'-.!r 'r I a:1v Dir-rrr,vfl.1rtr irl. i. LrLr'tlr,..'d,J FA]I DtrEBgA(lP ?O: ALL SCH(}OL.S DIVIEIOIY BUFERIIITEI{DEN?S II! littf \,l, ir.h lJeph;d !.trrrrorirrrrlrr nr Ho. i L4, !r. JUi't. Irlci{s,e Ad., ir{c Iile aPS i'r r:hfrrgr of .:it:it:ut:r: :rucl llte !$luftenr l{c$(].rr<l:srls rr(i Terl(:hcr Ad rjs<:rs :uc:Iuded irl thf a rttchr:tl -ist t"cr at t+rld llte liehonl tr:i.rr' 1'l0 l-4-2O].5 itr:gi<rual Scicrtce aird 'l'fch nnlog0.' t"air i.il the .,\l.i{"n inos Citl' Nrrliorrs.!. Hig}t $chtrol, ,llenlan.,$ (':rtp., l,ruqu.sir'.rr(-'. on Nnr"r'rnl*'r 2?-2$,2lrl*, Furtlrer, p:f,ir$r' aC.visr: thc f)ia,isiotl lltintrcrs is;c attar*rrd li:i,j l(} flt:trrd lhc utla.rdi|rg rrererrr<rrlr orr I'lor.crrrier 2lt. 2{1 14. 'l l:c rhvisisu 'a,iurrcrl* sh.,JI pny it, iLirlount ol' Php 2t*5 -rl0 pcr Frqieal to rrn'er thr opr:nrl.irrrral (:.rpcrrlrc!i incull'cri r'lurirrE tlre divif,irru anrl $RC lrvcls. Att:rt:hcd is thu prtrgt*trr of nc vitir:s lbi iulblrnatioll. gu idF,ncr an(, telerYt!ce. I:ftr thr regionel k'r'r:l ptrr ir:furauts, i+ rcgistrrrtior: fec of lrhp 2O(i0.O0 to r:r:r;t:r suplrir:s afld rlltrtcrjal$, !)laflrrcs, rr:cd;rls, f;rrphics, r":.:r"-ij"cates. lxrard irnti lurlgirrg ul' lhe no|t|Y] of .Jrtdgc:s. rnr:i:ls :anrt .]rriid(s {,1' lhcil iretnrs, gr-:r:sts ;:rHl s tL ho:rurtu ilurr ol' the r}narrl of'.IudgJ's irnrl othcr. o1x:r'a li(}Irnl r;{ponscs sh;rll bc collrctr.*l 't'he regisLrzrtion ft:t: r.:url Lr"rutd l;sper tt.f lto inf lrrrlp rnear ls, snar:lis, t rrlF sl)ortatiorl lf.rr*, orher espcnst:sl of p rliriprurts slri]l bf r:hs.tBed f,gaillrt Lrr:r:I,/ srl':+url lurrrls. SI'E lirgrl- orgarr ba:ion,/associarinn fu nds. ftA lunrl. Silit' lunrl i.rnd othcr norr-DopEd cou rt;e$ lirnd,g sut rct to tl-.e: usiual accour-ti:Ur_! iutd a'.t t(liting ruIr-:s atr|(t rr:BtIIiqt onEi. .r , DINECTOR, VELASC6 A::pr r:r.t:rl t! firr lli.r rrsudgsiurr : AIIIAETACTO P. DOtrIreO, JE. C'ilir:f Lirl u r:;r l.itrrr SupelviyolUoneurrc[t OlC, Chief .ttlurilrigtrrtl ivc Oll ir",.l' Republic of the PhiliPPines Department of Education Region I Schools Division of Ilocos No(e Laoag CitY November 24- 2014 To. The Concerned High School HeadV OICs/TlCs/Teachers For information and compliance. ,/' L ARACELI C. PASTOR, Cf,SO V Schools Division Superintendeng Usr OF DtVtSlOfl wlNNEnS LIFE SCIENCE TEAM School SAN CARLOS OTY fehdoc NHS 2 Utilization of Blume Leaf Extract as lnhibitor of Selected Pathogenic Bacteria Guyabano leaves in Lowering The Blood Glucose Level of Swiss Mice 3 Chico Fruit Extrad as an Astringent for Skin Laceration Turac NHS 4 Bioefficasyof Lubigan Rhizome and Leaf Extrad as Drywood Termite Buster Tandoc NHs 1 furac NHS school DAGUPAN CITY 1 The Effectiveness ofCassava Peeling Extract as lnsecticide Dasupan CiV NHS 2 The Effect of Gatas-gatas Leaves Extrad on Streptococcus Pyogenes Dasupan City NHS 3 The Effect ot PanMon Candle as an Alternative Mosquito Killer DaquDan City NHS 4 Cardava Eanana and squash as Homemade Tart 5 Mihced Water Spinach Leaves as an additive ingredient for makingcupcake batter Dasupan Citv NHS Francisco CL Duque Med Fdn Spl Sci HS Sdrool alAMtitos ctw 1 The Efficacv ofChandeller Plant Leaves Extract in Killing Bacteria Alamlnos City NHS 1 The Efficacy of Rambutan Seed as Rodenticide Alaminos City NHS schod PAI{GASIT{AN II 7 2 Formulation ot Fishc Supplement f.om Phytoplanldons and Commercial Feeds to Fnheh..th. Grdwth of Banrus Fineerlinls The Efficary