@ NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section V 28 Mauve Area,G-9/I, IstamabadI OSL-7O32Z2Z, B 051-9260419 nffi lf$,*^,, No.2fte8a) NH^ I 2oL6/ q ?4 I GM(P&CA)/ tvlarctr2], ZOto To, A11the prospective bidders M/s.............. MINUTES OF PRE-BID MEETING AND ADDENDUM NO.2 CONSTRUCTION OF NATIONAL MOTORWAY M-4 SHORKOTKIIANEWAL SECTION PROJECT ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot-Dlnaur Sectloa lXm 119+2OO to Km lFO+2OOl Find enclosed herewith Minutes of Pre-bid meeting held on llft March, 2016 along with Addendum No.2 to the bidding documents which is the integral part of Bid Documents, for your information and necessary action, please. Copv for informatlon: - Member (Engg-Coord),NHA, Islamabad. ADDENDUMNO. 02 ADB/ICB/M4: Constructionof NationalMotor.wayM-4 Shorkot- KhanewalSectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) The following amendmentshave been made in the Bid Document under this Addendum, which shall be read and construedas an integral part of Bid Document and shall take precedencein case of any conflict / ambiguities in the Bidding Document and other ptovisionsof the BiddingDocument. VOLUME -I 1. Section2 - Bid Data Sheet: i) ReferPage2-2,ITB 10.1,be readas "The languageof the bid is: English.Ifa bidder providesany supportingdocumentsin language(s)other the English,in suchcasethe accurateand authenticatedtranslationof the documentsin English languageshall be submittedalongwith notary certificate(s)(original) as per the law of their country for eachhanslateddocument. i) Refer Page2-3,ITB 20.2,deletethe first paragraph"The pricedBill of euantities ,.,............,:,.....,,considered asnonresponsive", ii) ReferPage2-5,ITB 34.1,secondparagraphwebsiteaddress"y4vrv,g!p.cq!n.!K'be replacedwith www.sbp.oom.ok. 2. Section4 - Biddine X'orms: i) Tablesof AdjustmentData - Table A - Local Currency: Page-4-34is replacedwith amendedpageattachedat Attachment-I. ii) Bill of Quantities:Page-4-46, Bill No. 4F: STRUCTURES(BRIDGES)-I2nos. Item No,407g,sub-item407d3desmiptionof "pilesup to 1.1- 1.5m dia,,be replacedwith "pilesfrom 1.1- 1.5m dia" Page 1 of 2 ADDENDUMNO.02 iii) Bill of Quantities:Page-4-47Bill No. 4F: STRUCTURES(BRIDGES)-I2nos.Irem No.407j-vii,descriptionof the item shallread"Pile load TestLoad600Ton,' vi) Bill of Quantities:Page-4-54Bill No. 6: ANCILLARY WORKS,Item No. SP-621, descriptionof t}teitem shall read"Headlight Glare-shieldfacilities,installedon the New JersyBarrier to preventglaring andensuredriving safety." v) Bill Nos.8, 9 & 10-ibe replacedwith the amended Pagesatrached at Attachm€nt-Il. 3. Section6 - EmnlovertsRequirements: i) PersonnelRequirements:page No. 6-5, after table add the "Note: All engineers whetherforeign or local must be registeredwith PakistanEngineeringCouncil (PEC). Copy of registrationcertificate shall be requiredto be submittedto Employerprior to startingany activity at sik". ii) Environment Management Plan: page No, 6-7, add EMP report attached at Attachnent-I . 4. Othertermsand conditionsshall remainsame. .x.................. x Page 2 of 2 Attachment- I of Ad.dendum No,2 Tablesof AdjustmentData TableA-LocalCurrency Sr. No. Description Unlt Woightages I 5 (D FixedPortion (iD 0.59 Labour Day {Skilledi Unskilled) (PerDay) 0.06 (iiD Cement MetricTon 0.05 (iv) SteelReinforcement MetricTon 0.09 LitreB 0.13 MetricTon 0.08 (v) ApplicableIndex DieselPOL (vi) Bitumen Total Monthly Statistical Bulletin of Pakistan publi$hed by Federal Bureauof Statistics,Government of Pakistanfor unskilledlabour. Monthly Statistical Bulletin of Pakistan published by Federal Bureauof Statistics.Government of Pakistan for Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC). Monthly Statistical Bulletin of Pakistan published by Federal Bureauof Statistics,Government of Pakislanfor Grado60 steel. As per the rates fixed by Government of Pakistanfor HSD. AttockOil Refinery,Rawalpindi 1,000 Note: 1. Base/ currentpricesof SpecifiedMaterialsshallbe as of actuallyprevailingon the basedale notifiedby the Engineer withthe approvalof the Employerafterthe awardof works.As perGCC 1.'1.3. {, "BaseDate'maansthedate28 daysp.iorto the deadlinefor bid submission". 2. The basicpricesare meantto be ex-factorypricesand inclusiveof all kindsof taxesand duties thatoanbe leviedat source. Adjustment of increase / decreaseshallonlybe admissible for the materialslistedabove. 4. Valueof work donefor priceadjustment purposeshallbe valueof permanent works(Excluding Billfor Generalltems& Provisional Sums). 5. AllAmounts in PakRupees only. Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurem6nt o,Works ADB/ICB.M4-IIIA Section4- BiddingForms 4_58 Addendum No.2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- KhanewalSectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF'QUANTITIES BILL.NO.S.RESTAREA BiilNO. Description BILL.8.A CTVILWORKS BILL.8.B EXTERNAIWORKS BILL.8.C PLUMBINGWORKS BILL.8.D ELECTRICAL WORKS AMOUNT (Rs.) Total P Fh N \ f F \ I Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works 'l F-l ADB/ICB-M4-tIIA Section4- BiddingForms 4_59 AddendumNo.2 construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal Secfionproject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF'QUAIYTITIES BILL.NO.S.REST AREA Item# Descfiption Unir Rate (Rs. in Fiqures) Quanfirf RATE(Rs. in Wods) Amount (Rs,) BiIl No. 8A- CIWL WOBKS Refer to particulsr specirtcdions(BuiAhgg I I I B Exc|ation in Foundation,includingdressingleveling,9570compactiou(AASHTOModifi€d)alld disposa of urisuitabl€/SurDlus Material i), In CommonMaterial consistingofaeolioD,alluvial residualmaterialconsistingofgravel, shalevolcani< ashes,loarn,sand"clay or anyco binationof thesenaterial, alte.edor weathermatedalandboulderslesr C u m thanonequarter( 1/4)cubicmeterin volune,ernbedded in othermaterial. ii). In Herd Rock which inoludes firm and rigid igneous" Estamoryhio and sedimentary rock. Eard rocl constitute {inn and coDtinuousbed rock requidng blasting for ercavatior. This will include boulders largel tlan one quarter (1/4) cubic meter in volume, provided these are firm ad stable lying in the contimrous bec and constitute more thatr 50o/oby volume comparedto ofier type of material. iii). Ia Medium Rock which includes firm and rigid igneous, metarnorphic ard sedimentaryrock. Mediurn rock, which car be r€moled by Ripper attachedto a Bulldozer (200 HP) and chiseling iv). In Soft Rock which includes firm and rigid igreous, metamorphic and sediftentary rook. Soft rock which can be rcmoved by manual Chiseling, 169.48 Cu rn 8.47 Cum 13.56 Cum 18.64 Cum 391.86 CUIn 53.88 v) Earth filling, back filling i! plinth, Columns footings, wall footing! rnd ary other foundations" (a). With selectedexca!€ted mat€f,ial where availablE with 95% (AASHTO) compaction(modified proctor' including moiskning to optimun moisturg cotrtqt with mechanical means in 6" lryers from the natura $ound leveuexcavatedlevel to bottom of StooeSolilg (provided separately). 2 3 (b). With selectedquarry/Borow Granular (A-3) material obtaired Ao!1 outside sotx.cewith 95% (AASHTO) compac.tim{modilied proDtor) iDcluding moisterdDg10 c'ptimlm moisture contert wiil mechanical meansitr I layerof6" otrderstonesoline(Drovidedfor seDamtelv). ProvidiagapplyingTermite Control Treatment(Fipronil (Agenda25EC))underfoundationsandfloors at per f.herequirements of specificationsand ftrnish gurraoteetlat the buildingsshall be A€eftom termites woodboresaDdo{ter pests,which causedamageto woodatrdothef,organicmaterial,for a pedodof l0 year torn thedateofcompletioaofrhe buildings. 'trr Cylindricrl CorBFrcssive Strengthfc- 14t{ Dsi @14 Concrete(1:4:8) Class underrall forurdaionsusinglocal sandaDdmaryallacrushedstoneof approvedqualityincludingformworl rdrererequiredlevelingand curing etc. completein all respectsas per drawirys, specifioationsandal1tc appowl ofthe Engineer Single-Stage ; Two-Envelope sq.m Cum Procurementof Wof|(s 736.34 15.41 .6 h. 3t * ADB/rCB-M4{rA Section4- BiddingForms 4-40 AddendumNo.2 BILL OF QUAI\TITIES BILI,.NO.8.RESTAREA Item # Descriplinn Anit Concrete (1:2:4) Class 'C' Cytindrical CompressivE Strength fc= 3000 psi exoluding steel and itr berdiry but including shuttering c€ntering and ib binding as in foundation ,cotunnr,parapitbean, oopping for pafapet, witrdow door juobo and projections etc. as per drawing and specifications and as directed bl E gineer Cum 105.07 Cum Cum 71.84 4.98 Tom 11.56 242.76 Quanfitl Rate(Rs, in Fiqures) RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) Bill No:8A- CIWL WORKS ReIertopdrticular specilications(Buimi.ngs) III B 5 Corcrete (1.3:6) Class rD' Cylindricat Compre$$iveStreDgthfc= 2200 pci excludingsteel and it! bendingbut includingshutted[gc€oteringandits bindirq asper &awing andspecificatioossod asdirect€t by ProjectMamger. i. under flooring iii). over Steps(Main E[tlanoe, Bathroom, Side Entrance) 6 Providing ReinforcemeDt Steel (crade40) itrcluding cufiing bmdin& placing and binding wire. !.Ig"tioe ii. Colurnn iii. PlinthBeam iv. Brick Masorry eLRoof Beam viii. Roof Slab ,( RCClhteusill bealruarnbc4lumDs 7 Bitumen Coating 2 ooats of Bihnen 0.4b/d (0.21bift? per coat of 40/60 glade) all build surfaoes oj foudatiois, Plitth beam sides ex?osedto eanh, top surface ofPlintl beam aod Colunn exposedto earth fi1. b approved malrler an4 as directed by Project Mamger- sq'm 8 koviding and lying l-1l2" DPC cast itr situ using Fina Sandmixol with aoy apFoved watEr ploofing ag€nt sq.m 10 VaporBanier Providingand Layingof Pol]'theneSheet500 gauge(0,005,,)thick prime qualitylaid over stonesolingfor Floorilg PlinthProtectiooandmmpasper specificationaodasapprovedby theEagineer. sq.m 381.57 StoneSoling Providiagl,ayiug cooprctingard blockirg 4" tbick Sfore Sotturgwifli 2" do*n gaugegradelStoneBlast with stoDedustfilling ad firle sard aggregate$ overprelaidandprecompacted fill, backfill asper rpecificati@,(Providedfd separaielt. Cum 53.88 q Procurementof Work AD B/lCB-lvl4-ll lA Section4- BiddingForms AddendumNo.2 BILL OF'QUANTITIES BILL.NO.E.RESTAREA RATE (Rs. in Wordsl topaaicular specificalions(Baildings) III B ClassbumtBrick hrsonry work with c€mertsatrdmortar7c curhg etc.completein all reqp€ct: 9" thick Wa[ witl l:4 cementsandmortarwith deepstuokpointing(honedJoint by using l0mm to createhalf grout oeck) both hodzodally and vertically oaly on ourer wall surface of tlrc buitdins as ving and as apprwed by rhe Projeai Mmagei 9' thiok Wall with I :4 cementsardmortarin orditraryfuisb- INTERIOR& below 4.5" thick Wall with l:4 c€meotsandmortarin ordinarvfinish. 'Z hch thick on walls mlu(|ns, Ceiling including floating coal under plaster. OIr htemal and Extemal Wallvcolu$ns with l:4 cementsand mortar , OaCeilingwith I :3 c€mentsandmortar AlumfuumWire MeshlmderPlasterircluding ComerBeads, andlayiogfair fac€{Gutkr) 225x5?x3&Enat anyheighufloq usingspecialclassburtrtbdcks laid itr 1:3 ceme sand mortar including approvedcolor pigmen! racking out joiffs, providing goove both vertical and hodzontal, curiug; cleaning staging ed scaffolding etc, co4npl€tein all respectsas per dmwings and a to the apFoval ofthe Engineer. Internal (plastic emulsionpaint) 3 coats &om reputedrnanufacnueras per specificationin Intemal (Emfilel Paint) 3 coats from r@uted marufacturer Bsper specificarioo in q4rored mauer: Ext€mal(weathershield Paint) 3 coatsAom reputedmanuactureras psr specificationin Providingandlayiry 3,/4"thick prime quality pakistan parlino or equivaleotwith borderpre tile for flooritrg i/c fiaishilg over bed of3/4', thick l;2 ceEent sand mortar as shom in drawines mamer,asper specificationsand asapprovedby theProjectMauger.MARBAI l6"xl6' ard layingof priEe quality,locatmake,5nm tiick or moreglazedceramicriles for Providingad layingof l2"xl2" PrePolislrcdMosaicmarblechipstiles 3il" tnick for noorinefi; oernentand pigment over 3/4" thick bedditrg of li2 cement sand mortar i/c fmishing con4,lete in Procurementof Works ADB/lCB-M+lrA Section4- BiddingForms 4-{2 Addendum No.2 BILL OF QUANfiTIES BILT"NO.S.RESTANEA Item # Descfiptlon Unil ii. Mosaic tiles for skirting: Providing and laying t,?" thiek 6'k12" Pre Potished Mosaic tile for shirting fix with cemenl sand Inorta l:i as &awing and approved marmet including finishing complete in all respects and as apFoved bl dre Project Managg!. sq.m 2.4 sq.m 15.60 sq.m 116.52 Roofmg P / L roofing comprisiDg of single layer of tilex' 9"x41A,,xl/ j, (225x113x40 mm) gonted io t:S cement san< mortar with ivater proof&g agent laid over l " mud plaster without Bhoosa, over 3" to 2" eartl! over potj,tlryn( , ov€r l" high density thermopore (Poly Uretleoe) sheet (tongue and gove),over poll.thyene over 2 caats oi hot biturD€npriming coat over RCC Slab complete itr all resp€ct as sho$n in drawing and as approved by th( Proiect Ma&ger, Doors Fmme : sq.m 83.68 i) ProvidingandFixiog of t6 SWGsteelsheetdoorftarne10"x2,'flushedwith wall plasterwith l/9" backiDg plateat hingeslocatioos,3 hold-fasteachsidefilted with 3000psi oooorete grouti/c 3 coatsofpaht and prepadngsurfaceconplgtein all r€spectasshowoio drawingsasapprovedby Fngineer. M 20.64 i4 Prcvidiog{od Firisg of 16SWGsteelsh€€1 doorAame5.5-,x2"ilu$hedwi({ wall pla,ster wfth l/8,' backingplateat hingeslocations,3 hold-fasteeohsidefilled with 3000psi concr€tegrouti/c 3 ooatsofpaint andpr€parilg rfacecompleiein all respectassholanin &awingsasapprovedby Engineer. M 18.00 iii) Providing and Fixing of3" wide (l/2" taperedto l/4') Deodar rvaod€a omantental architav€ includitrs Frenohpolishiry godrpleteio all r€spect ad as approvedby the Engineer M 77.28 Qaentity Rate (Rs. in Fiqures) RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount {Rs.l Bitl No. 8A- CIWL IYORKS Reler to pafiiaiw specifications(Buimingglll B Skirting l6 t'l l8 l9 iii. Ma$le tiles for skirting: Providingand layirg of prims quality U2" thick 6"x12', pre polislredMarble tile (pakistatrparliDool equiyalert)for skirtirg with l:2 c€oleDtsandmutat as sho$'aia &awiagg irl app{ovedma&reras per sroificatjq$ i/c firishiog etc.completein all resDects andasaDDrov€d bv theEnsineffCeramictile for dado(bathroom walls)r Approvedprim€ qualify, local make,5rnrnthick or highercerdmictiles fo. dadoor skirting as shownir drawitrgasper specificatioDs andasapprovedby theEngiDeer, Single-Stage ; Two-Envelope Procurementof Works ADB/rCB-M+ItA Section4- BiddingForms 4-{3 Addendum No.2 BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL.NO.S.REST AREA topafiicula,rspecifications(Buimings) III B Providing and fi.riog of l-ll2" thick single leaf Wooden solid paneled/@tkrned door with fiber Deodaxwoodetr taming I li8'thiok \rith 6, wide top rail, 6,, wide middle rail an<I9- wide \eith srffr thick prcssedteak ply with iopresioddesigo on both sidei/c I l/2' x 3/B' deodar all aroundthe shuttq , with 9" botom rail , 8 " wide lock rail& 6" wide ioD raivc brasshinses all fifting F ench polish 3 coats and door halrdles, iEported handle lock and to,rlEr bolt €tc, all respect as shoDn in drawing as approvedby the Engineer. of Double leaf Sleel Louver Doors cornorising steel shutter with 16 SWG x sideStile, 16 SWG8" bottomrail, l-l/4" x 16 SWGMS louvers weldedto stile,includiq filled in stiles, hold fasL hinges, all hardwarc fittings ofprime quality, inoluding 3 coats of locking armnge$ent (heavy duty sliding botts), complete in all respect a-ssho\r! on drawing and and fixing of glazedAtunirurm Win<towsof anodizedbronze(15 micron)cotorpartly fixsd slidilg usitrg deluxe sectionshaviag tame size of f00mm x 20nm (4,'x3l4,') and leaf Fame sectioas x 20mm (2"x3/4"), all of l.6ltrm thickness itrcluding 5mrn thick imported reflected glass with usiDg approved staDdard latches, hardware. etc. as shOwn in dmwing and as approved by with metal ins€ot screenwith aluminum fi'ame. l00rqmwid€x 20mmhighx l.6nm thiok sectiorsincluding5mmthick imporredsolarreflectivetiated rubber gasket usitrg apFoved standard latches, hardware etc, as sho\,m in drawitrg and as approved and Fr'xing of Security Grift h window iocluding l/2,x1" steel rube i:arle haviog lA" wall aoohoredto w€lls wilh l/4,' dia conoretearchors ad U2"xl/2', steel bars vertical and horizotrtal to steeltubetate asshowuon dmwingi/c painting3 coatscompletein all respectad a$approv€d TOTALOF Bill No. 8A- ClvlL Procurementof Worl(5 ADB/tCB-M+lIA Section4 - BiddingForms - Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject 4.64 Addendum No.2 ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Secrion(31Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST AREA Itm, # Descrfuoh Unit Quantity Rate(Rs. in Fiquresl RATE(Rs. in Wordsl Arnount (Rs.) BilI No- 88 - EXTERNAL I{ORKS Referto paflicular specifuations(Buildings) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 q l0 Excayationin Foundationfor extern€Iworh including undergound lr?ter tank manhotes, septicranlq soakagepit, etc disposalofunsuitable/SurplusMaterial ln Lommon vlaterral cotrsrshngofaeolton, alluyia], r€sidualmaterialconsistingofgravel, shalovolcanic ashes,loan, sanq clay or any combinatio[ of thesematerial,alieredor weathermat€riala.odboulde$ lessthan onequarter(l/4) cubic meterin volumq enbedded in other material. Earth litling, backfilling With s€lectede"\cavatedmaterialwhereavailablewith 95% (AASHTO) compaction (modifiod proctor) includilg moisteningto optimummoisturecontentwith mochanical meansin 6" layor from the na&$alground level/excavat€dlovel. Cum 169.45 Cum 93.20 Cum 95.64 Cum 6.39 Cum 3.6s Cum o-)6 TON 1.20 First Classburnt Brick masoqrywork with l:4 ceEentsandmortar i/c cu ng etc compleE iD all rcspect: Cum t0.78 Fixing and Laying of60mm thick CoDcretePaversincluding 2,' sandbeddingover prepared baseasper drawings& specificalionsand asapprovedby the Engineer. s.M 648.74 Plaster,% inch thick l:3 celrlontsandplasEr on RCC wallVceiling/slabincluding floating coatmder Dlaster. s.M 151.04 L€an Corcreic (l:4:8) Clas.s'E' CylindricalCompressive Strogth fc= 1500psi 'C' Concrete(l:2:4) Class Cylindrical CompressiveStrengthfc= 3000psi excludingsteel aqdits bendirc but including shutteringcenteringand irs binding asper drawingand specificationsaod asdircctedby Enginaer. Cotrcrete(l;3:6)ClassD'CylindricalCoaprcssivestrergthfcF2200p6i er(cluding steel andits bendingbut including shutteringcenteringandits binding asper dmwing and tpecifiaationsandasdirecGdby ProjectManager, Corcrete(l:1-12:3)Classts'CylindricalCompressivostengthfc:,1000psi(for U7c WaterTank) excludingsleelard its belrdingbtt ircludiDg shutteringcenteringand its binding asper drawinganlqpecifications andas directedby project Manager. Providing RchforcementSteel(cmde.60) including cutting bending placing and binding wire. Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works #*% RLq', \*tu * t9Z ADB/tCB-M4-tA Section4 - BiddingForms construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal Sectionproject 4_65 Addendum No.2 ICB-M4-[IIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31Km) (Km It9+200 fo Km 150+200) BTLLOFQUANTTTmS Bn.L NO. I : REST AREA Item # Description Unit Quantily Rate(Rs. in Figuresl RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) BiIl Na 8B- EXTERNALWOnrS Referto pflrttcularspecifrcations(Buildtugs) lt 12 l3 14 SealantWaterproofing on insideand outsideofUndergroundWaterTank by Acrylic Polyner modified cementitiouscoating brushappli€4 aowel finished,threecoats,including lftIllo white aggregateprotectioncover laryeron insideandcoveringslury plasteroutside23nunofminimum thickness,cor]Pletein all respectas per manuf€rbner'sinstructiona$d qpproyglryEq ProjectManager. CI Coverfor U/G Wat€ITatrk Providing andfixing ClassC-250 BS EN:124 (70Kg) CI Cover 18,,x18"with T-shapeCI fiam€ with fish lail anchorsembeddedi.nslaband lockirg an:angemeDt as shol'Tlin drawir& ggmplgte!l 3!! lespectasapprovedby the Engineer RCC Cover tbr Marftole Providing and fixing 3' (75mrn)thick RCC nannole cover,22" (550mm)dia, with t€e shapedCI frameof20" (500mn) cl€ar i/d (fiame weighing40kg) and fish rail anchors Embeddod in slab-completeiII all resDectasaDDroved bv the EtrsiDeer. Testing of underground$'at€rstoragetank asper specificationsand asdirectedby projEct Manager. s.M 46.89 NO t.00 NO 23.00 NO 1.00 Over-burnt Brick GRAVEL Filling in SoakagePit l5 lo Providing Filling Over bumt brick GravelFilling in soakagepit 3', dowf, gaugegaded brick grav€lasper sp€cificationcompl€tein all rcsD€ctasapprovedby the Enginee.. Providingandfixing of4" Dia PVC Vent pipe for Soakagepiq completefu!all respectandas approvedby the Engineer. Cum t1.77 Rm 3.20 tubewell l7 Providiag and constructionofTube welt with 7" dia boritrg install€dwith 5', dia MS I 4 gaugeblind pipe, steclshaiD€r.Thespacebetweenboring wall and MS pip€ shall be filled with coa6e sand16" min. and 3/8" ma- in size, Thetsbe welt sh81lbe insalled with a4', dia l.l K.W submersiblepump. l" dia GTHDPEPipe (P863) suctionpipe asper requiremootwith rcspectto groundwat€rtable, completein all respectand asper tlle approvalof tho Etrgitr€er.The length of strainerwill dependupon tho groundwater table and waterbearingstratawith a Initrimum50 ft length.SubmErciblepump is supportedby 8Eun steeliosulatedwire, Powercableshallbe wrapd watorprooftape as shownin &awing Singl+-Stage : Two-Envelope Rm Procurement of Works 76.04 ft,SU-t \ [r1i/. AOB/!CB-M4- tA Section4- BiddingForms construcfion of National Motorway M-4 shorkot - Khanewal section project 4-66 Addendum No.2 ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(3f Km) (Km 119+200ro Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : R-ESTAREA Ilem # Description Anit Quanduy Rate(Rs, in Fiqures) Amount {Rs.l RATE(Rs. in Wotdsl Bi No.8B- EXTERNALWOruiS Refertopa icalat sp*tftcatiotrs(Buildingg l8 Providing and laying R.C.C.pipg mouldedwith cemelt concret€l:l%;3, with spigot socket or collarjoint,etc.includingcostofreinforc€me4conformingto B.S.5911 PartI: 1981,Class'L" including caniageofpipe fiom factoryto site ofworlg lowering in hsnchesto conect alignlnefltand gradq jointi[g ctrttingpipes$tere necessary,finishing andtesting etc.,completein all respectasapprovedby the Ercircer. 12" dia Pipe 9- diaPipe 6" dia Pipe M M M Providing, fixing conneatingandtostingof(as per ma[ufacturerreconrmendations) AC singlephasePumpingSet2IlP Rating 2?0 voltq 50 cycleselectricmotor with c€ntrifugal pumpcompatiblewith motor, suctionanddischarge1" x 1", coupledon a commonbase plate,fourdation bolts, l" dia G.I Piping connectionsandrequiredbends,Sockers,rces, unioos€tc, gatevalve,cheakvalvg non-retumwlve, foot valv€and stainer at UGT sump level asper drawing completein all respectsand asapprovedby the Engineer. 20 Providingandfixing of3/8" x d' deepcontinuesribbedwaterstopperin UGWT constructior ioiqt, asper drawingandspecificarion, 69.29 74.03 5.3 JOB I M 9.7 TOTALOF Bill No. 8B - EXTERNALWORKS SinglFstage: Twc-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/tCB-M+ItA Section4- BiddingForms 447 AddendumNo.2 constructionof NationalMotorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewalsecfionproject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Kn) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUAFITTTIES BILL NO. 8 : RESTAREA RATE(Rs. in Words) to padiculat specilications(RuiAingg volume III-R Closer,English,pdmequality,[r vitreouschinaclay,Largesizewith Porc€lairp-hap, bodylow level 12liters flushingcistenLBall tj/petronconosive sipha,flvalve,floatvalv€, haidle PVCdrainpipe all in primequalitylocalmakeasappovedby theEDgineer, Closet,Pakistni Odssa,primequality,In viheouschinaclay,farge sizewitl CastIron pplastic bodylow level 12liters flushiq cistenl Ball typenotrcoroeive siphouvalve,float , flushhan<lle, PVCdminpipe all in primequalitylocalmakeasapprovedby theEngineer. pipefor wasteandsewageIrtemal draimgesysten,includingVentswith cap, properly johted includt€ bfanches,bends,Ys, tees, fittinS DL[Dps,specials, cltting'ur floors, walls making gooq €x1rapaiDting cmpipe ro match the color of tle buildiry including t€sting, layirg cuttilg; joitrttutg,t€stiDgart,C disinfectingPPRCPipelire in tredches/walls, with joints all pipespecialsusingPPRCpipesofDIN 8077& 8078mtilg PN 20 conpleteh all laying cutting,jointing testinganddisinfectiDgGl. pipelinein aerlches,with socket usingG.L pipesofB.S.S. 138?-1967corEplete h all respects,witl specialsandvalves. tuap w h RCC cover, Cemed Concf,etechambersize 6'* 8,k6" deep in atrd Fixing Wash had bosin witl pedestalin ap!,rove iron brackgtset wastepipg $ast€coutr,litrgcompleteh all r€spectsasApprotedby the WaterMxer or Fauc€tfc'rbasir/sinkcornolet€h all andFixingof bestqualityimportedtookiDg Glass5 mln thick (size 18,'x24,')including Procurementof Works ADB/rCB-M4{rA Section4- BiddingForms 4-68 AddendumNo.2 construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal Sectionproject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Kln) (Km 119+200to Kn 150+200) BILL OF QUA}ITITIES BILL NO. 8 : RESTAREA RATE (Rs. in Words) to parttculu speciJicotions(Buildings) vofume III-B andFiring of approvalprim€qualityplastiobodyBarhRoomAccessod€s including of fitting asApproved by the Engineer includiag follow: Providiag md fixing cast iroo floor ba? 4'X3'wili m[crete chanber a[ aroud and 4" CI completg irLall respecfsa.sApproved by the Engineer. aadfixirlg of500 GaloarsFibreGlasfOverhead Wat€rTanlg3 ply, 3.5mrnwall with Supportorl 4" thiok ooncretepadcompletein all respeots i/c makiogcormections shown in drawing and as Approved by the Eogineer. and flyi[g brass valves with wheel,/hardlg threadededs all h prerEius quality local and fixing ofgood quality brassDotrretun valrc with male and female ends andfixing ofplastic bodyprimequalifyMuslim ShowerincludingpVC flexibtepipe CP,trowderooarEd DoubleBib Coct asAppio!€dby &e atrdtrxing ofgood qualityCPiPowdercoared1,2"dia Bib cookapprovedpdmequality shownin &awing andasApprovedby theErgirc€f,. hovidiDg ard fixing 1/2" dia CP,Powder CoatedStop cock apFoved pdne quality as Approved andfixing of4' Dia PVCCIass-DRaioWat€rDom pipewith shoe,bendsin Duots including clamps,hold fastasrequiredwith th€prcvisiooofclea{ out, completeh all respectand installir& testingandcorunissioniaggasgeyserSingeror Camoomakeincludiq all valvesald fittilgs, courelionto s€rvicesasddraitr comFletei!. all respects. TOTALOF B|II No. 8C - PLUMBINGWORKS Procurementof ADB/rCB-M4-||tA Section4- BiddingForms AddendumNo,2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 shorkot - Khanewal sectionproject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 1191200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST A-REA Ilen # Unit Raie (Rs. in Fiqures) Suanfily BiANo.8D- ELECTNCALWORtra RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) R.{er ta parlicalar tl&cifr.ationt(Btaiuwg Ihe mte for all BOQ itein shall include providing,conslructing fabricatinS,fixing executing applying as applicableand additionallya! otherwfuestat€da9inst the specific items shall includeall materials,tabor, eforb, plart and equipmen!conplete in alt respects,as per drawings,appror€dshopdtawings,specifications, asper NEC, NFPA 70 & NEMAer€rious applicablestipulationsofthe cont-actdooumerts miscerlateousdetairs,aspet itsfilctjons rnd esdirectedby tbe E igiDeer.All sarnpiesslatl b€ Focured and providedby the coDaactoral hit owncrst for approvalby the Engneer. sutrplyandwmng for light & fan with 3xl .smm.sqsingleirore P\tC insulaiedstsand€d copper conductorwire iD20mm(3/4")dia PVCconduit.€c€ssedin the \rEll ofcolumr\ roofetc. required. 16030r corplete in all rcspecbasApprovedby the Engineer.(Betqpolo C.nduit / pakistancable,New Age Cableor equivalentasapEovedbv The Eneimer) Supplyand\rrlnngfor crcuit with 2r.5nun.sq, + lxl,srun.sq asECCPVC insular€d300/500 vohag€grade,singlecore,strEndedcopperconductorwire direcdyAorI|DB in 20 mn{3/4")dia pVC 16030s coriduitrcc€ss€din the wall columnandroofetc. asrequired.Complet€all in rcspecbasApprovedby drcEngineer..(Bet4 PoloConduit/ Pakistancable,N€w AgeCableor equivalerfasapprovedby The Lncineea Supplyandwiring for pow€r socketswith 2x4rnn.sq+ lx2.srnm.sqasECC pVC insulat€d300/500 voltag€gradq singlecore,copp€rconduclorwire dircctly tom DB in 25 mn( I ")dia pVC conduit 16030y Gcessedin the wall colutul androo{etc. asrcquiredCompleteatl in respects--(Beta,polo Conduitl Pakisb$csble'New Age Cableor equivaleifasapprovedby The 6ngire€r) 16030x Supplyandwiring for liglrt socketswilh 2x2,5mm.sqf lxl.snrm.