April 11th - USD 506 Labette County
April 11th - USD 506 Labette County
Labette County U.S.D. 506 April 11, 2016 Board Meeting 1 2 AGENDA Monday, April 11, 2016, 7:00 PM Meadow View Grade School, Parsons, KS 67357 Our mission is to provide a positive learning environment where all students develop: skills to live and work in a progressive world, a positive work ethic, a sense of individual worth, pride in citizenship, and a life-long desire for learning. Our vision is to be recognized and respected as one of the premier public school systems in Kansas. Agenda – Regular Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to order 2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public comments during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes unless stated by the board president. 3. Recognitions / Communications • Joyce Rhodes: FAST • Nicole Dean: K-8 Counselor • Kayla Giefer: K-8 Social Worker 4. Approval of Printed Agenda At this time Board members may (1) accept the agenda as shown below, (2) add items, or (3) request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be placed under “Action, information, discussion, or executive session for separate consideration. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 5.2 5.3 Approval of March 7, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes Approval of April 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report Approval of Retirements 5.4 5.5 Approval of Substitute Employee List Approval of Supplemental Assignments 5.6 • Kipra Odaffer • • • • • • Bradley Argabright, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach @ Meadow View Hillary Cook, Cheerleading Coach @ LCHS Therese Foster, Yearbook Sponsor @ Edna Grade School Matt Shields, Assistant Boys Golf Coach @ LCHS Jason Storm, Assistant Junior High School Football Coach Jayme Winters, Cheerleading Coach @ Edna Grade School • • • • • Gage Allen, Paraprofessional @ Meadow View Grade School Brent Barrager, Maintenance @ USD 506 Tara Daniels, Head Cook @ Mound Valley Grade School Suzann Godinez, 7-8 Language Arts Instructor @ Meadow View Grade School Lewis Hundley, Band and Vocal Instructor @ LCHS Approval of Personnel: 3 5.7 5.8 • • • • Stephanie Moore, 4th Grade Instructor @ Edna Grade School Tiffani Sexton, K-8 Instructor @ Meadow View Grade School Sara Thompson, Kindergarten Instructor @ Bartlett Grade School Brianna Volmer, K-8 Physical Education Instructor • Danny Ramirez, USD 506 Grounds • Elishia Roussell, LCHS Cheer Coach Don Sauer, ISS Instructor/Dispatch @ LCHS Approval of Transfers Approval of Resignations • 6. Reports 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Superintendent Administrative KASB/Legislative SEK Interlocal #637 7. Discussion Items 7.1 7.2 Review High School Athletic and Activity Programs (I/D) Consider Adoption of Revisions to Student Handbooks – First Reading (I/D) 8. Action Items 8.1 Approval of USD 506 Roof Replacement Bid (A) 9. Executive Session 10. Additional Business as a result of Executive Session 11. Board Member Comments 12. Adjournment 12.1 A= Action Item Next Regular Meeting: May 9, 2016 at Curran Administrative Center Altamont, Kansas 67330 D= Discussion Item I= Information Item 4 Supplemental Agenda- Regular Board Meeting Board of Education Monday, April 11, 2016 Meadow View Grade School 1. Call to Order: The board president will call the meeting to order for business. 2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments: The board president will recognize visitors at this time. The board may allow public comments during this time. Public comments will be kept to a maximum of 5-minutes unless stated by the board president. 3. Recognitions / Communications: • • • Joyce Rhodes: FAST Nicole Dean: K-8 Counselor Kayla Giefer: K-8 Social Worker 4. Approval of Printed Agenda: At this time Board member may accept the agenda as shown below; add items to the agenda, or request that one or more “Consent Agenda Items” be place under “Action, information, discussion, or executive session for separate consideration.” 5. Adoption of the Consent Agenda: The consent agenda is a method whereby the board, with one motion, may approve (by consent) items on the agenda, which are routine, informational, or the receipt of reports, which may not need discussion. This procedure assumes each board member has read and studied the agenda prior to the meeting. Furthermore, at this time the Board may request that one or more consent agenda items be placed under action, information, or discussion for separate consideration. The motion should read- I move the board approve by consent, items in the agenda, which are identified as 5.1-5.8. 5.1 5.2 Approval of March 7, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes (pgs. 8-10) Approval of April 2016 bills, Investments, and Activity Fund Report (pgs. 80-98) 5.3 Approval of Retirements (p. 11/15) • Kipra Odaffer • • • • • • Bradley Argabright, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach @ Meadow View Hillary Cook, Cheerleading Coach @ LCHS Therese Foster, Yearbook Sponsor @ Edna Grade School Matt Shields, Assistant Boys Golf Coach @ LCHS Jason Storm, Assistant Junior High School Football Coach Jayme Winters, Cheerleading Coach @ Edna Grade School • • • Gage Allen, Paraprofessional @ Meadow View Grade School Brent Barrager, Maintenance @ USD 506 Tara Daniels, Head Cook @ Mound Valley Grade School 5.4 Approval of Substitute Employee List (p. 12) 5.5 Approval of Supplemental Assignments (p. 13) 5.6 Approval of Personnel (p.13) 5 5.7 • • • • • • Suzann Godinez, 7-8 Language Arts Instructor @ Meadow View Grade School Lewis Hundley, Band and Vocal Instructor @ LCHS Stephanie Moore, 4th Grade Instructor @ Edna Grade School Tiffani Sexton, K-8 Instructor @ Meadow View Grade School Sara Thompson, Kindergarten Instructor @ Bartlett Grade School Brianna Volmer, K-8 Physical Education Instructor • Danny Ramirez, Grounds and Maintenance @ USD 506 (p. 13) • • Elishia Roussell, LCHS Cheer Coach (p. 16) Don Sauer, ISS Instructor/Dispatch @ LCHS Approval of Transfers: 5.8 Approval of Resignations: (p. 14) 6. Reports: 6.1 Superintendent- Dr. Wyrick will share his report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 6.2 Building Administrators- See enclosed reports on pages 17-44. 6.3 KASB- Gail Billman will share her report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 6.4 SEK Interlocal #637- Mr. Kevin Cole will share his report with the board at the scheduled meeting. 7. Informational Items7.1 Review High School Athletic and Activity Programs: Mr. Raschen will be present to go over details related to our high school athletic programs with the board of education. (I/D) Pages 45-58 7.2 Consider Adoption of Revisions to K-8 Student Handbooks – First Reading: Included within the packet is a copy of our current K-8 handbook for each attendance center. The administration is not recommending changes to the current handbook. The board will be asked to take action on the found within each handbook during our May board meeting. This is the first reading of the handbooks as presented. (I/D) 8. Action Items8.1 Approval of USD 506 Roof Replacement Bid: Bid documents were recently released for the replacement of several asphalt-shingled roofs that were damaged during the spring of 2015 at various locations throughout USD 506. Dr. Wyrick and Mike Starr will review the low bid with the board of education and ask the board to approve the bid as presented. Information relating to the bid is found on page 59-79. (A) 9. Executive Session10. Additional Business as result of Executive SessionAction as a result of executive session may take place at this time. 6 11. Board Member CommentsIndividual board members are encouraged to share stories of success and opportunities for growth at this time. 12. AdjournmentMotion to adjourn the meeting. Next Regular meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2016 at Curran Administrative Center in Altamont, Kansas 67330. 7 BOARD OF EDUCATION LABETTE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 506 Altamont, KS 67330 Bartlett Grade School March 7, 2016 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Justin Bebb Kevin Cole Rich Falkenstien Jessie Foister Dr. Kolette Smith Dr. Dennis Wilson ABSENT BOARD MEMBERS: Gail Billman OTHERS PRESENT: John Wyrick, Superintendent Cindy Dean, Board Clerk Linda Carland, BGS Teacher Nancy Hahn, BGS Teacher Shane Holtzman, LCHS Principal Melinda Littrell, BGS Teacher Cindy Rucker, BGS Teacher Nancy Wyckoff, BGS Teacher 1. Justin Bebb called the meeting to order. Kevin Cole opened with prayer. 2. There were no visitors who desired to address the board during the recognition of visitors. 3. Recognitions/Communications There were no recognitions or communications to address. 4. Jessie Foister moved to approve the printed agenda. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 4-‐0. 5. Consent Agenda Kevin Cole moved to approve the consent agenda. Jessie Foister seconded. Motion carried 4-‐0. 6. Reports 6.1 Superintendent Report Dr. Wyrick reported Governor Brownback made a $17 million cut to the State’s university system last week. Dr. Wyrick warned board members to 8 be prepared and foresee more budget cuts this summer to public school districts. Dr. Wyrick projected the Meadow View Pre-‐School enrollment for the 2016-‐2017 school year to increase when advertised soon. Rich Falkenstien arrived at 7:10 p.m. Dr. Dennis Wilson arrived at 7:13 p.m. 6.2 Building Administrators No Report 6.3 KASB/Legislative No Report 6.4 SEK Interlocal 637 Kevin Cole reported surrounding school districts are moving to a paperless Board of Education Meeting. Mr. Cole reported the use of laptops and other electronic devices are used and recommended our district go paperless in the near future. Mr. Cole reported next SEK Interlocal 637 meeting is this Wednesday, March 9th. 7. Action Items 7.1 Melinda Littrell presented a Bartlett Grade School trip to the board. The trip is planned for April 24-‐25. Mrs. Littrell said approximately 80 students and 12 staff members plan on attending a Kansas City Royals Game and visiting several Kansas City Museums. The only cost to the district will be the fuel expense and bus driver wages. Dr. Kolette Smith made the motion to approve the trip. Rich Falkenstien seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. 7.2 Dr. Wyrick recommended to purchase a 2015 International, 72 passenger bus from Midwest Transit Equipment for the purchase price of $67,500. Rich Falkenstien made a motion to approve the bus purchase. Kevin Cole seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-‐0. 8. Executive Session 8.1 Jessie Foister moved the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel; and the board will return to the open meeting at 7:33 p.m. Dr. Kolette Smith seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. Dr. Kolette Smith moved to extend all principal contracts through the 2016-‐2017 school year. Rich Falkenstien seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. Jessie Foister moved the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel; and the board will return to the open meeting at 7:46 p.m. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. 9 Kevin Cole moved to approve Dr. John Wyrick’s contract as presented through the 2017-‐2018 school year. Jessie Foister seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. Jessie Foister moved the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel; and the board will return to the open meeting at 8:00 p.m. Kevin Cole seconded. Motion carried 6-‐0. 9. No action taken as a result of the last executive session. 