July/August 2014


July/August 2014
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
United Methodists
July/August 2014
Volume 44
Number 4
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
‘100 New Points of Light’ launched
By Daniel R. Gangler
Annual Conference
pages 4-9
Church Development
page 5
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Conference launched “100 New Points of
Light” during the Friday morning, May
30, session of annual conference.
Bishop Mike Coyner hoped 100
congregations would accept his invitation. He asked each to get involved in
starting a worship service, Bible study
or other organized effort, to reach new
people “with the light of Christ.”
More than 300 conference members
and guests responded crowding on to
the plenary stage at the Indiana Convention Center. They represented 201
Coyner expects many of these new
faith communities will be “off-site” in a
location outside existing church buildings, while others will be at “off-times”
to reach new people beyond our typical
worship services.
The response was twice what Coyner
and conference leaders had planned.
They are in the process of revamping
their plans to accommodate a larger
number of churches who want to be
involved than anticipated.
What’s next?
43,200 meals prepared
page 8
Light in Darkness
page 11
or email:
[email protected]
Those who came forward were led
into a separate room where they received packets of information, which
included a voucher to request $500, in
seed money for their new ministry efforts.
Each congregation participating will
be assigned an adviser to help local
church pastors and other leaders develop their plans and pray for them.
The conference directors are seeking
more funds, because leaders had only
set aside $50,000 from the Discontinued
Church fund for each of these new projects.
According to Coyner, “That is a very
appropriate use of the legacy funds
from congregations which have completed their ministry, but we had only
anticipated needing $500 each for 100
churches – and now we need $500 each
for 200 churches.
“That is a good problem, and I am
sure we will find the funds. In fact two
different persons came to me and offered $1,000 each to help support these
New Points of Light,” he said.
According to Jennifer Gallagher,
Indiana Conference Treasurer, the Conference Council on Finance and Administration will be considering places they
can pull the needed dollars. There are
specific funds for church development.
More than 300 annual conference members and guests representing 200 United Methodist
congregations from across the state, crowd on to the stage to sign up for 100 New Points
of Light.
Those wishing to contribute to this
outreach ministry can do so by sending
individual contributions to the conference 100 New Points of Light campaign
at Indiana Conference Treasurer, 301
Pennsylvania Parkway, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46280 or through the donate
button on the conference website at
Values undergirding this vision include:
• Reach the un-churched,
• Reach the de-churched,
• Wesleyan Theology,
• Lay-driven,
• Empower laity,
• Outwardly focused,
• Entrepreneurial spirit and innovation
• Failing is okay as long as we learn
from it – this is a pilot program.
The campaign
The 100 New Points of Light campaign will be administered by the
conference directors and district superintendents. The Rev. Cindy Reynolds,
executive assistant to Coyner, will be
the leader of the campaign. The Rev.
Bev Perry, Superintendent of the Southeast District, will coordinate the activities of the Cabinet in the campaign.
Each of the 200 congregations has
been or will be assigned an advisor who
will be given a handful of churches to
oversee and assist as each one moves
forward to establish a new form of worship or outreach ministry resulting in
reaching beyond the existing congregation to a new population to make disciples. The advisors will be contacting
their assigned congregations during the
month of July.
The Rev. Dave Neckers, Conference
Director of Church Development, will
continue to train new coach-advisors
as they are recruited to cover all 200
churches involved in the campaign.
Media presence
The campaign will be resourced
through the conference website at www.
inumc.org/100lights. At that location,
participants will find a directory of
churches involved in the campaign, the
informational packet distributed at the
Annual Conference Session, a picture
gallery for placing pictures of new worship and ministry opportunities, a place
to send and read 250-word stories of
Glory Sightings from local churches, a
place to make online donations to the
campaign and other news and information to support the campaign and the
200 churches involved in it.
The campaign also has a Facebook
presence for sharing of information
and stories by the New Points of Light
churches at 100 New Points of Light and
on Twitter @inumconference #100lights.
The email address for the campaign
is [email protected].
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
What unites us
Many people and caucus groups in
our United Methodist Church these
days are talking about words like
“schism” and “amicable separation”
and other ways of dividing our denomination. Why? Because, we have
deep differences over issues like human
sexuality, the authority and interpretation of Scripture and the application of
our Social Principles. In the midst of
such discussions, perhaps it is helpful
to focus upon the things that unite us.
Here is my list:
1. We are united by our faith in Jesus
Christ. Once we become professing
members who join two thousand
years of followers of Jesus, we become a part of the Body of Christ and
we discover our unity with all other
believers. Our unity in Christ is a
gift we receive, it is not an organizational reality we achieve.
2. We are united by our common mission: “Making disciples of Jesus
Christ for the transformation of the
world.” Despite our many differences of opinion on a variety of topics,
when we focus upon our mission, we
discover a unity which gives us power to achieve that mission. That was
obvious at our Indiana Annual Conference Session when 201 congregations came forward to declare their
desire to be one of our New Points of
Light in the coming year and to start
new worship services to reach new
people. That wonderful response in-
From the Bishop
cluded people from different church
tions, and not the other way around.
sizes, differing theological perspecOr as we have said it here in Indiana,
the conference exists for the
tives and a variety of minsake of the congregations,
istry styles – but they were
the congregations do not
united by a desire to fulfill
exist for the sake of the conour common mission.
ference. That’s why talk of
3. We are united by our comour being “congregational
passion ministries. Every
or connectional” is a false
time there is a disaster anydichotomy. We are both. We
where in the world, United
are a connection of congreMethodists join together to
gations united for our global
respond with care, matemission, so our congregarial goods and hands-on
tions are really what I call
efforts. At such moments,
“global churches” – churchno one asks about differes which are both local and global.
ing theological perspectives. The
6. We are united by our desire to have
United Methodist Committee on
our congregations and our supportRelief (UMCOR) and other ministries
ing structure exhibit these characterof compassion through our United
istics of fruitfulness, as described by
Methodist Church are offered to all
Bishop Robert Schnase in Five Pracpeple – not just those with whom we
tices of Fruitful Congregations: Radical
hospitality, Passionate worship, Inten4. We are united by our Wesleyan Gentional faith development, Risk-taking
eral Rules, summarized by Bishop
mission and service, and Extravagant
Rueben Job in Three Simple Rules as:
Do no harm, do good and stay in
are united by our Wesleyan unlove with God. From the beginning
of God’s grace, namely
of the Wesleyan revival, those rules
Justifying Grace
have governed the way Methodist
We are not
people work together, and we would
do well to focus upon those rules in
our discussions about difficult issues.
5. We are united by our commitment to
vital congregations. In fact, our UMC
is focused upon how the various
conference structures can strengthen
the ministry of our local congrega-
Arkansas bishop thankful for
Hoosier gift to tornado relief
INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Bishop
Mike Coyner received a thank you
letter today, May 12, from Arkansas
Bishop Gary Mueller. Mueller wrote:
“It is with the deepest possible gratitude that I thank you and the wonderful people of the Indiana Conference Disaster Response Committee
for your generosity in sending the
Arkansas Conference a check for tornado relief in the amount of $2,000.
The money will be immensely
helpful as we seek to offer help and
support to those impacted by the
devastating storms. But more than
that, this act of connection strengthens us, as brothers and sisters reach
out to share in this time of need.”
For more information about tornado relief in Arkansas, visit www.
Bishop Brown takes office as
Council of Bishops president
Francisco area Bishop Warner Brown has
begun his term as president of the United
Methodist Council of Bishops.
Bishop Rosemarie Wenner of the
Germany Episcopal Area has served
as president of the Council since April
2012. Her two-year term ended at the
close of the Council’s executive committee meeting on May 4. A formal celebration and the traditional “passing of the
gavel” will take place at the Council of
Bishops’ meeting in November 2014.
Bishop Robert E. Hayes, Jr., who
has served three terms as the Councils’
secretary, was succeeded by Louisiana
Area Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey.
Brown said his hope for the Council
is that they can speak with one voice
with words of encouragement to the
church “in the many places where the
church is doing good work, where
growth is happening, where lives are
being touched and lives are being saved
… we have much to celebrate.
“We are a very diverse church with
a lot of things to learn from each other
about how we effectively can be the
church and make disciples of Jesus
Christ, transform the world and hear
and see the needs of people,” said
Brown. “In order to do that, we’ll need
to talk with each other and be honest
with each other and learn from each
other. I hope I can facilitate that kind of
a “doctrinal” church in the narrow
sense of that word; rather we focus
upon discovering and living in the
grace that God offers to all of us in
Jesus Christ.
There are probably other things
which unite us, and we need to focus
upon the things that unite rather than
focusing upon the things that divide us.
My wife and I just celebrated our
44th wedding anniversary, and I can tell
you that such a long-term marriage does
not happen by focusing upon our differences, or by throwing around words
like “divorce” or ugly descriptions of
one another. We have stayed married
by focusing upon the love, commitment
and blessings that unite us.
I invite all United Methodists to focus upon the things that unite us, just as
John Wesley himself said: “In essentials,
unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all
things, charity.”
from Bishop Michael J. Coyner,
Indiana Area of The United Methodist
“Leadership for vibrant congregations making faithful disciples of Jesus Christ”
July/August 2014 Vol. 44 No.4
MISSION STATEMENT: To reflect the teachings of Christ through
stories and pictures, thereby sharing key moments and concerns in the
life of His Indiana church and its people. To share joy, to share personal
faith, to share challenges, and to refresh the spirit.
Michael J. Coyner
Daniel R. Gangler
Editorial Assistant: Erma J. Metzler
Conference Assistants: Roscel S. Carandang
Brenda Gross
I ndiana A rea Bishop/Publisher:
Copyright 2014 Indiana Conference of The
United Methodist Church.
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Hoosier United Methodists Together (ISSN1544-080x) is a bimonthly (Jan., March,
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Members of the Indiana Conference Communication
Team and Editorial Advisory Group:
Matthew Stultz, Team Leader
Beverly Calender-Anderson
Kelli Kelly
Mark L. Eutsler
Beth Stickles McDaniel
Dan Gangler, Convener
Kim Reisman
Permission is hereby granted to United Methodist congregations to
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Together is supported by the conference tithe.
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Engaging your mission field
By Bob Crossman
beyond your membership to
include all the people around
you whom God has
called your particular church to serve.
Our call to make disciples and our call to
serve come together
when we engage our
entire community
and build positive,
incarnational relationships with those
we encounter.
Perhaps there was
a time when inspiring worship and
great music brought
people to church. Today, however, in an
increasing number
of places, the quality
of what is happening
within the church is
not enough to reach
those outside the
church. Those outside the church, including the
growing number of those who
state their religious preference
as “none,” seek more from the
They demand authenticity.
And even those with no connection to the church understand that an authentic church
is a serving church. They respect a church that reads Matthew 25 on Sunday and spends
its time and money with the
“least of these” during the
week. They expect engagement
with the community.
How can our churches continue to be faithful to the call
in Matthew 28 to go make disciples while being increasingly
faithful to the call in Matthew
25 to feed the hungry, clothe
the naked, welcome the stranger, and visit the prisoner?
Where both of these passages
come together is in what many
today refer to as a church’s
“mission field.”
Your mission field goes well
Listen and Learn
The best way to learn about
the mission field around your
church is to listen and learn.
While demographic reports
from public and private resources offer much data about
a community, you cannot
discover your mission field
exclusively by studying reports. Data must be tested by
walking around and spending
time with the people who live
in your community. Ministries
that bless communities in Jesus’ name often arise out of
unorganized, crazy and chaotic
conversations where we listen
for the hopes and dreams of
people within a mission field.
This begins not with big
events or large numbers of
people. It involves face-to-face
conversations sitting in a park,
a diner, or a coffee shop. A pastor sat at Venice Beach, California, with a sign that read, “Tell
me your story and I will give
you a dollar.” A line formed,
and she was busy all afternoon!
As you listen, don’t let your
pre-set ideas or preconceived
notions shape the conversation.
Rather ask simply what are
the challenges, hopes, longings
and dreams of your neighbors.
As you observe and listen, determine if there are clusters of
themes, dreams and challenges
that face people in your mission
field. What ministries might address the brokenness revealed?
You may discover that there
are already places within your
church where you can build
meaningful relationships with
members of your community
– for example, the participants
in your English as a Second
Language (ESL) program, the
neighborhood youth who play
basketball in your parking lot,
the households who utilize
your food pantry and clothing
bank, or the families who receive your annual Thanksgiving baskets. Yet, too often these
programs operate in ways that
inhibit positive relationships
and communicate an “us and
them” attitude.
Turning Missional Gestures
into Missional Encounters
A congregation in southern
California discovered that their
food and clothing bank was
inadvertently communicating,
“You are not worthy to come
to worship, but you can come
to the back of the church for
Letters to the Editor
Hillary Clinton
My, my, doesn’t every event
have two sides! Together was so
proud to flaunt “Saint” Hillary
as the daughter of the church
and UMW. And the women
applauded and cheered when
she declined to receive an
honorarium. The Methodist
Church and UMW are about as
far north of the Bible as Hillary
is liberal. So no wonder they
fit so well. Are you so naive to
not understand that her shared
faith was just another political speech? Hillary intends to
be the next president, and she
excels in telling her audience
what she thinks they want to
hear, no matter if it is in direct
conflict with her actions. Aren’t
you so proud of Hillary when
she is questioned about her
role in Benghazi, and on TV
she snarls “So we have four
dead Americans, so what”?
What a God-send miracle,
that on the same day we get
the Together that the Evansville
Courier has an editorial by Cal
Thomas. After reading your
article, I would have to assume
that you think his article contains no truths.
I am a Methodist by family tradition, but certainly not
proud to say I am one. And
I expect that it won’t be long
before the Methodist church
votes to join the anti-Bible vocalists, and that is where we
will part ways. In the meantime, I am enthused that our
minister is a time tested moral
Bible scholar, and is delighted
to preach the Word.
