Program Book - UKC 2016


Program Book - UKC 2016
About KSEA
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) is a 44-year-old non-profit national-level
professional organization. It is open for individuals residing in the USA who are engaged in science,
engineering or a related field.
The KSEA’s objectives are:
• To promote the application of science and technology for the general welfare of society;
• To foster the cooperation of international science communities especially among the US and Korea;
• To serve the majority of Korean-American Scientists and Engineers and help them to develop their full
career potential.
KSEA has 78 Chapters/Branches, 13 Technical Groups and 27 Affiliated Professional Societies (APS)
covering all major branches of science and engineering. Since its birth in 1971, KSEA has been
recognized as the main representative organization promoting the common interests of KoreanAmerican scientists and engineers toward meeting the objectives mentioned above.
KSEA welcomes participation from 1.5th-Generation, 2nd-Generation, and 3rd-Generation KoreanAmerican scientists and engineers including the mixed-race and adoptee communities. KSEA promotes
helping younger-generation Korean-Americans to be aware of the rapid advances in science and
engineering occurring both inside and outside of the US. Especially, it is helping to create opportunities
for young generation members to interact with talented scientists and engineers in Korea.
The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), founded in Sept.1966, is a
leading organization representing 5 million Korean scientists and engineers. Its members consist of 595
science and technology organizations including academic societies across all science and technology
sectors (science, engineering, agriculture and fisheries, healthcare, etc.), a range of relevant
associations and government-funded research institutes, and 18 overseas Korean scientists and
engineers associations. KOFST has firmly established itself as the center for developing science and
technology and strengthening international competitiveness of Korea.
KOFST was established with aims to:
• Foster and support the science and technology organizations
• Promote public understanding of science and technology
• Encourage scientists and engineers to engage in social activities and enhance their roles and rights
• Contribute to development of national science and technology through research, planning, survey
and consultation on science and technology policies
To mark the 50th anniversary of KOFST in 2016, we will host “World-Korea Conference 2016” in
commemoration of the 50th anniversary of KOFST” in COEX, Seoul, which will serve as a venue to build
a consensus with international scientists and engineers about the creative economy based on science
and technology, to encourage them to expedite outcome, and to make a pledge for great strides towards
the future.
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers
Association (KSEA)
UKC 2015
US-Korea Conference (UKC 2015)
Pursuing Excellence with a Servant’s Heart
Co-Organized with
The Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies (KOFST)
The Korea-US Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO)
Table of Contents
Message from UKC 2015 Chair ............................................................................................................... 6
Message from UKC 2015 Co-Chair ......................................................................................................... 7
Message from NRF/KUSCO President .................................................................................................... 8
Message from UKC 2015 Program Chair ................................................................................................ 9
Plenary Keynote Speakers .................................................................................................................... 10
UKC 2015 Organizers ........................................................................................................................... 14
2015 KSEA Award Winners................................................................................................................... 16
2015 Young Investigator Grant Winner ................................................................................................. 19
Distinguished Sponsor Award ............................................................................................................... 19
Distinguished Service Member Award ................................................................................................... 20
Program at a Glance ............................................................................................................................. 21
Symposium Location ............................................................................................................................. 22
Forum Location ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Conference Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 24
Symposiums ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Table ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Basic Science Program ..................................................................................................................... 27
Physics Symposium (PHY) ............................................................................................................ 27
Math/Stat Symposium (MST) ......................................................................................................... 29
Chemistry Symposium (CHM) ........................................................................................................ 32
Industry Technology Program ............................................................................................................ 35
Chemical Engineering Symposium (CHE) ...................................................................................... 35
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Symposium (CIT) ............................................ 37
Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Symposium (FAN) ......................................................................... 40
Materials Science and Engineering Symposium (MSE) .................................................................. 43
Mechanical, Aerospace and Naval Engineering Symposium (MAN) ............................................... 45
Civil, Environmental and Architecture Symposium (CEA) ............................................................... 47
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Symposium (EEC) ..................................................... 51
Emerging Technology Program ......................................................................................................... 53
Bio, Medical and Pharmaceutical Symposium (BMP) ..................................................................... 53
Convergence Technology Symposium (CNV) ................................................................................ 57
KSEA Forum...................................................................................................................................... 61
Young Generation and Professional Forum (YGPF) ....................................................................... 61
Forums .................................................................................................................................................. 64
Table ................................................................................................................................................. 64
Thursday ........................................................................................................................................... 65
CJ .................................................................................................................................................. 65
IP ................................................................................................................................................... 66
KAST ............................................................................................................................................. 67
KBSI............................................................................................................................................... 68
KEI/KEITI ....................................................................................................................................... 69
KHIDI ............................................................................................................................................. 70
KIC ................................................................................................................................................. 71
KIER/EUREKA ............................................................................................................................... 72
KIMM ............................................................................................................................................. 73
KISTEP .......................................................................................................................................... 74
KITECH.......................................................................................................................................... 75
KOFAC-AAAS ................................................................................................................................ 76
RISE .............................................................................................................................................. 77
WCSE ............................................................................................................................................ 79
Friday ................................................................................................................................................ 80
FOOD ............................................................................................................................................ 80
GIST .............................................................................................................................................. 81
KAST ............................................................................................................................................. 82
KHIDI ............................................................................................................................................. 83
KWiSE-KOFWST ........................................................................................................................... 84
KWiSE-BT ...................................................................................................................................... 85
LG CHEM....................................................................................................................................... 86
SEOUL ........................................................................................................................................... 87
ULTRA ........................................................................................................................................... 88
2015 KSEA-KUSCO Graduate Scholarship Winners ............................................................................. 89
UKC 2015 Sponsors ............................................................................................................................. 90
Advertisements of UKC 2015 Sponsors ................................................................................................ 93
Meeting Area Map ............................................................................................................................... 115
Directions from Hyatt Hotel to Georgia Aquarium ................................................................................ 118
Poster Session Map ............................................................................................................................ 119
Message from UKC 2015 Chair
Distinguished Guests, Fellow KSEA Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my honor and pleasure to welcome all of you to the 2015 US-Korea
Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC 2015), jointly
organized by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA)
and The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST). The
theme of UKC 2015 is “Pursuing Excellence with a Servant’s Heart” and its goal
is to promote the spirit of service in pursuing technical excellence by
exemplifying those who have led such a life of service.
On the technical side of the conference, we are excited to announce twelve symposia for UKC 2015.
World-class researchers will share their knowledge and experience, covering a wide range of most
science and engineering areas. The presentations and discussions in these symposia will surely give
participants excellent direction regarding future research in their respective fields.
The other backbone component of UKC 2015 is a group of named forums that are designed to meet the
specific needs of sponsors who will provide opportunities to develop state-of-the-art research ideas and
proposals, panel meetings of top-quality experts in the sponsors’ areas of interest, and inputs to the
sponsors’ research programs from independent experts, to name a few examples. The sponsor-named
forums will provide excellent opportunities for outstanding scientists, engineers, professors, high-ranking
government officials, industry executives, and policy-makers from both the US and Korea to exchange
ideas and develop avenues for networking and research collaboration beyond UKC 2015.
Another unique feature of UKC 2015 is that we will highlight the spirit of our theme, “Pursuing
Excellence with a Servant’s Heart,” by having KSEA members with artistic abilities share their talents
with us during Thursday dinner at Georgia Aquarium. These performances and shows will enliven the
spirit of the conference and allow us all to enjoy seeing a different side to our scientific, business, or
academic lives.
All of these excellent programs could not have been developed without a group of strong, dedicated
leaders with servants’ hearts. My sincere thanks go to the members of the Executive Committee,
Program Committee including Symposium Chairs and Co-Chairs, the Local Arrangement Committee,
the Sponsor Program Committee, the IT and Website Committee, and, last but not least, dedicated
On behalf of the KSEA and the UKC organizing committees, I express my sincere gratitude to all the
distinguished guests and KSEA members for their participation in UKC 2015. I hope that you will find the
conference and your stay in Atlanta both inspiring and enjoyable.
Youngsoo Richard Kim
UKC 2015 Chair and KSEA 44th President
Jimmy D. Clark Distinguished University Professor
Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professor
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
Message from UKC 2015 Co-Chair
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of my distinguished guests to attend the 2015 USKorea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship. Let me express my sincere
appreciation to the members of the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, including
President Young-Soo Kim, for all of your dedication and commitment in hosting today’s conference.
Since its inception in 1971, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association has contributed to
build up a strong network of science and technology through a diverse range of programs such as
National Math and Science Competition, Scientists and Engineers Early-career Development.
Honorable Scientists and Engineers!
This UKC-2015 is taking place under the slogan of “Pursuing Excellence with a Servant’s Heart” with an
intention to offer a desirable future direction for science and technology of Korea and the US by listening
to your voices and demand with a humble attitude. It is my sincere hope that today’s meeting will serve
as a precious opportunity to exchange useful information in areas of joint research and ultimately
contribute to the advancement of science and technology in both countries. Moreover, in honor of the
50th anniversary of Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), we will hold
World Congress of Scientists and Engineers in July next year in Seoul to reflect the science and
technology development in Korea in the past half century and to present a vision for the next half
I hereby ask all scientists and engineers who have attended this conference to actively participate in the
World Congress next year in Seoul. Taking this opportunity, KOFST, in collaboration with KoreanAmerican Scientists and Engineers Association, will exert our utmost efforts to promote cooperation and
development of S&T among the Korean people. Once again, let me offer my special thanks to all of you,
who join us today, and I wish all the best and success for all of us here.
Thank you.
July 30, 2015
Boo-Sup Lee
President of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
Message from NRF/KUSCO President
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen!
It is my great honor to congratulate “2015 US-Korea Conference”. First of all, I would like to express my
warm-hearted welcome to all of you, outstanding scientists, engineers, professors, industry executives,
and policy-makers from the both US and Korea. I believe your dedicated participation makes this
conference meaningful.
I also would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation to staff members from each
side of the countries for their hard work behind the scenes and tremendous efforts putting this
conference together.
Since 2003, we have sought to transfer our relationship into more strategic, progressive, and
cooperative partnership through the US-Korea Conference in direct response to the emergence of the
knowledge-based society of the 21st century.
The main theme of this year is “Pursuing Excellence with a Servant's Heart”. We expect that this
conference provides a platform for world-class researchers to share their knowledge and experience
through in-depth discussions in the major fields such as science, engineering, and convergence
technologies as new growth engines of the world economy.
I truly hope that this conference becomes an opportunity to build a solid cooperation between the two
nations, leading to numerous and productive joint projects making our science, technology and R&D
progress further than ever before.
In closing my remarks, I highly encourage you to make the conference dynamic by sharing your valuable
expertise with industry leading scientists, engineers, and companies from the US and Korea. Your active
participation will make the conference all the more fruitful.
Thank you again for participating in the UKC 2015.
August, 2015
Min K. Chung
Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center
National Research Foundation of Korea
Message from UKC 2015 Program Chair
A warm southern welcome to the Big Peach, Atlanta!
On behalf of the Program Committee, I am very pleased and honored to welcome you and present the
program of UKC 2015. The technical program of UKC 2015 includes plenary sessions, symposiums,
and forums under a common theme, “Pursuing Excellence with a Servant’s Heart” to promote the spirit
of service in pursuing technical excellence by exemplifying those who have led such a life of service.
Three plenary sessions are organized including five speakers pursing excellence with a servant’s heart.
Invited plenary speakers will share their life experiences of professional service in science, engineering,
and medicine.
Symposium sessions are organized to keep continuity from previous UKC. Twelve symposiums will
cover disciplinary areas of basic science, industry technology, and emerging technology. Each
symposium has 6 to 8 oral sessions and 1 poster session with exciting topics covering most recent
science and technology. For the preparation of Symposiums, 12 symposium chairs and 25 symposium
co-chairs have been served since September, 2014.
This year, UKC 2015 offers increased the number of forums to encourage proactive participation of
sponsors to the program. Twenty one forums are organized by sponsors and symposium chairs. These
forums include invited talks, panel discussion, proposal competition, and networking events for
contemporary and emerging topics.
I wish to acknowledge Program Co-Chairs/Committee, Executive Committee, Local Arrangement
Committee, Sponsor Program Committee, Symposium Chair/Co-Chairs, IT and Website Committee, as
well as all the participants to UKC 2015.
Please take the opportunity to participate all possible parts of the program during UKC 2015. I sincerely
hope that the participation will further prepare our hearts to pursue professional excellence for the
service to our society.
Sung Woo Kim
UKC 2015 Program Chair and KSEA 44 Vice President
Professor of Nutrition
University Faculty Scholar
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
Plenary Keynote Speakers
A Personal Perspective into Life, Society and Consciousness
Dr. Sang-Mook Lee is an Associate Professor at the School of Earth and
Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea where he
specializes in Marine Geology and Geophysics. He also heads the
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Program in Computational Sciences and the
graduate program in Computational Science and Technology.
Dr. Sang-Mook Lee
Associate Professor
Seoul National University
Sang-Mook received BS from Seoul National University in 1985 and PhD from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution in 1995. He is also an Associate Member to the Korean Academy of
Science and Technology.
On July 2, 2006, during a geologic field trip in California dessert, Sang-Mook
was critically injured in a van rollover accident which made him quadriplegic.
The accident made him completely paralyzed neck down. Nobody thought he
would return. However, in less than six months, he returned back to the
university on electric wheelchair. His incredible comeback was reported
nationwide, which made him a celebrity overnight.
Sang-Mook has been a key person in Korea advocating the use of information
and communication technology as a means to address personal and social
problems. Since 2010, he has spearheaded the Quality of Life Technology
Program in Korea, a multimillion-dollar initiative to develop assistive
technology and provide high-level education for people with disability. He has
served on several top-level government committees including the Presidential
Council for Information Society (2009-2013) and currently serves in the
Disability Policy Coordination Council under the Prime Minister, Sustainable
Development Committee for Metropolitan Seoul, and the advisory board of
Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education. In addition to devoting his time in
teaching and scientific research, Sang-Mook makes many public talks on
diverse topics from earth history and human existence to disability and
technology. His story was also featured in the New York Times, NOVA and
Engaging with DPRK through Science Diplomacy with a Servant's
Dr. Chan-Mo Park
PUST (Pyongyang University
of Science & Technology)
Professor Chan-Mo Park was the 4th President of Pohang University of
Science & Technology (POSTECH) from September, 2003 to August, 2007.
After retiring from POSTECH Prof. Park served as a Special Advisor on S&T
to the President of ROK (South Korea) and a President of National Research
Foundation (NRF) of Korea before he assumed a Chancellor position with
Pyongyang University of Science & Technology (PUST) in October, 2010. A
Christian-based PUST is a unique private and global university in DPRK
(North Korea).
Prof. Park received his B.S. degree from Seoul National University and M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Maryland, College Park. He earned
an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the University of Maryland
University College in 2001 in recognition of his scholarly achievements and
distinguished service. In 1995, he was elected as a Fellow by the Korean
Academy of Sciences and Technology.
Dr. Park's experience includes professorships in the Computer Science
Departments at the University of Maryland, College Park, KAIST, Korea,
Professor and Chairman at The Catholic University of America, Washington
D.C. and professorship at POSTECH, Korea. He has also taught for the
Boston University Overseas Program in Germany and the University of
Maryland Asian Division in Japan. His major research interests are Digital
Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and System
Simulation. For the past several years, he has been involved with research
activities concerning information technology (IT) development in DPRK and
carried out a joint research on virtual reality with Pyongyang Informatics
Center (PIC) in Pyongyang, DPRK for seven years.
Dr. Park was decorated by the Republic of Korea with the National Order of
Camellia in 1986 for his contributions to the advancement of science and
technology in Korea and received the Teacher of the Year Award from The
Catholic University of America in 1987 for his excellence in teaching. In June,
2005 he was decorated by the Republic of Korea with the Blue Stripes Order
of Service Merit for his contributions on information technology development in
Korea and collaborations with DPRK. Prof. Park also received the International
Alumnus Award from the University of Maryland, College Park in April, 2009
for providing significant leadership to another country's educational, cultural,
social and/or economic development.
The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science is Still a Boys' Club
Dr. Eileen Pollack was born and grew up in Liberty, N.Y., the heart of the Jewish
Catskills, where her grandparents owned and operated a small hotel and her
father was the town dentist. A graduate of Yale University with a BS in physics,
Eileen later earned an MFA from the University of Iowa, where she was awarded
a Teaching-Writing Fellowship.
Dr. Eileen Pollack
University of Michigan
She is the author of a collection of short fiction, The Rabbi in the Attic and Other
Stories, a novel, Paradise, New York, and a work of creative nonfiction called
Woman Walking Ahead: In Search of Catherine Weldon and Sitting Bull, which
won a 2003 WILLA finalist award.
A second collection of stories and novellas called In the Mouth was published in
2008 by Four Way Books and was named the winner of the 2008 Edward Lewis
Wallant Award, which is presented annually to an American writer whose
published creative work of fiction is considered to have significance for the
American Jew, in addition to being shortlisted for the Sophie Brody Medal for
Jewish literature, chosen as a finalist for the Paterson Fiction Award, and
awarded a silver medal in ForeWord Magazine's 2008 Book of the Year Awards.
Eileen's second novel, Breaking and Entering, was published in January 2012 by
Four Way Books and soon after was awarded the 2012 Grub Street National
Book Prize and named a New York Times Editor's Choice selection; the novel
follows the experiences of Louise and Richard Shapiro, who, with their young
daughter, Molly, move from ultra-liberal Marin County, California, to a quaint,
rural town in the Midwest, only to discover that most of their neighbors belong to
the Michigan Militia.
Eileen's essays, articles, and reviews have appeared in many periodicals. Most
recently, her article "Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?" appeared
in the Sunday, October 6, 2013, issue of The New York Times Magazine; the
essay is an excerpt from her nonfiction book The Only Woman in the Room:
Why Science Is Still a Boys' Club, which is due to be published in September
2015 by Beacon Press. Her innovative textbook and anthology, Creative
Nonfiction: A Guide to Form, Content, and Style, with Readings, was published
in January 2009 by Wadsworth/Cengage; a companion volume, Creative
Composition, which she co-authored with Jeremiah Chamberlin and Natalie
Bakopoulos, is available from the same publisher.
Eileen has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the
Michener Foundation, the Rona Jaffe Foundation, and the Massachusetts Arts
Council. Her stories have appeared in journals such as Ploughshares, Prairie
Schooner, Michigan Quarterly Review, SubTropics, Agni, and New England
Review. Her novella "The Bris" was chosen to appear in the Best American
Short Stories 2007 anthology, edited by Stephen King, while her stories have
been awarded two Pushcart Prizes, the Cohen Award for best fiction of the year
from Ploughshares, and similar awards from Literary Review and MQR. Her
essay "Pigeons" was selected by Cheryl Strayed for the 2013 edition of the Best
American Essays. She lives part of the year in Manhattan and part of the year in
Ann Arbor, where she is a professor on the faculty of the Helen Zell MFA
Program in Creative Writing at the University of Michigan.
Pursuing Excellence with a Servant's Heart
Dr. Sung-Mo Steve Kang
Sung-Mo "Steve" Kang has been a leader in higher education for over two
decades. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from UC Berkeley in 1975, and was a
member of technical staff at AT&T Bell Labs until he joined the faculty of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 1985. At UIUC, he was a
professor of electrical and computer engineering, associate director of the NSF
Engineering Research Center for Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics,
and department head. From January 2001 to February 2007 he was dean of
the Baskin School of Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz
(UCSC). From March 2007 to June 2011, he was chancellor of the University
of California, Merced, and the newest 10th UC campus. In July 2011, he
returned to UCSC as a distinguished professor of engineering and joined EPFL
at Lausanne Switzerland as a visiting professor in the first half of 2012. In
February 2013, he became the 15th president of Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology (KAIST).
He has served as president of the Silicon Valley Engineering Council and the
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE
Transactions on VLSI Systems, and on the editorial board of the Proceedings
of the IEEE. He has received numerous awards, including the Alexander von
Humboldt Award for Senior US Scientists, the IEEE Mac Van Valkenburg
Award, the SRC Technical Excellence Award, the IEEE Field Award in
Graduate Teaching, the KBS Award, the Chang-Lin Tien Education Leadership
Award, the Korean-American Leadership Award, the KAST Engineering Award,
and distinguished alumni awards from the UC Berkeley and Yonsei University,
and the Pinnacle Award from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
He is a member of the Korea Academy of Science and Technology (KAST),
the National Academy of Engineering, Korea, and the California Council for
Science and Technology. Also, he is a fellow of the IEEE, the ACM, and the
AAAS; a member of the National Academy of Engineering, Korea; Korean
Academy of Science and Technology; the Presidential Council on Science and
Technology, Korea; International Academic Advisory Panel (IAAP), Ministry of
Education Singapore; Global Universities Leaders Forum (GULF), World
Economic Forum.
Caring for Patients with Ebola and Minimizing Risk to Staff
G. Marshall Lyon, III, MD, MMSc is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the
Division of Infectious Diseases at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr.
Lyon is the Director of Transplant Infectious Diseases at the Emory Transplant
Center and Emory University School of Medicine.
G. Marshall Lyon, MD
Associate Professor
Emory University
UKC 2015 Organizers
Conference Chair / Co-Chairs
Conference Chair: Youngsoo Richard Kim (KSEA 44 President / North Carolina State Univ)
Conference Co-Chair: Boo-Sup Lee (KOFST President / Korea Engineers Club)
Executive Committee
Youngsoo Richard Kim (KSEA 44 President / North Carolina State Univ)
Hun-Gyu Lee (KOFST Secretary General)
Sung Woo Kim (Program Chair / North Carolina State Univ)
Sang Hyuck Park (Local Arr. Chair / Georgia Gwinnett College)
Soolyeon Cho (Sponsor Program Chair / North Carolina State Univ)
Sunkyu Park (Finance Director / North Carolina State Univ)
Myung Jong Lee (Advisor)
Program Committee
Chair: Sung Woo Kim (North Carolina State Univ)
Co-Chairs: Eun-Suk Seo (Univ of Maryland), Woo Il Lee (Seoul National Univ)
Benjamin Lee (INVIA)
Physics Symposium (PHY)
Chair: Chueng-Ryong Ji (NCSU)
Co-Chairs: Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang Univ), Jaehoon Yu (UT-Arlington)
Math/Stat Symposium (MST)
Chair: Jangwoon Lee (UMW)
Co-Chairs: Grace Hyun J Kim (UCLA), Dohan Kim (Seoul National Univ)
Chemistry Symposium (CHM)
Chair: Chang Y. Ryu (RPI)
Co-Chairs: Dong Ha Kim (Ewha Womans Univ), Seung Woo Lee (GA Tech), Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M Univ)
Chemical Engineering Symposium (CHE)
Chair: Gyeong Soon Hwang (UT-Austin)
Co-Chairs: Jong Min Lee (Seoul National Univ), Hyunmin Yi (Tufts Univ)
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Symposium (CIT)
Chair: Minkyong Kim (IBM)
Co-Chairs: Songkuk Kim (Yonsei Univ), Yoonsuck Choe (Texas A&M)
Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Symposium (FAN)
Chair: Hee-Yong Kim (NIH)
Co-Chairs: Youngmo Yoon (Sensient), Mi-Kyung Sung (Sook-Myung Univ)
Materials Science and Engineering Symposium (MSE)
Chair: Choonkun Park (KITECH)
Co-Chairs: Minseo Park (Auburn Univ), Jiyoung Kim (UT-Dallas)
Mechanical, Aerospace and Naval Engineering Symposium (MAN)
Chair: Hyoung Jin Cho (Univ of Central Florida)
Co-Chairs: Joong Myeon Bae (KAIST), Eui-Hyeok Yang (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Civil, Environmental and Architecture Symposium (CEA)
Chair: Byungkyu Brian Park (Univ of VA)
Co-Chairs: Jae Hyeon Ryu (Univ of Idaho), Hyoseop Woo (KICT)
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Symposium (EEC)
Chair: Tae (Tom) Oh (RIT)
Co-Chairs: Joeng Nyeo Kim (ETRI), Kyuwon (Ken) Choi (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Bio, Medical and Pharmaceutical Symposium (BMP)
Chair: Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
Co-Chairs: Jong Park (Moffitt), In Chull Kim (National Onco Venture)
Convergence Technology Symposium (CNV)
Chair: Hanjoong Jo (GA Tech)
Co-Chairs: Sang-Hoon Lee (Korea Univ), Ho-Wook Jun (Univ of AL-Birmingham)
Young Generation and Professional Forum
Chair: Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
Co-Chairs: Jim Hyung Lee (StrengthsForth), Jin-Hwa Chun (Fluor Corporation)
Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook “DK” Kim (Dalton State College)
Sponsor Program Committee
Chair: Soolyeon Cho (North Carolina State Univ)
Co-Chairs: Steve Moon, Sang Hyuck Park (Georgia Gwinnett College)
Local Arrangement Committee
Chair: Sang Hyuck Park (Georgia Gwinnett College)
Soolyeon Cho (North Carolina State Univ)
Bongkyoung Kwon (Nokia Inc.)