of Pandakaki Puti, Sa-salumagi and Pansit-pansitan crude extraxt in HA.li.' ln.i..; w6r6.l< ^f whitp mi.lr 3 Composiing Carrot, Squacsh and Potatg Peelings as Acid Soil Neutralizer 4 Production and Evaluation of Dried Rice stalk as an anti-germicidal soap 5 The SuSar Reducing Property ofSambung Leaves as an Addditive to noodles PANGASINAN I San Fabian NHS Benigno V. Aldana NHq lVangaldan NHS Benigno V. Aldana NHS Benigno V. Aldana NHS sEhool fhe Feasibility of Bead Tree Leaves as a Biocontrol of weeds Effectiveness of Papaya Peeling Extract Against Glomerella cingulate which Causes Pangasinan NHS 2 Anthracnose ofOnion of "Paltak" Bayambang NHS 3 lansones Peeland Neem Leaves as Mosquito Killer lncense Mapandan NHS 4 Acceptability of Maritana Leaves as Anti-Bacterial Ointment Polons NHS 5 lAcceptabiliw of Neem Leaves Extract as Anti-bacterial Ointment Polong NHS 1 sAN FENNANDO CITY School 7 Organoleptic Evaluation of Potatp as Nutritional Puree La Union NHS 2 Orange Peet and Sea Grapes Cookies ta L.r.ion NHS Talahib Leaves and (amias Leaves as Oishwashing Uquid ta Uoion NHS Cadena de Amor Stem as Braided Fiber Rope La Union NHS 4 CANDON CIYY Sclrool 7 Asiatic BitterYam Tubers Flesh Biopesticide candon NHS 2 Nutritional Bisquit Usinc Alusbatiand Mlunggay Additive Candon NHS Adaan Eark Molluscicide Candon NHS 4 Dalamanza Extract Flower Preservative Candon NHS s Mango Seed Dandruff Removal Candon NHs School VIGAN CITY llocos sur NHS 1 Antifungalactivity ofShrunk Tree Seed Extract in Athlete's Foot 2 Pharmacological of Sorosoro and Aratiles Leaves as an Ointment for Burned Skin 3 Purslane Ext6ct as Platelet-booster in Mice Biostimulative Effects of Water Hyacinth and Papa Mulch on the 6erminatron and Grovvth of Corn Planted on Saline Soil 4 llocos Sur NHS llocos Sur NHS llocos Sur NHS school rLocossuR 1 Effediveness of Fish Scale as Growth Enhancer and flower Enhancer of Dendrobium Ontogenesis hvestigation of Prawns using pelletstrom golden apple snail and lelt over rice ) ofthe Different concemration ofsugarcane wine as wateradditive Sinait NHS Sinait NHS Sinait NHS 3 Effects 4 Opuntia oricola cactus as aspergillus flavus eradicator in peanuts Sinait NHS 5 Dalipawen: ,ts Effect in Lowering Blood Cholesterol Level Sinait NHS school -OCOS NORTE 1 Molluscidal Potency of Patani Leaves and Aig seeds againstfolden Kuhol Sarrat NHS 2 Effectiveness ol Casava as Rodenticide The Effediveness of Cassava Peeland Avocado Seeds as Molluscides for Golden Apple Snail The Efficacy ofAkapulko Leaves tluid Extract and coconutoll ointment in treatlng Sarrat NHS 3 tinea Versicolor The Feasibility of Dragon cadus Stem Fluid Extract asAn antlbaderial Soap against.,.. 4 5 Sarrat NHS San Nicolas NHS San Nicolas NHS school BATAC CIIY 1 Lima Bean in Palay Storage Batac NHS 2 Betel Nut as Deactivators fo. Broilers Determiningthe Hypoglycemic Activity of Mango Leat Extract on Hlgh Blood sugar Batac NHS 3 Fed Albino Mice Batac NHS INDIVIDUAI" J Fire Tree (Delonix Regia) powdered Leaf Against aftatoxin in corn lEffect of I rllr,r"v.t I | I (zea . I lThe Potential Use of Allium Cepa lstaining Agent for cellular L (Red Onion) Peelings Extracts as biological study 'l PANGASINAN , lCandon I lBenigno ruus , v. Aldana lNHs I I schod 1 coconut (Cocos nucifera) water as a substitute to Battery Solution Pangasinan NHS 2 Anti-Hyperglycemic Property ofAlokon (Brocissonetia l-uzonica) Leaves