I know you could care less
about this letter, but the failure
to act by the informed, is exactly what leads to the situation at
hand, on which I speak. As the
Methodist church continues
to leave God behind, I feel it is
just a matter of time when God
will leave the Methodist church
behind also.
Kenneth Schaaf
Dale, Ind.
Front page above the fold
as they say in the newspaper
business, is an article about
former First Lady Hillary Clinton (Together, May-June 2014).
In the piece it states about our
First Lady, “She spoke of the
‘great witness’ of seeing her
father kneel by his bed to pray
every night. She also said her
mother taught Sunday school
and was committed to social
justice issues. It was her grandmother, Hannah, “a tough
Methodist woman” she said
who “taught me to never be
afraid to get your hands dirty.”
How does a woman with
such a religious immediate
family, become the recipient
of the 2009 Margaret Sanger
Award (of Planned Parenthood Federation of America)?
I wonder if her mother, father
and grandmother would be
abortion advocates also. What
is that “social gospel” that Mrs.
Clinton wants to take to the
Perhaps, the title of the article should be, “Former First
Lady shares her desire for
votes with UM Women.”
Nancy Whitaker
Delphi, Ind.
a handout.” As a result, very
few people were attending
their Spanish language worship service. They turned their
program upside down so as
to incorporate worship, food,
clothing and fellowship into a
more unified whole, resulting
in exponential growth.
A congregation in Wichita,
Kansas, offers a 30-minute
worship time after their ESL
program each week. About 125
of the 150 ESL participants stay
for worship. In central Virginia,
a new rural church, working with de-churched people,
began as a movement to love
and care for neighbors through
ministries such as GED classes
and a thrift store. Only after
the community relationships
were built did they begin to
offer worship.
Several churches in the
Dallas area have added Bible
studies and midweek worship
inside their clothing bank for
the households that rely on
that program.
In Dayton, Ohio, a church has
added a donut and coffee table
to their weekly food and clothing
distribution. A church member
with the gift of warm hospitality serves as host, inviting each
person to stay for the 30-minute
Bible study that morning.
These congregations are
finding ways to make disciples
and serve, fulfilling the Gospel
mandates in both Matthew 25
and Matthew 28.
Bob Crossman serves as a New
Church Strategist with Path One,
General Board of Discipleship of
The United Methodist Church,
which is based in Nashville, Tenn.
Questions matter
By Andy Kinsey
At the recent Indiana
Annual Conference Session, I was struck by the
importance placed on asking the right questions. I
don’t know if anyone else
overheard it, but I appreciated how Archbishop
Joseph Tobin at the Prayer
Breakfast spoke about getting the questions right. The
Archbishop shared how it
took Roman Catholics and
Lutherans close to 500 years
to reach an agreement on
the doctrine of justification.
In 1999, they concurred on
what they called a “differentiated consensus,” meaning that they found a way
to agree on what the right
question was.
Later in the morning during the Ordination Service,
Bishop Coyner also mentioned the importance of
asking the right questions.
Quoting the book by Peter
Block The Answer to How is
Yes, Bishop Coyner stated
how important questions
are to organizations. Asking good questions may be
the most significant thing
we can do to guide families,
churches and communities
into a deeper sense of who
they are and what they do.
Questions matter.
Jesus, of course, asked
questions. One of the most
famous was before Pilate:
“What is truth?” Another
was “Who do you say that
I am?” He asked more, of
John Wesley, too, was
known to ask questions, certainly of those who would
preach but also of those who
participated in class meetings and conferences. Questions like “How is it with
your soul?” and “What shall
we teach?” became ways
to guide the early Methodists. The exercises were part
self-examination and community discernment, but
they were very much part of
a common mission to spread
holiness. Even Charles Wesley’s hymn “And Are We Yet
Alive?” invites us to consider our life before God by
singing the question.
I wonder what lessons
United Methodists might
take from Archbishop Tobin and Bishop Coyner’s
insights about getting the
questions right. What kinds
of questions do we need
now to be asking? Do we
agree on what they are?
It took Catholics and
Lutherans close to 500 years
to agree on what questions
to ask. That’s a long time!
And yet, after only 45 years
as a denomination we are
currently facing similar
struggles: for example, what
is the basis of our unity and
life together? What is God
seeking to do through us,
and how shall we participate in what God is doing?
There are more questions,
to be sure, but the point is
simple: questions matter.
They can help guide us. At
present may we all pray and
see where they will lead us.
Andy Kinsey is senior pastor of Franklin Grace UMC
and Wesleyan Theologian on
the Leadership Table of the
Indiana Conference.
Annual Conference
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Visiting bishop challenges Hoosiers to repent, walk in new direction
INDIANAPOLIS – During the opening
moments of the 2014 Indiana Conference Session May 29, Bishop Mike
Coyner introduced Bishop Gregory
Palmer, Resident Bishop of the West
Ohio Area of The United Methodist
Church based in Worthington, Ohio.
He preached during a service of “Confession, Repentance and Renewal.” The
service was created to help conference
members make a fresh start discerning
God’s vision for the transformation of
the world.
Palmer was elected bishop in 2000 as
a delegate of the East Ohio Conference.
Prior to being assigned to West Ohio in
Bishop Gregory Palmer
2012, he served as Resident Bishop of
the Iowa Area (2000-2008) and Resident
Bishop of the Illinois Area – Illinois
Great Rivers Conference (2008-2012).
Palmer’s sermon, “Confess, Repent,
Believe,” was based on the passage of
Mark 1: 1-15, where John the Baptist
prepared the way of the Good News,
sharing the importance of repentance
and forgiveness of sins. In order for
us to fully receive the Good News, we
must prepare a route for ourselves. Like
John the Baptist laid out in the aforementioned passage that preparation
comes from confessing, repenting and
Palmer reminded conference members that we must never forget to
believe the Gospel. The Gospel is a
message of forgiveness, but sometimes
the institution of the church isn’t very
forgiving. Repenting has an emphasis
in turning and walking in a new direction – in a new way. The pull is to turn
us back.
He challenged the church’s action by
encouraging members of the Indiana
Conference to trust in the Good News
and exercise showing forgiveness to
one another and to those who we do
not know.
Conference approves landmark
advocacy, finances, benefits
Mike Coyner called the 2014
Indiana Annual Conference
into session May 29. He introduced Carolyn Johnson, Secretary of the Annual Conference;
Cindy Reynolds, Executive
Assistant to the Bishop and
Becky Huff-Cook, assistant to
the secretary.
The following actions were
• Archives and History, Landmark motion was approved
to recognize the “Helenor
M. Alter Davisson Cluster”
to the General Commission
on Archives and History
(see separate story).
• Advocacy and Social Justice
Team petitions were approved by the conference.
• Mission Resource Team list
of Indiana approved advance special projects.
The Conference Council on
Finance and Administration
(CFA) policies were updated
and approved.
A $13.4 million income budget for 2014 was shared by
CFA. CFA outlined the programs of the conference for
vitality and growth.
2015 proposed income
budget of $13.6 million and
expense budget of $14.1 million was approved Friday,
May 30.
A report of the Christian
Conference Task Force was
given by Adolf Hansen,
chair of the task force (see
separate story). Christian
Conferencing guidelines
were approved.
• The Board of Pensions reports were approved in the
following actions:
▪▪ The 2015 cost of the
Clergy Retirement Security Program – Defined
Benefit of 8.5 percent of
Plan Compensation is
limited to 150 percent of
Denomination Average
Compensation for billing
▪▪ That the Pre-1982 Past
Service Rate for 2015 be
set at $673 per service
▪▪ That the report Sections
A through F, H and I, be
approved as presented.
• The Board of Pension’s Retiree Health Subsidy report
is covered in a separate adjacent story.
Address reminds us of the role of the laity
there’s no reference to a “lay
leader” in the Bible, Conference Lay Leaders Kayc
Mykrantz and Ike Williams
assured those attending the
Indiana Conference Session
that laity are vital to United
Methodist congregations.
Williams stated, “The world
out there needs some good
friends like us.” The role of
laity is to be a friend to Jesus,
one another and to the world.
According to Mykrantz and
Williams, there are seven billion people in the world, out
of which two billion identify
as Christians. Twelve million
of those are members of The
United Methodist Church with
more than 50,000 being United
Methodist clergy.
If it were only up to United
Methodist clergy to tell the
world about Jesus, they all
would have to work around
Africa University Campaign
begins public phase
The Indiana Conference Session launched the public phase of raising
our goal of $1.6 million for Africa University in Zimbabwe, and received
a special “offering” where each congregation was invited to dance their
way forward to give money, a pledge or a commitment card to be a part
of this campaign to educate Christian leaders on the continent of Africa.
Some individuals and some churches have already made “advance”
gifts and pledges. During the session, 138 pledge cards were received
totalling $206,531 in pledges making the total in cash and pledges to
date $768,700.Be part of the effort to let the light of our witness shine
through Africa University by visiting www.inumc.org/au. Churches will
have an opportunity to pledge to the AU Campaign this fall during their
charge conferences.
Retiree health insurance plan
funding subsidy approved
Retiring Conference Lay Leaders Williams and Mykrantz
the clock.
Mykrantz and Williams
stressed that this is where
the laity come in. They spend
most of their time out in the
world where they are able to
be agents of transformation in
those settings.
They also addressed opportunities laity could take advantage of for further training,
assistance and guidance to be
effective leaders in the Indiana
Indiana Denman Awards to laity, youth, pastor
The 2014 Denman Evangelism Award recipients in Indiana are: Laity Award to Lori
Brown Bierhaus of Westport; Youth Award to
Emma Hawn of Sheridan; and Clergy Award
to the Rev. Tim Johnson, pastor of Pfrimmers
Chapel UMC in Corydon.
INDIANAPOLIS – In response
to the discussion of the Retiree
Medicare premium subsidy at
the 2013 Annual Conference
Session, Bishop Mike Coyner
asked the members of the Retiree Health Insurance Funding
Task Force to continue meeting
to review the concerns of the
conference and make a proposal to the Board for consideration and submission to the
2014 Annual Conference.
The task force met and
asked the Rev. George Hunsaker and Conference Director of
Administrative Services Brent
Williams to seek information
on the level of pension being
received by retirees. Based
on information gleaned from
Hunsaker and task force approval, following recommendations for subsidy support for
both retired clergy and spouse
(if both are on the Conference
Medicare Supplement program).
The annual conference ap-
proved these recommendations:
• For surviving spouses over
the age of 65, an amount
of $250 will be credited towards the premium charged
by the Conference-sponsored Medicare Supplement
• All participants who retired
prior to 1990 will continue
to receive $5/month/service
year subsidy for up to 30
years of service.
• All participants who retired
in 1990 thru 2004 will receive $4/month/service year
subsidy for up to 30 years of
• All participants who retired
in 2005 thru 2015 will receive $3/month/service year
subsidy for up to 30 years of
• All participants who retire
in 2016 and beyond will
receive $2/month/service
subsidy for up to 30 years of
Annual Conference
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Church development specialist encourages going back to roots
By Jennifer Meadows
INDIANAPOLIS – The Rev. Bob Farr’s
Friday, May 30, teaching session encouraged Indiana Conference members to
turn back to their early Methodist roots.
Farr, who is Missouri Conference Director of the Center for Congregational
Excellence, believes the modern United
Methodist congregation is focused
more on making members rather than
making disciples of Jesus Christ.
“We were not an established
church,” Farr stated, “we came by
horse. We were missionaries. Somewhere we went from missionary to
In order to touch base with our roots,
we should ask the question that John
Wesley asked, “What was the most
important thing Jesus said”?
The answer is to love the Lord with
Farr challenges Hoosiers to be missional.
everything we’ve got. Farr believes we
need to be on fire for Jesus. “If we are
going to go forward friends, we need to
recapture our fire.”
Along with our recaptured fire for
Christ, Farr also encouraged the conference members to rethink how they view
service. He said he believes United
Methodists are good at charity in our
communities, not mission in our communities. We are good at collecting
materials to hand off to other agencies
to distribute, but he doesn’t classify
that as mission work. Instead, he hopes
United Methodists go back to their
roots of the missional church that got
out into communities to build relationships and serve neighbors.
Farr stated, “Somewhere along the
way, we have frozen in place.” The
average United Methodist shares Jesus
with someone every 38 years. Instead
of sharing the Good News with others,
he sees United Methodists stuck in their
ways “playing church.” Instead, United
Methodists need to shift their focus
on developing relationships with the
people right across the street from the
church because the most important per-
son, in greeting new people to a church,
is its members. Members need to start
seeing themselves as missional outposts
for the church.
Farr specifically addressed clergy on
how they should handle developing relationships outside of their current congregations. Pastors have two mission
fields – those you know and those you
do not know. Clergy have been trained
to be shepherds and chaplains, only
keeping care of the flock they have.
Farr challenged clergy to see themselves as shepherds and leaders willing
to try new things and to become outwardly-focused churches. He also challenged laity to protect and stand behind
their pastors.
He challenged clergy to get out of
their offices and laity to get out of the
building and develop disciples of Christ
in the communities they serve.
Church Development reports gains in growth, hope to establish
30 new congregations in Indiana by 2020
INDIANAPOLIS – Senior Associate Director Steve
Clouse began the Church Development Team report
by presenting a video about the Fruitful Congregation
Journey (FCJ), a growth program for congregations.
Building new generations within current churches is
the adjustment we need to make. FCJ is bringing new
life to churches. Not only welcoming people to churches but also bringing the church to the community.
Associate Director Ed Fenstermacher introduced
a new Fruitful Congregations Journey program for
churches with under 50 people in worship attendance,
that is coming this fall.
Bishop Mike Coyner emphasized the importance of
FCJ in helping congregations reach out to their communities. Church Development is now working with
un-churched and de-churched people. New Hispanic
congregations are being launched across the state.
There are 23 Hispanic pastors now studying seminary
curriculum online. Riverside UMC in New Albany
and The Branches UMC in Plainfield were featured for
their new growth in younger adults.
Coyner said the more choices we can provide, the
more we will grow as a church.
Associate Director Sharon Washington says she
said “yes” with God doing a new thing in Indiana.
