November 5, 2013
November 5, 2013
OPINIONS Halloween Insights, pg. 4 SOCCER• SPORTS, 10 SCHTICKS•A&E, 8 The Lady Lions Soccer team advances to the semi finals of the USA South conference tournament Senior Justin Gillelandʼs capstone raises money for Homestead Womenʼs Recovery Tuesday, November 5, 2013 THE PIEDMONT COLLEGE Demorest, Ga. N AVIGATOR Piedmontʼs Student Voice Piedmontʼs Student Voice Handbook Outlined By MANYI ENO Staff Writer Have you ever wondered if you were breaking a rule while on campus? The Student Handbook outlines important policies and changes the administration may have made to those policies and protocols every year. “All of the policies in the handbook are important,” said Dean of Student Affairs Drew Davis. “I encourage students to read up on the various policies if they have any questions.” Although the Student Handbook contains important information, it is not distributed in print to all students before the school year begins. Davis explained that at the beginning of the semester, only a few copies of the handbook were printed and handed out to freshmen, transfer students and parents. “There are currently no printed copies of the handbook that students can get a hold of,” he said. “For now, students are referred to the website for accessibility.” One of the main changes in the handbook this year was the conduct council, which previously was a peer board judicial committee. Now, faculty and staff have been added to council. “Students should know that violations of the Hand- book or housing contract will begin with a judicial process,” said Davis. Senior psychology, theatre and pre-med major Carmen Savelli was an Orientation Assistant (OA) this semester and also a member of the judicial committee last year. The night before Welcome Week for the freshmen, Savelli said that the OAs were all assigned different jobs. Savelli’s job, along with other OAs, was to put a copy of the Student Handbook in gift baskets the freshmen would receive on move-in day. “About halfway through [handing them out], we ran out of handbooks, so about half of the freshmen got a handbook and half did not,” Savelli said. Freshman athletic training major Bethany Pildner was among one of the students who received a handbook and admitted that she has not yet read it. “[The administration] only stressed to us that the school is a dry campus,” said Pildner. “They only told us at our second dorm meeting about how there were a lot of incidents last year with people getting in trouble and that’s when they told us about [the judicial process].” “[The administration] said last year that it was a See Handbook, page 2 HALLOWEEN BALL Photos by SUMMER LEWIS Pledge against plagiarism By ALEXANDRA SMITH Sports Editor In an age of copy and paste research, plagiarism in the college classroom has become increasingly easy. THREE STUDENTS ARRESTED FROM LEFT: Doupe, Vincent and Gaddis were arrested on charges of underage consumption. By JESSE SUTTON News Editor alcohol violation at the Purcell Dormitory. On Wed., Oct. 23, the DeChristopher James Vincent, morest Police Department 19, of Cumming; Henry Miresponded to a call about an chael Doupe, 18, of Thompson; and Evan Britt Gaddis, CONTACT: 18, of Dahlonega were arrestOFFICE .........706-778-8500 ext. 1563 ed for underage consumption [email protected] of alcohol. All three students are freshADVISER.......706-778-8500 ext. 1227 [email protected] men business majors. The Piedmont College StuINDEX: dent Handbook for 2013-2014 News...............2 A&E.............8,9 outlines that students cannot Athens.............3 Sports.....10, 11 Opinions.......4,5 Living............12 participate in the “possesFeatures.......6,7 sion, use, sale, gift or other Photo courtesy of HABERSHAM COUNTY SHERIFFʼS OFFICE transfer of intoxicants in any form or manner.” At the beginning of this semester, Piedmont’s alcohol protocol changed to again include Demorest Police’s involvement. With this protocol, Campus Police either discovers or are informed of alcohol consumption on campus. Then, Campus Police contacts the Demorest Police Department, and they will employ their discretion regarding the violation. Whether it’s sharing answers on a test or sharing ideas in a paper, students may encounter plagiarism in their classes. Piedmont College has students commit to an Honor Pledge. According to Piedmont College’s current catalog: “All students, by their enrollment at Piedmont College, commit to the Honor Pledge: ‘The Piedmont College community emphasizes high ethical standards for its members. Accordingly, I promise to refrain from acts of academic dishonesty including plagiarism and to uphold the Academic Integrity Policy in all endeavors at Piedmont College.’” Piedmont also outlines the definition of plagiarism and cheating. Cheating is the intentional “using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise.” The Catalog defines fabrication as the “intentional and unauthorized invention or falsification of any information or citation in an academic exercise or altering official college records or documents.” Students are also prohibited from helping others commit acts of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism, according to the Catalog, occurs when a student attempts to claim someone else’s ideas or words as their own. “As a professor, I encounter it much too frequently,” said Timothy Menzel, an associate professor of biology. “In many cases students have copied and pasted directly from web pages.” Menzel said his solution to plagiarism includes two steps. The first is to include a specific section about plagiarism in his syllabus. Additionally, he revisits the issue before assigning work that includes a writing assignment. “The second part of my strategy is to be diligent in my oversight,” Menzel said. “It is usually fairly easy to identify what has and has not been written by the student, and sources are easily unearthed using intent tools designed for this purpose. I typically turn in a couple students [per] semester.” Students indicated that they see and hear of academic dishonesty happening much too often on campus. “I don’t think that the punishment [for plagiarism] should not be that severe because it happens so often,” said Megan McDowell, a sophomore math major. According to the Catalog, there are the steps to dealing with academic integrity. First, a faculty member See Plagiarism, page 2 N ews Page November 5, 2013 The Piedmont College Navigator Student attends acclaimed conference at West Point By JESSE SUTTON News Editor From Oct. 30 to Nov. 2, junior mass communications major Sarah Smagur acted as Piedmont College’s delegate to the Student Conference on U.S. Affairs (SCUSA) at West Point Military Academy. Piedmont has been invited to SCUSA for the past ten years. This year, delegates from 34 states, 90 universities and over 16 countries attended the event. According to the invitation, SCUSA is “the largest, oldest and most prestigious undergraduate conference of its type in the world… The student delegates and cadets debate and formulate policy recommendations that realistically model American strategic responses to significant national and global challenges.” Smagur said the event consisted mostly of discussions, beginning with a panel discussion with six experts, including the senior executive from Google and an employee of the U.S. Department of 2 Photo courtesy of SARAH SMAGUR Smagur, second from right, attended the conference alongside cadets from West Point, including Jerrick Connelly, Chris Emmerson and Sam Thompson (from left). Defense. This year’s theme was Navigating Demographic Flows: Populations, Power, and Policy. “The main theme was demographics, and then we had different topics within that. So, my topic was International Political Economies,” Smagur said. “We talked about the [U.S.] economy, how the United States can do better and what we can do to help the world.” After the discussions, each table was required to write a paper about the United States and how it relates to their topic. The papers were then submitted, and the best paper will be published into an academic journal. “Overall, [this conference] helped me because I learned a lot about how the world works interchangeably and how [the United States] trades with others,” Smagur said. Smagur said she thinks Piedmont students should continue to be involved in this conference. “I met people from all over the world,” Smagur said. “It’s a good opportunity to not only meet people and network… but it also helps get a new perspective.” Handbook Continued from page 1 selected amount of students and that it was a student body without faculty who would bode in what your fate was,” Savelli said about faculty being added to the committee. “As your peers, [the students of the judicial committee] would be more understanding and accepting, but I think it depletes the whole purpose of the council to have faculty and staff.” One policy outlined in the handbook for the 2013-2014 school year is the pet policy, which states that students cannot have a pet with hair, fur or feathers. Another policy outlines student residence, which states that all intercollegiate athletes are required to live on campus and all other students enrolled at the Demorest campus must reside on campus. Some exceptions include if students are married, divorced, widowed with dependents or are of the age of 21 on the first day of registration for the fall term. Students are usually made aware of these policies and others during Freshmen Orientation and Welcome Week. If students wish to access the handbook online to learn more about the policies mentioned above and others, it takes approximately three clicks to reach it. First, students should go to and then click “Current Students” on the left side bar. Then, students should click the “Student Services” link located on the left side. On the Student Services page, they should click Student Handbook on the bottom-left. “[The handbook is] kind of a binding agreement between the institution and the students,” Davis said. “These are our policies; these are what students should adhere to while they are enrolled at Piedmont College.” LOAN DEBT RISES PT. 2 By STORM CUTHBERT Contributing Writer In the last issue, The Navigator ran the first part of Storm Cuthburt’s article, Loan Debt Rises. The article outlined how students accumulate $20,000 in student debt on average. Then, readers were informed of the financial aid booking process and some student’s personal experiences with financial aid. The following is the second part to Loan Debt Rises. To read the first half of this Continued from page 1 NAVIGATO AVIGA R makes a complaint about the incident to the dean of that school and describes the act of dishonesty and who was involved. Next, the dean will provide the student involved with written notification of the accusation of academic dishonesty, the identity of the faculty member making the complaint and the procedures for resolving the case. After that, the dean will review the evidence and make final judgement on the case. A student can ask for reconsideration and appeal