4th Crank - -CookIe - Crank Cookie Kurzfilmtage


4th Crank - -CookIe - Crank Cookie Kurzfilmtage
4th Crank - CookIe
KurzfIlmtage Passau ’09
24th-28th June 2009
more infos: www.crankcookiekurzfilmtage.de
Netzwerk für den Filmund Mediennachwuchs
Wenn es nicht mehr genug ist, Filme anzusehen, sondern es zur Leidenschaft wird, selbst Filme zu drehen, ist der MedienCampus Bayern der
richtige Ansprechpartner. Der Dachverband für Medienaus- und
-weiterbildung in Bayern, getragen von der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei
mit Staatsminister Siegfried Schneider an der Spitze, zählt rund 70
Institutionen zu seinen Mitgliedern, darunter staatliche wie private
Hochschulen, Akademien, Vereine und Verbände. Sein Ziel ist eine gut
vernetzte, transparente und zukunftsgerichtete Aus- und Weiterbildungslandschaft am Standort Bayern.
Geschäftsführerin Prof. Dr. Gabriele Goderbauer-Marchner: „Ob Kamera
oder Licht, ob Drehbuch oder Schauspiel, ob Trickfilm oder Computeranimation: Unter dem Dach des MedienCampus Bayern finden sich für
alle Schwerpunkte Einrichtungen, die professionell aus- oder weiterbilden.“ Informationen zu Ausbildungs- und Studiengängen gibt es auf
der Homepage des Dachverbands unter www.mediencampus-bayern.de.
Dort finden Filmemacher von morgen auch eine Praktikumsbörse für den
gelungenen Einstieg in die Filmbranche.
Dear enthusiasts
and workers for film!
This year is the fourth round of the CrankCookieKurzfilmtage and we’d
like to welcome all of you! The last years have been a great success –
among other things because of the several specials that we can offer.
So, next to our long-standing offers, you can look forward to a lot of
new things and a full program of shorts.
Let’s get going with the openig event under the very promising title
“Liebe Triebe Seitenhiebe”at the film theatre Metropolis and the following concert of accustic music of the singer-song-writer The Great Park.
Furhter presentations expect you at the Scharfrichter Kino and the ProLi
within the comfortable sorrounding of the old variety theatre, as well as
exciting experiences at the PAM-PornCinema and long nights outdoors.
This year again you will need nerves of steel for our ShockingShorts!
At last the jury -consisting of film and media experts- and the public
itself will choose the glorious winner among the shorts elected for the
You also will have the possibility to take a look behind the scenes of film
by participating at our workshop- all dealing with the topic “film”. And
some totally new aspects of Passau may emerge by a walking tour of the
special kind…and since film and music belong together we will arrange a
Soundtrackparty to accompany one with the other – unforgettable filmmusic at the Camera to make sure that feasting is not missing out!
This year again it is only possible to present our full program with the
aid of numerious voluntary helpers, supporters, partners and sponsors
we’d like to express our most sincere gratitude to.
We are all looking forward to an exciting festival and hope you will
enjoy it!
Yours Crankcookie Team
- Table of contents more than just crumbs!
6 | The jury
8 | Opening event: “Liebe-Triebe-Seitenhiebe”
8 | live in concert: The Great Park
10 | Soundtrackparty Camera
11 | Shocking Shorts + CrankCookieGruselreihe
14 | Crank, cranker... Your Shortfilm-Workshop
15 | Global City Beats- heartbeat of the cities
16 | Respect Oida - awardshow of the mobile-movies
17 | Citymap
18 | Movie-guide for the fourth CrankCookie-Kurzfilmtage Passau ‘09
20 | Rules and trophies of the shortfilm-competition
22 | Competition overview
24 | Filmcontributions
36 | Patrons, partners, sponsors + imprint
...and ActIon!
- entrance-fees This year, just for you:
Shortfilms, Shocking Shorts, awardshow or soundtrack-party; everything for awesome and crisis-resistant 2,99 euros!