Extract Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundos) Phizome Extrad as a Potential Fungicide against Pvriclaria Oryzae which causes rice blast Mangatarem NHS 3 I Bayambang NHs I School tLocos suR 1 "Growth Performance of Oreochromis mossambicus using hyclocereus costariceasis Sinait NHS lGradon fruit) Peelinss: discorea aculeateTuqi Peelins as Food SupDlement 2 Ahidig (Streblus aspee) Leaf Extrad: lts Chararacteristics ln lnducing Guinea Pig Sinait NHS 3 Biolarvicidal Potency and Flreweed (Senecio madagascarieusis) on Mosquito Sinait NHS 4 capsulated Sarealida (Mollu8o Eyiositifolia for Lowering Blood sutar Level The Hypoglycemic Activity of Ma[osa (Azaediradithoa andoca) leaves on turopean Narvacan NCHS 5 rabbits Lussoc NHS school ILOCOS NORTE -l ll lThe Effects of Scalar Energy in the Blood Sugar Level and wound HYperglycemia llnduced tlys musculus San Nicolas NHS school CARLOS CITY 'ANiTltr,lolluscidal property of Xalot Diocorea lispida Tandoc NHS PHYSICAT 5€IENCE TEAM school PAI{GASINAN II r S€fforita (Musa acuminata) Peelings as Accumulator of Lead and Copper San Fabian NHS 2 Efficiencv of PaperTree Fruit extract as an Alternative Biofuel Rosales NHS 3 Lantana Camara, Azadirachta indica and Chromolaena odorata Leaves: Potential Organic Biorepellant Against Common lnsect Pests Attacking Phaseous Vulgaris luan C. Laya NHS 4 Potentialof Dragon Fruit Peeling Extract in Puto Preparation Bautista NHS Flour from cassava Peelfor Delaying the Ripening of Mango fayug NHS 6 Vermicompost Out of Vegetable wastes: A Potential organic Soil Conditioner 7 NovelVoltaic Battery Oyt ofChromolaeka odonata Grass 8 9 10 Design, Construction and Evaluation ofan lmprovised Aircoller out of Scrap BenignoV. Aldana NHS Benignov. Aldana Nll( Benignov. Aldana NHS MultiPurpose Sealand from Molten Styrofoam-Wood Ash Mixture Don Ramon Costales Tavug NHS Acceptability of Aratiles as Prunes school ALAMINOS CITY 1 Activated carbon from Peanut Shells as Altemative water Purifier Alaminos City NHS 2 Feasibilitv of Lemon Grass Extract in lncreasing Shelf Life of fruits Alaminos City NHS 3 Efficacy of Banaba and Lemon Grass Leaves as Alternative Source of Medicinal Tea 4 Accegtabilitv ofJamaican cherry and Wild water Lemon as Fruit Vinegar Alaminos City NHS 5 Acceptability of Veggie Cupcake Alaminos City NHS school llocos suR Production of Adheslve and Detergent soap from Bael of Eleciroauiture in Pre-sowing lmbibitious and Plant Development of 2 gawang 3 Yellow Barleva and Pomegranate: PotentialTea and Germicidal Soap 1 -ffects 4 Rice Bran and Rice Wash as Potential Substitutes 5 Paricoshell Charcoal: an Alternative Fuel Alaminos City NHS for Ladic Acid Fe.mentation Sinait NHS Sinait NHS Sinait NHS Sinait NHS Iagudin NHS School DAGUPAN C]rY Daeupan Citv NHS 1 Eledronic Attendance System for students ofScience, Technolo8y and Engineering 2 Use o{ Bubulus b bubalis as an Alternative Raw Material in Ceramic Tile 3 Margo Leaf Extrad as Dishwashing Liquid Bonuan Boquig NHS 4 Effectiveness of Lemon Grass and Lalachichi as an Alternativ€ Air Deodorlzer Bonuan Boouit NHS s lntegrated Databas€ System for Science, Jechnology and Engineering Program Dagupan City NHS Produdlon 3 Jelly candy from Gamet Puree in Pandanand Dragonfruit Flave6 llocos None NHS Effediveness of Makabuhay Leaf Pure Extract in Eradicating Head Uce Taheebo Ethanolic Ext.act as anti-microbial soap against seleded Pathogenlc mocorbes llocos Norte NHS 1 Thermoelectric