$q pVC insutrted300/500vohage grade,singlecorc,coppercorductorwire dircadyfiom DB in ?5 $m( I ,') dia pVC conduitrc€ssed in thowall columnandroofetc. asrquired- Completeall in respects..(Beh, polo Conduit/ pakistan cable,New Age Cableor equivalentasappro!.€dby The Engineeo Supplyandwiring fiom switchsocketsto socketswith 2x2.5rnm.sq r lxl.5mm.sq pVC insulat€d 300/500voltag€grade,singlecore,cop,perconductorwire directlyftom DB in 20 mm(3/4) dia pVC 16030x condultr€c€ssed in the wall colurm androofetc. asrequir€d.C4mpleteall in rcspecb..(B€h, polo Conduit/ Pakist4 cable,New AgeCableor equivalentasapFovedby The Engineeo supplyandwlaingFor Alr conditioning/powFrsockebof2x6mm.sq+ lx2.5Drm.sq,singecore,prr'C iffillated 300/5& voltageg:rdq copperstraadedoonducrorwire dr'rectlyfodr DB iIl 25 nn{ I ) ,tla l6030y PVCconduitrece$edin the \lall columnandroofetc. es.equirEd.Completein all respectsss Approvedby the Engineer..(Bera,PoloConduit/ Pakistarcablq New Age Cableor equi!"lent 6s 4ptrro\Edbv The Eneineer) POINT POINT 5 Poirt 2 Point 2 Point 3 Point /R #, lE! \ Single-Stage : Two-Envelope procurementof Works FN H X ,'t lat v (u*9tl \l ADB/ICB-M4-flA Section4-BiddingForms 4-70 Addendum No.2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M,I-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST ARI-{ RATE( Words) andwiring ofsingle corePVCwire 450150 Volts gade asECCwith Powercablein pre-laid conduitin approv€dmannerassholln in dmwingcompletein all respectsasApproveriby the . (Pakistancable New Age Cableor equivalentasapprovedby The Engineer) @re PvL/fY(rUU iFble oI OUU/IOUOV aade m a.llkrndsofexrstinc or pre-laidPVC conduitin approvednrarneras$Iown ih drawingcomptetein a.llrespectsas by The Engineer..(Beta,PoloConduit/ Pakisbr cable,New AgeCableor equivalentas 4 core3smm'?PVC/PV(YCU cable 4 core25mBrPVC/PVC/CUcable 4 corc l6mm, PVC/PVC/CUcable 4 core 10mm'PVC,?VC/CUcable andlalng PVC conduitconformingto 85-6099and 85-3506includingexcavation,back ing, pull boxes,insp€ctionboxe€,tees,bends,crosses,usingacc€ssories for propers€alingofjoints, roofslabs,Walls and underfloorsincludingcutting in valls andfloo$ asrequired,backfilting a.nd goodthe cut caviti€swift cements8ndmortarall in approlEdmarmerassholl! on dmwings. in all respectasApprovedby the Enginee..(Beta,Polo) gang $r.]iche3 one or two way cuting, fixing etc.andmakinggoodcompletein all respectsasrcquiredasaptrovedby The Procurementof Works ADB/lCB-M4- A Sedion4-EiddingForms 4-77 Addendum No,z Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km tS0+200) BILL OF QUAIITITIf,S BILL NO. 8 : REST AREA RATE (Rs. in Words) woREc 8D- box completein 6ll resp€ctsasapprovedby The Engineer.(Clipcal,Legrandor equivalentas socketunit with fancygangplatefixed on die fabricated,powdercoatedmetalbosrdrec€ssed in $€11or columnincludingconnectionsasr€quir€d.Comptetein atl respectJ.(ClipsalVivac€ Supply,providing comectingandfixing I 5 Ampspolycarbonate fl6merehrdant3 pin switchsocket wilh frrcy gangplatefixed on die fatricated,powdercoatedmetalbo€rdrec€ss€din llall or includiig com€ctions6sreguired,Completein all respects.(Clipsalrnake) difriser, electrordcballas! and 28 watb fluoEscentTL5 tube rod cool daylight lanp as Slim line completein all r$p€cts asApprov€dby the Engineer.(Philip6or equivalentas ,ite lampholder,refle.ctor,(import€d) fitting completewith lx23v,stb CFL lamp,asper PHILIPS No. FBH-145/1X23WPl,C. Completein all respectsasrequiredasapprovedby the Engineer. fiting completewidr lx23wattsCFL lamp completein all respectJasrequiredas InstallatiorLComectingandTestingof\r€ather Foof light IP54complete1dithelectronic splajhproofc8sing,and I x 36 wattsfluorescenttlbe rod campletein all respcctsasrequir€( approvedby The Engineer.(Philipsor equivalentasapprovedby The Engine€r) ly, tnstaung,connecEng ard tesfmg56' swEepceilingftn wrth ceilmghook ceiling rose,Fan rnatchirgCI pipefor suitableher-gfi1 wiring up to tenninationpoint completein all respectsas cablg,completein all respectresp€ctsasapprovedby tlrc Engircer.(GFC,Royelasapproved Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/rCB-M4-|||A Section4- BiddingForms 4-72 AddendumNo.2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-I[A: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(3I Krn) (Km I I 9+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST AREA RATE(Rs. in Words) and constnrctionofTube wcll witl 7' dia boringinsralledwith 5" dia MS 14gaugeblind st €r st'airer. The spacebetweerboring\{,BllandI{S pip€ rhall beflted wi& coarsesard l/8" and3/8" size. The tubevell shatlbe ins{alledwith a 4" dia 1.5K.W subme$iblepulnp. 1" dia G'IIDPE Pipe(PE-63)suctionpipeasper requircmentwirh r€dpectto gound rater tablg PanelincludingCircuit brEaker,U/OVT reJayard plugs,PF improvementpanel,Sockets, Pump shade/cover complete in all respect and as per the approlel ofThe Engineer. The length of dependuponthe gound watertableand{,ater bearingstratawith a minimum50 ft pumpis supportsl by 8mmstE€linsulatedwirq Powercablestnll be$Tappedwater asshowDin drawhg.(KsB or Bituivalentasapprovedby The Engineer) Set2HP Rating220 volts,50 clEl€selectricmotorrrith centiflrgal pumpcompatftlewith suctionanddischargeI " x I', coupledon a commonbas€plate,foundatiol bolts, I , dia G.I conn€dionsandrequiredbends,Sockeb,tees,unionsetc.,gatevalve,checkvalve,non-retum foot valvc andstsainerat UGT sumplevel asper drawing ElectricstPanelincludingCircuit U/OVT rclay ard pl'rgs,Socteb, PFimprovementpalet, RCCPumpshad€/cover,complete all rcspectsand asApprovedby The Engine€r-(Golden,KSB or equivalentasapprovedby The installatioD,conn€ctingandTestingof M{in PenelBoard IP54consktingof 14 SWGM.S coatedOutdoo.floor mountedard suitablefoundationcompletewith all intemalwidng tags, labels,TPN&E copp€rbusba$, transparentplasticshee!armoredglandr,consjstingas additionallyconfGming/complying with detailsasshownon drawingq completein all respecr Approrcd by The Engin€er.(ABB"ttc, cE or Eqv.) rcm0 Single-Stag€ : Two-Envelope of Works Procurement ADB/tCB-M+tA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-73 AddendumNo.2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Kn 1191200ro Km f 5F200) Bn,L OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST AREA RATE( Words) No. ED iBbllatiorL cormectingandTestingofDistribution Borrd- (prayer area) consistiDgof l6 M.S Powd€rcort€d indoorrecessed typenounting front dooraccesscompl€tewith all internal tagq identificationlabels,TPN&E copperbusbaIs,t'ansparedtplaslicsheet,armoredglands asfollows additionallyconfoming/complyingwith detnilsasshownon drawings,compiet€ aI reslectasApprovedby The EngiDeer.(ABB,MC,GEor Eqv.) I No. - I sAmpsT.P M@B 15KA circuit bre€ker I No-- Volt Selectorswitch Nos.andmtingsS.PofMCB circuit breaker 04 Nos.- 06AmpsSPMCB RCIoKA 03 No.- l0 Anps SPMCB RCIOKA 05 Nos.- 16AmDsSPMCB RCIoKA t6070 Supply,installatioD,connectingandTestingofDbftibution Borrd- (Road light POLE panet ) consistingof 14 SWGM.S Powdercoatedoutdoorfloor mountedandsuitablefoundation.w€ather tr1looftrs4includin€ftont dooraccesscompletewith atl intemalwiring tags,identificationlabels, Photose6or andmountingbracketofPhoto s€nsorfor Auto Switchingoflights, Magneticcontactors, Fuses, TPN&E copp€rbusbars,tansparcntplasticshee!ormorEdglandsconsistingasfololrs additionallyconforming/ c.mplying with detailsasshownon drawings,completein all r€Fpectas Approvedby The Eryine€r. (ABB,MC,GEor Eqv.) Procurementof Works ADB/|CB-M4- tA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-74 Addendum No.2 Consfructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200ro Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST AREA No. 8D - WORXS insta.llation, connectingard Testingof DistributioD Bosrd- (FI-rOODtight panct corsisting 14SWGM.S Powdercootedoutdoortloor momted andsuitabiefoundation.wealherDroofIp54 tont dooraccesscomplete{,ilh a.ttintemalwiring tags,identifrcationtahelqPhotosensor mormtingblacketof Photosensorfor Aulo Switching Magn€ticcontactors,Fuses,TPN&E busb€ts,transprrentplasticsheet,armorcdgla.ndsconsistingss followsadditionally with debils asshownon dmwings,completein all rcsp€ctasAppro\€d ry The I No. - loAmps FOURPOLEMCB 10KA circuir breaker I No. - Photolight Sensorfor Auto instrllationconnectingboring/excavatio[andtestingto lessthan I ohmofearthing setwith dia 3 meterlong copperrcd encaed in 3" dia Pvc pipe loweredandbuied in the gound in 4' boringin all typeofsoil !o watertablest rcquircddepth,placedcomected\vit} I x 70 mm q. barec*-conductorfon g,oundr'Dg rod to ea,-d? testcolrperbsras earthoonDectingpoint The cavityamundthe co$,er rod s.hatlbe filled with grobding €nharcemeffcarhpoundpack€d all aroundthe copperrod for MDB g.oundingand lightningpotectior groundingcompletein all asapprovedby The Engine€r. , installtttonof 12" long2" wide 7r" thick (12"x2"x%")copp€rbusbsr as The (ECP)shallbe completewith insulator,lvashers,nuts,bolts,mountinginstallationand acoessories asper t€clmica!speciicationandasper siterequirernentcornpletein all Supply,installationandwidng of singlecore 1x?0nm sq.PVC copperwire 600/1000Volts gradein PVC coDduitAom ECPto MDB asFCC conductorir spFov€drnamerasshovn in dmwing in all rcspecisasApprovedby The Engineer.(Pakistan,New Ag€, FastCable) i/c c€mentedfloor, insideI :4 plasteralld I fol ft RCC cowr flush on floor completein rll respects Single-Sta8e: Two-Envelope Procurementof Workt ADB/rCB-M4-rA Section4- BiddingForms 4-75 AddendumNo-2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUAI|ITITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST AREA Itefi# De$'iption. BiI No. ED- ELECTRICAL JyORXS Refertoporticulit speclfications(Baillit Ss) SupplyandinstalldtionofIy."xl/3" copperstrip from top ofbuilding (lightninS- Spike)to ECp r6090 E9r&ing Point includingbra$ saddleat I fr interval,bmssscrewetc.completein all resp€ctsas Approvedbv The Enqineer. Supplyerd installationon top ofbuiliirg I " dr'e$eter3t long lightlirg copperlod wj$ bal,ard five 16090 spikesfix on hesdcomplet€in all respectsasADDroved bv The Eneineer. ROA-DPolc ligbts Unit Quantiv BN, 50 Rate( Fiqures) RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.! Job Supply& Instsllationof mild steeltubularswaged/welded Rosdlight singlealm poleofoverali length loMtrs having3 stepsand dim€nsionof 25Otl00x75mm& tubethictress G5-4mmr€spectivelyfor fixing roadlight completewith I\4S. b€s€pla&having20mmthicknessard 300sqmmlongcuwed bracketwith 800mmradiusfor ftoufiry tight fixn[e with all requir€dcivil $,orks(includingpCC 160509 foundationswhereverrequire.dns!€r rele\i"$tsbndardsandasper ioshrctions)with suiiabje precautionsfor ensuringpreventionfom insectvvems,prop€r\aBterproof-terainationofcablesand wirescompletedin a n€atard satisfBctorymannerincluding€€rthrod co,ppercladdedsteel2oonul connectedwith polethroughRop€fuirccompletein ail respectasApprovedby The Engineer. Job 2a Supply,fixing and installationofRo€d lighting luminairesuitableon Polefor usewith High pressure SodiumVapor250W light asPhilipsSGP338 SON-T 250w larnpinctudinghousingcumrcflectorof deepdra$rr aluminunl powdercoatedin grey coltr outsideandsll et€ctricalacc€ssoriss suchas 16050d energ/eflicient co'pperb€llEstel€ctronicigniter,powerfactorimprovementcspacitorl)!c.,areprewired up to a tenniml block andmountedon a sp€ciallydesigneddetachable gearplate.Conformance to IP 54 prot€ctioncompletein all r€spectesApprovedby The Engineer. Job 28 Supplyandfixing ofjunction box dust6rd wEatherproofgasket2somnx2mmrLyl 50rdh d€ep nominalsizeof 16SWGthick MS slrcetcableloopingbox wirh the existingpolewith IUSclarnpmade out of25mrnx3nm thiok flat iron with suitablenutsandbolb completewith hingedcoverandlocking r6070 stiel,rse€nhshldsneoprenegasketsuitablefor polenount€d includingsupplyand fix-ug oneno 6 Amp doublepoleMCB carier with baseand4 wary60 Arnpterminalblocksuitableto recei!€ pVC amored cablefixed on suihble sizeBakelitesheetbasEcompletewith connectionpaintingasrequired, completein all respectss Approvedby The zuineer . Job 2E Job 28 Job 28. Supplyandfixing of PVC pipe(classB) 40 run dia Nominal2.5 meterlengthalongthe lole or 16040 protectionofudergound cableasrequired(verticallengtl) asrcquircd,colnpletein all respectas ApproledbryThe Ensineer.(PoloBeta) Supply,Iaying,instalahoD,gsnding andtemitation of3core2.5Sq.rnmPVC insulatedcopper flexiblecablel3mfies in lengthin hbular poleincludingglaDds,nuts,bolts,rcquiredaccessories for 16030d providingsupplyto the streetlighb asrequircdasapFo.v€dby Th€ Engin€€r (pakistai\ New Age Cableor @uivalentasaDDroved bv The Ensineer) Single-Stage : Two-Envelope procurementof works E h ADB/|CB-M4- A Section4- BiddingForms 4-76 AddendumNo,2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur SectionGf Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : REST AREA Itzm # Descfiption Unit Qaantiry Rate(Rs. in Fiouresl RATE(Rs. in Words) Amou t (Rs.) BiI Na 8D - ELECTRICAL WORXS tefer ta pErfraalartwiFcAioa{Buil,Cixgs) PARKING AR.F.A.ILOOD Lighting Supply& Installationofl-4?e mild sleeltubularswaged/welded ,SilverenameledRoadlight poteof o!€iall length9M having3 siepsanddiaensionof 150x100x75mn& tubethickness654mm respectivelyfor fixing rcad light completewith M.S. baseplate having20mmthicknessand 3oosqmm longcurvedb,racketwith 800mmradiusfor mountinglight fi*.re with all requiredcivil works 16050h (includiltgPCCfoundationswhere.v€rrcquiredasper releva.ntstandardsandasp€r instructions)with suitableprecautionsfor ensudngpreventionAom insectVverms andproperuater proof-tenninationof cablessnd wirescomplebed in all satisgctoryrna.nner including€arlhrcd coppercladdedst€€lZ00mm conrBctedwith polethroughRopfiirc asapFovedby The Engineer. Job 3 Supply,fD.ingand installationofRo€d lighting luninaire suirableon Polefor use\r.ith High Pre$ture SodiumVapor250W light asPhilipsTango3 -T 250W lampincludinghousirgcumr€flectorofdeep dmwnaluminum,powdercoatedin gr€ycoloroutsidesnd all electdcalacc€ssories suchasenerg/ 16050d efficientcopperballas! electronicigniter,powq factorimprovementcapacitoretc.,arepre-wiredup to aterminalblockandmout€d on a sp€ciallydesigneddetachablege€rplate.Conformance to IP 54 protetltioncompletein all respectss Approv€dby The Engineer.(Philip6) Job 4 Job 4 Job 3 Job 3 Supplyandfixing ofGI bracketsiher enameledpaintedon top the pole& on the roofbuilding for the l60s0h installationofthe irt€gal flood light luminaireat 9 Eeter long pole6sr€quircdfor flood.toadlights as re ired supplyan.l lixmg ofJmctlon boxdustandw€atherproofgasket250mmx200mmxl 50mmdeep iunctionboxnominalsizeof t6 SWGtlick MS shget€ble loopidgbox with the existingpolewirh tr45clanp mad€out of25Bunx3nmthick flat iron with suitablenutsandbollscompletewith hinged co!€r alrd lockingscrewsearthstudsneoprenegask€tsuitablefor polemountedincludingsupplyand 16070 6xhg oneno 6 A.rnpdoublepoleMCB carier with baseard 4 \asy60A + groundirgtemiral block suitableto receivePVCsrmoredcableftted on suitablesizeBakelitesh€etbasecohpletewith cormectionsiher ensmeled,lockabiecover,asrequile4 compleiein a[ respectas,A.pprowdby The Supplyard fixing of PVC pipe sleeveof 40 nII| dia Nominal2.5 meterlenetl alongthe pole& ,6040 protectionofrnder€rclmd cabless re+ired, CoDplet€in a.llresp€ctsasapprot€dby TheEngin€er .fPolo-Beta') 16030d Supply,laying instsllation, gla$dingandterminationof3core2.5Sq-mmPVC insulat€dcopper flexiblecable l0.5roh€6in lengthin tubularpoleinc glands,nuts,bolts,requiredacressoriesfor providingsupplyto the lights asrequired.Completein all respectsasapprovedby The Engineer ,(Pakisfa&New Age Cableor equiva.ledt asapprovedby The Engine€r) Job liupply, layrr& gladding temnation,testmg ard cornmissioning ofthe followingsizesof600/1000v drdc pva ihqrlcrdl ahd PVa rfi.rrlFi 'tfida, ansr <funia; Single-Stage: Two-Envelope 7n-h .6i*;' ^,-;-n^-,1,.8 16030d cableand4rnni.sqcoppercableasECC cormected to groundingpit /ECP in 40rnmge-laid conduit completeasrequir€dasper specifcationsasapprcvedby The zuitteer .(Pakisian,New Age Cableor equirslentss alsroted bv The Ensin€er\ Rn Procurement of Works W# ADB/lC&+/t4-lllA Section4 - BiddingForms AddendumNo.2 Constructionof National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 8 : RXST AREA fabrication,rnanufacturin& supplyinsbllation,testingandcommissioningof 25KVA I KV/4l5Vl23ov,impedence6010 or sp€cified/suitable by IEC,DYN-I I , outdoorpowertransformer BSSI TI,IEC-76or VDE-0532specifiqdonsincludingatl exlemalradiatingtubes,oil fry/I-V porcelainbushings,conse ator , silicagel brcather,themomet€f,pock€twith Omoadtap changer,importeddoublelloat buchljrolz rels%pressuereli€f ventand valveslifting lugsetc.with all installatignandoperationaccessories ard makingoil pit snd relays,t€inperatwealsm & d€vic€s,andsepam&two gounding syster$sfor &utral and gtoundwith 3mt copperroad ,CC foudstion as!,€r designand requiredasper siteas andasdesiredby The Engineerincludingsubmissionof&€hnical sh€€t.(PELor asapprovedby The Engine€r) frbrication Jnanufa{turing, supplyinstallation,testingandconnissioning of PrimeDiesel 30 KvA(Primary) at 0.8 PF,4oovolts,tlEeephase4wiEjohz at I 500RPMincludingAVR with ElectsonicPanelandswir,rheqtool kit, Day ftel tank 200ltrssnd €sseriialpiping qstern transportalionat site ,havingall protectionsasmentionedin specificationandseparategrounding with 3tr|tr copperro6dasapprovedby fie Engineerofthe following brands(SDMO Fmnce, CUMMINS llK, MTSUBISHI Japan,CAT UIUUSA5F.eWLLSON UK) p6nelfor DieselGenerato.50KVAincluding75A FOURPOLEMCCB breakerJimer rela's, relay,Phasefailure relay, Auto start Auto Shutdownsysiernandtarsporhtion at site,as somdproofcano,py(85d8 at lm) suitablefot the abovedieselgen€ratorsetasapFovedby The ofRCC foundationwith Anti.vibrationpadfor rcplacelnerltofDG Sdtr€quiredasper dimensionsasnrentionedin dmwing completein all resp€ctasapprovedby The Engineer. TOTAL OF Bill No. 8D - ELECTRICAL ffi Singl+-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurementof Works ADB/rCB-M4-tA Section4 - BiddingForms Gonstructionof NationalMotorwayM-4 Shorkot- KhanewalSectionProject 4-78 AddendumNo.z IGB-M4J||A:Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+299; BILL OF QUANTITIES BILLNO.9:WEIGHBRIDGE Bill No. Description BillNo.9A CIVILWORKS B i l lN o . 9 8 PLUMBING WORKS B i l lN o . 9 C ELECTRICAL WORKS BillNo. 9D EXTERNALWORKS BillNo.9E SSWIMSCALEWORKS AMOUNT (Rs.) Total Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/ICB-M4-uA Section4- BiddingForms 4-:79 Addendum No.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal Sectionproject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31Km) (Km ll9+200 to Km tS0+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGH BRIDGE RATE(Rs. in Words) oompaotion(AASHTO Modified) and disposal Material consistingofaeolion, alluvial, residualmaterialconsistingofgavel, $hale Ioam,san4 olay or ary combinatiodof the6€material,alteredor weathermaterialand bouldorstesstha'l Earth frling, brck tilling in plinth, Columnr footings, wall foolingi enil rny oth€r foundations. moiste[iDgto optimuln moisfur€contentvith mechanicolmeansin 6" laygrsfrom tbe nanrralground proctor) includhg moisteningto optimum rnoist{re contert with mechanicalrneansin l requirement6ofspeoifications and frrmish guarantesthat the buildings shall be free from termites,wood bores othe! pe$ts,which causedaarageto wood and otherorganiomEterial,foi a period of l0 yearstom the dateof Concret€ (l:4:8) Class 'E Cylirdrical CompressiveStletrgth fc= 1400 requiredl€veling and curing etc. complet! in all rospeobasper drawings,specificationsand all jo (I:2:4) Class rC Cylitrdrical CorDpressiveSfreDg& fc= 3000 psi excJudi{gsreel,rd iti bending including shuttering.ent€riry aod its binding asin foundation,columqparapitbeam,mpping for parupet, doorjumbo and projeotions etc. as per &awing and specificationsed asdirectedby Engin€cr Coarilg 2 coatsofBitumero.4lbltr (o.2tb/ftW coatof40/60gade)all buildsurfacas of Pli!ft bcarnsidesexposedto earth,top sudaceofPlinth beaE a||d Colum exposedto eafthfill in and Iying lll2" DPC cast in siht using Fine Sandmixed with any approvedwaterprooing aged zrd layjng ofPolytherreSleet 500 gauge(0.005") thick pri4re qualiry laid over stoaesolitg &,r Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/lCB-M4- tA Sedion 4-Bidding Forms 4-80 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot- DinpurSection(31Kn) (Km 119+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO.9 : WEIGHBRIDGE RATE( Words) Layin& compaatingatrdblooking 4" thick StotreSoti{g with 2. do.}rngaugegradedStoneBta6twiitr dust filli[g arld fitre sandaggregatesover prelaidand prEcompaqted fitl, ba.kfill asper specification. Classbumt Brick mrronry work with cementsandmortar i/c curiag etc. corrpleteir all r€spect , l:4 cernentsandmortarwir.h deepsluck pointing (horcd Joht by uslng l0rnm rcund bar to halfgrout heck) both horizortally and v.rtically only on oute. wall surho€ of the buitding asper drawing 9' thiok Wall with I :4 ceinentsandmortar in o.dinary finish. 4.5' thick Wall with 1.4 ceme sard lllortal i$ ordiirary finish. % inch thick on walls c4lumns,Ceilins includins floating coat under i. On hternal dd Extemal Wallvcolumns with l:4 oernentsed monar ii. Or Ceiling witl l:3 cemeDtsandmortar iii. Providing applyingAluminum Wire MeshunderPtasterincluding ComerBeads, htemal (plasticemulsionpaint) 3 coatstom r€putedmanufacntrerrs p€r specificationin alproved manner: Extemal (weslh€rshield Pai ) 3 coatstrom reputedmanufacturerasper spgoifioationin approvedmanner: l:3 cernetrtsaodmortar ircluding approvedcolour pigment moking outjoints! providing goove both verticat oudng clearfng stagingand scatroldingetc. completEin all r€spects4sper drawingsspccifioations asper specrtcatronsincluding natling/screwiDgasapFoved by the l:2 oerneotsatrdmortar bed with approvedPorcelainBonding rnaterialand floating coal ofcam€ot and as 16"x 16" Pre-Polished Providing ard laying 3/4" thick prime quality Prkistan prrtino or equi,v".lent with borderPrePolished titc for flooring i/c finishi$g oryerbed of 3,/4"thick l:2 cemeots€ddmortr asshonlt iD dravings in mmnu, asper specificationsaod asapp.ovedby the ProjectManager.MARBAL Procurementof Works ADB/lCB-r\44-lllA *it Section4- BiddingForms 4._€1 Addendum No,2 construcfionof NationalMotorwayM-4 shorkot- Khanewalsectionproject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot * Dinpur Section(31 Kn) (Km 119+200to Km lS0+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO.9 I WEIGH BRIDGE and layirg ofpdme quality, local makg 5nm thick or moreglazed white cemeft and pigmerf ovor 3/4" thick beddingof 1:2 csmetrtsandrnortari/c finishing completein all and laying 8-9mm thick prc polished5'-6,' wide x 16,'long porc€laintile for skirting ss shownin with approvedquality tile boding malerialasper sp€cificationsand asapgoved by the prqi€ct and layirE U2' thick 6"x12" P(EPolist!€dMosaictits fo( skirting fix with cem€ntsard $rofiar (:2 as in drawing and approvedmarmerincluding finishing completein all respeotsard asapprovedby the and layiq ofpdne quality 12" thick 6,'x12" Pre potishedMarble tile (pakista$Darlinoor equivatnt) with l:2 cememsandmo.tar assho$n in drawingsin approvedmannerasper specificationsi/c prime quality,looal make,5ffd thick o. high€r q€rarnictilsr for dadoo. skirtitrg asshol{n in drawing with vater proofing agcntlaid ov€r l" mud plasterwithout Bhoosa,over 3" to 2,' earth,ovff polythyne, 1" high densityrhermopore(Poly Uretlene) sheet(tongueand g.ove),ove!polythyeneover 2 coatsofhot primiDgcoat over RCC Slab campletein alt respectasshowlLin drawingand asapplovedby the project hingeslocatiols, 3 hold-flst eachside filled with 3000 psi concreteerout i/o 3 coatsofpaint andpr€p€ring at hilg€s looations,3 hold-fdsteaohside filled with 3000 psi conoretegrout i/c 3 coatsofpaint and Procurement of Works ADB/|CB-M+tA Section4- BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IILA: Shorkot -Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Knn119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGH BRIDGE Deodarwooden n"amingI l/8" thick with 6" wide top rail, 6" rryidemiddle rail .nd 9" wide bottom rail 5mm thick plessedteok ply with impr€ssio designon both side i./c I 1/2" x 3/8" deodarwood lipping all thc shutter, with 9" bottom rail , 8 " wide lock rail& 6" wide top raiyc brss hinges(4 No6.),att frtting polish 3 coarsand door handles,importedhandlelock ard tower boft etc. completein oII r€spectas show Stile, 16 SWG 8" bottomrail, l-ll4" x 16 SWGMS l,ouvels weldedto stil€, ircluding pollstfene insulation in stileq hold fast, hidges,all hardraft fiftings ofprime quctity, includiry 3 codtsofc$anel paints,locking (h€aty duty sliding bolh), complelein all respectas sholln on drawingand asapprovsi by the and fixing of glazcdAluminum Windowsofatbdized brclze (15 micron) cotourpetly fixed at|d partly sliding using delux€sectionshavitg framesizeof l00mm x 20rnm(4,'x3/4,) and loaf t'ame s€otionsof 50mmx 20fi8n (2"x3l4'), all of 1.6run &icknessincluding 5mm thick importedrefl€ctedglasswith rubber using approwd sta.ndlfdlatches,hardware,etc. assholln in dmwing and asApprovedby the Engineer. Panel,Mercury glasswith m€tElinsectsc.eenwith aluminumfiamg. and fixing Alrtldnum Ventilaior of top hungsdarcdized 05 lnicl.on)brotze having fi'amesiz€ I x 20rim high x 1.6mmthick sectionsiooluding 5mmrhick importedsolar reflectivetinted glasswilh rubbe. tsing app'rovedst rdard liatches,haldw6e etc. assho$n in drawing alld asApprorcd by tle Engineer, and Fixing of Security G ll in window inoludirg 12,,x1" steelhtbe fiame having 1/8',wall thicloess to walls with U4" dia conqet€ anohorsasd 12"x1/2" steelbarsvertical and horizontalwsldedto steel 6:ameasshorn on drawing i/o pahtirg 3 coarscompletein all rEspecta[ld as approvedby the Engineer. and fixing in positionKitahen WoodenCabinetsconsirting of l-l/2"x1-I/2" rhick Deodarwood frame 3/4" thiok both sid€sl@inared Vinbood boxing selve€,shutterswith bestquality fittings, all hardwEre, handles, hinges,complete in all r€cpscts asp€rdesi$ arlddrawingandasApprovedbythcEngineu. and laying of 1" drick Marble slabon Kitchen oount€f,ai shorn in Procurement of Works ADB/tC8-M+tA Sedion4-BiddingForms 4-83 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km ll9+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGII BRIDGE Item # Descriptior UDit Quantity Rate( Fiouresl Amount {Rs.) RATE{Rs. in Words) Bill No.9A - CIVI WORKS Rcferto particular$pecilicatioDr(BuildingsIll B i) P.oviding and fixing ofcolkpsible SecurityOate(ScissorTyp€)rDadeof2,'x3l3. steelbar at fop vertica,sreel channEl3/4" x 1n" x U2" x U8" at 4" c/c (approximately)ste€lflat orosses518' with best quality rolle. at top of I 1/2" diameterrun on top steelbar altd l-U2" x 1-l/2" 3/16" argle at each$ideanchoredto substrateinoludiig tlEeehold fast per side,steelpins ard spac€rs,12" long handlg locking arrangernentiDsideand out side,3 coats of paifiing of blackjapan enamel€4oomplgtein all respectsasshownin drawingand approvedby the Engn€er sq.m 17.00 ii). hoviding and fixing ofHiryed Seou.ityGareConsistof l-lr,,x1-l2"xl/8' steeltube at top, middle and bottom,vertical ste€lIlats l-lD"xl/4" ad3" clc (qproximately) steeltat orosses1-l,2"xl/4' including threehold fast per side, 1?" long handle,locking arangementilsids and out sidq 3 coarsof paintirB ofblackjapan e aneled, conrpletei$ all lespeclsassho!'n in draving and aDprovedby the Engine€r. sq.m 4.00 TOTAL OF Bill No. 9A- CIVIL WORKS Single-stage: Two{nvelope Procurementof Works ADB/tCB-M4- lA Section4- BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICBM4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section (31 Km) (Kn 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUA}ITITIES BILL NO.9 : WEIGII BRIDGE RATE( Words) to particularspecifications@uildings) volumeIII-B r CIo6€qEnglish, prime quality, In viheous china olay, Lalge sizewith Porcelair P-fiap , I low level 12 li&rs flushing oiste.rl Ball BTe non conosive siphon valve, float valve, PVC dlain pipe atl in prime quality local makeas approvedby the ProjeotMamg€r. Clo6et, Pakistari Orissq, p.ims quality, In virreouschida clay, Largesizewith Cas'tlron , plastic body 1owlevel 12 liters flushirg cistem, Ball type non conosive siphon valve, float flush handle,PVC drair pipe all in prime quality local makeas approvedby the ProjeotManager. pipe for wasteand s€wagelrtemal drainagesystcrn, including brdnohes,bends, Ys, tees, fitting clsrBps, specials,cuttilg in floo$, walls gooq €xtra painting oo pipe to match the color ofthe building inoluding testing complete laying cutting jointirg, testing and disinfecting PPRC Pipelino in tredchevwalls, joints all pipe specialslsing PPRCpipes of DIN 8077 & 8078 .ating PN 20 complete in ing, laying, cutting jointin& testingand disiffecting C.L pipeline in trenches,with so{ C.L pip€s of B.S.S, 1387-1 7 complete in all respects,with specialsand valves. trap with RCC covor,CernentConcIE&chambersize 6'} 8\6" de€pin smoothfinish inside vilh 3" casthon P aIId Fixing Wash held b6in lvilh pedestalin approv€oolor prime quality including b(acket set w'sl€ pipg waste coupling complete itr all lespecb as Approved by the for WashHand Basin are: Walcr Mixer or Farcet for basii/sink completein all respect Procurement of Works ADB/|CB-l\4+lllA Section4 - BiddingForms ,F85 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31Km) fKm 119+200 to Km t5tF200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO,9 I WEIGH BRIDGE Item # Descriptiotr Unit Rate( Fiquresl Quantity ftATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) Bill No. 98 - PLUI\DING WORKS Referto particularspecifications(Buildings) volumem-B 8 9 l0 l2 l3 t4 I6 17 l8 Pmviding and Fixing of b€st quality importedlaokhg Glass5 mm thiok (size 22" X 22i) includin! costof fitting asApprovedby the Enginee.. Providing and Firfug of approlEd prime quality plastic body Bath Room Accessoriesincluding cast oj fuing aJApprowd by the E gineeriDclud;ngforlov; i- Towel Rail liilqap Dish iii. TissuePaperHolder P.oviding and fixiry PVC floor hap 4"X3" with concretechamberall a.outrd and 4" pVC gratint conplete ilr all r€speotsasApprovedby the ProjectMaftge.. Providir\gaod flying of500 GallonsFibre GlassOvefi€ad WarerTanlg 3 ply, 3.5mmwall thiclaress wilh Supporton 4" thick concretepad completein all respectsi/c making connectionsasshownin dmwing a{d asApprovedby the Engineer. Nos, 3.00 NosNosNos. 