2006 - 2007 annual report
2006 - 2007 annual report
en r d il h c r o f e m o h s g barium sprin t r o p e r l a u n n a 7 0 0 2 6 0 0 2 Isabella Her lunch at preschool just might be the only hot meal she’ll get today. Enrolled in one of our preschool programs, Isabella is a petite child with big brown eyes. Only four years old, she is often scared and unsure of her surroundings. Isabella speaks very little. She is shy and withdrawn. For her teachers, it is evident that Isabella’s family doesn’t have much in the way of material things. Food, a warm bed, and safety, seem commonplace for us—but not for Isabella’s family. Isabella qualifies for the free More at Four preschool due to her family’s low income. At snack time, the wide-eyed little girl seems to hunch over her food as though fearful that someone might take it. Sometimes, her teachers find her hiding scraps of food to take home. At Barium Springs, Isabella’s teachers work diligently to help her feel safe in a school setting. They work to get her ready for kindergarten and the public school she will attend next year. Her scared, guarded demeanor has been replaced with a giggly, carefree grin. Dear Friends, We are truly honored to have you as part of the Barium Springs family. Many of our children don’t have a family unit that loves them. And that’s what we do. You & I simply love the children in our care—unconditionally. In this booklet, you’ll see images that represent many of the dreams that most of us had as children. I can remember aspiring to be a football player for the Green Bay Packers when I was 11. But to be able to have dreams like this, you have to have hope. To be able to hope, you have to have faith. And finally, to be able to have faith, you have to know love. To many of our kids, faith, hope & love are foreign concepts. It’s simple really. They cannot understand what they have never experienced. And, without hope, faith and love how can anyone dream? At Barium Springs Home for Children, we believe that every child has the right to dream and hope for their future. We believe kids deserve to be kids. We owe it to them to preserve the wistful, dream-filled nature that being a kid is all about. But, in a world that sometimes seems to cast a black cloud over the dreams of children, what can we do? First, we can pray. And then, we can do something. Whether your gift is time or money, try to keep the children of the world in your thoughts and prayers this year. Let’s give them a reason to dream. John Koppelmeyer John Koppelmeyer, MSW President Barium Springs Home for Children With your help, we can make dreams come true. Support Barium Springs Today. barium springs home for children served children & families from north carolina counties last year. 16 Alexander Caldwell Catawba Cleveland Davie Forsyth Guilford Iredell McDowell Mecklenburg Randolph Rowan Rutherford Surry Tyrrell Yadkin Services to children & families Program # Served Early Childhood Education (capacity 145) 171 Alternative Education (capacity 117) 177 Residential Services (capacity 32) 56 Foster Care (capacity 11 homes) 13 Clinical Services 142 Community-Based Services (capacity 150) 179 College Assistance Total Children & Families Served Our goal is to serve every county in NC. With your help, we can! 7 745 early childhood education: Race, & Gender This program offers early childhood education to children, birth to 5 years old. Our services are offered on a sliding scale so that low income families have an opportunity to receive quality care at a price they can afford. This award-winning program also provides consultation and training to childcare centers, providers & agencies throughout North Carolina. 15% 46% 39% African American 53% 47% Caucasian Female Hispanic Male alternative education: Race, Gender, & Age Barium Springs Home for Children understands that some children learn best in a variety of settings that aren’t always available in the traditional educational system. To ensure these youth do not get left behind academically, we offer alternative educational environments that focus on behavioral & educational needs. 4% 29% African American 67% 82% 18% 28% 18% Caucasian Female Other Male 18% 36% Under 10 10 - 12 yrs 13 - 15 yrs 16 - 18 yrs Residential services: Race, Gender, & Age Our residential program provides a caring place for children to live while helping them overcome issues that have not allowed them to succeed in a traditional family setting. Currently, we operate five group homes & a foster care program. 4% 2% 14% 25% 6 - 12 yrs African American 71% 4% 76% 24% 13 - 17 yrs Caucasian Female Hispanic Male 80% 18 - 20 yrs over 21 yrs Community-Based Services This program is made up of a community of licensed professionals and support workers who help children and families by providing counseling, diagnostic assessments, therapy, service coordination and much more. This group of professionals works together to ensure that children and families get the support they need whether at home, school, or out in the community. 6% 22% 64% African American 30% 73% 27% 22% Caucasian Female Other Male Discharges A discharge is when a child completes a program or therapy successfully and is moved to a less restrictive environment. We are always thrilled when a child reaches this pivotal moment! Through hard work, this means the child is making progress! 93% 82% 79% 80 67% 60 49% 40 20 2005 - ‘06 2006 - ‘07 0 Alternavie Education Group Homes 41% Under 10 10 - 12 yrs 13 - 15 yrs 16 - 18 yrs Restrictive Interventions 100 92% 15% Community Support Over the past 3 years, our restrictive interventions have decreased by 60%. This is a great accomplishment and represents success of our Teaching-Family model of care. Nicolas This year he experienced a loving family environment for the first time. A victim of severe child abuse, Nicolas suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. He is angry, prone to outbursts and suicidal at times. In another time or place, Nicolas would be a typical rambunctious boy. Once in a while when his anxiety fades, there is a glimpse of Nicolas’ wonderful sense of humor. While living in one of our group homes on campus, Nicolas receives the counseling needed to overcome his feelings of anxiety. His family teachers teach him behavior skills and ways to manage his emotions. But most importantly, Nicolas experiences a loving, caring family environment. Now living in one of our foster care homes, Nicolas is being considered by several adoptive families. He is happy and is no longer struggling with anger outbursts & stress. With the help of Barium Springs and people like you, nicolas is on his way to a better life. kindergarten readiness survey The Kindergarten Readiness Survey is specifically designed to rate the effectiveness of our program at preparing children who are discharged to enter kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers fill out a survey that rates our students on a scale of 1-4 in various skill areas. A score of 1 means the teacher agrees that students who came from our programs were not adequately prepared for kindergarten, a score of 4 means they strongly believe the student is prepared for kindergarten. We are very proud that the 2007 survey revealed above-average scores in many areas of observation! 2.8 Math 3.8 2.7 Reading 3.8 3.0 Language 3.5 2.8 Social/Emotional 3.2 3.1 Listening Skills 3.2 3.1 Following Directions 3.7 3.4 Self Help Skills More At Four (Statesville) Early Childhood Education Center (Barium Springs) 3.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Not well prepared Close to adequately prepared Adequately prepared Well prepared parent satisfaction survey 2005 - ‘06 2006 - ‘07 100 97% 99% 92% 80 Early Childhood Education 100% 100% 100% Foster Care Community Support 100% Group Homes New Program - No Data In certain programs, parents are asked to fill out a survey to give us feedback on the performance of our programs. We welcome comments and concerns and try to keep the lines of communication open to parents & family members. We are proud to report high ratings in this category and strive to continue to encourage involvement & interaction with entire family units whenever possible. Make your gift Today! operating expenses Total = $7,717,662 9% Please complete this form & return to Barium Springs Home for Children. we’ve even given you an envelope! $733,062 5% $386,014 86% $6,599,586 Services to Children & Families I would like to join the Barium Spring Giving Society at the following level: Administration ❏ Platinum Society ($10,000 +) ❏ Gold Society ($5,000-$9,999) ❏ Silver Society ($2,500-$4,999) ❏ Bronze Society ($1,000-$2,499) ❏ Copper Society ($500-$999) ❏ Pewter Society (up to $499) ❏ Other ___________________ Fundraising operating revenue Total = $8,040,267 Name ___________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ 26% $2,121,359 12% $966,902 62% $4,952,006 14% 38% $138,897 $366,250 48% City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________ Local Church I belong to and/or attend _________________________________ Date of Birth ❏ Male ________________ ❏ Female __________________ $461,755 ❏ I’ve enclosed a check. (Please make check payable to Barium Springs Home for Children.) Fees for Service Churches Donations & Grants Please charge my gift on my credit card: Individuals ❏ AMEX Investments Grants Card #_________________________________________________ ❏ MC ❏ VISA ❏ DSCVR Exp Date _____________________ Security # _________________ Name on Card ___________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________ Phone # ________________________________________________ Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. We will send a receipt for your records. Gift In Memoriam Name of deceased person _______________________________________ Date of death _________________ City/State _______________________ Survivor to be notified ________________________________________ Addicted to drugs and pregnant, she had worked hard to overcome her past. Allison At the tender age of 14, Allison has already lived through more obstacles than most of us handle in a lifetime. She was raped at age 11 and has no parents to help guide her through the emotional trauma she endures. All alone in the world, Allison quickly turned to drugs and a dangerous lifestyle. Survivor’s address ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________________ My/our relationship to the deceased/honored _______________________ Note: The bereaved family or honored person is notified of the memorial or honor gift by mail. The gift amount is not mentioned. Please fill in the above information so that we may thank you for your donation. Gift in Honor Honored person ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________________________ In Celebration of ________________________________________________ (i.e. birthday, wedding, birth, special occasion) ❏ I have included Barium Springs Home for Children in my will. In trouble for not attending school, Barium Springs’ community support workers were asked to help Allison. On drugs and newly pregnant, it became vital that Allison get help with her drug problem so her baby would survive. When one of our staff picked Allison up to take her to the rehabilitation center, it became evident of just how little Allison had. Her house was empty. There were no sheets, bathroom items or clothes to pack. Her house seemed to reflect what had become of her heart—empty and damaged. ❏ I would like to be contacted regarding planned giving. For more information, please call 1-800-320-4157 “Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Section at 1-888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the State.” Allison has experienced first-hand that people love and care about Individuals Platinum Society $10,000 + Anonymous Mr. J. Roy Davis Mr. E. Bryant Norville Mr. & Mrs. Murray White, Jr. Gold Society $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Mr. J. C. Barnhardt, Jr. Mrs. Mary Mac & Mr. Tom Bradshaw Mrs. Pat Gibbs Ms. Trish Greer Mr. & Mrs. James R. McLester Ms. Emily Millis-Hiatt Mrs. Marilyn Knight North Trust of Mr. Lewis P. Orr, Jr. Mr. Thomas H. Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Woods Silver Society $2,500-$4,999 Today, Allison is drug-free and a healthy baby is on the way! She has a long road ahead of her but she is now part of the Barium Springs family and will get the support she needs to build a better life for herself. her unconditionally—something she had never before experienced. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Tom Barnhardt, III Mr. John G. Barrows Mr. & Mrs. Al Bentz Mr. & Mrs. W. Jeffrey Booker Mr. Marion Cooper Mrs. Ruth G. Cross Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Fieselman Mrs. Lillian Gaskill Reverend & Mrs. James F. Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. L. Richardson King Ms. Carolyn Leith Mr. & Mrs. John A. Mitchener, III Mr. W. B. Nivison Mr. & Mrs. Grover Shugart Mr. J. T. Spence, III Bronze Society $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Ms. Dana J. Bailey Dr. Hilda Bailey Mr. James W. Bailey of 2006-2007 Donors Honor Roll Mr. Jason Bailey Ms. Jo Beatty Mr. John M. Belk* Mr. & Mrs. Denis Bilodeau Mrs. Eleanor C. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Holt F. Callaway, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Byrum Carter Mr. & Mrs. Bret Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Cole, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Davis Ms. Hilda Dietrich Mr. Douglas M. Faris Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Fiorenza Dr. & Mrs. Tom Fulcher Dr. & Mrs. M. James Gaskill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kelman Gomo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gordon Dr. Jerry & Dr. Kathryn Greenhoot Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffin, Jr. Francis* & Emily* Grill Miss Josephine Hambrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hambrick, Jr. Ms. Margaret Hargis Mr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Hollenbeck Mr. & Mrs. Billy S. Howell, Jr. Mr. Ralph E. Hunt Mrs. Dorothy F. Jennings Mr. Jason Roy Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Don S. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John E. Koppelmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Costi Kutteh Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. William P. Loughnane Mr. David MacCallum Mr. & Mrs. James C. Mahony Mr. & Mrs. James S. Malphrus Governor & Mrs. James G. Martin Mrs. Sylby P. Martinat Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mason, III Ms. Linda McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. McKenzie Ms. Katherine McKenzie Mrs. Eleanor Meech Ms. Carol Miller Ms. Joan Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Joe Morgan Mr. Lowell Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Oehler Mrs. Mabel R. Osborne Mrs. Jeanne Patterson Dr. Frieda Elaine Penninger Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Powell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Reeder Mr. & Mrs. Arden Reiser Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Riffle Mr. Joseph Ryan Mr. Bill Scibetta Reverend & Mrs. Grant M. Sharp Dr. Laura Skinner Mr. & Mrs. M. Troy Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stuart Mr. James Henry Trexler Mr. H. Jay White Mr. Charles Willis F. P. & Gloria Wright Copper Society $500 - $999 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. B. Ross Angel Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Askins Mr. & Mrs. J. Murrey Atkins, Jr. Mrs. Betty J. Averitt Mr. & Mrs. Randy Baker Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt Bell Mrs. Sallie D. Belperche Dr. & Mrs. Neil C. Bender Mrs. Vada Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Tony Bodenheimer Mr. John V. Boehme Mr. Gerald C. Brown Mr. Mark A. Bryson Mr. & Mrs. George Watts Carr, III Mr. Brian Caughman Mr. & Mrs. Adnan Choudary Mr. & Mrs. Dave Christenbury Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Claybrook Mr. & Mrs. William K. Conger Dr. & Mrs. James R. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Bobby K. Dagenhart Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Dean Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Dimmette, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. M. K. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Duncan Mr. Edward H. Easley Ms. Billie Erwin Mr. & Mrs. James R. Farley Mrs. Sarah C. Feely Mr. & Mrs. James B. Feldman Mrs. Lila P. Friday Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gilewicz Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gillis Ms. Trish Gleason Miss Eula Godwin Reverend Gregory Green Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ray Gunter Mr. & Mrs. Bob Haas Hugh & Reba Hall, Jr. Ms. Maureen Harkins Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Henry Mr. Cliff Hester Reverend & Mrs. Paul A. Horne Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. W. Keith Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kotowicz Mr. Mack E. Lackey Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Lawrence Mr. N. B. Lowie Dr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Mabry, Jr. Mr. Jimmy Makar Dr. Robert C. McAdams Ms. Judie McGuirk Mrs. Martha McNair Mr. & Mrs. John B. Merritt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Miller Ms. Christine Minear Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Neeb Ms. Nancy Nickels Mr. & Mrs. Thomas I. Niemeier Mr. & Mrs. Lewis P. Orr, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Osborne Mr. & Mrs. John W. Owen Mr. Michael A. Owens Mr. Timothy Parsons Mr. Lee Pisacano Mrs. Geneva W. Plemmons Mr. & Mrs. E. C. Powell, Sr. Mrs. Lynn Powell Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Neill Salmon, Jr. Mrs. Betty J. Sample Mrs. Hansford Sams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schell Mrs. Jane Shingleton Mrs. Margaret Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Steele Mr. John Steffen Mrs. Bryson Stinson Mr. James W. Surane Mr. & Mrs. John A. Taylor Ms. Bettie F. Thompson Mrs. Lesia T. Thurber Mr. John F. Trexler Dr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Triplett Mr. Woody Washam Mr. & Mrs. Terry Watts Mr. Joseph A. Wearn Mr. Edward I. Weisiger Ms. Elizabeth O. Welker Mrs. Barbara A. Westgate Mrs. Betty B. White Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Whitehurst Mr. H. Newton Williams Mrs. B. E. Wooten Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Worsley Ms. Nancy Ann Wright Mr. & Mrs. Jerry K. Young, Jr. Pewter Society Up to $499 Anonymous Mr. Bruce R. Abbott Mr. & Mrs. William Abbotts Dr. J. Curtis Abell Ms. Dorothy L. Abernethy Mr. W. David Abernethy Ms. Ann N. Ackermann Mr. David L. Acree Ms. Connie White Adams Mr. & Mrs. Herb Adams Ms. Tommye Adcock Mr. Charles W. Adkins Ms. Nancy T. Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E. Aiken Mr. Randy L. Albertson Ms. Sarah Alcorn Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Grey Alderman Mr. Charles Don Alexander Mr. & Mrs. James Alexander, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Alexander, Sr. Mrs. John L. Alexander Ms. Marianne Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Alexander Mrs. Ruth Gray Alexander Mrs. Anna Mae B. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Bob C. Allen Ms. Vada B. Allen Mr. & Mrs. William M. Alligood Ms. Laura Allred Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Alphin Dr. & Mrs. Reevis S. Alphin Ms. Jo Anne Alston Mr. Dallas Lee Ammons Mr. & Mrs. John Ammons Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Amodeo Ms. Betty Steele Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Herman L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. S. Anderson Mrs. Sallie P. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William T. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Andres Mrs. Mary Byrd Andrew Mr. & Mrs. Everett G. Andrews Mrs. Helen Andrews Mr. Junius J. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Andrews Mr. Thomas Andrews Reverend Charles C. Ansley Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Apke Mr. & Mrs. Jack Appleman Mr. & Mrs. John J. Archer Mr. William M. Archer, Jr. Ms. Anne M. Arentz Mr. James S. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong Ms. Lorraine Armstrong Mrs. Margaret Armstrong Ms. Mary Leta Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Armstrong Ms. Robin L. Arnaud Ms. Cathrine Hause Arnold Ms. Mary Arnold Mr. & Mrs. William Harvey Arrington Mrs. Gladys D. Arrowood Mr. & Mrs. George H. Ashley Mr. Milton H. Askew, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Astin Mr. Philip Ray Atkins Mrs. Hanna S. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Meade R. Atkinson, Jr. Mrs. Ann Atwell Ms. Anita H. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. David Auman Mr. & Mrs. J. Harold Austin Mrs. Wavie Austin Ms. Michaele D. Autry Mr. & Mrs. William S. Averitt Ms. Doris S. Aycock Mr. & Mrs. James C. Aycock Ms. Jean Etri Backus Mrs. Ella Mae Badeau Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Perry Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bailey Mr. Sidney E. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bain Mr. & Mrs. John C. Baker Mrs. Joyce Baker Mr. & Mrs. Kemp Baker Mrs. Nancy C. Baker Mrs. Shelby C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Vernon E. Baker Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Baker, Jr. Mr. Ray A. Baldwin, Jr. Dr. W. E. Baldwin, Jr. Ms. Shelley Balik Mrs. JoAnn Ball Mr. & Mrs. Darrell H. Ballard Mrs. Ellanor Ballard Mr. Monte H. Ballard Mr. & Mrs. W. Freeman Barber Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Barclay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Barden, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. R. B. Barden Mr. Mark W. Bardo Mr. & Mrs. Delmer Barefoot Mrs. Johnsie P. Barefoot Mrs. Vennie W. Barefoot Mr. Craig Barfield Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Barker Mrs. Elizabeth Cobb Barnes Mr. & Mrs. L. M. Barnes, III Paul C. & Elsie V. Barnes Ms. Winnifred J. Barnes Mrs. Charlotte Barney Ms. Eleanor Barnhardt Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Barnhardt Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Barnhart Mrs. Susan P. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Vance L. Barrett Ms. Virginia H. Barrett Mr. Harry W. Barrick, III Ms. Carol B. Barringer Ms. Elvira P. Bartley Ms. Peggy O. Barwick Ms. Emily Bass Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Bass Ms. Jeanne A. Bates Mrs. Kathryn S. Batson Ms. Judy Baucom Mr. & Mrs. John A. Baynes, III Ms. Eileen M. Beall Ms. W. Jane Beall Ms. Roberta H. Beattie Mrs. Gwen G. Beatty Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Y. Beatty Mr. & Mrs. Blaine N. Beaty Ms. Rebecca S. Beaver Mrs. Thelma L. Beavers Mr. & Mrs. W. Joseph Beavers Mrs. Frances Beck Mrs. Louise K. Beck Mr. Roy R. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Bedini Ms. Susan Bednarick Mr. & Mrs. Mouzon H. Belk, Jr. Ms. Molly T. Bell Mr. & Mrs. William Bendel Mr. Frank T. Bender, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Bender Mrs. Andrea T. Benfield Mr. & Mrs. John F. Benger Ms. Melanie Benjamin Mr. Curt J. Bennett Mr. Russell E. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. Frances Benson Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Bentley, Jr. Mrs. Doris D. Benton Mr.* & Mrs. Lynn R. Bernhardt Mr. Ronald Lynn Berrier, Sr. Ms. Ann L. Berrios Mr. R. T. Berry Mr. & Mrs. L. David Berryhill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Parks I. Berryhill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Berthold Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H. Besore Mrs. Rachel T. Best Mr. Doug Bethune Mrs. Sara M. Bethune Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bigger Mr. & Mrs. William I. Bigger Mr. George M. Biggers Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Biggerstaff Mr. & Mrs. M. B. Bing Mr. G. Norman Bisanar Dr. & Mrs. Chester D. Black Mr. & Mrs. Everett G. Black Mrs. Robena H. Black Mr. Ennis L. Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Blackburn Ms. Anne C. Blackman Dr. & Mrs. Wilbert W. Blackman Elizabeth C. Blackwelder, RD, LDN Mrs. Cecilia W. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Blackwell Mr. Alfred K. Blake Mr. Henry C. Blake, II Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Blake Ms. Roxanne Blake Mr. David A. Blalock, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. John W. Blanchard Ms. Coretta H. Blanchette Mr. & Mrs. Graham B. Blanton Mr. & Mrs. Tony Blevins Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Blocker Mrs. Helen Blue Mrs. Jennie S. Blue Ms. Florene L. Blumenstein Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Boan Mr. & Mrs. Burt W. Boan Mrs. Helen Boatman Mr. & Mrs. Nick B. Boddie Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bogage Mr. & Mrs. Blair Boggs Mr. & Mrs. C. Andy Boggs, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Boggs Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Bonavita Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Booth Mrs. Virginia S. Booth Reverend & Mrs. Robert E. Borland Mr. & Mrs. Danny H. Bost Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bost Mrs. Lilian Bosworth Ms. Hilda G. Bowen Ms. Norma H. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Lee F. Bower Mr. & Mrs. David Bowers Mr. & Mrs. James R. Bowers Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Bowles Mrs. Jean Bailey Boyd Mrs. Richard A. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Boyd, Jr. Ms. Shelly Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Boyer Mrs. Selvey J. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. David M. Boyette Mr. & Mrs. Ed Boyette Mr. H. Edward Boyles, Jr. Ms. Susan J. Boynton Mrs. Mary Lou Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Bradford Reverend & Mrs. Robert D. Bradham Mr. & Mrs. Davis Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. William T. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Bramley Ms. Elizabeth C. Branch Mrs. Susan B. Brandau Mr. & Mrs. James L. Brandon Ms. Mary Brandon Mr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Brandt Mr. ans Mrs. W. G. Braswell Mr. & Mrs. William F. Brawley Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brazil Ms. Catherine K. Breeden Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Breedlove Mr. & Mrs. Phil Brice Mrs. Archie Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Willard W. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Brinkley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Britt Ms. Tammy T. Broadway Dr. & Mrs. Thurman E. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brockelbank Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Brombacher Mrs. Alma N. Brong Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Brooks Mr. Jack Brooks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Brotherton Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brown, Jr. M Sgt. & Mrs. Charles R. Brown Ms. Doris Brown Mr. Gregory D. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. Mark Brown Mr. James M. Brown, Jr. Mr. James R. Brown Ms. Jeannette P. Brown Mrs. Joan Kerr Brown Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Brown Mrs. Martha M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Mike Brown Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Brown Ms. Sumaleigh Brown Reverend Robert H. Brozina Ms. Patricia O’Donnell Bruwelheide Dr. & Mrs. James A. Bryan II Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Ira Ray Bryant Ms. Margaret D. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Buchanan Mr. David & Dr. Sandra L. Buchin Mr. & Mrs. Bob Buckner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Atlas Buffaloe Mr. Irving S. Bull, III Mrs. Blanche Bullock Mr. Donald R. Bumgardner Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Bumgarner Ms. Karen S. Burd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Burdell, Jr. Ms. Coleen Burgess Mr. & Mrs. John Lee Burgess Mrs. Tina Burgess Ms. Elizabeth F. Burke Mr. & Mrs. William R. Burleigh Mr. & Mrs. W. David Burnett Mrs. Lila Burney Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burney Miss Bess Burns Mr. Houston S. Burris Ms. Marilyn G. Burris Mr. Eugene Burroughs Mrs. Dorothy W. Burtis Mrs. Helen Burton Mrs. Jerry Bustle Mr. & Mrs. Ken Butcher Mr. Smith Butts Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Butzgy Ms. Marilyn Buzbee Dr. & Mrs. J. William Byrd Mr. & Mrs. William F. Caddell, Jr. Mr. Geo. T. Cade Mr. Samuel H. Cadieu Mr. Odell C. Cagle, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth R. Caldwell Ms. Elizabeth W. Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Caldwell Ms. Darleen Callaghan Mr. Thomas B. Callahan Ms. Carol J. Callahan-Jarvis Ms. Carol Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Cecil C. Cameron Ms. Geneva H. Cameron Mrs. Gloria H. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. J. Elton Cameron Mrs. Kathryn Gorham Cameron Mr. Ted H. Camp Ms. Barbara K. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Campbell Mrs. Diane E. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Gary Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Campbell Mrs. Nancy Grady Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Campen Ms. Mary Jo Canady Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Cannon Mrs. Johnsie H. Canny Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Carlough Ms. Pansy B. Carlton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carman Mr. & Mrs. Carson Carmichael, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Carmichael Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Carpenter Mrs. Marilynne E. Carpenter Ms. Emily Moore Carr Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee Carr Mrs. Virginia G. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Carroll Ms. Dorothy V. Carter Ms. Dorothy Y. Carter Mrs. Hettie F. Carter Mrs. Lillie P. Carter Mrs. Myrtle O. Carter Mrs. Reba Carter Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Carter Mr.* & Mrs. Allen Carter Ms. Carol A. Caruso Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Case Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cashatt Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee Cashion, Jr. Ms. Frances H. Cassidy Ms. Christine K. Castle Ms. Margaret Castleberry Mr. Al S. Cates Mrs. Peggy E. Cates Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cates Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cathcart Mrs. Mary Ann Cathey Mr. & Mrs. George E. Caudle Dr. & Mrs. John H. Caughran Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cawthon Mrs. Frances Cayton Mr. & Mrs. H. D. Cayton Leila Giesenschlag & Stephen R. Cefalu Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Chadwick Mrs. Clementine Chaffee Mr. & Mrs. Max F. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. William E. Chandler Mrs. Frances Chappell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Chard, Jr. Ms. Gwen Charles Ms. Lizabeth Chase Ms. Kathy Jo Cheek Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cheek Ms. Jean Lee Cherry Ms. Trina Chester Mr. & Mrs. Hobart Brian Cheyne Ms. Lena E. Childress Mrs. Elizabeth G. Chilton Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Chilton Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Chislaghi Mr. & Mrs. William S. Christian Mr. & Mrs. Don Christopher Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Y. Chung Ms. Maxine Claar Mr. & Mrs. David M. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Clark Mr. Gaylon Clark Mrs. Henrietta C. Clark Mr. & Mrs. J. Benton Clark Mr. John B. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Clark, Jr. Ms. Ruth R. Clark Dr. & Mrs. William B. Clark Mr. & Mrs. B. Donald Clayton Mrs. Lee Clement Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Clement Mr. & Mrs. George E. Clements Mrs. Alice Clendenin Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Clendenin Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Clifton Mr. Joe H. Clifton Reverend & Mrs. Charles W. Coats Mr. & Mrs. Joel P. Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Coe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwyn L. Coffey Mr. & Mrs. L. Stephen Coffield Mrs. Gertrude R. Coghill Mrs. Annie Laurie W. Cole Mrs. Elizabeth L. Cole Mrs. Esther E. Cole Representative & Mrs. Nelson Cole Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Coleman Mr. Kenneth S. Coley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Coley Mr. & Mrs. Reed Colgin Mrs. Atha J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Collins, Jr. Mrs. Lyman A. Collins Mrs. Sara W. Collins Mrs. Alison E. Combs Ms. Terri Jo Combs Mr. Glenn Lee Compton Mr. J. Richard Condor Mrs. Alice Connelly Mr. William F. Conner Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Conover Mr. Chris Cook Mr. David S. Cook Ms. Jean Cook Mrs. June S. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Cook Ms. Donna L. Cooke Mrs. Mildred Cooper Mr. Roy A. Cooper, Jr. Ms. Dixie Copeland Mr. & Mrs. G. Harrill Coppala Ms. Jo R. Copper Ms. Kathleen D. Corcoran Ms. Doris A. Corl Mr. Billy Ray Cornatzer Mr. Rickey F. Cornatzer Mr. & Mrs. William H. Corne, Sr. Mr. Parks S. Cornelius Mrs. Virginia P. Cornet Mrs. Dorothy Miller Cornwell Mr. & Mrs. James R. Corvo Ms. Geraldine L. Corwin Mrs. Jean Couch Ms. Christine M. Countryman Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Cover Dr. & Mrs. A. M. Covington Mr. Faison S. Covington Miss Catherine L. Cowan Mrs. Gloria Farnell Cowan Ms. Margaret R. Cowan Ms. Mary Virginia Cowan Mr. & Mrs. Boyce Cox Mr. & Mrs. Ernest S. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cox Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Tony Cox Mr. & Mrs. Dick Cozart III Mr. & Mrs. Meredith Craig Dr. George W. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Cranford Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle C. Craven Mrs. Fred T. Craven Ms. Nelle B. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Crawford Mrs. Ruth Crawford Mr. & Mrs. John P. Creason Mr. & Mrs. Ron B. Creasy Mr. Charles N. Creech Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Creech Mr. W. Hamilton Crenshaw Ms. Connie Crisp Ms. Marjorie Y. Crisp Ms. Anna M. Critz Ms. Cathy Critz Ms. Nancy B. Croce Mrs. Lela D. Crocker Ms. Rebecca K. Crosier Mr. & Mrs. James D. Crosland Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Cross Mrs. Frances G. Crotty Mrs. Vanda Lippert Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Byron E. Crowley Mrs. Hank Crowson Ms. Gertha W. Crumpler Mr. Sidney Crunk Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Cuddington Ms. Linda H. Culbreth Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Culbreth Mr. & Mrs. John Cullers Mrs. Lucinda E. Cullers Mr. & Mrs. Gary Culp Ms. Sadie M. Daughety Mr. & Mrs.* John M. Davenport, Jr. Mr. F. J. Daves Ms. Betty Stone Davidson Mr. Charles M. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Gloria Davis Dr. & Mrs. Hal A. Davis, Jr. Dr. Joe V. Davis, Jr. Ms. Kay H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Larry West Davis Ms. Loyce S. Davis Mrs. Martha J. Davis Dr. Philip C. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Cumbie Mrs. Susan Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Michael Curran Mr. John D. Currie, Jr. Ms. Nora Jane Currie Mr. & Mrs. Cromer H. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. John M. Curtis Mr. John R. Cutler Mr. R. Duncan Cuyler Mr. & Mrs. Mack Dagenhart Mrs. Margaret W. Dail Mr. T. Mark Dail Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Dailey Mr. John T. Dalrymple Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Dalrymple Mr. Charles O. Dalton Mrs. Ruth D. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. John H. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Lee F. Daniels Ms. Virginia A. Dansey Mr. & Mrs. Graham W. Darden Mr. & Mrs. J. Olin Darnell Ms. Faye Darst Mrs. Lisa Daugherty Mr. Roger P. Davis Ms. Sadie H. Davis Mrs. Amaryllis G. Dawes Dr. Tyanna Yonkers Day Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Dayton Mrs. Coit Deal Mr. & Mrs. Harold Deal Ms. Mary C. Deal Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Deal Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Dean Mr. & Mrs. John Wayne Deans Ms. Oneita M. Dease Ms. Debra Decker Mrs. Marie Shaw Dee Mrs. Louise P. Deegan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dellinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. DeLong Ms. Judy N. Deme Ms. Joan A. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Denbleyker Ms. Faye B. Denning Mr.* & Mrs.* John C. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Keith Denny Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Detter Mr. & Mrs. William C. Deviney Mr. Jason B. Deyton Mr. & Mrs. James R. Dickens Mr. & Mrs. J. Dwight Dickerman Ms. Becky Dickerson Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Diegelman Ms. Jane G. Diehl Mrs. Katherine P. Dietler Mr. & Mrs. Ed Dietrich Dr. Franklin G. Dill Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Doar Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Dockey Ms. Joanne Dodick Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Doelling Mr. & Mrs. William Doheny Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. John W. Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dorman Mrs. Nancy Dorrier Mrs. Anna Lee Dorsett Mrs. Florence M. Dossenbach Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Douglas Mrs. Louisa Douglass Ms. Susan Downard Mr. Matthew Dragone Mr. & Mrs. William T. Dubose Ms. Alana C. Ducker Mrs. Laura Dudley Mr. & Mrs. Atwell Dugger Mr. Fowler Dugger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brode T. Duke, Jr. Mrs. Peggy Dulin Mrs. Sibyle M. Dulin Ms. Kaye DuMond Ms. Lu Dunkelberg Mrs. Betty Dunn Mrs. Joseph B. Dunn Mrs. Nancy Barr Dunst Mrs. Enes Durand Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. DuRant Mr. Russell S. Duren Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Durham Mr. Rodger W. Durham Dr. Daniel L. Durway Mrs. Jane W. Dwiggins Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dyer Mrs. Robert Dyer Ms. Sara Dykstra Mr. & Mrs. N. Windsor Eagle Ms. Betty S. Eagles Mr. John J. Eakins Mr. & Mrs. Bob Eberle Mr. & Mrs. Bernd W. Ebert Mr. Jurney S. Edgerton Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Edison Mr. & Mrs. Jim Edmiston Ms. Phyllis W. Edmiston Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Edmonds Mr. & Mrs. A. Ferrol Edmondson, Jr. Mrs. Mabel H. Edmonson Ms. Corinne Edmundson Ms. Mary G. Edmundson Mr. & Mrs. Dana M. Edwards Mr. David N. Edwards, Jr. Mr. H. Palmer Edwards Mr. & Mrs. James Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Edwards Ms. Margaret C. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Edwards Ms. Octavia Edwards Mrs. Phyllis P. Edwards Ms. Sandi Huddleston Edwards Ms. Sylvia A. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Edwards Mrs. Helen Eggleston Mrs. Laivora S. Ehrhardt Mrs. Florence Elam Ms. Juanita I. Eldridge Mr. & Mrs. Millard H. Eller Ms. Betty H. Elliott Mrs. Elgerine Elliott Ms. Kathryn H. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Clawson B. Ellis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Ellis Mrs. Helen Spencer Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Hildon Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Phil H. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ellis Mr. Ernest Ellison II Ms. Rebecca Gale Ellison Ms. Shirley Elton Ms. Jennifer Embs Mr. Steve Emerson Mr. William B. Emerson, Jr. Ms. Hazel M. Emmerling Ms. Kay Emory Mr. & Mrs. Spencer B. Ennis Jerry & Rosemary Enos Mrs. Angeline Ensign Mr. William Henry Ensley Ms. Leigh Ann Epperson Mr. & Mrs. C. Robert Ernest Mr. & Mrs. Hugh H. Ervin Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Erwin Mr. Kenneth F. Essex Mr. Eric H. Estes Ms. Sue J. Eubank Mr. Donald O. Evans Mrs. Mamie P. Everett Mr. & Mrs. John D. Everette Mr. & Mrs. David Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Alton M. Faires Mr. Yates W. Faison, Jr. Mr. Carl Falacara Mr. & Mrs. Marshall S. Falkenberg Ms. Cathi Farber Mr. & Mrs. Carl N. Farmer Ms. Mary Farmer Mrs. Helen S. Farrar Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Farrar Mr. & Mrs. David M. Farris Mr. & Mrs. M. Robert Farris Mr. Paul Farris Mr. & Mrs. James V. Faulkner, Jr. Mrs. R. Dean Featherston Mr. Thomas Fee Ms. Ellen D. Felton Mr. Earl J. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Ferguson Mrs. Paula Ferguson Ms. Barbara Ferguson-Syrimis Ms. Jennifer F. Ferrell Mr. & Mrs. Randy Ferrell Mr. & Mrs. Ervin N. Fesperman Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ficklin Mrs. Sue Fiedler Ms. Lillie M. Fields Ms. Cherry Fife Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Figlewski Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Finch Ms. Ruth E. Finch Mrs. William S. Fisher Dr. & Mrs. Rolf H. Fisscher Ms. Janice Flack Mrs. Virginia Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Dale W. Flick Ms. Mary Anne Flick Ms. Carrie D. Flye Ms. M. Catherine Flye Mr. & Mrs. Chris Folk Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Fore Dr. Steven R. Fore Mrs. Maude Forlaw Ms. Louise Price Formisano Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fornes Dr. W. Davis Fort Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Fortanbary Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fortier Ms. Thelma H. Foster Mr. & Mrs. A. Whitfield Fountain Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Fountain Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Fountain, Jr. Mr. Eugene H. Foust, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Fowler Mrs. Katherine A. Foye Mr. & Mrs. Todd Fraley Mrs. Frances B. Francis Mr. Thomas Francomano Mr. & Mrs. Bart Frankena Mr. & Mrs. Elwood E. Franklin Ms. Marietta G. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Joe Franzle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Freeland Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Frank Freeman Mr. Ney E. Freeman Ms. Rachel H. Freeman Reverend & Mrs. Robert O. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Freeman, Sr. Mrs. Joan Frickhoeffer Mr. Robert V. Frierson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Kelly Fullen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fuller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kent Fuller Mr. W. David Fussell Mrs. Betty Ann Gable Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gaffigan Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Gailor Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. D. Forest Gallahan Mrs. Gail G. Gallimore Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Galloway Mr. & Mrs. Elmo Galyean Ms. Cecelia M. Gambill Mr. & Mrs. Norman C. Gambrell Mr. & Mrs. David Gant Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. A. Jack Garner Mrs. Ralph C. Garner Mrs. Blake P. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. William J. Garrison Mrs. William P. Garriss Mrs. Catherine Y. Gartrell Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Gaster Mr. Matthew Kevin Gaunt Mr. G. E. Gauss III Ms. Doris Geiss Mr. & Mrs. James E. George Mr. & Mrs. Maurice H. George Dr. Kenneth W. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Gibson Mrs. Estelle Gibson Mr. Frank O. Gibson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Gibson Mrs. Grace C. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. James P. Gibson Miss M. Smithie Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gibson Ms. Vivian D. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. John N. Gilbert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gillespie Ms. Amy E. Gillis Mrs. John McNatt Gillis Mr.* & Mrs. Robert Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Tom Glass Mr. & Mrs. Gene Glaze Mrs. George-Anna Glenn Mr. & Mrs. S. Bailey Glenn, Jr. Mrs. M. M. Godfrey Mr. & Mrs. Felton R. Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Henry Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Steve Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Horace Goff Ms. Nancy Goforth Mr. & Mrs. William L. Goforth Ms. Alison Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goldston Ms. Laurie Golsch Ms. Linda S. Goltz Mrs. Susan Q. Goode Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Goodnight Mr. & Mrs. Steve Goodnight Ms. Elaine Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fountain Goodwyn, Sr. Mr. William L. Goodwyn, Jr. Ms. Marjorie Gootee Mrs. Alfred Gordon Dr. Susan Gordon Mr. Carl Gore Mr. & Mrs. David J. Gospodarek Mr. J. Michael & Mr. Patrick Grady Mrs. Jean H. Graeber Mr. Robert D. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Graham Mr. Tom Graham Ms. Phyllis Grant Mrs. Helen H. Gravette Mrs. Becky Gray Ms. Marie Gray Mr. & Mrs. Robin B. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Gil Graybill Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Grayson Ms. Irene Green Ms. Monica J. Green Ms. Genora H. Greene Ms. Julie O. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Paul Greene Mr. & Mrs. William Mack Greene Mr. & Mrs. Bob Greenock Ms. Myra A. Greer Ms. Sue Gregory Mrs. Mildred Grice Ms. Dorothy W. Grier Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. David G. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Haynes Griffin Mr. Ira L. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Marion Griffin Ms. Martha Griffin Mrs. Mary S. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Griffith Reverend & Mrs. Walter G. Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Griggs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Griggs Mrs. Marguerite M. Grimm Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Griswold Mr. Hollen E. Groff, Jr Mr. John S. Groff Reverend & Mrs. Thomas M. Groome, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Grotophorst Ms. Nancy T. Guiton Mr. & Mrs. Cyril L. Gulledge Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Gunnell Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow W. Gunter II Mr. & Mrs. Bhupender Singh Gupta Mr. Aubrey T. Haddock Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Irvin R. Hager Ms. Debra G. Hagler Mr. B. B. Haigler Mrs. Jimmy Haire Mr. Charles H. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Terrance O. Hale Mr. Bobby R. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hall Mr. Charles F. Hall, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Hall, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Franklin G. Hall Mr. & Mrs. J. Olin Hall Dr. & Mrs. James S. Hall, Jr. Mrs. Thelma M. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Hall Ms. Nancy P. Haller Ms. Jacqueline Hallowell Ms. MaJeana Hallstrom Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hambrick, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mike P. Hamby Mrs. Mildred I. Hamby Mr. & Mrs. Allen L. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Hammons Mrs. Fay M. Hand Mrs. Mildred D. Hand Mr. Moses H. Hand Ms. Dona Haney Mrs. Rosemary R. Hannell Ms. Katherine Hardiman Mrs. Gay S. Hardin Mr. & Mrs. Wilford H. Hardin Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Hargrave Mr. & Mrs. M. Cliff Harkey Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Harling Mr. Paul Frank Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Harms Mrs. O’Neal W. Harpe Mr. & Mrs. James C. Harper, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harper Mr. Richard C. Harrell, Sr. Ms. Shirley W. Harrell Ms. Susan D. Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Harrelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Harriett Dr. Anthony R. Harrington Mrs. Eloise Harrington Mr. & Mrs. John Wayne Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Harrington Miss Virginia Harrington C. E. Harris J. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harris Mr. & Mrs. Junius C. Harris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Harris Mrs. Martha G. Harris Ms. Mindy Harris Mr. & Mrs. James Louis Harrison Ms. Jane D. Harrison Mr. Jeff Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hart, Jr. Mrs. Genevieve Hart Mr. John B. Hart, Jr. Ms. Frances W. Hartsell Mr. Lawrence W. Hartsell Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Harvell Mr. Stephen M. Harwell Mrs. Carietta B. Haskett Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hassell, Jr. Colonel & Mrs. Thomas W. Haven Mr. & Mrs. John R. B. Hawes, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Henry C. Hawthorne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Hay Mrs. Doris G. Hayes Ms. Elaine D. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. George Lewis Hayes Mrs. Nelle Head Ms. Ruth D. Heafner Mr. Walden M. Hearn Mrs. Marie Hedges Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Hedgpeth Mr. Barry G. Hedrick Mrs. Elora Carriker Heffner Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Hehr Ms. Shirley A. Heintjes Ms. Jess Heizer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Helms Mr. & Mrs. Harold Helton Mr. & Mrs. Marcus G. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Ray M. Henderson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Henderson Ms. Lois Small Hendrix Ms. Marilyn T. Hendry Ms. Claire C. Henley Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Henry Ms. Karen Hensley Mrs. Ray Hensley Ms. Lindsay Henson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Henson Mrs. Evelyn K. Hepler Mrs. Camilla G. Herlevich Mrs. Willard I. Herring Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Hess Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hester Mr. Brent Hetland Mr. Jeffrey Hice Mrs. Marguerite B. Hickox Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Hicks Mr. Clawson Hicks Ms. Mabel Billings Hicks Dr. & Mrs. Larry A. High, Jr. Ms. Beatrice B. Hill Mrs. Donese C. Hill Ms. Elizabeth A. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Hill Mrs. Josephine Hill Mrs. Mary M. Hill Dr. & Mrs. J. Pack Hindsley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Todd Hines Mr. & Mrs. Gope Hingorani Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hinkle, Jr. Mrs. Anna H. Hinson Mr. & Mrs. Tommie M. Hinton Mrs. Loretta N. Hipp Ms. Margaret Hipple Mr. & Mrs. B. Grant Hitchner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James G. Hobbs Mrs. Mary T. Hobbs Ms. Marie Hobgood Mr. A. Lamar Hodge Mrs. Coley Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Glenn O. Hodges Dr. & Mrs. H. H. Hodges Mrs. Jane Gardner Hodges Mr. Neal H. Hodges, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Hodgin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Hofler Mrs. Nancy C. Hoggard Ms. Carolyn A. Holden Ms. Rebecca B. Holder Ms. Elizabeth Y. Holding Mrs. Barbara R. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Holland Ms. JoAnn Holland Ms. Melinda Holland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Holland Mrs. Margaret H. Hollingsworth Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Holmes Mrs. Marjorie R. Holmes Ms. Dixie Adams Holt Mrs. Blue L. Honeycutt Mrs. Sara G. Hood Mr. & Mrs. Milton S. Hooks Mrs. Sadie R. Hoover Mrs. F. Louise Hord Mr. & Mrs. Harvey M. Horne Ms. Laura F. Horne Dr. & Mrs. Roger E. Horne Dr. & Mrs. Fred R. Horner Ms. Pamela S. Horrell Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Horton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hotz Mr. & Mrs. James Lee House Miss Bennie Houston Mrs. Anne Howard Mr. & Mrs. John E. Howard, Sr. Mrs. Kathryn H. Howard Mr. Robert H. Howard Mrs. Sarah Parcell Howard Mr. Bob Howell Mrs. Edna B. Howell Dr. & Mrs. John M. Howell Miss Robbie Howell Mr. & Mrs. Ben J. Howie Ms. Carol G. Howie Ms. Katherine Hoyt Mrs. Evelyn Hubbard Mrs. Frances Hubbard Mr. Ronald R. Hudgins Ms. Barbara H. Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Mack Hudson Mr. William I. Huey Mrs. Joan Huffstetler Ms. Jo Anna Hughes Ms. Myrl Jean Hughes Ms. Virginia E. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Hulsey Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Humienny Mr.* & Mrs. Harold B. Humphrey Mr. William B. Humphrey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. William Hunt, Jr. Mrs. Walter Hunt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bynum Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hunter Mrs. Helen L. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. M. Hampton Hunter III Ms. Rebecca D. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. David Husted Ms. Margaret Husted Mrs. Jo H. Hutcheson Mr. Philip W. Hutchins III Mr. Chris S. Hutchison Mrs. Becky Hux Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Hyatt, Jr. Ms. Kathleen J. Hynes Mr. & Mrs. Grady Ingle Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ingram Mr. & Mrs. James Ingram Ms. Margaret D. Ireland Mr. Larry H. Irons, Jr. Mrs. Martha H. Irving Mrs. Bertha M. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Ivey Ms. Betsy J. Jackson Ms. Carol P. Jackson Ms. Caroline Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Jackson Mr. Malcolm C. Jackson Mr. S. Watt Jackson, Jr. Mrs. Theramae B. Jackson Mr. Francis B. Jacobs III Mrs. Mary D. James Ms. Susan Janiczek Mr. & Mrs. Billy E. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Jenkinson Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. Jennette Mrs. Harriet Jennings Mrs. Dalma Lee Jessup Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jessup Miss Sarah E. Jetton* Ms. Cherry Johnson Mr. Douglas Wayne Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Johnson Mr. J. M. Johnson, Jr. Mrs. James V. Johnson Mr. James E. Johnson Ms. Jane S. Johnson Mr. John C. Johnson, Sr. Ms. Judy L. Johnson Mrs. Kathryn B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McN. Johnson Ms. Lovic P. Johnson Ms. Margaret Johnson Mrs. Margaret H. Johnson Ms. Marian G. Johnson Mrs. Marlene Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Merwyn S. Johnson Mrs. Nancy T. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William Junker Ms. Delores B. Just Mr. & Mrs. Randolph M. Kabrich, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kadlecik Mr.* & Mrs. Dick Kalbfleisch Mr. Stephen Kandel Mrs. Helen D. Kapps Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Kathman Mrs. Peggie M. Kearney Mr. Robert Keasey, Jr. I want to be a fire fighter Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Johnson Mr. Randall D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Johnson Mrs. Ruth Johnson Mr. Samuel H. Johnson Mrs. Sandra P. Johnson Ms. Shirley Johnson Ms. Shirley S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Johnson Ms. Martha P. Johnston Mr. Ed Jolley Mr. Clarence Jolly, Jr. Mrs. Alma C. Jones Mrs. Bertha H. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ivey W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jones Ms. Luanne Jones Ms. Patricia M. Jones Mrs. Rachel Jones Ms. Vera Jones Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Max H. Jordan Mrs. Ruth Freeman Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Franklin A. Joyce Ms. Lisa Joyner Mrs. Lois A. Joyner M. M. Judy Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Juneau Ms Dorothy S. Keel Mrs. Melissa Y. Keel Mr. William L. Keesler Mrs. Mary B. Keith Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Kellam, Jr. Ms. Cathie Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Loren B. Kelley Ms. Audrey M. Kelly Ms. Eva R. Kelly Mr. Robert H. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred M. Kenan Mrs. Mary M. S. Kennedy Mr. Richard Steve Kennedy Reverend & Mrs. Ira K. Kennerly Mr. Thomas A. Kerns Mrs. Stuart Verdery Kerr Mrs. Beverly Key Ms. Pauline S. Key Mrs. Mattie R. Keys Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kicidis Mrs. Bettie Y. Kidder Mrs. Amelia Killian Mr. & Mrs. Charlie M. Killian, Jr. Ms. B. Elizabeth Kiltie Mr. James A. Kimmons Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Kimrey Ms. Annie King Ms. Bessie P. King Mrs. Campbell R. King Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. King III Ms. Elizabeth T. King Dr. Jack D. King Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. King Mr. & Mrs. John C. King Mr. John H. King Ms. Leslie A. King Mr. & Mrs. Merle King Mrs. Myron King Ms. Susan King Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Kingsolver Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kinniburgh Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Kirby Mr. David V. Kirby Ms. Fonda W. Kirk Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Kirk Mr. & Mrs. J. William Kirk Mrs. Thelma Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kirkland, Jr. Reverend Charles E. Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kiser Mr. & Mrs. Victor B. Kittrell Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kleiber Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin G. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Klingenschmidt Ms. Lauretta Klock Mr. Clarence V. Knight Mr. John Knight Miss Anna Lois Knox Mr. & Mrs. Bobby B. Knox Mrs. Mary H. Knox Ms. Judith A. Koelmel Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Kohne Ms. Ann Koppelmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Korth Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Kremers Mr. & Mrs. K. J. Krider Ms. Sharron Krieger Mrs. Elizabeth Mc. Kroeger Mrs. Susam M. Kroupa Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Kuegel Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kuester Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Kullman Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Kumhyr Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Kunz Mrs. Daisy W. Kuzio Ms. Roni LaBarbera Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. LaBella Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lackey General & Mrs. William D. Lackey Jem H. Lai Ms. Mary C. Lail Ms. Eileen A. Lainson Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Lamach, Sr. Ms. Judy Lambe Ms. Joan K. Lambert John & Betty Lynn Gilbert Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Lambert Mrs. Wilma Ross Lambert Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas Lamm Ms. Nancy Lammers Mr. & Mrs. David E. Lane Dr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Lane, Jr. Mrs. Eva M. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Gene Lane Mrs. Mary A. Lanear Mr. & Mrs. Larry Laney Mrs. Frankie W. Lange Ms. Jackie Lankford Ms. Rubye W. Lankford Mrs. Naomi LaRoque Mr. & Mrs. Larry Larsen Mr. J. S. Lauerman Ms. Tara Lavender Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lavinder Ms. Anne E. Leach Ms. Martha A. Leak Ms. Diana J. Leathers Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Leavee Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lederer Ms. Betty B. Lee Ms. Elizabeth B. Lee Mrs. Harmon M. Lee Ms. Janet D. Lee Mr. Randall W. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Leech Mr. Maurice K. Lefler Mr. & Mrs. L. Karl Legatski Mrs. Carole Lemon Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas R. Lenaeus Mr. & Mrs. James H. Lenhart Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lentz Mr. Richard J. Lentz Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lentz Mr. & Mrs. Morton W. Lester Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. LeTourneau, Jr. Mr. George LeVander, Jr. Ms. Doris C. Lewis Ms. Jane A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Leland D. Lewis Mrs. Priscilla A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Lewis Ms. Bettie Liffrig Mr. Edward G. Ligon Mr. & Mrs. Roddey M. Ligon, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard V. Liles, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lilly Ms. Claire M. Lincoln Mrs. Laurie P. Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. T. C. Lindsay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Lindsey Mr. & Mrs. Bobby D. Lineberger Mrs. Grace Ward Lingerfeldt Mrs. Elaine M. Linn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Lipe Mr. George W. Lipscomb Mr. & Mrs. Marion Lipscomb Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Little Mr. & Mrs. James T. Little Mr.* & Mrs. William E. Little Mr. & Mrs. William D. Little Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Liuzzo Ms. Frankie Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Richard Llewellyn Mrs. Rexine Kelly Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Lochbaum Mr. & Mrs. Drew Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Loftis Dr. & Mrs. Bobby A. Lomax Mr. & Mrs. Clyde A. Long, Jr. Mrs. Hazel G. Long Ltc. Joseph H. Long Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Long Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Long Mr. & Mrs. William A. Long Mrs. Kingsland B. Loughlin Mr. John N. Louttit Mr. Charles Love Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Lovin Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lowder Mr. & Mrs. John Spencer Lowe Mrs. Wilma S. Lowe Mrs. Dorothy H. Lowery Mr. John Lucas Mr. & Mrs. John Lunsford Mrs. Mary K. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Murray Lyons Ms. Jean T. MacArthur Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Macaulay, Jr. Reverend Malcolm Maccubbin Mr. & Mrs. E. L. MacDonald III Mr. Jim MacDonald Ms. Anna M. MacGregor Mr. S. Mitchell Mack Mrs. E. J. Mackley Mrs. Katherine O. MacMillan Mrs. Elizabeth C. Maddux Mrs. Nancy Madliger Mr. & Mrs. Joe Magee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mahaffey Mr. George P. Maier Mrs. Carolyn J. Mallard Mrs. Pattie Mallison Mr. & Mrs. Roswell Mallory, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Maner Mr. & Mrs. John K. Maness Ms. Ruby Maness Mrs. Catherine N. Mangum Mr. & Mrs. Julian Mann III Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Manning, Jr. Mr. William E. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Manno Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marino Dr. & Mrs. James R. Markello Mrs. Louise Bradshaw Markle Mr. & Mrs. Fla A. Marks Ms. Sybil C. Marks Mrs. Mary Marlow Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Marlow Ms. Peggy H. Marshall Dr. David T. Marshburn Ms. Gladys S. Marshburn Dana C. Marske Mrs. Dan W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Hall A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Leroy B. Martin III Mrs. Lois L. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Neal Martin Mr. Phillip H. Martin Mr. & Mrs. W. Robert Martin Mr. & Mrs. J. Wayne Martindale Reverend & Mrs. Richard T. Martindale Mrs. Katie C. Marvin Ed & Joanne Marz Mrs. Anna M. Mason Ms. Anne H. Mason Mr. James L. Mason, Jr. Mrs. Jean F. Mason Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mason III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mason III Miss Trudy S. Mason Ms. Marion F. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Mark Matthews Mr. Michael V. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. William Matzkevich Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Mauney Ms. Rose K. Maurer Mr. Thomas M. Mayfield, Jr. Ms. Terri J. Mayhew Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Maynard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Mayo Ms. Connie McAdams Mr. & Mrs. John W. McAden, Jr. Mr. A. L. McAlexander Mrs. Caldwell G. McAlister Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. McArthur Mrs. Margaret S. McArthur Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. McArthur Ms. Grace C. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McBride Ms. Jo Renee McCachren Mr. William K. McCachren Mrs. John L. McCain Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee McCain Mr. & Mrs. Ben W. McCall Ms. Carolyn McCall Mr. James H. McCall, Jr. Ms. Jane H. McCall Ms. Melanie P. McCall Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. McCall Mr. & Mrs. James M. McCarl Reverend Carole R. McCartney Ms. Bobbie M. McCaskill Mrs. Elinore F. McCaskill David E. & Betty C. McCaw Mrs. Gloria B. McClintock Mrs. Joyce Kelly McClure Mr. & Mrs. William H. McClure Ms. Angela McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. McConnell, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David McCord Ms. Deborah McCord Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. McCorkle Mr. & Mrs. George W. McCormick Mrs. Fred D. McCoy Mr. Edward M. McCue Mrs. Joyce D. McGee Mrs. Coline T. McGehee Mrs. Dorothy C. McGehee Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. McGill Mr. Jack B. McGirt Mr. & Mrs. Shannon McGlamery Ms. Barbara McGrew Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. McGuirt Mr. Curtis McInnis Mr. Daniel F. McInnis Mr. & Mrs. Julian H. McIntyre Ms. Karen Goelzer McKaig Mrs. Margaret L. McKay Dr. William P. McKay Mrs. Anyce McKee Ms. Ann McKenzie Mr. Freddie McKenzie Ms. Sue B. McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Leon R. McKusick Mr. & Mrs. Mike McLain Mr. & Mrs. R. W. McLain Mr. & Mrs. John B. McLaughlin I want to make movies Mrs. Audrey McCullen Mr. & Mrs. Ron McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Jim McDade Mr. & Mrs. Mallory S. McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Randy McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. J. Archie McDiarmid Mr. & Mrs. F. M. McDonald Ms. Hilda M. McDonald Mr. Lee R. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. McDougal Mrs. Jean T. McDowell Mr. J. Vann McDuffie Mr. & Mrs. Arch McFadyen Mr. & Mrs. George A. McFadyen Mr. & Mrs. Al McFalls Mrs. Jean McFarland Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. McFayden Mr. Bob McFerren Mrs. Laura McLaughlin Mrs. Edna L. McLaurin Mr. & Mrs. Clarkson B. McLean Mr. R. C. McLean Ms. Betty M. McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. McLeod Mr. Neill McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Randall A. McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Bobby McMannen Mrs. Kathryn D. McMeans Mr. & Mrs. Marshall K. McMullen Mr. & Mrs. Ed McNair Ms. Ethel B. McNair Mr. William D. McNaull Ms. Abbie McNeill Mr. & Mrs. J. R. McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Lewis McNeill Ms. Sarah McPhaul McNeill Mr. & Mrs. William G. McPheat Mrs. Maxine W. McPherson Ms. Mary M. McQueen Mr. F. L. McRackan Mrs. Priscilla I. McRee Mr. & Mrs. David W. Mead Ms. Mary H. Mead Mrs. Athene P. Meads Ms. Ann Medlin Mrs. Dorothy Medlin Ms. Hilda B. Medlin Ms. Kathleen Y. Meffert Dr. Josephine T. Melchior Mr. & Mrs. John K. Mellen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Mellinger, II Ms. Brenda H. Meredith Ms. Kendra Merlet Ms. Claire A. Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Merritt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Mesel Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Metters Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mewborn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Meyer, III Mr. & Mrs. Mark Meyer Mr. & Mrs. John I. Michaels, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Michelle Ms. Frances M. Middleton Mrs. Loretta W. Midgett Dr. John C. Midgley Mr. & Mrs. Sherif G. Mikhael Mrs. Carol Miles Ms. Grace W. Miles Carroll Miller Dr. & Mrs. Grover C. Miller Ms. Jessie Miller Ms. Kristy R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. L. Dent Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Millican Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mills Ms. Margaret King Mills Mrs. Vendetta W. Milner Mr. & Mrs. William Milner Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey W. Milstead Mr. Alan Misenheimer Reverend & Mrs. Kay Moser Misenheimer Mr. Joe P. Mitchell Mrs. Marilyn Thies Mitchell Mr. Joseph P. Mitchener, Sr. Mr. John Mitterling Ms. Georgia Mixon Mr. Larry W. Mobley Mrs. Helen M. Mohan Ms. Lulu B. Moller Ms. LaVera R. Monroe Mr. & Mrs. W. Dallas Monroe Mrs. Mary O. Monte Mr. & Mrs. Russell Montfort Ms. Rebecca P. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Moore Mrs. Edna M. Moore Mrs. Emily H. Moore Mrs. Geraldine Moore Reverend Lardner C. Moore Mrs. Pat S. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Moore Mr. Robert L. Moore Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Moore Ms. Sandra W. Moore Mrs. Stella J. Moore Mr. W. R. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Wade M. Moore Ms. Brenda Moorefield Ms. Barbara M. Moretz Mr. Bruce J. Morgan Captain & Mrs. F. Tyler Morgan, Jr. Mrs. Gene H. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Morgan Mr. Jeff F. Morgan Mrs. Lydia H. Morgan Reverend Molly D. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Street Morgan Mr. & Mrs. W. Paul Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Morris Mrs. Lou B. Morris Mr. Boyce M. Morrison Mrs. Judy G. Morrison Mr. Payton A. Morrison, Sr. Ms. Sheryl Morrison Reverend & Mrs. William H. Morrison Dr. Sarah T. Morrow Mrs. Shirley Morrow Ms. Willa Dean Morrow Mrs. Jane T. Morton Miss Lene T. Morton S. W. Moses Ms. Elizabeth Ann Moss Mr. Harold D. Motts Mr. Robert L. Moul Mrs. Byrd L. Mount Ms. Judith F. Mountjoy Mrs. Mary Lee Jones Mousel Ms. Bonnie M. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Graham Mullis Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mullis Mrs. Julia T. Mullis Mr. & Mrs. Leon O. Mullis Mrs. Matilda O. Mullis Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Mullis Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Munguia Ms. Ashley B. Murphey Mr. & Mrs. Scott Murphy Mr. William A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Donald Murray Mr. & Mrs. John Murray Ms. Susan R. Murray Reverend & Mrs. N. Samuel Murrell Mr. Robert Musselwhite Mr. & Mrs. James C. Myers Mrs. Nell Myers Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. Myers Ms. Emily Nantz Mr. Freddie R. Nantz Mrs. Pearl Elizabeth Nash Mr. & Mrs. Marx S. Nathan Ms. Catherine D. Neal Ms. Lillian Neal Mr. Drew B. Nealeans Mr. Vann A. Nealeans Ms. Cynthia Neel Mrs. Esther W. Neel Mr. & Mrs. John B. Neely, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Neidinger Mrs. Althea W. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Nelson Ms. Helen F. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Nelson Mrs. Sara Nestler Ms. Joyce A. Newton Mrs. Scotty Nicholls Mr. & Mrs. Cheyney A. Nicholson Ms. Jennie Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Nicholson Mrs. Ellese O. Nickles Mrs. Carolyn S. Nisbet Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Nisbet Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Nisbet Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Nisbet Mr. & Mrs. Melvin G. Nixon, Sr. Ms. Sharon Noble Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Noblett Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Noegel Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Noris Mrs. Elizabeth B. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Norris Mrs. Faye W. Norton Mr. & Mrs. N. T. Norville Mr. Charles L. Norwood Ms. Hilda S. Norwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Nutter Mr. Warren Nye Ms. Sheila S. Oates Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. O’Brien Mrs. Alice Odell Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Oglethorpe Ms. Harriette G. O’Hair Mr. Donald Carson Oldham Ms. Betsy Ann Olive Mr. Perry Olive Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Oliver Dr. & Mrs. J. B. O’Neal, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Oregar Ms. Jacqueline P. Orr Mr. & Mrs. William M. Orr, Jr. Ms. Pat Osborne Ms. Adeline H. Ostwalt Mr. & Mrs. John A. Otten Mr. & Mrs. Linwood H. Overby Ms. Martha Overby Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Overcash Ms. Elizabeth A. Overcash Mr. & Mrs. Dan Page Mr. & Mrs. J. Earl Page Ms. Betty H. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Pangborn Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Pappendick Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Park Mrs. Blanche K. Parker Mr. & Mrs. David P. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parker Mrs. Samuel L. Parker Mr. & Mrs. William R. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Donald Parks Mr. Jack F. Parks Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Parris Mr. Robert C. Parrish Mr. Roy T. Parrish Mr. & Mrs. William J. Parrish Dr. & Mrs. Larry H. Parrott Mrs. Eliza M. Paschal Reverend & Mrs. Herbert H. Pate Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Pate, Jr. Mrs. Martha A. Pate Mr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Patillo Mr. Earl L. Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Patton Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Paty, Jr. Ms. Mary P. Paul Mr. & Mrs. James L. Peacock Dr. & Mrs. Latham C. Peak Ms. Ruth B. Peake Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. Pearce Mel Pearce Mr. Robert G. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Pearsall Mr. & Mrs. J. Norman Pease, Jr. Mrs. Faith C. Peaseley Mrs. J. L. Peeler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Pegram Mr. James D. Pender Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Pennell Mr. & Mrs. Dick L. Pensinger Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Pepper, Jr. Ms. Dixie H. Perez Ms. Mildred Perrell Dr. & Mrs. Jack Perry Mr. & Mrs. John Perry Mr. & Mrs. Jones C. Perry Ms. Ola Mae Perry Mr. Arthur C. Peters Mrs. Frances Peters Ms. Nettie Peterson Mr. Tom Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Peticca Ms. Lena A. Petrea Mrs. Edward M. Petrie Ms. June Pettigrew Mr. Roger T. Petty Ms. Barbara Pharr Ms. Anna Marie Phillips Mr. Ellis E. Phillips, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Phillips Mr. Joe W. Phillips Ms. Nancy C. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Phillips, Jr. Mr. Raymond J. Phillips Robbie Phillips Mrs. Sue S. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pickard Mr. & Mrs. G. Dick Pierce Mrs. Marie L. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Pierson Mrs. Cynthia Pinion Mr. & Mrs. E. Piraino Mrs. Teresa Piselli Ms. Rebecca B. Pitchford Ms. Susan W. Pitt Ms. Martha Ann Pittman Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Pittman Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Pittman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lane Pittman III Mr. William H. Pittman Mrs. Mildred L. Plaster Mr. & Mrs. William H. Platts, Jr. Mr. Jerry V. Plummer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Plunkett Mr. & Mrs. Beal B. Plyler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Podesta Mr. & Mrs. George S. Pollard Ms. Marjorie Pollard Ms. Anna Mae Pollock Mrs. Ruby Clark Pons Dr. & Mrs. James M. Poole Mr. & Mrs. John G. Poole Mrs. Susan Rader Poole Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Poore Mrs. Helen P. Pope Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Pope Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Pope, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Paul Pope, III Mr. Bronwyn C. Poplin Mrs. Doris W. Porter Mrs. Elizabeth L. Porter Mr. Richard C. Porter Mrs. Kate H. Post Ms. Georgia B. Potter Ms. Mary E. Potter Dr. Ronald S. Potts Mr. Harry W. Powell Mrs. Katherine B. Powell Dr. William C. Powell Mr. Charles F. Powers, II Mrs. Martha B. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Royce Poythress Mr. & Mrs. Michael M Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Prendergast Mr. & Mrs. Nollie C. Pressley Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Pressley Mrs. Anita A. Pressly Ms. Meghan L. Price Mr. & Mrs. Mott E. Price The Price Family Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Prillaman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Pritchard Reverend Raymond Privott Mrs. Tracey E. Prochaska Ms. Carol M. Proctor Mr. Charles Propst Ms. Doris Setliff Pruitt Mrs. Eula Pugh Mrs. Madeline Purcell Mrs. Elizabeth R. Puryear Ms. Elizabeth W. Quaiff Mr. Louis D. Quin Dr. & Mrs. Heath K. Rada Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ralston Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ramsey Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Ramsey Ms. Mary Rand Mr. S. R. Ransdell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ranson, Jr. Mr. Mervin R. Ratchford Mr. & Mrs. C. Frank Rawls, Jr. Mrs. James D. Ray, Jr. Dr. Carole A. Rayburn Mrs. Robert W. Rayburn Mr. R. Ben Rayford Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Readling Miss Alice C. Reaves Ms. Kathryn R. Reaves Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Reckendorf Ms. Shirley J. Reddick Ms. Charlotte H. Redmond Mr. & Mrs. Brent Reed Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reed I want to be a world traveler Ms. Bonnie L. Reese Mr. & Mrs. James M. Reeves Mr. & Mrs. William W. Regen Ms. Laurie M. Register Mrs. Betty Jo Smith Reid Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Reid Mrs. Nancy M. Reid Ms. Nancy Renea Mr. & Mrs. William O. Renfroe Mrs. A. Jean Rericha Mr. & Mrs. H. Stone Reynolds, Jr. Mr. Lamer H. Reynolds Ms. Stacey Neel Reynolds Mrs. Virginia N. Rhoades Mr. William K. Rhodes Ms. Kathi A. Rich Ms. Carol L. Richard Dr. & Mrs. Ferry E. Richards Mrs. Julia M. Richards Ms. Betty M. Richardson Mrs. Etta Richardson Dr. & Mrs. G. Irvin Richardson Reverend & Mrs. Leland A. Richardson Reverend & Mrs. Homer T. Rickabaugh Mrs. Caroline Riddle Mrs. Lucy Lane Riddle Mr. & Mrs. Monroe H. Ridenhour, III Ms. Patsy S. Ridgeway Mr. Alton H. Ridgway Mrs. Marian A. Rippy Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Ritchie Ms. Mary Jane Rivers Ms. Mildred M. Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Lester Roark Mr. Hawk Robbins Dr. & Mrs. Thurlow R. Robe Mrs. Mary Hadge Roberson Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Roberts Ms. Claudette Roberts Reverend Earle D. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Roberts Mrs. Helen S. Roberts Ms. Susan E. Roberts Ms. Susan Fore Roberts Mr. Virgil Bruce Roberts, Jr. Mr. Wayne B. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Robertson Mr. & Mrs. William C. Robertson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill J. Robinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Robinson Mrs. Jeannette D. Robinson Mr. Rodney E. Robinson Ms. Dorothy E. Rochester Mr. John H. Roddey, Jr. Dr. Laura & Dr. H. Winslow Rogers III Ms. Janet K. Rogers Mr. William H. Rogers Mr. Ivon D. Rohrer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Rokes Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Roland, Jr. Reverend William Rolland Ms. Barbara Romano Mr. Craig Fredrick Romeo & Dr. Roshnara Singh Ms. Patricia S. Rorie Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Roseberry Ms. Alta M. Roseman Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenkoetter Mrs. Angeline J. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Rosser Mr. & Mrs. Reggie Rosser Mr. & Mrs. William D. Rothwell Mrs. Louise H. Rouse Mr. Leslie Howard Row, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Rowe Mr. Christopher Rowe & Ms. Carol Richard Mrs. Sue Wilson Rowell Mr. & Mrs. Marion C. Rowland, Jr. Mrs. Pat Kerr Rowlett Mr. Walter C. Rowley Mrs. Virginia C. Royall Mr. William F. Royster Mrs. Joyce Ruark Mr. & Mrs. Dana H. Rucker III Mr. & Mrs. Aubert L. Ruddell Ms. Sue Alice Ruddock Mr. & Mrs. William K. Rudolph Mrs. Winnifred B. Rush Ms. Esther K. Rusmisel Mr. Don Russ Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Russell Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Russell Mrs. Miriam Russell Mrs. Sandra Russell Mr. Richard C. Rutherford Mr. & Mrs. Barry Ryall Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Ryals Dr. & Mrs. David C. Sabiston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter I. Sahhar Mr. Kareem A. Saleeby Ms. Jane S. Sampson Ms. Karen Keeton Sanders Mr. & Mrs. O. Sam Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Sam L. Sanders Reverend Wilburn M. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Sands Mrs. Betty J. Sargent Ms. Dorothy Saunders Ms. Myra J. Scarboro Mr. & Mrs. Tim Schaap Mrs. Lee Scheirer Mr. & Mrs. Mike Scheppele Mr. & Mrs. Harvey H. Scheuer Mrs. Linda B. Schrock Ms. Karen Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. John Frederick Schultze Mr. & Mrs. James M. Schwartz Ms. Ann B. Scism Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Scism Mrs. Bobbie P. Scott Ms. Brenda Scott Mrs. Joan R. Scott Ms. Mildred M. Scott Ms. Pamela A. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Ray M. Scott, Jr. Reverend & Mrs. Steve W. Scott Mr. & Mrs. William J. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Seagroves Mr. & Mrs. Greg Seamster Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Searcy Mr. Calvin Sears Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Seeley Mrs. Robert M. Seeley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seifert Mrs. Betsey Blades Selig Mr. Stoney D. Sellars Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Sells Mrs. Josephine C. Sells Ms. Beatrice S. Setliff Ms. Mary E. Settle Mr. & Mrs. Bobby R. Setzer Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Setzer Mr. & Mrs. James R. Severs Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Sevin Mr. & Mrs. William T. Sewing Mr. Steven M. Shaber Ms. Dorothy H. Shade Dr. & Mrs. Ross E. Shaffer, Jr Mr. & Mrs. B. E. Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Sharer Mr. Robert E. Sharpe, Sr. Mr. George W. Shaw Mr. Kevin P. Shea Mrs. Elizabeth T. Sheegog Mrs. Mary M. Shelby Mr. & Mrs. C. I. Shelkofsky Mr. & Mrs. William R. Shenton Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Sheridan David & Kirby P. Sheridan Ms. Gwen Sherman Ms. Willie Mae Sherrick Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Sherrill Mr. & Mrs. Woodford A. Sherrill Reverend Ethan C. Sherrod Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sherrow Mr. Don Shew Mr. & Mrs. Allen Shifflet Mrs. Elizabeth Shinn Mr. & Mrs. Hal Shinn Mr. & Mrs. David B. Shippee Mr. Jeff Shoe Ms. Phillis Shoemaker Mr. Robert Dale Shoemaker Ms. Linda G. Sholtz Mr. & Mrs. Zeb Shook Mrs. Mary C. Shore Buffa W. Short Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Shouse, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Shrum Mr. Patrick D. Shue Mr. & Mrs. Forrest H. Shuford II Mr. William B. Shuford Miss Eleanor F. Shull Mrs. Elizabeth Shumate Mr. & Mrs. N. Sidden Mrs. Mildred M. Siderman Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Silbert Mr. & Mrs. David C. Silden Ms. Lynne Simeon Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Simon Ms. Patti Simons Mr. Alexander D. Simpson Ms. Janice H. Simpson Mr. Roy Edwin Simpson, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Robey T. Sinclair, Jr. Ms. Ruth Sinclair Ms. Gene Singer Leith Singletary Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Sink Mr. Clifford A. Skelton Mr. Frank R. Slaughter Mrs. Pat Sliwinski Mr. & Mrs. George A. Sloan Ted & Judy Sloan Mr. & Mrs. John V. Sloat Mrs. Mona Smalley Mr. & Mrs. Lenny T. Smathers Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Smid Mrs. Aileen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. C. Donald Smith Mrs. Carolene K. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Smith, Jr. Mr. Charlie Smith Mr. & Mrs. Clyde H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Donald Smith Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Smith Mrs. Dorothy Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Smith Reverend & Mrs. Gerald Smith Mrs. Harold L. Smith Mr. James E. Smith II Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jesse L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Smith Mr. Johnny C. Smith Mr. Joseph P. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Smith Mrs. Lois M. Smith Ms. Margaret Smith Mr. & Mrs. Myron Smith Ms. Nancy Eason Smith Ms. Phyllis B. Smith Mrs. Rebecca H. Smith* Mrs. Ruby T. Smith Ms. Sandra Herrick Smith Mr. Stephen J. Smith Mrs. Zannie T. Smith Ms. Jewel Smyre Mr. & Mrs. Ray W. Snell Mrs. Shirley B. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Eddy L. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Snyder Ms. Marian K. Solleder Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Somerville, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Sommers Mrs. Emma W. Sommerville Mr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Southard Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Southerland Mr. & Mrs. Winton Southerland Ms. Mary A. Sowers Dr. & Reverend Thomas C. Spangler Mr. & Mrs. Milton G. Spann, Jr. Ms. Janice K. Sparrow Mrs. Monie Sue Spell Mrs. Charlotte Speltz Mrs. Brownie P. Speros Mr. & Mrs. Walter Barry Spicer Reverends Rick & Delores Spielman, Jr. Mr. James U. Spring Mrs. Eli B. Springs Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Spruill Mr. & Mrs. George W. Stacey, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Stacks Emilian & Lorraine Stadnyk Mr. James L. Stafford* Mrs. Elizabeth J. Stahl Ms. Jean E. Stainback Mrs. Elizabeth H. Stallings Ms. Fairy Stallings Mr. & Mrs. B. L. Stancil Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stanfield Mr. & Mrs. John D. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stanley Mrs. Myra Stanton Mrs. Doris Starling Mrs. Sybil M. Starnes Dr. & Mrs. H. Frank Starr, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. G. Richard Staunch Mr. John F. Steele Mr. & Mrs. Steve Steele Mrs. Elva B. Stephens Mrs. Mildred Stephens Ms. Nina C. Stephens Mrs. Gilbert D. Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Steppe Mr. Charles H. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Stevens Ms. Irene W. Stevens Mrs. Margaret J. Stevens Mr. Mark T. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. David Stevenson Ms. Deanna E. Stewart Mr. Ray Stewart Mr. Steven E. Stewart Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stieglitz Mr. James S. Stilwell Reverend Jamie D. Stimson Mrs. Gloria Stipp Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Stitt Ms. Ruth D. Stoddard Reverend E. Lee Stoffel Ms. Charlotte Stone Mrs. Loraine K. Stone Dr. & Mrs. John R. Streb Ms. Martha M. Strickland Dr. Ernest Stricklin Mrs. George T. Stronach Mrs. Swaim Craig Strong Mr. David R. Stubbs Ms. Elizabeth Stulz Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Sturdivant Mr. Joe E. Sturdivant Mr. & Mrs. Johnny E. Stutts Ms. Janie Styers Ms. Mary Sugg Styres Ms. Ann B Styron Mr. Jack G. Suddreth Mrs. Frances Adams Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John R. Summerlin Mr. & Mrs. W. Reid Summers Mrs. Grace Giles Surles Ms. Carol L. Susann Dr. & Mrs. George H. Sutcliffe Mr. & Mrs. Frank W Sutterlin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. James M. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Swaim Mrs. Ann Vann Sweet Mr. & Mrs. Conrad D. Swick Mr. Daniel A. Swindell Mr. & Mrs. Vance L. Sykes Ms. Helen H. Tallent Mr. George L. Tally Mrs. Vera L. Talton Mr. & Mrs. Thornton P. Tappy Mrs. Janie M. Tarlton Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tarlton Mrs. Nancy Tate Ms. Sarah Lindsay Tate Ms. Phyllis E. Tavel Mr. Alvin B. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. D. K. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Eddie W. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Taylor Mrs. Rebecca Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Taylor Ms. Susan S. Taylor Ms. Virginia Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Tellefsen Mr. & Mrs. Landis M. Temple Mr. & Mrs. Barry K. Templeton Mr. & Mrs. William H. Templeton Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Terhune Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Terry Mr. & Mrs. Bennie Thacker Mr. & Mrs. Gilliam B. Tharpe Mrs. Irene R. Thigpen Mr. & Mrs. James W. Thomas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Thomas Mrs. James R. Thomas Nikki C. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Roany B. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Russell S. Thomas Ms. Susan E. Thomas Chaplain William L. Thomas Mrs. Willie D. Thomas Mrs. Clara B. Thomason Dr. & Mrs. Glenn C. Thomason Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Thomason Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Dinks Thompson Ms. Dorothy K. Thompson Mr. J. Russell Thompson Mr. & Mrs. James T. R. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John W. Thompson, Jr. Reverend Joseph Thompson Ms. Marie Choate Thompson Ms. Martha F. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Reuben D. Thompson IV Mr. & Mrs. S. Duane Thompson, Jr. Ms. Tammy Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Thermond E. Thompson Ms. V. Ruth Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie Thorne Mr. John J. Thrower, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charlie L. Tingen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Todd Mrs. Sarah L. Todd Mrs. Mildred C. Tolar Ms. Linda G. Tomlin Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Toney Ms. Marie Toney Ms. Phyllis J. Tonnacliff Mr. & Mrs. Deryl W. Torbert Dr. & Mrs. Winston Tornow Mrs. Georgia C. Towns Ms. Jill M. Townsend Ms. Anne P. Trego Dr. & Mrs. G. Earl Trevathan, Jr. Mrs. John E. Trevvett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Troutman Mr. & Mrs. John B. Troxler Mrs. Rosemary Troxler Mr. & Mrs. William H. Troxler, Jr. Mr. Robert S. Troy, Jr Ms. Mary R. Trucks Ms. Nancy L. Truluck Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Tryson Mr. Michael Tsitouris Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Tucker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. L. Campbell Tucker I want to Be an interior designer Ms. Mary C. Tucker Mrs. Phyllis F. Tucker Mr. Rodney D. Tucker Ms. Barbara Turner Ms. Dianne P. Turner Mr. Elliott Lee Turner, Jr. Ms. Miriam A. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Roy Turner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Turner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Turner Mrs. Mae H. Turpin Ms. Elsie L. Tyler Ms. Edith H. Tyndall Professor & Mrs. Mack Tyner, Jr. Mrs. Geraldine Tyren Mrs. Betty Tysinger Ms. Ruth H. Tyson Mr. & Mrs. Karl Uhlig Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton P. Underwood, Jr. Ms. Sallie S. Vallereux Mr. & Mrs. Albert Van Dorp Mrs. Marie T. Van Pelt Ms. Allyson K. Van Wyk Mr. & Mrs. William J. Vanderlip Mr. & Mrs. Odell W. Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Veasey Ms. Dianne L. Veenstra Ms. Barbara Ventyers Ms. Bonnie A. Vest Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Vick Mrs. Eileen S. Vickers Mr. & Mrs. James J. Vickery Mrs. Abby Vinez Mr. & Mrs. William Vinson Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Viser Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Vitez Mr. & Mrs. David V. Vollmar Mrs. Virginia S. Von Seth Mrs. Elizabeth W. Wackerhagen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rube Waddell Ms. Ruth Waddell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Waddington Mr. & Mrs. Alton P. Wade Mr. & Mrs. L. Vincent Wade Ms. Susan Wade Mrs. Berta L. Walker Mr. Edward W. Walker Mr. & Mrs. John N. Walker Mrs. Lola Walker Mrs. Rosalind Walker Mr. & Mrs. James Wall Mr. & Mrs. James O. Wall Ms. Paula Wallace Ms. Peggy Wallace Ms. Terri Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Wallin Ms. Maxine Wally Mrs. Albert Walser Ms. Etta Walser Mrs. Doris W. Walsh Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. William Norvel Walsh Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Walston Ms. Charlotte Walton Mr. & Mrs. R. O. Walton, Jr. Pat Wannamaker Mrs. Annie H. Ward Mr. B. Thomas Ward, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Calvin L. Ward Ms. Iris C. Ward Ms. Jennifer J. Ward Ms. JoAnne W. Ward Ms. Katherine Ward Mr. Leonard Ward Mr. Marvin S. Ward, Jr. Ms. Susan W. Ward Mr. & Mrs. W. Dace Ward Mr. & Mrs. William F. Ward, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Yates D. Ward Mrs. Carolyn G. Warlick Ms. Patricia Warlick Ms. Peggy D. Warlick Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Warner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Allen Warren Ms. Elaine C. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Terry Watt Mrs. Rosa Lee Watters Ms. Mary L. Watts Mrs. Blanche L. Wayboer Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Waylett Ms. Shirley S. Waynick Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Weast Mr. & Mrs. Norman Weatherly Ms. Jeanne Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Weavil Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Webb Mr. & Mrs. John E. Webb Mr. & Mrs. John E. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Webb Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Webb, Jr. Mrs. Viola Olivene Webb Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Weir Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Weir, Jr. Mr. Rylan C. Weisner Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Welborn Mr. C. Ronald Welch Mr. & Mrs. William J. Welch Ms. Regina S. Welsted Mr. & Mrs. John G. Wester Mr. George D. Wetherill Ms. Regina D. Whaley Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Wharton Mrs. Melba B. Wheeler Ms. Linda Whicker Mrs. David P. White Ms. Doris T. White Mr. & Mrs. E. Anthony White Mr. Harry L. White Mrs. Helen B. White Mrs. Judy M. White Mr. & Mrs. Ken White Mr. & Mrs. O. Wendell White Mrs. Seth White Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn D. White Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O. Whiteman Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Whiteman, Jr. Ms. Carolyn Whitener Ms. Mary Mac Whitener Mr. Owen H. Whitfield Mr. John B. Whiting Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Whitley Mr. James D. Whitley II Mr. & Mrs. Olin C. Whitley Ms. Wanda Whitlow Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wicks Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Wiggins Dr. W. J. Wiggs Mr. & Mrs. William M. Wilcox, Jr. Mrs. Frank C. Wilkinson Mr. J. C. Wilkinson Ms. Katherine M. Wilkinson Mr. Stan Wilkinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Willard Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Willard Dr. Ben R. Willeford, Jr. Ms. Anna Ruth Williams Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Williams Ms. Donna Williams Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Williams Mr. John A. Williams, Jr. Mr. John S. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. M. R. Williams Ms. Patricia Williams Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Williams Ms. Rosemary Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Williams, Jr. Mr. Clarence O. Williamson, Jr. Mrs. Hilda Williamson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Williamson, Jr. Ms. Carolann Connor Willingham Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H. Willis Ms. Virginia H. Willis Mrs. Alice Edmondson Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Boyd E. Wilson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carey D. Wilson, Jr. Ms. Charlotte H. Wilson Ms. Dolores W. Wilson Reverend Edward C. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Wilson Mr. James A. Wilson Reverend & Mrs. James K. Wilson Mr. Joseph W. Wilson Mrs. Peggy O. Wilson Mr. Robert C. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Tom G. Wilson Mr.* & Mrs. Harry Wimbish Mr. & Mrs. Linwood L. Winbourne Ms. Janice Winchester Mr. & Mrs. William E. Windham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. K. Shawn Winfree T. Latane Winfree Mr. William Winfree, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Winner Ms. Judy K. Winslow Ms. Raye Winstead Mr. & Mrs. William H. Winston Mr. & Mrs. E. James Wisner Mr. Bruce M. Wold Jeff Wolfberg & Alla Ostrovsky Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Wood Ms. Corlis J. Wood Ms. Melanie A. Wood Mrs. Nancy T. Wood Mr. Sabert D. Wood, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Z. Wood, Jr. Mr. Billy T. Woodard Dr. & Mrs. R. Scott Woodmansee Ms. Betty A. Wooten Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Wooten Mr. & Mrs. James Work Mr. & Mrs. Rex Worrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Worth, Jr. Ms. Doris H. Wright Dr. Elizabeth Ann Wright Mrs. Faye P. Wright Mrs. Florence F. Wright Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wright Mrs. Layne M. Wright Mr. Melvin O. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Wright Ms. Barbara B. Wynne Mrs. Debra Xedus Dr. Benjamin H. Yarborough Mrs. Elizabeth Yarborough Mr. & Mrs. Dan G. Yates Mr. Wilbur X. Yerton Mr. & Mrs. Lauren W. Yoder Mrs. Edith B. Yopp Mr. & Mrs. Theodore York Ms. Hilda Willis Yost Mr. & Mrs. Fred Younce Ms. Annie W. Young Mr. & Mrs. Harry Young Mr. & Mrs. Clifford A. Younger Ms. Karen W. Younts Mrs. Marguerite M. Zagora Ms. Elizabeth Taylor Zipf * denotes deceased Bequests Estate of: Anonymous Mrs. Mary Lore Brown Mrs. Patricia B. Davis Miss Hazel D’Orange Mrs. Ann Augusta Rogers Frank Mr. James W. Martin Mr. William B. Moore Mrs. Helen Parks Mr. Douglas W. Swink Endowments Rebekah Carpenter Fund for Children Rick Cross Memorial Endowment Milton James Gaskill Memorial Endowment Annie Hartsell & James Perry Gray, Sr. Memorial Endowment Miss Leigh Elizabeth Nisbet Memorial Endowment Flake F. Steele, Jr. Endowment Fund Irma W. & Joseph H. Thompson Memorial Endowment Trusts Agnes T. McCallum Trust, Richmond, VA Arthur M. Ingold Trust, Winston-Salem Bernard C. Barnes Trust, Dallas, TX C. H. Hopkins Trust, Charlotte C. Lee Knox Trust, Winston-Salem C. P. & Ruby Robertson Trust, Winston-Salem Carl Hodgson Trust Fund, North Wilkesboro Caroline Wood Miller Trust, Winston-Salem Diamond Trust, Statesville Edward H. Little Trust, New York, NY Elizabeth Hampton Davidson Memorial Trust, Jeffersonville, IN Elsie Curtis Alexander Charitable Fund, Charlotte Emma F. Whitman Trust, Concord Grace M. Batten Trust, Jeffersonville, IN H. L. Shuey Trust, Dallas, TX J. N. Ingram Trust Fund, Jeffersonville, IN James Douglas Bernhardt Trust, Providence, RI John & Helen Morrison Trust, Charlotte John Mack Walker Jr. Trust, Jeffersonville, IN Joseph F. Cannon Christmas Trust, Charlotte Kate B. Reynolds Trust, Winston-Salem L. C. Wagner Trust, Winston-Salem Lois Hogg Charitable Lead Annuity Trust, High Point Margaret C. Woodson Foundation, Salisbury Margaret Johnston Vance Trust, Concord Margaret S. Williamson Trust, Winston-Salem Martha Woodard Davis Charitable Trust, Wilson Mary G. Riggins Trust (Wilkinson), Winston-Salem McCoy Moretz Trust, Jeffersonville, IN Minnie Stowe Puett Trust, Dallas, TX Rufus D. Wilson, Jr. Trust, Dallas, TX W. J. Williams Trust, Charlotte W. M. Andrews Trust, Fairmont William Frank Hall, Jr. Trust, Charlotte Corporations Amentra, Inc. American Tower Corporation AMS Architectural Railings & Grilles, Inc. Bank of America Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Bealer Wholesale, Inc. Bell South Matching Gift Center Bi-Lo Charities, Inc. Bufkin & Company Burchfield Insurance Group, Inc. Captain Telegram, Inc. I want to drive race cars Ceres Transportation Group, Inc. Charlotte Express Center, Inc. The Chris Anthony Team, Inc. Citizens South Bank Consolidated Vending Services, Inc. Cool Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning Company Crescent Resources, LLC Crouch Brothers, Inc. The Daily Reflector Data Line Consulting Services Dellinger Building Supply, Inc. Denver Construction Company Duke Energy Nuclear Plant Employees Duplin Winery Ed Jolley & Associates, Inc. Elmer’s Products Inc. Equity Commercial Properties First Charter Bank FLH Holdings LLC Food Lion, Inc. Fred’s Pallet Company Gillooly, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Hampton Road Grocery Harris Teeter, Inc. Hospira Employee Giving Program Jerry Gregory & Associates Joe Gibbs Racing, Inc. Keller Williams Realty KW Cares Lake Norman Chrysler Jeep Dodge Lake Norman Custom Glass, Inc. Lake Norman Medical Equipment, Inc . Lake Norman Realty, Inc. Lee Boy Maestro Travel, Inc. The Mega Force Staffing Group, Inc. Midrex Technologies, Inc. Oakbrook Solutions Inc. Pal-A-Roos Child Development Center Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Premier Alliance Group, Inc. R. T. Dooley Enterprises, LLC S & D Coffee, Inc. Scenic Homes Marketing, LLC Security Plus, Inc. St. Paul Travelers Foundation Strategic Staffing Solutions Surf & Turf Taylor Oil Company Tek Systems Veolia Environmental Services Vertical Management Systems, Inc. Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program Wachovia Wealth Management Yadkin Valley Bank Organizations Barium Springs Alumni Association Barrington Place Residents, Jamestown Charlotte Camellia Society, Charlotte Garden & Gab Club, Wilson Harnett County Department on Aging & Elderly Nutrition, Lillington Holiday Benefit Concert, Statesville Idiot’s Open Golf Tournament, Charlotte Kannapolis Area Presbyterian Men, Kannapolis Lake Norman Charter School, Mooresville Lynnhaven Middle School, Virginia Beach, VA Mitchell Community College, Statesville Mooresville Lake Norman Newcomers Club, Sherrill’s Ford North Mecklenburg Women’s Club, Huntersville Precepter Chi Chapter-Beta Sigma Phi, Corryton, TN Statesville Women’s Club, Statesville Whiteville Womens Civic League, Whiteville Foundations Annie Jack Foundation, Wilmington Arlene L. & Gerome R. Gerber Family Foundation, Syracuse, NY Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation, Fountain Inn, SC David Belk Cannon Foundation, Gastonia Duke Endowment, Charlotte Griffin Family Foundation, Greensboro Hambrick Memorial Foundation, Hickory J & TH Wilson Foundation, Lenoir J. F. Hurley Foundation, Salisbury John William Pope Foundation, Raleigh M & J Foundation, Inc., Goldsboro Nivison Family Foundation, Raleigh O. H. Rankin Foundation, Charlotte Ravenel B. Curry Foundation, New York, NY Shugart Family Foundation, Winston-Salem Sullivan Foundation, Charlotte Trexler Foundation, Charlotte Campaign Donors Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Mr. Charles W. Adkins Alamance Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Women-Faith, Hope & Love Circle, Greensboro Mrs. Eleanor Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Steve Alston Mr. & Mrs. John Ammons Mr. & Mrs. W. Warren Arnett Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Austin Mrs. Betty J. Averitt Mr. & Mrs. Perry Bailey Mr. Sidney E. Bailey Mrs. Joan Balfour Barium Springs Alumni Association Paul C. & Elsie V. Barnes Mrs. Charlotte Barney Mrs. Amy P. Barnhardt Mr. J. C. Barnhardt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob McIntyre Barnhardt Mr. & Mrs. Tom Barnhardt, III Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Batts Mrs. Martha P. Baucom Mr. & Mrs. W. Joseph Beavers Belk Foundation, Charlotte Ms. Kathryn H. Bell Mr. Kenneth A. Bell Mr. & Mrs. M.B. Bing Mrs. Robena H. Black Dr. & Mrs. James N. Blackerby, Jr. Mr. Graham Blake Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Blake Mr. Frank Blalock Jr. Ms. Mary Boardman Ms. Jo Boggs Ms. Dianne Martin Boik Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bounous Miss Becky S. Bowden Mr. & Mrs. Ed Boyette Mr. & Mrs. James P. Branden Ms. Catherine K. Breeden Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bregier, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Victor Briscoe Mr. & Mrs. Sydney P. Britt Ms. Peggy Ann Byrd Brooks Mr. Mack P. Brown Mr. Robert O. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Bob Buckner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Buehl Mr. & Mrs. L. Henry Bullard Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bunnell Mrs. Sandra Burgess Mrs. Tina Burgess Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Burgess Dr. Calvin Ray Burleson Mrs. Lila Burney Reverend Constance Button Mr. Steve Cagle Mrs. Mary Stewart Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. Holt F. Callaway, Jr. Mrs. Julia Clendenin Callaway Mr. & Mrs. Lewis A. Canter Mr. & Mrs. Sean Capparuccia Mr. Bob Chandler Mrs. Marilyn Chester Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Chislaghi Mrs. Evelyn B. Choate Ms. Dorothy C. Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Vance Clayton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cargill Cole Mr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Cooper III Mr. Roy A. Cooper Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Boyce Cox Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Cox Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Crawford Crutchfield Family Foundation, Charlotte Mr. & Mrs. Fred P. Culbreth The Cumbie Family Mrs. Jane C. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Cromer H. Curtis Ms. JoAnn Darby David Belk Cannon Foundation, Gastonia Davidson College Presbyterian Church, Davidson Mr. J. Roy Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dick Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dieffenbach Dr. Franklin G. Dill Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Donaldson Ms. Paula M. Donaldson Mr. Merritt A. Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Drumm Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Duncan Mr. John J. Eakins Mrs. Jane Eakle Ms. Hazel M. Emmerling Mr. & Mrs. Ciro Errichiello Ms. Billie Erwin Mr. James D. Everett Mr. & Mrs. William G. Faris Mr. Thomas M. Faw Mrs. Sarah C. Feely Mr. Neil Ferguson Ms. Mary Anne Flick Ms. Doris J. Flowers Mrs. Wanda Floyd Mr. William L. Foster Jr. Mrs. Katherine A. Foye Mr. & Mrs. Archie Gabriel Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gaunt Ms. Doris Geiss Dr. & Mrs. Stuart W. Gibbs Miss Eula E. Godwin Mr. William I. Goewey Ms. Marie Gray Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Grayson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Grey, III Mr. & Mrs. David J. Griffin Mr. W. H. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Griffith Dr. & Mrs. Charles Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hambrick, Jr. Mrs. Mildred D. Hand Mrs. Fay L. Haralson Mrs. Amos R. Hardy Mr. H. E. Hardy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Harkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Wayne Harrington Mr. Henry M. Harris Mrs. Mary J. Hart Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Hedgpeth Mr. & Mrs. G. Houston Helms, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hicks Paul & Karen Hinkle Mrs. Minnie B. Holt Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hoover Mrs. Virginia J. Horn Reverend & Mrs. Paul A. Horne Dr. & Mrs. Fred R. Horner Mr. & Mrs. Craig Horsman Mrs. Kathryn H. Howard Mrs. Edna B. Howell Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel A. Howell Mr. Ronald R. Hudgins Reverend Edsel M. Huffstetler Ms. Virginia E. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hultberg Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt Mrs. Bonnie Trent Ingle Mr. & Mrs. L. S. Inscoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Irvin Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jackson Mr. Francis B. Jacobs, III Ms. Jane Jennings John William Pope Foundation, Raleigh Mr. & Mrs. Ira Kimbrell Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Lee Johnson Mr. & Mr. Grower Jones Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kalbfleisch Mr. & Mrs. Don S. Kelly Mr. James A. Kimmons Mrs. James A. King Mr. & Mrs. L. Richardson King Mrs. Valeria C. King Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin G. Klein Mr. & Mrs. John E. Koppelmeyer Ms. Judy Shealy Kuceswsky Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Kunz Mr. & Mrs. Costi Kutteh Mr. & Mrs. Lantham E. Latta Ms. Elizabeth B. Lee Mr. John M. Lennon Mr. & Mrs. Karl O. Leuthner Mrs. Edith Powell Lewis Mr. George W. Lewis Mr. Fred E. Little, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Little Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Long Mrs. Ruby C. Long Mr. & Mrs. Rufus A. Long Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Lovin Lowe’s Charitable & Educational Foundation, Mooresville Mr. William Lybrand Mr. David MacCallum Ms. Janice Mack Mr. & Mrs. Nolan B. Mackey Mr. & Mrs. James C. Mahony Mr. Jack A. Mangum Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mattocks II Mr. Robert W. May Mr. John Edsel McArthur Mrs. Margaret M. McCarty Reverend Graham C. McChesney Mr. Charles G. McClure Jr. Mrs. Joyce Kelly McClure Ms. Leora C McElroy Ms. Margaret McIver Mrs. Margaret L. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Mike McLain Mr. & Mrs. James R. McLester Mr. & Mrs. Bobby McMannen Mrs. Kathryn D. McMeans Reverend Mary C. McNeal Mrs. Frances Lowrance McNeely Mr. & Mrs. Shearin L. McPhail Mrs. Eleanor Meech Mercantile County Bank, Elkton, MD Mr. & Mrs. S. Russell Mickle Mr. & Mrs. James C. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Milton Mr. Joe P. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Monroe Ms. Joan Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Ken Morgan Ms. Frances Morisey Mr. & Mrs. J. Ben Morrow Mrs. Frances C. Moseley Mr. Robert L. Moul Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Moye Mr. & Mrs. David K. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Bob Neill Dr. C. Louise Nelson Mr. J. Tipton Nicholson Mrs. Elizabeth B. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Northrup Mr. & Mrs. Dan Noyes Mr. & Mrs. Verne F. Noyes Mr. & Mrs. James L. Odum Mrs. Nina Berryhill Overman Ms. Michele Palladino Mr. & Mrs. Don Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Lee H. Peery Mr. & Mrs. Dick L. Pensinger Mr. & Mrs. Dan Phillips Dr. & Mrs. George H. Pierson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ashmead Pringle Pipkin Mr. David Pitser Dr. & Mrs. James M. Poole Reverend & Mrs. Scott M. Poole, Sr. Mr.Harry W. Powell Presbyterian Foundation of Lumberton, Inc, Lumberton Dr. & Mrs. J. J. Priester Ms. Myrtle Pringle Mrs. Katie Mae Dunn Propst Ms. Leeannah T. Rachel Ms. Velma C. Ratcliffe Mr. & Mrs. Gene Rees Mr.Joseph R. Reese Mr. & Mrs. Rick Rhyne Mrs. Lynn W. Richardson Mr. Jerry Ridenhour Mr. & Mrs. Alan Robson Mrs. Lucy Troutman Rochelle Mr. Javan H. Rogers Mrs. Sue Wilson Rowell Mr. & Mrs. Edward Russell Mr. & Mrs. Don Schieve Ms. Susan Jane Schmitt Ms. Sallie W. Scott Sedgefield Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Mrs. Betsey Blades Selig Ms. Rebecca Sexton Mr. Harry Shackelford Reverend & Mrs. Grant M. Sharp Ms. Kathryn G. Sherard Mr. John M. Sherrill Mr. & Mrs. Tony D. Sizemore Mrs. Brenda Blake Skinner Mr. & Mrs. James F. Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Bill P. Smith Roscoe L & Helen V Smith Mrs. Maria S. Smithson Mr. & Mrs. Milton G.Spann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Sparger Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Spears, Jr. Mrs. Charlotte Speltz Mrs. Brownie P. Speros Mr. & Mrs. Alston W. Stafford, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Stanley Dr. Joseph F. Steelman Mr. John Steffen Mr. & Mrs. W. Paul Stephenson, Jr. Mrs. Margaret J. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. William E. Stowe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Stuart Mrs. Jane K. Studstill Ms. Carol L. Susann Mr. & Mrs. Carey M. Swann, III Mr. & Mrs. William C. Thacker Third Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Ms. Mary W. Thomas Mrs. Glenda Thompson Mr. Donald N. Tillman Toter, Inc., Statesville Mr. & Mrs. Roy Turner Ms. Theresa Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Underwood, Jr. Mr. Jimmy D. Vicars Mr. & Mrs. Claude U. & Helen M. Voils, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Waddington Mr. Stephen C. Wallace Mrs. Doris W. Walsh Mr. B. Thomas Ward Jr. Mrs. Carolyn G. Warlick Mr. L. David Warlick, Jr. Dr. Charles E. Warner Reverend Connie S. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Whisenant, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Graham White Mr. & Mrs. Ken White Mr. & Mrs. Murray White Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Whittle Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Boyd E. Wilson, Jr. Dean & Patsy Wilson Mr. William W. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William E. Windham, Jr. Mrs. Katie Wireman Mr. & Mrs. James Work Mr. Melvin O. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Bill D. Yarbrough Mr. & Mrs. Jerry K. Young, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford A. Younger Mr. & Mrs. Dick Zande In-Kind Donors Todd & Candi Abramson Gina & Rick Addison Henry, Karen & Austin Albert Mrs. Ruth Alexander Alphagraphics- Robert Reed, Cornelius Al’s Family Farm, Ft. Pierce, FL Always in Bloom, Cornelius Architectural Railings & Grilles Allison Dula, Charlotte Mr. Lance Armstrong ASSE Student Exchange Program, Statesville Axion America, Archdale Bass Pro Shop, Concord Mr. Jim Beckley, Vero Beach, FL Ms. Amy Bender Berea Baptist Church, Mooresville Bessemer City Presbyterian Church, Bessemer City Boatwright Trucking Company, Alma, GA Mr. Andrew Bocker & Family Mr. Brian Brady Mr. Scott Brettin Broad Street United Methodist Church Youth, Statesville Susan & Joe Brooks Tracy & Natalie Brown Brownie Troop # 169, Mooresville Bruester’s, Statesville Jackie & Tracy Bryant Byrums General Store, Charlotte Business Today, Concord Linda & Bobby Caddell & Family Cake Design- Michelle Crawford, Cornelius Cannon Middle School Student Council-Jill Letchworth, Concord Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, Lillington Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Carolina Restaurant Group-Quint Graham, Charlotte Allen & Emily Cartee Ms. Judy Carter David & Elizabeth Cathcart Central Cabarrus High School Civics Class, Midland Charlotte Bass Masters-Pete Towery, Charlotte The Charlotte Knights, Charlotte Mr. Mike Chatham Ms. Alison Chavez Cheerwine/ Carolina Beverage Company, Salisbury Chick-fil-A, Statesville Children’s Community School, Davidson Ms. Beth Christenbury Susan & Chris Christianson Christies Hallmark, Mooresville Circle K-Mitchell Community College-Gail Elmore, Statesville Miss Abby Cloer Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated, Charlotte Donna & Greg Cochrane Mr. Tim Collins Cool Breeze Cyclery-Steve Doolittle, Mooresville Ms. Ashley Cosby Ms. McKenzie Cox Mr. Charlie Craveling Crossroads Church, Concord Ms. Irene Cucurullo Kisha & Scott Curtis Curves, Troutman Ms. Donna Davenport Davidson College Presbyterian Church, Davidson Mr. Eric Davis Mr. Ken Davis Dawn & Doug DeLoach Derrico Construction Corporation, Melbourne, FL Discount School Supply, Spreckels, CA Mrs. Freda Donaldson Dressler’s Restaurant-John Glenn, Huntersville DSC Logistics, Huntersville Duke Energy Employees, Charlotte Mr. Guy Eakes, Sr., Cherryville Eastfield Presbyterian Church, Huntersville Eez Fusion Sushi-Marcus Hall, Huntersville Elmer’s Products, Inc. Statesville Energy United, Statesville Estates & Homes, Charlotte Ms. Renee Fellner Finley Chiropractic Center, Troutman The Firm Real Estate Staff, Mooresville First Baptist Church, Mooresville First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro First Presbyterian Church Senior High Youth Group, Hickory First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville First Presbyterian Church, Statesville Bret & Michelle Fisher The Fisherman’s Friend, Kannapolis Fitness Today, Statesville Nancy & Rob Floyd Food Lion #0701, Troutman Ms. Pam Foris Ms. Kimberly E. Fox Fruitful Ministry-Archie & Lynelle Lane, Vero Beach, FL Archie & Judy Gabriel Galatia Presbyterian Church Circle #2, Fayetteville Girl Scout Troop #647 Golden Corral, Mooresville Golden Corral, Statesville Grace Covenant Academy, Cornelius Mrs. Tonda Gregory Griffin Brothers - Larry Griffin, Jr., Cornelius Ms. Jeanne Guerin Mr. Aubrey Haddock Carol & Jim Harwell Rene & Jay Harwell Ms. Traci Harwell Havana Social Club & Ballroom Josh Hurley, Cornelius Ms. Betsy Hazelton Ms. Elna Hedgepeth Hickory Grove Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Ms. Nancy Hilton Homes & Lands, Charlotte Hope Baptist Church, Lincolnton Ms. Amy Hossord Mr. Ken Howiler Mr. Ronald Hudgins Ms. Courtney Paige Hummel Huntersville Presbyterian Church, Huntersville Donald & Alise Hyatt Iredell Memorial Hospital Phar macy Employees, Statesville It’s Fashion, Statesville Jamestown Presbyterian Church, Jamestown J. C. Steele & Sons, Statesville Jerry’s Bait & Tackle, Charlotte Jobear/Warden Construction, Palm Bay, FL Journey Church, Cornelius The William John Family Ms. Michelle Johnson Kathy & Mike Johnston Kapital Accumulations, Charlotte Karsten America, Troutman Dr. Neil Kassman Mr. Robert Keasey, Jr. Mr. Michael Keough Kimono Japanese Restaurant Mr. Jae Park, Clemmons Knight McGuire Association, Inc., Vero Beach, FL Knight’s Stadium, Charlotte Lake Norman Business Group, Huntersville Lake Norman Custom Glass Rick West, Mooresville Lake Norman High School Keywanettes, Mooresville Lake Norman Medical Equipment-Allen Brawley Lake Norman Times, Mooresville Lakeshore Elementary School Second Grade Class, Mooresville Lakeside Family Physicians, Mooresville Jesse Leadbetter Legend’s Espresso Bar & Sweets, Mooresville Richard & Andrea Lima Lion’s Jewelers, Charlotte Locust Presbyterian Church, Locust Lowe’s Home Improvement Distribution Center, Statesville Mr. Joe Magee Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church-Presbyterian Women, Charlotte Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Mann Marquee Cinemas, Beckley, WV Mr. Michael V. Matthews Ms. Joyce Maylone Ms. Lane McCabe McCar Homes, Charlotte Linda McDonald, Inc. – Ms. Linda McDonald, Charlotte Ms. Claudia McGlothlin Ms. Judie McGuirk Angela & Robert McKenzie Mrs. Linda McLester Bobby & Louise McMannen Meadowlake Presbyterian Church, Huntersville Merle Norman, Statesville Ms. Sharon Mims Ms. Shirley Moore Mooresville-Lake Norman New comers Club, Sherrill’s Ford Mrs. Gale Moose Ms. Julia Moyer MVB Engineering, Vero Beach, FL Names in a Hurry, Fort Mill, SC Pampered Chef- Heather Moore, Huntersville Parkway Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Ms. Silva Parra Jeanne & Dick Patterson Deidre & Aaron Pavlick Peace Presbyterian Church, Winterville Ms. Pilar Pedersen Peninsula Yacht Club - Julie Towson, Cornelius Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Mint Hill Phillip’s Lures, Gaines, PA I want to be an artist New Friendship Presbyterian Church-Presbyterian Women, Huntersville New Hope Ministries, Vero Beach, FL Mr. Jeff Newman Newport Properties, Mooresville Randy & Angela Nixon Ms. Marie Norris North Carolina Bass Federation, Charlotte The North Highland Company, Charlotte North Mecklenburg Women’s Group, Cornelius Office Max, Charlotte Office Max Employees, Charlotte Ms. Jacqueline P. Orr Oslo Groves- Bobby Sexton, Vero Beach, FL Rick & Karen Padgett Ms. Valerie Phillips Cris & Tina Piephoff Mr. Jim Pinkham Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church Women’s Circle, Charlotte Ms. Shirley Plott Meliea & Roger Plyler Poinsettia Groves, Vero Beach, FL The Pointe Lake & Golf Club, Mooresville Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church, Concord Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church Circle #3, Concord The Power Sports Center, Cornelius Professional Firefighters & Paramedics of North Carolina, Gastonia Providence Presbyterian Church, Angier Mr. Ralph Quackenbush Redeemers Light United Methodist Church, Mooresville Mr. Norman Richards Ms. Mindy Rinehimer RLS, Inc., Batesville, AR Robert Yates Racing, Mooresville Ms. Petra Rotteck Ryan Newman Foundation, Statesville Diana & James Sanders Ms. Marissa Sandridge DeAnn & Mike Scheppele Ms. Chris Schiemer The Scholtz Family Ms. Gwen Scott Serena & Doug Scroggins Ms. Kristina Segur Shakespeare Fishing Tackle, Columbia, SC Shanska USA Building, Charlotte Ms. Debbie Shapiro Ms. Stephanie Shaw Mrs. Jan Sheridan Sigma Alpha Omega-ASU, Boone Scott & Liane Simmons Site-Werks, Inc., Vero Beach, FL Mr. Conrad Sloan Ms. Barb Smelser Ms. Laurie Smith Linda & Bill P. Smith Ms. Martha Smythe Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church Patchwork Squares, Sneads Ferry Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Women, Sneads Ferry Mr. Steve Snoberger, Vero Beach, FL Solutions FYS, Inc., Cathy Critz, Mooresville SoyKa Engineering, Inc., Melbourne, FL SpeakEasy Communications, Inc.-Ms. Myelita Melton, Mooresville Speakeasy Productions, Statesville SPS Construction, Inc., Vero Beach, FL Starbucks, Cornelius Starbuck’s, Mooresville Mrs. Tonya Steele & Seth Ms. Sharon Steffy Ms. Sonya Stevanovski Mr. Steven Stiltner Stella & Emily Stroud Strictly Bass Lures, Charlotte Subway, Mr. Jamal Amer, Troutman Subway, Ms. Frances Knight, Troutman Tar Heel Classic Thunderbird Club, Statesville Mr. C. Matthew Taylor Tel-Vac South, Inc., Pompano Beach, FL The Perfect Gift-Mr. & Mrs. Jake Bussolini, Mooresville Ms. Sandy Tilley Triplett United Methodist Church, Mooresville Mrs. Anne Trego Tri-Sure Corporation, Auburndale, FL Mr. Martin Truex Cindy & Dave Tucker UNC Charlotte Financial Aid Charlotte UNC Charlotte Records & Registration, Charlotte UNC Charlotte Office of Adult Students & Evening Services, Charlotte United Federal Credit Union, Statesville USAir Cares Mrs. Jenny Van Dyck Ms. Vickie Vaughn Veolia Environmental Services, Mooresville Vendor’s Ministry-Mr. Bryan Watts, Weatherford, TX Wachovia Championship, Charlotte Wachovia Wealth Management IT-Employees, Charlotte Mr. Darrell Walden Walgreen Neil Graham, Vero Beach, FL Ms. Ashlee Walker Walker, Robinson, Clark Insurance Company Employees, Statesville Wal*Mart Store #1156 Department Managers, Mooresville Wal*Mart Supercenter-Mr. Scott Byers, Statesville Susie Walsh Family Ms. Susan Walters Ms. Emily Ward W. F. McCain & Associates, Vero Beach, FL Ms. Vivian White Williamson Chapel United Methodist Church, Mooresville Ms. Michelle Wilson Ms. Michelle Woldman Yachta, Yachta, Yachta-Brian Brady, Cornelius Mr. Ben Yarborough Mr. Fred Younce Diane & Dale Young Yuvan Medspa- Wendy Speckman, Cornelius Mr. Gary Zaccagnini Ms. Julie Zacholl Church Altan Presbyterian Church, Monroe Antioch Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville Antioch Presbyterian Church, Red Springs Asbury Presbyterian Church, Mount Airy Ashpole Presbyterian Church, Rowland Barbecue Presbyterian Church, Sanford Bear Grass Presbyterian Church, Williamston Berea Presbyterian Church, Four Oaks Bethany Presbyterian Church, Graham Bethany Presbyterian Church, Wilmington Beth Car Presbyterian Church, Tar Heel Bethel Presbyterian Church, Beulaville Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Aberdeen Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Statesville Bethlehem Methodist Church, Statesville Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Bethpage Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis Beulah Presbyterian Church, Monroe Biscoe Presbyterian Church, Biscoe Bixby Presbyterian Church, Advance Boyd Memorial Presbyterian Church, Greenville Bridgewater Presbyterian Church, Morganton Brookston Presbyterian Church, Henderson Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church, Southern Pines Buffalo Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Buffalo Presbyterian Church, Sanford Bunnlevel Presbyterian Church, Bunnlevel Burgaw Presbyterian Church, Burgaw C. N. Jenkins Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Calabash Presbyterian Church, Sunset Beach Calvary Presbyterian Church, Davidson Calypso Presbyterian Church, Calypso Camden Presbyterian Church, Wadesboro Cameron Hill Presbyterian Church, Olivia Cameron Presbyterian Church, Statesville Cameronian Presbyterian Church, Rockingham Candor Presbyterian Church, Candor Cape Carteret Presbyterian Church, Swansboro Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, Lillington Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, Wilmington Carolina Beach Presbyterian Church, Carolina Beach Center Ridge Presbyterian Church, Kenly Chadbourn Presbyterian Church, Chadbourn Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte Christ Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Church of the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Greensboro I want to be a doctor Church of the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Spring Lake Church of the Cross Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Coastal Carolina Presbytery, Elizabethtown Community in Christ Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Community Presbyterian Church, Pinehurst Concord Presbyterian Church, Statesville Cook’s Memorial Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Covenant Presbyterian Church, Wilson Covenant Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Cross Roads Presbyterian Church, Mebane Culdee Presbyterian Church, Pinehurst Cypress Presbyterian Church, Cameron Davidson College Presbyterian Church, Davidson Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Morven Edgemont Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Edward Webb Memorial Presbyterian Church, Mount Airy El Bethel Presbyterian Church, Eden Elise Presbyterian Church, Robbins Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church, Elizabethtown Englewood Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Eno Presbyterian Church, Cedar Grove Ephesus Presbyterian Church, Lillington Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Erwin