BOARD OF COI'ril:TYCOMMISSIONERS 304 NW 2I[D STREET OKEECHOBEECOI'NTY, FLORIDA 8 6 3- 7 6 3 - 6 4 4 1 853-753-9529 Fax AGENDA FEBRUARY 28, 9:00 CLIF DAVID E. HAZELLIEF .TOHN W. ABNEY, SR. - BETTS, 2OO2 a.m. JR. - CHAIRMAN 1ST VICE CHAIR 2ND VICE CHAIR CLOIS J. HARVEY GENE WOODS George A. Long County Administrator ,John D. Cassel-s County Attorney ====== ===== =============== TODAY' S INIRA-SESSTON 11:30 I2zl5 a.m. p.m. EVEIITS/MEETTNGS : Executive Dedication - Okeechobee County vs. Branch Session of Roger Boromei Memorial Road BUSINESS: 1. Approva] of Minutes: Recommend that the BOCC cons j-der the approval of minutes from the regular session of January 10, 2002 (t.o be provided under separate cover) . - CDBG Application: 2. 9:00 a.m. Public Hearinq the BOCC conduct a Public Hearing to consider appfication for the Smal1 Cities Community Block Recommend that. the BOCC discuss appl j-cation submittal . Recommend that. the Bocc approve bids for a consultant to prepare the potential Recommend that submittal of an Grant. CDBG pro-iect a Request for Proposal the CDBG applicat.ion. to for accept 3. 9:00 a.m. Recnrest to Af f irm Decision of CfLB; Wallace Richard Pohl; Case #20005-51: R e c o m m e n dt h a t t h e B O C C r e v i e w t h e officialrecord and determine whether or not the decision(s) of the ConsLruction Industry Licensing Board in Case #20006-61 should be affirmed. 4. Suspension of CILB Member: Recommend that the BOCC reinstate Mr. Daniel- Kessler to the ConsLruction Industry Licensing Board or dismiss him therefrom based upon his admlssion(s) in Case No. 20OIcF-304. q Request for Assistance in Removinq Storm Water Pipe and Excavatinq a Temporary Ditch Line at Okeechobee Airport: Recommend that the BOCC approve forces remove the use of County to the pipe, fill existing the void, excavate a temporary ditch, and authorize the County Administrator to contact the road department to complete these t.asks. 6. Review FDOT P]ans for State Road 44I Southeast: Recommend that the BOCC review FDOT plans for State Road L5/100 (Highway 441 S.E. ), determine what, if drr!r changes that the Board desires. 7 AuthorizaLrorr R e c r t it r e d llocrtments . r v v s ! ! v s to Execute Grant Award Notification Relatinq to the Coastal_ Impact s v v \ and Other Assistance Proqram (CIAP): R e c o m m e n dt h a t t h e B O C Ca u t h o r i z e the Chairman to execute the necessary forms as they relate to the grant. award from the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) for i-mprovemenLs at Okee-Tantie Park pending review by legaI counsel. 8. Air Handl-er Chanqe Outs at Jail-: Recommendation (s) pending of proposals receipt Okeechobee County Anima1 Contro1 Facilit.y: Recommend that the BOCCapprove the ArchitecturalServices Agreement with t.he f irm of Bacon Group, Inc., providing for the design of the Okeechobee Count.y Animal Control Facility at a cost of #23,7 50.00. 10. Okeechobee Countv Administrat.ive Annex fnterior Desiqn: Recommend that the BOCC approve the Architectural Agreement with the firm of Bacon Group, Inc. , providing interj-or design of the Okeechobee County Administrative F ' e r - ' il i f r r el- : nnq+- nf < " nV YJ / Buil_dinq Services for the Annex 000.00. L 11. Ratification of Collective Barqaininq Aqreement: Recommend. t.hat the Bocc rat.ify the col-lective bargaining agreement with Association of Firefiohters,,. "Local- #2918 International- L2. FP & L Street. Liqht.inq Aqreement: Recommend t.hat the BOCC authorize the County Administrator to execut.e standard agreements with FP & L, as required, to facil-itate street light instal-l-ations authorized by established policy or specific BOCC action. 13. Board a Committee Application/Ouestionnaire: the Bocc consider the approval of the Application/Questionnaire as submitt.ed. Board Recommend that. & Committee CONSENT AGENDA 14. Approvalwarrants list of Warrants: Recommend t.hat the BOCC approve the 15. Okeechobee Senior Services Contract wi-th Area Aqencv on Aqinq (USDA): for United States Department of Aqriculture Recommend that. the BOCC ratify the change in unit rate and the fund increase in USDA contract #fUO11-5 for the period of October I, 200L through September 30, 2002. 16. RFP - Heawy Dutv Automot,ive Lift: Recommendthat the BOCC approve the RFP for the heavy duty automot.j-ve lift and authorize staff to advertise. I'7. Advertisement for Re-Roofinq Facility: Recommend t.hat the Bocc (.fait and HRS re-roofing specifications 18. 11:30 a.m. Branch and Terri Executlve Session. Proiects authorize projects) - Okeechobee Executive Session Branch: Recommend t.hat the at Jail & HRS staff to let for bids. Countw vs. Bocc hold Huqh the 12:15 p.m. D e d i c a t i o n o f R o q e r B o r o m e i Memorial Road: Recommend t h a t t h e B O C C a d o p t R e s o l u t i o n 2002-09 designating NW 2 0 t h T r a i l as Roger Boromei Memorial Road. l-9. A n y p e r s o n d e c i d i n g t o a p p e a l a n y d e c i s i o n b y t h e B O C Cw i t h r e s p e c t to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing wil1 need to ensure that verbatim record of the procee-dings is *"d" and that the record includes t.he testimony and evj-dence upon which the appeal will be based. County clerk tapes are for t.he sole purpoie of backup from official records of the C1erk. SUBJECT: APPROVALOF MINUTES- JANUARY10, 2002 REGULAR SESSION rrEir# I RECOiIMENDATION That the Boardof CountyCommissioners considerthe approvalof minutesfrom the regufarsessionof January10, 2002.(To be providedunderseparatecover) Approvedfor Agenda Item# 1 02t28t02 Page1 of SUBJECT: APPROVALOF MINUTES- JANUARY10, 2002 REGULARSESSION |TEM# / RECOMMENDATION Thatthe Boardof CountyGommissioners considerthe approvalof minutesfrom the regufarsessionof January10,2002. _ Approvedfor Agenda _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r Item# 1 0?/28rc2 Page1 ot21 CountyAdministrator MINUTESOF BOARDOF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS REGULARSESSION JANUARY10,2OO2 TheBoardof CountyCommissioners of Okeechobee County, Floridametin regular sessionat 9:00a.m.on Thursday, January10,2oo2in countycommissionchambers, Courthouse, Okeechobee, Florida. ChairBettspresided withthefollowing present: members Commissioners Hazellief. Woods,Abney and Harvey. Also presentwere: DeputyCountyAdministrator Robbie chartier,countyAttorneyJohncasselsand Deputyclerk DebraLewis. ChairBettscalledthe meetingto order. ReverendKilgoreofferedthe invocation, afterwhichCountyAttorneyCasselsled the pledgeof Allegiance. 1. APPROVALOF MINUTES- OCTOBER25,2OO1 ChairBettsrequested the Boardof CountyCommissioners to consider approval of the minutesfromthe regularsesslonof October25,2OO1 . 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES.OCTOBER 29,2001 ChairBettsrequested theBoardof CountyCommissioners to consider approval of the minutesfromthe specialsessionof October29,2001. MOTIONWAS MADEBY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO APPROVEMINUTESFROM THEFOLLOWING SESSIONS, AS PRESENTED: . . REGULARSESSIONOF OCTOBER25,2OO1 SPECIALSESSIONOF OCTOBER29,2OO1 SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ABNEY. MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. AGENDAREVISIONS ChairBettsrequested additionsand/ordeletions to the agendafor this session DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartierrecommended thefollowing: 1. Requestto postponeribboncuttingceremony for the newfirestation. DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartier explained thatthededication plaguefor the fire stationhas not yet beendeliveredto the county. 2' Requestfor ltem#18,Purchase of InitialE-911System,to be considered separate fromthe consentAgendaandto be rescheduled for 1:30p m 3. Requestfor ltem#19,Joe Hazellief - Okeechobee CountySheriff'sOffice RecordsManagement System,to be considered separatefiom the Consent Agendaandto be rescheduled for 1:30p.m. 4. CountyAttorneyCasselsrequested to discussengagement of a consultant to investigate andreporton issuesrelating to thelandapplication of biosolid materials at a particular sitein FortDrum. 5. Deputy County Administrator Chartierextendedan invitationto all commissioners to attenda memorialservicefor Pam Chambersto be held thisdateat the SportsComplex. Staffrequested the Boardof CountyCommissioners consideracceptance of a memorial stoneto be installed alongthe SportsComplexballfield fencein remembrance of PamChambers. 3. PUBLIC HEARING. REQUESTTO VACATECOUNTYRIGHT-OF-WAY IN RENFROEPARK suBDtvtstoN - pETriloN 2001-009-ABD; wtLLlAM AND WONNE MCELHENY, APPLICANTS PlanningDirectorWilliam Royceannounced commencement ofthepublichearing to acceptinputfrominterested partiesandto considera requestto vacatecountyright-ofway in RenfroePark subdivision as set forth in Petition2001-009-ABD: Williamand YvonneMcElheny, applicants. Mr.Royceprovideda briefdescription of theproperty, furtherdescribing itsintended use,shouldthe Boardof CountyCommissioners grantthe request.He advisedthat, althougha letterhadbeenreceived fromthe Churchof Nazarene expressing opposition to vacationof thisparticularright-of-way, staffwouldrecommend approvalof the request. In responseto Chair Betts'inquiry,Mr. Royceprovidedclarification regarding permittedusesfor the subjectproperty. ChairBettsopenedthe hearingto publiccomment. YvonneMcElhaney, applicant, wasrecognized. Ms.McElhaney askedthe Board of CountyCommissioners to grantthe requestto abandonsaidproperty. ChairBettsinvitedadditional comment.Therewas none. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER ABNEY. UNANIMOUSLY. 2 MOTION CARRIED MOTIONWASMADEBY COMMISSIONER ABNEYTOADOPTRESOLUTION 2OO2-01 TO VACATE THAT PORTIONOF THE EIGHTEENTH STREETRIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEENAND ADJOININGLOT 1, BLOCK10 AND LOT 6, BLOCK9, RENFROE PARKSUBDIVISION, ACGORDING TO THE PLATTHEREOFRECORDEDIN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 55, PUBLICRECORDSOF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY,FLORIDA. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HARVEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 4. PUBLICHEARING- REQUESTTO VACATECOUNTYRIGHT-OF-WAY IN EL MIRASOLSUBD|V|S|ON- pETtTtON2001_01O_ABD; OKEECHOBEENON PROFTT HOUS|NG, tNC.,APPLICANT PlanningDirectorRoyceannounced commencement of the publichearingto acceptinputfrominterested partiesandto considera requestto vacatecountyright-of-way in El Mirasolsubdivision as setforthin Petition2001-010-ABD; Okeechobee Non-profit Housing, Inc.,applicant. Mr. Royceprovideda briefdescription of the subjectproperty,furtherdescribing its intendeduse,shouldthe Boardof countycommissioners grantthe request. Inresponse to Commissioner Hazelliefs inquiry, CountyAttorney Cassels explained how an alternative methodto requirea reservation of use by Okeechobee Countyfor drainage, maintenance andaccessmattermightprovesuccessful in achieving thesame goal. ChairBettsopenedthe hearingto publiccomment Frank"Sonny"Williamson wasrecognized. Mr.Williamson statedhisagreement with staff'srecommendation to vacatethe southerlyfifteenfeet (15')of the SantaClara Driveright-of-way. ChairBettsinvitedadditional publiccomment.Therewas none. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. SECONDEDBY GOMMISSIONER HAZELLIEF. MOTIONCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION WASMADEBYCOMMISSIONERWOODS TOADOPTRESOLUTION 2OO2.O2 TO VACATETHE SOUTHERLY 15 FEETOF THESANTACLARADRIVERIGHT-OFWAY LOCATEDWEST OF THE NW 32ND AVENUE(FIKIACERVANTES STREET) RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND THAT PORTIONOF THE PLMA ALCAZALRIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDING THEUNNAMED CORNER LOTANDUNNAMED 3O-FOOTSTREET RIGHTOF-WAYLOCATEDWESTOF THENW 32ND AVENUE(FIWACERVANTES STREET) RIGHT-OF.WAY ANDSOUTHERLY OF THESANTACLARADRIVERIGHT-OF-WAY, ALL INBLOCK33,EL MIRASOL SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TOTHEPLATTHEREOF RECORDEDIN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 1, PUBLICRECORDSOF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBJECTTO RESERVATION OFITSUSEBYTHECOUNTYFOR DRAINAGE,MAINTENANCE AND ACCESS. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER HAZELLIEF.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 5. PUBLICHEARING- BUDGETAMENDMENT DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartierannounced commencement of the public hearingto consideradoptionof a proposedresolution to amendthe 2001/2002fiscal budgetto providefor prioryear encumbrances carriedfonrvard into the new fiscalyear whichwereeithernotinvoicedor receivedby September 30,2001. Ms.Chartierexplained thatCashBalanceCarriedForward wouldbe adjusted to actualforthoseparticular funds The impactto the budgetwouldbe a netdecrease of $68,553dueto the changes in actualcash balancesand prior year encumbrances.In review,Deputycounty Administrator Chartierexplained thatFireRescueDepartment's projected cashbalance was overestimated due to an errorof omission,beingthe primaryreasonfor the net reduction in thefundsbeingamended. DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartier advised that,included intheamendment was a requestfromthe Clerkof CircuitCourtfor prioryearoutstanding encumbrances in the amountof $185,779. staff recommended the Boardof county commissioners adoptthe proposed resolution reflecting encumbrances fromthe priorfiscalyearand adjustingbalancesto actuals;providingan effectivedate. Stafffurtherrecommended the Boardof countycommissioners approvebudget amendment BA 02-0S. ChairBettsopenedthe hearingto public.Therewasnone. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER HMELLIEF. MOTIONCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HMELLIEF TO ADOPTRESOLUTION 2OO2-03 AMENDING THE2OOlIaOO2FISCAL BUDGET TOREFLECT ENCUMBRANCES FROMTHE PRIORFISCALYEARAND TO ADJUSTPROJECTED BALANCESTO ACTUALS;PROVIDING AN EFFEGTIVE DATE.HE FURTHER MOVEDTo APPROVE BUDGETAMENDMENT BAO2-05. SECONDED BYCOMMISSIONER ABNEY.MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 6. DAVEDELARGY- TRIPLEDIAMONDRANCH DaveDerargy,TripreDiamondRanch,wasrecognized. Mr.Derargy inquired as to the methodobservedby Okeechobee Countyto complete pavement rmprovements on a particular roadwayin the Vikingarea. He explained thathe wassearching for a solution to thefastdeteriorating condition of EastGrade. Therewasdiscussion betweenMr.DelargyandCommissioner Hazellief regarding possibleoptionsfor improving EastGrade. Mr. Delargyadvisedof his concernfor the recommended expenditure of approximately $100,000by TripleDiamondRanchfor the purchaseand deliveryof shellfor the improvement of EastGrade He requested, and received fromcommissioners, information relating to thedeterioration of EastGradeand possibilities for CoquinaWaterControlDistrict to acceptmaintenance of the shellroad. Duringdiscussion, Mr. Delargyreiterated his requestfor county-assistance to improvethe condition of EastGrade. Jonathon Freeman,prairieHomeowners Association, was recognized.Mr. Freemanconcurred withMr. Delargy'scommentsand recommended activation of the CoquinaWater ControlDistrictRoad and BridgeDepartment.He advised that all concerned wouldbe lookingfor assurance that,shouldTripleDiamondRanchpurchase anddeposittheshellmaterial, EastGradewouldbeaccepted formaintenance byCoquina WaterControlDistrict. Commissioner Harveyadvisedof a roadwayexistingalongher propertythathas createddilemmassimilarin natureto thatof EastGradeto TripleDiamondRanch. Commissioner Hazellief explained thattaxdollarsto Coquina WaterControlDistrict has increasedtremendously overthe pastfew yearsand mightnow provideadequate fundingto enableactivation of its Roadand BridgeDepartment. Therewas discussion betweenMr.Delargyandcommissioners regarding thismatter. Commissioner Hazellief explained howthePrairieHomeowner's Association could serveas the prime group to target and encourageCoquinaWater ControlDistrictto activateits Roadand BridgeDepartment. CountyAttorneyCasselssuggested that TripleDiamondRanchmightconsider developinga route throughMiccoBluff as an alternative to the currentdilemma. Chair Betts encouragedMr. Delargy to work in conjunctionwith the Prairie Homeowner's Association to requestCoquinaWaterControlDistrictto activateits Road and BridgeDepartment. Mr. Freemanadvisedthat the PrairieHomeowner's Association wouldplan to communicatewith Coquina Water Control District in an effort to encouragethe improvement of travelconditions andconcretestructures alongEastGrade.Therewas discussion. 7. CYNTHIARUONALA- TREASURE ISLAND GynthiaRuonala,2924sE 25thstreet,was recognized.Ms. Ruonalaadvisedof her opposition to residents in Treasurelslandestablishing structures and usingcountyownedright-of-ways for personaluse. CountyAttorneyCasselsexplainedhow the countyhas historically handled situations suchas thatannounced by Ms.Ruonala.Heencouraged the Boardof County Commissioners to reviewits policyanddetermine whetherit mightwishto worktowards county-wide resolution of thisdilemma. Commissioner Hazellief requested thatcommissioners consider allowing residents to usesaidright-of-ways and/oreasements for personal usein turnfor theirmowingand maintaining the properties.Therewas discussion as to how situations throughout the countyare handledwhen residents own the land,but havegrantedeasements to the countyfor drainage. CountyAttorneyCasselsexplained differences betweencounty-owned right-of-ways anddrainage easements, notingthatthecountyhashistorically nottakenissuewithsmall, non-permanent encroachments on countydrainage easements in residential areas ChairBettsadvisedthatCodeEnforcement is currently addressing thisissueby photographing thevariouscountyeasements intheresidential areainquestion andissuing reportsregarding thismatter. ADDITIONAL ITEM- TOMMYCLAY TommyClay was recognized.Mr. Clayrequested that OCRAbe authorized to installa memorialstonealongthe ballfield fenceat theSportsComplexin remembrance of PamChambers. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO AUTHORIZEOCRA TO INSTALLA MEMORIAL STONEALONGTHESPORTSCOMPLEX BALLFIELD FENCE INREMEMBRANCE OFPAMCHAMBERS. SECONDED BYCOMMISSIONER ABNEY. MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 8. REQUESTTO SCHEDULEPUBLIC HEARINGTO CONSIDERA PETITIONTO VACATE A COUNTY RIGHT-OF.WAYtN BET-HER AGRES SUBDIVISION. PETITION2002-001-ABD;GHARLESSVEG,AppL|CANT Planning Director william Royce announcedcharles svec as one (1) of the ownersof Block7 in Bet-HerAcressubdivision.Mr. RoycedescribedBlock7 as consisting only of Lots 1 and 2, totalingapproximately1.9 acresin area. He furtherdescribedthe 60foot unconstructedright-of-wayfor SE 1't Street,lyingnorthof Block 7, as the subjectof Petition2002-001-ABD;charlessvec, applicant.The applicant,he noted,had requested the abandonmentin order to allow for betteruse of adjoiningproperty LetterswerereceivedfromAdelphiaCable,FloridaPower& Light,Okeechobee UtilityAuthority, SprintTelephone andWasteManagement, all indicating no objections by the utilityproviders to the requested abandonment. To furtherconsiderthe requestto vacatecountyright-of-way, the Boardof County Commissioners mustschedulea publichearrng Staffrecommended theBoardof CountyCommissioners schedule a publichearing for Thursday, February14,2002at consider a requestto vacatea portionof Bet-HerAcres subdivision, as setforthin Petition 2002-001-ABD; CharlesSvec,applicant. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER ABNEY TO SCHEDULEA PUBLIC HEARfNGFoR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY14, 2002AT g:00 A.M. To coNstDER A REQUESTTO VACATETHATPORTIONOF SE 1STSTREET(FIKA PINEAVENUE) LYING BETWEEN AND ADJOININGBLOCKS 6 AND 7, BET-HER ACRES SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TOTHEPLATTHEREOF RECORDED IN PLATBOOK2, PAGE12, PUBLICRECORDS OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY,FLORIDA.SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HARVEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. RECESS 9. SHIPREHABILITATION APPLICANT.HELENSIPPERT DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartierrecommended that,in accordance withthe bid tabulationresultspreviouslyprovidedto commissioners, the Board of County Commissioners take actionregarding the StateHousingInitiativePartnership (SHlp) projectfor applicantHelensippertof 8562NW 80thAvenue,okeechobee, Florida DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartier explained thatMs.Sipperthadappliedwith the SHIPprogramto receivegrantassistance to correctseveralcodeviolationsidentified by an inspection conducted by Okeechobee CountyCodeCompliance Department. All repairsweredescribedas emergentin natureand corrections of saidviolations would ensurecompliance with the 1994 Plumbingcode, 1997 stand Buildingcode, 1997 Mechanical codeand 1999Electrical Code. Inspectionspecifications werepublishedin the OkeechobeeNewsand,to date,only one (1)vendor submitteda proposal An additionalopportunitywas affordedwhen staff contactedadditionalvendorsby telephone,but no other proposalswere received. HPS construction,the sole bidder, has proposed to complete the project for $11,350. Total repairsnecessaryto correctcode violations,to includeinspectionreport ($250)and title search($a0)will total $11,640. Deputy County AdministratorChartiernoted that, in accordancewith the Local H o u s i n gA s s i s t a n c eP l a n ,t h e m a x i m u ma w a r df o r S H I Pr e h a b i l i t a t i osnt r a t e g yi s $ , , 1 0 , 0 0 0 per home unlessothenviseapprovedby the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staff recommendedthe Boardof CountyCommissionersapprovean exceptionto the Local HousingAssistancePlan for the total rehabilitationof the home belongingto S H I Pa p p l i c a nH t e l e nS i p p e r tf o r a n a m o u n tn o t t o e x c e e d$ 1 1 , 6 4 0 Staff also recommendedthe Board of County Commissionersaward the bid for S H I P a p p l i c a nH t e l e nS i p p e r t o H P S C o n s t r u c t i oinn a n a m o u n tn o t t o e x c e e d$ 1 , l , 3 S 0 Commissioner Hazelliefrequested, and receivedfrom DeputyCountyAdministration Chartier,clarificationwith regardto statementsissued by HPS Constructionthat it was currentlyexempt from Worker'sCompensation MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONERHARVEYTO APPROVEAN EXCEPTIONTO THE LOCAL HOUSINGASSISTANCEPLAN FOR THE TOTAL REHABILITATIONOF T H E H O M EB E L O N G I N GT O S H I P A P P L I C A N T H E L E NS I P P E R Tl N A N A M O U N TN O T TO EXCEED $11,640. SHE FURTHERMOVED TO AWARD BID FOR TOTAL REHABILITATIONOF THE HOME TO HPS CONSTRUCTIONFOR THE AMOUNT OF $ 1 1 , 3 5 0 ;S U B J E G T T O T H E S U B M I T T A LO F P R O O F O F I N S U R A N C EA N D A L L R E Q U I R E DD O C U M E N T S .S E C O N D E DB Y C O M M I S S I O N E R H A Z E L L I E F .M O T T O N C A R R I E DU N A N I M O U S L Y . 10. AWARDTRAFFICSIGNALCONTRACT DeputyCountyAdministrator Threewits announced thatthecounty'scurrenttraffic andstreetlightmaintenance contract withCurrenElectricCompany, Inc wouldexpireat the end of this month(January2002). The currentcontractwouldallowfor one ('l) additional one-year extension at thesametermsandconditions. Although CurrenElectric Company, Inc.hadrequested anextension, Mr.Currenhadalsoaskedto modifytheterms andconditions.Staff,unableto grantmodification of the contract, issueda Requestfor (RFP)for thiscontract. Proposals Bid openingfor this contractwas December27,2001 and two (2) bids were received.Commissioners wereprovideda copyof the bidtabulationresultsreflecting the fowbidderas CurrenElectricat a proposed costof $144,732 annually. Deputy County AdministratorThreewitsconfirmedthat the county had not problems experienced withCurrenElectric Company, Inc.andthatthevendorhadmetall contractrequirements andqualifications. Staffrecommended the Boardof CountyCommissioners approve,and authorize the Chairmanto execute,an agreement withCurrenElectricCompany,Inc.for Traffic Signaland StreetLightMaintenance in the amountol $144,732 annually withthe costof streetlightrepairsto be paidin accordance withthe bid. Stafffurtherrecommended the Boardof CountyCommissioners authorizea budget transferin the amountof $72,000to providesufficient fundsfor the TrafficSignaland StreetLightMaintenance contract. Therewas discussionas to whystaffhadsolicitedproposalsfor thisservicerather thaninquireof the Boardof CountyCommissioners as to whetherit wouldwishto extend the contractwith an agreedupon increasedcost. Therewas discussionbetween commissionersregardingcosts and servicesofferedfor trafficsignaland street light maintenance. Stan Gurrenwas recognized.Mr. Currendescribedprojectsto be completedthis yearin the area of trafficsignaland streetlightmaintenance for Okeechobee County Duringdiscussion withcommissioners, Mr.Currenprovided detailsrelating totheproposed agreementpresentedthisdatefor approval. CountyAttorneyCasselsexplained thatthe currentvendorbeingpresented for approvalthisdatehad basedhis proposalon a workscopeincreased fromthat of the previouslyagreedcontract. l0 DeputyCountyAdministratorChartierexplainedoptionsavailableto the Board of CountyCommissioners,shouldit no wish to awardthe contractas presented.Therewas discussion. M O T I O NW A S M A D E B Y C O M M I S S I O N E R H A R V E YT O A P P R O V E A , NDAUTHORIZE T H E C H A I R M A N T O E X E C U T E , T H E A G R E E M E N TW I T H C U R R E N E L E C T R I C C O M P A N Y ,I N C .F O R T R A F F I CS I G N A LA N D S T R E E TL I G H TM A I N T E N A N C E INTHE AMOUNTOF $144,732ANNUALLYWITH THE COST OF STREETLIGHT REPAIRSTO B E P A I D I N A C C O R D A N C EW I T H T H E B I D . S E C O N D E D B Y C O M M I S S T O N E R WOODS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONERHAZELLIEF TO REVISE THE OKEECHOBEE COUNTY PROCUREMENT POLICYTOREQUIRE THESPECIFICATION OFALL SEALEDBIDPROPOSALS TO BE PRESENTED TOTHEBOARDOFCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS FORREVIEWAND APPROVAL PRIORTOISSUANCE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ABNEY.MOTIONCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Therewas discussion as to at what pointthe Boardof CountyCommissioners shouldrequirestaffto presentsolicitations of proposals for reviewandapproval MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO AUTHORIZE A BUDGET TRANSFERFROM TRANSPORTATION TRUST FUND CONTINGENCIES LINE ACCOUNTIN AN AMOUNTSUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE PAYMENTFOR TRAFFIC SIGNALANDSTREET LIGHTMAINTENANCE INFY2OO112002. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ABNEY.MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. CHANGEORDERFORCOMPLETION OF THEOKEECHOBEE COUNTYFIRE RESCUEGARAGEADDITION CapitallmprovementProjectsManagerDonnieOdenwasrecognized. Mr Oden advisedthat CurrenElectricCompany,Inc. achievedsubstantial completionof the Okeechobee FireRescueGarageon December 09,2001 He notedthatthe punchlist generated bythearchitect andengineerwas completed andCurrenElectric Company, Inc hadrequested finalcompletion. Mr. Odenrecommended the countynot assessliquidated damages,extendthe originalprojectcompletiondateby forty(40)daysand increasethe totalcontractamount by $3,796.06. MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HAZELLIEFTO APPROVE,AND AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMANTO EXECUTE,A FINAL CHANGEORDERWITH CURRENELEGTRICCOMPANY,tNC.TO INCREASETHE CONTRACTTIME FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE FIRERESCUEGARAGEBY FORTY(40)DAYSAND TO INCREASE THECONTRACT AMOUNT BY$3,796.06. SECONDED BYCOMMISSIONER ABNEY.Therewasbriefdiscussion between Mr.Odenandcommissioners regarding this matter. chair Bettscalledfora voteon themotion.MorloN GARRIEDuNANtMousLy. MOTIONWASMADEBY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTOAUTHORIZE THETRANSFER OF FUNDSNECESSARY FROMCAPITALPROJECTSFUNDCONTINGENCIES TO ACCOMMODATE THEINCREASED CONTRACTAMOUNT FORCONSTRUCTION OF THE FIRERESCUEGARAGE.SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ABNEY. MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. ADDITIONAL ITEM- BIOSOLIDISSUES CountyAttorneyCasselspresentedfor review,resumesfromtwo (2) engineering firmsavailable to serveas consultant to Okeechobee Countyon issuesrelating to biosolid materials.Mr. Casselspresenteda reviewof the two (2) resumesand associatedcosts for services. Mr. Cassels requesteddirectionas to which firm the Board of County commissioners wouldwishto negotiate withfor services.Therewasdiscussion. In answerto Commissioner Hazellief's inquiry, CountyAttorney Casselsestimated thattotalcostsfor the serviceto be notlessthan$10,000 t2 MOTIONWAS MADEBY COMMISSIONER ABNEYTO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE BESTPRICEANDSCOPEOF WORKWITHWCG,INC. FOR THE ANALYSISOF A BIO SOLIDS APPLICATIONSITE, TO THEN BE PRESENTED TO THE CHAIRMANFOR REVIEWAND APPROVAL.HE FURTHER MOVED,UPON SAID APPROVALBY THE CHAIRMAN,TO AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMANTO EXECUTETHEAGREEMENTWITHWCG,INC. FORAN AMOUNTNOT TO EXCEED$15,000.SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HARVEY. Dr. RaymondJoneswas recognized. Dr.Jonesinquiredas to parameters upon whichthe proposedconsultant wouldbe operating.Dr. Joneswas provideda copyof WCG'sresume. Therewas discussionbetweenCountyAttorneyCasselsand commissioners regardingthe scopeof workto be completedby the consultant. chair Bettscalledfor a voteon the motion.MofloN CARRIEDuNANtMousLy. The followingwere approvedon the consent Agenda,to includeltems#12, #13,#14,#15 and #16.(ltem#17 was deletedduringthe Revisionsportion of this session.) 12. APPROVALOFWARRANTS Staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty Commissionersapprove the following warrants: #71761472135for $4,774,045.77; #261942624for $10,530.47; #1050#1060for $20,123.24; #1704171lor $27,473.17; lor a total of $4,832,172.65. 13. SURETYBONDSOF COUNTYOFFICERS DeakinsLawrenceInsuranceCompanywill be processing suretybondsfor all countyofficers.Commissioners wereprovidedcopiesof suretybondsfor Clif Betts,Jr , DavidHazellief, CloisJ. Harvey,JohnW. Abney,Sr.,GeneWoods,O L. Raulerson, Jr , WilliamSherman,CelesteSmith,GwenChandler andSharonRobertson. Pursuant to Section137.05,FloridaStatutes, the Boardof CountyCommissioners is required to examinethesufficiency of thesebondsat itsregularmeetingin Januaryand l3 Juneof eachyear. Shouldthe Boardof CountyCommissioners failto do so, it wouldbe liabfefor any lossincurredby the countypursuant to Section137.07 , FloridaStatutes. Staffrecommended the Boardof CountyCommissioners determinethesurety bondsof countyofficerssufficientfor purposesof Section137.05,FloridaStatutes. 14. - COASTALCARE CERTIFICATE OFPUBLICCONVENIENCE ANDNECESSITY TRANSPORTATION The Board of county commissionersis empoweredpursuantto section 401.25(2)(d) and(6),to issuea Certificate of PublicConvenience (COPCN) andNecessity proposing to ambulance companies to operatewithinOkeechobee County. The FloridaDepartment of HealthandRehabilitative Services, Officeof Emergency MedicalServicesRule64E-2.032 requires an ambulance serviceto obtaina COPCNfor eachcountyin whichit intendsto provideservtces. CoastalCareTransportation Serviceshas requestedthe renewalof theirCOPCN for Okeechobee County,in whichit intendsto provideemergency transportation outof the area. Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissionersauthorizethe executionand issuanceof a Gertificateof Public Gonvenienceand Necessityto GoastalCareTransportationServicesto provideemergencytransportationout of the area during FY 200112002. 15. SHERIFF; BUDGETREQUISITION TheSheriffsubmifted a requisition fordisbursement of g1,017,453forthemonthof February2002(one-twelfth of the totalamountbudgetedfor the officefor FY 200112002) andthe CapitalOutlaydue pursuant to Section30.50(1), FloridaStatutes. staff recommended the Board of Gounty Gommissioners authorize disbursementof$1,017,453 to the Sheriffforthe monthof February2002(one-twelfth of the totaf amount budgetedfor the officefor FY 200112002) and the CapitalOutlay due pursuantto Section30.50(1), FloridaStatutes. t4 16. APPROVESECOND EXTENSIONTO STREETSTRIPINGCONTRACTFLORIDASTRIPING, INC. A one-yearcontract wasawardedto Floridastriping,Inc on september17,19gg withtwo (2) additionalone-yearextensions. Boththe countyand FloridaStriping, Inc.haveagreedto thefinalextension of the currentcontractfor streetstripingservices.A copyof thecontractextension wasprovided to commissioners for reviewand approval. staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty commissionersapprove,and authorizethe Chairmanto execute,thesecond,andfinal,one-yearcontractrenewal for streetstripingserviceswith FloridaStriping,Inc. 17, - NEWFIRESTATIONADDITION RIBBONCUTTINGCEREMONY Thisitemwasdeletedduringthe Revisions portionof thissession. MOTIONWAS MADEBY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO APPROVETHE CONSENT AGENDAAS PRESENTED.SECONDED BY COMMISSION HAZELLIEF.MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. COMMISSIONER HAZELLIEF'S COMMENTS CommissionerHazellief requested, andreceivedfrom DeputyCountyAdministrator Threewits, a statusupdateregarding installation of ballfield lighting at theSportsComplex There was discussionbetweencommissioners as to whether the county should/should notlimitthe numberof fishingpolesa personmayuseon the Lock7 pier. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTO DIRECTTHE COUNTY ATTORNEYTO INCLUDEIN THE LOCK 7 PARK RULES,ALLOWANCEFOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF FISHING POLES PER LICENSED,OR OTHERWISE STATUTORILY EXEMPT,PERSON. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER WOODS. MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. t5 COMMISSIONER ABNEY'SCOMMENTS Commissioner Abneyadvisedof severalcallshe had receivedfrom constituents regardinganimalcontrolmatters. He requestedthat the CountyAttorneyreviewthe county's currentordinance forsufficiency in dealing withnuisance barkingandthenumber of animalsthatmaybe keptat one (1)location. CommissionerHazellief requested thattheBoardof CountyCommissioners conduct workshopswith stafffrom the SherifFsOffice,CodeComplianceand AnimalControlto discussthe handling of variousanimalcontrolcalls.Therewasdiscussion as to direction the Boardof county commissioners mightofferstaffregardingsuchmatters. Road and Bridge MaintenanceDirectorTommyRimeswas recognized.Mr. Rimesinquiredas to whenemployees in the Roadand Maintenance Department would be awardedsalarymeritincreases.Therewas discussion. Commissioner Hazelliefrecommended that DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartier workwith ChairmanBettsto completethe evaluation of Boardof CountyCommission employeesfor the awardof salarymeritincreases. Therewas discussion as to whenand howevaluations shouldbe completed and whenpaymentwouldbe issued.DeputyCountyAdministrator Chartierannounced that employeescould expectpaymentof merit increasesno laterthan the first paydayin February 2002. Commissioner Hazelliefinitiatedthe discussion of issuesrelatingto requested permission to construct a one-halfmilesegmentof testroadin okeechobee county. LUNCHRECESS 18. PURCHASE OF INITIALENHANCED 9.1.1SYSTEM DeputyCountyAdministrator Threewitsadvisedthatfor severalyearsOkeechobee countyhad beenpreparing for the installation of an "Enhanced 911,'system.He noted thatstaffhadbeenworkingwithSprintto identifyandcorrectall addressesthroughout the t6 county.Thistaskhe noted,wasto be finalized by February 2002 In addition,a committee wasformedfromall agenciesto be involvedin handling emergencies g11"system.Duringthe interview to identifycomplexities of the"Enhanced of vendorsfor thisproject,membersof the committee received proposals for everything fromportionsof the systemto the complete selup. Sprintis the localvendorfor telephone serviceand canaffordthe countyone (1) vendorfor bothmaintenance andserviceneeds.Underthecounty's procurement policy, purchases fromSprintcanbe madeexemptfromthecompetitive bidprocessThiswould resultin one(1)provider handling allcallsfortelephone lineservice, hardware or software problems. AfterviewingE-911systemsin Marion,Hendryand Leecounties, the committee determined the PositronPower911Litesystemto be the bestproductat the lowestcost Steve Fullerton,Sprint,was recognized.Mr. Fullertonpresentedinformation phasesI and ll regulations regarding and requirements for wirelesscommunications DeputyCountyAdministrator Threewitscontinuedhis reviewof the proposed purchasefor the E-911system. In responseto chair Betts'inquiry,Deputycounty Administrator provided Threewits detailsrelating to costsfor initialset up andcontinuing maintenance for the PositronE-911system. Mr. Fullertonwas againrecognized.Upon requestsfrom commissioners, Mr providedinformation Fullerton relatingto the proposedhandlingof the E-911systemby Sprintin Okeechobee County.Inresponse to Commissioner Harvey, Mr.Fullerton advised thatSprintcurrently servedninety(90)sitesin Floridaas the E-911equipment handler. Commissioner Hazellief requested, andreceived fromOkeechobee CountySheriff's OfficeMajorJoeHazellief, detailsregarding thecurrentmannerinwhichpersonnel handle an emergencycall from a site withinthe City of Okeechobee that also requiresan ambulance. There was furtherdiscussionbetweenMr Fullerton,Major Hazellief and commissioners regarding anticipated resultsof the PositronE-911system,shouldit be installed in Okeechobee County.Therewasalsodiscussion of reasonsfor establishing alternate backup locations for operation of the E-911system. 