Fractions - School of Mathematics
Fractions - School of Mathematics
Fractions Author(s): L. R. Ford Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 45, No. 9 (Nov., 1938), pp. 586-601 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 23/09/2011 17:35 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Mathematical Association of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Mathematical Monthly. 586 [November, FRACTIONS yk(S) = (Cs-- ()kCn{cs r7r ~~a - ank) + Rk} then fork sufficiently large Rk is uniformlysmall on the interval (-a, a). Now we may write k + 1)7rs Cn+ 1 1(n +ls ? a (1)COS( Rk= cn nr+ IJ Cn,+2 + (n Cn x k )((n + 2 an?lk) nl 2),7rs\ (nt + ) - n ?+2k) + Since the Fourier series (1) is convergent,the C's have a maximum absolute value C, and hence throughoutthe interval (-a, a) Cnk IRk< where T= 1 (n+ +1 1)k + _ j Cn T rX 1 dx JO (n + (n + 2)k 1 x) k (k - )nk-1 It followsthat uniformlyon the interval (-a, a) limI Rk I _ lim kn R k? and our theoremis a consequence. oo I Cn Cn (k - 1) = 0, FRACTIONS* L. R. FORD, Armour Institute of Technology Perhaps the author owes an apology to the reader forasking him to lend his attention to so elementarya subject, for the fractionsto be discussed in this paper are, forthe most part, the halves, quarters,and thirdsof arithmetic.But the fact is that the writerhas, forsome years,been lookingon these entitiesin a somewhat new way. Here will be founda geometricpicturizationwhich will be novel to the readerand whichwill supply a visual representationof arithmetical resultsof diversekinds. The idea of representinga fractionby a circleis one at which the author arrived by an exceedinglycircuitousjourney. It began with the Group of Picard. In the geometrictreatmentofthis groupas carriedout by Bianchi in accordance with the general ideas of Poincare certain invariant familiesof spheres appear. These spheres,whichare foundat the complex rational fractions,are mentioned later in this paper. They suggest analogous known invariant familiesof circles at real rational points in the theoryof the Elliptic Modular Group in the com* Some of the material of this article was presentedin an address beforethe American Mathematical Society at Lawrence, Kansas, November 28, 1936. Other parts have been given in lectures at the Rice Institute, the Universityof Texas, NorthwesternUniversity,and the Armour Institute. 1938] 587 FRACTIONS plex plane. Finally, it became apparent that this intricatescaffoldingof group theory could be dispensed with and the whole subject be built up in a completely elementaryfashion. It is this treatmentthat is undertakenhere. 1. The geometric representation. We begin with real fractions.These are usually represented,along with real irrationals,by points on a line. Let this line be the x-axisin an xy-planeof rectangularco6rdinates. Through each rational point x = p/q, wherep and q are integersand the fraction is in its lowest terms,we constructa circle of radius 1/(2q2) tangent to the x-axisand lyingin the upper half-plane.It is this circle,whichtouches the x-axis at the point usually taken to representthe fraction,whichwill be the geometric picture of the fraction.The integersare representedby circlesof radius 1/2; the fractions1/3, 2/3, 4/3, etc., by circles of radius 1/18; and so on. Every small interval of the x-axis contains points of tangency of infinitelymany of these circles.