2009 - Environmental Charter Schools
2009 - Environmental Charter Schools
7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - January 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forw ard this to a friend EXECUTIVES MESSAGE January 2009 Executive Message Welcome to a fantastic new year! We at ECHS are energized about the many projects and student activities ahead of us in 2009. January is a month full of accomplishments for ECHS that are key to the future of our school: Top Story ECHS Green I'm excited to report that we submitted our Ambassadors charter petition for Environmental Charter Middle Staff Spotlight School to Los Angeles Unified School District Inspired Students (LAUSD). We hope to have an approved Charter this fall, and we are Other News looking for a site in the city of Gardena. Many thanks to Rachel Ruffalo, Partners Kami Colter, Alison Diaz, Sara Laimon, and our ECHS board members Events for their help putting this five-inch binder together. Our strategic business plan calls for building eight schools over the next ten years. Over the Holidays we also completed a $250,000 charter school start-up grant from the Walton Family Foundation. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. As we start the new year, I also want to remind you why ECHS exists. ECHS is a team of very passionate people behind three key causes: we empower youth to go to college, transform them into environmentally conscious citizens, and help them become leaders and change agents who enact positive changes in their community. Our presence in Lawndale allows a generation of youth to realize their inner potential which might otherwise go untapped. ECHS was recently recognized as one of the best high schools by U.S. News & World Report, as noted below. This is an extraordinary achievement for ECHS and it highlights the awesome work that our teachers, administrators and students have done and continue to do. It is an honor to be associated with such a passionate group of professionals dedicated to enhancing the lives of members of the Lawndale community. Kennedy Hilario is the Executive Director of Environmental Charter High School. TOP STORY U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT RANKS ENVIRONMENTAL CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL AMONG NATION'S BEST ECHS in top 3% of Public High Schools Nationwide hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/8164ce3e38/TEST/TEST/ 1/7 7/21/13 Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - January 2009 Update U.S. News & World Report named ECHS among the top-most tier of America’s best public high schools recently. The news organization analyzed academic and enrolment data from 21,069 public high schools in 48 states to find the very best across the country. School ranking scores were adjusted by poverty-performance, disadvantaged students performance gap, college readiness index, minority enrollment, and disadvantaged student enrolment. GREEN AMBASSADORS ECHS’ Sara Laimon Wins Educator of the Year Award at Green Technology’s California Schools Summit A shining example of ECHS’ unique team of educators, Sara Laimon, Director of our Green Ambassadors program, was recognized at an awards ceremony last month. Honoring Laimon for her passionate commitment to inspiring students, and her outstanding leadership in environmentally-themed teaching, Rosario Marin, California Secretary of the State and Consumer Services presented Laimon with The Green Apple award at the Green Technology’s Green California Schools Summit and Exposition (see photo). Photo: Rosario Marin, Secretary, State and Consumer Services Agency of California presents Educator of the Year Award ‘Green Apple’ to Sara Laimon. Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our servicelearning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT Gregory P. Lakey Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. Contact Job: Algebra teacher. After-school enrichment program. 1 year at ECHS. Educational Background: B.A. in Business Administration with an Emphasis on Computer Information Systems. California Teaching Credentials: multiple subjects. Before ECHS: 4 years of teaching experience including instruction at Agness/Rosa Parks Elementary, and St. Albert the Great Middle School, Los Angeles. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/8164ce3e38/TEST/TEST/ 2/7 7/21/13 our Executive Director Kennedy Hilario at 310-214-3400 or email: [email protected] Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 Environmental Charter High School - January 2009 Update Best ECHS Experience: ““Hearing the comments from that students that I taught in summer school. There were so many students who said that they learned a lot this summer and said that the course was a huge help." On ECHS: “Effectively teaching math skills is critical for getting our students into college. That’s why I take my job to continuously improve our student’s math scores year-over-year so seriously. It’s an extremely important part of ECHS’s rigorous curriculum, but also near and dear to my heart.” When Extracurricular: Lakey towers above the rest of ECHS staff – by a foot or more. He has the unique distinction of being a former basketball pro and one of the top ten players in Lebanon during his 2 years living there. Always eager to serve as a positive role model for youth, Lakey logs extra hours with the afterschool enrichment program. In his spare time, he enjoys being with family, listening to music and writing poetry. Back to top Ernesto Esqueda http://www.echsonline.org Job: AVID Teacher. (see article below). Educational Background: B.A. History and Chicano Studies , UCLA. Before ECHS: Ernesto worked for two years at the #1 Spanish-language cable television network, Univision Networks, as well as three years in the Whittier Union and El Monte Union High School Districts in Southern California. Best ECHS Experience: “What’s been most rewarding to me has been that students truly enjoy my class and say that I push them to do better. I understand how subjects like English can be challenging when you come from a household like some of our students, where not only are they the first in their family to hopefully go to college, but also where English is not their first language.” On ECHS: "It's a great school, doing great things. The innovative, creative, and an incredible can-do attitude at this school makes it a great place to teach. When Extracurricular: A student of the Hispanic-American experience – from his College history major days at UCLA where he co-founded a Hispanic students fraternity - to his love of popular culture in television and film since his days at Univision, where he won a Rising to the Challenge Award for his work in cable affiliate relations – Ernesto also enjoys following sports and politics outside of work at ECHS. Back to top What is AVID? Advancement Via Individial Determination AVID is a fourth-through-twelfth-grade system to prepare students for four-year college eligibility. It has a proven track record in bringing out the best in students, and in closing the achievement gap. AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID targets students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard - but are falling short of their potential. They may be the first in their families to attend college. Many come from low-income or minority families. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/8164ce3e38/TEST/TEST/ 3/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - January 2009 Update The AVID program pulls these students out of their unchallenging courses and puts them on the college track: acceleration instead of remediation. Back to top INSPIRED STUDENTS ECHS Senior Daisy Villa Named Posse Foundation Scholar Awarded $100,000 scholarship for College Sixteen-year-old Daisy Villa was named a Posse Foundation Scholar, receiving an award at a ceremony in December. The Gardena, CA-born ECHS senior was selected from a list of 1300 nominees, based on academic performance, leadership potential, and financial need. The scholarship will pay for her 4-year enrollment in Kalamazoo Collage, Michigan. Villa credits ECHS and her teachers such as Mandy Breuer, who nominated her for the award. “My teachers really inspire me to do more. I come from a background where I don’t usually hear ‘you can do this.’ ECHS teachers make me realize I really can make changes in the world. It is not like other schools. Because it’s small, I feel very confident in doing what I do and don’t feel the typical high school peer pressure.” “I think ECHS gives you a lot of opportunity that you can’t get anywhere else,” adds Villa, who plays on ECHS’ girls softball team and thinks she’ll major in anthropology in college. ECHS Student A Featured Speaker at Electronic Vehicle Event Putting her unique Environmental Charter High School training to use outside the classroom, 16-year-old Jordan Howard was a featured speaker on the program at Plug In America. The largest event of its kind, Plug In America assembled 75 'plug-in' vehicles to rally and then drive in formation through the streets of Los Angeles. Howard said in her speech "Automakers! please wake up and help make the next generation petroleum free." Governments can help with incentives, and consumers can pick Electronic Vehicles, she said. Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS 45% Of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Already Admitted to College! Early applications by our 2009 seniors class have yielded impressive college acceptance results so far - and it's only January! hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/8164ce3e38/TEST/TEST/ 4/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - January 2009 Update Partnership Struck With Real Curriculum, Inc. to Create Multimedia Lesson Modules. To help the State of California disseminate ECHS-developed best-practices in interdisciplinary teaching, ECHS will work with two-time George Foster Peabody Award-winning video producer, Dave Hendry to document our innovative best-practices and produce multimedia supplemental learning materials for use by other schools across the state. The project will create a series of modules for Green Ambassadors curriculum, on-campus Earth Days, Senior Theses, and Intersession - our multi-disciplinary program conducted between school semesters. Composting Workshop Sows a Heap of Good: Last month's composting workshop let ECHS students put ideas about environmental conservation into action. ECHS high school students in our Green Ambassadors program taught elementary school kids and teachers about the benefits and 'how-to's of composting organic materials. An elementary teacher said of the event “The Green Ambassadors provided a valuab le experience in my classroom. I was really impressed with the ab ility of ECHS students to present to strangers and very impressed with their role as 'PR' people." Rain, Rain, Come Again: Water Catchment System Demo Coming to Campus: A water catchment system demonstration will be installed on campus. We will use it to provide an Environmental Learning Model for teachers, students, parents, and community members to inspire them with the potential uses of rain water. Green Ambassador Director Sara Laimon on National Public Radio: ECHS Teacher Sara Laimon was among the guests on The Aware Show with Lisa Garr, a radio program on KPFK-FM Los Angeles carried on the Pacific Radio Network and NPR. On the program Laimon spoke about ECHS' Green Ambassadors program. Back to top OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners Sponsors Partners 41 Pounds Biodiesel America Algalita Marine Research Foundation AQMD Biodiesel Solutions Biodiesel Coop Cater Green Bioneers CB+ Blue Sky Meadow hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/8164ce3e38/TEST/TEST/ 5/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - January 2009 Update Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Bring Your Own Eco-Usable Brown Bag Naturals Essential Living Foods Fred Leeds Properties Chevron Common Vision Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Constitutional Rights Foundation Fundraising Green CREEC Get Hip Get Green Cuningham Group Green Lotus Events Empowerment Works Green Torch FOLAR Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop From Lot to Spot Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Generation Earth Seven Star Events Global Exchange Steaz Green Fest Yo Naturals Vending Heal the Bay Tree People Lawndale Elementary School District Tree Musketeers Lawndale Rotary Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Environmental Hispanic Council National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS ECHS Students & Teachers are also participating in these upcoming local and national events! 2009 Date Event ECHS Participation Week of 3/2 Earth Positive Water Harvesting Community Workshop Students & teachers April 24 Earth Day at ECHS 700+ elementary schools and 5 middle/high school classes will be trained at ECHS by Green Ambassadors hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/8164ce3e38/TEST/TEST/ 6/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - January 2009 Update Week of 6/8 Earth Positive Energy Conservation Community Students & teachers Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/8164ce3e38/TEST/TEST/ 7/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - February 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forw ard this to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE February 2009 Executive Message Top Story ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events We are far from immune from the effects of the state and national economies, but our mood at Environmental Charter High School is very optimistic and hopeful. Seven years of dedication by our teachers and administration – and the hard work of our students - have resulted in a string of good ECHS news: Ever-increasing student achievement A Ranking in the top 3% of high schools by U.S. News and World Report ECHS’ Green Amb assador program director, Sara Laimon, named Educator of the Year at the Green Technologies California Schools Summit Major new grant to build an on-campus library Continuation of our after-school program grant And most importantly - record numbers of our seniors achieving early acceptance into four-year colleges and universities, and securing university scholarships So it is with a great deal of confidence and sense of destiny that we forge ahead with our exciting plans to open seven new schools over the next 10 years. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. It is only through the support of our many community and business partnerships that we have been able to deliver the unique educational opportunities available at ECHS. We are incredibly grateful. We are counting on the continued help of our partners and supporters as we grow and strive to provide even more opportunities for student success in our targeted underserved neighborhoods. If you are looking for good news, get “on board” with ECHS and help make it happen. John Quiter is on the Board of Directors of Environmental Charter High School. TOP STORY SOCIETY OF SATELLITE PROFESSIONAL INTERNATIONAL (SSPI) LAUNCES WITH ECHS Scholarship Program To Help ECHS Students Pay for College hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/6f2330601a/TEST/TEST/ 1/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - February 2009 Update Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. SSPI is a non-profit industry professional organization with over 1850 members in 40 companies around the world. It promotes the development of satellite-related education, career development, and the satellite communications industry. In announcing a partnership with ECHS to award up to $10,000 for ECHS seniors towards college tuition, Tony Nguyen, President of SSPI of Southern California said “We look forward to helping this innovative Los Angeles Charter school send one or more of its graduates to college this year.” ECHS’ Executive Director Kennedy Hilario added, “Our Southern California community is home to leading Aerospace companies and satellite firms. We are thrilled to work with SSPI towards the goal of helping to foster a next generation of space technology workers.” GREEN AMBASSADORS Who'll Stop the Rain? ECHS Students Did you know that one-fifth of all Los Angeles electricity is used solely by the Metropolitan Water District to pump potable water for household consumption - and nearly 40% of this water goes to lawns and driveways? But ‘harvesting’ the rain off the roof can yield huge savings, according to Green Ambassadors - 10th-grade students at ECHS. As part of their Inter-Session service-learning project, students calculated that over 500,000 gallons of water runs through storm drains to the ocean instead of watering plants. They have set up a 'grey water' system to catch the rain and demonstrate how this can be done at home. Plant a Seed Today Join Us ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our servicelearning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. STAFF SPOTLIGHT Amanda Breuer Job: Student Services Director. Responsible for student activities, counseling, support services, and college preparation. 