an island for everyone Waddenguide
an island for everyone Waddenguide
2011 Texel Vl i el an d Ter s c h el l i n g Am el an d S c h i er m o n n i k o og Waddenguide an island for everyone 3 - 7 8 - 15 Introduction to the Wadden Te x e l 16 - 27 Vlieland 28 - 35 Te r s c h e l l i n g 36 - 51 Ameland 52 - 57 Schiermonnikoog 58 - 59 Island hopping Texel Vlielan d What an experience Ter s c hellin g www. d ut c h -fri si an -i sl an d s. c o m Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s Amelan d Sc hierm o n n i k o o g Foreign climes close to home. Just off the coast, in the world known as the Wadden Sea, lies a unique region which is typically Dutch yet exudes a foreign charm. Get away from the mainland and give your spirit s a lift. Leave it all behind for that wonderful island feeling. The age-old rhythm of the tide. And golden beaches as far as the eye can see. The Dutch Wadden Sea has five fabulous islands. Each with its own unique character. An island for everyone! 2 an island for everyone 3 www. d ut c h -fri si an -i sl an d s. c o m Away from the mainland Every holid a y o n t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s e n j oy s t h a t t y p i c a l i s l a n d f e e l i n g , which start s o n t h e m a i n l a n d . T h e e xc i t e m e n t a s s o o n a s t h e f e r r y c o m e s into sight. T h e i m p a t i e n c e t o g e t o n b o a rd . A n d t h e s e n s a t i o n o f f re e d o m upon casti n g o ff. On d e c k , yo u’l l h a ve u n e x p e c t e d t r a ve l l i n g c o m p a n i o n s : the seagull s w i l l c h a p e ro n e yo u t o t h e i s l a n d . Wi t h a l i t t l e l u c k , yo u m i g h t even see s e a l s a l o n g t h e w a y. A n d a l l t h e w h i l e , e ve r y b re a t h i s f i l l e d w i t h that refresh i n g , s a l t y s e a a i r. W h a t a w a y t o s t a r t a h o l i d a y. Ha v i n g v i s i t e d a Wadden i s l a n d , yo u w i l l n e ve r f o rg e t t h a t d e l i g h t f u l s e n s a t i o n o f b e i n g away from t h e m a i n l a n d . Switching off is easy On the Wa d d e n i s l a n d s , yo u’re m i l e s f ro m ove rc rowd e d s c h e d u l e s . A s e a of relaxatio n s e p a r a t e s t h e m a i n l a n d a n d yo u r t e m p o r a r y h o m e . L i t e r a l l y and figurat i ve l y. St re s s , a p p o i n t m e n t s a n d o b l i g a t i o n s ? Yo u’ve l e f t t h e m all behind, o n b o a rd t h e f e r r y. A n d w h a t’s l e f t i s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t o f a l l . Total relaxa t i o n o f b o t h b o d y a n d s o u l . T h a t s h o u l d b e t h e m o t t o o f e ve r y holiday, an d i t’s g u a r a n t e e d o n t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s . T h a n k s t o t h e s e a a n d t he endless p a no ra m a s. Ha st e h a s no p l a c e h e re ! Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage: a justified crown The Wadden Sea has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since June 2009. A justified crown for this unique tidal landscape. We are extremely proud, especially since UNESCO follows very strict guidelines when it comes to allocation of a World Heritage listing. This puts the Wadden Sea on a par with world-famous natural wonders such as the Grand Canyon in the United States and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, which were awarded World Heritage status by UNESCO in the past. The Wadden Sea World Heritage Site encompasses the Dutch and German parts of the Wadden Sea. It covers an area of almost 10,000 square kilometres along a coastal strip about 400 kilometres long (see page 51). 4 an island for everyone 5 www. d ut c h -fri si an -i sl an d s. c o m Picturesque villages The islanders were always a race apart, earning a living as merchant seamen, fishermen and even whalers. The isolated location resulted in each island developing its own particular culture, which is still visible in the various picturesque villages. Wander around the narrow streets, where age-old church steeples serve as your orientation point. One minute you’ll be face to face with pretty, historical houses, and the next with friendly pubs, cafés, shops and restaurants. There’s always something ne w to discover. And all this with the warm hospitality for which the islanders are famous. Unspoilt nature Beaches, d u n e s , w o o d l a n d , h e a t h l a n d , p o l d e r s , s a l t y s e a w a t e r, f re s h w a t e r fens. There’s n o e n d t o t h e n a t u r a l va r i a t i o n o f t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s , a l l t h e more becau s e t h e m u d f l a t s f a l l d r y a t l ow t i d e . No w o n d e r t h e re a re s o many spec i e s o f p l a n t s a n d a n i m a l s . Fro m re d s h a n k s t o s p o o n b i l l s , f ro m cockles to s e a l s , yo u’l l s e e t h e m a l l o n a n d a ro u n d t h e i s l a n d s . En j oy unforgettab l e w a l k s i n t h e c o u n t r y s i d e o r e x p l o re f u r t h e r a f i e l d by b i k e . If yo u’re a na t ure l ove r, yo ur Wa d d e n h o l i d a y wi l l a l wa y s b e to o s h o r t. Culinary delights The island s a re i d e a l f o r a n a c t i ve h o l i d a y b e c a u s e t h e re’s s o m u c h t o s e e and do. An d s o i t’s i m p o r t a n t t o k e e p u p yo u r s t re n g t h . T h a t w o n’ t b e difficult, as t h e i s l a n d s a re a f e a s t f o r f a n s o f g o o d f o o d , w h o’l l e n j oy a l l kinds of sp e c i a l t i e s i n t h e m a n y re s t a u r a n t s . Fro m f re s h s o l e t o c a t f i s h , and from s p e c i a l c h e e s e s a n d b re a d t o l a m b a n d , o f c o u r s e , t h e f a m o u s cranberries . E a c h i s l a n d h a s i t s ow n d e l ic a c i e s . Blue skies abound The coasta l l o c a t i o n h a s a s t r i k i n g e ff e c t o n t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s’ c l i m a t e . There is lit t l e r a i n d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r m o n t h s , a n d t h e h e a t i s n e ve r stifling. Howe ve r, t h e a u t u m n a n d w i n t e r s e a s o n s c a n g e t q u i t e ro u g h , though tha t t o o h a s i t s c h a r m , b l ow i n g a w a y a l l l i f e’s w o r r i e s o n t h e beach. The s u n i s g e n e r a l l y a f re q u e n t v i s i t o r, e ve n w h e n i t’s h a rd t o f i n d on the mai n l a n d . In f a c t , t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s e n j oy m o re h o u r s o f s u n t h a n anywhere e l s e i n t h e Ne t h e r l a n d s . A n a d d e d e x t r a f o r yo u r h o l i d a y enjoyment. Di s c ove r e ve n m o re a b o u t t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s o n o u r we b s i t e w w w.dutch - f ri si a n- i sl a nd s. c o m . 6 an island for everyone 7 DE KOOG OOSTEREND DE WAAL DEN BURG OUDESCHILD DEN HOORN w w w. t exel . n et DE COCKSDORP Te x e l , one big adventure Texel, the largest of the five Dutch Wadden islands, is just off the coast of North Holland. This island offers plenty of fun, thanks to its size and especially its diversity. There’s no end to its natural beauty, and it’s therefore no surprise that a large part of the island is a National Park. Texel is also the place to be for the social life, as the island has no less than seven friendly villages to wander around, for shopping, pavement cafes and a lovely meal in the many restaurants. 8 an island for everyone 9 Texel has no less than thirty kilometres of uninterrupted sandy beaches waiting for you. Whatever takes your fancy, from lively De Koog to the peaceful expanse of De Hors in the South. Clean beaches and sea, with lifeguards and good facilities.... and all this for the price of a boat ticket. Your car can come along cheaply, too. Sea flows in and many salt-loving plants flourish. There are so many migratory birds here that Texel has the greatest number of bird species in the world. The earthen walls are typical of Texel, and these traditional land dividers are home to many protected species of plants and animals. The countless sheep are just as striking, and the island teems with lambs in spring. Breathtaking natural beauty L e t ’s g e t g o i n g The Texel countryside is amazing. Dunes, woodland, heathland, polders, beaches, mudflats, hills – you name it. The dune area is unique, and is therefore a designated National Park, with the immense De Hors sandbank and De Slufter dune slack where the North Texel is all about walking and cycling. There are many signposted rambling routes, often through the most beautiful countryside. The 80 kilometre Texel path around the island is a real challenge. It’s fun to explore the island by bike, too. There are fantastic cycling routes, such as the cycle path on the wet side of the Wadden dyke. Or are you looking for thrills? The beach is ideal for kite flying, wind and kite surfing or beach sailing. Seven villages, all of them fun Want some social life? Shopping and entertainment, promenading and a meal out? You’re lucky, because Texel has seven lovely villages. Den Burg is the largest, it’s almost a town. De Koog is a true seaside resort, while the smallest, De Waal, is just so peaceful... Oudeschild has a lovely harbour, and Oosterend and Den Hoorn are picture postcards. And while on route to the lighthouse, don’t forget De Cocksdorp and all its shops and restaurants. Discover and book Search and book quickly and easily a t w w w. t e x e l . n e t T h e Te xe l t o u r i s t i n f o r m a t i o n we b s i t e a t w w w. t e xe l . n e t g i ve s l o t s up-to-date and complete, with detailed descriptions, photos and p r i c e s . T h i s g u i d e s h ow s o n l y a few of the accommodation options b o o k a b l e v i a w w w. t e xe l . n e t , a n d of information on the island, and also contains the most complete l i s t o f a c c o m m o d a t i o n o n Te xe l f o r b o o k i n g d i re c t l y o n l i n e . T h i s accommodation information is a l s o p rov i d e s g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n about such facilities. All further details and accurate prices can b e f o u n d o n w w w. t e xe l . n e t . Se a rc h t h e we b s i t e u s i n g t h e n a m e and/or accommodation number stated in this guide. If you have any questions, call the VVV Texel tourist information office w w w. t exel . n et Thirty kilometres of clean sandy beaches on +31 (0)222 314 741. The office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays. Ferry route Events The Lamb Ramble 25 April 2011 Texel is home to thousands of lambs in spring. On Easter Monday, watch the woolly jumpers frolic around in the fields during this spring walk. To u r o f Te x e l 25 June 2011 The world’s largest catamaran race attracts more than 600 entries, including top international sailors, and is equally spectacular for non-sailors. 10 In the week leading up to the regatta, the beach at Paal 17 is the place to be for performances by well known artists. Body & Brain Festival 5-7 August 2011 The Body & Brain festival is held on Texel beach. A unique sports and health spectacle featuring water sports, martial arts, massage and the world record attempt at paddling. C u l i n a r y Te x e l 9-11 September 2011 A whole weekend of culinary delights in De Koog. What better way to get to know the local Texel specialties? For more events, surf to: Tickets for the ferry from Den Helder to Texel and back can be purchased at the TESO ferry terminal in Den Helder or via It is not possible to reserve in advance. All tickets include the return journey. Bicycles and motorized vehicles are permitted. Your ticket will not be checked on Texel. The trip takes around 20 minutes. For as long as the timetable applies, boats depart at half past the hour from Den Helder and on the hour from Texel. At busy times, the reserve boat operates so that a ferry departs both harbours every half hour. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, you will receive 30% discount on your ferry crossing. DE COCKSDORP DE KOOG OOSTEREND DE WAAL DEN BURG OUDESCHILD DEN HOORN Information TESO (departure times, current information, rates): • • Tel. +31 (0)222 369 691 DEN HELDER Tr a i n a n d b u s There is a connecting bus service from the ferry terminal at 10 minutes past the hour. of our ferries with public transport, please NL), tel. 0900 9292 (€ 0.70 per minute) or train station in Den Helder to the For information on the connection call OV travel information (only in check out an island for everyone 11 h o li da y pa rk La nd a l Sl uf t e rva l l e i De Cocksdorp Landal Sluftervallei offers comfortable bungalows (4-6 pers.). Your bungalow is fitted with all creature comforts, and features an open hearth, microwave, TV, radio/CD player and free wireless internet. Bath, shower and washbasin. The kids can splash around in the pool or at the water playground, and in the evening you can choose from the delicious menu in Brasserie-Café de Kajuit. Te xel Ac c ommo datio n h o te l Hotel Tesselhof De Koog It’s only a few minutes away from the North Sea beach, the wonderful woodlands and the dunes. The village with its lovely shops and pavement cafés is close at hand. We look forward to welcoming you to Hotel Tesselhof. By combining Tesselhof with Texel, you’re guaranteed all the ingredients for a comfortable stay. Texel - give it a try. Te x e l i s w e l l k n o w n f o r i t s h o s p i t a l i t y. T h e i s l a n d ’s r e s i d e n t s h a v e b e e n w e l c o m i n g visitors since the 17 th c e n t u r y. T h e y e m b r a c e f o r e i g n i n f l u e n c e s a n d a r e r e l a x e d a n d o p e n w i t h e v e r y b o d y. I t s e x a c t l y t h a t a p p r o a c h t h a t m a k e s Te x e l s o h o s p i t a b l e , m a k i n g s o m a n y people feel at home on the island. h o l i d a y p ark LDeaKoongd al Beac h Park Texel Landal Beach Park Texel offers luxury freestanding villas (sleeping 4 to 6 pers.), mostly on the edge of a lake, and very close to De Koog resort, the beach, dunes and woods. a pa r tm e nts De Pel i kaan Texel De Koog De Pelikaan Texel offers spacious, stylishly decorated 2, 3, 4 and 6 bed apartments. All apartments are equipped with a bathroom including a shower/bath and toilet, a fully fitted kitchen, separate bedroom(s), a cosily furnished living room, a patio or balcony, cable TV, telephone and wireless internet. The surrounding area is ideal for cycling, walking or playing golf. In the park, the children can have fun playing a game of table tennis, enjoy the playground or the air trampoline. Your comfortable villa is fitted with a TV, open hearth, dishwasher, microwave, washing machine and tumble drier. Bath/bubble bath, shower cabin and double washbasin. Or why not opt for an extra luxury villa with a private sauna, sunbed and steam/shower cabin? Wireless internet is available with use of your own laptop in the villas (at a charge). hotel Gr a nd Hotel Op d u in De Koo g With the North Sea only 200 metres away and with views over the beautiful dunes (National Park), the varied landscape and the sea, this is one of the most fantastic spots on Texel. Each room or suite has that ultimate home-from-home feeling. Nature and classic simplicity form the basis for the kitchen at Grand Hotel Opduin. Why not boost your feeling of wellbeing even further in a relaxing session with the beauticians of Beauty & Wellness Beau Rivage? 