TomatoFest Organic Heirloom Tomato Seeds
TomatoFest Organic Heirloom Tomato Seeds
TomatoFest® Organic Tomato Seeds Catalogue Some of our TomatoFest customers who may either not have a computer of their own readily available to them, or who prefer having a paper catalogue of all our organic tomato seeds to review prior to making their order, have requested that we provide them a paper catalogue in addition to the our online catalogue of our tomato seeds. Rather than printing a paper catalogue for mailing, which would be contrary to our efforts to conserve our natural resources wherever possible, we choose to make available to you a printed catalogue on demand as a PDF. We are pleased to now offer you this downloadable catalogue of all our available TomatoFest Organic Heirloom Tomato Seeds for your convenience. We were unable to carry over the prices from our online store to this downloadable list. Upon determining the tomato seeds you wish to order please return to our online store for pricing and ordering your TomatoFest organic tomato seeds. All TomatoFest heirloom tomato seeds are (CCOF) certified organic, open-pollinated varieties grown at TomatoFest Farms from heirloom tomato seeds I've selected from best-tasting heirloom tomato varieties originating from regions throughout America and around the world. - Gary Ibsen 1884-Tomato Seeds Great old-time heirloom tomato said to have been discovered by James Lyde Williamson near Friendly W.Virginia in a pile of flood debris from the Ohio River in 1884. A personal favorite of Gary Ibsen, and a priority in his yearly tomato planting. These organic heirloom tomato seeds produce a vigorous, regular leaf, tomato plant that yields large (1-2 lb.) dark pink fruit with lots of tomato flavors. Perfect tomato seeds to include in your garden! Abe Lincoln - Heirloom Tomato A popular heirloom tomato introduced in Illinois in 1923 by the Buckbee Seed Co. These organic tomato seeds produce brilliant red, round, medium-sized, 12 oz. tomatoes in clusters up to 9. A good disease resistant tomato. Delicious, rich, slightly acidic tomato flavors. You'll want to grow these tomato seeds year after year. Ace 55-Tomato Seeds A standard in the garden for those wanting a dependable producer of abundant crops of 12-14 oz. red globes with good flavor. This variety preferred by those folks who have difficulty with higher acid tomatoes. Airyleaf - Heirloom Tomato Seeds These organic tomato seeds produce big spindly, regular leaf tomato plants that yield abundant crops of deep-red, meaty, elongated tomatoes, 2x4 inches. Airyleaf tomatoes have big delicious flavors with a good amount of acid content balanced with just enough sweetness. Aker's Plum - Heirloom Tomato Seeds A family heirloom tomato of Craig Lehoullier's friend, Carl Aker of Pennsylvania. These tomato seeds produce a healthy, long-lasting, regular-leaf tomato plant that yields abundant crops of 2.5 x 3.5-inch (6-8 oz.) brilliant red, jumbo plumshaped tomatoes. These tomatoes have thick, meaty walls with excellent taste.A fantastic multi-purpose tomato suitable for juice, cooking, salads. Several gardening friends consider this tomato variety one of their top choices to include in their tomato garden each year. Aker’s West Virginia - Heirloom Tomato Seeds A family heirloom tomato of Craig Lehoullier's friend, Carl Aker of Pennsylvania. Originally from West Virginia. These organic tomato seeds produce a vigorous highly productive, regular leaf, heirloom tomato plant that yields an excellent set of large, 10 to 16-ounce, deep-red, slightly flattened tomatoes in clusters of 2. Fruits show little or no cracking and have a well balanced sweetness to acidity. Delicious, robust flavors. Alaska - Heirloom Tomato Seeds An heirloom tomato from Russia. (Aljaska is Russian spelling). These organic tomato seeds produce short to medium-sized, bushy plants. This is an early-producing tomato plant that yields lots of large, round, brilliant red, 'salad-type' cherry tomatoes with very good flavor. This is a favorite tomato variety for cooler growing climates. I have friends who prefer this tomato variety for their roof-top planter gardens where winds are frequent. Alicante - Heirloom Tomato Seeds A tomato variety from Unwins, England, UK. our organic tomato seeds produce big, indeterminate plants that yield above average lots of medium, golf-ball sized, round, red heirloom tomatoes. These tomatoes were an English favorite that were boiled for breakfast. Very tasty, full-bodied with old-time tomatoey flavors. This tomato variety has a good reputation for being a favorite in the tomato garden. I've grown Alicante tomato for many years because of it's productivity and taste. All Meat - Heirloom Tomato Seeds These organic tomato seeds produce a vigorous, regular-leaf plant that produces above average crops of 1 x 1 1/2-inch, brilliant red, oval, very meaty, and juicy tomatoes with excellent flavor. I've found because of the slightly thicker skin and pronounced flavor this is a great tomato for shish kebabs as well as slicing for salads. If you haven't tried this tomato variety yet, give it a try. Amana Orange-Tomato Seeds Huge heirloom beefsteak tomato named for the Amana Colonies in Iowa. These organic tomato seeds produce big, regular leaf plants that produce above average amounts of beautiful light-orange, irregular shaped (fluted) heirloom tomatoes that can grow to 2 pounds or more, with an average diameter of 5 inches. Excellent sweet, almost tropical fruit flavors. This tomato variety has been included in my tomato garden for more than 20 years. A winner! Amber Colored A favorite Russian heirloom. Large bushy plant that produces 2-inch amber-colored globes. Very good sweet flavors with just enough acid balance to enhance the taste. Amish Gold-Tomato Seeds Cross between Amish Paste and Sungold. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield HUGE crops of 1 1/2"-2" long, oblong shaped, gorgeous golden tomatoes with sharply-pointed end. Fruit has the gold color and flavor of the Sungold, the meatiness of the Amish Paste and delicious sweet/tart tomato flavors that will have you want this as a favorite tomato in your garden. A rare tomato variety. TomatoFest is one of the only sources for this wonderful tomato seed. A unique tomato variety. Amish Paste Very productive heirloom from Wisconsin that produces up to 12 oz., deep-red oxheart-shaped, meaty fruit. (Probably one of the largest paste tomatoes) Lots of sweet, tomatoey flavors from this coreless meaty fruit. A great slicing and sauce tomato. Amish Red A wonderful tomato! Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce tall, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield an abundant crop of meaty, 1 1/2-inch long, oblong-shaped, bright-red tomatoes with sharply-pointed end. (The same shape and flavor as Amish Gold but red. The two together are like brother and sister.) The is small tomato packs a wallop of delicious, sweet flavors with a slightly tart finish. A great patio or small garden tomato. Grows well in cooler, coastal regions. Perfect as a salad tomato or in a bowl for snacking. for Tomatofest is one of the very few sources for these rare tomato seeds. Amish Salad A large sprawling plant that produces pink oval-shaped fruit with excellent taste. Amy's Sugar Gem-Tomato Seeds Developed by Dr. Jeff McCormack who crossed the small fruited 'Red Cherry' with the larger heirloom 'Tappy's Finest'. 'Amy's Sugar Gem' is named in appreciation of Amy Hereford whose grandmother "Tappy" introduced Jeff to heirloom tomatoes in 1982. The 'Sugar Gem' portion of the name refers to the sweet flavor and the tiny light gold sparkles in the red skin. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seed produces indeterminate, regular-leaf, tall, sprawling, vigorous tomato plants that yield HUGE crops of 2 oz., 1 1/2" golf ball sized, red, meaty, juicy tomatoes that have a small core and delicious sweet, well-balanced flavors. A perfect choice as a snacking tomato, salad tomato or for tomato sauces. Sweet! "Candy-on-thevine," not to be missed! Anahu From Hawaii. This is a very productive variety that produces 2 to 3-inch, round, red fruit with very sweet flavors. A good choice for hot & humid climates. Ananas 3 to 4-inch, pale yellow beefsteak with red blush on blossom end, mild acidity, Sweet tasting Ananas - Heirloom Tomato Seeds a.k.a Ananas Pineapple. These organic tomato seeds will produce regular leafed plants that yield 3 to 4-inch, pale yellow beefsteak heirloom tomatoes with a red blush on the blossom end and some, subtle red streaking within the tomato. A great, sweet tasting heirloom tomato with just a mild presence of acidity. A delicious heirloom tomato for your garden. Ananas Noire - Tomato Seeds A.K.A. Black Pineapple. The name of this Belgian tomato, introduced by Pascal Moreau in 2005, is French for black pineapple. TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce a large, sprawling, regular leaf plant that yields heavy crop of 1 to 1 1/2 lb., round, dark-purple, fruit with green shoulders. Interior color is a tie-dye like mix of pink, red, green yellow colors. Loaded with an abundance of rich and delicious, full-bodied, sweet & smokey flavors with a whollop of acidity. A great new addition to the list of splendid black tomatoes. Try this tomato in a salad with other colors. Makes a delicious rich tomato sauce. Andes 5 x 2-inch pepper-shaped fruit. Meaty with few seeds and rich flavor. Andrew Rahart’s Jumbo Red This New York heirloom beefsteak (passed down from Andrew through his son John) has 12 to 16-ounce fruit with intensely red skin and dense flesh. This rich delicious juicy tomato will likely burst in your mouth. Angora Super Sweet-Tomato Seeds Developed by Joe Bratka. A.K.A." VELVET RED." This is a beautiful ornamental tomato. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf (well not too regular) plants with a fuzzy, blue-grey "fur" on the leaves. Plant yields an abundance of 1-inch, red, super-sweet cherry tomatoes that also have a slight silvery fuzz on them which causes the red to appear less than red. A spectacular novelty tomato. Rare tomato seeds. This is great selection for a patio garden. Anna Russian An heirloom oxheart variety from Brenda Hillenius, of Oregon, who got from her grandfather, Kenneth Wilcox, who received seeds from a Russian immigrant. An excellent, gorgeous tomato. Early maturing for a heart-shaped tomato, the large, visually beautiful, pink-red fruit normally weighs about 1 pound. Superb rich old-fashioned, tomatoey flavors with lots of juice. Argentina A prolific heirloom plant producing big, 3 to 4-inch, pink beefsteak fruits with excellent sweet/acid tomato flavors. Arkansas Marvel-Heirloom Tomato Seeds An Arkansas Heirloom tomato. Our organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous, big tomato plants that yield moderate to heavy crops of 4-inch, 1 lb., meaty, yellow-orange beefsteak tomatoes with red marbling with a gush of wonderful sweet, well-balanced tomato flavors that hold a distinct hint of mild, peach flavors. I've been growing this variety from the same seed strain for almost 20 years. It's proven to be a wonderful and beautiful addition to our garden. A good salad tomato or sliced thick in sandwiches. TomatoFest is one of the only sources for these heirloom tomato seeds. Arkansas Traveler-Tomato Seeds A 100 year old heirloom tomato that was grown throughout the South from northwest Arkansas to North Carolina. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, 6', vigorous tomato plants that yield abundant crops of 8-ounce, round rose-pink tomatoes Considered to be one of the best tasting tomato varieties with well balanced sweet/tart flavors. Arkansas Traveler is much esteemed for its ability to produce flavorful tomatoes under normally adverse conditions high heat, humidity or drought. Resistant to cracking and disease. Armenian From tomato collector Charlotte Mullens of West Virginia. Large flattish yellow and orange flesh with some red marbling. A bi-colored beefsteak with great flavor and unusually strong flavors for a bi-colored. Atkinson - Tomato Seeds Introduced 1966 for southern, hot and humid areas by Auburn University. TomatoFest organic seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous plants with good yields of 8 oz. to 1 lb., red, globe-shaped tomatoes that are very meaty with good, old-fashioned tomato flavors. Tomatoes are meaty. This is an outstanding tomato for sandwiches, salads and canning. Great for growing in Southeastern U.S. and tropical regions. Disease Resistant. A good choice to grow as a fresh market tomato. Aunt Gertie's Gold Seeds for this potato leaf sent to me by Amy Gallagher of Madison, WI. Variety introduced by the late Chuck Wyatt who got the seeds from a friend in VA. A great variety that should find a place in your garden. 1-2 pound fruit with rich gold color is not overly sweet or juicy. One of the best tasting yellows. Outstanding flavor carries hints of melon. Aunt Ginny's Purple-Heirloom Tomato Seeds A productive heirloom beefsteak tomato of German origin that was brought into circulation by Rick Burkhart if Indiana whose family has raised it for 25 years. Our organic tomato seeds produce big, indeterminate, vigorous, potato-leaf tomato plants that yield abundant crops of 1-pound, deep-pink, juicy tomatoes with little cracking. Considered among the best heirloom tomatoes. Excellent tomato in salads and on sandwiches. Aunt Ginny's Purple is an American favorite tomato. A Gary Ibsen favorite too. Aunt Lucy's Italian Paste-Heirloom Tomato Seeds Originally from Italy via Toni Casell's Aunt Lucy. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regularleaf tomato plants that yield abundant crops of 2", red, round, meaty tomatoes with classically delicious sweet/tart flavors so well respected with the old Italian tomato varieties. Fruit contains few seeds. A wonderful tomato for tomato sauce or slicing into a tomato salad. Rare tomato seeds. TomatoFest is one of the only commercial opportunities to find this heirloom tomato. Aunt Ruby's Yellow Cherry-Tomato Seeds Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous and tall tomato plants that yield copious amounts of 3/4-inch, round, yellow cherry tomatoes that are loaded with delicious, fruity, sweet/tart flavors. Rare tomato seeds. TomatoFest is one of the only commercial sources for these wonderful cherry tomato seeds. The perfect snacking tomato that is wonderful in salads or culinary dishes. Children will love the sweetness of these snacks. Aunt Ruby’s German Green-Tomato Seeds Heirloom beefsteak variety from Ruby Arnold of Greeneville, Tennessee who passed away in 1997. Slightly flattened, 1 pound fruit that ripens to a pale greenish-yellow ("lime jello green") with a slight pink blush that extends to the inside. Superb, fruity sweet and slightly spicy taste. Aussie-Heirloom Tomato Seeds A favorite heirloom tomato variety from Australia. And a favorite of mine for the past 10 years as a dependable red heirloom tomato for the market, home and as a show tomato. Our organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that dependably yield picture-perfect, copious amounts of 1-2 lb., glossy-red, meaty, fluted, beefsteak tomatoes that are LOADED with delicious, bold, rich and complex tomatoey flavors. Great disease resistance. Good show tomato. One to impress your friends with....A winner! A Gary Ibsen favorite. Austin's Red Pear A favorite at TomatoFest. Our organic tomato seeds produce regular-leafed, vigorous, bushy, open-pollinated plants that yield abundant crops of extra-large, 2-ounce (up to 2"), red, pear-shaped cherry tomatoes. Excellent tasting cherry tomato. A perfect choice for a snacking tomato, or in salads. Australia Large, (up to 5") late-ripening beefsteak that has a soft texture and mild flavor. Azoychka- Heirloom Tomato Seeds A very productive Russian heirloom found at the Bird Market in Moscow. ("Azoychka" is a woman's name.). Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that produce an abundant crop of smooth, 3-inch round, slightly flattened, yellow/orange tomatoes with a sweet citrusy flavor. Azoychka has become one of the favorite in my garden for harvesting a crop for market. Dependably productive, delicious and in demand. Rare tomato seeds. tomatoFest is probably one of only two commercial sources for this tomato seed. Baller A Roma type with 3-inch oblong fruit with a swollen end and mild flavor. Banana Legs Very prolific and long season plant producing 4-inch long, bright yellow, meaty, banana-shaped fruits. Great for slicing into salads. Baselbieter Roeteli Large spindly leafed plant producing HUGE clusters of delicious fruit. 1 1/2 inch, red, pear-shaped oval tomatoes. A wonderful tomato tartness balanced with a lucious sweetness. Basinga An heirloom mid-season variety with medium to large yields of very large, 4-inch, pale lemon-yellow globes with luscious and mild,sweet flavor. very limited commercial availability. Beam's Yellow Pear-Tomato Seeds These organic tomato seeds produce huge, bushy plants that yield very large quantities of 1 oz., 1 1/2-inch, bright yellow, pear-shaped cherry tomatoes that will give you fruit until frost. The tomatoes of this yellow pear tomato variety are zesty sweet and delicious. A beautiful salad or snackin' tomato. If you are growing several colors of cherry tomatoes include this one. A great tomato choice for a patio or planter garden. A good producer even in cooler coastal regions. Beauty Medium sized, highly productive, leafy plant producing a huge amount of 14 oz., slightly flattened fruits with big juicy, very sweet but so well balanced with that perfect amount of acid for full, complex tomatoey flavors. One of my best tomatoes for the past 3 years. Beaverlodge Slicer -Tomato Seeds Bred at the Beaverlodge Research Center in Alberta Canada. One of the earliest maturing tomato varieties (55 days). Our TomatoFest organic seeds produce short, compact, determinate, plants that are loaded with 2", smooth, red, round tomatoes that contain rich and well balanced flavors. A surprisingly big flavor for such an early tomato. This is a perfect tomato variety for growing in a hanging basket or in a patio container. A good choice for cooler and foggy growing regions like Northern California. Beefsteak-Heirloom Tomato Seeds (AKA Red Ponderosa or Crimson Cushion) Considered the original heirloom "Beefsteak" tomato. An old-time favorite that has been popular for many years due to it's excellent productivity and wonderful taste. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce lush, thick, indeterminate, regular-leaf, tomato plants that yield from vigorous vines, 4 to 5-inch, slightly ribbed, bright-red tomatoes that have spectacularly delicious, sweet flavors. This tomato's excellent taste and meaty flesh make it an ideal tomato for eating fresh or cooking, for slicing into sandwiches, using in salads or for canning! Believe It Or Not An old -time favorite Heirloom. Prolific large (1-2 lb.) , red, smooth-shouldered slicer with great flavor. Belii Naliv A short indeterminate (42") that produces an abundance of early bearing 2", red, round, crack-resistant fruits that are sweet and tangy. Berwick German Irregular-shaped, round to oblong, 2 to 4-inch, red, meaty fruit with few seeds. Big Beef-Tomato Seeds This is a de-hybridized version of an American favorite. These large, juicy, fruits combine old-fashioned beefsteak flavor with heavy yields. 1-pound, round to globe-shaped. Flavor is full and hearty with lots of sweet juice balanced with that wonderful tomato acidity. These giants slice up perfectly for big sandwiches. Fruit stays large even at the end of a long harvest season. TomatoFest is probably your only source for Big beef as an open-pollinated versus hybrid tomato. Rare Tomato Seeds. Big Italian Plum Regular leaf plants yield large paste type fruit that resemble fat banana peppers. Excellent for thick paste and canning. Big Orange Stripe-Tomato Seeds A wonderful heirloom tomato from the Carter family farm in Kentucky. These organically grown tomato seeds produce huge tomato plants that yield 1-2 pound , 4-5-inch, orange beefsteak tomatoes with light red striping outside and inside of the fruits. The Big Orange Stripe variety produces moderate to hefty quantities of fruit. Very little, if any, cracking in fruit observed. Deliciously sweet tomatoes. Big Orange-Tomato Seeds Very productive plant producing 1 lb., big, round, orange, beefsteak fruit with skin that peels like an orange. Excellent sweet flavors. Don't let the simple name lead you to believe that this tomato is less than grand. This is a great variety for those wanting the biggest round & juicy, orange tomatoes. Rare tomato seeds. Low Acid tomato. Big Rainbow-Heirloom Tomato Seeds This spectacular heirloom tomato was in 1990. originally from Polk County, MN. Our TomatoFest organic seeds produce big, sprawling, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield moderate to large crops of 1-2 lb. rib-shouldered bicolored beefsteak tomatoes with gold flesh with beautiful red streaks running throughout. As fruits ripen they have a rainbow appearance: greens on the shoulder, yellow, orange, gold in the middle, and red on the blossom end. Fruit often has dynamic red splotches inside and on bottom. Very juicy and fruity sweet. Good disease resistance. A late producer. Great for slicing thick into sandwiches or salads. Big White Pink Stripe-Tomato Seeds Pale-peach colored 4-inch globe slicer with pinkish blush on blossom end and peach-cream colored flesh inside. Meaty fruits with tropical flavor similar to melon but slight sweet-tart tang. Big Yellow Regular leaf plant yields large (8-10 oz.), flattened, yellow - orange fruit, with excellent flavor. Some fruit is slightly green shouldered. Big Zebra-Tomato Seeds The biggest of all the Zebras. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce huge, regular-leaf plants that yields big crops of 1-2 lb., orange-red and green striped tomatoes on the outside and green and pink striped on the inside. Fruits are loaded with deliciously sweet and robust flavors. A beautiful and unusual tomato sure to be a showpiece in your garden. es you have ever seen. The tomatoes are medium to large in size and has a mild sweet flavor. Excellent tomato for making thick slices for sandwiches or cot into salads. A Gary Ibsen favorite. Add to a selection of other colored tomatoes for a wonderful decoration or gift. Bisignano Large Italian 3-4", heart-shaped fruit with sparce foliage. I found occasional globe shapes. Great flavor. Black Dark mahogany-brown Russian heirloom with green shoulders that average 4 ounces. It is thought that some gardeners grew this variety as Black Prince years ago. Fruit is such a dark red it is considered black. Smooth and slightly elongated fruit with a pointed tip. Thought to be one of the best tasting black tomatoes with sweet balanced and complex flavors. Black Cherry-Tomato Seeds The only truly black cherry tomato. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce large, sprawling, indeterminate, regularleaf, vigorous tomato plants that yield abundant crops in huge clusters of 1", round, deep purple, mahogany-brown cherry tomatoes. Fruits are irresistibly delicious with sweet, rich, complex, full tomato flavors that burst in your mouth, characteristic of the best flavorful black tomatoes. Beautiful to mix with other colored cherry tomatoes. Unique tomato variety. Disease resistant. Once you try want MORE. Black Crimson Heirloom Tomato (aka Black Krim and Black Crim) Originally from the Isle of Krim on the Black Sea in the former Soviet Union. This rare, and outstanding tomato yields 3-4" slightly flattened dark-red (mahogany-colored) slightly maroon, beefsteak tomatoes with deep green shoulders. Green gel around seeds. Fantastic, intense, slightly salty taste (which is great for those not wanting to add salt to their tomatoes). One of my best black tomatoes. Also suitable for container/patio garden. Perfect choice for slicing, salads and cooking. Black Ethiopian-Heirloom Tomato Seeds A favorite Russian heirloom tomato. Originally from the Ukraine region. Our Organic tomato seeds produce vigorous indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield copious amounts of red-mahogany-bronze, 5-oz., plum-shaped fruit. Exceptional, rich, fruity, tangy taste. Rare tomato seeds. TomatoFest is one of the only commercial sources for this favorite black tomato seed. Black from Tula Russian heirloom from Tula. Largest of the blacks with 3-4", slightly flattened, oblate, dark brown to purple fruit with deep green shoulders. Deliciously outstanding, rich, slightly salty, smoky-fruit flavor.!! Black Krim (aka Black Crimson and Black Crim) Originally from the Isle of Krim on the Black Sea in the former Soviet Union. This rare, and outstanding tomato yields 3-4" slightly flattened dark-red (mahogany-colored) slightly maroon, beefsteak tomatoes with deep green shoulders. Green gel around seeds. Fantastic, intense, slightly salty taste (which is great for those not wanting to add salt to their tomatoes). Black Krim is one of my best black tomatoes. Also suitable for container/patio garden. Perfect choice for slicing, salads and cooking. Black Pear-Heirloom Tomato Seeds Truely a unique black Russian tomato of Siberian origin. (Similar to Japanese Black Trifele.) TomatoFest organic heirloom tomato seeds produce big, indeterminate, potato-leaf plants that yield plentiful crops of 6-8 oz., dark, mahogany-brown tomatoes with dark green shoulders. Fruits are shaped like miniature pears and are loaded with excellent, complex, sweet, well-balanced flavors. These are not only very decorative but a perfect choice for cutting up into salads or used in a tomato sauce. A good, dependable, cooler climate variety. Disease resistant. Black Plum-Tomato Seeds One of my favorite Russian varieties that produces a long and steady crop of 2-inch elongated plum-shaped fruits colored a beautiful deep-mahogany with dusky-green shoulders. Fruit resembles a small paste tomato but with thinner walls. Unique sweet tangy flavor. Black Prince-Tomato Seeds Originally from Siberia, this is one of the most popular and favored black tomatoes. Originally introduced from Irkutsk, Russia and is regarded as a "true Siberian tomato" that does very well in cooler climates. Until only recently this was considered a rare variety in the United States. However, it's popularity has grown so much in Russia that there is now a company in Volograd that is producing an extract of the Black Prince called "Black Prince Tomato Oil." The Black Prince tomato is said to have considerable health benefits beyond the presence of lycopene. These deep garnet round, 2-inch (2-3 oz.) tomatoes are full of juice and incredibly rich fruity flavors. This is a tomato that chefs I deliver to rave about for it's rich flavors. The small fruits contain deep rich colors on the inside. Perfect for patio gardens. Perfect for eating fresh, and in cooking in tomato sauce or other culinary wonders. Black Sea Man-Heirloom Tomato Seeds A Russian Heirloom tomato. Tomatofest certified organic tomato seeds produce small determinant, potato-leaf plants that yield an abundant set of 12-16 ounce beautiful tomatoes that are rich mahogany colored with olive green shoulders when mature. Inside of tomato is deep, reddish green and loaded with excellent, full-bodied, complex, intense, creamy tomato flavors. This is an outstanding tomato for sandwiches and salads. Black Sea Man heirloom tomato does well growing in midsized containers. A great early black tomato. Black Zebra-Tomato Seeds A natural and stabilized cross between Green Zebra and a black tomato by Jeff Dawson. This is one of the STARS of my whole tomato showcase. A proven success with markets and friends. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce vigorous, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that produce 4 oz., 1 1/2", juicy, round tomatoes with purple/mahoganycolored skin with green stripes (like brush strokes) with exceptionally rich, complex, really delightful tomato flavors that contain hints of smoke and sweetness. Its flavor also carries the rich complexity associated with the best of black tomatoes. This this is one of our favorites for looks and taste. A winner! Once tried, you will keep this black tomato a place in your garden. Blocked Vigorous plants produce 1" red fruit in clusters of 3 to 4. Delicious flavors. Blondkopfchen-Heirloom Tomato Seeds An heirloom tomato from eastern Germany. The name of this adorable heirloom cherry tomato means "little blonde girl". Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce big, leafy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield a phenomenal amount of 1/2", grape-sized, brilliant yellow/gold, cherry tomatoes, in clusters of 20-30. The vines are large and sprawling, so give them plenty of space. Blondkopfchen is undoubtedly one of the BEST TASTING cherry tomatoes. Deliciously sweet with a slight citrusy tart finish. I have had this in our garden as our favorite snacking tomato for many years and use this cherry tomato for introducing tomatoes to kids who claim they don't like tomatoes. Just put this in your mouth and see if you can keep from smiling. For many years TomatoFest has been one of the few commercial sources for these special tomato seeds. A Non-cracking, disease resistant tomato variety that grows well in most climates including cooler growing regions. Bloody Butcher-Tomato Seeds A sensational and very popular, early producing tomato variety. A good choice for a tomato as you wait for later varieties to harvest. Our organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, vigorous, potato-leaf plants that yield copious amounts of 2", 4 oz, fruits that are deep-red color, inside and out. Five to nine fruits per cluster with a rich heirloom tomato flavor. Plant produces well until frost. A good tomato variety for cooler growing regions since fruits ripen quickly. A good canning tomato. Blue Fruit Fruit from this potato-leaf variety is 2 to 3", round, purple-gray with rich sweet flavors. Blue Ridge Mountain Tall potato-leaf vines bearing , large, 1 lb., 4-inch, pink beefsteaks with good old-fashioned, delicious tomato flavor. Bobbie A prolific heirloom that produces red-pink, heart-shaped, very meaty fruit with few seeds and delicious fruity flavor. Boondocks Heirloom from Joe Bratka in NY. Large potato-leaf plant with gigantic leaves. Average set of slightly flattened globes weighing 1-2 lb. Fruit is a beautiful reddish pink with green shoulders. Excellent flavor. Box Car Willie-Tomato Seeds A slightly flattened New Jersey variety by Joe bratka's father. (most likely named for the country western singer) Produces 10 to 16-ounce, smooth, bright-red with an orange tinge. These excellent tasting tomatoes are very juicy and because they are so dependably tasty and abundant throughout the season, Box Car Willie is a staple in many home gardens. Good resistance to disease and cracking. Brad's Black Heart-Tomato Seeds Originated from Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms in California who found it in a patch of Black Krim and stabilized the seed. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, droopy regular-leaf plants that yield copious amounts of 12 oz., pink-black, heart-shaped tomatoes (mostly flattened hearts...some pointy, some blunt) with exceptionally rich sweet complex flavors, typical of the best of the black tomatoes. A good producer in cooler growing regions as well as warmer regions. A Gary Ibsen Favorite. If you like the big, robust flavors of the black tomatoes you will want this one in your garden. Disease resistant. Bradley A disease resistant variety released in 1961 by Dr. Joe McFerran of the University of Arkansas. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce compact, bushy, semi-determinate, regular-leaf, tomato plants with heavy foliage that yield copious amounts of 7 to10-ounce. dark-pink tomatoes with a wonderfully, delicious sweetness that is well balanced with just enough acidity to give you that old-fashioned big tomato flavor you love so much. Tomatoes ripen at the same time making it a great variety for canning and freezing. Suitable for Southern regions. An excellent fresh market tomato. Fusarium wilt resistant. A Gary Ibsen "personal favorite." Brandywine, OTV A potato-leaf heirloom named and released by Carolyn Male and Craig LeHoullier who state this tomato, "the best strain of Brandywine set apart from others by its smooth, creamy, almost buttery texture, and harmonious sweet flavor." The fruits of this heirloom are rich red with a slight orange undertone and weigh an average of 1 lb. This variety is known to set fruit better than the Pink Brandywine. Brandywine, Purple Very much like potato-leaf Brandywine, but 3 inch, fruit is darker pink to purple. Very meaty and good flavors. Brandywine, Red-Tomato Seeds Old Amish potato-leaf heirloom dating back to 1885. Named after Brandywine Creek in Chester County, PA. Large, vigorous vines produce 8-12 ounce, deep-red fruits in clusters of 4 to 6. Excellent, robust, old-fashioned tomatoey flavors. Brandywine, Sudduth's Strain Around 1980 a Mrs. Sudduth of Tennessee gave seeds said to be in her family for 100 years, to tomato seedsman, Ben Quisenberry of Ohio. Prolific potato leaf plant producing 1-2 lb. large, pink fruit. This is a strain that craig LeHoullier believes is of the original Brandywine. Excellent flavor! Brandywine, Yellow-Tomato Seeds A vigorous potato-leaf heirloom from Gary Platfoot of Ohio produces large amounts of 3 to 4-inch, yellow-orange, round, flattened, great tasting beefsteak fruit. Brandywine-Heirloom Tomato Seeds Probably the first heirloom to achieve "cult status" within the growing popularity of heirloom tomatoes. A pink, potato-leaf, Amish variety from the 1880’s. Years ago, seed saving was done by individuals who understood that the greatest thing they could pass on to the next generation was some of the treasured food plants that had sustained life and had proven their value. One such pioneer was a man named Ben Quinsenbury, who lived in Vermont. He died at the age of 95, passing on his legacy. The Brandywine was Ben’s favorite tomato. In years of my holding tomato tastings for chefs and tomato lovers, the Brandywine has always placed as one of the top three favorites. It is legendary for it’s exceptionally rich, succulent tomato flavor. Fruits are reddish-pink, with light, creamy flesh that average 12 ounces but can grow to 2 pounds. Brianna Late ripening variety with vigorous vines bearing very large 4 to 5-inch, pink beefsteak tomatoes with a mild sweet flavor. Brimmer An old heirloom variety from Virginia that won Grand Prize in 1907. Possibly from the Ponderosa strain around 1889. Big plants produce lots of 1-2 pound, pink/purple, meaty fruits with a slightly thicker skin than most heirlooms. A wonderful low-acid tomato with abundance of sweet flavors. A great canning tomato Britain's Breakfast A unique and very high producing English indeterminate tomato variety. Our tomato seeds produce a tomato plant with huge, wide trusses loaded with up to 70 bright-red, small, oval and very meaty mini paste tomatoes with pointed ends. Hundreds of flowers on each truss. It's best to let only one truss develop because letting more than one truss develop will reduce the amount of tomato productivity of each. Very tasty cherry tomatoes that deserve a place in your tomato garden. A fine salad tomato or great for serving up in a bowl for snacking. Broad Ripple Yellow Currant Tomato variety was apparently found growing from the crack in a sidewalk in Indiana in the mid 1900's. TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce big, indeterminate , regular leaf, tomato plants that yield hundreds of of the cutest, very small, 1/2-inch small, almost translucent yellow cherry tomatoes borne in trusses of 6-8 tomatoes. These are very low-acid tomatoes that are deliciously sweet and perfect for popping in your mouth as you walk through the garden. A great container tomato for growing on your patio or rooftop garden. Brown Berry TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce vigorous, indeterminate , regular-leaf plants that yield exceptionally large crops of mahogany (brick-red) brown colored, 1-inch, round, open-pollinated cherry tomatoes. The Brown Berry cherry tomato has excellent semi-sweet , rich flavors with just a slight bit of acid finish over it's fruity sweetness. Very Juicy! A great snacking or salad tomato to mix with your other colored tomatoes. Brown Flesh Brown colored, 3-lobed, medium-sized fruit with green streaks and almost hollow core. Brown's Yellow Giant Regular leaf plant producing heavy yield of 10-16 oz. 3x5" tomatoes with mild fruity flavors. Buckbee's New 50 Day Great cooler, short season variety. Good yields of great tasting 4 oz., red, round fruit. Bulgarian Triumph A Bulgarian heirloom, very productive, regular leaf plant that produces extra-sweet, juicy, red, 2-inch, 3-4 oz., oxheartshaped, thick-walled fruits. Very good tomatoey flavor. Great for canning. Bull's Heart Old Russian variety from Vavilov Institute that yields, 1 to 2-pound, oxheart-shaped, pink fruit with few seeds and great taste. Burbank Slicing Developed by Luther Burbank around 1915. A heavy producer of medium-sized red, round fruit. Tested very high in amino acids. Does well in drier climates. Burraker's Favorite A regular leaf, 1-2 lb., pink/yellow striped tomato from the moonshine territory of Burrackers' Hollow in the foothills of the Blue ridge mts., where strangers are met by unleashed dogs. A great tomato that Chuck Wyatt had to negotiate for out of his car's window. Great size and superb taste. The first year I obtained this variety from Chuck as a "bi-colored," the gold streaking was so barely there that it appeared more pink than striped. In the subsequent years of growing this out there has been barely a trace of yellow striping. Bush Beefsteak-Tomato Seeds A wonderful, compact and prolific, short bushy plant that yields huge amounts of very early producing 8 oz. beefsteak tomatoes in clusters. A very popular variety for shorter growing regions. Camp Joy-Tomato Seeds Heavy bearing heirloom variety that offers an abundance of luscious 1" fruit with huge, well-balanced, sweet tomato flavors. One of Gary Ibsen's favorite cherry varieties. Strong disease resistant. Perfect for snacking or salads. Candy's Old Yellow Very productive plant bearing 3 to 4", pale-yellow fruit with mildly sweet flavor with a light touch of acidity. Carbon Our tomatofest organic black tomato seeds produce big, regular-leaf tomato plants yielding prolific amounts of 10-14 oz., beautiful purple-brown, open-pollinated tomatoes. Color of tomatoes are most often darker than the photo here indicates, making this among of the darkest of the black tomatoes with delicious, rich, complex flavors. This tomato variety won taste test of 10 heirloom tomato varieties at Cornell Research Farm. Because of it's productivity and flavor, Carbon is becoming popular to grow for commercial produce markets that are seeking more black tomatoes in their tomato mix. Carmello The French Carmello is among the most productive tomatoes ever bred. It is popular in European markets because of it's exceptionally fine flavor. I de-hybridized this variety over a 5 year period around 1993. Bears large crops of heavy, juicy tomatoes with flavor that just doesn't stop. Another favorite because it consistently produces great tasting fruit, even in cooler weather. Good for slicing in salads, sautéed, or as an integral part of any dish. Caro Rich Regular leaf plant with prolific yield of 10 oz., round, deep orange-gold fruit that contains extreemly high content of betacarotene (10 times more than other tomatoes). And very good taste to boot. Carol Chyko's Big Paste Very large I-3 lbs., heart-shaped, crimson red, meaty tomato with delicious flavors and few seeds. Rare. Caspian Pink Originally grown in southern Russia between the Caspian and Black Seas. Thought by some to be "Queen of the Pinks," these prolific,1-2 pound, globe-shaped, pink-red beefsteak tomatoes that rival brandywine in popularity and flavor. One of the best known and best-tasting Russian tomatoes. This tomato is perfect for cooler climates. Cerise Orange An heirloom tomato from Norbert Parreira, Helliner, France in 1992. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, big, sprawling, regular leaf tomato plants that yield huge amounts of tiny, 1/2-inch, golden-orange cherry tomatoes with a subtle striping borne in large clusters. A tomato with big, wonderful, well-balanced, sweet taste, bursting with a fruity sweetness similar to the very popular Sungold cherry tomato, but lower in acid. Great as a beautiful salad tomato or perfect for snacking. Ceylon A unique, multi-ribbed, mini-beefsteak shaped heirloom tomato, red with some orange shoulders and 1-inch across. Good sweet flavor with a clean tart finish. Chadwick Cherry-Tomato Seeds Heirloom named after the late master gardener, Alan Chadwick, originator of the biointensive method of gardening. Flavorful, 1-inch, red fruits borne in vigorous clusters of six. Chalk's Early Jewel Heirloom introduced in 1910. Created by James Chalk of Norristown, PA, introduced in 1899. A good producer of 2", round, red globes with mild sweet flavor and balanced acidity. Champ Heirloom producing 3 to 4-inch round, red fruit with sweet, plum-like flavors. Understandable why this tomato got it's name. Chapman Large, 1-pound, bright-red, heirloom beefsteak with very good flavor. Charlie's Green Large, 1-pound, green beefsteak with yellow hues when ripe. Every bit as splendid in taste as Aunt Ruby's German Green and found it to be slightly more prolific in production of fruit. Cherokee Chocolate Craig LeHoullier stabilized this rogue heirloom originating from the popular old heirloom from Tennessee, Cherokee Purple. This 4-inch beefsteak variety has developed a great following among celebrity chefs because of its exceptionally rich tomato flavors and wonderful chocolate mahogany color. YES!! Cherokee Green-Tomato Seeds Another variety from heirloom tomato collector Craig LeHoullier who grew out Cherokee Chocolate from another seed saver in 1997. One plant gave him a cross that stayed green when ripe. He then stabilized this seed for Cherokee Green. Our TomatoFest organic heirloom seeds produce big, leafy, regular-leaf plants similar to Cherokee Purple that yields 12-16 oz. beefsteak tomatoes that are amber green with a yellowish hue when ripe. This is one of the best tasting, most flavorful of all the green tomatoes. A very fine slicer tomato good as a salad tomato, a slicer for sandwiches and yes, give this a try for a delicious pasta sauce. Cherokee Purple-Tomato Seeds Heirloom from Tennessee cultivated by Native American Cherokee tribe. Very productive plants producing loads of dusky rose to purple colored, 12 oz.-1 lb., beefsteak tomatoes with deep red colors to the interior flesh and dark shoulders. A very popular market variety because of it's rich, complex and sweet flavors. One of the best tasting heirloom tomatoes. Chianti Rose Hearty potato leaf cross between Brandywine and an un-named Italian variety produces huge crops of 1-2 lb. beautiful, thin skinned, red-pink, fruit. Delicious creamy flesh. Good variety for cooler and coastal growing regions. Chinese A long red paste tomato; 2 x 5-inch, almost seedless, with good flavor. Chinese Tea The Chinese Tea tomato seeds were sent to me by gardening friend John Mathews in B.C., who got these seeds from a tomato farmer in China. These organic tomatofest seeds produce a prolific, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plant that yields plentiful amount of pinkish, red, 2-inch, round tomatoes with red flesh. Fruit is well balanced in it's sweet to acid ratio and finishes with a pronounced fruity sweetness. A wonderful salad tomato. Chocolate Stripes One of the Top 3 tomatoes of the 2007 TomatoFest. Our organic tomato seeds produce very large, indeterminate, regularleaf tomato plants that yield a plentiful crop of 3-4 inch, mahogany colored with dark, olive green-striping (similar to black zebra). Fruits have delicious, complex, rich, sweet, earthy tomato flavors. Chocolate Stripe, another desirable 'black tomato," is an excellent tomato and a fine choice for your tomato garden. Produces well into the autumn A great sandwich tomato and salad tomato. Chuck's Yellow Outstanding 1-2 lb. yellow beefsteak named for garder, seedsman Chuck Wyatt. Lucious sweet tomatoey flavors. Church An heirloom from the Church family of Hot Springs, Virginia collected by Jack Schaeffer. Seed came to me through Chuck Wyatt, who thinks this variety may be a descendent of that great old tomato, Radiator Charlie’s Mortgage Lifter. This regular leaf producer delivers superbly flavored 1-2 lb. fruit. The wonderfully big tomatoey flavor has delicious subtle undertones. Cindy's West Virginia Seeds sent to me from Dean Rhine from the Fish & Game Dept. in West Virginia, who got the seeds from Cindy who works with him, who got the seeds from her father Charlie, who grew them for many years, who got the seeds from his neighbor who planted them for years in Wirt County, WV, ...always the "best tomato" in their gardens . A wonderful tomato! Big plant that produces lots 4-inch, slightly flattened, pinkish red, beefsteak tomatoes. Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red Named by Gary Ibsen, the seeds of this variety came to Gary from tomato breeder, Archie Millett, who crossed his favorite tomato varieties over many years to finally produce a disease resistant tomato with intense flavor. 'Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red,' is an open-pollinated tomato (78 days to maturity). The tall, indeterminate, plant produces lots of 2-inch (6-10 oz.), deep-red, round fruits with a subtle point on it's end. Fruit has robust, “not for sissies,” bold, tomatoey flavors, with a firm, juicy flesh, that invites snacking in the garden, cooking, canning and seed-saving. Its fruity sweetness is perfectly balanced with plenty of acidity, earthy nuances and complexity. Cluj Yellow Cherry Romanian heirloom named for the city of Cluj. May be related to Nikolayev Yellow Cherry since cities of Cluj and Nikolayev are not that far apart. Large wispy heirloom plant that produces HUGE amounts of 1/2-3/4 inch yellow cherries. Unique, sweet but tangy flavors. tomato candies. Connie's Cain Originally from Italy. Seeds sent to Gary Ibsen from Connie Keplinger who has grown this variety for many years in Minerva, Ohio. Plant produces lots of 1 lb. red, beefsteak fruits. Wonderful big, sweet flavors. Connie's Cain Originally from Italy. Seeds sent to Gary Ibsen from Connie Keplinger who has grown this variety for many years in Minerva, Ohio. Plant produces lots of 1 lb. red, beefsteak fruits. Wonderful big, sweet flavors. COPIA A Jeff Dawson creation of a cross between green Zebra and Marvel Stripe, named in honor of COPIA (the American Center of Food, Wine and the Arts). 6 oz., red and yellow striped slicer with great flavor. Cosmonaut Volkov Red A Ukrainian heirloom variety named after the famous Russian cosmonaut who died while landing. Russians grow this variety for prize-winning, 1-2 pound fruits. Round, slightly flattened fruits have a full, complex flavor and nice acid/sweet balance. Costa Rica Heirloom producing 1 1/2-inch 4-ounce round "saladette" tomatoes with good tomato flavor. Costoluto Genovese Italian, heat-loving, heirloom tomato that has been enjoyed for many generations along the Mediterranean. Large, deep-red fruits have a singularly fluted profile, are deeply ridged, and heavily lobed. Meaty, full-flavored, slightly tart, and delicious. Because of its scalloped edges, perfect for use in an arrangement of different colored sliced tomatoes. Makes a rich and pungent pasta sauce. Coyote Maye Clement brought Craig Lehoullier a branch of half a dozen of these tomatoes which he displayed at the PA Hort. Society Harvest Show in the late 1980's. Originally it was a wild Mexican tomato called Coyote Tiny Yellow. A jewel-like cherry, that bears 6 to 8 on a branch. Very flavorful! Crazy Fruits from this heirloom are borne from tall, hardy vines in clusters of six. Plum-sized,3/4-inch, round, red, cherry tomatoes are very sweet with a good acid balance. Cream Sausage This regular leaf bush is a prolific producer of 3-inch long, creamy white-yellow, sausage type paste tomatoes with small nipple on blossom end.. Very good flavor. Great for making a yellow sauce. Creole An heirloom developed in Louisiana for hot, humid climates. This variety has a very loyal following. Yields 3-inch, round, firm, red fruit with a lots of juice and delicious tomatoey flavors with good acidity. Crimean Rose-Heirloom tomato Seeds Crimean Rose (aka Crimean). A Russian heirloom tomato. TomatoFest organic heirloom tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf plants that yield big crops of rose pink, grape-shaped, cherry tomatoes with sweet/tart exceptional sweet/tart taste. A very good snacking or salad tomato. Good choice for cooler growing regions. Crnkovic Yugoslavian Seeds for heirloom tomato, Yasha Yugoslavian, were given to Dr. Carolyn Male by Yasha Crnkovic, who obtained them from relatives in the Vojvod area of Yugoslavia. TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce vigorous, indeterminate, regularleaf tomato plants that yield large amounts of extra-large, 1-2 pound, slightly flattened, pink beefsteak tomatoes that are fullflavored, deliciously juicy . A crack-resistant tomato variety. If you can't pronounce the name...the taste will make up for the difficulty. A great tomato for eating fresh in salads or sliced thick for sandwiches. Cuostralee A French beefsteak heirloom that produces heavy quantities of huge (1-2 lbs.), red, blemish-free fruits that have intense, balanced flavors. Fruits are typically 4-inches across. A favorite at the annual TomatoFest. Dad's Barber Paste 4-inch long, meaty red, paste tomato with pronounced nipple on end. Verysweet flavors. A preferred sauce tomato. Dad's Sunset Uniformly round, meaty, 10 -16 oz., golden-orange fruit (the color of the setting sun) . Good disease resistance. Slightly tart (yet sweet) flavor and good visual appeal. On cloudy days,when my sons were small they would occassionally deliver me one of these delights from the garden at the end of the day to bring me the "sunset.". Dagma's Perfection Tomato Seeds A vigorous and abundant producer of medium-sized (3”, 12 oz.), slightly flattened, pale-yellow fruits with delicate, light red striping. Deliciously flavorful with overtones of tropical fruit and subtle hints of lime. Firm, juicy and elegant in the mouth, and jewel-like in appearance. Debarao-Tomato Seeds This heirloom produces an abundant crop of deep-red, paste tomatoes. Fruits are 3-4 oz., oval and crack free. Matures earlier than most Italian plum types. Lots of rich tomato flavors. Great for snacking, sauces and salads. Delicious Above average yields of 1 to 2-pound wide globes to ribbed beefsteakes. Scarlet-red and Delicious! An American favorite. Dicoff's Yellow Prolific plant of 10-12 oz. solid fruit. A good flavorful keeper for the garden. Diener Seeds obtained by Craig Lehoullier from the USDA and shared with Dr. Carolyn Male for grow out. Bred from Santa Clara Canner, but deeper crimson. Very large, well shaped meaty and superbly flavored. Ding Wall Scotty Narrow, upright, heirloom plants producing clusters of 3 to 4, 2-inch, round, red tomatoes with rich flavors and just the right touch of acidity. Wonderful tomato! Dinner Plate Good producer of heart-shaped, delicious, scarlette-red fruit, 4-6" (One slice to a sandwich will do it for ya!) Disarsa 3-inch, round red flattened fruit with mild sweet flavor. Dixie Golden Giant A beefsteak heirloom grown by an Amish family since the early 1930's. It grows on large plants and yields big harvests of 1 to 2 pound, clear lemon-yellow fruits that occasionally have a pink blush on the blossom end. Fabulously sweet, fruity taste and meaty texture. Djena Lee's Golden Girl A regular leaf plant that yields huge amounts of 8 -10 oz.yellow fruit. Rich, sweet tomatoey flavor and meaty texture. Dona-Tomato Seeds This excellent variety was bred by the French specifically for their customers in markets, where flavor and quality standards are uncompromising. Slightly flattened, almost seedless, round tomato with a sweet/acid balance (just like the commercial hybrid) that few modern tomatoes can match. The heavily producing plants yield 6 ounce, juicy fruits that are smooth, meaty, and deep-red in hue. Good disease resistance. Double Rich Sturdy, regular leaf vines produce an abundance of 3-inch fruit, red-orange on the outside and brilliant red inside. Celebrated for having almost twice the Vitamin C as other tomato varieties and as much as an orange. Good rich tomatoey flavors. Dr. Carolyn Large sprawling plant named in honor of Dr. Carolyn Male who first saved the seed. A variation of Galinas. Fantastic round, 1-inch, ivory-colored cherry tomatoes, borne in clusters, that deepens to a pale yellow upon ripening. Delicious sweet flavors that are perfectly balanced with enough acid to make the flavor sing. Lots of character and complexity. A winner! Dr. Lyle A greyish-green regular leaf plant with a fuzzy Angora type foliage. Very large (1 lb.+) deep pink-red beefsteak fruit that is extremely sweet and juicy. Dr. Neal Tall vines of this heirloom variety produces heavy crops of 1 to 2-pound, rose-pink beefsteak fruit with slight fluting, few seeds and an outstanding rich flavor. A wonderful variety. Dr. Wyche's Yellow Named after Dr. Wyche who supposedly lived in the mountains and fertilized his garden with manure from a nearby zoo. Undoubtedly one of the best tasting yellow tomatoes to be found. A beefsteak heirloom that produces slightly flattened, smooth, blemish-free, golden-yellow fruit with a meaty interior and few seeds. It's rich flavor and larger size sets this variety apart from other yellow heirlooms. Druzba A Bulgarian heirloom introduced in 1995. (Druzhba means friendship in Bulgarian.) Produces big harvests of smooth, blemish-free, round, deep-red, juicy, 10-ounce fruits. Excellent, robust, sweet/tart, juicy flavors. Good disease resistance. Dutchman Huge mid-season ifavorite. An old beefsteak. Large pink oblate, 1-2 lb. sweet fruit. Earl Of Edgecombe-Tomato Seeds When the 6th Earl of Edgecombe died in the 1960's, the heir to the title of 7th Earl was a relative in New Zealand who was a sheep farmer at the time. When he traveled to England to claim the title, he brought this tomato with him. The seeds for this New Zealand heirloom were made available through Carolyn Male, who found it the best of her 1996 seed trials. The smooth, 3-inch, round, uniformly ripening fruits are beautiful orange globes, typically borne in clusters of two or more. Flesh is firm, meaty and exceptionally flavorful. Earliana Almost identical to 'June Pink' except for the redder-pink color and shorter period of production. The 'Earliana' tomato was developed at the turn-of-the-century as growers attempted to bring the earliest tomato to market. It was first offered commercially in 1900 by Johnson and Stokes. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf plants that yield clusters of 4-6 beautiful, uniformly round, red-pink tomatoes. We consider this a perfect market tomato because of it's visual appeal and it's wonderful sweet/tart flavors. Earliana produces well until frost and appears to have good disease resistance. A good salad and canning tomato. A good, prolific tomato for cooler growing regions. Early Annie A short heirloom variety that produces 3-inch, round, meaty fruits with few seeds. Particularly good for canning. Fruit sets all at once. Early Wonder Extra-early maturing and compact variety that yields an abundant crop of round, dark-pink, great-tasting fruit. Perfect for gardeners in shorter season growing climates. Early Yellow Stripe Very productive 2-inch, pale-red, round fruit with yellow stripes. A good tasting, semi-hollow, small stuffer. Ed's Fat Plum Heirloom that produces 3 to 4-inch oblong red plum-shaped fruit that is meaty with good flavor. Egyptian Supposedly a descendent from seeds found in a 4000 year old tomb. Small leaf variety yielding large (3x3"), meaty, round to tapered fruit. A good canner. Elbe Named after the Elbe River in Germany this has been an old favorite heirloom tomato since 1889. Named after the Elbe river in Germany. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce big, leafy, indeterminate, potato-leaf tomato plants that yield gorgeous 12-14 oz., 3 to 4-inch, yellow-orange, beefsteak tomatoes with an abundance of delicious, fruity, sweet/tart flavors. A wonderful salad tomato and don't miss trying this for making golden tomato sauce. Suitable for cooler growing regions. A Gary Ibsen "personal favorite." Eleanor A red paste tomato 2 x 4-inch with pointed end meaty unique sweet flavor. Elfin Vigorous short, bushy plant that produces massive bunches of 3/4-inch, grape-like, (plum to pear shaped) fruits. Extra flavorful and crisp snacking tomato. Ella's Pink Plum Short indeterminate plant producing an abundance of 2" jade-pink colored, plum-shaped fruit. Juicy with few seeds and very good (happy) flavors. Although a pretty tomato to look at, if you ate this with your eyes closed, wonderful images are prompted through it's mouth-feel and taste. Elmer's Old German An old heirloom tomato from Germany. Tomatofest organic heirloom tomato seeds produce very large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield 1-2 pound (and more), deep-pink beefsteak tomatoes that have delicious, bold, sweet/acid tomato flavors with very few seeds. An excellent slicer for eating fresh in salads and sandwiches. Rare tomato seeds. A Gary Ibsen "personal favorite. Enormous Plum 8 to 16-oz., 3-inch wide x 7-inch long, large, red plum with good acid content. Excellent flavor…long producing. A right choice for sauces. Erica d'Australie From Norbert Parreira, Helliner, France, this heavy producer yields robustly flavored, 1 to 2-pound, red fruit. Esikos Botermo 2 1/2-inch, orange-red globe with light orange striping. Very good tasting. Good salad tomato. Ethiopia Roi Humbort High yielding 2-inch, red, pear-shaped paste tomatoes with good flavor. Eva Purple Ball-Tomato Seeds A vigorous, 1800’s heirloom from the Black Forest region of Germany. Delicious, round, 2 to 3-inch, blemish-free, pinkpurple fruits. A big producer for me. Evergreen A solid, medium-sized, green slicer, with full, mild and delicious flavors. One of the best tasting greens. Fargo Vigorous vines with loads of 2 1/2-inch yellow fruit shaped like the 'Yellow Pear' variety.This variety produces on much shorter vine the same quality of delicious tasting fruit. Faribo Goldheart Prolific plant produces lots of 3-inch orange globes with delicious 'nutty' fruit flavors. Favorite-Heirloom Tomato Seeds A Winner! Introduced by Livingston Seeed Co. in 1883. Very productive plant producing big bunches of 6-8 oz., smooth, bright-red fruits. Fence Row Cherry 1" red round cherry found growing along a fence in Texas Fireworks The largest of the super-early, red tomato varieties with great flavor. Fruits are 2 1/2-inch, 8-12 oz., round, with pointed end. Great flavor. Flamme-Heirloom Tomato Seeds (Also referred to as Jaune Flammé) Extremely prolific French heirloom that bears in clusters of 6, beautiful, 1 1/2-inch, round, golf-ball sized tomatoes that are persimmon-orange colored inside and out. A delicious full-bodied flavor that literally bursts in your mouth. Very decorative. Makes a great flavored sauce. Florida Pink-Tomato Seeds A heavy bearer of huge (1 to 3-pound) globes with few seeds and lots of flavor. A great cooking tomato. Sets fruit well at high temps. Forme de Coeur From Quebec. Good mid-season Determinate. Strong plant producing great yields of 6-8 oz. orange-red fruits. Fred Limbaugh Potato Top (aka 'Limbaugh's Legacy Potato Top.' ) An excellent find for a 'best-tasting' heirloom tomato. These heirloom tomato seeds were saved by gardener, Fred Limbaugh from Robinson, PA, and his father and grandfather. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce potato-leaf, indeterminate tomato plants that yield large amounts of beautiful, 1-2 pound, slightlyflattened, slightly-fluted, pink beefsteak tomatoes, with exceptional, complex, fruity sweet flavors, perfectly balanced with just the right amount of acidity to make for that old-fashioned tomato taste. A perfect choice for slicing for sandwiches, tomato salads or cooking into great culinary dishes. My favorite is to eat 'em fresh off the vine. A fine choice as a market tomato. Full Flavored Paste A wonderful, prolific red, 2-3 inch, paste tomato with excellent flavors. A perfect choice for tomato sauce. Fuzzy Bomb Developed by Tadd Smith, Franklin, N.C. Large potato leaf plant with white fuzz all over plant. Plant and fruit resemble Angora. Produce 12 to 16 oz. fruit with very nice flavors. Galina Grande 1 1/2-inch, creamy yellow, round cherry with a pronounced citrusy flavor to it's sweetness. Galinas (AKA Galina's) Heirloom tomato originally from Siberia. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce large, sprawling, regular leaf plants that prolifically yield copious amounts of golden-yellow, cherry tomatoes about the size of a quarter produced in long, full clusters. The flavor very sweet with a delicious richness and complexity. A fantastic snacking tomato in the garden, and great for brightening up salads or pizza. Garden Peach Small 2 oz. delicate and meaty fruit. Really does have a peach color outside. Hint of red inside. Very mild-sweet taste. Light fuzz on fruit and leaves. A very pretty novelty tomato. Gardener's Delight-Tomato Seeds Also known as Sugar Lump, these red cherries range from 3/4 to 1-1/2 inch across and are loaded with sugary sweet flavor. Gary Ibsen's Gold Tomato seeds for this tall, leafy variety were sent to me in 1990 from a gardener in Boone County, WV who shared that he had been growing these, and a favorite red variety for 40 years. He was given the tomato seeds from his Uncle who had grown them in Tennessee. For the past several years I included them in my seed trials under the name "No Name #4", and harvested the seeds each year from a few preferred fruits. In 2006 while eating some of this fruit just off the vine, I found myself so pleased with the flavor that I said to my wife, "Now this (slurp) is my kind of gold!" She suggested I call it "Gary Ibsen's Gold," harvest more seeds, and share it with our friends. Plant produces lots of very juicy, 14 oz. , brilliant orangegold globes with tropical fruit flavors with enough acid balance to guarantee a burst of tomato delight. This heirloom tomato is sure to become a favorite! Georgia Streak A popular heirloom from Georgia, producing an abundance of bi-colored 1-2 lb., golden yellow fruit with brilliant red streaks inside and out. Very forward sweet, robust, fruity flavors German Giant Big potato leaf plant producing an abundant crop of very large, 2 lb. beautiful, deep-pink tomatoes that are similar to the famed Brandywine but matures earlier. Full of rich, complex, sweet flavors that you look for in a variety that is to be highlighted in your garden. A Gary Ibsen favorite! German Gold From Virginia Mennonites in 1880's. Moderate producer of 1-2 lb. yellow, beefsteak fruits with red marbeling and red on blossom end. A good slicer with sweet, mild, fruity flavors. German Johnson A large, prolific plant originating in Virginia and North Carolina that produces huge, pink, beefsteak type tomatoes often more than 1-pound. The flavor is excellent. Thought to be one of the four parent lines of "Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter." A wonderful tomato. German Queen Very popular heirloom variety most renown for it's full, rich flavor. Very big potato leaf plants produce lots of sweet, pink, 1-2 lb., meaty, beefsteak tomatoes. Perfect for slicing. German Red Strawberry This German heirloom produces large, red, oxheart-shaped tomatoes that are shaped like a much larger strawberry. Plants yield an abundance of meaty, 3-inch wide by 3 1/2-inch long fruit that can grow to 1 pound. Shape of fruits can be inconsistent. Copious amount of delicious, robust, "old-tomato" flavors with a lingering sweetness. German Striped Stuffer This German stuffer tomato is red with yellow stripes and has very good flavor for a stuffing tomato. Ghost Cherry Prolific large, 1-1 1/2", white cherry tomato. Vey sweet. Giant 11 Red-pink beefsteak, potato-leaf heirloom that produces 4 to 5-inch, slightly flat fruit with mild, fruity flavors and low acidity. Giant Belgium Developed in Ohio in this variety is known mostly for it's size and delicious flavor. Dark pink fruit that averages 2-lbs. (but can get to 5 lbs.) is meaty with few seeds. Great for cooking and canning. Giant Oxheart Good production of huge, 2 lb., 4 to 5-inch, rose-pink, heart-shaped fruit with wonderfully sweet flavors. Giant Paste Good production of large, 6-8 oz. red, meaty, fat, elongated fruit up to 5-inches long. A superior paste tomato with good, rich flavors for cooking. More juicy than many paste tomatoes. Giant Syrian From tomato collector Charlotte Mullens of West Virginia. Regular leaf plant yields a good set of 1 lb., red, gorgeous meaty, good flavored, heart-shaped fruits. Gigantesque-Heirloom Tomato Seeds I obtained these rare Russian tomato seeds (originally from the Ukraine in Russia) from Lisa Von Saunder from Amishland, who obtained Gigantesque seeds from her Russian friend Sergey. Our TomatoFest organic heirloom tomato seeds produce very bushy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that give a heavy yield of BIG, 1-2 lb., orange-red, beefsteak tomatoes with a meaty, pink flesh inside that carries deliciously robust flavors and very few seeds. Although my fruit never quite got to 5" across, this was common for Sergey who claims this variety yields largest tomatoes he has ever seen. To my knowledge, this heirloom tomato is only available from 2 sources in the United States. If you slice a big slice of the tomato for a sandwich you better have some BIG bread slices to hold it. A good choice for cooler growing regions as well as moderate to hot areas. Disease resistant. Gill's All Purpose-Tomato Seeds Gill's All-Purpose was bred in 1947 by the Gill Brothers Seed Company, in Portland, Oregon. Originally a cross between Wasatch Beauty and Pepper tomato. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce Semi-Determinate, regular-leaf plants that yield very large crops of 2 1/2" - 3", deep-red tomatoes with rich tomato flavor. A perfect all 'round variety for a canning tomato, juicing, slicing and eating fresh off the vine. YUM! Disease resistant. Glacier An early, short-season, open-pollinated, potato-leaf variety that flowers when it is only 4-inches tall then sets loads of very flavorful 2 to 3-ounce, round, red tomatoes. Good flavor. Glasnost An open-pollinated variety from Siberia producing 3", smooth, red-orange, dense, meaty fruit. Excellent flavor. Glory of Moldova A prolific heirloom that yields 2", carrot-orange colored salad tomatoes. Fruit is mild, sweet and flavorful. Makes great juice. God Love A very productive, 1x 2-inch, pink-plum with very good, robust tomato flavor. A beautiful salad and snacking tomato. Gogoshari Striped From Minsk, Belarus. Plant yields prolific amounts of 4-6 oz., 3-lobed, semi-hollow, red & yellow striped fruits. A great stuffing tomato. Gold Currant-Tomato Seeds 1/2-inch, golden cherries with vry sweet & tangy flavor. Good acid balance. Golden candies. Great for dressing up a slad or any dish or just snackin' Gold Dust Developed at University of New Hampshire. An extra early, semi-determinate producer of beautiful, 2-inch, gold tomatoes. Crack resistant. Uniform ripening. Gold Medal A Ben Quisenberry tomato. Wonderful, 1-1/2 lb., yellow and red bi-color beefsteak tomato with pink marbeling in blossom end, thin skin and luscious sweet, well-balanced flavors. Harvested ripe fruit lasted for a couple of weeks before showing signs loosing it's beauty. Another Gary Ibsen favorite. Gold Medal Yellow-Tomato Seeds Pale-yellow, 3-inch, slightly fluted beefsteak fruit with great taste. Fantastic!! Gold Rush Currant This strain was a selection by a Dutch seedsman. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants with wispy foliage that yield excellent, heavy sets of ¼-inch tomatoes borne in trusses of 10-12. Excellent sweet tomato flavor. A perfect snacking tomato or to adorn salads and culinary creations. Golden Beauty Strong leafy plant yielding lots of 2-inch, slightly flattened fruits. Color more a ivory-yellow than gold. Delicious, delicate, sweet fruity flavors that are clean to the finish and long lasting. Golden Grape Extremely productive plant with large intensely yields. Golden, sweet fruit with a point on the blossom end. A great snacking tomato. Golden Green Yields green to gold medium-sized unique fruit. Golden Monarch Seeds obtained by Craig Lehoullier from the USDA and shared with Dr. Carolyn Male for grow out. A variety listed by Buist in 1946. A prolific heirloom producing 10-14 oz., 3-inch, pale-yellow, flattened fruit. Golden Queen Disease resistant heirloom introduced by Livingston in 1882. Yields large, 8 to 12 ounce, waxy, yellow fruit with mild yet superb sweet flavors. Golden Sunray (AKA Golden Sunray) This tomato was preserved by the late Ben Quisenberry. Our TomatoFest organic seeds produce tall, sprawling, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield moderate to heavy loads of 8-10 oz., smooth, round, goldenorange tomatoes, with very pronounced sweet flavors that are balanced well with just the right amount of acidity. Produces well even in hot, dryer growing regions. A proven market tomato due to productivity, uniformity, and flavor.Good for eating fresh or as a salad tomato and a good sauce tomato. Good Old Fashioned Red Very productive variety producing 3 to 4", flattened, red fruit with intense flavor. This one is exactly what the name implies with one exception. It produces far more fruit than most of the old ones. Smooth, 14 oz. beefsteak Gramma Climen Hagen Heirloom from T. McIntee's grandmother. Abundant yield of 6-10 oz., 3" round, bright orange, meaty fruit with good acidic citrusy flavor. Grandfather Ashlock-Tomato Seeds One of three Ashlock brothers who served George Washington during the Revolutionary War settled in Kentucky. Carl Ashlock, now of Franklin, North Carolina, is descended from that patriot. Carl and his father and grandfather farmed in Kentucky in the 1920's, however, where they grew a large, pink, tomato variety, the seed of which, Carl shared with a few tomato growers. Our TomatoFest organic, heirloom tomato seeds produce large potato-leaf tomato plants that yield exceptionally delicious, 12-16 oz., pink, beefsteak tomatoes with a sweet , well-balanced taste. TomatoFest is probably the only commercial supplier of Grandfather Ashlock heirloom tomato seeds. Rare tomato variety. Grandma Mary An extremely productive variety producing 1 1/2 oz., 3-inch long red fruit. Grandma Oliver's Green 3-inch round, olive-green fruit with a sweet/tangy flavor. A very good tasting green tomato. Grandpa's Minnesota Prolific heirloom with red, 1-inch, round, cherries that have a mild sweet flavor. You'll want to keep this as a garden staple. Granny Cantrell's German Pink Kentucky Family Heirloom. This was the only tomato grown by Lettie Cantrell of West Liberty since the ‘40s. Lettie died in November 2005, at 96 years. Her tomato won a “Best of Taste” award in 2006 from over 100 entries. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce big, regular-leaf, indeterminate plants with wispy vines that yield wonderful, large, 1-2 pound, slightly-flattened, pink tomatoes. Delicious tomato for eating fresh, cooking or canning. A great sandwich tomato. Grape What has become a very popular cherry tomato, well sought after favorite cherry tomato for it's hardiness and deliciously sweet flavor. Vines produce huge amounts of 1-inch, oval, brilliant red, grape-like cherry tomatoes in big clusters. A disease resistant, crack resistant and heat tolerant tomato. A perfect choice to add to small or large tomato gardens. Great White A large white beefsteak heirloom with a wonderfully sweet almost melon-like flavor. Greek Domata From Dionysiou Monastary, Athos, Greece. An 8-12 oz., 3-inch slicer with excellent flavor. Green Gage A pre-1800 variety. A 1-inch, yellow, heirloom cherry, from large productive vines. The green in the name probably refers to the green gel around the seeds. An intense, sweet/tangy flavor. Green Giant A tall, bushy, potato-leaf plant from Reinhard Kraft in Germany producing large crops of 1-2 lb., lime green, smooth, oblate fruit. Delicious sweet flavors. Arguably, one of the best tasting green tomatoes. Green Grape This old-fashioned bush tomato is an heirloom originally developed by the Tater Mater Seed Co. from crossing the Yellow Pear with Evergreen. The distinctive, 1”, yellowish green fruits are borne in clusters of 6-12 that resemble large muscat grapes. Fruit has a translucent pale-green on the inside. This variety has become popular in restaurants and markets because of their unique attractiveness and great flavor. Green Pineapple Regular leaf heirloom from Ohio producing lots of 8-10 oz., olive to lime-green, flatened-round, beefsteak fruits. Excellent tropical fruit flavors with hints of pineapple. Green Sausage Short bushy plant that yields abundant crop of 3-inch long, yellow-green, sausage shaped fruits with darker green verticle striping and a pointed tip. Good tasting 'novelty' tomato that brigtens up a tomato display or salad. Also good for sauce. Green Zebra-Tomato Seeds Developed in 1985 by tomato breeder Tom Wagner, this is an unusual and exquisite tomato chosen by Alice Waters for her restaurant, Chez Panisse, in Berkeley, California. The 2-inch round fruit ripens to a yellow-gold with dark-green zebra-like stripes. The flesh is lime-emerald in color that has an invigorating lemon-lime flavor. A great tomato for brightening up salads and other tomato dishes. Gregori's Altai Seeds originating from the Altai Mts. Near the Chinese border of Siberia. 3-4 inch, dark-pink, round fruit with a delicious, big-tasting sweetness. Grosse Cotelee Prolific plant producing, pink, 3-inch, 8-12 oz., round fruit with excellent rich flavor. Grosse Ronde Open-pollinated variety producing clusters of medium-sized round red fruit with juicy rich sweet flavors. Grushovka Siberian origin. Small (2-3-inch) plum-shaped, pink/red tomatoes on small plants. Good canning tomato. Very, very tasty. Halfmoon China Tall vines producing 3-inch, white beefsteaks with melon-like flavor. Elegant taste and appearance. Hawaiian Currant-Tomato Seeds A sweet red, pea-sized currant that holds fruit on clusters until all are ripe. A very sweet...very tasty treat. Hawaiian Pineapple-Tomato Seeds A large, golden-orange beefsteak with fruit that that grows up to 1-1/2 lbs. When fruit is ripe it has a lucious, very rich, sweet pineapple like flavor. Hazel Gold An heirloom variety with a heavy, long harvest...producing 4-inch, golden fruits with excellent flavor. Hazel Mae Good yield of large, 1 lb., yellow with dark red, striped fruit. Some red marbling on blossom end. Sweet & juicy beefsteak. Very flavorful. Healani Variety bred in Hawaii for resistance to hot weather diseases. These short plants produce many 4-8 oz., 2 1/2-inch, red globes with excellent sweet flavors. Heart of Compassion A TomatoFest exclusive. A huge, 4 to 5-inch, slightly flattened, jade-pink, heart-shaped, very meaty heirloom tomato with thin skin, few seeds and terrific taste. Sure to become one of your favored garden ‘jewels.” Heidi A prolific tomato from Africa that bears 2-1/2-inch, pear-shaped, bright-red fruit with rich tomato flavor. A long season, super paste or canner or good eaten raw in the garden. Henderson's Winsall An heirloom tomato variety introduced by Peter Henderson in in 1924 as 'Number 400' and which he renamed his 1926 tomato seed catalog. Here is some of what he said, "It wins approval from 40,000 people, it wins by its quality of sweetness, solidity and seedlessness..." I introduced this rare tomato seed strain acquired from the USDA seed bank in response to the varied strains that are marketed under the name of 'Winsall.' Our TomatoFest organic, tomato seeds produce large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield slightly flattened, 1-2 pound, pink-red tomatoes containing few seeds. Exceptionally delicious, one of most favored tomato varieties. Hess German heirloom producing large yellow fruit with red marbling, a beautiful bi-colored beeefsteak. Mild, sweet, fruity flavor. Hezhou Seeds sent to Gary Ibsen from family farm in Zhengjiang province of China. Our organic tomato seeds produce compact, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that bear an abundant crop of 2-inch, purple-red, plum-shaped tomatoes with luscious, sweet flavors. A fine salad tomato that also performs as a very good market tomato due to it's productivity, good looks and excellent taste. Rare tomato seeds. Hillbilly An Ohio heirloom beefsteak originally from West Virginia producing 1-2 lb. huge, heavily-ribbed, orange-yellow fruit with red mottled skin and red streaks within. Very sweet, fruity flavors. Low acid. Try it in big slices with other colored tomatoes. Hogs Heart 2 1/2 to 3-inch long red fruit, shape varies from a banana shape to a heart-shape. Excellent sweet flavors with moderately juicy flesh. A top paste tomato for sauces. Holland From Boleslaw Wilczek of Edison, N.J. who saved the seed from a Holland hot house tomato and adapted it to become a good outside tomato. Our organic tomato seeds produce compact, semi-determinate, regular-leaf plants that are prolific in producing large yields of perfectly-formed, 10 oz., 2 1/2-inch, round, blemish-free, red tomatoes that have awesome, sweettart, complex tomato flavors. A great market tomato because of it's flavor and huge crops of fruit. Perfect salad tomato for slicing into wedges. Homer Fike's Yellow Oxheart Seeds set to me by Karen Teets of West Virginia who told me, " this variety was grown by Mr. Homer Fike for as long as his 78-year old daughter can remember. Beyond that, no one is alive to remember." The abundant amount of distinctively beautiful, yellow-gold, heart-shaped, fruit up to 1 lb. has been one of the greatest tomato pleasures for me. Truly a wonderful gift to place in the hands of a loved one or friend. Guaranteed to get a "WOW!" in response. Meaty flesh, few seeds and delicious fruit-sweet flavors. Homestead 24 Great for hotter growing regions in the South since this variety sets fruit under even in hot weather. Big, leafy vines produce huge amounts of smooth, red, round fruits with good taste. Resistance to catfacing. Honey Originally from Latvia. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous, tomato plants than bear abundant crops of 12 to 16-ounce, dark-pink, beefsteak tomatoes that show little or no cracking. Fruits have delicious, sweet flavors that are harmonized with just the right amount of acidity. A wonderful slicing or salad tomato. Hugh's An heirloom beefsteak variety from Madison County, Indiana in the 1940's. Sparse plants produce generous amounts of 1 to 2 pound, pale-yellow, thin-skinned (delicate), meaty fruits that are bursting with lucious, robust, sweet tomatoey flavor. Hungarian Oval Large round, slightly oval, meaty, tomato with good fruity flavor and few seeds. Ildi The earliest, highest-yielding grape tomato in our trials. Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce 6-ft., indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous, prolific tomato plants that yield HUGE amounts of 1-inch, SWEET SWEET, bright-yellow, oval (with occasional pear-shaped fruits), 'grape' tomatoes with up to 75 Tomatoes in Every Bunch!, producing large bouquets of these delicious, yellow cherry tomatoes. Ildi is often sold commercially in farmer's markets as Yellow Grape. These yummy tomatoes usually produce till frost. A great cherry tomato choice for serving in salads or snacking off the vine, like eating candy. A Gary Ibsen personal favorite. Illini Star This is a "star" in any garden. Tomato is a new open-pollinated variety developed by Merlyn & Mary Ann Niedens. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield very large crops of 6-8 oz. round, deep-red tomatoes with an excellent sweet flavor and strong disease and split resistance. An early producing tomato. A good canning tomato and perfect for eating fresh of the vine. Also a good market tomato. This is a winner! Ilse's Yellow Latvian A terrific yellow-orange heirloom tomato. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants with wispy leaves that yield lots of 10-ounce, 2 to 3-inch, slightly-elongated, yellow-orange tomatoes with very well balanced sweet flavors. A cooks treat! Meaty walls makes this a very good sauce tomato. Also a fine salsa tomato. Suited for cooler growing regions. Imperial A prized market tomato! Our TomatoFest tomato seeds produce short, bushy, regular-leaf, semi-determinate tomato plants that yield many tomato clusters of 2-3 inch, round, bright-red tomatoes that are loaded with BIG, sweet/acid tomato flavors. Perfect for adding to a tomato salad or as a canning tomato. Impulse A wonderful Russian tomato. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce short, bushy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield a whole bunch of 2 1/2-inch, oval, very firm, red tomatoes with delightful and robust sweet/acid flavors. An early producing variety. A good choice for eating fresh off the vine, or as a salad tomato. Suitable for cooler growing regions. Indian Moon A Navajo heirloom. Good production of beautiful, blemish free, medium-sized, 6-8 oz., golden-globed, meaty and flavorful fruit.. Indian River An heirloom that produces large amounts of medium-sized 3" good tasting red globes. Produces well in cooler weather. Indische Fleish From Prof. Klapprott who obtained seeds from a friend in the former East Germany. Plant produces 3 to 4-inch, exotic, flattened fruit, purple-brown (chocolate) color, with green shoulders. Good flavors and pleantiful yield. Ispolin One of the biggest Russian heirloom tomatoes. A giant tomato from Siberia. Name means 'giant' in Russian. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, 8' vines that yield lots of 1-2-pound, dark jade-pink, juicy beefsteak tomatoes up to 4-inches with superb earthy, sweet tomato flavors. One of the Tomatofest favorite tomatoes for taste and market tomato. A delicious sandwich tomato or salad tomato. Rare tomato seeds. Italian Giant An Italian heirloom that yields 1 pound, 4 to 5-inch, meaty, pale yellow, slightly flattened beefsteak tomatoes 2 to 3 on a cluster. Delicious flavors. Italian Giant Beefsteak An heirloom tomato brought over from Italy more than 80 years ago. Our TomatoFest organic seeds produce tomato plants that yield large amounts of large 1 pound, red, beefsteak tomatoes that are very flavorful and meaty. Excellent for salads, sandwiches, and Italian dishes. Italian Gold Very productive 6 oz. paste. Italian Heirloom-Tomato Seeds It's name says it. A real classic heirloom from Italy. Our TomatoFest organic, heirloom tomato seeds produce tomato plants that yield an load of 12-16 oz., beautiful, red, meaty, fat, slightly pear-shaped, tomatoes that enjoy an abundance of rich, complex, sweet flavors that are well-balanced with good acidity. Everything you would expect from a tomato revered by the Italians for it's BIG TASTE. This was one of the favorites of the 2008 Carmel TomatoFest tomato tasting. A good choice for cooking, eating fresh or canning. A Gary Ibsen favorite. Italian Paste From a gardener in Warren ME who brought seeds from Italy during WW2. High yield of 3-5 oz. paste fruit with very few seeds. Good flavor. Italian Tree A winner as a market tomato for 2008! Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce big, sprawling, indeterminate, potatoleaf, tomato plants that yield on vines that can grow to 15-feet, enormous amounts of meaty, 1-2 pound, 4-5-inch, red tomatoes with superior sweet flavors perfectly balanced with just the right amount of acid to make it shout, "Now that's oldfashioned tomato flavor!" This tomato plant should be trellised as each plant can bear bushels of fruit. This has been selected as one of the best tomatoes for supplying farmer's markets or entering in the County Fair. A good canning tomato or eating fresh off the vine or in salads. A great sandwich tomato. A Gary Ibsen "personal favorite." Ivory Queen-Tomato Seeds 14 oz. pale-yellow beefsteak heirloom tomato with sweet, low-acid tomato flavors. Jade Pink Round TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce regular-leaf, indeterminate, bushy tomato plants that yield lots of beautiful 2inch, dark jade-pink colored tomatoes with a deliciously sweet, complex fruity flavor. A great market tomato because of it's uniform size, visual appeal and rich tomato flavors. Good choice for a salad tomato or using in cooking or canning. Jaffa A prized German tomato developed by Manfred Hahm-Hartmann. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce bushy, indeterminate, regular-leaf, tomato plants that yield huge amounts of beautiful 2 1/2-inch, plum-shaped, gold tomatoes with an impressively sweet fruity flavors. Meaty and juicy these tomatoes are perfect as a canning tomato and sauce tomato. A fine choice for a market tomato. Also a good container tomato selection for a patio garden. Japanese Black Trifele-Tomato Seeds Russian origin. In Russia the Trifele varieties of tomatoes (of which there are several colors) are highly prized and command hig prices. This short potato leaf plant yields prolific quantities of 6 oz. fruit that looks like a beautiful mohoganycolored Bartlett pear with greenish shoulders. Very tasty flesh with a meaty core that produces luscious fruit all summer long. A work of art sliced out on a plate and a wonderful flavor that possesses an extrordinairy rich and complex flavors. The Black Trifele is one of the blackest varieties available and is resistent to cracking. Jaune Coeur de Pigeon Beautiful French 1x 1 1/2-inch yellow pear tomato with great flavor. Jaune Negib A heirloom with short vines that produces good amounts of yellow to gold, 2 to 3", slightly flattened, round fruit with white flesh and a delicious mild flavor. A very popular heirloom tomato that has proven to be an excellent storage tomato. A gardening friend in British Columbia swears by this tomato variety. Jeff Davis A large potato leaf heirloom variety that produces 10 -18-ounce, pink-purple slightly oval fruits that have a creamy flesh, few seeds and are deliciously robust with sweet tomatoey flavors. Although a particularly good variety for the southern, warmer climates I've had very good luck with these in Central California. Jersey Devil-Heirloom Tomato Seeds This American heirloom variety was made popular many years ago by a seed company that is no longer in business. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce abundant crops of 5-6" long, tapered, bright red, paste tomatoes with pointed end, few seeds and very good taste. This variety is well respected as a meaty sauce tomato that is a good choice for making salsa. Julia Child-Tomato Seeds The tall, indeterminate, potato-leaf plant produces lots of 4-inch, deep-pink, lightly-fluted, beefsteak fruits that have the kind of robust tomatoey flavors and firm, juicy flesh that invites tomato feasting and seed-saving. Jumbo Roma Large, productive, paste type, fruits up to 1 lb., few seeds, and very meaty. June Pink June Pink' is almost identical to 'Earliana' except for the deep rose-pink color and longer period of production. The 'Earliana' tomato was developed at the turn-of-the-century as growers attempted to bring the earliest tomato to market. It was first offered commercially in 1900 by Johnson and Stokes. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regularleaf plants that yield clusters of 4-6 beautiful, uniformly round, rose-pink tomatoes. We consider this a perfect market tomato because of it's visual appeal and it's wonderful sweet/tart flavors. June Pink produces well until frost and appears to have good disease resistance. A good salad and canning tomato. Kalman's Hungarian Pink A productive Hungarian heirloom imported by Kalman Lajvort of Edison, N.J. Plant yields 2 x 4", oblong, pink fruit with a pointed end. Outstanding, sweet, rich flavor. Kellogg's Breakfast-Tomato Seeds 1 lb., pale to deep orange beefsteak tomatoes originally from West Virginia, that are thin-skinned, meaty, have few seeds and a fantastic sweet, tangy flavor. Juice and inside flesh have the same bright orange color as orange juice. Kennington’s Big Red A great tasting heirloom variety. Seeds were sent to me by Hugh Kennington of Ontario, Oregon whose family has saved seeds for this variety year after year as their favorite tomato. Kentucky Beefsteak Heirloom found in the hills of eastern Kentucky. Large deep-orange beefsteak fruits. Very big, sweet flavors. Kewalo Uniform ripening determinate bred at University of Hawaii to be resistant to bacterial wilt, mosaic virus and nematodes. 68 oz., red, round fruit with excellent sweet flavor. Kimberly A very tasty , very early tomato. Developed in the 1980's by John de Rocque of Kimberly, BC, Canada from a Siberia x Tiny Tim cross. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce 6', compact, shorter indeterminate, potato-leaf tomato plants that yield 1 to 1 1/2-inch, golf ball-sized, red, round tomatoes.Surprisingly good flavor for such an early tomato and some say better tasting than Stupice. This tomato sets well in warmer growing regions and produces well into autumn. Great tomato for patio or container garden. Koralik An extra-early, great tasting Russian heirloom cherry tomato. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants with very heavy yields of 1-inch, bright-red cherry tomatoes that have a pronounced sweetness and complementary mild tartness. Perfect for home gardens and market growers. Koralik has much better flavor than the popular SunGold. 8 fruits ripen simultaneously. A wonderfully delicious snacking tomato that is a great choice for adding to tomato salads or culinary creations. Kornesevsije Russian plant producing abundant yields of large (10 to 16-oz.) red beefsteak fruit. Excellent flavor. La Carotina French parent of Caro Orange. Prolific plant yielding 2-inch, 7 oz., round fruit, hi in carotene with light peach-orange juicy meat and lots of well-balanced citrusy flavors with a hint of carrot. Lahman Pink a.k.a. Grace Lahman's Pink. A TomatoFest favorite. One of the most popular tasting tomatoes at the Heirloom Garden Show. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, big, regular-leaf plants that yield tremendous amounts of 10-12 ounce, blemish-free, smooth, meaty and juicy, pink tomatoes that are richly sweet with a clean slightly acidic finish in the mouth. This tomato bears heavily until frost. Great tomato for slicing fresh or canning whole. Highly recommended as a farmer's market tomato because of the visual appeal and flavor. A good tomato for cooler growing conditions. Large Pink Bulgarian Vigorous vines producing large, dark-pink, round, flattened fruit with solid flesh, few seeds and a very enjoyable mild sweet flavor. A beautiful tomato! Large Red Original seed from the USDA. Prior to the Civil War, Large Red was one of the most favored tomato varieties in the U.S. It was listed in the 1843 Shaker seed catalog and Fearing Burr stated in his 1865 book, "From the time of the introduction of the tomato to its general use in this country, the 'Large Red' was almost the only kind cultivated, or even commonly known." Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield in generous amounts 1-2 pound, 4-inch, heavily ribbed, flattened, beautiful, red, beefsteak tomatoes that shout out terrific, complex, well-balanced, sweet flavors with that old-fashioned acidic 'tang' that makes it a winner. A perfect tomato for slicing fresh into sandwiches or salads. Large Yellow Amish 4-inch, big yellow-orange tomato with apricot-colored flesh, unique sweet flavor. Legend Introduced by Dr. James Baggett at Oregon State University. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce short, bushy, determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield early-bearing, 14 to 16-ounce, 3 to 4-inch, smooth, round, blemish-free, red tomatoes that have wonderful, delicious sweet flavors that are balanced well with just the right amount of acidity to invite praise. Fruit has very few seeds. Legend generally sets fruit earlier than Oregon Spring and Siletz, and sets fairly fruit well even under the cooler growing conditions of the Pacific Northwest. This tomato was also bred to be resistant to late blight fungus. A great salad tomato and canning tomato. Lemony (aka Limmony) From Craig Lehoullier who got seeds from Aaron Whealy. Limmony is one of the first Russian varieties popularized in the US. An abundant Russian heirloom. Produces 1-16 oz., 4-5", light-yellow beefsteak. Unlike most yellows this one is loaded with lots of luscious, big sweet tangy flavors. It's been one of my favorite yellows to grow for market. Lenny & Gracie's Kentucky Heirloom A prolific plant producing , beautiful, 4" pale-yellow, flattened globes with meaty flesh and mild sweet flavors. Liberty Bell Hollow, tri-lobed, 3 to 4-inch, red fruit that looks just like a sweet pepper. Lida Ukrainian Brought to America by Russian immigrants prior to the 1920's. An heirloom producing 4-6 oz., 2 1/2", round, red fruit in clusters of 3-5. Meaty, long-lasting fruit is robust with old-time tomatoey flavors. Lilac Giant A wonderful BIG Tomato! Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield moderate to heavy crops of Huge, 1-2 pound, slightly-flattened, pink beefsteak tomatoes with a pretty pink interior and sweet, full, complex tomato flavors. Another great tomato for slicing up for sandwiches or making a delicious tomato salad. Rare tomato seeds. With it's abundant juiciness and flavor, a good choice for making tomato juice Lillian's Yellow Heirloom Moderate yield potato-leaf tomato. A beefsteak heirloom from from Robert Richardson, who received the seeds from Lillian Bruce of Manchester, Tennessee. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce big indeterminate tomato plants that yield 10-16 oz., clear to orangy-yellow, fragile, thin-skinned, beefsteak tomatoes that have mildly sweet, citrusy flavors, juicy flesh and very few seeds. A perfect salad tomato. Great choice as a farmer's market tomato because of it's visual appeal and wonderful flavor. Lime Green Salad Small plants that produce abundant sprays of round, lime-green tomatoes that ripen further to an amber color. Fruits are 3 to 5 oz., chartreuse inside, full of juice and a lucious, tangy flavor. Lollipop TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, disease-resistant, big, bushy, regular-leaf plants with wispy foliage that yield huge amounts of 1-1/4 inch, almost translucent, creamy, yellow cherry tomatoes in clusters of 6-10, that hang on the plants like lollipops and have unique, fruity-sweet, lemony flavors unlike other cherry tomatoes. Produces fruit continuously, even under high temps. This is an excellent cherry tomato suitable for farmer's markets. Also great as a salad tomato, or as a snacking tomato, or for adding to culinary creations. A Gary Ibsen favorite tomato. Another winner for your garden! Long Keeper-Tomato Seeds Best planted in early summer for late harvest. Hearty plant produces huge amounts of 6 oz., round fruits. Popular for it's good taste and long storage ability. Because of slow-ripening qualities fruits become ripe1-3 months after harvesting. If picked in late fall, after fruit reaches a pale pink blush, unblemished fruit that is stored without touching, at around 65 degrees, can last for 4 months. Light orange-red color when ripe, with pink flesh. Long Season Peach Very hearty plant producing huge amounts of 8 oz., round, yellow to pink (peach-colored) fruit. Find this to be little more flavorful than similar Long Keeper. Ripens late. Keeps extremely well in storage (1-3 months) Long Tom Old family heirloom originally sent to Ben Quisenberry by a friend living in Pennsylvania. Our TomatoFest organic seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous plants that bear huge amounts of very long (up to 9 inches), meaty, red paste tomatoes with very few seeds. Their sweet flavor and meaty texture make this an excellent choice as a sauce tomato. Also good as a salad tomato or just for eating fresh off the vine. Tomatoes hardly ever crack. This is a superior paste tomato that is one of Gary Ibsen's favorites. Another wonderful novelty tomato. Louisiana Pink Very good yields of 3-4 oz., globe shaped, salad type fruit. Delicious!!! Friends swear that this shouldn't be eaten any way but sliced raw with some salt. Lucky Cross Seeds for this potato leaf sent to me from Amy Gallagher of Madison, WI. Variety originally from Craig LeHoullier from a Brandywine and an unknown bee-produced cross. A fabulous tomato. Red-yellow bicolor fruit with excellent productivity, disease resistance and taste. Lutescent A wispy looking plant that has yellowish foliage. White fruit that eventually turns yellow. A novelty variety. Magnum Tomato 'Magnum Beefsteak' Heirloom tomato. This large, red beefsteak weighs one to two pounds and has a terrific, fullbodied flavor. Magnus Seeds obtained by Craig Lehoullier from the USDA. Historic Livingston tomato. A very productive potato-leaf heirloom that bears 2 1/2-inch, round, pink fruit that has almost a mild, tangy, watermelon-like flavor. Malinowski Originally from Poland. Very productive plant producing lots of delicious, 6-8 oz. red, round fruit. Mandarin Cross, OP Wonderful plant from Japan producing 6-10 oz., orange, round fruit with sweet (low-acid) flavors. I de-hybridized this variety over 7 years of my growing it out. A winner!! Manitoba Extremely early variety developed by Morden Experimental Farm in Manitoba. Great variety for northern areas of Montana Dakotas and Wisconsin. Bright red, 6 oz., slightly flattened fruits. Perfect for small gardens. Manyel Name means "many moons" ...similar to the what the 3-inch, round, clear-yellow fruits look like hanging from the plant. Mildly sweet and juicy. One of my top-favored yellows. Marianna's Peace Pink heirloom tomato that originated in Czechoslovakia. 1-2 lb., pink beefsteak tomatoes. Dense, creamy, sweet flesh with rich complex, old tomatoey flavors. Great gift for the tomato lover. Marizol Bratka A Brandywine and Marizol Purple cross by Joe Bratka. This productive, potato-leaf heirloom bears red-pink beefsteak tomatoes to 5-inches. It’s fruit is juicy, mildly sweet with low acidity. Marizol Gold Vigorous heirloom beefsteak variety came to America in late 1800’s from the Black Forest region of Germany via Joe Bratka’s grandfather. Yields round, 1 to 2 pound, deep-gold fruits with a red blush, red streaks on blossom end and throughout the inside. Slightly ribbed shoulders and slightly flattened. Very seedy. Rich, outstanding sweet flavor. Marizol Purple An old German heirloom variety from the Black Forest that produces an abundance of large, dark pink-red, 8 to 16 oz., 3", great tasting, sweet/acid balanced fruit. Good disease resistance. Marizol Red May be the the best tasting of the Marizol varieties from the Black forest region of Germany by Joe BratKa. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce regular-leaf, indeterminate, very productive tomato plants that yield large, 14-16 ounce, slightly-flattened, bright-red, beefsteak tomatoes with outstanding flavor with juicy sweetness and complementing acidity. It's no surprise that this tomato seed was saved as a family heirloom. A great, full flavored tomato for sandwiches, salads, or cooking. A good choice to harvest for farmer's markets. This tomato begs to be enjoyed fresh off the vine! Marlowe Charleston A moderate producing heirloom yielding pink, 3", 10-12 oz., beefsteak fruit with a wonderful, unique sweet , yet mild, tomatoey flavor. Good disease resistance. Bears until frost. Marmande-Tomato Seeds French heirloom. Produces dependable heavy, clusters of 6-ounce deep red, slightly flattened, oblate fruits that are meaty, lightly lobed and contain an excellent, complex, slightly tart taste. I’ve found that this variety also does well in the cooler summer conditions of California's bay areas. An all-'round great tomato for slicing. Martian Giant A juicy, red, 12 oz., beefsteak slicer that has proven to produce heavy crops of great tasting tomatoes. Martino’s Roma A prolific heirloom that produces an abundant crop of richly flavored, 3", red pear tomatoes that are perfect for cooking but sweet enough to enjoy fresh. Meaty with few seeds. Great for canning, adding to sauces, or making paste. Marvel Stripe Beefsteak originally from Oaxaca, Mexico. Largest of the bi-colored tomatoes. May get over 4-inches and 2 pounds. Sweet, mild fruity flavors. Marz Round Green A natural cross by Jeff Dawson. Jeff gave me these tomato seeds around 1990 and I've included them in my seed trials every year since then, but haven't shared the seeds with others. They are too good to keep to myself any longer. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield a generous crop of 2-inch, round, lime-green, tomatoes with darker green shoulders. Wonderful, tangy-sweet flavors makes this tomato variety a great addition to a tomato salad. Rare tomato seeds. Matt's Wild Cherry Genetically linked to wild Mexican tomatoes from the state of Hidago. A TomatoFest "favorite" tomato. Our organic tomato seeds produce a tall, vigorous, rangy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plant with thousands of 1/2 -inch red cherry tomatoes, borne in clusters. Fruits have a very sweet, delicious taste. Like snacking on candy. This tomato variety that should do well in cooler growing regions as it appears to have some frost resistance. Great for sprinkling these "jewels" into a salad. Mexico Brought to the America by a Mexican family living in the Midwest. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce very large, indeterminate, regular-leaf, prolific tomato plants that yield huge sets of 1-2 pound, slightly flattened, irregularshaped, dark-pink beefsteak tomatoes with terrific bold, tomato flavors. Plenty of sweetness with complementary acid flavors. Several customers who are growers of tomatoes for farmer's markets swear by the taste quality and visual appeal of the Mexico heirloom tomato. A perfect tomato for slicing fresh and thick for sandwiches and sliced up in salads. Once you select this variety it will be in your garden every year. A great showplace tomato for the County Fair. A Gary Ibsen personal favorite. Middle Tennessee Low Acid Abundant yields of 1-2 lb. beefsteak fruit with very good flavor. Recommended for folks who can’t eat tomatoes with any pronounced acid. Mirabell Rangy leaf plant that produces pale yellow 3/8" cherries in many clusters of 6 to 8 fruits. Excellent tart-fruity flavor. Missouri Pink Love Apple Grandpa Barnes grew this variety as decoration (since he didn't think tomatoes could be eaten) during the Civil War. The variety has been in the Jennings family ever since. A potato leaf plant that produces an abundant yield of large, 3", pink fruit. Rivals the Brandywine and Cherokee Purple for outstanding full, complex, tomatoey flavors. Mom's Paste Seeds sent to me by Ruby Gangloff, aka Boo, who received the seeds from Harry VanDerMArk from Alberta, Canada who got them from his mom's neighbor in Edmonton, who brought them over from Europe many years before. A beautiful large red paste with a pointed plum shape borne from a wispy, regular leafed plant that get to 12 oz.. Delicious! A very tasty, meaty tomato. Moon Glow Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants bear heavy yields of beautiful, 6-8 oz., 2", blunt-pointed globes. A brilliant, warm-orange slicer with great flavor. A real winner and one of the best, round, gold tomatoes. Moon Glow is considered, by many tomato lovers, the tomato with the best texture and flavor of any yellowgold tomato. A good choice for a market tomato because of it's long shelf-life and delicious taste. Perfect to spark up tomato salads or to include in culinary creations. Mortgage Lifter, Bi-Color A bicolored version of the old favorite heirloom Mortgage Lifter. Beautiful, large (1 to 2-lb.) beefsteak fruit with goldenyellow with red marbling and lots of delicious fruity/tomatoey flavors. Mortgage Lifter, Radiator Charlie’s Developed by M.C. Byles in the 1930’s, this tomato remains very much in demand in the Mid-Atlantic states. Mr. Byles, affectionately known as "Radiator Charlie" earned his nickname from the radiator repair business he opened at the foot of a steep hill on which trucks would often overheat. Radiator Charlie, who had no formal education or plant breeding experience, created this legendary tomato by cross-breeding four of the largest tomatoes he was able to find and developed a stable variety after six years of pollination and selection. He then sold his tomato plants for one dollar each (in the 1940’s) and paid off the six thousand dollar mortgage on his house in six years. It is said that each spring, gardeners drove as far as 200 miles to buy Charlie’s seedling tomatoes. The large, slightly flattened, pink-red fruits that range from 1 pound to more than 3 pounds, are meaty, very flavorful and have few seeds. Mortgage Lifter, Red A classic old-time, heirloom tomato. A red strain of the Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter that has almost become one of America's favorites. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce large, indeterminate, regular-leaf, tomato plants produce good crops of 1-2 pound, slightly ribbed, meaty, red, beefsteak tomatoes with the perfectly rich, sweet, bold, oldfashioned tomato flavors. An ideal sandwich tomato. Also a good market tomato due to it's taste and beauty. Mortgage Lifter, Yellow An impressive cousin of radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter with heavy yields of 1 lb., 4", yellow beefsteak fruit with red/pink streaks in center. Slightly flattened, with mild, fruity flavor. Moskovich-Tomato Seeds An wonderful, extra-early tomato. This heirloom yields an abundance of deep red, 4-6 oz., smooth, cold-tolerant, round and slightly flattened fruits with a luscious, rich taste. Mr. Brown Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce 6-foot tall, indeterminate, regular-leaf plants that bear moderate yields of beautiful mahogany-colored (or chocolate-colored), 8 to 12 oz., slightly flattened, irregular-shaped, beefsteak tomatoes that have big, wonderful, fruit-sweet, earthy, complex flavors. We have customers who include Mr. Brown in their annual selection for farmer's market because of the visual appeal and the pronounced flavor. A good slicer that makes for a delicious sandwich tomato, or snacking fresh off the vine. A Gary Ibsen favorite tomato. Mr. Hawkins Former school teacher, Mr. Hawkins, gave this seed to Kent Whealy of the Seed Savers Exchange who named it after him. Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce, indeterminate, potato-leaf (and occasional regular-leaf) with heavy yields of pink-red, round, slightly-flattened, 4-inch, 10-14 oz. beefsteak tomatoes that have a wonderful big, fruity-sweet flavor. Mrs. Houseworth 3-4 inch heart-shaped, luscious, pink fruit. A prized heirloom from the 1930's, originally from Mrs. Houseworth's garden in Centerville, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Maxwell's Big Italian 30 years ago Mrs. Maxwell of Mexico, Missouri was given tomato seeds by a friend from Italy. She valued the tomato so much that for the next thirty years she saved the seed, choosing the largest, earliest, non-cracking tomatoes each year. Her son passed the seeds on so we could share them. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce large, very prolific, indeterminate, potato-leaf tomato plants that yield 1-2 pound, 3 to 4-inch, dark-pink beefsteak tomatoes with incredible flavor. A perfect tomato for eating fresh off the vine or as a canning tomato or for cooking into a tomato sauce. Another winner! MS-5 Cherry Very productive pink-red cherry with luscious intense flavor. Mule Team Vigorous plant with moderate yield of 3", 8-12 oz., globes. Excellent mildly sweet flavor. Plant bears continuously till frost. Excellent taste. Myona Abundant yields of a favorite oblong (tear-drop shaped), red, paste variety from an old Italian gentleman who, when asked about it's name said, "this is my owna tomato." Nebraska Wedding An old great Plains heirloom. An old favorite. Plants yield an abundant crop of globe-shaped deep-orange weighing up to 12 oz..fruits with good sweet/acid balance and lots of flavor. Nepal Originally from Farmers Seed Co., from India's Himalaya Mountains. Big sprawling plant pruducing abundant crop of 6 to 10 -oz., smooth, round, scarlet-red fruits with little cracking and intense sweettomatoey flavor. A great keeper if picked green late in summer and allowed to ripen when wrapped in paper. Neptune This is an excellent fresh-market tomato with good disease resistance. Neptune was bred for the hot wet growing areas like Florida and Hawaii. This strain was developed and released to SESE by Dr. J. W. Scott at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center at the University of Florida. 4 oz. red, round and juicy fruits are borne in clusters of 2 to 4. Very tasty! Neves Azorean Red a.k.a. NAR. Developed by Anthony Neves, who brought seeds from the Azores. Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants with a large central stem that have moderate to heavy yield of huge, 1-3 pound, deep-red, beefsteak tomatoes with terrific, bold, complex flavors. This could be the the ultimate tomato sandwich or to showcase in a special tomato salad. This tomato packs such a wonderful flavor punch you will want to keep it as one of your favored tomato varieties to grow each year. Great disease resistance and produces till frost. A Gary Ibsen personal favorite. New Big Dwarf Bred in 1919 by S. M. Isbell & Co. bred this variety by selecting crosses from crosses of 'Ponderosa' with 'Dwarf Champion'. Lots of large 1-lb. deep pink fruits on 2' bushy plants. Perfect for patio gardening in pots. Very flavorful. New Moon Big yields of pale yellow, 2 1/2 inch, deliciously delicate, tropical sweet fruit. New Round Paste Slightly oval to round-shaped orange/red, 3-inch meaty fruit with great flavor. New Yorker Bush Beefsteak type. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce vigorous, compact, determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield 4-6-ounce, round, meaty, scarlet-red tomatoes with very good, sweet/acid tomato flavors. A fine canning tomato or slicing up into salads. Tomato plant sets well in cooler growing conditions. Adapted well to North-Eastern U.S., short-season areas. New Zealand Pink Pear (aka new Zealand Pink Paste) This paste heirloom from New Zealand produces an abundance of gorgeous, pear-shaped, pink fruits with excellent sweet flavors. Meat is thick and almost seedless. A perfect variety for slicing and eating fresh or for making elegant pink and tasty sauces. Nicholaevna Pink A wonderful, rare, Russian variety that produces an abundance of beautiful , large, 1-2 lb, pink, beefsteak tomatoes with lots of flavorful tomato juice. A good hardy variety that produces fruit even in cooler growing regions. Disease resistant. Nicholayev Yellow Cherry Rare Russian cherry tomato that bursts with so much flavor you will feel addicted to snacking in the vineyard. Produces huge amounts of 3/4-inch, bright-yellow cherry tomatoes. Another Russian variety that produces fruit even in cooler growing regions. Disease resistant. Northern Delight-Tomato Seeds Northern Delight was bred to perform in the short season of the Far North. An early producer at 58 days. Our TomatoFest organic, tomato seeds produce stocky, short, determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield a terrific amount of 1-2 oz., red, juicy, slightly elongated, saladette-type tomatoes. Sweet, but also slightly tart, fruits are produced in clusters of 5-6 that pretty much ripen all at once. Good to plant with your early crop to kick off the season. Great choice for cooler growing seasons. Northern Lights 4-inch, round beefsteak , yellow-orange with red blush on bottom and red center. Wonderful intense flavor. Bears till frost. Nyagous-Tomato Seeds A prolific, rare, Russian tomato variety. Beautiful, smooth, round, "black" tomatoes that are dark mohagany with dark greygreen shoulders. Nyagous is a wonderfully firm and blemish-free, 6 oz. tomato with lots of sweet, complex fruit flavors and a clean acidic finish. Up to 6 fruits to a cluster. A good market variety that has become a favorite of the Russian varieties. Nyagous is resistant to cracking. Oaxacan Jewel Beautiful 1-2 pound, yellow beefsteak tomato with red streaks throughout the fruit. Wonderfully rich, sweet flavors. Old Brooks A heavy producer that is especially suited to canning because of it’s acid content. 6-8 oz., uniform-formed, bright-red, round fruit that has great, full, tangy flavor. Great for adding extra flavor to sauce. Old German A Mennonite family heirloom from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Big regular leaf plant yields 1-2 lb. beautiful fruits. Fruit color is yellow with red mottling and striping on the outside and throughout the flesh. Best color of several strains of this heirloom. Not a heavy producer, but fruit harvested is deliciously sweet and very decorative. Old Ivory Egg An heirloom well named as it's fruit is the size (1 x 2"), shape and approximate color of a chicken's egg. (An unusual color for a plum-type tomato) Pale, ivory, fruit eventually turns creamy-yellow and has a mild sweet flavor. Old Virginia Heirloom variety has been in the Giltner family of VA for 50+ years. Yields large, 1 lb., beautiful, red, beefsteak tomatoes with delicious, sweet flavors. Few seeds. Old Wyandotte A productive variety that yields large (to 5"), golden-yellow beefsteak with excellent fruity flavor with very good sweet/acid balance. Olena Ukrainian Large potato leaf plant from the Ukraine producing good crops of 1-2 lb, smooth, fluted, blemish-free, solid, sweet, pink beefsteak tomatoes. Oleron Red Plum Seeds sent to me by tomato grower Paul Middleton who was given these seeds by a farmer on the French Island of Oleron, known for it's special microclimate that allows banana and wine production. Farmer shared with Paul that these tomatoes have been grown on the island for hundreds of years.e Plant produces lots of 1 1/2-inch red, plum shaped cherry tomatoes with that are sweet & perfectly tart alongside the sweetness. Slightly thicker skin than most cherry tomatoes making it good for fresh markets. Olga's Round Yellow Chicken Egg Very heavy production of 2 1/2" 4-6 oz. round yellow-gold thick-skinned tomato with a slightly tart flavor. Omar’s Lebanese A disease resistant, vigorous heirloom originating from a Lebanese hill town producing large, pink, irregularly-shaped beefsteak tomatoes. Fruits typically weigh 1 1/2 lbs. and can reach more than 3 lbs. A good boasting tomato with rich complex flavors. Opalka An heirloom originally from Poland. One of the best tasting paste tomatoes with 5-inch long fruit shaped like a banana pepper with a pronounced tip on the bottom. Fruit has very few seeds, is extremely meaty and loaded with rich sweet flavors lending to it’s sauce appeal. Optimus Seeds obtained by Craig Lehoullier from the USDA and shared with Dr. Carolyn Male for grow out. Orange Banana Sprawling plants with good yields of 1 x 2 1/2" 2 oz. plum-shaped orange paste with pointed ends and a good sweet-tart flavor. An all-purpose plum tomato with good disease resistance. Orange Beefsteak Heavy producing variety of 4" fruit with yellow-golden color and mild, sweet flavor. Orange Cherry aka Sweet Orange Cherry. Prolific plant producing 1", round, very sweet, orange cherry tomatoes. Every bit as tasty as hybrid Sungold. Orange Plum From Russia. Plant produces huge amounts of small , orange , plum-shaped tomatoes that have a sweet burst of flavor and a slightly tart finish. Orange Roma An early producer of large, very pretty orange, and great tasting Roma tomatoes. Orange Russian 117 A cross between Russian 117 and Georgia Streak producing 1 to 2 lb., heart-shaped fruit, yellow-orange with a pink blush, very meaty with a red center. Flavor is well balanced, big and fantastic. Orange Strawberry A vigorous, ox-heart variety producing small to medium yields of beautiful, 3-inch, strawberry-shaped (formed to a distinct tip), bright-orange fruits (inside and out). The gorgeous, meaty fruit has a sweet, rich, complex taste unlike most yellow and orange tomatoes. Oregon Spring Favorite variety for early silver-dollar sized, bright-red tomatoes. Earliest fruit have little or no seeds. This bush variety was developed at Oregon State University for gardeners with cool summer seasons. Slightly flattened, lusciously sweet and juicy. Orlov Yellow Giant-Heirloom Tomato Seeds A Russian heirloom tomato named after Count Alexeis Orlov, a famous Russian horticulturist. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce tall, indeterminate, potato-leaf, tomato plants that bear moderate to very good yields of very beautiful 3-inch, 14-20 ounce, yellow-gold, slightly-flattened, lightly-fluted, beefsteak tomatoes that have delicious lightly-sweet flavors that are well balanced with just the right amount of acidity to add the wonderful zest you want for old-fashioned tomato splendor. This is a tomato that deserves a tryout for your garden as it will have you wanting to continue with Orlov Yellow, year-to-year. It's meaty and flavorful flesh make this a good slicer for tomato salads, sandwiches and tomato salsas. We offer twice as many seeds for the same price than the only other seed supplier of these RARE tomato seeds. Ox Heart From 1925. Productive, dark-pink/red ox heart shaped, 1-2 lb., juicy, meaty fruit with few seeds and mild flavors. Ozark Pink A 5-foot tall Arkansas variety recommended for hot humid disease-prone areas. Yields 7-ounce pink flattened globes with uniform-ripening shoulders. Texture is firm but not hard. Fruit has good sugar content and is very flavorful. Painted Ukrainian Beautiful 2 1/2 x 3-inch heart-shaped fruit. Some fruits with a very subtle vertical striping. Delicious! Pantano Romanesco Rare Roman heirloom tomato said to have been grown in former marshes in Rome, Italy. Similar to Genovese Costoluto. Our TomatoFest organic, heirloom tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, highly productive vines yield large crops of 12 oz., brilliant-red, slightly-ribbed tomatoes with meaty interiors bursting with wonderful, rich, complex, tomato flavors. Expect a good production from these heirloom tomatoes. A great sauce tomato and a sensible choice for farmer's markets due to visual appeal and reputation for intense flavor. Rare tomato seeds. Paragon Livingston This antique, heirloom variety was introduced by the Livingston Seed Company in 1870 and was used by the canning industry as well as home gardeners. It is known for it’s high yields of 8 to 10 ounce, smooth, slightly flattened, good flavored fruit. Patti's Italian Paste A local N.J. favorite brought from Italy in the 60's by Tom Patti. A 3-inch, red, oblong, rounded, meaty tomato with a pronounced sweet flavor. Paul Robeson Seed for this Russian heirloom was made available by Marina Danilenko, a Moscow seedswoman. This favorite tomato was named after the operatic artist who won acclaim as an advocate of equal rights for Blacks. His artistry was admired worldwide, especially in the Soviet Union. This "black" beefsteak tomato is slightly flattened, round, and grows to 4-inches. It’s deep, rich colors stand it apart from others…a dusky, dark-red, with dark-green shoulders, and red flesh in it’s center. Very flavorful fruits with luscious, earthy, exotic flavors and good acid/sweet balance. Paul Robeson (aka Pol Robeson) won "Best of Show" at Carmel TomatoFest. As this variety originates from Siberiaa and sets fruits at lower temps, it is an excellent choice for cooler growing regions. Peacevine Cherry-Tomato Seeds So named because of the high amino acid content which has a calming effect on the body. According to Seeds of Change, this indeterminate variety had "the highest Vitamin C content in a cherry tomato among 30 varieties analyzed by Rutgers University." Peche Jaune Very productive 1-inch, round, pale-yellow fruit, looks like a delicate peach covered with fuzz.. An elegant, mildly sweet flavor. I've never failed to get "ooooh...yes!" from those I've introduced this to. Fruit has short shelf-life...should be eaten within a couple of days. Peg's Round Orange Sent to me from Peg Spencer as a favorite tomato that's been grown on her Cox's Creek Kentucky farm for more than 20 years. Great tasting, sweet, low acid, 2 1/2-inch deep orange fruit. Peppermint Excellent yield of 8-12 oz. red-pink tomatoes with yellow stripes before ripe. Fruit is meaty with very good sweet taste. Outstanding!! Peron Sprayless Introduced in 1951 by Gleckler's from Argentina. Large, disease resistant, vigorous vines produce lots of 3-4-inch, uniform, smooth, red, round, fruits that are above average in vitamin C and loaded with big sweet/tart flavors. Good for cages or patios. Keeps well. Persimmon This vigorous and prolific heirloom, introduced around 1983, yields lots of fruit. One of the better flavors of all the orange tomatoes. Rose-orange (persimmon colored) fruits range from 12-ounces to 2 pounds. Meaty, very sweet, and few seeds. Piccolo One of the smallest tomatoes. Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce large, sprawling, prolific, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield thousands of tiny 3/8-1/2-inch, red, cherry tomatoes that are sweet, sweet, sweet tasting. A great tomato for snacking in the garden or from a bowls, for decorating salads or other culinary creations. Pineapple An heirloom garden favorite that grows to 2 lbs. This bi-colored, slightly flattened, yellow beefsteak has a red blushing and streaks on the outside. It's yellow interior contains few seeds and a red star-burst in the center. Taste is wonderfully mild with tropical fruity-sweet flavors. This is a show stopper! Pink Accordion A unique show tomato. Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce big, sprawling, regular-leaf tomato plants that provide an average yield of beautiful, 1 pound, dark-pink tomatoes that are very fluted or ruffled like an accordion. Tomato lovers consistently rave about this beautiful tomato. A perfect choice for a commercial market tomato because of it's popularity. The tomato is slightly hollow making it a good stuffing tomato. Flavors are mild and sweet. A low-acid tomato with few seeds. Pink Grapefruit-Tomato Seeds A really unique tomato. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce medium-sized, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield beautiful, round, 2 1/2", dark-yellow fruit that are blushing pink inside. They have sweet-tart taste that have pronounced citrus overtones. A heavy producer of many fruits. Rare tomato seeds. Pink Lemon Large, 5-inch, 8-10 oz., round, flattened, yellow-orange fruit often with a slight red burst in center. Very flavorful. One of the best tasting yellow tomatoes. Pink Monserrat Gorgeous 3-inch pink slicer, mild sweet flavor with low acid. Pink Ping Pong-Tomato Seeds This heirloom produces amazing yields of sweet pink fruits the size of ping pong balls. Juicy and bursting with superb flavors. Great for salads, canned, or popped in your mouth off the vine. Personal favorite Pink Ponderosa a.k.a. Henderson's Ponderosa. Heirloom introduced in 1891 by Peter Henderson. From (Grandma Anne) Ponderosa from Luxembourg around 1870 and (grandfather) Wallace Hoss- Tentinger, LeMars, Iowa. Plant produces moderate yields of 1-2 lb. smooth, pink, beefsteak fruit with very good flavor. Great slicing tomato with few seeds. Pink Russian 117 A Jeff Dawson original. A pink sport of Russian 117. Medium-sized 10-14 oz. heart-shaped fruit that is very meaty low in acid and boasts an excellent flavor. Pink Sweet This vigorous variety was originally called "No Name" when respected heirloom tomato authority, Craig Lehoullier, received this tomato from Hazel Turner in 1990. , Craig gave it the name Pink Sweet thinking this beautiful and tasty tomato deserved better. Produces perfect, slightly flattened, 1 lb., pink slicers with some green shoulders excellent sweet tomatoey flavor. Pittman Valley Plum From Germany, this plant produces an abundant crop of 5 to 6-inch long, banana shaped (horn shaped) fruit with dry, dense flesh, very few seeds, and very good, rich flavor. Good resistence to insects and great keeping qualities. Bears heavy till frost. Pixie Striped Dwarf plant producing small (2"), red fruit with yellow stripes. Fruit has hollow seed cavity. a very attractive tomato with average taste. Great for container planting. Plum Lemon aka Wonderlight. Seed for this was collected in 1991 from an old seedsman in Moscow. Fruit is pointed on it's ends just like a lemon with solid meat, almost like a paste tomato. 2 x 3-inch (6 oz.) fruit is a bright, clear-yellow tomato with mild sweet flavor. Perfect tomato for salads, tomato sauce or even a wonderful yellow catsup. Poland II a.k.a. Poland Paste. An delicious old Polish heirloom paste tomato. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce 6-foot, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield large crops of big, fat, 4-inch, red paste tomatoes that have big, delicious tomato flavors. A wonderful sauce tomato that is a bit sweeter than many others. A good choice for cooler growing regions. Polish Giant Regular leaf heirloom variety from Poland. Producing abundant quantities of 1-2 lb. dark pink with big, well-balanced flavors. Great variety for fresh market and impressing tomato loving friends. Polish Linguisa Polish Linguisa is an heirloom tomato brought to New York by Polish gardeners in the 1800's. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous tomato plants that bear excellent yields of HUGE, 10-ounce, 2inch in diameter, sausage-shaped, very meaty, bright-red, paste tomatoes that are very sweet for a paste tomato. Excellent for making tomato paste, tomato sauce, slicing into salads, eating fresh off the vine, drying or freezing. Plants produce abundantly well until frost. Polish Pastel Small-leafed plant from John Smarz of Australia producing unusual 10-14 oz., bi-colored fruit with beautiful red & yellow striping and/or mottling. Fruit is very meaty (not juicy) producing only few seeds. Very sweet flavors. Sure to attract many favorable comments. Porter Originally introduced by Porter & Sons Seed Company of Texas to suit the conditions of the Texan climate. Tall, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield large quantities of 4-ounce, plum-shaped, thin-skinned, smooth, deepred tomatoes with exceptionally sweet flavors. A good choice for a salad tomato, canning, tomato sauces, eating fresh or making tomato juice. A good container tomato for hot, dry growing conditions. Porter also does well in hot humid areas. Porter's Dark Cherry Excellent yields variety producing in clusters of 6-10. Oblong, small, pink, plum-shaped (oval) fruit with a rich tomatoey flavor. Good for snacking, canning and juice. A long-season variety. A really great tomato! Porter's Pride Developed by Porter Seed Co. Also known as Improved Porter. Larger than the original Porter. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce 5 ft. tall, indeterminate, regular-leaf, highly productive tomato plants that yield 2 to 3-inch, 3 oz., meaty, firm, very flavorful red tomatoes. 6 fruits per cluster on long stem. Good choice for a container or patio garden. This tomato is a very good canning and salad tomato. Potato Leaf White Potato leaf plant that produces an early harvest of small (4-6 oz.) yellow-white (ivory) beefsteaks with a creamy texture and mild sweetness with a slightly tart flavor. Power's Heirloom Although this variety is technically a paste tomato, it's great flavor and attractiveness encouraged me to include this variety within the yellow/orange category as well. This heirloom variety produces abundant amounts of pale white-yellow, oblong juicy fruits, 3 to 5-ounce, and great fruity flavor. Principe Borghese Italian heirloom tomato. Our tomato seeds produce short determinate plants that prolifically yield big clusters of 1-2 oz. red, plum shaped, crack-resistant paste tomatoes that are a great substitute for Roma tomatoes. Tomatoes are prized for drying because they retain more flavor than most other drying varieties. Italians are known for hanging the whole plant, loaded with fruit, up to dry..A great sauce tomato or eating fresh in salads or canning. Also prized for reconstituting in olive oil or crushing dried fruit into flakes to add to a sauce for quick thickening. Pritchard Introduced by the USDA in 1931 under the name "Scarlet Topper". Re-named in 1932 in honor of F.J. Prichard, who developed it from a cross between "Marglobe", and "Coopers Special." Attractive small-med. sized, scarlet red fruits are smooth, thick walled, globe shaped and uniform with small seed pockets. Pruden's Purple-Tomato Seeds Developed from the Brandywine. Many folks find this variety comparable in every way to the favorite Brandywine. It has even ranked higher at times in my taste trials. Great for hot day and cool night climate. Large potato leaf vine produces lots of 1-lb., slightly flattened, pretty, blemish-free, purple-pink fruits with few seeds and excellent flavor. Purple Prince A Virginia potato leaf heirloom introduced by Tad Smith. A potato leaf heirloom that yields medium-large, 10 oz., pinkpurple fruits with excellent flavor. Similar to Cherokee Purple but an earlier variety. Purple Russian A Russian heirloom tomato from the Ukraine. Regular leafed plant produces huge amounts of purple-red, 6 oz., oblong, (plum-shaped to egg-shaped) tomatoes with a blemish-free skin excellent sweet flavor. Purple russian has been a staple for my market variety selection because it holds up well, and it's wonderful flavor. I include it for my chef's selection because of it's color and delicious flavors. A perfect tomato for enjoying in salads, for making tomato sauce or salsa, or canning. Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe Old German potato-leaf variety means "Early love of Qued Linburg". Small spindly vines produce 1 1/2-inch, round, 4lobed fruit in clusters of 4. These tomatoes have great flavor with good acidity. Developed for cool rainy nights. Prolific even during colder summers. Rasp Large Red Productive, spindly plant, round to heart-shaped, smooth fruit of 12-16 oz. developed by T. Rasp of Cheektowaga, NY. Excellent, full tomatoey flavor and texture. Red Butterheart Heirloom variety producing large, pink, 16-ounce, great tasting, heart-shaped fruit in clusters of 5 to 6. Red Currant South American species of tomato. (Note: - currant tomatoes can easily cross with with other tomato varieties. Don't plant near other varieties you are going to save them for seed). Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce huge, vigorous branches that yields thousands of 3/8-inch, sweet (but slightly tart), red currant tomatoes. These are wonderful for snacking on fresh and adding to a tomato salad or adding to culinary dishes as decoration or delicious flavoring. Rare tomato seeds. Red Fig The Red Fig tomatoes have been grown in America since the 18th century. The Red Fig is an heirloom tomato named for a sweet delicacy that was made with this tomato and popular in the mid 1800s. Historically they were dried and packed away for winter use in substitute of figs. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce big leafy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield hundreds of 1 1/2-inch, pear-shaped, bright-red cherry tomatoes that have wonderful, delicious, sweet flavors with a very sweet skin, making this a delightful snacking tomato. Red Fig is a tasty and colorful complement to Beam's Yellow Pear. A perfect choice to serve in a tomato salad or as a tasty decoration to culinary creations and to use for making a delicious tomato chutney. To make the “figs,” boiling water was poured over the tomatoes to remove the skins and then the skinless tomatoes were placed in a stone jar with equal parts sugar to tomatoes. The resulting syrup was then removed from the jar and boiled and skimmed. The process was repeated over two days, with intervals of cooling. Finally, the tomatoes were dried in the sun for about a week at which point they were packed in small wooden boxes, with fine, white sugar between every layer. Tomatoes prepared in this manner were said to keep for years. (Note: A great 1840s family recipe is available in Heirloom Vegetable Gardening by William Woys Weaver.) Rare tomato seeds. Red Georgia A selection from Georgia Streak and Stupice. Fruits are 2-1/2-inch, round, slightly flattened, pink-red color with very pale yellow stripes (may also produce orange fruit). Sweet, fruity and delicious. Red King Red slicer, medium-sized, very firm, tasty flavors and good yield. Red Peach From Russia. A fuzzy skinned 19th century variety producing lots of 2" deliciously flavored fruit. Eat as fresh as possible as this does not store well. Looks like a miniature peach. probably the sweetest tasting of the Angora varieties. Red Pear One of the oldest American heirlooms dating back to the 1700's. Big, prolific, regular leaf, sprawling plant produces hundreds of cute, deep-red, 1/2" x 1 1/2" pear-shaped fruits with wonderfully sweet and juicy flesh. A wonderful snacking or salad tomato that really fancies up a salad when served whole. Red Yellow Cap A 3 to 4-inch bi-colored tomato that is mostly yellow-orange with a red blush. Lots of fruity flavor. Red Zebra A natural cross. Plant yields huge amounts of 2-inch, red fruit with light yellow striping (or as some say, yellow fruit with red striping). Same shape as Green Zebra with red-yellow flesh. Worth the try …and I'm sure you will want to keep it as a favorite. Regina's Yellow From Regina Yanici, Mineral City, OH. A very productive plant producing large, 1-lb., red and yellow, blemish-free beefsteak tomatoes with big, sweet and delicious fruity flavors. Does well in high-heat climates. Reif Red Heart From J. Reif in PA, who got the seeds from an elderly Italian man. Big vines with wispy leaves producing lots of beautiful red, 10-12 oz., heart-shaped fruits. Meaty & very flavorful. Reinhard's Goldkirsche From Reinhard Kraft in Germany. Very large clusters of translucent, golden, 1", cherry tomatoes. The tomatoes grown under foliage will remain a lighter yellow. Richardson a.k.a. The Richardson Tomato. Grown by the Richardson family in Tennessee for many years. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce big, leafy, indeterminate, regular-leaf, tomato plants that yield GIGANTIC, 5-inch, 1-3 pound, smooth, dark-pink, very meaty beefsteak tomatoes with an abundance of pronounced, complex, well-balanced, sweet/acid flavor. A good showplace tomato. An even better bragging tomato. A perfect choice for slicing into a sandwich tomato or salad tomato. Giant tomato. Rare tomato seeds. Riesentraube The name of this heirloom variety from East Germany means "giant bunch of grapes." These excellent flavored cherries are borne in bunches of 20-35 small, oval, red fruits with pointed ends. Riviera rom Italy. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce semi-determinate, regular-leaf, bushy tomato plants that yield lots of 2 1/2 - 3 inch, slightly flattened, bright-red, beefsteak tomatoes with lots of sweet flavors with a good acidic balance for that old-fashioned tomato flavor. A very good producing plant. Perfect for eating fresh in tomato salads and great for tomato sauce and salsas. A wonderful cooking tomato. Rocky Good producer of 2 x 3-inch, 1 lb., plum-shaped, red ,paste tomatoes. Sweet, tangy, meaty fruit. One of the best flavored sauce tomatoes. Roman Candle Decendent of Antique Roman. Spectacular smooth, bright yellow tomatoes that are 2" wide by 4" long. Very meaty with nice sweet flavor. One of the few pure-yellow banana shaped fruits available. Great for tomato sauce. Rosalie's Paste Heavy producing plant. 3 x 4-inch, pointed, bright-red paste. Meaty and dry. A great sauce tomato. Good concentated flavors. Rosalita-Tomato Seeds A wonderful alternative to the typical cherry tomato. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regularleaf, vigorous tomato plants that yield abundant crops of beautiful, 1", deep rosy pink, oval, tomatoes in long, full clusters. A delightful new choice for anyone who likes grape tomatoes. These are sweet. An early producer at 60 days. Pink color speckled all over with tiny white dots that give them an iridescent glow. Unique. Rare tomato seeds. Rose A large leafy heirloom that produces deep, rose-pink, 3-inch, meaty globes with a taste that rivals those varieties heralded most for their luscious taste. Seed came from Dr. Grace Kaiser, a physician in New Holland, PA who was given the seed from one of her Amish patients. Rose Quartz-Tomato Seeds A very productive cherry plant from Japan producing large pink cherries in clusters. Absolutely delicious flavor. Roughwood Golden Plum Beautiful 2-inch, orange paste tomato that is meaty with few seeds and a delicate, sweet flavor. Ruby Gold 1 lb. mostly red fruit with gold striping/mottling inside. Good yields. Sweet flavor. Russian 117 An Oxheart heirloom that has wispy foliage and is unique because of the unusual double heart-shaped form of it’s fruit. What separates these blemish-free, solid fruits from most of the other heart-shaped varieties is the large size of the fruit which can reach 2 pounds. Best of all is the immense amount of delicious, rich and complex tomatoey flavors. Russian Big Roma-Tomato Seeds A favorite heirloom paste variety. Disease resistant plant produces lots of huge (2 x 4-inch), deep red, fruits with exceptionally rich tomatoey flavors. A perfect sauce tomato. Russian Lime Heirloom producing very dry, bell-shaped, 2 x 3-inch, lemon-yellow, lime-shaped fruit with pointed end. Produced in clusters . Great for a flavorful sauce Russian Rose From Novorossiyk, Russia. A moderate producer of 10-12 oz., rose-pink fruit. Deliciously sweet tomato flavors. Russo Sicilian Toggeta A heavy producing, Italian variety yielding 3-inch, thick-skinned, flattened fruit with a fluted shape. Rutgers Improved Tomato Rutgers was developed by the Campbell Soup Company in 1928 from a cross of Marglobe and J.T.D. The variety was later refined by Rutgers University in 1943.] Rutgers Improved is a Rutgers-type tomato with additional disease resistance. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce short, bushy, compact, determinate tomato plants that yield 7 oz., dark-red tomatoes with thick walls that are loaded with delicious flavors. Excellent tomato for canning. Disease Resistant. Ruth's Perfect-Tomato Seeds Originally from bio-dynamic farmer/gardener Ruth Zinniker of Wisconsin. Variety is almost completely problem free. Produces abunant amounts of 7 oz., 2-3", perfectly round, red fruit. Very flavorful. Saint Pierre An old traditional French tomato variety. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce hardy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that bear moderate to high yields of medium-sized, 3-inch, red, round, tomatoes with soft, thick, meaty flesh with good to excellent flavors. A good choice for a sauce or canning tomato. Produces well in cooler growing regions and until frost. Sainte Lucie From France. Not known well in the U.S. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce very leafy, indeterminate, regularleaf, tomato plants with generous yields of 1 to 2 1/2-pound, slightly-flattened, bright-red beefsteak tomatoes that are some of the best-tasting red, tomatoes. Lots of delicious sweet flavors with the perfect 'tang' of acidity. Solid, meaty interiors make it a good slicing tomato for sandwiches or tomato sauce or tomato salads. Rare tomato seeds. Salisaw Cafe A wonderfully delicious, early producing cherry tomato to rival Sun Gold tomato in flavor. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants with tall, very productive vines that have huge yields of 3/4-inch, bright-red cherry tomatoes with that perfect combination of super sweet but slightly tart flavors. A great tomato variety for grazing through the tomato vineyards feasting on these sweet 'jewels.' San Francisco Fog-Tomato Seeds Large plant bearing abundant clusters of delicious, red, round, 2-3 inch fruit. Bred for the cool, west coast, overcast climate. San Marzano From Italy. Compact and prolicic producer of bright-red, slim, 2-3 inch, plum-type, fruit over a long season. A paste tomato with pointy end, heavy walls and little juice, so it's great for tomato sauce. Crack resistant. Better tasting than Roma. San Marzano Redorta Named for a mountain, Pizzo Redorta in Bergamo, Italy. This is Gary Ibsen’s preferred Italian paste tomato. A much larger tomato (8 oz., 4-inch) with much better taste than it’s cousin, San Marzano. Good enough to eat off the vine with the bonus of ending up with more tomato paste per plant. Yum! Sandul Moldovan-Tomato Seeds A highly productive heirloom originally from the Sandul family who brought the seeds from Muldova. Beefsteak-styled fruits are large (1 lb.), pink, slightly flattened globes with firm, creamy flesh and slightly ribbed shoulders. What makes this variety stand out is its exceptional flavor. A high sugar content with well-balanced acidity. Santa Clara Canner Originating in Italy, this tomato became very popular in the US for use in the canning industry because of it's uniformity in size (8-10 oz.) and it's very rich, complex flavor. Plant produces a great amount of red-orange fruit that is jiucy, meaty and flavorful. This variety is just as suitable for eating off the vine as it is for salads, cooking and canning. Give it a shot. It's been around for a long time for good reason. Sasha Altai An excellent variety from Russia. Hearty plant produces good yields of 4-6 oz. bright-red, round tomatoes. Tomatoes are very flavorful. Excellent for canning, salads and making tomato juice. Fruit sets well in cooler coastal climates. Schwarze Sarah A productive German heirloom. Yields large (3-inch) pink/purple fruit with dark green shoulders and a deep grey/purple broad streaks throughout the fruit. Very tasty! Sebastopol Originated fro an elderly lady from Sebastopol who grew these for 70 years. Our TomatoFest organic heirloom tomato seeds produce big, indeterminate, regular-leaf, vigorous tomato plants that produce large, 3/4-inch, red cherry tomatoes that are sweet tasting with a spark of tart flavors. Delicious! Sebastopol is well suited for cooler, coastal regions, or short season gardens and area's with foggy summer climates. A wonderful salad tomato or snacking tomato. Rare tomato seed. Serendipity Striped Seeds sent to me from a seed company that had sourced seeds from USDA. Seeds were supposued to be a large, pink beefsteak heirloom but after growing them out in 2 trials found them to be not pink at all but a striped 'jewel.' I serendipitously ended up with incredibly large (1-2 lb.), gold-red striped beefsteak fruits. Grown out in following years the fruit proved to be just as wonderfully splendid. Juicy, few seeds, tropical fruity flavors. Shenghaung Cherry Seeds sent to me in 2001 from a farmer in the Zhengjiang province of China as a family favorite. I've trialed this variety for 4 years and have found it to be a wonderful tomato. From this 5' plant an abundance of beautiful red, round, 1" , cherries filled with sweet but slightly tart flavors. Shirley Amish Red Productive, potato-leaf plants yield round, slightly flattened, 4-inch, 12-16 oz., red-pink, fruits. Very good taste. Shirvey Large pink globes that grow to 4-inches. Good rich, tomatoey flavor. Shriver Tomato From Nancy Shriver Ridgeway, whose family raised this one for 80 years in Morgantown, PA. According to a 1966 newspaper article on Nancy's father, he received the seeds for this variety in 1916. Large, 10-16 oz., dark pinkish-red fruit with excellent mild, sweet flavor. Siberian Red Great Russian tomato perfect for cooler/shorter growing regions. Sturdy plant produces abundant clusters of 4-oz., brightred, round, juicy fruit that is surprizingly flavorful for a cooler ripening variety. Siletz Developed by Dr. James Baggett of Oregon State University. Plants do very well in cooler climates producing deep-red, excellently flavored round, slicing tomatoes 8-10 oz. Very good flavor considering how early a tomato it is. Silvery Fir Tree-Tomato Seeds A Russian heirloom. An early season (55 days) dwarf tomato plant. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce short, determinate tomato plants with wispy, fern-like, silvery fuzzy leaves that yield moderate crops of bright-red, 2", 4-5 oz., flattened, round tomatoes. A perfect tomato plant for growing in small containers and hanging baskets. Good tomato plant for a patio garden. A perfect choice for a canning tomato and salad tomato. A unique tomato variety. Disease Resistant. Sioux-Heirloom Tomato Seeds Released by Univ. of Nebraska in 1944. The most popular tomato in OK during the 1950's. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce semi-determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield large crops of 2 1/2" (6 oz.) red, round, blemish-free tomatoes. This heirloom tomato variety bursts with excellent, slightly tart flavors. Produces plentiful crops even in hot conditions and in dry regions. Great canning tomato and salad tomato. Sisters Large potato leaf plant produces a whopping crop of BIG, 4-inch, beautiful pink, beefsteak tomatoes. I've had great success with these in the market for several years. Delicious! Slava-Tomato Seeds Potato leaf variety from Czech Republic. Name means Glory. A wonderful, prolific, 2-inch, red, round, early tomato. A winner on our farm. Delicious. Rare. Blight resistant. Snow White Tomato Seeds Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield delightful ivory-colored cherry tomatoes that ripen to a pale yellow. 1/2-inch, round fruit is deliciously sweet without being too sweet, and are borne from very productive vines. This has always been a great hit for me with kids, especially those who claimed to not like tomatoes. A great snacking tomato or salad tomato. Soldacki A vigorous potato-leaf heirloom variety originally from Krakow, Poland and then to Cleveland around 1900. Yields large, dark-pink, slightly flattened globes that grow to 1-pound and have intensely lucious, sweet flavors. Sophie's Choice An heirloom from Edmonton, Canada and introduced by Carolyn Male in 1997. Considered to be the "best choice" for an extra early tomato. This is the earliest variety to ripen for me. Strong disease resistant short determinate (24") produces an abundance of 8 to 10 oz. globes. fruit is a red-orange outside and deep red inside. Best production in cooler climates. Southern Night Russian heirloom, potato-leaf variety producing lots of 12-16 oz., purple-brown beefsteak fruits with some green shoulders. Good disease resistance. Sparks Craig Lehoullier these seeds as "Yellow" from tomato collector Don Sparks of Kentucky and named it Spark's Yellow in his honor. Potato leaf plant with good yield of 3-inch, gorgeous, yellow-orange, round beefsteak , juicy fruit with delicious taste. Spear's Tennessee Green-Tomato Seeds A wonderful heirloom grown by the Spear family of Tennessee since the 1950's. Our certified organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield an abundance of 8-10 oz., slightly flattened, round, emerald green and amber-colored, tomatoes that excels in it's taste with sweet, well-balanced flavors with a tinge of spice and citrus. Lots of that old-fashioned tomato flavor. A rare and historic tomato variety. Speckled Peach A very productive heirloom sent to me by Reinhard Kraft from Neukirchen, Germany. 2-inch, slightly oval, dark pink, slightly fuzzy (like a peach) fruit with few scattered tiny speckles. Deliciously Sweet! Speckled Roman The source of this tomato is John Swenson. A cross between Antique Roman and Banana Legs. The tomato has the distinct end nipple of the latter. Our TomatoFest organic seeds produce compact, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that have a high yield of very intriguingly beautiful, meaty, 4-6-inch long, orange-red paste tomato with good flavors and wavy yellow stripes. Looks like a fat sausage with a pointed end. A great novelty tomato that makes a good tomato sauce, along with other colored paste tomatoes. Speckled Siberian Short, bushy, Russian heirloom good for cooler growing regions to produce 2-inch red, round, slightly flattened fruit with light speckles on skin. Good taste. Spitze Romanian heirloom. Vigorous producer of 4-6 inch long, red, paste tomatoes. Great for sauce but enough good, sweet flavor for snacking or salads. Spoon-Tomato Seeds Related to the ancestor of all tomatoes, from Peru. From Jeff Curtis who got this variety from a seed-saver "down south." The name was coined by the Park Seed Company years ago when they offered the seed for a short time. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce big, wispy, vigorous, sprawling plants (likes warmer temperatures to start) that yields a forest of red, pea-sized fruits that are swee/tart with a bold, refreshing taste. This is a fun tomato variety to share with other tomato enthusiasts and a great item for your garden as a snacking tomato, garnish in culinary creations, or as a salad tomato. A terrific novelty tomato. A rare tomato variety. A Gary Ibsen favorite. Sprite-Tomato Seeds One of the best grape tomatoes. And if you love grape tomatoes and do not have the space for bigger indeterminate plants this tomato variety is perfectly suited to small gardens and patio gardening. Our organic tomato seeds produce short, very productive , regular-leaf tomato plants that yield small brilliant red, oval grape tomatoes borne in large numbers with refreshingly sweet flavors. Just like the original grape tomatoes these have thin skins and are packed with sweet juice. Produces tomatoes continuously all season until first frost. An early season tomato. Excellent in salads or eating fresh. St. Ivy Large, 1 lb., red, slightly fluted, slightly flattened beefsteak tomato with luscious flavors. Stakebreaker A good reason for the name of this tomato. Our organic tomato seeds produce large, regular-leaf, indeterminate, prolific tomato plants that produce extremely large yields of large, 2 to 3-inch, round, bright-red tomatoes in clusters of 3 to 4. Excellent, sweet flavor. Delicious tomato flavors with a pronounced acid tartness to complement it sweetness. A good canning and salad tomato. Stone Seeds obtained by Craig Lehoullier from the USDA. An excellent 6 to 8-oz., scarlet red, round slicing tomato with well balanced sugar to acid ratio. Storgul Produces good yields of large, 12 oz., yellow-orange globes with good, rich, sweet flavor. Striped Cavern Prolific producer of medium (2 1/2 inch) fruit perfect for stuffing. Blocky, pepper-shaped, hollow, red fruit with orange stripes. Striped German Beautiful 1-2 lb. fruit with red-yellow stripes and dense, juicy, red-yellow streaked flesh. Excellent sweet, complex flavors. Produces till frost. Stump O' The World A favorite of the late Ben Quisenbury. Potato leaf variety with good yield producing large, 1 lb., pink , very meaty fruit with superb flavor. Small seed cavity. Stupice-Tomato Seeds This potato-leaf heirloom from Czechoslovakia is a cold-tolerant tomato that bears an abundance of very sweet, flavorful 2 to 3-inch, deep red fruit. A 1988 comparative tasting in the San Francisco area gave it first place for its wonderful sweet/acid, tomatoey flavor and production. Success A pre-1912 heirloom plant yielding great 6 oz. red, round, delicious fruit. An OLD favorite. Sugary A 2005 All-America Selections Award Winner and favorite among cherry tomato lovers. 1-inch, brilliant pinkish-red, ovalshaped cherry tomatoes with a pointed blossom end. Huge amounts of tomatoes produced in clusters with very sweet flavors. Great for good snacking, salads or adding to culinary dishes. A perfect choice for container or patio gardens. Sunsets Red Horizon-Tomato Seeds This outstanding heirloom, named by tomato grower, Gary Ibsen, for Sunset magazine in 2003, is a native to Southern Russia. Huge, red, 4 to 6-inch, meaty, heart-shaped fruits are borne from a big leafy plant with wispy vines. Introduced to the west by Nik Peplenov who immigrated to the US in 1999 and brought with him his favorite heirloom seeds from the Rostov Don region of Russia. They are not only one of the first varieties to produce but produce fruit well into November (in Oregon and in California). Proven resistant to frost, blossom end rot and cracking. Delicious fruit with huge tomatoey flavors. Super Choice-Tomato Seeds A wonderful old Kentucky heirloom tomato preserved by Hobart Pearson of Berea, Kentucky, who was given the seed from an Amish family of Liberty, Kentucky, who had been growing it for over 100 years. Our organic tomato seed produces vigorous, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield heavy loads of 1-2 lb., red, beefsteak tomatoes loaded with rich, complex, old-time tomato flavors. This is a classic beefsteak tomato with a wonderful flavor and texture that make it perfect for slicing thick for tomato sandwiches and cut into tomato salads. A rare, historic, tomato variety that deserves a spot in your garden. Super Marmande French Heirloom famous throughout Europe. Prolific crops of large, firm, scarlet-red, lightly-lobed fruit. Great market or canning tomato. Delicious! Super San Marzano Improved variety of San Marzano. A very productive, 1 x 5-inch, red paste tomato that has been dehybridized over a period of years.. Super Sioux Perfect variety for hot and dry climates. Produces big sets of crack-free, thick-skinned, round, red fruit. Good tasting on the tart side. Good acid makes it even a better variety for canning. Super Snow White-Tomato Seeds Very sweet, 2 oz., ivory-colored tomatoes, larger than Snow White, but similar in taste. They ripen to reach almost the size of ping pong balls. These tomatoes are perfect for cutting in half to expose the beautiful interior and serving in salads. Surender's Indian Curry-Tomato Seeds From Indian gardener, Surender Katta. Our organic tomato seeds produce short, compact, determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield 2", red, slightly flattened fruit that is juicy and more acidic than sweet for Indian curries. A very good choice for a patio garden or small garden or hanging basket. Sutton Good yield. Medium-sized 8 oz. white slicer with irregular shapes and sweet fruity taste. Svetlana Red A delicious Russian heirloom tomato. Our organic tomato seeds produce short indeterminate plants producing an abundance of 6-8 oz. red, round slicer that is packed with big tomatoey flavors with good acid. Good for cooler growing regions. A very good canning or salad tomato. Swander Cherry-Tomato Seeds These bushy vines produce clusters of 8 red fruits 1/2-inch or smaller. A very sweet heirloom. Sweet Chelsea Vigorous red cherry productive with great flavor. Sweet Israeli Low bush type yielding abundant crop of luscious, 2"-3" inch red tomatoes from Israel Sweet Orange Cherry aka Orange Cherry. Huge crops of 1" orange cherries. Very, very flavorful and crack resistant. Sweet Orange Roma An prolific producer of large, 1 1/2 x 3-inch, very pretty orange, meaty and great tasting Roma tomatoes. Late producing variety even as weather gets cool. Sweet Pea Currant The smallest tomato I've seen. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce large, wispy, regular-leaf, indeterminate tomato plants that yield thousands of 1/4-inch, deep red, currant tomatoes that have an excellent, rich, and complex sweet flavor. That's a lot of goodness for such a tiny fruit! Tomatoes resemble ruby jewels. Perfect tomato for decorating culinary dishes, snacking or mixing into a tomato salad. A wonderful novelty tomato. Tadesse A variety from Ethopia that yields 2 to 3-inch, round, red-pink fruit. Lots of good flavor with balanced acidity. Tangella A disease resistant, highly productive heirloom variety that produces clusters of 2-inch, round, bright-orange fruit containing an intense fruity flavors with a nice snappy tang. Taos Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce 6-ft., indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield good crops of 6 to 8ounce, slightly-flattened, round, red tomatoes that have a delicious sweet, zesty, moderately-acidic flavors. A real burst of deliciousness. This tomato variety does well in hotter, dry growing conditions and also produces well in cooler growing regions. This tomato variety is wonderful for canning, tomato juice or sliced up for tomato salads. Produces well until frost. Tappy’s Finest Heirloom beefsteak from West Virginia sometime before 1948. Plant bears up to 2 pound, dark-pink, slightly flattened, very meaty fruit with ribbed shoulders and few seeds. Loaded with sweet, rich flavors reminiscent of old-time tomatoes. Makes great tomato juice. Taps Regular leaf plant bears huge amount of gigantic, superbly flavored, pink globes. Dozens of one to two pound delicious beauties. Taxi The best tomato variety for an early, lemon-yellow tomato. Very popular. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce compact, bushy, determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield 4-6 ounce, meaty, uniformly-round, delicious, brightyellow tomatoes that are very sweet (almost seem acid-free). A wonderful choice to add a zesty spark to tomato salads. or a splash of bright yellow color to your favorite salsas. Tomatoes hold up well to slicing s they are very suitable for sandwiches. Taxi can be grown well in most areas. They even hold up well in hot, humid growing regions. Tennessee Surprise-Tomato Seeds Found by Tennessee road crew workers in the garden of an elderly lady, who had grown it as long as she could remember. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield moderate to heavy crops of 12-16 oz., orange-yellow beefsteak tomatoes with very subtle red blushing/striping. Slightly pleated fruit contains excellent sweet, well-balanced, old-time tomato flavors. A good sandwich and salad tomato. Rare tomato seeds. Tennessee Sweet-Tomato Seeds Seeds sent to me in 2003 from a gardener in Tennessee who claimed they were in his family for 50 years. Our organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular leaf tomato plants that yield, 12 oz., red, round, slicer tomatoes with good acid content for that old-fashioned tomato flavor. A good choice for a canning tomato or salad tomato or tomato sauce. Tennessee Yellow Cherry 1/2-inch yellow cherry in clusters of 6 to 8. Lusciously sweet with fruity flavors. Texas Star From the grand state of Texas. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce tall (naturally), indeterminate (naturally), regular-leaf tomato plants that yield lots of BIG, 1-2 lb., yellow tomatoes with red striping inside and out (and generally a reddish star on bottom end). Very sweet, with well-balanced acid content, making extremely flavorful tomatoes with few seeds. A good choice for a salad tomato, tomato sauce, slicing thick for sandwiches or eating fresh off the vine. I like to make a Texas Star tomato sauce for a Texas sized pasta. Here's one tomato that's 'Proud to be Texan.' Texas Wild All I really know is that the original seed of this tomato was collected from a patch of apparently "wild" tomatoes in southern Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce huge, sprawling, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that copiously yield hundreds of 1/2 to 3/4-inch, red, cherry tomatoes with a delicious, sweet-tartness to them. A really decent snacking tomato for all you Texans and wanna be Texans. Thai Pink A wonderful variety from Thailand that yields abundant quantities of 1 1/2-2 inch, smooth, rose-colored eggs. Small fruit ripens from pale to deep pink. Resists cracking even in heavy rain climates. Excellent taste! A basket of these beauties rivals a bouquet of roses as a gift. Thai Pink Egg Delicious, grape tomatoes from Thailand. This plant produces very large quantities of 1" x 1 3/4", 1 oz., brilliant, jade-pink fruits that look like pullet eggs. The crisp fruits burst with natural, candy-sweet flavor. This tomato is popular all over the Kingdom of Thailand. Perfect for fresh markets and snacking. Resists cracking even in heavy rain climates. A basket of these beauties rivals a bouquet of roses as a gift. Thessaloniki Greek. Exceptionally good yields of crack-free, red, 8 oz. globes that resist sun scald. Wonderful rich taste. Thieneman's Australian Heart-Tomato Seeds These tomato seeds were passed to the late Joe Thieneman, a nurseryman from Louisville, Kentucky by an Australian during WWII. Joe grew it continuously thereafter and to this day, his family still grows it and sells plants in their nursery. Seeds were passed to me and grown in my trials for 2 years before offering them now to our gardener friends. Our organic tomato seeds produce large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that are moderate to heavy producers of HUGE, red, 1 lb. meaty, heart-shaped tomatoes that are filled with wonderful, complex and well-balanced sweet flavors, with just enough acid to have you grateful for the experience. A good showplace tomato and perfect for slicing into sandwiches and salads and making tomato sauce. Rare tomato seeds. TomatoFest is one of the only commercial opportunities to obtain this seed. Tidwell German Family heirloom from David Pendergrass of Tennessee whose family has grown this variety since at least the 1920's. Big, regular-leaf plant produces prolific sets of 1-3 lb., pink, very meaty beefsteak fruits, with wonderful sweet flavors and lots of the kind of huge tomatoey flavors that we tomato lovers go crazy for. A winner for your garden! Tiger Paw A very productive heirloom from TN grower sent to me by Reinhart Kraft from Neukirchen, Germany. Pale yellow with pink blush, lightly lobed, flattened fruit (shape and markings like a cats paw) with thin skin a tropical-sweet flavor and a distinct hint of citrus. Exerted stigma so must grow away from other varieties. Very pretty fruit. Tigerella (AKA Mr. Stripey) - Highly productive, English vine that produces beautiful, silver-dollar sized, round fruits with redorange skin with golden-green to yellow jagged stripes. Red-orange, juicy flesh. Brisk, tangy (tart) flavor. Tim's Black Ruffles-Tomato Seeds A friend of Lisa Von Saunder (Tim) who has a degree in botany and ecology, and worked under the tutelage of famous gardener, writer and foodways scholar, William Woys Weaver, experimented for years with this fantastic tomato cross of Black Krim and Zapotec Pink Pleated. After several seasons he stabilized it and shared the seeds. Our organic tomato seeds produce large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield the most beautiful 8-10 oz., brilliant garnet purple and pleated tomatoes. Plant is a moderate to heavy producer of fruit. Fruit is packed with the delicious flavors you would expect from the best of the black tomatoes. Sweet, well-balanced and meaty. Makes a great purple tomato sauce and addition to tomato salad. Rare tomato seeds. TomatoFest is one of the only commercial sources for this wonderful tomato variety. A Gary Ibsen favorite. Tiny Tim-Tomato Seeds A true dwarf tomato plant. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce determinate, regular-leaf, miniature tomato plant that gets to 12" high that yields small braids of 3/4" red, round, cherry tomatoes. This is a perfect tomato for gardeners who wish to grow tomatoes in pots any time of the year inside the house or in limited space gardens outside. Fruit is juicy and has very good sweet/tart tomato flavors. An early season variety (50 days) for those who choose to harvest tomatoes as early as possible. Tlacolula Ribbed A Mexican heirloom producing flattish ribbed, pouched-shaped, 5-oz., red/pink fruit with some occassional light green striping. Slightly hollow, firm flesh with moderate juice. Good taste! Tobolsk-Tomato Seeds 100 year old heirloom, originally from the Urals near the city of Tobolsk, Russia. 3-inch, round, light yellow to orange fruit with excellent sweet flavors. Perfect balance of acid for it's deliciously sweet flavors. A rare and precious new find! Todd County Amish-Heirloom Tomato Seeds A genuine Amish family heirloom tomato. These heirloom tomato seeds came to me from Lisa Von Saunder, of Amishland, who got her seeds from an Amish Family who did not want their name given. I grew them out and l LOVED THEM! Our TomatoFest organic tomato seed produces indeterminate, potato-leaf, Tomato plants that yield HUGE, 1-2 lb., pink, beefsteak tomatoes that are lightly fluted and lightly flattened and contain wonderfully delicious, rich, complex, sweet, wellbalanced. old-fashioned tomato flavors. Fruit has little cracking or catfacing for such a large beefsteak type. Produces fruit until late in the season. A fabulous sandwich tomato or salad tomato. A Gary Ibsen favorite. Tommy Toe This heirloom tomato originating from the Ozark mountains is famous for its flavor. Out organic tomato seeds produce large sprawling plants that yield copious amounts of 1', bright red, cherry tomatoes with excellent flavor and plenty of juice. This variety has a good resistance to most diseases. Great for salads and can even be used for juice. This is the tomato that you eat as you're walking through the garden. Also a good choice for cooler growing regions. Tondino di Manduria Originally from Italy. Plants produce huge bunches of small, oblong, red, 2 1/2-inch paste tomato with a point on blossom end. Juicier and more flavorful than Roma. Trip-L-Crop Potato leaf with vigorous vines producing abundant quantities of very tasty, pink flattened globes. Trophy In 1870, Colonel George E Waring, of Newport, Rhode Island, sold these seeds at the enormous price of $5.00 per packet. Many purchased these seeds in pursuit of the $100.00 reward for the largest specimen tomato. At that time, nearly every seed company in America was carrying the Trophy variety as the first smooth, round tomatoes in clusters of 4-5. Our tomato seeds produce large indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield 6 to 8-ounce, round, red tomatoes with mild, sweet flavors. Tropic This variety developed by the Univ. of Florida is almost certain to grow in almost any climate. Very disease resistant, 9 oz. red fruit (with some green shoulders) is thick-walled and is excellent choice for garden or greenhouse production. Highly recommended for those areas that are hot and humid and prone to disease. Great sweet tomatoey flavors. Trucker's Favorite 2-inch, round, light-pink fruit with intense tomato flavor. Ukrainian Heart Craig Le Houllier received these seeds from Tania O'Neill, they have been in her family for years, who were originally from the Ukraine. This Russian heirloom produces large, pink, heart-shaped fruit with high shoulders. Great well-balanced fruity flavors. Ukrainian Pear Seeds brought back from Yalta, Ukrain by a Peace Corps volunteer. Hearty, large vines of this Ukrainian heirloom produces an abundance of dark pink, pear shaped that are 3-4 inches long. An unusual shape and a special treat of a tomato. Delicious swwet flavor. A winner! Ultimate Giant Seeds sent to me from Owen Lambert in West Virgina. According to Owen, a fellow from Wood County developed this variety years ago and his uncle who gave some tomatoes to a friend, who gave Owen 1 tomato for harvesting seed. The tomato was 9-inches across. My tomatoes have been averaging 4-5 inches, but I do not do as Owen does, cropping all but 1 tomato per plant. Valencia-Tomato Seeds Heirloom from Maine. Beautiful round, 10 ounce, orange fruits that contain a rich tomatoey flavor. Another good choice for cooler growing areas. Viktorina An excellent early Russian tomato. Huge crops of 2-inch, red, round fruits. A slight tart to it's sweetness.Thicker skin enables fruit to hold longer. Vinson Watts-Heirloom Tomato Seeds Offered the first time recently this heirloom tomato has proven to be popular with many people. Vinson Watts improved his namesake tomato for fifty-two summers. The original seed stock was from Lee County, Virginia and given to him in 1956 by his supervisor at Berea College. Half a century of starting plants from seeds and saving seeds from the most flavorful and disease-resistant tomatoes to repeat the cycle the next year. Watts grew up on Leatherwood Creek in Breathitt County during the Great Depression, when saving seeds from year to year was a necessity because no one could afford to buy new seeds. A friend of his, Bill Best, obtained some seeds from Watts in Morehead, KY. Best had since shared some Vinson Watts seeds with Merlyn Niedens, who past them to a friend, who passed them to me to grow and offer to you. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that generously yield 1 lb., deep-pink, flattened beefsteak tomatoes with a wonderful meaty texture and rich, award-winning flavors. Disease resistant. Rare heirloom tomato seeds. Vintage Wine A wonderful new addition to your garden. Pink with gold-striped, pastel-hued, 1 lb. tomato with pronounced, elegant sweet delicious flavor. Tall potato-leaf plant producing lots of fruit. Wapsipinicon Peach From Dennis Schlicht. Named after the Wapsipinicon River in Northeast Iowa. Similar to Peche Jaune. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf wispy, tomato plants that yield a tremendous amount (thousands) of 1 1/2 to 2-inch, delicate, fuzzy-like-a-peach, pale-yellow (with a tinges of pink), juicy, tomatoes with wonderful, slightlyspicy, very fruity-sweet flavors. Harvest is good all the way to frost. A novelty tomato that is sooo sweet, it begs for eating right off the vine. A Gary Ibsen 'personal favorite.' They won't be able to keep from smiling after tasting this! Washington Cherry Developed by the Washington State University for cooler growing regions and for market. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce compact, prolific, determinate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield huge amounts of 1-inch, red cherry tomatoes that are very flavorful and meaty. An excellent shipping variety for market. Good storage tomato. Suitable for home garden and market growers. Determinate. pk/20 Watermelon Beefsteak-Tomato Seeds This heirloom tomato dates back 100 years. Our seed originated with the famed seedsman George Gleckler. This is the true Watermelon Beefsteak. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produces indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield HUGE, 1-2 lb., pink, beefsteak tomatoes that are lightly scalloped and loaded with deliciously rich and complex, old-time tomato flavors. West Virginia Large, 1 lb., golden fruit,. Very good sweet flavor. White Potato leaf plant producing high yields of 6-8 oz. (3 1/2 inch) white (inside and out) fruit, turning pale yellow when ripe. Very good, mild flavor. White Beauty Slightly flattened, round tomato 6-8 oz. The fruit is creamy white on the inside and outside. Fruit has a luscious sweetness with enough acid balance to keep taste from being wimpy like many others of this color. White Bush A leafy big plant that yields 2-inch round white fruit with sweet flavor good acid balance. White Queen Seeds obtained by Craig Lehoullier from the USDA and shared with Dr. Carolyn Male for grow out. This heirloom variety offers some of the nicest shape and whitest color of any of the "white" varieties. Beefsteak-style fruit weighs to 12 oz. and is smooth skinned with ribbed shoulders. Some fruits have a pink blush or streaks on their blossom ends that ripen to a pale creamy yellow. Tomatoes are juicy and sweet. White Rabbit-Tomato Seeds Heirloom developed by Joe Bratka. A large sprawling plant with many clusters of creamy white cherry fruits with excellent flavor. Wickline Cherry An heirloom cherry tomato from Pennsylvania. Big, leafy, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield HUGE crops of 1" x 1½", pinkish-red, egg-shaped, cherry tomatoes borne in clusters of four, with an exceptional, pronounced, sweet, well-balanced, flavor. A cold and hot tolerant tomato that stores well, making this tomato variety a good choice for farmer's market and shipping to restaurant chefs. Produces well in hot and humid growing conditions. Very popular with chefs for salads and culinary creations. Winsall A disease resistant heirloom named in 1925, in a contest for a name. A personal favorite and consistent choice for my garden year after year. Slightly flattened, beautiful, blemish-free, rose-pink fruits, 1 to 2-pounds with firm flesh and lots of delicious juice. Outstanding true tomatoey flavor, intense, balanced and sweet. A County Fair winner for me. Best enjoyed on its own. Wisconsin 55 This wonderful variety is a great all purpose tomato. I like it more than the Rutgers Improved because it has better taste and larger fruit. Originally bred by J.C. Walker of the Univ. of Wisconsin in the 1940's. 4-8 oz, red, round fruit, highly productive, uniform size, strong skin and wonderful flavor makes this ideal for cooking, canning, salads and shipping. Wolford's Wonder Seeds from this variety came from a Big Tomato contest winner grown by Max Wolford. Produces large, firm, heartshaped, 4 x 5-inch fruits that have thick, pink-red skins, but few seeds. Exceptionally juicy and very tasty. I can sum it up with, WOW!!! Wonder Light-Tomato Seeds aka Plum Lemon. Seed for this was collected in 1991 from an old seedsman in Moscow. Fruit is pointed on it's ends just like a lemon with solid meat, almost like a paste tomato. 2 x 3-inch (6 oz.) fruit is a bright, clear-yellow tomato with mild sweet flavor. Perfect tomato for salads, tomato sauce or even a wonderful yellow catsup. Yasha Yugoslavian Seeds for heirloom tomato, Yasha Yugoslavian, were given to Dr. Carolyn Male by Yasha Crnkovic, who obtained them from relatives in the Vojvod area of Yugoslavia. TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce vigorous, indeterminate, regularleaf tomato plants that yield large amounts of extra-large, 1-2 pound, heart-shaped, pink beefsteak tomatoes that are fullflavored, deliciously juicy . A crack-resistant tomato variety. A great tomato for eating fresh in salads or sliced thick for sandwiches. Rare tomato seeds. Yellow Brimmer A beefsteak variety that yields large yellow-orange fruit with a mild, sweet, luscious flavor. Yellow Cherry 1/2 inch golden-yellow cherry tomato loaded with sweet tomato flavors. Yellow Gooseberry Very prolific plant producing 1-inch, yellow-orange cherries with very big sweet flavors. Yellow Marble Our tomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce tall, extremely vigorous and productive, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield big clusters of 1/2 to 3/4-inch, marble-size, yellow cherry tomatoes. An early producer and late season producer, of delicious, sweet (not overly sweet) cherry tomatoes. Great for snacking on from the vine or using in tomato salads and as a decorative addition to culinary dishes. Disease resistant. A good tomato for growing in cooler growing regions. Yellow Pear Clusters of small bright-yellow, pear-shaped fruit. Very tasty. Like eatin' candy. Yellow Perfection This potato leaf heirloom originally from an old British seed company produces 1 1/2 to 2-inch, round, brilliant-yellow, thinskinned and delicious fruits. And they are . . .Perfect! Yellow Ping Pong Yellow version of the very popular Pink Ping Pong. Plant produces clusters of 1 1/2 inch golden yellow ping ball shaped fruit. Deliciously sweet and juicy with a hint of lemon to it's taste finish. Great for snacking, salads and sauce. Yellow River A wonderful 2-3 oz. yellow, plum-shaped tomato with very good sweet tomato flavors. Very suitable for canning or use in a tomato sauce. Yellow Ruffled Included in gardens because of exciting appearance. This "stuffer" has 2 to 3-inch fruit, deeply pleated like an accordion, with a hollow seed cavity perfect for stuffing. Pleasing, mild flavor. Yellow Russian 3-inch yellow flattened globes with a mild but sweet flavor. Yellow Stone Prolific plant yielding 3-inch (12 oz.) round, orange-yellow fruit with red blush on end and mild, luscious, fruity taste. Yoder's Yellow German-Tomato Seeds From Mrs. Yoder grown in her Amish family for more than 50 years. Our Tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield 10-16 oz., gold (not yellow), round, beefsteak tomatoes wit very good , slightly more acidic, flavors making this a great choice as a canning tomato or for cutting into salads. Zapotec Pleated Prolific plant producing deeply pleated, (almost triangular in shape) pink-red fruit, somewhat hollow interior, Mexican Indian variety. Mild flavors. Zarnitza A short indeterminate heirloom from a region 50 miles south of Moscow. (Zarnitsa translates as "Summer Lightning.") A very early and prolific variety the produces red, 2 1/2-inches. Disease and crack resistant. Delicious, sweet, buttery and juicy. One of the best early varieties. Zhefen Seeds sent to me in 2001 from a farmer in the Zhengjiang province of China as a family favorite. I've trialed this variety for 4 years and have found it to be a wonderful tomato. From this 6' plant an abundance of beautiful pink, slightly oval 3-inch fruit with good juice, sweet/acid balance and great taste. Zhefen Short Seeds sent to me in 2001 from a farmer in the Zhengjiang province of China as a family favorite. I've trialed this variety for 4 years and have found it to be a wonderful tomato. From this 6' plant an abundance of beautiful pink, slightly oval 3-inch fruit with good juice, sweet/acid balance and great taste. A winner for a shortseason area or patio tomato. Zhezha Seeds sent to me in 2001 from a farmer in the Zhengjiang province of China as a heat-tolerant favorite. I've trialed this variety for 4 years and have found it to be a wonderful tomato. This short plant produces huge quantities of red, round, 10 oz. produced in clusters of 4-6 fruits. A thicker shin than most heirlooms. Juicy and tasty! Good disease resistence. Zogola Heirloom beefsteak from Poland. Produces luscious 1 pound, crimson-red fruit borne from abundant clusters. Tomatoes reach 4 inches across, slightly flattened with mild fluting at the shoulders. Very juicy with a balanced and full sweet flavor. TomatoFest® is a registered trademark and cannot be used without permission of the owner, Gary Ibsen. All copy and photographs on this website are copyright © 1991-2009 by TomatoFest®. All rights reserved.