* A ~~~E D ) P q P Q' 1 FIG. Let p/q and P/Q be two differentfractionsin theirlowest terms. Consider the distance betweenthe centersof theirrepresentativecircles. In the figurethe horizontaldistance A C is I (P/Q) - (p/q) and the vertical distance CB is the difference of the radii, I (1/2Q2) - ( /2q2) . We have AB2 (P AB-Q - ( 21 \2Q2 P+( q- + $2 2q28 IQ2q2 (AD+EB)2 + ) 2--21) 2Q2(Pq- (Pq - pQ)2pQ)2-1 Q2q2 * Families of circles tangent to the real axis at the rational points are intimatelyinvolved in the geometryof the modular group and in the theory of quadratic forms. In these connections they have been used forsome time. Circles definedas in the text except forthe more general radius 1/(2hq2) were used, with various values of h, by the presentauthor in papers in the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society in 1917. They were probably used earlier by others. These circles are called "Speiser circles" by some writers.This name appears to be due to a note of a dozen lines by A. Speiser in the Actes de la Socifte Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles in 1923. Mention should also be made of a very interestingninety-page booklet by Ziillig, GeometrischeDeutung unendlicherKettenbruache(1928). 588 [November, FRACTIONS If lPq-pQl >1, then AB>AD+EB, and the two circles are wholly external to one another. If lPq-PQ| =1, then AB=AD+EB, and the two circles are tangent. If lPq-PQI <1 we have, since Pq-pQ is an integer, that Pq-pQ=O. From this P/Q = p/q, which is contraryto the assumptionthat the fractionsare different.So this last inequality is not possible. We may state the followingresult: THEOREM 1. The representative circlesoftwodistinctfractionsare eithertangent or whollyexternalto one another. 2. Adjacent fractions.We shall call two fractionsp/q and P/Q adjacent if theirrepresentativecirclesare tangent. The conditionforthis is that Pq - pQ = 1. (We assume here and henceforththat fractions appear in their lowest terms.) We shall prove THEOREM 2. Each fractionp/q possessesan adjacentfraction. That integersP and Q exist satisfyingthe equation IPq - PQ =1 (or, arrangingsigns suitably, satisfyingPq -pQ = 1) is a fundamentalpropositionof the theoryof numbers.A great many proofshave been given. For the sake of completenesswe prove the theoremhere. The proofgiven is so arranged as to cover the case of complexfractionswhichwill appear subsequentlyin this paper. The proofis by induction. Clearly the theoremholds for IqI = 1, since p/I then has the adjacent fraction(p+1)/1. To prove the theoremin general we assume that all fractionswhose denominatorsare less in absolute value than qI possess adjacent fractionsand prove it forthe fractionp/q. Let n be the integernearest to p/q, whence we can write,with m integral, nq-+m = nm yO< +-= p _n q q q Iml<Iq Since jmj < I q ,then q/m has an adjacent fractionr/s, so Isq - rm1-1. Then the fraction P s nr+s = n + -= is adjacent to p/q; for IPq - PQ = Q r r (nr+ s)q - (nq + m)r| = sq - rm = 1. This establishes the theorem. We can now give a formulaforall fractionsadjacent to p/q. THEOREM 3. If P/Q is adjacent to p/q thenall fractionsadjacent to p/q are P?z P + np Qn Q + nq wheren takeson all integralvalues. 1938] 589 FRACTIONS We findreadily that the fractionsgiven are adjacent to p/q, for I (P + np)q - p(Q + nq) I = Pq - pQ = 1. are adjacent to one another, since We findthat Pn,/Qnand P?+1/Qn+1 [P +np][Q+(n+1)q]- [P+(n+1)p][Q+nq] I = IPq-PQI = 1. The circles correspondingto these fractionsforma ring around the circle of p/q, all tangent to the circle of p/q, and each tangent to the circleswhich precede and follow it in the sequence (Figure 2). That this ring completelysur- p FIG. 2 rounds the circle of p/q we see from (a) Qn ==p q Pq-pQ q(Q + nq) q + 1 q2(n + Q/q) When n-->+ oo, Pn/Qn approaches p/q from one side; when n-o>- c, Pn/Qn approaches p/q fromthe other side. It is obvious fromthe geometricpicture that it is not possible to draw a cilcle lying in the upper half-plane,touching the x-axis, and tangent to the circle of p/q but not intersectingthe circles of the ring surroundingthe circle of p/q. It followsthat there are no furtherfractionsadjacent to p/q. THEOREM 4. Of thefractionsadjacent to p/q (1q I > 1) exactlytwohavedenominatorsnumericallysmallerthan q. That two circlesof the precedingringabout the circle of p/q are largerthan that circle is fairlyevident fromthe geometricalpicture. We see also that I Q + nq| < I ql, or I n + Q/q| < 1 for exactly two values of n; namely, those integersbetween which -Q/q lies. 590 FRACTIONS [November, For one of these two values of n, n+Q/q is positive,forthe other,negative. We see thenfrom(a) that one of the fractionsof Theorem 4 is greaterthan p/q, the other is less. We shall add one furthercircleto our collection.The fraction1/0 is formally adjacent to the integersp/1, since 1 1-p- O = 1. We take as its circle the line y 1, which touches the circles of all the integers.We consider as the interior of the circle that part of the plane above the line. 3. The mesh triangles. The parts of the upper half plane exteriorto all the circles of the system consist of an infinitenumber of circular arc triangles to which the name of "mesh triangles"will be given. Any two sides of a mesh triangle lie on circles belongingto adjacent fractions.Its angles are zero. A furtherstudy of the mesh trianglewill be made in a later section,whereit,, propertieswill be used in the theoryof approximation. 4. Farey's series. Let a curve be drawn across the set of circlesthat we have just defined.We start with a point Ao of the upper half-planeand trace a continuous curve L which remains in the upper half plane except that its terminal point, if any, may possibly lie on the x-axis. We consider the fractionswhose circles are passed throughin succession by L. Each circle K is surroundedby mesh triangles.If L issues fromK into one of these trianglesand if it does not returnto K it will on leaving the trianglepass in generalinto a circletangentto K. We agree that K shall not be counted twice ifL passes out of K and then returnsto K again withoutenteringanother circle. We also make the convention that if L touches two circles at theirpoint of tangencywithoutenteringeither then one or the othershall be consideredas crossed by L (the largercircle,say, or the one on the left,or the one whose fractionis the greater).We can thenstate as an established propositionthe following: PRINCIPLE. If twocirclesof thesystemare penetratedin succsssionbyL thenthe correspondingtwofractionsare adjacent. As a firstillustrationlet L be a line, y = k, parallel to the x-axis,startingsay at a point on the positive y-axis and stopping at x= 1. The points of tangency with the x-axis of the circlesthroughwhich L passes are arrangedin orderfrom left to right; that is, the correspondingfractionsare arranged in numerical L intersects the circles of all fractions in the order. If 1/(n+1)2<k<1/n2, interval O<x<1 whose denominators do not exceed n and the circles of no other fractions.These fractionsarranged in numericalorder constitutewhat is known as a Farey's series of ordern forthe interval. Certain theorems concerning Farey's series are now readily established.* Let p/q <p'/q' be successive fractionsof the series,all the numbersbeing positive. * See, for example, Landau, Vorlesungen iuberZahlentheorie, 1927, Band 1, pp. 98-100. Farey discussed these fractionsmore than a centuryago. 1938] (1) P'q-pq'= 591 FRACTIONS 1. This results from the Principle stated earlier in this section. (2) q+q'_n+l. For (p+p')/(q+q') is a fractionbetween p/q and p'/q'; since it does not belong to the series its denominatoris greaterthan n. (3) For any number co of the interval there is a fractionp/q of Farey's series of order n such that p 1 + l)q q |(n The numbercolies in an interval formedby a Farey's fractionp/q and an adjacent fraction(p+pl)/(q+ql) not of the series (pi/qi being the Farey's fraction precedingor followingp/q). The lengthof this intervalis t/(q+qi)q, where q+ql_n+lt. If we take other simple formsfor the curve L we get series analogous to Farey's. Thus if we take a line with a positive slope startingabove y = 1 and terminatingat the originwe have all non-negativefractionssuch that pq < n, wheren is suitably chosen. If these be arrangedin orderof numericalmagnitude then successive fractionssatisfy (1) above; (2) is replaced by (p+p')(q+q') >n?l . The seriessuch that 0 <p ? n may be got by takingforL the arc of a suitable circle tangent to the x-axis at the origin. 