12 The layout of the apartments is as follows: hallway, 1 or 2 bedrooms, bathroom and living room with open kitchen. All apartments are privately owned and individually furnished. h o te l Texel’s largest and only four-star Wellness hotel is very centrally located on the island. High on the white dunes, near the resort of De Koog. Hotel Tesselhof is beautifully situated in De Koog, Texel’s coastal resort. w w w. t exel . n et Landal Sluftervallei can be found directly next to the Slufter and Eierland Dunes. There’s plenty to discover here! Do your own thing or take a tour with a nature guide. Hot el De 14 St erren Dennenbos A break away together or maybe with the entire family, for something special and worthwhile? Come and enjoy Hotel De 14 Sterren. h o te l/ a pa r tm e nts * * * Kog erst aet e De Koog Get away but feel at home. Friendly family hotel with very spacious (wellness) rooms, suites and apartments for 2 to 6 persons. All apartments have a balcony or patio. At walking distance from the woods, beach and 100 metres from De Koog resort. Free private car park, and buffet style breakfast. an island for everyone 13 hotel Landgoed Hotel Tatenhove Ho t el Tatenhove De Koo g TEXEL Genieten op z’n Texels! ARE YOU A WADDEN SEA FAN? The Hotel Tatenhove estate is situated in one Texel’s most idyllic locations. The hotel is surrounded by nature and lies on the southern edge of De Koog resort. The village (600 m.), the scented pinewoods (400 m.), the dunes and the North Sea beach (1 km.) are all within easy reach of the hotel. The hotel has comfortable hotel rooms with their own bathroom with shower and/or bath & toilet. In the winter of 2009/2010, the hotel was extended to include a wellness area with sauna & jacuzzi, solarium room, multifunctional room and 18 new rooms. The excellent restaurant and patio both have wonderful views of the lake, pastures and fields right up to the edge of the woodlands. Its unique and central location makes Landgoed Hotel Tatenhove the ideal base from which to explore Texel and to enjoy the peace and quiet and spaciousness for which the Netherlands’ largest Wadden island is famous. Facilities: • 43 comfortable hotel rooms • Reception • Excellent restaurant • Conservatory with fantastic views • Patio by the lake • Cosy lounge with bar & open hearth • • • • • • • Billiard table Wellness with sauna & jacuzzi Sunbed Multifunctional room Free wireless internet Bike hire E-bike charging point Price per person per night: B&B HB Double ground floor room 16m2 (BASIC) with bath or shower & toilet Double room 1st floor 22m2 (STANDARD-) with shower & toilet Single room (STANDARD) with shower & toilet Double room 26m2 (STANDARD+ balcony/patio) with shower & toilet Triple room 26m3 (STANDARD+ patio) with shower & toilet 4-bed room 32m2 (STANDARD) with shower & toilet Double room 26m2 (DELUXE+ balcony) with bath, shower & toilet 47 50 53 53 53 53 58 59.50 62.50 65.50 65.50 65.50 65.50 70.50 Surcharge for half board, only: € 12.50 p.p.p.n. (only valid for entire stay). The above prices exclude tourist tax and apply all year round, with the exception of discount periods*. Discount periods*: 07-01/18-02-11, 11-03/07-04-11, 01-11/23-12-11: 15% discount from 3 nights. 18-02/11-03-11, 10-10/01-11-11: 10% discount from 3 nights. 14 TION O M PROOFFER win o d n a nowrip for tw s u n Joi ekend t e Dutch a weone of thds. to islan until the 31st n runs 1. Mention o i t o 01 rom The p ecember 2 tion code of D e promo n you e h th w 1 01 VVV-2 join us. Then join the club! It is no coincidence that the Wadden Sea area is a World Heritage Site. It is a unique nature area. The Waddenvereniging does everything in its power to protect and cherish it. But we can only do this with the support of true Waddenfans, like you. Join us now. y l e s i w k l a w the h t i w den d a W Go to or phone: +31 (0)517 493 693. an island for everyone 15 w w w. vl i el an d . n et OOSTVLIELAND Vlieland, undisturbed tranquillity For the authentic island feeling, take the boat to Vlieland. The peace and quiet on the island will take you back to years gone by, and the lack of cars only reinforces that feeling. Vlieland is calm and undisturbed, pure and natural. The ultimate destination for peace and quiet. Picturesque is the perfect word to describe Oost Vlieland, the island’s only village, though it also offers everything you need. Including modern luxury, such as the ne w marina. The well-stocked shops, quality restaurants and lovely pavement cafes all seem to say: authentic Vlieland is totally up to date. 16 an island for everyone 17 V l i e l a n d i s n o t ve r y b i g , t h o u g h t h a t’s n o t t h e i d e a yo u g e t w h e n s t a n d i n g o n t h e b e a c h . It’s n o t o n l y w i d e b u t i s a l s o t we l ve va s t k i l o m e t re s l o n g . A n e n d l e s s b a re e x p a n s e - w h e re e l s e w i l l yo u f i n d t h a t i n t h e Ne t h e r l a n d s ? A s a p e r f e c t i l l u s t r a t i o n o f V l i e l a n d’s r u g g e d a n d t r a d i t i o n a l c h a r a c t e r, t h i s i s w h e re yo u’l l f i n d t h e h i g h e s t d u n e o f t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s . It’s a f o r t y m e t re c l i m b t o t h e p e a k o f t h e Vu u r b o e t s d u n e w i t h t h e l i g h t h o u s e o n t o p. Vi s i t o r s a re o f t e n l o s t f o r w o rd s u p o n s e e i n g t h i s p a n o r a m a . A n d t h a t’s p re c i s e l y w h y yo u c o m e t o V l i e l a n d - s i l e n c e . Surrounded by stunning scenery The peaceful island of Vlieland o ff e r s yo u n o e n d o f u n s p o i l t n a t u re . Ex p l o re t h e d u n e s a n d s a l t marshes, the mudflats and the b e a c h . E n j oy t h e n a t u r a l b e a u t y of the plants and animals in the p o l d e r s a n d t h e e x t e n s i v e c o n i f e rous and deciduous woodland. I f y o u’re a n a t u re l ov e r, V l i e l a n d i s y o u r i s l a n d . A n d i f y o u’v e y e t t o re a c h t h a t s t a t u s , a n e xc u r s i o n w i t h t h e R a n g e r w i l l s o o n h e l p. Ev e r y o n e l e a r n s t o a p p re c i a t e n a t u re o n V l i e l a n d . Endless walks and bike rides Of all the Dutch Wadden islands, V l i e l a n d i s f u r t h e s t f ro m t h e m a i n l a n d . T h a t m a y we l l e x p l a i n the intense quiet that rules the i s l a n d . Now h e re e l s e c a n yo u w a l k a n d c yc l e s o u n d i s t u r b e d . W h e t h e r t h ro u g h t h e d u n e s a n d p o l d e r s , o r t h e r a m b l i n g w o o d l a n d , g e t re a d y f o r a w o n d e r f u l l y re l a x i n g voy a g e o f d i s c ove r y. Or h ow a b o u t a c o m p l e t e l y d i ff e re n t a p p ro a c h t o re l a x a t i o n ? T h e re’s h o r s e r i d i n g , windsurfing, kite flying or sea fishi n g . C a l m yo u r s p i r i t o n V l i e l a n d . Oost Vlieland, historic yet modern The historic character of OostV l i e l a n d h a s b e e n w e l l p re s e r v e d , and the heritage village title is c e r t a i n l y j u s t i f i e d . T h e f i r s t re f e rence to Oost-Vlieland dates back t o 1 2 4 5 , a n d y o u’l l s t i l l f i n d m a n y h i s t o r i c b u i l d i n g s h e re t o d a y. Ta k e Tro m p’s Hu y s f o r e x a m p l e , a m u s e u m w h i c h re l a t e s V l i e l a n d’s h i s t o r y. T h e i s l a n d h a s b e e n s e r i o u s l y u p g r a d e d i n re c e n t y e a r s , w h i c h i s re f l e c t e d i n O o s t - V l i e l a n d , w h e re t h e s t a n d a rd o f t h e s h o p s , c a f e s , re s t a u r a n t s a n d o t h e r e n t e rt a i n m e n t i s e xc e l l e n t . Discover and book For all bookings and information, contact: V V V V l i el and Havenweg 1 0 8 8 9 9 BS V l i el and +3 1 ( 0 )5 6 2 4 5 1 1 1 1 www.vl i el i nfo@ vl i el All prices shown are minimum prices per person. The tourist information office can inform you about any peak season surcharges or single room s u rc h a rg e s . With each booking, you will receive an information package featuring cycling and walking routes and a map. Special offers or last minutes can be found at Booking fee w w w. vl i el an d . n et Endless stretches of sand E a c h b o o k i n g i s c h a rg e d € 1 5 booking costs. To u r i s t t a x To u r i s t t a x i s c h a rg e d a t a r a t e of € 1.25 per person per night f o r e a c h s t a y. Ferry route Events Vu u r t o re n c ro s s 6 March 2011 Cro s s- co u n t ry run. Village fairs 5 M a y, 2 0 J u l y, 3 & 7 August, 2011 Merry mark e t s a n d l i ve m u s i c i n t h e lovely main st re e t . V l i e l a n d ’s O p e n Te n n i s t o u r n a m e n t . Yo u t h : 2 3 J u l y, S i n g l e s : 2 4 - 2 9 J u l y, Doubles: 7-12 August 2011 The tennis tournament of Vlieland, o rg a n is e d by th e lo c a l te n n is c lu b. Bridge drive pub crawl 5 November 2011 Fu n b r i d g e d r i ve w i t h matches p l a ye d i n va r i o u s c a f e s , bars and re s ta ur a nts in th e Do r ps s t r a a t . Christmas cross 26 December 2011 Stortemelk half marathon 14 August 2011 SAR open day July 2011 Into the great wide open 2-4 September 2011 Fo r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , s u r f to : Vlieland tour 19 June 2011 Wa lk o f a b o ut 25 ki l omet res. Vlieland Greets you 5 & 6 August 2011 18 OOSTVLIELAND B o o k yo u r t i c k e t s t o a n d f ro m V l i e l a n d ve r y s i m p l y v i a w w w. re d e r i j - d o e k s e n . n l , by p h o n e 0 9 0 0 3 6 3 5 7 3 6 ( € 0 . 7 0 p e r c a l l , N L o n l y ) o r a t o u r t i c k e t o ff i c e . B o o k i n g i n a d va n c e m e a n s yo u d o n o t n e e d t o q u e u e a t t h e t i c k e t o ff i c e a n d a re g u a r a n t e e d a p l a c e o n b o a rd . C h o o s e b e t we e n a l a rg e f e r r y w i t h c a t e r i n g f a c i l i t i e s o r a c o m f o r t a b l e e x p re s s s e r v i c e . We l c o m e o n b o a rd ! For the latest sailing schedules, great offers, our luggage guideline and more, check out: Tr a i n a n d b u s There are regular trains from Leeuwarden to Harlingen Port. It is only a five minute walk from Harlingen Port station to the ferry terminal. From Alkmaar (via the Afsluitdijk), you can take the bus to Harlingen. Local bus services bound for Harlingen, stop directly outside the ferry terminal. For information on the connection of our ferries with public tr ans por t, pl eas e cal l OV tr avel i nfor m ati on on tel . 0 9 0 0 9 2 9 2 (€ 0.70 per m i nute, NL onl y ) or ch eck out www.9 2 9 2 . HARLINGEN an island for everyone 19 h o te l * * - A small hotel with eight comfortable rooms, some with views of the Wadden Sea - Located in the picturesque Dorpsstraat within walking distance (5 min.) of the ferry and the North Sea beach (10 min.) - Stylish à la carte restaurant with exclusive menu - Garden patio facing south - The restaurant/patio is also a fantastic location for parties (max. 70 pers.) From € 41 p.p.p.n. including breakfast Half board is available for € 20,- p.p. Accommodation on Vlieland h o te l * * * Hot el Ri spens Oost-Vlieland T h e f a n t a s t i c i s l a n d o f V l i e l a n d o ff e r s y o u n o t o n l y y e a r- r o u n d p e a c e a n d q u i e t b u t a l s o accommodation to suit all tastes. Hotels or apartments from two to four stars, in the Patio facing south. Modern rooms with bath/shower, toilet, radio, colour TV, balcony, sea views and telephone. Cosy hotel bar. Friendly atmosphere. Breakfast bar. The hotel for young and old. Also very suitable for the elderly, thanks to the many ground floor rooms. Free sauna and solarium. w w w. vl i el an d . n et De Herberg h van Fl i el ant Oost-Vlieland friendly village of Oost Vlieland, on the mudflats, in the woods, dunes or on the beautiful No r t h Se a b e a c h . W h a t e ve r yo u n e e d , yo u’l l f i n d i t o n V l i e l a n d ! From € 49.50 p.p.p.n. including breakfast Half board is available for € 22 p.p. h o te l* * * h o te l * * * Hot el de Kl uut Oost-Vlieland Ze e z ic ht De Lu xe Oo s t-Vl i eland Hotel Zeezicht Vlieland offers you a variety of fantastic rooms (including spacious family rooms) with views of the village, the harbour, the lighthouse and the ever beautiful Wadden Sea. The 30 rooms are all new, and date from spring 2009. They are tastefully furnished and provide all possible creature comforts. Hotel Zeezicht also has a wellness centre, lift, solarium and sauna. Furthermore, Hotel Zeezicht has special 4-bed rooms, and pets are allowed under certain conditions. Your stay at Hotel Zeezicht Vlieland offers you an unforgettable island experience. We look forward to welcoming you. Restaurant. Our restaurant is famous for its culinary pleasures, with an extensive menu full of island specialties. We are also known for our dinner platters (Batavian and Neptune platters), and we regularly offer the very best of what the sea provides, including mussels, etc. From € 50 20 - Quietly situated on the outskirts of the village. - Cosy rooms with bath-shower-toilet, chairs, desk/dressing table, hairdryer, colour TV with Canal+, radio and telephone - Bridal suite with jet stream bath and sunny balcony - Lounge with open hearth and comfortable seating - One free use of the sauna during your stay - Bike hire - Tennis courts, midget golf and indoor swimming pool within walking distance - First swimming pool visit is free for our guests, subject to opening hours - Free luggage transport via Wietze de Boer From € 53 p.p.p.n. including breakfast Relaxation package Welcoming drinks on arrival, full breakfast buffet, and bike hire throughout your stay with 7 gears, from Jan van Vlieland, and a 3-course à la carte dinner each evening. Modern, stylish and hospitable 3-star hotel, surrounded by attractive gardens and a sunny patio. 