10. Board Member Comments Rich Falkenstien – No Comment Kevin Cole thanked Dr. Wyrick, Justin Bebb, and Jessie Foister for attending the bond presentations at each of the schools. Jessie Foister congratulated the LCHS Girls Basketball Team on winning Sub-‐State and earning their way to the State Tournament this week. Justin Bebb reminded everyone that the last Forum for the Bond is March 31. Mr. Bebb said the forum on February 25th had a good attendance level. Dr. Dennis Wilson congratulated the LCHS Girls Basketball Team and wished the team good luck at State! Dr. Kolette Smith congratulated all the LCHS students that have been recognized lately for their accomplishments. The publicity in the local newspapers is great for our students. Dr. Smith thanked Dr. Wyrick, Justin Bebb, Kevin Cole and Jessie Foister for attending the bond presentations at each of the schools. Dr. Smith thanked the Bartlett staff for the wondering snacks at the meeting. 11. Adjournment Jessie Foister made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dr. Kolette Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-‐0. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be: April 11, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at Meadow View Grade School. 10 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: www.usd506.org Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Certified Employment Report April 11, 2016 Work Agreement Suzann Godinez Lewis Hundley Stephanie Moore Tiffani Sexton Sara Thompson Brianna Volmer 7-8 Language Arts Instructor @ Meadow View Band and Vocal Instructor @ LCHS 4th Grade Instructor @ Edna Grade School K-8 Instructor @ Meadow View Grade School Kindergarten Instructor @ Bartlett Grade School K-8 Physical Education Instructor Effective 08.17.2016 Effective 08.17.2016 Effective 08.17.2016 Effective 08.17.2016 Effective 08.17.2016 Effective 08.17.2016 Retirements Kipra Odaffer K-8 Physical Education Instructor @ Meadow View Effective 11.01.2016 Transfers None at this time 11 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: www.usd506.org Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Substitute Employee List April 11, 2016 Substitute Teacher Cheryl Bryant Charles Bryant Kitchen Subs Leslie Oshel Substitute Bus Driver None at this time 12 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: www.usd506.org Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Supplemental Coaching/Activity and Classified List April 11, 2016 Supplemental Work Agreement: Bradley Argabright, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach @ Meadow View Hillary Cook, Cheerleading Coach @ LCHS Therese Foster, Yearbook Sponsor @ Edna Grade School Matt Shields, Assistant Boys Golf Coach @ LCHS Jason Storm, Assistant Junior High School Football Coach Jayme Winters, Cheerleading Coach @ Edna Grade School Effective 05.15.2016 Effective 05.15.2016 Effective 05.15.2016 Effective 03.15.2016 Effective 05.15.2016 Effective 05.15.2016 Classified Work Agreement: Gage Allen, Paraprofessional @ Meadow View Grade School Brent Barrager, Maintenance @ USD 506 Tara Daniels, Head Cook @ Mound Valley Grade School Effective 04.11.2016 Effective 04.11.2016 Effective 05.15.2016 Transfers: Danny Ramirez, USD 506 Grounds Effective 03.15.2016 13 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” TO: FROM: RE: Date: www.usd506.org Board of Education John Wyrick, Superintendent Classified/Certified/Supplemental Employment Report April 11, 2016 Retirements None at this time Resignations Elishia Roussell Don Sauer Cheerleading Coach, LCHS ISS Instructor/Dispatch, LCHS Effective 05.12.2016 Effective 05.12.2016 14 15 16 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” www.usd506.org Superintendent’s Newsletter A publication from the office of Superintendent John Wyrick Board of Education to Meet The Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 11 at 7:00 p.m. at Meadow View Grade School. Agendas are posted on the district website. Postings and Advertisements POSTINGS: We are posting the following for the 2015-2016 school year. For your convenience, these postings have also been sent to District email addresses. • Bus Mechanic/Technician: Fulltime Message to Staff—John Wyrick - My Commitment to Our Students and Our Community: A vision for USD 506 As the 2015 school year comes to a close I want to take a few minutes to thank each and every one of you for everything you do and have done for our students! Our students and staff are the best around and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. As the superintendent of this great district I have great hope for all of our stakeholders. Moving forward with closing another school year I believe it is important for all of us to reflect upon the successes over the course of this school year. We must recognize our students for who they are and must continue to challenge them to excel while balancing their academic progress with personal, physical, civic, and social development. We must continue to provide our students with the highest quality education possible in order to prepare them for success in a global, interconnected future. The April 5, 2016 21st century education at USD 506 will enable our students to address challenges we cannot predict, to use creative thinking and problemsolving, to understand technology, to persevere and to respect themselves and those around them on a daily basis. To continue along the path set by administration and USD 506 board of education in years past; we are dedicated to helping our students achieve excellence, and we are committed to being the highest quality educational system in Kansas. This includes a commitment to continual improvement in the classroom and outside the confines of 506, informed reflection and decision-making, and the collection and analysis of data. As the best school district in the state, we must attract and retain excellent educators who can provide a challenging, relevant and real-life curriculum that serves the needs of our students. Our district has reaffirmed our commitment to a vital and focused program of professional development for our staff and a safe environment for learning and constructive communication for our students. And we commit to the wise allocation of the resources our communities provide. Students in our district succeed largely due to the district’s culture that stresses the relationships we establish with caring teachers in classes that normally have fewer than 20 students. The district’s stakeholders consistently mention class size and the district’s overall smallness to be key strengths of the district. Some refer to a “private school experience at public school prices” in describing our district. Students feel supported and encouraged to participate in sports, drama, art, music, and other 1 17 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” www.usd506.org before- and after-school activities throughout their educational experience. By the time and would create a new finance formula to replace the block grants as of July 1, 2017. students reach the high school, over 81% are involved in activities beyond the school day. A detailed summary of the legislation by KASB can be accessed here. In addition, KASB has archived a Webinar on the bill that can be viewed here. My hope for you as we wind down another school year is that you are as passionate about your job today as you were the first day you started. Our kids deserve your best, our communities expect your best, and I know deep down you expect the best for those who call USD 506 HOME. Enjoy the rest of the year and make memories today that will last a lifetime! Sincerely, John Wyrick Superintendent A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove…but, the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child. ~Dr. Forest E. Witcraft KASB provides details on wide-ranging school finance bill taken from KASB News Briefs, April 4, 2016; Tallman Report, by Mark Tallman A proposed school finance system would reduce funding, including the elimination of state spending for extracurricular activities, and provide tax funds to parents who want to send their children to private schools or home schools. House Bill 2741 was put together by the chairs of the House and Senate Education Committees — Sen. Steve Abrams, R-Arkansas City, and Rep. Ron Highland, R-Wamego — The measure would reduce base school funding from 2014-15 levels by $373 million, but then temporarily make up some of that funding. The bill would include reductions of state aid based on enrollment by 9 percent; transportation funding by 15 percent; low income aid by 17 percent and bilingual state aid by 51 percent. Then for two years, districts would receive additional aid to make up some of the difference from 2014-15 levels minus projected savings from so-called efficiencies. These would include prohibiting state funding of food services and extracurricular activities, putting school employees in the state health plan and reducing school district cash balances. On taxes, districts could increase property taxes without limit for up to five years with voter approval for purposes other than instruction. Districts would also have to levy a 35 statewide mill property tax compared with the current 20 mills. In addition, the bill would create the Kansas Education Freedom Act in which state funds equal to 70 percent of general state aid for each student, would go toward that student’s parents and be used to pay for educational costs at private or home schools. The measure would also create the USD Efficiency Incentive Program in which school district employees could submit efficiency ideas 2 18 LABETTE COUNTY Unified School District 506 P. O. Box 189 • 401 S. High School Street • Altamont, KS 67330 (620) 784-5326 • Fax: (620) 784-5879 “Where Excellence and Education Meet” www.usd506.org for districts and if approved by the State Board of Education could receive up to 10 percent of the savings. Since cell phones first saw widespread adoption in the 1990s, they've become not just ever present, but have developed vastly The bill could make court challenges to school finance laws more difficult. Only locally raised funds could be used to finance litigation, an appeal from the trial court level would have to go to the Kansas Court of Appeals, instead of directly to the Kansas Supreme Court, and a three-judge panel for school finance trials would be determined by lottery. expanded capabilities, such as the ability to take and instantly share photos. This ability has lead to the phenomena of “sexting,” where people send suggestive or nude pictures to others using their cell phones. Some states have adopted laws that prescribe penalties aimed specifically at teenagers or adolescents who send such photos. Starting in 2018-19, the Kansas State Board of Education would disburse success grants based on student performance after graduation, according to the bill but no amount of funding is set. In addition, new formulas would be established for capital outlay state aid and capital improvement aid. Legislators return for the wrap up session on April 27 but no indication has been given on whether there will be hearings on this bill. District Site Council Meeting USD 506 is extending an invitation to all staff, students, parents, and patrons living in Labette County to attend our district site council meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 starting at 6:00 p.m. on the campus of L.C.H.S. Sheriff Robert Sims and County Attorney Stephen Jones will be presenting on Sexting and the dangers associated with sending and receiving inappropriate images. The administration are very hopeful that there will be standing room only as this is a topic that will benefit all kids and families living in southeast Kansas. To get specific details regarding sexting in the state of Kansas, please join us on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Schedule of Events— • Monday, April 11: VBSB/VSFB @ Frontenac; JV Golf @ Coffeyville; Tennis @ Parsons JV; Track @ Chanute; Board of Education Meeting @ Meadow View. • Tuesday, April 12: JV BSB/SFB vs. Frontenac; VGolf @ Pitt; LCHS Tennis Invitational; District Site Council Meeting @ LCHS. • Wednesday, April 13: Swimming @ Parsons. • Thursday, April 14: Varsity Tennis @ Chanute; AGS PTO Fundraiser Begins; Red/Gold Gatorade Scrimmage. • Friday, August 15: JV BSB/SFB @ Columbus; Track @ Coffeyville • Saturday, August 16: #USD506Proud! 