Generator Belt 2 DIY Frabric Bavambang NHS Conditioner: An Alternative for commercially Used Fabric Condhioner 5 Pangasinan NHS Polons NHS Alexandrian Laurel Seeds as Medicated Oii CHcHCs llocos Norte NHS School PANGASIT{AI{ I 4 Special Sch System, school LAOAG CITY r [,lothergoose Fillerwith Chlorination and Distillation reducingthe Seawater Salinityand Pangasinan NHS Pansasinan NHS Solar Powered lmprovised Electric Stove S.hool -OCOS NORTE Design, Construciion and Pertormance Evaluation of Mni-Videoke Machine 5an Nicolas NHS 3 Potential of Water Hyacinth and Water Spinach Pelletes as Chicken Feeds AcceDtabilitv of Malunggay, Eanana, and Bitter Melon as Home Made Noodles San Nicolas NHS 4 Effectivess of Sampa-sampalukan as an AntifunSal Ointment Bacarra NCHS 5 Potential of sasilala Leaf Powder and Gelatin as Cockraoch 1 2 l(ller Bacarra NCHS Bacarra NCHS s.hool VIGAT{ CITY ngal Properties of getel Pepp€r in Prolonglng the shelflife ol 1 2 AntmEroEEIana, Anii onion and Ginser Vermicidal Prope.ty of Sarsalida Against aquarium worn llocos Sur NHS llocos sur NHS 4 Pesticldal Ef{icacy ofChinese Honeysuckle Leaves Extract against Aphids Furniture lnfestation activity of Betel Nut Palm kernelas Furniture coa! !ttl!!gl 5 Paper coal 3 2 S.hool 3 4 5 Candon Ntls Efficacv and Potentialof Manpowered corn Sheller Ef{icacy and Potentialof MultFPurpose Coconut Grrter @aalned llocos Sur NHS Visan City NHS tilled with Sawdust CANDON CITY 1 llocos Sur NHs candon NHS from Fermented rlce as candon NHS PisEerv Deodorizer ffiitgtue @eondltloners Candon NHS fro crop Gtomh, Yleld Candon NHS and Economic Advantage school 7 stain Remover Effectiveness of Stargoose Berry fruit as an Additive in Making Liquid 2 Oyster shell as soil Neutralizer 3 Tamarind flower asWine Don Eulollo d. curman MNHS Castor Conception Bacnotan NHS I - Pechav box I | I lsubstitute for 5l lMulti-Purpose solar I I shredder zl laitaog as wood varnish rl lNaguilian NHs NHs lBatac NHs lpedal ooerated Blowaste lBatac INUVIDUAT Aftic CITY I rl lSensory II evaluation of chesa (Lacuma Nervosa) Fruit as flavoured lce cream sdlool VIGAI{ CITY 1 2 lllocosNorteNHS| Biofarming Potential of Sargassum gPhaeophyceafulcales) and Eanana (Musa acumlnate) trusk extract on the groMh behavior of tomatoes r"^l^...-1.,.^^.El^n,a! Mollusclci&l Activity from calcium oxalate crystals of Iruits agalnst folden apple llocos Su. NHS llocos Sur NHS Reprocessing Non-Blodegradable Plastic 838 to be used as substitute for plywood llocos Sur NHS 4 Effect of liquld fertilizer from Japanese seaweed on the groMh of tomato llocos Sur NHS 5 CathaIarthusroseus Extract againgt Coconut whiterlies llocos Sur NHS schod SAII CARLOS OTY Tandac NHS 1 Powdered Osyter ostereidae and mudcrab Scylla srerrata shellas soll conditioner 2 Areca nut decodion as an alternate 3 furec NHS 5 Oyster shells as an alternate chalk Ihe Effects of soil (loam, clay, and sand) in delaying the rotting of Tomatoes 5 onlon and Calamansl Extract as cockroach killer furac NHS termit€ killer furac NHS Sdrool I.A UNION 1 fu.ac NHS Acceptability of Coconut Husk fiberand Rice hullasfiber Don Eulogio de Cuzman MNHS 2 the AcceDtabllltv of Rice Bran Polvoron Naquillan NHS 3 Diffurent clinrln* materials in arowing oysters Bacnotan NHS Don Euloglo de 4 Acceptabil8 of Fishbone 5 Efficienct of PCM (Papercharcoal maker) Machine 6 Acceptability of Karmayfruit as Sinigant Mix 7 Acceptabillty of Black