5. The problem of approximation. Dirichlet showed by elementarymeans that if cois a real irrationalnumber then the inequality |q (1) p qq C k <- is satisfiedby infinitelymany fractionsp/q if k = 1. If, however,co= r/s, a rational, then the inequality is satisfiedby only a finitenumber of rationals p/q however large k be chosen. For q r p rq-ps s q sq 1 s k sql q2 q2 except for a finitenumber of values of q for which qI I ks|; also for each q thereis clearly only a finitenumberof fractionssatisfyingthe inequality. Various suites of fractionsapproximatingto co satisfy (1) with suitable k. The convergentsin the ordinarycontinued fractionforcosatisfythe inequality with k = 1. A suite of Hermite admits the smaller value k= 1/V/3. The determinationof the best value of k is due to Hurwitz,*who proved the followingtheorem. * Mathematische Annalen, vol. 39, 1891, pp. 279-284. See also Borel, Journal de Mathematiques, 5th ser., vol. 9, 1903, pp. 329 ff;L. R. Ford, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, vol. 35, 1917. 592 [November, FRACTIONS THEOREM 5. If k = 1/V\, thenfor each irrationalX thereare infinitely many, fractionsp/q satisfyingtheinequality(1). If k < 1 /V, thenthereare irrationalscosuch thatonlya finitenumberoffractionsp/q satisfy(1). Let the curve L of the previoussection be a vertical line whichterminatesat the irrationalco.Then L intersectsinfinitelymany circles of the system we are consideringand is tangent to none. If L cuts the circle of p/q then the distance fromcoto p/q is less than the radius: p_ 1 q 2q2 The curve L thus provides us with an infinitesuite of all those fractionssatisfying (1) when k= 1/2. If p/q and p'/q' are successive fractionsof this suite then, fromthe Principle of the preceding section, we have P'q-pq'= + 1. Also, we ofthesuiteto X is thenimthat Iq'| > Iqf. The convergence see geometrically mediately proved. We propose now to prove Hurwitz' theoremby a study of the circles of out system. This elementaryproof will be free of continued fractionson the one hand and of the theoryof the Modular Group on the other. The line L cuts across infinitelymany mesh triangles.The firstpart of the theoremof Hurwitz is a consequence of the followingresult which will now be proved: THEOREM 6. Of thethree fractionswhosecirclesformtheboundaryofa meshtriangle whichL crosses,at least one satisfies(1) withk==/d5. We consider the mesh triangle in some detail. Let P/Q, p/q, pl/ql be the fractionswhose circles bound the area, where O < Q < q < qi = q+Q, Pl=P+P. We suppose, to fix the picture, that the largest of the three circles is on the right;that is, P/Q > p/q, whence Pq-pQ = + 1. If not, we could make suitable changes of sign in the following;or, more simply, we could reflectthe entire figurein the y-axis by changingthe signs of the numeratorsand of X and at the conclusion of our analysis we could reflectagain. The vertexA (see Figure 3) is the point of contact of the circlesof p/q and P/Q. It divides the line of centers of these circles in the ratio of their radii, 1/2q2:1/2Q2,or Q2:q2. The abscissa of this point is found by an early formula of analytic geometry,or by the methods of high school plane geometry,to be a= P P _ q2. + Q2-. q Q q2 + Q2 _ - q+PQ q2 _+ Q2 1938] 593 FRACTIONS The abscissas of B and C, the othervertices,may be writtendown by an interchange of letters, pq + piql PQ + piqi q2 + Q2 + q2 q?2 In order that L cross the mesh triangle under considerationit is necessary and sufficientthat colie in the intervalwhose rightend is c and whose leftend A ab b , Pl c c cafe I CseXf FIG. 3 is the lesser of the two quantities a and b. We find a--- p Q q q(q2+Q2) b-=- P q_ q q(q2+qq2) whence subtractingand rememberingthat qi = q + Q, we have q2 - qQ - Q2 b-a= (q2 + Q2)(q2+ q?2) We put q/Q = s > 1 The sign of b - a is (dividing the preceding numerator by Q2) the same as the sign of s2- s -1. Now, factoring, s2 - s- 1 = (s ) + - 21), and the square root of 5 firstenters the picture. Here the firstfactoris positive and the sign is determinedby the second factor.We have two cases to consider. Case I. a<b, and * s> (V/5+1). We shall show that P/Q satisfies the inequality (1) with k= 1/\/5.We have P Q -co P <--a Q = q Q(q2 + Q2) - s 1 s2 + 1 Q2 * Hereand inmanysubsequent relationsthesignofequalityis notpossible,foronememberis rationaland theotheris irrational. 