the decision to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. story, visit The Roar at pied- eventually addressed with the student. However, a graduate stuStudent loan regulations dent may have a much higher With the amount of stu- limit because they can borrow dent loan debt spiking, the more. Still, the Financial Aid Ofgovernment enforces a cap on how much the average stu- fice will continue to tell them dent can borrow. to be careful about how much Piedmont’s Financial Aid they’re borrowing because Department notifies students their income when they gradwho are approaching their uate is not necessarily going maximum amount. to be able to service the debt. As soon as a student reachEncouraging tools es $31,000 total, their debt is considered outstanding. Piedmont financial aid At that point, a comment stresses how important it is to code is placed on the stu- understand these obligations dent’s award letter and is and be aware of financial aid Plagiarism According to the current Catalog, “Individual decisions or exceptions cannot be made.” “When students plagiarize to complete an assignment, there are two issues,” Menzel said. “The first is an ethical issue. The student has been dishonest, and has stolen someone else’s intellectual property. The second is an academic issue. We don’t give assignments just so students have something to do. The purpose of any assignment is for the student to learn in the process of its completion.” Menzel said he assigns writing assignments because he believes one of the best ways to learn a subject thoroughly is to research then write about it. “The act of sitting down and trying to find the right words to explain something helps one to understand better what they are learning in class,” Menzel said. “If those words are plagiarized instead, the learning is not happening and the student is not getting what they should out of the course. A student who has plagiarized their way through college does not deserve the degree they are awarded, and may not be qualified to hold the job the degree was intended to qualify them for.” Photo courtesy of PIEDMONT.EDU The Handbook is the go-to manual for Piedmont Students to find information regarding student life. status. For example, The National Student Loan Data System and The U.S. Department of Education are great sites to use for information. The database details several features, such as viewing loan history, allowing one to track his or her Pell use and allowing the student to view frequently asked questions. “We would like to encourage students to be informed about their aid,” Anderson said. “And now that they’re in school, this is the time to talk to us while they have questions. That’s why we are here. And once they’re off campus, they’re not going to have the time.” Write for the Navigator Got a story idea? Is there an event you want to be covered? Contact News Editor Jesse Sutton at [email protected] Sports Editor: Living Editor: Copy Editor: Editor-in-Chief: News Editor: Features Editor: Arts & Entertainment Editor: Opinions Editor: Alexandra Smith Sarah Smagur Ashley Banks Megan Studdard Jesse Sutton Hillary Kelley Emily Clance Tyler Dale [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Staff Writers: Jamie Doublet, Manyi Eno, Janie Harris Columnists: Fletcher Deal, Jacob McKee, Melissa Rice Adviser: Ramsey Nix [email protected] Photojournalists: Summer Lewis, Nikki Means A Page thens 3 November 5, 2013 The Piedmont College Navigator HALLOWEEN IN ATHENS Piedmont hosts ‘Trunk or Treat’ event Piedmont students Polly Terry, Jillian Heck, Crystal Underwood, Larrel Woods, Nick Petry, Sam Eldridge, Fozia Paracha, & Dylan Holt hand out candy at Trunk or Treat. ATHENS EDITORIAL Where is the Love? By MAHEEN RAE Staff Writer Piedmont College Athens takes appeal in the fact that it is a small college in a big college town. Students gain the familiarity of a big college due to UGA as well as the class experience of a small college while attending Piedmont Athens. A small college also means less opportunity for student contribution. Being so close to The University of Georgia, Piedmont College sometimes gets overlooked. During UGA football games, the town is packed with die hard UGA fans. In the midst of all of the UGA school pride, Piedmont students find themselves showing more school spirit for UGA as opposed to their own college. Students hang around the UGA campus for many occasions: athletics, seminars, symphonies, plays and more. When asked if students would like to organize similar events on the Athens campusmost students said, “there is no point” or “it’s a waste of time.” Instead of investing time into their own school and its events, they participate in the events available to the public at UGA. Student activities as well as ACAB, the Athens Campus Activities Board, try to arrange various events for the Athens Campus. However, lack of student participation in these events lead to the lack of enthusiasm for Piedmont students to show school spirit. When asking ten students if UGA being so close to the school was a factor in their decision to attend Piedmont, all ten students said yes. In order for Piedmont Athens to expand into a “mini UGA” activity wise, students will have to support our school community that is dedicated to exploring events for Piedmont. It all starts with putting Piedmont first. Aspiring writer? Write for the Athens page! What’s going on around campus? Know someone interesting? Write about it! Submit your work to [email protected]. Photos by FOZIA PARACHA Superman Tommy Nix and his mother, Assistant Professor of Mass Communications Ramsey Nix, get candy from Lane Hall. A Classic Record Store in the Classic City By PATRICK HENDRIX Staff Writer A walk into Wuxtry Records, a mainstay in downtown Athens since 1976, will be sure to evoke a few feelings from you: excitement, curiosity, and most of all, nostalgia. Wuxtry has been buying and selling records for over 35 years and by the look of things, it has not changed much. An array of classic posters coats the walls of this timeless joint. Known for its unique history as much as its impressive collection of records, this place is truly one of a kind. Famous musicians Peter Buck of R.E.M as well as Danger Mouse of Gnarls Barkley and Broken Bells are just two of the many prominent figures to have manned the counters of Wuxtry. They, however, are not what make Wuxtry records great. The employees are all approachable and more than willing to share their music knowledge with anyone who comes in, whether you are looking to buy a record or simply in to take in Wuxtry’s distinctive atmosphere. When asked what makes Wuxtry unique, employee Mike Turner, shared this, “Each record store is made unique by the records carried. Here, we have a wide range Wuxtry Records storefront in Athens of records. The owner, Dan, likes blues, jazz and R&B. John likes psychedelic rock, world music and reggae. I like a lot of punk, post-punk and heavy electronic. Each one of us has our own thing we specialize in.” As you wander through the aisles of the store, each bin is bound to hold something of great taste. Such is why you should never bring more money than you are willing to spend, because unless you are the most trained of shoppers, Photo by PATRICK HENDRIX chances are you will spend every dime. The near constant stream of music inside the store makes it easy to forget what record you came for, and you may wind up discovering a new band or even a new genre. In a world of iTunes and MP3s, Wuxtry has managed to survive. Only time will tell what the future holds for the store, but by staying true to itself and the music that people love, chances are Wuxtry Records will be here for a while. VISIT WUXTRY ONLINE AT WWW.WUXTRY-RECORDS.COM HOMELESSNESS IN ATHENS Homeless Children and Education social stigma. Some of the most vulnerable and helpless people that fall into this category are children under the age of eighteen. Access to quality education as a homeless child becomes increasingly strained the longer the duration of homelessness persists. One of the major problems that children face as result of a family unit becoming homeless is high mobility By J MONSON rates due to limitation of Columnist stay at shelters. According to Homelessness has a the National Association for devastating effect on every the Education of Homeless person that experiences this Children and Youth, the family and child may have to move to a new school, every time the family unit relocates to a new shelter. Every time a child relocates to a new school it disrupts the their education process. The Institute for Children and Poverty estimates that homeless children are four times more likely to drop out of school, nine times more likely to repeat a grade and three times more likely to be placed in special ed program, compared to non-homeless children. Other barriers that homeless children face while trying to acquire an education are transportation problems, lack of school records, and lack of immunization records. If the child’s parents cannot overcome these obstacles, the child will have problems attending school. The National Center on Family Homelessness states that children that experience prolonged homelessness are four times more likely to show delayed development in their education process. The US McKinney Act established in 1987 by Congress and reauthorized in 2001, as a part of the No Child Left Behind Act, creates grants which are used to enhance programs to confront the lack of child education among the homeless. These programs include identification and outreach for homeless families, assistance with transportation and school supplies, and before and after school education programs. Constant funding for this Act and local area funding to shelters will help to battle poor education among homeless children. O pinions Page 4 November 5, 2013 The Piedmont College Navigator Tweets Around Campus Want your Tweets featured on the Opinions page? Tweet with the hashtag #PiedmontOpinions and your tweets might be here! This page is a forum for student discussion. The opinions presented here are not a reflection of The Navigator staff. All tweets displayed on this page were published with permission from their creators. “MELISTA” : By MELISSA RICE Columnist Today’s list will be a bit different than what you darling readers are used to. Today, I have a list of insights on how I write my lists. You see, Halloween week has come and gone and in honor of its memory, I was prepared to write an incredibly sassy list about all the things people could have been for Halloween instead of the slutty and sexy versions of normal life occupations that they were, and are, every year. Insight 1 - I write lists that are sassy. Now I was going to do this not because I have a problem with the tried and true sexy nurse costumes and Halloween Insights set, disappointed or offended by the costume choices of my fellow students. There were people dressed up as crabs. There was a Miley Cyrus complete with a foam finger. I saw cross dressers, super heroes, nerd references and enough upper Insight 2 - I