4 days 5 days 8 days € 239 p.p. € 309 p.p. € 539 p.p. p.p.p.n. including breakfast Cycling package 2 nights 3 nights 4 nights Two, three or four night stays including a breakfast buffet. Use of a 3-speed bike during your stay, extensive information package with cycling routes. One free use of sauna and nearby municipal swimming pool, luggage transport and cancellation insurance. € 116 p.p. € 168 p.p. € 222 p.p. an island for everyone 21 h o t e l / ap artm en ts**** West Co rd Ho t el de Wadden Oost-Vlieland w w w. vl i el an d . n et Wes tCord Stran d h o t e l Se e d uy n Oos t-Vl i eland h o te l* * * WestCord Strandhotel Seeduyn enjoys a location that can rightly be called unique in the Netherlands. Nowhere will you find a hotel so free-standing and close to the sea. No traffic, no busy boulevard, simply the sea air and the rush of the waves. The location on the beach determines the atmosphere at the hotel, which is relaxed and hospitable. Enjoy the wonderful views of the North Sea from every angle. The cosy village of Oost Vlieland is less than one kilometre from the hotel. The rooms. The 93 modern hotel rooms have all the comfort you would expect of a 4-star hotel. We believe very strongly in space and comfort. All rooms have a balcony or patio. Choose from the following room types; Superior Dune, Land and Sea side, Roof Terrace rooms, Sea Deluxe, Penthouse and the Bridal Suite. From € 45 p.p.p.n. including breakfast Half board is available for € 29.50 p.p. Hotel facilities • 93 rooms • 53 apartments + family suites • Conference and party rooms • Reception and entrance hall • à la carte restaurant ‘Entre Deux Mers’ • ‘Brassery’ • ‘De Musketier’ Bar dancing • ‘Juttersbar’ with bowling alley, skittles, and pool tables • ‘Vuurtoren Lounge’ with log fire and reading area • ‘Badhuys’ beach pavilion • Patios • Covered pool with children’s pool and sun patio • Heated indoor pool with children’s pool and sun patio • Sauna and Turkish steam bath • Solarium • Outdoor tennis courts • ‘De Seeruyter’ riding stables • Playground • Kids&Teens programme: activities during school holidays (2-12 yrs) • Launderette • Bike hire • Luggage transport • Business corner WestCord Hotel De Wadden stands in a secluded position in the historic Dorpsstraat of Oost Vlieland. The building once housed the local school for seamen. It is a small and cosy family hotel with a warm, inviting character. The food is good and there are all kinds of lovely pavement cafes and shops just around the corner. The garden backs onto the Wadden Sea, and the woods, dunes and beach are all within walking distance. The rooms. The 22 modern hotel rooms have all the comfort you would expect of a 3-star hotel. We believe very strongly in space and comfort. Most rooms have a balcony or patio. Choose from the following rooms: Veerdam, Vuurboet, Tuinzijde, Dorpszijde or Zeezicht. Hotel facilities • 22 rooms • Reception • ‘De Wadden’ fish restaurant • Guest restaurant • ’t Praethuys pub restaurant • ‘De Zeevaert’ pub • Hotel bar and reading table • Outdoor bar with heated south-facing patio • Heated patio • South-facing garden • Bike hire From € 40 p.p.p.n. including breakfast Half board is available for € 24.50 p.p. Packages (incl. breakfast buffet) 2 nights, 2 x breakfast buffet, 1 x 3-course dinner, tourist information pack, Discover the island incl. walking routes 2 nights, 2 x breakfast buffet, 1 x 3-course dinner, 3 days’ bike hire, Cycling on the mudflats tourist information pack, incl. walking routes 22 ENTRE DEUX MERS R E S T A U R A N T from € 99 p.p. from € 109 p.p. an island for everyone 23 h o t e l / ap artm en ts**** h o te l/ a pa r tm e nts * * * * West Co rd St randho t el Seeduyn Oost-Vlieland w w w. vl i el an d . n et Wes tCord Reside nt ie V lie rij c k Oos t-Vl i eland WestCord Residentie Vlierijck offers luxury apartments on Vlieland. This thatched apartment complex, in the village of Oost Vlieland, is approximately 100 m from where the ferry arrives. The location. It’s only a few minutes’ walk from Residentie Vlierijck to the main street of the idyllic village, and a mere 10 min. bike ride to the North Sea beach, for a breath of fresh air or a tan. Hotel and Apartments. A special feature of our hotel is its apartments. This gives you the freedom and independence of a ‘house’ in combination with the fun, comfort and facilities of a hotel. We have 4 and 6 bed apartments featuring fully fitted kitchens (including dishwasher and microwave). From € 22.50 p.p.p.n. based on 4 people per app. Final cleaning € 45 to be paid on site Hotel facilities • 39 luxury apartments • Restaurant • Hotel bar • Reception and entrance hall • Patio • Garden with patio • Solarium • Turkish steam bath • Finnish and infrared sauna • Whirlpool • Free internet connection in apartment • Covered swimming pool • Gym • Playground • Children’s playroom • Kids&Teens programme: activities during school holidays (2-12 yrs) • Launderette • Bike hire • Luggage transport Packages (incl. breakfast buffet) 2 nights, 1 x 3-course dinner, coffee with a local liqueur, and walking routes Discover the island 2 nights, 1 x 3-course dinner, bike hire and a map Cycling on the mudflats 3 nights, baby pack in the room with starfish, holiday fun book with colouring Away with the kids pencils, a rubber duck and waterproof nappy. 24 WestCord Strandhotel Seeduyn enjoys a location that can rightly be called unique in the Netherlands. Nowhere will you find a hotel so free-standing and close to the sea. No traffic, no busy boulevard, simply the sea air and the rush of the waves. Apartments. A special feature of our hotel is its apartments and family suites, which give you the freedom and independence of a ‘house’ in combination with the fun, comfort and facilities of a hotel. We have 4 and 6 bed apartments with fully fitted kitchen (including dishwasher and microwave). Or 4 bed family suites without cooking facilities but with a balcony or patio. Medium Apartments with cooking facilities From € 22.50 p.p. based on 4 people sharing Final cleaning € 45 to be paid on site Large Apartments with cooking facilities From € 32.50 p.p. based on 4 people sharing Final cleaning € 45 to be paid on site € 129 p.p. € 139 p.p. from € 375 per package Hotel facilities • 93 rooms • 53 apartments + family suites • Conference and party rooms • Reception and entrance hall • à la carte restaurant ‘Entre Deux Mers’ • ‘Brassery’ • ‘De Musketier’ Bar dancing • ‘Juttersbar’ with bowling alley, skittles, and pool tables • ‘Vuurtoren Lounge’ with log fire and reading area • ‘Badhuys’ beach pavilion • Patios • Covered pool with children’s pool and sun patio • Heated indoor pool with children’s pool and sun patio • Sauna and Turkish steam bath • Solarium • Outdoor tennis courts • ‘De Seeruyter’ riding stables • Playground • Kids&Teens programme: activities during school holidays (2-12 yrs) • Launderette • Bike hire • Luggage transport • Business corner Package Away with the kids 3 nights, baby pack in the room with starfish, holiday fun book with colouring pencils, a rubber duck and waterproof nappy. ENTRE DEUX MERS R E S T A U R A N T from € 375 per package an island for everyone 25 hotel*** From € 36.50 p.p.p.n. including breakfast Hotelletje de Veerman is a comfortable, hospitable and very cosy little hotel. It is situated in a quiet part of the village, at the end of the main street. At the foot of the Wadden sea dyke and in the shadow of our pride and joy – the lighthouse. We’re just a 6-min. walk from the spot where the Harlingen-Vlieland ferry moors. Island hopping, combine your Wadden holidays 5 days Vlieland Te r s c h e l l i n g From € 335 p.p. All five Wadden islands are great p l a c e s t o visit. If you can’t decide which yo u w o u l d 5 days pref er, then why not go ‘ Wadden H op p i n g’ Vlieland Te x e l and visit m ore than one? From Fro m Sea Vie w to Sea Vie w Ha r l in ge n -V lie la nd p ac kage d eal € 337 p.p. See page 58 f or m ore inf o. 7 days Te r s c h e l l i n g Ameland Schiermonnikoog From € 488 w w w. vl i el an d . n et Ho t elletje de Ve e rm an Oos t-Vl i eland p.p. 7 days Ameland Schiermonnikoog From € 415 p.p. 7 days Day one of your trip gives you plenty of time to discover all the secrets of the Friesian port of Harlingen. It’s a lively and fun town. The beautifully restored warehouses on the various quays bear witness to the trade with exotic faraway places of the past. More than five hundred monuments and its unique Wadden Sea location give this town its very special character. Next day, you’ll board the ferry to Vlieland and then enjoy the panoramic views over the Wadden area during this ninety minute crossing. You’ll soon be able to spot Vlieland and its lighthouse on the 40 metre high Vuurboetsduin. The virtually carless Vlieland is a true breath of fresh area and open spaces! Walk and cycle to your heart’s content, exploring the island’s picturesque village, enjoying nature, the wide sandy beach and the rush of the North Sea in the background. This package includes 1 night in hotel Zeezicht Harlingen and 2 nights in hotel Zeezicht Vlieland. Including breakfast, bike hire on Vlieland during your stay and a map with walks and cycling routes, and a cup of coffee on the boat. Subject to availability, you will stay in a room with a sea view in both hotels. Ameland Te r s c h e l l i n g From € 408 p.p. 8 days Te r s c h e l l i n g Vlieland Te x e l From € 533 p.p. From € 196 p.p. Supplements: half-board hotel Zeezicht Harlingen € 24.50 p.p., half-board hotel Zeezicht € 24.50 p.p. High season supplements on request. N 25 ow w on % dis ith eac cou n nig h extr t ht! a N 25 ow w on % dis ith eac cou n nig h extr t ht! a forget-the-economy night! A night away? De-stress on Vlieland! Very affordable, including hotel, bike hire and breakfast in bed. Book now. www. nachtj e v l i el an d .n l 26 off-the-grid night! 8 days Te x e l Vlieland Te x e l From € 551 p.p. Want more information or would you like to book? Then surf to A night away? Get away from it all on Vlieland! Very affordable, including hotel, bike hire and Vliehors excursion. Book now. www. n a ch tj ev l i e l a n d. n l an island for everyone 27 HOORN MIDSLAND FORMERUM WESTTERSCHELLING Te r s c h e l l i n g , dynamic island retreat w w w. vvvt ersc h el l i n g . n l OOSTEREND The Brandaris lighthouse welcomes guests to the island from afar. This 400 year old landmark is th e herald of a holiday that’s bound to be a success, as Terschelling buzzes with life. Not only in the many great restaurants, cafes and pubs, but also during all the events held here throughout the year. This is the top island for entertainment. However, those looking for peace and quiet have their own ‘secret’, because 80% of Terschelling is beautiful countryside. De Boschplaat European Nature Reserve is the stunningly beautiful highlight. Terschelling has something for everyone. 