Jamaica Relief Ministries
Jamaica Relief Ministries
Jamaica Relief Ministries March 2015 Mission Statement: To reach the Jamaican people, especially the children and youth, for Christ and then teach them Biblical principles for Christian living. To give our youth the opportunity to serve in a cross-cultured country. This experience aids in developing character qualities and a vision for ministry that is so needed in today’s society. Annual Meeting Opportunities on Mt. Pelier In January, we restarted the Mt. Pelier Bible Club after several years of dormancy. Every Monday afternoon a group from JRM goes to the Blackburn Learning Center at 2:30 to spend an hour or 2 with the kids. Three of the aunties go along every week. Tammie Weaver organizes the weekly event. There is usually a story, songs, memory verse, activities (games, craft, etc.), and a snack. There are about 35 children at the school, and we also have some community children that come. We have really enjoyed getting to know the teachers and the children better. We not only want to plant God's Word in these young hearts, but also build relationships, so that we can continue to speak into their lives. The teachers really enjoy our involvement as well as it helps to reinforce the things they are teaching the children. -Kevin Stutzman I keep thinking of how our staff are protecting these dear little children from some of the horrible things we see and hear all around us. Keep us in your prayers! Every year in February, around 40 people descend on JRM for the annual meeting. There are 12 associate board members who come every year, as well as others who interested in how they can be involved in the work in Jamaica. Most of the guests have accommodations off site, since we have limited facilities for a group of this size. We began with a work day at JRM. There were various projects, such as coating spots on the roof where there were some leaks, repair of electrical wiring, sealing a wooden stairway, cabinet repair, and various other things. On Friday, the group went to Mt. Pelier for a fun day with the kids from the community. There were different stations with activities for the kids. There was a fundraiser for lunch to benefit the school. They cooked rice and peas (beans), jerk chicken, fried chicken, curry chicken, and cabbage salad. ...Continued on back. Jamaica Relief Ministries PO Box 436 Reading PO Box 134 Fair Play, SC Reading St. James 29643 Jamaica, WI Please use US address for all Donations! E-newsletter, sponsorships, and staff applications: Email: [email protected] Find us on the web! www.jamaicarm.org WELCOME! We welcome Loretta Fisher from Warsaw, NY as she joins the team in March. Annual Meeting continued… GOODBYE! We are grateful for Clarissa Orendorf and the time she spent Friday evening we had a banquet at JRM. We had some special music by JRM, then Brian Burke played music for us, and Pastor Andrew Gordon was our guest speaker. with us. We will miss her stories with the children and fun personality! May God bless you in your future as He continues to use you in His service! Praise Reports: JRM feels a good relationship and great support from CDA Thank the Lord for support and prayers for us at JRM Thank the Lord for Duane & Verba Cross and the group working at Mt Pelier Prayer Requests: Pray for opportunities to help the families spiritually that we built houses for. Pray for the groups that will be coming in the next few months that it can be a good experience. Saturday morning was the board meeting, then it was all over for another year. It was a good weekend of reconnecting with friends, and making some new ones. Kevin Stutzman JRM has partnered with CDA on several “relief” projects. These folks owned a 4 room house but because of crime in the community, a family member was killed and they felt it was an unsafe place to live. They sold their place and had enough to build a small 10 x 12 home where this family of 7 slept. A group from Yoder’s Building Supply in Fair Play, SC came and built an addition to the house. Even though It was really hot to work but they were very willing to help with these projects. They also put up a small house for an 18 year-old girl that is HIV positive and is not able to live in with her family. This will allow her to live beside her family and presents JRM with a wonderful opportunity to speak into their lives! -Floyd & Ellen Yoder
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