write lists thighs, chests and bellies to that are supposed to be hu- last me all the way to swimsuit morous, lists that keep you season! And I loved it. reading so youʼre not bored out of your mind. Insight 4 – I write lists beThen, Halloween rolled cause I love you guys. around and I realized that So instead of any of the there is very little I enjoy more stuff I had planned before than how far this holiday has Halloween rolled around, I strayed from its original roots. will say, good for you, all you I love commercialized Hal- Halloween sluts out there. loween. Bad for you, all you judgers I love that I can portray who looked down on people Darth Vader in a mini skirt who were scantily costumed. and dance around like I’m on Good for you, all you creative bath salts and no one (alright, people who scared the poop only a few people) will ques- out of us or blew our minds tion my behavior because it’s a with your insanely creative Halloween dance and it’s col- costume. Bad for you, all lege and getting out of your you Halloween haters who mind is what you’re supposed suck because you also hate to do. In my book, if you’re fun. Good for you, all you not getting out of your mind last minute costume makers on a weekly basis, you’re do- who Googled easy costumes ing something wrong. ten minutes before and still turned up. Good for all of Insight 3 – I write lists that you. Well, except for those will encourage debauchery. lame people I mentioned. I With that realization in guess “good for most of you” mind, I could not bring my- would be more accurate. self to even pretend I was up- male stripper costumes, but because I saw comedy potential in a list of “better” costume ideas, such as a couch, a thumb tack, a hair follicle, a boiled egg, a cheese puff, an areola, melted wax, the plague or a hairbrush. Navigator Staff Editorial 90s Arenʼt ʻAll Thatʼ By EMILY CLANCE A&E Editor I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Piedmont’s campus seems to be full of “90s kids.” Before you stop me and say “well yeah, of course we’re all 90s kids, anyone born in the 90s is,” let me clarify. There’s November Monster a difference between a “90s kid” and being born in a year between 1990 and 1999. The typical “90s kid” is one who proudly proclaims everything from his or her childhood to be the absolute greatest form of entertainment there is. I’m not trying to bring anyone down or hate on people who like these things. Hey, I still watch movies like “Toy Story” and “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” when I’m sad. I’m just confused about why people my age are so obsessed with their childhoods. Many of these things didn’t age well at all. In some cases, you can almost literally feel the 90s’ cheese and corniness coming off them in waves. A lot of the “greatness” attributed to the 90s and our childhoods in general comes from nostalgia. We remember enjoying these shows, games and movies as kids, so they bring back fond memories for us, and I totally get that. What I don’t get is people proclaiming this video game to be the best just because they played it a lot when they were little, or this movie to be the best because they’ve had it memorized since they were six. I’m probably just being cynical here. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying things from your childhood. The problem comes when you’re so obsessed with reliving your past that you shut out everything else. You can hold on to what you used to love while still being open to new things, too. Balance out your daily dose of nostalgia with other media and you just might find something new to love. scratch off. The more you get done, the better you feel. Even if the big things stay on your list for a few days, don’t freak out. Break larger tasks down into smaller sections that you can do over a few days, and voila! You can throw away that piece of paper, and start on a whole new list. By KATIE ROBINSON Contributing Writer It’s November, which to me is more fondly known as “That Month When Everything Happens at the Same #*$#@! Time.” It’s a time of over-caffeination, frantically rushing even when you’re not late and to-do lists longer than the research paper you have due in the morning. It’s easy to favor rolling yourself into a comforter-burrito and skipping class for a week to actually try to find the light at the end of the workload tunnel. I empathize with those of you who feel like there’s something hiding under your bed, and it’s telling you you’re still not done with all your homework, reminding you about how much laundry you haven’t done, and how many times you’ve skipped going to the gym, which is why I’d like to offer a few tips for conquering the November Monster. Tip 1: To-do lists aren’t supposed to stress you out, they’re supposed to help you. I am a compulsive list-maker. If I don’t write it down, it won’t get done. I spend a lot of time making and re-making lists, and one of my favorite things to do is cross things off of them. I find it satisfying to get things done, even when they’re as simple as “reply to group project email.” When you make a list of all the things you need to get done, include even the most menial tasks and actively check to see what you can Tip 2: Time management isn’t just something teachers like to yell at us about. It’s actually one of the most important skills you can learn as an undergraduate. Being busy can be fun if you understand what type of time constraints you’re working with. Learning the balance between getting work done and relaxing is the hardest and most important part of time management. It’s okay to spend an evening catching up on your Hulu shows, if the Internet loads them, or going out to dinner with your friends – in fact, I’d encourage the occasional “me time” – as long as you level out that time with an equal amount of work. I like to work with a reward system. If I finish this article early, I’ll spend tomorrow evening watching the final season of “Breaking Bad.” I’ll love it because I’m not procrastinating! Tip 3: Don’t let your stressed hat become your sassy hat. There’s no need to take your anxiety out on other people just because they’re there. Take a deep breath, leave a room, put in headphones, anything you need to do to avoid getting unnecessarily angry just because you haven’t slept enough. There’s also no need to complain about how much you have to do because, truth be told, you’re not special. Everyone has a lot to do, and you won’t get a medal for having “more” than anyone else. All in all, life isn’t designed to stress you out. Don’t let the November Monster sneak up on you. Enjoy the rest of your semester, no matter how busy you are. It’ll be over before you know it, and you’ll miss it, I promise. O Page 5 pinions November 5, 2013 Piedmont No-shows By SARAH SMAGUR Living/Athens Editor Let’s face it. Piedmont is in the middle of nowhere. We all live in this tiny town, where there isn’t much happening on any given day. Piedmont recognizes this struggle for entertainment is too real, and has tried to offer up some very valid solutions. Residence Life, the Campus Activity Board and many other groups on campus offer many events throughout the semester, but most people couldn’t be bothered. The same people who complain day in and day out about the lack of activities around campus are the people who turn up their nose at every event that happens here. Instead of using the suggestion box in the student center, talking to someone on staff or joining a club that puts on events, they bash on the programs. I’m not advocating that you have to show up to every event, but if you’re the one who is constantly whining that Piedmont is the most boring place on earth, maybe showing up to an event every once in a while will offer you something to do. Students are constantly say- ing they want activities around campus, and when they are provided nobody shows up. Sounds like wasted resources to me. These events are paid for with your tuition dollars, so they should be things you would enjoy coming to. Student groups are open to hearing thoughts on what events you’d like to see around campus. So please, voice your opinion, and come to events. In the words of my long time fictional hero, Ferris Bueller: “the question isn’t ‘what are we going to do,’ the question is ‘what aren’t we going to do?’” I feel there is an easy solution to this current predicament, don’t be such a hater. You aren’t too cool for school, or our super awesome events. Making Progress liberating for the student body. It was towards the middle of my freshman year that Piedmont actually got Wi-Fi in the dorms. Seniors and juniors can remember a time when they had to haul their Ethernet cords around just to stay connected to the Internet. So when Wi-Fi was installed, it was a huge deal. I remember running up and By TYLER DALE down the halls of Purcell with Opinions Editor my laptop just because I could now do so without losing my Well, we did it! The days of connection. Now, in my third atrocious dorm Wi-Fi seem year here, I am finally seeing to finally be behind us. We Piedmont’s Wi-Fi flourish, complained. We rallied. We and everything I expected tweeted. We wrote articles. We went to the Student Government, and all of that fighting has finally bred results. The Internet speed in the dorms is at an all-time high. No more switching our phones to 4G just to check Facebook in our own rooms. I think we might have even gained access to Xbox Live as a part of the deal. This change is part of a series of evolutions in Piedmont culture that has been happening over the past few years. freshman year is finally hapThese changes got me think- pening. ing about just how lucky I am It’s not just our infrastructo be a Piedmont student right ture that is evolving, though. here and now, in what is argu- Piedmont is finally beginning ably one of the most progres- to drift away from some of its sive periods in Piedmont’s his- more restrictive policies. tory. Last year visitation on camThis campus has changed pus was extended from middrastically between my fresh- night to 2 a.m. I never thought man year and now, and all of this would happen in my time these changes have been more here, considering how fascist ResLife used to be about visitation hours. Not only that, but Purcell was made a co-ed dorm, a change that was made to Swanson this year, tripling the number of co-ed dorms on campus in less than a full year. If the trend continues, perhaps Piedmont will finally implement a completely openended visitation policy. We’re certainly headed in that direction. Of course, there is one area of recession: our alcohol policy. And just like our forward progress, our backward is heavily influenced by student activity. The administration was moving to a more lenient stance on alcohol until recent events. Now it’s being regulated more heavily than ever. I turn 21 this December, and it would be awesome if I could keep beer in my fridge and not have to worry about it, but if we can’t handle the responsibility associated with freedom, then that won’t happen before I graduate. Despite this, though, I’m still extremely