3 19 Altamont Grade Administrative Report Board of Education Meeting April 2016 Building Management • • • • • • • • • • Fire Drill held Tornado Drill held Supervise lunchroom Weekly Events emailed to all staff Custodial schedule accommodates clean-up from evening events Letters home to parents concerning fees Review custodial summer work schedule, days off, etc. Summer cleaning schedule reviewed Determine classrooms used for summer school Inventories out to staff; all coop orders turned in and orders placed Educational Leadership • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Placement and annual IEP Meetings held as required Summer School Information out with recommendations concerning student needs Mentoring meeting held at AGS for district teachers Educational field trips (science, Earth Day, Greenbush, etc.) KSA Testing for reading, math, science, and social studies continues SIT Mtg. held School-wide Annual Review held Admin/Safety Mtg. held April 14 April Building Newsletter sent out to all parents After school tutoring in place for fourth nine weeks College trips held Staff Development April 22; Scoring training for State assessments Recognition of staff “Educational Awards” presentation April 22 DRA testing for Kdg., 1st, 2nd graders Staff meetings held PK Screening held on April 29th Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • Track Meets held through-out the month District Site Council Mtg. April 12th Solo Program for those students participating at PSU – LT on April 11th at 6:30 PSU Music Festival – April 16 Music Concert for grades PK-8 on April 19 @ HA - 7:00 April 13th – 4th Grade to Bartlett Science Day Body Walk for Gr. K-3 @ HH April 21 April 21 – 4th Grade to Earth Day at Parsons 506 Invitational Track Meet – April 5 @ 1:30 506 League Track Meet – April 21 @ 2:30 Cheerleader Tryouts for 2016-2017 held 8th Grade Banquet, April 29, 6:30 @ LCHS Cafeteria Glenda Aikins 20 April 2016 AGS SPRING CONCERTS The Altamont Grade School students and staff would like to invite everyone to attend two evenings dedicated to the musical talent of our students, April 11h for PSU competitors, and April 19th for the PK-8 Spring Concert. The Solo and Small Ensemble Program is held in the Little Theater in the main building at the high school at 7:00 on April 11th. The PK – 8 Spring Concert is held at Harrison Auditorium on April 19th at 7:00. Students should arrive at the auditorium by 6:45 and they should wear their “Sunday best”. 2016 Track Meet Schedule April 5 April 7 April 12 April 14 April 18 April 21 506 Invitational Riverton Iola Girard Columbus 506 League 1:30 2:00 10:00 2:00 1:00 2:30 GO EAGLES! 2016-2017 Pre-School Screening AGS at State Geography Bee Congratulations to A.J. Kohler, AGS eighth grader, whose score on a test earned him a trip to the State Geography Bee held in Abilene, KS on April 1. One hundred students participated in the state bee in Abilene. They were selected based on the written tests they submitted after winning their local school bees. A.J. is the son of Lisa Sandusky and Jeff Kohler. Good Luck, A.J.! Please help! If you know of a child who may be eligible to attend the 2016-2017 AGS Preschool, please have the parent contact the school at 7845511 to make an appointment to attend the screening held on April 29th. Children must be 3 years old. April Events April 11 April 12 April 13 April 16 April 19 April 19 April 26 April 29 April 29 AGS Concert Solo’s & Small Group 7:00 LCHS Little Theater District Site Council Mtg. 6:00 4th Gr. Science Day @ Bartlett PSU Music Festival Earth Day 4th Gr. @ Parsons AGS Spring Concert PreK-8, 7:00 @ Harrison Auditorium PTO 7:00 AGS PK Screening for 20162017; NO Pre-School classes held at AGS 8TH Gr. Banquet 6:30 @ LCHS PTO MEETING – 7:00 TUESDAY, APRIL 26TH Please plan to ATTEND! AGS Student to West Point STEM Workshop Gracie Gatton, sixth grade, has been chosen from among hundreds of applicants to participate in the West Point STEM Workshop at West Point from May 24 -‐ 27, 2016. This is the second year that a student from Altamont Grade School has been selected to participate in the West Point STEM Workshop. The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Workshop is designed for middle school students who demonstrate strong interest and skills in science, technology, engineering, and math. Gracie is excited about the workshop and is looking forward to the experience. 21 Submitting an application to the workshop is voluntary. The student and their family decide if they want to pursue the time, effort, and expense of applying. The workshop is free, but the student’s family is responsible for any travel expense. Gracie is the daughter of Debbie and Rick Gatton. Kansas State Assessments @ AGS February 24 – April 21 To help each student perform at his or her best on the Kansas Assessments, the teachers work daily on enhancing content-specific and cross-curricular knowledge and skills. Parents ask: What can I do to help my child excel on the Kansas Assessments? There are a number of ways to help your child perform his or her best on the Kansas Assessments. Parents can help their children most by starting the day with a nourishing breakfast and ensuring they get plenty of rest the night before. Parents can also visit with their child about the importance of doing their best in everything they do: school, sports, work, being responsible, etc. AGS Testing Schedule February 23 – March 10: The Multidisciplinary Performance tests were given to grades 3-8 in reading and math. Test dates are subject to change. Grade 3: Language Arts March 22 – 28 Math April 11 – 14 Thank You! I would like to thank the PTO officers and the AGS parents for your continued support of our school! Activities sponsored by the PTO this school year include: Fun Night, Book Fair, supporting our athletic program, library books, recess equipment, meals for the teachers at conferences, skating unit, Box Top parties, student rewards, Geography Bee, field trips, learning projects, etc. PLEASE JOIN US AT THE NEXT PTO MEETING ON APRIL 26th AT 7:00! Parent and teacher involvement is needed and appreciated! Safety Concern ATTENTION: When picking up students, delivering messages, etc. the school will contact the classroom while parents are to wait in the hallway outside the office door until their child arrives from the classroom. Parents are not to wait outside the classroom to pick up their child. Non-school personnel arriving at the door of a classroom is an interruption for the whole class and a potential safety issue. PK parents may wait outside the office door or the southwest exit until their child is brought out. The Easter Bunny visited grades K-3 at AGS on March 23rd! This is Mrs. Roberts’ first grade class. Grade 4: Language Arts April 5 – 8 Math April 12 – 18 Grade 5: Language Arts March 29 – April 1 Math April April 11 – 14 Science April 5-6 Grade 6: Language Arts March 30 - April 4 Math: March 22 – 24 Social Studies March 28 – 29 Grade 7: Language Arts March 29 – April 4 Math: March 22 – 29 Grade 8: Language Arts March 30 – April 4 Math March 22 – 24 Social Studies: March 28 – 29 Science: April 4 & April 6 Notice of Non-Discrimination The school district of Labette County USD 506 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries or complaints regarding the nondiscrimination policies, including requests for accommodations or access to District buildings and programs. Complaints in regard to Discrimination Discrimination against any student or employee on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion in the admission or access to or treatment in the districts programs or activities is prohibited. The Superintendent of Schools, PO Box 189, Altamont, Kansas 67330-0188, 620-784-5326, has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Americans with Disability Act of 1990. Superintendent of Schools, 401 S High School Street, PO Box 189, Altamont, KS 67330, 620-784-5326, 620-724-6280 (telecommunications device for the deaf), 620-3283121 (speech impaired), [email protected]. 22 11 7TH Gr. Field Trip; BOE Mtg. 7:00; Solo Perf. In LT @ 6:30; 18 Columbus Track Meet 1:00; 25 AGS SIT Mtg.; School Wide Plan Review 10 24 12 District Site Council Mtg. 6:00 @ LCHS; Iola Track @ 10:00; 19 AGS Spring Concert @ HA 7:00; 4TH Gr. to Earth Day; 26 PTO Mtg. 7:00; 5 506 Invitational Track Meet 1:30; Tuesday 27 20 Mentor Mtg.; 7th Gr. SLA College Visit; 13 4th Gr. to Bartlett Science Day; 6 Wednesday 21 6th Gr. Field Trip; 506 League Meet 2:30; Body Walk for gr. K-3; 28 14 Girard Track Meet 2:00; 2nd Grade to Greenbush; 7 AGS @ Riverton Meet 2:00; Thursday Friday 9 2 Saturday 29 AGS PK Screening, NO PK CLASSES; 8th Gr. Banquet 6:30; Staff Dev. Day; NO SCHOOL 22 30 23 15 16 Kindness/Compassion PSU Music Group Field Trip; Festival; 8 1 April 2016 6280 (telecommunications device for the deaf), 620-328-3121 (speech impaired), [email protected]. Complaints in regard to Discrimination Discrimination against any student or employee on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion in the admission or access to or treatment in the districts programs or activities is prohibited. The Superintendent of Schools, PO Box 189, Altamont, Kansas 67330-0188, 620-784-5326, has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Americans with Disability Act of 1990. Superintendent of Schools, 401 S High School Street, PO Box 189, Altamont, KS 67330, 620-784-5326, 620-724- Notice of Non-Discrimination The school district of Labette County USD 506 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries or complaints regarding the nondiscrimination policies, including requests for accommodations or access to District buildings and programs. 17 4 8TH Gr. Ropes Course; Monday 3 Sunday Altamont Grade 23 • • Board Meeting Report for Bartlett and Edna April 11, 2016 Educational Leadership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conducted all staff in-‐formal Observations for the month of March Started meeting with teachers for their “End of the Year” conferences. Discussed 2 new “Habits of the Mind” with students in both schools. Held monthly staff meeting Made recommendations to John and BOE for teaching positions and activity sponsors for both schools. 6. Attended 19 IEP/Transition Meetings between both schools 7. 8. Sent home positive notes to my March Students of the Month in both schools. Started this year’s state assessment test in both buildings. Run off daily Access Codes and monitored students that needed reactivated due to testing issues. Building Management 1. 2. 3. 