Exeption: Liebe-Triebe-Seitenhiebe for 6,00 euros (reduced 5,50),
Global city Beats 5,50 euros (reduced 5,00/fraternity 4,50)
Our festival passport for you, which simply offers EVERYTHING (
exception: workshop) for only 14,99 euros.
Advance sale of tickets starts on june 15 at the mensa and at ProLi’s.
So, get your tickets, before you are getting the crisis!
- the jury First of all, 195 submissions were previewed by the CrankCookieTeam.
The best 44 shorts made it to the next round and will be screened in
our program. The jury will elect the national and international winners.
After all, the Cookie Award is elected by the audience. The award ceremony is at 27th June, ProLi. Who will be the lucky one?
Juroren (Sandra)
Thomas Blieninger (Chair of Jury)
Die Jury besteht aus:
Thomas Blieninger (Chair of Jury)
Thomas Blieninger , next to his activities as
a free editor at Blickpunkt:Film already made
multiple appearance as a producer, amongst
others with the movies Kümmel &Korn and C’est
la vie with the director Markus H. Rosenmüller and Grenzverkehr with
the director Stefan Petz by his side. Furthermore he acted as production
manager for the cine film Toni Goldwascher, the ARD-serial Polizeiruf
110 and even for Die Perlmutterfarbe. He already gained experience as
a jury-member on the one hand as part of the jury for the BKM-Kurzfilmförderung and on the other hand as juror for the “Best Foreign Movie” at
the German Film Award.
Adnan Maral
Adnan Maral completed an actor training in
Frankfurt as well as an education for movie
direction at the school for creation in Offenbach
Foto: Jim Rakete
at the beginnings of the 90s. Since then he participated in many theatre performances and gained recognition with the
star role in Berlin Berlin and in the successful ARD-serial Türkisch für
Anfänger, for which he even got elected as the winner of the German
TV Award. Above all he played in German cine-success Kebab Connection
and Die wilden Kerle.
Daniel Zillmann
The actor, living in Berlin, already played in successful German cine-movies like NVA, Schwarze
Schafe, Wo is Fred?, Berlin am Meer und Finnischer Tango. Daniel could also be seen as one of the star-roles within
the cine-movie Schwere Jungs (direction: Markus H. Rosenmüller). He
participated in the Pro7- Blockbuster like Seventeen, Gonger- das Böse
vergisst nie und Machen wir´s auf Finnisch. From 2007 to 2008 he had a
permanent role within the ZDF-crime-series KDD-Kriminaldauerdienst,
2008 within the Sat1-serial Deadline- Jede Sekunde zählt. He made the
student-comedy 13 Semester, which will come to the movies in autumn
2009. Furthermore he is the lead singer of the band “Straight To The
Karolina Böhm
Karolina Böhm studied political and communication sciences and education sciences of media
in order to make “something dealing with media
in the future”. She started in 2003, as a free
employee of an establishment for education sciences of media, to make
movies with children and youngsters and acts as a media consultant for
the Bezirksjugendring Niederbayern. Karolina Böhm gave the support to
countless kids to realize own movies and, in order to make it even possible for them to watch their self-made-movies in the cinema she is the
woman in charge for the lower Bavarian film-festival for youths called
Ulrich Ziemons
Ulrich Ziemons is associate and co-curator of
the program Forum Expanded of the Berlinale.
After his B.A. in media studies at the University
Bochum he continues now with European media
studies at the University Potsdam. Next to his 3-years activities for the
Berlinale, he worked for film and video festivals in Oldenburg, Bochum
and Galway (Ireland) and finally even for the Anthology Film Archives in
New York. Every now and then he writes cinema-critics for critic.de.
- Opening event lIebe - trIebe - seItenhIebe
Six excellent shorts are opening our festival. They’re not just excellent because
they’re simply good, but because the’ve
been awarded with the most important
shortfilm-award which is distributed in
Germany: the “Deutsche Kurzfilmpreis”.
A few years ago, a national cinematournee has been added to this awardshow with the intention of integrating nominated and awarded shorts
into the regular cinema-program. This very successful idea offers the
opportunity to free the shortfilm from its shady existence and so make it
more accessible for the general public.