ChongWoo Park (Georgia Gwinnett College)
Seung Soon Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
HyoJoo Han (Georgia Southern Univ)
Jeong Chang Seong (Univ of West Georgia)
Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
IT / Website / Booklet Committee
Chair: Chang Soo Nam (North Carolina State Univ)
Bongkyoung Kwon (Nokia Inc.)
Sungae Park (Webmaster / Cotton Inc.)
Juhee Bae (Webmaster, Program Book / North Carolina State Univ)
2015 KSEA Award Winners
2015 Outstanding Contributions to KSEA Awards presented by
Dr. Ki Dong Lee
Professor Emeritus
University of Illinois at
Dr. Ki Dong Lee is a professor emeritus of University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, and has been a member of KSEA for 38 years. As president,
chapter president, councilor, committee chair, and committee member, Dr.
Lee has made outstanding life-time contributions to KSEA. As the 27th
(1998-1999) President, he started the first young-generation leadership
conference, in which 76 YG members participated, with major funding from
KUSCO and SAIT. Following this model the following year, KOFST started
their own YG Forum with YGs participating from all around the world. In spite
of funding difficulty during the IMF time in Korea, he organized a major USKorea Technical Conference, a predecessor of UKC, especially for the
advancement of science and technology in both countries. His administration
also initiated the foundation fund to cope with an unexpected funding/income
shortage possible in the future. As of today the fund, which kept growing,
provides the association with a financial stability in case of emergency. After
his presidency, he has continued to contribute to KSEA as councilor and
committee chair for the last 16 years.
2015 Outstanding Contribution to KSEA Award presented by
Dr. Sungmo Steve Kang
Dr. Sungmo Kang is the President of KAIST. Previously he was the
Chancellor of the University of California -Merced, the Dean of the Jack
Baskin School of Engineering at the University of California -Santa Cruz, and
the Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a fellow of IEEE, ACM and
AAAS, and has received many awards including IEEE Millennium Medal and
KBS Award. He was a keynote speaker for six previous UKCs and he is
scheduled to deliver a plenary speech at upcoming UKC2015. He was an
invited speaker at many chapter and regional conferences including NY
Metro, Southern California and Sacramento. When he was a young faculty,
he served the KSEA as the president of the Central Illinois Chapter. Dr. Kang
has also been an inspiring role model for many young generation KSEA
members as well as fellow members, and now for many science and
engineering students in Korea.
2015 Scientist of the Year Award presented by KSEA and KOFST
Dr. Eun-Suk Seo
University of Maryland
Dr. Seo is a full Professor at the University of Maryland (UMD) and is an
elected fellow of the American Physical Society. She has a joint appointment
in the Department of Physics and the Institute for Physical Science and
Technology. She has been at the UMD since 1991. Dr. Seo has been leading
the UMD Cosmic Ray Physics Group in developing satellite and balloon borne
instruments for direct measurements of cosmic rays over more than six orders
of magnitude (factor of a million) in energy. These instruments have been
used to search for exotic sources, such as dark matter and antimatter, and to
explore a possible limit to particle acceleration in supernova. They have also
been used to study cosmic-ray origin, acceleration and propagation. As
Principal Investigator for CREAM (Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass
investigation) Dr. Seo has been leading an international collaboration since
1998 with $2M+ annual project budget from NASA. She has received over 30
research grants from NASA and NSF. Her publications include more than 140
refereed journal papers and 230 proceedings publications (with more than
9,000 citations). She has given more than 120 invited talks.
For her
excellence in fundamental science, she has been covered in mass media,
such as the New York Times and the Washington Post. She will undoubtedly
continue playing a leadership role in her field.
2015 Engineer of the Year Award presented by KSEA and KOFST
Dr. Jane Oh
Principal Investigator
NASA Jet Propulsion
Dr. Jane Oh began her career as a computer systems engineer with EDS, a
subsidiary of General Motors. Her interest in complex systems, challenging
missions led her to NASA JPL. She has consistently performed with
distinction during her career as a systems engineer, researcher, professor,
principal investigator, assistant chief engineer, and manager. She earned
twelve awards for Outstanding Performance and Research Excellence in her
tenure at NASA JPL, and she was selected to receive their exclusive NASA
Space Act Invention Award by the NASA Inventions and Contributions Board.
Jane’s current assignment is the Principal Investigator for the development of
Computer-Aided Engineering Tools for CubeSat and SmallSat Missions and
the Project Software Systems Engineer for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission. In
this role, she is responsible for leading multiple organizations developing
software for the spacecraft systems and scientific payloads. Dr. Oh started
college with the class of 1979 at Ewha Womans University, earned her Ph.D.
degree from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and completed the Senior
Executive Fellows Program at Harvard University. Dr. Oh served as a Vice
President of KWISE, a Vice President of KSEA, a President of KSEA
Southern California Chapter, and the Program Co-Chair for the UKC2009 and
2015 Entrepreneur of the Year Award presented by KSEA and
Dr. Byoung In Suh
Founder & President
Dr. Byoung In Suh founded Bisco, Inc. in 1981. As a result of his personal
research efforts, he introduced the first multi-surface bonding agent in 1990,
All-Bond® 2, which revolutionized the dental bonding concept for the entire
industry. This system has been used by over 100,000 dentists in 70 countries,
and has produced over 200 research publications. It has since become the
industry standard against which all new bonding materials are compared. His
research significantly contributed to the popularization of the “total-etch” and
“wet-bonding” concepts. Bisco products are currently used by over 20,000
dentists in the United States and are sold around the world in over 70
countries globally. In 1995, Dr. Suh introduced a single-bottle adhesive
system, One-Step®, which offered a simpler and faster method of multisurface bonding without multiple bottles and mixing. In addition to All-Bond 2
and One-Step, Dr. Suh has received patents for over twenty other dental
material products. In addition to his dental materials research, Dr. Suh has
become a well-known and sought after lecturer and teacher throughout the
world. Besides lecturing extensively in the US and Canada, he has traveled to
over 40 countries and has given more than 250 lectures and presentations at
various dental associations, universities and dental research conventions. Dr.
Suh has also authored or co-authored over 150 articles and abstracts and has
completed a great amount of research on bonding. Many of his research
articles have become required reading for undergraduate and postgraduate
dental school programs, and published his first book: Principles of Adhesion
Dentistry in February 2013. He was recently acknowledged as the Corporate
Honoree on May 16, 2015 at UCLA Dental School’s 50th Anniversary Gala.
2015 Outstanding Chapter and Chapter President Award
presented by KSEA
Dr. Kyuwon (Ken) Choi
Associate Professor
Illinois Institute of Technology
Under the able leadership of Chapter President Kyuwon Choi, the
Chicagoland Chapter has seen a substantial increase in membership over the
past 3 years. This is believed to be the result of successfully engaging the
membership through a series of 12 open seminars (2012-2015) and by
successfully hosting the 2014 KSEA Professional Development Workshop.
Other notable events included Science Camps for high school students (every
summer during 2012-2014), a fundraising benefit dinner attended by 110 VIPs
(2014), annual NMSCs, and outdoor activities to promote fellowship among
Dr. Choi is an Associate Professor of
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology, and has
been Chicagoland Chapter President since
2013. He has served on various KSEA
committees since becoming a member in
2007. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of
Pervasive Technology and is active on
various committees of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Chicagoland Chapter Members
(IEEE). He is the recipient of a number of
best paper awards from IEEE. Dr. Choi received the Ph.D. degree in
electrical and computer engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology
and he was a post-doc fellow in University of Tokyo. Previously, he had 8year industry experience for low-power VLSI design with Samsung,
Broadcom, and Sequence Design. His research interests include ultra-lowpower SoC (system-on-chip) and advanced circuits for emerging
2015 Young Generation Leadership Award presented by KSEA
Dr. Michael J. Lee
Assistant Professor
New Jersey Institute of
Dr. Michael J. Lee is a 2nd generation Korean-American with an excellent
record of involvement with KSEA. Michael will serve as the Young Generation
(YG) Director for KSEA’s 44th term. Previously, he has served as the local
Seattle chapter Vice-President from 2014-2015, was the Young Generation
Director for KSEA’s 42nd term, and co-chaired and chaired the Young
Generation Technical and Leadership Conference (YGTLC) in 2013 and
2014, respectively. This year’s YG Leadership Award is presented to Michael
for his exceptional service, achievements, and continuing support towards
KSEA. Michael is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information
Systems at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He received his PhD from
the University of Washington, M.S. from UC Berkeley, and B.S. from UC San
2015 Young Investigator Grant Winner
The KSEA Young Investigator Grant is the KSEA's highest recognition given to young
professionals who earned a doctoral degree in science or engineering, and have been working in
academia, industry, or government for no more than 6 years after the degree. The grant of
$10,000 will be awarded to the recipient.
Dr. Seok Kim received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Pohang University of
Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, South Korea and University of
California at Los Angeles (UCLA), CA, USA in 2000 and 2005, respectively.
He completed his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA in 2009. After two year postdoc career at University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), IL, USA, he joined the faculty of the Department
of Mechanical Science and Engineering at UIUC in 2011.
Dr. Seok Kim
Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at
Dr. Kim’s current research interests encompass biomimetic engineered
surfaces for dry adhesion and wetting, transfer printing-based micro
/nanomanufacturing, and micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS).
He has authored over 30 papers in prestigious journals such as PNAS,
Advanced Materials, Small, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Langmuir, Applied Physics Letters, and ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
His first journal paper (Applied Physics Letter, 2006) in his career has been
selected among 15 core papers of the research front on GECKO ADHESIVE
SETAE from the field of material science by Thomson Scientific. He also
holds 5 US patents and serves as an Associate Editor of Journal of Micro-Bio
Robotics, published by Springer. He is the recipient of National Science
Foundation CAREER Award (2014) and UIUC Engineering Council Award for
Excellence in Advising (2015).
Distinguished Sponsor Award
POSCO is a global steel-making company headquartered in Pohang. It was
the 4th largest steelmaker by output in 2011, the world’s largest steel
producer by market value in 2010, and the 146th largest corporation named
by the Fortune global 500 in 2012. It has investment projects in a number of
developing countries and boasts more than 30 subsidiaries in Korea.
POSCO’s sustained support has been instrumental in keeping the vitality of
many KSEA activities.
Distinguished Service Member Award
Dr. Moon Won Suh
Charles A. Cannon Chair
North Carolina State
Prof. Moon Won Suh is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary scholar in
textile and fiber sciences and statistics, with distinguished achievements in
academia and industry throughout U.S. and Korea. As the first Korean-born
Fellow of American Statistical Association, and Honorary Member and President
of The Fiber Society, his contributions have been well recognized with many
awards and a chair professorship at NC State University. As a true “fusion”
scientist, his 230 publications and presentations span a wide spectrum of
sciences, engineering, management and medicine. For KSEA, Prof. Suh
inaugurated the first “KSEA Annual Meetings and Technical Conference” (later
renamed as “UKC”) in 1994 as the president, and set a foundation to make UKC
a continuing tradition till to date. In addition, Prof. Suh pioneered to secure the
current KUSCO building and KSEA Headquarters during 1994 - 1998 through a
Korean Government funding, facilitating a rapid expansion of US-Korea science
cooperation while bringing a renaissance to KSEA.
Prof. Suh received his BS (Textile Eng.) from Seoul National in 1961 and his MS
(Textile Technology) and Ph.D. (Statistics) in 64 and 69, respectively, from North
Carolina State University. Dr. Suh’s research and teaching areas have been:
Statistical and Probabilistic Modeling for Materials, Processes and Products,
Research Methods and Management, Textile Technology and Manufacturing
Systems, Quantitative Decision Models, Demand Forecasting, Big Data, Quality
Management and Statistical Quality/Process Control.
Prior to his current position as Charles A. Cannon Chair Professor of Textile
Technology and Management and Professor of Operations Research and at
North Carolina State University, he served textile industry for 18 years as Senior
Statistician & Operations Research Analyst of Operations Research Department,
Burlington Industries, Inc.
Since 1995, he has served as Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor, Journal of Textile
and Apparel Technology and Management, Editorial Board, Textile Research
Journal Fibers and Polymers, Journal of The Textile Institute and was
Distinguished Visiting Professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Shinshu
University (Japan) and Seoul National University.
Prof. Suh was instrumental for establishing National Assoc. for Korean Schools
(NAKS) in 1981 and served as Founding Board Member (81), President (87-89)
and Chairman of the Board (98-01) of NAKS and also as Founder &
Principal/Teacher, Korean Language School of Greensboro (74-88).
Marquis Who’s Who in America (2012), Distinguished Lifetime Contributions
Award, National Assoc. for Korean Schools (2011), Charles A. Cannon Chair
Professor, North Carolina State University (2010), Distinguished Contributions to
KSEA Award, KSEA (2008), “The Best Paper of 2003”Award, Journal of Fashion
Marketing and Management (2004), Harold DeWitt Smith Medal - Distinguished
Scientific Contributions Award, ASTM (2003), Korean Academy of Engineering
(2003), President’s Order of Merit, Woongbi-Jang Medal (2003), Fellow,
American Statistical Association (2002), Honorary Member, The Fiber Society
(2001) , President, The Fiber Society (1998), President’s Order of Merit, SukryuJang Medal (1991), Korean Academy of Sciences and Technology (1995),
Distinguished Overseas Korean Medal and Honorary Citizenship by Seoul City
(1995), President, KSEA (1994), Winner in Essay, The New Year’s Literature
Award (신춘문예) by Kyunghyang Shinmun Daily News (경향신문, 1960).
Program at a Glance
7/29 (Wed)
7/30 (Thu)
7/31 (Fri)
Symposium and Forum
Coffee Break
Plenary Session /
Symposium and
The 44th KSEA
Annual Council
Forum, and
Job Fair
Symposium /
History Forum
Coffee Break
Symposium and
8/2 (Sun)
(~2 pm)
8/1 (Sat)
Poster Session
/ Job Fair
(~6 pm)
Symposium /
Camp (~5 pm)
Aquarium Tour /
VIP Dinner
Aquarium Dinner
LCP Meeting /
Meeting /
Chair Meeting
The 44th KSEA
Annual Council
Symposium Location
Basic Science Program
Industry Technology Program
HO: Hanover Hall
EM: Embassy Hall
Emerging Tech
/ Fairlie
/ Lenox
Breakfast (Grand Hall West)
7/30 Thursday
/ HO
7/31 Friday
8/1 Saturday
Coffee Break (Some sessions continue …)
Plenary Session (Regency VI / VII)
Lunch (Grand Hall West)
7/30 Thursday
EM D /
EM D /
mont /
EM D /
EM D /
Piedmont / Spring
7/31 Friday
8/1 Saturday
Coffee Break (Some sessions continue …)
7/30 Thursday
EM D /
EM D /
7/31 Friday
Poster Session (Grand Hall West)
8/1 Saturday
Pre-Dinner Break
7/30 Thursday Aquarium Dinner (Georgia Aquarium)
7/31 Friday Networking Dinner (Embassy Hall and LL3; by Symposium)
Forum Location
HO: Hanover Hall
EM: Embassy Hall
Breakfast (Grand Hall West)
7/30 Thursday
7/31 Friday
8/1 Saturday
Coffee Break
Plenary Session (Regency VI / VII)
Lunch (Grand Hall West)
7/30 Thursday
7/31 Friday
Coffee Break (Some sessions continue …)
7/30 Thursday
7/31 Friday
Pre-Dinner Break
7/30 Thursday Aquarium Dinner (Georgia Aquarium)
7/31 Friday Networking Dinner (Embassy Hall and LL3; by Symposium)
Conference Schedule
July 29 (Wed)
1:15 pm – 6:00 pm
5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
VIP Dinner Reception
VIP Dinner
KAST Dinner
Regency Foyer
Regency V
July 30 (Thu)
8:00 am – 9:45 am
Symposiums and Forums
9:45 am – 10:00 am
Coffee Break
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Opening Ceremony
 National Anthems (Korea and USA)
 Opening Remarks
Youngsoo Kim (President of Korean-American Scientists and
Engineers Association)
 Welcoming Remarks
- Boo-Sup Lee (President of Korean Federation of Science and
Technology Societies)
- Min Keun Chung (President of National Research Foundation /
Korea-US Cooperation Center)
 Congratulatory Remarks
- Yang Hee Choi (Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning)
- Moon Jong Hong (Member, National Assembly of Korea)
- Sang-kee Suh (Member, National Assembly of Korea)
- B.J. Pak (State Representative, GA House of Representatives)
 Sponsor & VIP Recognition
 KSEA Award Ceremony I
 Plenary Keynote Speaker (Dr. Sang-Mook Lee, Seoul National
A Personal Perspective into Life, Society and Consciousness
 Sponsor Plenary Talk
Regency VI / VII
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
NST Banquet
KUSCO Banquet
KRICT Meeting
Grand Hall West
Harris (LL3)
University (LL3)
Hanover G (LL2)
1:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Symposiums and Forums
See pages
1:15 pm – 5:30 pm
World Congress of Korean and Korean-Ethnic Scientists and
Engineers Meeting
Roswell (LL3)
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Former President Meeting
Coffee Break
Hanover G
3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Symposiums and Forums
See pages
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Break and Aquarium Tour
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
KAST Dinner
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Aquarium Dinner
 Sponsor Plenary Talk
 KSEA Award Ceremony II & Young Investigator Grant Award
 Talent Show
GA Aquarium
See pages 26,64
July 31 (Fri)
8:00 am – 9:45 am
9:45 am – 10:00 am
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
1:15 pm – 3:15 pm
1:15 pm – 6:00 pm
3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
9:00 pm – 11:30 pm
Symposiums and Forums
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
 Plenary Keynote Speaker (Dr. Chan-Mo Park, Pyongyang
University of Science & Technology): Engaging with DPRK
through Science Diplomacy with a Servant's Heart
 Sponsor Plenary Talk
 Plenary Keynote Speaker (Dr. Eileen Pollack, University of
Michigan): The only woman in the room: why science is still a
boys' club
 Sponsor Plenary Talk
See pages 26,64
KAST Farewell Luncheon
Symposiums and Forums
Job Fair
Poster Session
Networking Dinner
Grand Hall West
See pages 26,64
Grand Hall West
Grand Hall West
Dunwoody (LL3)
Embassy C
Greenbriar (LL3)
Inman (LL3)
Embassy A
Kennesaw (LL3)
Vinings (LL3)
Emory University
Embassy B
Local Chapter President Committee Meeting
Committee Chairs Meeting
Technical Group Councilor/APS President Meeting
Hanover A & B
Hanover E
Hanover F
Regency VI / VII
Aug 1 (Sat)
8:00 am – 9:45 am
9:45 am – 10:00 am
Symposiums and Forums
Coffee Break
10:00am–12:00 pm
Plenary Session
 Sponsor Plenary Talk
 Plenary Keynote Speaker (Dr. Sung-Mo Steve Kang, KAIST):
Pursuing Excellence with a Servant's Heart
Sponsor Plenary Talk
 Plenary Keynote Speaker (Dr. G. Marshall Lyon, Emory Univ):
Caring for Patients with Ebola and Minimizing Risk to Staff
 KSEA Award Ceremony III (Grad Scholarship, Poster Awards)
Regency VI / VII
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Conference Banquet
 Closing Remarks
Youngsoo Kim (President of Korean-American Scientists and
Engineers Association)
Grand Hall West
History Forum
CP/TGC Boot Camp
Council Dinner
Council Meeting
See pages 26,64
Hanover A & B
Hanover E
Hanover F
Hanover A & B
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
6:00 pm – 11:30 pm
See pages 26,64
Aug 2 (Sun)
7:00 am – 3:00 pm
Council Meeting
(working lunch 12-1pm)
Hanover A & B
UKC2015 will focus on basic science, emerging technology and industry technology. Significant research
findings, R&D trends, and future prospects of sciences and technologies are solicited in the areas
including, but not limited to the following.
Basic Science Program
Physics Symposium
Math/Stat Symposium
Chemistry Symposium
Industry Technology Program
Chemical Engineering Symposium
Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Symposium
Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Symposium
Materials Science and Engineering Symposium
Mechanical, Aerospace and Naval Engineering Symposium
Civil, Environmental, Architecture Symposium
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Symposium
Emerging Technology Program
Bio, Medical and Pharmaceutical Symposium
Convergence Technology Symposium
Young Generation and Professional Forum
KSEA Forums
Symposium Program
Physics Symposium [PHY]
Chair: Chueng-Ryong Ji (North Carolina State Univ)
Co-Chairs: Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang Univ), Jaehoon Lee (Univ of Texas at Arlington)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall B
The Joint Plenary Session by PHY and MST
Chair: Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang Univ)
1:15 PM
1:55 PM
2:35 PM
Title and Authors
[Invited] Advancing Basic Science in South Korea
Doochul Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
[Invited] Maker Culture and Creativity
Swan Kim (KOFAC and Korean Physical Society)
[Invited] International Activities by Hosting ICM 2014 in South Korea
Yong-Hoon Lee (Korean Mathematical Society)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Dunwoody
PHY-1 Session: Condensed Matter Physics
Chair: Harold Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology) on behalf of Seunghun Lee (Univ of Virginia)
3:30 PM
3:55 PM PHY-2
4:20 PM PHY-3
4:45 PM PHY-4
5:10 PM PHY-5
[Invited] Functional Oxide Materials Discovery by Design
Ho-Nyung Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
[Invited] Magnetic Excitation Near Quantum Criticality in Fe-based Superconductor
Jooseop Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Igor Zaliznyak (Oak Ridge National Laboratory),
Seunghun Lee (Univ of Virginia)
[Invited] Micro-machined Angle/Position Resolved Quasi-particle Detector
Yoonseok Lee (Univ of Florida)
[Invited] Effect of Magnetic Field on Quasi-1D Quantum Magnets
Martin Mourigal (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[Invited] Bokwon Yoon (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:45AM, Dunwoody
PHY-2 Session: Optics and Plasma Physics
Chair: Kiyong Kim (Univ of Maryland)
8:00 AM PHY-6
8:20 AM PHY-7
8:40 AM PHY-8
9:00 AM PHY-9
Title and Authors
[Invited] High-Speed Cameras Capturing Ultrafast Phenomena
Kiyong Kim (Univ of Maryland)
[Invited] Test of Higher-Order Nonlinearities via Harmonic Generation
Darshana L. Weerawarne (Binghamton Univ), Xiaohui Gao (Cornell Univ), Alexander L. Gaeta
(Cornell Univ), and Bonggu Shim (Binghamton Univ)
[Invited] Strong-field, few-cycle mid-IR Sources and their Applications
Kyung-Han Hong (MIT)
[Invited] Experimentally Simple, Broadband Transient-grating Frequency-resolvedoptical Gating Device
Dongjoo Lee (Swamp Optics LLC)
[Invited] Control of Synchrotron Radiation with Dynamic X-ray Optics
9:25 AM PHY-10 I. W. Jung, D. A. Walko, J. Wang, D. Mukhopadhyay, C. P. Schwartz, G. K. Shenoy, and D.