Presbyterian Church, Erwin Fairfield Mountains Chapel, Lake Lure Fairfield Presbyterian Church, Efland Fairmont Presbyterian Church, Lexington Faison Presbyterian Church,Faison Faith Presbyterian Church, Laurinburg Falkland Presbyterian Church, Falkland Farmville Presbyterian Church, Farmville Fieldstone Presbyterian Church, Mooresville First Presbyterian Church, Albemarle First Presbyterian Church, Ahoskie First Presbyterian Church, Asheboro First Presbyterian Church, Bessemer City First Presbyterian Church, Burlington First Presbyterian Church, Carthage First Presbyterian Church, Charlotte First Presbyterian Church, Concord First Presbyterian Church, Dunn First Presbyterian Church, Durham First Presbyterian Church, Eden First Presbyterian Church, Edenton First Presbyterian Church, Fairmont First Presbyterian Church, Gastonia First Presbyterian Church, Goldsboro First Presbyterian Church, Greenville First Presbyterian Church, Henderson First Presbyterian Church, High Point First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville First Presbyterian Church, Kings Mountain First Presbyterian Church, Kinston First Presbyterian Church, Lenoir First Presbyterian Church, Lexington First Presbyterian Church, Lumberton First Presbyterian Church, Mocksville First Presbyterian Church, Monroe First Presbyterian Church, Mooresville First Presbyterian Church, Morganton First Presbyterian Church, Mount Airy First Presbyterian Church, Mount Gilead First Presbyterian Church, New Bern First Presbyterian Church, Parkton First Presbyterian Church, Pilot Mountain First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh First Presbyterian Church, Reidsville First Presbyterian Church, Rockingham First Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount First Presbyterian Church, Salisbury First Presbyterian Church, Smithfield First Presbyterian Church, Spring Lake First Presbyterian Church, Statesville First Presbyterian Church, Washington First Presbyterian Church, Whiteville First Presbyterian Church, Williamston First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington First Presbyterian Church, Wilson First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Flat Branch Presbyterian Church, Bunnlevel Flat Rock Presbyterian Church, Mount Airy Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, High Point Forest Park Presbyterian Church, Statesville Fountain Presbyterian Church, Fountain Francisco Presbyterian Church, Westfield Frank Price Memorial Presbyterian Church, Black Creek Fuquay Varina Presbyterian Church, Fuquay-Varina Galatia Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Geneva Presbyterian Church, Oxford Gilwood Presbyterian Church, Concord Glenwood Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Good Hope Presbyterian Church, Kings Mountain Grace Presbyterian Church, Beaufort Grace Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Graves Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clinton Greenwood Presbyterian Church, Reidsville Griers Presbyterian Church, Leasburg Grifton Presbyterian Church, Grifton Grove Presbyterian Church, Dunn Grove Presbyterian Church, Kenansville Hallsville Presbyterian Church, Beulaville Harmony Presbyterian Church, Harrells Harper-Southerland Presbyterian Church, Deep Run Hawfields Presbyterian Church, Mebane Hebron Presbyterian Church, Oxford Hickory Grove Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Highland Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Holly Grove Presbyterian Church, Clinton Hollywood Presbyterian Church, Greenville Hope Baptist Church, Lincolnton Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Huntersville Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church, Tarboro Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Immanuel Presbyterian Church, China Grove Indian Hill Presbyterian Church, Stanfield Indian Trail Presbyterian Church, Indian Trail Ironton Presbyterian Church, Iron Station Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church, Jackson Springs Jamestown Presbyterian Church, Jamestown John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Salisbury Jonesboro Presbyterian Church, Sanford Kenly Presbyterian Church, Kenly Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church, Cary Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis Laurel Fork Presbyterian Church, Laurel Springs Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, Laurinburg Laurinburg Presbyterian Church, Laurinburg Leaflet Presbyterian Church, Lillington Lillington Presbyterian Church, Lillington Little Chapel On The Boardwalk Presbyterian Church, Wrightsville Beach Littleton Presbyterian Church, Littleton Lloyd Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Locust Presbyterian Church, Locust Love’s Chapel Presbyterian Church, Belmont Lumber Bridge Presbyterian Church, Lumber Bridge Macclesfield Presbyterian Church, Macclesfield MacPherson Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Madison Presbyterian Church, Madison Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Manly Presbyterian Church, Southern Pines Marks Creek Presbyterian Church, Rockingham Marshville Presbyterian Church, Marshville Marston Presbyterian Church, Marston Marvin United Methodist Church, Stony Point McKinnon Presbyterian Church, Concord McLean Presbyterian Church, Ellerbe Mebane Presbyterian Church, Mebane Memorial Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Memorial Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Micaville Presbyterian Church, Micaville Midway Presbyterian Church, Maxton Milner Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Montpelier Presbyterian Church, Wagram Morton Memorial Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Mount Olive Presbyterian Church, Mount Olive Mount Pelier Presbyterian Church, Rowland Mount Pisgah Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Willow Springs Mount Vernon Springs Presbyterian Church, Siler City Mount Zion Presbyterian Church, Rose Hill Murphy Presbyterian Church, Murphy Myers Park Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Nahalah Presbyterian Church, Scotland Neck Neuse Forest Presbyterian Church, New Bern New Friendship Presbyterian Church, Huntersville New Hampton Presbyterian Church, Charlotte New Hope Presbyterian Church, Winnabow New Philadelphia Moravian Church, Winston Salem North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church, North Wilkesboro Northminster Presbyterian Church, Hickory Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Kenly Oak Hill Presbyterian Church, Oxford Oak Island Presbyterian Church, Oak Island Oak Plain Presbyterian Church, Wallace Palestine Presbyterian Church, Linden Parkway Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Paw Creek Presbyterian Church, Paw Creek Peace Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Philadelphus Presbyterian Church, Red Springs Philippi Presbyterian Church, Raeford Piedmont Presbyterian Church, Burlington Pinetops Presbyterian Church, Pinetops Pinewood Presbyterian Church, Goldsboro Pittsboro Presbyterian Church, Pittsboro Plaza Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Pleasant View Presbyterian Church, Albertson Pocket Presbyterian Church, Sanford Pollocksville Presbyterian Church, Pollocksville Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church, Concord Presbytery of New Hope, Rocky Mount Presbytery of Salem, Clemmons Priest Hill Presbyterian Church, Carthage Providence Presbyterian Church, Angier Providence Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Raeford Presbyterian Church, Raeford Ramah Presbyterian Church, Huntersville Red Springs Presbyterian Church, Red Springs Rex Presbyterian Church, Rex Riverview Presbyterian Church, Eden Rockfish Presbyterian Church, Wallace Rourk Presbyterian Church, Ellerbe Rowland Presbyterian Church, Rowland Roxboro Presbyterian Church, Roxboro Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church, Blowing Rock Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, Henderson Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, WinstonSalem Saint John’s Presbyterian Church, Durham Saint Paul Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Saint Paul Presbyterian Church, Louisburg Saint Pauls Presbyterian Church, Saint Pauls Salem Presbyterian Church, Sanford Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Second Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis Second Presbyterian Church, Lexington Second Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Sedgefield Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Setzers Gap Presbyterian Church, Lenoir Shallotte Presbyterian Church, Shallotte Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Lewisville Sharon Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Sherrills Ford Presbyterian Church, Sherrills Ford Sherwood Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Shiloh Presbyterian Church, Burlington Shiloh Presbyterian Church, Raeford Shiloh Presbyterian Church, Statesville Siler City Presbyterian Church, Siler City Siler Presbyterian Church, Wesley Chapel Smith Presbyterian Church, Pink Hill Southport Presbyterian Church, Southport Southview Presbyterian Church, Hope Mills Sparta Presbyterian Church, Sparta Spring Hill Presbyterian Church, Lucama Springwood Presbyterian Church, Whitsett St. Anne Catholic Church, Edenton Stanley White Presbyterian Church, Roanoke Rapids Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Summerville Presbyterian Church, Lillington Sunnyside Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Third Creek Presbyterian Church, Cleveland Three Forks Baptist Church, Taylorsville Thyatira Presbyterian Church, Salisbury Triangle Presbyterian Church, Durham Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church, Durham Trinity Presbyterian Church, Laurinburg Trinity Presbyterian Church, Salisbury United Presbyterian Church, Lenoir Unity Presbyterian Church, Newton Grove Unity Presbyterian Church, Woodleaf University Presbyterian Church, Chapel Hill Vandalia Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Vaughn Memorial Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Vass Presbyterian Church, Vass Wallace Presbyterian Church, Wallace Wanoca Presbyterian Church, Washington Warrenton Presbyterian Church, Warrenton Wentworth Presbyterian Church, Reidsville West End Presbyterian Church, West End West Haven Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Western Avenue Baptist, Statesville Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Western North Carolina Presbytery, Morganton Westminster Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Westminster Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wilmington West Raleigh Presbyterian Church, Raleigh White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Willow Spring William & Mary Hart Presbyterian Church, Tarboro Windermere Presbyterian Church, Wilmington Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Wilmington Woodburn Presbyterian Church, Leland Wycliffe Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, VA Yanceyville Presbyterian Church, Yanceyville Young Memorial Presbyterian Church, Manson Church Groups Agape Ladies Circle of Alamance Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Faselo Class of Church of the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Vacation Bible School of Ernest Myatt Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Blanche Stewart Class of First Presbyterian Church, Concord Bette Penick Bible Class of First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Vanguard Bible Class of First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Women’s Bible Class of First Presbyterian Church, Morganton Henderson Memorial Sunday School Class of First Presbyterian Church, Smithfield Presbyterian Men’s Bible Class of First Presbyterian Church, Mooresville Circle #1 of First Presbyterian Church, Durham Vacation Bible School of Francisco Presbyte rian Church, Westfield Circle # 2 of Galatia Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Circle #1 of Grove Presbyterian Church, Kenansville Vacation Bible School of Holly Grove Presbyterian Church, Clinton Circle #3 of Lillington Presbyterian Church, Lillington John McInnis Sunday School Class of McKinnon Presbyterian Church, Concord New Friendship Class of New Philadelphia Moravian Church, Winston Salem Martha Circle of Parkway Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Vacation Bible School of Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Blue Circle Class of Piedmont Presbyterian Church, Burlington Sam Morris Sunday School Class of Raeford Presbyterian Church, Raeford Vacation Bible School of St. Andrews United Methodist Church, Raleigh Circle of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Burlington Sunday School Class of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Presbyterian Women Alamance Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Antioch Presbyterian Church, Red Springs Ashpole Presbyterian Church, Rowland Bethany Presbyterian Church, Graham Bethany Presbyterian Church, Wilmington Bethel Presbyterian Church, Beulaville Bethel Presbyterian Church, Raeford Bethpage Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis Bluff Presbyterian Church, Wade Brookston Presbyterian Church, Henderson Buffalo Presbyterian Church, Greensboro C. N. Jenkins Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Calabash Presbyterian Church, Sunset Beach Cameronian Presbyterian Church, Rockingham Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte Church of the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Coastal Carolina Presbytery, Elizabethtown Community Presbyterian Church, Pinehurst Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Covenant Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Elise Presbyterian Church, Robbins Faison Presbyterian Church, Faison Falkland Presbyterian Church, Falkland Farmville Presbyterian Church, Farmville First Presbyterian Church, Asheboro First Presbyterian Church, Bessemer City First Presbyterian Church, Burlington First Presbyterian Church, Concord First Presbyterian Church, Dunn First Presbyterian Church, Durham First Presbyterian Church, Fairmont First Presbyterian Church, Gastonia First Presbyterian Church, Goldsboro First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville First Presbyterian Church, Lumberton First Presbyterian Church, Mocksville First Presbyterian Church, Monroe First Presbyterian Church, Mooresville First Presbyterian Church, Morganton First Presbyterian Church, Parkton First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh First Presbyterian Church, Reidsville First Presbyterian Church, Smithfield First Presbyterian Church, Washington First Presbyterian Church, Williamston First Presbyterian Church, Wilson First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Galatia Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Grove Presbyterian Church, Kenansville Hickory Grove Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Highland Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Holly Grove Presbyterian Church, Clinton Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Jamestown Presbyterian Church, Jamestown Jonesboro Presbyterian Church, Sanford Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church, Cary Lillington Presbyterian Church, Lillington Lumber Bridge Presbyterian Church, Lumber Bridge Madison Presbyterian Church, Mayodan McKinnon Presbyterian Church, Concord Milner Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Montpelier Presbyterian Church, Wagram Mount Pisgah Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount New Philadelphia Moravian Church, Winston Salem North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church, North Wilkesboro Parkway Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Piedmont Presbyterian Church, Burlington Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Pollocksville Presbyterian Church, Pollocksville Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church, Concord Presbytery of New Hope, Rocky Mount Presbytery of Salem, Clemmons Providence Presbyterian Church, Angier Raeford Presbyterian Church, Raeford Red Springs Presbyterian Church, Red Springs Rockfish Presbyterian Church, Wallace Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church, Blowing Rock Saint Pauls Presbyterian Church, Saint Pauls Second Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis Second Presbyterian Church, Lexington Second Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount Sedgefield Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Shallotte Presbyterian Church, Shallotte Sharon Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Sherrills Ford Presbyterian Church, Sherrills Ford Shiloh Presbyterian Church, Burlington Southport Presbyterian Church, Southport Southview Presbyterian Church, Hope Mills Stanley White Presbyterian Church, Roanoke Rapids Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Stephenson Presbyterian Church, Monroe Summerville Presbyterian Church, Lillington Sunnyside Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville Third Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church, Durham University Presbyterian Church, Chapel Hill Vandalia Presbyterian Church, Greensboro West End Presbyterian Church, West End Western North Carolina Presbytery, Morganton Westminster Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Westminster Presbyterian Church, Raleigh William & Mary Hart Presbyterian Church, Tarboro Windermere Presbyterian Church, Wilmington Thank you! with your help we can make dreams come true. Barium Springs Home for Children PO Box 1 Barium Springs, NC 28010 NonProfit US Postage Paid Permit #3307 Charlotte NC
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