28 an island for everyone 29 Terschellin g i s w a i t i n g t o g re e t yo u with 30 km o f s a n d y b e a c h e s , u p t o 500 metres w i d e i n p l a c e s . Wi t h s o much spac e , e ve r yo n e c a n f i n d a favourite s p o t . Settle yourself on one of the fun beaches and enjoy ice creams or even a complete meal at one of the beach pavilions. Al t erna tively, enjoy t h e t r a n q u i l l i t y o f t h e more remo t e b e a c h e s , w h e re yo u can wande r a l o n g t h e w a t e r ’s e d g e fo r hours w i t h o ut m e e t i ng a so ul . Uniquely abundant nature You might not expect it in the Netherlands, but the southern slopes of Terschelling’s dune hollows have a proper desert climate. Not many plants can grow here, and that’s what makes the area so unique, so typical of the scenic diversity on Terschelling. You’ll find beaches, woodland, dunes, heathland, polders, mudflats and tidal marshes, seawater and freshwater. The island has the Netherlands’ greatest variety of birds and butterflies, let alone the nine species of orchid which grow here. Add all that to the wide open spaces and it’ll be love at first sight. Hiking boots with you? Kite flying, surfing, kite surfing, beach sailing, a family trip in a horse drawn waggon; all on Te r s c h e l l i n g b e a c h . Bu t d o n’ t f o rg e t y o u r h i k i n g b o o t s , b e c a u s e t h e i s l a n d h a s 2 5 0 k i l o m e t re s o f wonderful paths and tracks. I f y o u’re a i m i n g t o c ov e r g re a t e r distances, take a bike, and you w o n’ t m i s s a t h i n g . We re c o m m e n d t h e c yc l e p a t h o u t s i d e t h e d i k e , t a k i n g y o u a l o n g t h e e n t i re c o a s t f ro m e a s t t o w e s t . Vibrant atmosphere Terschelling is the place to be for the nightlife. The larger villages of West-Terschelling and Midsland in particular, come alive with brasseries, chic French restaurants, cafes, pubs and discotheques in the summer months. In the daytime, you’ll have plenty to see in the friendly streets with their many shops. The island’s businesses look forward to warmly inviting you to try all their specialties, which include cranberry compote and patisserie, sea-lavender honey, pondkoek (local spiced cake), fresh bass with samphire. Events Fjoertoer 9 April 2011 The Fjoertoer Ramble & Nordic Walk takes participants through polders and woodland, over beaches and dunes, and also via night-time beacons to the Brandaris Lighthouse. Oerol 17-26 June 2011 The island a s a s t a g e . Du r i n g t h e int ernat io na l l y re now ne d Oe ro l , Te rschelling i s o n e b i g c u l t u r a l f e s t i va l o f t heatre, m usi c a nd a rt . R o c k ‘n’ R o l l Fe s t i v a l 2 - 4 September 2011 The name s a y s i t a l l . T h e m u s i c a l event fo r q ui ff s a nd p e t t i c o a t s. 30 Discover and book The accommodation shown on the following pages is only a selection of what’s available on Terschelling. For the complete range, and for all booki ngs and i nfor m ati on, contact: V V V Ter s ch el l i ng www.vvvter s ch el l i Tel . +3 1 ( 0 )5 6 2 4 4 3 0 0 0 Prices in this guide are per person per ni gh t or per h otel room / apartment. Each accommodation is referenced to the VVV package with which it is associated. Subject to availability, nearly all the island’s hotels and guesthouses can be booked for the Briny Sea package and the Winter Discount package, with the latter of the two also allowing the booking of holiday h om es and bungal ows . All accommodation in this guide can be booked at your travel agency or directly from VVV Terschelling. Not included: f e r r y c ro s s i n g f o r f o o t p a s s e n g e r s o r c a r s , t o u r i s t t a xe s , b o o k i n g f e e s , o r a n y b re a k f a s t a n d / o r l i n e n h i re or compulsory final cleaning (apartments). Booking fee w w w. vvvt ersc h el l i n g . n l Great bathing beaches and breathtaking silence Each booki ng i ncu rs a € 10 booking fee. Discounts When booking a package trip through VVV Terschelling, you’ll re c e i ve € 2.50 discount on the booki ng fee and the ferry. Ferry route Te r s c h e l l i n g B e r e n l o o p Marathon 6 November 2011 This marathon is a favourite among runners and supporters alike, thanks to the great route and the unique island atmosphere. Te r s c h e l l i n g e r F i l m f e s t i v a l 11-13 November 2011 C l a s s i c s a n d b ox o ff i c e h i t s , w i n t e r we a t h e r a n d h o t c o c o a , Te r s c h e l l i n g is all about winter fun and films. w w w. t e r s c h e l l i n g e r f i l m d a g e n . n l Follek! Enough of culinary weekends, we do things differently on Terschelling... Warmth, wholesome food and heartwarming stories, those are the ingredients of FOLLEK! Fo r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , s urf to B o o k yo u r t i c k e t s t o a n d f ro m Te r s c h e l l i n g ve r y s i m p l y v i a w w w. re d e r i j - d o e k s e n . n l , by p h o n e 0 9 0 0 3 6 3 5 7 3 6 ( € 0 . 7 0 p e r c a l l , N L o n l y ) o r a t o u r t i c k e t o ff i c e . B o o k i n g i n a d va n c e m e a n s yo u d o n o t n e e d t o q u e u e a t t h e t i c k e t o ff i c e a n d a re g u a r a n t e e d a p l a c e o n b o a rd . C h o o s e b e t we e n a l a rg e f e r r y w i t h c a t e r i n g f a c i l i t i e s o r a c o m f o r t a b l e e x p re s s s e r v i c e . We l c o m e o n b o a rd ! Fo r t h e l a t e s t s a i l i n g s c h e d u l e s , g re a t o ff e r s , o u r l u g g a g e g u i d e l i n e a n d m o re , c h e c k o u t : w w w. re d e r i j - d o e k s e n . n l . HOORN OOSTEREND MIDSLAND WESTTERSCHELLING Tr a i n a n d b u s There are regular trains from Leeuwarden to Harlingen Port. It is only a five minute walk from Harlingen Port station to the ferry terminal. From Alkmaar (via the Afsluitdijk), you can take the bus to Harlingen. Local bus services with Harlingen as their destination, stop directly outside the ferry terminal. For information on the connection of our ferries with public transport, please call OV travel information on 0900 9292 (€ 0.70 per minute, NL only) or check out HARLINGEN an island for everyone 31 m su Hot el Europa West Terschelling Hotel Europa is in the friendly harbour town of West Terschelling, on the edge of the woods and dunes and very close to the Wadden Sea. Cycle & Relax package deal Briny Sea package Complete 3 day package € 156 p.p. • 2, 3 or 4 nights in a hotel or guesthouse of your choice, based on bed and breakfast • a 7-speed bike for your entire stay • VVV cycling and walking map for Terschelling* • lunch in your choice of beach pavilion • summer surprise • attractive discount on your ferry le fo r a Al so bo ok ab y st ay ! da 8 or 6, 7 • 2 luxury nights in a 4-star Hotel or Resort of your choice including breakfast. See the participating hotels on our website or call +31 (0)562 443 000. • 2nd evening - relaxing 3-course meal • a 7-speed bike for your entire stay • 72 page ‘Sporen in het zand’ Terschelling cycle route book* • VVV map of Terschelling* • ‘De Sjouw’ tourist information brochure* • attractive discount on your ferry le Al so bo ok ab fo r 4 da ys ! This package is valid in the months of April, May, June and September and is subject to availability. This package is not valid during the Oerol festival. * The extras in this package apply per booking. The hotel is centrally located and therefore the ideal basis for all your trips, walks and cycling outings around the island. It has 79 hotel rooms and en suite apartments with telephone and TV. The personal service, great atmosphere and cosy accommodation are our most important features. Let us surprise you with our very keen rates! Complete 3, 4 or 5 day package € 94 p.p. The min./max. rates are € 40/45 p.p.p.n. h o te l * * * Bo rnh o l m West Terschelling Hotel Bornholm is situated in the tourist heart in the middle of our beautiful Wadden island. This package is valid from 1 April to 31 October and is subject to availability. This package is not valid during the Oerol festival. The package offers a very wide choice of hotels and guesthouses. The stated price is based on 2 nights for 2 people in a 2-star hotel including breakfast. A half-board package is also an option. Other options and conditions can be found on our website. For all other offers, go to * The extras in this package apply per booking. w au in tu te m r n P a c k a g e d e a l s t o Te r s c h e l l i n g i n all four seasons w w w. vvvt ersc h el l i n g . n l er m ng ri sp h o te l * * * Our hospitable hotel with conservatory restaurant has 64 modern and comfortably furnished hotel rooms, suites and apartments, with all possible conveniences and facilities. The hotel is characterised by its lovely location, good accommodation, extensive fitness and wellness facilities, and also its informal hospitality, personal service and good kitchen. The min./max. rates are € 40/75 p.p.p.n. a pa r tm e nts * * * * La nd a l Ré si d e nc e Te r sc h e l l i ng Midsland Landal Résidence Terschelling – situated in Midsland – is the ideal base from which to discover Terschelling and all its delights. Autumn package Winter Discount package 3 day "fresh air" package from € 121 p.p. (winter 2011-2012) • at least 2 nights bed and breakfast in Buren hotel or De Walvisvaarder hotel • VVV cycling and walking map* • beautifully illustrated cranberry book* • a 7-speed bike for your entire stay • attractive discount on your ferry • entrance to the presentation/tasting or 10% discount on cranberry products at the Cranberry specialists in Formerum This package is valid during September and October and is subject to availability. * The extras in this package apply per booking. 32 No less than 4 or 5 days on unspoilt Terschelling: hotel/guesthouse from € 112.50 p.p. or a holiday home from € 89 p.p. • • • • • • 3 or 4 nights in the accommodation of your choice breakfast (hotel/guesthouse) or bed linen (apartment/holiday home) VVV map of Terschelling* discount voucher for bike hire or taxis De Sjouw VVV information newspaper* take your car - was € 135, now € 85** Only this package qualifies for an extra special-deal price which provides you with further discount for cars in addition to the reduced rate. Keep an eye on our website from 1 October 2011. This package is valid from November 2011 until the end of March 2012; bookings from 1 October 2011. The Weekend Discount package runs from Thursday to Sunday, or Friday to Monday. The Midweek Discount package runs from Sunday to Thursday, or Monday to Friday. A half-board package in a hotel or guesthouse is also an option. * The extras in this package apply per booking. ** this price is conditional on changes to 2011-2012 prices. This exceptional complex, with its 54 luxury and contemporary apartments, combines peace and quiet with space. The park has an indoor swimming pool with children’s pool, bubble bath and solarium. Enjoy the free use of the fitness gym and the wellness facilities, which include a sauna and Turkish steam bath. There’s a play corner and playground for the youngest guests. The apartments have a diner/lounge area, a flat-screen TV, a radio/CD player and a DVD -player. Modern open kitchen with ceramic hob, combination microwave and dishwasher. Luxury bathroom with bath, shower cubicle and basin. Separate toilet. Washer/drier unit. Furnished patio or balcony. Apartments with their own sauna or sunbed or a combination of both, are available. Midweek Type Min. price Max. price 250 775 4B 300 895 4-6DL 275 810 6D2 Week Type 4B 4-6DL 6D2 Weekend Type Min. price Max. price 305 725 4B 355 830 4-6DL 335 755 6D2 Min. price Max. price 450 545 495 1.095 1.260 1.145 The prices shown are in euros and are based on the rental price excluding additional costs. an island for everyone 33 Wes tCord Hotel S c h y lge Wes t Terschelling West Co rd Resi dent i e Bo schri jck West Terschelling WestCord Hotel Schylge lies at the lively marina of West Terschelling village and enjoys magnificent views out across the Wadden Sea. Prices are per person per night, including breakfast buffet Hotel room from € 45 Family suites from € 48.75 (based on 4 people sharing) WestCord Residentie Boschrijck lies secluded in the woods of West Terschelling. Spacious and quietly situated yet very close to the village. The hotel is dominated by the constantly changing vista of water ebbing and flooding over the mud-flats. The hotel offers luxury and comfort. The "Op West" Restaurant – managed by celebrity chef Ton van Scheppingen – is one of the best on the island. It’s only a short walk around the harbour to the friendly village of West Terschelling. Cycle paths and footpaths to the beach, the woods and the mud-flats begin at the front and rear of the hotel. Hotel facilities: • 88 rooms • 10 family suites • Conference and party rooms • Reception with cosy lobby • A la carte restaurant ‘Op West’ (managed by chef Ton van Scheppingen) • Guest restaurant with conservatory and view of the Wadden sea • Outdoor patio and roof terrace • ‘Barentszbar’ • Bar with bowling alley and pool table • Heated indoor pool with children’s pool and sun patio • Sauna and Turkish steam bath • Solarium • Beauty salon • Launderette • Car park • Luggage transport • Bike hire The hotel has 62 exceptionally spacious rooms and apartments. The interior is of a luxury design and exudes a maritime character. The bedrooms are separate and there’s a large bathroom and separate toilet. The lounge is comfortable, there is a fully fitted open kitchen and a balcony or patio. A special feature of our hotel is its apartments. This gives you the freedom and independence of a ‘house’ in combination with the fun, comfort and facilities of a hotel. We have 2, 4 and 6 bed apartments with a fully fitted kitchen with dishwasher and combi microwave, and a balcony or patio. The 88 modern hotel rooms have all the comfort you would expect of a 4-star hotel. We believe very strongly in space and comfort. The rooms, which were renovated in 2007 and 2008, all possess a balcony or patio. Choose from Superior Landward, Superior Seaward, Tower Rooms or the splendid Bridal Suite. One special feature of our hotels is that they possess family suites. This gives you the freedom and independence of a ‘house’ in combination with the fun, comfort and facilities of a hotel. We have 4-bed family suites with a lounge and kitchenette (with no cooking facilities), 2 separate bedrooms and a balcony or patio. 