Lopez (Argonne National Laboratory)
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Dunwoody
PHY-3 Session: Biophysics
Chair: Harold Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)
1:15 PM PHY-11
1:35 PM PHY-12
1:55 PM PHY-13
2:15 PM PHY-14
2:35 PM PHY-15
2:55 PM PHY-16
[Invited] Sequence Dependence of DNA Looping
Jiyoun Jeong (Georgia Institute of Technology), Harold Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[Invited] Directed Assembly of Membrane Proteins
Peter J. Yunker (Georgia Institute of Technology), David A. Weitz (Harvard Univ), Shaorong
Chong (New England Biolabs)
[Invited] Grow or not grow?: Single-cell Level Study of Bacterial Growth in Stressful
Emrah Simsek (Emory Univ) and Minsu Kim (Emory Univ)
[Invited] Characterizing the Statistical Properties of Protein Surfaces
Ji Hyun Bak, Anne-Florence Bitbol, William Bialek (Princeton Univ)
[Invited] Microfluidic Study of a Stochastic Genetic Circuit Carefully Modulated by
Environmental Inputs Minjun Son, Delaram Ghoreishi, Sang-Joon Ahn, Robert A. Burne and
Stephen J. Hagen (Univ of Florida)
[Invited] A Dynamic Search Process Underlies MicroRNA Targeting
Chirlmin Joo (Delft Univ of Technology)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
PHY Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
[Invited] Generation of the Sedimentation Potential by Rapid Deceleration of a Fluid Jet,
Han Jung Park (Univ of Tennessee, Brown Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-9:00AM, Dunwoody
PHY-4 Session: Astrophysics
Chair: Eun-Suk Seo (Univ of Maryland)
Title and Authors
8:00 AM PHY-17 [Invited] Searching for Dark Matter with Cosmic Rays Eun-Suk Seo (Univ of Maryland)
8:20 AM PHY-18 [Invited] Probing the Early Stage of Cluster Formation Kyoung-Soo Lee (Purdue Univ)
[Invited] Quasar Mode Feedback from Supermassive Black Holes in Brightest Cluster
8:40 AM PHY-19
Galaxies KwangHo Park, Tamara Bogdanović (Georgia Institute of Technology)
August 1 Saturday, 1:15-3:15PM, Dunwoody
PHY-5 Session: High Energy & Nuclear Physics
Chair: Jaehoon Yu (Univ of Texas, Arlington)
[Invited] Search for Exclusively Produced Higgs and The Beams of Dark Matter
Jaehoon Yu (Univ of Texas at Arlington)
1:45 PM PHY-21 [Invited] Holography Principle and its Application Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang Univ)
2:15 PM PHY-22 [Invited] Probing the Warped Graviton at Hadron Colliders Doojin Kim (Univ of Florida)
[Invited] 100 Years of General Relativity and Trends of Nuclear Physics
2:45 PM PHY-23
Chueng-Ryong Ji (North Carolina State Univ)
1:15 PM PHY-20
Math/Stat Symposium [MST]
Chair: Jangwoon Lee (Univ of Mary Washington)
Co-Chairs: Dohan Kim (Seoul National Univ), Grace Hyun Kim (UCLA)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:40AM, Greenbriar
MST-1 Session: Computational Mathematics and Korean Mathematics
Chair: Chang-Ock Lee (KAIST), Co-chair: Hyunju Kim (North Greenville Univ)
8:00 AM MST-1
8:20 AM MST-2
8:40 AM MST-3
9:00 AM MST-4
9:20 AM MST-5
Title and Authors
[Invited] Unified Framework for Overlapping and Nonoverlapping Domain
Decomposition Methods for the Total Variation Minimization
Chang-Ock Lee, Changmin Nam (KAIST)
[Invited] Collocated Enrichment for Isogeometric Analysis of Elliptic Boundary Value
Problems with Singularities
Hae-Soo Oh, Bong Soo Jang, Jae Woo Jeong, Hyunju Kim (North Greenville Univ)
[Invited] Partition of Unity with Flat-Top Constructed by a Geometric Mapping for
Analysis of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems Containing Corner or Boundary Layer
Hae-Soo Oh, Bong Soo Jang, Jae Woo Jeong, Hyunju Kim (UNC at Charlotte)
[Invited] A Multigrid Method for H (div)
Duk-Soon Oh (Rutgers Univ)
[Invited] Recent Development of Korean Mathematics: How We Could Host Seoul ICM
2014 Successfully from a Developing Country
Dohan Kim (Seoul National Univ)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall B
The Joint Plenary Session by PHY and MST
Chair: Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang Univ)
1:15 PM
1:55 PM
2:35 PM
Title and Authors
[Invited] Advancing Basic Science in South Korea
Doochul Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
[Invited] Maker Culture and Creativity
Swan Kim (KOFAC and Korean Physical Society)
[Invited] International Activities by Hosting ICM 2014 in South Korea
Yong-Hoon Lee (Korean Mathematical Society)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:35PM, Greenbriar
MST-2 Session: Image Processing
Chair: Hyeona Lim (Mississippi Univ), Co-chair: Sangwoon Yun (Sung Kyun Kwan Univ)
3:30 PM MST-6
3:55 PM MST-7
4:20 PM MST-8
4:45 PM MST-9
5:10 PM MST-10
[Invited] Non-local Total Variation Minimization for Speckle Image Denoising
Hyeona Lim, Arundhati Bagchi Misra (Mississippi Univ)
[Invited] Iterative Reweighted Algorithm for Non-convex Poissonian Image Denoising
Taeuk Jeong, Yoon Mo Jung, Sangwoon Yun (Sung Kyun Kwan Univ)
[Invited] Optimal Path for Scanning the Entire Environment with Limited Sensing Range
Sung Ha Kang, Seong Jun Kim, Haomin Zhou (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[Invited] The Level Set Methods with High Order Numerical Techniques
Myungjoo Kang (Seoul National Univ)
[Invited] Digital Elevation Modeling via Curvature Interpolation
Hwamog Kim, Jeffry L. Willers, Seongjai Kim (Mississippi State Univ)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:40AM, Greenbriar
MST-3 Session: Algebra, Geometry, and Data Analysis
Chair: MoonJung Cho (US Bureau of Labor Statistics), Co-Chair: Youngmi Kim (Jacksonville State Univ)
Title and Authors
[Invited] Properties of Smoothed Design-Based Variance Estimators from Complex
Sample Surveys
8:00 AM MST-11
MoonJung Cho, John L. Eltinge, Julie Gershunskaya, Larry Huff (US Bureau of Labor
[Invited] Existence of Symmetric Designs and Related Combinatorial Objects
8:20 AM MST-12
Sungyell Song (Iowa State Univ)
8:40 AM MST-13
[Invited] Semigroup of Power Partial Isometries
Youngmi Kim, Jaedeok Kim (Jacksonville State Univ)
9:00 AM MST-14
[Invited] Enumerating Coverings
Jinho Kwak (BJTU-China and Postech-Korea)
9:20 AM MST-15
[Invited] Wonders of 11 Stars: Mathematical Explorations through Paper Folding
Duk-Hyung Lee (Asbury Univ)
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:20PM, Greenbriar
MST-4 Session: Applied Mathematics
Chair: Junkoo Park (Georgia Gwinnet College), Co-chair: Sookkyung Lim (Univ of Cincinnati)
1:15 PM MST-16
1:40 PM MST-17
2:05 PM MST-18
2:30 PM MST-19
2:55 PM MST-20
[Invited] Applying Dynamic Amino Acid Interaction Preferences to GNM
RD Marek, August Gula, Junkoo Park (Georgia Gwinnet College)
[Invited] The Generalized Immersed Boundary Method Applied to Bacterial Flagellar
Sookkyung Lim (Univ of Cincinnati)
[Invited] Some Existence Results of Solutions for generalized Laplacian Systems
Xianghui Xu, Yong-Hoon Lee (Pusan National Univ)
[Invited] Sparse Grid Stochatic Collocation Method for Burgers Equation
Hyung-Chun Lee (Ajou Univ)
[Invited] Optimal Control Problems for SPDEs with Neumann Conditions
Jangwoon Lee (Univ of Mary Washington)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
MST Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Kernel Function based Interior-Point Algorithm for Linear Optimization, Gyeong-Mi Cho
(Dongseo Univ)
A Contingency Table Approach to Median Test for Interval Censored Survival Data,
Seunggeun Hyun (Univ of South Carolina at Upstate)
Time-Series Data Break-Detection Methods Adopted for Intellectual Property Policy
Setup, BeomYong Kim, Hyup Yang (Kangwon National Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-9:40AM, Greenbriar
MST-5 Session: Analysis and Survey Statistics
Chair: Donsig Jang (Mathematica Policy Research), Co-Chair: Jaedeok Kim (Jacksonville State Univ)
8:00 AM MST-21
8:20 AM MST-22
8:40 AM MST-23
9:00 AM MST-24
9:20 AM MST-25
Title and Authors
[Invited] Improving Survey Data Quality
Donsig Jang, Alicia Haelen (Mathematica Policy Research)
[Invited] Topological and Geometric Approaches to Data Analysis
Eungchun Cho (Kentucky State Univ)
[Invited] Numerical Range of Partial Isometries
Jaedeok Kim, Youngmi Kim (Jacksonville State Univ)
[Invited] Dynamic Storage Allocation Model with Finite Capacity
Eunju Sohn, Charles Knessl (Columbia College Chicago)
[Invited] Reality of Eigenvalues of Anharmonic Oscillators in the Complex Plane
Kwang C. Shin (Univ of West Georgia)
August 1 Saturday, 2:00-4:00PM, Greenbriar
MST-6 Session: Statistics Theory and Application
Chair: Yun Chon (Amgen Inc), Co-Chair: Soeun Kim (Univ of Texas)
2:00 PM MST-26
2:20 PM MST-27
2:40 PM MST-28
3:00 PM MST-29
3:20 PM MST-30
3:40 PM MST-31
[Invited] Application of MCP-Mod Procedure for Dose Finding Study
Yun Chon, Jason Li (Amgen Inc)
[Invited] Quantitative Lung Fibrosis Score Using Low Dose CT Images
Grace Hyun J. Kim, Daniel Chong (UCLA)
[Invited] Modeling Building Construction Expenditure Rate Curves Using a Bayesian
Semi-Parametric Approach
Yuhyun Song, Scotland C. Leman (Virginia Tech)
[Invited] Type I Error in Stepwise and LASSO Regression-based Genetic Model Building
Jeremy Sabourin, Alexa J.M. Sorant, Bhoom Suktitipat, Heejong Sung, Alexander F. Wilson
[Invited] Evaluation of Multiple Imputation Methods for Missing Covariates in
Regression Models with Interactions: the Binary Case
Soeun Kim, Thomas R. Belin, Catherine A. Sugar (Univ of Texas)
[Invited] HyperQA: A Framework for Complex Question-Answering
Jinho Choi (Emory Univ)
Chemistry Symposium [CHM]
Chair: Chang Yeol Ryu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Co-Chairs: Dong-Ha Kim (Ewha Woman’s Univ), Seung Woo Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology), Dong
Hee Son (Texas A&M Univ)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:30-9:45AM, Techwood
BMAT-1 Session: Biomaterials (BMAT: Joint Session between CHM and CHE Symposiums)
Chair: Jung Woo Lee (Univ of Massachusetts at Amherst), Co-chair: Hyunmin Yi (Tufts Univ)
[Keynote] Bone Marrow Tissue Analogues for Studying Tumor Metastasis
Jung Woo Lee (Univ of Massachusetts at Amherst)
[Invited] Creating a Single Nanofiber Pattern at a Predetermined Site with a
8:55 AM BMAT-2/CHE Preferred Orientation using a Mechanical Stimulus
Joonil Seog (Univ of Maryland at College Park)
9:20 AM BMAT-3/CHE [Invited] Polymer Lung Surfactants You-Yeon Won (Purdue Univ)
8:30 AM BMAT-1/CHE
July 30 Thursday, 1:30-3:30PM, Techwood
BMAT-2 Session: Biomaterials II (BMAT: Joint Session between CHM and CHE Symposiums)
Chair: Yong Ku Cho (Univ of Connecticut), Co-chair: Chang Yeol Ryu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute)
[Invited] Chemical and Orientational Imaging of Complex Polymeric Materials by
1:30 PM BMAT-4/CHM Coherent Raman Microscopy
Young Jong Lee (National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST)
[Invited] Artificial Spores
2:00 PM BMAT-5/CHM
Insung Choi (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST)
[Invited] Fundamentals and Applications of Zinc Oxide Nanorods in Enhanced
2:30 PM BMAT-6/CHM Optical Bioassays
Jong-in Hahm (Georgetown Univ)
[Keynote] DNA-directed Nanoparticle Superlattices
3:00 PM BMAT-7/CHM
Byeongdu Lee (Argonne National Laboratory)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-10:00AM
KAST & NAS Forum, Embassy Hall C
KIER Energy Eureka Forum, Hanover Hall A&B
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Piedmont
CHM-1 Session: Sustainable Chemistry and Materials
Chair: Du Yeol Ryu (Yonsei Univ), Co-chair: Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M)
[Keynote] Block Copolymer Assembly for Ultrafiltration Membranes
Du Yeol Ryu, Hyungju Ahn, Sungmin Park (Yonsei Univ)
[Invited] Nanostructured Aluminosilicates from "Green Cement": Sustainable Materials
1:45 PM CHM-2 Synthesis for Sustainability Applications
Dong-Kyun “Don” Seo (Arizona State Univ)
[Invited] Organometallic Compounds for Coordination Polymerization and Anionic
2:15 PM CHM-3 Polymerization
Bun Yeol Lee, Jong Yeob Jeon (Ajou Univ)
[Invited] Epoxy Thermoset Networks derived from Vegetable Oils and their Blends
2:45 PM CHM-4
Chang Yeol Ryu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
1:15 PM CHM-1
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
CHM Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Novel Antimycobacterial Secondary Metabolites of Streptomycete Caeruleus Isolated
from Iceland, Hi-Young Kim (Univ of Illinois at Chicago)
Encoding Systematic Morphologies in Vertical Silicon Nanowires for Advanced
Optoelectronics, Seokhyoung Kim (Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Vegetable Oil Dielectric Insulating Fluid for High- Voltage Transformers, Goeun Han
Atomic Layer-by-Layer Deposition of Pt on Pd Octahedra for Enhanced Catalysts toward
the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Jinho Park (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Porous Polyaniline Nanofiber/Graphene Layer-by-Layer Electrodes for Energy Storage,
Ju-Won Jeon (Texas A&M Univ)
Plan for the Improvement of Teaching Methods for General Chemistry, Yoonjin Lee
(Konyang Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:15-9:55AM, Piedmont
CHM-2 Session: Molecular Insights for Reactions and Functions
Chair: Tae-Hee Lee (Pensylvania State Univ), Co-chair: Dong-Hee Son (Texas A&M)
[Keynote] Hot Electrons Generated from Doped Quantum Dots for Enhanced
8:15 AM CHM-5 Photochemistry
Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M Univ)
[Invited] Single Molecule Studies on the Structure and Dynamics of the Nucleosome
8:40 AM CHM-6
Tae-Hee Lee (Pensylvania State Univ)
[Invited] Control of Interpolymer Interactions for High Thermal Conductivity in
Amorphous Polymer Blends
9:05 AM CHM-7
Apoorv Shanker, Gun-Ho Kim, Dongwook Lee, Lei Shao, Minsang Kwon, David Gidley, Kevin
Pipe, Jinsang Kim (Univ of Michigan)
Acredinones A and B, Voltage-Dependent Potassium Channel Inhibitors from the
9:30 AM CHM-8 Sponge-Derived Fungus Acremonium sp. F9A015
Hiyoung Kim, Sang-Jip Nam, Won-Kyung Ho, Heonjoong Kang (Univ of Illinois at Chicago)
August 1 Saturday, 2:00-3:40PM, Piedmont
CHM-3 Session: Functional Nanomaterials I
Chair: Joongho Moon (Florida International Univ), Co-chair: Young Sang Kim (Seoul National Univ)
[Keynote] Self-assembly of Conjugated Polymers with Different Backbone Structures
Tereza Vokata, Joongho Moon (Florida International Univ)
[Invited] Well-Defined, Thiophene-Based All-Conjugated Amphiphilic Diblock
2:25 PM CHM-10 Copolymers and Their Applications
Taiho Park (Pohang Univ of Science and Technology, POSTECH)
[Invited] Controlled Growth of Organic Semiconductors using Crystallizable Solvents as
2:50 PM CHM-11 Templates
Jeyon Chung, Jueun Kim, Youngjong Kang (Hanyang Univ)
[Invited] Fine-Tuning of Polymer Functionalities for Block Copolymer Nanolithography
3:15 PM CHM-12
Bongjin Moon (Sogang Univ)
2:00 PM CHM-9
August 1 Saturday, 3:50-5:05PM, Piedmont
CHM-4 Session: Functional Nanomaterials II
Chair: Bongjin Moon (Sogang Univ), Co-chair: Chang Yeol Ryu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute)
[Keynote] Size and Aspect Ratio-controlled Nanoparticle Surfactants for Producing
Novel Structured Polymer-Based Materials
3:50 PM CHM-13
Bumjoon Kim, Kang Hee Ku, Jae Man Shin, Hyunseung Yang (Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, KAIST)
[Invited] High-Performance Ionic Liquid - Polymer Gate Insulator for Flexible Thin Film
4:15 PM CHM-14 Transistors
Jieun Ko, Youn Sang Kim (Seoul National Univ)
Photocatalytic Properties of Photodeposited Pt on Fe oxide Nanoparticles Supported on
4:40 PM CHM-15 Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG)
Jayde Kwon and John C. Hemminger (Univ of California at Irvine)
Chemical Engineering Symposium [CHE]
Chair: Gyeong Soon Hwang (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Co-Chairs: Jong Min Lee (Seoul National Univ), Hyunmin Yi (Tufts Univ)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:30-9:45AM, Techwood
BMAT-1 Session: Biomaterials (BMAT: Joint Session between CHM and CHE Symposiums)
Chair: Jung Woo Lee (Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst), Co-chair: Hyunmin Yi (Tufts Univ)
[Invited] Bone Marrow Tissue Analogues for Studying Tumor Metastasis
Jung Woo Lee (Univ of Massachusetts at Amherst)
[Invited] Creating a Single Nanofiber Pattern at a Predetermined Site with a
8:55 AM BMAT-2/CHE Preferred Orientation using a Mechanical Stimulus
Joonil Seog (Univ of Maryland at College Park)
[Plenary] Polymer Lung Surfactants
9:20 AM BMAT-3/CHE
You-Yeon Won (Purdue Univ)
8:30 AM BMAT-1/CHE
July 30 Thursday, 1:30-3:30PM, Techwood
BMAT-2 Session: Biomaterials II (BMAT: Joint Session between CHM and CHE Symposiums)
Chair: Yong Ku Cho (Univ of Connecticut), Co-chair: Chang Yeol Ryu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute)
[Invited] Chemical and Orientational Imaging of Complex Polymeric Materials by
1:30 PM BMAT-4/CHM Coherent Raman Microscopy
Young Jong Lee (NIST)
[Invited] Artificial Spores
2:00 PM BMAT-5/CHM
Insung Choi (KAIST)
[Invited] Fundamentals and Applications of Zinc Oxide Nanorods in Enhanced
2:30 PM BMAT-6/CHM Optical Bioassays
Jong-in Hahm (Georgetown Univ)
[Keynote] DNA-directed Nanoparticle Superlattices
3:00 PM BMAT-7/CHM
Byeongdu Lee (Argonne National Laboratory)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:35PM, Techwood
CHE-B3 Session: Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Chair: Jin Ryoun Kim (NYU Poly), Co-chair: Seongkyu Yoon (Univ of Massachusetts Lowell)
3:30 PM
3:55 PM
4:20 PM
4:45 PM
5:10 PM
[Keynote] Facile Micromolding-based Fabrication of Biopolymeric-synthetic
Hydrogel Microspheres with Controlled Macroporous Structures for Improved
Protein Conjuation Hyunmin Yi (Tufts Univ)
[Invited] Engineering Light-activated Proteins for Controlling Biological Processes
Yong Ku Cho (Univ of Connecticut)
[Invited] Continuous Biomanufacturing: the Future of Antibody Production
Seongkyu Yoon (Univ of Massachusetts Lowell)
[Invited] Tungsten Oxide Catalyzed Bioderived Furfuryl Alcohol: Oligomer
Formation and Reaction Mechanism Tae Jin Kim (Stony Brook Univ)
[Invited] Protein Stabilization by Insertional Fusion
Jin Ryoun Kim (NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:45AM, Techwood
CHE-1 Session: Advanced Technologies in Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization I
Chair: Jong Min Lee (Seoul National Univ), Co-chair: Hae-Kwon Jeong (Texas A&M Univ)
8:00 AM CHE-1 [Keynote] Using High Throughput Computation to Accelerate Development of Materials
for Scalable Energy Technologies
David Sholl (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[Invited] Effect of Pore Structure on CO2 Adsorption Characteristics of Aminopolymer
Impregnated MCM-36
8:30 AM CHE-2
Christopher F. Cogswell, Hui Jiang, Justin Ramberger, Daniel Accetta, Ronald J. Willey, and
Sunho Choi (Northeastern Univ)
[Invited] An Improved CO2 Adsorption Efficiency for the Zeolites Impregnated with the
Amino Group
9:00 AM CHE-3
Kiwoong Kim (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) and Won Bo Lee (Seoul
National Univ)
[Invited] First-principles based Fast Screening of Binary Transition Metal Catalysts for
9:20 AM CHE-4 CO2 Conversion
Jeonghyun Ko and Jeong Woo Han (Univ of Seoul)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
CHE Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Mineralogical Changes in Iron-bearing Sandstone with CO2 Injection, Hyukmin Kweon
(Univ of Utah)
Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism and Thermal Characterization of Lithium Sulfur
Cell, Jeongwook Seo (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Esterification and Transesterification for Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether Acetate by
Reactive Chromatography Systems, Jungmin Oh (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Engineering of Biocompatible Scaffolds for Sustained Release of Drug Molecules and
Molecular Imaging Nanoagents, Jonghoon Choi (Hanyang Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-9:45AM, Techwood
CHE-2 Session: Advanced Technologies in Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization II
Chair: Jong Min Lee (Seoul National Univ), Co-chair: Hae-Kwon Jeong (Texas A&M Univ)
[Keynote] CO2 Capture with Supported Amine Materials: Materials and Process
8:00 AM CHE-5 Chemistry Advances for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Christopher W. Jones (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[Invited] Energy-demand Analysis of an Absorption Process for Carbon Capture
8:30 AM CHE-6
Huiyong Kim and Kwang Soon Lee (Sogang Univ)
[Invited] A Multi-scale Framework for CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage
8:50 AM CHE-7
M. M. Faruque Hasan (Texas A&M Univ)
[Invited] CO2 Management: An Overview and a Summary of on-Going Efforts at Saudi
9:20 AM CHE-8 Aramco-KAIST CO2 Management Center and Laboratory for Energy Systems
Engineering Jay H. Lee (KAIST)
August 1 Saturday, 1:30-2:50PM, Techwood
CHE-3 Session: Advanced Technologies in Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization III
Chair: Jong Min Lee (Seoul National Univ), Co-chair: Hae-Kwon Jeong (Texas A&M Univ)
[Invited] Metal-organic Framework Membranes for CO2 Capture
Hyuk Taek Kwon, Sonny Sachdeva, and Hae-Kwon Jeong (Texas A&M Univ)
[Keynote] Understanding Molecular Mechanisms for CO2 Capture by Aqueous Amines
2:00 PM CHE-10 from First Principles Modeling
Gyeong Soon Hwang (Univ of Texas at Austin)
[Keynote] An Integrated Process Model of CCS as a Whole Chain
2:20 PM CHE-11
Taekyoon Park and Jong Min Lee (Seoul National Univ)
1:30 PM CHE-9
Computer Sciences & Information Technologies
Symposium [CIT]
Chair: Minkyong Kim (IBM T.J. Watson Research)
Co-Chairs: Yoonsuck Choe (Texas A&M Univ), Songkuk Kim (Yonsei Univ)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Inman
CIT-1 Session: Big Data
Chair: Jongwook Woo (California State Univ Los Angeles)
1:15 PM
1:35 PM
1:55 PM
2:15 PM
2:35 PM
2:55 PM
Title and Authors
Performance Evaluation for Large Scale Genome Assembly workload over HPC and SSD
Arghya Kusum Das (Louisiana State Univ), Seung-Jong Park (Louisiana State Univ), Jinki Kim
(Samsung Electronics), Wooseok Chang (Samsung Electronics)
Developing a New Form of Computational Social Sciences: Organizational Genetics To
Study Digital Innovation
Youngjin Yoo (Temple Univ)
Text Mining and Natural Language Processing State of the Art and Open Problems
John H Lee (KPMG LLP)
Synthetic Connectomics to Tackle Big Data Challenges in its Natural Counterpart
Yoonsuck Choe, Qinbo Li, Jin Huang, Jaewook Yoo (Texas A&M Univ)
Application of Data Mining Techniques in Food Recipes Databases
Soon-Ok Park (Governors State Univ)
Big Data Analysis and the Industrial Approach using Spark
Jongwook Woo (California State Univ at Los Angeles)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Inman
CIT-2 Session: Networked Systems
Chair: KyoungSoo Park (KAIST)
3:30 PM
3:50 PM
4:10 PM
4:30 PM CIT-10
4:50 PM CIT-11
5:10 PM CIT-12
Rebootless OS update
Taesoo Kim (Georgia Tech)
CYRUS: Client-defined Privacy-protected Reliable Cloud Storage
Sangtae Ha (Univ of Colorado Boulder)
SDNFV: Towards a Flexible and Dynamic Smart Data Plane
Jinho Hwang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Dynamic Network Control
Hyojoon Kim (Princeton Univ)
Architecture of IBM Bluemix, Platform as a Service
Minkyong Kim (IBM T.J. Watson Research)
Towards Modular Programming of Stateful Middleboxes
Asim Jamshed, Donghwi Kim, YoungGyun Moon, Dongsu Han, KyoungSoo Park (KAIST)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Inman
CIT-3 Session: Software Engineering and Education
Chair: Eunjee Song (Baylor Univ)
Title and Authors
1:15 PM CIT-13
Generating various contexts from permissions for testing Android applications
Kwangsik Song, Ah-Rim Han, Sehun Jeong, Sungdeok Cha (Korea Univ)
1:35 PM CIT-14
Improving Performance of Java Programs Using Method Invocation Conversion
Junha Lee (Kettering Univ), Dae-Kyoo Kim (Oakland Univ), Jaerock Kwon (Kettering Univ)
1:55 PM CIT-15
Towards Effective and Efficient Replay Debugging
Kyu Hyung Lee (Univ of Georgia)
Web-based IDE for Novice Java Programmers
Jeong Yang, Young Lee (Texas A&M Univ at Kingsville)
Improving Object-Oriented Programming Education Using Static and Dynamic
2:35 PM CIT-17 Visualization
Young Lee, Jeong Yang (Texas A&M Univ at Kingsville)
Improving Test Data Generation from Sequence Diagrams Using Genetic Algorithm
2:55 PM CIT-18
Xiyan Cao (AssetWorks), Eunjee Song (Baylor Univ)
2:15 PM CIT-16
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
CIT Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Understanding the Nature of Online Community Interaction, Albert Park (Univ of
Local Collaborative Ranking for Recommendation Systems, Joonseok Lee , Samy
2 1
Bengio , Seungyeon Kim , Guy Lebanon , Yoram Singer ( Georgia Institute of Technology,
Google Research, LinkedIn)
An Object Oriented Database for Information Management in 3D Printing and Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, Charles Willow (Monmouth Univ)
A Simple Method for Protecting Privacy in Video Surveillance, Jang-Hee Yoo and Jeong
Nyeo Kim (ETRI)
Standardization for Future Network in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6, D. Jung , S. Cheung , H. Kahng
( Dept of EIE, Korea Univ, Samsung Techwin)
Why is a Web Application using Ruby on Rails good for Software Maintenance?, Hong
G. Jung and Sam Chung (Southern Illinois Univ)
Architectural Modeling of a Mobile App using Android SDK, Andrew S. Kang, Hong G.