3 years at ECHS. Educational Background: B.A. Public Relations from Texas Tech University. M.A. Counseling from Loyola Marymount University. Teaching Credentials & Certifications: P.P.S. Before ECHS: Worked at Compton High School. Launched and ran a mentoring program at Felton Elementary in the Lennox school district. Before deciding to get her Master’s Degree in counseling, she worked in TV at FOX Broadcasting. Contact our Executive Director hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/6f2330601a/TEST/TEST/ 2/6 7/21/13 Kennedy Hilario at 310-214-3400 or email: [email protected] Environmental Charter High School - February 2009 Update On ECHS: Winner of the Dean’s Award for Social Justice, Breuer is a big contributor to building ECHS’ school spirit. “I’d like to see ECHS continue to grow its student activities and build tradition for past and future students alike,” she says. Breuer is reminded just how real that spirit is by the frequent emails she gets from graduates in college, who report on their academic successes after ECHS. When Extracurricular: A guitar-slinging Texan by adoption, and proud of it, Breuer confesses she loves to hit the open road with “with all the windows down and the iPod blaring.” Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) Back to top Carlos Ángeles 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 Job: Spanish and ESL Teacher. Educational Background: B.A in Mexican Law, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México. Spanish Teaching Credential from Instituto Ideal Latinoamerica, Cuernavaca, Mexico. http://www.echsonline.org Before ECHS: At the High School level, Hernandez taught Spanish for over a decade, as well as Mexican History, Labor Law, Civil Law, and Socio-economics. He has also taught Civil Law, Legal Sociology, General Law Theory at Universidad de las Americas, Cuernavaca, Mexico. On ECHS: “Teaching energizes me,” says Angeles. Being around great teachers and people who are really committed to helping our students succeed,” is what he likes most about ECHS. But one event particularly touched him. “Seeing my students organize a traditional Mexican Dia de los Muertos event, I was so impressed with their maturity, knowledge, respect and enthusiasm for each other’s cultural backgrounds,” he says. When Extracurricular: Angeles is a movie and music buff. In addition to enjoying soccer, and basketball in his time off, he’s also been known to pull out the canvas, oils, easel, and paintbrushes and create beautiful works of art. Back to top INSPIRED STUDENTS ECHS Senior ECHS Senior Hits Home Run with First Sports Scholarship for College Awarded scholarship for College “ECHS has taught me if I want something,to go out and get it. Go out and be part of the change,” says college-bound senior Tamara Vickers, whose dream came true recently when she became the first ECHS senior to win a sports scholarship for college. She credits her teacher Ms. Cobb with helping to inspire her and find the scholarship to attend Hampton University in the fall. Vickers sacrificed many weekends to travel to softball tournaments for the past three years – determined to win a scholarship so she could go to college. The hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/6f2330601a/TEST/TEST/ 3/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - February 2009 Update Girls’ Basketball and Softball team captain, Vickers is a High Honor Roll student and winner of ECHS’ First Student of the Month award. ECHS’ Tracey G. Alvarez wins $10,000 scholarship through the Children’s Defense Fund Beat the Odds® Program Since 1990, Children's Defense Fund has honored remarkable young people who have beaten incredible odds to succeed. Beat the Odds® programs affirm the success of young people who are overcoming tremendous obstacles in their lives and continuing to work hard, demonstrating academic excellence, giving back to their communities, and personally persevering to "beat the odds." Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS So far 51% Of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Already Admitted to College! Early applications by our 2009 seniors class have yielded impressive college acceptance results - and it's only February! STUDENTS LEAD A COMMUNITY FORUM Experiential-Learning Project Earns High Praise The culmination of ECHS’ innovative project-based learning program called Inter-Session, was a student-led Community Forum on civic issues held last month on campus. Over 100 parents and local citizens attended the event. Teens from all grade levels delivered presentations, debated, and discussed civic issues ranging from “The Meaning of Progress” to “The Future of the American Dream” in a public forum with adults from the surrounding community. The forum allowed ECHS high school students to demonstrate their academic knowledge, poise, professional presentation, critical thinking, and team working skills - developed through participation in the program. “You could easily see the strong value for education and learning that these teenagers have developed.” “What maturity, composure, confidence, and sincerity. Comments from participants Back to top OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/6f2330601a/TEST/TEST/ 4/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - February 2009 Update your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners Sponsors Partners 41 Pounds Algalita Marine Research Foundation Biodiesel America AQMD Biodiesel Solutions Cater Green Biodiesel Coop Bioneers CB+ Blue Sky Meadow Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Bring Your Own Eco-Usable Essential Living Foods Brown Bag Naturals Chevron Fred Leeds Properties Common Vision Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Constitutional Rights Foundation Fundraising Green CREEC Get Hip Get Green Cuningham Group Green Lotus Events Empowerment Works Green Torch FOLAR Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop From Lot to Spot Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Generation Earth Seven Star Events Global Exchange Steaz Green Fest Yo Naturals Vending Heal the Bay Tree People Lawndale Elementary School District Tree Musketeers Lawndale Rotary Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Environmental Hispanic Council National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS ECHS Students & Teachers are also participating in these upcoming local and national events! hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/6f2330601a/TEST/TEST/ 5/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - February 2009 Update 2009 Date Event ECHS Participation Week of 3/2 Earth Positive Water Harvesting Community Workshop Students & teachers March 11-13th Students & teachers 10th Grade JoshuaTree Outdoor Education Trip Challenge April 24 Earth Day at ECHS Week of 6/8 Earth Positive Energy Conservation Community 700+ elementary schools and 5 middle/high school classes will be trained at ECHS by Green Ambassadors Students & teachers Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/6f2330601a/TEST/TEST/ 6/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - March 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forw ard this to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE Green is Good California’s education budget has been slashed. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) said it may issue thousands of pink slips. We are very concerned about the impact of the budget cuts on our school. March 2009 Executive Message Top Story Our team has worked incredibly hard to create a school that is not only innovative environmentally, but also prepares students for success at four-year colleges. ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events We have been relentless in our push for student achievement. We have also been delighted to see our Green Ambassadors program earn public recognition as it has been installed in additional schools. And we want to reward the teachers and administrators who have been part of raising ECHS’ profile and making academic success a reality. We pride ourselves on being "Green" at ECHS. But running a school takes another kind of “Green” - legal tender. I'm very proud to say that ECHS operates with a strong cash reserve, thanks to the excellent fiscal oversight by our senior management. Rather than ‘pink slips’ we plan scheduled pay raises to reward and motivate our deserving and talented staff. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. Given the economic situation in this country, it is quite an accomplishment that ECHS has been able to spend conservatively so that we can offer job stability to our hardworking staff. However, as we go forward with plans to open a middle school and expand our reach, we will increasingly rely on the support and resources of outside donations. We are actively seeking the generosity of our friends and supporters so we keep operating "in the green." At ECHS, we are proud that Green is what sets us apart ... and in more ways than one! Mollie Mitchell is on ECHS’ Board of Directors. She is Founder and President of The K12 Search Group, Inc. TOP STORY City of Lawndale Picks ECHS for $21,000 Grant Students will create public art, sculptures and murals facing the community depicting California's natural history with funds from a grant coming from hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/edf2160316/TEST/TEST/ 1/6 7/21/13 Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - March 2009 Update Lawndale. The proceeds will also fund interpretive signs explaining campus demonstrations and Green practices for visitors. The artwork, to face 163rd Street, will use eco-friendly paints and natural materials. GREEN AMBASSADORS Green Spaces Building Structures Installed on Campus As part of our efforts to exemplify Green principles, ECHS has installed two new Green Spaces on campus. The Green Spaces will demonstrate green building principles to the community, deliver solutions by the reDiscover Center (a local volunteer art organization), and house a bike repair shop. The structures were created to be a LEED (leadership in energy and environmental design) space. Wood used is FSC certified lumber. The paint is the Greenest paint available. The roof and shingles are designed to reflect the maximum amount of sun rays so the inside stays cool. The glass door material allows the maximum amount of heat to be reflected, also keeping the temperature as low as possible. VisionBuild, Inc. generously donated the two Silver LEED-inspired Green Spaces. Mike DiGiovannni, Chief Vision Officer of VisionBuild said, “We are delighted to help Environmental Charter High School, an innovative, national award-winning school, demonstrate Green principles with the help of our Green Space technology.” BP's (British Petroleum) Helios House pledged $1000. Helios House is a "living laboratory" gas station that uses green, ecofriendly innovations to educate consumers. Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. Contact: ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our service-learning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT Garfield Bright Job: 9th Grade History Teacher. Freshman Academic Advisor. One year at ECHS. Educational Background: B.A., Political Science, California State University at Northridge. Before ECHS: Education is his second career. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/edf2160316/TEST/TEST/ 2/6 7/21/13 Executive Director Kennedy Hilario Phone: 310-214-3400 [email protected] Environmental Charter High School - March 2009 Update Also a hugely talented singer, and multi-platinum entertainer, many know Bright as a member of Shai, an R&B vocal group whose first release skyrocketed to the top of the music charts in 1992. Before ECHS, he founded The School of Thought, a mobile school based on alternative pedagogy, which focused on youth from urban settings. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org On ECHS: “I see ECHS becoming a model for education - through its use of learning outside of the classroom walls and community service by students,” says Bright. “My hope is that we will see ECHS’ brand of education set the standard for a more progressive, environmentallyconscious paradigm,” he adds. Bright draws from his unique experiences gained traveling the world as an entertainer to make his classes relevant to students. One of his most rewarding ECHS experiences was when a student said "Mr. Bright, the reason you are a great teacher is because you actually care about us.” When Extracurricular: “My love for reading shares importance with my love for music and writing,” says Bright. He recently co-taught a course at Cal State Northridge entitled The Politics of Hip Hop. For all his accomplishments and talents, Bright is most proud of being a Dad to “five young men who keep me centered.” Back to top Brandie Odett Cobb Job: AVID Teacher Senior Seminar and Economics. On-site California Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) coach and AVID Coordinator. Coach for Teaching American History grant. Softball team coach. 5 years at ECHS. Educational Background: B.A., History. M.A., Teaching, Hampton University. California Clear Credential. Before ECHS: Two years experience in the Poway Unified School District, Mt. Carmel High School, New Directions Alternative School, and Rancho Bernardo High School teaching U.S. and World History and serving as the African American Student Union Advisor. On ECHS: “I would like for all students at ECHS to get accepted to fouryear colleges and Universities and go to college,” says Cobb, who also wants to add even more challenges to the ECHS economics curriculum. Among her absolutely most rewarding experiences at ECHS has been seeing the progress of students she has advised, and “Sending them off to their futures,” says Cobb. "But there are so many more great experiences," she says. Whether it has been helping a student overcome fear of the water while kayaking on Catalina Island during an outdoor education hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/edf2160316/TEST/TEST/ 3/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - March 2009 Update program, or seeing the faces of seniors when they reached an 8,000 foot mountain peak, her students keep Cobb energized. When Extracurricular: A fan of speed, Cobb loves skiing in the winter and riding her Jetski on Lake Havasu as a family pastime. That is why few would guess the fun-loving and athletic Cobb’s secret hobby. “I love to crochet and knit scarves, hats, and blankets, and also enjoy making bracelets and painting unfinished wood pieces,” she admits with smile. Back to top INSPIRED STUDENTS ECHS Student Genesis Godoy Wins Planet Connect High School Grant National Competition on Solutions for Environmental Issues Genesis Godoy, a 16-year old ECHS student, has won a Planet Connect High School Grant national competition for her proposal to address an environmental challenge. Winners submitted ideas to solve problems and raise awareness for environmental issues in their schools and communities. Planet Connect is a program of the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) launched in partnership with The Weather Channel. It targets high school youth to increase student engagement in environmental learning and stimulate interest in environmental careers. Grant funding comes from the NBC Universal Foundation. Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS 61% of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Already Admitted to College! Early applications by our 2009 seniors class have yielded impressive college acceptance results so far! Fruit Tree Planting with Common Vision Organization ECHS Students planted over 30 fruit trees in the Lawndale community, making a fruit tree corridor so they are surrounded by healthy food around the school. Common Vision, a volunteer organization, provided the student workshop in tree planting and care. Let it Rain: Water Catchment Demo Awash in Success Thanks to our partnership with Heytanksla.com, GreenAmbassadors’ hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/edf2160316/TEST/TEST/ 4/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - March 2009 Update February Rain Water Harvesting Event brought over 300 community members, raised over $500, and sold four water harvesting kits that are being delivered to William Green and Mark Twain elementary schools. Tinkling Away Gallons No More Waterless Urinals on campus will now save thousands of gallons of water each year. We are pleased to do our part to save resources. Back to top OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors Partners 41 Pounds Biodiesel America Biodiesel Solutions Cater Green CB+ Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Eco-Usable Essential Living Foods Fred Leeds Properties Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Fundraising Green Get Hip Get Green Green Lotus Events Algalita Marine Research Foundation AQMD Biodiesel Coop Bioneers Blue Sky Meadow Bring Your Own Brown Bag Naturals Chevron Common Vision Constitutional Rights Foundation CREEC Cuningham Group Empowerment Works Green Torch FOLAR Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop From Lot to Spot Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Seven Star Events Generation Earth Global Exchange Steaz Green Fest Yo Naturals Vending Heal the Bay Tree People Tree Musketeers Lawndale Elementary School District Lawndale Rotary Walker Talent Group Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Environmental Hispanic Council hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/edf2160316/TEST/TEST/ 5/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - March 2009 Update National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS Main Event: Friday April 24th, Earth Day Celebration at ECHS from 9-Noon Building on last year's success, we are hosting an Earth Day Carnival with teaching, performances and more! Local school classes invited to register! ECHS Students and Teachers are also participating in these upcoming local and national events! 