4. Sent out newsletters for parents and students in both buildings. Meet with students on behavior concerns. Gave disciplinary consequences. Sent letters out to parents of students that is having absenteeism problems. Continue to work on next year’s COOP orders – Finished up the COOP Building Supply Orders and COOP Paper order for next year in both buildings. Finalized the April Calendar before sending out to parents. Finalized weekly schedules for each building before sending out to staff. Picked up and delivered March’s “Food for Kids” boxes to both schools. Both schools held their Spring Bus Evacuation Drills. Practiced a rear and front exit. Both schools held their first Spring Tornado Drill. Started working on the next year’s calendar dates. Completed our Track Entry Fee PO’s for both schools. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. • Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. We held two nights of Parent Teacher Conferences March 7th and 8th. Both schools had a great turn out by our parents. We either meet with parents at school or had a phone conference with 98 % of our parents. (Around 290 conferences) Eighth grade parents attended an enrollment meeting at LCHS on March 1st. Parents were able to pick up a pre-‐enrollment package, pick up an out of district application, receive information about course offerings, and tour the building. (6-‐8) Band students took part in the band clinic and concert @ LCHS on March 29th. Track practice started for both schools. Both schools have already attended their first track meets this season. Edna held its Kindergarten Round-‐up. We had 14 students sign up. Both schools had Spring pictures taken and held Easter Parties Both schools had a (2) week skating unit in their PE classes and had a Family Skate Night at the Coffeyville Skating Rink. Attached are our April Newsletters for both schools 24 (Aiming Higher Excellence Takes Desire) April 4, 2016 March Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for being selected March students of the Month here at Bartlett. This is an honor and we are proud of you. Kind. – Kiya Donfris 1st – Marshall Minor 2nd – Jaci Falkenstien 3rd – Matthew Wright 4th – Morgan Hanigan 5th – Carmen Eisenbrandt 6th – Justin Robinson 7th – Jacob Shepard 8th – Cecilia Eisenbrandt Spring Music/Basket Raffle/Pie Auction Show Make plans now to attend the Bartlett Spring Program on Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30 pm in the school gym. This year’s program theme is ”A Night At the Movies”. You will hear such classics as “So Long, Farewell” from The Sound of Music and “Hakuna Mata” from The Lion King as well as new favorites like “See You Again” from Fast and Furious 7. There will be something for everyone so you won’t want to miss it. It will be a great evening. All students should dress in nice, concert attire. Students need to arrive in time to take a restroom break and be in their seats by 6:15 pm. Bartlett Grade School 3rd 9-Weeks Honor Roll th * All A’s - 5 Grade, Charlie Alloway, 6th Grade, Paige Davis, ShyAnne Wiley, 7th Grade, Elsie Sorrell, 8th Grade, Luke Falkenstien * All A’s & B’s – 5th Grade, Shelbie Duvall, Emily Eichhorn, Trace Falkenstien, Emma George, Preston Hurst, Kyler IrwingSpangenburg, Darrell Minor, Katie Zwahlen 6th Grade, Shainna Farrow, Molly Gray, Sean Hurst, Gracie Moore Braelyn Shankland, 7th Grade, Ryan Carson, Brody Eichhorn, Lane Farrow, Magnus Winkler, 8th Grade, Cecilia Eisenbrandt, Jaylynn Jonson, Jamie Kasper BUILDING RESPONSIBILITY Help your child keep track of things – Elementary students are still developing their ability to store information. So they forget a lot. Instead of taking over their duties, try these ideas: Write down task. List and post your child’s responsibilities, chores and schoolwork. Notice success. Tell your child that you admire his efforts! Establish routines. This will help your child remember what to do and when to do it. Organize belongings. Have your child put key items in the same place every day. Show confidence. Send the message, “I know you can do this. I believe in you.” • • • • • Music Students to Compete On April 16th the following students will compete at the PSU Music Festival: Instrumental Solos: Elsie Sorrell – Saxophone, and Jamie Kasper – Flute Vocal Solo: Cecilia Eisenbrandt Best of luck to all the competitors! Kindergarten Round-Up Reminder We are still looking for students who will be attending Kindergarten at Bartlett next year. Our Kindergarten Clinic is scheduled for this Wednesday, April 20th, from 8:30 to 3:00. If you have a child or know of a child that will be coming to Bartlett next year please contact the school at 226-3414. It is very important for you and your child to attend this clinic. We will not have kindergarten this day due to the roundup. Important Dates for April • • • • • • • • • April 5th – Bond Election – Go Vote! April 13th – (K-2) Trip to Greenbush April 13th – 4th Grade Science Day at Bartlett th April 15th – 6 Grade ropes course trip April 16th – PSU Mid America Music Festival April 19th – 4th Grade Trip to Parsons for Earth Day Activities April 19th – Spring Music Concert, 6:30 pm April 20th – Kindergarten Round-up, 8:30 to 3:00 April 24th and 25th – Overnight Trip 25 (Competent, Achieving, Talented, Students) BUILDING RESPONSIBILITY Help your child keep track of things – Elementary students are still developing their ability to store information. So they forget a lot. Instead of taking over their duties, try these ideas: April 4, 2016 Music Students to Compete Write down task. List and post your child’s responsibilities, chores and schoolwork. Notice success. Tell your child that you admire his efforts! Establish routines. This will help your child remember what to do and when to do it. Organize belongings. Have your child put key items in the same place every day. Show confidence. Send the message, “I know you can do this. I believe in you.” • On April 16th the following students will compete at the PSU Music Festival: Vocal Solos: Morgan Rexwinkle, Clara Rucker, Kelsey Schplowsky, Audrey Stice, Sydney Neidigh, and Dane DeTar 8th Grade Vocal Ensemble: Danielle Kelly, Morgan Rexwinkle, Clara Rucker, Kelsey Schplowsky, and Audrey Stice 7th/8th Grade Mixed Vocal Ensemble: Zac Hyatt, Jax Gilpin, Tyler Moore, Dane DeTar, Wyatt Simmons, Chandler Moore, Danielle Kelley, Paige Shomber, McKenzie Garton, and Sydney Neidigh Instrumental Solos: Taya Maxson, Flute and Therann Moore, Clarinet Mixed Instrumental Ensemble: Zac Hyatt, Trombone, Branden Lumley, Alto Sax, and Blaine Smith, Tuba Best of luck to all the competitors! • • • • Athletic Fundraiser Results from our second annual Parents vs. Basketball Players ballgame. A total of $869.50 was raised. ($769.50 was raised from the basketball game and concession and $100 from Mr. Traxson's Incentive Fund). Thank you to all who donated, participated, and volunteered to work. Great Job! March Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for being selected March students of the Month here at Edna. This is an honor and we are proud of you. Pre-K – Destiney Cassity Kst – Chloe Steelman and nd Vinny Mullins 1 – Colten Weil 2 – Gavin Rexwinkle rd th 3 – Dayvee Webb 4 – Dallas Hill th th 5th – Snowden Davis 6th – Dustin Andrews 7 – Joel Mathes 8 – Danielle Kelly Kindergarten Reminders We are still looking for students who will be attending Kindergarten at Edna next year. This year our Kindergarten Clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, April 6th, from 8:30 to 3:00. If you have a child or know of a child that will be coming to Edna next year please contact the school at 922-7210. It is very important for you and your child to attend this clinic. We will not have kindergarten WEDNESDAY due to the roundup. Edna Elementary School 3rd 9-Weeks Honor Roll All A’s 5th Grade, Audrey Dewey, Caelan Templeton, Noah Wiley, 6th Grade, Dustin Andrews, Hadleigh O’Brien, Holden Vail, Addie Weil, 7th Grade, Dane DeTar, Kenzie Garton, Joel Mathes, Taya Maxson, 8th Grade, Denton Carrico, Zach Hyatt, Danielle Kelley, Clara Rucker, Kelsey Schplowsky, and Joey Triebel • All A’s & B’s 5th Grade, Colton Brothers, Snowden Davis, Carter Horton, Max Pippin, Cutter Weil, 6th Grade, Logan Benning, Hailey Benson, Jacob Farrow, Satara Gray, Therann Moore, Blaine Smith, Devin Webb, 7th Grade, Chandler Moore, Sydney Neidigh, Jamie Rucker, Kylie Sanders, Paige Shomber, Wyatt Simmons, Chavela’ Yocum, 8th Grade, Isaiah Hill, Caleb Pierce, Morgan Rexwinkle, Zach Stalford, and Audey Stice • Important Dates for April • • • • • • • • April 5th – Bond Election – Go Vote! April 6th – Kindergarten Round-up, All Day – No Kindergarten class today! April 11th – Spring Music Concert, 6:30 pm - This year’s theme “A Night At the Movies”. Something for everyone. April 13th – 4th Grade Science Day at Bartlett April 15th – PTO Bake Sale (4th Grade Class) April 16th – PSU Mid America Music Festival April 21st – 4th Grade Trip to Parsons for Earth Day Activities th April 29th – 8 Grade Banquet, 6:30 26 Meadow View Board Report April 12th , 2016 Building Management *I did all of the usual building management procedures for the month; fire drills, transportation request, weekly staff calendar, etc. *New staff at Meadow View-‐ Suzann Godinez 7th and 8th grade Lang. Arts., Bradley Argabright – P.E and Jr. High basketball, Lauren Gilpin-‐ Kindergarten and Tiffany Sexton – for Mrs. Roberts 1st grade class. I am currently looking for an assistant cook and several Title 1 paras. Educational Leadership *I have began organization of our 4th – 9th grade summer school. It looks like we will have about 40 students participating. *Our after school program is going strong, we have 40 students attending. Joyce and her team are doing a great job. * We had 8 families graduate from (FAST) this Spring. We held our graduation on April 8th. *On April 19th I will attend the Greenbush Food Bid award. I am a co-‐chair of the Food Bid consortium. *I am coordinating the Body Walk for the district that will be held on April 21st. Noteworthy Items *Our 8th graders went to the Gorilla Experience on Friday April 1st. Students got to experience many of the activities in the technology center. *I am working on a plan to handle our pre-‐school numbers for next year. As of now I have 44 four year old and 25 three year olds signed up for next year. Our screening are schedules for April 8th and April 15th. 27 Meadow View News April 2016 Dates for April 1 F Big Bash Party 1 F 8th grade to PSU 5 T 506 Invitational Track 1:00 8 F PreSchool Screeing 8 F Track @ Cherryvale 11 M Board of Education (Here) 7:00 12 T Track @ Iola 10:00 12 T District Site Council @ LCHS 6:00 13 W 4th Grade Science Day 14 Th Track @ Baxter 15 F PreSchool Screening 15 F KC Club field trip 16 S PSU Music Festival 18 M Track @ Columbus 19 T Track @ Chanute 20 W 7th grade Student Leadership to Emporia State 21 Th Body Walk (K3) @ LCHS 21 Th 4th to Earth Day 21 Th 506 League Track Meet 2:00 22 NO SCHOOL 25 M PreK3 Spring Music Concert 7:00 Municipal Auditorium 26 T 4th 8th Spring Music Concert 7:00 Municipal Auditorium 29 F 3rd to PSU Fitness Day PTO Corner Our Grandma Parkers raised just over $8,000 for our PTO. A big thank you to all who helped us in this endeavor. Come check out the hydration stations we purchased with the money. The “BIg Bash” party is scheduled for April 1st. Students who qualified for the party need to remember to wear socks on that day. THANK YOU TO OUR PTO! PreSchool Screenings We have our PreSchool screening scheduled for Friday April 8th and April 15th. Please bring your child’s immunization records, social security card and birth certificates, as these are required for enrollment. Please call for an appointment. Spring Music Concerts Be Courteous on Social Media Our Spring music concert will be held on two nights in April. The