17 Commissioner Hazelliefrecommended that commissioners conductworkshoo sessions withemergency serviceunitsto bestdetermine a methodfor ensuring theclear identification of addresses withinthecounty.In response, MajorHazellief explained how the E-911mapsystemwouldworkto assistemergency servicesin answering calls DaleFinch,Sprint,was recognizedMr.Finchprovided an estimated timelinefor theinstallation andstart-up operation ofthePositron E-911 systeminOkeechobee County, notingthatthe systemshouldbe up andrunningno laterthanApril2002 MOTIONWASMADEBY COMMISSIONER WOODSTOAUTHORIZE THECHAIRMAN TOEXECUTE CONTRACTS WITHSPRINT INTHEAMOUNT OF$381,839.39 FORTHE PURCHASE OF THECOMPLETE ENHANCED 911SYSTEMFORINSTALLATTON AT THE OKEECHOBEE COUNTYSHERTFF'S OFFICEAND CITYOF OKEECHOBEE POLICEDEPARTMENT DISPATCH CENTERS; FUNDING To BE DERIVED FROMTHE ENHANCED 911 FUND. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HAZELLIEF.MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. MOTIONWASMADEBY COMMISSIONER HARVEYTOAUTHORTZE THECHAIRMAN TO EXECUTECONTRACTS WITH SPRINTFOR THE AMOUNTOF $39,890.18 ANNUALLY, FIRSTPAYMENTTO BEGINDURINGFY 2OO3 ANDCONTINUING FOR A TOTALOFFOUR(4)YEARS,FORMAINTENANCE OFTHECOMPLETE ENHANCED 911 SYSTEMS;FUNDINGTo BE DER|VEDFROMTHE ENHANCED 911 FUND. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HAZELLIEF. MOTIONCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 19. - OKEECHOBEE MAJORJOE HAZELLIEF COUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICERECORDSMANAGEMENT SYSTEM MajorJoe Hazellief,Okeechobee CountySheriff's Office,wasrecognizedMajor Hazellief reportedthatthe currentrecordsmanagement systemat Okeechobee County Sheriff's Officeis notcapableof integration withthenewE-91'1systemAt thistime,E-911 moniesmay not be appropriated for the purchaseof jail management and records management system MajorHazellief advisedthat,uponhisreviewof the PositronE-911system,it was notedthatit wouldaccommodate allfunctions already completed bytheSheriff's Officeas l8 wellas enhanceothers. In response to commissioners' questions, DeputycountyAdministrator Threewits advisedregardingthat portionof the systemfor whichthe Cityof okeechobeewouldbe responsible. Mark Muros,okeechobeecountysheriff'soffice,was recognized. Mr. Muros provideddetails regardingthe currenttelephonesystemat the Sheriff'sOffice and commentedon recommendations to reviewoperationsof the currentsystem. MOTIONWAS MADEBY COMMISSIONER ABNEYTO DIRECTSTAFFTO SOLIC]T PROPOSALS FOR FUNDINGIN THE AMOUNTOF $126,000FOR THE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/JA|L MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE. HEFURTHER MOVEDTO DIRECTTHATPROPOSALS SHOULDPROVIDEFORA "NO PRE-PAYPENALTY" AND PAYMENTSCHEDULING FOR PERIODSOF BOTHTHREE(3} YEARS. AND FIVE(5) SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONERHARVEY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMISSIONER WOODS'COMMENTS Commissioner Woodsencouraged all commissioners to reevatuate theirpurpose and to work towardsaccomplishing mattersfor the benefitof OkeechobeeCountytax payers'Duringdiscussion, it wasdetermined thatmattersdecidedby the Boardof county Commissioners shouldreturnto theBoardforanychangesdetermined necessaryChair Bettsadvisedof his feelingsthat countycommissioners mustregaincontrolof county operations. Therewas additionaldiscussionbetweencommissioners regardingpracticesthat couldserveto helpimproverelationships betweencommissioners andstaff CHAIRBETTS'GOMMENTS ChairBettsadvisedof hisrecentwithstaffregarding complaints concerning OkeeTantiePark. chair Bettsrecommended that,withtheacquisition of propertyat Joe & wanda,s Fish camp, boat ramps locatedat c. scott Drivershouldbe assrgnedas fishing l9 forongoingfishingtournaments. andtheprimaryoperationalsite headquarters tournament Therewas discussionregardingthisrecommendation. ChairBettsalsoannouncedthat Everstarthad offeredto OkeechobeeCounty,at Therewasdiscussion price,a fishweighstationfor useduringtournaments. a discounted regardingthis offer. the countydevisea planto providefor repair Woodsrecommended Commissioner of necessaryboatrampsat the C. ScottDriverlocation.Discussionof and construction this matterwas scheduledduringthe regularsessionof January24,2002. that MichaelShiff,architectfor the newjudicial Hazelliefrequested Commissioner facifity,alsobe scheduledto appearat the regularsessionof January24. the meetingwas adjourned. Therebeingno furtherbusinessor discussion, Clif Betts,Jr., Chairman Boardof CountyCommissioners County,Florida Okeechobee SharonRobertson,Clerk Boardof CountyCommissioners County,Florida Okeechobee 20 Subiect Conduct Public HearingTo ConsiderSubmittal Of An ApplicationFor The Small GitiesCommunity Development Block Grant Item:L Requestthat the Boardof CountyCommissionersconducta Public Hearingto receivecitizen commentsregardingthe County'seconomicand communitydevebpmentneds. Said Public Hearing must be conducledprior to the submittalof an applicationfor the Small Cilies CommunityDevelopment Bbck (CDBG)Grant. CDBGgrantfundsrnaybe usedin the areasof housing,neighborhoodrevitralization, commercialrevitalization,or economicdevelopmentto undertakesuch improvementactivitiesas acquisilionof real property,loansto privatefor-profit purchaseof machineryand equipment,conslructbnof infrastruc{ure, businesses, rehabilitation of houses and/or commercialbuildingsand energy conservation. For each activity that is proposed,seventypercent(7lo/o)of the funds must benefitlounto moderate-income persons. The Florida Departmentof CommunityAffairs awards gnantsyearly on a competitivebasis. Approximately $ 30 millionwill be avaihbleforthe FY 2003grantfundingcycle. The Legislation that govemsthe CDBGprogramstratesthat the fundsare to be distributedas follows: 20o/o 4oo/o 1oo/o 30o/o Housing NeighbofioodRevitalization CommercialRevitalizatbn EconomicDevelopment Awards are made based on the low and moderate-income populationof eligiblecommunities throughoutthe Stateof Florida. OkeechobeeCountt's low and moderate-in@me popuhtionis 11,4U residents,based on the 2000 Censusdata. The total populationfor Okeechobee Countywas 27,237,which indicates42.160/o of the populationis consideredto be in the low to modenate.income category. The applicationsubmittaltimeframe is April 1-30, 2OA2. The BOCCwill needto requesta proposalfromconsultants specializing in the preparation of CDBG applications. Recommendation: That the BOCCconducla PublicHearingto considersubmittalof an applicatbnfor the Small CitiesCommunityBlockGrant. That the BOCCdiscussthe potentialCDBGprojectfor applicatbnsubmittat. That the BOCCapprovea Requestfor Proposaltoacceptbidsfor a consultantto preparethe CDBGapplication. ftem 2February 28,2002 Page 1 of { PUBLICHEARINGFORMAT FIRSTPUBLICHEARING OkeechobeeGounty February28,2002 t. PURPOSEOF PUBLIC HEARING A. Adviseconcemedcitizensthat Okechobee Countyis consideringapplying for CommunityDevebpmentBlockGrant(CDBG)fundsin one of the followingcategories: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. gnantsyearlyon a The FloridaDepartmentof CommunityAffairsarruards competitivebasis. Approximately$gOmillionwill be availablefor the State FY 2003 fundingcycle. The Legislationthat govemsthe CDBGprogram statesthat the fundsare to be disiributedas folbws: 29o/o 4oo/o 10o/o 30o/o il. Housing NeighborhoodRevitalization CommercialRevitralizatbn EconomicDevelopment Housing NeighborhmdRevilalization CommercidRevitalizatbn EconomicDwelopment C. Awardsare madebasedon the low and moderute-in@me populationof eligiblecommunitiesthroughoutthe Stateof Florida. OkeechobeeCounty's populationis 11,4&4residents,basedon 2000 low and moderate-in@me Censusdata. The total populationfor OkeechobeeCountywas27,237, t rhichindicates42.16ohof the populationis consideredto be in the lowto moderate-income category. D. OkeechobeeCountyis eligibleto makeapplicationfor an estimatedamount up to $750,000. PROGRAMAREAS A. Housing - The primaryobjec{iveof this categoryis to improvehousing conditionsor erpand housingopportunitiesfor low and rnoderate-in@me persons.Ac*ivitiesthat couldrchieve theseobjectives,include,but are not limitedto: 1. 2. 3. 4. The rehabilitationof housesor publicownedor acquiredproperties; Demolitionof dilapidatedhousingand relocationof residences; Weatherizatbnandenergy-efficiencyimprcvements; Codeenforcement; 5. 6. Installation of wellsor septictankswherewateror sewerserviceis unavailable;and Mitigationof futurenaturaldisasterhazards. The primarygoalof the Housingprogramcategoryis to seeka solutionto subs{andard housingconditionsin targetedlowand moderatein@me housingareas. The primaryhousinggoal is to providea long-termsolution by upgnading housingstockto a conditionthat shalllas{for at least15 years. A secondarygoal is to providea short-termsolutionby upgrading the unitsto a livablecondition,whichrnakesthe unilssafe,decent,and sanitary. B. Neighborhood Revitalization- The primaryobjectiveof this categoryis to conserveand revitalizelow and moderate.income seruicearea neighborhoods by addressing the majorproblemsthatcontributeto the decline.Activitiesinclude,but are not limitedto: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. c. Improvementsto deterioratin g infrastructu re; Provisionof basicservicessuchas rarater and sevverfacilitieswhere OkeechobeeC;ountycan demonstratesufficientplantcapacityand operationof suchfacilities; Constructionor rehabilitationof neighbrhood facilitiesthat provide communityservlcefor servicearea residentswith the exceptionfor activitiesto removearchitectunal baniersto handicappedpersons; The constructbnor rehabilitation of facilitiesfor the elderlyand the handicapped; Landassemblyor site preparationfor new housingconslruction; Provisionsof roadsand drainagefacilities;and Mitigationof fulurenaturaldisasterhazards. commercial Revitalization- All activitiesmustbe in accordancewith an adoptedcommunitydevelopment plan. Allactivitiesmustbe geographicalty and physicallylocatedwithinthe boundariesof the community redevelopment area and be contiguousto or locatedon property,wtrichis utilizedfor non-residential use. Examplesof eligibleaclivitiesmayinclude: 1. 2- To acquiresubstandard or blightedareaswhenthe rcquisitionis necessaryor incidentaltothe prcperclearance,dwebpmentor redevelopment of suchcommunityredevelopment area; To clearanyarea by demolitionor removalof existingbuildings, structures,streets,utilities,or otherimprovements andto insfall, constructor reconstructstreets,utilities,parks,playgrounds,public spaces,publicparkingfacilities,sidewalks,lighting,benches, pedestrianand vehicleoverpassesand underpassesand any other necessry publicimprovements essentialtothe preparation of sites for use In accordancewith the communityredwelopmentplan. Installationof sewerand waterutilitiesmustdenpnstratethat 3. 4. 5. D. sufficientplantcapacitypresentlyexiststo servesuchwaterand ser/verfacilities; To makeavailablelandto be utilizedfor publicparkingor other publicfacilitiesin accordancewith the communityredevelopment plan; Repairand rehabilitation of privatelyouned buildingfacadesor other exteriorimprovernents, dennlitionof privatelyoramedbuildings, conectionof codevioHions, and the removalof architectunal baniersto handicappedaccess; Conectionof architec*ural barriersto handirppaccessin public buildingslocatedin the oommunityredevelopment area. Economic Development- The primaryobjectiveof this categoryis to createand/orretainjobs for loarand nroderate-income percons.Activilies that couldachievetheseobjedives,include: 1. Loanto a PrtvateFor-ProfitBusinessfor: A. B. C. D. 2. 3. ilt. Acquisitionof realproperty; Acquisition,constructionor rehabilitation of mmmercialand indus{rialbuildingsand struclures; Purchaseof capitalmachineryand equipmentwith a useful life of at leastfive (5) years;and Energyconservationimprovements designedto enoourage the eflpient useof energyresources. Grantfor publlc,commercialorindustrialrealproperty improvements,includingrailroadspursor similarextensbns,tied to a specificproject,and Grantfor actlvitiesto rernovebaniers,u/hlchrestricta@ss for the elderlyor handicappedto publiclyonrnedand privatelyowned buildings,fmilities,and imprwements. DISCUSSIONOF POTENTIALPROJEGTFOR OKEECHOBEECOUNTY Subject: REQUEST TO AFFIRM DECISION OF CILB; WALLACE RICI{ARD POHL; ITEM 3 cAsE #20005-51 the Construction On September 5, 2000, in a duly convened hearing, Industry Licensing Board (CILB) found that Mr. Wallace Richard Pohl (d/b/a Rick Pohl Painting a had violated and Pressure Cleaning) by provisions Code of Ordinances the okeechobee County number of of The CILB license. working outside the scope of his contractors 1 e v i e d a issued a letter of reprimand and ultimately $500 fine ( s e e E 2 , E 3, E-4). E-1, against Mr. Pohl- for these infractions On or about September 26 , 2000, a I'MoLion To Set Asiderr was (see E-5). submitted to the County Attorney on Mr. Pohl's behalf advised Mr. Pohl that On October 31, 2000, the County Administrator his "Motion To Set Aside" would be regarded as a Notice of Appeal describing, and requested that he submit an appeal brief ". . .with particularity, Board where you beLieve the ConstrucEion I'icensing erred [emphasis added] with regard to this matter. . . " (see n-e) . Mrs. Pohl submitted (see E-7) . a rel-ated l-etter on or about November 15, 2000 On February L4, 2002, the BOCCrequested a copy of the CILB tape and tabled action on this matter to February Mr. Pohl was so advised by certified mail (see E-8) . pertinent 28, 2002. RECOMMENDATION That t.he BOCC review the official record and determi-ne whether not the decision(s) of the Construction Industry Licensing Board Case #20005-61 should be affirmed. Approved for Agenda or in Item 3 2/28/02 Page 1 of 13 Count.y 4e ministrator ulanning and D, ,elopmentDepartn tnt Okeechobee Countv {W sth Avenue o Okeechobee, Florida 3/;972 o (941) 763-5544 o FAX (941) 763-5276 BEFORE TIIE CONSTRUCTION IFIDUSTRY LICENSING OF OKEECIIOBEE COUNTY COI.]NTYOF OKEECHOBEE vs. Wallace Richard Pohl 2201 SW 28thStreet # 60 Okeechobeg Florida 34974 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BOARI) NOTICE OF HEARING To the above addressee: You are herebynotified that in accordancewith OkeechobeeCounty Ordinance 93-3, Section2.06, a hearing wiil be held before the Constrrction lndustry Licensing Board of OkeechobeeCounty to determinewhetheryouhaveviolatedoneormoreoftheprovisionsofOrdinanceg3-3. Thehearing willbeheldonMay2r200O at3:30 p.m. attheOkeechobeeCounty Commission Chanbers located in the OkeechobeeCounty Courthouse,304NW 2ndSt, Okeechobee,Florida. You are entitled to be represented by counsel, present testimony or evidence and to testiff on your own behaif. Subpoenasfor records and other material and witnessesmay be requestedand will be issuedby this Board upon proper request. Signedthis 19th day of April,2000. Wes Abney, Ch OkeechobeeCounty Construction Industry Licensing Board OKEECHOBEE COTJNTY CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD Planning and DevelopmentDepartment 499 N.W. 5'h Avenue Florid a 34972 Okeechobee, 5, 2000 SePtember RegularMeeting Minutes regular sessionTuesday, The OkeechobeeCounty Construction Industry Licensing Board met in located zt3Q4NW 2"d September5, 2000 at 3:30 pm in the okeechobeecounty BOCC Chambers wes Abney, vice-chairman Street,Avenue, okeechobee, Florida. Memberspresentwere chairman Mathews was absent' Also Ray Worley, Scott Chapman, Elbert Batton *i Totty Stark. Travis Building Inspector Bruce presentweie County Code ComplianceDirector Arnold Verwey, County -C*uroq Wilson' County Attorney John basselsand Secretaryto the Board Bonnie Chairman Abney called the meeting to order. Mr. Stark secondedthe Mr. Worley moved to approve the August 1, 2000 meeting minutes. motioned. The motion passedunanimously' New Business Certificates of Competency Mr. Baffon moved Mr. Mggins was presentto representhimself. After a review of the application' and for to approve sponsorship to take Block Exams for lrrigation/Sprinkler Contractor Businessand Law. Mr. Stark secondedthe motion. The motion passedunanirnously' Other New Business Asenda Item # 3 None O&ccctobcc Coury Cduaio Rlgutr M€ding Minrtcr Sctrcarbcr 5,2mO lndr*y tftcnsing Bdd €-z Old Business before the Licensing Board with a Mr. Casselsopened by stating that Mr. Pohl has been brought OkeechobeeCounty Code' specifically requestfor sanctio* ib, violating severaiprovisions of the zz-7l'oftheCodeof Ordinancesof Sections22-82(a)and(c),5,6,8(b),9 and'(13) and Section OkeechobeeCountY. sworn in' Mr' Cannon testified that on OkeechobeeCounty Building Inspector Bruce Cannon was unpermitted roofing work being March 10, 2000, the Department received a complaint about Enforcement Officer Beth Albert perfiormedat 19O1S.E.3^3'dStreet. He statedthat ire and Code the job' Mr' Cannon statedthat he went to the site and observedRichard Potrl and Robert Potrl on statedthat Robert Pohl indicatedthat askedif there was a permit for the work beingperformed. He contacted the Buiiding Department to find a permit was obtained. Mr. Cannon stated ttrat he then that a permit had not beenissued' out if a permit was iszued, and was infonned by the Department Pohl that they were not licensed to do Mr. Cannon stated that he then told Richard and Robert Cannon stated that the homeowner later roofing worh and that he issued a stop work order. Mr. the roof and that he was not able obtaineda permit forthe roofing work. He statedthat he inspected applicable codes' to upp.or," the inspection becausethe roof did not meet be placed in lv{r' Potrl's file and that Mr. Casselsstated that staffis requestinga letter of reprimand tv1r.Poht be fined $500.00for the violation' pohl, was sworn in- she testified that Richard was there only to help Sharonpohl, wife of Richard got the roofing job' and that ail the Robert with the roofing work She statedthat it was Robert who potrl. she further testifieJ that Richard never received any checks were made payable to Robert Richard never had any knowledge money for helping Robert with the roofing work. she stated that tnat dobert did not have a roofitg license to perform the work' Cannon recommended a suspension Mr. Casselsasked Mr. cannon for his recoflrmendation. Mr. in Richard Pohl's contractor file' hdr' ofRichard pohl's licenseand a letter oireprimand to be placed a letter of reprimand and a C-asselsstated that in the petition for sanctions, staf had requested be consideredby the Board' $500.00 fine, and that this was the maximum p"ttaty that could that Richard and Robert PohI were Mr. Radanoe the properfy owner, was sworn in. He testified stated a contract was never recommend to him by a friend to do the roofing work- Mr- Radanof did stress to Robert Pohl not to sigre4 but that a verbal agreement was made. Itdr. Radanof testified that some time after .ommence work until he is back in okeechobee. Mr. Radanof further Pohi stating that the yor\was the verbal agreement was made he received a phone cail from Robert his permission. Mr' Radanof also halfdone. He further stated consequentlythe work beganwithout received water damagefromthe statedthat damagewas doneto the roof andthe inside ofthe house rains. Okcc6obc Coucy Co<ruakn R.SulrrMcditg Miolcr s<fl#5,20ot1 'ddA L,ictaring Bod E-Z.l were made out to' Mr' Radanof indicated one Board membersasked Mr. Radanof who the checks pohl and anotherwas made to for cash as per Robert Pohl's requestcheck was written to Robert in the staff petition' scott chapman Mr. worley moved to sanction Mr. Pohl as requested a time limit for payment of the secondedthe motion. There was discussionabout including 60 days, if not Mr' Pohl's license fine- Mr. Worley moved that the fine must be paid within motion passedunanimously' wiII be suspended. Mr. Stark secondedthe motion' The potrl that Mr. Pohl has the right to appeal the decision of the Board, Mr. Casselsinformed Sharon of the Board's decision' and that the that the appeal must be filed within 30 days of the rendgring Mr' Cassels' appeal*o"ta be to the circuit court. Mrs. Poiri acknowledged There being no further business,the meetingwas adjourned' ,// -.7 - /c Date of Approval /rt - <- ot lva BonnieWilsoruSecietaryto the Board OlcccdobccCcrty Cdudio R.guLr M€diog }finrna Scptroba 5,20{n bdrlry UcrEiEg Bdrd Date IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD IN AND FOR OKEECHOBEECOUNTY,FLOzuDA CASENO.: 20006-01 IN RE: OKEECHOBEECOUNTY, Petitioner, vs. WALLACE zuCHARD POHL, a/k/aRICK POHL, Respondent. county requestlng THIS CAUSE having come on to be heard upon the Petition of okeechobee POHL a/k/a RICK POHL' holding imposition of a fine and reprimand against WALLACE zuCHARD all interestedpersonsappearingand License#400 and the Board having heardtestimony from witnessesand the staffrecommendation and wishing to be heard, having received evidencesubmitted, having reviewed being otherwise fully advised in the premises,the Board makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT his license in that he' That the Respondentwas knowingly working outside the scope of removing of roof materials' togetherwith his brother, undertook to completea roofing job which involved replacementof roof decking and fascia boardsas well as re-shingling the roof' i. 2. in violation That the Respondentassistedanotherin the unauthorized practice of contracting of the OkeechobeeCountY Code. 3. County Code That the work completed was substandardand in violation of the Okeechobee which incorporates standard building codesof an emergency That the Respondent'sparticipation in the re-roofing project was not the case practice of contracting assistanceto his brother but constituteda continuing involvement in the unauthorized 4. without the appropriate license or permit[7(m-3tE75wPDl €-3 5. That the Respondentis in violation of gg22-S2(cX5),u-82(c)(6),22-82(c)(8)b'22-82(c)(9)' 22-52(c)(13),and 22-7l,Code of ordinancesof okeechobeecounty. It is therefore, ORI)ERED and ADJUDGED: L the Respondent That a letter of reprimand be issued and placed as a permanent part of Contractor'sFile r#400in the OkeechobeeCounty Building Department' That a fine in the amount of $500.00is hereby levied pursuantto $22-51(6)c.,Code of 2. daysfrom the date of this order ordinances of okeechobee County, Florida. The Respondentshall have 60 within which to pay the fine imposed herein. DONEAND ORDEREDirlisfaav 2000' of October, OkeechobeeCor.rntyConstmction Industry Licensing Board [?qxLltt75.wPDl Bosrd of Cownty Commissioners OkeechobeeCounty Planning and D eveInpment D epartment g4972. (863) 763-5548' FAX (863) 763-5276 499 NW 5,hAvenue . Okeechobee,Florida LETTER OF REPRIMAND October3, 2000 Wallace Richard Pohi a/k/a Rick Pohl 701 SW 96 Street Okeechobee,Florida 34974 RE: OkeechobeeCounty Construction Industry Licensing Board This letter is to servenotice of the board's action taken on September5, 2000. The decisionwas basedon working outside the scope of your contractors license. You were found to be in violation ofthe following -o,ttrty Codes:Section22-SZ(a) and (c), 5 6, 8(b), 9 and, (13) and Section22-71 of the Code of Ordinancesof OkeechobeeCounty. This letter will remain a permanentpart of your personal contractor file # 400 in the Okeechobee County IndustryLicensingBoard COURT IN THECOUNTY COUNTY,FLORIDA IN AND FOROKEECHOBEE Case No: <eechobee County Building and Zoning Compliance Board Plaintifr, -vs- ^,aqA t 4,,U Y'/ ichard Pohl Defendani. MOTION TO SET ASIDE Defendant, Richard Pohl, respectfuily move to set aside motion to a letter of reprtmand and a (Five Hundred Dollar)fine by the Buildingand Zoning Compliance Committee. ;OO.OO 1. Defendantwas not working out of the scope of his licenses,(which is a Painter), he as hired as a laborer and was to be paid by the hour by the owner in which he was never paid, and :s fiied a Mechanic's Lien in the amount of $2,000.00 against the property. (See Exhibii A) 2. Defendant did not represent himself as a roofer in any way. 3, Defendant ciid not pull the buiiding permit, as the Building Permii was pulled by the 'rner, and stated on the permit that the Owner is responsiblefor overseeing all work, paying all =ges, paying all taxes and workers compensation. 4Defendant was not paid for any work done in this case. All checks were payable to :bert Pohl, for contract labor, and does have a pending lawsuit by the homeowner, in which the =fendant is not named. 5. Defendant had no knowledoe that the iob had been stopped or "RED TAGGED" by the lilding Department. 6. Defendant preys to the courts to dismiss this reprimand and fine as it was not his job, nor J he represent it to be. CERTIFICATEOF SERVICE THEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing motion has ben fumished by on S. Maif - . }to / Plaintiffs Attomey, John Cassels, 4Ol NW 2nd Street, Okeechobee, Florida 34972 is d (a day of September 2QQQ. Richard Pohl 701 SW gth Strcet Okeechobee,Florida US74 (863)763-E796 Richard Pohl E-s goard of CowntYCommissioners Okeechobee Countv i04 N.W.2nciSnee:.Room106 OKEEC}IOBEE.FLOzuDA 349i2 (863)763-544i F.\X;i863) i63-9529 CCober31, 2000 Mr. RichardPohl 701 SW 9th Stre'-t Okeechobee,FLU974 Re: Notice of APPeal Dear Mr. Pohl: "Motion To Set Asicie'' This letter shalt confirm that I am in receipt of your recently-submiiteC Procedurally,Okeechobe--Countywiil regardthis documentas a Noticeof Apoeal' please submit an appeal brief which fully sets forth the facts of your cas€ and descnbes' wiih matte.:" particularity,where you belie,rethe ConstructionLicensing Board erreciwith regard to this twenty within to the County Attomey, 'Vour The appeai nri.i must be submitted to my office, ryrtlra copy aPPeal the submit faiiure to iimelv (20)calendardays of the date of youl.,*ipt ot inis letter. further' matter this right appeal to of waiver a brief will be coniidered :rour (20) calenda-rdays Follo,rlingreceiptof your appeaibrief,the CountyAilomeywiil be afforded twenty Following to submit an an*r& oriei'to my office; a copi will also be provided to you + th"t time' available next the receipt of the County Attomey's ansrt/erbriei tfre matter wiil b€ scfreduled on County of Board agenda for final disposition before the Board of Courfi Commissioners-The subjeci the Commissionerswiil decide, at that time, whetheror not to hear oral arguments regarding matter. lf you have any questions or requirefurther information,please let me knowSincerely, \.-\_\S-=_ George A Long County Administrator /att: Motion To Set Asicie County Attomey lavid E- Hazeilief )iskict I Gene Woods Disrict 2 Clif Betts, JrDistrict 3 JohnW. Abney, Sr. Discict4 Clois J- HanreY District5 George A Long County Administraror Sharan M. ana Kick 7 chi 7O13W gth Streev Okeechobee, Fia.34974 '16,2000 November Boardof CounryCcmmissioners Okeechobee Ccuntv 304NW 2nd StreetRcomi 06 Okeechobee, Fia. 34972 863-763-0796 O < \) R,E.Noticefor RickPchi to AopealCharqes D e a rM r . L o n g : As per your letterciateCOctober31, 2000,I am now fliinga formalNcticeto Appear beforethe CkeechobeeCcunty Boaroof CountyCcmmissionersconcerningthe eonstructionLicensingBoard,ccncemingthe matterof the roof job my brotherRoben ,-'llenPohl did in Taylor Creek lsles. Robertis in the processof a coun trial for non worker'scompensation.As of today'sdate,I scheduledto work steedilyout of the stateuntii the middleof Februaryand wiil not be able to attendany meetings. lf my wiie may attend in my place then pleasepiacethis on the agenda. lf not then please scheduleit for the rneetinoin March. I respectfullymove to dismissthe letterof reprimandancjan $500.00fine imposedby the ConstruciionLicensingBoardchargingme with workingout of the "scope"of my licenses. i) I was not workingout of the scopeof my licenses(a painter),as I was hiredas a labore:'andto be paid by the hour,which I was neverpaid and was forceCto put a mechanic'slien on the subjectproperty. 2) I did not representmyself in any manneras to beinga "Roofei' especiallya ,icensedRoofer." 3) I did not pull the BuiidingPermit,norwere any check made payableto me. Con't) job 6SinE"RedTagged"'my brothermay 7 | personallyhad no knowledgedBt6 tfie ave had knowledgeof this actionbutagainI did not. iincerely, et^- , ltncL\a^ ,Q*lrl- ^ 2r& Le^, u P"ttt iick Pohl )C: faxedAttomeyJohn Cassels763-1031 E'7. I Board of CountyCommissioners OheechobeeCounty Room106 304N.W,2ndStreet, A 34972 FLORID OKEECHOBEE, (863)7$-e4l FAX (863)763-9s29 February 15,2001 Mr.WallaceRichardPohl 701 SW 9th Street FL 34974 Okeechobee, Re: MAIL BY CERTIFIED P238324293 Noticeof AppealConsideration; Construction IndustryLicensingBoardCase#20006-61 DearMr. Pohl: Thislettershallserveas noticethatyourappealfromactiontakenin the above-referenced at 9:00a.m.on February casewill be consideredby the Boardof CountyCommissioners 28,2002. Sincerely, GeorgeA. Long CountyAdministrator E-8 DrvldE,Hrzolllof DlmlctI GonoWoodr Dhtrict2 Cllf Bonr,Jr. Dlrrict 3 JobnW. Abnoy,Sr. Dirtrict4 Clois J. Harvey District 5 GeorgeA. Long County Administrator Subject SUSPENSION OF CILBMEMBER rrEM+ On July12,2001,the BOCCsuspendedMr. DanielKesslerfromhis dutiesas a member of charges Industry Licensing Board(CILB)pendingfinaladjudication of theConstruction presented presented oral anyfalse,fraudulent, or misleading that he 1) or causedto be with Section440.38,F.S. or writtenstatementto any personas evidenceof compliance (Countll). Arrest (Countl) and, 2) failedto securepaymentof workerscompensation affidavitsand relateddocumentsare attached. to a reducedcharge(Attempted On December11,2001,Mr.Kesslerplednolocontendere FalseStatement andwas orderedto paya $1,000 of InsuranceCoverageby Employer) fine and $305.00in othercosts.Adjudication was withheldpendingsatisfaction of all The Clerkof Courtcaserecordis attached. conditions of the pleaarrangement. On the dateof his mostrecentcourtaction,Mr. Kesslerrequested that he be reinstated to the CILB. TheBOCCmayreinstate Mr.Kesslerto the CILBwithor withoutsanctions, i.e.,formalor informal reprimand, or maydismissMr. Kesslerbasedon his admission(s) in this matter. RECOMIT'IENDATION: Thatthe BOCCreinstateMr.DanielKesslerto the ConstructionIndustryLicensingBoard or dismisshimtherefrombaseduponhis admission(s) in CaseNo.2001-CF-304. Approvedfor Agenda ?- CourftyAdministrator KM Item 02t28 Page1 of6 / v / \-vL{')|a.\-<)| ]PLE USE SEF:. TE FORMS FOR EACH DEFENOANTAND FOH I OFFENSes OCCURRING AT DIFFEFENTTIME. DATEOF LOcnTION NO. DOCXET ARRESTAFFIDAVIT oEFENOANT NAM€ (ljST, FIRST, MIOOLE) dirrs o",v iilif;,"" CHECK IFTJE MME /)t-tt1K ffiaeouneoro rrxoag.y.EtlX k.t J"- . h-;,/ 3on s.fWEIGHT JtJs/ b s'l/ 2oo B{cE W)l fo Fd lo 13 11 lt CflTY = l L 3lelel7ll okeecGL<EYECOLOR Rt{ dL9 N OR EMPLOYEB ]CCUPATION HA|Rcotqg nED {UNlq m{ -/ Gtt BRN GAN M^F (UHK) 8lL ar-x ffi vrHr GFY HAe Pr|K otsTlNculsit{lNc M RKS ttL lD t (,to t7 tst 9t? C*t/rrrr&z SECTOF OATE 3orc S.e; ltt/S/ 6 tl\ tol ,ul lD o I'rncogrrrcour ,, :.ll,i.:'i::il.ri ffi " OATE OFFENSE OATA . , , ,.: {,i. ,:,.rj.isl\i, ,t l'[i' o CITY STFEET^OORESS Juv EPU I S€ll B Buy TTtaltb Activity N N/A P Pos8ass t tf IUS [(l0 nn ottqt lat , tt. [43H""l8l#i'". ;rc^PArs )l'Bw EE-B SECTOR MILITARYTIME I ne*tancervP.- ffi-.pon. seired/rvpe STATE STREET AOORESS MILITAFT'TIME AFFEST DATA l-7Dc 2i,"XntdntAt htbr/a,{ F F TO N^iN REOUTFED o s". AKA SOCTALSECURITY NUMEER riloflY APR. AGENCY ORI. NO. ) Ca. /7{- 'EHMANENT AOORESS (STREET NO. STREET NAME CITY) ) r3 16g F€L TFA' t :DLENo. :BI NO. K o!rp.ts, DSibrE R Smuqgl,e O Oeliver E Use M M.tru6dr6, Producd CuldYar' cxw 'Ll STATE CIITY I I Zft|g Type B Batbituat H Halbdnoqen P Paraphrnaild glltwr| i'lve A Amph€iaminc C Cocaine E H€toin M M.ttilEna O Oprum/Osw Equrpment S Wl€tic Z Olh'r OCiuldon osG uEo TF^F oao nn oDrEF ot/)' Fo'/ /" tr CO-DEFENDANTS NAME. FIRST,MI PROEABLECAUSE AFFIDAVIT: IARYOF OFFENSESAND PROBAALECAUSE rea:ions: tollowing frcr the was arrested d€f€ndant xrvc nrmd 7)- to the best of Sworn & Subscribedbefore me this day ol NOTARYi ASA rrlce numb€f tak€n ftom lingerprint cafd containlng lfS numb€r tot this anest' \^/hiio - Clark al Cotrl Green - Slate AttOrne'l My commissionexpires Agency Yellow- .Jail Pink - ArrestAoencv Goldenrod- Defendant 20 - 5';..:PDJ'.4: .-ULA= 'Ar /) ./ Jt..i?Ei?:5? :1 :42 UlL d/ /r/01 -C 1Lrot-Qr--3cs I COUilWCOURT 0l(EEC:-iOBEE COUT'iTY. FLORIDA CHAREE: FAILURE TO SECURE F'AYPIENTCIF l^lORt(ERE CET,IF.ENSATION Thc Starco[ Florroa vs. Eanrel E" l{esslrr3 t ) 1 e S b J3 1 s t . A r / e n u e , q?BgS ACf.l; l^lUJCr: Defendsnt IIOE: tlE,rtlgl t,3,rE F!AiCE /6ENBER : liJhi t e/Mr 1e H E I G H T iI , J E I 6 H T: T H A I R / E Y E S: . r SS* : ?Prttr()?Ei,ta In r.he narne o{ the SiBt€ of F1ort,3a - llo al1 snEi Si.r':gular Sheri f f s of the State - Graer.inqs: Attor-ney Inve=tigator of Flor rda anC r-o Anv Stai,e l A J h e r e s sl n v e s t l - o a t o r V a n c e T . A k i . n s t h i E d a , , , m a d e oeth be{sl-e,re rhat iin the CountY *,foresaid,r c,1€ ElaniE'i C. h'.esster,cetw€en February rJi r ;pr.l1 tc secure pavment o.i trDrnpensation 1n i n d A p r i t O L \ , E r l t ) 1r d i d f E i l uiclation,=i F 1 a . s t . : t . + 4 r i . L ( i E ( 4 ) ( a ) ( E ) a r r d_ 4 i r r ) . 3 € i TheseAre Therefore ro Commandyou to fonhwirlr au dealtwiihaccording ro iaw, , 6ivenunrJer my handtnd sea!rhis t, fr / Y- nd bring rhe abovc narnecidcftndsnl before me ro be ?a 6l da1,of E a i tB o n di s F i x e d^ , , 9 d ) . 