594 [November, FRACTIONS If now we have s 1 s2+ 1 V5 (5 - I ?) s + l< s2 - < vX) ( whichis impossiblesince both factorsin the firstmemberare positive. It follows that s/(s2+ 1) < 1/\/5,and the inequality is satisfied. Case II. b<a, and s< 2(\5+ 1). We shall show that pl/ql satisfiesthe inequality (1) with k = 1/A/5.It is clear that c is nearer pil/ql than b is, since C is higheron the circle than B. Then Pi --wc If <- q, Pi q b = qi ql(q2+ s(s+ s2 + q2) (s + 1) 1)2 1 q?2 1 s(s+1) s2 + (S + 1)2 then > 0, (V5- 2)s2? (/5-2>-1 or, dividing, s2 + s -V5-2 > 0. Factoring, (s ? d ) (s + v > O ?) which is impossible since the firstfactoris negative and the second is positive. We have proved that one, at least, of the threefractionswhose circlesbound the mesh trianglesatisfies(1) with k = 1/\/S. Since L passes throughinfinitely many mesh trianglesit followsthat infinitelymany rational fractionssatisfythe inequality with k = 1/ 5. It remains to exhibit an irrationalco for which (1) holds for only a finite and any We take, in fact, co==(\5+1) number of fractions for k<l/v5. h < 1 and show that thereis a finitenumberof fractionsforwhich (2) q _ S+1 2 < <\Vq2 For a fractionsatisfyingthis we may write p _\v5 +t1 q 2 0 \1,5q22 1938] 595 FRACTIONS where I0 | < h < 1. Writingthis p__ 1 2 q VH5 = ? 2 0 \V5q2 squaring, and rearranging,we get pq - 5q2[(p2 - ] - q2) 2 = The expressionin square brackets must be positive, whence the integerp2-pq -q 2, whichcannot be zero (since then p/q would turnout irrational)must equal or exceed 1. We have h2 ft2 pq 5[(p2_ - q2) - 5(1-h) ] This limits q to a finitenumber of values. For each q, the inequality (2) then limits p; and the number of fractionsis finite. Other irrationals might have been used here; for example, co= (rV\5?s)/t, where r, s, t are integers.These last irrationalnumbersare found in every interval of the x-axis. 6. Continued fractions. One of the most successfulinterpretationssupplied by our system of circles is the geometricpicture of the continued fraction (3) ao + 1 a, + a2 4 a3 +... or, as oftenwritten, aO + 1 1 1 a, + a2? a3 + * * Here the quantities a,,,are integers.If all the integersare positive, except possibly a0, the continued fractionis simple.* The nth convergent, pI/qn, is the quantity that remains when all that part of the expressionfollowinga,,,.-,is erased. We have Pi aO P2 1 aoa +1 qi 1 a2 a, a, 1 p3 - q3 =a+ (aoa, + 1)a2 + aO 1 a, + a =. a1a2 +1 = a2p2 + pI a2q2 + ql a2 * So called by Chrystal in whose Algebra, Part II, pp. 396ff,will be found one of the best elementarytreatmentsof continued fractionsin English. 596 [November, FRACTIONS Here and in the followingwe are using the p's and q's to representthe actual numeratorsand denominatorsof the fractionsin the second membersand not merelynumbers proportionalthereto. The last equation exhibits forn=2 the recurrenceformulafromwhich we calculate the convergentsstep by step, (4) Pn+1 anpn+ pn-1 qn+1 anqn + qn-i This formulais readily established by induction. It holds, we have just seen, forn = 2; assuming it up to any later n we prove it forn +1. We get Pn+2/qn+2 fromPn+l/qn+iby replacingan by an+l/an+l; Pn+2 (an + 1/an+l)pn+ Pn-1 anl+(anPn+ Pn-1)+ pn an+lPn+l+ pn qn+2 (an + 1/an+i)qn + an+l(anqn + qn-1) + qn an+lqn+l + qn qn-1 This is the required formulawith n replaced by n+1 and (4) holds forn >2. It holds also