2009 Date April 24 Week of 6/8 Event ECHS Participation Earth Day at ECHS Earth Positive Energy Conservation Students & teachers Community Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/edf2160316/TEST/TEST/ 6/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forw ard this to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE April 2009 Executive Message Top Story ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events This is an exciting time of year at ECHS. Central to our vision is that all ECHS students are accepted into 4-year colleges and universities. The Class of 2009, working with teachers, staff and families, has demonstrated a commitment to this vision and the universities have responded. As of this date, the ECHS Class of 2009 has received 89 acceptance letters from 4-year colleges and universities. These include UC Berkeley, UCLA, Loyola Marymount, Penn State, Bryn Mawr, Occidental College, and campuses in the CSU and UC systems. Congratulations to all students, teachers, families and supporters on this achievement! ECHS is remarkably unique in that it prepares its students with years of authentic experiences in the environmental sciences. ECHS is also remarkably unique in its student-centered and project-based college preparatory program a program that produces graduates experienced in effectively collaborating with other youth and adults in a variety of organizations to deliver results. That is why ECHS is a nationally recognized model high school. This fall, colleges will receive from ECHS more than wide-eyed freshmen. They will be welcoming what one teacher termed, “Do-ers in the Green Economy.” These ECHS seniors are prepared and destined to contribute to a new era of environmental policy and earth sustainability. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) These and future successes are not possible without the generous support of all our partners. Thank you! Please consider donating your time, funding and resources so that ECHS students can continue to develop, achieve and produce at the highest levels, solidifying their future and enhancing the greater Lawndale community. Stephen McCray is on ECHS’ Board of Directors. ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. TOP STORY Earth Day Celebration at ECHS A Smash Hit hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ 1/8 7/21/13 Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update Over 1,000 students from neighboring schools visited our campus to tour more than 50 stations being taught by all 450 ECHS students for our 2009 Earth Day Celebration. The event culminated in a packed performance in our outdoor amphitheater area. As our guests go back to their schools and spread the knowledge they learned about protecting our planet, the positive impact from our event is sure to grow in our neighboring communities and beyond. ECHS Cuts Ribbon for New Library - You’re Invited! It’s a ‘No-Brainer’: Libraries are essential tools for high school education. But the nearest public library to ECHS is small (3,500 sq. ft.), beyond a reasonable walking distance, and simply fails to meet the needs of high school students. So it is a testament to ECHS’ teachers and students that it has come this far as an award-winning model high school, despite the disadvantage of having inadequate library resources for its students – until now. Now, thanks to a recently released Department of Education grant award of $229,000, ECHS will convert an existing classroom into a full-time library. Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. It will give students regular access to a relevant and current library collection, with print, audio-visual and computer resources for curricular use - plus access to qualified staff to maximize learning opportunities. It also will provide physical space for student research, reading programs, study sessions, computer-assisted training systems and literary events. GREEN AMBASSADORS A Green Adventure in Learning 10 students spent four days in the Central California Coast backcountry on a Green Adventure this month as part of their ECHS studies. At the 450-acre Quail Springs permaculture ranch, they learned about sustainable farming and natural building, and how to live more symbiotically with the natural environment. They also practiced leadership, organizational and team working skills. During the program, students directed a short film which they will use to help educate others about sustainable living practices. Contact: hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ 2/8 7/21/13 Executive Director Kennedy Hilario Phone: 310-214-3400 [email protected] Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update Green Adventures is our Green Ambassaors' annual cross-cultural international exchange and travel program. In this program youth learn about ecological sustainability and other cultures. They are challenged to step out of their comfort zone and experience another culture, while performing an ecological field research project. Upon returning home, they formally report on the experience. Past Green Adventures: 2007 in Brazil - students worked with Earthwatch scientists to protect river otters; 2008 in Costa Rica students participated in rainforest and sustainability studies. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our service-learning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT Sandra Valencia Job: Green Ambassador Teacher. Internship and Student Study Team Coordinator. 4 years at ECHS. Educational Background: B.A. in History. California Clear Credential and National Board Certification. Before ECHS: Taught Spanish at Dorsey High School in Los Angeles after a previous career in the television industry working for leading Hispanic cable and broadcast channels CNN en Espanol and Univision. On ECHS: "My greatest ECHS experiences have been Outdoor Educational activities and Green Adventures with the students going to Sequoia National Forest, Joshua Tree, and Costa Rica,” says Valencia, who is helping to fundraise for a Green Adventures program to her native Colombia. “I would like to see ECHS become a model of sustainability in every way possible,” says Valencia, adding “This means becoming a model school in terms of energy, water and food consumption self-sufficiency.” It also means “becoming a model school by delivering on the promise of creating successful college-bound lifelong learners,” she says. When Extracurricular: Valencia has been an environmental activist for the past five years working with the Los Angeles Biodiesel Coalition. Her volunteerism won her a Disney Environmentality Challenge award. She recently welcomed her baby daughter into the world. Back to top Michael Gower hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ 3/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update Job: Art Teacher. After School Art Program. 1 year at ECHS. Educational Background: B.A., Cal State Dominguez Hills. Teaching Credential, Long Beach State: Single Subject Art History. Before ECHS: Gower’s 14 years of work in the Torrance Unified School District includes experience as Special Education Assistant. Previously he worked in the maritime and fashion industries. On ECHS: “Seeing my students create learn and grow, is worth all my efforts,” says Gower, “I want to turn this campus into a visually stimulating environment that will lend itself to creativity, imagination, and inspiration,” he adds. Visitors to Environmental Charter High School’s campus can see the fruits of his and his students’ labors in murals and artwork throughout the facility. But the best is yet to come: thanks to a recent grant award from the City of Lawndale, ECHS will be expanding its student art program. When Extracurricular: “I love nature,” says Gower, who can be found hiking, running, biking, skateboarding, kayaking, exploring, and fishing, when not teaching at ECHS. Back to top INSPIRED STUDENTS ECHS Green Ambassador Featured on Nickelodeon Channel ECHS Junior Jordan Howard has been an exemplary leader for Green Ambassadors, changing the lives of many and encouraging them to spread green solutions to youth around the world. As part of its Earth Day programming, Nickelodeon, a top-rated national cable TV network for young people, recognized Howard as one of America’s youth who is making a difference for the environment and their communities. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ 4/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update Leading The Way In More Than One Way He lived in foster homes for 10 years of his childhood. “Growing up with neither of my parents active in my life at any time has been the biggest challenge that I’ve had to overcome,” says ECHS senior Jamal Devon Simmons. He knows his father dropped out of high school. He doesn’t know if his mother did. Neither his parents nor the relatives with whom he lives today graduated from a 4-year university. But as an ECHS honor roll student, the 12th-grader has been admitted to several universities and plans to attend UCLA next year. He has been honored for his leadership of the basketball team. “ECHS gave me an early glimpse of the college experience”, says Simmons, who is excited about going to college, and is considering a major in religious studies. “I’ve been fortunate to have teachers who have become like parent figures to me,” says Simmons of his ECHS experience. “The confidence coach Orton has shown in me - putting me in leadership positions - made me feel I had to respond,” he says. “My time at ECHS has inspired me because it has given me a chance to inspire others.” Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS 65% of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Already Admitted to College! hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ 5/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update Early applications by our 2009 senior class have yielded impressive college acceptance results so far! Service-Learning Course Helps Revitalize Neighborhoods Over 30 ECHS students participated in a unique high school course called The Spaces of Blight Project, an example of how the ECHS’ curriculum employs service learning beyond the classroom walls. The program was implemented through a partnership with From Lot To Spot, a local non-profit focused on economic development in blighted communities. After finding and documenting “Spaces of Blight” in inner city neighborhoods, students jointly picked a location for improvement. During the semester, they beautified the location – converting it into a “Space of Light.” The course encourages students to take an active role in their community’s economic development by maintaining and beautifying their own neighborhoods. Students are trained on tools such as GIS mapping, and learn about governmental processes, urban design, streetscape maintenance and landscape architecture. As part of the course, they engage in policy making, critical thinking, strategic community planning and environmental justice issues. They learn the importance of how a neighborhood’s appearance affects its socioeconomic development. Art With An Ecological Message ECHS student Maria Ibarra has won an Award in the High School Category of the Los Angeles West Basin’s Water is Life student art contest for her strong water conservation message and original, skillfully crafted artwork. Back to top OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ Partners 6/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update 41 Pounds Biodiesel America Biodiesel Solutions Algalita Marine Research Foundation AQMD Biodiesel Coop Cater Green Bioneers CB+ Blue Sky Meadow Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Bring Your Own Eco-Usable Brown Bag Naturals Essential Living Foods Chevron Fred Leeds Properties Common Vision Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Constitutional Rights Foundation Fundraising Green CREEC Get Hip Get Green Cuningham Group Green Lotus Events Empowerment Works Green Torch FOLAR Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop From Lot to Spot Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Generation Earth Seven Star Events Global Exchange Steaz Green Fest Yo Naturals Vending Heal the Bay Tree People Lawndale Elementary School District Tree Musketeers Lawndale Rotary Walker Talent Group Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Environmental Hispanic Council National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS Library Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening Come see our brand new library! Over 5,000 New Books! Thursday April 30th, 2009, 3:30-6pm on Campus. Kick back and let our students entertain you with their poetry, music, and theatrical performances. 3:30-4:30 “Open Mic Afternoon” hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ 7/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - April 2009 Update 4:30-5:00 Music By Tracey and Freddy Alvarez 5:00-6:00 Shakespeare in the Park in the new ECHS outdoor amphitheater! ECHS Students and Teachers are also participating in these upcoming local and national events! 2009 Date Event ECHS Participation May 30th Environmental Festival Gardena Week of 6/8 Earth Positive Energy Conservation Students & teachers Community Green Ambassadors Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/ac853a8226/TEST/TEST/ 8/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - May 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forw ard to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE May 2009 Executive Message Top Story ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events U.S. students rank near the bottom of all industrialized countries in math and science skills. And the gap for poor and minority students is even greater. There are many reasons for this dismal performance, but one thing I can say with certainty: it isn’t the kids’ fault. For the past two years, I have had the privilege of serving on the Board of Environmental Charter High School, a high-performing public charter school. Through a ‘no excuses’ culture of hard work and high expectations, students who come from the traditional public schools two or three grade levels behind, not only catch up but also excel. They are prepared to succeed in college and in society. Graduates already attend some of the finest colleges and universities in the country. Beginning next year, admittance to a four-year college or university will be a requirement for graduation. ECHS’ rigorous academic curriculum is built around environmental service learning projects. Long before it became fashionable, ECHS students were refining their own biodiesel fuel, building boats of recycled plastic bottles and reducing the energy and environmental footprints of their school and communities. Through the award-winning Green Ambassadors program, ECHS students disseminate these practices to other schools and communities. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. At ECHS, we are cultivating a generation of leaders prepared to meet the challenges of our nation and planet. I encourage you to come for a student-led tour and to become a supporter of this inspiring school. Ken Deemer is on ECHS’ Board of Directors. He is a founding partner and Chairman of Los Angeles Social Venture Partners. TOP STORY Chevron Pumps Up Environmental Charter High School Again hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/085c3cffaf/1426002720/8d39f5428b/ 1/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - May 2009 Update Our Unique Approach Chevron supports K-12, vocational, college and adult education to help children and adults acquire the skills needed to compete in a more global economy. We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Over the last eight years, Chevron’s contributions to ECHS have helped grow and improve many of our programs. Chevron’s long-standing commitment to ECHS has supported our outdoor learning space, gardening and sustainability class, textbook purchases for math and science, the development of our Plastics Are Forever Environmental Science curriculum, and our capital fund. This year, Chevron pitched in yet again, with $5,000 for our math and science enrichment programs. Thanks to Chevron, ECHS students will have a better program in math – an academic subject for which test scores show our students need extra support. The donation will fund equipment and instructional supplies, including lab materials, calculators, a laptop computer, software, and a projector for interactive lessons and student presentations. ECHS’ Green Curriculum Goes Statewide Earlier this year, the State of California tapped ECHS as a model school for its innovative instructional model, awarding the school a grant to share or ‘disseminate’ its ‘best practices’ throughout California. Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. Contact: Now, after delivering over 20 external presentations and reviewing scores of applications, ECHS has announced its selection of 10 California public schools to participate in its Green Action Curriculum Project: Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco; Cypress Charter High School in Santa Cruz; SAVA High School in Sacramento; Will Rogers Middle School in Fair Oaks; Chino Hills High School; Crosswalk High School in Hesperia; Santa Monica, Venice and Thomas Jefferson High Schools in Los Angeles; and Santiago High School in Corona. The project will disseminate effective “green curriculum” practices such as ECHS’ Green Ambassadors, an innovative program in which high school students first become experts in specific sustainability issues and solutions, and then go out into their community to promote and help implement the solutions. “When you set out to solve real world problems, the subjects that are usually studied separately in school are all mixed together. When students have that kind of curriculum experience in school, they get a much better understanding of why every subject is an essential element of a complete education,” said Alison Diaz-Suffet, ECHS’ Instructional Leader/Founder. In addition to the Green Ambassadors curriculum, participant schools will receive professional development and resources that support interdisciplinary instruction, another hallmark of ECHS’ program. Back to top hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/085c3cffaf/1426002720/8d39f5428b/ 2/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - May 2009 Update Executive Director Kennedy Hilario Phone: 310-214-3400 [email protected] GREEN AMBASSADORS Student Speaker Series: ECHS Students Speak Out Against Single-Use Plastic Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour! Plastic water bottles are just one of the ‘convenient’ single-use plastics that are used for just minutes, only to wind up in a landfill for a lifetime. Green Ambassadors students are partnering with the Surfrider Foundation and Algalita Marine Research Foundation to tour L.A. and speak about the impact of plastic on our lives and the environment. The program, Rise Above Plastics, is part of a Student Speaker Series, a collaboration of youth leaders from across the city and nation organized to inspire, create, and share solutions for a healthy planet. The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans and beaches, and has over 50,000 members and 80 chapters worldwide. The Algalita Marine Research Foundation is dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and its watersheds through research, education, and restoration. ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our service-learning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT Rachel Ruffalo Job: Consultant. Former Assistant Principal. Former Social Studies Teacher. 8 years at ECHS. Educational Background: B.A. History, Stanford University; M.Ed. (Teaching and Curriculum), Harvard University. Teaching Credentials & Certifications: Clear Single Subject, Social Science. Before ECHS: Developed two charter high schools in northern California as Director of Charter School Development for the Mexican American Community Services Agency, Inc. Taught History, Social Science, and Spanish at Gilroy and Hillsdale High Schools for 5 years. On ECHS: “Seeing the first graduating class in 2005, and now seeing how far the school has come in 8 years, has given me a huge appreciation for hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/085c3cffaf/1426002720/8d39f5428b/ 3/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - May 2009 Update the work of the teachers, staff members, and students who have stepped up to lead the school in continuous improvement,” says Ruffalo, who has worked with ECHS since its founding. She believes passionately in its mission to become a model school for communities throughout the state and nation. “ECHS,” says Ruffalo, “is proving that academic achievements are greater and more meaningful when the students learn through a real-world lens with issues that are relevant to their lives. The ECHS model is unique in that its academic and stewardship goals are complementary to one another,” she adds. When School's Out: Three new babies born in the past four years keep Rachel and her husband Robb very busy. When not pushing strollers, she and Robb love cheering for the Stanford basketball and football teams, camping, hiking, and playing at the beach. Back to top College Match Hookups by ECHS Making a Difference Fact: In the U.S. only 3% of students at the 146 most selective colleges come from low-income families. College Match is an organization that helps to change this situation. It finds low-income high school sophomores with strong academic records and provides each of them (on an individualized basis) with an intensive array of services comparable to what affluent students receive at elite private schools. These services include intensive SAT prep classes, help writing essays and filling out college admissions and financial aid applications, and help raising funds - so low-income students can join their more affluent peers in visiting colleges throughout the country. ECHS’ College Counselor Mandy Breuer spearheads the school’s involvement with the College Match organization. Thanks to her efforts and the program, 3 seniors and 5 juniors are in the program and have collectively secured over $100,000 in scholarships to attend college. INSPIRED STUDENTS Honor Roll Student Esmerelda Garcia Earns Awards Her parents never went to college and they only speak Spanish. Entering first grade she only spoke Spanish. But Honor-Roll student Esmerelda Garcia is poised to graduate ECHS this year as valedictorian, with the highest grades in her class. She plans to attend Dickinson College, a selective private liberal arts college in Carlisle, PA. The College Match Program helped her find the opportunity, and ECHS’ unique curriculum enabled her to discover her talents beyond the classroom walls. Garcia won an award from the Algalita Marine Research Foundation for hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/085c3cffaf/1426002720/8d39f5428b/ 4/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - May 2009 Update her Environmental Science research paper. “Based on samples taken from the beach, we calculated the % of debris that comes from plastics, and how it affected the ocean - because plastic does not biodegrade,” explains Garcia of her report. She also won another award, the first of its kind given to a high school student, for her History Paper about Death Valley. Garcia was elected for a Green Ambassador community service summer program to Costa Rica, where she researched the impact of imported fast food, such as McDonalds, on urban diets compared to traditional rural diets. She also studied Costa Rican organic farming methods. She then presented her findings at a public event in L.A. Garcia credits ECHS with pushing her to develop leadership and communication skills. “A lot of the activities emphasize leadership,” she says. “We have to deliver presentations every single week at school. Green Ambassadors makes us lead and teach others. I’m a shy person by nature, but because of all the presentations, it has helped me develop these skills,” she says. “For example, for our senior thesis we must pick a topic we are passionate about and then make a presentation to over 50 people and a panel, and try to persuade them to take action.” Personally moved by a film, Invisible Children, Garcia also co-launched a very successful local fundraising effort for poor children in Africa with AIDS. Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS 81% of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Already Admitted to College! Walker Talent Group Gets Recruited to Help ECHS Walker Talent Group helps transform companies by finding and recruiting superior leadership and other talent. And now, it is helping to transform our school, thanks to a generous $5,000 grant supporting our many innovative projects, including a Seaonal Stream running through our campus. The stream will help transform our patchy campus grounds into a more beautiful, park-like place for learning. Remakably, it will do so without requiring a traditional irrigation and watering system that inefficiently consumes tons of water. Instead of rushing into the street and storm drains, rainwater will collect and percolate into the ground, recharging the local aquifer, and fostering a sustainable and thriving green belt throughout the dry season. We’re getting Greener! Back to top hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/085c3cffaf/1426002720/8d39f5428b/ 5/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - May 2009 Update OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors Partners 41 Pounds Algalita Marine Research Foundation Biodiesel America AQMD Biodiesel Solutions Biodiesel Coop Cater Green Bioneers CB+ Blue Sky Meadow Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Bring Your Own Eco-Usable Brown Bag Naturals Essential Living Foods Chevron Fred Leeds Properties Common Vision Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Constitutional Rights Foundation Fundraising Green CREEC Get Hip Get Green Cuningham Group Green Lotus Events Empowerment Works Green Torch FOLAR Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop From Lot to Spot Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Generation Earth Seven Star Events Global Exchange Steaz Green Fest Yo Naturals Vending Heal the Bay Tree People Lawndale Elementary School District Tree Musketeers Lawndale Rotary Walker Talent Group Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Environmental Hispanic Council National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/085c3cffaf/1426002720/8d39f5428b/ 6/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - May 2009 Update ECHS Students and Teachers are also participating in these upcoming local and national events! 2009 Date May 27 & 28, June 1, 5&9 Event ECHS Participation Rise Above Plastics Green Ambassadors May 30th Environmental Festival Gardena Green Ambassadors June 6th SAT June 13th ACT Go Students! Go Students! Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/085c3cffaf/1426002720/8d39f5428b/ 7/7 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - July 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forw ard this message to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE July 2009 Executive Message Top Story ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events ECHS finished the 2008-2009 school year with these outstanding achievements: 95% of graduating seniors were accepted into 4-year colleges or universities. 10% of graduates were accepted by UCLA. 5% of graduates were accepted into prestigious private universities such as Dickinson, Wesleyan, Kalamazoo, Bates and Bryn Mawr. Our student pass rate on the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) in English jumped 16% over last year’s result to 95%, while our math pass rate climbed over 14% to 90%. Our achievements are remarkable given the fact that the U.S. is the only industrialized country in the world that produces a smaller percentage of high school graduates today than it did a generation ago. In addition, our country faces huge inequities in the availability of quality public education. ECHS is working to close the gap so that all children have access to the rigorous meaningful public education they deserve. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college preparatory curriculum combined with unique realworld field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. We can't continue our impressive results alone! We operate without the funding and facilities available to surrounding public schools. We desperately need your help. Whether it’s contributing finances, in-kind donations, or resources, everything helps. I encourage you to come for a student-led tour and to become a supporter of this unique public high school model. Bruce D. Greenspon is current President of the Board of Directors of ECHS, and an International Negotiations Manager at Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems. TOP STORY ECHS Charter Renewal Marks 8th Year of Operation This month marks a milestone for ECHS: the renewal of its charter for another 5 years. Charter schools are performing particularly well in areas in California known to have struggling public schools. In LA, charter schools have a higher median 2008 Academic Performance Index (API) at all grade levels than traditional public schools. Why do charters perform better? Experts point to several reasons, all of hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/289756796b/1426003251/ab72edd5e4/ 1/6 7/21/13 Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - July 2009 Update which you’ll find at ECHS: More flexibility on curriculum, budget and staffing. Ability to quickly make effective changes to meet student needs. High level of accountability with mandatory 5-year renewal reviews. Engaged teachers empowered to make important decisions to benefit students. Parents encouraged to work with teachers as a team to advance their child's academic progress. Certified Quality: Behind the Seal As a Certified member of the California Charter Schools Association, ECHS adheres to quality standards for student academic achievement with high expectations and clear, measurable program goals and learning objectives. Back to top GREEN AMBASSADORS ECHS Student Film Wins Award at the 4th Annual Santa Monica Teen Film Festival Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. Contact: Audiences at the Annual Santa Monica Teen Film Festival selected the film “A Day in the Life” to receive the Audience Choice Award. Picked from among 70 competing entries, the film was written and directed by ECHS high school students as part of a Green Ambassadors class project, and produced with the help of professional mentors and volunteers. The film educates viewers on the environmental impact of household habits and ways consumers can reduce wasteful practices. It does so in a funny, entertaining way. The festival is an initiative of the city of Santa Monica, the Virginia Avenue Park Teen Center and City TV. Its purpose is to showcase the creative talents of teen filmmakers and encourage youth in the art of filmmaking. The festival screened dozens of films created by youth aged 12 to 18 years from all over the country. “A Day in the Life” can be seen online here through Youtube ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our service-learning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT Quynh Tran hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/289756796b/1426003251/ab72edd5e4/ 2/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - July 2009 Update Executive Director Alison Diaz Phone: (310) 214-3400 Job: Manager of Operations. For the past 8 years, Tran has played an integral role at ECHS. From supervising day-to-day grounds operations and facilities, to managing the school’s transition to its new campus, he has worked tirelessly to support ECHS through its development. [email protected] A former High School student of ECHS Founder, Alison Diaz, Tran spent countless hours helping her prepare for the school's original Charter. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 (310) 214-3400 http://www.echsonline.org On ECHS: Tran takes personal pride in recalling ECHS’ opening day in 2001 because he worked so closely with founder Alison Diaz to make ECHS possible. “My vision for ECHS is to see it expand to a network of multiple schools in the Los Angeles area, to see it become a premier model school for the nation, and to see its environmental curriculum adopted successfully at other schools,” says Tran. When School's Out: Children hold a special place in his heart, no doubt influenced by Tran’s own unique experience as a child. Tran’s family spent several years in Vietnamese refugee camps in Hong Kong and the Philippines before coming to the U.S. when he was eight knowing scarcely a word of English. He makes an annual trip to Mexico to give toys to poor children, and has been a volunteer raising funds to eradicate Polio. Moving up fast is something Tran does well. He once ran up and down Mt. Baldy (8600 ft.) in less than 120 minutes. When not at ECHS, he is completing a Business Management degree at Cal State Long Beach. Dave Hendry Job: Curriculum/Professional Development Consultant. 