Beans as Ethanol as Additive in Making Noodles S.hool AtAMtt{os ctTY ofcrab shells as bioabsorbent of lead in contaminated water 1 The efficacy 2 Possibility of Monsgo Beans as monggo pandesal 3 The feasibility oftilapia scales as bioabsorbent of le.d in contaminated water 4 6 Guzman MNHs Oon Eulogio de Guzman MNHS Don Eulogio de Gurman MNHS Don Eulogio de Guzman MNHS Alaminos NHS Alaminos NHS Alaminos NHS the feasibiliv ofdiscanded LDP Plastics as additive ln making pavemerts Alaminos NHS the acceptabiliw of Chesa Fruit ar Additive in Making Natural Bread Alaminos NHS the efficacv of golden kuholshellas an alternative acldlc soilneutralizer Alaminos NHS I I I I sdrool ILOCOS NORTE 7 2 Standardlzation of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus) Pastillas de Leche fhe Feasibility and Acceptability of Pinakbest Iaft San Nicolas NHS )orsona NH)- Maanantenc 3 The Effedivenss of lndiseneous Materials Acainst Grain lnsed Pest of Mancbean Pesticadal Etted ot Tabtabako (elaphantospusmolis, Leaves and chlll, (chapsacum San Nicolas NHS 4 Annum) Fruit on aphids Lomparative 5tudy on tne tSgprant lsoranum Mebngena, teaves ano rpfl-rprl lleucaena Glauca U Seeds as Mosquito Killer Safrat NHS 5 Sarrat NHS s.hool DAGUPAN CITY Luffa and kalamansi fruits as main components in makinascrub boady soap The potential use oltalinum leaves an.l stem extrads as main ingredients tor rust Bonuan Buquic NHS 3 Cornsandash bricks: corn's halr, sand and as used in making bricks Bonuan Buauia NHS 4 Silt Loam and patola luffa as main componer*s in making Bonuah Buquig NHS 5 The effectiveness of kantutay as termicide 1 2 brick Bonuan guquig NHS Bonuan Buouh NHS school PANGASINAN I 1 Kamiasfruit extract and aloe vera relas antibaderial hand wash Polons NHS 2 lackfruit seeds as brlttle Polons NHS 3 Dumbcane leaves 4 Achuete leaves as onanicfood suoolement POMACEA as exrad as Eolden kuholresulator ootentialsram nesative microbial stain Polonc NHS Polona NHS Bavambanc NHS Sdrool PANGASINAI{ II 2 Absorption of Mercury using milkfish scales San Fabian NHS The production of beta carotene enriched salt from ca.rots Iavuc NH5 Tayuc NHS Ihe production ofTable-life study of readv to drink kamias fruit iuice Juan C. Lava NHS 4 Degradation ofchromium using bangus and tilapia scales Discovering the anti-microbial adivity and formulation of antibacterial solution from Rosales NHS s crh.n^ll. .i rd. .vr.i.t flrvrhrn^ lc.{.n.I hrrL ^f luan G. Macaraeg Home Made air-coolerwith dualcooling effect NHS 3 6 7 8 Altemative bricks from sawdust, plastics and co8on Castor Oilas hair Conditioning agent in shampoo CANDON CITY 1 Assessment of Golden Glory, Black Mulberry and Butterfly Pea colored computer ink luan G, Macaraeg NHS tayug NHS school Candon NHS 2 Achuete Extrad Stamp Pad lnk Candon NHS 3 The bioxicity of ierquirity sees as ratexterminator Feasibility of Jackfruit SAP as Paper Adhesive Candon NH5 4 fl.ocos suR 1 3 Candon NHS School Home made Ovicidal larvicidaltrap and mosquito eradicator device Sinait NHS Environmental Eriquette from water hyacinth with sawdust as binding ageot Sinait NHS Flood water level detector (a technical feasibility study) 5inait NHS 4 Gracilaria Arcuatai Potertlal Main lngredient in making gelatin Sinalt NHS 5 ,urica: An innovative katol scent spreader (Mosquito Attractant-eradicator Device) Sinait NHS PsfuHp <)t Fair o, son Catesorv: TEAM 01. l-iaone.,ole V. Claro RosalieAgas 02 lullenne 