“Liebe-Triebe-Seitenhiebe” contains six very different shorts which in a
wonderful way are mirroring the big spectrum of the genre of shortfilms.
So, these six are going to be a promising beginning!
Event: Wed. 24th June 2008 /
Film Theater Metropolis / 8:00 p.m.
Und im Anschluss: Ein Fackelzug zum ProLi mit Empfang und Konzert:
live In conert: the great park
The Great Park is the name Stephen Burch
gives to the music he makes. English by birth
- the idea of making music as The Great Park
actually took root in rural Ireland, where
Stephen has been living recently. The songs
are influenced by the natural landscape, by
the folk tales and acoustic music of the countryside - but with a bleak drama and little
Conzert: Wed. 24th June 2008 /
ProLi / 10:30 p.m.
- Crank KurzfIlmtage
CookIe - 24th june - 28th june ’09
- Soundtrackparty -
thu 25th june - 23 o’clock
entrance fee 2,99 - helles 2,00
- Shocking shorts von 13TH STREET
The dark is invading our cinemas... with
six movies by 13th Street, the station for
thriller and crime! The horrortrip of a young
mother or one night with a killer- even callous horrorfans will be shuddering! The curse
of thoughtless words, the mystery of a few
envelopes or the thrill of one single conversation are will be frightening everyone of you!
Das Baby
Anyone there?
15 Minuten Wahrheit
More informations about the Shocking Short
Award by 13th Street: www.13thstreet.de!
But it’s not over yet: the horror goes on with
the movies of the CrankCookie-Gruselreihe!
Be thrilled at what might expect you during
the night...
Fri. 26th June 2009 / ProLi /
start 11:30 p.m.
- crank, cranker... ...your shortfilm
Saturday + Sunday / 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. /
Entrance fee: 18 euros / Location:Veste
Maximum of participants: 18
Together with Wolfgang Lanzenberger, head
of direction at ProSiebenSat.1 productions at
Munich, you are diving into the world of movie
production . Get inspired high above the roofs of
Passau of the castle-ambiente, write your own story
and stage it how you like! Script, direction, camera,
cast and cut- it’s all in your hand! No matter if
you’ve already some background-knowledge or
not, with the help of a pro and the newest technology, there will be
no limits! And: the finished short will be presented the last day of the
festival at ProLi!
Well, there’s nothing left to say but: and, action!
Application until 21th june on www.crankcookiekurzfilmtage.de.
Head of the workshop: wolfgang lanzenberger
Lanzenberger, 50 years old, studied communication sciences, psychology of publicity, soziology
at the Ludwig Maximilian University. Since 1988
he has been director (lateron the head of direction) at the ProSiebenSat.1 Group. His activity
contains the live staging of news and magazines
like Galileo, SAM, taff and much more. His motto:
“Searching for a storie and give her the right cinematic form” As he is an education commissioner,
he gives his knowledge to the tv-offspring.
global cIty beats
heartbeats of the cities
The filmproject Global City Beats
is based on a worldwide appeal to
creators of films to participate with
their own shorts, brought into being
by a famous online platform. Out of
it turned a joint work of the special kind. The best 15 videos posted on
the internet have been put together to a 90-minutes film accompanied
by enthralling music.
The heartbeat of several cities is a cinematic experience from youths to
Sat. 27th June 2009 /
ScharfrichterKino / 7:00 p.m.
Jugendherberge Passau
Familientage, Programme,
Gruselnächte in der Burg
Oberhaus 125
94034 Passau
0851 / 49 37 80
Respekt Oida – films for diversity and tolerance
Award ceremony for the mobile film festival
The Mobile Film Production Contest “Respekt Oida” wants to encourage
creativity among local talents and to promote awareness of diversity and
tolerance amongst the public, especially young people.
The contest is organized by the NGO “Gemeinsam leben & lernen in
Europa” and is held from February to 31st of May 2009. Its aim is to
motivate young people to produce mobile films on following themes: respect, diversity and tolerance. All the submitted mobile films should be
within 30 seconds to 3 minutes in length. The contest is open to all local
individual talents and students, age 12 to 25, living in Eastern Bavaria.
