T - GPI Machine Tools
T - GPI Machine Tools
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ÈÈÈÈÈvÈÈ0ROGRAMMABLEÈ1UILLÈ ÈÈÈÈÈvÈ1UILLÈ4RAVEL ÈÈÈÈÈ,ARGEÈ-4È1UILLÈ4APERÈ Hirth Coupled Turret Servo Driven Hydraulic Clamping .3 Second Indexing Amera Seiki TS-52, TC-2L, T-308, T-310 Machine Specifications MODEL CAPACITY Controlled axis Swing over bed Maximum turning diameter Maximum turning length Round bar capacity Chuck size SPINDLE Spindle nose Spindle bore diameter Spindle bearing diameter Draw tube I.D Spindle motor (max rating) Max spindle speed TRAVELS “X”-axis travel “Z”-axis travel Rapid traverse X/Z TURRET Tool station Turret typ Turret indexing time O.D. tool size I.D. tool size Z-axis servo motor X-axis servo motor Ball screw diameter Turret type (MC function option) Tool stations Rotary tool motor Rotary tool rpm “C”-axis spindle (MC models) TAILSTOCK Internal taper Quill travel Quill diameter CNC CONTROL Standard control Screen size Memory Shop Floor Programming GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Positioning accuracy Repeatability Power requirements Floor space Machine weight TS-52 TC-2L / TC-2LM T-308 T-310 T-310 4 Axis 12.59" 7.87" 6.70" 2.0" 52mm Collet 2 Axis / 3 Axis (TC-2LM) 15.75” 13” 21.25” 2.0“ 8” 2 axis (optional 3) 23.6” 17.7” (13.58 with VDI) 20.0” 2.00” 8” 2 axis (optional 3) 23.6” 17.7” (13.58” with VDI) 19.3” 3.03” 10” A2-5 2.65" 3.94" 2.05" 10HP 4000 rpm A2-6 2.56” 3.94“ 2.04” 20HP 5000 rpm A2-6 2.54” 3.94” 2.04” 20 HP 5000 rpm A2-8 3.54” 5.12” 3.07” 25 HP 4200 rpm 4.7" X1/9.4" X2 7.0" Z1/11.4" Z2 472(X1Z1)/630(X2Z2) 6.5” 23.25” 787/945 8.85” 20.47” 945 ipm 8.85” 20” 945 ipm 8 & 5 position slide wedge & slide .3 sec / station .75"/.62"VDI square 1.0"Ø/.78"Ø VDI 2.0HP Z1, 2.0HP Z2 1.4HP X1, 1.4HP X2 1.10" VDI-20 12 2 HP 4000 .001 degree 8 (12 Optional) wedge / VDI (TC-2LM) .3 sec / station 1” square 1.50” Ø 3.0 HP 2.1 HP 1.26” VDI-30 (TC-2LM) 12 (TC-2LM) 5 HP (TC-2LM) 4000 (TC-2LM) .001 degree (TC-2LM) 12 wedge Lock .3 sec / station 1” square 1.5” diameter 4.0 HP 2.1 HP 1.57 HP VDI-40 12 5 HP 4000 0.001 degree 12 wedge Lock .3 sec / station 1” square 1.5” diameter 4.0 HP 2.1 HP 1.57” VDI-40 12 5 HP 4000 0.001 degree N/A N/A N/A MT#4 5.90” 2.76” MT#5 4.72” 3.54” MT#5 4.72” 3.54” Fanuc 32iT 10.4" color LCD 640 meters Manual Guide i Fanuc OiTC 8.4" / (10.4" TC-2LM) 320 meters Manual Guide i (TC-2LM) Fanuc 0iTC 10.4” color LCD 640 meters Manual Guide i Fanuc 0iTC 10.4” color LCD 640 meters Manual Guide i +/- .0002" 0.00008" 208-218V/3ph/60hz 21KVA 71” x 53” 6,000 lbs. +/- .0002" 0.00008" 208-218V/3ph/60hz 25KVA (30KVA TC-2LM) 95” x 51” 7,700 lbs. (7,900lbs TC-2LM) +/- 0.0002” 0.00008” 208-218V / 3ph / 60hz 30KVA 114” x 83” 10,900 lbs. +/- 0.0002” 0.00008” 208-218V / 3ph / 60hz 32KVA 114” x 83” 11,900 lbs. È4OWERÈ4ERRACEÈ2DÈÈÈ#EDARÈ2APIDSÈ)!