TWI NS - University of Houston
TWI NS - University of Houston
TW I N S The Origin of the Word Roommates Background,Myths,andourExperience. № 1 ntical e Id Twins The scientific term for identical twins is “Monosygotic Twins” This occurs when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygotewhich then divides into two separate embryos. How does this happen? Regarding spontaneous or natural monozygotic twinning, a recent theory posits that monozygotic twins are formed after a blastocyst essentially collapses, splitting the progenitor cells (those that contain the body’s fundamental genetic material) in half, leaving the same genetic material divided in two on opposite sides of the embryo. Eventually, two separate fetuses develop.Spontaneous division of the zygote into two embryos is not considered to be a hereditary trait, but rather a spontaneous or random event. Monozygotic twins may also be created artificially by embryo splitting. It can № IVF to increase the number of be used as an expansion of 2 available embryos for embryo transfer. F ternal Twins a r The scientific term for Fraternal twins is “Dizygotic Twins” This occur when two fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterus wall at the same time. When two eggs are independently fertilized by two different sperm cells, fraternal twins result. The two eggs, or ova, form two zygotes How does this happen? Unlike Identical twins, Fraternal twins are reffered to non-identical meaning the twins are disimiliar. Dizygotic twins, like any other siblings, have an extremely small chance of having the same chromosome profile. Like any other siblings, dizygotic twins may look similar, particularly given that they are the same age. However, dizygotic twins may also look very different from each other. They may be of different sexes or the same sex. The same holds true for brothers and sisters from the same № parents, meaning that fraternal and/or sororal twins are simply siblings who happen 3 to be the same age. M y out Twin b A s s th 1. They'reOneandtheSame:They'renot.:Theyareindividuals,regardlessofwhetherthey'reidentical orfraternal.Peoplemayseethemasamonolithandaunifiedfront,butbelievethefactthatthey eachwanttobeseenasindividuals--despitetheircloserelationship.Inspiteoftheirsimilarities,they areunique,justlikesiblingsthatarebornatdifferenttimes.Accordingly,treatthemassuch. 2. The“EvilTwin”andthe“GoodTwin”:There’snosuchthing.Kidswillbekidsandsometimesone willbehavebetterthananother,likeanytwochildreninafamily.Settingupadichotomybetween siblingscancausenothingbuttrouble.Whenchildrenarelabelledas“good”or“bad,”thesubsequentbehaviouroftenbecomesaself-fulfillingprophecy. 3. AllTwinsMustHavetheSameParents:IknowyouaresittingtherethinkingIamcrazywiththis onebutletmeexplain.Itisanecessityforthemothertobethesame,however,havingthesamefatherisnot.Letmefirstgiveyouthedefinitionoftwins.Identicaltwinsareformedwhenonesperm fertilizesoneeggandthentheeggsplitswhilefraternaltwinsareformedwhentwoseparatesperms fertilizetwoseparateeggs.Itisthefraternaltwinsthatcouldhavedifferentfathers.Knowingthis definition,isitnotpossibleforawomentohavesexualrelationswithtwodifferentmenwithinthe sameovulationcycleandbefertilizedbyboth?Ifyouansweredyes,youarecorrect.Iknowofone suchcaseandthereareprobablymanyothersnotreported.Iamnotsayingthatthisisthesuggested wayofhavingtwins,Iamjustsayingitcanhappen. 4. Hail,Cesarean:No,notalltwinsareautomaticallydeliveredviacesareansection,despitepopularbelief.Itisactuallypossibleandcommonfortwinstobedeliverednaturally,withnaryascalpelinsight. C-sectionsareoftennecessaryforanumberofmedicalreasons,butdon’tautomaticallyassumethat alltwinsarebornviathismethod.They’renot. 5. IdenticalTwinsareGenetic:Whilethereisageneticcomponenttofraternaltwins,identicaltwins arecompletelyrandom,soit’sirrelevantwhetherornottwinsruninthefamilyornot.Theresultofa fertilizedeggsplittingafterconception,identicalsareanunexplainedoccurrenceinnature. 6. AllTwinsFeelEachOther’sPain:Whileitistruethatsometwinsdofeeleachother’spain,itisnot aguarantee.Thereisnomysterytothiseither.Ithappenssimplybecausetwopeopleshareanextremelyclosebond.Youdonotneed tobeatwintohavethisgift.Idohaveitwith mytwinsister.Infact,therehavebeen numeroustimesthatco-workersnoticedme limpingandaskedwhatwaswrong, № towhichIreplied“Mysister’skneeisacting up.”Ialsohaveitwithmybestfriend. Allittakesisbeingtotallyhonestandopen 4 andreallycaringabouteachother. Famous Twins Identical • Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen (Actors/Entrepenerour) • Tia and Tamara Mowry (Actors) • Linda Hamilton (Actor) • Jon Heder (Actor) • Jill and Jacqueline Hennessy (Actor) • Jason and Jeramie London (Actor) • James Phelps (Actor) • Ronde and Tiki Barber (Sports) • Joel and Benji Madden (Music) • Siva Kaneswaran (Music) • Elvis Presley (Music) Fraternal • Scarlette Johansson (Actor) • Ashton Kutcher (Actor) • Aaron Carter (Music) • Alanis Morisette (Music) • Kiefer Sutherland (Actor) • Vin Diesel (Actor) • Barbara & Jenna Bush (Politics) • Giselle Bundchen (Model) • Duffy (Music) and finally.. The Minnesota (Sports) № 5 ™ F ortunately for me I have the pleasure of being a fraternal twin. We share alot in common but nothing too different than regular siblings share. We were born and raised in Houston, Tx, December 20th, 1985. Twin A born 6 lbs 2 oz and Twin B (me) born 6 lbs. 5oz. We are Mexican-American. We have four older brothers, making us the babies in a family of 8. We have a birthday tradition with our parents that we have yet to break. Regardless of what are plans are with friends or significant others, on the day of our birthday we spend it to gether with our parents. We are both married and that in № general has brought us much closer. 6 Twin A My name is Estanislao Garcia III. I like to be called “Tanis” for short. I am a truck driver that works in the petroleum industry. When I am not working I like to spend time with my wife and kids. My hobbies include anything that has to do with fixing and building. What i like about being a twin is having someone you can relate to and having someone that is always going to be there for me no matter what. Just being a twin is something special and there is nothing I dont like about it. My name is Herminia Garcia-Orozco. My nickname, however, is Mina. I am a student persuing a Bachelors degree in Media Production from the University of Houston. I love photography. I would say that’s my biggest hobby at the moment. Out of my brother and I, I am the most creative and most emotional . That’s probably just because I’m the girl. :) What I enjoy most about being a twin is saying that I’m a twin and hearing all the trouble we would get into when we were little. I love how close my brother and I have become as adults. Twin B № He is my #1 best friend. 7 The End