We are just getting started. God is asking us to move
deeper into the waters by establishing 30 new faith
communities in Indiana by 2020 with the “exceed”
Church Development announced “exceed” to raise
$1.5 million to assist in reaching new people. The ultimate mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for
the transformation of the world.
Coyner said we are in the new church-start moment. Church Development helps tell us where the
hot spots are. One dream is to start 100 new worship
services, or other form of community, during the next
There are 25 new faith communities that have been
created during the past 15 years. Each one of these
“new starts” is bringing vitality to a new locations.
For more information, visit www.exceedindiana.org.
United Methodists worship in the
streets of Indianapolis
INDIANAPOLIS – Georgia Street had
a United Methodist fair Friday, May 30.
As part of being the Outwardly Focused
Church, the Indiana Conference hosted
Community Day on Georgia Street for the
city of Indianapolis.
Amy Cox kicked off the event, sharing
her music with the lunch-time crowd. Besides having the opportunity to worship,
attendees had their choice of lunch from
a multitude of food trucks. Volunteers
of the Indiana Conference greeted and
welcomed guests by offering prayer, free
balloons and water bottles, activities for
the kids, and plenty of smiles.
Sixteen Cities, Gospel musical group,
concluded the event with worship.
Helene Foust developed the idea of
worshipping in the streets of Indianapolis
when she interacted with a homeless man
at last year’s annual conference. He approached her excited that “the Methodists
were in town.” He was looking for a worship experience.
When Foust invited him to the Convention Center for the evening worship, he
declined the invitation because he didn’t
want to intrude on our time together.
Foust realized a prime opportunity
was missed to bring the Good News to
our community. Thus, Community Day
was developed in order to worship with
our brothers and sisters in Indianapolis.
The Indiana Conference welcomed a
multitude of guests. Even curious individuals at surrounding businesses and
apartments opened up their windows to
see what was happening in the streets.
Foust is satisfied with the reception of the
event. – Jennifer Meadows
“The dream for this event started last year with a conversation with
a homeless man seeking a place to experience God’s power. Today, I am
thanking God that the homeless were invited and welcomed, the hungry
were fed, prayers were lifted up and we sang to our Amazing God in the
middle of the day, in the middle of the city! As I looked around as we sang
‘God of this City,’ I couldn’t stop thanking God for bringing us together
to be an outwardly-focused church. There were people in the office
buildings looking out. People on the ninth floor of the PanAm building
tweeted the band. There was a bicyclist that passed then came back,
dropped his bike and started singing with his hands up.”
– Helene Foust
The Gospel music group Sixteen Cities filled downtown streets with Gospel rock during
Community Day, Friday afternoon on Georgia Street.
Hundreds lined up to purchase lunch from a dozen food trucks parked on Georgia Street
for Community Day, Friday afternoon, May 30.
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Annual Conference
Bishop shares what it means to be ‘Poured out in Ministry’
INDIANAPOLIS – Using 2 Timothy 4:1-6, 8 as his text, Indiana
Bishop Mike Coyner shared
with the conference members,
guests and especially those being ordained or commissioned,
his views of what it means to be
“poured out in ministry.”
Coyner shared these ideas in
his sermon during the Ordination, Commissioning Service
Saturday morning, May 31.
“We are all going to die, so
let’s get that issue out of the
way, and then decide how we
want to live our lives,” Coyner
began. He said, “Paul reminds
us that each one of us is an ‘offering’ and a sacrifice poured
out to God. Someday we will
receive the victor’s crown for
completing our faithful lives,
but for now it helps to think of
ourselves as already dead.”
Coyner said he believes that
whether laity or clergy, a call to
ministry means we are willing
to pour out our life for Christ.
He quoted Martin Luther King,
Jr., saying, “If you don’t have
anything you are willing to die
Ministry is being a sacrifice, poured out
in ministry for others on behalf of Christ.
for, then you don’t have any
reason to live.”
Coyner asked his audience,
“What are the things you are
willing to give your life for?”
He then listed seven beliefs for
which he would live. Highlighted, they included:
1. Jesus Christ is Lord;
2. All are welcome at the
Lord’s Table – “I am proud
of the fact that our United
Methodist communion table
is open to all who come
confessing Christ. No one is
excluded,” Coyner said;
3. Growing in grace is a lifelong journey – we have to
keep growing into the likeness of Christ;
4. Every child is a child of God;
5. Life is about giving, not
about receiving;
6. Our Christian faith is about
love, justice, mercy and joy
– it is not about stifling re-
Those who were ordainded as Elders: Front row (l-r) Donna Lynn Ward,
Jungbum Kim. Back row (l-r) Daniel Lee Payton, Samuel Leon Padgett
and James William Clark.
ligious categories or moralisms; and
7. My personal integrity (i.e.,
my word is good) is the best
gift I can offer to others.
Following the seven, he
gave examples of people he
has seen who exemplified
these truths. One was Ralph
Kastedt, a blind preacher in the
former North Indiana Conference, who served in ministry to
churches in turmoil. What he
remembered about Kastedt is
that he always said, “Everyone
has a handicap. I am fortunate
that my handicap is obvious so
I have had to deal with it.”
Coyner said, “Ralph knew
how to do ministry as a sacrifice poured out for Christ and
for others.”
Concluding he shared how
peaceful the death of his father
was a few weeks ago. “It was
a sacred moment. Not every
death is that peaceful, and not
everyone dies in a blanket of
love. But for those in Christ, we
know that death is not the end,
it is a part of our life. So… how
shall we live?”
Ask yourself, “How shall I
He concluded: “For me, I
will live for Christ.”
During the service, one
provisional deacon and twelve
provisional elders were commissioned. Three candidates
from other denominations were
recognized as provisional members. Five provisional members
were ordained Elders. One missionary was commissioned.
An offering of $2,062 also was
received during the service for
district superintendents to use
when the conference needs to
assist a pastor’s family during a
financial emergency. The funds
are managed by Rejuvenate.
A couple dozen people attending the service also felt
God’s call to ministry and went
forward following Coyner’s
invitation to come forward for
prayer and words of guidance.
More than 100 people are
in the candidacy for ministry
process in Indiana.
Those commissioned Provisional Members and other Provisional Members include: Front row (l-r) Lois Kay
Cannon, Crystal Ann Jacobson, Adriane Rene Curtis, Mary Rebekah Ward Dicken, Sharon Lorraine Washington, Catherine Ann Clayton and Hye Sook Kim. Back row (l-r) Mark Allan Brock, Jared Michael Kendall, Glenn
James Knepp, Christopher Allen Tiedeman, Brian Edward Cook, Steven Paul Clouse and Andrew Charles Baker.
Conference elects new Indiana
Conference Lay Leader
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Annual Conference
Session elected Doris Clark
of Indianapolis as the new
Lay Leader of the Indiana
Conference, effective June 1.
Clark has served as one of
the conference’s Associate
Lay Leaders, Central District
Lay Leader and also participates as a member of the
Bishop’s Operational Team,
the Annual Conference Sessions Implementation Team, lay member
of the Conference Board of Ordained
Ministry, District Chair of the Central
District, member of the Conference Nominating Committee, Board President of
United Methodist Metro Ministries and
a member of the General Church’s Connectional Table. She was a delegate to the
2012 General and North Central Jurisdic-
tional Conferences of The United
Methodist Church. She is a member of University United Methodist Church in Indianapolis.
Clark will continue where
previous Indiana Conference
Co-Lay Leaders Ike Williams of
Carmel and Kayc Mykrantz of
Logansport have served since
the new Indiana Conference was
created five years ago.
Upon naming Clark to this position a few months ago, Bishop
Mike Coyner said, “I have been blessed
to have Ike and Kayc as co-conference
lay leaders these past several years, and I
now look forward to working with Doris
and the rest of the Board of Laity. We
are all partners together in ministry, and
our common desire is to lead the Indiana
Conference to be even more faithful and
fruitful in the ministry of Christ.”
As is his custom, Bishop Coyner baptized three children of clergy: Micah Thomas Cassiday,
child of Benjamin and Eva Cassiday; Elijah Yougsuh Cho, child of Daniel Seunghyun and
Hyemin Na Cho; and Amara Rose Ellis, child of Benjamin and Sarah Ellisp as part of the
Ordination-Commissioning Service Saturday, May 31.
Annual Conference
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Conference remembers deceased during memorial service
INDIANAPOLIS – Deceased clergy and deceased
clergy spouses who have died since the last Annual
Conference Session were remembered Friday, May
30, during a time of prayer, Scripture reading and
Holy Communion during the Indiana Annual Conference Session. Bishop Mike Coyner was the celebrant.
The Rev. Andrew Payton, associate pastor of Methodist Temple United Methodist Church in Evansville
and a third-generation clergyperson, preached the
sermon at the Service of Remembrance and Holy
Communion using a text from 1 John.
Payton is the son of the Rev. Dennis Payton, senior
pastor of First UMC in Mooresville, and grandson of
the Rev. L.D. Payton, a retired member of the Indiana
Conference living in Mooresville. His brother, Daniel
Lee Payton was ordained an Elder Saturday morning.
Here are a few thoughts Andrew Payton expressed
to the conference:
• Honoring a great cloud of witnesses, we are here
to honor these clergy and families. I get it. I get
the sacrifice they have made. I am a PK (preacher’s
kid). My brother is going to be ordained tomorrow.
I get it in terms of the sacrifices that have brought
us to this place.
• These are the ones who say, don’t talk about me
or lift me up. Talk about Jesus. With Jesus there is
always more. Life continues. Death is not the end
– there is more in terms of life eternal. In 1 John we
are called God’s children.
• We need to invest ourselves in the brokenness of
this world. There is more to this life. There is more
to the question – if there is more, why so often do
we settle for less?
• The exciting thing is that we know we are going in
Andrew Payton
the right direction when our passion for religion
becomes our compassion for people. We have all
known people and we know the spirit of God is
within them. The good news is that we can grow
into becoming the compassionate people God
wants us to be.
• We are here to honor people who have lived their
faith. We are here to remember this great cloud of
witnesses to honor and remember that they are
fine. That’s my prayer tonight. We honor the faith
they upheld. We have a compassion for people and
radiate the love of Jesus.
Bishop Mike Coyner also lifted the names of
churches whose ministries have been discontinued.
They are: Pershing UMC in East District, Patronville
UMC in the Southwest District, Fairview UMC in
South District, Springfield UMC in East District and
Liberty Mills UMC in Northwest District.
Here is a list of those deceased clergy and clergy
spouses, who were remembered during the service.
Clergy included: Judith Adams, Howard Allen,
Charles Ballard, James Beckley, Michael Beeman,
Hilbert Berger, Robert Bickel, John Boggs, Charles
Carroll, Richard Christopher, Ernest Cobbs, Charles
Cook, Glen Dale Cottom, Susan Davis, George Dinwiddie, Ronald Dixon, Robert Dungy, Reuben Green,
Robert Hansen, Oval Harden, Cletus Hirschy, Ivan
Jenkins, John Kavich, Richard Lancaster, Carl Leth,
John Calvin Louthain, David Low, James Mayfield,
Elvin Miller, Mary Miller, Harold Morrical, James
Nickles, Howard Pearson, Kennard Robinson, Jicelyn
Thomas, Clyde Trumbauer, Linda VanHorn, Clyde
Wake, Charles Jack Walls, L Michael Wilson and
Lloyd Wright.
Spouses included: Waneda Baker, Berniece Bastain,
Michael Beason, Evelyn Bennett, Patricia Burton, Beverly Coahran, Marian Dawson, Marcia Frazier, Jessie
Gaus, Shirley Gotts, Dolores Haskins, Betty Hillenburg, Diana Lee Kehlhofer, Christina Kivett, Virginia
Kraft, Ellen Louise Landrey, Marion Lutz, Iona Mayfield, Dave Mikesell, Theresa Miller, Idamae Nisley,
Ruth Nolting, Doris Pflugh, Letah Simpson, Reba
Stapp, Virginia Stirsman, Gladys Strong, Pauline Taggart, Delores Thomas, Brenda Wesler, Carmen Wilks,
Amanda “Ruth” Willbanks, Marian Wiseman and
Virginia Yates.
Christian Conferencing approved for 2015 delegate elections
Friday afternoon session, May
30, the Indiana Annual Conference approved the General and
Jurisdictional Conference procedures sections of the Christian Conferencing Task Force
report to replace the current
comparable sections in the 2013
Rules and Structure document
of the Indiana Annual Conference. The Christian Conferencing Guidelines were approved
the previous day.
Adolf Hansen, chairman
of the Christian Conferencing
Task Force, outlined the process for Christian Conferencing
to be used in the election of
delegates to the 2016 General and Jurisdictional Conferences of The United Methodist
Church, as well as guidelines
for other meetings within our
Indiana Conference.
This process will include:
eligibility for election, managing the election, commitment
of a delegate, procedure for
endorsement, procedure for
election, and leadership of the
conference delegation.
According to Hansen, this
plan will involve the local
church, assist conference members to become acquainted with
each other, allow for a broader
geographic selection and resolve difficulties of past election
processes. The full report titled
Christian Conferencing Task
Force Report is available on the
website www.inumc.org/ac14
under conference reports.
This coming fall, each district may generate a list of up
to three laity and three clergy
from each of the ten districts.
These names will be submitted
by local churches. The Conference Leadership Table can add
five additional laity and five
clergy candidates. These 70
candidates will be considered
endorsed. Other candidates
who desire candidacy to become a delegate also will have
an avenue to be considered as
a candidate. According to General Conference procedures,
eight clergy and eight laity
will be elected from Indiana as
delegates to the 2016 General
Did you know?
Pastor John Wolf of Valparasio is the last living military
chaplain of the 88 Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren chaplains who served in World War II from 1941-1945.
Archbishop encourages us to be unified as one
By Jennifer Meadows
Joseph Tobin of the Indianapolis Roman Catholic Archdiocese joined the Indiana Conference during Saturday’s prayer
breakfast at the Indiana Convention Center to discuss being
unified as one ecumenically.