forn = 1 if we take po/qo= 1/0. If the continuedfractionterminates,its value is the last convergent.If there are infinitelymany a's the value to be assigned to the fractionis lim pn/qnif this limit exists. We investigatethe suite of convergents THEOREM Po 1 P ao p2 p3 qo Oi q,1\ 1 q2 q3 7. Successiveconvergents, pn/qnand Pn+l/qn+l,are adjacentfractions. From (4) pr+lqn- qn+lPn = (anPn + pn-i)qn - (anqn + qn-l)pn = - (pnqn-1 - qnpn-1). = -1 we have that Since piqo-poqi= ao O-1 Pn+lqn - qnFlPn = (- 1)n+l, which establishes the theorem. Given the tangent circles of pn_1/qn_i and pn/qnand the integeran, how do we findthe circleofPn+l/qn+l?For all integralan we get from(4) (see Theorem 3, Section 2) the ringof tangentcirclesaround the circleof pn/qn.For an= 0 we get foran= 1 we get a circlenext to this; foran = 2 we get the the circleof Pn_l/qn-1; next around the ring;and so on. For an -1, -2, etc.we pass around in the opposite direction. To determinethe directionconsider pn+1 Pn q1) n+q qn+1 qn qn+lqn (nq (anqn ? q+l + qn-l)qn qn ( 2n (an+ 1)+ 1 1938] 597 FRACTIONS For a. large and positive the last denominatoris positive. If n+1 is even then Pn+l/qn+lis to the right of pn/qnand we have counted around the circle of and we is less than pn/qn Pn/q2in a clockwisedirection;if n +1 is odd pn+1/qn+1 have counted in a counter-clockwisedirection. 2 ao P3P2 q3 q2 FIG. 4 We may liken the circle of pn/qn to the face of a clock (Figure 4). Set the hand to point toward the centerof the circle of Pn_i/qn_. It is now in the zero position. If we seek an even convergent turn clockwise to the anth point of tangency; if we seek an odd convergent turn counter-clockwiseto the anth point of tangency. If an is negative the turningis in the opposite directionin each case. The hand now points to the centerof Pn+l/qn+li Initially (n = 1) we set the hand to point verticallyupward to the point of tangency of y= 1 with the circleof ao/1, as in the figure.The positive direction is clockwise. On the next clock the positive directionis counter-clockwise;on the next, clockwise; and so on. In the figurea,=2, a2=2, and if ao0=O the first fourconvergents,startingwith po/qo,are 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 5 We see then that thecirclesoftheconvergents, in order,of a continuedfraction forma sequence,or chain,of circles.The chain beginswiththecircley = 1 and each circleis tangentto thecirclesprecedingand followingit in thesequence. Conversely,any such chain has a unique correspondingcontinued fraction. We determine ao as the integer whose circle touches the firstcircle, y = 1, in the chain; and a2, a3, etc., are got uniquely by countingpoints of tangency,as already explained. A chain can be definedin many ways and with much arbitrariness.A simple 598 FRACTIONS [November, way is to use a curve L, startingabove y= 1, as explained in Section 4. We shall = Pn-i/qn_-i nor to qn= 0, which means not object to an=0, whichgives Pn+l/qn+l that y= 1 reappears as a circle of the chain. The preceding picture answers various questions about convergence. We see that it is possible so to choose the chain that pn/qnapproaches a prescribed rational or irrationallimit in a great variety of ways, or so that pn/qnbecomes positivelyor negativelyinfinite,or so that Pn/qnwanders moreor less arbitrarily over the x-axis. We may even choose the chain so that each interval of the xaxis contains infinitelymany convergents.Such a chain is the set of circles passed over by the broken line L formedby joining in succession the points A1, A2, * * whereAn has the coordinates [(-1)8n, 1/n]. In this example each real rational numberappears infinitelyoftenamong the convergents. 7. Simple continuedfractions.