Jung, and Sam Chung (Southern Illinois Univ)
Development of Storytelling based Coding Education Model for Beginners, So-ra Min,
Duk-hoi Koo (Seoul National Univ of Education)
Self-Directed Coding Learning Through ‘Tynker’ for the Beginner, Jongeun Yoon, Dukhoi
Koo (Seoul National Univ of Education)
A Study on Educational Application of Big Data for Individualized Learning in Primary
Schools, Min-Young Lee, Seok-Ju Jeon (Seoul National Univ of Education)
The Nature of Twitter Usage Patterns by User Relationships, Youngsub Han, Hyeoncheol
Lee (Towson Univ)
Securing Web Applications with Better “patches”: an Architectural Approach for Proper
Input Validation with Security Patterns, Jung-woo Sohn, Jungwoo Ryoo (Pennsylvania State
Evolving Neural Networks to Control Tool Use, Jaewook Yoo, Qinbo Li, and Yoonsuck Choe
(Texas A&M Univ)
Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades, Jung H. Kim and Insook Kim (Univ of
HyperQA: A Framework for Complex Question-Answering, Jinho D. Choi (Emory Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-9:40AM, Inman
CIT-4 Session: Security and Analytics
Chair: Jungwoo Ryoo (Pennsylvania State Univ)
8:00 AM CIT-19
8:20 AM CIT-20
8:40 AM CIT-21
9:00 AM CIT-22
9:20 AM CIT-23
Title and Authors
Query Rank Based Database Insider Attack Monitoring with 80/20 Rule
Sam Chung (Southern Illinois Univ), Sky Moon (Univ of Washington)
Using Delphi Technique to Explorer Critical Factors in Cloud Security Auditing
HyoJoo Han (Georgia Southern Univ), Jungwoo Ryoo (Pennsylvania State Univ)
Market Prediction using Google Trends Data
Seongwook Youn (Univ of Southern California)
The Utility Of Geo-Tagged Tweets In Predicting Origin-Destination Flows Of Large
Migrations During Korean New Year Holidays
Eun-Kyeong Kim, Alexander Savelyev (Pennsylvania State Univ)
Investigating the Trends in OLED TV technology Using Bibliometrics and Fisher-Pry
Diffusion Model
Yonghee Cho (Portland State Univ)
August 1 Saturday, 2:00-4:00PM, Inman
CIT-5 Session: Wireless and Mobile systems
Chair: Sunghyun Choi (Seoul National Univ)
2:00 PM CIT-24
2:20 PM CIT-25
2:40 PM CIT-26
3:00 PM CIT-27
3:20 PM CIT-28
3:40 PM CIT-29
hyBee: A Novel Transceiver for Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks
Jin-Seok Han, Jae-Seok Bang, Dong-Kwan Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee (Seoul National Univ)
Collaborative Sensing, Communication, and Navigation (CSCaN) with Multiple
Heterogeneous Drones
Bo Ryu (EpiSys Science, Inc.)
Auction based Spectrum Allocation considering QoS in Cellular Networks
Seungji Yoo, Jeonghoon Mo (Yonsei Univ)
Attack-Resiliency using Multiple Sensors in Smart Vehicles
Chorok Gwak, Sang-Hyuk Son (DGIST)
Adaptive Multi-interface Selection System for Mobile Video Data Offloading
Seonghoon Moon, Songkuk Kim (Yonsei Univ)
Energy Efficient Bandwidth Management in IEEE 802.11ac Wireless Networks
Sunghyun Choi (Seoul National Univ)
Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Symposium [FAN]
Chair: Hee-Yong Kim (National Institutes of Health)
Co-Chairs: Youngmo Yoon (Sensient Flavors LLC), Mi-Kyung Sung (Sookmyung Women’s Univ)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-10:00AM, Hanover Hall E
FAN-1 Session: Experimental and Molecular Nutrition
Chair: Yuri Kim (Ewha Womans Univ), Co-chair: Seong-Ho Lee (Univ of Maryland)
8:00 AM
8:20 AM
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
9:20 AM
9:40 AM
Title and Authors
[Keynote] Mechanistic View for Omega-3 Fatty Acid-induced Neurodevelopment and
Hee-Yong Kim (NIH)
β-Carotene Regulates Cancer Cell Stemness and Metastasis in Neuroblastoma
Yoo-Sun Kim, Hyun-Ah Lee, Ji Ye Lim, Yuri Kim (Ewha Womans Univ)
[Invited] Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3): A Molecular Target for Colorectal
Seong-Ho Lee, and Seung J. Baek (Univ of Maryland)
Effects of Dehydration on Physical and Cognitive Development in Infant Mice
Chongsu Kim, Wooyoung Chun, Dong-Mi Shin (Seoul National Univ)
The Effects of A Single Developmentally-Entrained Pulse of Testosterone in Female
Neonatal Mice On Reproductive and Metabolic Functions in Adult Life
Hyeran Jang, Carlo Serra, Mi-Jeong Lee, Susan K Fried, Ravi Jasuja and Shalender Bhasin
(Harvard Univ)
Possibility of Cancer Prevention of Prohibitin1
Kwang Suk Ko (Ewha Womans Univ)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Hanover Hall E
FAN-2 Session: Community Nutrition and Public Health
Chair: Sohyun Park (CDC, USA), Co-chair: YoonJu Song (The Catholic Univ of Korea)
1:15 PM
1:35 PM
1:55 PM
2:15 PM
2:35 PM
2:55 PM
Nutrient Intake Differences between Korean Traditional Diet and Fast-food Diet among
FAN-7 Korean Adults—Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013
Haeng-Shin Lee (Korea Health Industry Development Institute)
How to Address Paradox of Rural Food Deserts?: Formative Research for a Store-Based
FAN-8 Nutrition Intervention in Low-Income, Rural Communities
Hee-Jung Song (Univ of Maryland)
Prepregnancy Weight Status is an Independent Risk Factor for Pregnancy
FAN-9 Complications and Poor Birth Outcomes
Won O. Song, Dayeon Shin, Kyung Won Lee (Michigan State Univ)
[Invited] Factors Associated with Dietary Added Sugar Intake Among US Men and
Women, National Health Interview Survey 2010
Sohyun Park, Frances E. Thompson, Lisa C. McGuire, Liping Pan, Deborah A. Galuska, Heidi
M. Blanck (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Metabolic Risk Factors in Korean Adult
FAN-11 Population
Sangwon Chung, Kyungho Ha, Hyojee Joung, YoonJu Song (The Catholic Univ of Korea)
The Rapid Assessment of Retail Food Environment in American Samoa- 2014
FAN-12 Seung Hee Lee-Kwan, Gayathri Kumar, Lisa C. McGuire, Heidi M. Blanck (Center for Disease
Control and Prevention)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-6:00PM, Hanover Hall E
FAN-3 Session: CJ Forum
Chair: Hee-Yong Kim (NIH)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:40AM, Hanover Hall E
FAN-4 Session: Agriculture-Animal Food
Chair: K Casey Jeong (Univ of Florida), Co-Chair: Byung-Whi Kong (Univ of Arkansas)
Title and Authors
[Invited] Whole-genome Sequencing for Genetically Selected Chicken Lines Important
for Both Biomedical Models and Agriculture
8:00 AM FAN-13
Byung-Whi Kong, Seok Lee, Bhuwan Khatri, Kaylee Rowland, Ashley Hayden, Nicholas B.
Anthony, Gisela Erf, Douglas Rhoads, Walter Bottje (Univ of Arkansas)
Targeted Disruption of RAG2 Gene during Porcine Embryogenesis Using CRISPR/Cas0
8:20 AM FAN-14 System
Junghyun Ryu, Kiho Lee (Virginia Tech)
Production Myostatin Knockout Cell Lines Using SCNT and TALENs
8:40 AM FAN-15
Xi-Jun Yin, Jin-Dan Kang (Yanbian Univ)
Engineering of Chitosan-based Nanoparticles for Multidrug Resistant Microorganisms
Soojin Jeon, Minyoung Kang, K Casey Jeong (Univ of Florida)
Promoting the Utilization of Biomass and Other Organic Waste for Food and Non-Food
9:20 AM FAN-17 Applications
Young Jae Lee (Texas A&M Univ)
9:00 AM FAN-16
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:05PM, Hanover Hall E
FAN-5 Session: Food Safety and Regulation Forum
Chair: Jae-Won Park (Oregon State Univ), Co-Chair: Young Bae Chung (World Institute of Kimchi)
[Invited] KORUS FTA 3 Years and Its Impact on the International Trade of Korean Food
1:15 PM FAN-18 Industry
Suk-Oh Kim (Consul and Customs Attache, LA Korean Consulate)
Korean Seafood Products Imported to United States: Current, Challenges, and
1:45 PM FAN-19 Strategies
Jae-Won Park (Oregon State Univ), Jin Soo Kim (Gyeongsang National Univ)
Bridging the Gap: Food Safety is Universal
2:05 PM FAN-20
Cheryl Annarelli/Miesha Foreman (Gwinnett County Board of Health)
Panel Discussion
2:25 PM FAN-21
Youngmo Yoon (Sesient Flavors LLC)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
FAN Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Associated with Dietary Patterns During
Pregnancy May Not Be Mediated by Inflammation, Dayeon Shin, Won O. Song, Kyung
Won Lee (Michigan State Univ)
Frequent Consumption of Meals by Preparation Location Influence Dietary Adequacy
and Diversity in Korean Adults, Kyung Won Lee, Won O. Song, MPH, Dayeon Shin, Mi
Sook Cho (Michigan State Univ)
Can Iodine Status Be Predicted by Food Group Intake?, Won O. Song, Kyung Won Lee,
Dayeon Shin, Mi Sook Cho (Michigan State Univ)
Determination of 14 Types of Oligosaccharides and Sugars Using HPLC/NQAD, JongHee Na, You-Shin Shim, Jinbong Hwang (Korea Food Research Institute)
Effects of Aging Time and Retail Displaying Period with a Short-Term Temperature
abuse on Color Stability of Two Beef Muscles, Derico Setyabrata, Hyun-Wook Kim, Yuan
H. Brad Kim (Purdue Univ)
Isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila Phage, Sung Hyeok Park, In Young Choi, You Jin Kim,
Mi-Kyung Park (Kyungpook National Univ)
Effects of a Direct-Fed Microbial on Gut Health and Growth Performance of Nursery
Pigs Orally Challenged with F18-Positive Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli, L. Zheng, Y.
Sun, I. Park, C. H. Stahl, and S. W. Kim (North Carolina State Univ)
Effects of Dietary Supplementation of β-Mannanase on Ileal Digestibility of Nutrients
and Viscosity of Jejunal Digesta in Nursery Pigs Fed Corn and Soybean Meal-Based
Diets, Inkyung Park and Sung Woo Kim (North Carolina State Univ)
Quantitative Comparison of Omega-5-gliadin, a wheat allergen,
from Korea-homegrown and Imported Wheat Grains, Nam Taek Lee, Namhyun Chung,
Young Sig Park, Pyo June Pak, and JuHee Kim (Korea Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-9:40AM, Hanover Hall E
FAN-6 Session: Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Chair: Sunkyung Kim (CDC), Co-Chair: Young-Yun Cho (Samsung Medical Center)
8:00 AM FAN-22
8:20 AM FAN-23
8:40 AM FAN-24
9:00 AM FAN-25
9:20 AM FAN-26
Title and Authors
[Keynote] Evaluation of Plasma Carotenoids, Oxidative Stress Markers and AdiposityAssociated Markers in Breast Cancer Risk
Jee-Young Yeon, Young-Jin Suh, Hyun-Wook Baik, Young Ae Cho, Jungsil Ro, Jeongseon
Kim, Mi-Kyung Sung (Sookmyung Women’s Univ)
Current Status of Dietary and Nutrition Education in the Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
Young Yun Cho (Samsung Medical Center)
[Invited] Effects of Egg Consumption on Carotenoid Absorption from Co-consumed,
Raw Vegetables
Jung Eun Kim,Susannah L Gordon, Mario G Ferruzzi, Wayne W Campbell (Purdue Univ)
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption by Disability Status Among US Adults in 24
Sunkyung Kim, Sohyun Park, Suzanne Whitmore, Catherine A. Okoro (CDC)
Gene-Diet Interaction in the Risk of Gastric Cancer
Jeongseon Kim (National Cancer Center)
August 1 Saturday, 1:15-2:35PM, Hanover Hall E
FAN-7 Session: General Food Science and Product Development
Chair: Youngmok Kim (Synergy), Co-Chair: Jungeun Cho (World Institute of Kimchi)
[Keynote] Relationship Between Analytical Analysis and Development of New
1:15 PM FAN-27 Food/Flavor Products
Youngmo Yoon (Sensient Flavors LLC)
Current Research Status and Prospect of Kimchi
1:35 PM FAN-28
Jungeun Cho, Young-Bae Chung (World Institute of Kimchi)
[Invited] Antioxidant Polyphenolics in Ready to Drink Teas: How healthy are they?
1:55 PM FAN-29
Youngmok Kim (Synergy)
Product Development in Foodservice
2:15 PM FAN-30
Minjung Kim (Cargill)
Materials Science and Engineering Symposium [MSE]
Chair: Choonkeun Park (KITECH)
Co-Chairs: Minseo Park (Auburn Univ), Jiyoung Kim (Univ of Texas at Dallas)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:30AM-3:15PM, Embassy Hall D
RISE Forum - Research and Innovations in Sustainable Energy
CHM/CHE/MSE/MAN Joint Symposium
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:30AM, Roswell
MSE-1 Session: Materials Issues in Electronic Packaging
Chair: Gene Kim (Alent)
8:00 AM MSE-1
8:30 AM MSE-2
8:50 AM MSE-3
9:10 AM MSE-4
Title and Authors
[Keynote] Smart Mobile, Internet of Things, and Wearable Electronics: Common
Technical Challenges and Possible Solutions in 3 Dimensional System Level
Sung Jin Kim (Georgia Tech)
Interconnection and Chip Mounting Processes of Stretchable Packaging for Wearable
Device Applications
Tae Sung Oh, D. H. Park, D. W. Park, K. S. Han, H. A. Oh, S. J. Shin (Hongik Univ)
Dual Sided Reinforcement (DSR) Materials for Component-to-Substrate Electronic
Gene Kim, Michael Previti (Alent)
GaN-based Light-Emitting Diodes with Thin-Film-Flip-Chip-Based Wafer-Level ChipScale Package Technology Using Anisotropic Conductive Film Bonding
Keon Hwa Lee, Seung Hwan Kim, Jae-Hyun Ryou (Univ of Houston)
July 31 Friday, 1:30-3:20PM, Roswell
MSE-2 Session: Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials
Chair: Jiyoung Kim (Univ of Texas, Dallas)
1:30 PM MSE-5
[Keynote] Confined Crystallization of 1D Nanomaterials
Hyunjung Shin (Sungkyunkwan Univ)
Polarizability as a Control Mechanism in Electron-Hole Separation in Nano Hybrid
2:00 PM MSE-6 Photocatalyst
Shawn S. Muslim, Tierra Poteat, John J. Bang (NCCU)
Investigation of Volatile Gas Sensing Integrated on Flexible & Wearable Substrates with
2:20 PM MSE-7 Functional Nanomaterials
Hyejin Park, Yoonsung Chung, Eunji Lee, and Dong-Joo (Daniel) Kim (Auburn Univ)
3-Dimensional Anode Stack Based on Carbon Nanotubes for True Performance of Li-Ion
2:40 PM MSE-8 Battery
Chiwon Kang, Baskaran Rangasamy, Mumukshu Patel, Wonbong Choi (FIU)
Polyacrylonitrile-carbon Nanotube Composites for Next Generation Carbon Fiber
3:00 PM MSE-9
Han Gi Chae (UNIST)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
MSE Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Tailoring Morphology of ZnO Nanostructures on Fabrics by Electrochemical Deposition
for Gas Sensors, Eunji Lee, Hyejin Park, Yoonsung Chung, Seokhee Lee, Dong-Joo Kim
(Auburn Univ)
Characteristics of PVDF-TrFE/CEP/Si Structures for FeRAM, Min-Gi Kim, Bo Jin, Byung
Eun Park (Univ of Seoul)
Depth-dependent UV Spectroscopic Photo IV Analysis of AlGaN/GaN HEMT Layers,
Burcu Ozden, Chungman Yang, Fei Tong, Min P. Khanal, Vahid Mirkhani, Mobbassar Hassan
Sk, Ayayi Claude Ahyi, Minseo Park (Auburn Univ)
Preparation and Characterization of Fresnoite Crystal with K2O-TiO2-SiO2 Glass by
Two Methods, Eunsung Yoo, Huijin Kim, Choonkeun Park, Kwangbo Shim, Hoon Huh
Feasible Study on the Application of Dynamic-Nano Indentation Method to Evaluate
Nano-structure Materials : Fe-25% Gd Alloys, Yong Choi, Y. Baik, M. Kim, B. M. Moon, D.