34 a pa r tm e nt h o te l* * * * w w w. vvvt ersc h el l i n g . n l re s o r t h o te l **** The hotel exudes a relaxed island air and offers many accommodation options. A short bike ride through the woods brings you to the beach. You will find a tropical swimming paradise beside the hotel, and tennis courts close by. Boschrijck – a comfortable spot surrounded by island nature. During the holidays there are fun and exciting activities for kids & teens. Price per apartment excluding breakfast and any surcharges. Apartments from € 20 (based on 4 people sharing) Hotel facilities • 62 apartments • Reception and entrance hall • Conference and party rooms • Restaurant with hotel bar • Patio • Ricochet® courts • Solarium • Sauna and Turkish steam bath • Whirlpool • Playground • Gym • Adjacent sub-tropical pool complex ‘de Dôbe’ • Children’s playroom • Kids&Teens programme activities during school holidays (2-12 yrs) • Launderette • Bike hire • Luggage transport BOSCHRIJCK R E S T A U R A N T an island for everyone 35 HOLLUM w w w. vvvam el an d . c o m BALLUM NES BUREN Ameland, monumental pleasure Words can never do justice to Ameland. One simply cannot describe the atmosph ere and the natural beauty. Not only that, but the island’s history stretches back hundreds of years, covering the infamous era of the whaling industry, for example. It is precisely that history which gives Ameland its character. Numerous monumental buildings determine the look of the villages. And nature lovers just won’t be able to get enough of the beautiful dune areas of Het Oerd and De Hon. Only a 45 minute ferry trip separates you from Ameland, ‘to get away from it all’. 36 an island for everyone 37 On Ameland you’ll find the space and freedom for a wonderfully relaxed holiday. The 29 kilometres of beach are ideal for more than just a brisk walk. Would you like more? Take to the hills. From the 24-metre high Oerdblinkert, the island’s highest dune, the vie ws are unforgettable. The salty sea air will give you an appetite. Luckily, Ameland’s beach has the answer. The four fun beach pavilions look forward to welcoming you all year round. On e m i n u t e yo u’re w a l k i n g ove r t h e mudflats, along the salt marshes a n d t h ro u g h t h e d u n e s , t h e n e x t yo u h a ve v i e ws o f wo o d l a n d , h e a thl a n d a n d m e a d ow s . A m e l a n d’s d u n e s h a ve s t o r i e s o f t h e i r ow n t o t e l l . So m e a re a g e - o l d , l i k e He t Oe rd , a f a n t a s t i c d u n e a re a w i t h h i g h d u n e s a n d we t va l l e y s , w h i l e o t h e r s s t i l l c h a n g e d a i l y, l i k e De Ho n , a va s t s a n d d r i f t w i t h yo u n g d u n e s a n d a l a rg e s a lt m a r s h . the far east coast of Ameland, 9 0 k i l o m e t re s o f w o n d e r f u l c yc l e p a t h s a w a i t yo u . T h e e x t e n s i ve n e t w o rk o f f o o t p a t h s i s a n o t h e r ideal way of exploring the island. Or h ow a b o u t o n h o r s e b a c k ? Na t u re’s f i n e s t va n t a g e p o i n t . Island for connoisseurs A visit to Ameland would not be complete without a visit to the l i g h t h o u s e . So g e t o n yo u r b i k e a n d s t a r t p e d d l i n g . T h e 5 9 - m e t re l i g h t h o u s e a t Ho l l u m i s o n e o f t h e b r i g h t e s t i n t h e w o r l d . Be t we e n t h i s s p o t o n t h e we s t c o a s t a n d Wa n d e r i n g a ro u n d t h e a u t h e n t i c c o b b l e d s t re e t s o f Ho l l u m , Ba l l u m , Ne s a n d Bu re n , yo u’l l f i n d m o n u m e n t a l C o m m o d o re s’ h o u s e s t h a t re m i n d u s o f t h e w h a l i n g i n d u s t r y. T h i s h i s t o r i c a l a t m o s p h e re m a k e s any stay a feast. Literally and figur a t i ve l y. A m e l a n d o ff e r s w o n d e r f u l f o o d , a f t e r a l l . T h e m a n y re s t a u r a n t s a n d b r a s s e r i e s a re w a i t i n g t o t re a t yo u t o f re s h l y c a u g h t f i s h a n d island specialties. Mountain bike event 5 and 6 March 2011 Beach Rugby Festival 17, 18 and 19 June 2011 Ameland Month of Art November 2011 Serious time trials will be held on 5 March for both competitive and recreational cyclists, followed by a 60 km marathon and 30 km recreational tour on Sunday 6 March. The routes take you all around the island; through polders, salt marshes, woods, dunes and of course the beach. More than 100 teams from all over Europe take part in the Beach Rugby Festival Ameland. There will be matches in various classes; ladies, gents, recreational and veterans. During the month of November, more than 70 artists from the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Sweden will exhibit their work on Ameland. Various disciplines will be represented. Visitors can enjoy paintings, sculptures, je wellery, photography, graphic art, outdoor art, etc. On your bike Enjoy the rugged and varied countryside. The deer k n ow w h a t’s g o o d f o r them. No w o n d e r t h e s e a n i m a l s a re found on A m e l a n d ye t n o t o n t h e o t her Wadd e n i sl a nd s. Th e c o unt ry side is uns p o i l t , r u g g e d a n d va r i e d . Discover and book A full description, more photos and exact prices of the accommodation shown on the following pages can be found very simply on our internet site if you enter the name of the hotel, bungalow or apartment in question on the home page, under “go directly to”. The complete list of available accommodation options bookable via VVV Ameland can also be found on our website. The home page features a “quick search”. Simply fill in the required arrival date, length of stay, the number of persons and type of accommodation, and receive a list of the available accommodation bookable via VVV Ameland. For any questions, contact: VVV Ameland Tel. +31 (0)519 546 546 [email protected] Booking on-line Booking fee All accommodation on Each booking on Ameland is charged which is shown as “direct bookable”, can be directly booked, 24 hours per day. Your booking is finalised in only a fe w steps, and you can print your own confi r m ati on. €15 booking costs w w w. vvvam el an d . c o m Endless sunbathing and fresh walks Events Nordic Walk 2 April 2011 A recreational trip which takes you past a rich variety of landscapes. What a sporty way to get to know the mudflats, dunes, woodland, beach and polders. 38 Tr i - A m b l a 17 September 2011 On 17 September, Ameland once again forms the backdrop for the "Tri-Ambla" cross triathlon, for the 10th time. A battle against the elements with swimming in the Wadden Sea, mountain biking and running through woods and dunes, and over the merciless beach. A sporty challenge for all ages and all levels. Ferry route BALLUM NES BUREN The adventure run is, as the name suggests, an adventurous running event with a fantastic and challenging course between the mud-flats and the North Sea. There is a choice of distances, at 21.1 km, 10 km or 5 km. A Kids Run will also be organised. Tickets for the ferry from Holwerd to Ameland and back can be bought at the Wagenborg Passenger Service ticket office in Holwerd. The trip takes around 45 minutes. The ferries have plenty of capacity for foot passengers, so there’s no need to book. Motorized vehicles and bicycles may be taken on the boat. However, we recommend booking well in advance for cars and caravans Info Wagenborg Passenger Services (departures, latest information, bookings): • • reservation line tel.+31 (0)519 546 111 • information line tel. 0900 455 4455 (€ 0.35 per minute, NL only) For more information, surf to Tr a i n a n d b u s The closest train station is in Leeuwarden. Bus line 66 brings you from Leeuwarden to the pier in Holwerd. For information on the connection of our ferries with public transport, please call OV travel information on 0900 9292 (€ 0.70 per minute, NL only) or check out Adventure Run 17 December 2011 HOLLUM HOLWERD an island for everyone 39 Hotel-Café-Restaurant De Klok is a cosy family hotel located on Ameland, close to the North Sea beach, nature reserve het Oerd and the village Nes. Buren Ameland The hotel boasts a sumptuously presented restaurant, inviting bar, terrace for sunbathing, sauna, solarium and elevator. The hotel rooms are comfortably decorated and modern. The rooms have a shower/bath, toilet, colour television and internet. Some rooms on the ground floor are available for pets. The hotel is opened all year round. De Klok Prices per person per night. rooms with shower/toilet 1/1 - 8/4 and 21/8 - 22/12 rooms with bath/toilet 1/1 - 8/4 and 21/8 - 22/12 rooms with shower/toilet 9/4 - 20/8 and 23/12 - 31/12 rooms with bath/toilet 9/4 - 20/8 and 23/12 - 31/12 B&B HB 41,95 44,95 43,95 46,95 57,95 60,95 59,95 62,95 Supplement for single use of double room 15,- per night. Tourist Tax 1,- per person per night. During a 1 night stay 5,- per person. Children’s discount when sharing parent’s room: 2 till 8 years 50%; 8 till 12 years 25%. Pets (upon consultation) 7,- per night. Ac c o mmo datio n s Am elan d h o te l * * * Our friendly and stylish family hotel is located between the village of Nes and the North Sea beach. Nes Ameland All rooms have a balcony or patio, colour TV, a mini-bar, electric kettle and a safe. The hotel offers standard rooms with shower/toilet, luxurious rooms with sun shower/toilet and a number of family rooms. Own parking area, patio, tanning bed and infra red sauna available. Pets are not allowed. The hotel is opened from 1 March to 1 November. Nes Holiday pleasure depends on securing the proper holiday address. Ameland offers numerous kinds of accommodation ranging from apartments to 4-star hotels. From bungalows to cosy w w w. vvvam el an d . c o m h o te l* * * little houses in the village centre. Suitable lodging available for every budget and season. Ameland, “Our lovely getaway”, invites you to an active and healthy vacation! Prices per person per night. Standard room ± 17m2 with shower/toilet Luxurious room ± 24 m2 with shower/toilet B&B 39,50 47,50 Supplement for single use of double room 11,50 per night. Children’s discount when sharing parent’s room: 0 till 8 years 50% and 9 till 11 years 30%. b e a c h ho tel*** Buren aan Zee Buren Ameland Beach hotel Strandhotel Buren aan Zee is situated at a unique location, less than a hundred metres from the North Sea beach. From all sides of the hotel you will have a wonderful view of the sea and the dune area. You can even see the Wadden Sea area in the distance. All rooms, the Standard, Studio and Suite are comfortably decorated in an atmosphere that suits Ameland. In the wellness facilities (sauna, steam cabin and solarium) you will find rest and relaxation after exploring the island for a day. Upon appointment, beauty salon Ambla Secrets, established within the hotel, provides you with a beauty treatment according to your wishes. Upon request, the treatment can be supplemented with a massage. Fitnesscentrum Pulse and the indoor swimming pool De Golfslag are available for the active part. Both are situated in holiday resort Vakantiepark Klein Vaarwater, at a distance of about 700 metres. Once a day, hotel guests have free access to the swimming pool. Strandhotel Buren aan Zee is equipped with an elevator and it offers a quite spacious parking (free of charge). You may choose from three types of rooms: Type Standard, space 26 m2, equipped with bathroom, massaging shower, tv, home cinema set and the option of wireless internet. Type Studio, space 41 m2, equipped with bathroom, massaging shower, sitting area, tv, home cinema set and the option of wireless internet. Type Suite, space 43 m2, equipped with bathroom, massaging shower, kitchenette, sitting area, tv, home cinema set and the option of wireless internet. Strandhotel Buren aan Zee is opened all year round. Prices per person per night based on Bed & Breakfast. Room type Period Period Period Period Period 1/1-7/1 7/1-15/4 15/4-28/10 28/10-23/12 23/12-6/1/2012 Standard Studio Suite 54,52,58,52,54,- 69,63,68,64,69,- 73,67,74,69,73,- Supplement for single use of double room 19,- per night. Pets are only permitted under certain conditions for 10,- per night. 40 h o te l * * * Ze e w inde Nes Ameland Centrally located on the island, in the heart of the largest village of Ameland, the picturesque town of Nes, you will find Hotel Zeewinde situated at a quiet location. This is a modern, contemporary Hotel with 34 comfortable rooms equipped with luxurious bathrooms and a kitchen-nook including coffee-maker, refrigerator and microwave. The rooms on the floors above the ground floor come with a French balcony. The ground floor rooms each have their own patio. The hotel rooms are equipped with a bath and/or shower and toilet. In the lavishly decorated lounge you may enjoy an extensive breakfast buffet, relax, read the newspaper or enjoy a lovely glass of wine around the fireplace. A few minutes’ walk from the hotel you will find a unique forest- and dune area. You can reach the lovely Ameland beach with a 10 minute bicycle ride. In the hotel’s immediate surroundings you will find numerous facilities to make your stay enjoyable: Indoor and outdoor swimming pool, sauna, tennis courts, golf range, sightseeing flights, shops, restaurants, rides, etc. Pets are not allowed. The hotel is opened all year round. Prices per person per night. 