*The situationis quite different ifall an(n > 0) are positive integers.The firstclock runs right (see Figure 4) and makes P2/q2 greaterthan pl/ql; the next runs leftand places p3/qa between pi/ql and P2/q2. Each convergentfalls between the two immediatelyprecedingit. Certain facts then appear: (a) The fractionconvergesto a value w. (b) The odd convergentsincrease monotonicallyto w,the even convergents decrease monotonicallyto co. (c) colies between each pair of successive convergents. (d) qn+l > qn 1). (> co 1< <2 (e) O ltn_ qn 1 qnqn+l 1 anqn c1 qn Here the second expressionis the distance between the convergentsPn/qnand ? anqn+qn-1 > anqn (n> 1). Pn+l/qn+i, and qn+l -pn qn , an> qnqn+2 forthe second memberis the distance between pn/qnand pn+2/qn+2. We see geometricallyhow to findthe simple continued fractionfora given co.We select for ao the integernext below X (see Figure 4). We then turn the clock to the rightuntil p2/q2 lies as far to the left as possible without passing co,thus findinga,. We turnthe second clock to the leftuntil p3/q3 is as farto the rightas possible withoutpassing w,whence we have a2; and so on. That the developmentis unique is apparent. The firstan's that differin two developments throw the values of the two continued fractionsinto different intervalsthereafter.There is an unimportantexception in the case of a fraction which terminates.A last an > 1 may be written (an-1) + 1/1, thus insertingan additional convergent. * Zullig,loc. cit.,has thechainofcirclesgivenherewithfigures formanynumericalcases. 1938] 599 FRACTIONS It is not difficult to identifythis process of formingthe continuedfractionfor co with the usual arithmeticprocess: (1) taking ao as the largest integerin W; (2) formingw1,the reciprocalof the remainderw - ao, and takinga, as the largest integerin wi; (3) taking a2 as the largest integerin (2, the reciprocal of wl-a1; and so on. We see geometricallythat pn/qn is a good approximationto w if an is very large, for our clock has then turned far toward the bottom. This is clear, of course, from(e) above. Thus in the continued fraction 7r= 3 +- 1 1 1 - 1 -- 1 1 - 7 + 15 + I + 292+ I + I + * the second convergent22/7 and the fourth355/113 (here a4= 292) are especially good and are, in fact, much used. Suppose we take an,= 1 forall n in order to avoid a good approximationas far as we can. We have co=1?-- 1 1 I I + 1? +- 1 -, (A) From this, since w> 1, or w2-w-1=0. co= 21(5 + 1). This is the irrationalquantitywe used in the latterpart ofthe proofofHurwitz's theorem. 8. Complex fractions.*Complex numbersx+iy, where x and y are real and i= -, are commonlyrepresentedby points (x, y) in an xy-plane using rectangular coordinates. The complex integers,n=n'+in", where n' and n" are real integers,forma square lattice in the plane. A fractionis the quotient of two integers p pi q qI + +?ip"l iq" p?+ip"l q' + iq" l q' -iq" - iq" p'q' + p"lq" q2 -4- q/2 /t-pl q'2 + q"12 and is representedby the point with the co6rdinatesshown in the last member. The complex fractionsthus consist of the numbersx+iy, wherex and y are real fractions.We thinkof the xy-planeas being horizontal,and we introducea third or z-axis perpendicularto the x- and y-axes. The analogue of the circle of Section 1 is a sphere. Through the point in the plane which representsthe fractionp/q (in its lowest terms) we construct a sphere touching the complex plane there, lying in the upper half-space, and having the radius 1/(2qq). Here q is the conjugate of q, q=q'-iq"; whence * For the matterstreated in this section see L. R. Ford, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 19, 1918, pp. 1-42. 