Before Tobin delivered his
remarks, the Rev. Matthew
Landry of Winamac reminded
attendees that in order to
be the outwardly focused
church, we must all be one.
Breakfast conversations
were guided by questions
inspired by quotations from
Pope Francis.
Tobin commented on how
moving to Indianapolis was
an easy transition thanks to
the “wonderful gift of ‘Hoosier Hospitality.’” Commenting on the annual conference’s
theme, Tobin said that as
believers, we are called to be
an outwardly focused church.
Our Hoosier Hospitality
should extend beyond our
church building’s walls.
Quoting Pope Francis, he
said, “A church that looks in
on itself gets sick. We have to
look outward in order to be
He continued by saying
being an outwardly focused
church is not a task that can
always be done alone. Tobin
believed it was crucial for the
community of believers to
come together for the greater
In regards to relationships
between United Methodists and Catholics, Tobin
reminded attendees that we
“may disagree on other components” of our faith backgrounds, but “we agree on
the most important thing of
Christianity,” the everlasting
life of Jesus Christ promised
by the sacrifice on the cross.
Tobin asked for prayer for
his conversion so his heart is
working towards being more
like Jesus’ heart and for our
Catholic brothers and sisters
so they may not face inward,
but focus on Jesus.
Conference. They will be part
of the 850-delegate General
Conference legislative body of
the UMC. Anyone elected to
General Conference also will
go to Jurisdictional Conference.
Indiana will send 16 clergy and
16 laity as part of the North
Central Jurisdiction.
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Annual Conference
63 clergy begin retirement in 2014
INDIANAPOLIS – A record number of retirees were honored the afternoon of May 30 during the
Indiana Annual Conference Session at the Indiana Convention Center. The names of retirees and
years of service include: John D. Abbott, Jr., 20; Philip Amerson, 46; Paul Arnold, 42; Daniel Baney,
36; Paul Bay, 23; Michael Beck, 31; Faye Bilskie, 15; Ted Blosser, 42; Herbert Buwalda, 43; Louie Stephen Cain, 40; Norman W. Campbell, 22; Norman Chaney, 53; Bill (William M.) Clark, 5; Victoria
Clem, 7; James W. Dwyer, 46; Ida Easley, 31; James Fookes, 37.5; Daniel R. Gangler, 38; Janeen Gill,
25; Brenda Ginder, 20; Edgar Gladish, 23; Lonny R. Goen, 28; Allen A. Goetcheus, 49; Peggy Good,
30; Milton Gould, 45; Sandy Harlan, 16; Michael R. Harris, 39; Kent B. Harting, 12.5; Marianne
Hawkins, 14; Michael Hayden, 29; David Holling, 37.5; James Hoppus, 20; Gilbert Hubbard, 40;
Barry L. Humble, 35; David H. Ison, 22; Patrick Jackson, 23; Lenne L. Keithley, 20; Leonard L. King,
42; Barbara LaVeck, 2; William LaVeck, 6; Linda Lawler, 22.5; Paula Young Mayberry, 35; Dennis N.
McLain, 45; Rick Miller, 30; Jon Myers, 12; Karen Ottjes, 24; Karen Powell, 16; Mark A. Powell, 22;
Don Ransford, 20; Stephen Rasmussen, 37; P. Allen Relford, 12; Nancy Richmond, 15; Glenda Riggs,
16; Greg Rittenhouse, 30; Jack Scott, 29.5; Joseph Smith, 38; Delbert Stoll, 16; Barbara Taylor Clodfelter, 13; Ron Verlee, 44; Donald Wadkins, 7; Roger Ward, 16; Stephen E. Whitehead, 53; Dennis C.
Zetterberg, 40. Sixty-three retirees with a total of 1,748 collective years of service.
Conference cane goes to 99-year-old
INDIANAPOLIS – The 2014 Indiana Annual Conference Session
presented the Conference Cane Friday morning, May 30, to the
Rev. Glenn Harold Kaetzel, 99, of Wadesville, Ind. The cane is
presented to the oldest-known living Elder of the conference.
The cane was previously held by the Rev. George Dinwiddie of
LaGrange, who died Feb. 27 of this year.
Kaetzel entered ministry as a probationary (now called provisional) Elder in Indiana in 1939 and became a full Elder in 1944.
He served churches in Indiana at Gosport, Connersville East
Side, Corydon, Blue Grass, McCutchanville, Tell City, Evansville
Simpson and Linton First UMCs. He retired in 1980. He also is the
father of retired Elder, the Rev. Steve Kaetzel of Columbus, Ind.
Front row: (l-r) Tom Lawler, Linda Lawler, Jane Hubbard, Gilbert Hubbard and Ava Gould
Second row: (l-r) Bill Clark, Paula Young Mayberry, Nancy Richmond, Marjore King, Leonard King and Milton Gould
Third row: (l-r) Greg Rittenhouse, Lorelei Verlee, Diane Humble, Ron Verlee, Victoria Clem, Faye Bilskie and
Glenda Riggs
Back row: (l-r) Philip Amerson, Elaine Amerson, Barry L. Humble, Don Ransford, Jennifer Ransford, Ben Clem,
Lee Anne Buwalda, James W. Dwyer and Herbert Buwalda
Missionary commissioned during Annual
Conference Session
Front row: (l-r) Enid Gangler, Daniel R. Gangler, Jack Scott, Martha Scott, Stephen Rasmussen, Becky Rasmussen, Lynn Blosser and Ted Blosser
Second row: (l-r) Mark A. Powell, Kathleen Powell, Karen Powell, Veneda Keithley and Lenne L. Keithley
Third row: (l-r) Michael R. Harris, Barbara Harris, Sandy Harlan, Carolyn Harting, Linda Jackson and Patrick Jackson
Back row: (l-r) Mickey Beck, Michael Beck, JoAnn Arnold, Paul Arnold, Kent B. Harting, Jim Ottjes and Karen Ottjes
Farr says churches must renovate, not just decorate – or die
In case you missed the Rev.
Bob Farr’s two-hour presentation at the recent Indiana
Annual Conference Session in
Indianapolis, you can catch a
glimpse of his urgency for the
church, your church, in his
book Renovate or Die: Ten Ways
to Focus Your Church on Mission
from Abingdon Press available
through Cokesbury.com.
Farr says that many local
churches in the 21st century
need a major overhaul or renovation, not just redecorating
and rearranging structure.
Many churches are comfortable
with who and what they are,
but are slowly dying – and will
eventually die, if they don’t
take drastic measures to reinvent who and what they are in
this highly secular society.
A key word for Farr is “mission.” Is your church a missional church reaching out to meet
the needs of your neighborhood
and community? If not, death
may be around the corner.
With straightforward language and practical tips, this
book will inspire and help you
organize your local church for
new life on your mission field.
Farr outlines ten ways to renovate a congregation beginning
with the pastor, understanding
reality, by getting the basics
right, creating momentum, inspiring through worship, thinking strategically, staffing for
leadership, providing clear steps
to disciples, networking and simplifying the church’s structure.
Farr asserts that to change
the world, we must first change
the church. As Adam Hamilton
says in the Foreword, “Read
[this book] carefully with
other leaders in your church.
… You’ll soon discover both a
desire to renovate your church
and the tools to effectively lead
your church forward.”
INDIANAPOLIS – A native of
California with family roots in
the Church of God (Anderson,
Ind.), Sara Cook was commissioned as a missionary during
the Ordination-Commissioning
Service Saturday morning. This
was a new addition to the service. Previously, missionaries
were commissioned together at a
General Board of Global Ministries meeting in New York City.
Cook is a missionary with the
General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist
Church, serving as director of
Compass, a family and community initiative of the East Belfast
Mission in Belfast, Northern
She said, “In my early 20s and
30s, I was privileged to be able
to study and work in Northern
Ireland. These experiences have
seasoned my faith with concerns
for reconciliation and social
justice. My current work with
East Belfast Mission provides me
with a challenging and invigorating environment in which to
practice and develop my faith.”
She is married to Mark William
McCleary. The couple have two
young children: a newborn daughter, Emme, and a 2-year old son,
Year-end 2013 statistics
These statistics are for the Indiana Conference yearend 2013.
• Membership stands at 194,967 down 1,597 from the previous year.
• Worship attendance, 107,231, down 4,121
• Church school (children and youth), 38,099, down 1,762
• Professions of faith, 3,702, down 535
• Baptisms, 3,286, down 226
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Volunteers pack 43,200 meals for hungry people
By Jennifer Meadows
United Methodists gathered
Saturday afternoon, May 31, at
the Indiana Convention Center
to pack meals for Kids Against
Hunger, a national not-forprofit hunger agency. Volunteers and staff numbering 160
people were on-hand to supply, measure, funnel, weigh,
seal and pack the meals.
Deanne Heidrich, a volunteer with Indianapolis-based
Metro Ministries, said it was
her third year of organizing
the annual conference session
mission outreach. She said she
wanted to try something different this year in order to boost
volunteer engagement.
To go along with the theme
of being an outwardly focused
church, Heidrich extended the
invitation beyond annual conference members. She sent an
invitation to the entire Indiana
United Methodist community
by reaching out to churches
across the state.
Heidrich said she was
pleased with the response from
the community. Half of the
volunteers were members and
guests of annual conference,
and the other half were from
congregations across the state.
Youth groups and Girl Scout
troops were some of the groups
in attendance at the event.
One group came together
in celebration of a friend’s
birthday. “I’m Stacey! I’m
60 and this is a party with a
purpose!” said Stacey Moore
of Indianapolis. Moore had
a milestone birthday coming
up, and decided she wanted
to do something different to
celebrate – something that
would make a positive impact.
When she heard about the Kids
Against Hunger event, she
gathered friends and family
to pack meals for her birthday
With 15 assembly lines,
volunteers were able to fight
hunger both worldwide and
During the two hours, volunteers packed 43,200 meals,
each created to feed six people
by adding water to the dry ingredients in the packet. About
25,000 of those packets will be
shipped to Mission Guatemala.
United Methodist-related food
pantries located in South Bend,
Kokomo, Corydon and Indianapolis picked up the remaining meals.
Stacey Moore (far right) invited her friends to join her at the Kids Against
Hunger food packing for her “birthday party with a purpose.”
Frankfort church partners with Hispanic Cosecha Latina UMC
praying for immigration reform in the United States
FRANKFORT, Ind. – The St. Matthew
United Methodist Church Mission
Committee recently became aware that
Cosecha Latina Pastor Miguel Garza
was an undocumented immigrant, even
though he has been in the United States
for more than 20 years and has been applying for a green card for 10 years.
Garza’s immigration lawyer encouraged the Mission Committee to use
Garza as a poster child for immigration
reform. He is an excellent model who is
highly regarded in the community as a
servant of God, with a son who is in the
U.S. military and a daughter who is a
Spanish interpreter for the local courts.
St. Matthew United Methodist
Church in Frankfort has a long history
of being involved with Hispanic Ministries. Frankfort, with a population of
approximately 15,000 residents, has a
large percentage of Hispanics. The public school system has reached a population of nearly 50 percent Hispanic children and youth.
Hispanic people originally came as
migrant workers to work in the tomato
fields around Frankfort. Many of them
stayed and became part of the community, raising their families so that
second and third generations are U.S.
Cosecha Latina United Methodist
Church was founded by St. Matthew
United Methodist Church and has continued as a mission church under its
Service of prayer, compassion
The Mission Committee held a service of prayer and compassion Sunday,
May 4, to show Christian support and
to raise awareness of the need for social
action. The Rev. Michelle Cobb, Superintendent of the North Central District,
presented the official position of the
General Conference of The United
Methodist Church on immigration
St. Matthew United
Methodist Church in
Frankfort has a long
history of being involved
with Hispanic Ministries.
Pastor Josh Burkholder of St. Paul
Lutheran Church joined with the support of his congregation.
Eileen Ridgeway, representing the
Social Justice Committee of St. Mary
Roman Catholic Church, reported, “St.
Mary has Mass for more than 400 Hispanics each Sunday afternoon. Attendees are not questioned whether they are
documented or not. They are all children of God.”
During the service, Michelle Grismer,
director of the Purdue Extension Office,
the Rev. Barbara Kinsler, chaplain of
Wesley Manor, Charles Good and the
Rev. Michael Lawson, associate pastor
of St. Matthew UMC, joined the Garza
family leading worshipers in rousing,
up-lifting Hispanic music.
Louis Sandos of the Rossville Presbyterian Church sang a solo in Spanish.
Songs were presented in sign language
by Debbie Russell.
Social advocacy
The Rev. Matt Landry, Indiana
United Methodist Conference Social
Advocacy Team chairperson and pastor
of Winamac UMC, spoke of being involved in demonstrations against deportation in Chicago and gave a moving story about how he had become
involved in the lives of the Hispanic
St. Luke and North UMCs of Indianapolis, Brown Street UMC in Lafayette
and Bloomington UMC also were represented during the service.
In reflection and prayer, Keren
Garza interpreted both from English-toSpanish and from Spanish-to-English
and gave a very moving plea as to why
we need immigration reform. As the
daughter of an undocumented immigrant minister and as an interpreter in
the courts, she is painfully aware of the
difficulties of Hispanic people to get
drivers licenses, to secure proper documents to become legalized citizens and
to learn the English language.
Eleanor Pershing, chair of the St.
Matthew Mission Committee was
asked after the service about next
steps. She replied, “We have petitioned
our Congressmen and we hope to engage community leaders in our efforts.
Our committee, including the Garza
family, is willing to speak at different
churches in the (Indiana) Conference to
raise awareness of the need for immigration reform. With Reverend Garza,
we have a ‘face’ that makes immigration reform a very personal passion for
our committee.”
Huntington pastor appointed to
Conference Associate Director of
Leadership Development – Clergy
He will serve with the Rev. Eleze
INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Bishop Mike
Coyner announced May 19 the appointFulbright, the first Indiana
ment of the Rev. Samuel L.
