AIR COMPRESSOR (0.2-30kw) I Oil-lubricatedreciprocatingtype 0 .7 5-11kW 0 .2 -11kW I Oil-freereciprocatingtype 0.75-30kw I Oil-freescrolltype Air Compressor Reciprocating Your powerfulpartner. Long life oil is requred as our uniquecompositeresinpistonhas ONo lubricating durability andyou canenioy a self-lubricating hasexcellent its oi -freeadvantagesfor a long periodof time withouttrouble. througha two-waycoolingsystem(2.2kW aExtendedcoolingefficiency andabove)eliminates troublescausedby excessheat. alarge capacityintakefilter. Clean airordrain. lmprovesyourproductqualityand ONooil in compressed lt is maintains a cleanworkingenvironment. friendlyunit. an environment ,re TFPO4-l0 Powerful /.".t-\ r co c ffi TFP75-10 v alwo-stage compression(5.5kWand above). unitsare up to 1.oMPaand OTank-mounted packagedtype are up to 0.85N/Pa. packagedmodels(5.5kWand 41 .4[,4Pa above)are also available. Safe alncludesfullycoveredbeltcoverfor all tank-mountedmodels. OTEFC(totallyenclosedfan cooled)motor is standardto preventtroublesfrom dust and moisture(excepiTFP-02l04). OAnti-dustfilter kit is standardto protectthe (5.5kWandabove). internal components xBu t ina r dryermodesareavailabe fora packaged modes. cFPl10B-14D c0mpeting m0dels reciprocating aircompressors outperform 0urC0MG oillubricated in durability, safety andversatility, ont0pol theirbasicperformance. aThe TEFCmotor is standardto preventtroublesfrom dust Ftr and moisture. aAll the tank-mountedmodelshavea fully coveredbelt coverfor safely. aTwo-way coolingsystemensureselfectivecoolingof heat generatedby compression(2.2kWand above). aAuto start-stoppressureswitch(all-tankmountedmodels and packaged1.5-7.5kWmodels). aManual dualcontrol(forpackaged11kWmodel)enables you to selectthe most suitablecontrolsystemfor your aoolication. y, we recommend xWhenthea r cornpressor use is usedintermitlent of a waterseparator kitwhichis avaialleasanoptonalpartfor models from2.2to 11kW. 1.4[,4Pa xBu lt-inairdryermodels modes. areavaableforallpackaged ate cLP37C-8.5D TLP55B-10 ICOMG Series / Tank-mounted 'ia T!PCo7-10 lLPt5"1o r5l2l TLP22B-TO TLP378-t0 2213) TLP55B-IO flP75Br0 T L P ti o a - l o 1LP22B-14 TLP37BN4 37151 :9 r65 Ba .oci rC65.3a5tB00 -|r::- r2oo\.125i440 0a-t0 5 5{75l 355 224 lllr5l 22131 37{51 TLP558-14 TLP75B-T4 5 5{75l TLPll0B-14 |{t5l lb35^bbO.l I lO 1,130\.175\990 224 75(r0l l500x550xloao 235 2aa The comDosite resin piston andthermosett ng Thecompositeresinpistons madefroma heatresistant characterisiics andcanendurecontinuous use resln,lt hasexcellent anti-wear underh gh temperatures.t e iminatedthe needfor a riderdng,whichis Thismeansyouarefreefrom essenualtoconventonaloil-freeaircompressors. seizureor ga ling,oftenfoundin the riderringmechansm. Thecompresslon ringis madefromTeflonresinwhichhashlghheatandanti-wearresistance roonvenl onaloll-lreepislon ICOMG Series/ Tank-mount TrP02-r0 o 2tt /4) TfPtt+10 o.4ttt2) 0a-]0 )5t11 ?3 20 35/40 25 ftuoT-7 TFP1CoT-10 TFmT-tO 0 75{r) TEPt5-10 15t2) TFP22a-10 TFP37&I0 22t3) 3 7t5) TFP55-lO TFP75"tO TFP1IGlO t065r345x300 235 30 5.5{75t 530 l2a r65 7 5n0t r tl5l 425 0.4-l.0 237 76 2aa T9 ICOMGPACSeries : cFP07C-a.5 CFPI5C€5 + cFP22C{.5 cFP37C-a5 cFP55A-8.5 cFP75B-45 a : g cFPrl08-8.5 cFP07C-859 cfPl5c-8.5D cFP22C-8.50 cfP37C-8.5D cfP55B-a.5D ctP75B-85D cfPtloE-a.sD 0 75trt 2.2t31 260 3.7(5) 5 5 t 75 ) 7 5It0l lrtl5l 075{rl a2 25 25 39 37(5] II|51 693x5e5\ )20 63 a2 t05 55 t52 53 2AO 200 5 5 t 75 l cFPlloB-14D 56 245 59 2 2t3l 551751 7 5{r0) t36 39 0.7-035 75{r0) 55 36 565 425 t5t2t CfP75B.I4D CFP55BN4D a0 I 5(2t 825 320 340 320 340 LI5-t.4 60 t055 ICOMGPACSeries cLPt5C{5 r 5(2) cLP22C-85 2 2t3t cLP37C-85 CLP55B€5 a6 25 275 39 53 5t 890x655x945 07'085 5 5 ( 75 l cLP75&85 ? t E cLPrroB-85 r2r5 rltr5l cLP22C-r4 5r 235 clP!7c-t4 cLP55B-tl 551751 CLP'58-I4 7.5{r0) cLPl10&14 rr{r5l I t5-t 5TA i 59 T5 cLPr5C-a.5D { 56 305 25 ctP22C-4.5D 22t3) cLP37C{.5D 371st CLP55B.E,5D 55{751 605 ctP75B-E,5D 75(r0) 445 clPr r0a-4.50 r r{r5) t2t5 ctP22C-14D 2213) cL?37C-14D 37{s) ctP55t-14D 5.5{7.51 cLP75&r40 75tr0l cLPltOS-14D r r{r5l 152 275 5t t75 324 56 1230x870x1495 340 76 59 5t 39 t . t5 - t 4 320 59 value,pleasecontacl!s. airvolumeconvertedintoatmospheicpressure.i you needguaranteed aAir deliveryis discharged aNo se leve s measuredin an anechoc roomat lull loadoperation. ScrollAir Compressor Cleanandquiet.ThebestsellingOil-freeair compressor! isthiscleanandsilent. scrollmechanism Onlvtheoil-free /a oilfree Scroll g(l/ SmsrtAir. Highqualityair. Low noiseand vibration ODeliveredair does not containany oil and is suitablefor all aoolicationswhereoil-freeair is essential. aoil-free scroll mechanism has very smalltorque fluctuation as well as low noiseand vibration. lt can be installedinside the factorywhereair is neededwithout causingany discomfort in the surroundingenvironment. aNoise from 0.75 or 1.skw packageis only 45d8, same as in the quiet library. You may not even notice it working. Reliability & durability OSimplecompressionmechanismand setupof the unit assurereliableand durableoperation. ODailyoil maintenanceis no longerneeded. Compactness v 01.5 and 2.2kW packageshavea foot print the size of a newspaper. Oilfree Scrofl ThinkAir, 2" Backupfunction Offsettin!,1 no aif risk awhen one air end stops by some reason,other air ends back it up to preventno air supplysituation. friendly 1. Environmentally 3. Work load adjustedmaintenanceprogram Oil-free aour SLP Seriesdoes nol useoil or waterfor lubrication and thereloreno oil is dischargedin compressedair or in drain. No extracost is neededto treat drainor lubricatingwater. N4ultiple unitcontrol- highenergysavingcontrolsystem Olt producesnecessaryamountof air with minimum energyusage. Low noiseand vibralion aNoise is very low. With our 5.5kWunit,it is 52dB and evenwith our 30kW unit,it is only 60d8. lt can be inslalledinsidethe factorywherecompressedair is neededwithoul botheringthe peoplearoundil. l\,4ore realisticmaintenance alvlost of the air compressorscount their unloading operationto determinetheir maintenanceperiod, however,our SLP Seriescount on loadingoperationtime only which is more realisticand help extending maintenanceperiod. I Multipleunit control Our ThinkAir Serieshas multipleair ends in the package(2 unitsfor 5.5kW Model and 8 units for 30kW l\,4odel). SLP Seriesproducesthe