proud with the strides we’re making towards a less restrictive, more accessible and overall happier campus. This really is an era of change for Piedmont, and I hope the campus continues to progress in my final two years here. “These changes got me thinking about just how lucky I am to be a Piedmont student right here and now, in what is arguably one of the most progressive periods in Piedmont’s history. W e s o L in, ! w a r or D Want your art featured here? Send your political cartoons to [email protected]! Question on Campus: What is your favorite Halloween memory? Trey Martin Junior; history, political science and education major “My favorite memory was just dancing in the middle of the dance floor with all of Piedmont!” Noah Holt Freshman, mass communications major “My favorite memory is when I was little, and our neighborhood used to take us on hayrides all around town to get candy.” Marissa Akin Freshman, biology major “My favorite memory is a Halloween party I had when I was in elementary school. It was just so much fun!” Matt Stephens Junior, accounting major “Dressing up as a Jedi when I was a kid and getting in a light saber fight with some other random Jedi” Thanks Beavers! By COLT WOODALL Contributing Writer A few weeks ago, I wrote an article arguing that the college should bring back Lake Demorest instead of having our wetlands. In response to my article, I received an email from Associate Professor of Biology Tim Menzel asking if he could give me a tour of the wetlands and try to sway my opinion. Being the nature lover and self-proclaimed explorer extraordinaire that I am, immediately jumped on the offer. He told me up front that I would not be seeing any gators, and though I was disheartened, I went anyway. After dodging several members of the faculty while wielding machetes, Menzel and I marched into the wetlands. He told me that the wetlands were actually formed because the lake that I praised so much was not really much of a lake at all and was drying up fast. The school noticed this, and instead of being liable for a potential dam bust, decided to create two streams which would generate stream credits for the school. People or companies that need to destroy streams for construction purposes can then buy these credits from the school. Everything was running smoothly until the beavers showed up. They dammed up one of the streams. As a result of that the beavers created the wetlands, which the college now gets credits for, and these credits are worth a bit more than stream credits. Thanks beavers! When we entered the wetlands one of the first things we did was walk across a beaver dam, which was pretty cool. We then proceeded to walk further and further back into the wetlands where there is actually dry ground. Through this marsh forest is a series of trails that Dr. Menzel memorized. As pro-lake as I was only a few weeks ago, I have to admit, there were some really cool areas back there. The good news is that, eventually the entire wetlands is going to turn into that same kind of dry ground marsh forest. If. Menzel gets what he envisions, there will be trails, picnic areas and places to be able to fish along the stream. Still not convinced? Let me explain it by saying that back in the forest, it feels like you’re in a “Twilight” movie but it doesn’t suck; it’s very peaceful. The bad news is that none of us who are here now will be around by the time that this happens, but that’s okay. If we were to turn the wetlands back in to a lake, none of us would be here for the completion of that either. So, either way, you’re not going to be able to enjoy it. The wetlands also makes professors from other colleges jealous. Is there anything better than making some snob of a professor from UGA or that school in Atlanta cry tears of jealous rage because we have this environment right on our campus and they don’t? No, there is not. Thank you beavers! In conclusion, though it may not look like much now, I ask that you give it a chance. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and until I see what the finished product is, I will retract mine. Thank you to Menzel for giving me the tour. I saw a new side of the wetlands that opened my eyes to what I hope it someday will be. WRITE FOR OPINIONS! Contact Opinions Editor Tyler Dale for [email protected] F eatures Page 6 November 5, 2013 The Piedmont College Navigator Ronnie Jordan returns Comedian holds second performance at Piedmont By MANYI ENO Staff Writer Students anxiously waited in the lobby of the Jenkins auditorium on Oct. 28 for comedian Ronnie Jordan’s anticipated return. Last spring, Jordan came to Piedmont College for the first time and received rave reviews from students. A native of Atlanta, Ga., Jordan was crowned “Comic of the Year” in 2011 by a record-setting 102 colleges. A close friend of Jordan’s, up-and-coming comedian Yohance’ Collins also performed in this year’s show. Collins opened the show for the first 15 minutes and had students roaring with laughter. Not exactly new to stand-up, Collins has been doing comedy for the past five years. He was once a cast member of the MTV hit reality television game show “Yo Momma” and Bill Bellamy’s “Who’s Got Jokes Season Four: Las Vegas” on the TV One network. “I loved the crowd,” said Collins. “A fun comedy crowd is what I call them.” When Jordan was introduced, students were not dis- Photos by NIKKI MEANS LEFT: Jordan performed his own stand-up comedy material in front of a crow in Jenkins Auditorium. RIGHT: Collins has performed with Jordan for a month and opened the Oct. 28 show for him. appointed as he walked out onto the stage with new, old and on-the-spot material for the next hour and a half. “I was excited to come back because I live about 45 minutes away from Piedmont,” said Jordan. “I’ve been out of town like crazy, and my wife is pregnant, so I get excited when I get a show in town.” Jordan said he currently has three other shows coming up and was happy to try out some new material on Piedmont’s crowd. “I come up with new material every day,” said Jordan. “I made up some stuff tonight, and the audience responded pretty well.” Calling all writers. Do you know of a person, club or event that PC students care about? Pitch your idea to the editor at [email protected] and see your story on the features page. page. To keep it relatable, some of the things Jordan joked about were roommate issues, financial drawbacks of a college student, being sexually active in college and his experiences growing up in Atlanta. Jordan had nothing but kind words for his traveling companion and opening act Collins. Collins has been performing with him for over a month. “Yohance’ is cool, and I think my agency will pick him up,” said Jordan. “College crowds are a totally different animal, and I’ve been kind of showing him the ropes on what’s appropriate and what’s inappropriate. We help each other with material, and it works out.” After the show, Jordan sold T-shirts, hats and DVDs to students and faculty willing to buy. Jordan also encouraged the audience to follow him on Facebook at AntiLameSociety, Instagram and Twitter at @ronniejordan. He also offered to take pictures with anyone after his performance. One student, who was still talking about the show moments after, was very happy he came. “It was the funniest comedy show I’ve seen in like, ever,” said sophomore biol- ogy major Allen Tokarz. “It was the first one I have ever been to, and it was really good.” PUBLIC DOMAIN T-shirts Jordan sold at the event are available online at UPDATE The money that was collected in plastic buckets in the cafeteria has been tabulated. The winner of the competitive drive for the change to change Angie’s fight event is the class of 2015. All of the money raised here, totalling $514.31, goes to the Simpson family. The current amount raised for Simpson’s totals over $1200. Photo by HILLARY KELLEY Terschluse Takes on America Student from Paderborn University in Germany finds place at Piedmont Photo courtesy of VIOLA TERSCHLUSE Terschluse (RIGHT) is a member of the Lady Lions Tennis team alongside senior business major Katie Sailors(LEFT). By MICHELLE THOMPSON Contributing Writer American students are enthusiastic about studying abroad in different countries, but what about international students? Are they interested in studying in the U.S? Will they find Piedmont College? How would they find Piedmont College? What should the American and international students look for when finding universities to study abroad? Viola Terschluse is a junior majoring in education at Paderborn University in Germany. She is one out of nine international students currently at Piedmont College. According to Terschluse, she is studying abroad at Piedmont because she wants to improve her English, gain experience to become an English and German high school teacher, and to learn about American culture. Terschluse found Piedmont College through the relationship of her English professor in Germany and Piedmont’s Professor of German, Monika Schulte. According to Schulte, professors can help students find the right place to study abroad through relationships between other professors or the college’s partners. Paderborn University and Piedmont College have similar majors, which makes it easier for a student to find a place to study abroad. Terschluse also said she is enjoying her time at Piedmont College and likes the small classes, because she feels that she can have a personal relationship with the professors. She spends her free time like any other student by hanging out with friends, playing tennis with the team, working on campus and studying. However, this isn’t her first time in the U.S. After graduating from high school, Terschluse moved to New York to work as a nanny. “When I first traveled to the U.S., I kind of had a cultural shock, because almost everything is different over here,” said Terschluse. It didn’t take her long to get used to it, as Terschluse said she likes the American culture and thinks that the American people are friendly and openminded. Terschluse also said that the experiences she had so far are helping her achieve her goals in college. One of her goals is to able to speak English everyday. When she returns to Germany, she said she will recommend for other German students to study abroad in other countries, especially in the U.S. She added that traveling to the U.S. would help international students gain new experiences and learn or improve their English. For international students who are thinking of studying abroad to the U.S., Terschluse said she would advise them to be open-minded and not to be afraid to talk to other people, as this can help them meet new people and build new relationships. For the American students who are thinking of studying abroad Terschluse highly encourages the choice. According to Terschluse, if a student want to go to Germany through the college’s partnership with Paderborn University, it can help him or her learn a new language and another culture and give the student an opportunity to travel around Europe. “You don’t have to be fluent [in the language,] that