ÈÈÈÈÈÈ0HONEÈÈÈÈÈ&AXÈÈÈÈWWW!MERA3EIKICOM Amera Seiki T-312, T-412, T-415, T-520 Machine Specifications MODEL CAPACITY Controlled axis Swing over bed Maximum turning diameter Maximum turning length Round bar capacity Chuck size SPINDLE Spindle nose Spindle bore diameter Spindle bearing diameter Draw tube I.D Spindle motor (max rating) Max spindle speed TRAVELS “X”-axis travel “Z”-axis travel (std) Rapid traverse X/Z TURRET Tool stations Turret type Turret indexing time O.D. tool size I.D. tool size Z-axis servo motor X-axis servo motor Ball screw diameter Turret type (MC function option) Tool stations Rotary tool motor Rotary tool rpm “C”-axis spindle (MC models) TAILSTOCK Internal taper Quill travel Quill diameter CNC CONTROL Standard control Screen size Memory Shop Floor Programming GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Positioning accuracy Repeatability Power requirements Floor space Machine weight T-312 T-412 T-415 T-520 2 axis (optional 3) 23.6” 17.7” (13.58” with VDI) 18.9” 3.50” 12” 2 axis (optional 3) 27.6” 20.0” (17.32 with VDI) 29.5” 3.50” 12” 2 axis (optional 3) 27.6” 20.0” (17.32 with VDI) 28.3” 4.50” 15” (Optional 18”) 2 axis (optional 3) 39.37” 29.57” 40” 5.15” 20” (Optional 24”) A2-8 3.93 5.52” 3.58” 30 HP 3400 rpm A2-8 3.93” 5.52” 3.58” 30 HP 3300 rpm A2-11 5.12” 6.70” 4.62” 35 HP 2500 rpm A2-15 6.02” 8.66” 5.15” 60 HP 1500 rpm 8.85” 19.68” 945 ipm 0.43” 30.31” 787 ipm 10.43” 30.31” 787 ipm 16.33” 43.30” 472 ipm/590 ipm 12 wedge lock .3 sec / stataion 1” square 1.5” diameter 4.0 HP 4.0 HP 1.57” VDI-40 12 5 HP 4000 0.001 degree 12 wedge lock .3 sec / stataion 1” square 1.5” diameter 5.5 HP 4.0 HP 1.65” VDI-50 12 7.5 HP 3200 0.001 degree 12 wedge lock .3 sec / stataion 1” square 1.5” diameter 5.5 HP 4.0 HP 1.65“ VDI-50 12 7.5 HP 3200 0.001 degree 12 wedge lock .3 sec / stataion 1.25”square 2.5” diameter 10 HP 10 HP X 1.96" Z 2.75" VDI-60 12 10 HP 3000 0.001 degree MT#5 4.72” 3.54” MT#5 4.72” 3.54” MT#5 4.72” 3.54” MT#6 5.9” 9.25” Fanuc 0iTC 10.4” color LCD 640 meters Manual Guide i Fanuc 0iTC 10.4” color LCD 640 meters Manual Guide i Fanuc 0iTC 10.4” color LCD 640 meters Manual Guide i Fanuc 0iTC 10.4” color LCD 640 meters Manual Guide i +/- 0.0002” 0.00008” 208-218V / 3ph / 60hz 40KVA 114" x 83" 12,600 lbs. +/- 0.0002” 0.00008” 208-218V / 3ph / 60hz 40KVA 129" x 88" 16,400 lbs. +/- 0.0002” 0.00008” 208-218V / 3ph / 60hz 40KVA 129" x 88" 17,200 lbs. +/- 0.0002” 0.00008” 208-218V / 3ph / 60hz 70KVA 191” x 103” 19,580 lbs. Amera Seiki Fanuc Lathe Control Features Fanuc 0iTC Standard Features Fanuc 0iTC Standard Control Fanuc Manual Guide i 3D Graphic Shop Floor Programming UÊ£ä°{»Ê ÀÊ Êë>ÞÊ UÊ* ÊiÀÞÊ >À`Ê*ÀÌÊ UÊ,iÌiÊ*Ê UÊ>Õ>ÊÕ`iÊÊÊÎÊÀ>« V]Ê- «Ê Floor Programming UÊ- «ÊÀÊ*À}À>}Ê-ÞÃÌiÊ UÊ6>À>LiÊ/ Ài>`}Ê ÞViÃÊ UÊ-«`iÊ"ÀiÌ>ÌÊ UÊ>V}ÀÕ`Ê*À}À>Ê`ÌÊ UÊ ÕÃÌÊ>VÀÊÊ UÊ{ääÊ*>ÀÌÊ*À}À>ÃÊ UÊ{nÊ*>ÀÃÊÊ7ÀÊ"vvÃiÌà UÊÈ{Ê/Ê"vvÃiÌÃÊ UÊ/ÊviÊ>>}iiÌÊ UÊ ÀVÕ>ÀÊÌiÀ«>ÌÊ UÊ >i`Ê*À}À>Ê ÞViÃÊ UÊÕÌ>ÌVÊ/Ê"vvÃiÌÊ UÊÀÀÀÊ>}}ÊÕVÌÊ UÊ"«Ì>ÊVÊ-«ÊÕVÌÊ UÊ,-ÓÎÓÊ ÕV>ÌÃÊ*ÀÌ Manual Guide i - Standard 3D Solid Part Representation with Dynamic Tool Path Graphics PCMCIA Memory Card Port Fanuc 18iTB Control Optional Program Execution Simulation