S. Sohn, S. H. Cho (Dankook Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:30-10:00AM, Roswell
MSE-3 Session: Semiconducting Materials and Device
Chair: Jae-Hyun Ryou (Univ of Houston)
8:30 AM MSE-10
9:00 AM MSE-11
9:20 AM MSE-12
9:40 AM MSE-13
Title and Authors
[Keynote] MOCVD Growth of Advanced III-N Optoelectronic and Electronic Devices
Russell Dupuis (Georgia Tech)
Electrical Properties of O3-based ALD-ZrO2 on AlGaN/GaN on Si
Young-Chul Byun, Antonio T. Lucero, Xin Meng, Lanxia Cheng and Jiyoung Kim (Univ of Texas
at Dallas)
Internal Quantum Efficiency Improvement and Peak Emission Wavelength Tuning in
Flexible Visible GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes
Jae-Hyun Ryou, Shahab Shervin, Seung Hwan Kim, Mojtaba Asadirad (Univ of Houston)
Maximizing Thermoelectric Properties by Nanoinclusion of γ-SbTe in Sb2Te3 Film via
Solid-State Phase Transition from Amorphous Sb-Te Electrodeposits
Jiwon Kim, Miluo Zhang, Wayne Bosze, Su-Dong Park, Jae-Hong Lim, Nosang V. Myung
August 1 Saturday, 1:30-3:40PM, Roswell
MSE-4 Session: Frontiers in Materials Science
Chair: Hongjoo Rhee (MSU)
1:30 PM MSE-14
[Plenary] Magnetic Supercapacitor for Next Generation Electric Vehicles
Yang-ki Hong, Jihoon Park, Woncheol Lee (Univ of Alabama)
Diffusion Couple Experiments: Opportunities and Challenges in Determining Thermo2:00 PM MSE-15 Kinetic and Functional Properties
Yongho Son (Univ of Central Florida)
Materials and Mechanical Properties of Novel Metal Matrix Metallic Composites
2:20 PM MSE-16
Hong Joo Rhee, Wilburn Whittington, Roger King, Hwi-Jun Kim, Chang-Woo Lee (MSU)
Hydrogen Transport Metallic Membranes
2:40 PM MSE-17
Jong Hee Park, Paul Grimmer (Eltron R&D)
Performance of Nd-Fe-B and Rare-earth Free MnBi Permanent Magnets for Electric
3:00 PM MSE-18 Vehicle's Motor
Yang-Ki Hong, Jihoon Park, Woncheol Lee (Univ of Alabama)
Preparation and Characterization of Fresnoite Crystal with K2O-TiO2-SiO2 Glass Change
3:20 PM MSE-19 in Soaking Temperature
Eunsung Yoo, Hoon Huh, Kwangbo Shim, Choonkeun Park (KITECH)
Mechanical, Aerospace & Naval Engineering Symposium
Chair: Hyoung Jin Cho (Univ of Central Florida)
Co-Chairs: Joong Myeon Bae (KAIST), Eui-Hyeok Yang (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:30AM-3:15PM, Embassy Hall D
RISE Forum - Research and Innovations in Sustainable Energy
CHM/CHE/MSE/MAN Joint Symposium
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Spring
MAN-1 Session: Mechanical Devices and Systems - Industry Forum
Chair: Jae Um (Siemens Energy), Co-Chair: Hee-Koo Moon (Solar Turbines)
1:15 PM MAN-1
1:30 PM MAN-2
1:45 PM MAN-3
2:00 PM MAN-4
2:15 PM MAN-5
2:30 PM MAN-6
2:45 PM MAN-7
Title and Authors
[Invited] The Market Trend of Industrial Gas Turbine
Jae Um (SIEMENS Energy)
[Invited] Heat Transfer Challenges in A Low NOx Industrial Gas Turbine Engine
Hee-Koo Moon (Solar Turbines Incorporated/A Caterpillar Company)
[Invited] Development of a Simplified Method to Model Machine Tool Energy
Jang-Yeob Lee , Sung-Hoon Ahn , Yong-Jun Shin , Min-Soo Kim , Sung-Yong Kim , Yeo2
Chan Yoon , Sangkee Min (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) ( Seoul National Univ,
Hyundai WIA Co., Ltd.)
[Invited] Stress Analysis for Chip Scale Packages with Embedded Active Devices under
Thermal Cycling
Sung Yi, Hyunwook Yeo, David Turcic (Portland State Univ)
[Invited] Assessment of Mechanical and Thermal Properties on Carbon Nanotube
Composite for the Enhancement of Naval Vessels
Soonkook Hong(United States Naval Academy), Sung-Hoon Park (Soongsil Univ)
[Invited] Development of Nanofabrication Process for Cost/time-effective Nano-island
Patterns and Optical Application
Ilwoo Seok (Arkansas State Univ)
Careers and Opportunities in Hyundai Motors - Hyundai Motors
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:30PM, Spring
MAN-2 Session: MEMS and NEMS
Chair: Eui-Hyeok Yang (Stevens Institute of Technology), Co-chair: Hyoung Jin Cho (Univ of Central Florida)
1:15 PM MAN-8
1:30 PM MAN-9
1:45 PM MAN-10
2:00 PM MAN-11
Title and Authors
[Invited] Utilizing Engineered and Tunable Surfaces – Fundamentals and Applications
Eui-Hyeok Yang (Stevens Institute of Technology)
[Invited] Seamless Integration of Nanoporous Microchannels
Yong-Kyu Yoon and Sheng-Po Fang (Univ of Florida)
[Invited] Nanoengineered Surfaces for Prevention of Bacterial Adhesion
Ferdi Hizal, Natthakan Rungraeng , Soojin Jun , Chang-Hwan Choi (Stevens Institute of
Technology) ( Univ of Hawaii)
[Invited] Inkjet Printing of Microscale Silver Patterns on PDMS and Their Transfer to
2:15 PM MAN-12
2:30 PM MAN-13
2:45 PM MAN-14
3:00 PM MAN-15
3:15 PM MAN-16
Thin Parylene Membrane
Yoontae Kim, Xiang Ren, Jinwon Kim, and Hongseok (Moses) Noh (Drexel Univ)
[Invited] Multi-Analyte Chemical Detection Using Conducting Polymers
Edward Song, Jin-Woo Choi (Louisiana State Univ)
[Invited] Droplet Manipulation based on Thermotaxis
Alireza Karbalaei Baba, Roxana Shabani, Ashkan Davanlou, Ranganathan Kumar, Hyoung J.
Cho (Univ of Central Florida)
[Invited] Mechanism of AC Electrowetting Propulsion on Free Surface
Junqi Yuan, Sung Kwon Cho (Univ of Pittsburgh)
[Invited] Digital Microfluidics for Microscale Alginate Gel Formation
S. George, Hyejin Moon (Univ of Texas at Arlington)
[Invited] MEMS Assembly Using Shape Memory Polymers
Jeff Eisenhaure and Seok Kim (Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
MAN Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
CFD Analysis of a Mixed-flow Pump with Variable Inlet Guide Vane, Jeong-Eui Yun
(Kangwon National Univ)
Enhancement and Automated Assessment of the Engineering Design Process in an
Electronic Learning Ecosystem, Robert Jones , Baldur Steingrimsson (Imagars LLC), Fayar
1 1
Etesami , Sung Yi ( Portland State Univ)
Equine Articular Cartilage Hyperelastic Properties Differ Between Joints, Hyeon Lee
1 1
(Virginia Tech) , Robert L. Jackson , R. Reid Hanson ( Auburn Univ)
Modelling of Dynamic Crack Growth in an Elastic Solid with an Augmented Finite
Element Method, Jaedal Jung, Q. D. Yang (Univ of Miami)
Reduction of the Electrolysis on a PEDOT:PSS Coated Diode Pump, Dong Hwan Shin,
Daeyun Kim , Seong Hyuk Lee , Chang Kyoung Choi (Michigan Technological Univ) ( ChungAng Univ)
High Efficiency Drying Technology via the Heat Recovery from the Exhaust Gases, Won
Pyo Chun, Jong Won Choi, Sung Il Kim, Sang Hyun Oh, Kye Jung Lee, Ki Woo Lee (Korea
Institute of Energy Research)
Civil, Environmental and Architecture Symposium [CEA]
Chair: Byungkyu Brian Park (Univ of Virginia)
Co-Chairs: Hyoseop Woo (KICT), Jae Hyeon Ryu (Univ of Idaho)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:40AM, Kennesaw
CEA-1 Session: Sustainable Engineering Solutions for Water and Environment
Chair: Soryong (Ryan) Chae (Univ of Cincinnati), Co-Chair: Myoseon Jang (Univ of Florida)
8:00 AM
8:20 AM
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
9:20 AM
Title and Authors
[Invited] Impacts of Mineral Dust Particles on Atmospheric Oxidation of Air Pollutants:
Chamber Studies
Myoseon Jang (Univ of Florida)
[Invited] Membranes and Engineered Nanomaterials for Advanced Water Treatment
Soryong Chae (Univ of Cincinnati)
Nitrogen Energy Recovery from Ammonium and Methane-Rich Centrate
Jaewook Myung (Stanford Univ)
Biofilm Formation and Control in Water Distribution Systems
Youngwoo Seo (Univ of Toledo)
Supercritical CO2 and Brine Displacement in Geological Carbon Sequestration
Jongwon Jung (Louisiana State Univ)
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:40AM, Fairlie
CEA-2 Session: Transportation
Chair: Jun-Seok Oh (Western Michigan Univ), Co-Chair: Dongjoo Park (Univ of Seoul)
8:00 AM
8:20 AM
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
[Keynote] Should Roadway be Managed as a Reservation or Queuing System
Byungkyu Brian Park (Univ of Virginia)
[Invited] Estimating Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in Urban Areas using Re-gression
CEA-7 Kriging
Dongjoo Park (Univ of Seoul)
Incident Traffic Management and Clearance Time
Jun-Seok Oh (Western Michigan Univ)
Development of Prediction-based VSL Algorithm for Adverse Weather Conditions
Saerona Choi (Univ of Virginia)
9:20 AM CEA-10
Fundamental Study of Deicing Pavement System using Graphite and Carbon Fiber
Jaejun Lee (Chonbuk National Univ)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Kennesaw
CEA-3 Session: Geotech, Material & Structure
Chair: Yong-Rak Kim (Univ of Nebraska), Co-Chair: Sung-Hee Kim (Kennesaw State Univ)
1:15 PM CEA-11
1:35 PM CEA-12
1:55 PM CEA-13
2:15 PM CEA-14
2:35 PM CEA-15
[Invited] Integrated Energy Harvesting from Open Roads
Philip Park (Texas A&M Univ)
Microstructure Fracture Modeling of Viscoelastic Particulate Mixtures
Taesun You (Univ of Nebraska)
Track Remediation Using Geogrid with Drainage Improvement
Jayhyun Kwon (Tensar Int’l Corp)
Analytical Study of Image-Based Pavement Crack Detection and Quantification Using
Machine Learning Techniques
Hae-Bum Yun (Univ of Central Florida)
Cyclic load triaxial tests for Unbound Granular Materials using AASHTO and European
Test Methods
Sung-Hee Kim (Kennesaw State Univ)
A Multi-Function Testing Device for Airfield and Highway Pavements: Rolling Dynamic
2:55 PM CEA-16 Deflectometer
Boo Hyun Nam (Univ of Central Florida)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:10PM, Kennesaw
CEA-4 Session: Construction Management
Chair: Jae Ho Pyeon (San Jose State Univ), Co-Chair: Jin Lee Kim (Cal. State Univ)
3:30 PM CEA-17
3:50 PM CEA-18
4:10 PM CEA-19
4:30 PM CEA-20
4:50 PM CEA-21
[Invited] Methodology to Develop an As-built Schedule Using Daily Work Report Data
David Jeong (Iowa State Univ)
Contract Selection Process
Michael Kim (Florida Dept of Transportation)
Analysis and Prediction of Methane Generation Rates in Landfills
Jin Lee Kim (California State Univ)
Framework for Estimating Cost for Transportation Management Plan Strategies for
Caltrans Highway Construction Projects
Jae Ho Pyeon (San Jose State Univ)
Cost-Effective Wireless Technology for Construction Management Applications
Jeewoong Park (Georgia Tech)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:40AM, Kennesaw
CEA-5 Session: Water for Future
Chair: Hyeoseop Woo (KICT), Co-Chair: Jae Ryu (Univ of Idaho)
8:00 AM CEA-22
8:20 AM CEA-23
8:40 AM CEA-24
9:00 AM CEA-25
9:20 AM CEA-26
Title and Authors
[Invited] Korea LID-Verification Facility and Research Center: Construction and
Development of LID-Verification Instrument
Hyunsuk Shin (Pusan National Univ)
[Invited] Climate Change and Water Resources Management for Climate Ready
Jae Ryu (Univ of Idaho)
Developing lightweight algorithms for improving watershed-scale modeling of hydrology
and water quality
Seo Jin Ki (Univ of Hawaii)
Parallelizing HSPF to Improve Hydrological Simulations using a Linux Cluster
Jungjin Kim (Univ of Idaho)
Transformation of water and sanitation in Korea
Jong Ho Ahn (KEI)
July 31 Friday, 1:15-2:35PM, Kennesaw
CEA-6 Session: Current Environmental Research
Chair: Jong Ho Ahn (KEI), Co-Chair: Wookuen Shin (Geosyntec Consultants)
[Invited] Designing Low Impact Development treatment systems for Urban & Agricultural
1:15 PM CEA-27 Environments
Steve Trinkaus (Trinkaus Engineering)
Integration of biological kinetics and computational fluid dynamics to model the growth
1:35 PM CEA-28 of Nannochloropsis salina in an open channel raceway
Stephen Park (Southern Illinois Univ)
Treatment of First Flush Using Settling Pipe and Fiber Filter System
1:55 PM CEA-29
Dongil Seo (Chungnam National Univ)
Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Large-Scale Electric Vehicle Adoption in
2:15 PM CEA-30 Southeast Michigan
Seung-Jin Lee (Univ of Michigan-Flint)
July 31 Friday, 1:15-2:55PM, Lenox
CEA-7 Session: KICT/KSCEE Joint Session – Sustainable Construction/Transportation Technologies
Chair: Kang-Won Lee (KSCEE), Co-Chair: Tai Sik Lee (KICT)
[Invited] Potential Challenges with Human-Driver and Autonomous Vehicle Interaction
Michael Hunter (Georgia Tech)
Test Sections for Sustainable Pavement Rehabilitation
1:35 PM CEA-32
Katherine Wilson (Univ of Rhode Island)
Subtitle: Sustainable Engineering for Extreme Environments
[Keynote] Korean Development of Engineering for Extreme Environment
1:55 PM CEA-33
Tai Sik Lee (KICT)
Study on Construction Material for Planetary Infrastructure
2:10 PM CEA-34
Jaeho Lee (KICT/Hanyang Univ)
Vision and Plan for Korean Extraterrestrial Resource Prospecting
2:25 PM CEA-35
Byung Chul Chang (KICT/Hanyang Univ)
Advanced Laboratory Testing for Frost Heaving and Thaw Settlement
2:40 PM CEA-36
Jangguen Lee (KICT)
1:15 PM CEA-31
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
CEA Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Pyrosequencing Analysis and Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria in a Hospital Sewage treatment
process, Jeongdong Choi (Korea National Univ of Transportation)
Where to Locate Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Refueling Stations on the Pennsylvania Turnpike,
Sang Jin Kweon (Pennsylvania State Univ)
Rutting Performance Prediction of the KEC Test Road, Dahae Kim (North Carolina State Univ)
The Removal Capability of Microcystin-LR in a Water Distribution System, Dooil Kim (Dankook
Base Isolator Optimal Design, Woobin Tark (Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Influence of Aligned Nickel Particles on Electromechanical Behavior of Multi-walled Carbon
Nanotube/polymer-based Composite, Sung-Hwan Jang (Columbia Univ)
Management Plan for Mercury Emission by Advanced Technology, Seung-Whee Rhee (Kyonggi
Development of an Aggregate Air Quality Index Using a PCA-Based Method: A Case Study of
the U.S. Transportation Sector, Jaesung Choi (North Dakota State Univ)
The Performance of the Vertical Glass Fins inside a Double Skin Facade Air Cavity as
Acoustical Barriers and Natural Ventilation Potential, Jeehwan Lee (Univ of Kansas)
Containerized Freight Behavior Analysis into the U.S., Sanghyeon Ko (Univ of Illinois at Chicago)
Validation of a Finite Element Model for Unimorph Piezoelectric Energy Harvester, Yooseob
Song (Louisiana State Univ)
Tree Level Forest Thematic Map Generation using Airborne LiDAR Data, Anjin Chang (Texas
A&M Univ)
Bayesian model Updating of a Full-scale Finite Element Model, Jinwoo Jang (Columbia Univ)
Impulse-based Discrete Element Method for Large Scale Granular Dynamics, Seung Jae Lee
(Florida International Univ)
Flux Performance of Forward Osmosis Membranes for Domestic Wastewater Treatment, Jang
Am (Sungkyunkwan Univ)
EUI Evaluation Methodology of Airport Terminal Buildings: based on Energy Performance
Benchmark Model, Jonghoon Ahn (North Carolina State Univ)
Two-staged Anaerobic System for Hydrogen and Methane Production from Co-digestion of
Brown Water and Food Waste, Sachin Paudel (Changwon National Univ)
Effect of Particle Size for Enhanced Hydrolysis of Food Waste in Anaerobic Digestion Process,
YoungJun Kang (Changwon National Univ)
Behavior Characteristics of PAHs in Industrial Areas Storm Water Runoff, Chunsik Lee
(Gyeongnam National Univ of Science and Technology)
Current Practice for Concrete Bridge Decks Treatment in the U.S., Yoojung Yoon (West Virginia
Comparison of Vegetation Structural Parameters at Stand Level derived from Leaf-on and Leafoff LiDAR Data, Jinha Jung (Texas A&M Univ)
Modeling the Impacts of a Low Emission Zone Policy: the Application of an Integrated Model of
the Urban Continuum (SimTRAVEL), Daehyun You (Georgia Tech)
Study on the Electric Bike by the Emission reduction of Greenhouse Gas, JinDo Chung (Hoseo
Differential Exposure Assessment to Local Traffic-generated Particulate Matter (PM) in a
Minority Community, Patricia Cline-Thomas (North Carolina Central Univ)
Finding a Financial Equilibrium between the Government and the Private Investors in a P3
Project, Deog Sang Bae (Texas A&M Univ)
Evaluating Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Jinhan Kwon (Univ of Texas at Austin)
Effect of Soil Organic Carbon in Attenuation of High Explosives in Soil, Jongho Won (North
Carolina State Univ)
Deformation Measurement of Railroad-bridge Using Digital Photogrammetry, Hyoseong Lee
(Suncheon National Univ)
Fabricating Green Composite Building Materials with Bamboo and Coconut Fibers, Jin-Lee Kim
(California State Univ at Long Beach)
Numerical Modeling Approaches to Investigate the Uncertainty of Mass Discharge
Measurements under Heterogeneity Conditions, Ki Young Cha (US Environmental Protection
Application of Radar Image Processing to Improve Capacity of Run-Off Flow Rate Model, Seung
Won Lee (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)
CEA-P32 Graphite Added Heated Pavement for Deicing, Philip Park (Texas A&M Univ)
Developing an Energy Harvesting System using ECC and Piezoelectric Materials for Highway
Sustainability, Seonghoon Kim (Georgia Southern Univ)
Fast Robot Scanning System and 3D Image Reconstruction Technology of Full Internal
Concrete Structures for Structural Monitoring, Suyun Ham (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign)
Sample Size of Household Travel Survey in Seoul Metropolitan Area, Chai Man Kim (Gyeonggi
Research Institute)
Design of Frames with Web-Tapered I-Section Members, Yoon Duk (Debbie) Kim (Georgia
Perimeter College)
California Drought Response: Motivators and Limitations, Yusien Hong (Kennedy/Jenks
Public Perceptions of Environmental Health Risks in the United States, Mikyong Shin (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention)
Detection of Bacteria Resistance to Chemical Agents in a Drinking Water Distribution System,
Yoonjin Lee (Konyang University)
CEA-P40 SWAT-Based Simulation of Non-point Source Pollution, Yoonjin Lee (Konyang University)
The Characterization of Aluminum Toxicity and sSpeciation using Aquatic Organism,
Selenastrum Capricornutum, for Construction Material Leachate, Portla, Jae Hyuk Lee (Caltrans)
Evaluation of Cumulative Travel Time Response Control algorithm using Advanced Prediction
Method, Seongah Hong (Univ of Virginia)
Deformation Measurement of Railroad-bridge Using Digital Photogrammetry, Hyoseong Lee
(Suncheon National Univ)
Frequency Domain Assessment of Direct Shear in NCS and UHPC, Jaeyoon Kim (West Virginia
Electrical, Electronics & Communications Symposium
Chair: Tae (Tom) Oh (Rochester Institute of Technolgy)
Co-Chairs: Ken Choi (Illnois Institute of Technology), Jeong Kim (ETRI)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Vinings
EEC-1 Session: Network, Communications, and Vehicles
Chair: Ken Choi (IIT)
1:15 PM
2:00 PM
2:25 PM
2:50 PM
Title and Authors
[Keynote] Toward Internet of Things
Myung Jong Lee (SUNY Stony Brook)
An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Habitat Monitoring
Seungmo Kim (Virginia Tech)
Vehicular Communications via LTE-Advanced
Ki Lee (LG Electronics USA)
Derivable Public Key based Security Scheme for VANET
Myung Jong Lee (SUNY Stony Brook)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Vinings
EEC-2 Session: Optics, Images and Materials and Power
Chair: Byeong Song (Argonne), Ken Choi (IIT)
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
[Invited] Edge Preserving Stereo Matching Using Modified Distance Transform
Yo-Sung Ho (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology-GIST)
Artifact Enhancement of Reconstruction in Off-Centered Cone-beam Computed
EEC-6 Tomography
Kyung Chan Jin (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
Polarization Controllable THz Stereometamaterial Absorber
Seongsin Kim (The Univ of Alabama)
Clock Power Reduction Algorithms for Ultra-low Power Applications
Qiang Tong and Kyuwon Ken Choi (Illnois Institute of Technology)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Vinings
EEC-3 Session: Security and Power
Chair: Yo-Sung Ho (GIST)
Title and Authors
Introduction to Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology
1:15 PM EEC-9
Moowhan Shin and Jong-Souk Yeo (Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology)
[Invited] Precision Power Electronic System Design for Accelerator Systems
1:40 PM EEC-10
Byeong Mun (Ben) Song (Argonne National Laboratory)
[Invited] Expert Criteria Based Power System Health Index Model and Visualization
2:10 PM EEC-11 Considering Differential Value
Jaeseok Choi (Gyeongsang National Univ)
Meemo: Mobile Device Security Technology Based on Mobile Trusted Module
2:40 PM EEC-12
Hyunsook Cho (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute, ETRI)
Automated Input Generator to Detect Malicious Android Applications
3:00 PM EEC-13
Tae Oh (Rochester Institute of Technology)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
EEC Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Enhanced Optical and Electrical Properties of Organic Field Effect Transistor using
Metal Nanoparticles, Seongman Cho (Univ of Miami)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-10:00AM, Vinings
EEC-4 Session: Social, Mobile and Malware
Chair: Seongsin Kim (Univ of Alabama)
8:00 AM EEC-14
8:30 AM EEC-15
9:00 AM EEC-16
9:30 AM EEC-17
Title and Authors
[Invited] Flipping the Classroom and Odds for Student Success
Gloria J. Kim (Northwestern Univ)
International comparison of Mobile Consumer Self-Confidence and Behaviors:
Investigating the Consequences of M-Commerce Consumer Self-Confidence between
US and Korea
Sung Hee Park (Florida State Univ)
A Longitudinal Analysis: When/How Older Adults Decide and Use a Technology
HyoJoo Han (Georgia Southern Univ)
Advanced Android Malware Detection Techniques Using Android Memory Dump
Tae Oh (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Bio, Medical and Pharmaceutical Symposium [BMP]
Chair: Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
Co-Chairs: In-Chull Kim (National OncoVenture), Jong Y Park (Moffitt Cancer Center/Univ of S. Florida)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:55AM, Hanover Hall A&B
BMP/CNV Joint Session: KHIDI Forum on Drug and Vaccine Development
Chairs: Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ), Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech)
Title and Authors
8:00 AM
Introduction to KHIDI
Director of Novel Tech Development (KHIDI)
8:15 AM
Anti-Cancer Drug Development by Novel Nanotechnology in Cancer Therapy
Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
8:40 AM
9:05 AM
9:30 AM
Flu Vaccine Development in Korea
WooJoo Kim (Korea Univ)
Anti-Ebola Drug Development
Baek Kim (Emory Univ)
Honokiol and Other Natural Compounds in Cancer Prevention and Therapy
Jack Arbiser (Emory Univ)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Fairlie
BMP-1 Session: Emerging Technologies in Biomedical Imaging
Chair: Hyunsuk Shim (Emory Univ), Co-chair: Jae Sung Lee (Seoul National Univ)
1:15 PM BMP-1
Title and Authors
[Invited] Radiology: Challenges and Opportunities
Ty Bae (Univ of Pittsburgh)
NCI Cancer Imaging Program Quantitative Imaging Network activity with special focus
1:55 PM BMP-2 on her site effort on MR spectroscopic imaging in GBM patients
Hyunsuk Shim (Emory Univ)
Development of Hybrid Biomedical Imaging Systems
Jae Sung Lee (Seoul National Univ)
Interfacial Properties of Engineered Nanomaterial for their potential Applications in
2:55 PM BMP-4 Imaging and Drug Delivery
John Bang (North Carolina Central Univ)
2:20 PM BMP-3
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Fairlie
BMP-2 Session: Translational Research & Regulatory Innovation for Drug Development
Chair: Heemin Rhee (Health Research International)
[Invited] Systems Biology of Cell Signaling and Drug Responses through Modeling and
3:30 PM BMP-5 Microscopy
Myong-Hee Sung (NIH/NCI)
4:00 PM BMP-6
Human Cardiac Microphysiological Systems for Drug-Induced Cardiotoxicty Screening