9 €€#fi.TryJUDCE LtRc4(c- I t: ':r;[:i; ti Niif tu. {5EAL} Zcot ,t > tYlrS ATEFoRMSFoR EACHoEFENoANTANo FoR.. .LTtpLE use sA ATDIFFEFENTTIME, DATEOR LOCATION OCCURFING OFFENSES 00cK6r No. :BI NO. ARRESTAFFIDAVIT EF nted icadon Only OEFENOANT NAM€ {LAST. FIRST, MIOOLE] IJ CHECK TFI,JE NAME O AFIS D /-t/,?3 er.,lr{a S. ry s'// 2no 1t1 tDlA lolTldlgS niiiir! y/t MILITAFY TIME IATA 6ilror 2 l / l o l o OFFENSE OATA DATE MILITAf,Y TIME BLK erf) N ttt ffrer FEL InlF so UU U|SO nf - gPU o€o r,uRKS DISTINGUISHING STATE STREET AODRESS SECTOF ?oB s.e 3,t tts/ SECTOR 8s€il B 8uy TTrattic ECitation orHER Etr n il Rsmuggt€ D O€livor E Use CITY EBaritnJata C C€ine E Hercin KDisp€nsd oistiEute HHallrcinog€f, rM Mariluana O Oftum/Otriv CNTY 4lL okaA/r< STREETAOOFESS Actiw N N/A P Poss RED (rjHtq sYN ,rl.{- Iype N N/A A Amphoiamirc trl&v HAIRcglqR COLOR 8FN GFN MAR (UNKI BAL lgl!{-,' cFr aLx EF urlr cFY HAz PNK STATE CNTY I I tl I Rasiderrce lype 3. Florida lJJitY 4. Oul{l'SEte fz-bunv Vrrepon3 S€iEd/fyp. 1.Ye3 LJ Z No r rccyPffoN oRE1PLoYER / I CNTY JIAIE dJqE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AAREST ,rlz atI DtnththhK trlL rt yt7t7ty I / tl <]. ok .A lru l-r-? r L( ?orr s,E 2WEIGHT :,S1,1:Xr4 in | 317 | I 17 | o lO AKA ]EFMANENTAOORESS(STFEETNO. STREETNAME CITY). ffi APR. AGENCY ORI. NO. J Kr.. L- In^r;e I :DLE NO. MManura.nrr6, Ptoduc€/ Cultltat€ PPaEph€rnalit Equipdl€d S Wl6ri.: Zodls Uur*nosl Z Ofi€r q/0. /o r oDl ctr A- FrrJ/,"/ n nf,nn AftL Slffijte |, CO.OEFENDANTS NAME. FIRST,MIDOLE) IARY OF OFFENSES AND PFOEAELE CAUSE AFFIOAVIT: rcve named defendant was arrested br th€ lollowing reasons: PROBABLE CAUSE knowteoge-ar.b'6liit.g t i;ii' i0. Sworn & Subscnbedbefore me this day of :/ ASA Mv commissionexoires )nca number taken from fingEtptint c:lad containing ITS number for this artest. rArl.rla C|ark al Ctrrrlr Groon Agency - Slate Atlofnetr Yello'ar- Jail Pink - ArrestAnencv Goldenrorj - Defendant 20 - :'Uj F.r5,r:5 -,-- -frrrant !:J: Aoat- Cf - soLl -t+ ., {//lh rNrHE.rg,g=gililEEcouRr C O U N T YF. L O R I D A IHT.IRGE I NEE! CHAFEE -frAUDULENT STAT:I'^SNT OF COVERAGE tn. s,JiIHoriau vs. Elaniei rl Kess I er 3(r 13 Slrt 3 1 s t . S t r - a a t ACN: ;;i41r.r+ZE_6 ErioB :0€zr)3/ t.lEE RFCE/ GENETER : Nh i t e / praI e i'{EIGHTzbJEIGHT:/ H f l i R / E Y E S c/ SS* : tPrl6fi75'33 u]|FtEf\! I n the narne of ihe St at e .o{ Ftor- i,Ja - To atl an6 Singlriar Sherif*s of the State,r{ AittornEy Invesiig*t.or6i-eet rnqs : Florida and to Anv State t'{hereas Invest igator '''anee T. A}'lins rhis da,r nrace oath be{ore me tha1, i n i he foLtnty af oresatd , one Ranie I C i ; . e s s1 e r - I b e t w e e n F e b r - , _ r e r _tyl r l r e ! : t (11 a n d A p r r 1 3 r J , ? o r ) 1 , d i ! r r n r a w f u r ,i y , a s a r e r n c r o y e r - , p r a s e n r olq a L r E e- t c b e p r e s a n t e d - a n y falEer .{rauduient , er_ or_al olwritf'en !tai-ement to,:1nt Per50n a5 e,ridence ci cornptiance wi,th Ftorida St'atutE 440.39t :.n violstien o f F l o r i c j a S t s t u r t e 4 4 1 1 . 1 ( ) g ( d l()a ) ( 1 ) . These Are Ther:iore to Cornmandyou to forthwith de:lt w i t h l c s o r d i n Bt o l o w . oit.n unJ.r-^v rt""i endscat*rs / 4 bring the above nannecl defer:dantbeior: mc ro be davof A.D.?? 0/ BailBonrlis Fixerl && "r, GIJ+;T+ JUDCE €-r4cztf Ki '.,'r tvn I J 5 l '- : : t n / t\t il i0. ofFlcE. I (sE.{t.) $ .OFOKEECHOBEE COUNTY CASENO. STATE OFFLORIDA VS DEFENDANT DEFENDANT: Present NotPresent \r/ " Sent. '" Other P.D. WRITTENPLEAOF NOTGUILTY 7 DAYSFORMOTIONSBEFOREDOCKETCALL WITHDREW OF NOTGUILTY SETFORTRIAL PL+ OF(riltfir) (NOLOCONTENDERE)TO J, DEFENDANT SWORNANDQUESTIONED FREEL -JALFA THECOURTACCEPTEDTHEPLEAAS TO A FACTUALBASIS ::TJ PSI ORDERED- BRI ORDERED SETFORSENTENC]NG INTERPRETER PRESENT APPOINTED& SWORN CrrS d- g, l)boD ND FINGERPRINTED CourtCost$ )SS O NOLLEPROSEQUI 6 ROBERTSON AttorneyFees$ PD App Fee$ Cost of Invest$ *r€sc@ Tai SUBJECT: REQUESTFOR ASSISTAI\CEIN REMOVING STORM WATER PIPE AND EXCAVATING A TEMPORARY DITCH LINE AT OKEECHOBEEAIRPORT ITEM 5 At the presenttime there is a 30 inch comrgatedmetal drainage BACKGROUND: pipe running through airport property leasedby Mr. JamesConfalone. This pipe is used to drain the approach end to runway 13 and the adjacent taxiway. Three sections of the pipe have either been damaged or failed, for whatever reason, and have caused those sectionsto cave in creating a potentially dangeroussituation. Additionally, the pipe runs directly under the center of the location of the proposedhangar/maintenancefacility to be constructed in the very near future (a copy of the site plan is attached for your information and use). The ODA is requestingthat the BOCC approve the use of County forces to remove this pipe, fill in the void and excavate a temporary ditch to drain the water runoff until funding can be obtained to purchaseand install new pipe. Applications for these funds are being made to the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration. It is recommended that the Board of County RECOMMENDATION: the use of County forces to remove the existing pipe, fill the Commissioners approve void, excavatea temporary ditch, and authoize the County Administrator to contact the road departmentto complete thesetasks. APPROVEDFOR AGENDA ITEM: 5 02/28/02 PageI of2 CountyAdministrator f# *\ ll EXSIINC i:|.;:+ -- -futil4-|tt43.--=,,1 TAXIWAY a+1 o x 6 = o mge B rzlot \ PAIE ENI - to,t+:t zultoNc - 6670 gx. ASPHALTJ,3r9 J27 p 0o I o it .il 'rl tso J23 AREA A 36496 PAYIXE}|I - t248O BUlt olNG - fiJ2 EX. ASPHAIT - {7' |- jll (r) @ 5 { (o I I B { o o 10 6' { t J20 .- 8 f p rl - tl -_Jr+H<_ <H:_ _ H i.I e s &l tr9 / r17 ll; llP l15 il" 100.oo' - $ F b :ttl \ - --\ , ml 1.,^: L-- I I lct' $ SUBJECT: REVIEWF.D.O.T. PLANS FOR STATE ROAD 441 SOUTHEAST ITEM # F.D.O-T. hasjust senttbe County a set ofplans asking for our comrrents regarding the reconstruction project for StateRoad 151700(Highway 441 S.E.). This project will begin on the eastsideofTaylor Creek draw bridge and terminates at the county line. The project involves milling, resurfacing, traffic signal upgrades, installation of a turn lane and drainage improvements. The set ofplans they sent ne 40 pages in lengttr- Due to the size, copies ofthe plans were not included with this agendaitem. The plans are availablefor your review, if you prefer to have a copy, they can be made. Staffhas reviewed the plans and submits the following suggestionsfor the boards consideration I . Intersectionimprovements at both C I 5,A'and C I 58 for right and left hand turn lanes. They have alreadyincluded a left hand turn lane on Cl5B. 2. Intersection inrprovement at S.E. 38'Avenue (Ludy Lane) for right and left hand turn lanes. 3. Add a left hand turn lane leading to Nubbin's Slough. 4. Add caution light at Cl5B, note: we will incur an increasein our traffic light maintenancecost. 5. Improve the center area striping betweenAncient Oaks and Awesome R.V. and Storage. 6. Other items as the board identifies. RECOMMENDATTON(S): Tbat the board review F.D.O.T. plans for StateRoad 151700(tlighway 441 S.E.), determinewhat, ifaoy, changesthat the board desires. Approved for Agenda Item# G> 2t28t02 PageI ofl Countf Administrator ,1"'.*,A-< b SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE GRANT AWARD NOTIFICATION AND OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS RELATING TO TIIE COASTAL IMPACT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (CrAP) ITEM # ,I During the May 24,200I board meeting, staffwas given authorizationto apply for a grant under the "Coast Impact Assistance Program" (CIAP). We have recently received notification that our grant was approved and funds are available in the amount of $34,455. The grant was to remove exotics from Lake Okeechobeeshoreline at Okee Tantie Recreational Park. We now need to execute the Federal "award notificationl' letters, "Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspensionand other Responsibility Matters; Drug-Free Workplace Requirements 'Vendor Profile Form" and and Lobbying", "Assurances - Non-Construction Programs", "Financial Status Report". When all of the required paperwork is completed, we can request for reimbursement from the Federal Government account, via electronic transfer, which they will establish in our name. with completion of this project. When our grant was At this tirre, staffcan proceed imdiately submitted, it was estirnatedthis project would take 4-6 weeks to complete. After completion, the view of Lake Okeechobeefrom Okee Tantie, should be somethingelse. RECOMMENDATION: That the board authorize the Chairman to execute the necessaryforms as they relate to the grant award from the "Coastal Impact Assistance Program" (CIAP) for improvements at Okee Tantie Park pending review by legal counsel. Approved for Agenda Item# \ 2t28t02 PageI ofll CIF CC'MMEFICE trIEFAFITMENT IJNITEtrI STATES Adrninietnation Clceanic and Atrnospheric National OFFICE OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTtrATION act AssistanceProgram Award Notification RECIPIENT: OkeechobeeCounty I ruonn Award No' NA17O72126 I AccountingGode: 499 Nw SthAve Okeechobee , FL 34972 $34,455 I Award Amount : - 11l3Ol2OO4 :12t0112O01 | Award Period StateCIAPDated:August1,2001 C F D A: 1 1 . 4 1 9 AccessGode:99016 13 12141 I zruoaooo/3AsBAF This is a representsan obligationof the Federal pursuantto 43 U.S.C.1356a. Govemmentto providefinancialassistance The Secretaryof Commercehas reviewedand approvedthe State'sCoastallmpact AssistancePlan (CIAP),whichis incorporatedby referenceintothis award.Amounts receivedby ProducingCoastalStatesand coastalpoliticalsubdivisionsmay be used ontyfor the purposesspecifiedin the ProducingCoastalState'sCoastallmpact AssistancePlan. Paymentunderthis awardwill be sent by electronicfundstransferafterreceiptof the attachedVendorProfileformwhichcan also be accessedat the followingwebsite htm.The VendorProfile Formmust be rdc.noaa.oov/-acod/eftform. htto:/Aruww. completedand retumedto the NOAAFinanceDivisionbeforeany transferof fundscan be made.This form can be faxedto that office at3O1427-3242or 3Q1427-2O35. ln addition,we requirethe followingencloseddocumentsto be completedand retumed, awarddocument.Please if you have not alreadydoneso with this countersigned Assurances,and the comptetethe SF424B- Assurancesor the SF424D Construction and OtherResponsibility Suspension RegardingDebarment, CD511,Certifications and Lobbying.Thesedocumentsas well Matters;Drug FreeWorkplaceRequirement as two copiesof the Awad Document(Grantsand FinanceCopy)mustbe retumedto the NOAAGrantsManagementDivisionwithin30 days. By signingthis awardnotificationletter,you agreeto complywith the followingprovisions whichare incorporatedby reference:Departmentof CommerceFinancialAssistance OMBCircularA-87, NOAASpecialAwardConditions; StandardTermsand Conditions; Part 24, Uniform 15 CFR Govemment; and Indian Tribal Principles for State, Local, Cost for Grantsand CooperativeAgreementsto State,and AdministrativeRequirements LocalGovemments,and OMBCircularA-133,Auditsof States,LocalGovemment, and non-ProfitOrganizations. Of(l Printcd on RecYclcdPaPcr GRANTSCOPYRETURN An annualprogressreportand FinancialStatusReport(SF-269)will be due 90 days afterthe anniversarydate of your award,for the life of the awardperiod(see attachments). of the paymentsunderthis award. Failureto submitany reportmay resultin the suspension with 15 Pleasebe advisedthat you mustkeepthis awarddocumenton file in accordance at anytimethat your applicationincludes determines CFR Part 24.42.lfthe Government a falsestatement,the Govemmenthasthe rightto pursueany remediesallowedby lawto recoverthe disbursedFederalFunds.The makingof falsestatementsmay be subject under18 U.S.C.1001and fineand/orimprisonment, including to criminalpenalties, 42 U.S.C.3220. lf you haveany questions,pleasecontactthe NOAAProgrammanagerfor the technical issues. for administrative Specialist issuesor the NOAAGrantsManagement JoshuaLott 301-713-3155e{{ 17' [email protected] NOAAProgramManager: Specialist: NOAAGrantsManagement Brown Alan Conway/Christine 301-713-0922 1325East-WestHighway,9th Floor SilverSpring,MD 20910 To the bestof my knowledgeandbelief,alldatain the CIAPare trueand conect.The documenthas beendulyauthorizedby the govemmentbodyof the applicantand the applicantwillcomplywiththe attachedassurancesif the assistanceis awarded. 26 2A0l Recipient Date RimasT. Liogys NOAAGrantsOfficer Enclosed NOAASpecialAwardConditions DoCStandardTermsand Conditions VendorProfileForm Assurances cD511 SF269 GRANTSCOPYRETURN This form is printable. When completed,pleasefax this form to 3Ol-427-3242or 301-427-2025. VENDOR PROFILE FORM The purpose of this form is to provide mandatory award and payment information for NOAA. This information is required as set forth in FAR 52-232-33,Mandatory Information for Electronic Funds transfer Payment, the Debt Collection ImprovementAct of 1996,and the TaxpayerRelief Act of 1997. NOAA will use the information only for the purposesstatedin the refeiences'citedabove and will resfiict accessto the data to authorizedpersonnelwho will use it only for the specified purposes. Until this information is received, our payment office will not make any Payments. You, the vendor, are required to inform us of any banking changesthat occur to ensureprompt payment of your invoices. Your paymentsmay be delayedif the rnformation you provide is not accurate. Pleaseselectone: Change(completebold areas,along w/ changes) New Vendor Name:Legal Name (8 characterslong or less) Acronvm or shortenedname What tlpe of Vendor are you (selectone): t_l tl L] n ISmall Disadvantaged Business State/Local Government IJWODNon-ProfitAgency ti L--r Individual Foreign Contractoror Corporation ic Contractor Performine ide US t! t; BC/U or Mi tr fi on-Profit Hospital L]lt:$l"rltYslg ll l----l Gov't - Education l__l Minority Owned and OperatedBusinessYes Woman Owned and OperatedBusinessYes No No mailing addressand point of contact? What is your Individual/Business/Organization's Name Addressline I Addressline2 City Country. ZW State Phone Fax InternetE-mail address If pa.ymentremit addressis different than the mailing address,pleaseprovide it below: I of3 lll27l2OOl lO:33 Name Addressline 1 Addressline 2 State City zip Country Phone Fax Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)* N (individuaVsoleproprietorshi EIN (Corporation/partnership/sole Name and TIN Number Division or Subunit Name and TIN Number L___ DUNS # (commercial vendor only) + The taxpayerIdentification number is requiredby law. If you fail to provide us with this information, your paymentsmay be subjectto income tax withholding. Number& Identifrcation for Taxpayer Type of Entity/Account applicableto the TIN (SeeFormW-9Request Certification,Specific InstructionsSection).Select One: , Club, Religious, table, Educational,or other exerrpt org. (State/Local , School, etc. unt w/ Dept of griculture in the name of a lic entity tl ustodianAcct - minor oint Account (Two/more s) alid Trust/Estate ederal Government Partnershi Broker or Registered nunee Do you require payment in foreign currency? Yes_ No Currency type? Pleaseindicatethe type of productsyou provide to NOAA. ServicesOnly Goods Only_ Goods/Services The Debt Collection ImprovementAct of 1996 mandates the use of Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT) for I of3 ll/27l20ol lO:.33 all Federalpaymentsto recipientswho becomeeligible to receivesuch payments90 days after enactment, which is Juiy 26,1996. Fediral agenciesmust grant waivers for this mandateto recipientswho certify in writing that they do not have an accountwith a financial institution. Pleaseselectone of the following paymentmethods: _ EFT (Automated Clearing House Payments(ACH)) _ Check (must submit wavier in writing to the FinanceOffice, along with this form) If EFT was checked,pleaseprovide the following financial information for EFT payments. (The ACH Coordinator at your financial institution can supply you with this information) Financial Institution Name Address zip State City Phone ACH Coordinator Name Nine Digit Routing/Transit Number (ABA# Type of Account: (select one): Checkine Account Number Savings Account Number I certiff that the information which I have provided on this form is correct. Name (t1pe or print) Title Signature of3 Phone# Date: tv27no0l lo:33| CERTIF|CAT|oNSREGARD|NGDEBARMENT,SUSPENS|oNAI{D WORKPLACEREQUIREMENTS MATTERS;DRUG.FREE OTHERRESPONSIBILITY AND LOBBYING to attest.App.licants Applicantsshouldreferto the regulationscited below to determinethe certificationto which theyarerequired this form Signature-on this formcompleting before the regulations in included certification for ;it"t"d;i;;;i"*-G-i"rtr"ctiois and Suspension Debarment "Governmentwide Paft26, 15 eFR under fb;.ompliance-wirh certfficationrequirements ;;;;i;.; for Drug-FreeWorkplace"and 1,5.9Fl,,P* 28' "New Restrictionson una "Cor.*-"ntwiA" Requirements [Nonpro.*"-"ni;" of fact upon which reliancewiil be placedwhen the representation as a material treated be ioUUii.!.;; The certificationsshall Deoaitmint of Commercedeterminesto award the coveredtraniaction,grant or cooperativeagreement. AND OTHER 1. DEBARMENT,SUSPENSION MATTERS RESPONSIBILlTY As requestedby ExecutiveOrder 12549, Debarmentand at 15 CFR Part 26, for Suspension,and implemented prospectirreparticipantsin primarycoveredtransactions,as definedat 15 CFR Part26, Sections26.105and 26.110- workplaceand specifyingthe actionsthat will be taken againstemployeesfor violationof suchprohibition; (b) Establishing an ongoingdrug-freeawarenessprogram to informemployeesabout(1)The dangersof drugabusein theworkplace; (1) The prospectiveprimaryparticipantcertifiesto the best of its knowledgeand belief,thatit and its principals: (2) The grantee's policy of maintaininga drug-free workolace: (a) Are not presentlydebaned,suspended,proposedfor excludedfrom or voluntarily debarment,declaredineligible, by any Federaldepartmentor agenc)4 coleredtransactions and em(3) Any availabledrug counseling,rehabilitation, ployeeassistancePrograms;and (b) Have not within a three-yearperiod precedingthis proposal been convictedof or had a cMl judgment rendered againstthemfor commissionof fraudor a criminal offensein connectionwith obtaining,attemptingto obtain,or performinga public(Federal,Stateor local)transactionor violationof Federalor contractunder a publictransaction; State antitruststatutesor commissionof embezzlement, or destructionof records, theft forgery,bribery,falsification or receivingstolenproperty makingfalsestatements, (c) Are not presentlyindictedfor or othenvisecriminallyor civillychargedby a governmentalentity(Federal,Stateor local) with commissionof anyof the offensesenumerated and in paragraph(1) (b) of this certification; (d) Have not within a three-yearperiod precedingthis application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal,State,or local)terminatedfor cause or defauft. (2) Where the prospectiveprimaryparticipantb unableto certify to any of the statementsin this certification,such prospectiveparticipantshallattach an explanationto this proposal. WORKPLACEREQUIREMENTS 2. DRUG.FREE Altemate l. GranteesOther Than Individuals As requiredby the Drug-FreeWorkplaceAct of 1988,and implemented at 15 CFR Part26, SubpartF, for grantees,as definedat',|5CFR Parl26,Sections26.605and 26.610A. The granteecertifiesthat il willor willcontinueto provide a drug-freeworkplaceb;r (a) Publishinga statementnotifyingemployeesthat the unor lawfulmanufacture, distributbn,dispensing,possession, use of a controlledsubstanceis prohibitedin the grantee's (4)The penaltiesthat may be imposedupon employeesfor drug abuseviolationsoccuningin the workplace; (c) Makingit a requirementthat each employeeto be engaged in the performanceof the grantbe givena copy of the statementrequiredby paragraph(a); (d) Notifyingthe employeein the statementrequiredby paragraph(a) that as a conditionof employmentunderthe grant,the employeewill-(1) Abideby the termsof the statement;and (2) Notifythe employerin writingof hisor her convictionfor a violation of a criminal drug statute occuning in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; (e) Notifyingthe agencyin writing,withinten calendardays after receivingnotice under subparagraph(d)(2)from an employee or otheruvisereceMng actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provUenotice,includingpositiontitle,to the Director,Office of FederalAssbtance, Offrce of Federal Assistanceand HCHBRoom6054,U.S.Department ManagementSupport, of Commerce,Washington,DC 20230. Noticeshallinclude the identificationnumbers(s)of each affectedgrant (Q Takingone of the followingactions,within30 calendar dayrsof receMngnoticeundersubparagraph(d) (2)' with respeclto any employeewho is so convicted(1) Taking appropriatepersonnelactionagainstsuch an with consistent employee,up to and includingtermination, Act of 1973' as the requirementsof the Rehebilitation or amended: (2) Requfingsuch employeeto Participatesatisfactorilyin a progrEtmapproved drug abuse assistanceor rehabil'rtation for such purposesby a Federal,State,or localhealth,law or otherappropriateagency enforcement. (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-freeworkplace through implementationof paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). B. The grantee shall hsert in the space provided below the site(s)for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: Place of Performance: (Street address, city, county, state' ZIP code): CheckE if thereare workplaceson filethatare not identifiedhere. Alternatell. GranteesWho Are Individuals As requiredby the Drug-FreeWorkplaceAct of 1988,and implementedat 15 CFR 26, SubpartF, for grantees,as 26.605and 26.610definedat 15 CFR Part26, Sections (A)The granteecertifiesthat, as a condilionof the grant,he distribuor shewillnotengagein the unlawfulmanufacture, tion, dispensing, possession,or use of a controlled substancein conductingany activitywithinthe grant; (B) lf convictedof a criminaldrug offenseresultingfroma vblationoccuningduringthe conductof any grantactivity, he or she will reportthe conviction,in writing,within 10 calendardays of the conviction,to the Director,Officeof Federal Assistance,Office of FederalAssistanceand Support,HCHBRoom6054,U.S.Department Management of Commerce,Washington,DC 20230. When noticeis made to such a central point, it shall include the identification number(s)of eachaffectedgrant. 3. LOBBYING by Section1352,Title31 of the U.S.Code,and As required implemented at 15 CFRPart2&, for personsenteringinto a grant cooperatirre agreementor contractolrer$100,000,or ban or ban guaranteeo\ier$150,000,as definedat 15 CFR Pan28,Seclbns28.105and 28.110,the applicantcertifies that to the best of his or her knowledgeand belief,that: (1) No Federalappropriatedfunds havebeen pad or will be pairi,by or on behalfof the unders(;ned,to any personfor hfluenclrgorattemptingto influencean ofiiceror employee of an agency, a Member of Congress,an officeror employeeof Congress,or an employeeof a Memberof Congressin connectionwith the awardingof any Federal contract,the makingof any Federalgrant.the makingof any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation,renewal, amendment,or modificationof any Federalcontract,grant loan,or cooperativeagreement. fundshave (2\ ll anyfundsotherthan Federalappropriated been paid or will be paid to any personfor influencingor attemptingto influencean officer or employeeof any agency,a Memberof Congress,an officeror employeeof Congress,or an employeeof a member of Congressin connection wilh this Federal contract, grant, loan, or the undersignedshallcompleteand agreement, cooperatire 'DisclosureForm to Report submit StandardForm-LLL, Lobbying,"in accordancewith its instructions. (3) The undersignedshallrequirethat the languageof this certificationbe includedin the award documentsfor all subawardsat all tiers (includingsubcontracts,subgrants, and contractsunder grants,loans and cooperativeagreeshallcertiff and disclose ments) and that all subrecipients accordingly. of fact upon This certificationis a materialrepresentation whichreliancewas placedwhen thistransactionwas made or entered into. Submission of this certificationis a prerequisitefor making or enteringinto this transaction imposedby section1352,title31, U.S. Code-Any person who failsto filethe requiredcertificationshall be subiectto a civilpenattyof not less than $10,000and not more than $100,000for eachsuchfailure. Statementfor Loan Guaranteesand Loan lnsurance states,to the bestof his or her knowledge Theundersigned and belief,that: lf anyfundshavebeen paidor will be paid to any personfor influencing or attemptingto influencean officeror employee of any agency,a Memberof Congress,an officeror employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congressin connectionwith this commitmentprovidingfor the United States to insure or guarantee a loan' lhe undersignedshall completeand submit StandardForm .LLL,"Disclosure Form to ReportLobbying,'inaccordance with ils inslructions. for makingor of this statementis a prerequisite Submission enteringintothistransactionimposedby section1352,title 31, U.S. Code. Any persn who fails to file the required statementshallbe subjectto a civilpenaftyof not lessthan $10,000and not morethan $100,000for eachsuchfailure- As the duly authorized representativeof the applicant, I hereby certify that the applicant will comply with the above applicable certification(s). NUMBER AND/OR PROJECT NAMEAND TITLE OF AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT (Long Form) (Follow instructions on the back) OMBApp|ml No 2. Fedml G€nt or Other ldenlfyrrE Nmber Assigred By FedeEl Ageflcy FedeElAgency and Organizatb€t El€rcnl to Vlhicn Repo.l b Submined I Page 03.184039 3 Reipient Organiation (Name and mplete 5 REipbnt AcEst Fundingr'Grant Psiod (See nslructbns, Fm: (M6th, Day. Nmb€r d ldentifyirq Nmbtr lTo: (Month,Day. Year) 6- Final Report 7 Basis Il Yes E cash a Total outbys b- Refurds. rebates. etc c ProgEm d. Nel qdays (Lr'ro a, les lhe sum ol lines b aN c) usd in a@(dan€ with the dedudim E No 9, Perbd Covecd by this Reporl Fm: (Month.Oay, Year) 10. TENactions: iffi Io"""" addres. ircludinq ZIP @de) 4 Empbyer ldentfictpn Numb€r I d E Accrual To: (Month.Oay, Year) I ill This Period Cumulatiw aftemaliw Reclplonfs shaE of n.t outteys, con3lsilng of: G- Thirdpatty(in*ind)cooribulions Other Federal t g. Progdn authorized ffids i|lma 6ed in a@rda@ to be used b ]IEtch thb af,ad with the matchhg or cost shilrcalteffitiE oo lires e. t or g h. Al other EiFient ouda'f6 not slEh i- Total recirient slEc of ret oullays (Sum ol lines e, l, g and h) i Fed€Bl share of rEt outlays (lna d less line i) k- Total unlhudated obl$atiore Recipienfs shae of unlhuidated obligations l. m. Fede6l shac ol uliouidated oblioatiss n Totaf Fedecf stBrc (sum ol linesj and m) o- Total Fedecl twds aultuized for this fudng p Urcbfigsted babE ol Fedml fun(j6 (Line o minus line n) trDgnm Incom., con3bung ot q. ruurscd pmgfi ircorn€ shoxm on !ffi prog|a r- Oisburd s Urdisbuedprog€mirm t Totaf prcgEm im z i|rcqr 12. fyF b. Rmar*s: 6ing c and/or g aboE ttE addtbn altetrEtiE BdiaE'4 (&rm ot tinas q, r and s) 11. lrdi.?ct E gsEe p€rird Altach ily d Rd.e (Ple6'Y in approqiale El Prcvislonrl Rale exdanalins c damd a€x) El Prrdctamlncd d Bae nec€ssry or intwmatie E Final E FixGd TotalArnount Bquired by Fdsnl sptlsqing e aganc! in cmdience Fedslshe wlh goveming legislatbn 13 C€nifrcdim: I certlfy to tho b6t of my knffl€dga unllouldrted rnd bellef that thls npod ls comct and cmpl€ts forthe ourc66 and that all outl.ys .nd sl forlft ld ifi. emrd dftumnt!- Typ€d q Print€d Nmc ard Ttth febphoE SigEtrro Oate Rerrt PrcviE ol Authorized C€rtrfyr€ Oficial Ediiis Usabb (Ar€a cod€. number ard c)deGEn) Submitted Stardard Fom 269 (Rev 7-97) 269-104 NSN 754{}{)1-012-42E5 PEsibed 200{96 P.O. 139 (F@) by OMB Cir@laE A-lO2 and A-110 OMB Approval No. 0348_00a0 PROGRAMS ASSURANCES. NON.CONSTRUCTION public reportingburden for this collectionof informationis estimatedto average 15 minutes per response,includingtime for reviewing instructions,searchingexistingdata sources,gatheringand maintainingthe data needed,and completingand reviewingthe collectionof information.Send comments regardingthe burdenestimateor any other aspect of this collectionof information,includingsuggestionsfor reducingthis burden,to the Officeof Managementand Budget,PapenvorkReductionProject(0348-0040),Washington,DC 20503. AND BUDGET. PLEASEDO NOT RETURNYOURCOMPLETEDFORMTO THE OFFICEOF MANAGEMENT GG E N C Y . B Y T H ES P O N S O R I NA S E N DI T T O T H EA D D R E S SP R O V I D E D NOTE: Certain of these assurancesmay not be applicableto your project or program. lf you have questions,please contact the awardingagency.Further,certainFederalawardingagenciesmay requireapplicantsto certifyto additionalassurances.lf such is the case,you will be notified. As the duly authorizedrepresentativeof the applicant,I certifythat the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance and the institutional,managerialand financialcapability (includingfunds sufficientto pay the non-Federalshare of proiectcost) to ensure proper planning,management and completion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency,the ComptrollerGeneral of the United States and, if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative,access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accountingsystem in accordancewith generally acceptedaccountingstandardsor agencydirectives. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutesor presentsthe appearanceof personal or organizational conflictof interest,or personalgain. 4. Will initiateand completethe work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. PersonnelAct of Will complywith the Intergovernmental 1970 (42 U.S.C. 5547284763) relating to prescribed standardsfor merit systems for programsfunded under one of the 19 statutes or ?egulations specified in AppendixA of OPM's Standardsfor a Merit System of PersonnelAdministration(5 C.F.R.900, SubpartF). 6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination.These includebut are not limited to: (a) TiUeVl of the Civil RightsAct of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibitsdiscriminationon the basis of race, color or naUonal origin; (b) Title lX of the Education Amendmentso11972,as amended(20 U.S.C.SS1681on 1683,and 1685-1686), which prohibitsdiscrimination the basis of sex; (c) Section504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. $794), which prohibitsdiscriminationon th'ebasis of handicaps;(d) Act of 1975, as amended(42 the Age Discrimination U.S.C. 556101-6107),which prohibitsdiscrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92'255), as amended, relating to nondiscriminationon the basis of drug abuse; (f) the GomprehensiveAlcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention,Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616),as amended,relatingto nondiscriminationon the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) SS523 and 527 of the Public Health ServiceAct of 1912 (42 U.S.C.SS290dd-3 and 290 ee' of alcohol 3), as amended,relatingto confidentiality and drug abuse patientrecords;(h) Title Vlll of the CivilRightsAct of 1968(42 U.S.C.553601et seq.),as in the sale, amended, relating to nondiscrimination rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscriminationprovisionsin the specificstatute(s) underwhich applicationfor Federalassistanceis being made; and, (l) the requirements of any other nondiscriminationstatute(s)which may apply to the application. 7 . Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Titles ll and lll of the Uniform RelocationAssistanceand Real PropertyAcquisition PoliciesAct of 1970 (P.L. 91646) which providefor fair and equitable treatment of persons displacedor whose property is acquiredas a result of Federalor programs.These requirementsapply federally-assisted to all interests in real property acquired for proiect purposes regardless of Federal participation in purcnases. Will comply, as applicable, with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. 551501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the politicalactivitiesof employeeswhose principalemploymentactivitiesare fundedin whole or in part with Federalfunds. Previous Edition Usable Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form4248 (Rev' 7-97) Prescribed bY OMB Circular A'102 q Will comply,as applicable,with the provisionsof the DavisBacon Act (40 U.S.C.SS276ato 276a-7),the CopelandAct (40 U.S.C.$276cand 18 U.S.C. $874),and the Contract Work Hours and Safety StandardsAct (40 U.S.C. SS327333), regarding labor standards for federally-assisted constructionsubagreements. Will comply. if applicable,with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L.93-234) which requires recipientsin a specialflood hazardarea to participatein the programand to purchaseflood insuranceif the total cost of and acquisitionis $10,000or more. insurableconstruction 1 1 . Will comply with environmentalstandardswhich may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmentalqualitycontrol measuresunder the National EnvironmentalPoliry Act of 1969 (P.L- 91-190) and ExecutiveOrder (EO) 11514; (b) notificationof violating facilitiespursuantto EO 11738; (c) protectionof wetlands pursuantto EO 1t990: (d) evaluationof flood hazardsin floodplainsin accordancewithEO 11988;(e) assuranceof project consistencywith the approved State management program developedunder the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C.551451 et seq.); (Q conformityof Federalactions to State (Clean Air) lmplementationPlans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. SS7401et seq.); (g) protectionof underground sources of drinking water under the Safe DrinkingWater Act ol 1974, as amended (P.L. 93-523): and, (h) protectionof endangeredspecies under the '1 EndangeredSpeciesAct of 973, as amended(P.L. 93205t. 1 2 . Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C.SS1271et seq.) relatedto protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenicrivers system. l? of 1 4 . Will complywith P.L.93-348regardingthe protection human subjectsinvolvedin research,development,and relatedactivitiessupportedby this award of assistance. 't4 APPLICANTORGANIZATION Will comply with the LaboratoryAnimal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended,7 U.S.C. $$2131 et seq.) pertainingto the care, handling,and trealmentof warm blooded animals held for research,teaching,or other activitiessupportedby this award of assistance- 1 6 . Will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. SS4801 et seq.) which orohibitsthe use of lead-basedpaint in constructionor rehabilitationof residencestructures. 1 7 . Will cause to be performedthe required financial and complianceaudits in accordancewith the Single Audit Act Amendmentsof 1996and OMB CircularNo-A-133' "Audits of States, Local Governments,and Non-Profit Organizations." t.'. SIGNATUREOF AUTHORIZEDCERTIFYINGOFFICIAL Will assist the awardingagencyin assuring compliance '106of the National Historic Preservation with Section A c t o f 1 9 6 6 ,a s a m e n d e d( 1 6 U . S . C .5 4 7 0 ) ,E O 1 1 5 9 3 (identificationand protectionof historic properties),and the Archaeologicaland Historic PreservationAct of . S 4 6 9 a -e1t s e q . ) . 