PreK 3rd grade concert will be on Monday, April 25th and the 4th 8th grade concert will be on Tuesday April 26th. Both concerts will be held at 7:00 at the Parsons Municipal Auditorium. Students will earn a participation grade in music and band for their performance. Any student unable to attend must have a parent note prior to the concert. We hope you can join us for this great night of music. We are asking parents and school supporters to be courteous and thoughtful when posting student pictures on social media. We have many students enrolled in our school who have asked our district NOT to publish or post their pictures. Many times at school functions and event parents take many pictures of their students and others. Please be considerate when publishing or posting pictures. Kansas Career and College Ready Standards B ook Fair The Meadow View Book Fair was a huge success. Thank you to all of our students, staff, and parents who purchased books and helped run the book fair. We gained lots of books for our school library and for our teacher’s classroom libraries. Important Dates for Eighth Graders *Monday May 2nd Eighth Grade Banquet 6:00 @ LCHS *Thursday May 5th Eighth Grade trip to Silver Dollar City *Tuesday May 10th Eighth Grade Talent Show *Tuesday May 10th Eighth Grade graduation practice@9:00: Eighth Grade Graduation @ 8:00 pm in Harrison Auditorium. Talent Show Talent Show tryout will be after the spring music programs. Their will be more details coming soon. As part of the KCCRS we are implementing two “Habits of the Mind” concepts every month. We believe that by teaching these concepts that our students will have the 21st century skills they will need to be successful. February’s “Habits of the Mind” are: “ Taking Responsible Risks.” and “Finding Humor .” Summer School Students recommended for summer school were given letters to return to the office. Please get those turned back into the office by the April 8th. We want to make final preparation and need accurate numbers to do so. If you need another form please call the office. Fast Graduation We will hold our spring FAST graduation on April 8th Congratulations to all the families who completed this program. 28 Mound Valley Grade School Administrative Report April 2016 Building Management • Will hold April fire and tornado drill • Sent weekly schedule to staff • Scheduled transportation for events Educational Leadership • Held staff meeting-reviewed end of year information • Report Food Bank program • Conducted classroom Walk-throughs • Conducted teachers observations • Held IEP meetings • Trio continues with grades 6-8 • Will attend all Administration meetings • Attend the CIA at Greenbush • Will attend KAGAN recertification workshop • Met with social worker • Will attend the District Site Council meeting • Scheduled the District Staff Development for April • Scheduled Kindergarten Round Up • Scheduled the Sexting presentation for 5th-8th grade Noteworthy Items • Recognized the student of the month • 3 families-attended the FASTWORKS • 7th grade student leadership will meet • Held the Family skating night • Over 2,000 was raised from the Book Fair • KC clubs will go to Kansas City • Track meets are going great. • K-3 will attend Body Walk • Students will participate in the Spring Concert • 5th grade will visit the Ronald McDonald House • Students are taking the State Assessments Melissa Green 29 April 2016 ____________________________________________________________ Important Dates: new books! Thank you so much to our April 5 1:30 506 Invitational Track families, students, staff, and community for all April 6 7th grade SLA trip your support this week! The kids have been April 8 No School for Kindergarten; reading a lot of the new books. Kindergarten Round-‐Up; • State Assessment tips 12:30 Cherryvale Track Meet State Assessments are coming this week of April 12 6:00 District Site Council March. I am asked how parents can help meeting; 1:30 Fredonia prepare their children for these assessments. Track Meet The number one thing that you can do is to April 13 4th grade @ Bartlett for encourage your child to do his or her best at Science Days, 6th-‐8th trip to school every day. The work that our staff has Air and Space museum done throughout this school year will prepare April 14 2:30 Track meet @ Baxter our students academically. The best Springs preparation that families can do is to April 15 4th and 5th trip to CCC, KC encourage, provide space and a regular time club to Kansas City to do homework, make sure your child gets April 16 PSU Musical Festival plenty of rest every night and make sure that April 18 7:00 Spring Concert @ your child gets a nutritious breakfast in the Harrison Auditorium morning before school so that your child has April 19 3:30 Chanute Track Meet the energy needed to get through the day. Our April 20 5th grade trip to Ronald families do a fantastic job supporting our McDonald House, 7th grade students every day. As a staff, we are SLA trip, 8th grade bowling fortunate to be part of a great community that April 21 3:30 506 League Track meet works so hard to make sure our kids have the @ Altamont, 4th grade Earth best opportunities for success. Day trip • Attendance Reminders April 22 No School-‐Staff Development If your child is ill, please call or send a note to April 25 6th-‐8th grade trip to Joplin, 8th school, otherwise the absence will be grade Drivers Ed meeting, unexcused. Truancy is defined as any three April 26 7:00 PTO meeting consecutive unexcused absences, any five April 28 Pre-‐k trip to Curious Minds unexcused absences in a semester, or seven April 29 1st -‐5th trip to Independence, unexcused absences in a school year, 6:30 8th grade banquet whichever comes first. Tardiness occurs when (This calendar is subject to change. Please check the a student enters the building after 8:00 a.m. or Mound Valley calendar on the district website for misses up to an hour at any time during the changes and updates at usd506.org Click on the school day. Calendar button, then choose the Mound Valley • P.E. Skating Unit calendar. You may have to choose the current A big “Thank You” goes to Mr. Nevin for month to update the calendar.) organizing the skating unit for our • Book Fair students. T he kids had a great time and We owe Jenny Winters and Sara Byrd a big learned n ew skating skills. “Thank You” for all her hard work in planning • New P re-‐School or Kindergarten and working the Book Fair. Also, thank you to students all the volunteers who helped and everyone If you know of a child who may be eligible for for your participation. The Book Fair raised the 2015-‐2016 Mound Valley Pre-‐School, over $2,200 in total credit! There were a lot please have the parent contact the school at of smiling teachers around here with their 30 328-‐3121. The child must be 3 years old on or before August 31st. May 4th is our Pre-‐School Screener day. Also, if you know of a child who will be 5 years old on or before August 31st, please have the parent call the school at 328-‐3121 to schedule an appointment for the kindergarten clinic. This year’s clinic is scheduled for April 8th from 8:00 – 2:45. • PTO News One of the greatest assets to Mound Valley Grade School is our Parent Teacher Organization. This group supports learning, makes a lot of events and activities possible for our students and is a part of many of our school activities from sports to the book fair. Our goal as an organization is to engage as many families in our school as possible. This spring opportunities to serve on the PTO team will open up. If you are interested in being a part of this very involved group, you can contact Melissa Green at 328-‐3121. • Summer School Please get the summer school forms turned back into the office by April 29th. We want to make final preparations and need an accurate numbers to do so. If you need another form please call the office. • Spring Pictures Individual and Class pictures are due back by April 12th. Individual pictures checks need to be made out to K & G School Photography. Class picture checks need to be made out to MV Associated Activities. 31 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Brad Smith/Kristi Snider At the present time our Physical Education classes PE I & PE II we are continuing the Badminton Unit. The lifetime sport of horseshoes will be next on the activity agenda. Jenny Gartner Chemistry is finishing up Solutions by studying the properties of Acids and Bases and conducting titration experiments. Physics has finished a robotics study in which tractors were engineered and constructed and the students were graded on how many full pop cans the tractors could pull in one minute a maximum of 50 cm. We are transitioning from classical Newtonian Physics to Modern Physics and the tie ins with Mr. Warren's Electronic student and curriculum always makes this section especially meaningful. College Chemistry. This is one of the best classes I have taught. They are ready to learn everyday. We are beginning the last 3 chapters which deal with Quantum Theory of Atoms and how they bond. This is material the students have never seen before and the concepts are deep and abstract. This is a great prep for students planning on entering any medical field that will require them to take Organic Chemistry. As always Dr. Ecoff with LCC is an amazing textbook writer and does a great job of presenting the information in written form. Google Classroom has been an awesome resource all year but it will be a life line for students this last 9 weeks. Here at the high School the number of activities and sporting events that will pull them from class is staggering. Being able to record my lectures and post assignments with the required materials is a work and study skill that they are now ready to use and refine. Kristi Esquibel All of the students passed the safety test for Man Process class so we are now in the shop building selves. Student are using many skills to build the shelves: following directions, measuring, marking, sanding, use of drills, glueing, staining and sealing. 