The application deadline is the 31st of May 2009.
Entries will be evaluated based on assessment by professionals and
experts from various fields, plus a public voting to maximize the public’s
awareness and participation level of the event. The Award winners will
receive attractive prizes; including a trophy, consumer and electronic
products, etc.
The Presentation and Award Wining Ceremony
will be held within the international short
film festival “CranCookie” on sunday, the
28.6.2009, from 1 till 5 p.m. All submitted
mobile films will be showcased and at the
end of the ceremony the winners of the
Jury-prize and the public voting will be
More information: www.filme-der-vielfalt.de
Sun. 28th June 2009 / ProLi / 1:00-5:00 p.m.
26th June / 7:00 p.m. / ScharfrichterKino / 2,99 euros
shortfilm competition: screening 3
25th June / 11:00 p.m. / Camera / 2,99 euros
25th June / 9:30 p.m. / ProLi - start citywalk
shortfilm competition: screening 2
25th June / 7:00 p.m. / ScharfrichterKino / 2,99 euros
shortfilm competition: screening 1
24th June / 10:30 p.m. / ProLi / for free CrankcookIe Conzert: the great park
24th June / 8:00 p.m. / Film Theater Metropolis / 6 euros (5,50)
Opening Event: Liebe-Triebe-Seitenhiebe
24th June - 28th June
28th June / 1:00 p.m. / ProLi
Respekt Oida - award show mobile movie competition
27th June / 11:00 p.m. / ProL
27th June / 9:00 p.m. / ProLi
award show
27th June / 7:00 p.m. / ScharfrichterKino / 5,50 euros (5 / 4,50)
Global CIty Beats
27th June / 4:00 p.m. / PAM-Pornokino / 2,99 euros
KurzfIlmwettbewerb: akt 6
27th June / 2:00 p.m. / PAM-Pornokino / 2,99 euros
shortfilm competition : screening 5
26th June / 11:30 p.m. / ProLi / 2,99 euros
Double-Feature: ShockIng Shorts + CrankCookIeGruselReIhe
26th June / 9:30 p.m. / ProLi - OpenAir / 2,99 euros
shortfilm competition: screening 4
- Shorts competition The competition takes place at:
ScharfrichterKino, ProLi and PAM-PornCinema
1st Category: National
Competing are national shorts, with a length no longer than 20 minutes.
The main topics are arbitrary. The more extraordinary and surprising the
idea, the merrier!
Award: 400 Euro + grace of the jury + invitation to the Filmfestival
Oldeburg + 1 Cookie
2nd Category: International
Competing are international shorts, again with a length no longer than
20 minutes and an arbitrary topic for the competitor.
Award: 400 Euro + grace of the jury + 1 Cookie
3rd Category: Cookie
The Cookies show how surprising a 3 minutes short can be!
Award: 400 Euro + grace of the spectators + 1 Cookie
At the award ceremony on Saturday the 27th of June the winners of
the CrankCookieKurzfilmtage Competition Passau 2009 will be presented
and subsequently celebrated with an enormous end-of-festival party !
The jury will announce its decision for the categories national/international. But are you all set? The decision of who deserves the Cookie
Award is left to our spectators. Yawning? Whistling? Applauding?
Sat 27th June 2009 / ProLi / 9 p.m.
- Crank kurzfIlmwettbewerb
CookIe competition overvIew
screening 1 (thu. 19 p.m. - scharfrIchterkIno)
25 Cent Anna inside/out
Milbe Shadows
In Formatica Von Ende und Anfang
Unsere kleine Welt screening 2 (thu. 21:30 p.m. - ProLI - city walk)
Auszeit La cité de Pierres
DE’MUT Champagner kann nicht schaden
Monsieur LeSon Schlimme Finger
screening 3 (fri. 19 p.m. - scharfrIchterkIno)
7825 Der Schlafsack
Gefangen Les doigts de pieds
Narenjak Neue Horizonte
Regenbogenengel Syndrom
screening 4 (fri. 21:00 p.m. - proLI - Open aIr)
Crossing Numbers Agent Orange Ready
It’s up 2 u
The Intruder Only Love
screening 5 (sat. 14 p.m. - PAM PornokIno)
Clint Love Child
Meine erste Hochzeit
Tanz ins Glück
Die Reise von 80A nach 70C - Ist Schönheit machbar?