600 qq=q [November, FRACTIONS 12 +q' 12=q| 2. This spherewill be the geometricrepresentation of p/q. Every small area in the complex plane contains points of tangencyof infinitely many of these spheres. InterpretingFigure 1 as a pair of spheres at complex fractions,we have AB2=++ P p Q q 2 1 \2 1 1 1 2QQ 2qq/ 2QQ 2qq Pq -pQ121 QQqq If I Pq-pQ I > 1, thenAB >AD +EB, and the spheres are whollyexternalto one another. If IPq -pQ = 1 the spheresare tangent. In no case do the spheres intersect.We call the fractionsadjacentifthe spheresare tangent. FIG. 5 That p/q has an adjacent fractionP/Q we already know, for we have designed the proofof Theorem 2 to cover this case. Then the fraction Pn P + np Qn Q + nq of Theorem 3, wheren is any complex integer,is adjacent to p/q. We note that the four fractionsPm/Qm,where m=rn+l, n-1, n+i, n-i, are adjacent to = |m-rnl | *Pq-PQI =1. Pn/Qn; for I (P+?np)(Q+mq)-(P+mp)(Q+?nq)| That is, each sphere tangent to a given sphere touches four other spheres tangent to the given sphere. It is not difficultto show that the fractionsPn/Qn constitutethe complete set of fractionsadjacent to p/q. How many of the spheres touching the sphere of p/q are larger than that sphere? We require the numberof solutions of fQ+nql <Iql, or I n+Q/qI < 1. Now n + Q/qI is the distance fromthe integern to the point -Q/q. The problem takes the form: If a unit circle is drawn in the complex plane, how many complex integersdoes it contain? For various positions of the center (-Q/q) the answer is 2, 3, or 4, as is readily seen. We put aside the case I q = 1, which puts the centerat an integer,when clearly thereare no largertangent spheres. We introduce the plane z= 1 to touch the spheres of the integersand be the sphere of theiradjacent fraction1/0. 1938] MATHEMATICAL 601 EDUCATION The use of complex integersin the continuedfraction(3) offersno difficulty. We are led to the geometricpicture of the continued fractionas a chain of spheres,beginningwith the plane z= 1, and proceedingthence fromsphere to tangent sphere. We have here the same possibilitiesof convergenceor divergence as before. At the worst we can set up continued fractionswhose convergents are present in every small region of the complex plane. There is no immediate generalizationof the simple continuedfractionto the complex case. There are, however,schemes fordeveloping a complex number in a continued fraction,the best processes being due to Hurwitz.* The analogue of Hurwitz's theoremon rational approximationsto an irrational numberwas firstdiscoveredby the presentauthor.t The inequality (1) is replaced by k p | _ q co < -1 qq and the minimumk for which infinitelymany fractionsalways satisfythe inequality is k = 1/VX. The proofof this,however,is not elementary. MATHEMATICAL EDITED BY EDUCATION of Colorado C. A. HUTCHINSON, University This Departmentof the MONTHLY has been createdas an experimentto afforda place for the discussion of theplace of mathematicsin education. Withthis topic will naturallybe associated other mattersemphasizingthe educational interestsof thosewho teach mathematics.It is not intendedto critical take up minutedetails ofteachingtechnique.The columnsare open to thosewho havethoughtful commentto make, be itfavorableor adverseto thecause of mathematics.The successofthisdepartment to obviouslywill depend upon thecooperationof thereadersofthe MONTHLY. Address correspondence ProfessorC. A. Hutchinson, Universityof Colorado,Boulder, Colorado. MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION IN GERMANY BEFORE 1933 RICHARD COURANT, New York University At the suggestionof the editors I shall try to give a briefaccount of trends in the teaching of mathematics in Germany,particularlyat German universities, in the period fromthe World War until 1933. The situation of mathematicsin Germany,since the early part of the 19th century,has been pivoted around a definiteconnectionbetween universityand high school. In a sweepingreformfollowingthe French Revolution, the institution of the German "humanistischesGymnasium"was established. Teachers at these institutionswere required to undergoa very thoroughacademic preparation,and the task of preparingthemwas entrustedto the philosophicalfaculties of the universities.The teachers' trainingwas in no way of an elementarychar- 154. * Acta Mathematica, vol. 11, 1887, pp. 187-200. t L. R. Ford, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 27, 1925, pp. 146-