necessaryamount of compressedair with minimumnumberof air ends. This Mechanismworks best as air demandsfluctuates duringworkinghoursand thus savesenergy. Ooperating sequence of the multile unit control coach(wlth aNoisy offce aordnary 80 a b*, 7A NO.t 60 NO2 3 aLibrary alaboratory NO.5 4A NO.7 NO.A 4 v (for 0.75kw Mod6l, iE lmid€ ls anrl{Ft I t Stdnls ste€l air @dv€r (ior 1.5,2.2a 3.7kwM.d€b) @!ad) SLP-O7ED StP-15EBD (wilh menb6n€ ar dry6D (with Efrigerat€d an dry€r) IOiFfree ScrollAir Compressors +SsLP-I5EB SLP{7E oT5 +ESLP.22EB t.5 6i 2.2 0.6-0.8 0.65-0.4 250 r3 5IP.22EBD 5LP.37EBD r.( 35 5 0.5'O.a 1.5 22 0.65-0.4 453^547,475 20 5LP€7EB e.! SIP-l'7ED gE 5LP-15E8D 3s5r5901690 5 165 250 e% 453x6a2xa75 20 20 20 130 1.5 2.2 O.a-l.0 3.7 214 345 92 134 It0 |8 545^622^t058 35 5tP-r5tEBD s!P-22tEBD 5LP.37IEBD 545r622xl05a 355x590x690 50 It0 G% Ita 35 50 X For 1.oMPamod6s, withod buill'in ajrdryertypesare avajlable- v stP-300E stP-220E SLP.l5OEBD IOil-free ScrollAir Compressors I sLP-r5oEB 5LP-220E stP-3008 5t P-55EaD !.1 5IP.75EBD rl 245 22+3.7 5tP-55E8 t 5LP-75E8 r: sLP-ttOEA 0.55'O.a 3.7x6 0.65-Oa SLP.I5OEBD stP-220ED 5LP-551EBD SLP.IIOIEED c+sLP-t50rE8D 5LF22OIED slP-:tootE 330 5a 2700 3600 460 59 65ox955xl195 5? 435 294 310 412 520 425 56 940xS55x1555 295 3to 52 4t0 56 a2a 5a )255 t670 2700 sAr220cr40 2.2+3.7 3.7r3 0 a-t.0 52 53 425 725 2.2+3.7 sLP-r'roEaD r.t stP-751EaD 650x955x1195 435 1255 t035 5AT.r2oOl40 sAT22oC140 I380 sAT,220Cl40 2T6A 650r955r1555 1370x955x1555 825 460 e co^wftd iln6 armeph6dc p€$u6. alk rd . goaEnt€€d E u€ [ n.€d.d. lor Smd An So'ic, hi)w€w4 an aunl &y 'diw hay b6 ndsd d€p.ndhg on yoot @9.. b iho sr$ddrd @Nry insrallns ons ao@rdins lo you usaso. ls nol a 3t€nd6d a@sory io. Thnk At S€rls. Wo |@Fnmd h 3rr dry.r typ€ E hrgh4 by 1dB rhan corcpond n9 type withoul air dry€r. Outut ai dw point is dfl poinl lmpoElu€ undq pE3u€, Tha al. Eot€r @dvd 5 Booster Compressor areavailable. Series Tough andquiet.Three a-{esrsn compressor TFBS04-8.s ITFBS Series Small Oil-free Booster Compressor The World'sfirst small-sizeOil-freeboostercompressor. aEmploys an innercompression systemto preventleakageof gas. For: Partialboost of air pressureat usage pointsto aHas a long mainlenancecycle, replacethe boostervalves, 10,000operatinghoursbefore Providesa smallboost of inactiveoasessuch as maintenanceis required. nitrogengas. ITFBS SeriesSmallOil-freeBoosterCompressor v )45/224 Fc%xl Rcr6xI Ba vave 295/335 x].Airde|]v€risdischa.gedairvo|umeconver|edtoatmGph€ricpr6ssUreato'4MPaintakeard0.g5MP6exhaUstpress!re.x2.]f]ntakeairraspiessu o4MPaor|esswnhthepress!rereg!lato.x3,Air/gassUpp|iedtofeu.itmustbeireeiromoi|o coup|edwithlhemotorand3p€cif dationsdiferaccordingto5oor60Hzx6,Donotinst6||whereatnosphereiscotosiVe'x7'Th6airn|terw]th5gme|ementisih6sbndardacce q aCFBSSeriesOiFfreeBoosterCompressor CFBS55-14 alt is a quiet packagedtype with a reservoirtank. Olong mainlenancecycle, 10,000opera'tinghours or 4 years. alMaximumairlgaspressureis 1.4MPa,and it is versatile. The world'sfirst oiFlreebooster compressor. For:Boostingup air pressure Boosiingup nitrogengas pressure ICFBS SeriesOiFfreeBooster 02-05 