2 person room (Twin Side Terrace) 2 person room (Twin Side Garden) 3 person room 4 person room (Queen) 4 person room (Family) B&B from from from from from 35,39,38,20 34,36,50 till till till till till 54,56,50 46,50 40,25 42,75 Supplement for single use of double room 29,50 per night. Tourist Tax. Children’s discount when sharing parent’s room: 0 till 3 years free of charge and 3 till 12 years: 50%. an island for everyone 41 h o te l * * **/ap artmen ts w w w. vvvam el an d . c o m We stCord Hotel Noordsee Nes Ameland WestCord Hotel Noordsee on Ameland is a lavishly decorated Wadden Island hotel, located on Strandweg, North of the village of Nes. The North Sea beach is located at a distance of approximately half a mile away from the hotel. Rooms. Our 80 modern hotel rooms come with all modern comforts expected of a four star hotel room. We like to provide you with space and comfort. Every room has a balcony or a terrace. You may choose from Superior West, Superior East or for the Suite. Location. In the hotel’s immediate neighbourhood you will find a nature museum and nature park “de Vleijen”. In front of the hotel you will find bike and hike trails into the varied landscape of Ameland. The village Nes, near the hotel, is the largest and cosiest village of Ameland with attractive shops and enjoyable pubs. Apartments. It is quite special that our hotel has 30 apartments available. They provide you with the freedom of a separate ‘home’ in combination with the cosy atmosphere, comfort and facilities provided by the hotel. We have 4-person apartments with a kitchen, including microwave oven, a cooking facility, a balcony or a terrace. Hotel room rate based on bed and breakfast, from 40,- per person per night. Apartment rates based on 4 persons, from 15,- per person per night. Luxurious comfort in the middle of the countryside Facilities - Meeting and party rooms - Reception area - Lounge with open hearth - Grand Café with hotelbar - Restaurant ‘Noordsee’ - Terrace - Indoor swimming pool - Sauna and Turkish steam bath - Solarium - Garden - Children’s play arrea - Launderette - Bicycle rental - Luggage transport - Business corner - Kids & Teens programme: activities during schoolvacation (2-12 years). NOORDSEE R E S T A U R A N T 42 an island for everyone 43 De Jong Nes Ameland Hotel-Restaurant De Jong is a modern and pleasantly furnished family hotel in the centre of Nes and also has an excellent restaurant offering no end of speciality dishes. a pa r tm e nts * * * Am e l a nd e r Pa r a d i j s Buren Ameland B&B 42,47,- A 8/7-26/8 B 29/4-6/5, 1/7-8/7, 26/8-2/9 C 15/4-29/4, 6/5-13/5, 27/5-3/6, 10/6-17/6 C 14/10-4/11, 23/12-10/1/2012 D 13/5-27/5, 3/6-10/6, 17/6-1/7, 2/9-14/10 E 18/2-15/4, 17/12-23/12 HB Ameland Nes Ameland Hotel Ameland is located in an area full of woods and dunes in the centre of Ameland. The rooms are spacious and are fitted with a bath and/or shower, toilet, telephone and colour TV, 12 rooms come with a balcony and one room is designed to be wheelchair accessible. Our lounge is very comfortable. We also offer you the option of exploring Ameland by bike or on horseback. Pets are not allowed. The hotel is opened from 15 February to 1 December. Prices per person per night. Rooms with shower/toilet Rooms with bath/toilet Rooms with shower/toilet/balcony apartments**** Nes Ameland Tastefully decorated houses with all mod cons for 4 to 6 persons. Beautifully situated on the outskirts of the village of Buren. View of the dunes and the forest. Pets allowed upon consultation. B&B Week rate per apartment 4 persons from 490,- till 700,6 persons from 560,- till 840,- Bed linens, solarium, wireless internet, washing machine, dryer, dish washer, furniture for children and parking available. Hotel Hofker is a very comfortable family hotel, equipped with an indoor swimming pool, sauna, solarium and a tennis court. a pa r tm e nts h o te l * * * * Nes Ameland The rooms, hotel apartments and bridal suites come provided with all mod cons and a balcony with a view of the garden or the Wadden Sea. Pets are not allowed. The hotel is opened all year round. Buren Ameland Prices per person per night. Rooms with shower/toilet/garden view Rooms with bath/toilet/garden view Rooms with bath/toilet/bridal room Studio with garden view Studio with Wad.Seaview B B&B -,-,-,36,25 39,75 45,75 48,75 58,75 -,-,- De Vleijenhof Nes Ameland Enjoy the privacy of spacious and luxury apartments/ suites and make use of the full hotel services. The rental prices given below include breakfast in our stylish restaurant (with the exception of Monday and Friday). Aparthotel Kooiker is on the corner of the Strandweg/Paasduinweg in Buren, only 15 minutes from the beach and 2 minutes from the centre. There are 8 apartments/suites and 2 penthouses/suites (all for 2-4 pers.). Apartments/suites: spacious living room and bedrooms, luxury bathroom (bubble bath, shower, washbasin), dishwasher, combi-microwave, radio/CD player, CTV, video, cot, highchair, patio. Penthouses/suites: as above; own sauna, 2nd bathroom. Pets are not allowed. Facilities - Sauna - Solarium - Launderette (use free of charge) - Packets of linen and towels available on loan at the reception The Vleijenhof apartments are located in a quiet, wooded area of the Vleijen, just behind the old dunes and just 500 metres from the beach. The Vleijenhof is in a class of its own; offering modern comfort in quiet surroundings. All 4/6 person apartments are individually furnished. Periode Type A Type C, first floor Type D 2 bedrooms 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms Week MW/WE Week MW/WE Week MW/WE 8/7-26/8 29/4-6/5, 1/7-8/7, 26/8-2/9 15/4-29/4, 6/5-13/5, 27/5-3/6, 10/6-17/6, 14/10-4/11, 23/12-6/1/12 18/2-25/2, 13/5-27/5, 3/6-10/6 17/6-1/7, 2/9-14/10 3/1-18/2, 25/2-15/4, 4/11-23/12 650,530,425,425,360,360,295,- -,285,260,260,230,230,195,- 675,555,455,455,395,395,320,- -,310,285,285,260,260,210,- 840,710,580,580,460,460,370,- -,410,375,375,325,325,275,- Prices include sheets, energy costs, tourism tax, a welcome package and the use of baby bed and high chair. Dog (upon consultation) 3,50 per day, 18,- per week. Final cleaning Type A 30,-, C 35.-, D 40,- (mandatory). Day of Change Friday. 44 Weekly rate from 329,- till 679,Pet 3,- a day. Final cleaning 35,- (mandatory). Spacious corner apartment! Suitable for 5 persons. Top floor. This attractive and comfortable apartment is located near the complex Hotel Noordsee and it is child-friendly. Washing machine, dryer and children’s furniture present. Pets allowed upon consultation. Extra Swimming in Hotel Noordsee 3,- per person. Appart-hotel Kooiker Supplement 3,50 per person per night during a 1 or 2 night stay. 5% reduction on the nightly price when staying a week or longer. Final cleaning of studios from 20,-. Prices are including Tourist Tax. a p a r tm en ts***/**** 350,285,240,240,230,195,- Bla n k e n s te i n Buren Ameland hotel*** Hof k e r 440,360,300,300,280,240,- Weekend (fr.-mo.) apartment**** Duinweelde 42,50 42,50 47,50 Supplement for single use of double room 20,- per night. Tourist Tax 1,- per person per night. Children’s discount when sharing parent’s room: 0 till 2 years free of charge, 2 till 9 years 50%. 700,560,455,455,420,345,- Midweek (mo.-fr.) Discounts 65+ and families with 1 child under 5 years of age: 10 % discount, for a one-week stay, in period E. Discount of 5,- per apartment per night, with a view of the inner court (in conjunction with week/midweek stay). For rent Bed linen 7,90 per person, hand towel sets 3,90 per person, kitchen towels 3,90 per set, cot 7,50, high chair 5,-. Final cleaning 46,- (mandatory). Pets only upon request. Days of Change Monday and Friday, other days upon request. 64,50 69,50 Supplement for single use of double room 17,- per night. Children’s discount when sharing parent’s room: in consultation. hotel*** Week (7 nights) Period The hotel proudly presents rooms with a shower, toilet and TV as well as rooms with an additional bath. A covered and heated winter garden is available. Pets are not allowed. The hotel is opened all year round. Prices per person per night. Rooms with shower/toilet Rooms with bath/shower/toilet You will stay in a comfortable, clean three-room apartment, suitable for 4-5 persons. The apartment is equipped with an open kitchen. Via the hallway you reach both comfortable bedrooms, the bathroom with a large shower and the separate toilet. Each apartment has its own balcony. Free wireless internet. w w w. vvvam el an d . c o m hotel*** Prices per apartment. 08/07-19/08 17/06-24/06, 19/08-02/09 29/04-06/05, 24/06-08/07, 16/12-06/01 15/04-29/04, 20/05-17/06, 02/09-16/09, 07/10-28/10 18/02-28/02, 25/03-15/04, 06/05-20/05, 16/09-07/10 03/01-18/02, 28/02-25/03, 28/10-16/12 Apartment 1 bedroom Week MW WE Sh. WE Apartment 2 bedrooms Week MW WE Sh. WE Penthouse 2 bedrooms Week MW WE Sh. WE 635,-,-,475,- 259,- 264,411,- 218,- 236,375,- 213,- 226,347,- 195,- 216,272,- 153,- 167,- 668,-,-,495,- 269,- 274,441,- 228,- 239,395,- 218,- 236,367,- 199,- 226,272,- 153,- 167,- 698,559,486,466,411,345,- -,-,-,-,164,134,- -,-,-,-,169,134,- -,282,265,254,228,176,- -,298,279,266,239,208,- -,-,-,-,188,158,- All prices include breakfast (except Monday and Friday), sauna, solarium, landerette, tourist tax and electricity costs. Final cleaning apartment 34,- (compulsory), penthouse 46,- (compulsory). Optional bed linen 5,70 per set. Week = Friday-Friday. Midweek = Monday-Friday. Weekend = Friday-Monday. Short weekend = Friday-Sunday. an island for everyone 45 a p a r t m en ts a pa r tm e nts * * * * Nes Ameland Nes Ameland De Be rkenhof w w w. vvvam el an d . c o m La nd a l A m e l a nd St a t e Example interior On one of the most beautiful locations of Ameland you will find the comfortable apartment complex Landal Ameland State, separated from the sea by a line of dunes. This building complex with the comfortable Grand Café Restaurant “Paal 13”, is located on Strandweg, not far from the village of Nes. It is the most suitable spot for an ideal vacation in a fantastic environment with sun and beach within easy reach from the apartment door (approx. 100 m2). Berk, 4 pers. bungalow in Nes Week rate of 480,- to 800,- Sonja, 2 pers. residence in Buren Week rate of 270,- to 420,- Veldhoeve, 2 pers. apartment in Buren Week rate from 300,- to 460,- Please allow us to introduce ourselves? The Berkenhof is a child-friendly complex of 18 apartments, located between the beach and the village of Nes. Within a radius of 200 metres, you’ll find woods, dunes, De Vleyen water playground, sub-tropical swimming complex and nature museum. Our 4 and 6 bedded apartments have a patio and garden facing south and are next to the playing field, so that you can relax in the sun while your children play. The 2 bedded apartments have a patio or balcony, while the 2 bedded apartments on the first floor can use our garden patios. The 3 person apartments with 2 bedrooms are located on the ground floor and are not adjacent to the playing field. If the weather is a bit disappointing we have a recreation room with a pool table and a table soccer game. In addition we have a launderette, telephone booth, mini-petting farm, large playing field, our own parking area and a covered bicycle shed. Our apartments come provided with a full kitchen, central heating, colour television, WiFi network, dining area, sitting area and separate bedrooms (except the studios). Bedlinnen is available free of charge. Little guests can make use of children’s furniture free of charge. Week Weekend/midweek Prices per apartment. Studio 2 pers. 3 pers. 4 pers. 6 pers. Studio 2 pers. Period 1: 08/07-26/08 390,420,600,660,760,-,-,Period 2: 29/04-09/05, 01/07-08/07, 26/08-02/09, 23/12-06/01/2012 290,330,480,520,600,160,180,Period 3: 15/04-29/04*, 09/05-01/07*, 02/09-04/11 260,300,390,430,500,150,160,Period 4: 03/01-15/04, 04/11-23/12 210,240,320,350,420,120,150,*with the exception of Easter, Ascension and Whitsun weekends = period 2. Final cleaning 25,- (compulsory). Deposit 50,-. Bed linen In some apartments pets allowed by prior agreement. Excluding Tourist Tax. 46 3 pers. 4 pers. 6 pers. -,-,-,260,270,320,220,230,270,180,180,220,available. Landal Ameland State offers 85 luxury apartments with a central lift. You’ll enjoy perfect privacy here. On booking, please indicate whether you wish to make use of the towels package (€ 4,95 p.p.) or kitchen towels package (€ 4,25 p.s.). There are a few apartments where 1 pet is allowed (please indicate when booking). The restaurant has a minor menu and major menu. Bookings are taken for breakfast and dinner, also plate service. Friendly bar and large patio. If you bring along your own laptop, free WiFi internet is available in the inner yard and in most apartments. The spacious apartments include a living/dining room with TV, telephone, radio, CD-player and an open kitchen with, among other things, a microwave, dishwasher and Senseo coffee machine. There are two bath rooms, one of which with a bath and double sink and one with a shower, sink and toilet. The apartment has electrical heating. The rooms come with a terrace or balcony with garden fur-niture. The beds are made up on the guest’s arrival (excluding the sofa bed). 2 pers. apartment, type 2A, approx. 60 m2 with 1 bedroom with a double bed (2 mattresses). 2-4 pers. apartment, type 2-4B1, approx. 60 m2 with a small sleeper couch in the living room and 1 bedroom with a double bed (2 mattresses). Upon request the apartments can be reserved with a balcony (2x) or with a 2nd television. 