Recibi Flores Hoy!
Wo wohnt der Wal Hänsel & Gretel
screening 6 (sat. 16 p.m. - PAM PornokIno)
A Cigarette for two
Dolce Vita
La Main des Maîtres Liebe Gemeinde
Love it like it is
Room 212 Spiel mit mir
Learn to fly award ceremony (sat. 21 p.m. - ProLI)
Winner National
Winner International
Winner Cookie
Contest: Cookie / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Marc W.Widmann / C.: Karl Pankl / 3 min. /
D 2008 / feature film
Germany 2009: The view of the world crashes, but Horst Schnabel sticks to his
ideal world. A little metaphor.
25 Cent
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 1
D.: Sascha Zimmermann / C.: Eva Klemmt,
Christine Lemm / 10 min. / D 2008 / feature film
Thursday night at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Tim is pulling a
double shift when three girls mug him – their bodies disguised as muppets but
without masks to hide their faces. Tim recognises one of the girls… a former
schoolmate of him.
A Cigarette For Two
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Simon Baumann / C.: Kathrin Gschwend,
Simon Baumann / 1 min. / CH 2009 / feature film
In a relationship, sharing is not always fun. In other words, one woman’s meat
is another man’s poison.
Agent Orange Ready
Contest: Cookie / Screening: AKT 4
D.: Christian Schläffer / 3 min. / D 2008 /
An old veteran of Vietnam War has to deal with his war trauma, which
becomes manifested in surreal mutations. The movie is an annotation to the
contamination of Vietnam, caused by Agent Orange and the current actions of
the Agent Orange producer.
Anna inside/out
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 1
D.: Sabine Krappweis / C.: Sabine Krappweis, Kim
Bärmann / 21 min. / D 2005 / feature film
Anna has apparently reached everything in her life. But when anna is about
to turn 32, her life seems to change drastically. A seemingly everyday event
yanks anna out of the life she has been leading up until then. Nothing is like it
was before. She has to go on a journey to her inner self.
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 2
D.: Anna Linke / C.: Katharina Philipp, Katja Wagner / 7 min. / D 2008 / feature film
Janina and Andrea meet every afternoon on the playground. Without men and
with busy children the let time pass by with cigarettes and telling. This is the
only highlight of their days, the only variety to their small appartments and
the every-day-errands.
Champagner kann nicht schaden
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Susanne Boeing / C.: Sandra Borgmann, GustavPeter Wöhler / 13 min. / D 2007 / feature film
Eva is drinking coffe, while she is waiting for her boyfriend. But suddenly
another man appears and persuades her to drink champagne and dance.
Contest: Cookie / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Philipp Scholz / C.: Ole Jacobsen, Nadine Vasta
/ 4 min. / D 2008 / feature film
Clint and Mia are in love. However there´s a disruptive factor, which puts
their relationship in an uncertain position
Crossing Numbers
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 4
D.: Abel Gonzalez / C.: Stephan Early, Pedro Pano
/ 12 min. / ES,US 2008 / feature film
What if the US Border Patrol and the Mexican Police find the corpse of an illegal alien lying right on the border line? Who would take the case? “Crossing
Numbers” is a dark comedy about the indifference of the institutions towards
the humanitarian crisis in the US/Mexican Border.
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 4
D.: Florian Kaltenbach / C.: Markus Schoenen,
Suzan Anbeh / 18 min. / D 2007 / feature film
After his successful debut, the guitarist Tom has to prove himself again. With
his great demands he unsettles himself and distances from his environment.
Only after his great love Anna shuts him out, he finally realises his caginess.
When trying to win her back, he recognises, that he hears everything delayed.