Xl. Air dellveris l2-14 v dischaeed a optiona)x4'Noiseismeasurednananechocroom15MfrontoftheuntatiU|oadx5oonotn*a|lwheiea s-cbsrsn compressor It boostsairlgaspressureto 3.0MPa For: Laserbeammachining, Blowmolding,etc. aCLBS SeriesOil Lubricated BoosterCompressor Olt is a quiet packagedtype with a reservoirtank. Olt can be used with wide rangeof aarlgaspressure. aExternalsignaldata inpuvoutputis availableas an ootionaloart. ICLBS SeriesOil LubricatedBoosterCompressor ]'oMPaores;wi1hihep;ssUrer€qUatorx3'Ai./9assupp ootiona) X4. No se is measure cLBS55-30 Nitrogen PSAWpeNitrogen Generator Simpleoperationandquiet. It extracts nitrogen gas from atmosphre and reduces costs, You don't need to change the cylinders. It is easy to operate. Easyoperation withtouchpanelscreen(except0.75kW) 1 I' I All importantintormationsuchas operatingcondhion,troubles, maintenance. etc. are displayedon the panel. Throughthe panelYou can inputspecificrequirements, suchas outletnitrogengas purityand oressureand automatictimedoDerations. ffii;.r*:i"rJ:I",."--"mr-,oor"j*?,*o Compactand spacesaving(0.75-1skw) As the air compressoris buiftin, installation and operalionare easy. The builtin air compressoris the oil-freescrolltype and you have oil-free advantagesas well as low noiseand vibration. with built-inoiFfreescrollair compressor, PSAtype INP Series, oTa 1.3 0a t 5 3.3 2) NP-224 22 52 NP.378 3.7 35 5.5 3.3 NP.55B 5.9 13.0 4.5 5.2 NPK-07 NP-l54 ) 2 300 1.2 2.4 05 t 0 0 5 x 7 7 5rx6 6 0 NP-ll0 NP-150 l l l 22.4 ??9 420 6.1 Threephase 650 754 NP-758 t0.0 r700 r2:0 re25 r3.0 2 t 0 0 x I 2 a o xt 9 5 0 25 t03 t]]l ;;;; t5a t90 2300 X] Punty of q.s is N2 (nirogen gas) + Ar (argon qas). Y2. N rioge. Sas d€ iv€? s *he. ou otr @mptesso is Lsed. Y3 Dellrery of nitrogen g6s occurs when rhe qenerato s used ar ambienttemp€reture of 20C a.d re alive humtdV is ri 60%. \it'oger gas i> corverl€d ro Ot .rb'e.r retrpe'aG e dro ar dlaospl en( p essJre. x4. NPK-07 hasan lnstrument pa nel. Both single phase a.d firee phase mode s are avail6ble. without built-inair <ompressor, INPS Series, PSAtype NP5-1r04 itPS-l504 t{Ps-2208 NP5-3008 t{Ps-!708 xP5{50B NP5-5508 NP5-7508 25 50 IA t5 30 20 35 25 940 t 0 0 0 x t 2 3 0 x 2 t5 0 60 It0 t30 t60 200 22AO 2500 50 80 100 22AA\t234r2275 22AA\1234\2504 2.) t300 2400 3600 0.5 i- 19 ._.:L_ 3.2 TA 3.4 I D ' aa I ,;; Xl. Puriiy of g.s is N2 {nitrogen gas) +Ar (arson sas). X2. N trog6n gas de ivery is wh€n our air compre$or is used. *!Delreryofn'troqefqasoccurswhenthegon€fatorisls€datambienttemperatureof20candreativehumiditysat60%. \nroge. gas '< co.rened lo O'C cnb'er. tempercrlre a1d ar arroep.rric pr.s<ur. X4. NPK-07 hasan instrunentpanel Sothslnglephasandthreephasmodals6reavai€be. *Alproducts on Page 7 are exempted from ISO9001 qualiry system $retvprccanions :ff:::Tffi::;ilHtrJ:i*J,i,"l:JlJ:i:-"""J:il"[liliiliiii',];'J'1i:llTi31""i1, I JAB ,ffi-*a ffi models, developandimproveourproducts, As we continuously andphotosaresubjoctto changewithoutnotice. ^/l A@ffin ot=tr twATAcorporation Kohoku-ku, 3176, Shinyoshida-cho, Yokohama223-8501,Japan 122 Fax:045-593-0524 Tel: 045-591-1 Pd 6dmJaoan CAT.No.SE. 6lF 2OO8.4.S3.r\*44