1 9 7 4( 1 6 U . S . C S of all other Will complywith all applicablerequirements Federallaws, executiveorders,regulations,and policies governingthis program. TITLE DATE SUBMITTED Standard Form4248 (Rev.7'97) Back Subject lrEM 8 AIR HANDLERCHANGEOUTSAT JAIL fn the BOCCmeetingon2-12-02,the Commission was giveninformationregardingthe statusof the HVAC repairsat the jail. lt was pointedout that the SiemensBuilding TechnologyCompanyhad a cunent'SNAPSll" bid in effectthat couldbe usedfor the air handlerchangeout was alsostatedthat moneyand workcouldbe savedif we could incorporatethe air handlerreplacementbeforethe cunent'controls"phase was completed. lt was also statedthat Mr. Wojcieszak,our engineer,recommends using this "SNAPS"contract,and also to continuewith the Canier brand equipment sinceearlierrepairsusedthe Canierbrand. The Boarddirectedstaffto obtainpricingbasedon the "SNAPS"bid with Siemensand to get a comparativebid from anothercompany.Staff alsowas directedto obtainpricing from Canierwith a comparativepricefrom anothermanufacturer. Staff has contactedSiemensCorporation for a proposalfor the laborto changeout the "SNAPS" air handlers using their bid and OkeechobeeAir Conditioningfor a comparativeprice. Staffis alsoreceivingpricingfromCanierand Yorkfor supplyingthe air handlers. RECOMMENDATTON(S): (pendingreceiptof proposals) Item Page1 of 1 SI.]BJECT: OKEECHOBEECOT.JNTY AMMAL CONTROLFACILITY rrEM#q OkeechobeeCounty solicited Requestfor Qualificationsfor ArchitecturalServicesto designthe proposedOkeechobeeCounty Animal Control Facility. Qualificationswere submittedby the Architects and reviewedby staff. Interviewsand evaluationsof the Architectswere completedand the Bacon Group, Incorporatedwas selectedfor the designof the OkeechobeeCounty Animal Control Facility. The ArchitecturalServices Agreementhasbeencompletedandis attachedfor your review. RECOMMENDATTON(S): Recommend that the Boardof CountyCommissioneni approvethe ArchitecturalServices Agreementwith the firm of BaconGroup,Incorporatedproviding for the designof the Okeechobee CountyAnimal ControlFacilityat a costof $23,750.00. Approved For Agenda Item# Q 02/28n2 .eGeor{eA.Iong CountyAdministrator R* PageI of 2 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICESACREEMENT OKEECHOBEE COLIN'" O*''OL CONTROLFACILITY FLOzuDA OKEECHOBEE. (underthreshold) [-43068BKA] ARCHITECTI.IRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT *- day of February.2001 by and between THIS AGREEMENT made and enteredinto this BOARD OF COLINTY COMMISSIONERS, OKEECHOBEE COLINTY,( the "Owner"), and BACON . (the "Architect"). GROUP.INC. who's FederalTax I.D. Numberis: I. THE CONSTRUCTION TEAM AIID EXTENT OF AGREEMENT 1.1 The Architect acceptsthe relationshipof trust and confidenceestablishedbetweenhim andthe Owner by this Ageement. He covenantswith the Owner to fumish his bestskill andjudgment andto cooperatewith the Ownerandthe Contractorin furtheringthe interestsof the Owner. He agreesto provide professionalservicesand to usehis bestefforts to completethe project in the most sound,expeditious,and economicalmannerconsistentwith the interestof the Owner. 1.2 The ConstructionTeam - The Contractor(from time of selection),the Owner, the Owner's designatedrepresentative andtheArchitect,calledthe "ConstructionTeam",shallwork from the beginningof planningthrough final constructioncompletionand shall be availablethereafter shouldadditionalservicesbe required. The Architectwill provide leadershipduring the design phasewith supportfrom the Ownerandthe Owner'srepresentative; the Contractorshallprovide Ieadershipto the ConstructionTeam on all mattersrelatingto construction. 1.3 Extentof Agreement.This Agreementfor professionalservicesfor "OkeechobeeCounWAnimal Control Faciliqv",representsthe entireAgreementbetweenthe Owner and the Architect. This Agreementshallnot be superseded by anyprovisionsofthe documentsfor constructionandmay be amendedonly by written instrumentsignedby both the Owner and the Architect. 1.4 Definitions: Architect - Bacon Group,Inc. 2641 SunsetPoint Rd. Clearwater, Florida33759 Architect'sPersonnel- The Architect'skey personnelshall be as shownby Exhibit "A". Contractor - To be determinedfollowing completion of constnrction design and competitivebid solicitation. [43068 BKA] d. ContractSum - The contactualamountto be paidto the Confractorfor the Contractor's services. Owner - Board of CountyCommissionersof OkeechobeeCounty,Florida. The fi.rnds with which the compensationof the architects,engineers,contractors,etc.,will be paid are under the conftol of the Owner. These fiurds will be paid to the Architect and Contractorupon approvalof eachpaymentby Owner. Owner'sConstructionBudget: Owner'sfi.rndsbudgetedand requestedfor construction of the Project. The Owner's Construction Budget is $ 250,000.00basedupon the building of a new Animal Conhol Facility, including site construction, utilities, landscaping, parking, structure, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical supporting installation,includingall Contractormanagement fees,costsofthe work andthe Owner's and Contractor'sconstructionand interfacecontingencies. o - The ProjectManager,his superioror his designee. Owner'sRepresentatives h. Project - The Project is the total work to be performed under this Agreement. The Project consistsof designingand supervisingthe building of a new Animal Control Facility,includingsiteconstruction,utilities,landscaping, parking,structure,mechanical, plumbing, and electricalsupportinginstallation,as identified in the scopeof services containedin Exhibit B: i. ProjectManager- Thepersondesignated by theOwnerto providedirectinterfacewith theArchitectwith respectto theOwner'sresponsibilities. II. COMPENSATION 2.r THE OWNER AGREES TO PAY TFIE Architect AS COMPENSATIONFOR HIS SERVICES: a. For his Basic Servicesprescribedin Article 3, Sections3.1 through 3.9 hereinafter,an amount not to exceed$23,750.00basedupon 9 l/2%oof the Owner's Construction Budgetto be paid as prescribedin Article 9.1 hereinafter. b. For Additional Servicesdefinedin Article 4 hereinafterto be paid as a Lump Sum,the Lump Sum prescribedin the authorization,but not to exceedthe hows expendedbased upon the personnelcostsdescribedin Exhibit "A". Reimbursableexpenseas definedin Article 8 hereinafter,not exceedingthe limits of Section 112.061of the Florida Statutes. [43068.BKA1 ilI. a1 J. t J,Z ARCIIITECT'S BASIC SERVICES SERVICESFORTHE THEARCHITECTAGREESTO PROVIDEBASICPROFESSIONAL HEREINBY FORTH IN B, WHICH IS INCORPORATED EXHIBIT PROJECTAS SET AND MOREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS. REFERENCE, COMMONTO ALL PHASES He shallprovidethe servicesprescribedin the attachedExhibit "8" which forms a part of this Agreement. b. ta PROGRAMMINGPFTASE a. 3.4 He shall submit to the Owner for review and approval the Periodic Work Products describedin the attachedExhibit B. TheArchitectshallconsultwith theOwnerto ascertain thereouirements. CONCEPTUALSCHEMATICDESIGNPHASE The Architect shall prepare,from the approvedProgrammingPhaseDocuments,the ConceptualSchematicDesign Studiesfor all componentsas necessaryto achievea solution acceptableto the Owner. The ConceptualDesign Studiesshall consist of sketches,concepts,organization,orientation,relationshipto existingandfuturefacilities, energyconservationapproaches andequipmentpa.rameters necessary to clearlydefinethe generalscopeand directionof the prqect. 3.5 b. The Architect shallprovideanddistributetwo (2) hard (paper)copiesof the Conceptual SchematicDesignStudiesDocumentsfor reviewandcommentasdirectedby theProject Manager. c. Up to three (3) meetingswith the ownersto agreeon ConceptualDesigns. DESIGNDEVELOPMENTPHASE The Architect shall prepare,from the approvedAdvanced SchematicDesign Studies Documents,the Design DevelopmentDocumentsconsistingof plans, elevationsand other drawings, and outline specificationsto fix and illustate the size and characterof the entireproject in its essentialsas to kinds of materials,type of structure,mechanical. electricalsystems,civiVsiteworkand suchother work as may be required. b. [-13068.8KA] The Architect shall coordinatethe developmentwith the Project Manager and provide the Owner with a review and commentsof any ProjectManager'scost estimatesin an effort to ensurethe Project stayswithin the Project Budget. The Architect shall provide and distributetwo (2) hard (paper)copies of the Design DevelopmentDocumentsfor review and commentas directedby the project Manager. 3.6 DOCUMENTSPHASE CONSTRUCTION d- b. The Architect shall prepare,from the approved Design Development Documents. Contract Documentsconsistingof Working Drawings and Specificationsand setting forth the requirements1brthe constructionand detail of the work. The ContractDocumentsshallbe preparedfor the GeneralContractwith the Contactor and for Bid Groups,if any, for specificwork asdesignatedby the ProjectManagerwith the Agreementof the ConstnrctionTeam. The nontechnicaldocumentsconsistingof the necessarybidding information, Generai Conditionsof the Contract,Supplementary GeneralConditionsof the Contract,Special proposal andcontractform shall be prepared Conditionsof the Contract,specifications, by the Architect and may be basedon standardAIA document with modifications requestedby the Owner. ..l u. The Architect shall provideand distributethree(3) hard (paper)copiesof the Contract Documents for the Contractoreach Bid Group, if any, for review and comment. inciuding the nontechnicaldocuments,as directedby the project Manager. Upon approvaiby theprojectManagerofthe ContractDocumentsfor the Contractorand eachbid group,the Architect shall fumish to the ProjectManagervellums prints of ali drawingsand camerareadycopy of all specificationdata. The Architect will provide the Owner with lwo copies of the documentsfor the Contractorand eachbid group,which shall be properly sealedand forwardedto the ProjectManager. Copiesof the ContractDocumentsfor the Architect'susewill be the responsibilityofthe Architect. Upon approvalofthe ContractDocuments.the Architect will fumish the Owner with two (2) copies of the CADD Documentsas describedin Article 3.6 (m) hereinbelow. g D' The Architect,consultingwith the ConstructionTeam,shall preparenecessaryaddenda and provide vellumnsor camerareadycopy of eachas appropriate.All addend4prior to distribution, shall be approvedby the ProjectManager. Copiesof eachaddendum. properly sealed.shall be forwardedto the ProjectManager. h. The Architect shall cooperatein the developmentof eachbid group with the Project Manager. The ArchitectshallprovideContact documents(ConstructionDrawings,Specifications, etc.) which conform to applicable building codes, zoning codes, handicapped accessibilitylaws, and generallyacceptedconstructionindustry standards. [43068 BKA] The Architect shall sigufy his responsibilityfor the Contract Documentsprepared pusuant to this Agreementby affixing his signature,dateand sealtheretoasrequiredby Chapters4ll and481, FloridaStatutes. k. Where this Agreementprovides for the Owner's approval of the Architect's design suggestionsand decisions,such approval shall not relieve the Architect of any resoonsibilitvor warrantvherer.rnder. The Architect, whether utilizing a computer aided design and drafting applicatron (CADD) or a mamnl designand draftingtechnique,shall provide the Owner with two (2) setsof disk files at the conclusionof 100% ConstructionDocumentsdefinedrn Section 3.6. Drawing fiies will be compatiblewith DOS or Windows reieaseof ''AutoCad 14" (or earlier)dxf or Adobeformat.The Adobe .pdf format is preferable. One namedelectronicdrawing file shouldyield exactly one final plot sheet. Files should be savedso that the entireimageof intendedfinal sheet,as plotted, will fill screenlimits ofthe computermonitor. Preferably,theprojectmanual(specifications) shouldbe in WordPerfector Adobe .pdf format,however,Microsoft Word (.doc) files are alsoan acceptableformat. Disk files may be provided on CD media. If CD technologyis not availabieto Architect,then 3 t/r" floppy disk format is acceptable. Do not use compressionprograms,such as pkzip or winzip. Drawings are to be transmittedin a "bound" form with no x-refs and with all neededlayersturnedon. Includeany specialfonts or symbols(blocks)that may be neededto seamlesslyopen the file. a- BIDDING PFIASE The Architect shall be responsiblefor evaluationof constructionbids and development of a recommendationfor bid award. b. The Architectshallevaluateproductequalsat therequestofbiddersandmakea decision on eachin a timely manner. The Architect shall attendthe orebidconference. d. The Architectwill assisttheProjectManagerin evaluatingall bids receivedandprovide commentandrecornmendation to the Owner on eachproposedauthorizationfor work. 3.8 CONSTRUCTIONPHASE 3.9 Construction Phase - The architect shall provide general inspection and oversight of the Constructionof the ContractWork as follows: The ConstructionPhasewill commencewith a written authorizationfrom the Project Administratorfor theContractfor Constructionto beginand,togetherwith theArchitect's obligationto provideBasicServicesunderthis Agreement,will terminateupontheearlier ofthe issuanceto the ownerof the final Certificatefor Paymentor 60 daysafterthedate os SubstantialCompletionof the Work. BKA] [-.13068 6 b. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement and incorporated in the Contract Documents,the Architect shallprovidegeneralinspectionand oversightof the Contract for Constructionas set forth for the Constructioncontractas set forth below. The Architect shall be a representative of the Owner during the Construction.and shall adviseand consultwith the Owner. Instructionsto the Contractorshall be fbrwarded throughthe Architect. The Architectshall haveauthorityto act on behalf of the Owner only to the extentprovided in the ContractDocumentsunless otherwisemodified by written instrumentin accordancewith Subparagaph(r). A Ll. to be generallyfamiliar The Architectshallprovideperiodicvisits to the siteasnecessary with the progressand quality of the Work and to determinein generalif the Work is proceedingin accordancewith the ContractDocuments. On the basisof suchon-site observationsof the Architect, the Architect shall keep the Owner informed of the progressand quality of the Work, andshallendeavorto guardthe Owner againstdefects and deficienciesin the Work of the Contractor. The Architect shall not have control or chargeof and shail not be responsiblefor construction means, methods, techniques,sequencesor procedr.res,or for safety precautionsand programsin connectionwith the Work, for acts or omissionsof the Contractor,subcontractoror anyotherpersonsperforminganyof the Work, or for failure of any of them to carryout the Work in accordancewith the ContractDocuments.The Architect shall not be responsiblefor the Contractor. The Architect shall at all times haveaccessto the Work whereverit is in preparationor progless. BKA] [-.r3068 (J D' Basedon the Architect'sobservationsat the site,and an evaluationof eachApplication for Payment,theArchitectshalldeterminetheamountsowing to theContractorandshail issuea CertificateofPaymentin sucharnounts,asprovidedin the ContractDocuments. h. The issuanceof a Certificate for Payment shall constitute a representationby the Architect to the Owner that,basedon the Architect'sobservationsat the site and on the datacomprisingtheApplicationfor Payment,work hasprogressed to the point indicated; that,to the bestofthe Architect'sknowledge,informationandbelief,the qualityof Work is in accordancewith the ContractDocuments.The foregoingrepresentations aresubject to: 1) to an evaluationof Work for conformancewith the ContractDocumentsupon SubstantialCompletion,2) to theresultsor anysubsequent testsandinspectionsrequired by or performedundertheContractDocuments,3) to conectionofminor deviationsfrom the Contract Documents correctableprior to completion, 4) and to any specific qualifications expressedby the Architect, and stated in the Project Certificate for Payment: and that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified. However,the issuanceof a Certificatefor Paymentshallnot be a representation that the Architect hasmadeanyexaminationto ascertainhow or for what purposethe Contractor has usedthe moniespaid on accountof the ContractSum. Shoulddisageementoccurbetweenthe Contractorand Architect over acceptabiiityof work andconformancewith the requirementsofthe specificationsand plans.the Project Managershall be the final judge of performanceand acceptabilitv. j All interpretationsand decisionsof the Architect shall be consistentwith the intent of. and reasonablyinferablefrom, the ContractDocuments,and shall be in writing or in graphicform. t, The Architect'sdecisionin mattersrelatingto artistic effect shall be final if consistent with the intentofthe ConhactDocuments.TheArchitect'sdecisionson anyotherclaims. disputesor other matters,including those in question between the Owner and the Contractor.shall be subjectto claimsprovisionsprovidedin this Agreementand in the ContractDocuments. The ArchitectshallhaveauthoritytorejectWork which doesnot conformto the Contract Documents.Whenever,in theArchitect'sreasonable is necessaryor advisable to insureconformancewith theprovisionsofthe ContractDocuments.theArchitectshall have authorityto requirespecialinspectionor testingof Work in accordancewith the provisions of the ContractDocuments,whetheror not such work be then fabricated. installed or completed;but the Architect shall take suchaction only after consultation with the Contractorand Owner. The ArchitectshallreceivesubmittalssuchasShopDrawings,ProductDataandSamples from the Contractorand shallreview and approveor takeother appropriateactionupon them, but only for conformancewith the designconceptof the Project and with the informationgivenin theContractDocuments.Suchactionshallbetakenwith reasonable promptressso asto causeno delay.The Architect'sapprovalof a specificitem shailnot indicateapprovalof an assemblyof which the item is a component. The Architect shall review and approveor take other appropriateaction on Change Orderspreparedby the Contractorfor the Owner'sauthorizationin accordancewith the ContractDocuments. The Architect shall have authorityto order minor changesin Work not involving an adjustmentin a ContractSum or an extensionof a ContractTime and which are not inconsistentwith the intentof the ContractDocuments.Suchchangesshallbe effected by written order issuedto the Conhactorendorsedby the ProjectManager. p. The Architect,assistedbytheConftactor,shallconductinspectionsto determinethedates of substantialcompletionand final completionand shall issueappropriateCertificates. q. The Architectshallassistthe Contractorin receivingandforwardingto theOwnerwritten wanantiesand relateddocumentsassembledbv the Contractors. The extentof the duties,responsibilitiesand limitationsof authority of the Architect as a representativeof the Owner during constructionshall not be restricted,modified or extendedwithout the written consentof the Owner. [.13068BKA] I TV. ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT 4.1 The following servicescausetheArchitectextraexpense.If any of theseservicesarepreviousiy authorizedin writing by the Owner(or ProjectManager),they shall be paid for by the Owneras a Lump Sum or at the hourly rate describedin Exhibit "A", whichever is specified in the authorization. Additional servicesdue to significant changesin generalscopeof the Project or its requirementsincluding,but not limited to. changesin size,compiexity, or characterof constructionunlessnecessary to bring the project within the ConstructionBudget. b. Revising previously approveddrawings or specificationsto accompiishchanges requestedby Owner. ProvidingDetailedCostEstimates. d. When requiredby the Owner,preparingdocumentsfor ChangeOrders. Consultationconcemingreplacementof anywork damagedby fire or othercauseduring constructionandfumishingprofessionalservicesofthe tlpes setforth in Article 3 asmay be requiredin connectionwith the repiacementof suchwork. Arranging for the work to proceedshouldthe Contractordefaultdue to delinquencyor insolvency. o Providingprolongedconffactadministrationandobservationof constructionshouldthe constructioncontractcompletiontime be exceededby more than60 days dueto no fault of the Architect. TheArchitect'seflortsnecessary to accomplishSubstantialCompletion and Final Completion inspectionsare included as a basic service and shall not be consideredas an item of prolongedcontractadministrationand observation,regardless of when performed. h. Servicesof special consultantsrequestedby the Owner for other than the normal structural,mechanicaland electricalengineeringservices.and servicesof estimators making detailedcost estimates. Servicesof consultantsproviding surveys,subsurfaceinvestigationsand testing. J. Providing any requestedrenderings. V. TIME The Architect shall perform Basic and Additional Servicesas expeditiously as is consistentwith professionalskill and care and the orderly progressof the Project. Within l0 working daysfrom the Owner's executionof this Agreement,the Architect shall submit,for the Owner's approvala proposed projectschedule.Upon the Owner'sapproval,theprojectscheduleshallbe consideredExhibit 66C"and [-13068BKA] incorporatedherein as if originally attached.Exhibit C may be amplified upon or modified by the Contractorwith the agreementof the Architectand Owner,which agreementshall not be unreasonably withheld. VI. THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 The Owner shall provide full informationas to its requirementsfor the Project. o.z The Owner shall designaterepresentatives authorizedto act in its behalf. It shall examine documentssubmittedby the Architectandrenderdecisionspertainingtheretopromptly to avoid unreasonabiedelay in the progressof the Architect'swork. It shall observethe procedureof issuingordersto Contractoronly throughthe Architect. 6.3 The Owner shall retain a GeneralContractorfollowing competitivebid. The Contractor's seryices,dutiesandresponsibilitieswill be asdescribedin theGeneralContractBefweenOwner and Contractorpreparedby the Architect and will not be modified without notification of the Architect. o.4 The Owner shall furnish or direct the Architect to obtain, at the Owner'sexpense.a certified surveyof the site giving, asrequired,gradesandlinesof streets,alleys,pavementsand adjoining properr.y;rights of way, restrictions,easements,encroachments,zoning, deed restrictions. boundariesand contoursofthe buildingsite;locations,dimensionsandcompletedatapertaining to existing buildings,otherimprovementsandtrees;full informationasto avaiiableserviceand utility lines, both public andprivate;andtestboringsand pits necessaryfor determiningsubsoil conditions. The Architect'sservicesin obtaininsthis data bv others shall be includedin basic servrces. 6.5 The Owner shallpayfor off-sitecivil engineering.Engineeringservicesrequiredto designutility connections,drivewayconnectionsandothertypical projectfeatureswithin streetrights-ofiway boundingthe project site shallnot be consideredoff-site engineering. 6.6 The Owner shall anangeand pay for suchlegal,auditingand insurancecounselingservicesas may be requiredby the Owner for the Project. 6.7 if the Owner observesor otherwisebecomesawareof any defect in the Project,it shall give prompt written noticethereofto the Architectand Contractor. 6.8 If the estimateof ConstructionCost or detailedcostestimatesare in excessof any limit stated herein,the Owner may give written approvalof an increasein the limit or it shall cooperatein revising the project scopeor quality,or both,to reducethe costas required. VII. CONSTRUCTIONCOST 7.r CONSTRUCTION COSTDEFINED The ConstructionCostshallbe the total costto the Ownerof all elementsof the Project designedor specifiedby the fuchitect. The constructioncost shall not exceedthe BKA] [-.+3068 10 Owner'sConstructionBudgetwhich shall be consideredthe fixed limit of Construction budsetis setforth in Section1.4f. Cost. The Owner'sconstruction b. The ConstructionCostshallalsoincludethe costof labor andmaterialsfumishedby the Owner and any equipmentwhich has beendesigned,specified.selectedor specially provided for by the Architect. It shall aiso include the Contractor'scompensationfor services.Reimbursable Costsand the costof work orovidedbv the Contractor. ConstructionCostdoesnot inciudethe compensationofthe Architectandthe Architect's consultants,the costofthe land,rights-of-way,or othercostswhich aretheresponsibility of the Owner. 7.2 RESPONSIBILITY FORCONSTRUCTION COST It is recognized,that neitherthe Architect, nor the Owner has control over the cost of labor, materialsor equipment,over the Contractors'methodof determiningbid prices. or over competitivebidding, market or negotiatingconditions. Accordingly,the Architect cannotanddoesnot warrantor representthat bids or negotiatedpriceswill not vary from the Projectbudgetproposed,establishedor approvedby the Owner. b. If Bids are not received within the time scheduledat the time the fixed limit of dueto causesbeyondtheArchitect'scontrol,anyfixed ConstructionCostwasestablished limit of ConstructionCostestablishedasa conditionofthis Agreementshallbe mutually adjustedto reflect any changein the generallevel of pricesin the constnrctionindustry betweenthe originally scheduleddateand the dateon which Bids are received. If the fixed limit of ConstructionCostis exceededby the sumof the lowestfiguresfrom bona fide Bids of negotiatedproposals,plus the Contractor'sestimateof otherelements of ConstructionCost for the Project,the Owner shall (1) give written approvalof an increasein such fixed limit, (2) authorizerebidding or renegotiationof the Projector portionsof the Projectwithin a reasonabletime, or (3) cooperatein revisingthe Project scopeandquality asrequiredto reducethe ConstructionCost. ln the caseof Item (3) the Architect shall modifythe Drawingsand Specificationsasnecessaryto comply with the fixed limit. without additionalcost to the Owner if the Architect has concurredin the ProjectManager'sestimateof ConstructionCost. The providingof suchserviceshallbe the limit of the Architect'sresponsibilityarising from the establishmentof suchfixed limit, andhavingdoneso,theArchitectshallbe entitledto compensationfor all services performedin accordancewith this Agreement,whetheror not the ConstructionPhaseis commenced. VIII. 8.1 [-43068BKA] REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ReimbursableExpensesinclude actualexpenditures,not incidentalto the servicesdefinedin Article 3, not exceedingthe limis of Section112.06l of Florida Statutes,madeby the Architect in the interestof the Projectfor the following incidentalexpenses.All reimbursableexpenses requirepreviouswritten authorizationfrom the Owner (or the Prqect Manager). 11 Expenseof transportationand living of principals and employeeswhen traveling in connectionwith servicesotherthanthosedefinedin Article 3; reproductionof drawings and specifications,excludingcopiesfor Architect's ffice useand setsat eachphasefor the Owner's, Contactor and Owner's review and approval and sets furnished wtder Article 3; and feespaid for securingapprovalof authoritieshavingjurisdiction over the Project. b. Expenseof any additionalinsurancecoverageor limits, including professionalliability insurance,requestedby the Owner in excessof that requiredto be maintainedby the Architect at the Architect's expenseas provided in Section 16.10. carried by the Architect and the Architect'sconsultants. IX. PAYMENTSTO TIIE ARCHITECT 9.1 PAYI\4ENTSON ACCOLINTOF ARCHITECT'SSERVICES For Architect's Basic Services, paymentsshall be made for servicesperformedas follows: SchematicDesignPhase l5% through submittalof conceptualschematicdocuments $3,562.50 Design DeveloomentPhase 25o/othrough submittalof designdevelopmentdocuments $5,937.50 ConstructionDocumentsPhase 35% through submittalof 50% completedconstructiondocuments s8,312.50 Bidding & Ne&otiationPhase 5.00% throughreceiptof bids $ 1,187.50 ConstructionPhase 20.00% through completionof construction $ 4.7s0.00 $23,750.00 Feesto be paid in accordancewith Section16.5basedupon work completed,consistentwith phasemadmum set forth in the abovebreakdown;fees may not be billed or paid for work completedin a new phaseuntil work completedin a previousphasehasbeenapproved. [-43068.BKA] b. Paymentsfor Additional Servicesofthe Architect asdefinedin Article 4 hereinaboveas a Lump Sum shall be madeas prescribedin the Authorization. c. Thirty (30) calendardaysshallbe allowedfor the Owner'sinspectionandapprovalofthe goodsand servicesfor which any invoice hasbeensubmitted. L2 9.2 WITHHELD PAYN4ENTS No deductionsshall be madefrom the Architect'scompensationon accountof penaltv, liquidateddamagesor othersumswithheld fiom paymentsto Contractor.or on account of changesin ConstructionCostotherthan thosefor which the Architect is held legally liable. b. 9.3 The Architect shall not withhold paymentsto consultantsif suchpaymentshave been madeto the Architectby the Owner. Shouldthis occurfor anyreason,the Architectshall immediately retum such monies to the Owners, adjusting pay requestsand project bookkeepingasrequired. PROJECTSUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT If the Projectis suspendedor abandonedin whole or in part for more than thee months.the Architect for all servicesperformedprior to receiptof written noticefiom the Ownerof such shallbe compensated abandonment.togetherwith ReimbursableExpensesthen due. K. ARCHITECT'S ACCOT-INTINGRECORDS Recordsof the Architect'sDirect Personnel,Consultant,and ReimbursableExpensepertainingto this project shall be kept on a generallyrecognizedaccountingbasisand shall be avaiiableto the Owner or his authorizedrepresentativeat mutuallv convenienttimes. XI. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT i 1. I TerminationFor CauseOr Mutual Agreement.This Agreementmaybeterminatedby eitherparty uponseven(7) days'noticeby mutualagreement, or shouldonepartyfail substantiallyto perform in accordancewith its terms ttrough no fault of the other. Also, this Agreement may be unilaterallyterminatedby the Owner for refusalby the Architect to ailow public accessto all documents,papers,lettersor other materialsubjectto the provisions of Chapter 119. Florida Statutes,and made or receivedby the Architect or his corsultants in conjunction with this Agreement.In the eventoftermination,dueto thefault of othersthanthe Architect,theArchitect thendueplus shallbe paid for servicesperformedtoterminationdate,includingreimbursements proven terminal expense. ll.2 TerminationFor Convenience.The performanceof work underthis contractmay be terminated by the Owner in accordancewith this clausein whole, or from time to time in part, wheneverthe Owner shall determinethat such termination is in the best interest of the Owner. Upon termination,the Architect shallbe entitledto paymentandprofit for work completedto the time oftermination,only. Profit shallbe deemedtobe uniformly distributedthroughouttheapproved Scheduledescribedin Section9.1a.The percentage of completionshall be determinedby the Owner, basedupon the approvedSchedule. Xil. RESERVED [43068 BKA] IJ XIU. REUSE OF DOCUMENTS 1 3 . 1 The Documentspreparedpursuantto this Agreementshallnot be usedon other projectsexcept by agreementin writing. XIV. SUCCESSORSAND ASSIGNS to the other assignsand legalrepresentatives The Owner and the Architect eachbinds itself, successors, party to this Agreementin respectof all covenantsof this Ageement. Neither the Owner nor the Architect shall assign,subletor transferits interestin this Ageement without the written consentof the other. XV. CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 1 5 . 1 Underthe termsof this contracttheArchitectshallnot haveanyright to compensationotherthan. or in additionto, that providedby this contractto satisfr anyclaim of anykind whatsoeverunless the claim thereforis deliveredto the Owner within ninety (90) daysfrom the dateon which the act or eventconstitutingthe basisof suchclaim occurs.Failureto presentanyclaim arisingtutder this contractwithin the ninety (90) day time period specifiedaboveshall constitutewaiver and abandonmentof claimant'srisht to seekadministrativeconsiderationof said claim. 15.2 All suchclaims shall set forth in a petition addressedto the Owner stating: a. The Architect'snameand businessaddress: b. A concisestatementof the ultimatefacts,includinga statementof all disputedissuesof materialfact, upon which the claim is based; c. A concisestatementofthe provisionsofthe contract,togetherwith any federal.stateand local laws, ordinancesor code requirementsor customarypracticesand usagesin the tradeor professionassertedto be applicableto the questionspresentedby the claim; and d. A demandfor that specificrelief to which the Architect deemshimself entitled. 15.3 Within thirfy (30) daysfrom the receiptof any petition settingforth the claim, the Owner shall provide the Architect its written responsestatingOwner'sposition with respectto eachclaim asserted.Thereafter,upon not lessthanthirfy (30) daysnoticeto the Architect,the Ownerwill submit to non-bindingmediationin accordancewith the Florida Rulesof Civil Procedurein an effort to resolvethe dispute. Shouldmediationresultin an impasse,the Architectmay resortto such civil action as the Architect may be advised subject to venue and forum restrictions containedin Section14.4. I5.4 The venue for all civil and administative actionsagainstthe Owner shall be in Okeechobee County, unlessotherwiseagreedby the parties. [43068 BKA] L4 15.5 in the eventof any litigation to enforcethetermsof this Agreement,the prevailingparr"vshallbe entitledto reasonableattorney'sfeesandcostswhich aredirectlyattributedto suchlitigation both at the trial and appellatelevel. X\'I. PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Architect warrantsthat he hasnot employedor retainedany companyor person.other than a bona fide employeeworking solelyfor the architectto solicit or securethis agreementandthat he hasnot paid or agteedto pay any person,company,corporation,individual or firm other than a bona fide empioyee working solely for the architect any fee, commission,percentage,gift. or anv other consideration contingentupon or resultingfrom the awardor making of this Agreement. For the breachor violation of this provision, the Owner shall havethe right to terminatethis Agreementwithout liabilitv its or otherwiserecover,the fulI arnountof such discretion,to deductfrom theBasicServicesCompensation, gift, or consideration. fee,commission.percentage, X\rII. SPECIALPROVISIONS 1 7 . 1 The Architect must usethe latestedition of the ProfessionalServicesGuide (PSG) providedby Building Construction,Departrnentof ManagementServices.Stateof Florida. It is fumishedto assistthe Architect in theperformanceofhis servicesunderthis Agreement.Sincethis document is merely a guide,the Architect must discussthe specificrequirementsof this project with the Owner'sProjectManagerand utilize only thoseportionsof this documentwhrch apply. 17.2 Monthly Reports:None 17.3 The Architect shall take minutesof all meetingsheld with the Owner and shall provide copies of the sarneto the Owner within ten (10) daysfollowing suchmeetings. 17.4 Bills for feesor othercompensationfor servicesor expensesshallbe submittedmonthly in detail sufficient for a proper preauditand postauditthereof. Bills for any fravel expensesshall be submittedin accordancewith proceduresspecifiedin Section 112.06l of the Florida Statutes govemingpaymentsby the Owner for travel expenses.Travel expenses,when authoized, may be reimbursedin an amountnot to exceedthe maximum amountestablishedin Section112.061. 17.5 Architect'sPaymentRiehts. 