another way of using bernoulli`s method
another way of using bernoulli`s method
529 Revista Mexicana de Física 32 No. 3 (19&6) 529.536 ANOTHER WAY OF USING BERNOULLI'S METHOD Carlos Universidade Farina Federal do Río de Janeiro Instituto de Ftsica Cidade Un¡versjt~ria - Ilha do Fundao Rio de Janeiro - CEP.: 21.944 - BRASil (recibido enero 7, 1986; aceptado mayo 20, 1986) ABSTRACl' The Bernoulli's method, used in brachistochrone problems, is presented in a different way. Instead of the Snell's law we use the ray equation, whose integration aeems easier when sorne kind of symmetry i5 present. We apply it in two examples: the classical brachistochrone problem and in the cases with gravitational potential energies of the forro V(r) = arn. RESlJt.1EN Se presenta de una manera diferente el método de Bernovilli, que es usado para el problema de la braquistócrona. En lugar de la ley de Snell, usamos la ecuación de los rayos, cuya integración parece ser más fácil cuando existe algún tipo de simetría. Se aplica a dos ejemplos: el problema clásico de la braquistócrona y para potenciales gravitacionales del tipo v(r) = arn, 530 Reeently, P.K. Aravind(l) used Bernoulli's brachistochrone of a particle moving inside a homogeneous of matter of mass M and radius R. mechanics analogy. the trajectory PrincipIe). Besides = ~ ' with v calculated it a11ow5 a new way of attacking from the energy conservatían the problem, theorem with the the since Snell t s law can be obtained from Fennat I s equations. In this note we apply this method in a difíerent with the eikonal equation(3): = (Fennat1s approach of solving the Euler-Lagrange vía the Euler-Lagrange ('15)' ball aptíes light chooses time of travel In reality this is only a way of shortening mathematical steps, start spherical i5 based on an optics- Instead, a11 ane has to use is the Snell's law and that adequate potential. princiñle the minimal it5 beauty which avoid the conventional n This method The Teason is that in geometrical which requires equations(2). method to find the way. We will n' (1) As is well known, even without the knowledge of the eikonal S it is possible from Eq. (1) to obtain the ray equation(4): (2) where r is the position oí an arbitrary point in the trajectory and ds is the differential is very difficult Even though the ray equation to solve in the general case, it permits way of using the method. direeUy of the are length. and integration The symetries oí light a more systematic of eaeh problem ean be implemented of Eq. (2) often beeOl!l<"inmediate. Let us see in two examples. We íirst solve the cla5sic brachistochrone moving in a constant symnetry. vertical Thus, n distance the initial gravitational = ~ field. is a ftmction of one variable Erom a given horizontal point of mtion. problem oí a particle 111i5 case has of course aplane only, say y, the plane to the origin O, taken at Wethen write Eq. (2) in the fonn 531 d '" as (n (Yh) where = dn ':' J ay (3) ... as dr and J':'are nnit t = directíon, respectively. vectors along the ray directionand t1E vertical MJltiplying both sides of (3) vertically by j we obtain d as " i! (nj "T) ( 4) which implies n sine where e = (S) ete is the angle between c sine = v = [~]' and t. Substituting n = £ we have v (6) (C = cte) From the conservation v' j + theorem for the energy oí the particle [~]' where x is the horizontal = we have that (7) 2gy coordinate of the particle. From (6) and (7) we can write sin'e = (8) C' 2gy Using the trigonometric identity y(e) R(l- cos2e). with 2sen2a = 1- cos2e 1 R =-4gC' The express ion for x(e) can be obtained from we get (9) 53Z dx <lt Zg Cy = (10) which derives directly from (6) and (7) if we rnultiply both numerator and denominator of the L.H.S. of (6) by v. Inserting (9) in (10) we easily see that dxdO de <lt = [1] \IT (1 - cosZO) (11) where we assumed a time pararnetrization conveniently this parametrization. far e. We are free to choose Choosing ane so that (IZ) we see that x(O) = [4~] (ZO "senZo) is a solution oí (11). (13) All we have to do now is to calculate A. This can be done if we force Eq. (7) to be valid. (IZ) and (13) in (7) we obtain _I_{A'sen'(ZO) 4C'g' + C'g'cos'(ZO)\ = _1_ (1 - + the constant Inserting Eqs. (9), _1_{1_ Zcos(ZO)} 4C' (14) cosZO) ZC' Frem (14) we see that A must be given by A = gC (15) Substituting (15) in (13) we obtain x(O) = R(ZO - senZO) (16) 533 = where we used that R Equations 1 __ 4gC' (9) and (16) are the parametric confinning a well known result Now, we are going to treat more general whose potentials for a cicloid, gravitational fields, are given by (17) = al"' Ver) where o is a constant, zera intcger number. case fer (17), with a determine r the distance P.K. Aravind(l) and n = ~ the brachistocfi~nes = from the centcr oí force and n a non in solved a particular Z. his article The differential for these potentials RameshÜlander(5) via the Eu1er-Lagrangc equations. reobtain equations for this prob1em(3). these differential cquations equations were obtained which by In this artic1e with the Bernoulli's method we as exposed befare. Since central potentials have spherical synanetry the "index oí refraction" in this case is a funetian oí T alone and we can write Eq. (2) in the fonn d A) Os (n(r)T where = dn A Or r (18) ? is the unit vector in thc r direction. Mu1tip1ying both sides of (18) vectoria11y by ; wc obtain (19) From the last equation we havc (20) n r sinB :: ctc where theorem B is the angle betwcen gives the relation 1- and T. In this case the energy conservation 534 n(r) = c = v~r J {2a = c- (21) m Substituting (21) in (20) we obtain r sinB (k k where q is the distance = cte) (22) from the point ~here the particle was initially at rest and the center of force (see Fig. 1). To obtain the differentia1 equations for the brachistochrones we easily see that rd~ sina "- (23) ds and [~]' + (24) r' [~]'= 1 From (23) and (24) we find (25) lnserting (25) into (22) we finally have , ~ = } {r' . k'(qn . rn)}' (26) which coincides with Eq. A.5 of R. Chander's(5) paper if we identify our k with his constant of integratían o. In this article we used Bernoulli's manner. method in a littIe different Instead oí the Snellts law, we started with the eikonal equation and ray equation. It seems easier to use the sYJIIIletries of each problem 535 Q I I \ I \ I I \ p Ir \ dr /,?'~ \ \ I \ ds \ \ q\ 7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Fig. 1. Brachistochrone between peints Q and P in a radial field with canter oí force at o. gravitational 536 in the integration of this last equation. Thus, in applying the method to other cases (wi th axial synrnetry for instance) or in more complicated brachistochrone problems this new point oí view may a150 be used. Besides its charm, the simplicity of the Bernoulli' s method makes it understandable by any undergraduated student. students used it more often. Therefore, it would be interesting if those REFERENCIAS 1. 2. 3. P.K. Aravind, Am. J. Phy~., 49(9) (1981). K.R. Symon, Mee~, Readin9, Mass, Adisson-Wesley (1972). H. Goldstein, Cla4~~al Meehani~.Readin9, Mas., Addison-Wesley (1950). 4. S. Borowitz, Fundamento~ de Mee~~a C~ea. Editorial Reverté, S.A. (1973). 5. Ramesh Chander, A.J .•Phy~•• 49(9) (1977). / I