2-4 pers. apartment, type 2-4B2, same as type 2-4B1, yet with a view of the sea (limited). Facilities - Enclosed garden - Launderette - Grand Café Restaurant, with room service - Breakfast and bread rolls service - Table tennis, table soccer - Cycle hire at nearby cycle hire during peak season (in other period via the complex) - Pool billiards tables - Games hire - Solarium - Wireless internet - Central lift - Car park Type 2A Type 2-4B1 Type 2-4B2 Week price Midweek price Weekend price 315,- till 655,330,- till 685,340,- till 710,- 205,- till 445,215,- till 465,225,- till 485,- 215,- till 425,225,- till 445,235,- till 465,- Rates include cleaning fee and utility charges. Discounts 55+ discount and longer stay discount provided upon request. Additional costs Tourist Tax and contribution for other levies 1,20 per guest per night, 6,25 per guest per stay for bed linen (mandatory), child’s bed linen 3,95 (mandatory), supplementary service charges 7,- per stay. Pets permitted, restrictions apply, max. 1 pet per apartment, rate 4,75 per night (declare at booking). Preferential booking 16,-. The first cot (excluding linen) and the first high chair are free of charge. an island for everyone 47 re c re a t i o n a l p a rk recreati onal park Buren Ameland Hollum Ameland Bo o m h i e m k e w w w. vvvam el an d . c o m K l e i n Vaarwater Engelsmandûn villa Holiday Park Klein Vaarwater: durable and hospitable. Holiday park Klein Vaarwater is suitable for everybody. The family park borders the nature reserve ‘t Oerd, with the beach well within walking distance. On the beach you will find our beach café “De Heksenhoed” ready to hospitably welcome you even in the Autumn, Winter and Spring. Holidays as you desire. Klein Vaarwater offers you an opportunity to have just that. Take your pick of spacious bungalows and holiday cottages, terraced holiday cottages and caravans (for caravans, see page 50). If you book your holidays in a caravan, bungalow or holiday cottage of Klein Vaarwater then you have free access to the indoor swimming pool (once a day). Upon consultation pets are permitted in certain bungalows. Week rates. Midweek and weekend rates upon request. Schakel Period 4 pers. 6 pers. 01/01/2011-07/01/2011 07/01/2011-18/02/2011 18/02/2011-25/02/2011 25/02/2011-15/04/2011 15/04/2011-06/05/2011 06/05/2011-08/07/2011 08/07/2011-26/08/2011 26/08/2011-09/09/2011 09/09/2011-14/10/2011 14/10/2011-28/10/2011 28/10/2011-23/12/2011 23/12/2011-06/01/2012 595,305,385,305,545,385,760,545,385,475,305,600,- 640,325,420,325,555,420,790,555,420,490,325,650,- Facilities - Indoor 25 m. swimming pool - Water recreation area - Bar, Café - Internet café - Bowling and skittle alleys - Midget golf course - Restaurant - Sports hall - Reception rooms - Snack bar - Tennis courts - Covered patio - Recreation areas - Supermarket - Launderette Strandjutter Many facilities in the park: - Pub Café Dûvelshoek - Snack Counter Dok 036 - Cosy central reception foyer De Werf - Supermarket - Luxurious sauna complex with a dry sauna, infra red sauna, Turkish steam bath (with colour therapy), whirlpool, steam cabin equipped with a massaging shower, diving pool, tanning bed with facial tanning and rest area. - Indoor pool with wading pool for children - Bowling - Mini golf Bungalow 6 pers. 645,420,475,420,590,475,870,590,475,590,420,650,- De Riant 4 pers. 6 pers. 870,525,625,525,750,625,1.025,750,625,750,525,900,- 925,570,665,570,795,665,1.095,795,665,795,570,950,- De Villa 8 pers. 12 pers. 1.595,1.050,1.175,1.050,1.475,1.175,1.795,1.475,1.175,1.475,1.050,1.595,- 1.295,745,840,745,975,840,1.425,975,840,975,745,1.325,- 4 pers. Wellness 8 pers. 12 pers. 645,450,595,450,595,495,825,595,495,595,450,645,- 1.695,1.175,1.225,1.175,1.525,1.225,1.850,1.525,1.225,1.525,1.175,1.695,- 2.095,1.375,1.475,1.375,1.925,1.475,2.350,1.925,1.475,1.925,1.375,2.095,- - Billiards - Table tennis - Bicycle and car rental - Recreation team during high season Beach villa West End Steate Duinvilla Duinbungalow The place to enjoy Ameland even more Perhaps, Holiday Park Boomhiemke is located in the most lovely spot on Ameland. It is situated at the foot of the Hollumer Dunes, near the lighthouse, adjacent to the Jan Roepesheide nature reserve, where you may fully enjoy nature at its best. At Boomhiemke, one of the major vacation parks on Ameland, you may rent a bungalow, even cottages and villas. We can provide the perfect holiday residence for every taste. The available facilities range from standard to luxurious, all of them comfortable and cosy. For young and old alike, Boomhiemke has many things to offer. You are free to choose whether you want to exercise or whether you want to spend some time lazily on your own patio in the sun. And what about the children? They may enjoy themselves on playgrounds, in the swimming pool, or with the animation team. Come and enjoy your holidays with us! For remaining types, more information and reservations: +31 - 519 - 546 546 or - Wireless internet Final cleaning: 4 and 6 person bungalows 40,-, 8 and 12 person villa 90,-, 4 person wellness 50,-, 8 person wellness 90,-, 12 person wellness 120,-. Bed linen for rent 6,45 per set, towels 3,75 per set. Extra: use of swimming pool 1x per day. Day of change: Friday. 48 an island for everyone 49 bungalow Ballum Ameland Ballum Ameland Campanula Weekly rate from 425,- till 785,Deposit 50,-. Final cleaning 50,- (mandatory). Halfweg Very luxurious 6-person bungalow, located near the village of Ballum. The bungalow comes provided with a cosy fireplace, luxurious bathroom, oven, washing machine, dryer and a dishwasher. Spacious bedrooms and an extra toilet. Children’s furniture and parking available. Pets allowed upon consultation. Extra Subscription to open air swimming pool Ballum. bungalow**** bungalow**** Aphro d i t e Pig g e lm e e Nes Ameland Nes Ameland Weekly rate from 392,- till 949,Final cleaning 35,- (mandatory). 6 person semi-detached bungalow with fire place, washing machine, dryer and 4 bedrooms. Relaxing holiday residence far from the daily grind. With beach, dunes, rabits and pheasants nearby. Cosy village centre at biking distance. Children’s furniture and parking space available. Pets are not allowed. Extra Bicycles available. Idyllic, comfortable thatch-roof 6 person bungalow at beach access between Nes and Buren, 3 minute walk from the beach. Spacious patio with a south view. Washing machine, dishwasher, wireless internet, children’s furniture and parking available. Weekly rate from 475,- till 875,Heating costs from 1/10- 1/5. Final cleaning 60,- (mandatory). caravan Prestige bungalow***** Buren Ameland Hollum Ameland Klein Va a r w a t e r Weekly rate from 255,- till 655,Final cleaning 32,50. For more info see page 48. Available all year round, since these quite spacious 6-guest chalets are equipped with central heating. They have 3 separate bed-rooms. The Prestige Chalets offer various tourist groups of guests a comfortable and economically priced holiday home. Pets are not allowed. Extra Free daily use of the swimming pool. caravan Royal Klein Va a r w a t e r Buren Ameland Weekly rate from 245,- till 510,Final cleaning 32,50. For more info see page 48. Pets allowed upon consultation. Ie d e re d a g e e n g l i mlach Weekly rate from 490,- till 1.015,Dog 2,50 per day. Final cleaning 65,- (mandatory). Our 6 person bungalow is quietly situated boasting a open view. The bungalow has a large fenced-in yard where children and dogs can play. The house is situated across from the golf course. It has its own parking area and comes provided with all mod cons. Village, beach and dunes at 10 minutes distance. Extra 4 bicycles. For all of your questions about Ameland Accommodations please contact: Fully decorated, spacious fourguest caravan with two separate bedrooms. Own bathroom and a wind-protected patio. The Royal caravans are available between the end of April and the beginning of November. Pets are not allowed. 50 Weekly rate from 525,- till 850,Deposit 50,-. Final cleaning 50,- (mandatory). Very luxurious 6-person bungalow with two bathrooms, sauna and internet connection, with lovely view of the Ballum meadows. Washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, microwave, combination oven, children’s furniture and parking available. Pets allowed upon consultation. Extra Subscription to open air swimming pool Ballum. Extra Free daily use of the swimming pool. VVV Ameland Tel. +31 519 - 546 546 [email protected] w w w. v v va m e la nd . c om Our Wadden Sea World Heritage Unique on a g lobal scale! In 2009, the Wadden Sea was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. A World Heritage Site is a monument, area or landscape of a natural and/or cultural-historical value which is unique in the world. According to UNESCO, a World Heritage Site must by definition be of ‘outstanding universal value, be irreplaceable and unique, and therefore needs to be preserved as part of the world heritage of mankind as a whole’. Moreover, the protection of the World Heritage Site must be guaranteed. During a successful World Heritage conference, member states drafted a convention in which they committed themselves to protect the globally outstanding cultural and natural heritage within their boundaries and to safeguard it for future generations. More than 180 countries, including the Netherlands and Germany, have now signed the Convention. The Wadden Sea World Heritage Site encompasses the Dutch and German parts of the Wadden Sea. It covers an area of almost 10,000 square kilometres along a coastal strip about 400 kilometres long. The Danish section of the Wadden Sea will soon become part of this World Heritage Site, once the Danish have completed the procedure required to make their part of the Wadden Sea a National Park. Experience the Wadden Sea Low and high tide alternate every six hours in the Wadden Sea, bringing about stunning changes to the landscape almost every minute of the day. During low tide, it is possible to walk far out onto the mud-flats and, in some areas and under the supervision of an experienced guide, even from the mainland to one of the islands or a sandbank. You are actually walking on the seabed! Walking on the mud-flats, you will hear only the sound of wind and the calls of the birds. See for yourself how the landscape has been gradually sculpted, and is still being sculpted by the very special combination of wind, water and waves, the forces of nature, since the last Ice Age. While a flock of geese cackle as they fly over, an army of waders cautiously pick their way over the ne wlyexposed seabed, looking for worms and shells. The salty air and mudrich waters fill your senses. Cockles and worms under your feet cause movement in the water and sand. Prawns flash by your ankles and you can see flatfish close-by in the shallow water. Bubbles from small algae rise to the surface. Crabs, cockles, mussels, starfish and hermit crabs are laid bare by the receding water. You even have the privilege of watching seals sunbathing in their natural environment on a sandbank, but please keep your distance. The Wadden Sea is unique A Wo r l d He r i t a g e s i t e m u s t b e o f o u t s t a n d i n g u n i ve r s a l va l u e . T h e Wa d d e n Se a i s a a re a o f n a t u r a l www.wa ddensea-w orl dheri t ag e. org bungalow***** beauty only found along the Du t c h - Ge r m a n - Da n i s h No r t h Se a c o a s t . Now h e re i n t h e w o r l d w i l l yo u f i n d s u c h a va s t , va r i e d a re a , s c u l p t e d by t h e c o n s t a n t f l ow o f t i d e s a n d w h e re c h a n g e s a re noticeable on a daily basis. A complex system of channels and s t re a m s a l t e r n a t e s w i t h e x p o s e d m u d - f l a t s a n d s a n d b a n k s . Yo u w i l l find mussel beds, rich mud-flats, e x t e n s i ve s a l t m a r s h e s , b u t a l s o white beaches and dunes with patches of sea grass waving in b e t we e n . T h i s va r i e d l a n d s c a p e m a k e s t h e Wa d d e n Se a a u n i q u e h a b i t a t , a n d a c r u c i a l s t o p ove r o f m i l l i o n s o f m i g r a t i n g b i rd s . It i s h o m e t o m o re t h a n 1 0 , 0 0 0 o f t e n r a re p l a n t a n d a n i m a l s p e c i e s ! an island for everyone 51 Schiermonnikoog, immeasurable natural artwork SCHIERMONNIKOOG Schiermonnikoog may well be the smallest Dutch Wadden island, but there’s nothing modest about its countryside. This is confirmed by the fact that the entire island enjoys Nat ional Park status. And talking about size, Schiermonnikoog has the widest beach in Europe. An immeasurable sandban k that will quicken the pulse of anyone who loves silent open spaces. Don’t expect major amusements on Schiermonnikoog, as the unique attraction of this island lies in its unspoilt character and vast natural beauty. The island is one big work of art, signed by Mother Nature. 