Alec S.T. Smith and Deok-Ho Kim (Univ of Washington)
4:30 PM BMP-7
Three-dimensional Bioprinting for Additive Biomanufacturing
Seung-Schik Yoo and Wonhye Lee (Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital)
5:00 PM BMP-8
U.S. FDA QIDP Designation for Expeditious Antibiotic Approval
Heemin Rhee (Health Research International)
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:45AM, Fairlie
BMP-3 Session: Translational Research in Drug Development
Chair: Young-Whan Park (National OncoVenture)
Title and Authors
[Invited] Preclinical Development of Novel Anti-Cancer Bispecific Antibody (HD105)
8:00 AM BMP-9 Targeting VEGF and DLL4
Sang-Hoon Lee (Hanwha Chemical)
Safety and Chemopreventive Effect of Polyphenon E in Preventing Early and Metastatic
8:20 AM BMP-10 Progression of Prostate Cancer in TRAMP Mice
Jong Park (Moffitt Cancer Center)
8:40 AM BMP-11
Translational research in Drug Development of National OncoVenture
Young-Whan Park (National OncoVenture)
9:00 AM BMP-12
B2B “Bed-to-Bench” or “Bench-to-Bed”
Jae Hong Park (Takeda)
Restoration of Systemic Growth and Differentiation Factor-11 (GDF11) Levels
9:20 AM BMP-13 Rejuvenates Age-associated Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle
Young Charles Jang (Georgia Tech)
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Fairlie
BMP-4 Session: Affordable Pneumococcal Vaccines to the World
Chair: Moon H. Nahm (UAB), Co-Chair: Hun Kim (SK Chemical)
1:15 PM BMP-14
From Basic Discoveries to Pneumococcal Vaccines
K. Aaron Geno (UAB)
1:45 PM BMP-15
From Immunology Studies to Pneumococcal Vaccine Development Tools
Moon H. Nahm (UAB)
2:15 PM BMP-16
[Invited] Clinical Evaluation of Pneumococcal Vaccines in Korea
Kyung-Hyo Kim (Ewha Womans Univ Medical School)
Introduction of SK Chemicals’s Vaccine Program and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
2:45 PM BMP-17 Project
Hun Kim, Dongsoo Ham, Jinwhan Shin, and Na Hyung Kim (SK Chemical)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
BMP Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Assessment of Hemodynamics and Oxygen Content in a Newborn Patient with Complex
Congenital Heart Disease, Namheon Lee (Univ Cincinnati)
A Novel function of Regulator of G-protein Signaling 10 in Multiple Sclerosis, Jae Kyung
Lee (Emory Univ)
Methuosis Cell Death, Eric Kim (UAB)
Loading has Significant Influence on Glycosaminoglycan contents in Osteoarthritic
Articular Cartilage Sub-tissue Zones, Ji Hyun Lee (Oakland Univ)
Inhibitory Effect of Achyranthis Radix Extract Loaded Hydrogel on Osteoclast
Differentiation, Kyung Sub Lee (Kyung Hee Univ)
Mitochondrial ATP Transporter Ant2 is Dispensable for Basal Liver Function, Joonseok
Cho (Univ of Florida)
Murine Cytomegalovirus (MCMV) Cause Abnormal Cerebellar Development by Altering
SHH Signaling Pathway, Cathy Sung (UAB)
Unraveling the Therapeutic Mechanisms of Human Umbilical Cord Tissue-derived Cells
in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Sehwon Koh (Duke Univ)
Novel Hydrophobic Hydrogel to Deliver Anti-cancer Drugs into Targeted Cancer, Seong
Seo (Albany State Univ)
In Vivo miR-150 KO Mice Show Metabolic Benefits, Minsung Kang (UAB)
RNA-mediated Epigenetic Gene Silencing: a Potential Mechanism and Therapy for
FSHD, Jongwon Lim (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center)
AIMP1 as a Novel B Cell-activating Factor in Vitro and in Vivo, Tae Sung Kim (Korea Univ)
Induction Mechanism of Neural Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal
Stem Cells by Electromagnetic Field, Chan-Wha Kim (Korea Univ)
Repression of Tumor Suppressor Gene Expression by Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein
via DNA Methylation, Giseok Choi (Duke Univ)
Microbial Succession in Decadal Growth Layers of Large Conical Microbial Mats in Lake
Untersee, Antarctica Attributes Proxies for Ancient Stromatolite, Hyunmin Koo (UAB)
Multiview Boosting for Automated Histological Analysis of Prostate Cancer, Jin Tae
Kwak (NIH)
Investigation of Immunological Synapse of Regulatory T cells using Microfluidic
Magnetic Sorting Platforms, Joung Hyun Lee (Columbia)
Exploratory Analysis of Organizational, Political, and Community Factors Associated
with Local Health Department Budget Cut, Seungeun Park (Univ Washington)
Development of a Bio-inspired Hybrid Nanosack to Increase the Efficacy of Pancreatic
Islet Transplantation in the Omentum, Patrick Hwang (UAB)
Surgical Control/Cure of 5TGM1 Murine Multiple Myeloma Model by
Thyroparathyroidectomy, Hanna Yoo (Univ Arkansas)
Targeting the CXCL5/CXCR2 Signaling Axis Suppresses Growth, Survival, and Invasion
of Lung Adenocarcinoma, Hee Sun Park (Chungnam National Univ)
Cardiovascular Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease: Role of Sympathetic Nervous System
Overactivity and Novel Interventions, Jeanie Park (Emory Univ)
Ebola Vaccine Development Plan Analysis, Kyung Bong Ha (Duke Univ)
Coupling of Cell Growth and Division in Primary lymphocytes via the mTORC1/4EBP/eIF4e axis, Lomon So (Univ of California, Irvine)
Discovery of the Novel Metabolic Pathway of 3,6-Anhydro-L-galactose by the Integrated
Analyses of Metabolome and Transcriptome, Kyoung Heon Kim (Korea Univ)
Biomechanics and Cellular Functions, Michael Cho (Univ of Illinois, Chicago)
Genomewide Analysis of eRNA Reveals Transcriptional Regulatory Mechanism of Antidiabetic Drug in Adipocyte, Hee-Woong Lim (Univ of Penn)
Device-less Respiratory Motion Detection and Compensation for Quantitative Positron
Emission Tomography, Keum Sil Lee (Stanford Univ)
Investigation of the Role of MbtH-like Proteins in Non Ribosomal Peptide Syntheses,
Jane Ryu (Univ of Wisconsin)
Characterization of Recombinant Glutathione Reductase from the Psychrophilic
Antarctic Bacterium, Colwellia Psychrerythraea, Mikyoung Ji (NC State Univ)
Three-Dimensional Cancer Culture Model, Daniel Oh (Columbia Univ)
Recent Advances of the Commercialization for Tissue Engineered and Regenerative
Products in Korea: Update 2015, Gilson Khang (Chonbuk National Univ)
Directed in Vitro Myogenesis of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and their in Vivo Delivery
using Biomimetic Materials, Yongsung Hwang (Soonchunhyang Univ)
A Dynamic Search Process Underlies MicroRNA Targeting, Chirlmin Joo (Delft Univ)
Spine Pruning in Frontal Cortex Drives Antipsychotic-sensitive Locomotion via Circuit
Control of Striatal Dopamine, Il Hwan Kim, Mark Rossi, Dipendra Aryal, Bence Racz,
Namsoo Kim, Akiyoshi Uezu, Fan Wang, William Wetsel, Richard Weinberg, Henry Yin, and
Scott Soderling (Duke Univ)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-9:45AM, Fairlie
BMP-5 Session: Oncology Drug Discovery & Development
Chair: In-Chull Kim (National OncoVenture)
Title and Authors
[Invited] Dosage Decision in Target Mediated Oncology Product
8:00 AM BMP-18
Saeheum Song (Daiichi Sankyo)
Chemoprevention with Selective Natural Compounds in Lung and Head and Neck
8:25 AM BMP-19 Cancers
Dong-Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
Anti-Cancer Drug Development Program of Korean Government
8:50 AM BMP-20
In-Chull Kim (National OncoVenture)
9:15 AM BMP-21
Cancer Metabolism and Future Drug Discovery
Sumin Kang (Emory Univ)
Convergence Technology Symposium [CNV]
Chair: Hanjoong Jo (Emory Univ and Georgia Institute of Techonlogy)
Co-Chairs: Sanghoon Lee (Korea Univ), Ho-Wook Jun (Univ of Alabama at Birmingham)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:55AM, Hanover Hall A&B
BMP/CNV Joint Session: KHIDI Forum on Drug and Vaccine Development
Co-Chairs: Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech), Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
8:00 AM
8:15 AM
8:40 AM
9:05 AM
9:30 AM
Title and Authors
Introduction to KHIDI
Director of Novel Tech Development (KHIDI)
Anti-Cancer Drug Development by Novel Nanotechnology in Cancer Therapy
Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
Flu Vaccine Development in Korea
WooJoo Kim (Korea Univ)
Anti-Ebola Drug Development
Baek Kim (Emory Univ)
Honokiol and Other Natural Compounds in Cancer Prevention and Therapy
Jack Arbiser (Emory Univ)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Courtland
CNV-1 Session: Biomaterials and Nanotechnology
Co-Chairs: Seungwoo Cho (Yonsei Univ), Yoonjee Park (Univ of Cincinnati)
1:15 PM CNV-1
1:35 PM CNV-2
1:55 PM CNV-3
2:15 PM CNV-4
2:35 PM CNV-5
2:55 PM CNV-6
Stem Cell Engineering with Bio-inspired Materials
Seungwoo Cho (Yonsei Univ)
Ultrasound-Mediated Targeted Liposomal Doxorubicin Delivery Using Microvessels-ona-Chip
Yoonjee Park (Univ of Cincinnati)
Origami Tissue Engineering
Nathaniel S. Hwang (Seoul National Univ)
Tumor Microenvironment Array Platform for Cancer Precision Medicine
Pilnam Kim (KAIST)
Combinatorial Polymer Matrices Enhancing Cardiac Maturation of Human Induced
Pluripotent Stem Cells
Young Wook Chun (Vanderbilt Univ)
Elicitation of Robust Adaptive Immune Responses with Lipid-based Vaccine
James Moon (Univ of Michigan)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Courtland
CNV-2 Session: Regenerative medicine and Stem Cell Engineering
Co-Chairs: Gilson Khang (Chunbuk National Univ), Young-Sup Yoon (Emory Univ)
Recent Advances of Regenerative Medicine in Korea: Update 2015
Gilson Khang (Chunbuk National Univ)
Cardiac Regeneration with Pluripotent Stem Cells
3:50 PM CNV-8
Young-sup Yoon (Emory Univ)
Advances and Applications of Drug Repurposing in Regenerative Medicine
4:10 PM CNV-9
Jeong Ik Lee (Konkuk Univ)
Modulators of Reprogramming
4:30 PM CNV-10
In-Hyun Park (Yale Univ)
3:30 PM CNV-7
ETV2 in Vessel Regeneration
Changwon Park (Emory Univ)
Advanced Technology for New Silk Road
5:10 PM CNV-12
Chanhum Park (Hallym Univ)
4:50 PM CNV-11
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 8:00-10:00AM, Courtland
CNV-3 Session: Neuroengineering and CNS Therapeutics
Co-Chairs: Yoonkey Nam (KAIST), YongTae (Tony) Kim (Georgia Tech)
8:00 AM CNV-13
8:20 AM CNV-14
8:40 AM CNV-15
9:00 AM CNV-16
9:20 AM CNV-17
9:40 AM CNV-18
Title and Authors
Optical Inhibition of Neural Activity using Near-infrared Sensitive Plasmonic
Yoonkey Nam (KAIST)
Steerable Microcatheter using an Electroactive Polymer for Treatment of Stroke
Dong-Suk Shin (Univ of Texas Medical School)
Neuromechanical Templates and Anchors for Limb Control in Engineered Legged
Young-Hui Chang (Georgia Tech)
Inhibitory Control over Valuation in Decision-making
Jaeseung Jeong (KAIST)
Microfluidic Engineering of Nanomedicines for CNS Therapeutics
YongTae Kim (Georgia Tech)
Noninvasive High-resolution Blood Perfusion Measurement using MRI
Sung-Hong Park (KAIST)
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Courtland
CNV-4 Session: Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
Co-Chairs: Hyunjoon Kong (UIUC), Jennifer Shin (KAIST)
1:15 PM CNV-19
1:35 PM CNV-20
1:55 PM CNV-21
2:15 PM CNV-22
2:35 PM CNV-23
2:55 PM CNV-24
Targeted Delivery of Anti-microRNA as a Novel Therapeutic to Treat Atherosclerosis
Hangjoon Jo (GaTech/Emory)
Matrix-mediated co-differentiation of Stem Cell Clusters
Hyunjoon Kong (Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Simple Platforms to Study Cellular Mechanobiology
Jennifer Shin (KAIST)
Pacing the Heart with Genes and Cells
HeeCheol Cho (Emory Univ)
Biomechanics and Cellular Functions
Michael Cho (Univ of Illinois at Chicago)
Reconstructing the Mechanosensitive Behaviors of Cells in Silico
TaeYoon Kim (Purdue Univ)
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
CNV Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
Antibacterial Activity of Injectable Biomimetic Nanomatrix Gel in Root Canal Infection,
Kyounga Cheon (Univ of Alabama at Birmingham)
Development of Cross-Platform Assistive Robotic Manipulation Simulator, Hyun Ka
(Univ of Pittsburgh)
Wireless Microfluidics for Drug Delivery in Awake Behaving Animals, Jae-Woong Jeong
(Univ of Colorado)
Microtip-based Amperometric Biosensor for TB diagnosis, Jong-Hoon Kim (Washington
State Univ)
Towards Subject-Specific Lower Limb Smart Intervention: Features, Efficacies, and
Translation into Clinical Studies, Song Joo Lee (Northwestern Univ)
Selenite for Reduction of Silver Nanoparticle Exposure-Induced Mitochondrial Stress,
John Bang (North Carolina Central Univ)
Microwell Device for Generating Vascularized Neurospheres to Control Self-renewal and
Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells, Kisuk Yang (Yonsei Univ)
Metabolic Engineering of P. Pastoris for Fatty Acid Production, Sangyoung Yoon
(Washington Univ in St. Louis)
Multilevel Dynamic Generalized Structured Component Analysis for Brain Connectivity
Analysis, Kwang Hee Jung (Univ of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
Towards Development of Steady-State Somatosensory Evoked Potentials based Hybrid
Brain-Computer Interface System, Inchul Choi (North Carolina State Univ)
Non-genetic Purification of Ventricular Cardiomyocytes from Differentiating Embryonic
Stem Cells through Molecular Beacons Targeting a Ventricle-speci, Kiwon Ban (Emory
Building and Exploring Fungal Genome Universe: a Knowledge-Based System for
Biotechnological Applications, In-Geol Choi (Korea Univ)
Microwell Device for Generating Vascularized Neurospheres to Control Self-renewal
and Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells, Kisuk Yang (Yonsei Univ)
Sub-micro Convergence Systems for Innovation of Personalized Medicine and
Molecular Diagnosis, JW Hong (Hanyang Univ)
Laminar Flow-Induced Shear Stress Activates Intracellular Calcium Influx and Enhances
Lymphatic Expansion, Young-Kwon Hong (Univ of Southern California)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 8:00-10:00AM, Courtland
CNV-5 Session: Biomedical Devices and Molecular Theranostics
Co-Chairs: Michael Yu (Univ of Utah), Youngjae Chun (Univ of Pittsburgh)
8:00 AM CNV-25
8:20 AM CNV-26
8:40 AM CNV-27
9:00 AM CNV-28
9:20 AM CNV-29
9:40 AM CNV-30
Title and Authors
Implantable Nitinol Medical Devices
Youngjae Chun (Univ of Pittsburgh)
Robotic Technologies for Image-guided Biopsy and Cardiovascular Intervention
Jaesoon Choi (Asan Medical Center and Univ of Ulsan)
Soft Electronics Integrated on the Auricle as a Brain-Computer Interface
Hong Yeo (Virginia Commonwealth Univ)
Targeting Collagen Strands by Triple Helix Hybridization: New Strategy for Theranostics
Michael Yu (Univ of Utah)
Control Stem Cell Fate Using Nanotechnology-based Approaches
Ki Bum Lee (Rutgers Univ)
Bridging Biology, Nanotechnology and Molecular Imaging for Translational Theranostics
Seulki Lee (Johns Hopkins Medical Institute)
August 1 Saturday, 2:00-4:00PM, Courtland
CNV-6 Session: Sensor, Organ-on-chip, and Diagnostics
Co-Chairs: Junsang Doh (PosTech), Dong Eun Huh (Univ Penn)
Study on the Directed Migration of T cells Guided by Biophysical Cues using
2:00 PM CNV-31 Microfabricated Platforms
Junsang Doh (Postech)
2:20 PM CNV-32
2:40 PM CNV-33
3:00 PM CNV-34
3:20 PM CNV-35
3:40 PM CNV-36
Microengineered Physiological Biomimicry: Human Organ-on-Chips
Dongeun Huh (Univ of Penn)
A BioSpleen Blood Cleansing Device for Sepsis Therapy
JooHun Kang (Wyss Institute at Harvard Univ)
Metallic Nanoparticles @ Liquids Interfaces: Synthesis, Motion Control, and Molecular
Taewook Kang (Sogang Univ)
Drug Cocktail Screening towards Combination Therapy
Claire Hur (Roland Institute at Harvard Univ)
Central Nervous System on a Chip: 2D and 3D Model
Sanghoon Lee (Korea Univ)
Young Generation and Professional Forum [YGPF]
Chair: Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
Co-Chairs: Jim Hyung Lee (StrengthsForth), Jin-Hwa Chun (Fluor Corporation)
Thursday, July 30, 2015
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall F
Session: Welcoming Session (YGPF Session I)
Chair: Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
Co-chairs: Jim Hyung Lee (StrengthsForth), Jin-Hwa Chun (Fluor Corporation)
Title and Authors
Welcoming Remarks
Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
Invited Speaker 1
Seong-jin Kim (Consul General, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Atlanta, Georgia)
Invited Speaker 2
David Kim (Chief Performance Officer, Invitation Homes)
Ice Breaker
Katherine Cho (Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:35PM, Embassy Hall F
Session: Career Life Hacks (YGPF Session II)
Chair: Jim Hyung Lee (StrengthsForth)
Career Life Hacks: Secrets from an Insider on Getting Through the Job Hunting Process
Jim Hyung Lee (StrengthsForth)
You’ve done everything to your resume career counselors told you to do. You role played each of the 50
interview questions presented in the Internet article. So did everyone else that is applying for that job. What
else can you do to have the edge? In this workshop, bring your resume and cover letter, and then get ready
to see the hiring process from the other side of the interview table.
We’ll strategically analyze the whole process from beginning to end and share what you need to do as you
are going through the hoops, step by step. Learn how to find the right opportunities, why you don’t want to
use the same resume throughout the interviewing process, and know when to turn away offers (you will get
multiple). You’ll walk away from this time together with a plan and strategy to get hired and stand out from
the crowd as the clear choice for the job.
Friday, July 31, 2015
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall B and Embassy Hall F
UKC & YGPF Job Fair
Chair: Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
Joint UKC & YPGF Job Fair
July 31 Friday, 3:30-6:00PM, Grand Hall West
UKC & YGPF Poster Session
Chair: Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
Title and Authors
KSEA YG National Executive Board: Connecting the Network of KSEA YG Chapters, Yun
Tae Cha (Bushes Tsai Inc.), Yeon Joon Jin (Hulu LLC), Hyunkyung Lee (MCPHS Univ)
From an Undergraduate Member to Committee Member in KSEA-Utah, Seyoun Byun (Univ
of Utah)
Central Pennsylvania: How to Boost YG Chapter Activities, Eun-Kyeong Kim (Pennsylvania
State Univ)
KSEA YG Purdue, Lunaric Ko, Soie Park, Dong You Jang (Purdue Univ)
Seattle in Beast Mode, DongJu Hwang (Univ of Washington)
Texas A&M University YG Chapter, Sarah Choi, Kevin Kim, Da Eun Lee (Texas A&M)
UC Davis YG Chapter: Adopting Different Leadership Style to Increase Participation, Hyun
Hee Park, Young Jin Youn, Jisoo Kim (UC Davis)
Being in a Team, Jieun Lee (Univ of Idaho)
How Our Student Orgs Set Us Up for Success, Kevin Riutzel (Asian Pacific American Medical
Student Association)
Medical Service Trip Development, Sinhye Lee (Univ of South Florida)
Personal Experience of Leadership in the University of Idaho, Seung Chae Ryu (Univ of
Resuscitating a Minority Organization on Campus: My Experiences with Vanderbilt
Liberty in North Korea, Heeweon Kim (Vanderbilt Univ)
Two Years of Transformational Leadership, Changsig Moon (Univ of Idaho)
Becoming A Clinical Researcher, Jullia Lee (ClinSite)
Career Experience as Undergrad Student, Jong Hoo Park (GA Tech)
Managing at Landis+Gyr, Gerina Kim (Lands+Gyr)
Reaching Your Audience, Katherine Cho (The City College of New York & Columbia Univ)
To Join or Not, Michelle Kim (United States Air Force)
Characterization of TSC2 in mTOR Signaling Pathway, Kookjoo Kim (Univ of WisconsinMadison)
CRD-BP in the Resistance of Melanoma to BRAF Inhibitors, Taewon Kim (Univ of
Effect of Pre-treatments on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Phosvitin from Egg Yolk, SunHee
Moon (Iowa State Univ)
Fabrication of Scaffold-free Tissue Engineered Blood Vessel Using Nanopatterned
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheet, HaYeun Ji (Columbia Univ)
HIV Therapy via RNA Interference, Seung Cha (City of Hope National Medical Center)
Levels of Bevacizumab and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A from Retinal
Pigmented Epithelial Cells in vivo, Jina Lim (Univ of Washington School of Medicine)
Lipid Oxidation and Protein Deterioration of Dried Anchovies during Storage at Different
Temperatures, Jihee Kim (Iowa State Univ)
Microengineered Groove-post Hybrid Platform for Enhanced Maturation and Contraction
of Cardiomyocytes, Peter Kim (Univ of Washington)
Mitochondrial ATP Transporter Ant2 is Dispensable for Basal Liver Function, Joonseok
Cho (Univ of Florida)
Neuroscience Nursing, Hangaram Kim (UHN)
Novel Antimycobacterial Secondary Metabolites of Streptomycete Caeruleus Isolated
from Iceland, Hiyoung Kim (Univ of Illinois at Chicago)
Role of Purinergic Receptors in HIV-1 Entry and Fusion, Jeong Hwa Kim (Emory School of
The Role of Ga-67 SPECT/CT in Evaluation of Inflammation and Response to Steroid
Treatment in Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, Bernard Do (Univ of Washington)
The Size of Foragers and Effects on Distance Traveled in Ants’ Society, Ahreum Han
(Underwriters Laboratories Inc)
The Specificity of Gbetagamma Subunits Regulating Exocytosis through the Adrenergic
Alpha2a Receptor, Yun Young Yim (Vanderbilt Univ)
The Vortex Formation in Left Ventricle, Hun Chan Lee (Purdue Univ)
Toll-like Receptor Ligands as a Post-Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Therapy in
Treatment of Childhood Acute Leukemia, Sumin Jo (Child & Family Research Institute, Univ
of British Columbia)
U.S. Healthcare - The Complexity and Emerging Opportunities in the Hospital Revenue
Cycle, Daniel Lee (Triage Consulting Group)
Zero-dimensional Persistence as a Topological Feature of Action Potential Waveforms for
Spike Sorting, Yoon Woo Byun (Duke Univ)
A Study of Four Galactic Ring-shaped HII Regions, Sungju Kang (Iowa State Univ)
Chiral Templating of Self-Assembling Nanostructures by Circularly Polarized Light,
Jihyeon Yeom (Univ of Michigan)
Improving Gap-filling Method using a Cluster Based Approach with Statistical
Correlation, Jungjin Kim (Univ of Idaho)
Photo-induced Force Detection: Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy at Space and Time
Limits, Junghoon Jahng (Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Univ of California, Irvine)
The CREAM Science Operation Center, Oluchi Ofoha (Univ of Maryland)
A Review on Online Visual Tracking, Kyoung Tak Cho (Iowa State Univ)
Checklist Web Application, Charles Han (Univ of British Columbia)
Computing Literacy in the 21st Century, Michael Lee (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Google Glass Assisted Spine Instrumentation Using a Novel Video Streaming System,
Jang Yoon (Mayo Clinic Florida)
The Endrunning Navigation Method for Multi Firefighting Robots with Fire Hose, Jeongwan Kim (Purdue Univ)
A Movement Towards MEMS from Telecommunication, Ryuhwa Kim (Univ of Southern
Crack Type Index Development, Haena Kim (Univ of Iowa)
Effect of Nanoporous Materials on Saturation Pressure in Shale Reservoirs, Hyeyoung
Cho (Univ of Utah)
EPC Contracting Industry, Solomon Kang (Doosan Hydro Technology)
How to Locate LNG Refueling Stations on the Pennsylvania Turnpike?, Sang Jin Kweon
(Pennsylvania State Univ)
Laser Direct Written Silicon Nanowires for Electronic and Sensing Applications, Woongsik
Nam (Purdue Univ)
Study of High Altitude Sonobuoy Decelerator System, Jin Oh (General Atomics
Saturday, August 1, 2015
August 1 Saturday, 2:00-4:00PM, Embassy Hall F
Session: Networking Across Generations (YGPF Session III)
Chair: Jin-Hwa Chun (Fluor Corporation)
Networking Across Generations: Connecting YGPF Participants with UKC Technical
Jin-Hwa Chun (Fluor Corporation)
The US-Korea Conference (UKC) is the biggest conference between US and Korea and covers science,
engineering, technology, industry, entrepreneurship, and leadership. It attracts more than 1200 participants
ranging from technical experts to business professionals.