32 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen In the classroom we are busy with DLM (state assessment) in Math, Language Arts, Science. Math class is working on counting back change, skip counting, and measurements. In English we are finishing up comparing the book and film of “My Dog Skip”. In Geography students are working on the states, regions and directions. Students are using a new program on the Ipads as a communication devices. They have been very successful. Track Special Olympics is April 20 at PSU we plan to attend. Bob Lamb In Spanish I we are working with the stem-changing shoe verbs and will soon begin a chapter which centers around typical spring sports and the vocabulary which is associated with spring sports. Because of the recent proposed changes in our relations with Cuba, the students recently viewed and discussed a video about the culture and history of the island. Students also viewed a short clip of the Cuban national dance-the Rumba. In Spanish II the students recently completed a unit on the preterit pasgt tenses and their uses. To allow them to apply what they have learned, we have begun reparations for short puppet dialogs wherein the students will utilize a minimum number of preterit verbs. A number of points are awarded for successful completion of each step of the puppet show; and a rubric for grading is given to the students along with a time schedule for the completion of each steps. The students have the option of using costumes of their own design or they may make puppets for each character. The final performances will be presented at the conclusion in the small theater. In German II students are completing the forms of the past tenses and will soon be involved in the preparations of a puppet dialog as in Spanish II. In Global Expeditions the final meeting of the year will feature the foods and cultures of the Netherlands and Sweden. We will have drawings for prizes for the people who bring authentic foods, people who bring an interesting fact about each culture, and for those club members who wear the club shirt to the meeting. We will also be 33 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen seeking volunteers to serve on the Global Board of Directors for he coming year. Any club member may volunteer to be on the board. The club does not have officers as such. The responsibility of the Board of Directors is to plan the meeting agenda, assign tasks at the meetings, and inventory supplies to see what is needed. Our primary goal is to promote knowledge, understanding, and mutual respect among cultures and peoples around the world. Catherine Dean Comp II students are working on a long research paper that explores a problem and/or social issue that includes researched data that supports or refutes their claim. This project includes rhetorical strategies, the use of online sources such as TED Talks ( which reflect the format of successful, logical, supportable information sharing), and knowledge of peer reviewed articles located in electronic databases. Gen Lit. students are explicating poetry using the New Critical approach which includes a close reading in order to support their thesis with exploration into literary elements such as diction, imagery, form, speaker, figurative language leading them to a defendable symbolic interpretation of the poem. Language Arts (Juniors) are filling out job application and/or college applications without error and adhering to deadlines in order to gain successful skills that will help throughout their lives. Kim McMunn Health Science I class recently finished studying how alcohol and tobacco affect our health negatively. Took field trip to the PSH&TC to learn of all health careers available there. We received a tour of facilities. Learned about intellectual disabilities and how it is considered the largest minority group. Discussing empathy for this group of people as they receive care. Health Science II has studied the integumentary system, eyes and ears. Students researched different disease processes related to these systems and present information to the class. Have done 34 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen experiments to help students have empathy for people with vision or hearing loss. Health Science III finished job shadowing at Labette Health and are now to the next rotation. They are shadowing at the offices of: Dr. Dudek, Dr. Finley, Dr. Wommack and Dr. Newland. They plan to help with the EMS Teen Saver presentation for the school. They will be helping do the presentations at the Body Venture in April for grade school children. Health Science IV researched and prepared a presentation on Dental Care. They taught the HS I class and have a smaller version that they will be presenting to the K, 1st and 2nd grade students at AGS. Arlene Brothers The few days left in this school year are going fast. I believe it was a very productive, structured and fantastic year. The Labette Academy students have excelled and I am very proud of the accomplishments they have finished. This school year will end with at least 17 students receiving a diploma. The students that have finished are in the community doing great things for themselves. Recently, an academy graduate joined the military and is excited to have the possibilities for a career as a marine. Many of the graduates are enrolled in a college and plan on furthering their education. One of this years' graduates has a full time job at Wal Mart. Most of the students are working at a job and utilizing having a diploma to benefit their futures. My mind thinks of the end of a school year almost like a harvest of a crop that was much work and tended diligently with much care to grow, with this year showing a great bounty. In my opinion, it has been the most successful and best year ever. Jesse Ybarra Sophomore Honors English II students are completing state assessments. Also reading and responding to Chapter 9 in our book, "Outliers", called "Marita's Bargain". This speaks of the KIPP Schools and their approach to student time at school. There is a KIPP school in 35 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen the KC Metro area. USD 506 utilizes a similar approach in the Kansas Reading Roadmap program. Sophomores are also reading and responding to Crevecoeur's "Letters From An American Farmer in comparison to various American Presidents' Inaugural Addresses. Megan Hyatt is exploring summer STEM opportunities with former LCHS Valedictorian, Ian Ybarra. Junior Honors English III - Reading and responding to Chapter 3 in "David and Goliath" entitled, 'Caroline Sacks'. Students examine Caroline's college decision making process with regard to the "big fish in a little pond" concept and the relation to their current college search. Caroline began as a top notch science student with a keen interest in the field, yet her college choice resulted in her changing majors and changing her career and life plans. Allie Jones has been selected for the elite EFL/FTE Program at the University of California in Berkley. McKenna Beery and Kaci Hultz have applied to the Quest Bridge program for scholarship opportunities. Past LCHS Quest Bridge winners include, Jessica Pierce and Hannah Pearce! Lisa Chapman Mrs. Chapman's English classes began their Spring Novel Study on March 28. This novel study takes my students on journeys like they have never experienced. My English 2 classes journey through the Holocaust through the experiences of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel or the characters of Liesel Meminger or a young German boy named Bruno. My English 1 classes are experiencing prejudice in the deep South in the early part of the 20th century through the experiences of John Howard Griffin, Scout Finch, or Hiram Hillburn. I am also happy to share honors that my students have received. Of 18 entries I submitted to the Voices of Kansas contest, 10 were selected for publication. I am very proud of these young writers! English 1 Cassidy Brown, Trey Mathis, Levi McDonald, and Samantha Romine. English 2 - Prairie Bogle, Channler Davenport, Paige March, Shelby McWhirt, Lilliann Preston, and Genevieve Vasser. 36 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Stacy Smith Bradley Myers & Tanner Nelson--- both applied for the Westar Electric Kraft Scholarship and have been invited to the semi- final process for the scholarship this Saturday. We just got late notice because their invite went to their spam mail. UGH. But this is the first time we have had two get invited to this. Really great opportunity and hoping that both walk away with a scholarship. Peter Omarkhail Drafting/AutoCAD - We have two students, Mileah Allen and Megan Hyatt preparing for Skills contest this month. They will be competing using the Autocad program Inventor a 3D modeling program. Megan will also be competing in Leadership. I also introduced the Revit CAD program this year, it is an architectural program. The students are currently drawing up next years house project for Building and Trades/Cabinetry class. Construction Science - We finished the cabinetry for the house project, I encourage anyone who wishes to go check them out. I think the kids did a great job for this being their first experience with kitchen cabinets. We have three students that will be competing at Skills in cabinetry, Ike Reitemeier, Gavan Foster and Nathan Foster. Julie Oswald Algebra 1: These students are working hard. We are finishing up our unit on graphing quadratic equations. In the next week, we will begin a project where we look at how graphing quadratic equations is used in the game Angry Birds. When we finish our Angry Birds Project, we will then begin our last unit on properties of radicals. Geometry: We are currently in one of our final chapters of the book, circles. These students are learning that there is more to circles than they thought! We will finish up this unit in the next week and begin our final unit of the year on circumference, area, and volume. These kids continue to work hard every day in class! 37 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen JC Morgan Human Body Systems - Students completed digestive system analysis and dissection labs and will spend most of April learning about the urinary system in class and lab. After urinary, reproductive systems will be covered prior to finals. A&P - After completing the central nervous system and special senses notes, the class performed dissections on cow eyes then learned to use an opthalmascope to view each others' optic nerve, retina, macula, and major vessels in the eye. Following, they learned to use an otoscope to examine each others' ear canals and drums. Analyzing the endocrine and respiratory systems were next, including multiple organ dissections. Students are now beginning the urinary system and will perform urinalysis and dissection labs after discussions. Before finals, students will finish the year studying the reproductive system. CP BIO - At the beginning of March students completed studying animal nervous systems then spent the rest of the month on genetics. For labs, students completed dihybrid analysis of corn genetics along with a observing the results of crosses between three generations, designed and performed experiments analyzing the presence of a gene allowing humans to taste a particularly bitter chemical compound, and learned how to perform chi-squared analysis to their data. April will be spent performing labs and studying Ecology and Evolution, then preparing for finals. The class is planning a trip to Wildcat Glades and the Tar Creek EPA Superfund site to perform dissolved oxygen labs and to collect specimens. Craig Hartman World History- Today we are discussing the Holocaust and the genocide of the Jewish people by the Nazis during WWII. We talked about Arrowhead Stadium holding about 80,000 people and it would have been filled 75 times with the number of Jews who were exterminated by Hitler in WWII. 38 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen American History- The students are discussing the 1960's in America. We are talking about the Cuban Missile Crisis, the protests led by Martin Luther King Jr., specifically the I Have a Dream speech. Our classes have learned about the Peace Corp and also our involvement in Viet Nam as America tried to prevent Southeast Asian countries from becoming communist nations according to a theory known as the Domino Theory. Marty Warren Happenings in Electronics! 1) Fundamentals of Electronics are covering Inductance, Reactance, and Transformers. We will be ending up with Impedance, Filters, and Tuning circuits. 2) Emerging Technologies are finishing the AM section of the radio and will be moving into the FM section the next week. Will be finishing with Silicon Controlled Rectifiers and Switching Power Supplies. 3) Digital Classes will be working on Arithmetic Circuits inside the microprocessor. They will be finishing with ROM or Read-Only-Memory circuits along with studying the CET or Certified Electronics Technician test. 4) Principles of Engineering class are working on individual projects and studying for the CET test. Two of the projects are attached: One is Levi Manners making a clock in individual parts from the 3-D printer donated by Brook Drumm. The other one is Damon Bump constructing a computer inside a min-fridge donated by Mr. Leake. We have several others by various students. 