 2008 to print.qxd
12:06 pm
Page 1
A World of Possibilities
◆ Specialist builders of marinas worldwide
◆ Design, manufacture and installation of
floating walkways
◆ Commercial and Heavy Duty floating
◆ Comprehensive range of electrical, water
and safety equipment
◆ All sizes of project undertaken
Walcon Marine Limited
Cockerell Close
Segensworth West
Fareham, Hants PO15 5SR
Walcon Marine, Netherlands
Schouwweg 13
2243 BB, Wassenaar
The Netherlands
Walcon Marine, Croatia
Marina Facility Solutions
PP22, 21220 Trogir
Tel: +44 (0) 1489 579977
Fax: +44 (0) 1489 579988
Tel: +31 (0) 70 517 75 45
Fax: +31 (0) 70 517 75 03
Tel: +385 (0) 21 235 368
Fax: +385 (0) 21 797 301
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
Made for Marinas
Marine grade
Shrinkwrapping films and installation
equipment to protect boats from
damage during Winter storage or
during maintenance is currently being
supplied to marinas and boatyards
under the Boatcoat brand name.
Made in Europe, Boatcoat is a marine
grade shrinkwrapping material up to
12 m wide and in various thicknesses
and is complemented by a range of
accessories and equipment for its
application, including adhesive tapes,
zipped access doors, vents, strapping,
heat guns, gas cylinder trolleys and
shrinkwrap roll stands.
The advantages of protecting a boat
against rain, wind, snow, dirt and fouling
by birds with Boatcoat is that craft
remain clean and dry, UV damage to the
gelcoat is minimised and there is no risk
of abrasion caused by tarpaulins that
can become loose and flap against the
hull and superstructure in bad weather.
It is also, of course, less expensive than
storage inside a boatshed where space
is usually limited. Although the material
cannot be re-used after removal, it is
fully recyclable.
Boatcoat also provides advice and onsite training in the best way to apply its
shrinkwrapping films.
[email protected]
Fox House, 8-10 Whimple Street,
Plymouth, PL1 2DH,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1752 227333
Fax: +44 (0)8712 645801
E-mail: [email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
Golden Boatlifts EMA 132x89mm
The magazine dedicate
d to marina and
Jan/Feb 2007
Private and
Marine use
Impa y
p. 38
boatyard manage
ve Maresina
g in Tou gh Tim
How to get kids
into boating
FAQs about concre
floating docks
of the Year
New editorial
board membe
A primer on
wave attenua
2006 Marina
adock age.c
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Stationary and floating Boatlifts
Looking to enter or expand into
the U.S. marina market?
Golden Boatlifts
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Reach 17,200 U.S. marina
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Market leaders in design, quality and function...
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Elegant and robust dock-side
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• The TallyKey ALU-pedestals offering
up to 6 power outlets and 4 water taps.
• The TallyCard payment and access
control system, with the possibility of
having your own logo on the card!
• The TallyMate card vending machine,
offering your visitors user friendly
self-service 24-7-365.
• The TallyManager harbour and marina
management software, including
on-line booking! Visit
for more information.
• Surprisingly elegant
super-yacht supply.
• Outlets up to 400 Amp
with direct connection.
• Standard sockets up
to 250 Amp.
The new T8 means that our stylish TallyKey
design can supply even the largest yachts...
Please contact us for leaflets of the T2, T6 and T8 pedestals along with the
TallyCard payment system - or visit our website, where you will also find a
distributor list and a comprehensive list of TallyKey installations...
Feel free to ask for our TallyCard System
presentation film on DVD, by telephone
or E-mail.
Issue 6-4 2008
TallyKey T6SOS
• Safety pedestal in red RAL3002
colour with brackets for Ø75 cm.
life bouy (optional).
• Inside space for approved 6 kg.
fire extinguisher (not incl.).
• With or without yellow lamp.