Conference Director of LeadPadgett, pastor of Mt. Etna
ership Development, who also
United Methodist Church in
begins her duties July 1.
Huntington, Ind., as the new
Padgett, 34, serves as Elder
Indiana Conference Associin the Indiana Conference
ate Director Leadership Deand was just ordained Elder
velopment – Clergy effective
at the recent Indiana Annual
July 1. He succeeds the Rev.
Conference Session. He has
Sandy Harlan, who retired
served the Mt. Etna congregafrom this position July 1.
tion since 2011. Since 2003, he
Upon his announcement,
also has served other Indiana
Coyner said, “We are pleased
United Methodist churches
to welcome Sam to the conference staff,
including Old Capital and Corydon
serving in the position which has been
in Corydon, Trinity in Oakland City,
so faithfully served by Sandy Harlan.
As a young clergy who has just recently Hamline and Monroe City in Monroe
City and Velpen in Petersburg.
gone through the candidacy process,
He is a graduate of Oakland City
Sam will bring a fresh perspective to the
University (B.A. in Religious
position along with good skills to help
Studies) and Asbury Theological Semithe Board of Ordained Ministry as they
nary in Wilmore, Ky. (M.Div.).
process new candidates for ministry.”
Before his call to ordained ministry,
In this position, Padgett will be rePadgett served as an insurance sales
sponsible for maintaining records and
providing support and training for Dis- representative in Vincennes, Ind.
He and his wife, Melissa, are the
trict Committees on Ordained Ministry
parents of four children and currently
and the Conference Board of Ordained
live in Fishers, Ind.
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Festival of Young Preachers important to Indiana Conference
By Jennifer Meadows
to Tyler Best, 21, “The Indiana
Conference Festival of Young
Preachers is important because
it provides an opportunity for
people my age to grow and network with others with similar
calls to ministry. These experiences serve as a catalyst for the
Holy Spirit to mold effective
leaders of the Gospel within the
Indiana Conference.”
Best was coordinator of
the Indiana Festival of Young
Preachers event held just hours
before the 2014 Indiana Annual Conference Session at the
Indiana Convention Center in
downtown Indianapolis.
The Indiana Conference
hosted 16 young preachers for
the Second Annual Indiana
Festival of Young Preachers
Thursday morning, May 29.
Participants ranged in age
from 14 to 28 years, all with
aspirations to become Gospel
This year’s theme was “Tell
Me a Story.” Each young
preacher chose a passage from
a selection offered by the Academy of Preachers (AoP). The
AoP developed the Festival of
Young Preachers to encourage
and inspire young people to
explore their callings as Gospel
preachers. Each year, AoP develops a new theme and a list
of passages so young preachers
can continue to explore their
call to preaching at AoP events
across the nation.
After delivering their sermons, the young preachers
attended a luncheon-workshop
led by the Revs. Jill Howard of
Trafalgar and Tony Johnson
of Newburgh. Howard led a
panel of ordained clergy who
received questions from the
young preachers about preaching and ministry. Johnson led
a workshop entitled “Making
the Story Stick” that provided
practical tips for preaching
with a story.
Julia Pricket, a first-time participant of the festival, said she
valued her experience delivering her sermon to an audience
of the Indiana Conference. “My
Photo by Jennifer Meadows
Sixteen young adults were able to participate in the Festival of Young
Preachers meeting adjacent to the Indiana Annual Conference Session
in Indianapolis May 29.
experience with the festival of
young preachers was incredibly useful in my call to ministry,” she said. “I received really
useful feedback on my preaching style and felt blessed by the
whole experience. I hope I have
the opportunity to be a part of
this again next year.”
The celebration of young
voices continued Thursday
night at an “Eat, Preach and
Praise Dinner” emceed by Butler University senior, Brittany
Stephan. The young preachers
of the evening were Eric Gentry, Hannah Wehmeyer, Ronnie Bell, Melissa Zimmerman
and Daniel Cho. Each shared
his or her calling to ministry
and where he or she has seen
God working in young people.
Jennifer Meadows served as a
reporter for the Indiana Conference Communication Team at the
annual conference session. She is a
recent graduate of the University
of Indianapolis and will begin her
studies at Garrett-Evangelical
Theological Seminary in Evanston, Ill., later this year.
Congregations can save their dollars for ministry using Cost Stewardship
INDIANAPOLIS – Many congregations don’t realize they
are taxed on their electric and
other utility bills even though
they are a tax-exempt not-forprofit organization.
Why? Mostly because no
one has told them, according
to Monte Chamberlin, founder
and owner of Cost Stewardship, an organization with the
purpose of “leveraging dollars
and sense to fund ministries.”
During an in-office interview, Chamberlain told Together, many congregations
just simply don’t know what
exemptions and discounts are
available to them and Cost
Stewardship can help them at
no charge.
This program is endorsed
and used by the Indiana Conference of The United Methodist Church.
According to Chamberlain,
if they are not currently doing
so, churches can receive utility
sales tax refunds on electric,
gas, telephone-Internet and
water utility bills. Another
refund – if a church purchases
gasoline from a gas station, it
can receive a 22 cent-per-gallon
sales tax credit for purchases.
If a church pays for health care
benefits (medical or dental),
it can receive a health care
tax credit or refund if it is not
Music-driven film inspired by Song of
Solomon to be released Sept. 26
Samuel Goldwyn Films
has acquired U.S. rights to
City on a Hill Studio’s music-driven love story, “The
Song.” The film stars Alan
Powell (lead-singer for
“Anthem Lights”), Caitlin
Nicol-Thomas (“Nashville”) and Ali Faulkner
(Twilight: Breaking
Dawn), and features ten
original songs produced
for the film. Samuel Goldwyn Films will release the
film September 26.
Meyer Gottlieb, President of Samuel Goldwyn
Films, said, “Richard
Ramsey has created an
incredibly touching and
triumphant film about
temptation, redemption and
the power of forgiveness.”
“The Song” follows aspiring singer-songwriter Jed
King (Alan Powell) as he
struggles to catch a break and
escape the long shadow of
his father, a country music
legend. After reluctantly accepting a gig at a local vine-
yard harvest festival, Jed
is love-struck by the vineyard owner’s daughter,
Rose (Ali Faulkner), and a
romance quickly blooms.
Soon after their wedding,
Jed writes Rose “The
Song,” which becomes a
breakout hit. Thrust into
a life of stardom and a
world of temptation in the
form of fellow performer
Shelby Bale (Caitlin NicolThomas), Jed’s life and
marriage begin to fall
The film was written
and directed by Richard
Ramsey and produced
by City on a Hill Studio.
The story is a modern day
adaptation of the life and
writings of Solomon, found
in the Song of Solomon and
For more information,
visit www.thesongmovie.com.
“The most common obstacle to trying
something new is taking the first step.”
– Monte Chamberlin
currently receiving one, says
Through smart planning,
Cost Stewardship can help congregations analyze their phone
and Internet bills, purchase
office supplies with discounts,
receive discounts on copier
services and receive helpful
information about keeping
more funds in the church for
Chamberlain also is known
as “the doughnut man,” because he first negotiated discount prices for Sunday-fresh
doughnuts for United Methodist churches with Mister
Cost Stewardship also can
help churches that are paying
mortgages higher than six percent.
“The most common obstacle
to trying something new is taking the first step,” says Chamberlain. And, he is willing to
help churches take that first
step at no cost with minimal
He directs, “Have someone
from your group copy the most
recent month’s bills for gas,
electric, water, phone, Internet,
gasoline, copier lease, plus
maintenance and office supply
invoices. This often takes ten
Complete a one-page sur-
vey and mail or fax it to Cost
Stewardship. Cost Stewardship
address or fax number is available online at www.coststewardship.org. Click “Take the Survey” button to download.
This website also includes a
four-minute video by Jennifer
Gallagher, Director of Financial
Services for the Indiana Conference UMC, explaining the
The website also includes
several testimonials, plus
contact information for Kevin
Raidy, Director of Ministry
Partners at Cost Stewardship,
if a congregation wishes to
schedule a time to discuss the
Cost Stewardship programs
available to local churches.
Chamberlain says, “Most of
the feedback we receive from
our churches is 10 percent to
40 percent savings. All of our
programs have no enrollment
costs, many programs have
no term lengths and some
programs have simple gain
sharing agreements. These
programs are designed as no
risk to try.”
Since 2010, churches using
Cost Stewardship have collectively saved more than $1.6
million, half of that amount
was saved during 2013.
For more information, visit
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Light in Darkness ministers to strip club dancers in Kokomo
By Daniel R. Gangler
KOKOMO, Ind. – To most people, rescuing women who dance in gentlemen’s
strip clubs from a pejorative lifestyle
probably seems an impossible task. But
12 women living in or near Kokomo
have taken on the task to show God’s
love as they proclaim the Gospel to this
unique audience. It’s been a priority for
them during the past two years.
Four women members of St. Luke’s
United Methodist Church in Kokomo
host the group, known as Light in
Darkness Ministry, Monday evenings,
to pray half-an-hour then split up into
smaller groups to visit one or more of
Kokomo’s six strip clubs. St. Luke’s
member Cindi Meyers was the force
that brought the group together. Other
volunteers are from Kokomo area congregations. Not all are United Methodists, but all take their mission seriously
with faithful tenacity.
The Light in
Darkness Ministry
is headed nationally by Dr. Carolyn
Knight, a Bible
professor originally
from Mississippi,
who now lives in
Greenwood, Ind.
Knight works with
groups of women
in five cities both
here in Indiana and other states. She
was part of the group when Together
visited the ministry at St. Luke’s the
evening of June 9. Joining Knight, a
dozen women spent 25 minutes in
prayer for the dancers working in the
six Kokomo strip clubs before going to
visit in two clubs.
One woman prayed, “Give us boldness to interact with conversations.
Bring these women through their darkness. Holy Spirit, give us your words.”
Another prayed, “May they become
knowledgeable of Jesus Christ, not under
condemnation but under conviction…
God may your light come into their darkness... Manifest yourself through us.”
Several volunteers prayed for individual women by name with whom
“God, may your light
come into their darkness.”
– from a prayer of a Light in Darkness
Ministry volunteer
they have built relations in a club. Still
others prayed for the women’s children.
Special prayers were directed to the
women from the group who would be
encountering the dancers in the clubs
that evening.
About half the group headed for
two clubs – The Hip Hugger and Tease.
Together joined the group going to The
Hip Hugger. Once at a club, two members go inside to interact with dancers
one-on-one, while one or two volunteers remain in a car in the club’s parking lot praying for their colleagues and
dancers who are in the club.
The Hip Hugger building is a nondescript, one-story tan-colored concreteblock building without windows located just off the main highway running
north-and-south through town.
Paula Shrock, a member of St. Luke’s
and Indiana Conference Prayer Coordinator, who hosted Together for the evening, said the club is owned and operated by Don Draper, who is in his 70s.
She said he welcomes the group’s women into the club, even into the dressing
room, to minister to the dancers. Draper
also allows a locked box in the dressing room where strip-club dancers can
leave their prayer and other requests to
which the ministry responds.
Knight estimates the dancers in Kokomo clubs range in age from 18-to-30
years. Some are married and others are
single; some work a few hours a month
and others work numerous hours a
week. Shrock said Draper boasts that
150 women work in his club. Knight estimates that approximately 300 women
work the six clubs in Kokomo. Drapers
club is nationally known and frequented by men traveling to Indianapolis. It’s
only an hour north of the capital city.
Knight estimates 90 percent of young
women working in these clubs have
Photos by Bruce Shrock
Light in Darkness Ministry volunteers pray at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Kokomo
before splitting up and visiting one or two of the six strip clubs in town.
been sexually abused when they were
little girls. Many continue to be abused.
Basically, the clubs are drinks-only
bars with topless waitresses who mostly
strip to music as well as perform sexual
teases, nothing illegal in Indiana.
Even though the clubs in Kokomo
appear to be doing nothing illegal, they
can harbor illicit activity which can happen as a result of the club’s existence
but outside of the club. Some critics
claim even within the clubs.
“We know, through testimonials,
that trafficking is occurring in Kokomo,” Knight said.
The dozen or so cars in the parking
lot come from Indiana and neighboring
states. During the 40-minutes we were
there, half-a-dozen men drifted in-andout of the club one-at-a-time.
While parked across from the club,
both women prayed for the two women
who went into the club, who talked with
the women in the club who might hear
and received the Gospel of Jesus Christ
and pray “the sinner’ prayer.” They
also prayed for the families of dancers
who work in the club, especially their
children, the husbands to whom some
of the women are married and that the
club would eventually be closed.
Near the end of our stay, the Rev.
Deborah Cooper, one of the ministry
volunteers who went into the club, came
out to inform us she was taking one of
the women home because she was very
ill. That ended the night’s visit.
The mission of this and each of the
five Light in Darkness Ministry groups
is: “Bringing the light of Christ into
these places where darkness reigns.”
According to the ministry’s website
(www.lightindarknessministry.com), “We
are following the Lord’s instruction to
go right where they are. Many women
have exclaimed over the years, ‘I am so
glad you came in here to find me!’”
During the past five years the Light
in Darkness Ministry teams nationally
have rescued around three dozen women from this life-style and have helped
some obtain other employment.
Those rescued from the clubs in Kokomo now work in care facilities as certified nurse’s assistants, in restaurants,
in telemarketing, in retail businesses
and in home health care.
For more information or if you would
like someone from the Light in Darkness Ministry to speak in your church,
contact Dr. Carolyn Knight at clknight7@
gmail.com or call 601-953-9586.
Became first woman to be ordained deacon in the U.S.
Helenor Davisson cluster to become UM Heritage Landmark
Annual Conference meeting in
Indianapolis May 29-31 endorsed
a new Historic Landmark in Indiana to recognize the “Helenor M.
Alter Davisson Cluster” of sites.