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 2
D.: Binh Le / C.: Emre Akal / 10 min.
/ D 2009 / feature film
Our life is a treasure of moments. With every fibre of our body we experience
the ups and downs of our beeing. Love, hate, desire, anger, fear. The striving
for perfection or the search for the purpose hinders us from seeing the obvious. The perfection of the present.
Der Schlafsack
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Britta Zupancic / C.: Hans Georg Nenning /
5 min. / D 2008 / feature film
Bachelor Walter is financially destitute. In his efforts to make money by selling
his sleeping bag he encounters little understanding and people who attempt to
take advantage of his impoverished situation. A film about fairness and charity.
Die Reise von 80A nach 70C...
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Janine Ilg / C.: Matthias Baur / 4 min. / D 2008
/ animation
Is it possible to create beauty out of a test-tube? The shor-movie deals with
exactly this question of beaut. His description of the “social problem” beauty
is a very ironical one
Dolce Vita
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Michael Schwarz / C.: Andrea Knoblauch, Wolfgang Nötzel / 12 min. / D 2008 / documentary
DOLCE VITA- an experimental portrait of Andrea and Wolfgang, who conduct a
swinger-club together
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Fabian Prager / C.: Corina Vastag, Gerhard Polacek / 8 min. / D / feature film
A young woman lives locked up in a dull appartment. She permanently has to
endure her tormentor´s humiliations, who always takes insignificant incidents
to make her life a misery. One day he unintentionally makes it possible for her
to escape out of her cage and she takes her chance.
Hänsel und Gretel
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Iris Hekel, Heinz Sambs / C.: Markus Nestroy,
Ines Schiller / 10 min. / AT 2008 / feature film
The short-film tells the fairy tail of “Hansel and Gretel” after a picture story
by Wilhelm Busch. Hansel and Gretel follow a bunny into the woods. There
lurk the witch and an ogre lurk, to get both of the into the witch house and
roast them in the oven.
In Formatica
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 1
D.: Matthias Lang / C.: Mia Aegerter, Volker Z.
Michalowski / 9 min. / D 2007 / feature film
Have you ever thought that machines have a life on their own? A satire about
the pitfalls of technology, people who anguish over their computers, and those
who inhabit them.
Inkräktaren - the intruder
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 4
D.: Daniel Wirtberg / C.: Sven Westerdahl, Fabian
Rios / 10 min. / SE 2007 / feature film
For a man, old-aged and lonely, shoplifting is the only content in his life. One
day there is an intruder within his territory.
It’s up 2 u
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 4
D.: Ulrike Westermann / 13 min. / D 2008 /
The globalisation leaves behind profiteers and victims. But the boundary
between them does not follow national or continental borders. The local food
produrcers on the one - the industrial food producers and global players on
the other side.
Kärleksbarn - love child
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Daniel Wirtberg / C.: Tindra Nordgren, Magnus
Krepper / 6 min. / SE 2008 / feature film
The small girl was looking forward to her new pet. However, the child experiences the little kitty more and more as a rival within her own family, since the
parent´s attention only belongs to the little cat.
La cité de Pierres
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 2
D.: Simon Beaupré / 7 min. / CA 2008 /
The City of Stones definitly belongs to an other World. It’s out of time, somewhere between Hell and Hearth. People keep repeating their own death in a
continuous cycle. Strange things happen and never stop. In the middle of a
looping day, do we always realize the priceless value of time?
La Main des Maîtres
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 6
D.: A. Toupet, V. Chauvet, C. Delatre / C.: Martial
Le Minoux / 4 min. / FR 2008 / animation
Overexploited workers are revolting against the milice which hides their existences to rich people. In the middle of this war, we are following two young
workers trying to claim their existences to the bourgeoisie – notably through
the propaganda. In order of improving their living and social conditions.
Learn to fly
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Christian Letruria / 5 min. / IT 2008 /
feature film
A guy with a cyclo “learn to fly“ with an inusual bird dance vision. Blue Crane
is the national bird of South Africa. It began a sudden population decline from
around 1980 and is now classified as vulnerable.