03 Carmela Marie Butay An!.li Gaerelle A. Si<on leva Ara B, Lantano 25@ Venue: Alamlnos Cltv NHS Addressi Alrminos Citv Division: Physic.l Sciences Name of Researcher^ Imdn&. b u,i6 Sisnature Dater November 27-29, 2014 Project 1-i1le Name & Address of school Eacaara Natiooal The Potential Property of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornis crassipes) and WaterSpinach (lpomoea aquatic) as Cofi prehensive High SchooL ProiectAdvlser Ms. Jovy O. Joaquin Ba.ar.e llo..s Noric 04 B. Pucan Athena Paullne l. Falco Christine Joy Yacas The acceptability of Malunggay {Morica oleifera). Banana {Musa acuminate and Blttermelon(Momordica chaaantia) Hdm.madF Noo.lle< Combpar.ishell aari-wates Briquette: an Ahernative Fuel Cathlene lnofinada 06 Chelsea S. Tolentino Arrrzyhannah frances G. Nltura o7 Melchizedek F. fermili (x} DyianaMhay E. Juoio Leah C. Lopez Ro3nne Fave M. Pascua RaenaldJan Quinto Jekka M€nna S. Hufalar Dpxi.lo Brnda Mr. Edison R. Bartalomo Tagudifl NHS, Tagudin, llocos 5ur gayuga Sinait NHS, Sinait,llocos Sur Mr. a€oedicto l. Bautista Yellow Eacleria (Sida rhombifoliel and Pomegrenate (Punica ,ranatum) Potential Tea and 6er jcidal Soap Sinait NHS, s;nait, llocos sur Mr.laime Campot Growth and Yield Performance of Tomato (Solanum Iycop€rsicum) Plants Spray€d with Sargassum Seaweed Liouid Folia. Fertilizer Solar Pow€red lmprovjsed Eleclric Stove System Regiofl al Science HiSh School, The Productlon, Charecterlzation and Storability of Lacti€ Acid {2-Hydroxypropanoic Acid ) from the Fermentation Bran and Ric Wash Claro M. Bolesoc, Ja. 08 Nicolat as ofRi.! 05 San Ni€olas NHS, San Jt. Mr. Rogelio C. Valdez Bangat ta Union Pangasinan NHS, lingay€n, Pangasinan Thermoelectric 6enerator {TE6) gelt Bayambang NHS, bayamban& Pangasinan Mr. Dave The NovelVoltaic Battery Out of Hagonoy (Ch romolaena Benigno V. Aldana NHt Pozonubio, Pangasinan Ms. Arsenla E, Yapchiongco, Ed.D odorata)Crude Extract G. Angeles R*fux* oto,s6n ra.o^do- lo 'r,ro.25d REGlsTnAnO{ Froni, Fai, Divisiori Physical Sciences Venue: Alaminos CiwNHS Add ress I Alamlnos Citv Dater Novemb.r 27-29. 2014 Catesorv: T€AM Name of Researcher/s ProjeCtTitle Signature Name & Address of Project Adviser fthool Rachelle D. Baterna (ristine 6ale C. LAdislao Ernest los€o C, Gante vermicompost out of Fruit and Vegetable wastes: A 1l MarkCalben Muya Argee Roven Eallesteros t2 Berlin Arquillo 10 13 L4 15 Trici3 Gundran Denver P. Sindayen Nlkka Angelique T. Sison Fraulian Ma€ R- Natividad Ruthenie g. Redoble Amelyn O. Dela Pena Cortz Omar [, Cortez Neiruberg B. Redoble Benigno V. Aldana NHS, Pozonubio, PaoEasinan Ms. Roda Johnson Ed.D Discovering the Efficlen."y ot Paper Ire€ {Gmelinaarborea} Fruit Oll as an Alternative Biofuel Rosales NHS, Rosales, Pangasinan Mr. lulius Caesa. Abalos The Effuctiveness of lndi8enous Microorganisms obtained Rice as Pig:gery Deodorl2ed Caodon NH5, Candon Clty Ms. Ann Marie Eahauar acceptabillty of veggie cupcake AlaminosCity NHt Mr. Leomer Acceptability of Jamaican Cherry {Muntingia calabura) and wild Water Lemon (PAssiflo.a foetida)as Fruit Alaminos CtyNHS, Alaminos City Mrs- Vivian R- Camba The reasibility of Lemongrass icymbopogon citratus) Extra.t to h.rease ShElf Life Fruits Alaminos City Alaminos City Potentia I Organic Soil Condition€r NHt C. Abare Mrs- Larnie B. Reddble Ps,ftHP Venuel Alaminos Citv NHS Addr.ss: Alaminos Citv Dat.: November 27-29. 