In 1866, the Rev. Helenor Alter
Davisson became the first woman
to be ordained a deacon in any
branch of The United Methodist
Church in the United States. This
occurred in Jasper County, Indiana, near Rensselaer. She was the daughter of an early
Methodist Circuit Rider. Also documented are the five
sites that remain intact, including:
• Helenor’s grave at Sandridge Cemetery in Barkley
• The large stone house on the Alter farm in Carpenter Alter Davisson Township;
• The graves of the Rev. John Alter and other family
The Rev. Helenor Alter Davisson,
in 1866, became the first woman to
be ordained a deacon in any branch
of The United Methodist Church in
the United States.
members, also on the Alter farm;
• The former Methodist Protestant church in Rensselaer (now the museum of the Jasper County Historical Society); and
• The Rosebud Schoolhouse, once a preaching point
on the Grand Prairie circuit, which has now been
moved to the county fairgrounds and is preserved
by the Jasper County Historical Society.
If the Heritage Landmark status is granted by General Conference in 2016, this historical event will become a part of the Indiana Bicentennial Commission’s
2016 Celebration.
Currently, there are 46 designated United Methodist Landmark Heritage sites in the United States –
none in Indiana.
The Indiana Conference will celebrate the 148th
anniversary of Helenor’s election to deacon’s orders
Sunday, Aug. 24 at 1 p.m. CDT, 2 p.m. EDT, at the
Brushwood United Methodist Church seven miles
north of Rensselaer, Ind., near Helenor’s grave site
where the Historic Site marker will be placed. The
marker comes from the General Commission on Archives and History, based in Madison, N.J. Bishop
Mike Coyner will be present to lead in the observance.
For more information about women in ministry,
visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordination_of_women_
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Mission News
Mission guest house dedicated in memory of Hoosier pastor in Tanzania
KIGOMA, Tanzania – The Glen
and Myrna Beck Guest House
was dedicated May 4 in Kigoma, Tanzania. The guest house
was built in memory of Glen
Beck’s ministry (aided by his
wife Myrna’s faithful support)
in the area of missions spanning
five decades prior to his death
in December 2010.
During his years of full-time
ministry at Fairview, Sugar
Creek, Noblesville Emmanuel
and Indianapolis Good Shepherd UMCs in Indiana, combined with 15 years of service
following retirement as the Director of Mission Interpretation
within the former South Indiana
Conference, Beck helped dozens
of churches begin “Faith-Promise” mission conferences. More
than $5-million was raised for
missions during his ministry.
Beck also was responsible for
taking more than 80 pastors and
lay people to visit mission work
in Africa and other countries, allowing them to “have their hearts
broken with the things that break
the heart of God,” in his words.
The Guest House was built at
the Joy in the Harvest ministry
in Tanzania directed by the Rev.
Lowell Wertz. The guest house,
which overlooks Lake Tanganyika in the City of Kigoma, contains a living and dining area, a
full kitchen and two bedrooms
which sleep four people each.
Three of the Beck children –
the Rev. Mike Beck, Linda Quick
and Mark Beck – were able to
make the two-week trip to Tanzania. Joining them were nine
other people from New Palestine and Good Shepherd UMCs.
The Rev. Mike Beck thanks
Grace United Methodist Church
in Franklin, along with hundreds
of other churches and individuals, who helped raise the $65,000
needed to build the guest house.
The facility will provide housing
for volunteers coming to work or
to see first-hand what God is doing in Africa for decades to come.
Photo courtesy of Linda Quick.
On the left side of the “Beck House” sign:
Back Row: Steve Corcoran, Judy Jones, Rev. Lloyd Baugues, Larry Sweany
Front Row: Linda Quick, Rebecca Corcoran, Marjorie Sweany
On the right side of the sign: Back Row: Rev. Mike Beck, James Jones,
Carolyn Jonas. Front Row: Mark Beck, Kay Gumberts.
Mission team recruiting volunteers for 2015 trips
More than 225 participants raised more than $12,700 for hunger relief
in Brazil, Ind., this spring.
Brazil United Methodists team
with others for hunger relief
BRAZIL, Ind. – The Center
Point/Ashboro Charge of The
United Methodist Church, under the direction of Pastor Bob
Kumpf, first met two years ago
with Pastor Gary Scroggins of
the Brazil First Presbyterian
Church and Father John Hollowell of Brazil Annunciation
Catholic Church. They began
working to alleviate hunger
problems in the Brazil area with
a grant from the Indiana Conference Social Advocacy Team.
With these funds in hand,
the discussion among Scroggins, Hollowell and Kumpf
moved from a simple gathering
to an event that would benefit
the entire community and allow Christians to work side-byside in addressing a problem
affecting all. They discovered
51 percent of all students in
Clay County were listed as participants in the Indiana Department of Education’s Free and
Reduced Lunch Program. That
amounts to more than 4,600
children and youth. The next
question was obvious, “What
do those kids do for food in the
summer and on weekends?”
There is a Summer Food
Program in Brazil provided by
the YMCA for breakfast and
lunch for kids 18 and under
and there is one church providing weekend lunch bags at
one school, but they need assistance.
In early March 2013, the
decision was made to start a
hunger awareness program
and to organize an event to
raise funds to combat this hunger issue. With the help of the
Brazil Times, many local pastors, congregations, teachers,
civic leaders and organizations,
hunger information spread
through the community.
On May 27, 2013, the “Food
for Families – Running on
Empty” 5K walk/run took
place at Forest Park in Brazil.
More than 200 people participated and raised more than
$6,500. In bright blue shirts,
runners and walkers made a
lap through the streets of Brazil showing their support for
This May 26, the Second Annual “Food for Families – Running on Empty” 5K walk/run
took place. This year more than
225 participants, 40 business
sponsors, 15 churches and civic
groups rallied together to raise
more than $ 12,700 in support
of this cause.
Kumpf commented on the
success, “Isn’t it amazing what
we can do when we are ‘connected’ as the Body of Christ!”
Picture and story submitted by
Bob Kumpf.
Sierra Leone Partners (Health
and Education) is recruiting individuals for teams this coming
January and February to work
with United Methodist Church
health and education leaders
in Sierra Leone, West Africa, as
they grapple with life issues in
delivery of health care or primary
Fifteen-day trips (with options of a shorter 10-day experience) will leave Indianapolis on
Thursday, Jan. 15 and Thursday,
Jan. 29. The cost for the 15-day
team is $3,400* and the 10-day
trip is $2,900* to be paid in installments between registration
and Dec. 31.
• Schedule: (Includes 3½ days
travel via London or Brussels)
• Team Sierra: Jan. 15-30 and
Sierra B: Jan. 22-30
• Team Leone: Jan. 29-Feb. 14
and Leone B: Feb. 5-14
• Lodging: Hotels or guest facilities with air conditioning,
electricity and hot and cold
water at least part of the time.
*Cost is dependent upon air fare
and may be adjusted. Payments are
refundable until tickets are purchased.
Fees are all-inclusive except
for meals in transit, personal
items, souvenirs, etc., immunizations and medications required
for tropical areas.
The health team will work
with staff of Kissy UMC Hospital in Freetown and possibly
an outpatient clinic up-country
to provide training and patient
care. Needed are volunteers with
teaching experience as nurses,
hospital/practice administrators,
physicians, ultrasound and lab
techs and other allied health care
Also needed are those with
experience in medical equipment
and facilities maintenance.
The education team will focus
on the establishment of two primary school libraries up-country
at Mokonde, near Njala University and Waterloo, near Freetown. At both sites, the team will
lead primary teacher workshops
on using curriculum and supplementary resources to help students increase science, language
and reading skills. Currently,
Sierra Leonean education relies
almost exclusively on oral and
echo reading. Most teachers and
students study without books.
For registration procedures
and/or further information contact:
• Health Team, Donald Griffith
at 317-823-9390 or [email protected].
• Primary Education Team:
Marilyn Griffith at 317-8239390 or [email protected].
Indiana Scouts commissioned for trip to DRC
Scouts were commission for a
mission trip to the Democratic
Republic of the Congo during
a May 30 commission service
led by the Rev. Curtis Hurley
of Connersville at the Indiana
Convention Center.
Those five scouts include:
David Elser, an Indiana University student in non-profit
management; Nikki Gainey,
a doctoral student in neuroscience at the University of
Cincinnati; Mitchell Prather, a
Ball State University student in
exercise science; the Rev. Phred
Cain, retired, former Conference Scouting Coordinator;
and the Rev. Arthur Collins,
pastor of First United Methodist Church in Ellettsville.
The team planned to fly
from Indianapolis, July 5, arriving July 6 in Lubumbashi and
traveling overland to Tenke.
The camporee takes place July
8-13. The Indiana team will
return to Indianapolis July 17.
United Methodist Bishop
Ntambo Nkulu of the North
Katanga Episcopal Area in the
Pictured left to right are: Art Collins (team leader), Nikki Gainey, Phred
Cain, Mitch Prather, Bob Walters (Friendly Planet Missiology) Ken Hudgens
(standing in for Annual Conference Scout Coordinator) John Dockery
not pictured.)
Democratic Republic of Congo,
recognizes the value of Scouting
for counteracting the influence
of the gangs and militias that
severely damaged the fabric of
civil society in that country.
In 2011, Bishop Nkulu expressed a desire for our two
conferences to work together
to host an event similar to a
week of summer camp for approximately 200 Congolese
Boy Scouts and leaders and
requested that the effort be
coordinated under the auspices
of Friendly Planet Missiology,
with director, Bob Walters,
who Bishop Nkulu has worked
for many years.
Walters and his daughter,
Taylor Denyer, also of Friendly
Planet Missiology, will be in
Tenke when the team arrives
and will make vital connections for them throughout their
time in the DRC.
For information, visit www.
It’s moving time for many pastors
By Mary Ann Moman
Many United Methodist
pastors across Indiana have
just moved into their new appointments. Pastors and congregations are now saying their
hellos, having just said their
good-byes a few weeks ago in
previous appointments.
This annual ritual provides
an opportunity for
congregations and
pastors to
try something new
or to let go
of a tradition that
no longer
either the pastor or the congregation. Every time we make
a change there is a transition
time from “what was” to “what
This can be a scary time for
everyone entering into a process of transition. For pastors,
there is the task of moving to
a new community. Even if the
move is just a short distance
away from their last appointment, there is a dislocation for
pastor and family. Although
the congregation is not moving, there is a new pastor and
therefore, the community has
changed. Everyone is in a
learning mode.
William Bridges in his book,
Managing Transitions, describes
this time in the transition process as the neutral zone. It’s a
time of uncertainty. “Will this
pastor change worship? Will
the congregation welcome my
family? Can we learn to work
together toward the mission of
the church?”
During this time, the norms
for life together have to be
renegotiated. There is work to
do. Bridges offers four guidelines for this time of transition.
They apply to both congregations and pastors and include:
First is, show up. Be there to
welcome the new pastor and
family. Be at events in the community to meet your neighbors
and learn about the community
that is now yours.
Second, be present. You can
show up, but not be fully present. Listen to the hopes and
dreams of your new parishioners. Be aware of the grief that
is experienced by both pastor
and congregation in the transition time. Ask questions. Get to
know each other.
Third, tell the truth. It is
often easier to say what people
want to hear than to tell the
truth. It’s all right to say that
you miss the last pastor. Truthtelling opens the door to building a community of trust.
Fourth, and maybe the
hardest, let go of outcomes.
This doesn’t mean that both
congregation and pastor don’t
work hard to fulfill the mission
of the church. In fact it is just
the opposite. Both pastor and
congregation are committed
to the work of being faithful
disciples, but they are able to
acknowledge that they can’t
control outcomes. We do our
best when we know the Holy
Spirit is at work in our midst.
In the Gospel of John as Jesus is teaching about his death,
he says this to his disciples, “I
assure you that unless a grain
of wheat falls into the earth
and dies, it can only be a single
seed. But if it dies, it bears
Madison youth reach out to community
By Matthew Stultz
MADISON, Ind. – Twelve churches and more
than 90 youth gathered June 16-22 to make a difference in their community for Madison Mission
Week. The event is in its second year and began
with one young person, Macky Hecox, who
thought there was something missing when her
youth group worked in Cleveland, Tenn., for a
service project.
Hecox, along with her friend Cara Walker,
identified the concern as immediately leaving a
community after finishing a mission project. The
bonds of friendship between the youth and the
homeowners faded with each mile during the
return trip home. Who would maintain the connection they worked so hard to create during
the week? Why don’t churches do mission work
in their local community?
Hecox, a member of North United Methodist Church in Madison, approached her youth
group leader, Kim Mahoney, with these questions. Mahoney’s passion is for the youth, to
make sure they have experiences that will
provide a foundation for their continual faith
in Jesus Christ. Although she is a very compassionate person, her concern was not with the
homeowners. It’s always with the kids. Hecox
continued to insist something could be done,
something that valued the people who were being helped, and helpers that would not abandon
them once the project was complete. Mahoney
talked to a few other people, including Walker’s
father Ron, pastor of the Faith Alliance Church
in Madison. More conversations followed and
more leaders from more churches participated
and Madison Mission Week was born.
Bishop Mike Coyner drove to Madison, June
18, to learn about the MMW project and to hear
Hecox’s story. She sees it as an opportunity to
point to Jesus and remind anyone who will listen that Christ is active and visible in Madison.
She shared with Coyner how the project started,
how she and Cara Walker and other volunteers
caught a glimpse of Jesus and ran to follow him.
Bishop Mike Coyner receives a Madison Mission Week
T-shirt from project leader Macky Hecox.
Mahoney shared it only costs each youth $40
to participate in the weeklong event, including
meals, fellowship events and a T-shirt.
Our Bishop was introduced to the leaders of
our community, was given a tour of the high
school cafeteria where the workers have transformed the space to a dormitory, and traveled
into the country where one of the worksites was
Just about every denomination had an active
role in making MMW possible. More connections are being made. We ended the week Friday
with a free concert and cookout for the people of
the city of Madison.
We will continue to tell the story of Jesus
in Madison and some conversations are in the
works to provide more information about how
the project works and is organized so others can
try something similar in their own community.