5.00 3.00 5.0 Nos. 12.00 Noe. 2.00 d 2" di? b) t 112',dir Nos, Nos. 6.00 6.00 a) 2" dia Providing dd fixing of plastic body plime quality Muslim Showerircludiag PVC flexible pipe ana CPPowdercoaredDouble Bib Cock asApprovedby the EngneerProviding and fixing of good qua.lityCP/Polvdercoated l/2, dia Bib cock approvedprime quality a shonn in &a{ing and asApprovedby t}reEngiaeer. Providingard fixing U2" dia CP,?owderCoatedStop cock approvedprime quality asApprovedby th( Engircer. Nos. 4.00 No6 5.00 Nos 5.00 Nos 14.00 No' 4.00 Nos 2.00 Providing and fixing brassvalves with wheevhandlgthreadedcnds all in premiumqua.litylocal mak( in hternal diameterasfoloris: Providirg and fixing of goodquality brassnon retlm valve with male artdfernaleends hor.iding and fixing of Sfe€l body prime quality Shower Rose including dstachablelid pipe ar ApFoved by the Engin€€r. hoviding and fl\ing €pprovcdquality stainlesssteel sibk 33. X 18, prk made completewith angl( hon brackeb fix into walls,l/2" chromium plated sink faucet,l-l/4i clromium ptaled brasswast coupling unionsand PVC drain pipe, ooorpletein all r€spectand ApFoved by the Eigiaeer. Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Works Ki-$ MP ADB/tCB-M4{tA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-86 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Kn) (Kn lf 9+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUAI\TITMS BILL NO. 9 : WEIGH BRIDGE Item # Description Unit Quantity Raie( Fiqures) Amount (Rs.) RATE(Rs. in Wordsl Bill No. 98 - PLUMBING WORKS Refer to particular specifications(Buildings)voluDe III-B l9 20 2l 22 Providingand fixjng Roofdrain as sho$n on d.awirgs Providing and fixing approvodpfme quality Gas Bumer with Triple Bum€r stainl€ssste€l body witl atl iitule, PVC gaspiping vork npro specifiedlocation in kitcheq completain all respectsincludiq makirg connectionand asADDrovedby rhe Ensineer. Providing insraling; t€sting and commissionilg gas geyse. Singer or Caflnon make iDcluding al n€cessary valv€sed fittingF, cormectionto servicesand drainscompletein all rcspects. AS PERDRWAING Providing and fxing of 3" Dia PVC Class-D Raiir Water Down pipe with shoe, bends in Ductt including clairps, hold fait as rsquired wittr th€ p.ovisior ofclean out, campletci(l all r€spectand a. Approvedby the Engineer, no 12.00 N06 2.00 NO 2.00 Mt 37.4Q TOTALOF Bitl No. 98 - PLUMBINGWORKS Single-Stage: Two+nvelope Frocurement of wgrks ADB/ICB-M4- tA Section4- BiddingForms H7 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICBM4-IIIA: $horkot - Dinpur Section(31 Krrr) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGE BRIDGE Ilcm # Desaription Unit Rate(Rs, in Quantity FidurEsl RATE{Rs. in Words) Arnount lRs.l Bill No.9C - ELECTRICALWORKS Rder to pafliculrr rpecifications(Buildings) Ihe rate fo. all BOQ item shall includeproviding, oonsnuotingfabricating frxing. executing,applying as applicableand additionatlyas )therwisestatedagainsttlle specific items shall inatudeall marerials,labo!, €fforts, Flsnt ard €quipsE$t, ca$plete i$ all respectsb asp€I drawiigs, approvedsho,pdmwings,sp€oilications,asper NEC, NFPA ?0 & NEMA, vdious appticablestipulationsof the contractdocumenB, miscellaneous details,asper instructionsand as directedby the Engineer.All samplesshall be procuredand providedby the oontractorat his rMl costfor approvalby tle Engi4eer. Supply and wiring for light & fan with 3xl.5mm,sq single oore, PVC insulal€d shanded copper conductorwire in 20rnm (3/4") dia PVC conduit rcc€ssedin the wall of column, roof etc. requircd 16030t Point oompieteir all respectsasApproved by the EDgirreer.(Beta .PoIo Corduit / Pakistaq N(,w Age Cabl or equivalentss aDDrovedbv The Ensineer) Supply and wiring for circuit with 2*.5Em-sq, PVC insulated 300/500 voltagegrade,singe core standed copp€r cotrductor wire directly toIn DB in 20 mrn(3i4,') dia PVC oonduit includin! 16030s lxl.smm.sq cable as ECC rcoessedin the wall column and roof etc. as required.Camplete all ir Point respoctsas Approvedby the Engineed-(Betq Polo Conduit / Pakistao,New Age Cable or equivaleo asaDDroved bv The ErEineer) Sup,plya4d wiring for light socketswith 2x2.5mm.sqi lxl.5m!,sq PVC insulated300/500 voltag( grade,singl€ core, copperconductorwile dirEctly fiom DB i'l 25 mm(l',) dia PVC colduit rec€ss€( 16030x Point in the wall oolunm alrd roof etc. as requirEd,Completeall h respects.(Bet4 Polo / Pakistan,Nev Ase or equival€trtasaDorovedbv The Etrqin€erl Supplyand wrnng for pow€r socketswith zx4nm.sq + 1l2.5mm.sqPVC insulatsd300/500voltag( gadg single core,copp€I coaductorwire diroctly from DB in 25 rnm(l ")dia PVC conduit recessedir I6030y Point &e wall column alld roof eto. as rEquiredcomplet€all in rcspects. (BeA pob / pakistan,New Ag( cableasaDprowdbv The Ensineer) Supply and,{,vrrmgftom swilch sock€tsto socketsoifll2x2.5mtlsq + lxl.smm.sq PVC iisulate( 300/500voltagegradq singe cor€,coppef,cotrductorwire directly fiom DB in Z0 nm(3/4.)dia pVC 16030x Point conduitrccessedin the wa.llcolr@n and roof etc. as requircd.Complerea.llin respects.(Beta, Polo / PakistaqNow AsE cableasaDDrovedbv Th€ Enaine€r) Supplyand lvifllg Frx Alr conditioning powersooketsof2x6mm.sq + 1x2.5mm.sqsingle cor€,pVC insulated300/500 voltage, cop,pe.strandedomductor wire directly fiom DB in 25 mmo")die 160302 PVC a$duit recessedin the wall columa and roof etc. as required. Complet€ itr all respeotsas Point Approvedby the Etrgineer.(Beta, Polo / Pakistan,New Age ca$le or equivalentas appIol€d by Th( Ensircer) Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works 78.00 9.00 5.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 -/4i- ffiI tuvd ADB/ICB-M+IIIA Sedion 4 - BiddingForms 4-88 AddendumNo.2 constructionof NationalMotorway M-4 shorkot - KhanewalSectionproject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km ll9+200 to Km 150+200) BILLOF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGE BRIDGE to particularrpecilicdions(Buildingr) aod wiring of4 core PVC/PVC/CU cable of 600/1000V gade in afl kinds of existing prc-laid PVC oonduit in approvedmanaer as shown in draring complete in all rcspecls by The Engineer.(Pakistan.New Age cabl€or equival€otasapprovedby The Engineer) 4 core25mn'PVC/PVC/CU cable 4 coro l6mn': PVC/PVC/CUcable 4 oore lotnl|f PVCYPVCyCU cable 4 core 6mm'zPVC/PVC/CUcable and wiring of single core PVC cable 450150 Volts gradein pre-laid pVC conduit as power oablein apFoved manaeras shown ir drawirg completein all rcspectsas Approved Enginecr.(PaLjstan,New Age cableo! equivalentasapprovedby The Engineer) €11dlaying PVC ootrduitconformingto 85-6099 and B5-3506 including exca@tion, pull boxes, insp€ctiotr boxes, tees, b@ds, cross€s,using &c€ssories fo. propeasealing in roofslabs, Walls a'rd uniler floo6 for power cabl€eincluding cutting ir walls and floon back filliry and flMking good the ftt cavitier with oenfnt sand mortar all in assho\r! on dmwings,completein all rerpcot asApprovedby the Engine€r.(B€ra"polo) gangs*ltches one or two way wilh Plasdcback box cutting, frxing etc. ard msking good completein a.ll respecbas requirEdas approvedby Procurement of Works ADB/tCB-M4j A Sectior 4-BiddiDgForms 4_89 AddendumNo.2 Construcfion of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot-Dinpur Section(31Knl) (Km 119+200 to Krn l5(F200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO.9 : WEIGH BRIDGE Item # Description Unit Quantity Raie {Rs. in Fiouresl RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount tF.-'l Bill No. 9C- ELECTRICALWORKS Ref€r to particulrr specilicrtion(Buildirgs) Supply, installatiorl connepting and Testing of Prime quality fari dimmer with switch witt 16020h plastic/Pvc baok box oompletein all resTectsas app.ovedby The Engineer.(Clipsal, trgrand ot Nos. 13.00 Nos. 22.00 Nos. 12.00 Nos. 7.00 Nos, 3.00 Nos. 12.00 Supply, InstallatiorLConnectingand Tedting of vreatherproof light IP54 completewith elechoni( 16050d ballast splashp.oofcasing, and I x 36 wattj fluorescenttube rod cornpletein all r€spectsasrequire( asapprovedby Th€ Engine€r.(Philips or equivalenras approvedby The Engineer) Nos. 3.00 Supply, instdling connectingerd testing 56" sqEepc€iling fan with ceiling ro6e,ceiling hook, Far 16060e Box, matchirg CI pipe for suirableheight wiring up to t€mination point completein all r€spectsa! apqoved by theEngineel (GFC!Ro)aalor equivalelt a5approvedby The EDgineer) Nos. 13.00 squir€lent as aDDovedbv The Eneineer) Supplt installation, oonnecting and flying 13 Amps polycarbonde flame retardant 3 pir Multipurposeswitoh sooketunit with lhncy garg plat€ fixed on die fabricated,powder coatedmeta 16020c boardrso€ssedin wall or column including connectionsasrequied. Completein all respects.(Clipsa Vivace Intl Sdcket) Supply,providing, conne.tiry and fixing 15 Amps polyoa$onatellarne retlrdant 3 pin switch socke un;t with fancy gang plate fixed on die &brioat€4 powder coatedmet l board recessedin wall or 16020c column including conneotionsas rcquired. Complete in all res-'pects.(Clipsal or equivalent ar aDDroved bv The Ensin€er). Supply, Dstallatorl comectrng ard Testing of fluorescerf tube light fitting fixture, 4' length witl frame, diffEer, electronic balast, arld 28 walts fluoresc€ntTL5 tub€ rod cool dry light lamp at 16050c Philips TMS2I5 Slim li e complete in all r€sp€ctsas Approved by the Bngineer. (Philips o eouivalentas aoDrovedbv The Ensin€erl Supply, Irstqllation, connectiry alld T€stingof tx23w recessedg?e Enetg/ SaverDoftn Light witl Bakelite lamp holder, rofleotor, (imponed) ftting complete with 1x23wafb CFL lanrp, as po 16050e PHIIIPS Caf. No. FBH-145/ld3 W Prc. Completein atl rcspectsas requiredas app.ovsd by th( Ensine€r.fPhilim or eouivalentas aDDroved hv The Ensineer'l Supply, Installation, connecting and T€sting of lx23w liall moufied bulk head lamp holder 16050d ,reflector,(inported)fitiry oompletelvith lx23watts CFL lamp completein all respectsas rcquir€. asaDDrolEdlw the Enpirce.fPhilios o. eouivalelt aqannrrled hv The Enpifterl Supply, rnstalling cond9ctlngal|d Testing ofelectric Exhaustfaq including metal louv€rs,ON/OFI rwitc,4 oableincluding met l louvers complet€io all respectr€spectsas approvgdby the Engineef, r6060d (GFC.Ro'vElor equivalentas aDDrovedbv TheEnsin€er) iii. 12"MetalBody iv. 18" MetalBody SiDgle-Stage,' Two-Enwlope Nos. Nos. Procurementof Works 9.00 -, 1.00 //1./ \\ \'/o\\ M ADBIICB-M+ tA Section4 - BiddingForms constructionof NationalMotorwayM-4 shorkof - Khanewalsectionprojecf ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Sectiou(31 Km) (Krn ll9+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES Btr-L NO.9 : WEIGH BRIDGE Item # Description Unit Qutntity Rate( Fiouresl RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount {Rs-l Bill No. 9C - ELECTRICdL WORKS Referto particular spe.ilications(Builditrgs) suppry, mstatmg connectng and t€stl4g of 45Qn (18) sweep wail btactet fan corDpleleqifl blades,housirg, regulator & pulling cord switch, fitted on wall or column with CI clip irctudinE r6060d Nos. co leotio! as requiredincluding metal lowe$ completeh all respectas apFoved by Th€ Etgitreer (GFC.Royal or equi€lert as aDDroved bv The Ensircer) Tubewell rrsyrarng ans Lursmtcron or I uoe w€lt wru / ctu bonng nrsfalkd with j', dia MS 14 galge blinc pipe, ste€lstrainer.The spacebEtweenboring wall and MS pipe sha.llbe filted with coarsesand l/8' mm. and 3/8" rnax. in size. The tube well shall be i[str ed witl a 4" dia I.5 K.W subm€rsiblepump. l" dia GyHDPE Pipe (PE-63) suction pipe as per rEquiremeDtwith respoctto grotmd Nater table. t 6 1 2 0 Elechical Panel including Circuit breaker,U/OW relay and plugs, pF improvernentpancl. Sockets. Rft RCC Pump shade/covercompletein all respgct€rd as per the approvalof The Engineer.Th€ l€ngdl 0f stain€r will dependupon the ground water table and water bearing strata with a minimum 50ff length-Subeersiblepump is supportedby 8mm 6te€l insulatedwire, power cable $hall be wmpped \ryaterpioof tape as shown in drawing(KsB, GOLDEN pLtMpS or equivalent as approvedby The E ainee/) hoviding fixing, connectingaod testi[g of (as per manufaoturerrccomrnendations)AC single phasr PurnpingSet 2HP Rating 2?0 volts, 50 cycleselectrio motor with cenhiirgal pump compftible witl motor, suction and disohargel'x [", coupl€doDa cornrnonbaseplale, foundationbolts, l,' dia G.] Piping comections and requiredbends,Sockets,tees,unionsetc., gatevalve, oheckvalve, non-reutrn 16120 Job lalre, foot ralve and strai[er at UCT sumpleve1as pe. drawing Eleotrical panel inchding Cirouil brcake!,U/OVT relay and plugs, Sockeq PF improvementpaqel,RCC purop shade/cov€r,completa in a[ r€speotsand asApprovEdby The Engineer.(KSB, GOLDEN pUMpS or equivalentaj aDDroved by The Engine€r) 4.00 125.00 I.00 DistributionBoards Slngle-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/rCB-M4-tA Sedlon4-BiddingForms 4-97 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Krn) (Km lllr200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO.9: WEIGHBRIDGE RATE( Words) to particular specifi.itioua(Building!) installation, coDneclingaird Testing of Main P{rcI Boaril consisting of 14 SWG cosled indoor floor mountedand suitablefoMdation complet€with all intemal wiritrg" identifioarionlabels,TPN&E copperbus ba$, h'arsparcntplastic shee! armoredgdds, consisting additioDally clnfonning/complying wfth daails as shovn on drawings, {rompletein asApprovedby The Eryineer. (ABB, MG, E or Eqv.) 16070 , installatio!, oonnectirg and Testing of Distributiotr Board- {BuildiDg I ) consistingof M.S Powdercoatedindoor rec€ssedtyp€ mountingftont door accesscompletewith all tagq identificatioDlabels,TPN&E oopperbus bars,tcansparcotplastic sheet,rrmored as follovs additionally codoming/complying with daails as shorm on h all respectasApFoved by The Engineer.(ABB, MG, cE or Eqv.) Procurementof Works ADB/tCB-M4-tA Section4 - Eidding Forms AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpnr SectionGf Km) (Km 119+200to Km 15tI+200) BILL OF QUANTITTES BILL NO.9 : WEIGH BRIDGE RATE( Words) to prrticllar sp€cificalions(Builditrgs) Supply, installation, connectingand T€stingofDisbibutioD Boerd- (Building 2 ) consistingof 1 SWG M.S Powdercoaledindoor recessedtype rnouditrg ftont door accessconplete wilh all tags, identification labels,TPN&E oopperbus ba$, trarsparentplastic sheet,armored cotrsisting as follo$s additionally confoming/complying with rhtails as shown on coD+ld€ in all r€spectasApFoved by The Engin€er. (ABqMC, GE or Eqv) No. - 3oAnDs T,P MCCB 15KA circuit brcake. I No. - Volt Selectorswitch and ratinesS.PofMCB circuit breaker Nos.- 06AnDsSPMCBRCI0KA No. - l0 AmDsSPMCB RCI0KA Noa.- 16AmDsSPMCB RCIoKA Nos.- 20AmDsSPMCBRCIoKA , installatiorl cont|eciingand Testingof Disftibution Board- (Cotrtrot Room) oonsisting 16 SWG M.S Powder coatcd indoor recessedt'?e mou iry fiont door arlc€sscorxpleterrith viling, tags,identificetion labels,TPN&E co,pp€rbus bnrs,transparentplastic $h€e! consistingas follows additionally confo.Eitg/complying with details as shown on in all respecta$Alproved by The Engircer. (ABB, Mc, cE or Eqv) I No. - 3oAmosD.P MCB l5KA circuitbroaker I No- - Voft mete. I No- - Voh Selectorswitch Single-stage: T',ro-{nvelope of Works Procurement ADS/tCB-M+flrA Section4 - BiddingForms 443 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km f 19+200to Km 15Gr200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGII BRIDGE to particular spocilic{tions(Builditrgs) 0l No6.- 06AmDsSPMCB RC10KA No. - l0 AmDsSPMCB RCIoKA No6, - 16Amps SPMCB RCIoKA Nos. - 20 AmD$SPMCB RCIoKA installation, comeoting and Testing of Dfutributiod Borrd- (G€Net Room ) oonsisting 16 SWG M,S Powder coaredindoor rccessedtype mounting front door aco€sscomplete witl wiring; tags, id,entificationlab€ls,TPN&E copp€rbusbdrs,transparentplastic sheet, consistingas follo,evsadditionally confomingicomplying with details as shown on in all respectasApFoved by The Ertginelr. (ABB, MG, cE or Eqv.) No. - 2oAmpsD.P MCB 15KA circuit breakcr a$d ratings S-PofMCB circuit breaker No. - l0 ArlDsSPMCBRCIoKA I Nos. - 16 AmDsSPMCB RCI OKA Nos. - 20 AmDsSPMCB RCI0KA Procurementof Works ADB/tCB-M4- tA Section4- BiddingForms 4-94 Addendum No.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal Sectionproject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31Km) (Krn 119+200 to Km f 50+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGH BRIDGE Deccription RATE( Words) to particular sF€cilications{Buildings) iDstallation,connecting and Testing of Ilistributiotr Bo.rd- Eord light Padel Room of 14 SWG M.S Powdercoatsdoutdoor floor mounted atrd suitablefoundation. IP54 includiry fronl door aDoessconplete with all intemal wiing tags, identification sensqr and mounting braclet of Photo sensor for Auto Switching of lights, Fuses, TPN&E copperbus bars,transpar€ntplastic shecl armoredglandsconsisting additionally canforming/complying with details as shown on drawings, complete in asApprovedby The Engineer. (ABB, MG, cE or Eqv.) Supply, installalior\ connectingand Testing of Disftibution Board- (Bridge tight parel Room consistingof 14 SWG M.S Powdercoaledoutdoor floor mounted atrd suitablefoundation, proof IP54 including front door accesscompletewith all i[tomal widng, rags, identification Photos€risorand momting baacketofPhoto sensorfor Auto Switching Magtetic contaqtoF,Fuses TPN&E copperbus bars,kln$parent plastic shee! amored gla$dsc4nsistingas follows confoming/complying with details as show!.ron drawings,completein all rcspeotas Approved The Enginee!. (ABB, MG, cE or Eqv.) SinglFstage: Two-Envelope Procurementof Work ADB/|CB-M+tA Sestion4- BiddingForms H5 MdendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Kn) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUAI\TITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGd BRIDGE RATE{Rs. In Words) to p$ticular sp€cificatiotrs(Buildings) Supply,installation connecting,boring/excavationand testing to lessthan I ohm ofearthing set dia 3 meterlong copperrod encasedir 3" dia Pvo pip€ lorw{ed and buiied in lhe glomd in boring in all Bpe of soil to $rter table at requireddeptlL placedconmcted with 1 x 70 rrnn barc cu-<onductortom goundi[g rod to eafth rest copperbar as ernh connectingpoint. cavity aroutrd the copp€r rod shal be filled with gtounding enlancement hfid all around the copper rod for MDB grounding pole light grounding and gounding completein all r€spectsasapprovedby The Engineer. '4" tIrCK (ll_xl"x/,") , fnstaffanon Ot 1'l" lgllg l" WrOe copper bus bar aS (ECP). The (ECP) shall be completewith insulator,uashe.s,nuts, bolts, mounting op&tdional accessoriesas per t€chdcal specificationand as per site requir€msntcompleteitr , Ins.arruon aDowrrulg oI sugle core lx/unEn sq. Pvc copper PVC conduit tom ECPto MDB asECC codductorin aDDroved mannerassho\in in in all r€speotsas Approved by The Engineer.(Pakistan,N€w Age Cabl€ or equivalent and 2ft deeDbriok Masonry handhole to cover i/c cerneded floor. inside l:4 Dlast€ra|ld lfulft RCC cover flush on floor comolete in copper ship ftom top of building (liehtdng - Spike) to Point iccludir€ brass saddleat I ft interval, brass scr€w €tc. completein all respects md installalion on top of building I' diercte.3ft long lightDingoopperrod wirh ball Procurement of Work AD8/tCB-Nt4l A Section4- gidding Forms Construction of National Moforway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 1llr200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITMS BILL NO. 9 : WEIGH BRIDGE to particular specificatiols{Buildlogs) & tislallalion of mild ste€ltubular swaged/weldedSilver enameledpaintedRoad light arm pole of ovorall length l0Mtrs having 3 steps and dimension of 250xl00x75mm & 6-5-4mm respectivelyfor fixing road light compl€tewith M.S. baseplab having and 300sqmmlollg aurvedbracketwith 800$rmradius for lrrotsti$g light fixturc ldth oivil worh (including PCC foundalionswh€reverrequireda6per r€levantstardardsand instuctions) widr suitabl€precautionsfor ensuringpreventionfrom insects/vorms,proper ofcables and wires completedin a neatand salisfrotorynrmner including eatth cladded steel 200mm connectedwith pole through Rope/vyirecomplete in all respect , fixing and installatiooofRoad lighting lDninaire suitableon Pole for us€with High Vapour light as Philips SGP 338 SON -T 250W lamp inoluding housing oum leflectot drawn aluminum, powder coatedin grgy oolor outiide and all electical accessories!uc.h efficient oopperballast electronic igniter, power factor improvementcapacitoretc., are up to a terminal block ard modrted on a specially d€signed detachablegear to IP 54 protectioncompletein all respectasApprovcd by The Eryine€r. gaskel 50mnx200mmxl50trun deepJufction box norninal size of 16 SWC thick MS loopitrg box with the e{isting pole flidr MS cldp madeout of 25mmx3mmthick Ilat iron nub ard bolts completewith hinged cover aid locking screwscarth studs n€opaene for pole mountedincluding supply a4d fDring one no 6 Amp MCB carrier with baseand + Grounding 60 Amp terminal blook suitlbl€ to receivePVC arEorcd oabl€fixed oE Bakelite shelt base completewith coturectionpainting as require4 complete in all respect mm dia Nominal 2.5 meter lgngth aloog of uDd€rgroutrdcable as required(vertical length) as require4 completein all respect cable l3mtres in length in tubule pole glands,nuts, bolts, requiredaoc€ssories for to the ste€t lights as required as approwd by The zuineer. (Pakistan,N€w Age Cable 600/1000V grade PVC itrsuLled and PVC sheath8dan$orcd copper sba$ded conductor 16mm.sqpoweroableand 6mm.sqcoppercableas ECC connectedto groundingpit /ECP in conduit,completeasrequiredas per specificrtions asapFoved by ths Enginee(Pakistan, Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurementof Works ADB/ICB-M+ tA Section4 - BiddingForms H7 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject IC&M4-IIIAT Shorkot - Dinpur Section (31 Km) (Km 119+200to Kn 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WT,IGf, BRIDGE tu particular specifcations(Buildings) & IrBtallation of l-type mild steeltubular swaged^reldedRoad light pole of overall having 3 steps and dimension of 5ft(100x?5mm & tube thickness&5-4mm respectively road light completewilh M.S. baseplaiehaving 20mm thicknessand 300sqmmlong bracketwith 800hm radius for mounting light fi,\1urewith all r€quiredcivil works (itcluding founalationswheiever reouired as per relevant standardsaod as Der instructions) with precautionsfor ensuing preventionfiom in$ects/vems,water Foof-temination of cabl€sand including €arth md cop,percladdedsteel200mm connectcdwith pole through Rope,/wir€ in all satisfrotoryrnanoeras @prcv€dby The Engine€r. Supplt fixing and installalion ofRoad lighting luminairc suitableon Polefor usewith High Sodium Vapour light a$ Philips Tango 3 -T 250w lamp including housing oum refl€otor of drawn aluminurq powdor coat€din gey color outride and all el€ctrioalaocessoriessuch as efrioieot copperballast,electronicignit€f,,poviErfactor improv€mentcapacitoretc., tre pre-wired detachablegearplate.Conformanceto IP to a terminal block and mountedon a speciallyde,signed protectioncompletein all rcspectasApprcvedby The Engileer.(Philips) silver eoameledon tor the Dole for drc Iight luminaire at 9.5 meterlong pole as requiredfor flood/ro'adlights. Completein all deeoJunction box !o6ina.l size of 16 SWG thick MS looping box with the existingpole with MS clamp madeout of25rnnx3mm thick flal iron nuts aod bolts completewith hinged cover and locking screwse?rth studs neoprene for pole $ourted including supply and fixing one no 6 Amp MCB carri€r with baseand + Crcunding 60 Amp terminal block suitableto receivePVC armoredcdble fixed on Bakelite sheetbase compl€tewith connedioDpajnting as required. complcte in all rspect mm dia Nominal 2.5 m€ter length along the pole ofundqgIou[d oabl€as requirc4 Complet€itr a.llr€spectsas approvedby ThE ,J) 'eti Single-StagE : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/|CB-M4- tA Section4- aidding Forms 448 Addendum No,2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M#IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km ll9+200 ro Km f 50+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO.9 : WEIGH BRIDGE RATE(Rs. in Words) to prrticulrr specific{lions(Builditrgs) cabl€ lo.sntres in length in tubular pole gands, nuts, bolts, required accessori€s supply to the streetlights as required as approvedby The Engheer, (Pakistan,New grade PVC insulated and PVC sheathedarmored copper stlandgd oonductor lonun-sq Sover cable 6rld 4mrnsq coppercabb 6 ECC .oDrcctEd10gourding pit,ECP in conduit cornpleteas r€quirEdas por speoifioationsas approvedby The Etgineer. fabrication ,manufacturilg, supply installation testing alld oommissioningof 50KVA lKvi4lsvl23ov,irnpedence 6010 or specified/suitableby IECpYN-I l, outdoorpo.q/er to BSS-I71,IEC-76 or VDE{532 speoifioationsincluding all externalradiating tubes, filling, HV/LV porcelah bushings, conservato. , silica gel breather, thermometerpocket Offload tap oha$ger,impofied double float bmhkholz relay, prcssurerelief ven! \"lves lifting lugs etc. with all instzllation snd operalionacc€ssories and makiog oil pit relays,tempera re alalm & devices, snd separatetwo groundingsygteDrs for neutral ground with 3mtr copper road ,CC fomdation as per desi$ and requt d as 9e{ site as specificationand as desiredby The Engin€€rincluding submissionofteohnioal sheet.(PEl a6approvedby The Engine€.r) labrication ,maoufacturing, supply installatio!, testing add commissioting of hime 50KVA (Itinary) at 0.8 P4400volts, dEeephasejwire,s0hz ar I 500RPMincluding A with ElectronicPadeled switch€s,tool kit Day iirel tank 500ltrs alld €ssentialpiping tr"ansportationat site and s€parat€two gounding systemsfor neutal & body glounding copperfoad as approvedby The Engineerof the following brands(SDMO Francg Uq MITSTIEISHI Jataq CATUK JSA,F,G-WTLLSON uK) Single-Stagei Two-Envelope Procurement of Work ADB,/ICB-M4.IIIA 4_99 Addendum No,2 Section4-Bidding Forms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M&IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (KItr 1llr200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9 : WEIGH BRIDGE Item # Description Unit Qr|anrity Rate (Rs. in Fiarr|racl Amount aRs.l RATE( Words) Bill No. 9C - ELECTRICAL WORKS Referlo prriicrlar !pecifications(Buildings) Desigr, fabncanon ,manufactu ng , supply installation, testing and oommissioningof Auto transfer switch panel for Diesel G€nelator50KVA including 75A FOUR POLE MCCB breaker,timei relays 16100 U/oVT rclay, Phasefailure relay , Auto start ,Auto Shutdown systemand iransportationat site, ar annrovedbv The Ensireer ABE/MG/SCI|ENIDER Desigt, fabricafion, msDufacturing,supply installatiorl testing and commissioningof WeatherProol I6100 aad soundproofCanopy(85dB at tm) suitablefor the abovedieselgerieratorsel as approvedby Thr Ensineet. 