Fabriksvej 14 . DK-7600 Struer . +45 97 84 12 77 . [email protected]
[email protected]
Made for Marinas
Replacing rotten ‘Clean, green,
marina decking pump-out machines’
It is the time of year when the almost
customary ritual of replacing rotten
decking boards throughout marinas
is in full swing.
Why not begin to put an end to this
costly annual chore and start replacing
wooden boards with composite decking
boards from Earth-wood.
Instead of taking up one board at
a time, why not strip a full pontoon,
replace it with Earth-wood and then use
the balance of good boards to replace the
ones and twos around the marina. If one
pontoon is retro-fitted with Earth-wood
each year, the marina will eventually
be completely resurfaced and the new
decking will not fade or rot.
Unit 4, Area C,
Clonmore Industrial Estate,
Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Eire
Tel: +353 (0)44 93 90444
Fax: +353 (0)44 93 90438
E-mail: [email protected]
An eight-page brochure with the title ‘Clean, green, pump-out machines’ was
launched at METS 2007 by LeeStrom, the company jointly owned and operated
by Lee Sanitation Ltd and Rheinstrom Pumpenfabrik GmbH to manufacture and
distribute marina pump-out systems.
This comprehensive brochure looks at planning a pump-out installation and covers
mobile and fixed systems as well as pumps and pipes. Aimed at marinas and boatyard
operators, it will also be useful for regional and local planning departments that need
advice with marina pump-out projects.
All LeeStrom pump-out stations feature the ISO standard pump-out probe, which
LeeSan has spent many years perfecting and which meets all EU standards. When used
with the appropriate EU standard deck fitting, this nozzle provides a clean, effective and
‘hands-free’ connection to allow operators to quickly and easily pump-out any size of
holding tank.
Lee Sanitation Ltd,
Wharf Road, Fenny Compton, Warwickshire CV47 2FE, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1295 770000, Fax: +44 (0)1295 770022
E-mail: [email protected]
Rheinstrom Pumpenfabrik GmbH,
Wallersheimer Weg 13-19, D-56070, Koblenz, Germany
Tel: +49 261 82027, Fax: +49 261 82029
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Issue 6-4 2008
Administration & Management Solution
for Marinas, Harbours & Waterways
Boat Yard
HavenStar, is an easy-to-use, affordable integrated
software solution widely used by leisure marinas,
harbours and waterways throughout the UK and
Europe. The software has a wealth of features which
improve operational efficiency.
Star has been providing solutions to the leisure marina
market for many years.
For more information please call us
Telephone: +44 (0) 1953 608003
Nature is often hidden,
sometimes overcome,
seldom extinguished.
email: [email protected]
Natural & safe
composite walking surfaces
Francis Bacon
Issue 6-4 2008
[email protected]
Made for Marinas
Marina Deck with
solid top
Index to Advertisers
Manufactured by Fibreglass Grating Ltd, Marina Deck is a very
tough, durable decking material with a life span of over 50 years.
Designed to withstand the rigours of marine environments, it has
exceptional anti-slip qualities.
Previously available in mini mesh and micro mesh versions, the new
solid top fibreglass pontoon decking is also available in various thicknesses to suit most new or retrofit applications in the marine leisure industry. It is available in standard colours of sand, grey and green, but any
other RAL colour can be supplied to special order
Marina Deck is proven to attract new berth-holders as a result of its
safety credentials and smart appearance.This in turn is likely to enhance
the asset value of the marina property. In some cases, insurance premiums have been reduced as a result of the angular quartz anti-slip gritted
surface that produces one of the highest degrees of slip resistance ever
measured for a walking surface.