Pastors are often thought of as the ones to
come up with vision and direction. While that
is a component of the office, I hope when I
grow up, I can learn to listen to God like Macky
Hecox. How about you?
Matthew Stultz is the pastor of North United
Methodist Church of Madison, Ind.
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
much fruit.” (John 12:24, Common English Bible)
The time of transition for
congregations and pastors is
much like a seed. Held in the
farmers hand it cannot bring
forth new life. Planted in rich,
healthy soil it can bring forth
a new plant that will bear fruit
and seeds for the next planting.
May this time of transition
bring new life to your ministry
and honor what has been and
what will be.
Mary Ann Moman serves as
executive director of the Indiana
Conference Rejuvenate Ministry.
Body, Mind & Spirit
ered dish.
I don’t find this commenEven though we live in
tary troubling, necessarily,
a digital age, where online
but I have tried to be more
identify theft and piracy is
aware of how our “insider”
commonplace, passwords
language can keep people at
have become my new nema distance from the church.
esis. I cannot remember
I want to make certain that I
am not speaking
Yes, I record
in a secret code
all of my passwhen I talk about
words in a small
“The Prodigal”
black book that
or “Baptism” or
I store in a safe,
even “Jesus” but
but I forgot the
in fact, even the
combination to
basics of the faith
the safe recently
must now be
and after receivexplained even to
ing help from my
those who have
21-year-old son
attended church
(who is a whiz at
for decades.
passwords), I discovered the
One of the earliest threats
little book had been misto the church was Gnostiplaced.
cism (silent G) – a system
I wanted to talk to my
of belief, in a variety of
wife about this (and blame
manifestations, that taught
her), but she informed me
there was a “secret knowlI needed a password to
edge” that provided salvaschedule a conversation. I
tion. Only those who knew
gave her a password, but it
the secrets and the proper
did not include at least one
words could obtain paranumber and a symbol, and
so she rejected me.
In the church we need to
Because I forget passstrive for clarity. No passwords so easily, I have not
words are allowed.
yet taken the plunge to onI am all for this “no passline banking. I also don’t use words” rule, by the way.
ATMs. I don’t even know
It would make my life so
what this acronym stands
much simpler. I wouldn’t
for and shy away from any
have to work so hard at creating passwords like “Rumexchange of information or
pelstiltskin75” or “Pinchcommerce that requires me
MeB48” or “MyDogHasto set up an account that is
“password protected.”
I could get an appointNaturally, when I am
ment with my wife without
required to use a password,
making a reservation and
I attempt to supply a word
wouldn’t lose sleep trying to
that I use every day, such
conjure up another 10-letter
as “HamburgerHelper” or
word with two symbols and
“Starbucks” or “IWishThea diphthong. I might even
CatWouldDie” but these
try online banking.
are always rejected, usually
Todd Outcalt is a Luddite
because they are “case senwho still writes postcards and
sitive” or do not contain a
values face-to-face conversaLatin cognate.
tion over coffee. Although he
Living in this Password
Age, however, has made me uses passwords, he lobbies
heavily for their expulsion.
aware of how many passHe uses lots of words every
words we tend to use in the
day as he writes regularly for
church. Recently, another
Preaching, YouthWorker,
pastor told me about an
announcement he had made and MidWest Outdoors, and
his latest and upcoming books
regarding “The Lord’s Supinclude Where in the World
per” and one young man
We Meet (poems), The Other
asked him after worship if
Jesus, and Common Ground.
he needed to bring a cov-
By Todd Outcalt
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Indiana Conference announces ‘First Monday’ program for clergy, laity
The First Monday training
program is an opportunity for
participants to both grow in
knowledge and train towards
recognition in the area of pastoral care and counseling. Usually held on the first Monday of
each month, mornings will be a
theory seminar and afternoons
will be both a consultation and
supervision opportunity, with
the afternoon sessions being
Topics to be included
are: brief-term, supportive
counseling methods, crisis
intervention, grief and loss,
divorce recovery, pastoral
diagnosis, referral and the application of pastoral care principals in the broader functions
of ministry.
Any pastor or lay person
in the Indiana Conference is
welcome to participate in this
experience. People who are not
United Methodists from Indiana are welcome but will be
required to register at a higher
fee (see registration material).
Those who participate in the
First Monday experience can
use this program in seeking the
Pastoral Care Specialist with
Parish Nurses to sponsor health
seminar at Speedway Oct. 10
SPEEDWAY, Ind. – The Indiana Conference Health Ministries/Parish Nursing Ministries will sponsor a daylong
seminar on Friday, Oct. 10,
from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at
the Speedway United Methodist Church, 5065 W. 16th
Street in Speedway.
The seminar is titled
“Renewing Our Minds
Mental Health and Church
Relationship.” Keynote
speaker is Professor Antony
Sheehan, President of The
Church Health Center in
Memphis, Tenn., who has
a background in Mental
Health. The cost is $30 per
participant including lunch.
Who should attend: Parish Nurses, Health Ministers, Pastors, Laity and
anyone who may be interested. For more information,
contact Sherry McIntyre,
[email protected] or
call 317-894-0902.
the American Association of
Pastoral Counselors.
This national recognition
requires a minimum of 50
contact hours of training and
supervision. Participation also
is opened to those who have already gone through a previous
two-year cycle of training and/
or who may be already recognized, certified or licensed.
The Rev. Dr. P.T. Wilson is
the facilitator for these meetings. He is an Elder serving
under full-time appointment
at Greensburg United Methodist Church. Licensed as both a
Mental Health Counselor and
Marriage and Family Therapist, he is certified as a Fellow
with the American Association
of Pastoral Counselors and as
a Clinical Fellow of the American Association of Marriage
and Family Therapy.
In addition to this program,
Wilson also provides individual and group supervision
for those who are working
towards licensure and/or clinical certification in AAPC and/
or AAMFT. He may be reached
at 812-663-5683 or pt.wilson@
First Monday begins Sept.
8 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
and will be held at St. Mark’s
UMC, 100 N. Hwy. 46 Bypass
in Bloomington, Ind. 47408.
The registration fee is $25 per
session or $130 for all ten sessions for any clergy or laity of
the Indiana United Methodist
Conference. Unless otherwise
noted, $100 per session for all
others. First Monday runs from
September 2014 through June
2015. Registration information
can be found at www.regonline.
UIndy breaks ground on Health Pavilion
(UIndy) – The United
Methodist-related University of Indianapolis
broke ground June 19 on
a four-story, $28 million
Health Pavilion that will
house UIndy’s healthcare and wellness-related academic programs,
as well as industry
partners and clinical facilities
to serve the community. The
building site is located at the
southwest corner of Hanna and
State Avenues.
With indoor and outdoor
amenities open to the public,
the building will be a new
gateway to the UIndy campus,
a landmark for the University
Heights neighborhood and an
integrated hub where faculty,
students and healthcare professionals can collaborate on edu-
cation and research.
Local developer Strategic
Capital Partners will construct the 156,000-squarefoot building and lease
space to the university for its
School of Nursing, Krannert
School of Physical Therapy,
School of Occupational
Therapy, School of Psychological Sciences, Athletic
Training Program and departments of Kinesiology and
Social Work – programs that
account for more than half of
UIndy’s 5,400-student enrollment. For more information,
visit www.uindy.edu.
In Memoriam
Listed are clergy and clergy spouses who
have died. Family members of clergy who
have died are only listed online at www.
Lake, Ill., 94, widow of the late Rev.
Phillips Brooks Smith, died May 5, 2014.
In keeping with her wishes, services were
private. For online condolences, visit www.
JAMES W. BECKLEY of Muncie, 76,
retired Elder, died April 5, 2014. A memorial
service was held April 11 in Muncie.
Survivors include: his wife, JoAnn Beckley;
daughters, Maria (Paul) Barron, Luisa (Jeff)
Mayer and Ariana (Mike) Dickerson; and
six grandchildren. Condolences can be sent
to JoAnn Beckley, 2710 W. Burgewood Dr.,
Muncie, IN 47304. Memorial contributions
to Grace Episcopal Church Altar Guild, 300
South Madison Avenue, Muncie, IN 47305
or High Street UMC, 219 South High Street,
Muncie, IN 47305. Beckley served churches
in Indiana at: Marion First, Fremont, Kokomo
St. Mark’s, Sweetser, Shipshewana and
Hillsdale, retiring in 1999. He also served as
an Air Force Chaplain for 21 years.
Ind., 82, retired Elder, died May 12, 2014.
A memorial service was held May 21 in
Warren. Survivors include: daughter, Sherilee
Faye Davis of Fort Wayne; and twin sister,
Vilroye Meyer of Colfax, Iowa. Memorial
contributions to Heritage Pointe Home,
801 Huntington Avenue, Warren, IN 46792.
Davis served as Superintendent of the former
Kokomo District and as a pastor at: Garrett
Parish, Butler Center, Cedar Chapel, Meese
Chapel, Rehobeth, Concord, Bluffton Epworth,
Muncie Avondale, Muncie St. Paul, Lapel
Trinity, Kokomo Alto, Peru Main Street, Fort
Wayne Trinity and Angola, retiring in 1994.
PETER LAFKO of McCordsville, Ind., and
formerly of Terre Haute, Ind., 98, retired Local
Pastor, died May 11, 2014. A memorial service
was held May 15, in Terre Haute. Survivors
include: son, Robert (Andrea) Lafko of New
Albany, Ind.; daughter, Bodonna (Herb)
Hale of McCordsville; 10 grandchildren; and
several great-grandchildren. Lafko served
Indiana churches at: Monroe City, Welton
Chapel, Reels Chapel, Hamlin Chapel, Prairie
Creek, Pimento, Fletcher Chapel, Ashboro,
Centerpoint, West Terre Haute and Lewis.
of Culver, Ind., 78, a Supply Pastor serving
Culver Emmanuel UMC, died May 25, 2014.
A memorial services was held May 31 in
Culver. Survivors include: his wife, Cara, of
Culver; daughters Angela of Culver, Rhonda
(Larry) Reitz of Litchfield, Ill., and Ruby
(Jeff) McLean of Logansport, Ind.; sons,
Martin (Donna) Lewellen of Logansport,
Ind., Paul Lewellen of Lewisburg, Texas, and
David (Kathy) Lewellen of Nashville, Tenn.;
stepsons, Kelly Simms of Logansport Ind.,
and Andy (Kim) Simms of Tipton, Ind.; 15
grandchildren; and 29 great-grandchildren.
Condolences can be sent to Mrs. Cara
Lewellen, 17 Venetian Vlg., Culver, IN 46511.
Memorial contributions to Emmanuel UMC,
401 S. Main Street, Culver 46511.
Ill., formerly of Royal Center, Ind., 94,
widow of the late Rev. James E. Cheney,
died June 11, 2014. A memorial service
was held June 14 in Royal Center, Ind.
Survivors include: her daughter, Jill Orr
of Aurora, Ill.; six grandchildren; five
great-grandchildren; and one great-greatgrandchild. Online condolences can be made
at www.ransfuneralhomes.com. Memorial
contributions to Imagine No Malaria, c/o
Fourth Street UMC, 551 South Fourth Street,
Aurora, IL 60505.
Lynn, Ind., 97, a retired Local Pastor, died
May 23, 2014. A memorial service was held
May 27 in Lynn. Survivors include: sons,
James (Evelyn) Scott, David (Linda) Scott,
Jerry (Carol) Scott, Ron (Judy) Scott, all of
Richmond, Ind.; daughters, Sharon (James)
Funkhouser of Lancaster, Ohio, and Cathy
Kildow of Lynn, Ind.; 16 grandchildren and
29 great-grandchildren; and eight great-greatgrandchildren. Online condolences can be
sent to her family at www.braundpope.com.
Scott served the Rushville Faith and Faith/
Trinity UM churches in Ind., and retired in
1987. Memorial contributions to Braund Pope
Funeral Home, P.O. Box 191, New Madison,
OH 45346.
IRA W. SHAW of Floyds Knob, Ind., 97,
retired Local Pastor, died May 14, 2014.
A memorial service was held May 17 in
Sellersburg, Ind. Survivors include: son,
Richard G. (Dottie) Shaw, Floyds Knobs,
Ind.; daughter, Nancy Geary, Pleasure
Ridge, Ky.; seven grandchildren; eleven
great-grandchildren; and three great-great
grandchildren. Online condolences can be
made at www.garrfuneralservices.com.
Memorial contributions to Sellersburg UMC,
226 N. New Albany Avenue, Sellersburg,
IN 47172. Shaw served Indiana churches
at: Canton, Blotcher, Clermont, Kingman/
Bloomingdale, Fredericksburg, English,
Lanesville, Borden, Scottsburg, New Bethel,
New Amsterdam and Pekin/Emmanuel, before
retiring in 1982.
Ind., 89, retired Elder, died May 15, 2014.
A memorial service was held May 19 in
Greenfield. Condolences can be sent to his
wife, Mary Vetters, 271 E. 300 S., Greenfield,
IN 46140. Vetters served churches at:
Metamora/Robinson Chapel, Hillsboro/
Waynetown, Miss. Sumatra, Bicknell,
Brookville, Bartlett Chapel/Shiloh and
Columbus East, retiring in 1991.
Lake, Ind., 87, a retired Local Pastor, died
May 31, 2014. A memorial service was held
June 5 in Warsaw, Ind. Survivors include:
his wife, Josephine of Winona Lake; three
children, James (Carolyn), Robert (Becky) and
Sharon (Timothy Wilson), all of Warsaw; ten
grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren.
Condolences can be sent to Josephine
Walmer, 1405 Avalon Court, Winona Lake,
IN 46590. Memorial contributions to The
Gideons International, Memorial Bible
Chairman, P.O. Box 766, Winona Lake,
IN 46590; Shriners Hospitals for Children,
2211 North Oak Park Avenue, Chicago, IL
60707; or to the Alzheimer’s Association,
Greater Indiana Chapter, 50 E. 91st Street,
Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Walmer
served churches in Indiana at: Mt. Pleasant,
Independence, Independence Riverview, Bunker
Hill, Sumption Prairie, Santa Anna/Poplar
Grove, Marshall Co. and Culver Poplar Grove.