is why you are going there: You want to improve your language and become better at it,” said Terschluse. She also said that though students traveling abroad wouldn’t be able to go home whenever they pleased, the experiences students gain will help them grow and become independent. Sophomore business major Michelle Morelli is one of Viola’s friends at Piedmont College. According to Morelli, it’s awesome for students on either side of the earth to travel and study in other countries. “The student gets to develop a broader perspective on many situations by seeing the varying aspects of the different cultures compared to their own,“ said Morelli. “For Viola it was a quick adjustment since she such a nice person and even plays for Piedmont’s tennis team now.” F eatures Page 7 November 5, 2013 The spirit of Piedmont Photo by HILLARY KELLEY Piedmont’s campus has seen a lot of changes including new buildings, expanded academic programs and more. By FLETCHER DEAL Columnist Piedmont College started with a dream to provide education to those living in this area where higher education was difficult to come by. It began as a repurposed patchwork of hotels and farmhouses accepting crops and barter for tuition and giving students education rooted in simple faith. Today, much has changed at Piedmont. We’ve grown into the 21st century. We’ve matured into a school that offers an excellent education in beautiful surroundings. We may be stuck in the 20th century in terms of a paperheavy system, instead of a more effective online system, but the school seems to be trying to work through this with the help of its students. Piedmont’s spirit follows us every day on this campus. Everything here has its story, its reason for being, and each of these stories have their hand in deciding our present. These stories also show us that we decide Piedmont’s future as well as our own. My true hope is that one day in the future, some crazy student obsessed with history like me will stumble on the story of our era here, an era filled with change. My class alone has gone through three school presidents, the opening of the New Bedford, Plymouth and Ipswich dorms, new types of majors and minors and the first elections of a new student government. These moments, the feelings these moments inspire and the experiences these The TOFU: Your Official Source for Not-so-Real Campus News Columnist editorial Pigeons over Piedmont, new mail system By TYLER DALE Opinions Editor As most Piedmont students know by now, our campus Internet is finally upgrading. You may have received the emails notifying you that Internet service may be disabled on campus while the upgrades are taking place, or perhaps you didn’t as a result of Internet service being cancelled while the upgrades were taking place. That would obviously be a problem. Email is our primary means of communication here on campus. Without access to it, nobody knows what’s going on. Microsoft Office 365 is frustrating enough when we have access to the Internet. Being without it entirely is nightmarish. But fear not; Piedmont has discovered a solution, and they’re moments gave us, define our time at Piedmont, but they aren’t the school’s spirit. Instead, the spirit of Piedmont is us. We students, faculty, staff and administration from the past, present and future are the school’s spirit. We give Piedmont life, we give it a soul, and we push it calling it P-mail. They will be cancelling our email service and will be providing each Piedmont student with their very own trained carrier pigeon. The costs for the pigeons and their training will be factored into next semester’s tuition, so students can expect a rise in price to accommodate our new, feathered friends. Students will also be supplied one bag of birdseed upon checking into their dorms this spring. But much like our WEPA service, once you deplete the materials provided by the college, well, you’re on your own. Piedmont ensures that the pigeons will function as a much more efficient means of communication than our confusing email program. All you need to do is write your message on a scroll, attach it to your bird’s foot, whisper some Hebrew words into his ear, and throw him out the window, praying there are no large, hungry birds flying over Piedmont’s airspace. These pigeons can also perform the same basic functions that one could expect from a standard email application. You can forward scrolls, attach photos or documents, or send out a mass-Pmail to all of your peers. You can even CC just like a normal email app. Actually I don’t know how that would work, so scratch that. Regardless, rest assured that you will never again have a message unread due to the faults of modern technology. So, this January, when you come back to Piedmont and look out your window, know that those tiny white specks falling from the sky aren’t the signs of another Snowpocalypse, they’re just bird poop. The bird poop of freedom, liberates us from the oppression of a progressive society, moving us backward to a simpler, more peaceful time. headlong into the future. This is the last article for the Spirit of Piedmont. I have given you all the history I know. Now it’s your turn. Make the most of your time here, make memories, make your own mark on Piedmont’s history because you are Piedmont’s Spirit. This is the last installment of “Spirit of Piedmont,” but you can still brush up on your Piedmont College history by checking out the previous columns on The Roar at Paranormal Piedmont hosts annual haunted house Students gather together to bring a ghostly Halloween to PC By HILLARY KELLEY Features Editor Piedmont’s Getman-Babcock dorm is rumored to be the most haunted place on campus and the Campus Activity Board (CAB) took advantage of the reputation in this year’s annual haunted house. CAB members brainstorm creepy themes weeks in advance in order to choose the best possible option for the year. This year’s theme, Haunted Dorm, was straight to the point. Before they could even begin setup, CAB members sent their theme choices to senior theatre major Chase Weaver, who wrote the script for all of the ghostly actors. There is a major amount of planning that takes place in order to pull off the popular haunted house experience, and CAB members and volunteers still had their hands full on the actual week the event took place. “After Chase wrote the script, we began doing preliminary things like getting actors, people to do makeup, costumes and prepping GB for decorating,” said junior art major Rosie Walk. “We did as much as we could design-wise in the basement two days before the haunted house,” said junior early childhood education major and CAB member Brooke Martin. “We had work calls every night the week of [the haunted house] and on Thursday and Friday, we worked all day whenever we were free to,” said Martin Prior to letting students, faculty and members of the community into the haunted house, actors spent time to ready themselves with makeup and costuming in order to really get into character. “It was a little hectic with everyone running around and trying to get their hair and makeup done,” said junior art major Nikki Blanchard. The seriousness of fitting the parts and learning the script didn’t hinder students from many different majors from coming together and enjoying the haunted house atmosphere. “Everyone was having fun and looked scary, and it was a great bonding experience,” senior art major Laura Eavsaid Blanchard. “It looked like an assembly enson. line of dead students,” said Photos by SUMMER LEWIS LEFT: Freshman theater major Jessica Williams acted as Mary Beth in room 308, RIGHT: Junior arts administration major Storm Tipton and junior music major Carsey Pilcher helped ready the dorm by blocking out all possible light. Date Night The best places to take your significant other By ALEXANDRA SMITH Sports Editor College is undeniably the most well-known time to date in life. When at a small school, it is important to be creative about the dates that you go on because there may not be much around campus. Dinner dates are great, whether you are going on a first date or are already in a long-term relationship, and can be fun at the right restaurant. I chose four restaurants as the best date restaurants around Piedmont College. The Attic in Clarkesville is a great place if you are looking for a casual, yet nice atmosphere. The lights are dimmed, and the tables are quaint, but the prices are affordable for a college date. Their Philly Cheese steak is what they are known for, however their hamburgers are incredible. The overall atmosphere in the restaurant is perfect for an intimate date. The Copper Pot in Clarkesville is also a great place for a special evening. The restaurant is nice and would be a good choice for a couple that is celebrating a special evening. The pasta was a good choice, and they always have a special cut of steak that they feature. The prices are higher, but the quantity of food matches what you are paying for. Fender’s Diner in Cornelia is a great place for a first date. It is a fun and relaxed atmosphere that caters to all. The food is fantastic and reasonably priced. This is ideal for a first date, because it is a fun restaurant that provides a comfortable experience. The hamburgers are good, but practically anything on the menu is a good choice. Therefore, this is the perfect, comfortable place for a first date. Finally, Waffle House is a great choice for any couple or first date. It is open 24 hours, so there is no problem with whatever time you decide to go on the date. It is ideal for people who want to experience a family atmosphere and great for busy students. The best thing to get is a waffle and an order of Follow along the map to the four best restaurants to take your significant other for a date night. hashbrowns. You cannot go wrong with a waffle at Waffle House. No matter where you go on a date, make the most of the experience. Do some research on the restaurant before you go to make sure the atmosphere is appropriate for the date. Graphic by HILLARY KELLEY AE & rts ntertainment Page 8 November 5, 2013 The Piedmont College Navigator Schticks and Giggles perform for charity Seniorʼs capstone raises money for Homestead Womenʼs Recovery By JANIE HARRIS Staff Writer On Oct. 23, Piedmont’s improv troupe, Schticks and Giggles, performed a charity show entitled “Comedy for Charity.” The show’s proceeds benefited Homestead Women’s Recovery, a residential program for women struggling with addiction. The night was put together by senior mass communications and theatre major Justin Gilleland as a capstone project. This performance was a combined capstone. It stood as the majority of his theatre capstone and his fifth deliverable of six for his mass communications capstone. Gilleland’s original plan was to take Schticks and Giggles on the road, but because of scheduling conflicts, he decided to do something else. He began his search for a charity that this performance could benefit. The director of Homestead Women’s Recovery, Sandy Lyndon, contacted Piedmont’s theatre department asking to let her know if they