2014 Fair Division: Physical Sciences Catecorv: lNDlvlOUAINam€ of Researcher/s 01 Marian Helen M. Basaen 02 Sheila May Rl L. Bemardo 03 lanica Anne M. Serano 04 Rowell.tones 05 Rowell JonesR, Matabilas o6 RengelD. Arconado o Arianne Joyce A. Dameg 08 Seth Osri. T- Oe R. Matabilas leon Sicnatuae Proied Tltle Hom€made Alr cooler with oualCooling Effect Degradation of Ch.omirm Using Chanos Chanos (Bangus) and Oreochromir Niloticus (Tilapia)Sceles in an Aqueous Solution Dis.overingthe Antlmicrobial Activity and Formulation of Antlbact€rial Solution from EthanolicCrude Extrad o{ 6r,vrhrh6 iann6 drrri.atr] I eaf and Barl Productlon and Table-life Study of Beady-to- Drink{RTD) Kamlas {Av€rrhoa bilimbi) Fruitluice The prodsction of Betatarotene Enriched Salt from Cantos {deucrs carotao Adsorption o, Mercury{He)using Milkfish Chanos chanos ofllapia (Oreochromis n iloticus) Sciles as BiosorbE.t of rEad in Contemineted Wator the lfficacy of cr3b schells as Eiosorbert of L€ad in The Feasibility contaminated water NamE & Addrpss ofSchool Juan G. Macaraeg NHt Mrs. Leonilyn M. Corofia Binalonan, Pansasinan Mataas na PaaralangJuan C. Laya, san Manuel, Rosales NHt Rosales, Pangasinan Mr. iulius CEasar C. Abalos Tayug NHt Tayu& Dr. Revelyn C. Camacho Tayug NHt Dr. Revelyn C. Camecho Tayug, san Fabian NHs, San Fabian, Ms. Wilma B. Olivar Alaminos City NH5, Mr. Adolfo E. MedEno Alaminos City NHS, Mr, Adoffo Medrano Ps,ftr.p st or son rqnm&. to um.r 2500 F]ORM Fair Divlsion: life Sciences Cateaorv: TEAM Name of Researcher/s o1 Ma. Cristina G. Carbonell lenny lyn G. Galapia 02 03 04 Project l_tle Mollusicidak Properties of Patani (Phaseoulus Iunatus0 and Atis (Anllona squamosa) Name & Add ress of School Sarrat NHt Sarrat. llocos The Effectiveness of Bangus (chanos chanos) Fish scales Sinalt NHs, Sinait,llocos Sur Mrs, Maricel Remolacio Ertract es GroMh end Flower Enhancerof Dendrobium IDcndrdhnrm arfiaet,rfr I o..hid. Effects of Sugarcane Wine as Water Additive and Banana Sinait NHS, Sinait, llocos Sur Mr. Jaime Campos,Jr, Growing of Orgaflic Pepper {Capsicum annuum L.} using Silkworm titter TEa Bacnotan NHt Bacnotan, Mrs. Melba N. Paz Formulataon of Silkworm (Bomby morlL.) Papae Based feed for Nile Tilapia (Orechromis nilotieus) Cullure Bacnotan Nlls, Bacnotan, Femeyl, Resurredion The Effi€acy of Panda kaki-Puti (Tabe.naemontana pandacaqui poir), Sal-Salamagi,(Phyllanthus amarus), and Pansit-Pansitan (Peperomia pelluucida) Crude extracl in BenignoV. Aldana NHt Pozorrubio, Pangasinan Mrs. Ester C. Garcia Jan Louise C. Garcia llocos Sur Natiooal High School, Vigafl City Mrs. Regina A. tla8as Hannah Erica Reintar Leah Mangrubang Matu Ann Erllp(tpr.< Katya Amelia Valido Cheyron JoyMangrubang loa.a Mana lrr€baria Rheina kristel A. Viluan laime D. Mauellll Fema 05 Venue: Alrminos Citv NHS Addressr Alaminos Citv Date: November 27-29, 2014 Sicnature ProjectAdviser Norte Fruit(Mosasapjentum)MealAsfeedSupplementfor lovT. Dosono lemuelS, Peralta Eddv Ba.ai R. Almodovar.lr. o6 Tadia Dorothy B, Garcia 07 tlalph Reymund T. Paet Karl DanielleO, Ouio€to NeilAdrlan T. Raloela Antlfungal Activity of SkLink Tree (Sterculla foetida) Seed Extract !n Athlet€'s Foot Venus Alamino! Cltv Falr Dlvlslon: Llf€ Sclences NHS Address: Alaminos CIty Cateeorv: TEAM l{ame of Rese: herA 08 Cheynette D. Abar lue2 O;gel F. De PeraltE e 09 Chrlstlna B. Al€jo Signature Dat€: November 27-29. 