17.6 [-J3068BKA] a. Upon receipt of an invoice, the Owner has thirry (30) calendardays to inspect and approvethe invoiceandservicesrepresented therein(seeArticle 9.1(c)hereinabove).A check for all approvedinvoiceswiil be availableon the 35'nday following receipt. b. lnvoiceswhich haveto bereturnedto anArchitectbecauseof Architectpreparation errors will resultin a delayin thepayrnent.Theinvoicepaymentrequirementsdo not startuntii a properly completedinvoiceis providedto the Owner. Public Entitv Crime lnformation Statemenl 15 A personor affiliatewho hasbeenplacedon theconvictedvendorlist following a convictionfor a public entity crime mav not submita bid on a contractto provideanygoodsandservicesto a public entity,may not submit a bid on a contractwith a public entity, for the constructionor repairof a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leasesof real propertyto a public entity. may not be awardedor perform work as a contractor,supplier,subcontractor.or consultantunder a contractwith any public entity, and may not transactbusinesswith any public entity in excessof the thresholdamountprovided in Section287.017,for CATEGORY TWO tbr a periodof 36 monthsfrom the dateof beingplacedon the convictedvendorlist. The Architectshallensurethat all personsor firms eithersubcontractingto the Architect or bidding on the Projectexecutesan Public Entity Crime affidavit certifuing suchpersonor firm is not disquaiifiedfrom workingon the Project. 17.7 UnauthorizedAliens The Owner shall considerthe empioyrnentby Architect of unauthorizedaliens a violation of section27aA@)of the lmmigation andNationalizationAct. Suchviolationsshallbe causefor uniiateralcancellationof this conuact. 17.8 ContractsWhich RequireAnnuai Appropriation;ContingencyStatement. The Owner's performanceand obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon an annual appropriationby the Owner, howeverfailure to continueappropriationsshall not excusethe Owner's liability for palnnent to the Architect for servicesrenderedto the date of conffact termination as provided. hereinabove 17.9 IndemnificationAnd Waverof Liabili& The Architect agrees,to the firllest extentpermittedby law, to indemnify and hold the Ownerharmlessfrom anydamage,Iiabilitv or cost(includingreasonableattomeys'fees andcostsof defense)to the extentcausedby the Architect.or its agent'sand employee's. negligentacts,errorsor omissionsin the performanceof professionalservicesunderthis Agreementandthoseof Architect'ssubconsultants or anyonefbr whom the Architect is legallyliable. b. The Owner agrees,to the fi.rllestextentpermitted by law, to indemnify and hold the Architect harmlessfrom any damage,liability or cost (including reasonableattorneys' feesand costsof defense)to the extentcausedby the Owner's negligentacts,errorsor omissionsandthoseof its contractors,subcontractors or consultantsor anyonefor whom the Owner is legally liable, and arising from the project that is the subject of this Agreement. The Architect is not obligatedto indemnifythe Owner in any mannerwhatsoeverfor the Owner'sown negligence. d. The partiesagee that ONE HTINDRED DOLLARS ($100.00)representsspecific considerationto the Architect for the indemnificationset forth in this Aereement. The Architectherebyacknowledges receiptof ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) [-13068BKA] 16 f. and other good and valuableconsiderationfrom the Owner in exchangefor giving the Owner the indemnificationprovidedherein. 17.10 InsuranceRequirements.The Architectshallmaintainduring the terms,exceptasnoted,of this Agreementthe following insurance : a. with deductibleper ProfessionalLiability Insurancein the amountof $1,000,000.00. which shallbe the iimit of liabilitv providingfor all claim not to Exceed$25,000.00, sums which the Architect shall becomelegally obligatedto pay as damagesfor claims arising out of the servicesperformedby the Architect or any personemployedby it in connectionwith this Agleement.This insuranceshallbe maintainedfor threeyearsafter completionof the constructionandacceptance of any Work coveredby this Agreement. However, the Architect may purchase Specific Project Architect's/Engineer's ProfessionalLiability Insurancewhich is also acceptabie. b. Comprehensivegeneralliability insurancewith broad form endorsement.inciuding ownedandnon-ownedautomobileliability, completedoperationsandproductsliability, contractualliability, severabilityof interestswith crossliabiliqvprovision,and personal injury andproperlydamageliabilitywith limits of $1,000,000.00 combinedsinglelimit per occurrencefor bodily injury andproperfydamage.Saidpolicy or poiiciesshallname Owner as additional insuredand shall reflect the hoid harmlessnrovision contained herein. Workman's Compensationlnsurancefor the employeesof Architect as required by Florida Statutes,Section440,andemployers'liability insurancewith limits not lessthan $100,000.00. d. Other (or increasedamountsof) insurancewhich Owner shall from time to time deem advisableor appropriate,at the Owner's expense.Suchnew or additionalinsuranceto be efflectiveasof the soonerof 60 daysafternoticethereofor the next annualrenewalof any policy being increased(asapplicable). All policiesfor underthis Section16,exceptprofessional liability,shailcontainwaiver of subrogationagainstOwnerwhereapplicable,shall expresslyprovide that suchpolicy or policies are primary over any other collectiveinsurancethat Owner may have. All of the above insuranceis to be placed with Best-ratedA-8 or better insurance companies,qualifiedto do businessunderthe laws of the Stateof Florida. d 6. h. [-43068BKA] Except as to Sections16.10aand l6.l0c, the Agent and Owner shall be namedas an additionalinsuredundersuchpolicies. The Owner reservesthe right to requesta copy of requiredpoliciesfor review. All policies shall provide for 30 daysnoticeto Owner prior to cancellationor material chanse. T1 17.i 1 ElectronicMail Capabilities.The Architectmusthave elechonicmaii capabilitiesthroughthe World Wide Web. It is the intentionof the Ownerto useelectroniccommunicationwhenever possiblefor this project. When possible.plansand specificationsfor review purposeswill also be transmittedelectronicallyto theOwner. TheArchitectshailprovideits electronicmail address and a narneof a point of contactfor electroniccommunications. 17.12 Discrimination.The Architectshallassurethatno personshailbe excluded,on the groundsof race,color.creed,nationalorigin,handicap,ageor sex.from panicipationin, deniedthebenefits of, or be otherwise subjectedto discriminationin any activitv under, this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall take all measuresnecessaryto effectuatetheseassurances. 17.13 Severabilitv.That,shouldanytermor provisionof this Ageementbeheld,to anyextent.invalid or unenforceable,as againstanyperson,entity or circumstanceduring the term hereof,by fbrce of any statute,Iaw, or ruling of any forum of competentjurisdiction, such invaiidity shall not aflect any other term or provision of this the extent that the Agreementshall remain operable,enforceableand in full force and effect to the extentpermittedby law. 17.14 Entire Agreement. That this Agreementstatesthe entireunderstandingbetweenthe partiesand statements,negotiations.or agreementsto the supersedesany written or oral representations, statementsor negotiationsmadeby the contrary. Architect recognizesthat anyrepresentations, County staffdo not suffice to legally bind the County in a contractualrelationshipunlessthey have beenreducedto writing, authorized,and signedby the authorizedCounty representatives. n 15 Construction. Shouldanyprovisionof this Agreementbe subjectto judicial interpretation,it is agreedthat the court interpretingor consideringsuchprovision will not apply the presumption or ruie of constructionthat the terms of this Agreementbe more strictly construedagainstthe parfv which itseif or throughits counselor other agentpreparedthe sarne,as all partieshereto haveparticipatedin the preparationof the final form of this Agreementthroughreview by their respectivecounsel, if any, and/or the negotiationof specific language,and, therefore,the applicationof suchpresumptionor rule of constructionwould be inappropriateand contraryto the intent of the oarties. 17.16 Waiver. The indulgenceof either parly with regardto any breachor failure to perform any provision of this Agreementshallnot be deemedto constitutea waiver of the provision or any portion of this Agreement,eitherat thetime the breachor failure occursor at anytime throughout the term of this Agreement. 17.17 Force Majeure. Notwithstandingany provisionsof this Agreementto the contrary,the parties shall not be held liable if failure or delayin the perfbrmanceof this Agreementarisesfrom fires, floods, strikes,embargos,actsof the public enemy,unusuallysevereweather,out breakof war, restraintof govemment,riots, civil commotion,forcemajeure,act of God, or for any othercause of the same characterwhich is unavoidablethrough the exerciseof due care and beyondthe control of the parties. This provision shallnot apply if the "Scopeof Work" of this Agreement specifiesthat performanceby the Architectis specificallyrequiredduring the occurrenceof any of the eventshereinmentioned. 17.18 Headings. All headingsare for clarificationonly and are not to be used in any judicial t-.r3068BKA] 18 constructionof this Agreementor anyparagnph. IN WITNESSWHEREOF,thepartiesheretohaveexecuted thisAgreementthedayandyearfirst writtenabove. BOARD OF COI.]NTY COMMISSIONERS OKEECHOBEE COI.]NTY.FLORIDA ATTEST: SHARONROBERTSON. Boardof CountvCommissi CLIF BET|S, JR.,Chairman OkeechobeeCoturtv. Florida GROUP,INC. io*rr.*or..couNw By: WTTNESS WIINESS [43068BKA] 19 EXHIBITA ARCHITECT'SKEY PERSONNEL &. COSTS Name Position HourlvRate Pnncipal/Architect $ 1 10 50 Proj. Manager s 90.00 Sr. StructuralEngineer s 80.00 Project Architect/Engineer s 7 5 0 0 [43068BKA] ComputerDesignerDrafter s 50.00 Clerical $ 40.00 20 DGIIBIT B ARCHITECT'S SCOPEOF SERVICES l. basic services,including landscape& irrigation design; 2. all architect'spersonneltime, ffansportation& living expenseassociatedwith delivery of basic servrces; 3. all structural,mechanical,civil, electricalengineeringconsultant'stime, transportation& living expenseassociatedwith delivery of basicservices; 4. reproductionof all documentsevidencingthe completion of each design phaseof the basic servicesfor Owner's and Using Agency's review and approval(3 copiesper designphase); 5. reproduction of documentsrequiredfor bidding the project; document sets to be made availableto biddersby architectwith the costto be reimbursedby the Owner; 6. reproductionof all documentsrequiredby architectand consultantsfor their usein performing basicservices; 7. all architect's personneltime and expenseassociatedwith obtaining proposals from and administering the work of specializedconsultantsfor other than strrctural, mechanical,civil and electrical engineeringservicesrequiredin supportof the basicservices; 8. all architect's personneltime and expensein performing permitting functions not requiring specialdrawings,specialmeetingsand hearings; 9. all telephone,telegraph,mailing, copylngandothermiscellaneouscostsof the architectand his consultantsin performing the basicservices; 10. [43068.8KA] suchother basicservicesdescribedin the body of this Ageement. 2I DGIIBIT B (continued) ARCHITECT'S SCOPEOF SERVICES Basic servicesdoesnot include: L "long distancetavel", i.e.,architect'spersonneltime, tansportation& living expenseoutsidethat required for support of basic servicesand for which prior County authorizationhas been obtained(such as accompanyingelectedofficials during tour(s) of facilities similar to this project or touring such facilities at County's request)(seeArticle IV); 2. of specializedconsultantrequestedby by recommendation(s) Documentrevisionsnecessitated County subsequentto preparationof original documents(seeSectiona.1b); 3. of[-site civil engineering.Engineeringservicesrequiredto designutility connections,driveway connectionsand other typical project featureswithin steet rights-of-way bounding the project site shall not be consideredoff-steet engineering(seeSection6.5). [43068.8KA] 22 EXHIBITC PROJECTSCHEDULE BKA] [-13068 2? SIJBJECT: OKEECHOBEECOTJNTY ADMIMSTRATIVE AI\NEX INTERIORBTIILDINGDESIGN rrEM#lO OkeechobeeCounty solicited Requestfor Qualificationsfor ArchitecturalServicesto design the interior of the uncompletedhalf (ll,25} squarefeet) of the Okeechobee County AdministrativeAnnex Building locatedon Higirway 98. eualifications were submittedby the Architects and reviewedby staff. Inierviews and Lvaluationsof the Architectswerecompletedand the BaconGroup,Incorporatedwas selectedto complete the designof the facility. The ArchitecturalServicesAgreementhasbeencompletedand is attachedfor your review. RECOMMEITIDATION(S): Recommend that the Boardof CountyCommissioners approvethe ArchitecturalServices Agreementwith the firm of Bacon Group,Incorporatedfroviding for the interior design of theokeechobeecounty AdministrativeAnneiFacilityat a coslof $30,000.00. Approved For Agenda 4 qk GeoigeA. Long CountyAdministrator /fM Item* lO ou28t02 Page1of 2 ARCHITECTURALSERVICESAGREEMENT OKEECHOBEECOLINTY ADMINISTRATIVE ANNEX OKEECHOBEE.FLOzuDA (underthreshold) WPD] [7000-r5396 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICESAGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and enteredinto this day of February,2001 by and between BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY.( the"Owner").andBACON GROUP.INC. who's FederalTax I.D. Numberis: , (the "Architect"). I. THE CONSTRUCTION TEAM AND EXTENT OF AGREEMENT tl The Architect acceptsthe relationshipof trust and confidenceestablishedbetweenhim and the Owner by this Agreement. He covenantswith the Owner to furnish his best skill and judgment and to cooperatewith the Owner and the Contractor in fuithering the interestsof the Owner. He agreesto provideprofessionalservicesandto usehis besteffortsto complete the project in the most sound, expeditious,and economicalmanner consistentwith the interestof the Owner. t.2 The ConstructionTeam - The Contractor(from time of selection),the Owner,the Owner's designatedrepresentative andtheArchitect,calledthe"ConstructionTeam",shallworkfrom the beginning of planning through final construction completion and shall be available thereaftershould additional servicesbe required. The Architect will provide leadership during the designphasewith supportfrom the Owner and the Owner's representative; the Contractor shall provide leadershipto the ConstructionTeam on all mattersrelating to construction. 1a LJ Extent of Agreement.This Agreementfor professionalservicesfor "OkeechobeeCounqy Administrative Annex Building", representsthe entireAgreementbetweenthe Owner and the Architect. This Agreementshallnot be superseded by any provisionsof the documents for construction and may be amendedonly by written instrument signed by both the Owner and the Architect. 1.4 Definitions: l.l a- Architect - b. Architect'sPersonnel- TheArchitect'skey personnelshallbe asshownby Exhibit *Art. [7000-45396.WPD] BaconGroup,Inc. 2641SunsetPointRd. Clearwater, Florida33759 c. Contractor- To be determinedfollowing completion of constructiondesign and competitivebid solicitation. d. Contract Sum - The contractualamount to be paid to the Contractor for the Contractor's services. e. Owner - Board of Countv Commissionersof OkeechobeeCounty, Florida. The fundswith whichthe compensation of the architects,engineers,contractors,etc..will be paid areunderthe controlofthe Owner. Thesefundswill be paid to the Architect and Contractorupon approvalof eachpaymentby Owner. f. Owner's Construction Budget: Owner's funds budgeted and requested for construction of the Project. The Owner's Construction Budget is $ 375,000.00 basedupon the build-out of the approximatelyI 1,250unfinishedsquarefeet of the 22,500 foot OkeechobeeCounty Administrative Annex, including necessarysite modifications, utilities, structure,mechanical,plumbing, and electricalsupporting installation,including all Contractormanagementfees, costsof the work and the Owner'sand Contractor'sconstructionand interfacecontingencies. g. - The ProjectManager,his superioror his designee. Owner'sRepresentatives h. Project- The Projectis the total work to be performedunderthis Agreement. The Projectconsistsofdesigningandthegeneralinspectionandoversightofthe build-out of the approximatelyI 1,250unfinishedsquarefeet of the 22,500foot Okeechobee County Administrative Annex, including necessarysite modifications, utilities, structure,mechanical,plumbing,andelectricalsupportinginstallation.The build-out area shall include office areas,auditorium, and associatedsupport spaces. The facility is to be sprinkledwith basicconstructionof metal stud constructionwith a 9 foot suspended ceiling system.Projectto be advancedandcompletedby the scope of servicescontainedin Exhibit B and incorporatedhereinby reference. i' Project Manager- The persondesignatedby the Owner to provide direct interface with the Architect with respectto the owner's responsibilities. II. COMPENSATION 2.1 THE OWNER AGREES TO PAY THE Architect AS COMPENSATION FOR HIS SERVICES: a- [7000-45396.WPD] For his Basic Servicesprescribedin Article 3, Sections3.1 through 3.9 hereinafter, an amount not to exceed$30,000.00basedupon 8o4of the Owner's Construction Budget to be paid as prescribedin Article 9.I hereinafter. b. For Additional Servicesdefinedin Article 4 hereinafterto be paid as a Lump Sum, the Lump Sumprescribedin the authorization,but not to exceedthe hoursexpended basedupon the personnelcostsdescribedin Exhibit "A". Reimbursableexpenseas definedin Article 8 hereinafter,not exceedingthe limits of Sectionl12.06I of the FloridaStatutes. III. ARCHITECT'SBASIC SERVICES 3.1 THE ARCHITECTAGREESTO PROVIDEBASICPROFESSIONAL SERVICESFOR THE PROJECTAS SETFORTHIN EXHIBITB, WHICHIS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE, AND MOREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS. ).2 COMMONTO ALL PHASES 3.3 a. He shall providethe servicesprescribedin the attachedExhibit "B" which forms a part of this Agreement. b. He shall submit to the Owner for review and approvalthe Periodic Work Products describedin the attachedExhibit B. PROGRAMMING PHASE a. 3.4 The Architect shall consultwith the Owner to ascertainthe requirements. CONCEPTUAL SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE a. The Architect shall prepare,from the approvedProgramming PhaseDocuments,the ConceptualSchematicDesignStudiesfor all componentsas necessaryto achievea solution acceptableto the Owner. The ConceptualDesign Studiesshall consistof sketches,concepts,organization,orientation,relationship to existing and future facilities, energyconservationapproachesand equipmentparametersnecessaryto clearly define the generalscopeand directionof the project. h The Architect shall provide and distribute two (2) hard (paper) copies of the Conceptual SchematicDesign Studies Documents for review and comment as directedby the ProjectManager. Up to three (3) meetingswith the ownersto agreeon conceptualDesigns. 3.5 DESIGNDEVELOPMENTPHASE a. [70004s396.WPD] The Architect shall prepare,from the approvedAdvanced SchematicDesign Studies Documents,the DesignDevelopmentDocumentsconsistingofplans, elevationsand other drawings, and outline specificationsto fix and illustrate the size and character of the entire project in its essentialsas to kinds of materials.type of structure, mechanical,electrical systems,civil/sitework and such other work as may be required. b. The Architect shall coordinatethe development with the Project Manager and provide the Owner with a review and comments of any Project Manager's cost estimatesin an effort to ensurethe Projectstayswithin the ProjectBudget. The Architect shall provideand distributetwo (2) hard (paper)copiesof the Design Development Documents for review and comment as directed by the project Manager. 3.6 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSPHASE a. The Architect shall prepare,from the approvedDesign DevelopmentDocuments. ContractDocumentsconsistingof Working Drawingsand Specificationsandsetting forth the requirementsfor the constructionand detail of the work. b. The Contract Documents shall be preparedfor the General Contract with the Contractorandfor Bid Groups,if any, for specificwork asdesignatedby the Project Managerwith the Agreementof the ConstructionTeam. The nontechnical documentsconsisting of the necessarybidding information, General Conditions of the Contract, SupplementaryGeneral Conditions of the Contract,SpecialConditionsof the Contract, specifications,proposaland contract form shallbe preparedby the Architectandmay be basedon standardAIA document with modificationsrequestedby the Owner. d. The Architect shall provide and distribute three (3) hard (paper) copies of the Contract Documentsfor the Contractoreach Bid Group, if any, for review and comment,includingthe nontechnicaldocuments,asdirectedby the projectManager. Upon approvalby the projectManagerof the ContractDocumentsfor the Contractor and eachbid group,the Architectshallfurnishto the ProjectManagervellumsprints of all drawingsand camerareadycopy of all specificationdata. The Architect will provide the Owner with two copies of the documentsfor the Contractorand eachbid group,which shallbe properly sealedand forwardedto the ProjectManager. Copiesof the ContractDocumentsfor the Architect'susewill be the responsibilityof the Architect. Upon approvalof the ContractDocuments,the Architect will furnish the Owner with two (2) copiesof the CADD Documentsas describedin Article 3.6 (m) hereinbelow. D' [7000-4s396.wPD] The Architect, consulting with the ConstructionTeam, shall prepare necessary addendaand provide vellumns or czrmeraready copy of each as appropriate. All addenda,prior to distribution,shall be approvedby the ProjectManager. Copiesof eachaddendum,properly sealed,shall be forwardedto the ProjectManager. h. The Architect shall cooperatein the developmentof eachbid group with the Project Manager. The Architect shall provide Contract documents (Construction Drawings, Specifications,etc.) which conform to applicablebuilding codes,zoning codes. handicappedaccessibility laws, and generally accepted construction industry standards. The Architect shall signi$ his responsibilityfor the ContractDocumentsprepared pursuanttothis Agreementby affixing his signature,dateand sealtheretoasrequired by Chapters471 and 481, FloridaStatutes. k. Where this Agreementprovidesfor the Owner'sapprovalof the Architect'sdesign suggestionsand decisions,such approval shall not relieve the Architect of any responsibilityor warrantyhereunder. The Architect, whetherutilizing a computeraided designand drafting application (CADD) or a manualdesignand drafting technique,shall provide the Owner with two (2) setsof disk files at the conclusionof 100%ConstructionDocumentsdefined in Section3.6. Drawingfiles will be compatiblewith DOS or Windowsreleaseof "AutoCad 14" (or earlier)dxf or Adobeformat.The Adobe .pdf format is preferable. One namedelectronicdrawing file shouldyield exactly one final plot sheet. Files should be savedso that the entireimageof intendedfinal sheet,as plotted, will fill screenlimits ofthe computermonitor. Preferably,theprojectmanual(specifications) should be in WordPerfector Adobe .pdf format; however,Microsoft Word (.doc) files are alsoan acceptableformat. Disk files may be providedon CD media. if CD technologyis not availableto Architect,then 3 Yz"floppy disk format is acceptable. Do not use compressionprograms,such as pkzip or winzip. Drawings are to be transmitted in a "bound" form with no x-refs and with all neededlayers turned on. Includeany specialfonts or symbols(blocks)that may be neededto seamlesslyopen the file. 3.7 BIDDING PFIASE a. The Architect shall be responsiblefor evaluationof constructionbids and development of a recommendationfor bid award. b. TheArchitectshallevaluateproductequalsatthe requestofbiddersandmakea decision on eachin a timely manner. The Architect shall attendthe prebidconference. [7000-45396.wPD] d. J.6 3.9 The Architectwill assistthe ProjectManagerin evaluatingall bids receivedandprovide commentandrecommendationto the Owner on eachproposedauthorizationfor work. CONSTRUCTIONPHASE Construction Phase- The architect shall provide general inspection and oversight of the Constructionof the ContractWork as follows: 2 The ConstructionPhasewill commencewith a written authorizationfiom the Project AdministratorfortheContractforConstructiontobeginand,togetherwiththeArchitect's obligationto provideBasicServicesurder thisAgeement,will terminateupontheearlier of the issuanceto the ownerof the final Certificatefor Payrnentor 60 davsafterthe date os SubstantialCompletionof the Work. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement and incorporated in the Contract Documents,the Architectshallprovidegeneralinspectionandoversightof the Conhact for Constructionas setforth for the Constructioncontractas setforth below. The Architect shall be a representative of the Owner during the Construction,and shall adviseand consultwith the Owner. Instructionsto the Contractorshall be forwarded throughthe Architect. The Architectshallhaveauthorityto act on behaif of the Owner only to the extentprovided in the ContractDocumentsunlessotherwisemodified by written instrumentin accordancewith Subparagaph(r). The Architectshallprovideperiodicvisitsto the siteasnecessary to be generallyfamiliar with the progressand quality of the Work and to determinein generalif the Work is proceedingin accordancewith the ContractDocuments. On the basisof suchon-site observationsof the Architect, the Architect shall keep the Owner informed of the progressandquality of the Work, andshallendeavorto guardthe Owner againstdefects and deficienciesin the Work of the Conftactor. The Architect shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsiblefor construction means, methods, techniques,sequencesor procedures,or for safety precautionsand programsin connectionwith the Work. for acts or omissionsof the Contractor,subcontractor or anyotherpersonsperforminganyof the Work, or for failure of any of them to carryout the Work in accordancewith the ContractDocuments.Tne Architect shall not be responsiblefor the Contractor. The Architect shall at all times haveaccessto the Work whereverit is in preparationor progress. o b' WPD] [7000-45396 Basedon the Architect'sobservationsat the site,andan evaluationof eachApplication for Payment,theArchitectshalldeterminetheamountsowing to theContractorandshall issuea Certificateof Paymentin suchamounts,asprovidedin the ContractDocuments. h. The issuanceof a Certificate for Payment shall constitutea representationby the Architect to the Ownerthat,basedon the Architect'sobservationsat the site and on the to thepoint indicated; datacomprisingtheApplicationfor Payment,work hasprogressed the quality of Work and belief, knowledge, information thebestof theArchitect's aresubject is in accordance with theContractDocuments.The foregoingrepresentations to: 1) to an evaluationof Work for conformancewith the ContractDocumentsupon required testsandinspections Substantial Completion,2) to theresultsor anysubsequent by or performedundertheContact Docurnents,3) to conectionof minor deviationsfrom the Contract Documents correctableprior to compietion. 4) and to any specific qualifications expressedby the Architect, and stated in the Project Certificate for Payrnent;and that the Conffactor is entitled to payment in the amount certified. that the However,the issuanceof a Certificatefor Palnnentshallnot be a representation purpose the Contractor what for Architecthasmadeanyexaminationto ascertainhow or hasusedthe moniespaid on accountof the ContractSum. Shoulddisagreement occurbetweenthe Contractorand Architect over acceptabilitvof work andconformancewith therequirementsofthe specificationsandplans.the Project Managershall be the final judge of performanceand acceptability. J. L N. All interpretationsand decisionsof the Architect shall be consistentwith the intent o-f. and reasonablyinferablefrom, the ContractDocuments,and shall be in writing or in graphicform. The Architect'sdecisionin mattersrelatingto artistic effect shall be final if consistent with the intentof theContractDocuments.TheArchitect'sdecisionson anyotherclaims, disputesor other matters,including those in question between the Owner and the Contractor,shall be subjectto claimsprovisionsprovidedin this Agreementand in the ContractDocuments. The Architectshallhaveauthoritvto rejectWork which doesnot conformto theContract Documents.Whenever,in theArchitect'sreasonable or advisable opinion,it is necessary to insureconformancewiththe provisionsofthe ContractDocuments,theArchitectshall have authorityto requirespecialinspectionor testingof Work in accordancewith the provisionsof the ConftactDocuments,whetheror not such work be then fabricated, installedor completed;but the Architect shall take suchaction only after consultation with the Contractorand Owner. m. WPD] [7000-4s396 The ArchitectshallreceivesubmittalssuchasShopDrawings,ProductDataandSampies from the Contractorandshallreview andapproveor takeotherappropriateactionupon them, but only for conformancewith the designconceptof the Project and with the informationgivenin theContractDocuments.Suchactionshallbetakenwith reasonable promptnessso asto causeno delay.The Architect'sapprovalof a specificitem shallnot indicateapprovalof an assemblyof which the item is a component. The Architect shall review and approveor take other appropriateaction on Change Orderspreparedby the Contractorfor the Owner'sauthorizationin accordancewith the ContractDocuments. The Architect shall have authorityto order minor changesin Work not involving an adjustrnentin a ContractSum or an extensionof a ContractTime and which are not inconsistentwith the intentof the ContractDocuments.Suchchangesshall be effected by written orderissuedto the Contractorendorsedby the ProjectManager. p TheArchitect,assistedby theContractor,shallconductirspectionsto determinethedates of substantiaicompletionandfinal completionand shail issueappropnateCertificates. q The ArchitectshallassisttheContractorinreceivingandforwardingto theOwnerwritten warrantieszurdrelateddocumentsassembledby the Contractors. The extentof the duties,responsibiiitiesand limitationsof authorityof the Architect as a representativeof the Owner during constructionshail not be restricted.modified or extendedwithout the wrinen consentof the Owner. IV. ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT 4.1 The following servicescausetheArchitectextraexpense.If anyof theseservicesarepreviously authorizedin writing by the Owner(or ProjectManager),theyshallbe paid for by the Owneras a Lump Sum or at the hourly rate describedin Exhibit "A", whichever is specified in the authorization. a. Additional servicesdue to significantchangesin generalscopeof the Project or its requirementsincluding,but not limited to, changesin size,complexity,or characterof constructionunlessnecessary to bring the projectwithin the ConstructionBudget. b. Revising previously approved drawings or specificationsto accomplish changes requestedby Owner. Providing DetailedCost Estimates. d. When requiredby the Owner,preparingdocumentsfor ChangeOrders. Consultationconcemingreplacement of anywork damagedby fire or othercauseduring constructionandfumishingprofessionalservicesofthe typessetforth in Article 3 asmay be requiredin connectionwith the replacementof suchwork. Arranging for the work to proceedshouldthe Confactor defaultdue to delinquencyor insolvency. o D' wPDl [7000-45396 Providingprolongedcontact administrationandobservationof constructionshouldthe constructionconhactcompletiontime beexceededby morethan60 days dueto no fault ofthe Architect. TheArchitect'seffortsnecessarytoaccomplishSubstantialCompletion and Final Completion inspectionsare included as a basic service and shall not be consideredas an item of prolongedcontact administation and observation,regardless of when performed. h. Servicesof special consultantsrequestedby the Owner for other than the normal structural,mechanicaland electricaiengineeringservices,and servicesof estimators makingdetailedcostestimates. Servicesof consuitantsproviding surveys,subsurfaceinvestigationsand testing. Providinganyrequested renderings. V. TIME The Architect shall perform Basic and Additional Servicesas expeditiouslyas is consistentwith professionalskill and careand the orderiyprogess of the Project. Within l0 working daysfrom the Owner's executionof this Ageement, the Architectshall submit,for the Owner's approvala proposed projectschedule.UpontheOwner'sapprovai,theprojectscheduleshallbe considered Exhibit 6(C"and incorporatedherein as if originally attached.Exhibit C may be amplified upon or modified by the Contractorwth the agreementofthe Architectand Owner,which agreementshall not be unreasonably withheld. VI. THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 The Owner shall provide firll informationasto its requirementsfor the Project. o., The Owner shall designaterepresentatives authorizedto act in its behalf. It shall examine documentssubmittedby the Architectandrenderdecisionspertainingtheretopromptlyto avoid unreasonabledelay in the progressof the Architect'swork. It shall observethe procedureof issuingordersto Contractoronly throughthe Architect. 6.3 The Owner shall retain a GeneralContractorfollowing competitive bid. The Contractor's services,dutiesandresponsibilitieswill beasdescribedin the GeneralContractBetweenOwner and Contractorpreparedby the Architect and will not be modified without notification of the Architect. 6.4 The Owner shall fumish or direct the Architect to obtain, at the Owner'sexpense,a certified surveyofthe sitegiving, asrequired,gradesandlinesof streets,alleys,pavementsandadjoining property; rights of way, restrictions,easements,encroachments,zoning, deed restrictions, boundariesandcontoursofthe buildingsite;locations,dimensionsandcompletedatapertaining to existingbuildings,otherimprovementsandhees;firll informationasto availableserviceand utility lines, both public andprivate;andtestboringsandpits necessaryfor determiningsubsoil conditions. The Architect'sservicesin obtainingthis databy othersshall be included in basic services. wPD] [7000-45396 6.5 The Ownershallpayfor ofF-sitecivil engineering.Engineeringservicesrequiredto designutilitv connections,drivewayconnectionsandotherlvpical projectfeatweswithin streetrights-of-way boundingthe project site shall not be consideredoff-site engineering. 6.6 The Owner shall anangeand pay for suchlegal,auditingand insurancecounselingservicesas mav be requiredbv the Owner for the Proiect. 6.7 If the Owner observesor otherwisebecomesawareof any defectin the shall give prompt written noticethereofto the Architectand Contractor. 6.8 If the estimateof ConstructionCost or detailedcost estimatesare in excessof any limit stated herein,the Ownermay give writtenapprovalof an increasein the limit or it shallcooperatein revisingthe project scopeor quality,or both, to reducethe cost as required. VII. CONSTRUCTIONCOST 7.1 COSTDEFINED CONSTRUCTION The ConstructionCostshall be the total costto the Owner of all elementsof the Project designedor specifiedby the Architect. The constructioncost shall not exceedthe Owner'sConstructionBudgetwhich shallbe consideredthe fixed limit of Construction Cost. The Owner'sconstructionbudeetis setforth in Section1.4f. I D. The ConstructionCostshallalsoincludethe costof labor andmaterialsfurnishedby the Owner and any equipmentwhich has been designed,specified,selectedor specially provided for by the Architect. It shall also include the Contractor'scompensationfor services,ReimbursableCostsandthe costof work providedby the Contractor. ConstructionCostdoesnot includethecompensationofthe Architectandthe Architect's consultants.thecostofthe land,rights-of-way,or othercostswhich aretheresponsibility of the Owner. 