did any fundraisers. After his first contact with her, Gilleland drove over to the current facility in Clarkesville and spoke with Lyndon for a while about what goes on there. “We ended up clicking and putting this event together ourselves,” said Gilleland. The Mainstage Theater was populated with students and members of the community alike. Lyndon, as well as women currently residing at Homestead, were among the audience. Lyndon said, “Homestead is a long term residential 12 step program for women with the illness of addiction. It takes nine months for our residents to complete our program, but it is only the first step in recovery.” Lyndon herself went through a residential recovery process, and now she is trying to pass on wisdom from her experiences. She said other women there try to do the same; they regard it as paying it forward. According to Gilleland, they have a 75 percent recovery rate. Before the show, there was a bowl for donations in the lobby, and halfway through the show, a donation bucket was passed around. In her speech that closed the night’s show, Lyndon said the program has just broken ground on a new facility for their residents, and the money donated will go towards that project. When asked about what he got out of the performance, Gilleland said, “I’m just hoping to get both our names out there, Schticks and Giggles and Homestead, to kind of bring the school and community together.” The troupe involved the Troupe members Chase Weaver and Matt McClure perform with some of the audience members. audience by allowing them to pick certain elements of the improv games they played. Those performing included current troupe members Matt McClure, Kordai Harris, Justin Gilleland, Shelby Myers and Chase Weaver as well as alumni members Anna Burrell, Britt Hensely and Oliver Merritt. The end is never “The Stanley Parable” defies video game logic At the end of the night they raised a total of $528. Lyndon said, “This is a dream come true for me, and I am so thankful to Justin for taking us closer to our financial goal.” Schticks and Giggles’ next performance will be on Nov. 5 for the Lift ‘Em with Laughter charity event, followed by Photo by MEGAN STUDDARD a performance on Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. for their “High School Night.” For more information on the troupe, visit their Facebook page at facebook. com/schticksandgiggles or their new website at Hear the people sing Piedmontʼs a capella group wows audience with its fall concert By JAMIE DOUBLET Staff Writer “The Stanley Parable” presents the player with many choices, one of them resulting in the Narratorʼs PUBLIC DOMAIN instruction to follow a bright yellow line as it twists and turns. presented through the invis- death, and some paths seemBy EMILY CLANCE ible, smooth-voiced narrator, ingly never end. A&E Editor played by British actor Kevan “The Stanley Parable” has a On Oct. 17, the develop- Brighting, but the game gives very dry and somewhat surrement team Galactic Cafe re- you the option to deviate from al sense of humor. Combined leased a game called “The his instructions. with its frequent dark turns, Stanley Parable” and received For example, one of the it’s often reminiscent of “The a sudden and intense amount first choices you are presented Twilight Zone” or the podcast of praise from reviewers, both with is a pair of open doors. “Welcome to Night Vale.” critics and players alike. The narrator says that StanThe game is based off of “The Stanley Parable” tells ley goes through the door on Valve’s Source engine and the story of a man named the left, but if you choose to originally started out as a Stanley, who works in a bland go through the door on the modification in 2011. The deoffice building and is told to right, a whole new set of op- velopers expanded the mod press buttons as orders come tions open up for you. and released it two years later in on his computer and not The narrator, of course, as an expanded, stand-alone to question anything. One constantly tries to get you version. day, however, no instructions “back on track” for the story, At first glance, “The Stanappear on his screen, so he but you’re always able to dis- ley Parable” looks like a game leaves his office to discover obey what he says. The more that won’t take long or prothat his coworkers have all you do, the snarkier and more vide much entertainment. But mysteriously disappeared. irritated he gets. go through its layers and try This might sound like a With all the choices pre- to find all the various endings, fairly ordinary, somewhat bor- sented to the player, there achievements and Easter eggs ing game, but players soon comes an enormous amount hidden throughout, and it will discover it’s anything but. of possible endings. If you last a while. You take complete control follow the narrator’s instrucYou can buy “The Stanley of Stanley, which means that tions, you get the “good” end- Parable” on Steam for $15, you are free to make all your ing, but there are so many and it is available for both own choices. more to find. Some paths end Windows and Apple computThe story is primarily in absurdity, some in Stanley’s ers. This day in pop culture history... Cantabile, Piedmont College’s a cappella group, performed its fall concert at 5 p.m. on Oct. 29, in Brooks Hall. The concert, free of charge and open for all to enjoy, featured a wide range of classic songs from nineteenth century compositions to a couple of ballads originally written and performed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The ensemble performed “If I Loved You” from the 1945 musical “Carousel,” composed by famous dynamic duo Rogers and Hammerstein. Wallace Hinson, music department chair, said he felt privileged to direct and perform this piece in the dawn of technology. Harkening back to the days in which Hinson grew up loving musicals, “If I Loved You” was a wonderful song for the group to perform. To heavily contrast, in an entertaining twist, the group performed “Hopelessly Hoping,” a song from the age of protest in the 1960s by Crosby, Stills and Nash. Cantabile is an exceedingly gifted and select group of ten students that performs under the direction of Hinson. The group performs a variety of classical, rock, pop and theatrical songs, as well as chamber music. The current members of Cantabile are Mitchell Auger, Kate Berardi, Chastin Dobbs, Wallace Hinson, Megan Holder, Cole Martin, Elizabeth Parmer, Jennifer Pitt, Ben Rikeman and Chris Sudderth. The collective group of singers is selected after a stringent audition process. In the past, Cantabile performed at Piedmont’s Freshman Family Day and the Fine Arts benefit Empty Bowls, which raised funds to fight hunger. Each event allowed for the group to contribute and share their talents with a broad range of listeners. For students interested in becoming a part of this spectacular a cappella group, membership is through audition, and participation in the Chamber Singers is required. If you missed out on this concert, you’ll have to wait until the spring semester for another performance. However, the music department will have other events before Christmas break, including the 25th annual Lessons and Carols service in December. Piedmont’s next music event will be the Piedmont Singers’ fall concert at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 7 in the Piedmont College Chapel. Admission is free for all. A complete list of the department’s upcoming events can be found online at FOR A CALENDAR OF UPCOMING MUSIC EVENTS, VISIT WWW.PIEDMONT.EDU/FA On this day in 1935, the game “Monopoly” was introduced by Parker Brothers Company. A&Fine E Arts College Experience Page 9 November 5, 2013 2013ʼs hip-hop scene Major releases didnʼt live up to the hype, but little-known artists took the spotlight By JAY EVANS Contributing Writer For hip-hop fans like myself, 2013 seemed like such a promising year. Jay-Z announced early in the year that he release his long-awaited new album. The ensuing result was “Magna Carta…Holy Grail.” More like “Holy Flop.” Kanye West’s critically-acclaimed but painful-to-listento album “Yeezus” is one of the consensus’ top albums of the year, but to the average listener like myself, it sounds like a mashup of Iron Maiden and dubstep music gone horribly wrong. Cult favorite J.Cole released his album “Born Sinner,” which was so boring it came with an accompanying bottle of NyQuil. Finally, Drake released an album that made me send about 25 text messages to the girl in third grade who passed me an obligatory Valentine’s Day card back in 2000. For the most part, 2013 has become the year of rap albums with tremendous hype that they couldn’t quite reach. Meanwhile, fortunately, there have been some gems, and none of them came from major rap stars. One of my favorite rap albums of the year was Denzel Curry’s “Nostalgic 64,” and Killer Mike and EL-P’s “Run the Jewels.” Pusha T’s long-awaited debut album, “My Name is My Name” was worth a few listens, and Atlanta artist ForteBowie rounds out my top five with “ViceHaus.” As the end of 2013 draws nearer, no album has come close to the excellence that is A$AP Ferg’s “Trap Lord.” Released on Aug. 20 to moderate hype, “Trap Lord” has easily become my favorite album of the year. The album features production from mostly little known producers, but the beats are phenomenal. It opens with the heavy-hitting “Let It Go,” a song which has forced me to replace my subwoofers three times in the past month. From there, the album progresses into its second single, the easily-quotable “Shabba,” a brilliant ode to Jamaican dancehall musician Shabba Ranks. Track three, “Lord,” features ‘90s legend Bone ThugsN-Harmony, and then turns dramatic quickly as Ferg Piedmontʼs Playlist What songs do you listen to when youʼre angry? mostly sings on “Hood Pope,” and “Fergivicious.” Soon, though, the album retraces itself to its “trap” genre, with “Dump Dump.” Track eight was the album’s first single, ironically a remix of a 2012 Ferg single, released to minimal fanfare. The starstudded “Work (Remix)” features verses from ScHooLBoy Q, Trinidad Jame$, French Montana, and A$AP Mob partner A$AP Rocky. “Work (Remix)” has become a sleeper for “Rap Song of the Year,” as it showcases Ferg’s lyrics and rapping ability at it’s finest, in addition to crafting numerous catchy hooks within the song itself. The remaining few songs keep the pace going, including “Murda Something,” which features Waka Flocka Flame, and the album’s ending, a bizarre but beautiful closer called “Cocaine Castle.” A$AP Ferg’s “Trap Lord” is, in my opinion, miles ahead of any other rap album released this year. Despite its moderate simplicity, the excellent production, catchy hooks, solid lyricism and overall flow of the album make “Trap Lord” my vote for album of the year. “Bonecracker” by Shocore - Erin Gathercoal, theatre major “Headstrong” by Trapt - Catherine Moore, English major “The Beautiful People” by Marilyn Manson - Katarina Hodge, mass communications major “Sweet As Whole” by Sara Bareilles - Jesse Mashburn, biology major Have a favorite playlist you want to share? Send