5) Electronics will be sending eleven students to Hutchinson, Wichita, and Beloit to compete in various leadership and electronics contests. 6) This has been a nice year for electronics! Rob Page Algebra II -- Students completed state assessments following spring break, they did a great job of thoroughly working through each section and giving their best effort. As their classroom teacher, I was very pleased with each and every one of our sophomore students here at LCHS. 39 LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Principal: Shane Holtzman USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Heather Wilson The LC Theatre Department including Technical Theatre and Advanced Theatre is just about to produce the Pultizer Prize winning play, Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley. It is produced on Harrison stage with limited seating. We're very proud to tackle such difficult yet important productions at LC. In conjunction with these performances, many of the advanced theatre students are preparing for acting and playwriting competition at the William Inge Center High School Scene competition day for $5000 in cash scholarships on Saturday, April 23. The Dramatic Literature class has been working on critical analysis of such powerful plays as Macbeth by William Shakespeare, The Importance of Being Earnest, and True West by Sam Shepard. The Theatre 1 classes are beginning their theatre history units. Each partner has read a full length classic play, memorized a scene, studied the period, and will perform it for the class. Kim Hawks/Scott Austin Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a student-led organization that emphasizes student growth, networking, technology, and best business practices. There are over 250,000 members nationwide. LCHS has had our own local chapter for over 65 years with a long traditional of quality and success. The concepts of FBLA can easily be incorporated into the regular classroom curriculum to help students better apply what they learn. The business department students have just returned from the FBLA state leadership conference in Topeka. Following are student placings: Social Media Campaign-2nd – Jessica Brooks Accounting-5th – Megan Hyatt Introduction to Business Presentation-5th - Ali Hinman, Logan Meyer, MaggieBillman Marketing-7th - Ali Hinman, Jade Davis, Lyndsey Brothers Introduction to Business Procedures-8th - Jade Davis 40 LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Principal: Shane Holtzman USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen Sales Presentation-9th - Maggie Billman Local Chapter Annual Business Report-10th - BreAnna Albertson, Shea O’Connor Business Ethics-10th - Megan Hyatt, Kyle Carpenter, Nikola Ilievski Crystal Witty/Jack Leake SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT: Monday, April 4th Scholarship Recipients Scholarship Name Booster Club Scholarship Bernice Neville K ersten Memorial Byron C. Peterson Memorial Charles Harry Kastler Baseball/Softball Class o f 1951 Class o f 1979 Clifford Morris Daniel Tongier Dwight & Louise Fultz Memoiral Edna B EARS Scholarship Edna Community Scholarship Amount Scholarship Recipient $250 $250 $1,000 $100 $150 $150 $150 $150 $250 $500 $500 $250 $250 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 Daniel Hefley Clancie Sorrell Kyle Carpenter Kayden Nickles Taya Leech Klein Ryan Grant Simpson Patricia Myers Aubrey Baker Colby Manley Madison Rexwinkle Colby Manley Sabryn Beery Madison Rexwinkle Madison Aiken Shelby Gilstrap Katelen Bailey Tyler Russell Timothy Moore Clancie Sorrell Rio Esquibel Mileah Allen Katelen Bailey Erin Barnett Rio Esquibel Courtney Garton 41 LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Principal: Shane Holtzman USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Eleanor Adamson Buxton Elks Foundation Eugene S. McMunn Memorial F.L. ouise Norris Fellowship of Christian Athletics Coalition Future Business Haley R. Hilderbrand Memorial Henry Bussinger Memorial Henry Bussinger Memorial Jean Charles Memorial Judy Shrum Memorial Judy Shrum Memorial Kara Shaffer LCTA Scholarship LCTA Scholarship L.D. Christine Curran Scholarship Library Club Scholarship Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $100 $1,000 $600 $600 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $150 $100 $100 $250 $1,000 $300 $300 $300 $100 $100 $250 $300 $300 $150 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Shelby Gilstrap Triston Lotz Timothy Moore Chance Newberry Tyler Russell Ian Triebel Erica Gartner Abbie Stice Clancie Sorrell Trey Morgan Kyle Carpenter Haley Page Alex Peak Abbie Stice Devin Philbrick Timothy Moore Erica Gartner Trey Morgan Clancie Sorrell Lyndsey Brothers Klein Ryan Clancie Sorrell Joli Hutto Colby Manley Jesse Mendoza Tristen Lotz Erica Gartner Clancie Sorrell Deven Foster Madison Rexwinkle Alex Peak Erica Gartner Lyndsey Brothers Abbie Stice Sydnie Davis Alex Peak Haley Page Madison Scott 42 LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Principal: Shane Holtzman USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Mary Williams Eichhorn Memoiral Merl Swayze Mike Giefer Memorial Myrtle Mingle Memorial Parsons Rotary Club Parsons Rotary Club Pleasant Hills Community Church Pleasant Hills Community Church Raymond T. & Helen Brown Memorial Ron Lewis Memorial Verna Lee Duckworth Wilbur L. Stone Gladys L. Stone Wilhelmina Wilbershide Total Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $250 $300 $500 $250 $400 $400 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $250 $500 $10,000 $100 $34,750 Robbie Gibbs Klein Ryan Aliyah Clemmens Sabryn Beery Shelby Gilstrap Daniel Hefley Aubrey Baker Madison Aiken Taya Leech Trinity Larkin Taya Leech Haley Page Klein Ryan Abbie Stice Haley Page Clancie Sorrell Clancie Sorrell Justin Sexton Renae White Alex Peak Clancie Sorrell Devin Philbrick Grant Simpson Sabryn Beery Booster Club Liason - $250.00 each: Aliyah Clemens, Grant Simpson, Devin Philbrick, Deven Foster. Marcie Ryan This month our JAG program welcomed SFC Elzy, United States Army recruiter, back to the classroom to help get the students setup on the March2Success online training program. This program will help the students improve their vocabulary and math skills as well as help increase their testing scores. SFC Elzy also came a second time this month to visit with a couple young men in the class about their desire to enter the military and what steps they need to take if they are serious about pursuing a career in the Army. 43 Principal: Shane Holtzman LABETTE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL USD 506 Altamont, KS 67330 620-‐784-‐5321 Asst. Principal: Ed Raschen We also welcomed Scott Austin, one of the LCHS business teachers, to speak to our class about his line of work and how he ended up at LCHS. Mr. Austin previously worked in the business community as a financial investor at a local business, but after a few years he decided he wanted a more relaxed, less stressful career. He spoke to the students about the importance of saving their money and investing it in their futures. This month we volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House in Joplin, MO. A small group of students went to the RMH and cooked and cleaned as well as participated in a community awareness activity called “Sticker Shock” where we informed area businesses about the costs of providing alcohol to underage individuals. We also delivered our donated items to PALS, a local animal shelter, and the students enjoyed interacting with the animals while there. Damon Bump in Mr. Warren’s Electronics Class. 44 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY FALL 2013-2014 Date Submitted: 9/11/2013 Submitted By: Shane Holtzman School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 8-Man Football 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-Man Football 16 17 12 8 0 1 0 0 Volleyball 0 0 0 0 13 8 8 4 Cross Country 1 3 7 5 0 0 1 3 Girls Golf 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 0 Girls Tennis 0 0 0 0 7 5 6 5 Gymnastics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Soccer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Band 5 5 1 2 11 4 8 6 Orchestra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vocal Music 7 4 8 3 17 10 13 8 Student Council 1 1 4 3 4 5 4 5 Debate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY WINTER 2013-2014 Date Submitted: 1/07/2014 Submitted By: Shane Holtzman School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Basketball 12 3 8 5 11 6 6 3 Wrestling 4 3 6 5 1 0 0 0 Bowling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Swim/Dive 0 0 0 0 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Cheer 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 2 Dance/Drill/Pompon 0 0 0 1 3 2 4 4 KAY 1 4 1 6 6 8 7 6 Scholars Bowl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY SPRING 2013-2014 Date Submitted: 3/28/2014 Submitted By: Shane Holtzman School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Baseball 6 5 11 6 0 0 0 0 Boys Golf (Sand) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Golf (Grass) 4 3 5 4 0 0 0 0 Boys Tennis 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 Girls Soccer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Girls Softball 0 0 0 0 9 8 8 3 Girls Swim/Dive 0 0 0 0 4 7 4 8 Track & Field 5 10 12 6 5 3 2 6 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Speech & Drama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Academic Contest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY FALL 2014-2015 Date Submitted: 9/10/2014 Submitted By: Shane Holtzman School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 8-Man Football 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-Man Football 20 10 11 11 0 0 1 0 Volleyball 0 0 0 0 14 8 5 4 Cross Country 6 3 3 6 4 0 1 1 Girls Golf 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 Girls Tennis 0 0 0 0 7 6 4 7 Gymnastics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Soccer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Band 6 4 3 1 8 5 2 6 Orchestra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vocal Music 14 10 4 16 18 21 9 20 Student Council 1 3 2 4 6 13 8 2 Debate 0 3 2 4 0 0 0 0 48 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY WINTER 2014-2015 Date Submitted: 1/08/2015 Submitted By: Shane Holtzman School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Basketball 15 5 3 7 15 6 4 4 Wrestling 4 4 1 5 0 0 0 0 Bowling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Swim/Dive 0 0 0 0 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Cheer 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 Dance/Drill/Pompon 0 0 0 0 2 5 2 3 KAY 0 0 6 1 0 7 3 6 Scholars Bowl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY SPRING 2014-2015 Date Submitted: 4/07/2015 Submitted By: Shane Holtzman School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Baseball 10 4 4 9 0 0 0 0 Boys Golf (Sand) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Golf (Grass) 7 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 Boys Tennis 4 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 Girls Soccer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Girls Softball 0 0 0 0 12 10 6 6 Girls Swim/Dive 0 0 0 0 1 6 11 0 Track & Field 12 9 11 12 13 3 3 3 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Speech & Drama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Academic