16100 ConstructionofRCC foundationwith Anti-vibration pad for replacementofDG Set requi.ed as per gcn€ratordimensionscompletein all respectasmentionedin drawingas approvodby The Engineer. Job l-00 Job 1.00 Job 1.00 TOTALOF B|II NO.9C - ELECTRICALWORKS Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/tCB-nI4l[A 4-100 Addendum No.2 Section4- BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Kn) (Knr 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 9: WEIGH BRIDGE Item # Urit Description Rate(Rs. in Fiouresl Quantity RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount {Rs.} Bi No. 9D- EXTERNAL WORXS Refetto parti.alar Wcifictli4ns(Baihlkgs) I 2 3 4 Excavation irr Fonndation foa extemal works including undergromd water tlnh inanholes,septi( tank, soakagepil, etc- disposalof unsuitabte^urplusMarerial . l0 Cooltron Mat€riel coarsistingof aeolion, alluvial, rcsidual mat€rial coflsisting of gravel, shalr volcanic ashel loan\ san4 clay or any combinationof thesematerial,altsredor v€athgr malqial an{ bouldersl€6sthan one quartq (l/4) cubio meterin volume,embeddEdin otherrlraterialEa h fiIing, back lilung With s€lected e)ioavatedmaterial where available widr 95% (AASHTO) cornpaction (modifiec proctor) including moistenitrgto optimum moistu.e cortent with mechanicalm€ars in 6" layersfior the nanfal gmurd l€veyexcavatedlevel. LeanConcrete(1:4:8)Class'E' CylindricalComprersiveStrengtbf{= 1500psi Corcretc (lr2:4) Class 'C' Cylindrical CompressiveStrength fc= 3000 psi excluding steel ana its bendingbut including shutteiingcenteringand its bindiog asp€r dlawing and specificationsand a! dircctedby ProjectManagpr. 5 Concrete (1:1-1/23) Class 'B' Cylindrical CompressiveStrength fc- 4000 psi (for U/G Watel Tenk) excluding steel 6nd its berding but including shuttering centering and its binding as pcl drawingard specificatio s and asdircctedby Proj€ctMaoager. 6 Concrete (13:6) Cla$'D' Cylinddcal CompressiveStJengfi fc= 2200 p6i excluding steel and it b€ndingbllt iscluding shutiering centeringrnd its binding as per drawing and specificatiors ard a directedby Enginerr 7 ProvidingReinforcemetrt St€el (Grads60) inoludilg cuttiig, bending,placilrg 6nd binding wire. Cu-m 225.00 Cu.m 112.00 Cu.m 1.00 Cu.m 8.00 Cum 9.00 34.00 Tons 1.00 3 Filst Class bumt Brick m{so{ry work witll l:4 ceme sand mortar i/c curing etc. completein al a€sD€oti Cu.m I0.00 9 Plastcr, % inch thic'k I :3 c€memsandplasteron RCC $dls/c€iling/slab including floaling coat undel Sq-Mtr plaster. 61.00 10 Plaster and Sealatrt Walerproofing on inside and outside of UndergmundWater Tank by Acryli( Polyme! modified cemetrtitiouscoaling bru.shapplied,lrowel ftiished, three coars,including lordn white aggegate protection cover layer on inside and covering slurry plaster oubide 2-3mm oj Sq.Mh minimum thickness,complete in all rEsp€cta$ per ma! factuels iDstruction and approvsrby The koject Manager- 31.00 Single-Stage : Twq-Envelope Procurement of Works ffi N, q*+0"i, b*ryZ ADB/rCB-M4-lIA 4-101 Addendum No.2 Section4- BiddingForms Construcfion of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Kn) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITMS BILL NO. 9: WEIGE BRIDGE Item # Description Unit Quantity Rate (Rs. in Fiqurcs) RATE( words) Amount (Rs,) Bi No. 9D- EXTERNAL WORKS Referto parlitular Wecilicalions(BaiAings) ll CI Cover for U/G & Over Head Wtter Tatrk Providing and fixira ClassC-250 BS EN:124 (70Kg) Cl Cover l8'xt8" wfth T-shapeCI frame witt fish tail anchorsembeddedin slab a$d locldng anangerhentas shoNn in drawing complete in all Nos 1.00 Nos 18.00 9" dia Pipe Mtr 64.00 6" dia Pipe Mtr 105.00 Cum 19.00 Nos 1.00 Mh 11.00 Sq.Mtt 1.00 F<s..r t7 r. Annrdved hv fh. Fnoin..r RCC Cover for Mrnbol. Providing and fixing 3" (75mm) thiok RCC mad|ole cov€{, 22" (550mm) dia, with tee shapedC. frame of 20" (500mm) olear i/d (franrc weighing 40kO and fish tail anchors embeddedi! slab. mhnlere in rll F(ne.r a< Arn. ved hv th. Fncinp.r Providing and laying R.C.C. pipq molded with c€mentconcrete1:l%r3, with spigot socketor collar ioint etc. including costofreinforcement,c4nformingto B,S. 59I I PartI: 1981,Class"u including oariage ofpipe from factory to site ofwork, in renches t( conect aligment and grade,joinring cutting pipes where necessary,finishing and t€sting etc. completein all respectasApprovedby dte Engheer. t4 ll l6 t7 Owr-burnt Brick GRAVEL Filiog iD SoakagoPit Providing,Filling Over bumt brick GravelFiling in soakagepit 3" dow! ga€€ gradedbrick gravelar Dersrecification cornDletein a.llresDectasADDrov€dbv the Enqine€rT€fting of urder groundwaterstomgetank asper specificationsand as directedby the Engin€€r. Prcviding and f|,ying of 3/8" x 6" d€epcontinuesribbed w4ter stopp€r in UCWT conshuctionjoint asper drawingand specification. Provide& fix Steel Grating asper drawingsand specificationcompletcin all respectas approvedb) the Engircer l8 MororizedHyd.aulically operatedBarrier on roadcompletein all respect Nos 1.00 t9 E$ernel Storm wrter drainage syrtem Desigrfug, providing & installfugR.c,c pipesMan holeswith gratingsfor couy€yingsto.m water to p€rforaredpipe trenchdrain for dispoaalofstonn llBt€r or nearby storm\4aterdisposalsystem. Contraotorto perfom p€rm€abilitytestsasrequiredand submitthe d€signoaloulations& drawingsto the Engineerfo! its approval. L.S L00 .ffffii(Bill Single-stage : Twotnvelope Procurementof Work woRKs No.9D- EXTERNAL ADB/tCB-M4tA 4-toz Sedlon 4- BiddingForms AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 KIn) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BTLL OF QUAI\TTITIES BILL NO, 9 : WEIGH BRIDGE Item # Uoit Description RATE {RS) Rats (F* Fiouresl RATE (Rs, in Words) Amount aRs.) Bi No.9E - SSWIMSCALE WORKS IRD'S SLAW SPEED \I'EIGII IQTY.I nO.) IN MOTION SCALE EQUIPMEM i)LatestmodelwIM corfrollerEl€chordcs(i-SINC)with l2U mck iD. serialmodulefor pattetufarcdispla(UFD) iii) 2loop Sensors M. ScaleSe|sors/.d{e olatformwith loadcells I v) one work stationCPU core i3, 3,IGHZ,RAM1x2GB,HD250GBsatawitt preloadedOS(witrdow7) andr€ighing softwares. No, 7,840,000.00 No. 728,000.00 vi) LCD monitor I 7" with standardperipharals vii) ReceiprprinterEpsonTL4T88Series, tbermalfor tickerprintirg viii) Isobar po!!€r oudet, power cables xi) Loop lead cables ,load cells comrnunicatiotrcabling x) UPSI 000V4 Trueonlirc lnstallation of SSWIM Scale ircluding : (Qty. I No,) 2 i)Scal€ seosorsemb€ddiDg/collqetillg in vault ilstallation ii) Roadway cutting for loop sensorsinstalL TOTAL OF Bill No. 9D - EXTERNALWORKS Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/rCB-M4{rA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-103 Addendum No.2 Gonstructionof NationalMotorwayM-4 Shorkot- KhanewalSectionProject ICB-M4-lllA: Shorkot- DinpurSection(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 10-i: Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) BiuNo. AMOUNT (RS.) Description BillNo. 10A CTVIL WORKS BillNo. l0B PLUMBING WORKS BillNo. l0C ELECTRICALWORKS BillNo. 10D EXTERNALWORKS BillNo. 10E STRUCTURAL STEELCANOPY & RELATEDWORKS BillNo. 10F RC.C TOLLBOOTH TOTAL FOR Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) . 1. No 6 \q,e R,F! ,/,sj G] / -\, \F/o^ Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurementof Works ,t\',/i ADB/tCB-M4-tA Section4- BiddingForms 4-104 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 1191200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. lG.i : Toll Plazas(f0I-4-LANE) to particularrpecilicalions(Buildings)m B Ercavatiol in Fouidatioi! ircludinE dressing lereling, 95'lo oornpaction i). Itl Commotr Mrteriel consistingof aEolion,alluvial, residualmaterialconsistingofg|avel, shale ashes,Ioam,san4 clay or any combinationof thosgmaterial,alteredor weathermaterial bouldec lessthan one qu€rte.(1/4) cubic metcrin volume,embeddedin othermaterial. Earth fillitrg, back lilling iD plinth, Columns footingsJFall footitgs and any other With selectedexoavaledmaterialwhereavailablewith 95% (AASHTO) compaotion(modifed including moisteningto opfimummoisturEcontentvrith m€chanioalmeansin 6,' tayers mtural ground levevexcavatedl6vel to bottom ofstone Soling (pmvidedseparately). With selectedquarry/Bonoworanular (A-3) materia.lobtahed from outsidesourc€with 95olo co tpaction(modified proctor)including moistenitg to optimum moistureoontentwith meansin I lalaf, of 6" understodesoling (providedfor separately). applyingT€roitc Control Trertmetrt (Fipronil (Agenda25EC)) underfoundaiionsand asper the requirementsofspocifications and fumish guaraoteethat the buildings shall be fie€ tgnnitis, wood boresand otherpests,which oausedamageto wood and otherorgadicmaterial, a periodof l0 y€a$ frorn the daieofoompletion ofthe buildings. Cotrcrete(1!4:8) Clali 'E Cvlindrical ComDressiveStreneth fc= 1400 wall tbunddiorF using local sandand margallacrushedstone whererequiredlevelingard curing etc. cornpletein all rgspectsasper drawings, beding but including shutteringoenteringand its binding asin foundalion,columntanpit for parapi,window doorjambo and projections etc as p€r drawi[g and specifications Rei orcemetrt Sto€l (Grede60) including cutting bendin& placiog aod biding wire. Coating 2 coatsof Bifllrnen 0.41V# (0.21bltr per coa,of40/60 grade)all build surfac€s founddions, Plinth bearnsideserposed1oeerttl' top sulfaceof flinth bearnand Cohrmnexposed Procurementof Wot*s ADEICB-NI4- iA Section4- BiddingForms 4-105 Addendum No.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M#IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km ll9+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 10-i ! Toll Plazas(for-4-LAIIE) to particular specifitations@uildings)Itr B 1-U2" DPC castitr situ usirg Fine Sandmixed with any approvedwater and Layiry ofPolt'tlFne She€t500 gauge(0.005") thick prirre quality Iaid over stone for Flooring Plinth Protectim and .amp asper specificationand asApprived by the Engineer. Laying compactingand blocking 4" thick Slom Soling with 2" down gaugegraded StoneBlast with stonedust filling atrdfine sandaggegatesover gelaid and precompactedfill, bumt Brick Dasotrry work with cementsandmoftat 9" thiok Wall vitlt I :4 oementsandmortar bar to orede halfgrout neck)both horizontallydrd vertically or y on outerwall surfaceofthe 9' thick Wall with l:4 c€me$tsandmortar in ordiDaryfnish. 4.5" thick Wall q,ilh I :4 cementsandmorta in ordinary finish. % inch thick on walls calumns.C€ilins inoludins floatins coat under On Inte.rul and ExtErnqlWalls/colulnnswith I :4 cemgntsandmofar On Ceilins with I :3 cqnent sandmortar Aluminum Wire Mesh underPlastg includins Beads. and layilrg fair hce (Gutka) ?25x57x38rnfi at fily heigh floor usirg specialclassbumt laid in l:3 c€meotsandmortar ircluditrg approvedcolourpigment rackingoutjoirts, grooveboth vertical and horizodal, curing, cleaningstaging6nd scatrolding€tc. complet€ all respectsasper dmwingsspecificationsand all to tho approvalofthe Engineer. 3 coqb fiom asputedma factwer asper speoifioationir Ext€mal (wFathershield Pai[t) 3 ooats iv) wall fitrish coatof Procurement of wo*s ADB/tCB--{\44- A section 4 - BiddingForms 4-106 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(3f Km) (Km 119+200 to Km f 50+200) BILL OF QUAI\TITIES BILL NO. 10-i : Toll Plaza$(for-4-I-{NE) to particularspecifications(Buildings)m B i. Providing and laying ofprime quality 8.9ffn thick 16'hl6" ft body PorcelainTiles for flooring 3/4" thick I :2 cementsandmortarbed with apprcvedPorcelainBondingmaierialand floating coat ofcement zmdLsper specificdrionsand approvedby lhe Projec!Manager. a. 16"x 16" Pre-Polished Prlistan p'rlino or equivalentwith borderPre Marble lile for lloorhg i/c finishing over bed of3/4" thick l:2 cementsandmortar as in daawingsin approvedmanrler,aspe! specificationsand ss approvsl by the Project Providing and laying ofprime quality, local malre,5mm thick or moreglazedceramicliles for mable chipstiles 3/4" lhick for Ploviding and laying of 12\12" PrePolishedMosaic/T€f,razzo laid in white oernentaid pigmentover 3/4" rhic,kbeddingof l:2 cementsandmortar i/c compl€tein all respeotasper drawingard asAppdved by the Engineer and laying 8-9mm$ick pre polished5"{" wid€ x 16" long Potcelaintile for skirting as in drawingwith approvedquality rile bondingmaterialasper specificationsdd asapproved and laying tA' thick 6"x12" PrePolishedMosaictile for sldrting fix with cernentsand l:2 assholm in drawing and apprcvedmannerincluding irishirg completetu all r€spects iii. l{arble tilesfor skirtitrg: parlino andlayingofprifle quatitylD" thick6'x12" PrePolishedMadle lile (Pakistan for skirting with 1:2 cementsandmonar assho\anin drawiDgsin approvedmanneras specificarioflsi/c finishing erc-completein all rcspectsand asApprived by the Eogin€er. Procurement of Works ADB/lCB-t\44-lllA 4--\O7 AddendumNo.2 Section4- BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31Km) (Km 119+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILLNO. l0-i: Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) RATE (Rs. in Words) to particular $pecilications(Buildings) I B prime quality, local make,5mm thick or higherceramictilcs for dadoor skirting as / L roofing compd$ingof singlelayer oftiles 9"x4%"xl%' Q25xIl3x40 mm) gouted in I:3 sandmo.taxwith walrr proofmgage laid over l " mud plasterwithout Bhoos4 over 3" to pobthyne , over l" high densitythermopore(Poly Urcthene)sheet(tongueand pol!,thyeneover 2 coafi ofhot biturnenprimirg coat over RCC Slab complcl.cin all asshown in drawirg and a5approvedby tfte ProjectMamger. i) Providingand Fixing of 16 SwG steelsh€€tdoor fame l0'L2" flushedwith wall plasterwirh 1/8" plate al hingeslocatioos,3 hold-fasteaohside fill€d with 3000 psi oonoertegrout i/c 3 coats paint aodprepadry suafaogcompletein all rcpectasshownin drawingsasapprovedby Engine€r. l/8" backingplate at hing€slocations,3 hold-fasteachside filled with 3000 psi conc€rtegrout i/c 3 ofpaint ard preparilg surfacecompletein all repectasshownin drawingsasapprovcdby iii) Providing and Fixing of3" wide (l/2" taperedto l/4") Deodar,evooden oma$eotal architrave inoludi[g trenohpolishing completein all respecttud asappmvedby lhe Engineer glasshavingDeodarwoodeD framing I l/E thick with 6" wide top rail, 6" wide middle rail aod9" wide bottom rail with 5rm thiok pressedtoak ply'with impression/design on both side i/c I 1,2" x 3/8" deodarwood lipping all tround dle shuttef,, widr 9" botomrail , 8 " wide lock rail& 6' rop raili/c brasshinges(4 Nos.), all fitting frencbpolish 3 coarsand door handl€s,imporled lock andiower bolt etc. coflpleie in a.lltespectasshownin dmwitrg asapp.ovedby the openabl€leafusing deluxeseotioohaving ohowkatfiame of size l00mx40mm and leaf of 60nrnx40mm wide s€otionincludingthe cost of I/4" (5mm) rhick importedtinted glass aluminumtriangular gola alld rubbsr gasketto supporttlre glassard leafedging, using standardfittings, locks, 3" (?5mm)wide long hddles etc., ard hardwareand rcquircd as Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADS/tCB-M4- tA Section4- BiddingForms 4-108 AddendumNo.2 Construction of Nafional Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIAT Shorkot-Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO, lGi : Toll Plazai (for-4-LANE) RATE( Words) No. 10A - CML WORKS to particularspecilications(Buildirgs)m B i9 Providing and frxing ofDoubte l€afsteel Louver Doorscompdsingsteslshutt€rwitll 16 SWG 6" top and side Stile, 16 SWG 8" bottom rail, l-l/4" x 16 SWC MS Louv$s weldedto stile, including polysfyr€neinsulatio[ filled i]l stiles,hold fas! hinges,all hardwareflttings ofprime quality, including 3 coatsofenamel pailb, locking arangement(heavyduty slidhg bolts), complete all respectasshownon drawing and as approvedby the Engineer, and pardy sliding using dehDresectionshaving Aame$ze of I oornrnx 20mm (4'x3l4) and ftame sectionsofsomm x 2ornrn(2"x3l4"), all of 1.6nm thicknessincluding 5mln thick impottedreflectedglasswith rubbergask€tusing approvedstandardlatches,hardware,eto asshown in drawing and asApprived by the Engineq. $ize 100rnmwide x 20mm high x l.6mm thick sectiorlsincluding 5rnr! thick importedsolar tiated glasswith rubbergasketusing approvedstanddd latches,hard{arc etc assho$n in thicl$ess anchoredto w'lls with l/4" dia conqete anchoBand l2"xl2" sh€l barsr€rtioal and weldedto steeltube frameasshownon dawing i/o painting 3 coab aompletein all itr Farap€l hole including l,2"xl" steeltube frdre having 1/8" wall anchorcdto &alls with l/4" dia concreteanchorssnd lD"xll2" sbel bals v€rtioaland weldedto steeltube Fameasshovmon dIawing i/c painting 3 coatscompletein all Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/tCB-M4-tA Seciion4- BiddinBForms 4-ro9 Addendum No,2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. l0-i : Toll Plazas(for.l-L{.NE) Item # Description Unit Quantity Rate( Figures) RATE( Words) Amouni (RsJ Bill No. l0A - CML WORKS Refer to particular spe{ifrcations(Buildirgs)m B 26 ,1 Stalr R iling Providing and ftxing ofstaircaserailing completein all respec! asp€r dEwings and consistsof: 2-12" dia schedule40 MS Pipe(top rail). l-lD' dia schedule40 MS PipoOotton rail). 2-112"die schedulo40 MS post ai 4'on c./canchoredin non+hrink, iron tee cementatious10.000 psi grout. I' dia sohedule40 MS pip€ pickets al 4" spacingb€tw€edposts,aUweldedwith U8,, minimum 870 )OC 3 coalsof matt emrnel paint asshownon drawhrgas approvedby The Engitreer. M 7.00 Sqm Som 19.00 4.00 ii (c), Providing and laying of 1',thick Mafule slabon Kitchetr counierasshowtrin drawing. sqm 5.00 i). Providing and fiat g ofcollzpsjble SecurityGarE(SoissorTpe) madeof2"x3l8,' steelbd at top vertioal s@l channal3/4" x 1/2rrx l/2" x l/8' at 4" c./c(appro).imarely)steelflat crosses5/8', with b€stquality roller at top of l-1/2' diarDeterrun on top steelbar dd l-1l2" x Lln" 3116',alndea! eachsideachored to subsfrBt€inoluding threehold fast per side, steelpins and spaca$, 12' long handlq locking arrargmentinside and out side,3 coatsofpainting ofblaokjapan cngmeled, completein all respeotsas sho*n in drawing and approvcdby the Engio€€r sqm 6.00 Crrpentry i! Kitchen Providiig aod lfing in positionKitchen WoodenC.abinetroonsistilg of l-l/2"x1-1,2,, thick Deodar wood Aane lrilh 314"rhick both sideslaminat€dVinboard boxing selves,shutterswith best quality finingq a.llhddwarq nails, handl€s,hinges,oompletein all .espectsasper d€signand drawing and asADrrrivedbv the Ensineer. i. Wall Mount Clbineb ii. Under CounterCabhets TOTAL OF Bill No. 10A- CIVIL WORKS Single-stdge : Twc+nvelope Procurement of Wor*s ADB/tCB-M4{tA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-110 Addendum No,2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31Km) (Kn 119+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILLNO. l{}-i : IblI Placas(for-4-LANEI RATE( Words) No. l0B - PLUMBING WORKS to particularspecificalions(Buildings) volumeIII-B CloseL Engish, prirre qualiry, In vitreous china clat Large P-trap , pldtic body Io$, Ievel 12 liiers flushing cistern, Ball type siphonvalv€, float valve, flush handle,PVC drain pipe al h prine Closet, Pakistali Oria$e, prime quality, ln viheous china clay, Large Iron P-trap , plastic body low level 12 liters flushing cistem, Ball Epe siphonvalvg float 1?lvq flush handle PVC dlain pipe all in prirne pipe for wasteand sewagglntemal drain€E system,inoluding Vents with laid joir$€d includiD8 b{ar|ohes'bends, Ys, tees, fming clamps, in floors, valls aod makiry good,exfia paintiru on pipe to matchthe oolor building holudiog testing completein all respecl laying, cutting, joifiing testing and disinfecting PPRC Pip€line wi& socketjoints all pipe specialsusing PPRCpip€s of DIN 8077 PN 20 corhpletein a[ respects,with speairlsandvalves. and disinf.otingG.I. pipelinein ketjoints, uritrg G.L pip€s ofB.S.S. 1387-1967completein all r€sp€cts, atrdvalv€s,(Medium Qudity) tr.p with RCC cover, Cament Cooorete chambef,size 6''x 8"x6" deep & outside.with 3" casthon P Wash haod bash wilh pedestalin approvecolor prim6 mgl€ iron bracket se! lv€stepipe, wastecoupling, corplete in a.ll Approi€d by the Engineer-Accessor;esfo. WashHand Basinaro: w'ter Mix€r o( Faucetfor basin/sinkcompletein a[ respect Procurement of Wo*s ADB/lCB-lvt+ A Section4-Bidding Forms Constructionof NationalMotorway M-4 Shorkot- KhanewalSectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Kn 11FF200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITMS BILL NO. l0-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-I"ANE) Item # Description Unit Quantity Rate (Rs, in Fiqur€s) RATE( Words) Amount (Rs.l Bill No. 108 - PLUMBING WORKS Refcr to particular specifications(Buildings)volum€m-B 8 9 t0 ll 12 l4 lt t7 hoviding and Fixing ofbest qudlity importedtooking class 5 mm thick (size 22" X 22") includhg costof fitting asApprovedby tlle Etrgineer, Providing and Fixing of approvgdprime quality plastic body Bath Room Aooessories including castoffitting asApprovedby the Enginecrincluding follow: Nos. 3.00 Nos. Nos, Nos. 5.00 10.00 9-00 Nos. 26.00 Nos. 1.00 aJ2" dk b) I U2" di{ Providing and fl\ing of goodquality brrss non retum vahtswilh male and femal€ends Nos. Nos. 4.00 7.00 2'. di, koviding and fixing of plastic body prime quality Muslim Shower including PVC flexible pipe and CPlPowdercoatedDoubleBib Coct asApproved by the E gireer_ Nos. 3.00 Nos 9.00 Nos 9.00 Nos 29.00 Nos 3.00 i. TowelRail ii. SoapDish iii. TissuePaperHolder Providing and fixing PVC tloor trap 4"X3' wift concrob che.'nberall arotmdand4' PVC gatiry completein all respectsasApprov€dby the ProjectMamg€rProviding and fxing of500 GallonsFible class Ovefiead WaterTank, 3 ply, 3.5mm wall thiclocss with Supporton 4" thick concretepad completein atl resp€otsi/o making oonn€ctionsasshownin dfawing and asApprovedby lhe Engineer. Pmviding ard fixing brassvalves wift *'heel,ftandle,fireaded ends all in p.clfliun qualiBrlocal make in intemal diarnetq asfollo\ro:: hoviding and fixing of good quality CP/Polvdercoated 1.2" dia Bib cock approvec prime quality asshownin drawilg atrdasApprovedby the Ensineer. P.oviding and fixing U2" dia CP/PowderCoaredStopcock approvedpime quality ar fuproved by the Engine€r. Providing aIId fixing of Steel body prioe quality ShowerRose ircluding detaciabl( lid pipe as Appro\redby thc EngiDeEr. Single-Stage Two-Envelope Procurement of Works Zffi ADB/tCB-M4-lA Sectlon4-Bidding Forms 4-II2 Addendum No.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31Km) (Km ll9+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTMIES BILL NO. lGi : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) Item # Description Unit Quantity Rate( Fiquresl RATE( Words) Amount (Rs.) Bill No. l0B - PLUMBING WORKS R€ferto particularspecifications(Buildingr) volumcItr-B l8 lo 20 22 23 Providing and fixi'lg approved quality stainlcss st€el sink 33" X 18" pak mad( completewith anglehon bmckstsfix into walls ,1,4" chromiumplatedsink frucet,l. U4" chromium plated brasswastecoupling, unions and PvC dmin pipe, completeir a.llr€spectard Approv€dby the Engineer. hoviding and fxing Roof dmin assho\anon dmwings Providing and fixing approvedpdme quality GasBume. with T.iple Bum€r stainlesr steel body with all fl\ture" PVC gas piping work upto speoifiedlooation in kitchen oomplete in all respects inoluding making comection and as ApprorEd by th{ Eneheer. Nos 2.00 no 9.00 Nos 1.00 hoviding installing; testing and commissioninggas geyserSinger or Carmonmak( NO includidg all necessaryvah€s and fittings, connectionto servicesand dnins complet( in all resnects koviding and frying of3" Dia PVC Class-DRair Water Down pipe wrth shog bendr in Ducts including clamps, hold fast as required with lhe provision of clean out Mtr comnletein all rcsilectrnd rs ADnmvedhv the F-noineer Providingaltd fixing of4" Dia PVC Class-DRah Wder Do$n pips with shoe,bend: in Ducts including clamps, hold frst as required witl the provision of olean out Mtr .6ft6lere in ,II re<n.ct trd ,. Annr 31.5 48 ved hv rhe Fnoi.e.t TOTALOF B|II No. lOB - PLUMBINGWORKS ffi Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of work ADB/tCB-M4-[tA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-rr3 AddendumNo.2 Construcfion of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M,I-IIIA: Shorkot-Dinpur Section(31Kn) (Km ll9+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 10-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) Item # Description Unit Quantity Raie (Rs. in Figures) RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) Bill No.loc - ELECTRICALWORI(S Ref.r to ptrlicolrr specificrlions{Buildings} Itre fate lor all BUQ ltaxnshall mcludeprovldmg,constructmgo labfrcafing,hxm& executm&applyng, as apphcablealrd addfonally as ttherwisestatedagainstfte specific itemsshall includeall mat€dals,labor,efforts, plant ard equipment,c.mplete in all respecti,asp€r Crawiflgs,@provedshopdrawings,specificatiods,asper NEC, NFPA 70 & NEMA vaxiousapplioablestipulationsofthe oontraot Cocuments, miscellareousdet4ils,asper insauctionsand asdircctedby lhe Engineer-All samplesshall be p.ocuredatrdprovidedby the aonhactorat his o$fi costfor aoorovalbv the Ensineer. Supply and widng for light & fan witb 3xl.5mm.sq single corq PVC insulateds&andedcoppel conduclorwire in 20mm (3/4") dia PVC conduit reccssedin the wall of column, roof etc. required. 16030t Point completeill aI rcspeclsas Approved by the Engineer.(Beta,Polo Conduit / Pakisran,New Age Cableor eouivalentas aDDroved bv The Ensineerl Supplyalld wrrurg tbr sircult wit]r 2x2,5mm.sq,PVC insulat€d 300/500voltagegrade,srnglecorq st{andedcopper oonduotorlvire directly &om DB in 20 mm(3/4") dia PVC conduit includin€ 16030s lxl.srffn.sq oableas ECC rcc€ssedi! the wall ooluEroand roof ato as required.Compl€teall ix Point l4 respecBas Approved by the Engine€r. (Bet4 Polo Conduit / Pakistan, New Age Cable ol eouivalentas aDDroved bv The Enpineer) Supply and w'tlmg lbr light socketsw1th 2ro.5mm.sq + lxl,5mdsq PVC irsulated 300/50( voltagegrade,single corg @pperconduciorwire dirccrly from DB in 25 rnm(l ") dia PVC conduir rolm 16030x l6 recessedin the wall colurnn and roof e{c. as required. C-ompleteall in respects. (Bei4 Polo , Pakist n New Aoe csfile rr emrivalent as annroval hv The Fnoin*r\ Supply and rurmg for power sooksb with 2x4mm.sq + l)C.5mm.sq PVC ilsulated 300/50( voftrge gmde,siDglecore,coppercon(tuotorwire directly fron DB in 25 mm(l") dia PVC oonduil 16030y recessedin the wall column and aoof etc. as required, complete all in respects. (Bet4 Polo, Pzkistan New Ase cahle.r eo[ivalent acrnnirved hv Th€ Fnaineer) Point l4 Supply aod wiring fiom switch socketsto sookotswith 2x2.5mm.sq+ lxl.5mm,sq PVC insulat€. t6030x 300/500 voltage grade,siryle oore, copper conductorwirc direotly ftom DB in 20 mm(3/4")di. Poiat PVC conduit.ecess€din the vall colurm and roofetc. a$requircd Completeall in respectsSupply and wrrng lor Ar cond1tlormgpow€r sock€tsol2x6mm.sq + lx,z.5inm.sq smgle core PVC insulated300/500 voltagp gl6de, copp€r strandedconductorwirE direcdy from DB in 2: 160302 mn(l")dia PVC conduit receesedin the wall column and roof etc. as required. Complete in al respeotsas Approwd by the Engin€€r. (Befa, Polo Conduit / Pakistan, New AgB Cable o eo;vrLrt r. r.mvdl Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Point 8 hv The\ Procurement of Work ffi ADB/tCB-M+tA Section4- BiddingForms 4-774 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Kn 119+200to Kn 150+200) BILL OF QUAIITITIES BILLNO. 10-i : Toll Plazas(far-4-I-ANE) RATE( Words) 6nd wiring of4 core PVC,/PV(}CU cableof 600/1000V gradein dl kinds of existing prelaid PVC c-onduitin approvedmanneras shown in d.awiflg compl€t€in all respeots by The Engin€er.(Pakista$,New Age Cableor equivalentasapprovedby The Engineer) 4 core l20nm, PVCYPVC/CUoable 4 core25nun'zPVC/PV(YCUcable 4 core6mm'PVC/PVC/CU cable and wiring ofsingle oorePVC cable450/750 Volls gradein pr€-laid pvc conduit as poweroablein approvedmarmeras shownirl dmwing clmplete in all retpectsasApproved Engineer.