Fill in the Blank Process Definitions Amera Seiki T-Series Lathe Options Live Tool VDI - Turret & C-Axis Programmable Tailstock Linear Scale Feedback Bar Feed Interface Programmable Part Catcher Belt Chip Conveyor Automatic Tool Setter Renishaw Part Probe Systems High Pressure Coolant 12 Station VDI Turret Parts Catcher Tool Set Arm Fanuc 18iTB Control Extended Z Travels High HP Spindle Options Steady Rest Options È4OWERÈ4ERRACEÈ2DÈÈÈ#EDARÈ2APIDSÈ)!ÈÈÈÈÈÈ0HONEÈÈÈÈÈ&AXÈÈÈÈWWW!MERA3EIKICOM Amera Seiki T-300 / T-400 Series Lathes Tool Interference Diagram T-310/312MC unit:mm Tool Interference Diagram T-412/415 unit:mm T-310 / T-312 Spindle Torque Curve T-412 / T-415 Spindle Torque Curve Amera Seiki T Series Lathes Dimensions Amera Seiki T Series Lathes offer: UÊ>ÃÃÛiÊqÊÃÌ>LiÊV>ÃÌÊ>V iÊL>Ãi UÊi>ÛÞÊ`ÕÌÞÊLÝÊÜ>ÞÃÊÊ>Ê>Ýià UÊ"«iÊ>VViÃÃÊÜÀÊiÛi«i UÊÝViiÌÊV «ÊEÊV>ÌÊ>>}iiÌ UÊ «iÌiÊ«ÀÌiVÌÛiÊ}Õ>À`} UÊ «>VÌÊvÌ«ÀÌ UÊ>À}iÊÌÕÀ}ÊV>«>VÌià >V iÊiÃÃÊ/Σä]Ê/ΣÓÊ Ê <ÊÝÃÊ-«iVÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê xääÊ ÓääÊ Ê Ê Ê >V iÊiÃÃÊ/{£Ó]Ê/{£xÊ Ê <ÊÝÃÊ-«iVÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÇxäÊ ÎÎääÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÇxäÊ ÎÎääÊ Ê £äääÊ ÎääÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê £xääÊ {{ääÊ Ê Ê Ê ÕÌ\ Ê Ê ÕÌ\ £äää ÎÇää Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Óäää {ää È4OWERÈ4ERRACEÈ2DÈÈÈ#EDARÈ2APIDSÈ)!ÈÈÈÈÈÈ0HONEÈÈÈÈÈ&AXÈÈÈÈWWW!MERA3EIKICOM Amera Seiki CNC Machine Tools Great Machines, Great Prices, Great Service... Vertical Machining Centers X travels 24” to 118” Y travels 16” to 40” CT 40 & CT 50 Taper Spindles Large Slant Bed “Oil Country” Lathes Swings of 40”, 50” 60” 80” and 100” Center Distances from 40” to over 500” Spindle Bores Starting at 9” to 21” Available with Live Tools, C and Y axes Amera Seiki Machine Tools UÊÊ>ÕVÊ Ê ÌÀà UÊÊ>ÕVÊ}Ì>ÊÌÀÃÊ>`Ê-iÀÛÊÀÛià UÊ>ÕVÊ>Õ>ÊÕ`iÊÊvviÀi`ÊÊ>Ê`ià UÊÊ>V iÃÊvviÀÊ>ÊÓÊÞi>ÀÊVÌÀÊÜ>ÀÀ>ÌÞ Visit us on the web at: www.Amera-Seiki.com Vertical Bridge Machining Centers X travels 87”, 126” and 165” Y travels 79” CT 40 & CT 50 Taper Spindles Horizontal Machining Centers 500, 630& 1000mm Dual Pallet Machines CT 40 & CT 50 Taper Spindles Vertical Turning Lathes All box way construction Turret Models 15” – 32” Chuck Sizes Ram Models 40” – 80” Chuck Sizes Live Tool C Axis Available Amera-Seiki service is begins with its’ nationwide chain of dealers, factory trained and well educated in its machine tools. As well, Amera Seiki fields a full complement of factory direct engineers covering virtually all locations in North America. Wherever you are there is a qualified service engineer available to meet your service needs. Included within this service organization is a computerized parts inventory that is in stock and ready to be shipped the same day as the order is requested. Amera Seiki maintains a high level of quality through parts and service that is first rate in the machine tool industry.
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