Contest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY FALL 2015-2016 Date Submitted: 9/10/2015 Submitted By: Edward Raschen School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 8-Man Football 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-Man Football 19 15 6 15 0 0 0 1 Volleyball 0 0 0 0 13 9 7 3 Cross Country 3 8 1 0 0 2 0 0 Girls Golf 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 2 Girls Tennis 0 0 0 0 5 6 5 3 Gymnastics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Soccer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Band 8 6 4 5 6 6 3 2 Orchestra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vocal Music 8 13 4 2 17 20 14 6 Student Council 5 1 3 1 5 5 8 6 Debate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY WINTER 2015-2016 Date Submitted: 4/02/2016 Submitted By: Edward Raschen School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Basketball 11 14 1 1 11 11 5 2 Wrestling 5 8 3 1 0 0 0 0 Bowling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Swim/Dive 0 0 0 0 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Cheer 0 0 0 0 2 4 5 4 Dance/Drill/Pompon 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 0 KAY 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 3 Scholars Bowl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 STUDENT ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION SURVEY SPRING 2015-2016 Date Submitted: 4/07/2016 Submitted By: Edward Raschen School #: 463 School Name: Altamont-Labette County HS City: Altamont Zip: 67330 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Baseball 4 12 1 3 0 0 0 0 Boys Golf (Sand) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boys Golf (Grass) 6 6 4 2 0 0 0 0 Boys Tennis 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 Girls Soccer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Girls Softball 0 0 0 0 5 9 10 2 Girls Swim/Dive 0 0 0 0 9 2 5 6 Track & Field 7 9 5 6 4 10 1 1 # BOYS PARTICIPATING # GIRLS PARTICIPATING NON-ATHLETIC 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH Speech & Drama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Academic Contest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 Labette County High School Athletic Budgets – 61453 – Pink* Fall Sports: Cheer Cross Country Dance Football Football** Golf (Girls) Tennis Volleyball $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $10,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $3,000.00 Total Fall Sports $23,600.00 Winter Sports Basketball (Boys) Basketball (Girls) Wrestling $4,800.00 $4,800.00 $1,700.00 Total Winter Sports $11,300.00 Spring Sports Baseball Golf (Boys) Softball Swimming Tennis (Boys) Track (Boys) Track (Girls) $3,000.00 $1,300.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,300.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Total Spring Sports $13,600.00 Total Budget $48,500.00 *Pink is color of general fund requisition form **Football helmet reconditioning 620-778-6453 cell 620-784-2682 fax 620-784-5321 ext. 1007 office [email protected] Social Media: @LCGrizzlyNation – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat The Cube: www.thecube.com Search: LCGrizzlyNation P.O. Box 407 – 601 S. High School Street – Altamont, KS. 67330 www.usd506.org THE Grizzly Nation Ezra 10:4 54 Labette County High School Athletic Budgets – Uniform Budgets – 61453 – Pink* 2016 Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year_____________________ Basketball (Boys) Basketball (Girls) Golf (Boys) Golf (Girls) Swimming Wrestling $6,250.00 $6,250.00 $750.00 $750.00 $250.00 $1,500.00 Total $18,750.00 2018 Fiscal Year Golf (Boys) Golf (Girls) Swimming Tennis (Boys) Tennis (Girls) Volleyball Wrestling $750.00 $750.00 $250.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $6,500.00 $1,500.00 Total $18,750.00 2019 Fiscal Year_____________________ Football Golf (Boys) Golf (Girls) Swimming Track (Boys) Track (Girls) $6,000.00 $750.00 $750.00 $250.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Cross Country Football Golf (Boys) Golf (Girls) Softball Swimming $1,500.00 $6,000.00 $750.00 $750.00 $6,500.00 $250.00 Total $18,750.00 Total $18,750.00 2020 Fiscal Year 2021 Fiscal Year_____________________ Baseball Football Golf (Boys) Golf (Girls) Swimming Wrestling $6,500.00 $6,000.00 $750.00 $750.00 $250.00 $1,500.00 Basketball (Boys) Basketball (Girls) Golf (Boys) Golf (Girls) Swimming Wrestling $6,250.00 $6,250.00 $750.00 $750.00 $250.00 $1,500.00 Total $18,750.00 Total $18,750.00 *Pink is color of general fund requisition form 620-778-6453 cell 620-784-2682 fax 620-784-5321 ext. 1007 office [email protected] Social Media: @LCGrizzlyNation – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat The Cube: www.thecube.com search: LCGrizzlyNAtion P.O. Box 407 – 601 S. High School Street – Altamont, KS. 67330 www.usd506.org THE Grizzly Nation Ezra 10:4 55 Labette County High School Gate – Yellow Baseball $3,069.93 Basketball (Boys) $4,136.17 Basketball (Girls) $3,354.32 Cross Country $450.00 Cheer $112.00 Dance $69.99 Football $3,585.00 Golf (Boys) $1,299.50 Golf (Girls) $1,061.50 Softball $1,520.00 Swim $1,301.00 Tennis (Boys) $1,280.50 Tennis (Girls) $1,280.50 Track (Boys) $1,766.08 Track (Girls) $1,766.08 Volleyball $1,905.00 Wrestling $2,040.74 Total $29,998.31 620-778-6453 cell 620-784-2682 fax 620-784-5321 ext. 1007 office [email protected] Social Media: @LCGrizzlyNation – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat The Cube: www.thecube.com Search: LCGrizzlyNation P.O. Box 407 – 601 S. High School Street – Altamont, KS. 67330 www.usd506.org THE Grizzly Nation Ezra 10:4 56 Labette County High School Cost Per Student-Athlete* Sport Baseball Gate $3,069.93 Budget $3,000.00 Uniform $6,500.00 Player 20 Cost/Athlete $628.50 Basketball (Boys) $4,136.17 $4,800.00 $6,250.00 27 $562.45 Basketball (Girls) $3,354.32 $4,800.00 $6,250.00 29 $496.70 Cross Country $450.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 14 $210.71 Cheer $112.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 16 $100.75 Dance $369.99 $1,500.00 $0.00 9 $207.78 Football $3,585.00 $10,000.00 $6,000.00 56 $349.73 Football $0.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 56 $71.43 Golf (Boys) $1,299.50 $1,300.00 $750.00 18 $186.08 Golf (Girls) $561.50 $1,300.00 $750.00 7 $373.07 Softball $6,520.00 $3,000.00 $6,500.00 26 $616.15 Swim $1,301.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 22 $115.95 Tennis (Boys) $0.00 $1,300.00 $3,000.00 6 $716.67 Tennis (Girls) $0.00 $1,300.00 $3,000.00 19 $226.32 Track (Boys) $1,766.08 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 27 $287.63 Track (Girls) $1,766.08 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 16 $485.38 Volleyball $1,905.00 $3,000.00 $6,500.00 32 $356.41 Wrestling $2,040.74 $1,700.00 $1,500.00 17 $308.27 Total $32,237.32 $48,500.00 $56,750.00 361 $380.85 *Totals do not reflect coaches stipends or transportation for competitions. Note: Numbers do not reflect LCHS Booster Club contributions to the LCHS Athletic Department. Note: Uniforms are on a 5-year rotation. 620-778-6453 cell 620-784-2682 fax 620-784-5321 ext. 1007 office [email protected] Social Media: @LCGrizzlyNation – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat The Cube: www.thecube.com Search: LCGrizzlyNation P.O. Box 407 – 601 S. High School Street – Altamont, KS. 67330 www.usd506.org THE Grizzly Nation Ezra 10:4 57 Labette County High School Coaches Supplementals* Fall Sports: % = Base salary - $2,000.00 = $32,430 x % = Supplemental pay Cheer HC** Cross Country HC Dance HC Football HC Football Assistant Golf (Girls) HC Tennis HC Volleyball HC Volleyball Assistant 7% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,270.10 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 5% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $1,621.50 12% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,891.60 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 6% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $1,945.80 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 10% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,243.00 7% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,270.10 Winter Sports Basketball (Boys) HC Basketball (Boys) Assistant Basketball (Boys) Assistant Basketball (Girls) HC Basketball (Girls) Assistant Basketball (Girls) Assistant Wrestling HC Wrestling Assistant 12% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,891.60 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 12% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,891.60 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 12% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,891.60 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 Spring Sports Baseball HC Baseball Assistant Golf HC Softball HC Softball Assistant Swimming Tennis (Boys) HC Track (Boys) HC Track (Boys) Assistant Track (Girls) HC Track (Girls) Assistant 10% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,243.00 7% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,270.10 6% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $1,945.80 10% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,243.00 7% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,270.10 6% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $1,945.80 8% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,594.40 10% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,243.00 7% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,270.10 10% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $3,243.00 7% = $34,430.00 - $2,000.00 = $32,430.00 = $2,270.10 *Note: Numbers are based on 1st year teacher getting a head coaching, or assistant coaching position. Does not factor in movement on steps. Supplemental pay shall be computed based on step less $2,000. 620-778-6453 cell 620-784-2682 fax 620-784-5321 ext. 1007 office [email protected] Social Media: @LCGrizzlyNation – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat The Cube: www.thecube.com Search: LCGrizzlyNation P.O. Box 407 – 601 S. High School Street – Altamont, KS. 67330 www.usd506.org THE Grizzly Nation Ezra 10:4 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 USD 506 – Labette County April bills and financial reports Total Bills: Presented April 11, 2016 for Board Approval 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Executive Session School board business is public business and all official board action should be taken in open session. Executive sessions may sometimes be needed, however, to discuss matters prior to board action. By statute (K.S.A. 75-4319) no subjects shall be discussed at any closed or executive session, except the following: Ø Personnel matters of nonelected personnel. Ø To discuss matters affecting a student(s). Ø To discuss confidential financial data or trade secrets of a business. Ø Consultation with an attorney for the board, which would be deemed, privileged in the attorney-client relationship. Ø To discuss negotiations. Ø To have preliminary discussions about the acquisition of real property. Ø To discuss matters relating to the security of the board or the school. I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters for non-elected personnel; and that the board return to the open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. The executive session is required to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual. I move that the board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing negotiations; and that the board return to the open meeting at ___________o’clock in this room. 98