52 an island for everyone 53 T h e m a i n a t t r a c t i o n o f S c h i e rmonnikoog is its immense sandy b e a c h . W h e re a s m o s t o f t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s a re i m p re s s i ve i n their length, it is the width which counts on Schiermonnikoog. The b e a c h i s n o l e s s t h a n a k i l o m e t re w i d e a t i t s l a rg e s t p o i n t , m a k i n g i t o n e o f Eu ro p e’s w i d e s t , a n d i t i s s t i l l g row i n g . Sa n d d e p o s i t s f ro m t h e No r t h Se a c o n t i n u o u s l y f o r m s a n d b a n k s w h i c h ‘g row o n t o’ t h e b e a c h . To s a y t h e va s t o p e n s p a c e p rov i d e s p e a c e a p l e n t y i s a n u n derstatement. The beach is also o n e o f t h e Ne t h e r l a n d s’ c l e a n e s t . One big nature reserve Schiermonn i k o o g i s m o s t l y m a d e u p of dunes a n d s a l t m a r s h e s . Se e i n g as the rest i s b e a c h e s , w o o d s a n d po lders, it w o ul d b e no e x a gge ration to cal l S c h i e r m o n n i k o o g o n e b i g n a t u re re s e r ve . A l m o s t t h e e n t i re i s l a n d i s a Na t i o n a l Pa rk , w h ic h is u n iq u e a m o n g th e Wa dden islands. This natural paradise h o u s e s h u n d re d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f b i rd s , a n d e ve n o rc h i d s f l owe r h e re . In f a c t , h a l f o f a l l Du t c h p l a n t s a n d f l owe r s c a n b e f o u n d o n S c h i e r. Just keep walking The amazing spaciousness of Schiermonnikoog has an extra d i m e n s i o n w h e n yo u v i e w t h e Wa d d e n Se a f ro m t h e t o p o f a d u n e . No , yo u r e ye s a re n’ t d e c e i v i n g yo u , t h a t’s t h e c o a s t o f Fr i e s l a n d a n d Gro n i n g e n yo u c a n s e e . Yo u c a n’ t get enough of these panoramas, so just keep on walking; though c yc l i n g i s a n e q u a l l y p l e a s a n t a l t e r n a t i ve . T h e i s l a n d h a s a ve r y e x t e n s i ve n e t w o rk o f c yc l i n g a n d w a l k i n g p a t h s , i n d e e d . Yo u m u s t n’ t m i s s a v i s i t t o De Ba l g , on the ‘ Ba l g e x p re s s’ t r a c t o r w aggon. Se a l s re g u l a r l y b a s k i n the sun on t h i s e n o r m o u s s a n d f l a t of more t h a n t w o k i l o m e t re s w i de. Picturesque village of Schiermonnikoog The authentic setting of the village of Schiermonnikoog, virtually c a r l e s s , i s g re a t f o r re l a x i n g i n a ( p a ve m e n t ) c a f e o r i n o n e o f t h e re s t a u r a n t s . T h e o n l y v i l l a g e o n t h e i s l a n d w a s b u i l t a ro u n d 1 7 6 0 t o re p l a c e We s t e r b u re n , w h i c h h a d b e e n f l o o d e d by t h e sea. The historic character has b e e n p re s e r ve d s o we l l t h a t Schiermonnikoog has been designated a heritage village. Howe ve r, t i m e h a s n o t s t o o d s t i l l . Yo u’l l f i n d a l l t h e s h o p s yo u n e e d d u r i n g yo u r h o l i d a y. Events Concours Hippique 13 July 2011 ‘Barneys’ and other darts lovers will contest for the title at the Schiermonnikoog Open. T h e Na t i o n a l C o n c o u r s Hi p p i q u e i s staged on Schiermonnikoog and f e a t u re s va r i o u s d i s c i p l i n e s o f t h e e q u e s t r i a n s p o r t . It’s n o t j u s t a b o u t who wins, but also the fun aspect a n d t h e g re a t a t m o s p h e re w h i c h ma k e s t h i s s u c h a w o n d e r f u l d a y e a c h ye a r. With performances by more than thirty bands and choirs in the ‘Ontmoetings’ church and the music stand on the Reeweg. The complete list of available accommodation options bookable via the tourist information centre can also be found on our website. VVV Schiermonnikoog Tel. +31 (0)519 531 233 A l l th e accom m odati on on Sch i ermonnikoog given in this brochure i s offered as a package deal . It includes: - overnight stays - an information package with cycling and walking maps - tourist tax (unless stated otherwise). Booking fee Each booking on Schiermonnikoog is charged €15 booking costs. VVV Schiermonnikoog can organize your ferry and bus tickets (with discount) if requested. Ferry route O p e n D a r t s To u r n a m e n t 4-6 March 2011 Song and Music festival 28 May 2011 Discover and book Impressive sandbank by f a m o u s n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a tional musicians. Monnikenloop Run 22 October 2011 Competition and recreational run over various distances. This very varied route runs through the village and woods, over the beach, dunes and mud flats. Ti c k e t s f o r t h e f e r r y f ro m L a u we r s o o g t o S c h i e r m o n n i k o o g a n d b a c k c a n b e b o u g h t a t t h e Wa g e n b o rg Pa s s e n g e r Se r v i c e t i c k e t o ff i c e i n L a u we r s o o g . T h e t r i p t a k e s a ro u n d 4 5 m i n u t e s . Bi c yc l e s m a y b e t a k e n o n b o a rd , b u t n o t m o t o r ve h i c l e s . Info Wagenborg Passenger Services (departures, latest information, booki ngs ): • • tel. 0900 455 4455 (€ 0.35 per minute, NL only) SCHIERMONNIKOOG LAUWERSOOG Tr a i n a n d b u s International Chamber Music Festival 1-6 October 2011 At va r i o u s s p o t s a ro u n d t h e i s l a n d , classical music will be performed Fo r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , s urf to The closest train stations are in Groningen and Leeuwarden. By bus, you travel from Groningen on line 163 to Lauwersoog, and from Leeuwarden on line 50. For information on the connection of our ferries with public transport, please call OV travel information on 0900 9292 (€ 0.70 per minute, NL only) or check out an island for everyone 55 h o te l * * * Schiermonnikoog Schiermonnikoog Landal Vitamaris Va n De r We rff Built in 1726. The first and oldest hotel on the island. With an original old bar and lounge. Private tennis court, free of charge to guests. All rooms have a bath or shower and toilet. We arrange for transport to and from the boat. Type 6D2 a p a r t m en ts Type 4-6D3 Prices per person per night. The comfortable and non-smoking apartments have a living room with a television (type 6D2 even has a flat screen television), DVD-player, and radio-/CD-player. They also have an open kitchen with an electrical hob, microwave oven (type 6D2 has a 5-burner gas hob and a combination oven) and a dishwasher. Separate toilet. Terrace or balcony with garden furniture. Pets are not allowed on Landal Vitamaris. 2-4 pers. apartment, type 2-4B1, approx 38 sq.m.; with a single bedroom with two single beds and one hideaway double bed couch in the living room. Bedroom with bath and wash basin. 4-6 pers. apartment, type 4-6D1, approx. 52 sq.m.; two bedrooms with two single beds and a hideaway double bed couch in the living room. Bath room with full-size bath and basin. 4-6 pers. apartment, type 4-6D3, approx. 62 sq.m.; the apartment consists of two floors. On the second floor are two bedrooms with single beds and a hideaway double bed couch in the living room. Bathroom with full-size bath and basin. Extra: a balcony off of one of the bedrooms. 6 pers. apartment, type 6D2, approx. 150 sq.m.; very spacious luxurious corner apartment with three bedrooms with two single beds, one of which with a second flat screen television. Full-size (bubble) bath and basin. Second bathroom with massage shower cabin and basin. Facilities: • Indoor swimming pool with separate area for children • Tanning stations • Free of charge: Wellness room with saunas and Turkish steam bath • Lounge with reading table and pocket billiards • Free of charge: Wireless internet in the lounge when using your own laptop • Table tennis and table soccer table • Play corner for the children and Toy library • Basketball and volleyball field • Launderette • Shopping, breakfast and breads service • Elevator • Free of charge: Bus return trip from harbour to Landal Vitamaris Week price Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type 2-4B1, 4 persons 2-4B2, 4 persons 4-6D1, 6 persons 4-6D3, 6 persons 2A2, 2 persons 6-8E, 8 persons 4B2, 4 persons 4B3, 4 persons 6D2, 6 persons from from from from from from from from from 355,375,400,430,455,460,550,600,615,- Midweek price till 710,till 745,till 815,till 845,till 890,till 895,till 1.075,till 1.130,till 1.295,- from from from from from from from from from 240,255,270,305,310,335,375,410,420,- till till till till till till till till till B&B HB FB 52,50 65,- 70,- Supplement room with bath 5,- per person per night. THERE IS A PLACE – WHERE HEAVEN AND EARTH SHARE THE SAME STAGE Weekend price 505,530,575,605,630,715,760,800,915,- from from from from from from from from from 260,- till 270,- till 290,- till 320,- till 330,- till 365,- till 400,- till 440,- till 450,- till 485,515,560,590,610,685,740,775,885,- Discounts: senior discount for guests over 55 years, long stay discount, young family discount and all kids discount are provided upon request. The discounts cannot be combined. Discounts also applicable during a number of holiday periods and national holidays. Preferential booking: 16,- per reservation. Arrival and departure: on Fridays and on Mondays (unless indicated otherwise). Additional charges: The price is excluding 7,- supplementary service charges; mandatory bed linen: 6,25 per guest per stay, 3,95 kids bed linen (obligatory), tax and misc. levies contribution. Optional: towel package 4,95, kitchen towel package 4,50, baby bed (excluding bed linen) and high chair (upon request). 56 Room with shower/toilet Photo: Deff Westerkamp Between beach and village, located on Badweg, you will find comfortable or quite luxurious and modern apartments of Landal Vitamaris with the only swimming pool on the island. On your arrival the beds are made (excluding the couch) and you can immediately relax free of charge in the wellness room with a sauna! OUR WORLD HERITAGE Experience and help preserve a natural wonder An island for everyone 57 Would you like to discover the Wadden islands yourself? In that case, you can book your own accommodation and travel options. There are ferries between all the Wadden islands during the summer months. For the latest information, prices and departure times, check out Another option is to choose complete package deals, which vary from five to eight days from May to September. They include boat transport between the islands, transport to and from your hotel and your accommodation with bed and breakfast. Some packages also include cycle hire and trips to museums and other places of interest. Often, you can extend your stay and can make combinations with other hotels or guesthouses. Whatever your wishes, island hopping is a must for the real island enthusiast. Island hopping packages are available from € 335 per person. The exact details of the packages can be found at, along with the fun extras included in each package. Island hopping - combine your Wadden holidays Te x e l Is l and size: 16,000 ha 3 0 km beach 6 2 0 ha woodland 1 3 5 k m cycle path 7 vi l l ages 1 3 , 0 0 0 residents 6 m useums Vlieland Is l and size: 4,022 ha 1 2 km beach 3 0 0 ha woodland 2 6 km cycle path 1 vi l l age 1 , 1 5 0 residents 1 m useum Te r s c h e l l i n g Is l and size: 11,575 ha 3 0 km beach 6 0 0 ha woodland 7 0 km cycle path 8 vi l l ages 5 , 0 0 0 residents 7 m useums Ameland Public transpor t to the islands Each Wadden island has its own charm. From the busy terraced cafes of Texel can be reached on public transport by taking the train to Den Helder station. There is a bus to the port from there. When coming from the north(east) Netherlands, the quickest route to Den Helder is by bus over the Afsluitdijk. Change at Den Oever to get to Den Helder. Terschelling to the breathtaking silence on Schiermonnikoog. The islands don’t simply vary in their location, size and countryside, but also in their atmosphere. You should really visit them all, because each one is certainly Vlieland and Terschelling can be reached by train from Harlingen Haven station. This station is only a short walk from the ferry terminal. From North Holland and South Holland, it may be quicker to take a bus over the Afsluitdijk to Harlingen Haven. worth the effort. That’s now an option. Why not go island hopping in the summer? It’s easy: travel from island to island without going back to the Is l and size: 8,500 ha 2 7 km beach 2 1 0 h a woodland 1 0 0 k m cycle path 4 vi l l ages 3 , 2 0 0 residents 4 m useums ww w. d ut c h -fri si an -i sl an d s. c o m Casual travel or a complete package deal Schiermonnikoog Is l and size: 7,200 ha 1 8 km beach 1 5 0 h a woodland 3 0 km cycle path 1 vi l l age 1 , 0 0 0 residents 2 m useums Ameland is easily reached by taking the bus to Holwerd Haven from Leeuwarden train station. It takes you to the terminal building. mainland. What better way to combine Wadden holidays? On a pleasantly For trips to Schiermonnikoog, the port in Lauwersoog is best reached by bus from Groningen train station or Leeuwarden train station. It takes you to the terminal building. var yi ng voyage of discovery. De Cocksdorp Ballum DE COCKSDORP OOSTVLIELAND DE KOOG OOSTEREND DE WAAL APPROX. 25 MIN. APPROX. 25 MIN. DEN BURG APPROX. 180 MIN. APPROX. 90 MIN. DEN HELDER APPROX. 105 MIN. / 45 MIN. HARLINGEN Vlieland BALLUM NES BUREN SCHIERMONNIKOOG APPROX. 45 MIN. APPROX. 45 MIN. HARLINGEN Terschelling APPROX. 180 MIN. HOLLUM WESTTERSCHELLING APPROX. 20 MIN. Texel OOSTEREND MIDSLAND OUDESCHILD DEN HOORN 58 HOORN HOLWERD Ameland LAUWERSOOG Schiermonnikoog 59 An island for everyone! Book yo ur fe rry n ow fo r a fan tastic tr ip ! Da y o u t ? We e k e n d a w a y ? B o o k a Wa d d e n Is l a n d f o r a n u n f o rg e t t a b l e h o l i d a y. T h a t u n i q u e i s l a n d f e e l i n g s t a r t s a s s o o n a s yo u a re o n t h e f e r r y. E a c h s e a m i l e a c ro s s t h e e x t e n s i ve m u d - f l a t s a d d s t o yo u r re l a x a t i o n . If yo u’ve p l e n t y o f t i m e , w h y n o t o p t f o r f a r a w a y V l i e l a n d o r Te r s c h e l l i n g ? T h e s h o r t e s t c ro s s i n g s a re t o Te xe l , A m e l a n d a n d S c h i e r m o n n i k o o g . E a c h o f t h e Wa d d e n i s l a n d s h a s i t s ow n c h a r m a n d t h a t’s a l s o t r u e f o r t h e i r s i ze . S c h i e r m o n n i k o o g i s t h e s m a l l e s t a n d Te xe l i s by f a r t h e l a rg e s t . A l l i s l a n d s h a ve o n e t h i n g i n c o m m o n - p e a c e a n d q u i e t a n d n a t u re a p l e n t y. Te xe l a n d S c h i e r m o n n i k o o g a re e ve n d e s i g n a t e d Na t i o n a l Pa rk s , w h i l e V l i e l a n d b a t h e s i n b e a u t i f u l s i l e n c e . T h e re’s n o s h o r t a g e o f p i c t u re s q u e v i l l a g e s o n t h e i s l a n d s . On A m e l a n d , yo u’l l s t e p b a c k i n t i m e t o t h e w h a l i n g e r a . If yo u’re l o o k i n g f o r n i g h t l i f e , Te xe l a n d Te r s c h e l l i n g a re t h e i s l a n d s f o r yo u . W h a t e ve r yo u p re f e r, t h e re’s a n i s l a n d f o r e ve r yo n e ! Texel Emmalaan 66 | 1 7 9 1 AV De n Burg | T + 3 1 2 2 2 3 14 7 4 1 | I w w w. t e xe l . n e t Vliel a nd Haven weg 1 0 | 8 8 9 9 B B V l i e l a nd | T + 3 1 5 6 2 4 5 1 111 | I w w w. v l i e l a n d . n e t Tersc h elling Ameland Wi l l e m Ba re nt sz k a d e 1 9 A | We st Te r s c he l l i n g | T + 3 1 5 6 2 4 4 3 0 0 0 | I w w w. v v v t e r s c h e l l i n g . n l Bu re we g 2 | 9 1 6 3 KE Ne s | T + 3 1 5 1 9 5 4 6 5 4 6 | I w w w. v v va m e l a n d . c o m Schie r m onnik o o g Re e we g 5 | 9 1 6 6 P W S c h ie r m o n n ik o o g | T + 3 1 5 19 5 3 1 2 3 3 | I w w w. v v v s c h i e r m o n n i k The Wadd en Guide is pub l i sh e d by t h e Wa d d e n Fo und a tio n . Fryslân Marketin g , p a r t n e r t o t h e Wa d d e n Fo u n d a t i o n