Les doigts de pieds
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Laurent Denis / C.: Simon André, Didier Colfs /
11 min. / BE 2008 / feature film
Arthur lives alone in a little room of an old people’s home. His days are exclusively rythmed by the visits of Julie, the nurse. No one else ever comes to visit
him. Therefore, when Julie tells him about the visit of Bernard, Arthur get
dressed as for a wedding. But who is this visitor?
Liebe Gemeinde
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Aron Lehmann / D.: Paul Kaiser, Anton Gruber
/ 15 min. / D 2008 / feature film
The world of a small bavarian village gets out of control because of a scandal
of two couples. The local priest tries to restore order and bring the communit
back together.
love it like it is
Contest: Cookie / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Giulio Ricciarelli / D.: Ottmar Engel / 3 min.
/ D 2008 / feature film
How to deal with lifes problems? An age-old question. The mystics have an
answer. Love it like it is.
Meine erste Hochzeit
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Ralf Kukula / D.: Mascha Böhm, Julischka
Böhm / 5 min. / D 2008 / animation
“Why does no one marry me?”, I asked my mother. She looks at me with big
eyes, swallows, and is surprised. “But you are only five years old”, is what she
answeres. “Aren´t you too young to get married?”
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Eileen Byrne / D.: Maika Eichenauer, HeinzJosef Braun / 11 min. / D 2008 / feature film
The 15-year old Black African Mena plans to go to her boysfriend Yannik´s
party, where other Africans will be as well. Mena´s father wants to accompany
her, but there is a prolem: he is a Bayer.
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 1
D.: Karl Tebbe / C.: Helga Uthmann, Alexander
Maria Schmidt / 6 min. / D 2008 / animation
MILBE is an animation-film about a grand-mother, gran-mother Grete, and giant house dust mites, who threaten the world
Monsieur LeSon
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 2
D.: Léa Dietrich / 8 min. / D 2008 /
Like every day, Monsieur Le Son, an old administrator of sounds is going to
do his work. But this day he recognizes that something is going wrong. He
searches his archive to find the error.
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Mark-Alexander Hartwin / C.: Koosha Rafie,
Arash Sanaei / 7 min. / AU 2008 / feature film
Set in a war torn landscape, ‘Narenjak’ is the story of three innocent boys
who amuse themselves with their own playground version of war. When they
stumble across a live grenade, their mock battle becomes real as they argue
over what to do with the deadly weapon.
Neue Horizonte
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Fabian Schmalenbach / D.: Peter Cieslinski,
Volker Lippmann / 17 min. / D 2007 / feature film
A movie, dealing with two critically ill men, who have been living in the same
sickroom for years already. Both were supposed to be sick of life, if there
wouldn´t be something in this sterile room, that kept them both alive.
Only Love
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 4
D.: Lev Polyakov / 15 min. / US 2008 /
Only Love’ is a tragicomedy about a Dictator, a Rebel, and Love. It is a darkly
humorous tale of a dictator facing the ghosts of his past misdeeds, a man’s
eternal search for love, and the terrible price one sometimes has to pay for it.
Recibi Flores Hoy!
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Wilfrid Massamba / 11 min. / Mex., Kongo
2008 / feature film
This is the story of a woman, to which her husband hits every day. In Mexico
City, Maria, 30 years old, married since 2 years, mother of two children, tries
to keep up appearances.
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Anna Kasten / C.: Patrick Schulz, Joshua
Heyck / 7 min. / D 2007 / feature film
A young boy tells the story of his big brother committing suicide-out of his
Room 212
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Hadrien S. Lariviere / C.: Erwan Larcher, Wioletta Michalczuk / 11 min. / FR 2008 / feat. film
An escort girl has an appointment in a hotel, at six pm, room 212. It’s a very
special client... Inspired by a true story, the film is a fantasy about sexual
Schlimme Finger
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 2
D.: Michel Vrinten / D.: Rosalinde Renn, Birgit
Bücker / 9 min. / D 2009 / feature film
Two elderly ladies are crazy about the Head Surgeon of a tv-series. When they
meet the actor at a book signing, he turns out to be an arrogant, selfish sexist.