(Pakistd,New Ag€ Cableor equivalentasappoved by The Engineer) fi11isg,pull boxes,ifspectic'n boxes,1e€s,bends,crosses,using accessori€s foa propgr joinb, in roof slabs, Walls and under floo$ for Fower oabl€sinoludiqg cufring in walls as r€quire4 back filling and making good the ont cavities with cem€ntsed mort'I all manneras shown oo drawings, completein all .espectas Approved by the installation and coruecting of gang switches one o. two way with Plastic back wall cutring fixing etc. ed making good codplete in all t€€pectsas required by The Engineer-(Clipsal, Legrandor equivalentasapprovedby The EDgin€€r) Single-stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Works AD8/rCB-M+lrA Section4- BiddingForms 4-115 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Moforway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot-Dinpur Section(31Km) (Km 119+200 ro Km f 5OF200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. lGi : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) Item # Description Unit Quantity Nos. 2l Nos- 43 Nos. 2l Nos. l6 Nos- 6 Nos. 8 Nos. 44 Nos. t2 Nos. 9 Rate(Rs,in Figures) RATE (Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) Bill No.loc - ELECTRICALWORXS Relerto particularsp.cilicrtioN(Buildings) Supply, installation, connecting aod Testing of Pdme quality far dimmer with switch wit] 16020h plastic/Pvc bapk box completein all respectsas approvedby The Engineer.(Clipsal, Iagrand o] snivrlmt .. ,htrhv.d hv The Fnoin.r\ Supply, installation, comecting and fixing 13 Amps polyoarbonateflam€ retardant 3 pir Multipurpose switch sooket unit wi$ faroy gang plate fixed on die fab.icate4 powder coatea 16020c metalboardrec€ssedin wall or c4lur,tl including connectionsasrequircd.Completein all respects rclincrl VivdIn Sdcke$ Supply, providing connecting and fixing 15 Amps polycarbonateflame retardant3 pin switcl 16020c socketunit with faocy gaig plate fixed o'l die fabricated,powder coatedmetal board rec.essed ir wall or column including coDnectionsasr€quired compl€toi! all rosp€ob.(Clipsal). Supply, insrallatio!, connectingard T€stingof fluoresc€nttube light fifting fr^tlie, 4' length witt frame, difrrser, eleotonic baflas! ad 28 watts fluorescentTL5 tub€ rod cool day light lamp 6.! 16050c Philips TMSzIs Slim line complete in all rcspectsas Approv€d by the Engineer (Philips or ednivrlfrt r. ,6bmv.d hv The Fnoinsr\ Supply, installation, connecting and Terting of fluoresc€rt tube Iight fitting iixture, 4' l€ogtb completewilh fiame, difrus€r, eleotronioballasl and 2x 28 walb fluoresceft TL5 ntbe rod cool daJ 16050c light lampasPhjlips TMS225 Slim line completeio all respectsas ApFoved by tlrc Engine€r fPhiliis or eouivalentrs ,nnmved hv The F,nsineer) Supply, installation,C,onnectingand Te6tingof 2'x2' tluo.€Ecedreo€ssed4x lE watts c€iliig lighr fitting fixture eompletcwith clectronioballast as Philips TBS0884x 18 watts fluorescentTL5 tub( 16050c rod cool day light oompletein all r€spectsas Approved by the Engineer.(?hilips or equivaledtd tmrdved tF The Fnrinffi\ Supply, Installarim, comecting and Testiq of lx23w recessedg,pe Energy Save. Do$n Lighr wift Bakelite lamp holder, reflector, (imported) fitting codplete with lx23watts CFL lamp, ar 16050e PHILtrS Cat No. FBH-145/1X23W PLC. Cornpletein all respectsas requiredas apFoved by th( Enpineer fPhiliDs.r eduivalenraqannrovedbv The Enpineer) Supply, hstallatioq connecting and Testing of lx23w wall mounted bulk head larnp holder l60s0d ,refl€cto,r,(importeofitting complete widr llo3watts CFL laltD conplere itr all respectstu rcquirodasapprovedby the Engineer(Philipsor equivalert as approvedby The Engineer) Supply, Irutallatioq Connectingalld Testingoferea*rer p{oof light IP54 oompletelvith electrod( 16050d ballast, splash ploof casing and I x 35 wafrs fluorescenttube rod cotlplete in a.ll respectsal requiredasapprovedby The Engiseer-(Philips or equivalentasapprcvedby The Engineer) fr ffi t*. t€ /-u '/sj ,V Single-Stage : Iwo-Envelope Procurementof Works ADB/lCB-M4- tA Sedion 4- BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Knr 119+200to Krn 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. lGi : Toll Plazas(for-.LLANEt RATE( Words) instaling, q)lmecting andt€sting56" sweep;eiling hn with oeiling rose,c€iting hoolq matchingGl pip€ for iuitable heightwidng up to temination point conplete in a.llrespects by the Eryineer. (GFC,Royal or equiva.lEntasapprovedby The Eagineer) switch, cable inoluding metal louversoompletein all respectr€spectsas approvedby i msrarung conn@rrngand testmg oI 4]um (16", sweep housing rcgulalor & pulling oord switch, fitted on wall or column with GI clip as required oompleteh all respectas approvedby The Engineer. (GFC, Roya! l6l l0 md constructionof Tube well with 7' dia borins installed with 5" dia lvIS 14 pipe, steel shainer. The $pacebetw€onbothg wall and MS pipe shall be fified with U8" min. and 3/8" mu. in size. The tube well shall be instaled with a 4' dia 1.5 K. submersiblepump, l" dia GyIIDPE Pipe (PE{3) suction pipe as per rcqui&ment with r€spect \r,ater table, Eleotdcal Pan€l including Circuit brcakef, U/OVT telay ed plugs, panel Soclrets,RCC Pump shade/covercomplete i!| all rcsp€ct alld as per of The Elgineer. The lengih of strainer wil dependupon the ground \rater table bearingstrala wilh a minimum 50 ft. lenglb- Submersiblepump is supporledby 8mm wire, Powet cable shall be wrapped water pmof trpe as in drawing. PUMPSor equivalentasapprovedby The Engineer) fixing, connectingand t€sting of (as per manufacturerreoomrnondations)AC Pumping Set 2HP Ratiq 220 volts, 50 cyoles electrio motor with c€ntrifirgal with motor, suctioqand dischargeI " x I ", coupledon a mntmon basepldg 1" dia G.I Piping connectionsand required bends, Sockeb, tees, udons etc., gate valve, troFretum valvq foot valve alrd strainerat UGT sump level as p€I drarriDg, including Circuit brcaker, U/O\IT r€ley and plugs, Sockets,PF improv€nent pan€I, shade/coyer,completein all .esp€ctsand as Approvsd by The Engioeer.(KSB, o! equival€fltasapFoved by The Engineer) Procurement of Works ADB/|CB-M+tA Section4-BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M{IIIAT Shorkot- Dinpur Section(3f Krn) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. lGi : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) coaled indoor floor mounted and suitable foudation cornDletewith all intqnal idediioation la.bels,TPN&E orpper bus bars, hansparentplastio sheet, amored lookable covers, oable brass glands where requircd oonsisting as follovrs with details as shown on diawings, oompletein all respectas Approvsi 16070 M.S Powder coated indoor rccessedtype moutrtiflg front doot accesscotrlplete with wiring, tags, idcntification labels, TPN&E copper bus ban, fansparedt plastio sheet, coveF, cable brass gladds where rcquirod consisting as follows with details q3shoBDon drawings,completein all respectas Approved Procurement of Work ADB/lCB-t\44tllA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-118 Addendum No.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIAT Shorkot - Dinpur Sectiotr(31 Ktn) (Krn 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUA}ITITMS BILL NO. l0-i : Toll Plazas(for-{-L4,NE) installation,connectingaod Testing of Distributiotr Board- (GensetRoom) oonsisting 16 SWG M.S Powdercoateditrdoor recessedtt?e mounting front door accesscompletcwith wiring tagt identification labels, lockable co.r€rs,oable brass gards where copper bus bars, tr"ansparentplastic dleet armored gands consisting as y conforming/complyingwith details as shoun on drawings,completein all .espoct by The Engineer.(ABB, MC, CE or Eva") Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of works ADB/lcB-+l,l-lllA sedion4-BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Krn 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. l0-i : Toll Plaza$(for-{-I-4.N8) LIGHT) consisting of t4 SWG M.S Powder coated outdoor floor mounted and foundation,weatherprooflP54 including front door acc€6scomplgtewith all intemal wiring, ide tilication labels, Photo sensorand mounting bracket of Photo sensorfo! Auto Switching lights, Magnetic contact$s, Fuses, TPN&E copperbus bars,transparentplastic sheet,, coveF, cabl€ bmss glards $'here required consisting as follo s conforming/complyiry with detailsas shor,t,non drawings,completein all respectas Approved 16070 consistingof 14 SWG M.S Powdercoatedoutdoot floor mounted ard suitablefouldatiofl , tr54 including tont door accesscompletewith all iffemal wiring tags,identification senso'rand mounting bracket of Photo sensor for Auto Switchi$g of lights, contactors,Fuses, TPN&E copp€rbus bars,transpaEntplastic shee! , I,ockablecove$, cable where requircd consistingas follorvs addiUonaly conformidg/complyingwilfi detaiis on dra$,ingF,aoioDletein aI respectas ApFoved by The Englnecr. (ABB, MC, GE Procurementof Works ADB/tC8-M4l A Section4- BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km ll9+200 to Krn 150+200) BILL OF QUANfiTIES BILL NO. lo-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) RATE( Words) ard ratitles S.PofMCB circuit breaker insta.llation,connecting and Testing of Distribulion Board- (CANOPY of 14 SWG M.S Powdercoatedoutdoorfloor mounted and suitablefoundation. including ftont door accesscompletewith a.llint€mal wiring; tags, identification sensorand moMting bracket of Photo sensorfor Auto SwitchiDg, Magnotic , TPN&E copper bus bars, transparentplastic sheet,,lockablo colErs, oable bmss requiredconsistingas follows additionally conforming/oomplyingwith details as dlown completein all respeotasApprolEd by The Engineer. (ABB, Mq GE or Eva.) 16070 Sudy, installarioqconnectingand Testingof Distributioo Board- (TOD BOTH oorsisthg of 14 SWGM.S Powd€rcodtedoutdoorfloor nounted and suitablefoutdatiotr , proof IP54 includirg frodt alooraccess@mpletewith all intemal wiring tags,identification Photo sensorand mounting bracket of Photo sensorfor Auto Switohing, M€netio Fuses, TPN&E copper bus bals, transparentplastio sheel, lookable covers, oable brass wherereqEiredconsistingas follons additionally codoming/complyi[g with details as showr drawhgs, completeir all respectasApprovedby The EDgin€€r,(ABB, MG, cE or Eva) Procurement of works ADB/tCB-M+lA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-!27 Addendum No.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km ll9+200 to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUAI\TITID,S BILL NO, 10-i : Toll Plazas(for-,tI-4.NE) Itcm # Description Unit Quantity Job 3 Rate( Figures) RATE(Rs"in Words) Amount (RsJ Bill No.10c- ELECTRICAL WORXS R€f€rto par{icnhr rDeciticrrions(Built DOIiBLEPOLEMCCBlsKA circuit 16070 Contactor50A SPMCB RC1OKA and Earth connectot Grounding Work Jupply, mstauallonconnectmg,bonng/excavafionand t€dting to lessthafi I otun ot earthmgsel with 20mm dia 3 rneter long copper rod encasedin 3' dia Pvc pipe lowe'redand burisd in th€ groundin 4" dia boriry in all type of soil to wate,rtable at rcquireddeptll plared oon$oted with I K 70 mm sq HDBC bare oE-conduotorftom grounding rod to eanh test coppe. bar as eatl 16090 oonneotidgpoint The remaining cavity around the copper rod shaU be fled wi& gromdinC enhanoementcompoundpacked hard all around the copper rcd for MDB grolmding, pole lighl grouoding add lightning protection grounding cornpletEin all respectsas approved by Thc Enoineer Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurementof Works ADB/rCB-M+ A Section4 - BiddingForms AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICFM4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Kn) (Krn 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUAI\ITITIES BILL NO. 10-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) Item # Dercription Unit Quantity Job 3 Rft 70 Job 3 Rn. 50 Rate( Figures) RATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) BiUNo'loc - ELECTRICALIryORI$ Referlo particularsp€cificrtions(Buildings, 16090 r6090 16090 16090 I6090 Supplt inst llal.ion of 12" long 2" wide %" thick (12">r2"xyr) copperbus bar as earthoonnectinE point (EcP). The (ECP) shall be complete with insulator, washers, nuts, bolts, mountinl itstallation and operationalacc.e$sories as p€r @ohlioal specificationand as pet site rsluiremet comDletein all aesDects asADDrovedbv The EnsiseerSuppl, installation and wiring ofsinge core lx7omm sq PVC copperwhe 600/1000Volts erad( in pre-laid pvc oonduit tom ECP to MDB as ECC conductorin app.ovedmarlner as shol^ll ir drawing complete in all .espectsas Apprcved by The Engineer.(?akistaL New Age Cable o eouivalentasanorovedbv The Enpineer\ ruPPry arro (rnsuuuum or lrD(ilII arq zII oe9PufrpKtlrasonry fiafl(I nole kJ cyrve(eatmfirg,r. pip€ Tee i./cc€mentedlloor, inside l:4 plasterand IftrIft RCC covei flulh on floor codplete in al resDects asADDrov€dbv The EneineerSupply and installation of l%"xll3" coppe! stip ftom top of building (lightiing - Spike) to ECI EarthingPoint including blass saddleat I ft. interval, b.assscrew etc. completein all r€spectsa.! Aoorovedbv Tho Engineer. Supply and installation on top ofbuilding l" diameter3ft lmg lightding copp€rrod witlr ball anr five snikesfx ol headcomDletein all rcsDectsasAbbmvedbv The Ensineer Rord pole lighttng Job Supply & Installation of mild steel tubutar swaCpd/reldedSilver enameledpainted Road ligh single afm pole ofoverall length loMrrs having 3 stepsa$d dimeDsionof250x100x?5mm & filb( thiokress 6-5-4mm respectivelyfoi fixing road light cornpletewith M.S. bas€platehaving 20nur thipknessand 300sqnm long curvedbracketwith 800nunradiusfor mounting light fir'1urewith al 16050g requiredcivil works (includhg PCC foundationswhereverrequircd as pef,relevantstandardsan( as per iGtructions) with suitablepreczutionsfor suring prevertim ftom insectvverms, propet waier proof-terminationof cablesand wirgs oompletedi! a neat and satisfactoryDanner inclMirt earth rod copper cladded steel 200rnm connectedlvith pole through Rope/wire complete in al respectasApprovedby Th€ Engine€.. Job 8 Supply & Instalalioo of mild steel tubular swagEd^r€ldedSilv€r enameledpainted Ro6d lighl doublearm pole of overall length 10Mt$ havilg 3 stel,sand dimensionof l50xl00x75nm & tubr thickrcss 6-5-4mft rcspectivelyfor frxing road ligbt completewith M.S. baseplatehaving 20ffi thiclcFss and 300sqnm long curvedbracketwith 800ormmdius fo( mounting light fixure with al 160509 requircdcivil works (including PCC foundationswhereverrcquirsd as p€.rrelevart standardsant as per instructions)with suitableprecautionsfor grNuringpreverfiotr ftom irFectstuerms, propel wEterDroof:teiminationof cablesa0d wir€s comDleiedin a neat ,nd satisfectorvmznnerinclidin! earth rod copp€r cladded steel 200mm connectedwith pole dsough Rope/wir€ complete in al respectasApFol€d by Th€ Engin€er. Job 6 trR e"\st; € +/t \i'aiDFL-at/ Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Prccurementof Works ADB/tCB-M4{tA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-L23 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITMS BILL NO, 10-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-I"ANE) , oxrng aIN ms[altiurcn oI Koao ltgnung turntnatte su aDrc on rote tol use Sodium Vapor 250W lieht as Philips SCP 338 SON -T 250W lamp inoluding cum r€Ilector of deep drawn aluminum, powder coat€d in grey oolor outside ad all accessoriessuch as energJeffici€nt copper ballast, electronic igniter, power factor capacitoretc.,are prc-wircd up to a terminal blocl( and mountedon a specia.llyd€signed g€ar plate. Confomance to IP 54 proteotion complete in all r€spect as Approvcd by atd fix;rg ofjundio, box concealedin foundationwith lookablecover dust dd proofgasket 50mmx200mmxl50mmdeepJunotio! box nominal size of 16 SWG thick MS r cablc looping box with the adsting pole with MS clahp madeout of 2smrnx3mmthick flat suitablenuts and bolts completewirh hinged cover ard locking screwseadh studs suitablefor pole mountedincluding supply and fixing onerc 6 Amp MCB ca.riorwith and 4 way + Grounding60 Amp terminal block suitableto rec€ivePVC amorcd oablefixed suitable size Bakelite sheetbase c.mplet€ with conaectionpainting as required, completein asApprovedby The Engin€€r. Supply and fixing of PVC pipe sleeve40 rnm dia Nomind 2.5 metei l€ngth alory the pol€ ofundefground cable6s required(vertical length) asrcquired,completein all .espeot flcxible cable l3mtres in lerg l in tubular pole glands, nut$, bolb, required acc€ssoes supply to the streetlights as requiredas apFoved by The Enginerr. (Pakistan,New 600/1000V gade PVC insulated and PVC sheathedarmored copp€r sh'andedconductor I6rnrn.sqpower cableand 6mm.sqcoppercable rs ECC connecEdto goundilg pit /ECP in laid 40ffn conduit ,complete as requirEd as p€r specifcations as approvedby the Supply & Installationof I-t ?e mild steeltubular swaged/w€ldedRoad light pole of overall having 3 stepsand dinension of l50tl00x75mm & tube thickmss 6-5-4tun r€spectively fixing road light complotewith M.S. baseplatehaving 20r!m thicknessand 300sqrnmlong brackotwi$ 800mmradiusfor mountinglight fixture wilh all requir€dcivil worl(s (itrcludirg foundationswhereverrEquircd as pe. relev€ot standardsand as p€r instruotious)with precautionsfor ersuring prcventionfrom ins€cts/rerms,propef,water prcof-teruinalion of aJd wires including earthrod clpper claddedste€l200Nn conneltedwith pols through compl€t€din all satisfactorymann€ras approvedby The Elgine€r. Procurement of Work5 ADB/|CB-M4- A Section4- BiddingForms 4-724 Addendum No.2 Constructionof NationalMotorwayM-4 Shorkot- KhanewalSectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(3f Kn) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 10-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) RATE(Rs. in Words) fxing ard installarion of Road liShting lumiaaire suitable on Pole for use with Sodium Vapor 250W light as Philips Tango 3 -T 250W including housingcurn deepdfawtl aluminum,powdercoatedin grey color outsideand all electricalacc€ssories such emcietrt copperballast,electronicignite!, poweafactor improvementcapacitoretc., arc up to a teminal block and firoufltEd on a specially designed detaahablog€ar to IP 54 prctectioncampletein all respeotasApprovedby The Engineer.(Pbilips) 400wattsHPIT Multi Ballasl & lamp including housingcum rcoeclor and all such ai energy efficient multi ballast elechonic igniter, power frctor etc., arc pre-wiredup to a terminal block and mountedon a speoiallydesigned plate. Confo.mance to [P 54 protEction complete in all respeot as Approved by artd fixing ofGI brEcketsilver enameledoo top the pole for the installationofthe light luDinairc al9.5 meterlong pole asrequired,or floodroad lights asrequired atd fixhg of JllIlctiorl box concealedin foundationwith lockabl€cover ,dust and glsket 5ouInx2oftnmxl5Onm deepJunction box nominal size of 16 SWG thiok MS loopirg box with the €xisting pole with I4S clalrp made out of 251nrDx3rmthick flat suibble nuts and bolts complctewith hinged cover and looking screwsearth shrds suitablefor pole mountedircluding supply and lixing one no 6 Amp MCB carier with 4 way + Ctoulding 60 Amp terminal block suitableto rcceivePVC armoredcable fixed size Bakolite sh€€tbase completewith comection painting as require4 completein asApproved by Thezuineer . ofrmd€rgroutrdcabloas requirpd,Completein all respectsas approvedby Th€ cable lo.smhes h length in htbular pole glands, nuts, bolts, required accessories supply to th€ sfeet lights as requiredas approvedby The Engineer.(Pakistan,New flood lights alld cano,pyrecessedlight in approvedmanneras shownin dra\,r'ingcompletein asApproled by thc Engin€€I.(Pakistan,New Age Cableor equivaleotasapprovedby Procurement of Works ADB/tCB-M4-tA Section4- BiddingForms Addendum No,2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot- Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section(31 Krn) (Kn 119+200to Km 150'1200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILLNO. lo-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-I-{NE) fabrication ,manufacturiag supply installation testing and conunissioningof 200KVA IKV/415v/230v.imped6ce 6o/0 ot specified,/suitable by IEC,DYN{1, outdoor according to BSS-l7l,tEC-?6 or VDE4532 specifications inoluding all tubes, oil filling, IIV/LV porcelain bushings, consewalor . sitica gel pocket with thermomsier,Offload tap ohanger,imported double float Fessurc r€lief v€,rt, and drairage valves lifting lugs etc. with all installation and and making oil pit and protection relays,temperarurealarm & devices, and gounding systenrsfor body g.ound with 3mtr copperroad ,CC foundatiot as and rcquircd asp€r site asper teoderspecificationand as desiredby ThEEngineer oftechrical sheel(PEl-or equivalentasapprovedby The Engineer) Ceneralor 100KVA (Primary) at 0.8 PF,40ovolts,three pha5g,4wire,50hzat including AvR along with Elecfonio Panel and switch€s,tool k4 Day tuel tank 500lts piping syst€mand taansportationat site and separatetwo grouhdingsystem!for neutral grounding with 3mtl c-opper.oad as approvedby The Engineer of the follorving F.a!oe, PERKINS,CUMMINS IJK, MITSUBISHI Japan,CAT ULUSA, F.G. fabricatioD ,madufactudng , sup,ply installatio!, testing and oonE[issioning of switch parEt for Diesel Genq?ior IooKVA ineluding 75A FOUR POIE MCCB r€lats, U/OVT rclay, Phase failurE relay , Auto start ,,4uto Shutdo$n system at site, as approvedby The Engineer.ABBMGi SCHENDER. and soundproofCa[opy (85d8 al lm) suitablefor th€ abovedieselgeneratorsetas pad for r€plac€me ofDG SetrEquiredas dimensiors complete in all rcspcot as mentioned in drawing as approved by Procurementof Works ADB/rCB-M+tA Section4 - BiddingForms Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkol - Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Krn 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 10-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) Item # Description Unit Quantity Rate( Fiqures) RATE( Words) Amount (Rs.l Bill No. l0D- EXTERNAL WORKS Referto particular rpecificalions(Buildings) I Excavation in Fontrdalloo for extsmal works including undergmundwater tank, manholes septictanlq sodkagepit etc. disposalofunsuitable/SurplusMaterial. In Commorl Material consistingof aeolion,alluvial, rEsidualmaterial consistingofgavel Cu.m shale volcaDic ashos,loarn, smd, olay or ary combination of these material, altered ol wealhermaterial and boulderslesso|an one quafier (l/4) cubic meter in volume, embeddec 2 Errth filling backlilling With selected excaval€d malerial whore available wilh 95% (AASI-ITO) compachor (modified prcctor) itrcluditrg moistening to optimum moishre content with mechanical means in 6" levm 3 4 6 7 8 l0 fmn fhe nrnml mnnit lewej/ei.^vaf..,l Cu,m 1l1.00 Cu.m l 00 Cu.m 33.00 Cu.m 20.00 Cu.m 2.00 Tons 6.00 l&el L€&! Concrete (1:4:8) Clas6'tr' Cylindrical CompressiveStrength fc= 1500psi Concr€t€ (1:2i4) Clrss 'C' Cylindrical CompressiveStr.ngth fF 3000 pst €xcludid! steeland its bending but including shutteringoenteringand ib binding aJ per drawirg ana sDecificationsand asdirectedbv Proi€ctManaserConcret€(1:1-U2:3)Clq$r'B' Cylindrical ConpressiveStletrgth fc= 4000 psi (for U/G Wat€r Trnk) exclding ste6ladd its bendingbut hcluditrg shutbring c€ntedngdd i$ binding asper drawing and specincationsand as directedby Proj€ctMelag€r. Concret€ (1:3:6) Class 'D' Cylindrical C-ompressive Strengthfc= 2200 psi e)(cludingsteel and ils bending but inoluding shutteriJB cefitering and its binding as per dmwing ana sDecificationsand asdirectedbv Ensineer ProvidingReinforceEetrt St€el (Grade-60) itrcluding outting bending,placing and bindin€ First Classbumt Brick masonry work with l:4 cenent saridmortar i/c cuing €tc. coDrplet( Cu.m in all res:Dect: y, Pltster, inch thick l:3 c€mentsand plasteron RCC $alls/ceiling/slab including floatin€ Sq.Mt coatunderolaster. Plaster and Sealant Waterproofi4gon inside and outside of Undergound Wat€I Tank b] Aorylio Polymermodified cem€ntitiouss)atin& brush applied, tsowd filish€d, three coab, includitrg 10mmwhite aggr€de Frollction cover layer on inside and oov€rirg slurry plastel Sq. Mtr outside 2-3mm of minimum lhicloess, complete in all respect as pe.r rnanufaotrtrert inefnr.Ji^n qnd nnr v* hw Th. D-ia'r 223.00 Mh"-- 10.00 49.00 29.00 ,#- ,f+Y + Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of works *tosu ADB/|CB-M4-uA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-727 No,2 Addendum r : "-"i:H;lJl:';i::,T:"il3l*ii$H;flil:H?l:ffiprojec'f BILL OF QUAIiITITIES BILL NO. l0-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) Item # DeEcription Unit Quantity Rate( Fiqures) R,ATE(Rs. in Words) Amount (Rs.) Bi No,10D-EXTERNALWORKS Refcrto particularspecilic.tions(Buildings) l1 Cl Cover for U/G & Over Head Water Tatrk Providing and fixing ClassC-250 BS EN:124 (?oKg) CI Cover 18"x18" with T-shapeC. 