7.2 RESPONSIBILITYFOR CONSTRUCTIONCOST It is recognized,rhatneitherthe Architect,nor the Owner has control over the cost of labor, materialsor equipment,over the Contractors'methodof determiningbid prices. or over competitive bidding, market or negotiating conditions. Accordingly, the Architect cannotanddoesnot warrantor representthat bids or negotiatedpriceswiil not vary from the Projectbudgetproposed,establishedor approvedby the Owner. b. wPD] [7000-45396 If Bids are not receivedwithin the time scheduledat the time the fixed limit of ConstructionCostwasestablished dueto causesbeyondtheArchitect'scontrol,anyfixed limitof ConstructionCostestablishedas aconditionofthisAgreementshallbemutuaily adjustedto reflectany changein the generallevel of pricesin the constructionindustry beween the originally scheduleddateand the dateon which Bids arereceived. c. If the fixed limit of ConstructionCostis exceededby the sum ofthe lowestfiguresfrom bonafide Bids of negotiatedproposals,plus the Contractor'sestimateof otherelements of ConstructionCost for the Project,the Owner shall (1) give written approvalof an increasein suchfixed limit, (2) authorizerebiddingor renegotiationof the Projector portionsof the Projectwithin a reasonable time, or (3) cooperatein revisingthe Project quality the scopeand asrequiredto reduce ConstructionCost. In the caseof item (3) the Architectshallmodi! the DrawingsandSpecificationsasnecessaryto comply with the fixed limit, without additionalcost to the Owner if the Rrchitecthas concurredin the Cost.Theprovidingof suchserviceshallbe ProjectManager'sestimateof Construction the limit of the Architect'sresponsibilityarisingfrom the establishmentof suchfixed limit, andhavingdoneso,the Architectshallbe entitledto compensationfor all services performedin accordance with this Agreement.whetheror not the ConstructionPhaseis commenced. VIII. 8.1 REIMBURSABLEEXPENSES ReimbursableExpensesinclude acnralexpenditures,not incidentalto the servicesdefined in madeby the Architect Article 3, not exceeding the limits of Section112.061of FloridaStatutes. in the interestof the Projectfor the following incidentalexpenses.All reimbursableexpenses requirepreviouswritten authorizationfrom the Owner (or the ProjectManager). Expenseof transportationand living of principals and employeeswhen traveling rn connectionwith servicesotherthanthosedefinedin Article 3; reproductionof drawings andspecifications, excludingcopiesfor Architect'sofice useandsetsat eachphasefor the Owner's, Contractorand Owner's review and approvaland sets fumished under Article 3; andfeespaid for securingapprovalof authoritieshavingjurisdiction over the Project. b. Expenseof any additionalinsurancecoverageor limits, including professionailiabiiiw insurance,requestedby the Owner in excessof that requiredto be maintainedby the Architect at the Architect'sexpenseas provided in Section 16.10, carriedby the Architect and the Architect'sconsultants. IX. PAYMENTSTO TIIE ARCHITECT 9.1 PAYI\4ENTS ON ACCOTINTOFARCHITECT'S SERVICES a. WPD] [7000-15396 For Architect's Basic Services, paymentsshall be made for servicesperformedas follows: SchematicDesi$ Phase 15% through submittalof conceptualschematicdocuments $ 4,500.00 DesignDevelopmentPhase 25% through submittalof designdevelopmentdocuments $ 7,500.00 ConstructionDocumentsPhase completedconstructiondocuments 35% throughsubmittalof 50%o s10,500.00 Bidding & NegotiationPhase 5.00% throughreceiptof bids $ 1, 500.00 ConstructionPhase 20.00% throughcompletionof construction $ 6,000.00 $30.000.00 Feesto be paid in accordance with Section16.5basedupon work completed,consistentwith phasemaximum set forth in the abovebreakdown;fees may not be billed or paid for work completedin a new phaseuntil work completedin a previousphasehasbeenapproved. 9.2 b. Paymentsfor Additional Servicesofthe Architectasdefinedin Article 4 hereinaboveas a Lump Sum shall be madeasprescribedin the Authorization. c. Thirly (30) calendardaysshallbeallowedfor the Owner'sinspectionand approvalofthe goodsand servicesfor which any invoice hasbeensubmitted. PAYI\4ENTS WITHHELD No deductionsshall be madefrom the Architect'scompensationon accountof penaltv, liquidateddamagesor othersumswithheld from paymentsto Contractor,or on account of changesin ConstructionCostotherthanthosefor which the Architect is held legally liable. b. 9.3 The Architect shall not withhold paymentsto consultantsif suchpaymentshave been madeto theArchitectby theOwner. Shouldthis occurfor anyreason,the Architectshall immediately return such monies to the Owners, adjusting pay requestsand project bookkeepingasrequired. PROJECT SUSPENSIONOR ABANDONMENT If the Projectis suspendedor abandonedin whole or in part for more than threemonths,the Architect shallbe compensated for all servicesperformedprior to receiptof written noticefrom the Ownerof such abandonment,togetherwith ReimbursableExpensesthen due. X. ARCIIITECT'S ACCOTJNTING RECORDS Recordsof the Architect'sDirect Personnel,Consultant,and ReimbursableExpensepertainingto this project shall be kept on a generallyrecognizedaccountingbasisand shall be availableto the Owner or his authorizedrepresentativeat mutually convenienttimes. wPD] [7000-45396 XI. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 1 1 . 1 TerminationFor CauseOr Mutual Agreement.This Ageementmaybeterminatedby eitherparly or shouldonepartyfail substantiallytoperform uponseven(7) days'noticeby mutualagreement, in accordancewith its terms tlrough no fault of the other. Also, this Agreementmay be unilaterally terminatedby the Owner for refusalby the Architect to allow public accessto all documents,papers,lettersor othermaterialsubjectto the provisionsof Chapter119,Florida Statutes,and made or receivedby the Architect or his consultantsin conjunction with this Agreement.ln theeventoftermination,dueto thefault of othersthantheArchitect.theArchitect thenduepius shall bepaid for servicesperformedto terminationdate,includingreimbursements proventerminal expense. I 1 . 2 TerminationFor Convenience.Theperformanceof work underthis contractmay beterminated with this clausein whoie,or from time to time in part.wheneverthe by the Owner in accordance Owner shall determinethat such termination is in the best interest of the Owner. Upon termination,the Architectshallbe entitledto paymentandprofit for work completedto the time of termination,only. Profit shallbedeemedto beuniformly distributedthroughoutthe approved of completionshallbe determinedby the Scheduledescribedin Section9.1a.The percentage Owner,baseduponthe approvedSchedule. XII. RESERVED XIII. REUSEOF DOCUMENTS 141 IJ.I prepared pursuant TheDocuments to thisAgreement shallnot beusedon otherprojects exceptby agreement in writing. XIV. SUCCESSORSAND ASSIGNS to the The Owner and the Architect eachbinds itself, successors, assignsand legal representatives other parfy to this Agreementin respectof all covenantsof this Agreement.Neither the Owner nor the Architect shall assisn.subletor transferits interestin this Aseement without the written consent of the other. XV. CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 1 5 . 1 Under the terms of this contractthe Architect shall not haveany right to compensationother than, or in additionto, that providedby this contractto satisfyany claim of any kind whatsoeverunlessthe claim thereforis deliveredto the Owner within ninety (90) daysfrom the dateon which the act or eventconstitutingthe basisof suchclaim occurs. Failureto presentany claim arisingunderthis confractwithin the ninety (90) day time period specified aboveshall constitutewaiver and abandonmentof claimant'srisht to seekadministrative considerationof saidclaim. [7000-4s396.WPD] 15.2 to the Owner stating: All suchclaims shall setforth in a petitionaddressed a. The Architect'snameand businessaddress; b. A concisestatementof the ultimatefacts,including a statementof all disputedissues of materialfact. uponwhich the claim is based; c. A conoisestatementof the provisionsof the contract,togetherwith any federal.state and local laws, ordinancesor coderequirementsor customarypracticesand usagesin the tradeor professionassertedto be applicableto the questionspresentedby the claim: and d. A demandfor that specificrelief to which the Architect deemshimself entitled. 15.3 Within thirry (30) daysfrom the receiptof any petition settingforth the claim, the Owner shall provide the Archrtectits written responsestatingOwner'spositionwith respectto eachclaim asserted.Thereafter,upon not lessthanthirfy (30) daysnoticeto the Architect.the Owner will submit to non-bindingmediationin accordancewith the Florida Rulesof Civil Procedure in an effort to resolvethe dispute. Shouldmediationresultin an impasse,the Architect may resortto suchcivil actionasthe Architectmay be advisedsubjectto venueand forum restrictionscontainedin Section14.4. 15.4 The venuefor all civil and administrativeactionsagainstthe Owner shall be in Okeechobee County,unlessotherwiseagreedby the parties. I 5.5 In the eventof any litigation to enforcethe termsof this Agreement,the prevailing parry shall be entitledto reasonableattomey'sfeesand costswhich aredirectly atlributedto such litigation both at the trial and appellatelevel. XYI. PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Architect warrantsthat he hasnot employedor retainedany companyor person,otherthan a bona fide employeeworking solelyfor the architectto solicit or securethis agreementand that he has not paid or agreedto pay any person,company,corporation,individual or firm other than a bona fide employeeworking solely for the architectany fee,commission,percentage,gift, or any other considerationcontingentupon or resultingfrom the awardor making of this Agreement. For the breachor violation of this provision,the Owner shallhavethe right to terminatethis Agreement without liability and, at its discretion,to deductfrom the Basic ServicesCompensation,or otherwise gift, or consideration. recover,the full arnountof suchfee, commission,percentage, XVII. l1.I SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Architectmustusethe latesteditionof the Professional ServicesGuide(PSG)provided by Building Construction,Departrnentof ManagementServices,Stateof Florida. It is furnishedto assistthe Architect in the performanceof his servicesunderthis Agreement. Sincethis documentis merelya guide,the Architect must discussthe specificrequirementsof [70004s396.WPD] this project with the Owner'sProjectManagerandutilize only thoseportionsof this document which apply. 17.2 Monthly Reports:None 17.3 The Architect shall take minutesof all meetingsheld with the Owner and shall provide copies of the sarneto the Owner within ten (10) daystbllowing suchmeetings. 17.4 for servicesor expenses shallbe submittedmonthlyin Bills for feesor othercompensation detail sufficient for a properpreauditandpostauditthereof. Bills for any travel expensesshall with procedures specifiedin Section112.061ofthe Florida be submittedin accordance Statutesgovemingpaymentsby the Owner for travel expenses.Travel expenses,when authonzed.may be reimbursedin an amountnot to exceedthe maximum amountestablished in Section112.061. 17.5 Architect'sPavmentRishts. Upon receiptof an invoice,the Owner hasthirry (30) calendardaysto inspectand therein(seeArticle 9.1(c)hereinabove). approvethe invoiceand servicesrepresented A checkfor all approvedinvoiceswill be availableon the 35'hday following receipt. b. 17.6 Invoiceswhich haveto be retumedto an Architect becauseof Architect preparation errorswill result in a delayin the payment. The invoice paymentrequirementsdo not startuntil a properlycompletedinvoice is providedto the Owner. Public Entity Crime InformationStatement A personor affiliate who hasbeenplacedon the convictedvendorlist following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contractto provide any goodsand servicesto a public entrty,may not submit a bid on a contact with a public entity, for the constructionor repair of a public building or public work, may not submitbids on leasesof real properlyto a public entity,may not be awardedor perform work as a conftactor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultantunder a contractwith any public entity, and may not transactbusinesswith any public entity in excessof the threshoidamountprovidedin Section287.017,for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the dateof being placedon the convictedvendorlist. The Architect shall ensurethat all persons or firms either subcontractingto the Architector bidding on the Projectexecutesan Public Entity Crime affidavit certifoingsuchpersonor firm is not disqualifiedfrom working on the Project. 17.7 UnauthorizedAliens The Owner shall considerthe employmentby Architect of unauthorizedaliensa violation of section274A(e) of the ImmigrationandNationalizationAct. Suchviolationsshall be cause for unilateralcancellationof this conftact. 17.8 17000-45396 WPDI Contacts Which RequireAnnual Appropriation;ContingencyStatement. The Owner's performanceand obligationto pay underthis contractis contingentupon an annual appropriationby the Owner,howeverfailureto continueappropriationsshall not excusethe Owner's liability for paymentto the Architect for servicesrenderedto the dateof contractterminationas provided. hereinabove 17.9 IndemnificationAnd Waverof Liability a. The Architect agrees,to the fullest extentpermittedby law, to indemniff and hold the Owner harrniessfrom any damage,liability or cost (including reasonableattomeys' feesand costsof defense)to the extentcausedby the Architect,or its agent'sand employee's.negligentacts,errorsor omissionsin the performanceof professional or anyonefor servicesunderthis Agreementand thoseof Architect's subconsultants whom the Architectis legallyliable. b. The Owner agrees,to the fullest extentpermittedby law, to indemnifuand hold the Architect harmlessfrom any damage,liability or cost (including reasonableattomeys' feesand costsof defense)to the extentcausedby the Owner's negligentacts.errorsor omissionsand thoseof its contractors,subcontmctorsor consultantsor anyonefor whom the Owner is legally liable,andarisingfrom the projectthat is the subjectof this Agreement. The Architect is not obligatedto indemni$ the Owner in any mannerwhatsoeverfbr the Owner'sown negligence. d. The partiesagee that ONE HI-INDRED DOLLARS ($100.00)representsspecific considerationto the Architectfor the indemnificationsetforth in this Apreement. The Architect herebyacknowledges receiptof ONE HLINDRED DOLLARS (s100.00) f. and other good and valuableconsiderationfrom the Owner in exchangefor giving the Owner the indemnificationprovidedherein. I7.10 lnsuranceRequirements.The Architect shallmaintainduring the terms,exceptas noted.of this Agreementthe following insurance: a. t700045396WPDI ProfessionalLiability lnsurancein theamountof$1,000,000.00,withdeductible per claim not to Exceed$25,000.00,which shallbe the limit of liability providing for all sumswhich the Architect shallbecomelegally obligatedto pay as damagesfor claims arisingout of the servicesperformedby the Architect or any personemployed by it in connectionwith this Agreement.This insuranceshall be maintainedfor three yearsafter completionof the constructionand acceptanceof any Work coveredby this Agreement. However,the Architectmay purchaseSpecificProject Architect's/Engineer's ProfessionalLiability Insurancewhich is also acceptable. 17.ll b. Comprehensivegeneralliability insurancewith broadform endorsement,including owned and non-ownedautomobileliability, completedoperationsand products liability, contractualliabiliry, severabilityof interestswith crossliability provision,and personalirj.rfv andpropertydamageliabiiity with limits of $ I ,000,000.00combined single limit per occurrencefor bodily injury and properlydamage. Saidpolicy or policies shall nameOwner asadditionalinsuredand shall reflect the hold harmiess provisioncontainedherein. c. Workman's CompensationInsurancefor the employeesof Architect as requiredby Florida Statutes,Section440,andemployers'liability insurancewith iimits not less thanS100.000.00. d. Other (or increasedamountsofl insurancewhich Owner shail from time to time deem at the Owner'sexpense.Suchnew or additionalinsuranceto advisableor appropriate, be ef[ectiveas of the soonerof 60 daysafter notice thereofor the next annualrenewal of ani' policy being increased(asapplicable). e. All policiesfor tnder this Section16,exceptprofessionalliability, shallcontain waiver of subrogationagainstOwnerwhereapplicable,shall expresslyprovide that suchpolicy or policiesareprimary over any other collectiveinsurancethat Owner may have. f. All of the aboveinsuranceis to be placedwith Best-ratedA-8 or betterinsurance companies,qualifiedto do businessunderthe laws of the Stateof Florida. g. Exceptasto Sections16.10aand 16.10c,the Agentand Ownershallbe namedasan additionaiinsued undersuchpolicies. The Owner reservesthe right to requesta copy of requiredpoliciesfor review. h. All policies shall provide for 30 daysnoticeto Owner prior to cancellationor material change. ElechonicMail Capabilities. The Architectmusthaveelectronicmail capabilitiesthroughthe World Wide Web. It is the intentionof the Ownerto useelectroniccommunicationwhenever possiblefor this project. When possible,plansand specificationsfor review purposeswiil alsobe transmittedelectronicallyto the Owner. The Architect shall provide its electronicmail addressand a nameof a noint of contactfor electroniccommunications. 17.12 Discrimination. The *"*,"", shall assurethat no personshall be excluded,on the gounds of race,color, creed,nationalorigin, handicap,ageor sex,from participationin, deniedthe benefitsof, or be otherwisesubjectedto discriminationin any activity under,this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall take all measuresnecessaryto effectuatetheseassurances. 17.13 Severability. That, shouldany term or provisionof this Agreementbe held, to any extent, invalid or unenforceable,as againstanyperson,entity or circumstanceduring the term hereof, by force of any statute,law, or tolitrg of any forum of competentjurisdiction, suchinvalidity f7000-45396 WPDI shall not affect any otherterm or provisionof this Ageement, to the extent that the Agreementshall remain operable.enforceableand in full force and effect to the extent permittedby law. 17.14 Entire Agteement. That this Agreementstatesthe entireunderstandingbetweenthe parties and supersedes any written or oral representations, statements,negotiations,or agreementsto the contrary. Architect recognizesthat any representations, statementsor negotiationsmade by the Courty staffdo not suffice to legally bind the County in a contractualrelationship unlessthey have beenreducedto writing, authorized,and signedby the authorizedCounty representatlves. 17.15 Construction.Shouldanyprovisionof this Agreementbe subjectto judicial interpretation, it is agreedthat the court interpretingor consideringsuchprovision will not apply the presumptionor rule of constructionthat the termsof this Agreementbe more strictly construedagainstthe parrywhich itself or throughits counselor other agentpreparedthe all partiesheretohaveparticipatedin the preparationof the final form of this Agreementthroughreview by their respectivecounsel,if any, and/or the negotiationof specific language,and, therefore,the applicationof suchpresumptionor rule of construction would be inappropriateand conftaryto the intent of the parties. 17.16 Waiver. The indulgenceof eitherparfy with regardto any breachor failure to perform any provision of this Ageement shall not be deemedto constitutea waiver of the provision or any portion of this Agreement,eitherat the time the breachor failure occursor at any time throughoutthe term of this Agreement. 17.17 ForceMajeure. Notwithstandingany provisionsof this Agreementto the contrary,the parties shall not be held liable if failure or delayin the performanceof this Agreementarisesfrom fires, floods, strikes,embargos,actsof the public enemy,unusuallysevereweather,out break of war, restraintof govemment,riots, civil commotion,force majeure,act of God, or for any other causeof the samecharacterwhich is unavoidablethroughthe exerciseof due careand beyondthe control of the parties. This provision shall not apply if the "Scopeof Work" of this Agreementspecifiesthat perforrnanceby the Architect is specificallyrequiredduring the occrurenceof any of the eventshereinmentioned. 17.18 Headings.All headingsarefor clarificationonly and arenot to be usedin anyjudicial constructionof this Agreementor any paragraph. [Remainderof this pageintentionallyblank] wPD] [7000-45396 IN WITNESSWHEREOF,the partiesheretohaveexecutedthis Agreementthe dayandyearfirs written above. BOARD OF COI.]NTY COMMISSIOI\IERS oKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: SHARONROBERTSON. Boardof Countv Okeechobee County,Florida CLIF BET|S. JR..Chairman GROIJP,INC. By: WITNESS WTTNESS [700045396.WPD] btD 'lrrt,Ar*r RICHARDS: BACON.President EXHIBITA ARCHITECT'SKEY PERSONNEL & COSTS Name Position Houriv Rate Principal/Architect s115.00 Proj. Manager s e0.00 Sr. StructuraiEngineer $ 80.00 ProjectArchitecy'Engineer s 75.00 [700045396.WPD] ComputerDesignerDrafter $ s0.00 Clerical s 40.00 DGIIBIT B ARCHITECT'S SCOPEOF SERVICES l. basicservices,including landscape& irrigationdesign; 2. all architect'spersonneltime,transportation& living expenseassociatedwith delivery of basicservices; 3. all structural,mechanical.civil, electricalengineeringconsultant'stime, transportation& living expenseassociatedwith deliveryof basicservices; 4. reproductionof all documentsevidencingthe completionof eachdesignphaseof the basic servicesfor Owner's and Using Agency's review and approval(3 copiesper designphase); 5. reproductionof documentsrequiredfor bidding the project;documentsetsto be made availableto biddersby architectwith the costto be reimbursedby the Owner; 6. reproductionof all documentsrequiredby architectand consultantsfor their usein performing basicservices; 7. all architect'spersonneltime and expenseassociatedwith obtainingproposalsfrom and administeringthe work of specializedconsultantsfor otherthan stuctural, mechanical,civil and electrical engineeringservicesrequiredin supportof the basicservices; 8. all architect'spersormeltime and expensein performingpermitting functionsnot requiring specialdrawings,specialmeetingsand hearings; 9. all telephone,telegraph,mailing, copyingand othermiscellaneouscostsof the architectand his consultantsin performingthe basicservices; 10. suchother basicservicesdescribedin the body of this Agreement. [700045396.WPD] DC{IBIT B (continued) ARCHITECT'S SCOPEOF SERVICES Basicservicesdoesnot include: l. "long distancetravel", i.e., architect'spersonneltime, transportation& living expenseoutside that requiredfor supportof basic servicesand for which prior Countyauthorizationhasbeenobtained(such as accompanyingelectedofficials during tou(s) of facilitiessimilar to this project or touring suchfacilitiesat County'srequest)(seeArticle IV); 2. Documentrevisionsnecessitated by recommendation(s) of specializedconsultantrequested by County subsequentto preparationof original documents(; 3. oflsite civil engineering.Engineeringseruicesrequiredto designutility connections, driveway connectionsand other typical project feanres within streetrights-of-way botrnding the project site shall not be consideredoflstreet engineering(seeSection6.5). [700045396.wPD] EXHIBITC PROJECT SCHEDULE wPDl [7000-15396 SUBJECT: RATIFICATION OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT rrEM#I I Local #2gls InternationalAssociationof Firefightershave ratified and executedthe attached CollectiveBargainingAgreement. The most significantchangeof this agreementwas salaries.In an effort to remaincompetitivewith our surroundingcounties,salariesfrom Brevard Corurty,St. Lucie County, Martin County and PalmBeachCountywere usedto establishnew pay ranges. A firefighter/EMTstartingbasepaywas$24, startingbasepayis$27,544.Thecostofthis will be $113,451.In additionto this figure,are the merit pay adjustmentfor existingemployees withinthe fue rescuebudgetto offset increases, whichwill cost$42,367.Fundingwillbe transferred the increasedcostsassociatedwith this agreement.However,it will be necessaryto transferfunds into the fire rescuefund at a later dateto replenishline accountsto be reducedat this time. Other changeswere minor in nature,they tendedto either clanfi, firrther defineor removeunnecessary articlesof the agreement. The only matter remainingis for the board to ratiff this agreement. After it is ratified, all pay adjustmentswill be submittedto finance. RECOMMENDATTON(S): That the board ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement with "Local #2918 International Association o f Firefighters". Approved for Agenda Item # 2128/02 PageI of22 Subject: RATIFTCATION OF COL,LECTM BARGAINING AGREEMENT IIEM bargaining on a new collective that negotiations It is anticipated of that and ratification firefighters, with the agreement to the February 28, 2002 BOCC be completed prior agreement, will be provided under separate A copy of the agreement will meeting. by the union. ratification cover following RECOMMENDATION That the BOCC ratify the collective I n t e r n a t i o n a l Association "Local #29LA Approved for Agenda nistrator bargaining agreement of Firefightersrr. with rtem | | 2/28/62 Page 1-of 1 I I Subject FP & L STREETLIGHTINGAGREEilENT rrEMlL Pleasesee aftachedmemorandum. RECOiIiiENDATION: Thatthe BOCCauthorizethe CountyAdministrator to executestandardagreements with FP & L, as required,to facilitatestreetlightinstallations authorizedby establishedpolicy or specificBOCCaction. Approvedfor Agenda CounttAdministrator Ke I t e ml 2 02t28t02 Page1 ot2 MEMORANDUM TO: GeorgeA. Long,CountyAdministrator FROM: Jr.,County Attorrre/d JohnD. Cassels, DATE: January23,2002 SUBJECT: FPL StreetLighting Agreement *****4.{.rF***t<1.rf*rt<**'l<:{<t<tt<rt<****<rFt tf.*******tF***:,|<',rt<X*'k*t<{<*****,F{.'t ****{<{<{'{'*'kt<'f*'&*tt:!**>k>F*'ft"( If you will recall,Florida Powerdevelopedandpresentedto the Countya "new" StreetLighting Agreement which FPL representativesinsist must be executedbefore any new streetlighting is installed or existing streetlighting will be further maintained. As portions of the form agreementwhere poorly written or unclear, staff requestedchangeswhich were rejected by the utility citing the form was approved by the PSC and could not be changed. This is not exactlytrue. The form itself is not approvedby the PSC,however,many significantprovisionscontained thereinare listed in the PSC rate tariff and could not be changed. Although there are provisions which undoubtedlycould be modified by FPL, they have chosennot to do so in the interest of standardizationamong the numerousmunicipalities and counties they serve. Simply put, significant changes to the form could not be made due to PSC approved content and, the remaining grammatical, stylistic or clarification changes are not going to be made voluntarily by the company. Quite frankly, they are not worth the County foregoing any additional streetlights. Becauseof this, it is my recommendationthat the County relent and acceptthe utilities form as the alternative would be to halt installationof new streetlights. Finally, a review of the tariff and accounting details for FPL indicatesthat they will often "estimate" the original installation costs of a streetlight when determining the chargethat would be made to the County upon removal of that unit. As such,it would be helpful for staff to obtain from FPL the installationand streetlight costsat the time the light is requestedsothat we canensurethe Countyis beingchargedcorrectly in the event the unit must be removed in the future. JDC/tlr cc: Jim Threewits,DeputyCountyAdministrator l l6 wPD] [7000-45 Subject: BOARD & COMMITTEE APPIJICATION/QUESTIONNAIRE rrEM | 3 for persons On February L5, 2OO2 a draft application/questionnaire seeking appointment to the County's various boards & committees was The review/changes/comments. BOCC for to the distributed into the attached have been incorporated recommended changes appl icat ion/quest ionnaire . RECOMMENDATION That the BOCC consider Application/Questionnaire Approved for Agenda of the approval as submitted. the Board & Committee rtem /.1 ?!"32/i',",6 tu n i stra to r QI'ESTIONNAIRE FOR OKEECHOBEE COI'IITY BOARD A}ID COMMITTEE APPOIIITMEIITS BOARD OF COI'NTY COI.IMISSIONBRS COIIRTHOIISE, ROOM 105, OKEBCIIOBEE, FIJORIDA 34972 * and is noE will This information be used to provide demographic statistics Pleaee tlpe or on any basis. requested for the purpose of diecriminating uge black ink. 1 Board of 2. Current 2 Are 4. * Do you have a disability? Yes If "Yesrr, please describe your disability if applicable. appointment, you Interest: Employer and Occupation: applying for 5. * Sex: MaIe 6. * Race: White Hispanic-American 1 reappointment: Yes No No that would gualify you for this FemaLe Native -American/Alaskan Asian/Pacific Islander Native African-American Do you now, or have you, within the l-asE three years, been a member of any club or organization in practice that, to your knowledge, or policy, restricts membership or restricted membership during the time that you belonged on the basis of race, religion, national origin, or gender? Yes No If so, detail the name and nature of club(s) the or policies organization(s), relevant and practices, and state whether you intend to continue as a member if you are appointed to a counEy board or committee by the Board of County Commissioners. Appli-cant' s Name, including commonly used (please print) QnESTTONITATRE FOR BOARD OF COI'LTY COUMTSSTONAPPOTIITMEIITS questionnaire will be used by the Board of County from this The information The questionnaire action on your appointment. @! Commissioners in considering where appropriate. Answer nnonetr or rtnot applicable" BE COMPLETEDfN FULL. Ln black lnk. PleaEe Elpe or print Date t. Completed Name: z. Address: Business Street ? Street the preferred A. State Zip Code City State Zip Code mailing List all your places of Address Fax # Citv Citv Address 5. Date of 6. Social Security a Driver License 8. Have you Yes 9. Are Birth: you are the last (5) years. five From & State residences outside during adulEhood. Birth: Number: Number: or States a naturalized Issuing been known by any other If trYestr Explain citizen? citizen, Yes date No of State: legal Jf name? trNorr Explain naturalizaEion: To of Fforida From & State Place of ever used No you a united for residence List all your former and current you have maintained at any time B. If address: Residence Business 4. City Address: Residence Specify Midd1e/Maiden First Last Mr./Mrs./Ms. To that what year have you been a continuous l-0. Since 11-. Are you a registered If IYes" list: Note: !4. A. High School B. List all Are you or States? Year Name & Location postsecondary educational Dates Attended institutions to Dates of B. Branch C. Date & a*. Graduated: att.ended: Certificate/Deqree have you ever been a member of the Yes No If "Yes" list: A. Received armed forces of the United service: or componenE: o, discharge: Have you ever been arrested, charged, or indicted for violation of any federal, state, counEy, or municipal 1aw, regulation, or ordinance? (Exclude traffic penalty viol-at.ions for which a fine or civil of $150 or less was paid.) I f r r Y e s r tg i v e d e t a i l s : Place Nature Disposition Are you currently employed as (circle all 2) General ConEracEor 3) Business Person 5) Realtor Note: L6. No Yes Education Date l-5. Florida? for appointment reqtrired registration Okeechobee County voter Development Authority. Development Council and Induetrial Tourist Name & Location 13. voter? of County of registration: Current party affiliation: A. B. L2. Florida resident Persons in the above disciplines Enforcement Board Are you currently 2) Medical Doctor Note: employed as (circle 3) Engineer that apply) 4) Engineer preferred al-L that for apply) 1) Architect 5) Sub-Contractor appointment to Code 1) Attorney PersonE preferred in the above disciplines for appointment to Environmental Control Board; must be reconunended by respective Okeechobee eounty professional organization. 1-7. PLease check all that apply: industry buil-ding Actively engaged in the residential Actively engaged in the banking or mortgage industry A representative of those areas of labor engaged in home building Designated advocate for low-income persons Provider of affordable housing ReaI estaEe professionalOther: Note: t-8 Persons in the above disciplines Housing Conqrittee Af fordable Concerning Iast five business, additional Empfover's Trrpe of l_9. of Title Employment Employinq Aqencv Period governmental or local t,he position(s), the of emplolrment: of Emplovment State your experiences and interests or elements you for this appointment. history that gualify professional Have you received any degree(s), (s) related designations to the subject matter Yes No I f I ' Y e s r r, l i s t : Have you received any awards or recognitions maLter of this appointment? Yes No If D. to Business Have you ever been employed by any state, district, agency in Florida? Yes No If rrYesrr, ident,ify name(s) of the employing agency, and the period(s) A. appointment Name & Address Position 20 for your current employer and for all of your emplolzment during the years, your employer's tlpe of name, business address, list Use of employment. occupation or job title, and period(s) sheet if necessary. occupation/Job Period preferred Identify you that al-l- association relate to this of your personal certification(s), or of this appointment? relating to the rrYesrr, list: memberships and association appointment: offices subject held by 2I. (appointive, civil service, Do you currently hold an office or position government? No Yes with the federal or any foreign other) I f I t Y e s r ,r l i s t : 22. A. or in this Have you ever been elected or appointed to any public office date of election If rrYesrr,state the office title, Yes No state? (city, of government and level or appointment, term of office, federal) : county, district, state, Office Title Date of Election or Appointment Term of Office Leve] of Government B. your service If council (s) : appointed were meetings board(s), committee(s), or scheduled: How frequently 2. state schedufed meetings, If you missed any of the regularly the number you missed, the number of meetings you attended, and the reason(s) for your absence(s). Attended Meetinqs Missed Reason for Absence Has probabl-e cause ever been found that you were in violation of Part III, Chapter L12, F.S., the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees? Yes No f f r r Y e s ' r, g i v e d e t a i l s : Dat,e 24. an 1. Meetinqs 23. was on Nat,ure of Have you ever r r Y e sr r, I i s t : A. B. C. D. Violation Disposition been suspended from any public Tit,le of of f ice: Dat.e of suspension: Reason for suspension: Result: Reinstated Remowed office? Yes No Resigned 25. Have you ever been refused a fidelity, Yes No I f r r Y e sr ' , e x p l a i n : 26. Have you hel-d or do you hold an occupational or professional license or certificate issued by any state or local governmental agency in Florida? Yes No If "Yes", provide the titl-e and number, original issue date, (fine, and issuing authority. ff probation, any disciplinary action suspension, revocation, disbarment) has ever been taken against, you by the issuing authority, stat,e the tlpe and dat,e of the action taken: License/Certi f i cat,e TiEIe & Number Action/Date Oriqinal Issue Date Issuinq Authority Disciplinarv surety, performance, or other bond? If 27- or Have you, o r b u s i n e s s e s o f w h i c h y o u h a v e b e e n a n o w n e r , o f f i c e r , during the dealings or other direct e m p l o y e e , held any contractual (4) years wit,h any state or locaf governmental agency in last four or agency to which you have been the office including Fl-orida, rrYesrt, If No Yes or are seeking appointment? appointed explain: A Business' B. (spouse, child, parents(s), Have members of your immediate family sibtings (s) , or businesses of which members of your immediate family or or employees, held any contractuaf have been owners, officers, other direcE dealings during the last four (4) years wiEh any staEe or including the office governmental agency in Florida, or local seeking you or are appoint.ed which have been to agency No I f r r Y e s r ,r e x p l a i n : Yes appointmenE? Name of 28. Business Have you ever of government A. B. Did you receive any compensation Yes No expenses? Name of agency represented: Aqency 29. lobbyist or have you 1obbied at any l-evel been a registered (5) years? No Yes the past five at any time during or entity than other you lobbied Principaf Lobbied reimbursement and the for principal(s) you RepresenEed (5) years. List t,hree persons who have known you well within the past five Incl-ude a current, complete address and telephone number. Exclude your rel-atives and employees of the County. Name Mailinq Address Zip Code Phone Number l_. 