it to the Navigator! A$AP Fergʼs album “Trap Lord” is now available on iTunes. Interested in writing for the Arts and Entertainment section of The Navigator? Submit your articles and share your love for the arts! Send your ideas and submissions to A&E editor Emily Clance at [email protected] PUBLIC DOMAIN Do you love movies? Piedmont’s Film Club wants you! Next meeting on November 6th at 6:45 p.m. in Jenkins Auditorium Theme for the night: Simon Pegg The return of vinyl Are records making a comeback? By PATRICK HENDRIX Contributing Writer Vinyl records have been around since the 1920s, and up until about 1988, they existed as the primary medium for music reproduction until the rise of the compact disc. Its introduction to the music industry marked a rapid decline in both the production and sale of vinyl records. As the 1990s were dominated by CDs, the turn of the century saw digital downloads become the primary method for music listening. The majority of the market increasingly ignored vinyl records, the exception coming from DJs and audiophiles, who argued that vinyl’s grooves generated warmth and depth that CDs’ digital code could not match. While record sales are now considered a niche market composed of audiophiles, collectors and DJs, recent years have seen many new albums released on vinyl and many older albums given reissues. According to a New York Times article by Allan Kozinn, when French electronica duo Daft Punk released “Random Access Memories” in mid-May, six percent of its first-week sales were on vinyl, according to Nielsen SoundScan, which measures music sales. Classic albums from artists such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan have been reissued on thicker and more durable audiophilegrade vinyl. Figures show that sales of vinyl records have increased every year since 2006, with around 2.8 million sold in 2010, which is the highest number sold since record keeping began in 1991. Amazon, one of the leading sellers of vinyl records, reports that sales of vinyl records are up 745 percent since 2008. So what is the reason for the sudden reemergence of vinyl records? As mentioned before, many music aficionados believe fervently that the quality of sound produced by a record needle’s contact with the deep grooves of a record is unparalleled. CDs, as well as songs downloaded from iTunes and the Internet, simply do not produce as rich a sound nor do they capture the nuances of a song like vinyl records do. Then there is the actual nostalgia involved in placing a record on a turntable and listening to an album the way the artist originally intended for it to be played. In an article published on Advertising Age by Jeanine Poggi, Michael Kurtz, cofounder of Record Store Day, an annual event designed to celebrate independent music stores, said, “The experience is similar to going to a concert. It’s a more full experience and communal. You typically listen to a record player with other people gathered around … while digital is typically a solitary experience with your headphones.” Other people find joy in visiting the local record store and searching through bins to find a record by their favorite artist. While CDs and MP3s offer little to none in the way of imaginatively listening to music, something about taking a record out of its sleeve and placing it on a turntable deeply enhances the listening experience. In today’s fast-paced world where everything is available to us at the click of a button, vinyl records are managing to make a comeback, albeit a small one. Many young listeners are relishing in the added enjoyment that comes from listening to vinyl records. Whether vinyl records are making their way back into the music market for good, or this is simply a fad that will come and go, one can’t deny the power of vinyl. Record Store Day is an annual event, celebrated with exclusive vinyl releases from various artists. This year, Record Store Day will have a second event on Black Friday, Nov. 29, and will have releases from artists like Metallica, The Clash, Lana Del Rey, Lady Gaga and Fall Out Boy. Go to to find a participating store near you. S ports Page 10 November 5, 2013 The Piedmont College Navigator Menʼs basketball team ready to surprise By JESSE SUTTON News Editor Photo courtesy of JASPER LEE Sophomore Austin Thomas dribbles past the defense in last seasonʼs game. Two weeks into practice, Greg Neely begins his first full season as the men’s basketball team’s head coach working to create a season of firsts. A season that he hopes can bring the Lions to their first ever conference championship, despite the hurdles crossed during the 2012-2013 season. By the end of last season, the men’s basketball team shrunk to only seven players following a series of suspensions and injuries. However, Neely recruited 18 players to add to Piedmont’s six returners, combining for a stacked 24-man team. “The new guys saw an opportunity,” Neely said. “Men’s basketball has never won a conference championship here, so I think the opportunity to be the first to do something, the opportunity to have the chance to compete and contribute right away… Congratulations to the Menʼs and Womenʼs Cross Country teams for both finishing 3rd at the USA South Championship Meet. Leading Lion Womenʼs Soccer Marjorie Hammond Senior, secondary education concentration in English major High School: Parkview High School Hometown: Stone Mountain, Ga. was a positive force in recruiting.” “We are a lot deeper,” said Chris Meeks, a junior psychology major. “We have a lot more people that can step up and contribute right off the bat.” Neely said the team’s six returners, including lone senior Aaron Thrams, are essential in growing this basketball team both on and off the court. “I can’t imagine another team on our schedule that has gone through more adverse situations than this group of returners,” Neely said. “They’ve worked hard. They are holding guys accountable to make sure we are on time and engaged in what we are doing. They’ve really been our coaching staff ’s second voice. I’ve been extremely pleased with the returners so far.” On Oct. 16, the Lions were Lady Lions advance to semi-finals By ALEXANDRA SMITH Sports Editor The Lady Lions soccer team faced Greensboro College in the quarterfinals of the USA South Conference tournament this past Saturday at the Walker Athletic Field. The Lady Lions scored early on in the fourth minute of play when freshman Caitlyn Dove received a pass from senior Laura Goodwin and slid the shot past the Greensboro keeper for the goal. This was Dove’s first goal on the season, who became the 15th Lady Lion to score this season giving the PC women’s soccer team a well balanced offense. Dove said, “It gave me more confidence and pushed me to work harder in the game. It is making me that much more determined to score another goal to help my team continue in the tournament.” The Lady Lions held on to the lead despite six shots on Experience:Iʼve been playing since I was eight. What is your greatest personal achievement? My greatest personal achievement was winning conference, going to nationals and getting All-Conference my sophomore year. What are your pregame rituals? I have to walk down to the field with Laura. I also have to touch each goal post and the top of the goal before the game starts. Why did you choose PC? I chose PC because I was recruited and Sarah Hill decided to play here. What are your plans after graduating Piedmont? I plan on getting my masterʼs degree in education. Hammond has appeared in 17 games this season for a total of 1,346 minutes. She has posted 48 saves this season. WBasketball WSoccer November 6 at University of North GA AWAY November 8 at Martinsville, Va. AWAY picked to finish this season 11th of 11 teams in the USA South Athletic Conference’s Preseason Coaches’ Poll. The Poll consists of votes from all 11 coaches in the league, and Maryville College was chosen to conquer the conference despite finishing seventh last season. However, Neely and the basketball team view this as a challenge as opposed to an early defeat. “We were picked last in the preseason polls. We really excited about that,” Neely said. “You don’t have opportunities in life like this a lot… It’s not very often that you get picked dead last and then have an opportunity [to] do something special. I don’t know how many wins and losses we are going to have, but I think our expectations are that we are going to be playing our best at the end of the year… in the conference tournament.” Photo by ALEXANDRA SMITH Senior Marjorie Hammond makes the save for the Lady Lions Photo by ALEXANDRA SMITH Senior Laura Goodwin challenges for the header goal and numerous corner kicks in the first half. Greensboro outshot PC six to four in the first half. The game was a heated rivalry, and both teams posted 11 fouls on the game. Both teams were fighting to move on in the conference tournament. The Lady Lions took hold of the game in the second half, outshooting Greensboro four to one. PC attempted to make it 2-0 when freshman Morgan Edelman headed a ball from a corner kick just wide of the goal post. PC continued to pressure Greensboro for the remainder of the game. The pair of Piedmont keepers, senior Marjorie Hammond and sophomore Michaela Gardner held Greensboro scoreless splitting time in the game. Each made a pair of saves to hold PC at 10 shut outs on the season. Piedmont College was able to use 19 of their 27 players to keep fresh legs in the game. “We cheered each other on Lions Sports Schedule “I think we can accomplish a lot and surprise people,” said Chase England, a freshman nursing major. “I think a lot of people are underestimating what we do have. Hopefully we can make a deep run in the conference tournament.” The Lions start their season with an exhibition game against Division I Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Ga. on Nov. 4. On Nov. 19, the team will play their first home game of the season against Toccoa Falls College at 8 p.m. in the Johnny Mize Athletic Center. USA South Pre-Season Poll Maryville Ferrum LaGrange Greensboro Methodist N.C. Wesleyan Averett Covenant Huntingdon William Peace Piedmont and worked together. We are very good at keeping each others heads up and staying motivated,” said Dove. The Lady Lions posted a total of seven shots on goal compared to the four shots on goal posted my Greensboro. Dove said this of the Lady Lions preparation for the upcoming semi finals game, “We are staying focused by working hard at practice.” Piedmont Lady Lions soccer team advances to the semifinal match held in Martinsville, Va. this Saturday. Photo by ALEXANDRA SMITH Freshman Marissa Akin fights for the ball in the midfield Volleyball MBasketball WBasketball WBasketball November 8 at Martinsville, Va. AWAY November 15 vs. Earlham College AWAY November 16 vs. Centre College Time: 2p.m. November 19 vs. Toccoa Falls College Time: 6 p.m. S ports Page 11 November 5, 2013 Softball team hosts homerun derby for local charity By ALEXANDRA SMITH Sports Editor The Piedmont Lady Lions softball team hosted a home run derby to help raise canned food for the