6amewith fish tail amhors enrbeddedin slob ard locking arrangern€nt!s sho$r i! d.awing .nfrnlere t2 l3 t4 l6 l8 l9 in all fr.h.d a( Ann. vsl hv th. Nos 1.00 Nos r3.00 Mtr M1r Mtr 51.00 32.00 144.00 Cum 18.00 Fnain.F RCC Cover for Manhole Providirg and fixing 3" (75run) thrltk RCC manhole cover 22' (5j&nm) di4 with rer shapedCI Aamo of 20' (500mm) clear i/d (frame weighing 40kg) and fish tail anchon embedd€din slab-mmnlete in all .esnectas Annrovedtw the Frlineer Providing6nd laying R.C.C. pipe, mouldedwith oementoonorctel:lz':3, wilh spigot sockel 0. collarjoint, etc. itrcludingcost ofreinforoement,oonformingto B-S-591I Part I: 1981, Cla$s'L" including oariagp of pipe from factory to site of work, Iowering it kenchesto corrEctalignment and gade, jointing cutting pipes where necessary,finishin6 aid testing etc.,cornpletein all respectasApproved by the Engin€er. 12" dia Pipe 9" dia Pipe 6" diaPipe Over-blrnt Brick GRAVEL Fillitg in Sorksg€ Pit ProvidinB Filiry Oi€r bumt bdok Gravel Filling in soakagepit 3" do*n gaugegradcdbricl gravelasper specificationcorIDleiein all respecras Approvedby fte Eryincer T€stirg of udder ground water stolage taflk as per speoifioationsand as dir€cted by the Nos Ensineer. Providing and fixitrg of 3/8" ,r 6" deep continues ribbed water stopper in UCWI Mtr constructionioint as D€f,drawingand sDecification. kovide & fix Steel Grating as per drawings and spooificationoompletein a.ll respecta! Sq, Mtr aDEovedbv the Ensineer pla$tic Sand flled drum with woodeD block in betweer|for crash cushion at toll plaz, Nos islhd asDer Derdmwinss External Storm water drairage rlEtem Desigdng, Foviding & installing Rc.c pip€s Man holeswith gatitrgs for oonv€yingstonn water to perforatedpip€ trench draitr for disposalof stolm water or noar by stolm watel L.S disposalsysr€lr Cootractorto perfo,rmperm€abilitytests as rcquir€d and submit the d€sigr calcultions & dftwings to the Endneer for its approval 1.00 10.00 18.00 88-00 1.00 .;,zffis rorAl oFBiil1tfu)fEi?Ei(CNwoRKs Single-stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Work W# ADB/rCB-Nr4{[A Section4- BiddingForms Constructionof NationalMotorway M-4 Shorkot- KhanewalSectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot-Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. l0-i : Toll Plazas(foF4-I-A.NE) Item # Descriptiol| Unit QDaDJify Rate( Fiquresl RATE( Words) Amount (R6.1 Bill No. loE- STRUCTURAL STEEL CANOPV & REI"ATED WORKS Refer to particular specificatioDr{Buildings) 7.1 P,G&ISteelH Column, l4"xl4" (57 Kg/ft) M.S. Totr 2.47 P/F&I Purlins, "C" Sedion I 50mmx 55mmchahnels& runners. Ton 0.41 PF&I 1/2 dia M.S. bar, ?"'e"x1/4" M-S anglePlate3x40mm 3/16' M.S cleatplate. Ton 5r.08 P/T&I M.S baseplale 20mm thick (650ru! x 650nm size) To1I 3.96 7.6 P&G Mast€rflow 524(tronshrinkagematerial)& Cassetplale having 650x650mm foundation. No. 1.75 7.7 S&C 20 gaugeC.G.L SheetincludiDg50mm long ScrewsWTfHj BOLTS sq,m. S&I Canopyfasciaofwhite aoryliosheet. sq.m. 1.4 '1.5 582-75 99.s0 ii. P,/F2''2' Metal lalse ceiling consistingofgypsum boaxdpanelsl&I2rnm with Aluminurn larnination/foil on baakside and designon the ftont i/c cost of freework oftees, anglesand 4rffr hangingG.I wirE, including all wastageard leveling etc. cofitpletein all rcspectas approvedby the ProjectMarager. LM 582.75 P&F 24 gaugeM.S SheetrrEldedwith top 16gaugeMS sheetoffascia box LM t6.97 TOTALOF B|II No. IOE-STRUCTURAL STEELCANOPY& RELATEDWORKS Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/lCB-M4- tA Section4 - BiddingForms 4-729 AddendumNo,2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot- Dinpur Section(31 Km) (Kn 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. I 0-i r Toll Plazas(for-4-LANE) No. 10F - TOLL BOOTES @ach) itr Fourdalion, including dr€ssing lcveling 95olocampacrion In Common Mateiial consistingofaeolion, alluvial, residualmaterialconsistingof giavel, shale ashes,loa.rh,sarl4 clay or ary c4mbinationof thes€material,alteiedor wealhdrmaterialard lessthan one quarter(1/4) oubiometerin volume,embeddedin other material. Eerth lilling, brck filling in plinti, Columns footing!, wrll footirgs {nd any other foundatiorN. v(b). With sehcted$any/Borrow C'ratular (A-3) materialotnainedfrom outsidesourcewitlr 95olo compaction(modified prootor)inoluding moisteningto otrtirnum moisturccontentwith meansin 1 layer of 6' utrderstonesoling (providedfor separately). well foundafioB uting local sandard margallac.rush€d store of epprovcdqualig including where r€quir€d leveling and curirg etc, conplet€ in sll r€spcctr er p€r drrwings, tnd all to rpproYaloftb€ Etrgi[eer (1:2:4) Class rcr Cylitrdrical CompressiveStrength fc= 3000 psi exchding steeland its but including shutierirg c€nt€riry eld ih binding as in foundatio[ ,column,pampitbeam, p6rapet,window doorjumbo atd projeotions etc. as per drawingand specificatioDsard asdirect€dby R€inforcemetrt Steel (Grad€60) including cutting bending placing and binding wire. aEdl.aying ofPobd|e'te Sheet500 gauge(0.005") thick pdme qualiry laid over sron€soling for Plinth Protectionand rampaspq specifioationand asApp.ovedby the E gineer. Iaying compactiry aodblookilg 4" tlick StotreSolingwith 2" do\rn galge gaded Stone with ston€dust filling and fine sandaggregate$ over prelaidand prccompactedffl1"bacldll asper Procurement of Work ADB/ICB-f\44lllA Section4 - BiddlngForms 4-130 AddendumNo.2 Construction of National Motorway M-4 Shorkot - Khanewal SectionProject ICB-M4-IIIA: Shorkot - Dinpur Section (31 I{n) (Km 119+200to Km 150+200) BILL OF QUANTITIES BILL NO. 10-i : Toll Plazas(for-4-I-{NE) Item # Descriptior Unit FiastClassbumt Baioktile masonrywork with cernentsandmortar i/c cuaingetc. oompletein all respect: Providilrgmd laying brick tile with I :3 cemerf sandfioiar on roof asper drawingand asapprovedby th€ ProjeotManage. Cum 0.43 i) Intemal (plastioemulsionpaint) 3 coatsfrorll reputedmaqufacturerasper specificationin apFoved lqanner: DoorE sqm 38.00 Providhg and fixing ofAlumilum Sitrgle leafDoors anodiz€d(t5 micron) bronzecolor both sidesopen ableleafusing deluxesectionhavhg chowkatfralrle ofsize l00mmx40mmaad leaf tame of 60nrnx40mm wide sectionincluding the costof l/4' (5rnm)thick importedtinted glasswith aluminum fiangulax gola and rubbergasketto supportthe glassand l€afedging using approvedstandardfittings, Iooks,3" (75nrn) wide long handlesetc.. and r€quircdhardwafeas approvedby The Engioeer sqm 2.00 sqm I1.00 Quatrtity Rate( Fiqures) Amount RATE( Words) (Rs.l Bill No. loF - TOII BOOTES (Each) Rcferto particularspEcifications(Buildings)m B 8 qrinting 9 l0 !!indows ll Providirg and fixing of gazed A.luminumWindows ofanodized bronze(15 mioron) color petly fl\ed and rartly slidirg using deluxesectjoltshavirg frame sizeof l00mm x 20nnn (4"x3/4") a$d teaftanre sectio of sorrlln x 20mm (2"x3l4"), all of l.6mrn thicknessincluding 5mm $iok importedreflectedglasswith rubbergaskgtusing approvedstandardlatc.hes,hardwee, 6tc. asshoqn in drawing ad asApprov€dby rc Engin€er. UPanel,[,tercury glasswith metal irsect scleenwith aludinull Aame. TOTALOF Bill No.10F- TOLLBOOTHS(Each) Single-Stage : Two-Envelope Procurement of Works ADB/CB-M+IIIA *ft/*'*-*l- sEcTtoN I PLAN MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL 8,0 General 376. This sectionprovidesan approachfor managingand monitoringenvironmentrelated and management frameworkfor environmental issuesand describeslhe lnstitutional resourceallocationato be carriedout by the NationalHighwayAuthority(NHA)for Motorway(M-4) mitigatingnegativeimpactsof the proposedFaisalabad-Khanewal Proiect. 8.1 Objectivesof EnvironmentalManagementPlan (EMP) 377.TheEMP will help the NHA, addressthe upcomingadverseenvironmentalimpactsof the proposedMotorwayProject,snhancethe Project'soverallbenefitsand introduce standardsof good environmentalpractices.The primaryobjectivesof the EMP are to: 1 . Definethe responsibilities of the Projectproponentsin accordancewith the phases (design, threeProject construction and operation); Facilitatethe implementationof the mitigationmeasuresby providingthe technicaldetailsof each Projectimpact,and proposingan implemenlation scheduleof the proposedmitigationmeasures; Definea monitoringmechanismand identifymonitoringparametersto ensure that all proposed mitigation measures are completely and effectively implemented; 4. ldentifr trainingrequirementsat variouslevelsand providea plan for the implementation of trainlngsessions; 5. ldentifi/ the resources required to implement the EMP and outline financinganangements; corresponding and 6. Providinga costestimatefor all proposedEMPactions. 8,2 Key Environmental and SocialComponents and socialissuesassociatedwiththis Projectare as follows: 378. The key environmental 1. Resettlingcommercialstructuresowned by squatterspresentlyoperating withinthe proposedconstruction limilof the projectcorridor; Appropriatelylocatingtemporaryconslructioncamps, asphalt plants, and waste disposal sites, and the environmentalimpact of operatingthese facilities: 3. Regulatingthe procurementof borrowmaterialand topsoil erosionduring construction; Avoidingthe obstructionof Motorwaydrainagesystemduring construction andoperation; Environmental - Manaqement Plan and maintaining alongthe entirelengthof Enhancing avenuetreeplantation the projectcorridor; 7. Minimizingthe impacton culturalsites or structuresand community-owned assotsduringconstruction and operation;and Ensuringpedestrianand trafficsafetyduringconstruction and operation. Roleof FunctionariEs for lmplementation of EMP 8.3.1 General 379. This sub sectiondescribesthe methodologyrequiredfor the :mplementation of EMP in conjunctionwith the NHA, Design Consultants,EIA Team, Supervision Consultantsand Contractors.The executingagencyof the Projectwill be National HighwayAuthority(NHA).GeneralManager(NHA/ADB)will be the overallIncharge of the Project.The GM (NHp'/ADB)will delegatethe supervisoryresponsibilities of the Projectto the ProjectDirectorwho will have professionalslaff supportedby a teamof consultantsincludingEnvironmental MonitoringSpecia,ists/Consultants. 380. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA) Punjabwill act as the overall regulatory body.The specificrolesof keyfunctionaries are describedhereafter. plsnis shownin Figure.8.1. 381. The Organizational setupof the management EPHEDivision/NESPAR 8-2 Figure.8,1rOrganizationChart for Construction.EnvironmentalManagementand ResettlementAction Plan EPHEDMiSion/NESPAK 8-3 8.3.2 NationalHighwayAuthority(NHA) a) Project Director of The ProjectDirector{NHA)will be responsiblefor the successfulimplementation the Project.He will be assistedby the SupervisionConsullanls.The Projectis dividedinto four Packages.ProjectDirectorwill have four DeputyDirectors;one for everyPackage. Socialand Land/Resettlement) b) Director(Environmentt will be the overall inchargefor handlingNHA's 383. The Director(Environment) obligationswith respect to the EMP. Preparationof bi-annual environmenlal monitoringreport,or any correctiveactionplansrequiredto be submittedbyADB will will depute The Director(Environment) of DirectorEnvironment, be the responsibility one Deputy Director (Environment)for the Project, who will be responsiblefor ensuring that the provlsions of the EMP and Site Specific Environmental Plan (SSEMP)are implemented. In addition,the DeputyDirector l\/anagement (Environment) will also coordinatewith the EPA Punjab,provincialAgriculture,Foresl and Wildlife departments, NGOS/ CBOS and other public/ private sector organizations. will be assistedby AssistantDirector(Environment) 384. DepulyDirector(Environment) for the executiono{ Environmental ManagementPlan(EMP)for eachPackageof the will be responsiblefor the Project.DeputyDirector(Socialand Land/Resettlement) relatedissues. landacquisitionand resettlement 385. ExecutiveDistrictOfficer (E.D.ORevenue)will be assistedby D.D.O (Revenue), AssistantRevenueOfficer and Patwariesin assessingthe award price for land acquisitionto the affectees. 8.3,3 EIA Consultants 386. EIA consultantswill prepare a comprehensiveEIA and EMP of the Project in withPakEPAandADBGuidelines. comDliance 8.3.4 DesignConsultants measuTes designated for the 387. The designconsultants willensurethatall the mitigation in thedesignandincludedin thecontractdocuments. designphaseare incorporated 8.3,5 SupervisionConsultants will be headedby Consultants appointed by the GM (NHAJADB) 388. Supervision who willbe an Engineer. He alongwithhis teamwillsupervise a "ProjectManagea', the Project contractorsto ensure quality of work and fulfilmentof contractual obligations.The SupervisionConsultants(SC) will provideone Environmental (MC)whow:ll: Consultant Monitoring SpecialisU Ensurethat all the environmental and socialparameter$/provisions comply withthe applicable Envitonm6ntaI ManaoementPlan Ensure thal day-to-dayconstructionaclivities are carried out in an soundand sustainablemanner; envifonrnenially and workshopsfor Organiseperiodicenvironmental trainingprogrammes the Contractors' staffand NHAsite staffin consultation with the NHA:and Develop"goodpractices"constructionguidelinesto assistthe Contractors andNHAstaffin implementing the EMP; Assist NHA as required in developing the bi-annual environmental monitoring reports; AssitNHAin reviewingihe SSEMPdevelopedby the contraclor. 8.3.6 ConstructionContractor 389. EMP will be madea part of the contractagreementand the contractorwill ensure that all Projectactivitiesare in compliancewiththe EMPand NEQS. 8,4 Specific lmplementation Responsibilities and supervisionresponsibilities 390. This section describesthe implementation for the differentphasesof the Project, 8.4.1 Design Phase/Pre-ConstructionPhase 391. The Director(Environment, Socjajand Land/ResettlemBnt), NHA and his staff with the assistanceof EIA consultantare responsiblefor ensuringthat the Projectdesign and specificationsadequately reflect the EMP and the ResettlementPolicy Framework(RPF). He will ensure the Projeci's compliancewith environmental regulationsand donor requirements;and ensure stakeholderparticipationin the Projectdesign. 392. The responsibilities of Director(Environment) may be brieflydescribedas follows: 1. To coordinate withregulatory agenciesincluding EPAS,EIAconsultanl, local NGOS,that couldassistthe NHA in independent reviewsof environmental andsocialcompliance; 2. To superviseenvironmenlaland social assessmentreports,and provide substanlialinputsand guidanceto the EIAconsultant; JTo get the approvalof EIAfromthe EPAPunjab; A To ensure that the design consuitanthas incorporatedall the mitigation measuresproposed for tho designphasein the designand includedin the contractdocuments; 5. Submitthe bi-annual reportto ADB. environmental monitoring Specifica{ly, beforethe start of the Project,the NHA's DeputyDirector(Socialand will ensure that the followingactivitiesare carried out in a LandiResettlement) transparentmannerand accordingto the acceptablestandards: 1. ldentifyingand verifyingProjectaffectedpersons(PAPS)on the basis of specifleddocuments; 2. ldentifi/ingwhichpublicfacilitiesand ufilitiesneedto be relocated; sitesfor PAPSoutsidethe RoW; 3. ldentifyingalternativeresettlement 4. Carryingcut a consultation and dissemination campaignwith regafdto procedures, packages,and proposedalternalive entitlement compensation resettlement sites: individual files; entitlement 5. Preparing compensation 6. Preparlng andapproving budgelsi 7. Ensuringthat an adequatenoticeperiodis givento PAPSbeforeshifting; 8. Providingshiftingassistanceto displacedsquattersand to assistsquatterownersto salvagetheirfacilities as perADBGuidelines; and monitoring reportsto ADB;and 9. Submitbi-annual environmental priorto the commencement 10.Approvethe SSEMPprepared by the contractor of civilworks. 8,4.2 ConstructionPhase 394. The NHA will appointSupervisionConsultants, who alongwith the DeputyDirector (Envkonment) will overseethe workingof contractorin accordancewiththe EMP. The SupervisionConsultantwill liaise with the Project staff to monitor 6nvironmental compliance duringtheconstruction; He will supervisethe constructionand providetechnicalsupportto help withtheEMP; ensurecompliance . The SupervisionConsultantswill assess the environmentalimpact of Motorwayconstruction; He will monitorthe progressof work and adherenceof the contractorto the EMPand Resettlemenl ActionPlan;and He will direct the Contractorto work in such a manner that all Project withthe EMPandNEQS. activities arein compliance 8.4.3 OperationPhase andhis staffwill be responsible for the following: 395. The DeputyDlrectof(Environment) with the operationalstafi workingunderthe RegionalGeneral Coordinating Managerto monitorenvironmental compliance duringMotorwayoperation; Advisingon,and monitoring treeplantations alongthe Motorway; 3. Reportingon the progressof environmental complianceto the federaland EPAPuniab; /, Assessing thelong-term environmental impactsof MotoMayoperation; 5. 8.5 Sustaining a working partnership among the NHA, Puniab EPA, Agriculture,Forestand Wildlifedepartmentsof Punjab,NGOs and other and relatedpublicprivatesectororganizations; Reportingto Director(Environment) aboutpfogressof the work. Envlronmental PlanUpdatedfor Sectionlll Management (indicated measure$ in 3s6. The Environmental Management Planbasedon the mitigation Section5 of this Report)ispr€sentedin Table8.1 below. EPHEOivision/NESPAK8-7 Table 8.1 (a): EnvironmentalManagementPlan (DesigniPre€onstruction Phase) Sr. ^lo Environmental Activity lmpacts Mitigation Responsihility Cost Estimate PKR A: Design/Pre-ConstructionPhase 1 Topography . Visualehangesto the topographydue to construction of the proposedProject. . The aestheticelements(suchas plantation)shouldbe incorporated in the designto ovefcomethe potentialimpacts. Soil Erosionand . The excavationof earth . Contaminalion may resultin changeof edaphiccharacteristics, lossof fertiletop soil. . The fertileploughlayer . will be wasted. = * LandAcquisition ' lt will resultin causing ano disturbance to the Resettlement residentsof the project area. EPHEDivBion/NESPAK 8-8 DC, NHA No additional cost/ Included in pfojecfs cost The provisionfor vegetationwith DC, NHA a fast growingvetivergrass that can flourish in dry conditions, immediately afierfill placementto encouragestabilization No addiiional cost/ Inciuded in project's cosl Side slopesshall be adjustedto a gradientnecessaryto reduce erosionpotential. . Carcful alignment and route DC, NHA selection by the designer to minimize the impactsby avoiding the residences. . The affected people will be compensaledas per provisions OfLARP. . Prooer access should be provided to the farmers to apprcved LARP document Basis Envircnmental Motorway(M-4) cultivate the divided land at a minimumtraveldistance. n .lncorporate technical design DC, NHA Floraand Fauna . The proiectwill affect and alterhabitat measuresto minimizeremovalof conditions,whichin turn these trees, if possiblesuch as manipulate the changein the alignment. abundanceand . Provisionof compensationin the distributionof plantand Project Budget for the loss of animalspecies. treesto the affectedpeople. . lt will resultin habitat damageand fragmentation, exotic speciesincursion, pollulion,over hunting and geneticobstacles. Changein Hydrologic Regime rt Restricted Access Problems EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-9 'For the crossingof canalsand DC, NHA Poordrainagecan causecut or fill failures, drains small bridges will b€ roadsurfaceerosion, constructed. and weakenedsub. For the crossing of water gradefollowedby a courses, culverts and other massfailure. possible arrangementwill be lmproper drainage can done. modifysurfacewater flowby concentrating flowsat certainpoints and,in manycases, increasingthe speedof flow. . The communities along . Underpasses and flyoversshalr the alignmentwill face be providedin the designat the entryiexitproblemsand shorterdistancesand at olaces DC, NHA 85,280,000 Total cost for raising 1,30,000 plants including maintenance o yEd'r along the boundary station in 2 row9 No additional cost/ lncluded in project's cost No additional cost/ Included in project's bifurcationof seftlements. . Hindrancein movement of residents,agricultural machineryand transportation of agriculturalproducts, PublicUtilities . Publicutilitieswill be affectedcreating disruptionof public servicesand inconvenience to the localresidents. Air and Noise . Vehicl€swill create exces$ivenoisewhich Quality willbe a causeof dislurbancefor communities. . Provisionin the designand budgetfor th€ relocationof the existingutilityinfrasfuctures whereverrequired. . Schedulihgof relocalionl rehabilitationof all Dublicutilities likelyto be affectedby the proposedprojectwell aheadof the commencement of construction work. . Noise barriers shall be construcledwherever there will be populated area in close proximityto the alignment. . There should be special provisionIn the budget for the maintenance/rehabilitation of the village roads in order to bring themin theiroriginalcondition. . Preoarationof a checklist and Transportation of r lt will cause guidelinesfor handlingof all Construction unnecessary l\4aterial degradationof roads constructionmaterials and the andareassurrounding designationof roads not suited alonghaulroutes for haulingmaterialsby NHA. EPHEDiision/NESPAR B-10 No additional cost/ lnclud€d in project's cost Completeair and noise monitoringat ten (10) points No additional cost/ lncluded in project's cost resultingin genemtion of dust,noise,traffic congestionand safety . Preparation trafiic management plan for the movementof the heavy constructionvehicles. lssUCS. 1 0 Construction Camps 11 \. ,tA lEl . Mismanagement . Formulation of of a trainingprogram NHA camp for the workers residing in construction construction camps. activitiescan leadto impactsincluding: . Formulationof a comDrehensive noise,healthand safety, safety and securiiy plan for the traffic,solidwasteand camos. waterpollution. 300,000 SeismicHazard . The infrastructure may be affectedin caseof earthquaketremors. . The structuresof tho proposed DC, NHA alignment(Sectionlll)shouldbe designed and constructed to withstandmoderateearthquakes. . For seismic hazard analysis, updated structural,geotechnical and seismic evaluationsshould be consulied- No additional cost/ Included in pro.ject s cost . Naturaldisasters (floods,firesor earthquakes) or manmade(accidental spiilages)disastersare majorconcernsthat maycausefutal accidents. . An emergency response plan DC, NHA should be formulated by NHA which shouldemphasizeline of action for rescue, medicai emergencies,nafural disasters and fire fightingoperations. No additional costi lncluded in project's cost t:l Y 12 Emergency Management B: GonstructionPhase EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-11 Hiringof a trainerand refreshment cost - r^rrm,"*n causeddue to large pilesof embankment materials. resloredto theiroriginallevels. SC andDD of . Materlal stockpiles should be Environment EALS removed as soon as work is completed. cost/ lncluded in project's cost . Necessary permits should be obtainedfor any boffowpitsfrom the comoelentauthorities. . ln case borrowpits are filledwith water. measures have to be taken to preventthe creationof mosquito-breeding sites. No additional cost 1 Included in project's cost BonoM Open Pits . lt mayresultin land disputes,soil erosion, lossof potential cropland,lossof vegetation,landscape degradation, and damageto road embankments. Air Quality . Fugitivedust emissions . will occur from wind erosion of open aggregatestoragepiles. . Emissions from crushers and quarry sites will cause health impacts,i.e. coughing, . flue,difficulty in inhaling, irritation in eyes and reductionin visibility. . EE of CC, EE of SC andDD Environment of EALS All vehicles, machinery, EE of CC,EE of equipmentand generatoraused SC and DD during construction activities Environment of should be kept in good working EALS conditionand be properlytuned and maintained in order to minimizethe exhaustemission$. Air emissionmonitoringprogram for NO2,SO,,CO and PM,oshould be undertakenquarterlyby the construction conhactor. All excavationwork should be sprinldedwith waier to control dust. . The generated will . Solid Waste generatedduring EE of CC, EE of result in unhygienic construction should be safely SC and DD of healthriskto disposed of at approved and Environment conditions, EPHEDiision/NESPAK 8-12 3,000,000 Quarterly monitoring for two (02)years @ 37500for ten (10)points Hazardous Waste) work force and general publicat the campsite. . Proper labeling of wasle containers, including the identificationand quantityof the contents, hazard contact information etc. . The sewage system for camps shbuldbe properlydesigned(pit latrines or, as required, septic tanks) to receive all sanitary wastewaters. Slting and . Setting up Construction Camps and RelatedFacilities setting up of these . The construction camos and EE of CC,EE of facilities may cause a number of issues such as lossof plantationand vegetation, permanent physical and visual . impacton the area, workshopsshall noi be locatedr'n SC andDD sensitiveareas and shall not be Environment of within 500 metersdistancefrom EALS the existingsettlements. The sites for camps and associated facilities shall be reinstatedby the Contractor(s) after decommissioningof the proposedProject. . In order to minimize social disturbances as a result of constructionworkers,the proj'ect shall seek to avoid sittingcamps where their presence might contribute to any conflicts betweenvillages. . Medicalscreeningof the workers to will be arranged in the construction camps. EtrHEDrvlsion/NESFAK8-13 p€riodof 24 month$,which the includes cost of collection, transportati0n and disposal to the designated site. Rs 15,000per monthfor supplyof drinkingwater and latrines for a periodof 24 monihs 12,00,000 Rs. 1200for medical screeningof 100 employeesare estimated SoilErosionand . Soil erosion and . Non-productive, barren lands in EEof CC,EE of Coniamlnation contamination may broken terrain, nullahs and SC andDD affect ihe road stability, publiclyrecognizedwaste lands Environment of silting up of water shall be used for borrowino EALS bodies,landscapevalue materials. and in worst casesmay . Side slopesshall be adjustedto reduce the €conomic gradientnecessaryto reduce a productivityof land and erosionpotential. biodiversity in the . Soil contaminationby bitumen, ProjectArea. fuel and chemicalstoragesshall be minimizedby siting them on 500,000 an imDerviousbase within an embankedarea and securedbv fencing. {r p l$ wts i^{:^:- '%\ {t Rs.500,000 for plastic sheets and hay bales sheets 7 Noise EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-14 ' Psychologicaleffectsof ' Confining excessively noisy work EE of CC, EE of distractionof attention, to normal working hours in the SC and DD irritation and short temperedness in the . exposedpersonsdue to persistently highernoise levels. . Noise produced from , moving construction vehiclesand blowingof pressure horns, at times, could be intolerable particularly . during quiet hours of nighl. day as far as possible. Environment of EALS construction Providing the workers with suitable hearing proteciionlike ear cap, ear muffs etc. Avoiding heavy machinery like percussion hammers and pneumaticdrills,especiallyduring nighttime. Noisemonitoring 1,200,000 tls) 'l atio^-J il* \l -/ rt H 8 Surfaceand Groundwater . The surface water at . The surface and gmundwater EE of CC, EE of workers camp and reserves should be adequately SC and DD project site areas may protected from any source of Environment of get polluted due to contamination such as the EALS fecal,organicand other constructionand oily waste that contamination. will degradeits potablequality. . The potentialexists for . Workforce camps should be drinking water sources located at a safe distancefrom to be contaminatedby wdter resources. the seepageof wastes . All effluents should not be from workers camps disposed of dhectly into natural through the soil profile waters, but via settlingbasins to into the ground water allow suspendedsediment to EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-15 Quarterly monitoringfor two (02)years @ 15000for ten (10)points seftleout. aquifer. . Surface and monitoring grounowarer '1,200,000 ffi 360,000 3 contractor's . Floraand Fauna . The workers may damage including the vegetation trees. EPHE Division/NESPAK Land holders should be paid EE of CC, EE of reasonablecompensationfor the SC and DD of loss of their standingtrees, in Environment accordancewith the prevailing EALS 1,600,000 Biannual monitoringfor two (02i years @ 30,000at ten (10)points for groundwater Biannual monitoringfor two (02)years @ 30,000at three(03) poinlsfor surfacewater Expenditure pef 1000 meter(1 Km) lengthor 500 . Dust laden pollutedah marketrates. will form a dust film on . Shff and labourshouldbe skictlv the leaves, thus directed not to damage any blockingsunshineand vegetation such as fiees or Biomata, thereby bushes. hindering vehicles, process. . Construction photosynthesis will equipments and machinery . The Project will pose remain confined within their minor negative impacl designatedareasof movementon the fauna presentin .lllegal animaland fish hunting thearea. should not be allowed and punishmentwill be enforcedin caseof violation. {:w";; 1 0 Socialand Cultural Problems N # ir o I * W EPHEDivision/NESPAR &17 . Due to constructionof . the proposed Project, exit/entry problems for the residentsi movementof the people . to the mosque/shrines maybe disturbed. . The major issue in the ' proposedProjectis land acquisition. . There are chances of arisingof issuesrelated cultural to differences/conflict between the Contractor's workforce local and the inhabitants. Timely completion of the constructionwork and provision of alternativeroutos during the construction. Providing alternative ways in order for the local people tc performtheirroutinetasks. Plan for socialgrievanceredress mechanisms. plants@ Rs. 5001-for two years EE of CC,EE of No additional SC andDD cost/ lncluded Environment of in project's EALS cost Management Healthand Safety . This may resultin . and cause iams inconveni€nce to the peoplepassingthrough . the projectarea due to movement of heavy machinery/vehicles canying construction materia[s Proper traffic managementplan will be needed to avoid traffic SC and DD jams/publicinconvenience. of Environment EALS Coordinatedplanning of traffic diversions by the traffic police and the TransportDepartmentin accordancewith the construction program with advanco wamings to the affectedresidentsand road users. . Th€re may be some . disruptionto the already existing utilities like poles, electricity undefgroundtelephone power lines, transmission lines, ' water courses, small villageroads, the projectarea during the phaseconstruction Relocation of existing utilities EE of CC, EE of No additional cost/ lncluded before constructionto avoid any SC and DD of in projecfs lnconvenience to the residentsof Environment cosr the projectarea or providethem EALS with an alternate arrangement pedod. duringthe construction . Poor safety oversight . of the and management the . worksites by construction contractor can lead to accidents and unsafe woddng conditions. . . The laborers with different transmiftable diseases may cause spread out of those Obligatory insurance against EE of CC, EE of accidentsfor labourers/workers. SC and DD of Environment Providingbasic medical training EALS to specifiedwork staff and basic medicalservice and suppliesto workers. EPHEDivision/NESPARe-1B For mandatory sign boards@ Rs.4600 Forwarning signs@ Rs. 4300 Close