What to do? Accept or act? “Healing Hands: a film about fans, idols, and how
to make ones dreams come true...
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 1
D.: Alberto Meroni / D.: Pietro Ghislandi, Gaia
Fossani / 9 min. / CH 2007 / feature film
In the near future, young Gaia’s dreams are shattered by the evil people who
populate the city. Her grandfather tries to distract her by using her imagination. He creats for her, a fantastic place to hide from reality, a reality in
which the oil reserves are almost finished.
Spiel mit mir
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 6
D.: Nicolas Artajo-Kwasniewski / C.: Sebastian
Edtbauer, Maria Welzel / D 2008 / feat. film
A gambling machine gets involved into the relationship of a young couple and
puts them to the test. Suddenly the young woman recognizes herself to be in a
trianglesituation and sees emotions relocating, priorities changing and the old
questions popping up again, whether man controls machines or not.
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 3
D.: Claudia Reinhard / C.: Charlotte Bohning, Tommy Kochanke / 8 min. / D 2008 / feature film
There are worlds everyone is caught in, worlds of our everyday lives. Lyn and
Jan live in totally different worlds that they invented and defined for themselves. Eventually... they meet.
Tanz ins Glück
Contest: International / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Barbara Seiler / C.: Fiamma Maria Camesi,
Marianne Hamre / 16 min. / CH 2008 / feat. film
Anna is working as a cleaning lady. Every night she cleans Helen`s office.
Helen is a high level broker working in the stock exchange. The two women
normally would never meet each other. However they happen to have enrolled
on the same salsa course. A lesbian fairytale.
Unsere kleine Welt-der Klimafilm
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 1
D.: Buchner, Kohlbauer, Ilg, Berner / C.: L.& H.
Fischer, Sparberg / 4 min. / D 2008 / animation
The couple Hansen sits happily in its little world, a garden plot. In a silent
otiosity they start to philosophize: where does all that, which surrounds them,
come from? Starting with the electrical chicken-grill in the garden plot we
follow a diverse production-functional chain with them.
Von Ende und Anfang
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 1
D.: Christoph Schuler / 11 min. / D 2008 /
feature film
Since the separation of her boyfriend Frank, Anna is suffering from a depression. As a single parent she lives with her small son Daniel in an apartment
between alcohol and pills. Then Frank takes Daniel from her. Furiously she
starts running after them.
Wo wohnt der Wal
Contest: National / Screening: AKT 5
D.: Max Mayer / C.: Robert Freiberger, Rabea
Schäfers / 10 min. / D 2009 / feature film
Melancholy thriller-comedy about the likeable, but also greenly young motor
mechanic Norbert, who tells something about his wild days in nights he is
passing with his slope friends. More and more Norbert is swallowed up by the
earth - “crazy shit”
sponsored by
OB Jürgen Dupper
Mentoring by
University Passau
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter
Festival directors
Andrea Hentschel
Nicolas Beck
Responsibility workshop
Franziska Gruber
Nadine Hackemer
Peyman Saba
Andrea Hentschel
aboutpixel.de / Platon ©
Responsibility Directors
Nicolas Beck
Sandra Vollmer
Adress & contact
postfach 1366
94003 passau
36|a big cookie.
Andrea Hentschel
Anke Buhl
Corinna Wöllner
Hanna Schuster
Ignacio Busch
Steffen Abend
Nadine Hackemer
Franziska Gruber
Nicolas Beck
Peter Haack
Public relations
Corinna Wöllner
Nicolas Beck
editorial staff
Annette Rühle
Johannes Müller
Julia Karl
Nicolas Beck
Sandra Vollmer
Internet presence
Alexandra Höchtl
Nicole Kreft
Nicolas Beck
Steffen Abend
Caner Akcan
Sebastian Rothe
Print copies
5.000 stück
Responsibility Jury
Yulia Lokshina
Wo gibts
Zwischen zwei Buchseiten.
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