3 Years. Hendry helps ECHS with its professional development program. He is also project manager of the “Green Action Curriculum” project to disseminate ECHS’ best practices to other state schools. Educational Background: B. S., Physics and Mathematics Before ECHS: Hendry is a nationally recognized expert on achieving learner engagement and understanding through the application of principles of instructional design. He has served as a principal faculty member in over 100 teacher institutes nationally. Hendry also lectures widely about education policies and teaching practices. He is President of Real Curriculum, Inc., Executive Director of GreenEducation.com, Director of Green Technology’s Teacher Institutes, and co-founder and Chief Curriculum Officer at The Futures Channel. On ECHS: “Seeing ECHS students get very engaged in preparing for and carrying out interdisciplinary performance tasks has been extremely rewarding,” says Hendry. Another highlight for Hendry has been “seeing staff deeply hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/289756796b/1426003251/ab72edd5e4/ 3/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - July 2009 Update committed to the planning and preparation required to make interdisciplinary units work." Hendry wants ECHS to become “a model that shows the power of ‘best practices’ in curriculum, instruction and assessment when they are all focused on preparing young people to have and pursue their own dreams.” Back to top ECHS Sponsors SAT Prep Courses at Ivy Insiders Fact: In the U.S. only 3% of students at the 146 most selective colleges come from low-income families. Delivering college-ready graduates is a prime objective of ECHS, and competitive SAT/ACT scores are key to admission to prestigious schools. But with 71% of our students financially disadvantaged, it is not usually affordable to attend expensive outside tutoring services like Stanley Kaplan, the Princeton Review, and Ivy Insiders. ECHS is helping its students compete in a number of ways. For example, this summer ECHS will sponsor the enrollment of two students in an outside SAT test preparation course at Ivy Insiders, a firm that helps high school students prepare for college admission. The course teaches skills, strategies, and tips designed to raise test scores 250 points or more. INSPIRED STUDENTS Rudy Sanchez 16 year old ECHS student Rudy Sanchez grew up speaking Spanish at home, and started English in kindergarten. Neither of his native Spanish speaking parents attended college, but they have always supported his education. Rudy is determined not only to attend a 4-year university, but also to help make the world a better place. On an ECHS outdoor educational trip he learned about permaculture, sustainable farming, and how a small community lives off the land. "That was really inspirational," says Sanchez. He interviewed the farmers about how their lifestyle is impacting others and narrated a film about it for a class project. “ECHS gave me a new perspective on the type of person that I want to be. Before ECHS, I thought about becoming a businessman and getting rich. Now I want my work to contribute to others around me,” says Sanchez. He is already headed in that direction. On top of being the student event planner for ECHS' successful Earth Day 2009 celebration, he recently was a featured speaker at a Surfrider Foundation meeting, and presented to hundreds of students at neighboring high schools about ways to reduce unhealthy use of plastics. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/289756796b/1426003251/ab72edd5e4/ 4/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - July 2009 Update This summer, Sanchez will take a 5-day course on sociology and the environment with the NHEC (National Hispanic Environmental Council), an organization he learned about during an ECHS Career Day event. Next, he has an internship at Paramount Studios, where he will help educate staff about how to become more environmentally friendly. Sanchez says his goal is "to demonstrate that the Green movement isn’t just for ‘treehuggers’. It can be applied to film, business, technology, and more." Back to top CELEBRATING SUCCESS 95% of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Admitted to College! Back to top OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors Partners 41 Pounds Algalita Marine Research Foundation Biodiesel America AQMD Biodiesel Solutions Biodiesel Coop Cater Green Bioneers CB+ Blue Sky Meadow Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Bring Your Own Eco-Usable Brown Bag Naturals Essential Living Foods Chevron Fred Leeds Properties Common Vision Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Constitutional Rights Foundation Fundraising Green CREEC Get Hip Get Green Cuningham Group Green Lotus Events Empowerment Works Green Torch FOLAR Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop From Lot to Spot Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Generation Earth Seven Star Events Global Exchange Steaz Green Fest Yo Naturals Vending Heal the Bay Tree People Lawndale Elementary School District Tree Musketeers Lawndale Rotary Walker Talent Group Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/289756796b/1426003251/ab72edd5e4/ 5/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - July 2009 Update Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Environmental Hispanic Council National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS ECHS Students and Teachers are also participating in these upcoming local and national events! 2009 Date Event ECHS Participation August Living Stream Dedication At ECHS Campus August 10-11 GreenTech Conference Founder and Executive Director Alison Suffet on panel Aug ust 12-14 Green Curriculum Best for Educators at ECHS Practices Conference for Campus! Educators at ECHS September 8 Fall Semester begins State-Sponsored Training Back to top To comment, suggest stories, or for questions about this newsletter, email us at [email protected] If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/289756796b/1426003251/ab72edd5e4/ 6/6 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forward this message to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE Dear Partner, September 2009 Executive Message Top Stories ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events For eight years, Environmental Charter High School has empowered students by providing a rigorous college-prep curriculum that creates endless opportunities for an otherwise underserved community. Building on the success of our unique learning model—one that hinges upon our community and the environment to inspire and cultivate students to take action— we are excited to share with you the news that we are expanding to create Environmental Charter Schools (ECS), which will extend beyond high school into all grades, K-12! Through our expansion, we will open the door for hundreds of children who will benefit from a quality education and more choices in their future—an opportunity that will ultimately transform their lives. More than 3,000 students in grades K-12 will learn about environmental issues and how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to worldwide issues, and how to educate and inspire others with these solutions as they prepare for the new Green Economy. We have committed to raising $300,000 to support the next phase in our growth, and we are calling upon you to help us achieve this goal. Please help us make this exciting journey possible with your financial contribution to one of our key projects: Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college preparatory curriculum combined with unique realworld field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. Expansion To Serve Lower Grade Levels: ECS is slated to open Environmental Charter Middle School in Gardena in the Fall of 2010. Funding this project will help us secure and develop a campus, hire and train highly-qualified administrators and staff, equip classrooms with furniture and books, and open the opportunity to eager middle school students. Share our Green Curriculum: Over the past eight years, ECHS has developed an outstanding environmentally based curriculum that takes students beyond the classroom to engage them in meaningful action. With each program, ECHS has seen significant improvement in student achievement, attendance, discipline, and enrollment. This year we will help 10 schools create a successful model based on our programs and best practices. By funding this program, you will help us make an exponential impact on the way education is delivered. Transform our Campus into the Ideal Learning Facility: ECHS classrooms fall short of the standard for college-preparatory science lab work and instruction. To address this, we plan to build a new science classroom and chemistry lab. So we can extend science beyond the classroom, we also plan to install “Green” rooftops, solar and wind power demonstration projects, and energy efficient lighting – making ECHS’ campus itself an additional teaching tool. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 1/8 7/21/13 Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update Please join us in building a bright future, for ECS and for the thousands of students and their families whose lives we are able to touch, by making a contribution to one of our projects. Alison Suffet-Diaz, Founder and Executive Director of Environmental Charter Schools. TOP STORIES ECHS Delivers Huge Gains in 2009 Academic Performance Index (API) Scores Success Story Continues To Show Results Environmental Charter High School (ECHS), announced that its 2009 Academic Performance Index (API) scores skyrocketed by 51 points over last year’s results to 765. API scores are an overall metric of academic performance based on statewide tests. ECHS’ point gains exceeded California and Los Angeles countywide averages. Principal Jenni Taylor attributed the performance increase to a number of strategies implemented over the past two years in math and science. Specifically, she noted math program changes, which include requiring all incoming ninth-graders to take a summer math class, as well as a new rigorous standards-based grading policy. With this policy, if students fail to demonstrate proficiency, they must repeat the class or segment until they pass. According to Taylor, who led the implementation of these strategies, “Key to the success of this approach is that students realize they must become proficient in the material, or they will not pass and will have to repeat the material on a retake test, on Saturdays, or during the summer. Consequently, they realize that they can not simply try to ‘pass tests and get by. They focus more on truly learning.” Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. ECHS also attributed gains in its API score to improvement in its science curriculum, in particular its award-winning Green Ambassadors class, which became mandatory for tenth-graders starting two years ago. “With our Green Ambassadors class, students are inspired and find meaning in the coursework, helping to improve their academic performance” said ECHS’ Green Ambassadors Founder and Director, Sara Laimon. Students now take three years of earth science and biology, compared with the typical two years required elsewhere. School Founder Alison Suffet-Diaz Returns as Executive Director, Environmental Charter Schools Alison Suffet-Diaz, the Founder of Environmental Charter High School (ECHS), has been renamed as the Executive Director for Environmental Charter Schools. Suffet-Diaz will be responsible for driving strategic development, as well as fundraising, fiscal and capital budgeting and planning, and oversight of administrative operations. Her appointment signals the launch of a new phase in the organization's development that builds on the success of ECHS. The Environmental Charter Schools (ECS) plan calls for establishing a network of charter schools including elementary, middle, and high schools to serve underresourced communities in southern Los Angeles. Back to top Contact: hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 2/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update Executive Director Alison Diaz Phone: (310) 214-3400 [email protected] GREEN AMBASSADORS ECHS Green Action Curriculum Conference a Smashing Success! Ten Schools Get State-Funded Training on “How to Go Green” at ECHS Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 (310) 214-3400 http://www.echsonline.org ECHS produced and hosted a Green Action Curriculum Conference for educators on campus in August. The conference trained teachers from across California how to “Go Green” by implementing a model of environmental-action-themed academic programs developed at Environmental Charter High School. The State of California Board of Education selected Environmental Charter High School to help other public schools by sharing its instructional modules as a successful model for reducing achievement gaps in California's K-12 public education system. Programs such as ECHS’ Green Ambassadors help inspire and motivate students and thereby improve academic performance, particularly among challenged population segments. Attendee Comments "Thank you so much for the amazing conference!" Vanessa Carter, Environmental Service Learning Initiative, Lincoln High School "Again, many thanks for sharing such a brilliant program!" Teacher, Chino Hills High School "We are v ery excited to bring this curriculum and associated opportunities of the Green Action Curriculum to our school. Thanks for a w onderfully enlightening tw o days" Char Lindemulder, Chino Hills High School IN THE NEWS: read more about it as covered by The Daily Breeze newspaper Click Here ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our servicelearning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 3/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update Jenni Taylor Job: Principal Educational Background: M.A. in Educational Administration and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, Pepperdine University. National Board Certified Teacher. Science Teaching Credential from California State University Long Beach. B.S. in Earth Science and B.A. in Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz. Experience: Previously the Assistant Principal, Ms. Taylor has been instrumental in the school's growth since its founding. Before assuming an administrative role, Jenni taught math and science at ECHS and creatively designed the curriculum to provide inspiring opportunities for her students to learn outside the classroom walls and make a difference in the local environment. Among her recent accomplishments is instituting the transformation of ECHS' math program, which has contributed to a major increase in the school's Academic Performance Index (API) scores. Before ECHS: Prior to ECHS, as an outdoor instructor, she led students on adventure trips throughout California while teaching environmental principles. She also coordinated the Life Lab program for an elementary school in Santa Cruz, California. On ECHS: "I am committed to making sure that all students have access not only to a rigorous and supportive academic curriculum but to enriching experiences that change student perspectives and attitudes towards learning. I am also committed to supporting an environment where teachers and staff continue to grow and learn with the students." When School's Out: She is working on her Doctorate in Educational Leadership Administration and Policy at Pepperdine University. Jenni also enjoys traveling, outdoor recreation, and dancing. Back to top $300,000 FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN NOW UNDERWAY Expansion to Serve Lower Grade Levels - Fund Drive Help found Environmental Charter Middle School! The first phase of our plan to build a network of environmentally focused schools serving 3,000 students in grades K-12, will be the launch of our new middle school. Environmental Charter Middle School (ECMS) is slated to open in Gardena in the fall of 2010. A charter petition is now actively pending before educational authorities. Please help us launch Environmental Charter Middle School by contributing towards startup costs for staff recruitment, student recruitment, enrollment, textbooks, and equipment. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 4/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update Back to top Green Curriculum Expansion – Fund Drive ECHS has created an award-winning learning model that has been recognized for its “best practices.” Its environmental (“Green curriculum”) programs deeply engage students, taking them beyond the classroom walls and inspiring them to learn and give to their communities. ECHS has seen significant progress in student achievement, attendance, discipline, and enrollment in concert with the development of our Green Curriculum programs. This year, we received California State funding to disseminate our best practices to 10 schools throughout the state. As more schools learn about our programs, the demand to share them continues to grow. Your donation can help us continue these critical programs at ECHS, and expand their reach to other schools, exponentially increasing their impact. Back to top Science Lab and Green Campus - Fund Drive Science is critical to our future. ECHS classrooms do not yet meet the minimum standards for college-preparatory science lab work and instruction. They were originally designed for elementary students. Our tiny chemistry area is woefully inadequate for lab classes. We lack sufficient sinks, electrical outlets, and lab space. Our goal is to expand our students’ capacity to learn science, by funding: Science lab indoor and outdoor space, plumbing, fixtures, flooring, furniture, equipment and textbooks Solar and wind power demonstration projects Windows with sun shading/reflecting systems Energy efficient campus lighting hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 5/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update You can help bring our facilities up to the standards our students deserve by making a financial contribution. Back to top INSPIRED STUDENTS Genesis Godoy ECHS honor roll student Genesis Godoy is taking yesterday’s fashions into the future in an astounding new way: Recycled Fashion. Genesis organized fashion shows highlighting 20 clothing outfits created by fifteen of her classmate from recycled materials. She wants to educate people about the waste that accumulates in the environment due to frequent buying and discarding of clothing, from wasted water and energy consumption in textile manufacturing, to wasted landfill space. Inspired by her Green Ambassador class, her teacher, and her classmates, she applied for and won a competitive grant from the National Environmental Education Foundation for her proposal to help raise awareness about environmental issues through recycled fashion shows. She is now well on her way towards meeting her goal of holding 15 shows reaching 700 people. Godoy credits ECHS with pushing her and motivating her to pursue her dreams. “At ECHS, teachers always encourage students to have goals in life and to work as hard as possible to achieve them. It seems like the phrase ‘I can not’ does not exist here. Everywhere you look, ECHS shows you possibilities that you can achieve.” Back to top hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 6/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update CELEBRATING SUCCESS 95% of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Admitted to College! Back to top OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors Partners 41 Pounds Biodiesel America Algalita Marine Research Foundation AQMD Biodiesel Solutions Cater Green Biodiesel Coop Bioneers CB+ Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Eco-Usable Blue Sky Meadow Bring Your Own Brown Bag Naturals Essential Living Foods Fred Leeds Properties Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Chevron College Match Common Vision Fundraising Green Get Hip Get Green Constitutional Rights Foundation CREEC Green Lotus Events Green Torch Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop Cuningham Group Empowerment Works FOLAR Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Seven Star Events Steaz From Lot to Spot Generation Earth Global Exchange Yo Naturals Vending Green Fest Tree People Heal the Bay Tree Musketeers Lawndale Elementary School District Walker Talent Group Lawndale Rotary Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Environmental Hispanic Council National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 7/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - September 2009 Update Back to top EVENTS This fall, we will be inviting parents and the community to our campus for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the opening of our Living Stream and Amphitheatre. These and other campus improvements are all made possible by the generous support of contributors and partners like you! 2009 Date Fall Event Ribbon Cutting Ceremony! ECHS Participation At ECHS Campus Back to top To comment, suggest stories, or for questions about this newsletter, email us at [email protected] If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Envronmental Charter High School 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214-3400 www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/7b4137b996/1426003587/8d39f5428b/ 8/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forward to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE Dear Partner, October 2009 Over the past eight years, Environmental Charter High School (ECHS), a public charter school in Lawndale, CA has developed a unique curriculum that takes students beyond the classroom to engage them in activities meaningful to them. It inspires students to achieve academic success and set ambitious goals. Executive Message Top Story ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events ECHS has seen significant improvement in student achievement, attendance, discipline, and enrollment. Our recently reported Academic Performance Index (API) score gains are more proof that our approach is working: they skyrocketed past state and citywide averages. We are humbled that the success of our approach has continued to attract national attention. Soon we'll share the challenges and successes of our school and the vibrant energy of our students with millions: A TV show for the PBS Network is filming us. Another show covering ECHS is airing nationally over the air and on DIRECTV and Dish Networks. But our challenges loom large. Against the backdrop of huge education budget cuts for public schools, we have nonetheless committed to raising $300,000 to fund our growth in the next year for three key projects: Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. Launching Environmental Charter Middle School (ECMS), slated to open in Gardena in the fall of 2010. Science Lab and "Green" campus facilities. Expanding our award-winning ‘Green Curriculum' Through our expansion and these projects, we will open the door for hundreds of children who will benefit from a quality education and more choices in their future-an opportunity that will ultimately transform their lives. Please join us in building a brighter future for ECS and for the many of students and families whose lives we will touch as we pursue this growth by making a contribution. John Quiter is on the Board of Directors of ECHS. He is Chairman of The Cuningham Group, an internationally recognized architecture firm. TOP STORY Honda Helps ECHS With Grant Award For "Green Math" Program ECHS received a grant from American Honda Foundation that will help the hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 1/8 7/21/13 Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update school create a Green Math Program which aims to improve high school students' math skills and standardized test scores by teaching math in a new way. Using the $54,811 grant, ECHS will design model lesson plans and materials that integrate Green topics such as water conservation, food production, composting, and green energy applications into high school math lessons, from algebra to calculus. Alison Suffet-Diaz, Executive Director of Environmental Charter Schools said of the award "We are extremely grateful to Honda for their generous funding. This Green Math Program will help teachers make math more interesting and relevant to students by using environmental sustainability-related problems in math classes." “The American Honda Foundation is proud to support such an innovative approach to math instruction as ECHS’ Green Math program,” said Alexandra Warnier, manager of the AHF. “This program has the potential to not only make math learning more interesting for students, but to also improve math achievement.” Back to top Upcoming TV Show Segment To Feature ECHS ECHS will be profiled in a segment on Project Green Generation TV, a forthcoming broadcast television show covering environmental and Green issues. The show interviewed ECHS' Executive Director and Founder, Alison Suffet-Diaz as well as students in ECHS' Green Ambassadors class. Students described how their experiences at ECHS have inspired them to become more involved in helping to foster a more sustainable environment. Click to View online video Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Back to top GREEN AMBASSADORS ECHS Students Participate in Bioneers Conference Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. ECHS Green Ambassador students conducted daily workshops as part of the program for youth in October at the Bioneers conference. Bioneers brings together over 10,000 people from around the world to provide a forum for education about solutions to environmental issues the world faces. ECHS Green Ambassador Jordan Howard joined in a panel session discussing how youth can leverage new media outlets and technologies to promote their messages about environmental sustainability. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. In other news, the Green Ambassadors program continues to expand and disseminate Green Curriculum 'best practices' and 'lessons learned' to 10 other schools across the state. Feedback has been extremely positive: "Again, many thanks for sharing such a brilliant program!" says a participating teacher, from Chino Hills High School. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 2/8 7/21/13 Contact: Executive Director Alison Suffet-Diaz Phone: 310-214-3400 [email protected] Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our service-learning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 STAFF SPOTLIGHT Kami Cotler photo.jpg Kami Cotler Job: Principal and Developer, http://www.echsonline.org Environmental Charter Middle School (ECMS), planned to open fall 2010. Cotler holds a key role in an important new phase in ECS’ growth – the launch and opening of a new middle school. She is responsible for the curriculum programming, staff and student recruitment, outreach to prospective families, and coordinating with the school district. Educational Background: B.A. Social Sciences, University of California at Berkeley. California Clear Teaching Credential. Before ECHS: Launching a new charter school is nothing new to Cotler. She helped open and direct Ocean Charter School, a successful K-8 public charter school in West L.A. Her educational career includes teaching previously at ECHS, as well as in an alternative program for at-risk youth in a high school in rural Virginia. Others may remember her from her first career as a child actress in the cast of The Waltons, a popular 1970s television show in which she portrayed Elizabeth Walton (see picture). On ECHS: "Every time I see an ECHS student make a presentation it is it a rewarding experience," says Cotler. "I always learn something and it usually makes me change how I behave. For example, I am packing my children's lunches with far less plastic than before.” She is passionate about education and her mission. “My vision is to build upon ECHS' success in creating a middle school that replicates all the things that make ECHS so special," says Cotler. When Extracurricular: When not working on the new middle school, Cotler keeps busy as the proud mother of two elementary school kids. She is a fan of modern dance and ballet, and you could say that watching college football is more than a hobby for Kami: she once ran a tour company specializing in trips to out-of-town USC football games. Back to top hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 3/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update INSPIRED STUDENTS Angelica Garza Living in foster care has not been easy for ECHS senior Angelica “Angie” Garza. She was forced to develop and rely on an inner strength not required of most young people her age. Maybe that’s why her energies and talents seem to makes good things happen. For her work with ECHS Green Ambassadors program, Garza was recently interviewed in documentary TV show that is expected to air on PBS in early 2010. Garza credits ECHS with inspiring her to get involved in issues that help others, whether it is mentoring younger students, or helping to start an alliance between the school and orphanage in Haiti. “It may sound like a cliché, but ECHS has taught me in a sense that you can do anything,” says Garza. The organizational skills she has developed at ECHS were in full force during the successful ECHS Earth Day event she helped put on last spring. Over 700 students from nearby schools as well as members of the local community learned about environmental issues and solutions, and attended musical and dramatic performances. Angie takes full advantage of ECHS opportunities such as internships, and is interning at FromLotToSpot, a local non-profit that refurbishes and beautifies areas of urban blight. When not studying she has been extremely active in school activities, from managing the baseball team, to sitting on student council, to organizing a Peace Club on campus as well as Tiger Crew, ECHS’ pep squad, to starting the Green Ambassadors club. Angie is determined to build on the opportunities ECHS has given her. She plans to be the first in her family to graduate from college, where she will be heading next fall. Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS 95% of ECHS 2009 Graduating Class Admitted to College! OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors Partners 41 Pounds Algalita Marine Research Foundation hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 4/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update Biodiesel America AQMD Biodiesel Solutions Biodiesel Coop Cater Green Bioneers CB+ Blue Sky Meadow Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Bring Your Own Eco-Usable Brown Bag Naturals Essential Living Foods Chevron Fred Leeds Properties Common Vision Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Constitutional Rights Foundation Fundraising Green CREEC Get Hip Get Green Cuningham Group Green Lotus Events Empowerment Works Green Torch FOLAR Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop From Lot to Spot Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Generation Earth Seven Star Events Global Exchange Steaz Green Fest Yo Naturals Vending Heal the Bay Tree People Lawndale Elementary School District Tree Musketeers Lawndale Rotary L.A. Social Venture Partners American Honda Foundaton Walker Talent Group Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS The Main Event! Third Annual Green Career Day at ECHS! October 26th, 11:00 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 5/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update Following last year’s smashing success, we are holding another Green Career Day so ECHS students can learn about careers in numerous fields such as environmental sciences. It features classroom presentations by volunteer professionals who as "role models" will help teachers discuss environmental issues and related careers. Role models offer career insights and mentor students. Fifteen exhibits and booths from environmental agencies (federal, state, city and county), corporations, and presentations by elected officials add to the event’s value for participants and students. We greatly appreciate the gracious support of more than 40 professionals who have volunteered to participate! ECHS Students and Teachers are also participating in these upcoming local and national events! 2009 Date November 4 Event Environmental Youth Conference Composting & Plastics December 8 & 9th Workshops: Loyola Marymount University December 9-11th Green California Schools Summit and Expo, Pasadena ECHS Participation Green Ambassador Students Keynote Speaker and Panelist Taught by ECHS Students to College Students Students & teachers Back to top $300,000 FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN NOW UNDERWAY Expansion to Serve Lower Grade Levels - Fund Drive Help found Environmental Charter Middle School! The first phase of our plan to build a network of environmentally focused schools serving 3,000 students in grades K-12 will be the launch of our new middle school. Environmental Charter Middle School (ECMS) is slated to open in Gardena in the fall of 2010. A charter petition is now actively pending before educational authorities. Please help us launch Environmental Charter Middle School by contributing towards start-up costs for staff recruitment, student recruitment, enrollment, textbooks, and equipment. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 6/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update Back to top Green Curriculum Expansion – Fund Drive ECHS has created an award-winning learning model that has been recognized for its “best practices.” Its environmental (“Green curriculum”) programs deeply engage students, taking them beyond the classroom walls and inspiring them to learn and give to their communities. ECHS has seen significant progress in student achievement, attendance, discipline, and enrollment in concert with the development of our Green Curriculum programs. This year, we received California State funding to disseminate our best practices to 10 schools throughout the state. As more schools learn about our programs, the demand to share them continues to grow. Your donation can help us continue these critical programs at ECHS, and expand their reach to other schools, exponentially increasing their impact. Back to top Science Lab and Green Campus - Fund Drive Science is critical to our future. ECHS classrooms do not yet meet the minimum standards for college-preparatory science lab work and instruction. They were originally designed for elementary students. Our tiny chemistry area is woefully inadequate for lab classes. We lack sufficient sinks, electrical outlets, and lab space. Our goal is to expand our students’ capacity to learn science, by funding: Science lab indoor and outdoor space, plumbing, fixtures, flooring, furniture, equipment and textbooks Solar and wind power demonstration projects Windows with sun shading/reflecting systems Energy efficient campus lighting You can help bring our facilities up to the standards our students deserve by making a financial contribution. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 7/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - October 2009 Update Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/203534cc6d/1426002698/8d39f5428b/ 8/8 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forward to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE Dear Friends, November 2009 Thanksgiving is a time when we can reflect on our good fortune to live in this country, the opportunities it provides us, and our aspirations for future generations. Executive Message Top Story ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events The success of our democratic process depends on the educational opportunities available today for tomorrow’s adult citizens. One of America's most pressing needs is to address the disparity in educational opportunities. Times like these present significant challenges to public education. With declining state and federal budgets, we must do more with less. Through our expansion projects at ECHS, we will open the door for hundreds of children who will benefit from a quality education and more choices in their future - an opportunity that will ultimately transform their lives. So I ask that you consider supporting ECHS with a financial contribution towards one or more of these projects (learn more). No donation is too small; every gift makes the school better for our students. To all of our supporters, our staff, and our students at Environmental Charter High School I wish you a warm, fulfilling, and safe Thanksgiving holiday. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. Bruce D. Greenspon is President of the Board of Directors of ECHS. He is Manager, Program Contract Negotiations at Raytheon. TOP STORY ECHS Students Take The Podium: From Speeches To Press Conferences This month ECHS students could be found at the public podium in front of electronic media, political and business leaders delivering speeches about environmental issues, supporting Green campaigns, and being recognized for their contributions. Imagine this: standing next to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa at the Los Angeles Convention Center with 6,000 teens, energized to change the way they impact the environment, waiting to hear what you have to say. Pretty heady stuff for anyone, and 17-year-old ECHS junior Jordan Howard (see picture) did it with poise and power. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 1/9 7/21/13 Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update Her keynote speech at the 2009 Environmental Youth Conference, themed “Start Local, Impact Global” kicked off the November 4 conference of local elected officials, young environmental leaders, and celebrities. The goal was to promote environmental awareness and responsibility through youth-conducted workshops and networking opportunities with green professionals and environmental organizations. Across the hall at the same conference, 16-year-old ECHS junior Rudy Sanchez joined a panel discussing how he has raised public awareness about reducing plastic consumption with reusable alternatives. With Rise Above Plastics, a program of the Surfrider Foundation, he has delivered more than 35 presentations to over 1,000 people about alternatives to one-time consumable plastics. Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Later that week as news cameras flashed, Sanchez joined City Supervisor Don Knabe, Assemblyman Zev Yaroslavsky, NBA Champion Luke Walton, and ABC7 Eyewitness News Weathercaster Danny Romero as a press conference speaker (see picture). He led city officials, celebrities, and attendees in reciting a public pledge to recycle and reuse plastic bags, helping to kick off LA County’s BragAboutYourBag recycling campaign. Back to top New Member Tom Feegel Brings Eco-Business Savvy to ECHS Board Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us conserve resources for future generations. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ ECHS recently welcomed Tom Feegel to its Board of Directors. Feegel is CEO of Brand Neutral, an eco-consulting firm advising business leaders on brand strategy, content creation, and revenue growth. 2/9 7/21/13 Contact: Executive Director Alison Suffet-Diaz Phone: 310-214-3400 [email protected] Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update As Chief of Staff for Al Gore's Global Concert Event in 2007, Tom oversaw sponsorship, and worldwide marketing. He created a popular consumer handbook on surviving the climate crisis and championed an on-the-road greening guide for celebrities and artists. Other organizations Tom has worked with include Disney, NBC, Dell, Ford, Phillips, Smart Car, Pepsi, National Geographic, Healthy Child Healthy World, Girl Scouts of the USA, Kiva.org, National Wildlife Federation, Energy Star, and the Vatican. Back to top Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) GREEN AMBASSADORS 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our service-learning philosophy. http://www.echsonline.org It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Student Wins US Green Building Council Young Leader Award ECHS senior and Green Ambassador student extraordinaire Jordan Howard received the Young Leader Award from the US Green Building Council (USGBC) at the GreenBuild International Conference in Phoenix, AZ. She was selected for her commitment to the environment and her success in effecting change among her peers as an active leader in the sustainability movement. Howard credits ECHS with helping her discover these issues and inspiring her to pursue them. As the world’s largest conference and expo dedicated to green building, Greenbuild provides its USGBC Young Leaders with an opportunity to hear from highly acclaimed speakers, attend special seminars, and educate themselves on the green building movement. In April 2010, Howard will join other USGBC Young Leaders and travel to Washington, DC, on an allexpense paid trip to participate in a special event at the Kennedy Center. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT Joseph Ehrlichmann Job: English teacher, 11th grade Educational Background: B.A., English, National University Before ECHS: Ehrlichmann taught English, including 12th grade AP Literature and Composition at South Gate High School in the L.A. Unified School District (LAUSD). While in LAUSD training to receive his California State Teaching Credential, he was named Most Outstanding Intern. Before his teaching career, he earned his hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 3/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update living as a professional musician, touring with SuperFunk Fantasy. On ECHS: The value of the school’s unique curriculum became clear to Ehrlichmann on a backpacking trip to Point Mugu State Park. He traveled with the 11th grade as part of ECHS’ Outdoor Learning program, which helps students learn leadership, communications, and teamwork skills. “I think ECHS is a great role model for a successful inner-city high school. It is a place where students really feel like their work in school has an impact on the community.” When School's Out: An accomplished musician, Joseph still plays the trumpet, as he did in the St. Louis All-Suburban Band and the Missouri AllState Jazz Band. He also enjoys reading, road trips in the Western United States, and soccer. Back to top INSPIRED STUDENTS Donald Brooks Helps City Council Make Lawndale Kids Breathe Cleaner ECHS 12th-grader Donald Brooks is a person who sees a challenge where others would see a brick wall. He wanted to do things that he had no idea how to do. The only thing he was sure of was his fear of speaking in front of others and his desire to create change. He realized that change would have to start within. “I started to volunteer and reach out to others,” he explains. At Environmental Charter High School he signed up for an internship at Barnes & Noble. “It wasn’t because I liked it,” he says with a sly smile, “but because I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to overcome my shyness and improve my speaking skills.” And it was. In his junior year, he interned for ECHS' Green Ambassadors. “I had to find and schedule events such as a jazz festival and Hawthorne Earth Day so that I could speak at them on behalf of ECHS,” says Brooks. A subsequent internship program involved him in local public policy. “Our goal was to get the City Council to approve a Tobacco Retail License (TRL) for stronger enforcement of tobacco laws. We met with two City Council members. Then we conducted Youth Purchase Surveys, where we went into 38 stores in Lawndale pretending to buy cigarettes to see how many stores would sell tobacco to minors.” Quite a feat for a self-described shy kid, but it gets better. On October 19, 2009, Brooks addressed the Lawndale City Council with his findings. He made the case for passing the TRL into law, and the City Council voted to approve it. “I felt that this was a great accomplishment, to be a part of real change in my community,” Brooks beams. “In fact, Councilman Miles offered me an internship in his office this summer!” Thanks to ECHS inspiring and guiding him to overcome his fear of speaking in front of others, Donald Brooks is now an effective force within his community. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 4/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS ECHS Team in Solar Cup A team from ECHS received $4,000 from the West Basin Water District to participate in the Solar Cup, a program where students gain hands-on experience in engineering, natural resources management, and water conservation issues. The team will build a solar-powered boat and compete in a sprint race, using solar energy stored in batteries to power their boats in a 200-meter dash at the nation’s largest solar boat competition. Back to top Northrop Grumman Grant Makes ECHS Science, Math Classes Smarter Smart Board technology and lab equipment are coming to ECHS Science and Math classes, thanks to a $5,000 grant from Northrop Grumman. Students will benefit from a SMART board for the Biology classroom, as well as other lab gear and educational software. Back to top No Ordinary School: Outdoor Education Fosters Leadership Skills Students hike, kayak, and snorkel day and night, while learning about Catalina Island's ecosystem, native species, composting, and gardening. It’s just one of ECHS’ Outdoor Learning programs. A requirement of ECHS’ unique curriculum, the annual 9th Grade Catalina trip takes students beyond the classroom walls, challenging and inspiring them to learn and achieve during a 3-day trip with the Catalina Environmental Leadership Program. Back to top Thanks to Partners and Volunteers, ECHS Green Career Day a Smashing Success! ECHS’ annual Career Day this month brought 45 guest speakers from a variety of professional fields to the school to share career insights with our students. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 5/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update “It's always a pleasure to see kids and show them the value of education, dreams, and accomplishing goals,” said Michael Garcia, a guest speaker from Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems. “Your school is very impressive and is a model to those not only around here, but I believe for the entire nation." Back to top Now Accepting Applications for Environmental Charter Middle School: Opening Fall 2010 Environmental Charter Middle School will open in Gardena with 120 sixth graders in the fall of 2010. click to Learn More OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors 41 Pounds Biodiesel America Biodiesel Solutions Cater Green CB+ Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Eco-Usable Essential Living Foods Fred Leeds Properties Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Fundraising Green Get Hip Get Green Green Lotus Events Green Torch Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Seven Star Events Northrop Grumman Steaz Yo Naturals Vending Tree People Tree Musketeers L.A. Social Venture Partners Walker Talent Group Partners Algalita Marine Research Foundation AQMD Biodiesel Coop Bioneers Blue Sky Meadow Bring Your Own Brown Bag Naturals Chevron Common Vision Constitutional Rights Foundation CREEC Cuningham Group Empowerment Works FOLAR From Lot to Spot Generation Earth Global Exchange Green Fest Heal the Bay Lawndale Elementary School District Lawndale Rotary American Honda Foundation Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 6/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top EVENTS SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, December 9th 5:30 p.m. “From Garbage to Garden”: A FREE Composting Workshop Please join students in our Green Ambassadors program as they lead a free public workshop on composting at ECHS. You will learn about this easy way to reduce waste and recycle nutrients into rich soil from composting experts at this student-created, student-produced, and student-taught event! Also enjoy food, games, raffles, Earth Positive merchandise, and multi-media presentations - all brought to you by ECHS students, who have completed a composting unit where they learned about recycling, permaculture, and systems thinking. Also, Green Ambassadors and Rise Above Plastics have teamed up with Loyola Marymount University, to present another workshop for LMU athletes on Tuesday, December 8, at 5:30 pm. Contact for both events: [email protected] or call (310) 214-3400. Back to top $300,000 FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN NOW UNDERWAY Expansion to Serve Lower Grade Levels - Fund Drive Help start Environmental Charter Middle School! The first phase of our plan to build a network of environmentally focused schools serving 3,000 students in grades K-12 will be the launch of our new middle school. Environmental Charter Middle School (ECMS) is slated to open in Gardena in the fall of 2010. A charter petition is now actively pending before educational authorities. Please help us by contributing towards start-up costs for staff recruitment, student recruitment, enrollment, textbooks, and equipment. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 7/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update Back to top Green Curriculum Expansion – Fund Drive ECHS has created an award-winning learning model that has been recognized for its “best practices.” Its environmental (“Green Curriculum”) programs deeply engage students, taking them beyond the classroom walls and inspiring them to learn and give to their communities. ECHS has seen significant progress in student achievement, attendance, discipline, and enrollment with the development of our Green Curriculum programs. This year, we received California State funding to disseminate our best practices to 10 schools throughout the state. As more schools learn about our programs, the demand to share them continues to grow. Your donation can help us continue these critical programs at ECHS, and expand their reach to other schools, exponentially increasing their impact. Back to top Science Lab and Green Campus - Fund Drive Science is critical to our future. ECHS classrooms do not yet meet the minimum standards for college-preparatory science lab work and instruction. They were originally designed for elementary students. Our tiny chemistry area is woefully inadequate for lab classes. We lack sufficient sinks, electrical outlets, and lab space. Our goal is to expand our students’ capacity to learn science, by funding: Indoor and outdoor science lab space, plumbing, fixtures, flooring, furniture, equipment and textbooks Solar and wind power demonstration projects Windows with sun shading/reflecting systems Energy efficient campus lighting You can help bring our facilities up to the standards our students deserve by making a financial contribution. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 8/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - November 2009 Update Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/0a9a9b24b1/TEST/TEST/ 9/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update This email contains images. If you are hav ing trouble v iew ing it please click here | Forward to a friend EXECUTIVE MESSAGE December 2009 Executive Message Top Story ECHS Green Ambassadors Staff Spotlight Inspired Students Other News Partners Events This month, Michael Vandenbergh, Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard University, was interviewed on NPR about his recent paper, “Household Actions Can Provide a Behavioral Wedge to Rapidly Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions.” The findings of the report echo many of the pillars of Environmental Charter High School (ECHS): Sustainability depends on behavioral changes that are personally meaningful and accessible Individual actions do matter and absolutely make a difference Implementing sustainable choices leads to greater activism. I can’t think of a community where this is played out more clearly than in the daily studies and work of our students here at ECHS. A perfect example is the new bicycle repair workshop. Beach Cities Cycles' owner Brian Lindquist donates his time and materials to train students to repair and maintain bicycles. This provides a meaningful skill for the student, a service to the community, and delivers dividends into the future for sustainable transportation. “When someone becomes committed to a certain behavior, they’re more likely to follow through in other areas as well,” continued Vandenbergh. One of the things that I am most proud of is that our work not only models how to change individual behavior, but also lays the groundwork for sustainable education and business well into our young people’s adult lives. Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) ECHS is an award-winning public charter high school with a unique experiential learning design for college prep. ECHS serves Lawndale, California and surrounding communities in Los Angeles. We provide a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum combined with unique real-world field-study experiences so students graduate with the knowledge, values, and skills to become As we come to the end of the year, please think about making a contribution in support of our programs. Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year! Tom Feegel is on the Board of Directors of ECHS. He is the founder and principal of Brand Neutral, a leading sustainable m arketing firm . YOU'RE INVITED: TO OUR STUDENT-LED COMMUNITY FORUM! hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 1/9 7/21/13 life-long learners and quality stewards of their communities. Our Unique Approach We inspire our students to learn about environmental issues facing our planet, how to become effective agents for change, how to implement local solutions to help address world issues, and how to educate others about these issues. Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update Addressing these critical civic Issues and more: How can community resources improve our quality of life? What is Progress? What is the past, present and future of the American Dream in Los Angeles? You’ll learn from engaging presentations and debates by ECHS’ students. It’s all part of ECHS’ innovative curriculum program called Intersession . Mark Your Calendar! Friday, February 5th, 2010 at ECHS Community Forum 8:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Pot Luck Celebration 12:35 p.m. -1:25 p.m. Call our front office 310 214-3400 for more information. Back to top ECHS Intersession Breaks Down Barriers Between Academic Disciplines During Break in Classes What if as a high school student, by working with your classmates in a team, you had to try and change a city ordinance, or educate your local community about a critical civic or global issue and move them to action? You'd have to pull together a variety of skills, content, and knowledge - more than what you could pick up in a single class. That's the idea behind Intersession, ECHS’ interdisciplinary project-based program that kicks off in early January. Plant a Seed Today Join Us Learn how you can help ECHS and its unique programs inspire, grow, and prepare future civic and environmental leaders. A requirement of ECHS’ unique curriculum, Intersession culminates in a student-led Community Forum held on campus each February. Each grade level delivers presentations and discusses the issues in a public forum with adults from the surrounding community. “Students study the issues from a variety of disciplines – from math to science to history – so the breadth of their analysis is exponentially that much more powerful,” explains Alison Suffet-Diaz, ECHS Executive Director. As part of the course, they engage in field research, policy -making, critical thinking, strategic community planning, and environmental justice issues. Thanks to a grant from American Honda, this year’s program will include a 3-day unit of “Green Math” lessons. Back to top Your investment will help students get the skills and knowledge they need for college, work, and the world. You will also help the communities our students serve. Through our green technology and environmental projects you will be helping us GREEN AMBASSADORS Compost Workshop Sows Seeds of Educational Partnerships ECHS’ Green Ambassador Students Teach Composting Class to Loyola Marymount University Athletes hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 2/9 7/21/13 conserve resources for future generations. Contact: Executive Director Alison Suffet-Diaz Phone: 310-214-3400 [email protected] Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update The ECHS students had knowledge and experience with composting, thanks to the Green Ambassador class, a requirement for all 10th-grade students. The LMU students had knowledge and experience in college. Put them together, and like sun on rain-soaked soil, sprouts of cooperation came fast. No surprise: ECHS is known for its win-win partnerships with non-profits and businesses. Members of various sports teams at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) visited ECHS to learn about the benefits of composting and recycling. ECHS students, gave a guided tour of their Green-learning campus, then gave video presentations on the benefits of recycling and composting. The ECHS students also sold organic food and eco-friendly products to raise money to buy a composting bin for a nearby high school. The LMU student athletes want to spearhead an on-campus recycling program and came to ECHS to learn from the Green Ambassadors about ways to implement it. At the same time, the LMU students hope to become mentors to the ECHS teens, encouraging them to attend colleges like LMU after high school graduation. At the end of the day, all the students were excited to have started to create the bond between LMU Athletics and ECHS Green Ambassadors. ECHS’ award-winning Green Ambassadors program exemplifies our service-learning philosophy. It creates opportunities for youth to build leadership skills and address critical environmental issues facing our planet. Back to top STAFF SPOTLIGHT Ariel Levi Simons Job: Physics and AP Environmental Science teacher Educational Background: B.S., Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology. M.A.T., University of California at Irvine. Before ECHS: Simons taught English in Seoul, Korea, for a year, but most of his experience has been teaching physics and math in the United States. Before beginning his career in teaching, he was a researcher at the world famous Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. He’s also lived in three countries in 23 different locations, and walked across the entire city of Chicago. On ECHS: The most exciting thing for him so far has been getting students to understand how you can measure so much with so little. “We measured how fast our nerves fire by using just a ruler, and measured the mass of the earth hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 3/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update with a pendulum and a stopwatch,” Simons explained. “I’m looking to start an astronomy program on campus, and hope to bring ECHS students into the outside world of research.” When School's Out: Simons has a scuba license, and a license to work with radioactive metals and lead. He’s really into vegetarian cooking and trying out raw foods, which could come in handy when he’s out camping. At home, he enjoys web design and research. Back to top INSPIRED STUDENTS Senior Travels to Costa Rica, Bringing Riches Home to ECHS Sometimes you have to go far to see what is within. During her sophomore year at ECHS, Marilyn Michelle Argueta was selected to travel with 13 other ECHS students to Costa Rica. They spent a week living on farms producing different agricultural products in a sustainable manner. The richness of that Costa Rican experience inspired Argueta to continue what she learned when she returned. “I decided to take an internship with the Green Ambassadors program at ECHS," she explains. The award-winning program encourages students to begin solving some of our world’s environmental problems while they are still in school. It fosters personal growth and leadership skills - a perfect fit for ECHS, which uses environmental issues and action to motivate and inspire students. "I planned a 3-day, 2-night trip to Quail Springs," continues Argueta. Quail Springs is a permaculture and sustainability demonstration and education farm in Santa Barbara. "My goal was to inspire more teenagers from my school to become part of the Green Movement and 'be the change' they want to see around their communities." She credits her growth to the encouragement she has found at ECHS. “Before ECHS, I was a quiet person who didn’t really care about my surroundings,” she admits. “The school gave me the support and guidance that I needed to be confident in what I do, and an attitude that there are no limits to what we can accomplish. Now, I am filled with confidence and not afraid to be a little different.” ECHS Student Jordan Howard Receives Heroes of Humanity Award hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 4/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update ECHS senior Jordan Howard received a Heroes of Humanity Award at a November 14 event at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Auditorium in Santa Monica. The award is part of a nationwide effort to honor people and organizations that exemplify a dedication to human values and service in their community through generosity and sharing, enthusiasm and joy, and a responsible attitude toward society and the planet. Heroes of Humanity is a project of the International Association for Human Values and the Art of Living Foundation, one of the largest of the United Nationsaccredited non-governmental organizations in the world. Back to top OTHER NEWS – CELEBRATING SUCCESS ECHS Student Receives Full Scholarships for College Marlene Espinoza received a full scholarship to Kalamazoo College, a private 4year liberal arts school in Michigan. Back to top Saban Grant To Support College Access Project The Saban Family, one of the 50 most generous philanthropists in the United States according to BusinessWeek, has pledged $10,000 to a $147,000 project designed to help ECHS students successfully enter into college following graduation. The program will support: College counseling, financial aid counseling, and after-school programs Opportunities to take college classes, college tours, and find college mentors Training in self-advocacy skills to take advantage of support mechanisms while in college Internships to expose students to professional careers College scholarships for up to 20 students based on their contributions to the community through service projects. The Saban Family Foundation was started in 1999 by Haim Saban, and his wife, Cheryl, to support medical, children’s, and education programs. Saban is a worldwide leader and pioneer in the entertainment industry and Chairman and CEO of the Saban Capital Group, . Back to top hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 5/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update ECHS Nominated for NEA Foundation Green Prize in Public Education by the Green Building Institute ECHS has been nominated by the Green Building Institute for the inaugural NEA Foundation Green Prize in Public Education for ECHS' integration of green-related topics with standards-based content areas to increase student engagement and improve academic achievement. The NEA Foundation, an independent public charity created in 1969, supports educators’ efforts to close achievement gaps, increase classroom innovations, and salute excellence in education. Back to top Now Accepting Applications for Environmental Charter Middle School: Opening Fall 2010 Environmental Charter Middle School will open in Gardena with 120 sixth graders in the fall of 2010. click to Learn More $300,000 FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN NOW UNDERWAY Expansion to Serve Lower Grade Levels - Fund Drive Help start Environmental Charter Middle School! The first phase of our plan to build a network of environmentally focused schools serving 3,000 students in grades K-12 will be the launch of our new middle school. Environmental Charter Middle School (ECMS) is slated to open in Gardena in the fall of 2010. A charter petition is now actively pending before educational authorities. Please help us by contributing towards start-up costs for staff recruitment, student recruitment, enrollment, textbooks, and equipment. Back to top Green Curriculum Expansion – Fund Drive ECHS has created an award-winning learning model that has been recognized for its “best practices.” Its environmental (“Green Curriculum”) programs deeply engage students, taking them beyond the classroom walls and inspiring them to learn and give to their communities. ECHS has seen significant progress in hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 6/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update student achievement, attendance, discipline, and enrollment with the development of our Green Curriculum programs. This year, we received California State funding to disseminate our best practices to 10 schools throughout the state. As more schools learn about our programs, the demand to share them continues to grow. Your donation can help us continue these critical programs at ECHS, and expand their reach to other schools, exponentially increasing their impact. Back to top Science Lab and Green Campus - Fund Drive Science is critical to our future. ECHS classrooms do not yet meet the minimum standards for college-preparatory science lab work and instruction. They were originally designed for elementary students. Our tiny chemistry area is woefully inadequate for lab classes. We lack sufficient sinks, electrical outlets, and lab space. Our goal is to expand our students’ capacity to learn science, by funding: Indoor and outdoor science lab space, plumbing, fixtures, flooring, furniture, equipment and textbooks Solar and wind power demonstration projects Windows with sun shading/reflecting systems Energy efficient campus lighting You can help bring our facilities up to the standards our students deserve by making a financial contribution. hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 7/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update OUR PARTNERS – A BIG GREEN THANK YOU We thank our corporate, professional, and community partners for supporting ECHS. From generous financial and in-kind assistance, to time and expertise, your support is helping us inspire and educate like never before. Our many sponsors and partners . . . Sponsors 41 Pounds Biodiesel America Biodiesel Solutions Cater Green CB+ Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Eco-Usable Essential Living Foods Fred Leeds Properties Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Fundraising Green Get Hip Get Green Green Lotus Events Green Torch Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop Marie D. Jeffrey Foundation Seven Star Events Northrop Grumman Steaz Yo Naturals Vending Tree People Tree Musketeers L.A. Social Venture Partners Walker Talent Group Partners Algalita Marine Research Foundation AQMD Biodiesel Coop Bioneers Blue Sky Meadow Bring Your Own Brown Bag Naturals Chevron Common Vision Constitutional Rights Foundation CREEC Cuningham Group Empowerment Works FOLAR From Lot to Spot Generation Earth Global Exchange Green Fest Heal the Bay Lawndale Elementary School District Lawndale Rotary American Honda Foundation Los Angeles County of Education M3 Manatt Phelps and Phillips Manhattan Beach Rotary Mazda National Hispanic Environmental Council Parent Institute for Quality Education Rex 3 Raytheon Rediscover Santa Monica Bay Keepers State Farm Back to top If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe Environmental Charter High School (ECHS) hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 8/9 7/21/13 Environmental Charter High School - December 2009 Update 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 310 214 3400 http://www.echsonline.org hosted.verticalresponse.com/329465/5c8cc38e8b/TEST/TEST/ 9/9
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