coordination with the to curtail concemeddeDartments inconvenience to the residentsof the Proiectarea. All labour musi be medically checkedso that if they interface with the local communities. undesirabletransmittabledisease 500,000(lump Environmental 3um) and satetl trainingcost Provisionof earplugs@ Rs. 80 for 500 quantity diseases in the local residents- Provisionof safetyhelmets @ Rs. 800 for 250 quantity Provisionof safetyshoes @ 2000for 500 quantity 1,000,000 Provisionof protective goggles@ Rs. 150for 500 quantity Frovisionof gloves@ Rs. 200 for 500 quantity Dustmasks@ Rs-80 for 500 quantity EPHE DivisionlNESPAK 8-19 Res0urce Conservation 'The use of water and r other non renewable resources might afiect the community water consumption. r Source of water should be carefully selected. Water use should not disturb the existing communitywatersupplies. EE of CC, EE of SC andDD Environmentof EALS No additional cost/ lncluded in projecfs cost Unnecessary equipment washinosshouldbe avoided Dueto increasein traffic . Adequatenoisebarrierssuchas EE & NHA volume,noiseis indigenoustreespecieswill be plantedalongthe fenceto reduce expect€dto increase. the noiseoollution. . Noisemonitoring wiil be carried out as per Environmental Monitoring Plan. Soil Erosionand . lt may increasethe Contamination floodrisk by rapidflash of slorm-waterrunoff and also underminethe structures. . In casesoil erosiontakes place, EE & NHA properremedialmeasuresshould be undertaken to stopfuture impactsof lossof soilsand the associatedimpactscausedby soil erosion;and . Vegetationfor humanuse should be bannedwithinthe proposed RoW. . The increasedvehicular . Enforcement of soeedlimitsand andspeed imposingpenaltieson the traffic movement EPHEDivisionlNESPAK 8-20 EE,Traffic Police& NHA Biannually for two (02)years @ Rs.15,000 at ten(10) points No additional cost/ lncluded in O&Mcost mayresultin traffic accidents. Air Quality ffi The air qualitywill be deteriorated due to exhaustof vehicles. violators. . Restareaswill alsobe provided for thosein needfor rest during travel. , Trafficsignswill be prcvidedlo facililateroadusersaboutspeed limits,restareas,eating establishments etc. Settingup of systemto monilor air qualityalongthe ProjectArea in accotdan@with acceptable lnt€mationalstandards. in O&Mcost EE & NHA 3,000,000 Quarterly monitoringfor two (02)years @ Rs. 37,500 at ten (10) points EE & NHA 1,200,000 Biannual rnoniloringof groundwater quality@ Rs. 30,000for ten (10)points Monitoringemissionsof vehicles as DerNEQS. Treeswill be plantedalongthe fenceof the proposedMotoMay, thesewill worknoisebarrier.For suitableplantationForest Department wiil be consulted. WaterQuality Thesurfac€water bodiesmay get polluted due to uncontrolled releaseof contaminated slorm-water/road runoff from road surfaces. The pollutionriskfrom accidental spillagemay increasemoderately. In the long run,the increasedtrafficvolume EFHFOivkion/NESPAK 8-21 In orderto discharge rapid removalof storm-water/road runoff,crossslopesand longitudinal drainagemay be providedin the design. Retentionbasinswith reedbeds providedin the designwill improvethe qualityof polluted storm-watedroad runoff. The surfaceand groundwater qualitymonitoring shallalsobe 360,000 Biannual monitoringof sUrfacewater of trafficand faster trafficspeedswould increase. EPHEDivision/NESPARB-22 caniedout at definedintervalsfor qualitymoniioring environmental parametercsuggestedin the Environmental Monitoring Plan. quality@ Rs. 30,000for three(03) points Table8,1 {b}: EnvironmentalManagementPlan (ConstructionPhase) MitigationMeasures Topography Borrow open pits of Cuttingand dismantling existinginfrastructure Properlandscaping Land disputes, soil erosion, lossof potentialcropland,loss ol vegetation, landscape degradation,and damage to roadembankments: and Borrow and open pits are potentialsourcesof mosquito breeding and may prove hazardousto human beings, liveslockandwildlife. Construction Supervision No additional Contractors Consultants paymentwill be (cc) (sc) madeto the contractorfor these mifigation measures.The contractorwili includeiheircosts in oiher itemsof workin the BOQ. Necessary permits will be obtainedfor any borrowpits from the competent authorities; No excavations allowed within a distance of 100 metresof the RoW; In borrow pits, ihe depth of the pits will be regulatedso that the sides of the €xcavationwill have a slope notsteeperthan1: 4; Soil erosionalongthe borow pitswill be regularlychecked to prevenUmitigateimpacts on adjacent lands; EPHEDivision/NESPAK B-23 No additional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures.The contractorwill includetheircosis in oth€ritemsof workin the BOQ. Eft virofi m entaI Manaaem ent Pla n In case borrowpits are filled with water, measureshave to be taken to prevent the creation of mosquitobreedingsites;and Borrow pits will be used for constructionmateriallandfill or fish ponds,but dutingthe excavation,top 20 cm soil cover will be preservedfor vegetationafter the filling of the pits. This is the best way to restore the flora of that atea. Air Quality Air quality will be affected by fugitive dust emissions from constructionmachinery, asphalt plants and vehicular traffic. Emission may be canied over long distancesdependingupon the wind speed, direction, ihe temperature of the surrounding air Dust control by equipping asphalthot mixand balching plants with fabric filters or wet scrubbersto reducethe levelof dustemissions; Sprinkling of water across diversion tracks. Ensuring that haul trucks carrying asphaliconcretemix and/ or aggregatefill materialsare kept covered with tarpaulin to help containconstruction maierial being transponed betweensites;and Enforcing the NEQS gaseous applicable to emissions generated by construction vehicles, EPHEDivisionlNESPARB-24 SC,EPD Puniab No additional paymentwillbe madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures. The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof work in the BOQ. EnvircnmentalManaqement Plan 4 Construction wastedisposal (Wastewater, oil and $olidwaste etc.) Unhygienicconditions,healthrisk to work force Wastewatereflluentfrom contractors workshopand equipment washingyards will be passedthrough gravel/sandbedsto remove oil/ greasecontaminants beforedischargingit into naturalstreams; No additional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfor ihese mitigation measures.The contractorwill includethelrcosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. NHA & SC No additional paymentwillbe madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures. The contractorwill includetheircosis Trainingof workforcein the storageand handlingof materialsand chemical$lhat will potentiallycausesoil contamination; Solidwastegeneraledduring construction and in camp siteswill be properlytreated and safelydisposedof in demarcatedwastedisposal sites;and $ o SC,EPA Punjab * Debrisgeneratedby dismantlingof existing pavementstructureswill be recycledsubjectto the suitabilityot the material. 5. Construction andvegelation,. Lossof plantation physical permanent Camps andOiher andvisual Facilities impacton the area,social for nearbycommunity disturbance . EPHEDivision/NESPAK8-25 The construction campsand workshops will not be located in sensitive areas and preventedwithin 500 meters distance from the existingseltlements; Efforts will be made to minimize vegetation loss while making site affangements for construction camps and otherfacilities: Cufting of trees shall be prohibited by contractor(s) and workersnearcampsites failingwhichthree new trees will be planted by the Contracto(s) for each tree cut; plantsshallnot Thecrushing be locatedin environmentally sensitiveareasor existing settlements; The sites for borrow pits shall be selected on the basis of type of soil strata, depthof water table,ground vegetation state etc. and shall not be located within 100 metersfrom RoW of the proposedProject.They shall be prohibited where they might interfere with the existing or designed drainagepattern.The River locationsshall be prohibited where there is greater likelihoodof damagingthe River bank or carryingfine material downstream. The FPHFDiyision/NESPAK 8-26 otheritemsof workin lhe BOQ. EnvironmentalManagefi ent Plan E{A of Faisalabad-Khanewal Motoway (M4) Contracto(s) shall ensure that borrowpits are left in a tidy state with siable side slopes and proper drainage in order to avoid creationof stagnantwaterbodies,which are favourable olaces for mosquitobreeding; The depth of construction materials such as grav€l removedfromthe Riverbank shall be keDtone tenthof the total width of the River and this activityshallnot interrupt the Riverflow or undermine the Riverbanks; Asphalthot mix and batehing plants will not be located within 1000 metersof the existing settlements and shall be located sufficiently away from agricultural establishments and sensitive areas including, but not limitedto, oducationaland healthfacilities; The constructionmaterialfor M4 will be takenfrom these approved quarries and no any new quarrywill be dug by contractor; The constructionmaterial EPHEDivision/NESPAK8-27 located in sensitive areas and shall be sheltered or sitedwithinhoardings; The Contractor(s)will use the selected routes for transport of constructjon materials, Any damage caused to these routes by overioading or heavy vehicleswill be borneby the Contractor(s); Landowners shall be compensatedaccording to the terms of lease agreementsnegotiatedwith them for constructingcamps and otherfacilities;and The sitesfor campsand associatedfacilitiesshallbe reinstatedby the Contractor(s) after decommissioning of the proposedProjeci. Soil Erosionand Contamination EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-28 Road stability, increased flood . risk (by more rapid and higher levels of runoff), silting up of water bodies, landscape value and in worst cases may reduce the economicproductivityof land . and biodiversityin the Project Area. Non-productive, barrenlands in brokenterrain,nullahsand publicly recognized waste lands shall be used for borrowing materials; The excavationot earth fill shall be limited to an approximatedepih of 50 to No additional paymentwillbe madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures. The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof Envi ronmenta! Manad em ent Plan work in the BOQ. In case the use agricultural land unavoidahle, the top 30 cm of the ploughlayer shall be stripped off and siockpiled. Wheredeep ditchingis to be carriedout, the top 1 meter layer of the ditching area shall be stripped and stockpiledfor redressingthe land after the required bonow material has been removed; Drainageinterceptionditches shall be built around the borrow pits to prevent surface run off causing erosion during the rainy season; The denuded ground cover will be re-vegetatedas soon as possible following fill placement to facilitate regenerationof a stabilizing grounocoveri The roadembankments and road cuitings will be vegetatedwith a fast growing crop and a native seed mix fill immediately after placementto prevent scour and to encourage EPHEDivision/NESPAR B-29 Envircnmental1,4 anaoement Plan EIA of Faisalabad-Khanewal Motorway(M4) slabilization.Use of stone pitching 0r riprap will be made at appropriateplaces especially at overpasses, bridges,culverts; Discharge zones from d€inage structureswill be furnished with rip-rap to reduceerosion; Downdrains/chules shallbe linedwith rip-rap/masonry or concreteto preventerosion; Sideslopesshallbe adjusted to a gradientnecessaryto reduceefosionpotentialor, if st€eper,gtabilized,covered with riprapor othermaterial to preventsoil erosion; Construction will be restricledlo dry s€asonto avoidsoilerosion; Soil erosionchecking measuressuchas the formation of sedimentbasins etc,will be taken; The proposedProjectSite, throughwhichthealignment is proposed,will be investigaled for the presence of naturally occurring contaminants suchas asbestos,arcenicilikelihood EPHEDivisionlltlESPAK8-3o leffainstab,lily,slope gradienuphysicaland chemicalpropertiesof soil suchas soildepth,panicle sizedistribution, permeability, dispersibility, pH, salinity;and likelihoodof seismicactivity.lf any contaminated soilsare found,they shallbe removed anddeposiled in a sealedpit in an areaagreedwiththe concernedauthority.The 6eismicfactorshallalsobe consideredat the design stage; Soilcontamination by bitumen, fuelandchemical storagesshallbe minimized by sitingthemon an imperviousbasewithinan embanked ar€aandsecured by fencing.Thebaseand wallsof the embankment shallbe impermeable and of sufficientcapacityto contain 110 per centof the total volumeof storedfueisand chemicals; and The disposalof waste asphaltshallb€ madein approvedlocationssuchas borrowpitsor natural EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-31 withinthe RoW.Unless locatedin areaswith impervioussoils, encapsulation with pre-laid impervious linersincluding walls and cappingis required withthe objectiveto prevent waterpercolatingthroughthe wastematerialsand leaching toxicchemicalsintothe surrounding soils.On completionof disposalat the site,the areashallbe cappedwith a compacted thicknessof at least0.5 metersof impermeable soil coveredwithat least200 mm of top soiland shallbe finallylandscaped. Physialogical and psychological impacts Selectionof latestequipmont and plantwith reduc€dnoise level ensuredby suitableinbuilt damping techniques and appropriate muffling 0evlces; Confiningexcessivelynoisy work to normal working hoursin the day; Providing the construction workerswith suitablehearing protectionlike ear cap, ear muffsetc,; EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-32 SC,EPA Punjab No addilional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfo. these mitigation measures.The contractorwi}} includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. ' Avoiding heavy machinery like percussion hammers pneumatic drills, and especiallyduringnighttirne; . Locating the rock crushing, concretemixingand material shipment yards away from residentialareas,particularly schools, hospitals and nursinghomes;and Noisequalitymonitoring will be carried out as per given schedule in Environmental Monitoring Plan. . Surface and Groundwater Surface water might get contaminated due to the waste disposalof eonstruction generateddue to the Proiect will activity;this contamination not onlyendangerthe aquatic life but will also result in jeopardizingthe health of nativesthat use this water for naafind .{^hacti^ requirement; and ln addition to that, construction waste, if left unattended will result in forming leachate which will percolate through the soil reach strata and will underground water table and EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-33 surface ano grcundwaterreserveswill be adequately protected from any source of contamination such as lhe constructionand oily waste that will degrade its potablequality; The The solid waste will be disposed of in designated landfill sites to sustain the water quality for domestic f€quirements; Regular water quality monitoring according to determined sampling schedule; The contractofwill ensure SC, EPA Punjab No addiiional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfor ihese mitigation measure$. The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. that constructiondebris do not find their way into the drainagsor irrigationcanals whichmayget clogged; Work on irrigation canal areas will be kept to a protective minimum, wallsbe (re-constructed; To maintain the surface water floddrainage, proper mitigationmeasureswill be taken along the road, like drainagestructuresin urban areas; washing of Prohibit machineryand vehiclesin surface waters, provide sealedwashingbasinsand collect wastewater in sedimentation/retention pond; Constructionwork close to the streams or other water bodies will be avoided, especially during monsoon period; Constructing temporary or permanent devices to prevent water pollution due and to increased siltation; Wasies will be coll€cted, stored and taken to EPHEDivisian/NESPAK 8-34 approveddisposalsite. Floraand Fauna Loss ot 4794 acres of agricultural land Cuttingof 18,000treesdue to Proiect related construction activities. Huntingandfishing Flow€ringand fruitingshrubs NHA will be planted along the road to beautify the landscape. Raised Median will be plantedwith grasses(turfing) and shrubs which may not attain height more than two metersAll old and mature trees falling in the 25 meterwide proposedplantingstrips will be saved.Effortwill be made to save as many trees as possible even if they are young or poll stage. Proper iffigation and maintenance of plantswillbe ensured; An awareness campaign targeted on the neighbourhoodfarmers will be run to popularize the planting of trees, and saplingswill be providedon subsidizedcosts;and Organicfarmingwillbe encouragedto minimizethe use of chemicalfertilizers and pesticides. lllegalanimalandfish huntingwill not be allowed EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-35 SC, Forest No additional Department payment willbe and Wildlife madeto the Department contractorfor these mitigation measures.The contractorw:ll includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. in caseof violation; Wildlifedepartmentwill checkand confirmthat no huntingis made; New and good condition machinery withminimum noisewill be usedin construction; Noisyworkwill not be carried out in nighttime so thatthere will be no disturbanceto localbirdsandanimals; Contractorwill ensurethat the no hunting,trappingof animalwill be carriedduring construction; and Borrowpitswill be fencedso thatno animalcanfellinto these. Social and CulturalProblems ExiVentry problems for the residents/ movement of the peopleto the mosque/shrines and maybe disturb6d; Serious law and order situationdue to interactionof workforce wiih the local communities. problemdueto loss Livelihood land of agricultural EPHEDivis,b?'?VESPAK 8-36 Providingalternativeways in CC,NHA order for the local peopleto performtheirroulinetasks: Adding appropriateclauses in the constructioncontracts to avoid any law and order situation; Local labour shall be employed wilh an agreed ratio (>75%)for construction works;and No additional paymentwill be madeto the contlactorfor these mitigation measures.The contractorwill includeth€ircosts ln otheritemsof workin the BOQ. . Ira rc Management An agreed minimum unskilledlabouremployment for women with equal remuneration as menagreed at an earlystage. jams causing Traffic inconvenience to the people Proper alternative traffic CC,NHA, plan - controlLocalTraffic management of traffic in cooperationwith Police the local traffic police Department department No additional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures.The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. Construction activitieswill result . in relocationof variousutilities withinthe RoW,including . electricalpoles,transmissionand telephonelines Strengthening of utilities, NHAand whereverrequired: Local Concerned Close coordinationwith the Departrnents. concerned departments to curtail inconvenienceto the residentsof the Projectarea No additional paymentwill be madeto the contractoriof these mitigation the measures. contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof work in lhe BOQ. Table 8.2 (a): Environmental Management Plan (Construction Phase ol Section-ll M 4) S. No. Aspect Project lmpact MitigationMeasures Responsibilily lmplementat Supervisio ion n EPHEDivision/l'lESPAK 8-37 Cost i Topography Bonow openpits ffi Cutting and dismantlingof existing infrastructure Properlandscaping Land disputes, soil erosion, lossof potenlialcropland,loss of vegetation, landscape degradation, and damageto roadembankments; and Borrow and open pits are potential'sourcesof mosquito breeding and may prove hazardousto human beings, liveslock andwildlife. Construction SupervlsionNo addiiianal Contractors Consultantspaymentwill be (cc) (SC) madeto the contractorfor lhese mitigation measures.The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. Nece$ary permits will be CC obtainedlor any borrowpits ihe from competent authorities; No excavations allowed within a distance of 100 metresof the RoW; In borrow pit8, the depth of the pits will be regulatedso that the sides of the excavationwill have a slope not steeperthan 1: 4; Soilerosionalongthe borrow pitswill be regularlychecked to preveni/mitigateimpacts on adjacentlands; In case bonow pits are filled with water, measureshave to be taken to prevent the mosquitocreation of breedingsites;and EPHEDivisian/NESPAK 8-38 SC No additional paymentwillbe madeto the contractorfor these mitigat;on The measures. contractorwill includetheircosts in otherilemBof workin the BOQ. pits will be used for constructionmateriallandfill or flsh ponds,but duringthe excavation,top 20 cm soil cover will be oreservedfor vegetationafter the filling of the pits.This is the best way to restore the flora of that Air qualitywill be affectedby fugitivedustemissionsfrom construction machinery,asphalt plantsandvehiculartraffic. Emissionmaybe carriedover longdistancesdependingupon the windspeed,direction,the air of thesunounding temperature AirQuality Dust control by equipping asphalthot mix and batching olants with fubric filters or wet scrubbersto reducethe levelof dustemissions; Sprinkling of water across diversion tracks. Ensuring that haul trucks carrying asDhaltconcretemix and/ or aggregatefill materialsare kept covered with tarpaulin to helo contain construction material being transported betweensites;and Punjab No additional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures.The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. NFQS Enforcing the gaseous applicable to emissions generated bY and machinery. equipment Construction wastedisposal oil {Wastewater, and solidwaste EPHEDivision/NESPAK B-39 healthrisk . Unhygienic conditions, to workforce Wastewater effluent from contractors workshop and equipment washing yards will be passed through No additional paymentwill be made to the contractor for these gravel/sand bedsto remove oil/ grease contaminants before discharging it into naturalstreams; mitigation measures.The contractorwill inctudetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. Trainingof work force in the storage and handling of materialsand chemicalsthat will potentially cause soil contamination; Solidwastegeneratedduring construclion and in camp sites will be properlytreated and safely disposed of in demarcatedwaste disposal sites;and generated by Debris existing dismantling of pavementstructureswill be recycled subject to the suitabilityof the material. Lossof plantalionand vegetation, Construction CampsandOther permanentphysicaland visual impacton the area,social Facilities disturbancefor nearbycommunity The constructioncampsand workshops will not be located In sensitive areas and prevented within 500 meters distance from the existingsetflements; Efforts will be made to minimize vegetation loss making site while arrangements for construction camps and otherfacilities; EPHEDivision/NESPAKB-40 NHA & SC No additional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures.The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. prohibited by contractor(s) andworkersnearcampsites The crushingplantsshall not be locatedin environmentally sensitive areas or existing setllements; The sites for borrow Dits shall be selected on the basis of type of soil strata, depthof water table, ground vegetation state etc. and shall not be located within 100 metersfrom RoW of the proposedProject.They shall be prohibited where they might interfere with the or designed existing drainag€pattern.The River locationsshall be prohibited where there is greater Iikelihoodof damaging the River bank or carryingfine material downstream. The Contracto(s) shall ensure that borrowpits are left in a tidy state with stable side slopes and proper drainage in order to avoid creationof stagnantwater bodies,which are fuvourable places for mosquitobreeding; The deoth of construction EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-41 materials such as gravel removedffom the Riverbank shallbe keptone t6nthof the tolal width of the River and this activityshallnot intenupt the River flow or undermine the Riverbanks; Asphalthot mix and batching plants will not be located within 1000 meters of the existingsettlementsand will be preferredto establish500 metersaway the settlement and sufficienty away from agricultural activities, industrialestiablishments and sensitiveareasincluding,but not limited to, educational and healthfacilities; The constructionmaterialfor M-4 will be takenfrom these approved quarries and no any new quarrywill be dug by contractor; The construction material storage areas shall not be located in sensitive areas and shall be shelteredor sitedwithinhoardings: The Contracto(s) will use the selected routes for transport of construction matedals. Any damage EPHEDivision,lNESPAK 8-42 to these routes by heavy overloading or vehicleswill be borneby the Contractor(s); be Landowners shall compensatedaccording to lease terms of the agreementsnegotiatedwith them for constructingcamps and otherfacilities;and The sites for camps and associatedfacilitiesshall be the by r€instated after Contracto(s) decommissioningof the proposedProject. SoilErosionand Contamination Roadstability,increasedflood risk (by morerapidand higher levelsof runoff),siltingup of waterbodies,landscapevalue and in wo€t casesmayreduc€ of land the economicproduciivity and biodiversityin the Pro.iect Area. barrenlands Non-productive, in brokenterrain,nullahsand publicly recognized waste lands shall be used for bonowingmaterials; The excavationof earth fill shall be limited io an approximatedepth of 50 to 100cm; ln case the use of is agricultural land unavoidable, the top 30 cm of the plough layer shall be slripped off and stockpiled. Where deep ditching is to be carriedout, the top 1 meter EPHEDivision/NESPAKE-43 No additional paymentwill be madeto the contractorfor these mitigation The measures. contractorwill includetheircosts in otherilemsof workin the BOQ. shall be stripped anc stockpiledfor redressingthe land after the required bonow material has been removed; . . EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-44 ditches Drainageinterception shall be built around the borrow pits to prevent surface run off causing erosion during the rainy season; The denuded ground cover will be re-vegetatedas soon as possible following fill placement to facilitate regenerationof a stabilizing groundcover; . The road embankmentsand road cuttings will be vegetatedwiih a fast growing crop and a native seed mix fill immediately after placementto prevent scour encourage and to slabilization.Use of stone pitching or riprap will be places made at appropriate especially at overpasses, bridges,culverts; . Discharge zones from drainage structureswill be furnished with rip-rap to reduceerosion; Down drainsichutesshall be lined with riprap/masonryor concreteto prevenlerosion; Sideslopesshallbe adjusted to a gradient necessaryto reduceerosionpotentialor, if steeper, stabilized,covered with riprap or other material to preventsoil erosion; Construction wijl be restrictedto dry season to avoidsoil erosion; Soil erosion checking measures such as the formationof sedimentbasins etc,will be taken; The proposed Project Site, throughwhich the alignment proposed, will be is investigatedfor the presence of naturally occurring contaminanb such as asbestos,arsenic;likelihood of erodibilityof soil;contours, terrain stability, slope gradient; physical and chemical properties of soil such as soil depth, particle size distribution, permeability, dispersibility, pH, salinitf and likelihood of seismic activity. lf any EPHEDivision/NESPAK Ms contaminated soils are found,they shallbe removed and depositedin a sealedpit in an area agreed with the concerned authority. The seismic factor shall also be considered at the design stage; Soil contamination by bitumen,fuel and chemical storagesshall be minimized by siting them on an impeNiousbase within an embankedarea and secuted by fencing. The base and