With growing participation of students and young professionals at UKC, this joint session is aimed to
provide a networking opportunity for all generation of participants at UKC.
August 1 Saturday, 4:00-5:00PM, Embassy Hall F
Session: Closing Session (YGPF Session IV)
Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
Awards Ceremony
Solomon Kang (Doosan Hydro Technology)
Closing Remarks
Phillip Han (Lightshed Health/ Clockwise.MD)
July 30 Thursday
Hanover Hall A&B
Hanover Hall G
Embassy Hall B
Korea Health Industry Development Institute Forum
Korea Innovation Center Forum
Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Embassy Hall C
The Korean Academy of Science and Technology Forum / The
7th Frontier Scientists Workshop: Advanced Materials for
Energy Conversion and Storage
Embassy Hall D /
Research & Innovations in Sustainable Energy Forum
Embassy Hall A
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Forum
Hanover Hall F
Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning Forum
Embassy Hall G
KITECH-US Industrial Technology R&D Collaboration Forum
World Congress of Korean and Korean-Ethnic Scientists and
Embassy Hall E
Intellectual Property Forum
Hanover Hall A&B KIER/EUREKA Korea Institute of Energy Research Energy Eureka Forum
Cheil Jedang Forum
Korea Basic Science Institute Forum on Scientific Instrument
Korea Environment Institute / Korea Environmental Industry &
Technology Institute Forum
Embassy Hall C
The Korean Academy of Science and Technology Forum / The
7th Frontier Scientists Workshop: Advanced Materials for
Energy Conversion and Storage
Embassy Hall D
LG Chem. Energy Solution Company Forum
Universal Linkage for Top Research Advisor Forum
Hanover Hall E
Food Safety and Regulation Forum
Embassy Hall E
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Forum
Hanover Hall F
Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering
Korea Federation of Women’s Science & Technology
Associations Forum
Embassy Hall D
Seoul City Forum
Hanover Hall F
Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering
Biotechnology Forum
Emory Univ
Korea Health Industry Development Institute Forum
Hanover Hall E
Embassy Hall B
Embassy Hall A
July 31 Friday
Hanover Hall A&B
* All forums are open to the public.
* The forum table is sorted by time but the forum list from next page is in an alphabetical order.
Thursday Forum Program
CJ (Cheil Jedang) Forum
CJ CheilJedang announces the first CJ-Forum scheduled to be held on July 30th in the USKorea Conference, Atlanta, GA. It is a great pleasure and honor to extend a warm invitation to
all Korean Scientists in the US to attend the Forum.
The objectives of the CJ-Forum are to foster an intellectual exchange among scientists from
universities, the industry, and other institutes for the purpose of possibly organizing follow-up
activities for R&D collaboration and recruitment. Topics to be presented in the forum are
simply focusing on the areas where CJ has been interested.
We look forward to your coming to an inspiring scientific program prepared by CJ
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-6:00PM, Hanover Hall E
Chair: Hee-Yong Kim (NIH)
3:30 PM
3:45 PM
4:10 PM
4:35 PM
5:00 PM
5:05 PM
5:30 PM
5:55 PM
Title and Authors
Opening - Welcome Message & Introduction of CJ CheilJedang (video)
Hang Duk Roh (President of BIO BU, CJ CheilJedang Co.)
[Invited] Probiotics and Its Physical & Chemical Benefits in Human Body
Hyung Soo Kim (President, Culture Systems Inc.)
Cystine to spare methionine requirement and to enhance integrity of the small intestine
of nursery pigs and broiler chickens
Inkyung Park (PhD, North Carolina State Univ)
Dietary fish oil and curcumin interact to modulate colonic stem cell response in AOMtreated mice.
Eunjoo Kim (PhD candidate, Texas A&M Univ)
Characterization of recombinant glutathione reductase from the psychrophilic antarctic
bacterium, Colwellia psychrerythraea
Mikyoung Ji (PhD, North Carolina State Univ)
Polyhydroxyalkanoate-accumulating methanotrophs as high-value animal food
supplement and prebiotic
Jaewook Myung (PhD candidate, Stanford Univ)
IP (Intellectual Property) Forum
The "IP Forum" will provide a presentation session about a new role of IP in the era of
Creative Economy and about how to lead the rapidly-growing world IP market with a strategic
cooperation between US and Korea. The Forum will also hold a "IP Competition" for
academia, research institutes, private companies, individual inventors, IP businesses etc. from
Korea & US, where IP evaluation, competition and IP market are provided.
July 30 Thursday, 1:30-3:10PM, Embassy Hall E
Chair: Sang-Chun Lee (Chairman of NST), Paul T. Lee (President of KORUSIP)
1:30 PM
2:45 PM
Title and Authors
Unlocking the Value of Invention
Edward Chung (CTO of Intellectual Ventures)
Panel Discussion, Q&A
Hosin Lee (The University of Iowa), Lynn Bristol (USPTO), Ick-Chan Lee (ETRI)
Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington), Marc Sedam (AUTM)
Myeongsup Kim (Embassy of the Republic of Korea)
July 30 Thursday, 3:10-5:40PM, Embassy Hall E
IP Competition Final
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
3:30 PM
3:40 PM
3:50 PM
4:00 PM
4:10 PM
4:30 PM
4:40 PM
4:50 PM
5:00 PM
5:10 PM
5:20 PM
Briefing of Judging Principle (Hosin Lee, The University of Iowa)
Entry #1 (Dongchan Seok, NFRI)
Entry #2 (Jong Yeol Kim, KIOM)
Entry #3 (Seungyong Yoon, ETRI)
Entry #4 (Kwang Uk Chu, NSRI)
Entry #5 (Tae Hoon Koh, KRRI)
Entry #6 (Kiwoong Kim, KRISS)
Entry #7 (Yong Chan Cho, KIGAM)
Entry #8 (Dae Hoon Lee, KIMM)
Entry #9 (Byoung Gyun Lim, KARI)
Entry #10 (Seung Kwon Seol, KERI)
July 30 Thursday, 5:40-6:00PM, Embassy Hall E
MOU & Award
KAST (The 7th Frontier Scientists Workshop:
Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion
and Storage) Forum
The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) and the US National Academy of
Science (NAS) will hold "The 7th Frontier Scientists Workshop" at UKC2015. The workshop is
an event to discuss about recent research trends and future plans to exchange most recent
and advanced technologies. We bring together both outstanding young and senior scientists to
discuss exciting advances and opportunities. We have set a specific topic "Advanced
Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage" this year. Total of fifteen renowned and uprising
professionals will be invited to give a talk. Among them, five will be selected by KAST, five by
KSEA, and five by US NAS. We cordially invite all of you who are interested in the subject.
July 30 Thursday, 8:20-9:30AM, Embassy Hall C
8:20 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Title and Authors
Opening Remarks
Sung Hyun Park (President of KAST)
The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR): A New Paradigm for Energy
Storage Research
George Crabtree (Argonne National Laboratory)
Perovskite Solar Cell: Strategies for Commercialization
Nam-Gyu Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-5:30PM, Embassy Hall C
1:15 PM
1:35 PM
1:55 PM
2:15 PM
2:30 PM
2:50 PM
3:10 PM
3:30 PM
3:45 PM
4:05 PM
5:30 PM
Hierarchical Inorganic Assemblies for the Photoreduction of CO 2 by H2O
Heinz Frei (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Nanostructured Electrodes for High-Performance Energy Storage and Conversion
Seung Woo Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Purely Organic Phosphorescent Materials: Directed Heavy Atom Effects
Jinsang Kim (Univ of Michigan)
Controlled Interfaces in BiVO4/WO3 Heterojunction for Highly Efficient
Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production
Jong Hyeok Park (Yonsei Univ)
Next generation Photovoltaics with Organic Metal Halide Perovskites
Prashant Kamat (Univ of Norte Dame)
Solar Chemical Factory Platform for Solar Fuel/Chemical Production
Jin-Ook Baeg (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT))
From 2D Nanosheets to 3D Nanohybrid Photocatalysts
Seong-Ju Hwang (Ewha Womans Univ)
Novel Hydrocarbon Ion-Conducting Polymers for Proton Exchange and Anion Exchange
Fuel Cell Membranes
Chulsung Bae (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Dinner hosted by KAST
KBSI (Korea Basic Science Institute) Forum
on Scientific Instrument Development
As a leading national analytical science research institute, KBSI has been developing
analytical-scientific instruments for basic research and industry. The current status of various
scientific instrument developments at KBSI, such as thermal & optical imaging microscopy,
nano-bio transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution mass spectrometry (MS)
and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy will be introduced. Magnetic field is one
of the key phenomena for human beings to discover novel principles of nature. In this regards,
the activities related to the high magnetic field instrumentation at US National High Magnetic
Field Laboratory will be presented by Profs. Gregory Boebinger and Seungyong Hahn. It will
be also briefly described that the worldwide status of high-magnetic-field technology and a
new approach for high-field magnet fabrication in Korea to establish a world-class user facility.
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Embassy Hall B
Title and Authors
3:30 PM
Opening/Welcome Address
Kwang Hwa Chung (President, KBSI)
3:35 PM
Congratulatory Address
3:45 PM
Introduction of KBSI - Video
3:50 PM
Development of Scientific Instruments at KBSI
Hyun Sik Kim (Director, Scientific Instrumentation, KBSI)
4:05 PM
Development of a Compact Transmission Electron Microscope Platform for
Convergence Imaging of Nano-Bio Specimen
Boklae Cho (Korea Research Institute of Standards & Science, KRISS)
4:20 PM
Advanced NMR : Development of Cryogen-free HTS NMR Magnet at KBSI
SangGap Lee (Korea Basic Science Institute, KBSI)
4:35 PM
No-Insulation All-HTS Magnets for >30-T NMR and >35-T DC Applications
Seungyong Hahn (Florida State Univ)
4:50 PM
5:00 PM
NHMFL Activities in Development of High Field Magnets
Gregory Boebinger (Director, National High Magnetic Field Lab)
5:20 PM
Toward High Magnetic Field Lab in Korea
Dong Lak Kim (Korea Basic Science Institute, KBSI)
KEI/KEITI (Korea Environment Institute /
Korea Environmental Industry and
Technology Institute) Forum
This forum is co-hosted by Korea Environment Institute (KEI) as a leading think tank on
Environmental policy and Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI). The
forum will introduce Environmental Research and technology development in Korea. Also, the
current status of the development of integrated model for climate change will be presented
and discussed on climate change impact.
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Embassy Hall A
Chair: Jae Hyeon Ryu (Univ of Idaho)
Co-Chairs: ByungKook Lee (KEI), Sang Won Lee (KEITI)
Title and Authors
3:30 PM
Introduction of KEITI
Dong Ik Oh (KEITI)
3:50 PM
Enviromental Research and Technology Development in Korea
Byung Hyun Han (KEITI)
4:10 PM
Development of Integrated Model for Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability
Assessment and Strengthening the Framework for Model Implementation in Korea
Byung-Kook Lee (KEI)
4:30 PM
Development of an Integrated Top-down and Bottom-up System for Greenhouse Gas
Reduction in Korea
Yong Gun Kim (KEI)
4:50 PM
5:00 PM
KHIDI (Korea Health Industry Development
Institute Forum) Forum on Drug and Vaccine
The KHIDI Forum on Drug and Vaccine Development will bring together the leaders in vaccine
and drug development to fight against cancer and emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola
and MERS outbreaks. Prof. Woo Joo Kim, the Chair of the Infectious Disease at Korea
University Guro Hospital, has been serving as the Director or MERS Response Task Force by
the Korean government. Prof. Baek Kim, Director of Center for Drug Discovery at Emory, will
discuss his work on anti-Ebola drug development. Prof. Dong Moon Shin, Executive Vice
Chair of Hematology and Oncology and Associate Director of Winship Cancer Center will
discuss nanotechnology in cancer therapy. Prof. Jack Arbiser at Emory University Winship
Cancer Center will discuss the use of natural compounds in cancer therapy.
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:55AM, Hanover Hall A&B
BMP/CNV Joint Session: KHIDI Forum on Drug and Vaccine Development
Co-Chairs: Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech), Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
8:00 AM
8:15 AM
8:40 AM
9:05 AM
9:30 AM
Title and Authors
Introduction to KHIDI
Director of Novel Tech Development (KHIDI)
Anti-Cancer Drug Development by Novel Nanotechnology in Cancer Therapy
Dong Moon Shin (Emory Univ)
Novel Therapeutics against Diabetes
Kun Ho Yoon (Catholic Univ)
Anti-Ebola Drug Development
Baek Kim (Emory Univ)
Honokiol and Other Natural Compounds in Cancer Prevention and Therapy
Jack Arbiser (Emory Univ)
KIC (Korea Innovation Center) Forum
Korea Innovation Center, Washington DC (KIC-DC) was created in 2014 as a global outpost
for Korea’s creative economy policies. It aims to provide Korean tech-startups and S&T
institutions with robust platforms which would enable them to engage with the rich innovation
ecosystem of the US. One of its strategic programs, the KIC Start I-Corps, introduces NSFdriven innovation curriculum to Korean S&T universities and national laboratories, with the
goal of fostering global commercialization of their R&D outputs. KIC works with NSF’s
Washington I-Corps node to custom-fit the program to the unique needs of Korean scientists,
and provides programmatic network with the local experts via KIC Global Leader Mentor
program. In this workshop, KIC wants to share its vision and operating plans with the KoreanAmerican scientists and engineers and seek opportunities for institutional partnerships.
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:45AM, Hanover Hall G
Chair: Jay Kim (Director General, KIC-Washington)
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Title and Authors
Korea Innovation Center - Global Outpost for Korea's Creative Economy
Jay Kim (KIC-Washington)
KIC and Korea-US Collaborations in S&T Innovation
Sunhak Cho (Science Attache, Korean Embassy)
KIC Start I-Corps Program - Strategic Platform for Global S&T Commercialization
Jongwon (JP) Park (KIC-Washington)
KIER (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
Energy Eureka Forum
With the success of the first KIER Energy Eureka Forum in UKC2014, Korea Institute of
Energy Research (KIER) continues to take a step toward building and providing an
international cooperation platform upon which productive outcomes and advances in cuttingedge technology can be achieved by holding the second Forum in UKC2015. The main
purpose of the Forum is to support and fund joint research projects with Korean-American
scientists and engineers in the fields of energy efficiency, new and renewable energy, carbon
capture utilization and storage, and marine energy and materials. The final winners of the
Forum will be awarded “2016 KIER International Project”.
July 30 Thursday, 1:30-4:40PM, Hanover Hall A&B
Chair: Hyunku Joo (Director of Partnerships, Strategy and Policy Division)
1:30 PM
1:37 PM
1:40 PM
1:50 PM
2:15 PM
2:40 PM
3:05 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
4:25 PM
4:30 PM
Title and Authors
Welcome remarks
Ki-woo Lee (President, KIER)
KIER Introduction – Video
Hyunku Joo
Enhancement of Boiling Heat Transfer of Low Surface Tension Liquids, using Surface
with Extreme Wettabilities
Wonjae Choi
New Thermoelectric Material for Power Generation
Kang-Won Wayne Lee
Development of Hydrocarbon Based Polymers for Reinforced Composite Membranes
Chulsung Bae
Biorefinery Development to Produce Furan Chemicals as Plastic Precursors from
Lignocellulosic Biomass
Sunkyu Park
Development of High Performance and Anti-Fouling Graphene Nanofiber Membranes for
Clean Energy Production by Reverse Electrodialysis
Soryong Chae
Final Comments
Ki-woo Lee (President, KIER)
KIMM (Korea Institute of Machinery and
Materials) Forum
As a leading national research group in the area of mechanical engineering in Korea, the
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) would like to host a KIMM-Forum session
subtitled as ‘Challenges of Mechanical Engineering with a Shift in Global Energy Paradigm,’
during UKC 2015 in Atlanta, GA, USA.
Global energy paradigm is rapidly changing with the recent shale gas boom triggered in the
USA. This impacts not only on the global energy market such as the fall of oil/gas prices, but
also on the trends in the climate change initiatives. Thanks to the abundant supply of shale
gas, USA is experiencing a significant decrease of the amount of annual CO2 emission by the
switch to natural gas from coal of electric power plants.
Trends in the low energy prices as a consequence of the US shale gas boom dramatically
impact on the global business environment. It has caused the recent fall of global oil prices,
which helps business environments of many countries such as Korea which heavily depends
on imported energy.
In this forum, challenges of mechanical engineering caused by a shift in global energy
paradigm due to the US shale gas boom and their impacts on Korean business environment
will be discussed. This forum is composed of (1) presentations by speakers from Korea and
USA and (2) a panel session for open discussions between speakers and audience.
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall A
Challenges of Mechanical Engineering with a Shift in Global Energy Paradigm
1:15 PM
1:20 PM
1:35 PM
1:50 PM
2:05 PM
2:20 PM
Title and Authors
Welcome Remarks
Yong Taek Im (President, KIMM)
[Invited] Oil Price Drop, its Impacts on Shale Gas/Oil Production and Prospects of Shale
Gas/Oil Development
Sam Jae Cho
Toward Modular Near-Zero Emission Clean Energy Plants for Shale Gas and Oil
Bang Woo Han (KIMM)
Recent Research Activities on Gas Turbine at KIMM
Han Seok Kim (KIMM)
Challenges with a Low NOx Gas Turbine Engine
Hee Koo Moon (Solar Turbines)
Panel Discussion
Chair: Sam Jae Cho
KISTEP (Korea Institute of S&T
Evaluation and Planning) Forum
In recent years, the world has changed dramatically along with advancements in science and
technology. The technological progress has brought us the future that is open and emergent,
but also uncertain and complex. It has thus become crucial to seek creative and forwardlooking approaches and wisely use them to better anticipate emerging societal challenges.
KISTEP forum aims to share insights on technology foresight, technology assessment, R&D
evaluation trends and S&T policy direction from both Korea and US to understand the current
landscape and shape the future to better meet our long-term economic and social needs.
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Hanover Hall F
Shaping the Future through Science & Technology and Innovation
1:15 PM
1:35 PM
1:55 PM
2:15 PM
2:35 PM
2:55 PM
Title and Authors
Welcome Remarks / Introduction to KISTEP
Youngah Park (President, KISTEP)
[Invited] Increasing Impact of Science in Diplomacy
Donald Manzullo (President & CEO, Korea Economic Institute of America)
The Role of Foresight in S&T Policy
Moonjung Choi (Director General, Office of Strategic Foresight, KISTEP)
[Invited] Toward Holistic Technology Assessment in the United States: Convergence
of Methods and Considerations Moving Foward
Tim Persons (Chief Scientist, U.S. Government Accountability Office)
Recent Issues and Policy Direction of Public R&D Evaluation in Korea
Sangki Jeong (Director, R&D Evaluation Center, KISTEP)
Panel Discussion / Q&A
KITECH (KITECH-US Industrial Technology
R&D Collaboration) Forum
Recently thermal power generation system encounters several challenges such as energy
security, reduction of CO2 emission and minimization of air pollution. In this KITECH-US
industrial technology R&D collaboration forum, co-hosted by “Convergence Cluster on Future
Coal Power Generation Technologies”, requirements of future thermal power generation
system and material issues will be discussed. Integrating strategies of process and material
development in one system will be introduced in this session as well. Especially, there will be a
discussion on Korea-US collaboration in this research area, which requires deepened
convergence of various research fields such as mechanical/material/chemical/environmental
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall G
Technologies on Future Thermal Power Generation (미래형 화력발전 기술)
Chair: Won Yang (Principal Researcher, KITECH)
1:15 PM
1:20 PM
1:30 PM
1:55 PM
2:20 PM
2:45 PM
3:10 PM
Title and Authors
Welcome Speech
President of KITECH
Introduction of KITECH
Current Technical Issues in Thermal Power Generation and Requirement of an
Innovative System
Won Yang (Principal Researcher, KITECH)
Introduction to Fraunhofer Center for Energy Innovation in UConn and Our Research
Activities in Future Energy Systems
Singh Prabhakar (Director, Fraunhofer Center for Energy Innovation, Univ of Connecticut)
Development of Heat Resistant Materials for USC and HSC Power Plants in Korea
Woo Sang Jung (Principal Researcher, KIST)
Biomass Conversion Technologies and its Applications in Energy Production Systems
Uen Do Lee (Principal Researcher, KITECH)
Wrap up
KOFAC-AAAS (Korea Foundation for the
Advancement of Science & Creativity – American Association
for the Advancement of Science) Forum
KOFAC is running a long-term project to form a new framework for science education that will
produce competent individuals who meet the needs of the future society in order to adapt to
the rapidly changing society. KOFAC-AAAS Forum aims to formalize cooperative relations
between the two organizations, KOFAC and AAAS, for developing the Next Generation
Science Standard in Korea, and to promote further development by collecting various opinions
from Korean scientists in the US through active communications between scientific
communities of Korea and US.