2. 30. professional, Name any business, occupational, civic, or fraternaL organization(s) of which you are now a member, or of which you have been (5) years, the organization a member during the past five address (es) , and (use additional date(s) of your membership(s). sheet, if necessary) Name Mailinq Address Office(s) HeId & Term Date(s) of Membership 3l-. not be able Do you know of any reason why you will or position to which you duties of the office No If rrYesrr, e:<plain: Yes appointed? 32. If required by law or administrative No disclosure statements? Yes rule, fully to to attend have been or will you will file the be financial CERTIFICATION STATE OF FI.ORIDA, COI'NIY OF Before m€, the undersigned personally Florida, Notary Public appeared of 3;ilir':15 rJfJ'ni=";:, personally prepared or read the answers to the (21 that questions i foregoing the information in said answers is complete contained and true; fully and (3) that he/she wilI, as an appointee, support, the Constitut,ions of the United States and of the State of Florida. Sigmature Sworn to and subscribed before of Applicant me this -Aff iant day of ,20 Sr.gnature ot Notary St,ate of Florida (Print, Notary Ty?e, or Stamp Commissioned Public) My commission Personal-l-y Tlpe of l(nown OR fdentification Produced erq>ires : Identification Produced (seal) filea\qucation. boa Name of Recommend that #73t45 rrEr{l+ APPROVAL OF WARRAIETS Subject3 the - #73252 BOCC approve the following $1, 388, Lo7. 03 #1104 $ 13,000.00 #20r $ 19,473 .L7 TOTAL $L,420, 580.20 Approved for Agenda warrants: rtemfrf 2/28/02 Page 1- of 23 Coqnty Kfu nistrator 14t\2t50 02/14/02 ap230-pg BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER NOT CLEARED SLIMMARY LAKE NATIONAL BANK 11 BIG FOR BANK ACCOUNI: VENDOR NAME CHECK NO. ITEMS REBECCA B, BUCKNER DI'DI,EY KIRTON MINE CHRISTOPHER HALL 1 73145 73146 73147 28896 40110 78888 138234 158813 1 I 73148 73r49 73150 73151 r5gg24 158829 158851 158850 DAVISHA MOORE ROBERT BAKER SYI,VESTER WHITTAKER 73L43 '73144 I J L tZ f S ddO O 1 1 1 FRANK BIRTS ,fOYCE DAVIS VERNON HARRISON 158882 73756 1902 13 MICHAEL A. 73157 191121 731s8 60093 731s9 73160 60093 50093 SHANKS JAMES R FLORIDA DEPT OF REVENUE FLORIDA DEPT OF REVENUE FLORIDA DEPT OF REVENUE 73 151 600L2 70053 73162 '13163 73L64 13165 73166 13167 73158 73169 73!72 10133 73173 73L74 '13t75 10148 73185 731-86 DIANA 1 2 68.00 s,346.00 76.00 6.00 104.00 35.00 104.00 12.00 20.00 56.00 s6.00 40.00 87.00 63,000.00 42.00 L07.26 6,878.42 zd+.zu L , 429.66 7L9.67 r92 .89 t ,108.78 338.49 141,498 08 1, 935.00 20.00 AI,BERT 5 1 FAIV1ILY AFI,AC/A}4ERICAN ALI,EN, NORTON & BLUE, P.A. 2 5 5,832 42 93.88 62.53 L,L84.75 105.00 2 , !O4.40 10155 10210 1,02L5 ATLANTIC REPORTING ROGER ARNOLD AVCON, INC. ALL ABOUT YOU CAREGIVERS, 19004 20030 20089 RIVERSIDE I,EASING COMPANY BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST MOBI LI TY CINGULAR/BELLSOUTH 4 2aa96 30095 REBECCA B. BUCKNER COLONIAL LIFE INS CO CRAIG A SMITH & ASSOC. INC COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 1 2 COI'RT REPORTERS, INC. JEB CIANDLER 1 1 42.00 RHONDA DYCE 1 24.92 7,478.25 30129 30185 30193 30210 40111 73rA7 73188 50047 73189 73L90 731-91_ 73192 73L93 73L94 731,95 73t96 73797 73198 73199 50013 60050 60119 60189 60230 60233 ?0013 14413 78888 50107 80054 73200 80102 80173 73207 73202 80180 90071 73203 '73204 110008 73205 LL0026 110076 73206 73207 1200s8 130040 73208 73209 L30061 130091 130107 73210 & ASSOCIATES NACO SOUTH EAST ROLFE & LOBELLO, P.A. OKEECHOBEE ASPHALT AND GATOR DOCK & MARINE INC 10097 73183 73184 SHIFF 160073 180500 158918 7200 73t71, 73181 73).82 ERNEST KENTY 90037 150055 9302 10087 73777 73t78 73L79 73180 1 1 STATE OF FI,A DISBURSEMENT UNIT GOLD COAST FEDERAL ICMA RETIREM}iII TRUST 4O]. OKEECHOBEE FIRE 73170 73L76 1 1 1 DARRELL CROFT LEONARD BRAZELL THOMAS J. HANAHUE 73153 73L54 73155 158884 754992 1 1 OPERATING GROSS AMT 1 1 INC. ELITE CAREGIVERS, INC. MYRA A. ELDRIDGE FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT SHEII,A I. FLINN PAT FRISBY ELIZABETH D. GRINSI,ADE FL MEDICAL RECORD SERVICE, INC FLORIDA NOTARY SERVICE AND GI,ADES ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE DAVID GIVENS CHRISTOPHER HALL JEANNIE HAZEIJIJIEF JUSTIN HAZELLIEF MIC}{AEL AI,AN HOPKINS CI,AYTON .J HOLMES INVESTIGATIVE CHERRY KELLY DIANE B. SUPPORT KINCHEN DAVID KINCHEN GREGORY C. I,ANDRUM,PSY.D MCI WORIJDCOMCOMM SERVICE THE MURPHY CONSTRUCTION .JANET I,. MCKENNA OLIVER K. MACKENZIE SMITH 1 935.00 3 , 0 0 8. 3 6 r28 , 468 .7 5 64s 83 42.OO 114.50 445.64 l4 50.30 143.50 7 1 1 1 1 L ),4 2 1 1 1 1 210.05 143 50 33.64 55.85 67.90 523 . O7 48.00 30.00 133.00 L25.30 455. bu 1 15.00 1 900.00 1 84.00 1 1 2 90.00 20.00 I 725 00 6.45 1 1 t98, 604.08 78.88 s,9s0.00 kconrad ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 00 00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAY 68.00 5,346.00 76.00 5.00 104.00 36.00 104 00 12.00 20.00 66 00 56.00 40.00 87.00 53,000.00 42.OO roL.26 6 , A78.42 264.20 r , 429 .66 't L9 67 'J.92 . A9 1 , 1 0 8. 7 8 338.49 1 4 t - , 4 9 8. 0 8 1,93s.00 20.00 )to5z.+z 93.88 62.53 1,184. ?5 105.00 2 , L O 4. 4 0 936.00 3,008.35 r28 , 468 .'15 645.83 42.00 CHECK DT 8514 I514 8514 02/2L/02 0 2/ 2 7 / 0 2 0 2/ 2 7 / 0 2 8544 02/2r/ 02 02/2r/02 0 2/ 2 7 / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 02/21/02 02/2r/ 02 02/21/02 02/27/02 445.64 42.00 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 02/21/02 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 02/2r/ 02 02/2r/ 02 02/2L/02 02/2r/02 0 2/ 2 1 / 0 2 0 2/ 2 1 ,/ 0 2 02/27/02 02/2r/02 7 , 4rA .25 143.50 210.0s 143.50 33 64 55.85 o / , >u 523. 07 48.00 30.00 133.00 r25.30 15s.60 15.00 900.00 84.00 90.00 20.00 7 2 5. 0 0 645 1 9 8 ,6 0 4 . 0 8 78.88 5 , 9 5 0 .0 0 BATCH 02/14/02 02/14/02 02/14/02 02/L4/02 02/L4/02 02/L4/02 02/14/02 02/L4/02 02/14/02 02/14/02 02/L4/02 02/14/02 02/14/02 02/14/02 02/14/02 0 2/ 2 o / 0 2 02/20/02 02/20/02 02/20/02 02/20/02 02/20/02 0 2/ 2 0 / 0 2 02/20/02 0 2/ 2 0 / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 114.50 50.30 24.92 HPIVOID 02/2r/ 02 02/2t/02 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 02/2L/02 0 2/ 2 7 / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 1 / 0 2 8514 I514 85 1 4 8514 8514 I514 8514 I514 I514 I514 I514 I514 8535 8535 8535 8537 8537 8537 8537 8537 8537 8543 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 4544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 4544 8544 8544 8544 8544 4544 4544 8544 4544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 02/2r/ 02 02/2r/02 0 2/ 2 1 / 0 2 8544 8544 8544 8544 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 02/2r/02 02/2r/ 02 8544 8544 8544 02/14/02 ap230-pg STMMARY BIG 11 FOR BANK ACCOUMT: VENDOR NAME CHECK NO. 732II 73212 73213 732L4 tSzL) 732L7 '132L9 73220 7322L 73223 t Szz) 73227 73225 73236 73237 BANK ITEMS 1 3 8 8 ,r . 0 7 . 0 3 .00 ROBERT BAKER SYI,VESTER WHITTAKER 1 104.00 1 158829 158851 158850 DARRELI, CROFT LEONARD BRAZELL THOMAS J. HANAI{UE FRANK BIRTS 1 t JOYCE DAVrS VERNON HARRISON 1 7 5 .0 0 1 0 4. 0 0 34.00 20.00 76.00 56.00 158866 158882 158884 158923 ],58992 ].60014 160065 ].68948 ].80016 18001? 1SOO29 188890 188899 19OOO1 190041 42.O0 I 1 t>.04 20.00 I z6 a,>>>.ot 1 1 OO. UU NANCY OSBORN ERNEST KENTY 13.34 66.00 PETTY CASH-BCC GENER"AL P1JBLIC DEFENDER, ELISA PREVATT SHERIFF O . L . R A T ' L E R S O NJ R . , tt.zt 4, 265. z,5vv.vv 5J SHERMAN ,tR. \TUAQUTN STLVAS, 73239 190184 SPRINT BARBATA SCI{OPP 7!240 190211 190236 DEBORAH SCIIWENDENMANN CHERYI, STRICKI"AND 73242 71243 19T067 SUNCOAST COI'NSEI,ING T9TL2L 73244 73245 2OOO53 22SST4 JAMES R. SI{ANKS TREASI'RE COAST COURT REPORTING MARGIE JOHNSON 73246 73247 7 3248 7 3249 229525 22EA4I 23OOO5 23OO1O RICK CIIARTIER DONNY R. ARNOI,D DOUGLAS WAYNE WOOD, JR. 23OO78 23OII7 W&II LIJMBER OF OKEECHOBEE I{ASTE MANAGEMENT INC. DOUGI,AS W. WERK, .'R. 240084 LARRY STEVE WEEKS, SR. 110 VOIDS: . U5 zz,LzL.)v I9OL42 BANK TOTALS CHECKS: OU 7 6 3 , l O 7. O O 94.00 7 7 5. 0 0 91.00 DONNA SPEIRS GLENN J. SNEIDER, L.L.C. CELESTE SMITH, TAX COLLECTOR W.C. L56.56 10.00 O . L . R A T ' L E R S O N. ' R , S H E R I F F OKEECHOBEE TIOSPITAI, INC. D/B/A SHELDON H. RIFKIN,PHD,PA 190082 73252 40.00 3r9.92 171.50 48.14 5.00 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 24.O0 240.00 5.00 5.00 3s.00 40.00 1 , 3 8 6 .1 6 42.75 50.60 55.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 r,tJo.ov 158813 L59824 t5256 7124L 1 OPERATING ACCOU}IT DISCOUNTS GROSS AMT KATHLEEN E. MOORE, ESQ. DAVISIIA MOORE NEXTEI, COMMT'NICATIONS REBECCA NEWCOMER AUTHORITY OKEECHOBEE UTII,ITY 168950 73230 7321r 73 2 3 2 73233 LAKE NATIONAI L35234 140081 140089 ].50074 130125 Page kconrad BOARD OF COI'NTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER NOT CLEARED !4:L2z5I 44 1 I 1 246 NET PAY CHECK DT 1,s36.80 42.OO 02/2L/02 02/2L/02 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 02/2r/02 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 02/27/02 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 02/2r/ 02 0 2/ 2 ! / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 02/2r/02 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 7 / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 7 / 0 2 02/2r/ 02 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 0 2/ 2 7 / 0 2 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 02/2r/ 02 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 02/2t/02 02/2r/ 02 02/2!/02 02/2L/02 02/2r/02 t>.dz 20.00 2 , 9 9 9. 6 7 104.00 75.00 1 0 4. 0 0 34.00 20.00 76.00 56.00 OO. UU 13.34 56.00 t>.2, 2,138.38 1 0 .0 0 285.60 7 6 3 , 1 0 7. 0 0 9 4. 0 0 7 ? 5. O 0 91.00 2,300.00 53.85 4Z,LZL.)V 40.00 319.82 171.50 48.14 5.00 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 24.O0 240.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 40.00 42.'15 60.50 bJ. UU 1388, 107 . 03 I{P/VOID BATCH 8544 8544 4544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 I 544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 I 544 8544 8544 8544 8544 9544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 8544 4544 8544 8544 8544 4544 8544 8544 8544 8544 4544 8544 8544 02/14/02 ap230-pg SUMMARY BIG 44 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: VENDOR NAME CHECK NO. 1104 158892 LAKE NATIONAL BANK ITEMS O K E E C H O B E EA I } S T R A C T & T I T L E BANK TOTALS CHECKS: 1 VOIDS: Page kconrad BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER NOT CLEARED 74:L2:5I O INC SHIP ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS GROSS AIV1T NET PAY 13,000.00 .00 1 3 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 13,000.00 .00 13,000.00 CHECK DT 02/14/02 HPIVOID 3 BATCH 8514 L4t72:5I 02/74/02 ap230-pg BIG 66 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: VENDOR NA}IE CHECK NO. 20L 180016 0. L BANK TOTALS CHECKS: LAKE NATIONAL BANK ITEMS RAULERSON 'JR, 1 VOIDS: Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER NOT CLEARED SUMMARY SHERIFF 0 4 kconrad I,AW ENFORCEMENT TRUST DISCOUNTS GROSS NV1T NET PAY 1 L 9, 4 7 3 r 7 00 79,473.77 1 L9,473 r7 00 1q 4aa 1a CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH 8544 02/14/02 ap230 pg ].4:1-2:51 66 BIG FOR BANK ACCOLINT: VENDOR NAME CHECK NO REGISTER TOTALS CHECKS: I,AKE NATIONAL BANK ITEMS Lt2 Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHECK REGISTER NOT CLEARED SUMMARY 248 I,AW ENFORCEMENT TRUST DISCOUTITS GROSS AMT t420,580.20 5 kconrad .00 NET PAY 1420,580 20 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH O2/zr/o2 L4tr4t42 ap55o-1s FOR BANK ACCOUNT: VENDOR NAME CHECK NO. 73!43 .13L44 73T45 28896 DIST: 101-50-541-00-5300 78888 CHRISTOPHER HALL YOUTI{ BASKETBAI,L OFFICIAL 001-21-572-00-5210 138234 158813 L58824 L58829 DIST: 73150 158851 DIST: 7315r- 158860 DIST: 73L52 158865 DIST: 73153 158882 DIST: 73!54 158884 DIST: 73155 158992 DIST: 73156 190213 DIST: DIST: 73157 L9TT2T DIST: 73158 731.59 DAVTSHA MOORE YOUTH BASKETBAL], OFFICIAI 1 A O2L2O2 A 1 1 A OPERATING ACCOUNT DrscouNTS NET PAY CHECK DT HP/VOrD BATCH O2/r4/O2 8514 s,346.00 5,346.00 o2/r4/02 I514 .oo .00 76.00 76.00 02/L4/02 I514 .00 .00 o. vu vzl !11 vz 8514 68.00 .oo .00 6 8 .O o 6 8. 0 0 5,346.00 5,346.00 .oo .00 68.00 SPRING SOFTBALL OFPICIAL OO7-2L-5'12-OO-52L0 SYI,VESTERWI{ITTAKER YOUTH BASKETBAI,L OFFICIAL 76.00 A 1 5.00 6.00 1 .oo .00 104.00 104.00 02/L4/02 I514 .oo .00 36.OO 36.00 o2/14/o2 I514 .00 .00 104.00 104.00 02/L4/o2 I514 104.00 12.00 12.00 .oo .00 12.00 12.00 02/14/02 I514 20.00 20.00 .00 .00 20.00 20.00 02/14/02 I514 66.00 . oo .00 6 6. 0 o 66.00 0 2 /1 4 /0 2 I514 .00 .00 s6.00 56.00 02/L4/02 I514 55.00 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 40.00 40.00 02/1-4/02 851-4 87.00 87.00 .00 .00 87.00 87.00 02/L4/02 I514 .00 .00 53,000.00 6 3 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 02/r4/02 I514 42.00 12.00 .00 .00 42.00 12.00 o2/L4/o2 I514 30.00 .00 30.00 .00 .00 101.26 L0r.26 O2/20/O2 8 5 35 O2/2O/O2 8535 104.00 10 4 . 0 0 O2O8O2 l-04.00 1 A 36.00 35.00 O2I2O2 36.00 1 A O2O8O2 104.00 104' 00 001-21-572-00-5210 LEONARD BRAZEI,I, YOUTH BASKETBAI,L OFFICIAL 6.00 6'00 O272O2 OO!-2L-572-O0-52LO DARRELL CROFT SPRING SOFTBAIL OFFICIAL 76.00 75.00 O2I2O2 A ROBERT BAKER A 1 O2T2O2 12.00 00I-21-572-O0-52!0 THOMAS ,J. IIANAHUE YOUTH BASKETBALL OFFICIAI 1 A O2T2O2 20.00 O0!-21-572-OO-5210 1 A OFFICIAI JOYCE DAVrS SPRING SOFTBALL OFFICIA! 6 6 .0 0 1 A O2O8O2 A 40.00 A 1 O2I2O2 87.00 1 A M T C H A E LA . S H r F F & A S S O C T A T E 14066 A R C H T T E C T L T R A IS E R V I C E S A 001-21-572-00-5210 YOUTTI BASKETBAII, OFFICIAL DIST: 001-21-572-00-5210 50093 FLORIDA DEPT OF REVENUE RENTAL SAIES TAX DIST: 00L-217200 60093 FLORIDA DEPT OF REVENUE 63,000.00 53,000.00 37,000.00 26,000.00 303-01-511-03-3100 303-01-511-07-6300 OFFICIAL 1 O2L2O2 OOL-21,-572-0O-5210 ERNEST KENTY YOUTH BASKETBAIL OFFICIAL OOL-2I-572-OO-5270 s6.00 s6.00 00!-2L-572-00-52L0 VERNON HARRISON YOUTH BASKETBAI,I, OFFICIAL 55.00 021202 00I-2L-572-OO-52LO JAMES R. SHANKS YOUTH BASKETBAIL AMT 5 , 3 4 6. 0 0 OOL-2L-572-00-52IO F R , A N KB I R T S YOIITH BASKETBAIL cRoss 1 kconrad 68.00 DI'DLEY KIRTON MINE DIST: 73!49 REBECCA B. BUCKNER YOUTH BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 40110 DIST: 73!48 I,AKE NATIONAL BANK NOD SRC #rNV 00t-2I-572-00-52L0 DIST: 73147 BIG DIST: DIST: 73L46 1], Page B O A R D O F C O I T N T YC O M M I S S I O N E R S ANNUAL CI{ECK REGISTER Lo O2/2L/O2 o2/r4/02 Minimum:O 2 O2O5O2 12.00 O2I2O2 30.00 A 1 JAN 2002 ].OT.25 L O ] -. 2 6 L}r.26 A 1 6,878.42 .00 6,87A.42 FOR BANK ACCOTJMT: VEIIDOR NAII{E 11 BIG CHECK NO. OKEE-TANTIE DIST: DIST: 73160 73151 DEPT OF REVENI'E SALES TAX FIORIDA DIST: OKEE-TINTIE 4OL-2L72OO 600T2 SATES TAX GROSS AMT JAI.I-2002 4 , 8 1 4. 8 9 2 ,053 .s3 1 A ,IAN2002 1,566.48 7 31 6 3 73r64 73I65 73L66 7 3167 73158 70053 90037 150056 160073 180500 1,566.48 P 439-66 P ICMA RETIREMNT TRUST 401 439-64 ICMA-RET:439 1788:02/L9/A2 LOAN REPAY: 439 t 427 z02 /L9 / 02 439-55 P 6,87A.42 .00 .00 1,556.48 L,566 .48 .00 .00 264.20 264.20 I{P/VOID BATCH 0 2/ 2 0 / 0 2 8 5 35 02/20/02 8 5 37 02/20/02 4537 719 .67 0 2/ 2 0 / 0 2 8 5 37 .00 7L9 .67 644 .67 75.00 .00 644 .67 75.00 r92.89 r92.89 .00 .00 L92.49 02/20/02 853? 02/20/ 02 655 0 2 / 2 0/ 0 2 8 5 37 854 3 OKEECI{OBEE FIRE Union Dues :439 : 440 : 02/L9/ 02 439-68 NAC1CSOUTH EAST Def .Corq). t 439 t20L t 02/L9 / 02 1,108.78 1 , 1 0 8. 7 8 .00 .00 1, 108.78 439-67 P 338.49 .00 .00 338.49 .00 .00 141,498. 08 141,498.08 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 1,935.00 1, 935.00 .00 .00 1 , 9 3 5. 0 0 1 , 9 3 5. 0 0 02/2r/02 20.00 20.00 .00 .00 20.00 20.00 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 8544 .00 .00 5 , 8 3 2. 4 2 4 7 2. 4 9 0 2 / 2 L/ 0 2 8544 ROLFE & I,oBELI,o, P.A. P GARNISH:439:445202/L9/02 439-79 OKEECHOBEE ASPHAIT ASPHAIT 338.49 101-50-541-00-5301 GATOR DOCK & MARINE INC. DOCKS ALT'I'IINI'M FIPATING A 2973L 105-21-575-05-5300 DIANA AIBERT VOLUNTEER PAY ?0L-40-522-00-I2O1 AIiID 1 I 1, 108.78 338.49 1,935.00 A!. 02L502 20.00 s,s32.42 A 5 FAr.{rLY AFT,AC/Arr{ERICAN TN MARCH2002 5,832.42 CANCER/ACCIDEMT/HOSPITAL S.34 DIST: 001-01-511-00-2300 81.20 DIST: 001-08-519-00-2300 58.20 D I S T : 0 0 1 - 1 0 - 5 1 9 -0 0 - 2 3 0 0 12.00 DIST: 001-14-525-00-2300 10.95 DIST: 001-21-572-00-2300 10.09 DfST: 001-25-569-00-2300 50.47 DIST: 001-25-569-01-2300 ?4.70 DIST: 001-25-569-21-2300 1 6' 1 5 DrST: 001-25-569-31-2300 30.28 D I S T : 0 0 1- 2 5 - 5 6 9 - 4 1 - 2 3 0 0 8.08 DIST: 001-25-569-51-2300 L2.I2 DIST: 001-25-559-61-2300 97.54 DIST: 001-31-571-00-2300 114.95 DIST: 001-55-s19-00-2300 29.90 DIST: 001-66-s19-05-2300 L82.L2 DIST: 007-12-515-00-2300 104.38 DIST: 007-L7-562-00-23OO 29.68 DIST: 00?-26-550-00-2300 274.42 DIST: 00?-35-520-00-2300 4'72.49 DIST: 101-50-541-00-2300 64.82 DIST: 401-21-572-OO-23OO 187.05 DIST: 7OL-40-522-OO-2300 25.72 DIST: ?OL-46-522-00-23OO DISTI 001-218300 3,876.35 s,532.42 CANCER/ACCTDENI/HoSPrTA!rN MARCH2002 DISTr 001-01-511-00-2300 8.34 1008? 00 CHECK DT L,429 .66 L,429 .66 101-50-541-00-6301 9302 NET PAY .00 .00 DIST: 72OO DISCOUNrS L , 429 .66 L , 429 .66 DIST: DIST: 7 3 L 70 1.566.48 1 141,498.08 A 141,498.08 o2L802 139,13s.14 2,352.94 158918 DIST: 73L69 GOLD COAST FEDER,LL cr.union:4392426r02/19/02 6,879.42 264.20 254.20 P STATE OF' FI,A DISBI'RSEMENT T'N SuppE: 439 t5O4 r 02/ 19/ 02 439-72 ChId 73L62 2 kconrad OPERATING ACCOUMT I.AKE NATIONAT BANK NOD SRC *Ilw 40L-217200 401-21?100 60093 Page BOARD OF CPUNTY COWISSIONERS ANNUAL CIIECK REGISTER L4tL4:42 02/L4/02 Eo 02/2r/02 Minimum:o 02/2L/02 aD550-1s .00 64.92 L4r]-4t42 02/2L/02 ap550-l8 FOR BANK ACCI)IJNT: NAII{E VEIIDOR 11 BIG I,AKE AA}{K IiIATIONAL NOD SRC #INV rN MARCH2002 001-01-511-00-2300 001-08-519-00-2300 001-10-519-00-2300 001-14-525-0O-2300 001-21-5?2-00-2300 001-25-569-00-2300 001-25-569-01-2300 001-25-559-21-2300 001-25-569-31-2300 001-25-569-41-2300 001-25-569-51-2300 001-25-569-51-2300 001-31-5?1-00-2300 001-65-519-00-2300 001-55-519-05-2300 007-12-515-00-2300 0 0 7 - 1 7- 5 6 2 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 007-26-550-00-2300 007-35-520-00-2300 oPERaJIING ACClSlrNt DISCAUMTS NET PAY 5,832.42 .00 2r2.74 5 , 8 3 2. 4 2 .00 4,49L.33 8.34 8t.20 58.20 12,00 10.95 10.09 50.47 74.70 15.15 30.28 8.08 L2.L2 97.54 1 1 4. 9 5 29.90 L82.L2 104.38 29.6A 274.82 472.49 64.82 187.05 25.72 3,876-35 001-01-511-00-2300 001-08-519-00-2300 001-10-519-00-2300 001-1,r-525-00-2300 001-21-572-O0-2300 001-25-559-00-2300 001-25-559-01-2300 001-25-559-21-2300 001-25-569-31-2300 001-25-559-41-2300 001-25-569-51-2300 001-25-559-61-2300 001-31-571-00-2300 001-66-519-00-2300 001-55-519-05-2300 007-12-515-00-2300 007-17-562-00-2300 007-26-550-00-2300 00?-35-520-00-2300 101-50-541-00-2300 4OL-2L-5?2-O0-2300 ?01-/10-522-00-2300 70L-46-522-OO-2!0O 001-218300 CA}TCER/ACCIDENT/IIOSPITA! DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: GROSSAMT 81.20 55.20 12.00 10.96 10.09 50.47 74.70 15.15 30.28 8.08 L2.12 97.54 1l{.95 29.90 t82.L2 104.38 29.68 274.82 472.49 64.82 187.06 25.72 3,876.35 001-08-519-00-2300 001-10-519-00-2300 001-1,r-525-00-2300 001-21-572-00-2300 001-25-569-00-2300 001-25-569-01-2300 001-25-569-21-2300 001-25-559-31-2300 001-25-559-41-2300 001-25-569-51-2300 001-25-569-61-2300 001-31-571-00-2300 001-55-519-00-2300 001-55-519-05-2300 007-12-515-00-2300 00?-L7-562-O0-2300 007-26-550-00-2300 007-35-520-00-2300 101-50-541-00-2300 40L-2L-572-O0-23OO 7OL-40-522-00-2300 701-46-522-00-2300 001-218300 CANCER/ACCTDETE/HOSPTTA! DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DrST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: kconrad AlrlrnAl Lilbcx nscrslER CI{ECK NO. DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DISTr DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: Page BOARD OF CPUNTY COMMISSIONERS 02/L4/02 Eo 02/2I/02 Minimum3 0 IN MARCII2 OO2 8.34 8L.20 58.20 1 2. 0 0 10.96 10.09 50.47 74.70 15.15 3 0. 2 8 8.08 T2.L2 97.5,1 114.95 29.90 L82.t2 104.38 29.68 274.82 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH FOR BA}IK ACCOTINT: NAME VENDOR 11 BIG CHECK NO. DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: AMrItAl cl{SCr nectsrBn LAKE NATIONAL BANK NOD SRC #INV 73172 IN !4ARCH2O02 1 A AILEN, NORTON& BLI'E, P.A, P R O F E S S T O N ASTE R V I C E / 2 5 1 0 - w 2 s 1 0 - 0 3 5 93.88 001-01-511-00-3100 002-54-605-00-4100 10148 A ATI,ANTIC REPORTING 6A 6643 couRT REPORTER/2001-CF-47 002-51-513-04-5203 -CF-401A 5395 corrRT REPORTER/2001 002-51-513-04-5203 cottRT REPORTER/2000-CF-3688 s34s 002-51-613-04-5203 TRAlirscRrPTroN/2 001 - cF- 190 -A 552 0 002-51-613-04-5203 6303 couRT REPORTER/2001-CF-517A 002-51-613-04-5203 DISTr DIS?: DIST: DfST: 73t74 ROGER ARNOLD VOLUMTEER PAY 7OL-40-522-O0-1203 02L802 95564 DIST: AVCON, rNC. ENGINEERING SERVICES 303-24-542-08-5300 10215 A.LIJ ABOtIt 10155 DIST: 73L75 73r76 10210 DIST: DIST: DIST: YOU CAREGTVERS, 5 I'NITS OF OAA3-E RESPITE OOL-25-569-22-4LO2 13 I'NITS OF OAA3E RESPITE .00 591.00 9 3. 8 8 .00 .00 9 3. 8 8 9 3. 8 8 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 .00 .00 oz ,45 02/2L/02 .00 22.87 tJ. oo 39.55 0210-LL22 22.87 DIST: DISTr 5 , 832.42 62.53 39.56 A2 0203-3225 AT&T PI{ONE SERVICE O07-L7-562-00-4100 PHONE SERVICE 73L73 HPIVOID BATCH 8.34 81.20 58.20 12.00 1 0 .9 6 10.09 50.47 74.70 1 6 .1 5 30.28 8.08 t2.L2 9 7. 5 4 114.95 29.90 L82.L2 104.38 29.64 274.82 472.49 64.82 1 8 7 .0 6 25.72 3,876.35 10097 DIST: CIIECK DT 25.72 001-218300 10133 NET PAY 3,875.3s DIST: DIST: ACCOT'MT DISCAUNTS 64.82 187.05 DIST: 001-01-511-00-2300 DIST: 001-08-519-00-2300 D I S T : 0 0 1 -1 0 - 5 1 9 -0 0 - 2 3 0 0 DIST: 001-14-525-00-2300 DIST: 001-21-572-00-2300 DIST: 001-25-559-00-2300 DIST: 001-25-559-01-2300 DIST: 001-25-569-21-2300 DISTr 001-25-559-31-2300 DISTr 001-25-569-41-2300 DIST: 001-25-559-51-2300 DIST: 001-25-559-61-2300 DIST: 001-31-571-00-2300 DIST: 001-65-519-00-2300 DISTr 001-66-519-05-2300 DISTr 007-12-515-00-2300 DISTr 007-17-562-00-2300 DIST: 007-25-550-00-2300 DIST: 007-35-520-00-2300 DIST: 101-50-541-00-2300 DIST: 40L-2L-572-00-23O0 DIST: 70L-40-522-00-2300 'DIST:'t0L-46-522-OO-2300 73L77 OPERATING GROSS AI{T 472.49 101-50-541-00-2300 4Ol-2L-572-OO'23O0 701-40-522-00-2300 70L-45-522-00-2300 001-218300 CANCER/ACCIDENT/IIOSPITAL Page kconrad BOARD OF CPUMTY COWISSIONERS L4tL4z42 02/t4/02 Eo 02/2L/02 Minimum:o 02/2r/02 ap550-1s A 5 39.66 v4. z> .00 .00 267.2s .00 26'7.25 290.00 .00 290.00 520,25 .00 520.25 25.00 .00 25.00 105.00 105.00 .00 .00 105.00 1 0 5 .0 0 1,184.75 L,L84.75 62. 02/2L/02 Z) 82.25 2 6 7. 2 5 2 9 0 .O 0 520.25 25.00 1 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 I 544 02/2r/02 8544 02/2L/02 8544 105.00 2 , L 0 4. 4 0 2 , L 0 4. 4 0 AI .00 .00 2 , L 0 4. 4 0 2, r04.40 2,r04.40 rN A 4 19 936.00 65.00 .00 .00 936.00 55.00 169.00 .00 1 6 9 .0 0 403.00 .00 403.00 65.00 2I 001-25-559-22-4LO2 31 I'NITS OF OAA3B I{OMEMAKIN 22 O0I-25-569-22-4L02 1 5 9 .0 0 403.00 !42L4242 02/2L/02 ap550-16 FOR BAIiIK ACCOUNT: CHECK NO. VENMR 23 T'NITS 73!77 BIG DISCI)T'NTS NET PAY .00 299.O0 3 , 0 0 8. 3 6 9s2.88 .00 .00 3,008.36 952.88 435.00 .00 436.00 655.60 .00 556.60 952.88 .00 9s2.88 299 . O0 OF OAA3B HOMEMAKIN 18 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH 299.00 A 4228 DIST: RIVERSIDE LEASING COMPANY COPIER tEjASE 33-o/OCT. -iIAl'I. 001-10-519-00-4400 coPrER LEASE 33-1lOCr.-iIAN. 40r-2L-572-O0-4400 c p P I E R L E " A S E3 3 - 4 I O C T . - i I A N . 004-02-712-00-6400 coPrER LEASE 33-2IOCT.-iIAN. 001-25-559-00-4400 2OO3O BAIiIK OP NEW YORK TRUST r28 ,468 .75 L 2 8 , 4 5 8. 7 5 020502 L 2 8, 4 6 8 . 7 5 .00 .00 A4 0206-st MM 4 8. 5 0 35.00 59.38 24.95 190.33 25.00 70.00 54.81 19.10 2r.30 5r.23 3r.23 0206-suMM 48.50 35.00 59.38 24.95 190.33 25.OO 70.00 54.81 630.83 .00 .00 239.8',7 530.83 .00 175.58 530.83 .00 2r5.28 15.00 .00 4 2. 0 0 42.00 .00 .00 42.00 4 2. 0 0 02/2r/02 8544 114.50 .00 .00 1 1 4 .s 0 114.50 02/2L/02 8544 INTEREST 4 3730 4180 0210-1057 15.00 REBECCA B. BUCKNER YOUTH BASKETBAIL OFFICIAI, O2L8O2 28896 8544 1a 645.83 645.83 02/2L/02 1n 2L.30 5t.23 31.23 0 2 0 6 - s tM M 48.50 35.00 59.38 24.95 190.33 2 5 .0 0 70.00 5 4 .g 1 19.10 2L.30 51.23 5L.25 A 1 42.00 DIST: OOL-?L-572-O0-5210 30095 C1CI.oNIAI, LIFE DISTr CANCER/ACCI DENT INST'RANCE 001-218400 INS 02/2L/02 952.88 MOBILITY CINGI'LAR/BELLSOIITH CELLUI.AR PI{ONE SERVICE 001-01-511-00-4100 001-66-519-00-4100 007-17-552-00-4100 401-21-572-00-4100 401-21-572-00-4100 007-12-515-00-4100 007-12-515-00-4100 001-56-519-00-4100 001-21-572-00-4100 007-17-552-00-4100 001-56-519-00-4100 001-14-525-00-4100 CELI,UI,AR PHONE SERVICE 001-01-51L-00-4100 001-66-519-00-4100 007-17-562-00-4100 401-21-572-00-4100 40!-2r-5?2-OO-4LOO 007-12-515-00-4100 007-12-515-00-4100 001-65-519-00-4100 001-21-572-00-4100 007-L7-562-00-4100 001-66-519-00-4100 001-14-525-00-4100 CELLUI,AR PHONE SERVICE 001-01-511-00-4100 001-66-519-00-4100 OO7-I7-562-OO-4LOO 4OL-2L-572-0O-4IOO 401-21-572-00-4100 0 0 7- 1 2- 5 1 5- 0 0 - 4 1 0 0 007-12-515-00-4100 001-66-519-00-4100 001-21-572-00-4100 00?-1?-562-00-4100 001-55-519-00-4100 001-14-525-00-4100 CEIJLI'I'AR PHONE SERVICE 101-38-541-00-4100 DIST: L 2 8 , 4 6 8. 7 s L 2 8, 4 6 9 . 7 5 555.50 20089 DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: I 544 436.00 203-53-582-00-7200 DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: 02/2r/02 952.88 4498 DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: 73181 GROSS AIIT 19004 DIST: 73180 OPERATING ACCIUNT BANK L,AKE NATIONA! NOD SRC #INV OOL-25-569-22-1L02 DIST: 73779 kconrad DIST: DIST: 73178 11 NAME Page BOARD OF G1CUNTYCOMMISSIONERS ANNUAL CHECK REGISTER 02/L4/02 co 02/2L/02 Minimum:o CO A1 FEB 2OO2 114.50 114.50 02/2L/02 ap550-I6 14tL4z42 FOR BANK ACCOUMI: VENDOR NAME CHECK NO. 73L42 30129 DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DrST: DIST: DrST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: 73L83 30185 DIST: DfST: 73L84 30193 DIST: 73 185 30210 001-01-511-00-4400 COPIER LEASE *70127 001-31-571-00-4400 DISTr 70L-40-522-0O-L2O3 40111 RHON'DA DYCE PREMIW 001-218300 50047 INC. EI,ITE CIREGIVERS, 13 UNITS OF OSS CSBG HMKR 001-25-569-31-4103 94.5 ITNTTS OSS CCE PC 001-25- 569- 01-4 101 28 I'NITS OF OSS CCE RESPITE DIST: DIST: 001-25-569-01-4101 13 I'NITS OSS CSBG HMKR DIST: 001-25-569-31-4103 12 tNrrs oss csBG Pc DIST: 001-25-569-31-4103 DIST: DIST: DIST: 3.5 I'NITS OSS CSBG RESPITE 001-25-559-31-4103 23 I'NITS OSS ADI RESPITE 001-25-569-51-4104 4 I'NITS OF OSS CSBG RESPITE tNtTS CHECK DT 4,355.s9 4.151.56 02/2r/02 9544 02/2L/02 8544 204.93 4,365.59 249.L4 .00 .00 445.64 249.14 196.50 .00 1 9 6 .s 0 4 2. 0 0 4 2. 0 0 .00 .00 42.OO 42.OO 02/27/02 50.30 s0.30 .00 .00 so.3o s0.30 02/2L/02 8544 24.92 24.92 .00 .00 24.92 24.92 02/2L/02 I 544 7,4L8.25 .00 .00 7,4L8.25 175.50 02/27/02 8544 .00 L,275.75 378.00 .00 378.00 175.50 .00 175.50 IOZ. .00 152.00 47.25 .00 4 7. 2 5 3 1 0 .s 0 .00 310.50 54.00 .00 54.00 195.75 .00 195.75 445 .64 249.14 2267000 196.50 1 42.00 50.30 A1 020502 A 14 446L 175.50 175.50 r,275.75 4473 I,275.75 4459 3 7 8 .0 0 4477 175.50 4476 4478 4 7. 2 5 4479 310.50 4462 5 4 .0 0 OF OSS ADr RESPr 4453 DIST: 001-25-559-51-4104 104 I'NTTS OSS CCE HMKR DIST: 001-25-559-01-4101 28 I'NITS OSS CCE RESPITE UU 1 5 2. 0 0 001-25-569-31-4103 14.5 .00 .00 HP/VOID BATCH NET PAY 24.92 DIST: DIST: OPERATING ACCAUMT DISCOT'NTS t22.96 8L.97 425.00 425.OO 93s.00 680.00 572.63 340.00 2L2.s0 24L.78 244.75 85.00 A1 02Lg02 PAY 4,366.59 4,365.59 kconrad L22.96 8L.97 425.OO 425.00 935.00 680.00 572.63 340.00 2r2.50 24L.78 244.75 8 5 .0 0 A COURTREPORTERS,INC. 001 - CF-234A 4673 cottRT REPORTER/2 002-51-512-04-5203 .TEB C}IANDIJER GROSS AMT 2 A COMMERCIAI EQUIPMETiTT LEASING 2262534 COPIER LF"ASE #59350 REFI,'ND-AFI.AC ?3187 BAI.IK I,AKE NATIONAI NOD SRC #INV A CRAIG A. SMITI{ & ASSOC. I N C . LL2L25 PROFESSIONAISERVICES 40L-2L-572-O7-3LL2 40I-2L-572-07-3LL2 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 LT2L25 PROFESSIONAI SERVICES 4Or-2L-572-07-3LL2 4Or-2L-572-07-3rL2 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 101-38-541-00-3100 VOLUNTEER 73185 BIG 11 Page BOARD OF COT'NTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAI CHECK REGISTER Eo 02/2L/02 02/L4/02 Minimum:o 195.75 4474 1 , 4 0 4. 0 0 .00 378.00 .00 1 , 4 0 4. 0 0 1,404.00 4475 378.00 02/2r/02 ap550-1s FOR BANK ACCICTJMf: VENDOR NA!.{E CI{ECK NO. DIST: 73189 .00 1 , 3 8 3. 7 5 1 6 2. 0 0 .00 1 6 2. 0 0 A 2 A. EI,DRIDGE 5O1O? tTfYR,A TRAlirscRrPTroN/2000 -cF- 368 -B 2 000cF3688 77-00 DIST: 002-51-613-04-5203 PTION/2OOL-CF-L87A 2 OO1CF187A TR,ANSCRI 56.50 DIST: 002-51-513-04-5203 1 4 3. 5 0 77.O0 .00 .00 r.43.50 77.OO 5 5 .5 0 .00 56.50 A7 0207 -0t024 24.7r 0208-28733 L4.76 0208-76280 4?.98 0 20 8- 9 5 0 6 0 5.93 0 20 8 - 9 9 5 4 3 9L.67 0213-33012 1 2. 0 0 02Ls-92250 1 2. 0 0 210.05 24.7L .00 .00 210.0s 24.7L L4.76 .00 L4.76 47.98 .00 47.98 5.93 .00 6.93 9L.67 .00 9 L. 6 7 1 2. 0 0 .00 1 2 .0 0 12.00 .00 12.00 A 1 2 001CF34 7A 143.50 143.50 143.50 .00 .00 65. 16 ot,ro 001-25-559-01-4101 12 ttNrTS OF OSS CSBG PC DIST: 001-25-569-31-4103 60013 FIORIDA POWER AND LIGHT ELEqIR,ICEIJ SERVICE DIST: 101-50-541-00-4300 EI,E TRICAL SERVICE DIST: 001-55-519-00-4300 ELE TRICAL SERVICE DIST: 101-50-541-00-4300 SERVICE 001-01-511-00-4300 ELE TRICAL SERVICE DIST: 101-50-541-00-4300 SERVICE DIST: 101-50-541-00-4300 60050 SHEII,A I. FLINN TRANSCRTPTTON/200L-CF-34'tA DIST: 002-51-613-04-5203 50119 PAT FRISBY TRAVEL REIMBI'RSEMENT 001- 31-571 - 00-4000 50189 ELIZABETH TRAVEL D. 4460 A1 0 20 5 0 2 A1 0r2502 70013 DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: GI.ADES ELE TRIC CIOPERATIVE SECT'RITY LIGHTING 001-01-511-00-4300 SESI'RITY LIGHTING 001-01-511-00-4300 SECI'RITY LIGHTING 101-50-5{1-00-4300 SECURITY LIGHTING 101-50-541-00-4300 SEC1JRITY LIGHTING DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: 101-50-541-00-4300 SECURITY LIGHTING 001-01-511-00-4300 SECURITY LIGHTING 70L-40-522-00-4522 SECT'RITY LIGFTING 001-21-5?2-00-4300 SEC1'RTfY LIGI{TING 8544 02/2t/o2 8544 1 4 3 .s 0 1 4 3. 5 0 02/2L/02 8544 .00 .00 6s.15 6 s .1 5 02/2L/02 8544 33.64 3 3. 5 { .00 .00 33.64 3!.64 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 I 544 55.85 .00 .00 55.8s 55.85 02/2L/02 8544 55.85 67.90 67.90 .00 .00 67.90 67.90 02/2L/02 8544 523 . O7 123 . 08 .00 .00 s23.07 1 2 3. 0 8 02/2r/02 38.00 .00 38.00 L7.44 .00 L7.44 13.88 .00 rl. L7 .44 .00 L7.44 L7.44 .00 !7.44 53.00 .00 53.00 64.79 .00 64.79 64.4A .00 64.48 3 3. 5 4 A 1 SERVICE, I FL MEDICAI REC1CRD cAsE rrwEsTrGATroN/2000cF35 0290103355 55.85 002-51-613-05-5203 DIST: 02/2L/02 6s.15 50230 FI.ORIDA NOTARY SERVICE AND NOTARY FEE-JANET MCKENNA 001-25-559-00-5400 BATCH 152.00 001-11-553-00-4000 60233 IIPIVOID 1,383.75 GRINSI,ADE REIMBI'RSEI{ENT CHECK DT L,3L6 .25 DIST: DIST: 73195 SERVICE 001-65-519-00-4300 DIST: DIST: 73L94 NET PAY 1,383.75 DIST: ELE TRICAL 73L93 OPER,ATING ACCICT'NT DISCOUrITS L , 3 L 6. 2 5 ELEETRICAI 73L92 GROSS AIIT 378. 00 001-25-569-01-4101 4457 97.5 t NrTS OF OSS CCE PC 001-25-569-01-4101 102.5 UNrTS OF OSS CCE IIMKR 4458 ELE TRICAIJ 73L9L BAI{K I,AKE NATIONAI NOD SRC I}INV .00 DIST: 73L90 BIG kconrad 7,316.25 DIST: 73188 11 Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AT$IUAL CITECK REGISTER L4zL4r42 02/L4/02 Eo 02/2r/02 Minimum:o 1 A 021302 67.90 A 0214 14 3405 123.08 O2T4 3406 38.00 O2L4 34O? L7,44 0214 3408 d6 13.88 O2L4 3409 0214 0214 o2L4 o2L4 L7.44 3401 L7.44 3403 53.00 34L8 64.79 3419 o2/2L/02 L4:\4:42 O2/r4/02 FOR BANK ACCOTJNT: VENDOR NAME 11 BIG CI{ECK NO, DIST: DIST: 73196 73198 73799 02!4 SECURITY LIGHTING 02!4 DAVID GIVENS YOUTH BASKETBAL], OFFICIAI, 78888 7320]. 007-2L-572-00-52LO 80054 JEANNIE HAZELLIEF TR.ANSCRTPTTON/99-161-CA DIST: 002-51-613-04-5203 80102 WSTIN }IAZEI,LIEF VOLUNTEER PAY 70I-40-522-OO-!2O3 80173 701-40-522-00-!2O3 80180 CLAYTON .t. HOLMES VOLUNTEER PAY 70L-40-522-00-1203 90071 11OOO8 DIST: 73204 770026 DIST: .73205 110075 DIST: 73206 120058 DIST: DIST: 73207 MICHAEL AI,AN I{OPKINS VOLUMTEER PAY DrST: DIST: 73203 CHRISTOPHER HAI,L YOUTH BASKETBATL OFFICIAL DIST: DIST: 71202 0OI-2L-572-00-5210 YOUTH BASKETBAIL OFFICIAI' OOI-2f-572-00-52f0 130040 73208 130061 DIST: 34L6 34L7 A 2 O2L2O2 BATCH 17.44 .00 r7 .44 17.44 .00 !7 .44 L7.44 .00 !7 .44 26.58 .00 26.s8 24.62 .00 24.62 48.00 2 4. 0 0 .00 .00 48.00 24.oo 2 4. 0 0 .00 24.00 30.00 30.00 .oo .00 30.00 30.00 133.00 .00 .00 125.30 02/2L/O2 8544 o2/2r/o2 4544 133.00 133.00 02/2r/O2 8544 .oo .00 12s.30 725.30 o2/2!/O2 8544 155.60 155.60 .00 .00 1ss.50 1ss.60 02/27/02 8544 15.00 .oo .00 1 s .o o 15.00 o2/2r/02 8544 15.00 900.00 900.00 .00 .00 900.00 900.00 02/2L/02 8544 84.00 .00 .00 84.00 84.00 02/2L/o2 8544 84.00 90.00 90.00 . oo .00 90.00 90.00 02/2r/o2 8544 20.00 20.00 .00 .00 20.00 20.00 02/21/02 4544 .00 .00 '72s.0o 02/2r/02 8544 575.00 150.00 .00 150.00 .00 .00 o.+5 vz/zLlvz 8544 02/2L/02 8544 24.O0 OL29O2 24.00 1 A O2LAO2 30.00 A 1 133.00 99-161CA 133.00 125.30 1 A 02L802 L 2 5. 3 0 A 1 02t802 155.50 A 1 02!802 15.00 1 9 0 0 .0 0 A 0!2802 DAVID KINCHEN VOLUI TEER PAY A o2ra02 1 9 0 .0 0 L 20.oo 7Or-40-522-OO-1203 A G R E G O R YC . I , A N D R U M , P S Y . D PRE-TRIAI CONSULT/2OOOCF38A5149 002-51-615-00-3100 EXPERT WITNESS/99_397CFA 6155 0 0 2- 5 1- 6 21 - 0 1 - 3 1 0 8 725.OO 2 575.00 575.00 1s0.00 A 1 6.45 0277 3225 6.4s 6 .45 6.45 007-17-562-00-4100 101-50-541-04-6302 HPIVOID zd.)E DIANE B. KINCHEN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMEMT L02-01-552-00-4000 THE MtRplrY CONSTRUCTION R E P L A C E M E N TO F B R I D G E CHECK DT L7.44 A 1 CHERRY KEI,LY TRANSCRTPTTON/2001-CF-385A 2001CF385A 84.00 002-51-613-04-5203 PHONE SERVICE DIST: 0214 34L2 A SUPPORT INVESTIGATIVE cAsE TNVESTTGATTON/2ooo-CF4 2830 002-51-513-02-5203 M C r W O R L D C O MC O M M S E R V T C E NET PAY 17.44 SEC[,'RITY LIGHTING 101-50-541-00-4300 78873 3410 02L4 34rl DIST: 101-50-541-00-4300 OPERATING ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS r7 .44 l-0L-50-541-00-4300 DIST: GROSS AMT I kconrad 64.48 o2t4 DIST: DIST: 73200 001- 56-519- 00-43 00 SECURITY LIGHTING 101-50-541-00-4300 SECURITY ],IGHTING 101-50-541-00-4300 SECI'RITY LIGHTING DIST: 73I9'I I.AKE NATIONAT BANK NOD SRC #INV DIST: DIST: Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL CHECK REGISTER Eo O2/2r/02 Minimum:O ap55o-1s A O2-OT-T4 1 198,504.08 198,604.08 1 9 8 ,5 0 4 . 