walls of the embankment shall be impermeableand of sufficientcapacityto contain 110 per cent of the iotal volume of stored fuels and chemicals: and The disposal of waste asphalt shall be made in approvedlocationssuch as borrow piis or natural depressionsand shall not be within the RoW. Unless located in areas with imoervious soils, encapsulationwith pre-laid imperviousliners including wallsand cappingis required with th6 objectiveto prevent throughthe waterpercolating EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-46 toxic chemicals into the surrounding soils. On completionof disposalat the site, the area shall be capped with a compacted thicknessof at least 0.5 meters of impermeablesoil covered with at least 200 mm ol top soil and shall be finallvlandscaoed. Physiological and psychological impacts Selectionof latestequipment and plantwith reducednoise level ensuredby suitableinbuilt damping techniques and appropriate muffling devices; Confiningexcessivelynoisy work to normal working hoursin the day: No heavy machinerywill be used or any distubance causingwork will be done in the late hours i.e. after gpm in summer and 6pm in winters; Providing the construction workerswith suitablehearing protectionlike ear cap, ear muffsetc.; Avoiding heavy machinery like percussion hammers EPHEDivision/NESPAK 847 SC,EPA Punjab No additional paymentwillbe madeto ihe contractorfor these mitigation The measures. contractorwill includelheir costs in otheritemsof work in the BOQ. Envircnmental Motorway (M-4) pneumatic and especiallyduringnighttime; Locating the rock crushing, concretemixingand material shipment yards away from residentialareas,particularly schools, hospitals and nursinghomes;and Noisequalitymonitoring will be carried out as per given schedule in Environmental Monitoring Plan. ln section-ll of M-4 two localions were found most sensitive during the site surveyregardingthe etfectof noisedue to the presence of Govt Elementaryschool for Girls and few community housesin Mouza7 Ghag,at the pre constructionstages noise analysis has been collected aE a base line reference, samples results can be viewed in table 4.4 during the construction phase special attentionwill be paidon theselocations; . EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-48 Surface water might get ' contaminateddue to the disposalof construction waste generateddue to the Project The surface and groundwater reserves will be ad€quately protected from any source of contamination No additional paymentwill be made to the contraclor for these Environ m ental Management Plan EIA of Faisalabad-Khanewal MotoMay lM-4) activity;this contamination will not only endangerthe aquatic life but will also resuli in jeopardizing the health of nativesthat use lhis watef for domestic meeting requiremenfiand that, In addilion to construction waste, if left unattended will result in forming leachate which will percolate through the soil will reach strata and undergroundwater table and end uo hence. will it. contaminating such as the constructionand oily waste that will degrade its potablequality; The solid waste will be disposed of in designated landfill sites to sustain the water quality for domestic requirements; quality Regular water monitoring according to determined sampling schedule; The contractor will ensure that conslructiondebris do not find their way into the drainageor irrigationcanals whichmayget clogged: Work on irrigation canal areas will be kept to a minimum,protective wallsbe (re-constructed; To maintain the surface water floddrainage, proper mitigationmeasureswill be taken along the road, like drainagestrucilJresin urban areas; of Prohibit washing machineryand vehiclesin surface waters, provide sealedwashingbasinsand collect wastewater in EPHEDivision/NESPAK B-49 mitigation measures.The contfactorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BoQ. sedimentation/retention pond; Constructionwork close to the streams or other water bodies will be avoided, especially during monsoon period; Constructing temporary or permanent devices to prevent water pollutiondue to increasedsiltation;and Wastes will be collected, stored and taken to approveddisposalsiie1156acresprivatelandwill be acouired,47 acreslandwill be acquiredfor interchangesand 347 acres is the Government ownedland. Floraand Fauna Cuttingof 27302trees due to Project related construction activities. . Huntingand fishing Flovvering and fruitingshrubs C C , N H A will be planted along the road to beautifo the landscape. Effort will be made to save as many trees as possible ev€nif they are youngor poll stage. Proper irrigationand maintenanceof plantswill be ensured; An awareness campaign targeted on the neighbourhood farmers will be run to popularizethe planting ot trees, and saplingswill be providedon subsidizedcosts;and EPHEDivision/l\TESPAK 8-50 SC, Forest No additional Department paymentwillbe and Wildlife rnadeto the Department contractorfor these mitigation measures-The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. encouragedto minimizethe use of chemieal fertilizers and pesticides. lllegal animal and fish huntingwill not be allowed and punishmentwill enforced in caseof violation; Wildlife deparimenl will check and confirm that no huntingis made; New and good condition machinery with minimum noise will be used in constructioni Noisyworkwill not be carried out in nighttimeso thatthere will be no disturbance to localbirdsand animals; Contractorwill ensure that the no hunting,trappingof animalwill be carriedduring construction; and Borrowpils will be fencedso that no animal csn fell into these. Socialand CulturalProblems . EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-51 ExiUentry problems for the . residents/ movement of the peopleto the mosque/shrines may be disturbed;and . Serious law and order Providingalternativeways in order for the local peopleto oerformtheirroutinetasks: Adding appropriateclauses ln the constructioncontracts No additional paymentwill be madeto the contraclorfor these mitigation Eituationdue to inleractionof workforco with the local communities. Livelihoodproblemdue to loss of agricultumlland to avoid any law and order situation; Local labour shall be employed with an agreed ratio (>75%)for construction works;and measures.The contractorwill includetheircosts in otherilemsof workin the BOQ. An agreed minimum unskilledlabouremployment for women with equal remuneration as men agreed at an earlystage. 11. t '/i' ,z lranrc Management Trafficjams causing inconvenience to the oeoole Proper alternative traffic CC, NHA, SC managementplan - control Local Traffic of traffic in cooperationwith Police the local traffic police Depadment department No additional paymentwill be madeto ihe contractorfor these mitigation measures.The contmctorwill includetheircosis in otheritemsof workin the BOQ. Utilities Construction activitieswill result . in relocation of variousutiliti€s withinthe RoW,including . poles,transmission electrical and telephone lines Strengtheningof utilities,NHAand OU whereverrequired; Local Close coordinationwith the Concerned concemed departments to Departments. No additional paymentwiil be madeto the contractorfor these mitigation measures.The contractorwill includetheircosts in otheritemsof work in the BOQ. EPHEDiision/NESPAK 8-52 curtailinconvenience to the residentsof the Projectarea Envircnmental Mototway Table8.2(b) Environmental Management Plan(Operationphase) S. No. Responsibility Aspect 1. Noise Deterioration of Vehicles SoilErosionand Cantamination ,\ IIll t { El l Projectlmpact Physiological and psychological MitigationMeasures . Plantation of indigenous tree species . Enforcinglawsand testing vehiclesregularlyfor noise pollution 9^,[ { lmplementat Supervisio ion n NHA The co6t for plantationwill be included in the total Project cost. Lesswearand teardue to improvedroadcondition Floodrisk by rapidflashof storm-waterrunoff. undermining of the slruclures suchas bridges,flyoversand slopeinstabilitycausing damageto the Mototway;and Soilcontamination due to Wastewater arisingfrom ServiceAreas. / -)ll Cost In case soil erosion takes NHA place, proper remedial measureswill be undertaken to stop future impactsof loss of soils and the associated impacts caused by soil erosion; NHA& NH&MP The cost for thesemitigation measureswill be includedin the totalProject cost. NHA The costfor thesemitigation measures willb€ Vegetationfor humanusewill be bann€dw,thinthe proposed RoW;and Toiletsat the serviceareaswill be equippedwithseptictanks, andthe wastewill be disposed at designatedsites. 4. RoadSafety EPHEDivision/NESPAK B-53 Roadsafetyissueslikeaccidents . Enforcingspeed limits and NH&MP imposing penalties on the trafficviolators; Rest areaswill be providedfor those in need for rest during travel; Traflic signs will be providedto facililate road users about speedlimits,rest areas,eating establishments etc.; includedin the lotal Project cost. Warning messagessuch as "speed thnlts buf kil/s" or "befterlate than nevef' etc. will also be displayed at appropriatelocationsto aware drivers about likely accidenls due to overspeeding; All the lanes, median,sharp bends will be refl€ctorizedto facilitatetravellersin the night time;and f'{3 li 'l Properlightingarrang€ment on the proposedMotoMaywill be doneat requiredplaces. s. b. Landscaping . Provision of solid waste NHA collection bins/containersat appropriateplaces . Safedisposalof solidwaste Development of commercial Seeking pormission from the NHA (restaurants, petrol concerned authority for futufe establishments and gas fillingstations), development educationalinstituteselc.,which LandUse EPHEDivislon/NESPAK Solidwastealongthe Motorway 8"54 The cosi for these mitigation measureswill be included in the total Prclect cost. Developme The costfor nt Authority thesemitigation measureswill be includediri the may affectthe landvalue Air Quality Changein airqualitywiththe paasageof time . . Settingup of systemto monitor air quality along the Projecl Area in accordance with acceptable International standards; and Treeswill be plantedalongthe fence o'f the proposed Motorway, these will work noise barrier, For suitable plantation Fotest Departrnent will be consulted. EPA Punjab The costfor thesemitigation measureswill be included in the total Project cost. Reducedtraveltime, whichwill be permanent moderate positive impact Socio-economic Conditions ' . . Openingup marketsto rural economicactivitiesby reducing the productionand . transportation cost thereby stimulating agricultural production Providing interchanges at appropriateIocations Keeping underpasses in operaiionconditionby regular maintenance The costfor thesemitigation measureswill be includedin the totalProject cosl. In-accessibility exceptfrom interchanges Note:DC(DesignConsultant), CC (Construction Contractor), SC (Supervision NHA(National Consultant), Highway Authority), NHh/p (NationalHighway& MotorwayPolice) EPI-|EDivision/NESPAK 8-55 EnvironmentalMonitoring of 3S7. Thjssectionprovidesa monitoringplafithat identifiesthe rolesand tesponsibilities and liststhe parameters and socialmonitoring Projectstaffinvolvedin environmental proces$. thatwillbe usedin the monitoring 8.6 8.6.1 Objectives and operationphase construction 398. The main objectivesof lhe pre-construction, monitoringp{answill be to: and socioMonitorthe actualimpactof the workson physical,biological the indicating adequacy within the Project corridor for receptors economic of the EIA; Recommendmitigationmeasuresfor any unexpectedimpactor wherethe impactlevelexceedsthatanticipatedin the EIA; includingsafety with legaland community obligations Ensurecompliance sites: on construction Monitor the rehabilitationof borrow areas and the restoration of as described in the EMP;and campsites construction materials. Ensurethe safedisposalof excessconstruction phasewillbe to: of monitoring duringtheoperation 399. Themainobjectives Appraisethe adequacyof the EIA with respectto the Project'spredicted physical, and socio-economic biological long-term impactson the corridor's environment; of the mitigationmeasufesproposedin the EMP Evaluatethe effectiveness if andwhennecessary; improvements, and recommend Compileperiodicaccidentdatato supportanalysesthatwill helpminimise futurerisks;and Monitorthe survivalrateof avenueplantations. and Schedules 8,6.2 MonitoringRoles,Responslbilities is listedbelow, monitoring 400. The Projectstaff engagedin socialand environmental specificto eachpost: followedby descriptionsof the monitoringresponsibilities . DD (Environment) ' SupervisionConsultants planis shownin Table8.3. 401. Overallmonitoring DeputyDirector(Environment) for Environmental will havecverallresponsibility 402, The DeputyDir€ctor(Environment) (M&E). following: Thisincludes the Monitoring and Evaluation requiredfor of humanand materialresouTces 1. Ensuringthe availability monitoring; environmental periodicmonitoring theseamongthe reportsand disseminating Generating staffmembers; andappropriaie management trainingis providedto the stafi Ensuringthat the requiredenvironmental and concerned; A firmsand ensuringthat to independent Contracting out externalmonitoring auditsarecarriedout. oeriodiconvironmental for: 403. The DD {Environment) andhis teamwillalsobe responsjble 1. sitesto reviewthe environmental Carryingout visitslo the construction of the contractors: and oerformance strategy. The statusof the Projecfsconsultation b) SupervisionCon€ultant ExpertiMonitoring Consultant Consultant will involvethe Environmental 404. Supervision of and ResidentEngineef.The ResidentEngineerwill overlookthe pedormance contractorto make sure that the contractoris carryingout the work in accordance with EMP.The MonitoringConsultant(MC) on the other hand will carry out the for adequacyof the environmental monitoringand reportto DD (Environment) monitoringprogramas specifiedin EMP. The MC will also inducta Technical and NHAs staff. TrainingConsultantto educatethe Contractor's 8.6,3 MonitoringParameters EnvironmentalMonitoringParameters 405. The followingenvironmentalparameterswill be monitoredat locationsidentified phase(e.9.locationof asphaltplants,construction camps. duringthe construction etc.). . AmbientAk Quality(NO,,SO-,CO,PM., Hydrocarbons, Smoke) . WaterQuality a) FecalE. Coli,TotalColonialCount,Fecal Groundwater Quality(TotalCoiiforms, pH,TDS,TotalHardness,Nitraie,Chloride, Sodium) Entefococci, BODs,COD,Turbidity) Wastewater Quality(pH,DO,TSS,Alkalinity, . NoiseLevels b) SocialMonitoringParameters Socialmonitoringwill be cafriedout basedon the followingindic€tors: Envi ro nme nta I Man aqem ent Plan . . Numberof pAPs to be resettled/relocatediprovidedlivelihoodassistance whererequired; Availabilityand adequacyof allernativeresettlementsites for PAPS (by numberandtype); Jnventory and valuationof PAPs'afiecledassets; incomesof PAPS; Pre-and post-resettlement Noticeperiodgivento PAPSbeforeshiflingthemfromtheiroriginallocations withinthe RoW; underthe EMP; Numberof vulnerable PAPscompensated Verifcationof shifting assistanceprovidedto displacedsquattersand to squatter-owners allowedto salvagetheirfacilities; carriedout, as well as targeted Number and nature of consultations stakeholders; procedures,entitlementpackages,and PAPS'perspectiveson compensation proposedalternativeresettlement sites; during Recordof any problemsdue to reslrictedaccessto the Motonruay construction and whetherramps/divsrsionshave been providedwhere required; recorded and redressed; Numberof grievances andutilities to be relocated; Numberof publicfacilities Number of mosques/shrines/ graves to be relocated(if any) and of affectedcommunities and NHA;and contribution corresponding of relocation of mosques/ Verification shrines/graves. 8.6.4 ReportingStructureand Outcomes of the ProjectDkectorwho will 407. Progressrepo ing will be the overallresponsibility provideinputsto the Supervision for submission to GM (NHA,/ADB). The Consultants for submitting a monthlyenvironmental/ Consultants will be responsible Supervision will In addition, the DD (Environment) socialreportfor the Projectto GM (NHA/ADB). preparea quarterlyreportencompassing concerns,and following environmental he will submit Socialand Land/Resettlement) reviewby the Director(Environment, thereDortto the EPAPuniab, EPHEDivision/NESPAK&58 Table8.3(a) Environmental MonitoringPlan(2015) Components Parameters No.of Samples Frequenc Responsibilit (No.of Samples x Frequencyx Year) v v Quarterly EE of CC and Duration Cost (Rs.) 24 hours 3,000,000/- ConstructionPhase(02years) Air Quality co, No,,so,,PM,o 10x4x2= 80 GroundWater Quality TotalColiforms,FecalE. Coli,TotalColonialCount, pH, Fecal Enterococci, TDS,TotalHardness, Sodium, Nitrate,Chloride, Arsenic 'l0v2x2=4O Bi-annually EE of CC and SC 1,200,000/- SurfaceWater Quality pH, DissolvedOxygen, TSS,TDS,Alkalinity,BODs, COD,Turbidity 3x2x2= 12 Bi-annually EE of CC and 360,000/- 10x4x2= 80 Noi$e Level Quarterly EE of CC and SC 24 hours TOTAL 1,200,000/- 5,760,0001- OperationPhase(2 years) Air Quality co, No,,so-,PM,o 10x4x2= 80 Quanerry NHA GroundWater TotalColiforms,FecalE. 10x1x2= 20 Annually NHA EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-59 24 hours 3,000,000/600,000/- Quality Coli,TotalColonialCount, pH, FecalEnterococci, TDS,TotalHardness, Nitrate,Chloride,Sodium SurfaceWater Quality pH, DissolvedOxygen, TSS,Alkalinity,BODg, COD,Turbidity Noise Level 3x1x2= 6 Annually NHA 10x2x2= 4 Bi-annually NHA 180,0001- 24 hours 600,000/- TOTAL 4,380,000/- GRANDTORAL 10,140,000/ KEY EC - Environmental Committee, NHA- NationalHighwaysAuthority EE - Environmental Engineer, CC- Construction Contractor SC- SupervisionConsultant EPHEDivision/NESPAK 8-60 8.7 Plantation Plan(2014) 408. To minimise vehicular thenegative:mpacts arising dueto increased activity on theroad, treeswillbe planted excessive alongtheentireProject. 409. Table8.4 giveslhe mitigation costfor Plantingand Maintenance. Two stripsof 25m widthhave been plannedto be resetuedfor plantingon both sidesof the motorway - Khanewaisection= 184 km long).Plantingshall be done in rows (Faisalabad = 3m)shallbe plantedfor a lengthof 50 (avenues). Eightavenuesirowto rowdistance = 6m)in therestof the (rowto rowdistance andfouravenues km nearthe habitations 134km longstrip. Number of plantsin eightavenue/ rowsof 50km= (50,000m/3m x B) = 133,328 Number of plantsin fouravenue/rowsof 134la6= (J34,000m/3m x4) = 178,664 = 311,992 Number of plantsin onestrip(133,328+178,664) (311,992 Number of plantsin onestrip x2)= 623,984 (500plants Number of Avenuemiles = planted in onavenuemile)to be 1,250 Beatingup of failures = 312 (25%of the plantsplanted)Avenuemiles Table 8.4: MitigationCost on Plantingand Maintenance # Year Plantingcost ( Rs. Per Av. Mile) 1 ($ 416,6) 25,000 1 (forbeatingup failures) 25,000 ($416'6) o A.mount Pak Rs. US$ 1,250 31,250,000 520,833.3 J tz 7,800,000 130,000 ($166.6) 10,000 1,250 12,500,000 7,500($ 125) 1,250 9,375,000 4 4,000($ 66.7) 1,250 5,000,000 5 3,000($ 60) 1,250 3,750,000 J 4 A,venue Miles ? TOTAL 89,675,000 208,333.3 156,250 q2 ae? e 62,500 1,161,250 w 291. Table 8.5 gives the mitigation cosl for gfass turfing and pianting with shrubs and climbers.RaisedMedianshall be plantedwith grasses(turfing)and shrubswhichmay not attainheightmore than two meters.A largevarietyof shrubsand sioutclimbersis availableand choice can be made out of these. Kener (Nerium o'eander)and Bouganvilleaare two examples.This plantingcould providean effectiveprotection againstnightglare besidesbeautifyingthe area. = 7m The widthof the median Lengthof the motorwaysection = 184km Areaof the median = 1 3 0h a Table8.5: Cost on Grass Turfing and Plantingwith Shrubs and Climbers # Year Plantingcost (Rs. Per Hectare) Area (Ha) Amount Pak Rs 1 130 9,750,000 162500 5Z-a 2,475,O00 41250 30,000($ 500) 130 3,900,000 65000 .l 30,000($ 500) 130 3,900,000 65000 4 30,000($ 500) 130 3,900,000 65000 5 30,000($ 500) 130 3,900,000 65000 1 1 J 4 6 7 8.8 ($ 1250) 75,000 us$ up 75,000($ 1250),beating failures, turfing(25%) Total 27,825,000 463,750 EnvironmentalTechnicalAssistanceand TrainingPlan {2014) 410. An environmentaland socialtrainingand TechnicalAssistance(TA) programwill be car ed out to buildthe NHA'scapacityto effectivelyimplementthis EMP,as well as to facilitate the improved environmentalmanagementof future Motorway Proiects by and socialawarenessof NHA staff in general.The NHA increasingthe environmental with the collaborationof MonitoringConsultants(MC) will arrangethe environmental tralningsessionsfor their staff.The objectiveof thesesessionswill be to help establish appropriatesystems, and to train senior NHA staff responsiblefor managing operations,and planning,who can then imparttrainingat a broaderlevel environmenl, will organize withinand outsidethe NHA (i.e.,the trainingof trainers).The Consultants irainingcoursesfor NHA staff, in specializedareas such as air and noise pollution monitoring;develop environmentoperationmanualsin consultationwith the NHA's wing.The detailsof thistrainingprogramare presentedin Table8.6 Environmental Table 8.6: PersonnelTrainingProgrammeiTA Services Provided by Contents Trainees/Events Duratio Monitoringconsultantsl Shortseminarsand courseson: Threeseminarsfor NHAProjectstaff 2 days and Shortseminars courses on: Socialawareness Threeseminarsfor 2 days Shortlecturesrelatingto Safetyand Occupational Health Twoseminarsfor contractor's staff organizations in specializing environmental management and monitoring consultants/ Monitoring organizations specializing in social Environmental Iaws daily and regulations monitoring and supervision and management Projectstaff dealingin Social/lands maners monitoring Monitoringconsultantsi organizations 2 days specializing in healthand Occupational, safetyissues 8.9 Enyironmental Monitoring, Mitigation afid Training Costs 4 1 1 . For an effective implementationof environmentalmitigationmeasures,it is very of environmental mitigation importantto providesufficientfundsfor the implementation measures, monitoring,training and land acqsisition and resettlement(including damages).NationalHighwaysAuthority(NHA)is committedto implementall mitigation measuresgiven in this report and will provide requiredfunds in this regard.The costsis givenin Table8.7,whichamountsout to be Rs. summaryof totalenvironmental (US 3,969.199 mitlion $ 66.1B7). Table 8.7 Summaryof EnvironmentalCosts Description a Mitiqation Cost Environmental 2. Environmental Monitoring Cost i Environmental TraininqCost Cost LandAcquisition and Resettlement TOTAL Cost (Millions) Pak Rs, us$ 97.50 o-cJ 0.2 3,864.969 3.969.199 | ,otJ 0.109 0.033 64.42 66.187 Envircnmental Management P[an EIA of Faisalabad-KhanewalMotot"uay(M-4) PlantationPlan (2015) with 500 plants,has been The costof raising one Kilometer(1000meter)lengthof plantation, price plants, procurement earthwork, of manures, of estimatedas Rs. 3,28,000/-including continuedsuppiyof waier to young plantsthroughoutthe year and its maintenancefive (5) years. per 1000meterlengthor 500 plants(1 Kilometer) Bfeak-up of Expenditure @ Rs. 500f per diemis oivenin Table8.9below: Table 3: EstimatedCost of Plantatlonfor First Year Sr, No. 't. Particulars of Work Layout Quantity 1..Km Digging of Pits 2.5 ft. each 1500cft. 2.5x500=1500cft. z- Costof Plantsinciuding 500No. Cosiof planting of plants 500No. Rate (Ruoees) 2 MD/ 10 MD/ Rs.20f olant Rs.101 plani Rs.2/- plant Carriageof plantsfrom private 500No. nursery to site including loadinq/unloadina Cost of Manureand Bhall(silt) 500plants Amount (Rs.) '1000.00 5000.00 10,000-00 5,000.00 1000.00 5,000.00 includinqcarriaqe 7. H/watering50 times 500x50 25,000 with water bowser,one driver no, andonecoolie B. Weedinq twice500x4 o Reopening of {500x2)/cfUpit 10. Unforeseen 1000no, Pits twice 1000cft. 5 MD/per 1000 62,500 5MD 5MD 2.500.00 2,500.00 500.00 Total 95,000.00 Table4: EstimatedCost of Restockingand Maintenancefor 2nd Year Sr.No. Particularsof Work Quantity Rate {Rupees) 1. 2. Costof Plants20%Restockins 1 0 0N o . Coslof plantinq 100No. Rs.20l-Dlant 2000.00 Rs. 10/-plant 1000.00 Carriaqeof plants 100No. Rs. 2f plani 200.00 H/watering 50 timeswithwater bowser,one driverand onecoolie 25,000 no. 5 MD/per% 62500 1000cft. 5MD 2,500.00 1000no. 5MD 2,500.00 Reopening of (500x2) Pits twice Weedinqtwice500x2 7. Amount (RsJ 300.00 Unforeseen Total 71.000.00 Table5: EstimatedCost of Restockingand Maintenancefor 3rd Year Sr. No. 1. 5. Item Quantity Rate (Ruoees) Amount (RsJ Cost of Plants10% Restocking 100No. 100No. Rs.20i-plant 2000.00 Costof plantinq 100No. Rs. 10/-plant 1000.00 Carriageof plants 100No. 200.00 H/watering 40 times 20,000 no. Rs.?- olant 5 MD/1000 Reopening of {500x2} twice 1000 Pits 5MD Unforeseen 50,000 2,500.00 300.00 56,000.0 0 Total Table 6: EstimatedCost of Maintenancefor 4'i Year Sr. No. 1. Particularsof Work Hiwaterinq40 times Pruningand cleaningof plants 3. Unforeseen Ouantity Rate (Rupeesl Amount (Rs.) 20,000 no. 5 MDl1000 50.000 500no. 5MD 2.500.00 500.00 Total 53,000.00 Table 7: EstimatedCost of Maintenancefor 5'hYear Sr.No. 1. Item Quant:ty H/watering 40 times Pruning and cleaning of olants 20.000no. 500no. Rate Amount {Rs.} 5 MD/1000 5MD Unforeseen 50.000 2,500.00 500.00 Total 53.000,00 Table 8: Total PlantationCost (FromTable3 to 7) Sr. No. Item 1. Cost(Rs.) Total cost for raising 500 plants (1 Km of plantation)and 328,000.00 Maintenance for 5 vears(1 to 5) plantsincluding maintenance for Totalcostfor raising1,30,000 years alongthe boundaryof converterslationin 2 85,280,000or 5 rows and along inner roads, open spaces,within u 5 . z d m o n of thebuildinqs compounds Rs.656.001 Costof raisingone plantwithfouryearsmaintenance: 8 . 1 1 EnvironmentalTechnicalAssistanceand Training Plan(2015) 412. An environmental and socialtrainingand TechnicalAssistance(TA) programwill be carriedout to buildthe NHA'scapacityto effectivelyimplementthis EMP, as well as to facilitate the improved environmentalmanagernentof future Motorway Projects by increasingthe environmental and socialawarenessof NHA staff in general.The NHA of MonitoringConsultants(MC) will arrangethe environmental with the collaboration trainingsessionsfor their staff. 4 1 3 . The objective of these sessionswill be to help/establishappropfiatesystems, and to trainseniorNHA staff responsible for managingenvironment, operations, and planning, who can then imparthainingat a broaderlevel wlihin and outsidethe NHA (i.e.,the trainingof trainers).The Consultantswill organizetrainingcoursesfor NHA staff, in specializedareas such as air and noise pollutionmonitoring;develop environment with the NHA's Environment section.The detailsof operationmanualsin consultation thistrainingprogramare presentedin Table8.10 EnvironmentalManagementPlan EIA of Faisalabad-KhanewalMotorway (M-4) Table 8.{0 PersonnelTrainingProgramme/TA Services Frovided by Contents consultants/ Monitoring Short seminars courseson: organizations Trainees/ Events Duralion and Three seminarsfor 2 days NHA Projectstaff Environmentallaws in specializing and regLrlations daily envir0nmental monitoring and and management supervision monitofing Monitoring3 consultants/ organizations specializingin social Shortseminars and courses on: Socialawareness Threeseminarsfor 2 days Projectstaff dealing in Social/lands matters management and monitoring Monitoring consultantsl organizations Short lecturesrelatingto Two seminars for 2 days OccupationalSafety and contractor's staff Health specializing in Occupational,health and safetyissues a) Gost of EnvironmentatTechnicalTraining 414. The cost provisionof Rs. 700,000(US$ 7000)is estimatedon lump sum basisfor providingtechnicaltrainingto the staff. 8.12 EnvironmentalMonitoring,Mitigationand TrainingCost (Sectionlll) 415.Thecost requiredto effectivelyimplementthe mitigationmeasuresis importantfor the sustainabilityof ihe Project both in the constructionand operationstages of the Project. 416.Thesecostsare summarized as below: Environmental MonitoringCost Environmental TrainingCost Tree PlantationCost Total 10,140,000/'1 (iumpsum) ,000,000/85,280,000/96,420,000/- EnvircnmentalManagementPlan EIA of Faisalabad'Khanewal Motoruay (M-4) say = 96.42Million Rupees All lhe environmental costwouldbe the pad of environmental cost. EPHEDivtsion/NESPAK B-6B