DALE M. WILSON, 81, former Elder in the
Indiana Conference, died April 29, 2014. A
memorial service was held May 9 in Upland,
Ind. Survivors include: wife, Patricia; son,
Nathan of Arlington, Va.; daughter Kathryn
Conley of Mechanicsville, Va.; and two
grandchildren. Online condolences can be made
at www.jones-smithfuneralhome.com. Wilson
served churches in Indiana at: New Butler Ct.,
Montgomery-Oak Grove, Decker-Iowa, Cates,
Indianapolis Second, Crawfordsville Mt. Zion,
Bedford First, Terre Haute Otterbein, LindenKirkpatrick, Battle Ground, and Clarks Hill,
before transferring to the Virginia Conference
in 1975 and retiring in 2000.
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014
Bishop Michael J. Coyner has announced the following changes within
the Indiana Conference. These appointments are based on Cabinet reports
received by e-HUM by June 26, 2014.
• Abbott, John D., from Disability/Incapacity Leave to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Abell, Stanley D., from Indianapolis St.
Lukes, Central District to entry.point,
Central District, 6/1/2014
• Ahlemeyer, Clayton, from Georgetown
Christ/Crandall, South District to No Appointment, 6/15/2014
• Baker, Andrew, New Appointment to
Monticello, Northwest District, 7/1/2014
• Bard, Stephen M., from Harlan, Northeast District to Bluffton First, Northeast
District, 8/1/2014
• Batz, Donald, New Appointment to Colfax (serving in retirement from Illinois
Great Rivers Conference), North Central
District, 7/1/2014
• Baugues, Lloyd Dean, from Indianapolis
Good Shepherd, Central District to Personal Leave of Absence, 7/1/2014
• Baylor, Jr., John F., New Appointment to
Fort Branch/Blythe Chapel, Southwest
District, 7/1/2014
• Beck, Michael Ray, from Disability/Incapacity Leave to White Creek (Serving in
Retirement), Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Bergstrom, William A., from Webb Chapel, Northwest District to South Georgia
Conference, 6/8/2014
• Blansett, Jeffrey, from Straughn Salem,
East District to Farmersburg/Shelburn
Ebenezer, West District, 7/1/2014
• Bone, Wilma M. Sawyer, New Appointment to Jacobs Chapel (serving in retirement), South District, 7/1/2014
• Brock, Mark Allan, from Wanatah Faith/
Associate Superintendent, North District
to Mishawaka Albright, North District,
• Burghduff, Jerry L., New Appointment to
West Point Trinity/Etna, Northeast District, 7/1/2014
• Cannon, Lois, from West Point Trinity/
Etna, Northeast District to Fort Wayne
Nine Mile, Northeast District, 7/1/2014
• Cho, Daniel Seunghyun, from Westville/
Hamilton Communities, Inc., North District to McDonough First, North Georgia
Conference, 7/1/2014
• Clayton, Catherine, from Canton/Salem
West Point, South District to Westville/
Hamilton Communities, Inc., North
District, 7/1/2014
• Cook, Roberta L., from Avondale, East
District to Covington, West District,
• Corder, Kenneth, New Appointment to
Underwood New Chapel/Vienna, South
District, 7/1/2014
• Dicken, Mary Rebekah Ward, New Appointment to Vincennes Community,
Southwest District, 7/1/2014
• Downing, Alan B., from Jefferson, North
Central District to No Appointment,
• Ellis, Christopher Kirk, from Windfall,
North Central District to No Appointment, 7/1/2014
• Farrer, James E., from Desert Southwest
Conference to Auburn First (Transferring
to Indiana Conference), Northeast District, 7/1/2014
• Fields, Dereck R., from Medora, Southeast District to Scipio/Elizabethtown,
Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Flora, Gary, New Appointment to Lewis,
West District, 7/1/2014
• Fulbright, Aleze Michele, from North
Texas Conference to Indiana Conference
(Serving in Extension Ministry), 7/1/2014
• Gangler, Daniel R., from Indiana Conference (Extension Ministry) to Retirement,
• Gibbs, Jeremiah, New Appointment to
University of Indianapolis (Extension
Ministry), 7/1/2014
• Gill, Janeen Ellen Wellenreiter, from
Bradley, Central District to Leave of
Absence, 1/1/2014
• Gill, Janeen Ellen Wellenreiter, from
Leave of Absence to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Goen, Lonny R., from Odon, Southwest
District to Taylorsville/Ohio Chapel
(Serving in Retirement), Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Goetcheus, Allen A., from Christ House,
Inc. (Extension Ministry) to Retirement,
• Gould, Dwight, New Appointment to
Pleasantville, West District, 7/1/2014
• Greene, Thomas Scott, New Appointment to Sonrise, Northeast District,
• Harzula, Jr., Thomas W., from Dillsboro/
Aurora Mt. Tabor, Southeast District to
Culver Wesley, North District, 7/1/2014
• Hayden, Michael C., from New Paradigm
Ministries (Extension Ministry) to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Henry, David C., from Boonville Main
Street, Southwest District to Syracuse
Calvary, North District, 7/1/2014
• Hinkle, Gregory A. from The Samaritan
Center, Elkhart (Extension Ministry) to
Maple City Health Care Clinic (Extension
Ministry), 6/11/2014
• Hopper, Isaac, New Appointment to
Brazil Union, West District, 7/1/2014
• Hussung, Ellaine, New Appointment to
Aurora, Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Jackson, Gordon E., from Madison Street,
East District to Bellefountain/Portland
Fairview, East District, 7/1/2014
• Jeffers, Terry Lee, from Harmony/
Lena, West District to No Appointment,
• Johnson, John Thomas, from Colburn,
Northwest District to No Appointment,
• Jones, G. Thomas, from Porter, North
District to Gary Christ, North District,
• Juncker, Jacob William, from Culver Wesley, North District to Lee Memorial, New
England Conference, 7/1/2014
• Kiefert, Robert, New Appointment to
Bartonia/Winchester Mt. Zion, East District, 5/6/2014
• Kim, Hye Sook, New Appointment to
Brushwood/Northwest District, Northwest District, 7/1/2014
• Kobb, Sharlene, from South Bend Monson Community, North District to No
Appointment, 5/1/2014
• Koziatek, Catherine N., from Mishawaka
Albright, North District to Parkview,
Northwest District, 7/1/2014
• Lafferty, Dennis Aaron, from Hobbs,
North Central District to Hobbs/Windfall, North Central District, 7/1/2014
• Langdoc, Bryan, from Darlington, West
District to Gobin Memorial, West District,
• Lawson, James J., from Jacobs Chapel,
South District to Atwood Otterbein,
North District, 7/1/2014
• Lawrence, Lennie Ray, from Retirement to Medora (Serving in Retirement),
Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Lawson, Michael Ted, from Frankfort St.
Matthew, North Central District to Tanner Valley, Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Lawson, Philip, New Appointment to
Modoc, East District, 5/11/2014
• Lucker, Douglas, New Appointment to
Churubusco, Northeast District, 6/1/2014
• Madison, Chris B., from Retirement to
Franciscan Elizabeth Hospital (serving Extension Ministry in retirement),
• Mallory, Kevin M., New Appointment to
Barnes, Central District, 7/1/2014
• Mann, Ronald C., from Russiaville (Serving in Retirement), North Central District to no longer Serving in Retirement,
• Martin, James Andrew, from Covington, West District to Elkhart New Hope,
North District, 7/1/2014
• Martin, Susan D., from Clinton First,
West District to Goshen St. Marks, North
District, 7/1/2014
• Mayberry, Paula Young, from Huntingburg/Southwest District Office, Southwest District to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• McIntosh, Lori, from Bellefountain/Portland Fairview, East District to Saratoga,
East District, 7/1/2014
• McIntyre, Jerry, New Appointment to
Kingsley, West District, 7/1/2014
• McQueen, Randall S., from Griffith First,
North District to Indianapolis Good
Shepherd, Central District, 7/1/2014
• Miller, Rick Lee, from Fort Branch/Blythe
Chapel (Serving in Retirement), Southwest District to no longer Serving in
Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Moore, Rhonda, New Appointment to
Howell, Southwest District, 5/1/2014
• Motz III, Harold John, New Appointment
to Black’s Chapel, Southwest District,
• Mussche, Tami, New Appointment to
Mace/New Ross, West District, 7/1/2014
• Overman, Craig, from Kilmore, North
Central District to Kilmore/Jefferson,
North Central District, 6/1/2014
• Packer, Adam N., from Twelve Mile
Bethlehem/Fulton Co. Pleasant Hill,
Northwest District to No Appointment,
• Padgett, Samuel Leon, from Mt. Etna,
Northeast District to Indiana Conference
(Extension Ministry), 7/1/2014
• Payne, Debra K., from Edwardsport/Elnora, Southwest District to Odon/Elnora,
Southwest District, 7/1/2014
• Pelc, Charles M., from Mauckport, South
District to Mauckport/Smith Camp
Ground, South District, 7/1/2014
• Pence, Diane Menke, from Bloomington
Fairview/Diane Menke Pence, LMHC,
West District to Diane Menke Pence,
LMHC/Bloomington St. Mark’s, Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Pimlott, Gregory Robert, from Greensburg, Southeast District to Boonville
Main Street, Southwest District, 7/1/2014
• Poole, Teresa A., from Columbus Mt. Olive, Southeast District to Vallonia/Medora Mt. Zion, Southeast District, 7/1/2014
• Powell, Mark A., from Connersville
Grace, East District to Retirement,
• Powers, Timothy A., from Parkview,
Northwest District to Griffith First, North
District, 7/1/2014
• Pressel, Richard W., from Carbon/Prairie
City, West District to Carbon, West District, 7/1/2014
• Prieshoff, Trenton, New Appointment to
Bartlett Chapel, Central District, 7/1/2014
• Relford, P. Allen, from Wayside, West
District to no longer Serving in Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Rinearson, Richard, from Goshen St.
Marks, North District to Dakota-Minnesota Conference, 7/1/2014
• Rittenhouse, Greg E., from Bluffton First,
Northeast District to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Robinson, Lowell, from Simpson Chapel, West District to No Appointment,
• Safley, Mona Oei, from Elizabethtown/
Scipio, Southeast District to Dillsboro/
Aurora Mt. Tabor, Southeast District,
• Sanders, Douglas Lee, from Brownstown,
Southeast District to Incapacity/Disability
Leave, 7/1/2014
• Sanders, Josh, from Alford, Southwest
District to Edwardsport, Southwest District, 7/1/2014
• Sanford, Joe, New Appointment to Darlington, West District, 7/20/2014
• Scanlan-Holmes, Andrew, from British Methodist Church (serving Roberts
Park), Central District to Transfer to Indiana Conference (serving Roberts Park),
Central District, 7/1/2014
• Seger, Joseph, New Appointment to
Loogootee/Shoals, Southwest District,
• Shake, Jack D., New Appointment to
New Middletown (Serving in Retirement), South District, 7/1/2014
• Smith, Kathryn S., from Miami, North
Central District to No Appointment,
• Snodgrass, R. Matthew, New Appointment to Westport, Southeast District,
• Speicher, Adam Daniel, from Clymers/
Lake Cicott, Northwest District to Twelve
Mile Bethlehem/Lake Cicott, Northwest
District, 5/18/2014
• Springstead, Linda, New Appointment to
Altarstar, Northeast District, 7/1/2014
• Steffen, Thomas G., from Indiana Conference to Pacific Northwest Conference,
• Stiles, Kevin L., from Retirement to
Brownstown, Southeast District (Serving
in Retirement), 7/1/2014
• Stoll, Delbert, from Shoals, Southwest
District to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Stroud, Ryan P., from Central Bethel/
Smith Camp Ground, South District to
Central Bethel, South District, 7/1/2014
• Suits, Jack L., from Vallonia/Medora Mt.
Zion, Southeast District to No Appointment, 5/31/2014
• Tipton, Robert, from Plainville, Southwest District to Plainville/Alford, Southwest District, 7/1/2014
• Turner, Jerald Eugene, from Syracuse
Calvary, North District to Dunlap, North
District, 7/1/2014
• Voyles, Marilyn, from Highland/Plattsburg, South District to Highland, South
District, 6/1/2014
• Walby, Maureen M., from Westport/Letts,
Southeast District to No Appointment,
• Walby, Roger A., from Ohio Chapel/
Taylorsville, Southeast District to No Appointment, 7/1/2014
• Ward, Rodger, from Mace/New Ross,
West District to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Watt, Thomas, from Decatur St. Mark,
Northeast Distive to no longer Serving in
Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Whitacre, Mathew Blane, from Solsberry/
Greene County Chapel, West District to
No Appointment, 7/1/2014
• White, Michelle, New Appointment to
Bedford First, South District, 7/1/2014
• White, Sharon Anne, from Anderson
New Hope, North Central District to
Incapacity Leave, 6/1/2014
• Whitehead, Stephen E., from Greater
Chicago Food Depository (Extension
Ministry) to Retirement, 7/1/2014
• Wilkins, Raymond, from West Street,
Central District to Anderson New Hope
(Serving in Retirement), 7/1/2014
• Wilson, David L., New Appointment to
Forest, North Central District, 7/1/2014
• Wilson, Paul T., from Gobin Memorial,
West District to Greensburg, Southeast
District, 7/1/2014
• Wismer, William Donald, from Fort
Wayne Aldersgate, Northeast District to
No Appointment, 7/1/2014
• Wooden, Kenneth J., from Fountain City,
East District to no longer Serving in Retirement), 7/1/2014
• Wright, Jill, from Altarstar/Robinson
Chapel, Northeast District to Robinson
Chapel, Northeast District, 7/1/2014
• Wyllys, Daniel J., from Aurora, Southeast
District to No Appointment, 7/1/2014
• Youngblood, Owen, from Coal City/
Beech, West District to Coal City, West
District, 5/8/2014
Hoosier United
Methodists Together
July/August 2014