Fibreglass Grating Ltd,
Unit 14,Telford Road,
Gorse Lane Industrial Estate,
Clacton-on-Sea, Essex CO15 4LP,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1255 423601
Fax: +44 (0)1255 435426
E-mail: [email protected]
Bellingham Marine Europe Ltd Candock Inc Cimolai Technology SpA Daniel S. Natchez & Associates Inc Earth-Wood EZ Dock Europe Fibreglass Grating Ltd Furness Enterprise Ltd Gigieffe Golden Boatlifts Govaerts Recycling Hoist Liftruck Mfg Inc Hostar Marine Transport Systems Lee Sanitation Ltd Marina Dock Age Marine Travelift Inc Marinetek Finland Oy Martini Alfredo SpA Nautica Italiana Srl Pacsoft International Ltd Pildne Ltd Poralu Marine Ro-Clean Desmi Ltd Rolec Services Ltd Ronáutica SA SF Marina System AB Star Computers Ltd TallyKey AS Taylor Fuel Control ThruFlow Walcon Marine Ltd Wave Seven Marine Ltd Wiggins Lift Co Inc Windkart SAS 22
As the official members’ magazine of a non-profit making
organisation, Euromarina Review appreciates prompt
payment for advertisements published in Europe’s premier
marina magazine. This helps to maintain the largest
circulation to European marinas at the most economic
advertising rates. Thank you for your continued support
and cooperation.
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+1 561 338 5800
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Spinnaker International ltd
+65 687 51819
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Issue 6-4 2008
Fibreglass Pontoon Decking
Mini Mesh
Micro Mesh
Solid Top
Kirkwall and Stromness Marina installations by Ørsta Marina Systems AS, Norway
Marina Deck has one of the highest degrees
of slip-resistance ever measured
Pontoon decking
Entrance gangways
Fuelling jetties
Tel: +44 (0) 1255 423601
Fax: +44 (0) 1255 435426
[email protected]
Can improve marina asset value
May reduce insurance premiums
Suitable for any footwear
Simple to install
Anti-slip surface
Zero maintenance
50 year lifespan
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More information:
Euromarina Review
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The official magazine of the European Federation of Yachting Harbours
Le magazine officiel de la Fédération Européenne des Ports de Plaisance
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15.00 €
30.00 €
1 Conception, réalisation et gestion d’une aire technique et de carénage (11-2005) 15.00 €
30.00 €
1 Guide de Gestion des Ports de Plaisance (2004)
91.50 €
183.00 €
1 Document unique d’évaluation des risques professionnels dans les P.P. (2003)
15.00 €
30.00 €
114.75 €
229.50 €
1 Guide pour la gestion des opérations de dragage (12-2005)
15.00 €
30.00 €
1 La station d’avitaillement dans un port de plaisance (2004)
15.00 €
30.00 €
1 Borne de distribution électrique
15.00 €
30.00 €
1 Appontements flottants et passerelles
15.00 €
30.00 €
1 Convention type de mise à disposition d’installations et ouvrages
portuaires à un organisateur d’événements nautiques
10.00 € 20.00 €
1 Gestion Informatisée Globale des Ports de Plaisance
15.00 €
30.00 €
1 Emploi des Bétons en site portuaire (2004)
15.00 €
30.00 €
1 Les Ports de Plaisance en chiffres (11-2005)
1 Guide d’Evaluation des Risques Professionnels dans les P. P. (2000)
Guides de recommandation FFPP
1 La conduite de projets de développement de ports de plaisance
(ODIT France/FFPP - 12-2005)
30.00 €
1 La valorisation touristique des ports de plaisance (AFIT/FFPP-2002)
57.00 €
114.00 €
1 Le management environnemental des ports de plaisance (RAMOGE/FFPP-2000)
57.00 €
114.00 €
1 Adaptation des capacités d’accueil (étude AFIT/FFPP/FIN/DTMPL-2003) 10.00 €
20.00 €
1 Ports à sec / Parcs à bateaux (AFIT / FFPP 2004)
57.00 €
114.00 €
1 Code de recommandations EUROMARINA
10.00 €
20.00 €
Note : If you are interested in buying one or more copies please Email or fax to Euromarina:
Cindy Montier ([email protected]) +33 143352627 (Delivery cost not included)
60.00 €