canned food drive currently happening in the athletic department to benefit the Clarkesville Soup Kitchen. Participants dressed up in Halloween costumes for the event. They could either donate canned goods or pay three dollars for a chance at five outs. Junior baseball player Jacob Brewster won the competition for the men, with 15 home runs in five outs. Brewster said, “It was a fun experience. It’s always good to have fun for a good cause.” The softball team set up Photo by ALEXANDRA SMITH Junior baseball player Jacob Brewster up to bat in the derby. Interested in writing for the Sports Section? Contact Alexandra Smith, Sports Editor at: [email protected] Photo by ALEXANDRA SMITH Participants wait in line for the chance to hit. cones inside the outside fence to count home runs for women and the outside fence was the boundary for men. “I didn’t really have a strategy. I just tried to have fun and hit the ball,” said Brewster. The softball coaches slow pitched the balls to the participants, and the softball team was in the outfield and outside the fence gathering balls scored for home runs. Kendall Newell, a sophomore for the Lady Lions, said, “I was really happy with the turn out, and I hope that we can do it again next year. The can drive is a great cause for the athletic department to support because it stays in our area.” The softball team raised over 70 cans at this event, and about 15 students participated in the derby. Sophomore softball player Tori Mitchell said, “We were really happy about the turnout. It was great to see so many people out supporting our team and everyone had a great time with it as well. It was just a great night.” The softball team handed out t-shirts and candy goody bags to the winners of both the men and women’s categories at the end. Congratulations to the Men’s Soccer team for finishing the season at 6-12 overall and 3-6 in conference. Sports Terms (For Dummies) Shut out- in any sport, a game where one team prevents the other team from scoring LIONS BREAKING NEWS any points. Can’t make it to a home game.....? Check out the new live broadcast feature on the Piedmont Athletics website. You can watch live feed of home games. For more information go to: Photo by ALEXANDRA SMITH The softball coaches pitch to participants in the derby. Lady Lions basketball prepares for upcoming season By MANYI ENO Staff Writer Roaring Piedmont students and parents filled the bleachers in the Mize Athletic Center Oct. 28 at 5:30 p.m., for the women’s basketball scrimmage game against Brenau University. Last year, the women’s basketball team ended the season 10-14 overall and 5-12 in the USA South Conference. Head women’s basketball coach Jamie Purdy said that the scrimmage was a chance for the team to see the things they needed to work on. “We’re very young, so it was nice for us to be able to play this against somebody other than ourselves,” Purdy said. “We certainly have a lot of things that we need to focus on [in] the next few days of practice but we got a lot to build off of too.” Purdy explained that they have not established captains at the moment, but that two of her returning players this season are stepping up their game this season. “All four of our upperclassmen are really stepping up. Chandlar Alverson and Lauren Hamel are leading the team more by example than anything,” she said. Senior point guard Hamel started all 24 games last year as a junior and led the team in scoring 12.1 points per game, ranking second with 43 steals. Alverson played in 23 games MBasketball November 19 vs. Toccoa Falls College Time: 8 p.m. they’re intense and I think our chemistry has been growing every practice because we have a lot of new people. I’m definitely excited for the season.” Piedmont will begin their season on Nov. 16 as they travel to Dahlonega, Georgia to take on the Division II University of North Georgia Nighthawks. Photo Courtesy of JASPER LEE Sophomore Taylor Swoszowski shoots for the free throw in a game last season last year as a freshman and recorded seven rebounds in the game against ChristopherNewport University. “We can’t try to ride the shoulders of one or two people; all of us have to contribute,” Purdy said about the team. “We don’t have one particular person that’s going to be able to score all of our points for us. I think from top to bottom we’re all going to have to contribute.” Junior Symone Ball is a returning player this season, and was proud of her team’s chemistry during the scrimmage. “I think we did good, I think it was something to help us see where we are. I was pleased with how we did, but of course we will keep improving,” said Ball. “I’ve been loving practices; WBasketball November 20 at Agnes Scott College AWAY USA South Pre-Season Poll Ferrum Maryville Huntingdon N.C. Wesleyan Greensboro Methodist Piedmont Averett Meredith Covenant LaGrange William Peace Mary Baldwin Leading Lion Men’s Soccer Cameron Parsons Senior, business with a concentration in finance major High School: Mill Creek High School Hometown: Dacula. Ga. Experience: I’ve been playing for sixteen years. Why did you choose PC? I chose PC to play soccer, all the while getting my education at a close knit college. What is your greatest personal achievement? Becoming friends with Stephen Sherfy, Justin Whitaker, and Connor Lockridge. What are your plans after graduating Piedmont? I’m looking to go into investment banking after Piedmont. What are your pregame rituals? I’m not really superstitious about soccer, so nothing regarding superstitions, but our main pre-game ritual is usually listening to “Tomorrowland 2012.” Parsons has appeared in 15 games this season for 652 minutes this season. He has recorded two shots. He was a USA South Academic All-Conference selection last season. Lions Sports Schedule WBasketball MBasketball WBasketball WBasketball November 23 vs. Birmingham Southern Time: 2 p.m. November 25 at Truett McConnell AWAY November 30 vs. Oglethorpe University AWAY Decmeber 1 at Berry College AWAY L Page12 iving November 5, 2013 The Piedmont College Navigator Done in December Fall graduates discuss pros and cons of graduating early By LAUREN MOORE Contributing Writer More residential students graduate in May compared to those graduating in December. As someone who is graduating in December, the difference between the timing of the two life events is an interest of mine. Is the celebration the same? Is the job market better or worse? How should I plan my life after graduation? Senior theatre major Jeremy Douylliez said, “a lot of [theatre] companies aren’t prepared to hire in January because they’re accustomed to hiring in May.” Sophia Allison, who graduated with degrees in English and music in December of 2012, was concerned because “for teachers there are fewer jobs.” She did however go on to say, “…but it could be good because not everybody is looking for a job at the same time.” Fox Business did an article in December of 2012 titled “Job Hunting Tips for December Grads.” The article mentions that businesses are in a more comfortable position to hire new employees since they have finalized their budget for the following year. Also, the article suggests that if graduates don’t find a job immediately to do volunteer or internship work in order to gain experience. Danielle Morgan, senior mass communications major set to graduate in December said, “I think I have an advantage graduating in December because there are less people applying for jobs because they are still in school.” “ You can’t try to force perfection on the daily. Some days everything is going to work out exactly the way you want them to, while others are going to be filled with problems and mistakes. Don’t let the bad days get you down though because tomorrow you can always start over and try again. - Jesse Mashburn, junior biology major PIEDMONT Trivia Question WHICH STAFF MEMBER SPORTED THIS LOOK AFTER HER UNDERGRADUATE? Photo by ROSIE WALK Students take part in May 2013 graduation One of my concerns about graduating in December is the transition into graduate school. The schools I aspire to attend only enroll during the fall. So what am I supposed to do for those eight months? Ashley Cleere, Chaplain of Piedmont College said: “use the time and [saved] money wisely.” She added “it could be a chance to get a head start professionally, save money for graduate school, indulge in an activity you’ve always dreamt about, or a combination of pursuits.”And now for the important aspect: the celebration. Allison describes the negatives to graduating in December: “I didn’t get to graduate with any of my friends, I missed out on doing fun graduation activities with them.” Douyilliez said that, “For December grads, it feels much more like a formality; required, not celebrated.” Unfortunately, the Baccalaureate Ceremony and Senior Send-off for December graduates are in May. However, we weren’t notified of this. Why don’t December graduates get to have the same experiences that spring graduates do? Douyilliez reminisced about his brother’s graduation in the spring of 2012. His parents were “impressed with the amount of hoopla. They appreciated that the graduation felt like a celebration.” He hopes his experience will be the same and I share this hope. Allison eased my mind when she spoke of her graduation ceremony: “It’s a smaller ceremony so it didn’t last forever. My parents were comfortable while watching it and they enjoyed themselves.” Students and faculty still have a positive view on graduating in December. Douylliez said, “Ultimately, I think I’m well equipped to enter the work force and I’ll always be grateful to Piedmont College for preparing me in just 3.5 years.” Ashley Cleere congratulated December graduates on “saving a semester of room, board, and tuition fees.” “Even if you do graduate without your friends, do something special to celebrate it because it is a big deal,” said Allison. December graduates will face the same challenges as students who graduate in May. Though they left Piedmont a semester early, they will leave prepared to accept a role in the job market and contribute to their fields. #RealTalk November 2013 TUESDAY 5 REGISTRATION: Evening, Graduate, & Juniors MONDAY REGISTRATION: Freshman 11 ” worth it if it’s something you’re passionate about. - Brooke Martin, junior early childhood education major The knowledge that I have the power to share something beautiful with a world that really needs it. - Elizabeth Parmer, junior music major WEDNESDAY REGISTRATION: Sophomores 6 TUESDAY 12 THURSDAY 7 Piedmont Singers Concert 6:30pm Chapel WEDNESDAY 13 FRIDAY 8 THURSDAY 14 BITS of LIFE helpful hint “Don’t but things you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t like.” What motivates you? Knowing that the end result is I guess just good outcomes motivate me. Like good grades, better relationships with friends, feeling better all the way around. - Christi Spence, sophomore education major LOOK FOR THE ANSWER IN OUR NEXT ISSUE! PREVIOUS ISSUE: PROFESSOR FRANKLIN –Dave Ramsey SATURDAY 9 FRIDAY 15 SUNDAY 10 SATURDAY & SUNDAY 16,17
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