2014 Prol€ct Tltl. Nane & Address of sdlool Ilocos Sur NHt Vigan City Pharmacological Propeny of Soro Soro (Euphorbla nerifolia) and Aratile! (Muntingia calabura) teaves as an Proieat Adviser Mrs. Reglna A. tlagas ointment Pu6lane (Portulaaa oleraaea) E tract as Platelet-Sooster llocos Sur NHS, Vi8an City Mrs, Regina Llagas Efflcacy of Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) Seeds as Alaminos City NHS, Alaminos Crty Mrs. Michelle t. Navano Phaula Louisse D. etuae rua 10 Andr€a R. Fdas tyka M. Naclno Rodenticlde ltaza RsfirP crt or son fmon&, io lr,'id 2500 REGISTRATIOI{ EORM V€nue:AlaminosCitvNHS Fair Division: Life Sciences CateAory: lI{DlVlDUAt Name of Re5earcher/s 01 Ederlie R- Eoeeles 02 03 Addressi Alaminos CW Dat€: Nov.mber 27-2q. 2014 Proi€ctTltle SlEnature Name & Addr€ss of school Cahrles Javier J. Calapini Pu.ple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus linn-) Rhazome Extract As a Potential Fungicide AFjnst Pyricularia oryzae Which Causes Rice Blast Physico-Ch€mical and Sensory Attributes of Saluyot Philippine Sc,ence High Mr. EddieJay A. Domingo Liezheel Mynha Y. Alejandro ichor.horLE olitornrr t-l as a Nut.itious Tortilli ahi.s GroMh Perlorma nce of Orecochromis sp. (Red Hybrld Sinait NH5, Sinait,lloco9 Sur Mr.laime ReeionalScience HiBh I a I lnioo Agoo Kiddie Special School Mr Ms. MarbetteG. De BayambangNHS, Bayambang, Pangasinan D. Campos, Jr. Tilapia) using Hyclocer€us costaricenses (dragon fruit) PeelinSs and Discorea aculeatelTugj) Peelings as Feed suoolement 04 Shayoe G. Navora Larvi.idal Property ofSpider L,ly (Crinum asiatjcum Linn.) Rogelio Valdez S.h6ol Ranra. 05 John Parlo P. Rosido 06 Salvacion Paula R. oacio Ficus nota (Elanco) Merr. Moraceae Ftuit Extract for "ln Vitro" Antioxidrnt end G.noioi.itv Activifi.s lethality of Stlnging Neftle (Urtica dioica) Against Golden Ronaline T, Fe.nandez Aoole Snails {Pomacea canaliculate) Anti-Hyperglycemic Prope.ty of Himbabao ( Broussonetia 07 RegionalScience High , Mr. Ma.io T. Luga Mr. Ro8elioValder School. Bancar. La Union Mangatarem NHS, ManEat rem PaoEa<inan Ms. kistel May 8. Amistad School Year 2014-2015 Regional Science and Technolosr FaA Alaminos City National High School, Alaminos City Nc|vernber 27-29, 2Ol4 PROGRAM O? A(:TIIrT'YES 2014 I 6:00AM - Igovember 27, ?hErsdiy Arival, Registration, Setting In 10:O0AM Of Participants and Setting Up of > lO:oOAM > 1O:3OAM - ll:3oAM > 11:3OAM - 12;OONN > 12:OONN > 1:00PM > l:30PM - I:OOPM 1:3OPM loveEbcr28,2ol4 - D > ) > > > 6:OOAM 7:0OAM 8:OOAM 12:OONN 1:3OPM 4:OOPM - Exhibits Break 1o:30AM Opening Program IIon. Arthur F. Celeste City Mayor, Alaminos City Guest Speaker Cutling of Ribbon in the Display Booth Lunch Brea} Preliminary Activities Judging at the Display Booth onwards fd&y Brealdast 7:OOAM 8:OOAM Preliminar5r Activities Science Congress 12:OONN I:OOPM 4:00PM 6:0OPM I : Lunch Break Continuation of Science Congress Deliberation and Finalization of of t}le Results by the BOJs > 6:OOPM > 7:3OPM - 7:OOPM i Dinner 1O:OOPM : Awarding Ceremony and Closing Program Bcttlns D. AqEtro Assistartt Regional Director Guest UovembGr 29,2014 - > 6:OOAM > 7:OOAM > 8:OOAM - > l2:ooNN > 1:O0PM - satrrsday 7:OOAM 8;OOAM : Breakfast : Orientation l2:OONN: I:OOPM : 4:OOPM ; Free Island Tour Courtesy of the City Government c/o Hon. Arthur F. Celeste City Mayor, Alaminos City Lunck Break City Tour Courtesy of t}te City Government c/o Hon- Arthur P. Celeste City Mayor, Alaminos City F 4:0OPM - Onwards : Home Sweet Home