0 8 .00 .00 198,604.08 198,604.08 02/2L/02 ap550-I6 FOR BANR ACCOIIIfrT: VEIIDOR NAIIE CHECK NO. 73209 130091 DIST: DIST: DIST: DISTr DIST: DIST: DIST: 732LO 130107 DIST: 732LL .00 .00 5 , 9 5 0. 0 0 ? 5 0 .0 0 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 8544 .00 800.00 .00 750.00 .00 750.00 .00 2,1s0.00 .00 750.00 1,s35.80 1 , 5 3 5. 8 0 .00 .00 1,s35.80 1,536.80 02/2r/02 9544 4 2. 0 0 42.OO .00 .00 42.00 42.OO 02/2r/02 8544 79.62 .00 .00 79.62 7 9. 6 2 02/2r/02 8544 79.62 20.00 20.00 .00 .00 20.00 20.00 02/2L/02 A28 2 , 9 9 9. 5 7 13.31 0208-20040 13.31 t73.76 0208-21180 L73.76 2L2.69 0208-28000 105.35 106.34 40.49 0 20 8- 2 9 0 0 0 40.49 0208-31000 309.97 13.02 6.51 25.42 69.74 69.74 15.50 32.24 5r.75 6.51 13.02 5.s1 0 20 8- 5 21 0 0 502.23 502.23 40.06 0 20 8- 5 5 0 0 0 4 0 .0 5 0 20 8- 5 6 5 0 0 13.31 13.31 .00 .00 2 , 9 9 9. 6 7 02/2r/02 2.5, 750.00 101 002-51-681-00-3108 ATTORNEY FEE/00-DP- 019 DIST: 002-51-681-00-3108 ATTORNEY FEE/01-DP- 07s DISTr 002-51-681-00-3108 KATHLEEN E. MOORE, ESO. ATIICRNEY FEE/9S-57DP A 209L3 DIST: 150074 A 42.00 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS CELIJUI'AR PHONE SERVICE A1 020302 79.62 303-68-519-00-4100 A REBECCA NEVICOMER OFFICIAI 001-31-571-00-4300 WATER/SEV|ER SERVTCE DIST: DrST: 001-04-513-01-4607 0O1-05-513-01-4507 WATER SERVICE DIST: 001-21-572-00-4300 VIATER/SETIER SERVICE DIST: DIST: DIST: DrST: 001-14-525-00-4300 001-65-519-00-4300 001-66-519-02-4300 OO2-66-602-02-4300 DISTr DIST: DIST: 002-55-603-02-4300 002-66-504-02-43OO 007-12-515-00-4300 007-35-520-00-4300 101-29-519-00-4300 101-38-541-00-4300 501-35-534-00-4300 WATER/SET{ER SERVICE DIST: 001-01-511-00-4300 WATER SERVICE DIST: 00L-22-537-O0-4619 TIATER SERVICE DIST: OOr-2L-572-05-4300 1 O2T8O2 20.00 001-21-572-00-5210 DIST: 1 O2L8O2 001-21-5?2-00-5210 001-21-572-00-4300 WATER SERVICE DIST: DIST: 1 1,536.80 OFFICIAI DIST: DIST: DIST: 22-OO4B 002-51-681-00-3108 OKEECHOBEE UTILITY WATER SERVICE BATCH 18.14 37.07 4.73 9.47 2.37 4.73 DIST: 140089 HPIVOID 5 , 9 5 0. 0 0 ?50.00 A6 22-0044 78.88 078 140081 CHECK DT 9544 OIJIVER K, MACKENZIE.SMITH ATTORNEY FEE/01-DP. 079 002-51-681-00-3108 ATIORNEY FEE/01-DP-018 DAVISHA MOORE YOUTII BASKETBAIL NET PAY 02/2r/02 78.88 002-51-681-00-3108 AfTORNEY FEE/01-DP- 138234 OPERATING ACCI)UNT DISCOUMTS 78.88 ?8.88 A1 020602 DIST: 130125 9 kconrad .00 .00 .]ANET L. MCKENNA TRAVEL REIMBI'RSEMENT 001-25-569-00-4000 001-25-569-01-4000 OOL-25-569-22-4000 001-25-559-31-4000 001-25-569-41-4000 001-25-569-51-4000 001-25-569-61-4000 YOUTH BASKETBAIL 732L5 GROSS AI4T 800.00 800.00 750.00 22-O04C 750.00 750.00 22-OO4D 750.00 2,150.00 22-0049' 2,1s0.00 7 5 0 .0 0 22-004F 750.00 DIST: 732L4 I.AKE NATIONAJ, BANK NOD SRC #INV 002-51-681-00-3108 ATTORNEY FEE/01-DP- DIST: 732L3 BIG DIST: DIST: 732L2 11 Page BOARD OF COUMTY COMMISSIONERS A!{I.IUAi, SI{ECK REGI STER 1 4 z L 4 z 4 20 2 / L 4 / 0 2 E o 0 2 / 2 L / 0 2 Minimum:o AIITHORITY .00 L73.76 .00 2r2.69 .00 4 0. 4 9 .00 44.95 .00 502.23 .00 40.06 .00 13.31 9544 02/2L/02 ap550-ls L4:L4t42 02/L4/02 Eo O2/2r/02 Minimum:0 FOR BANK ACCOUMI: \'ENDOR NAI,IE CIIECK NO, DISTr DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DfST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DI$T: DIST: DIST; DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DISTr DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: 11 BIG IAKE VIATERSERVICE 001-21-572-00-4300 I{ATER SERVICE 001-21-572-05-4300 I{ATER/SEVIERSERVIqE 001-14-525-00-4300 001-56-519-00-4300 001-65-519-02-4300 O02-66-602-02-4300 002-66-503-02-4300 002-55-504-02-4300 007-12-515-00-4300 007-35-520-00-4300 101-29-519-00-4300 101-38-541-00-4300 501-36-534-00-4300 WATER/SEI{ERSERVICE 001-14-525-00-4300 001-66-519-00-4300 001-66-5'19-02-4300 002-66-602-02-43OO 002-56-503-02-1lOO 002-56-604-02-4fO0 007-12-515-00-4300 007-35-520-00-4300 101-29-519-00-4300 101-38-541-00-4300 501-35-534-00-4300 WATER/SETVER SERVTCE 001-14-525-00-4300 001-65-519-00-4300 001-55-519-02-4100 002-65-502-02-4300 002-65-503-02-4300 002-55-504-02-4300 007-12-515-00-4300 007-35-520-00-4300 101-29-519-00-4300 101-38-541-00-4300 501-36-534-00-4300 WATER/SEI{ERSERVICE 001-14-525-00-4300 001-66-519-00-4300 001-65-519-02-4300 002-66-602-02-4300 002-66-603-02-43OO 002-56-604-02-4300 007-12-515-00-4300 007-35-520-00-4300 101-29-519-00-4300 101-38-541-00-4300 501-36-534-00-4300 WATERSERVICE 001-01-511-00-4300 IVATERSERVICE 001-01-511-00-4300 WATERSERVICE 00L-2L-572-05-4300 YIATER/SETIERSERVICE 00L-2L-572-O0-4300 v|ATER/SEWERSERVTCE 001-08-519-00-4300 VIATERSBRVICE 701-45-522-00-4300 IIATER/SEWERSERVICE 001-25-569-00-4300 WAfER/8EI{ER SERVICE 001-25-569-00-4300 Page BOARD OF G€IxqrY ClCt4,lrssroNERs ANNUAL CHECK REGISTER NATIONAIJ BAIIK NOD SRC #INV 0 2 0 8- 5 6 6 5 0 4 3. 8 9 0 20 8- 5 6 8 8 0 527.93 0208-31000 1 3. 0 2 5.51 25.42 69.14 69.74 15.50 32.24 51.76 5.51 13.02 5.51 0208-31000 1 3. 0 2 5.51 25.42 59.74 59.74 15.50 32.24 5L.76 5.51 13.02 5.51 0 2 0 8- 3 1 0 0 0 13.02 5.51 25.42 69.74 69.74 15.50 32.24 5I.76 5.51 1 3. 0 2 6.51 0208-31000 L3.02 6.51 25.42 69.74 69.74 15.50 32.24 5L.76 5.51 13.o2 6.51 0 20 8- 4 6 0 0 8 13.31 0 20 8- 5 0 0 0 8 13.31 0 2 0 8- 5 5 89 0 17.83 0 20 8- 5 7 0 0 0 38.04 0 20 8- 5 9 0 0 0 32.42 0 20 8- 9 5 0 5 0 20.09 0 2 0 8- 0 1 5 0 0 57.18 0 20 8- 0 1 80 0 38.04 GROSS AIifI 10 kconrad OPERATING ACCICI'NT DISCOI'NTS IIET PAY 43.89 .00 43.89 527.93 .00 s27.93 309.97 .00 154.98 309.97 .00 84.00 309.97 .00 19.53 309.97 .00 6.s1 13.31 .00 13.31 13.31 .00 13.31 17.83 .00 17.83 3 8. 0 4 .00 38.04 3 2. 4 2 .00 32.42 2 0 .0 9 .00 20.09 5 7 .1 8 .00 5 7 .1 8 38.04 .00 3 8. 0 4 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH 14:!4:42 O2/2L/02 ap55o-Is FOR BANK ACCOUMT: VENDOR NAME 11 BIG CHECK NO. I,AKE NATIONAL BANK NOD SRC #INV DIST: 279.15 53.60 .00 53.60 0208-20000 '12.64 ?2.54 .00 119.30 .00 119.30 O2O8/2LL8O 145.98 L46.98 .00 146.98 O2O8 20480 22O.L4 220.14 .00 22o.L4 l-04.00 .oo .00 1 0 4 .o o 104.00 02/2L/02 8544 .00 .00 75.00 75.00 02/2L/02 8544 .oo .00 1 0 4 .o o 1 0 4. 0 0 02/21/02 8544 104.00 34.00 34.00 .o0 .00 34.00 3 4. 0 0 o2/2r/o2 8544 20.00 20.00 .00 .00 20.00 20.00 02/2t/02 75.00 .oo .00 76.00 76.00 o2/21/o2 8544 .oo .00 s 5 .o o 56.00 o2/2r/02 8544 . oo .00 66.0o 10.00 o2/2r/ 02 8544 10.00 s6.00 .00 56.00 13.34 .oo .00 13.34 73.34 02/27/02 66.00 .oo .00 56.00 66.00 02/2L/02 8544 .00 .00 79.27 't9.27 O2/2L/O2 8544 .00 .00 2,13S.38 2,L38.38 02/2r/02 8544 DrST: 001-31-571-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V T C E DIST: ?01-40-522-00-4300 158813 L58824 L58829 158851 DIST: 158860 DIST: 158866 DIST: 73222 158882 DIST: 73223 158884 DIST: DIST: 73224 r5A923 DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: .13225 L58992 DIST: ?3226 160014 DIST: DIST: 73227 '72.64 W A T E R / S E W E R / G A R B A GSEE R V T C E 0 2 0 8 - 9 5 1 0 0 119.30 1 0 1- 5 0 - 5 4 1 - 0 0 - 4 3 0 0 DIST: 7322L BATCH DIST: 160065 1 A ROBERT BAKER ADULT SPRING SOFTBAIL OFFIC 021502 104'OO 104.00 00L-21-572-00-5210 SYI,VESTER WI{ITTAKER YOUTH BASKETBAIL OFFICIAL 1 A 76.00 1 A DARRELL CROFT OFFIC 021502 A OFFICIAI' 1 O21,8O2 34.00 001-21-572-00-5210 THOMAS J. HANAHTIE YOUTH BASKETBALL OFFICIAL A 1 021802 20.00 OOL-27-572-O0-5210 FRANK BIRTS YOUTH BASKETBALL A OFFICIAI 1 76.OO 027802 76.00 001-21--572-00-5210 JOYCE DAVrS ADI'LT SPRING SOFTBALI, OFFIC A 1 56.00 56.00 021502 56.00 00r-2L-572-OO-52tO A VERNON r{ARRTSON YOUTH BASKETBAI,I, OFFICIAL O2O5O2 001-21-572-00-5210 YOIITH BASKETBALL OFFICIAL O2T8O2 2 55.00 10.00 s6. 00 OOL-2I-572-0O-5210 A 013102 NANCY OSBORN TRAVEL REIMBI'RSEMENT 001-25-569-00-4000 1 001-25-569-01-4000 .40 3.07 OO7-25-569-22-4000 001-25-559-3L-4000 001-25-559-41-4000 001-25-559-51-4000 001-25-569-61-4000 .80 t - .6 0 .40 .80 ERNEST KENTY A YOUTH BASKETBALL OFFICIAI 001-21-572-00-5210 PETTY CASH.BCC GENERAL PETTY EASH REIMBURSEMENT 1 55.00 O2I8O2 56.00 A 1 79 2'1 79.27 0!2902 5.L2 74.L5 001-01-511-00-5100 001-01-511-00-4000 PT'BLIC DEFENDER, COUNTY OBLIGATION/JAN 104.00 104.00 001-21-572-00-5210 LEONARD BRAZELL YOUTIT BASKETBAIL 76.00 76.00 O2L8O2 001-21-572-00-5210 ADU],T SPRING SOFTBAIL 73220 HP/VOID 001-14-525-00-4300 DIST: 732T9 CHECK DT 11 DIST: DIST: 73218 NET PAY .00 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V T C E 73217 OPERATING ACCOUNT DISCOT'NTS 279.15 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V T C E 732T6 GROSS AMT 0208-04700 279 '].5 001-65-519-03-4300 W A T E R / S E W E R / G A R B A GSEE R V T C E 0 2 0 8 - 1 1 3 0 5 s3.60 001-08-519-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V T C E DIST: Page kconrad BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL CHECK REGISTER Eo O2/2L/02 O2/L4/02 Minimum:O A 2OO2 JAN 2OO2 1 2,138.38 2,138.38 02/2I/02 ap550-le L4t!4242 FOR BAIiIK ACCIOTJI\IT: VENDOR NAII{E CI'ECK NO. ],1 BIG NATIONAIJ BANK NOD SRC #INV LAKE z, 158948 EI,ISA 73229 168950 CHILD DIST: 73230 180016 DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: ,525L 180017 DIST: 73232 180029 DIST: 73233 188890 DIST: 73234 188899 DIST: 73235 190082 DISTr 73238 L9OL42 DIST: 73239 190184 DIST: 73240 O.IJ. RAI'LERSON''R, SIIERIFF MONTHLYREQUISITION 002-53-581.91-01-1000 002-53-581.91-01-3000 002-53-581.91-02-1000 002-53-581.91-02-3000 002-53-581.91-03-1000 002-53-581.91-03-1001 002-53-581.91-03-1002 002-53-581.91-03-1004 002-53-581.91-03-8900 002-53-581.91-03-8901 002-53-581.91-03-8903 002-53-581.91-00-7100 L9O2LL DIST: 10.00 10.00 02/2r/02 285.50 285.60 .00 .00 285.60 285.60 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 7 6 3 ,1 0 7 . 0 0 A 1 7 5 3 , 1 0 ? .0 0 7/ 2 0 O t - O 2 32s,29L.OO s 8 , 8 9 1 .0 0 2 4 9 , 7 3 7. 0 0 7L,270.OO 22,393 . 00 21,895.00 2,752.00 8,629.00 584.67 183.33 r,276.00 204.00 .00 .00 7 6 3 , L 0 7. O 0 7 6 3 , L 0 7. O O 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 8544 9 4. 0 0 9 4. 0 0 .00 .00 94.00 9 4. 0 0 02/2t/02 8544 .00 .00 775.OO 7't5.OO 02/2r/02 8544 775.OO 91.00 91.00 .00 .00 91.00 9 1 .0 0 02/2L/02 I 544 2,300.00 750.00 .00 .00 2,300.00 750.00 02/2L/02 8544 800.00 .00 800.00 7s0.00 .00 7 5 0 .0 0 .00 .00 s3.8s s 3. 8 5 02/2L/02 8544 53.85 2 2 , L 2 L. 5 0 2 2 , L 2 L. 5 0 .00 .00 22,L2L.s0 22, L2r .5O 02/2t/02 4544 4 0 .0 0 40.00 .00 .00 40.00 4 0 .0 0 02/2L/02 3r.9.82 3!9.42 .00 .00 3L9.82 171.50 .00 .00 1 ? 1 .s 0 171.50 02/2L/02 .00 .00 48.L4 02/2r/02 48.L4 1 A DEC 2OO1 8544 9 4 .0 0 002-51-513-05-5203 S H E I J D O NH . R I F K I N , P I I D , P A EXPERT EVAIUATION/2OOO-CFA5 A 775.00 1 2OOOCFA521 775.OO 002-51-616-00-3100 002-51-613-04-5203 A1 20 0 1 c F - 4 7 5 91.00 GLENN iI. SNETDER, L.L.C. ATTORNEY FEE O1-051-DP A3 21-107A 002-51-581-00-3108 ATTORNEY FEE OO.O19-DP 2 1- 1 0 7 8 DONNA SPEIRS TRANSSRI PTION / 2 OOI - CF - 47 6A 7 5 0 .0 0 800.00 2I-LO7C 750.00 A CELESTE SMITH, TAX C1)LLEqTOR O2L5O2 LICENSE AND TAG/TR.AIIJER 1 5J.6tr s3.85 40!-2L-572-0O-4900 A & 2ND Q O1O2O2 I 22,L2t.5O 001-04-581-91-1000 .IR. WAQUIN SILVAS, VOI,UNTEER PAY 7OL-40-522-OO-L2O3 A1 02L802 SPRIMT PHONE SERVICE 002 - 51 - 513 - 00 - 4100 A1 0204-0434 3L9.82 EARBARA SCHOPP TRANSCRTpTTON/ 2 000 - CF - 3O2-A O02-5L-6L2-O4-5203 2 000CF3 02A DEBOR,AII SCIIWENDEN}IAIiIN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT A1 ot2902 001-25-569-00-4000 BATCH L50.5O 1 A OKEECIIOBEE HOSPTTAI rNC. D/B HOSPTTAL RECI)RDS/2 001 -CF- 47 2 001CF475A !{.C. SHERMAN MERIT INCREASES/IST IIPIVOID 285.50 002-51-681-00-3108 190041 CI{ECK DT .00 .00 002-51-513-00-3100 DIST: DIST: 73237 SHERIFF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT 002-51-681-00-3108 ATIORNEY FEE O1-099-DP 190001 NET PAY 10.00 DIST: DIST: 73236 RAI'LERSON .JR., OPERATING ACCI)I'MT DISCOUNTS 10.00 10.00 70L-40-522-0O-L203 O.L. GROSS AMT A1 02t802 PREVATT PAY VOLUMTEER DIST: Page kconrad BOARD OF COT'NTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAI CHECK REGISTER 02/L4/02 Eo 02/2L/02 Minimum:o 40.00 A 1 171.50 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 I 544 3L9.82 1 7 1. 5 0 48.L4 48.14 L.44 8544 02/2L/02 ap550-1s FOR BANK ACCOUNI: VENDOR NAME CI{ECK NO. DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DISTr DrST: 7324L L90236 DIST: 73242 19r.067 DIST: DIST: 73243 191121 DIST: 73244 200063 DIST: 73245 22A8L4 DIST: 73246 22AA25 DrST: 73247 22AA4L DIST: 1324A 230005 DIST: 73249 T]. BIG L,AKE NATIONAL BANK NOD SRC #INV A 02L802 DONNY R. ARNOLD VOLI'NTEER PAY A1 o2L802 DIST: RETT'RN ITEM 232L65 001-55-519-00-4610 CHISEL,I{AMMERAND GLOVES DIST: 0 0 1- 6 5 - 5 1 9 - 0 0 - 4 6 0 2 DRILL SCREWS DIST: 001-66-519-00-4606 DT'R,ABOND DI ST: 001-56-519-00-4506 1 44 230086 DIST: .00 5 0 0 .0 0 24.00 24.00 .00 .00 2 4. 0 0 2 4. 0 0 02/2L/02 240.00 240.00 .00 .00 240.00 240.00 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 5.00 5.00 .00 .00 5.00 5.00 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 8544 s.00 5 .0 0 .00 .00 5.00 5.00 02/2L/02 8544 3s.00 3s.00 .00 .00 3s.00 35.00 02/2r/02 8544 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 4o.oo 40.00 02/2t/02 8544 1 , 3 8 5. 1 5 30.31 .00 .00 1 , 3 8 5 .1 5 30.31 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 8544 72.54 .00 72.54 .00 r.od- 73.69 .00 73.69 76.85 .00 75.85 6.s9 .00 5.59 4.19 .00 4.19 26.29 .00 26.29 15.71 .00 15.71 22.L4 .00 22.L4 40.10 .00 40.10 10.69 .00 10.69 4.23 .00 4.23 4 0 .0 0 GARDEN IIOSE AND NOZZLES 7 0L-40-522- 00 - 4604 001-56-519-00-4504 CONCRETE MIX s00.00 02/2L/02 240.00 021902 70I-40-522-O0-L203 DIST: 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 500.00 35.00 701-40-522-OO-L203 DIST: DIST: .00 .00 5.00 232622 DISTI 1,000.00 500.00 8544 s.00 RrCK CIIARTTER VOLI'NTEER PAY 701-40-522-00-1203 DRYIIALI. o01-66-s19-00-4606 STAPLES 001-66-s19-00-4606 VINYI, COVER AND BACK SAW 001 - 56- 519- 00 - 45 05 POLYSE,AMSF"AL AND 9IOOD FILLE 1 1 DOOR STOPS A}.ID HOSE 40L-2L-572- 00- 4604 DTST: s.oo 5.00 500.00 02L802 70r-40-522-0O-1203 001-56-519-00-5209 CONCRETE, BOLT, CORD, BIT 701-40-522-00-5203 o2/2t/02 .00 .00 5.00 s. 00 24.00 A TREASURECOAST CPURT REPORTI c o u R T R E P O R T E R / 2 0 0 0 - C F - 4 4 4 -7 9 8 N C O02-5L-6L2-04-5203 DIST: BATCH s00.00 A1 02r802 2 3 0 0 1 0 W&9I LI'MBER OF OKEESHOBEE DIST: 1 A 2000cF4?34 001-21-572-00-5210 001-66-519-00-4606 SIIOP HEATER HPIVOID 2.89 2 DIST: CI{ECK DT 5.78 L.44 A SI'NCOASTC9INSELTNG E X P E R TW r r r i r E S S / 2 0 0 1 - C F - 5 1 9 8 4 3 002-51-513-02-5203 E X P E R TW T T I i T E S S / 2 0 0 1 - C F - 3 3 98A4 5 002-51-513-02-5203 DOUGI"AS 9IAYNE VIOOD, !tR. VOLUNTEER PAY NET PAY 2.99 5.00 MARGIE JOHNSON VOLUNTEER PAY OPERATING ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS 22.65 002-51-613-06-5203 JA!.{ES R. SllAltIKS YOUTII BASKETBAIJIJ OFFICIAL GROSS AMT r5 kconrad 11.07 001-25-569-01-4000 001-25-569-21-4000 001-25-569-31-4000 001-25-569-41-4000 001-25-569-51-4000 001-25-559-51-4000 CHERYL STRICKI,AND CERTTFTED COPTES/2000 -CF-47 Page BOARD OF COUMTY COMMISSIONERS AI,INUAI, CHECK REGISTER L4rr4t42 02/L4/02 Eo 02/2L/02 Minimum:o 30.31 72.54 1.681.68- 232LAL 73.69 232234 76.85 232260 5.59 232556 4.19 233576 26.29 233605 15.71 233553 22.L4 233720 40.10 232L35 10.69 232!92 4.23 02/2r/02 ap550-1s L4rL4t42 02/L4/02 Eo 02/2L/02 Minimum:o FOR BAI\IK ACCILNI: VENDOR NA!,IE CHECK NO. 11 BIG I,AKE NATIONAL BANK NOD SRC *IMT 212?70 TICIDE 001-66-519-00-460'a 23LL72 GROIII AI{D SPONGE ?01-40-522-00-{504 231513 PAIVT Ar{D PAINT BRUSHES 7OL-40-522-O0-52O3 23L62I PAINT,PLUGS AIiID NI'MBERS 101-50-541-00-4600 23I7L3 POLYSEAMSEAI 00l-66-519-00-4531 2!L724 CPNCRETEPA?CH 001-56-519-00-4531 212595 CIRNER IRONS 701-40-522-00-4600 232672 scREr|s AND I{ASHERS 001-55-519-05-4504 212686 PAKTOCK 001-65-519-00-4504 SCRET{DRIVERSET & HACKSAW 233031 001-66-s19-00-4602 AI{D SCRE 231?79 SA}IDPAPER.DI'RABOND 001-04-513-01-4607 232007 LTQUTD NATLS, DRIWAI,L 001-55-519-00-4506 232OLI PINE 001-66-519-00-4606 232LL7 DRYWAIJLSCREWS, PINE 001-65-519-00-4506 232L34 .TOINT TAPE, C1CRNERBEAD 001-66-519-00-4606 BRUSHES,ROI.IER COVERS,PLI'NG 233L7 6 001-66-519-00-,1504 PLI'NGER.FI,USH VALVE, FIAPPER 233192 001-66-519-00-4604 AI'CHOR KIT A}ID TOII,ET SE,AT 233230 001-21-572-00-4518 233360 SQI'EEGE 4OL-2L-572-OO-46O4 ALUMINW SE,AI.ANTAND BRUSHE 233567 001-55-519-00-4604 WOOESTAKES, FL.AGGINGTAPE 23373L 4OL-2L-572-OO'4604 SE,A'.A![T,ROI,LER COVER,L.INER 233750 001:66-519-00-4604 233920 FAUCET 001-56-519-00-4503 233994 sAriID MIX 001-65-519-05-4604 MACHETEAND GAIVAIiIIZED PIPE 234075 101-50-541-00-5203 RECEPTACLETESTER & CPNNEqT 234L26 401-2t-572-O0-4604 234326 TAPE MEASI'RE AIID LI'MBER 001-56-519-05-4510 CEMEIIT PATCH AI\ID .]OINT KNIF 2343A6 001-66-519-05-4604 234444 CEMENT PATCII A}ID GI{'VES 001-66-519-05-{504 TOILET SEAT 234609 40L-2L-572-OO-4604 INSEqTICIDE AI{D I.AMP HOI,DER234680 001-56-519-00-4604 GROSS AI'T INSE DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: DIST: 73250 230078 DIST: 73251 23OLL7 gIASTE I,IAI{AGEMENT INC. TRASH SERVICE 101-50-541-00-4300 DOUGI.AS W, WERK, .fR. Page BOARD OF CI)I'NTY CIMMISSIONERS A}INUAL OIECK R.ECTSTSN 14 kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS NET PAY 50.75 .00 50.?5 7.92 .00 7.92 29.L9 .00 29.L9 CHECK DT I{P/VOID BATCII 50.?6 7.92 29.L9 L4.99 1 4. 9 9 1 { 1. 9 9 15.95 .00 15.95 L2.57 .00 t2.51 L.75 .00 L.75 5.L2 .00 5.12 76.09 .00 76.09 4.95 .00 4.95 23.65 .00 23.68 L2L.39 .00 L2L -39 10.11 ,00 10.11 12.80 .00 1 2. 8 0 6.03 .00 6.03 31.55 .00 31.65 fD. .00 55.65 15.04 .00 L6.04 L4.23 .00 L4.23 169.58 .00 159.58 2L.6L .00 2 L. 6 L 15.40 .00 15.40 25.00 .00 25.00 L2.36 .00 L3.62 .00 13.62 35.54 .00 35.54 15.95 L2.5? L.75 5.12 75.09 4.95 23 -68 121.39 10.11 12.80 5.03 31.65 oo 55.65 16.04 L4.23 169.58 2L'6L 1 5' 4 0 25.00 L2.36 L3.62 35.54 9 1. t 4 9 1 .1 4 91.14 6.02 .00 6.02 6.02 25.46 25.46 25.46 20.93 .00 20.93 s6.86 .00 5 5 .8 5 42.75 42.75 .00 .00 42.75 42.75 0 2/ 2 r / 0 2 60.50 0 2/ 2 L / 0 2 20.93 56.86 A1 1 8 5 3 20 0 4 6 3 42.75 50.60 8544 02/2r/02 ap550-Is FOR BA!|K ACCICUNI: VENMR NAI{E CHECK NO. DIST: 73252 11 BIG LAKE rmruAl &hcx necrerEn BAI{X NATIONAL NOD 8RC PAY VOI,I'NTEER ?01-40-522-00-1203 24OOg4 I,ARRY STEVE WEEKS, SR. VOIJ'}TIEER PAY DIST: 70L-40-522-O0-L2O3 REGISTER TOTALS CIIECKS: 110 VOIDS: Page kconlad BOARD OF G:|3UNTY COil}fiSgIONERS 14:14:,13 02/L4/02 Eo 02/2L/02 Mlnlmum:o GROSS AMT *I!{\I OPERATI}IG ACCQUITT DISCOI'ITTS NET PAY 60.60 .00 60.50 65.00 65.00 .00 .00 6s.00 65.00 1388,107.03 .00 0 21 8 0 2 CHECK E T HPII'OID 15 BATCH 50.50 A1 02LA02 65.00 246 1388,107.03 02/2L/02 85r4 o2/21,/O2 :-sco-lc 14:15:00 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: VENDOR NAlvlE CHECK NO. 1104 158892 DIST: 44 BIG I,AKE NATIONAL BANK NOD SRC #rNV A O K E E C H O B E EA B S T R A C T & T I T L E I SHIP CLOSING/RICHARD M. ROT ROTH 1 VOIDS: 1 GROSS AMT SHIP ACCOUNT DTSCOUNTS NET PAY 1 3 , O O O .O O 13,OOO OO .oo .00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 00 13,00000 13,000 00 301-01-554-00-4601 REGISTER TOTALS CHECKS: Page kconrad B O A R D O F C O U N T YC O M M I S S I O N E R S ANMJAL CHECK REGISTER O2/74/O2 Eo O2/2I/O2 Minlmum:O O 1 CHECK DT o2/14/o2 HPIVOID I BATCH 85 1 4 14:15:12 02/L4/OZ Eo 02/2L102 Mininnm:o 02/2L/02 ap550-18 FOR BAIiTK ACCICTJIII: I'ENDoR !TA!'E 66 BIG I.AIG CHECK D{O. 201 180016 DIST: DIST: DIST: REGISTER TOTALS Page kconlad ClClOlrSglOl{ERS BOARD OF Cltl+TY AIINUAI, dISCK REGTSTER NATIONAIJ BN{K NOD SnC #rNV GROSS AIfT IAI| ENFORCEI{ETfr IT,UST IIET PAY DrSCOI,I{'T8 L 9 , a 7 3. L 7 A1 i'R, SHERIFF O.IJ. RAIJIJEREION L9,473.L7 020,102 NiARCO"ICS GRANT 1 8 , 8 6 9. 0 0 202-53-581.91-00-1000 51L.61 2O2-53-529-00-3000 62.50 202-53-581.91-00-6000 .00 .00 L9,473.L7 L 9 , 4 7 3. L 7 L9,47t.L7 .00 t9,473.L7 CHECKS : 1 VOIDS: CI{ECK DT O2/2L/02 ITPIVOID BATCH 8544 SeniorServicesContract SUBJECT:Okeechobee With Area Agencyon Aging for United StatesDepartmentof Agriculture (USDA) rrEM l5 Amendment#3 to theUSDA contractwith theAreaAgencyonAging PalmBeach,TreasureCoast, to $35,125.00, anincrease of $142.00.This Inc.,changes theamountof thegrantfrom $34,983.00 Thecontract contract,#ru-011-5,isfortheperiodOctoberl,200l throughSeptember30,2002. for the Meals on Wheelsand CongregateMeals with the USDA providescost reirnbursement programs. This amendment is theresultof a USDA accountingchangein theunit rateofreimbursementfrom for a meal. The Meals On Wheelsand Congregate Meals to $0.60601003329 $0.60356759 programsarenot affectedby this accountingadjustment. RECOMMENDATION: Thatthe BOCC ratiff the changein unit rateandthe fund increasein USDA contract#ru011-5 for theperiodof October1,2001throughSeptember 30,2002. Approved for Agenda I T E M, 5 2128t02 Page1 ofl Kw SIIB.IECT: RX'P- HeevT Duty Automotive Lift rrEM16 The Road}daintenancepeeartme,nthasfilnds dbcated for the prnchaseof a heary dtlty autornotivelift in the currentfiscalyear. Th RFP and specificationsare attachod. RECOMMENDATIONT That the BOCC approvethe RFPfor the heary duty automotivelift andauthorizeStaff to advertise. Approvedfor fuenda Itffi lb 2n8t02 Pgl of2 OKEECHOBEECOUNTY REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS RFP2002-04 OkeechobeeCountyherebyrequestsproposalsfrom qualifiedvendorsto supplya2081230volt heary duty (27,000lbs.minimum)automotivelift. The unit mustnot requirea ceilingheight gleaterthansixteenfeet (16'-0'). Department Any questionsare to be directedto Jackflarris, HeadMechanic,Road]vlaintenance (863)763-3s14. Proposalsaredueno laterthan3:00PMon Friday,March22,2002. All proposalsreceivedafter this time anddatewill not be openedor considered.Proposalsmust be submittedin a sealed envelope,be clearlymarked"Heavy f,)uty AutomotiveLift Bid" No.2002-04andbe sentto 304 Fl 34972. NW 2nd Street,Room 106,Okeechobee, The criteria usedto evaluateproposalswill be: a. Cost b. Suitabilityto County's needs c. Warranty d. References OkeechobeeCountyacceptsno responsibilitiesfor anyexpensesrelatedto the preparationor Countyreservesthe right to reject anyor all proposals,to deliveryof proposals.Okeechobee waiveerrorsandinformalitiesandto acceptthe proposal"which in it's judgement,bestserves the County'sneeds. SharonRobertsoruClerk Board of County Commissioners ClifBetts, Chainnan Board of CountyCommissioners rrEM11 ADVERTISTMEIiIT FOR RE-ROOFING PROTECTS AT i'AIIJ AND HRS FACII'ITY Subj ect : for & Associates A. Smith with Craig has contracted Staff for and construction bidding Services for the design, Professional for s e r v i c e s T h e H R S F a c i l i t y . and the of the Jail the re-roofs a m o u nts B o t h j a i l i s r o o f roof are $9,400, and the HRS the $7,70O. p r o j e c t ' s c o s t s . estimated are less than 3t of each scope of work, and cont,ract documents To date, the specifications, for a options The Jai1 bid is to include have been completed. The HRS bid will up covering. built single p1y verses a modified various t)T)es of metal versus of shingles, the option include proceed p r o j e c t s to for both is anticipated It roofing. simultaneously. can be received Complete specifications Contact Tony Ard for specifications. from staff if wanted. RECOMMEIIDATION staff to That the BOCCauthorize for bids. re-roof j-ng projects) Approved for Agenda Iet specifications (,Jai1 and HRS rtem I rl 2/28/02 Page 1 of 1- 4/ County Administrator ,a', /f.-*r.4 Subject: 11:30A.M. EXECUTM SESSION TO DISCUSSCOIJNTY vs. HUGH BRANCH and TERRI BRANCH LITIGATION MATTER IrEM No:t tr to hold an The CountyAttomey will presenta requestto the Board of CountyCommissioners litigation. ExecutiveSessionfor the discussionof Branch/County RECOMMENDATION Thatthe Boardof CountvCommissioners hold the ExecutiveSession. Approved for Agenda rtem/ I 02128102 Page I of L Administrator [738445463.WPD] NOTICE OF EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE OKEECHOBEE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO DISCUSS PENDING OKEECHOBEE COUNTY vs. HUGH BRANCH and TERRI BRANCH,litigation. The Board of County Commissionersof OkeechobeeCounty shall hold an Executive Session between the Board and its County Attorney, which will discuss the pending litigation between OkeechobeeCounty vs. Hugh Branch and Terri Branch, bearing casenumber 2001-CA-135. The proposed Executive Session shall be held on Thursday, FebruarY 28,2002 at 11:30 O'Clock A.M., or as soon thereafterfollowing the conclusion of regular business,in the Board ofCounty CommissionersMeetingRoom, OkeechobeeCounty Courthouse,304Northwest2nd Street,Okeechobee,Florida 34972. The proposed discussion shall be confined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions relating to litigation expenditures. Notice is hereby given that the following individuals will be in attendance of the Executive Session: County CommissionerDavid Hazellief; County Commissioner Gene Woods; County CommissionerClifBetts, Jr.; County CommissionerJohnW. Abney, Sr.; County Commissioner Clois Harvey; George A. Long, County Administrator; John D. Cassels,Jr., County Attorney. A Court Reporter will be presentto record the sessionand the transcript shall be made part of the public record upon conclusion of the litigation. Clif Betts,Jr., Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OKEECHOBEECOUNTY, FLORIDA SharonRobertson, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OKEECHOBEE COLTNTY, FLORIDA Posted: The OkeechobeeCounty Board of CommissionersRoom Copies: OkeechobeeNews Atlantic Court RePorters WPD] [7384-45463 Subjects L2zL5 P.M., DEDICATfON OF ROGER BOROMEI IITEIIORIAI, ROAD ITEM 19 NW 2Ot,h designating Attached to this agenda item is a Resolution (airport The Memorial Road. road) as Roger Boromei Trail entrance p . m . for 1-2: 1 5 a t t h e s i t e. dedication ceremony has been scheduled RECOMMEIIDATION T h a t t h e B O C Ca d o p t R e s o l u t i o n Roger Boromei Memorial Road. Approved for Agenda strator 2OO2-09 designating NW 20th Trail as Item L9 2/28/02 Page 1, of 2 R E S O L I ] I T T O NN O . 2 0 0 2 - 0 9 A RESOLIIIION OF THE BOARD OF COI'MTY COMMISSIONERS OF OKEECHOBEE COI'}flTY, FI,ORIDA, DESIGNATING NW 2OTH TRAIL AS DATE. ROGER BOROMEI MEMORIAIJ ROADT PROVIDING AN EFFECTM late $IHEREAS, the to countl-ess instruction years; and provided Roger Boromei of Okeechobee residents flight superior County for many promot.ed aviation WHEREAS, Mr. Boromei actively and of Okeechobee County the benefit for safeEy and of his service; the period t.hroughout and aviation residents its of Okeechobee Commissioners County of Board I{HEREAS, the its demonstrate and recognize wishes to Florida, County, c o m m u n ity to both the to Mr. Boromei for his service appreciation of avi-ation. and the field NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED THAT: SECTION T In hereby addition designated numerical- name, NW 20th formal to its Road. as Roger Boromei Memorial Trail is upon its SECTION II This adoption. Resolut.ion ADOPTEDthis shall 28th become effective day of February, immediately 2002. CIif Betts , JY. , Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Sharon Robertson, Cl-erk Board of County Commissioners L]ET PAYING'REEURFACIT{C 2001'2002SUPPLEMENTAT SE4fih Ave. Blvd.fromRRSodhto SE26thSt. Everglades SE39thAve. SE38thAve. Treasurelslstd fromSE28lhSt. €E 32ndLn. lslandfromSE32ndLn.{41SE Treasure SE 85thTen. SE82ndCitSE8OhTr. SE59thCir. SE?sthTr. Ptons Estatecb€hm€nSE3nh Dr.& SESOthth. PioneerEdatccillof SE60fi D. PloneerEstatcsfronrSE60ihDr..SE S/lh Dt. oft of SEflllh Tr: PionccrEstatGc SE6oihDt. NW l,l,flh Or. tl\,v40thTen. NE lTtr Ave. NEsthSt. NE +il$ ArNE 13fi St. NE l6h Ave. PotterRd. frcrnl.l\/V30thTen.totWtl40lhTcr fromltlW 144thOr"lo l{W 16OhSt. 'r ' NEsthSt' !.r'r'.o v\L \b'- '1vc Do.rgtas I NE15thAve.{i from lrcmNE:13ilt Brcnml, Dougtas NEf6thAvc-to NE lnh AYc.' cr^ r * 1,'r-L - il-"gt; itrelfitqrr frSfri Sr.ia{slsiltst -IlouglasBrarnl'ftoctNElSiltAvc b t{E'l6iltAvcBrunuboffrtares:ttomlfrif.'70Eto NE5thSt & boih Oougtas shoncrossgtre€lsthd goactcs rnedan .1,,. . *',, o0g.\i*, \L rrlt' f,*-. oil"(*'Lt'ryr rr O.{. 6r- f,\^.. \r.,' J*1E' L>. 'j t l" \'t \\ r *-r 'i oU., -i^'o'--'Trl'J {r,r ii 01. *V' ,il "il4 lo* A,.) ]/'o Subject: Sports Complex Swimming Pool Geothermal Heat System Additional ITEM # \,/ This item is broughtbackto the BOCC to clarifyandreaffirmthat AmericanDrilling Services,Inc. (Co. bidderat the License#1039),not AmericanWater Systemsas originallyreported,was the successfirl heatersto be Februaryl2thbid for well drilling in the amountof $51,750.00neededfor the geothermal installedat the SportsComplexpool. Also, that the BOCC confirm by motion authorizationto purchasethe three Model PHH-250RV geothermalheaters(includinginstallation)neededat the SportsComplexpool from SymbiontService turder Countypurchasing Corporationinthe arnountof$48,927.00. Thispurchaseis basedon Okeechobee 25, 2001to SymbiontServiceCorporationfor two ModelPHHthe City ofMiami bidawardedSeptember personnel, tools,labor,supervision, Thisawardincludedfurnishingmaterials, 250RVgeothermalheaters. to furnishandinstallthetwo newSymbiont.swimmingpool geothermal equipmentandsuppliesneeessary heatpumpsat their JoseMarti pool. The SportsComplexpool requiresthreeheaterssinceit is largerthan the JoseMarti pool. Thequotedpricefor thethreegeothermalunitsneededat theSportsComplexis below the per unit costofthe City of Mami award. The purchaseof pool blanketand reelsfor the SportsComplexpool will be broughtto the BOCC for approvalat a later date. RECOMMENDATION: Thatthe BOCC awardthe bid for the well drilling portionofthe geothermalheatingat the SportsComplex pool to AmericanDrilling Services,Inc. inthe amountof $51,750.00.Further,that the BOCC authorize the purchaseof the geothermalheatpumpsandinstallationfrom SymbiontServiceCorporationunderthe City of Miami awardof September25,208lat a costof $48,927.00' Approved for Agenda Item 2/2812002 Page I of CountvAdministrator C :\REC\ADlvfl AGENDAVO02\poolh@ter_wclls228-spd 2 Budget Infomation: I O The County and SchoolBoard agreedto split the cmt of heatingthe pool equally with reimbursement The Countybudgeted$79,000.00for the total projectedcostof this improvement, project. the of duefrom the SchoolBoardafter completion The SchoolBoardallowed$50,000.00in their budget(in casethe projectedcostsran over)for their shareof this cost. SPORTSCOMPLEX POOL IIT',tr14q6 Component l. 2. 3. Costper 2ll2/02 rebid alternate: wells to surfrcialaquifer Costsper2ll2l02 rebid with wells to Floridan aquifer Purchaseunder City of Miami bid awarded September25,2001.Furnishingall materials, tools, labor, supervision,personnel, equipmentandsuppliesnecessaryto fumish and installthree(3) new SymbiontAquaCal Inc. Model PHH-250RVswimmingpool geotherrralheatpumps. $48,927.00 s48.927.00 Total project costto provide all materials, equipmentandlaborto install a min. 6" pump and a min. 6" sourcewell, submersible return flow (injection)well casedto the requiredaquifer. $13.750.00 s51,750.00 $800.00 $800.00 Electricalhookupfor pump. 62,677.00 $ Projected Total for Heating Pool $ Pool blanket/reels to cover 12.659 SF surface area Estimated $14,000.00 Proiected Total for Heatinpy'Coverins Pool AMOIJNT BT]DGETEDBY COT]NTY FOR PROJECT C:\REC\ADM\AGENDA\20O2\pmhato_weUs228wpd s76.677,00$ $79,000.00 101,477.00 $14,000.00 115.477.00 $79,000.00 jq 5SBJECT: AppRovAL oF REeuEsr FoR BrD- REM6YALoF rrEM # t 3 A (' STRUCTURES The bord directedstaffto reques bids for remvtrl ofthe threeexistingstructuresthat ae located ufure the new JudicialCorylex wrll bebuih. The boardwantedbiddersto havethe opbnofeither relocatingthe structgresor demolishingthern Find attachedto this agendaitem a copy of the Invitation to Bid advertisementandthe bid form. \ilith the possibilitytbat asbestoswas in one or rnoreof thesesftucturesan inspectionwasneededto preformanasHos 1're Countyenteredinto a cortract with EvanEmironrental & Geosciences inspectionandprovide a report on their findingsand any necessaryrecommendations.We should havethis repo11by the endof next week. Whensomeonerequesta bid fornr, a copy of this report will accorrpanyit. Resultsfromthe bid will be broughtbackto the boardat the March 27,2002 meeting. RECOMMENDATTON(S): Thatthebomdapprovethe Invitationto Bid forthe'RemovalofStnrctures" onthe site ofthe futrue judicial cornplex (as zubmitted or amended). Approved for Agenda Item # 2/28102 Page I of3 BID FORM for "Removal of Structures" Bid Structures: l. 3l I N.W. 3'dAvenue, Single Family unit including driveways/sidewalk 2. 305 & 307 N.W. 4s Street, Duplex unit including drivewayvsidewalk 3. 311 N.W. 4ft Street, Single Family unit including driveways/sidewalk Evan Environmental & Geoscienceshaspreformed asbestosinspectionson all three structures,a copy of their report is included for your use' Method(s) of removal that the bidder will use on each structure (demolition and/or relocation): l. 2. 3. If one or more structuresare to be demolished,where will disposalbe? If one or more structures are to be relocated, where will that be? Number of daysneededto completethis project will be: Attach to this bid your qualifications, referenceswith contact nameand phone numhrs, similar jobs, subcontractors and anyother informationthat demonstratesyou are capableofperforming under this bid. If any of these structures are to be demolished, it is the bidders responsibilityto ensurethat any requirementsfor demolition under D.E.P. guidelineswill be adheredto. Furthermore,all expenses relatrng to, but not limited to: demolition, hauling, di"p"*|, any requirenrentsto conply withD.E.P. shall be the responsibility of the bidder. All siteswill be restored to their preconstruction condition; i.e. level, free of debrisand ableto be maintainedby lawn mowers, re-seedingnot required. Septic tanks are present, if they are damaged,they will have to be properly filled at the bidders expense. It is the bidders responsibility to ensure proper permitting, relocatiorq disposal and any other item(s) *as is basiso, no nec€ssaryor required relatrng to this bid. These structures are ofrered on an implied or representedwananty of any kind or condition is given by the County or its staff. I havemadeall necessaryinquires and site visits to ensurethat I understandthe scope ofthis bid, and I bid the following amount for each structure: l.$ 3.$ 'Q I bid the following amount for ALL structures:$ Signature: Company: Print Name: Phone number: Address: License(s): INVITATION TO BID BOARD OF COUNTY COMMSSIONERS "Removal of Structures" The Board of County Commissionersof OkeechobeeCounty is acceptingsealedbids from qualified vendorsfor the removal ofthree (3) structureslocated at 311 N.W. 3'dAvenue (singlefamily), 305 & 307 N.W. 4mStreet (duplex) & 3ll N.W. 4d'Street (single family). Structuresmay be removed by demolition and disposal or by relocation to another site. Scope of this project involves complete removal of the three structures and leveling of each site. Items that will be consideredin award ofthis bid: Price offered to the County, Time schedule,method of removaf site restoratio4 bidder's qualifications, perfonnance for similar projects, references. Sealedbidswill be acceptedat304 N.W. 2d Street,Room 106, Okeechobee,FL 34972(863) 7636441,until 3:00 p.m. on March I 8, 2002, bids must be clearly marked"Removal of Structures",then bids will be openedand read aloud- Submittals received after the date and time specified will not be considered. Bid forms may be obtained at the samelocation. The Board of County Commissioners of Okeechobee County, accepts no responsfoility for any expenserelated to preparation or delivery of bids, reseryesthe right to reject any bid for any reason whatsoever, to waive technical emors and informalities, and to accept the bid(s), which in its judgement, best servesthe public interest.