Matthias Becker Chemical Engineering
Matthias Becker Chemical Engineering
Matthias Becker Chemical Engineering Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 2 First signal equipment used 280 B.C.: Lighthouse of Alexandria (Pharos) Romans built network of lighthouses around the Mediterranean Sea ◦ app. 100 A.D.: „Torre de Hércules“ in Spain ◦ the oldest still used lighthouse 12th century: Europeans built new light houses ◦ reincreasing sea trade (Hanse) All were lighted by burning wood or coal Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 3 1782: the physicist Aimé Argand invented the Argand burner. Until 1850s: candle bulbs or „Feuerblüsen“ in Germany Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 4 1820s: Fresnel Lens ◦ invented in by Augustin Jean Fresnel ◦ bunching of light beams increases outreach ◦ special geometry saves material Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 5 1920s: Use of incandescent bulbs Today: ◦ metal halide high pressure lamps ◦ incandescent bulbs Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 6 Operating Voltage in Lighthouse ◦ 230V / 400W ◦ 400V / 2000W Filling: ◦ Xe (starting gas) ◦ Hg (operating voltage) ◦ Me-Halides (Me = Na, In, Tl, Sc…) (light emission) Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 7 1868: First traffic lights installed in London ◦ worked with gas light ◦ exploded on 2nd January 1869 1912: Development of electric traffic light 1914: First electrical traffic light installed in Cleveland (US) 1922: First traffic light in Europe (Paris and Hamburg) Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 8 Traditionally ◦ incandescent bulbs (230 V / 40 V) ◦ halogen bulbs (10 V) low efficiency of light output single point of failure (filament burn out) Retrofitting with LED arrays ◦ less energy consumption ◦ increased light output ◦ longer life time Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 9 Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 10 spider web lens wide angle lens spider web lens lens pattern centre commonest better phantom higher outreach reduction Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 11 E27 (Al or PC) BA20 s/d PKS 22 s (halogen lamp) Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 12 E 27 Ba20 s Matthias Becker, B.Sc. PKX 22 s 06.06.2013 13 Up to 90 % less energy consumption Luminous intensity: >200cd / >400cd Colors (EN 12368) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ red: 613.5 – 631nm amber: 585 – 597 nm green: 498.5 – 508 nm white: 5000-7000 K Operating voltage: 12V DC; 24V AC/DC Power consumption: 4W (12V); 12W (24V) Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 14 Replaced traffic lights 54 (of 101) Energy consumption 2002 415.508 kWh/ a Energy consumption 2005 161.584 kWh/ a Saved CO2 246 t/ a Cost reduction 26.297 €/ a Cost of investment 656.000€ (for the first 49 signals) Stadt Norderstedt Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 15 Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 16 Rotating lights Strobe lights LED lighting Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 17 simplest form stationary halogen bulb attached to a spinning mirror or Fresnel lens ◦ spinning parabolic mirror causes modulation of light covered by a plastic dome for protection Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 18 quite modern invention xenon flash lamps ◦ produce a very brief but bright flash isonized Xe discharges a high current through the filling gas ◦ bluish emission spectrum minor wear better recognisable at daylight often attached with Fresnel lens Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 19 Very popular ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ small long-lasting power-saving can easily be seen - even in sun light programmable flash pattern thin construction possible (wind resistance) Constructed as light bar or single beacon ◦ also as flip up under the sun visor Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 20 Clemens Vokmann: „Leuchtfeuer und Technik“, Profilarbeit Prof. Dr. T. Jüstel: „Inkohärente Lichtquellen“, Vorlesungsskript Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 21 Matthias Becker, B.Sc. 06.06.2013 22