July 30 Thursday, 8:00-9:45AM, Embassy Hall B
Science for All Citizens: 미래 사회에 필요한 시민의 과학적 소양
Chair: Seunghwan Kim (President, KOFAC)
8:00 AM
8:15 AM
8:35 AM
8:55 AM
Title and Authors
Opening - Introduction of KOFAC-AAAS Forum
Seunghwan Kim (President, KOFAC)
Achieving Science Literacy for All: Contributions from AAAS Project 2061
Jo Ellen Roseman (Director of Project 2061, AAAS)
Development Plan of Science Education Standard for Future Generations in
Kisang Kim (Researcher of the Project on Science Education Standards for Future
Generations in Korea, KOFAC)
Discussion – Directions for Developing the NGSS
RISE (Research & Innovations in Sustainable
Energy) Forum
Forum by CHM, CHE, MAN and MSE Symposiums
CHM Chang Yeol Ryu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Dong-Ha Kim (Ewha Womans Univ), Seung Woo Lee
(Georgia Tech), Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M)
CHE Gyeong Soon Hwang (UT Austin), Jong Min Lee (Seoul National Univ), Hyunmin Yi (Tufts Univ)
MSE Choonkun Park (KITECH), Minseo Park (Auburn Univ), Jiyoung Kim (UT Dallas)
MAN Hyoung Jin Cho (Univ of Central Florida), Joong Myeon Bae (KAIST), Eui-Hyeok Yang (Stevens Institute of
July 30 Thursday, 8:30-9:45AM, Embassy Hall D
RISE-1 Session: RISE Plenary Session on Solar Cell, Fuel Cell and Battery
Chair: Seung Soon Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology), Co-chair: Seung Woo Lee (Georgia Institute of
[Plenary] Current Status and Issues in Photovoltaic Technologies
8:30 AM RISE-1/MSE
Sukgeun Choi (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL)
[Plenary] Bipolar Membrane Fuel Cells Using Anion Conductive Multiblock
8:55 AM RISE-2/CHE Copolymers
Paul Kohl (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[Plenary] Issues and Challenges of Ni-rich Layered Lithium Transitional Metal Oxide
9:20 AM RISE-3/CHM for High Energy Lithium-ion Batteries
Jaephil Cho (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, UNIST)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall D
RISE-2 Session: RISE Battery I
Chair: Yong Lak Joo (Cornell Univ), Co-chair: Byungwoo Kang (POSTECH)
[Keynote] Carbon Nanomaterials for High Efficiency Li-ion Batteries
1:15 PM RISE-4/CHM Chiwon Kang, Baskaran Rangasamy, Mumukshu Patel, Wonbong Choi (Univ of North
[Invited] Water-stimulated Mg insertion in MnO2 Nanowires Cathode for
1:45 PM RISE-5/CHM Magnesium Ion Battery
Sang Bok Lee (Univ of Maryland)
[Invited] Developing the beyond of LiFePO4: 3.9V-LiFeSO4F
2:15 PM RISE-6/CHM
Byoungwoo Kang (Pohang Univ of Science and Technology, POSTECH)
[Invited] Effect of Molecular Architecture on Redox Potential of Anthraquinone
2:45 PM RISE-7/CHM Derivatives: First-Principles Modeling Approach
Ki Chul Kim, Seung Woo Lee, Seung Soon Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-3:30PM, Piedmont
RISE-3 Session: RISE Solar Cell
Chair: Minseo Park (Auburn Univ), Co-chair: Dong-Ha Kim (Ewha Womans Univ)
[Keynote] Enhanced and Efficient Solar Energy Conversion via Photovoltaics and
1:15 PM RISE-8/CHM
Dong-Ha Kim, Yoon Hee Jang, Saji Thomas Kochuveedu, Yu Jin Jang, Li Na Quan, Minjin
Yoon, Ramireddy Boppella (Ewha Womans Univ)
[Invited] Symmetry-Breaking in Light-Trapping Nanostructures on Silicon for Solar
1:35 PM RISE-9/MSE
Sang Eon Han, Seok Jun Han, Swapnadip Ghosh, Tianhao Cai, Brittany Hoard, Sang M.
Han (Univ of New Mexico)
[Invited] Polymer Design for High-Performance All-Polymer Solar Cells: Importance
of Polymer Packing Structure and Blend Morphology
1:55 PM RISE-10/MSE
Bumjoon Kim, Hyunbum Kang, Changyeon Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, KAIST)
[Invited] Charge Collecting Nanomaterials for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
2:30 PM RISE-11/MSE
Hyun Suk Jung (Sungkyunkwan Univ)
[Invited] A first-principles study of low-Σ grain boundaries in CdTe
2:50 PM RISE-12/MSE Ji-Sang Park, Joongoo Kang, Ji-Hui Yang, Wyatt Metzger, and Su-Huai Wei (National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL)
[Invited] Bilayer Polymer Organic Photovoltaics with Non-planar Hetero Junction
3:10 PM RISE-13/MSE Prepared by Sequential Solution Processes
Yoonhee Jang, Jeesoo Seok, Kyungkon Kim (Ewha Womans Univ)
2:15 PM
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Embassy Hall D
RISE-4 Session: RISE Battery II
Chair: Wonbong Choi (Univ of North Texas), Co-chair: Jinwoo Lee (POSTECH)
[Keynote] Thermal Swing Regeneration of Li-air Battery Cathodes: A Practical
3:30 PM RISE-14/CHM Compromise for Prolonged Cyclic Performance
Jangwoo Kim and Yong Lak Joo (Cornell Univ)
[Invited] Defined Laboratory Needs and Case Studies for in situ and ex situ Li-ion
4:00 PM RISE-15/CHM Battery Investigations
Molly Isermann (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
[Invited] Hydrophilic/hydrophobic Nanocomposite Films Using Amphiphilic Layer4:30 PM RISE-16/CHM by-Layer Assembly
Minkyung Park, Yongmin Ko, Jinhan Cho (Korea Univ)
[Invited] Block Copolymer Directed Functional Ordered Mesoporous Materials for
Energy Storages: From Functional to Hierarchical Materials
4:50 PM RISE-17/CHM
Jinwoo Lee, Jongkook Hwang, Jinyoung Chun, Changshin Jo, Eunho Lim (Pohang Univ of
Science and Technology, POSTECH)
[Invited] Functionalized Carbon Positive Electrodes for High-Performance
5:10 PM RISE-18/CHM Rechargeable Batteries
Tianyuan Liu, Reza Kavian, Seung Woo Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology)
July 30 Thursday, 3:30-5:30PM, Piedmont
RISE-5 Session: RISE Fuel Cell
Chair: Chulsung Bae (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, RPI), Co-chair: Joongmyeon Bae (Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST)
[Keynote] Reforming Technology of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels
3:30 PM RISE-19/MAN
Joongmyeon Bae (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST)
[Invited] First-Principles based Design of High Performance Cathodes for Solid
3:50 PM RISE-20/MAN Oxide Fuel Cells
Hyunguk Kwon, Wonyoung Lee, WooChul Jung, and Jeong Woo Han (Univ of Seoul)
[Invited] Stabilizing Metal Nanoparticles for High Temperature Fuel Cell Electrodes
4:10 PM RISE-21/MSE
WooChul Jung (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST)
[Invited] Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanofiber with Transition Metal Oxides for
Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysis
4:30 PM RISE-22/MSE MinJoong Kim, Do-Hwan Nam, JongHyun Jang, Hyoung-Juhn Kim, SungJong Yoo,
HyukSang Kwon, EunAe Cho (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
[Invited] Molecular Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Fuel Cell
4:50 PM RISE-23/MSE
Seung Soon Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[Invited] Controlled Membrane/Catalyst Layer interface for Hydrocarbon
5:10 PM RISE-24/CHE Membrane Based PEMFC
Hee-Tak Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST)
WCSE (World Congress of Korean and KoreanEthnic Scientists and Engineers)
KOFST holds the annual meeting "World Congress of Korean and Korean-Ethnic Scientists
and Engineers (WCSE)" to strengthen a global network for the Associations of Korean
Scientists and Engineers in 18 countries. The representatives of each country’s associations
share their knowledge and information about science and technology around the world. The
mission of WCSE is to form a close bond of Korean scientist and engineers overseas, to
realize the globalization of Korea's science and technology, and to make great contributions to
stronger mutual trust and reunification between South and North Korea.
July 30 Thursday, 1:15-5:30PM, Roswell
Friday Forum Program
Food Safety and Regulation Forum
This forum is designed to help understand the current FTA (Free Trade Agreement) between
the US and Korea by having invited speakers present information to the audience. In addition,
two special speakers from the Gwinnett County Board of Health, GA will present information
on general food safety, regulation, and inspection issues for universal foods.
The speakers at this forum will give out information to businessmen on the FTA and help us
understand practical issues of inspection and regulation along with food safety of Korean
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:05PM, Hanover Hall E
Chair: Jae W. Park (Oregon State Univ), Co-Chair: Young Bae Chung (World Institute of Kimchi)
1:15 PM
1:45 PM
2:05 PM
2:25 PM
Title and Authors
[Invited] KORUS FTA 3 Years and Its Impact on the International Trade of Korean Food
Suk-Oh Kim (Consul and Customs Attache, LA Korean Consulate)
Korean Seafood Products Imported to United States: Current, Challenges, and
Jae W. Park (Oregon State Univ), Jin Soo Kim (Gyeongsang National Univ)
Bridging the Gap: Food Safety is Universal
Cheryl Annarelli/Miesha Foreman (Gwinnett County Board of Health)
Panel Discussion
Youngmo Yoon (Sensient Flavors LLC)
GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and
Technology) Forum
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) will host the first GIST-Forum on
Chemical Biology during UKC 2015 in Atlanta, GA, USA. Chemical biology is an emerging
interdisciplinary science spanning the fields of chemistry, biology, and physics. The chemical
biology applies chemical techniques, analyses, tools, and often synthetic compounds to the
study and manipulation of biological system. The first GIST-Forum on Chemical Biology will
bring together leaders in this fast-growing field and provide an overview of some of the key
challenges within cutting edge areas of chemical biology.
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall E
Chair: Kwang Hun Lim (East Carolina Univ)
1:15 PM
1:20 PM
1:35 PM
2:00 PM
2:25 PM
2:50 PM
Title and Authors
Welcome Speech
Introduction of GIST
Multifunctional Lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) for Bioapplications
Kibum Lee (Rutgers, The State Univ of New Jersey)
Mechanism of DNA damage recognition in Nucleotide Excision Repair
Jung-Hyun Min (The Univ of Illinois at Chicago)
Mechanistic Studies of Transthyretin Misfolding and Amyloid Formation using NMR
Kwang Hun Lim (East Carolina Univ)
Panel Discussion
KAST (The 7th Frontier Scientists Workshop:
Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion
and Storage) Forum
The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) and the US National Academy of
Science (NAS) will hold "The 7th Frontier Scientists Workshop" at UKC2015. The workshop is
an event to discuss about recent research trends and future plans to exchange most recent
and advanced technologies. We bring together both outstanding young and senior scientists to
discuss exciting advances and opportunities. We have set a specific topic "Advanced
Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage" this year. Total of fifteen renowned and uprising
professionals will be invited to give a talk. Among them, five will be selected by KAST, five by
KSEA, and five by US NAS. We cordially invite all of you who are interested in the subject.
July 31 Friday, 8:00AM-12:00PM, Embassy Hall C
8:00 AM
8:20 AM
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
12:00 PM
Title and Authors
All-in-one Nanopore Battery and Controlled 3D Networked Pores
Sang Bok Lee (Univ of Maryland)
Ultrathin Nanostructured GaAs Solar Cells As a New Materials Platform for High
Performance, Low Cost, Unusual Format Photovoltaics
Jongseoung Yoon (Univ of Southern California)
All-scale Hierarchical Thermoelectrics Heat to Electrical Conversion
Mercouri Kanatzidis (Northwestern Univ)
Bioinspired Water Oxidation Catalysts for Solar Fuel
Ki Tae Nam (Seoul National Univ)
Sponsor/Plenary Talk of UKC 2015
Farewell Luncheon hosted by KAST
KHIDI (Korea Health Industry Development
Institute Forum) Forum on Drug and
Vaccine Development
The KHIDI Forum on Drug and Vaccine Development will bring together the leaders in vaccine
and drug development to fight against cancer and emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola
and MERS outbreaks. Prof. Woo Joo Kim, the Chair of the Infectious Disease at Korea
University Guro Hospital, has been serving as the Director or MERS Response Task Force by
the Korean government. Prof. Baek Kim, Director of Center for Drug Discovery at Emory, will
discuss his work on anti-Ebola drug development. Prof. Dong Moon Shin, Executive Vice
Chair of Hematology and Oncology and Associate Director of Winship Cancer Center will
discuss nanotechnology in cancer therapy. Prof. Jack Arbiser at Emory University Winship
Cancer Center will discuss the use of natural compounds in cancer therapy.
July 31 Friday, 6:00-9:30PM, Emory Univ, Health Sciences Research Building (HSRB)
6:00 PM
Transport to Emory Univ, HSRB Auditorium
6:45 PM
Kun-Ho Yoon and Panel discussion
7:30 PM
CNV/BMP Joint Networking Dinner (Sponsored by KHIDI and Emory Univ)
How to enhance and facilitate interaction between KHIDI and Korean-American biological and medical
sciences and engineering community.
KWiSE-KOFWST (Korean-American Women
in Science and Engineering / Korea
Federation of Women’s Science & Technology
Associations) Forum
"Women's Leadership"
Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering (KWiSE) and Korean Federation of
Women's Science & Technology (KOFWST) invite you (regardless of gender) to the Women's
Forum entitled "Women's Leadership." It is organized with UKC2015's theme of Pursuing
Excellence with a Servant's Heart to promote a spirit of service in pursuing technical
excellence. The goal is to harness the untapped leadership potential of female scientists and
engineers to empower a future generation of women leaders in science and engineering. It will
be an interactive and engaging event to further foster peer networking and mentoring among
the attendees. KWiSE and KOFWST provide a platform for current and future leaders to meet
in an environment where meaningful partnerships and friendships can form and grow. It
should be a great opportunity to exchange ideas, learn and inspire, and promote better
leadership for a changing world.
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Hanover Hall F
Chair: Eun-Suk Seo (KWiSE President, Univ of Maryland)
Co-Chair: Hee Young Paik (KOFWST President, Seoul National Univ)
Title and Authors
Korean Women in Science and Engineering (KWiSE)
1:15 PM
Eun-Suk Seo (Univ of Maryland)
Social Contributions of KOFWST
1:35 PM
Hee Young Paik (Seoul National Univ)
Sacrifice Fly
1:55 PM
Gilja Jhon (Ewha Womans Univ)
Servant Leadership in the IT Field
2:15 PM
Hai Kyung (Hia) Kim (Educational Technology Consultant)
Discussion Panel
Panelist: Insook Park (National Assembly), Mi Kyung Sung (Sookmyung Women's Univ),
2:35 PM
Yoonju Song (Catholic Univ), Eileen Pollack (Univ of Michigan), Kyoungsoo Lee (Purdue Univ),
Young-Kee Kim (Univ of Chicago)
KWiSE-BT (KWiSE-Biotechnology) Forum
In this forum, we will have 6 speakers with different areas of expertise. Topics that will be
covered in the session include (but not be limited) how pharmacogenomics and genetic testing
can be utilized in different treatments, new technologies for quality assurance of domestic
biotechnology industry, and current trends in therapeutics development. The development of
bio-clinical measurement standards, the study of molecular switch in colon cancer, and a new
therapeutic vaccine for women cervical cancer will be presented.
July 31 Friday, 3:45-5:45PM, Hanover Hall F
Chair: Hae-Young Ahn (Food and Drug Administration)
Co-Chair: Haryoung Poo (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology)
Title and Authors
Role of Neuro-inflammation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
3:45 PM
Jae-Kyung Lee (Emory Univ)
Factors associated with added Sugar Intake among US Adults
4:05 PM
Sohyun Park (United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-CDC)
Current Trends in Therapeutic Biologics Development and Approval
4:25 PM
Hae-Young Ahn (Food and Drug Administration)
Development of Measurement Standards for Bio and Clinical Area
4:45 PM
Sook-Kyung Kim (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
Therapeutic Human Papillomavirus Vaccine for Cervical Cancer
5:05 PM
Haryoung Poo (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology)
NOX1 to NOX2 Switch Induces Invasive Phenotype in Colon Cancer Cells through
Overexpression of MMP-7
5:25 PM
Jung-Ae Kim (College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam Univ)
LG Chem. Energy Solution Company
Based on outstanding technologies of lithium ion batteries, the Energy Solution Company of
LG Chem leads market of energy storage systems, especially for automotive applications, in
the world. In this forum, LG Chem technologies of lithium ion batteries, battery management
systems (BMS), and packs for xEVs will be introduced. Dr. Geun-Chang Chung, Department
Leader of Cell Development Department for Advanced Automotive Battery, will talk LG
Chem’s distinct technologies of lithium ion batteries including structure and materials. Dr.
Young-Won Song, Advisor of BMS Development Department for Advanced Automotive
Battery, will discuss his work on improving BMS technologies for more effectively operating
battery systems in xEVs. Approach to design battery packs with simulation methods will be
explained by Dr. D. M. Kang, Research Fellow in Pack Development for Advanced Automotive
July 31 Friday, 8:00-9:45AM, Embassy Hall D
Chair: Geun-Chang Chung
8:00 AM
8:40 AM
9:20 AM
Title and Authors
Lithium Ion Battery Technology for Automotive Applications
Geun-Chang Chung (LG Chem, Vice President)
LGC BMS Technology
Young-Won Song (LG Chem, Advisor)
Design of Battery Packs by Using Simulation Methods
D. M. Kang (LG Chem, Research Fellow)
Seoul City Forum
The 1st Seoul City Forum aims at promoting creative research in the fields of ‘Urban Disaster
Prevention’ and ‘Aid for Aged People’ by working with Korean-American scientists and
Many highly qualified proposals were submitted in May 2015, and among them, 4 proposals, 2
for each category, have been selected by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Business
Agency, and related field experts.
All of the 4 proposers will be presenting their proposals and have Q&A sessions with review
panels at UKC 2015. The Seoul City Forum is scheduled to be held on July 31st, 2015.
July 31 Friday, 1:15-3:15PM, Embassy Hall D
Chair: Soolyeon Cho (North Carolina State Univ)
1:15 PM
1:45 PM
2:15 PM
2:45 PM
Title and Authors
사물인터넷(IoT)을 활용한 노약자 상해방지 및 기초 건강
데이터 기술개발
구대현 (Indiana Univ Purdue Univ Indianapolis)
저소득층 노인들의 낙상 방지를 위한 웨어러블 균형 재활 디
이스 개발
허필원 (Texas A&M Univ)
도시 재난 대
프로그램: 서울의 중심 지역을 기반으로 한 공공 수용 시설 (RHRC)
김정완 (Purdue Homeland Security Institute)
재난 인명 피해 최소화를 위한 다중 척도 군중 피난 시뮬레이션
이승재 (Florida International Univ)
ULTRA (Universal Linkage for Top Research
Advisor) Forum
Chair: Sang-Dai Park (Former President, KOFST-The Korean Federation of
Science and Technology Societies)
Universal Linkage for Top Research Advisor Program searches for overseas Korean scientists
& engineers, invites them, and holds a roundtable meeting to establish human network among
expert scientists & engineers. By doing so it acquires science & technology trend, useful
lessons, experiences, and know-hows from advanced nations to find essential cooperations
such as joint research and technical consultation among domestic & overseas Korean
scientists & engineers.
July 31 Friday, 8:00-10:00AM, Hanover Hall A&B
Thomas H. Lee (Professor, Stanford Univ)
8:00 AM
Title and Authors
The World’s First Terascale Network: Building the Internet of Everything
Thomas H. Lee (Professor, Stanford Univ)
Dr. Thomas H. Lee built world's first CMOS wireless receiver, authored first textbook on CMOS radiofrequency integrated circuit design, and is a Packard Foundation Fellow, and has several best paper
awards at international conferences. He was also a director, DARPA Microsystems Technology Office,
IEEE Fellow, a Ho-Am Prize recipient, and he served as "Creative Economy" advisory panelist for
President Park Geun-hye of Republic of Korea.
July 31 Friday, 1:00-3:00PM, Hanover Hall A&B
Chemical·Chemical Engineering
Sunggyu Lee (Chair Professor, Ohio Univ)
Slowly Evolving Technologies that Promise Deep and Long-lasting Impact Even in a
Fast-paced Technological Society
Sunggyu Lee (Chair Professor, Ohio Univ)
1:00 PM
Dr. Sunggyu "KB" Lee is the State of Ohio’s Eminent Scholar in Coal Syngas Utilization and is the Russ
Legacy Chair Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio,
U.S.A. Dr. Lee has developed and helped develop a number of commercial technologies in both
conventional and emerging areas including methanol, dimethylether, synthetic gasoline, synthetic olefins,
enhanced recovery of shale oil and shale gas, coal cleaning, on-board hydrogen generators, pure
chlorine dioxide manufacture, polyvinylidenefluoride(PVDF), functional rubber and polymeric materials,
industrial applications of supercritical fluids, and more. Most of Dr. Lee’s accomplishments have been a
result of exemplary university-industry collaborative efforts. He has received 35 U.S. patents and over
180 international patents, and he has authored and coauthored more than 550 archival publications and
16 volumes of text and reference books. In 2013, Dr. Lee was inducted into the U.S. Engineering and
Science Hall of Fame(ESHF) as its 55th enshrinee.
2015 KSEA-KUSCO Graduate Scholarship Winners
Jihyeon Yeom
Kibum Kim
Yena Son
Hyunggu Jung
Univ of Michigan
Univ of Illinois at Chicago
Univ of Virginia
Univ of Washington
Jieun Son
SeCheol Oh
Farrah Yhee
Rachel Lee
Univ of Houston
Weill-Cornell Medical College
Univ of Michigan Ann Arbor
Roseman Univ
Seonghoon Woo
JungJin Kim
Jaesung Choi
Jinhan Kwon
Univ of Idaho
North Dakota State Univ
Univ of Texas at Austin
Woongsik Nam
Gloria Bora Kim
Yoon Woo Byun
Sangkyun Cho
Purdue Univ
Penn. State Univ
Duke Univ
Univ of Pennsylvania
Mina Choi
Hayeun Ji
Nu Na
Sung-Hye Kim
Univ of Maryland
Columbia Univ
Dartmouth Medical School
Univ of Louisville
UKC 2015 Sponsors
We are grateful to the sponsors of UKC 2015. The full ads presented after these sponsor summary
pages are the ones obtained by the closing date of UKC2015 program brochure.
The ads for the remaining sponsors will appear in future KSEA Letters.
Advertisements of UKC 2015 Sponsors
Meeting Area Map
Hyatt Regency Atlanta
265 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 30303
Tel: +1 404 577 1234
Fax: +1 404 588 4137
Embassy Hall (LL2)
Directions from Hyatt Hotel to Georgia Aquarium
From Hyatt Hotel (Peachtree St NE) to Georgia Aquarium (225 Baker St NW)
Head North on Peachtree St toward Baker St NE
Turn left onto Baker St NW (0.5 mile)
From Georgia Aquarium to Hyatt Hotel
Head east on Baker St NW (0.5 mile)
Turn right onto Peachtree St NE
Poster Session Map