Department of Culture and Communication Center for Environmental and Outdoor Education Jiří Jeřábek Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Master in Outdoor Environmental Education and Outdoor Life Thesis 15 ECTS LIU-IKK-MOE-D--11/003--SE Supervisor: Dr. Per Andersson Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning Avdelning, Institution Division, Department Datum Date Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation 581 83 LINKÖPING 2011.05.10 Språk Language Rapporttyp Report category ISBN ISRN Engelska/English D-uppsats LIU-IKK-MOE-D--11/003--SE Serietitel och serienrummer Title of series, numbering ISSN ____ URL för elektronisk version Titel Title Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Författare Author Jiří Jeřábek Sammanfattning Abstract Master thesis “Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic” aims to give assistance with a foundation of the forest preschool, which should start to operate in 2012. The thesis wants to lob for the education in nature, the spending children´s time outside, the environmental education and the nature deficit disorder, which all is propagated by many pedagogic giants in history. Particullary, I monitored the situation of the potential market of the forest preschool – parents with small children. I was interested in their knowledge about the alternatives of education and the attitudes to these alternatives. Other part of the thesis is focused on main steps, which are unavoidable for all founders of forest preschools, like legislative or contracts. Last part of thesis is one of the basic items on the foundation list – creation of promotional brochure for parents. Promotion of the forest preschool´s idea to general public will be for successful realization of this project crucial. Nyckelord Keyword Forest preschool, legislative, regulations, foundation, Czech forest preschool, environmental education, alternative methods of education, outdoor education Acknowledgement I am heartily thankful to my supervisor, Dr. Per Andersson, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject. Lastly, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of the project. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 1 1. THE AIMS AND THE PURPOSE ............................................................................................................. 3 1.1. THE PURPOSE OF MASTER THESIS ........................................................................................................ 3 1.1.1. Interim Goals .................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND HYPOTHESES ............................................................................................ 4 1.2.1. Hypotheses ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2. SURVEY OF LITERATURE ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. MAIN CONCEPTS AND IDEAS FROM HISTORY OF EDUCATION ............................................................... 5 2.1.1. Ancient Greece ................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1.2. John Amos Comenius ...................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.3. John Locke ...................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.4. John Dewey ..................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2. PRESCHOOL EDUCATION ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1. Preschool Education in the Czech Republic.................................................................................. 10 2.2.2. Forest Preschools .......................................................................................................................... 12 2.3. ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF EDUCATION ........................................................................................... 15 2.3.1. Characteristic of Alternative Methods .......................................................................................... 15 2.3.2. Function of the Alternative Schools .............................................................................................. 16 2.3.3. Kinds of the Alternative Schools ................................................................................................... 17 2.4. LEGISLATIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.1. Education ...................................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.2. Hygiene ......................................................................................................................................... 19 2.4.3. Catering......................................................................................................................................... 20 3. METHODOLOGICAL PART ................................................................................................................. 21 3.1. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ................................................................................................................. 22 3.1.1. Reliability ...................................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.2. Validity .......................................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.3. Questionnaire ................................................................................................................................ 23 3.1.4. Coding and Analyzing Data .......................................................................................................... 26 3.1.5. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) ....................................................................... 28 3.2. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH.................................................................................................................... 28 3.2.1. Interview ........................................................................................................................................ 29 3.2.2. Open-ended questionnaires questions ........................................................................................... 30 3.3. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION .................................................................................................................. 31 4. ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................................. 32 4.1. MONITORING OF SITUATION IN STRAKONICE ...................................................................................... 32 4.1.1. Awareness of Alternative Education ............................................................................................. 32 4.1.2. Information about Preschool Education in General ..................................................................... 34 4.1.3. Knowledge of Forest Preschool .................................................................................................... 37 4.1.4. Cooperation with Preschool Institution ........................................................................................ 39 4.1.5. Varied Offer of Preschools ............................................................................................................ 40 4.1.6. Admittance Year of Children ......................................................................................................... 40 4.2. HANDBOOK FOR FOUNDERS FOREST PRESCHOOLS ............................................................................. 42 5. FINAL DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................... 49 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................... 51 APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................................... 54 Introduction „A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.“ (Albert Einstein) I see an advantage of international studies in many new opportunities, ways and points of views. In new modern era we have to think more open minded, international, especially if you want to raise a level of human being in your life, in your country. Because the societies or communities that are close to any influence from outside, will stagnate. I had known forest preschools before my life period in Sweden, but just very superficially. My studies at Linköpings University helped me to open eyes more into the field of forest preschool and I started to take a serious interest in this theme. In Norway, Sweden, Germany and Denmark, the forest preschools are inseparable parts of opportunities, where you can board out your child between the ages of 3-6 years. All of these countries are on scale of countries very high, their economics have stable foundations and levels of human being in these countries are high. Previous, the main criterion in comparison of countries on the world was used GDP (gross domestic product), which shows the economic strength. Other aspects (such as level of being, ecology, sustainable development...) are not included in this method. In last days scientists attached weight to another criterion – HDI (Human Development Index). HDI criterion takes into account GDP, life expectancy, literacy, unemployment etc. On the HDI country scale we can find Norway, Sweden, Germany and Denmark on 1st, resp. 9th, 10th and 19th position (Human Development Reports, 2010). Is it coincidence or can we find there some deeper relation? Inception of ideas, which are not in the main stream, is always hard. Convince the people, who are acquainted with some procedure for many years, are in most cases long, difficult and sometimes not successful. The original idea was fallacious or society wasn´t prepared for acceptance of the idea. But if you believe in it, you should keep the direction. In the Czech Republic, the idea of forest preschool is in infancy. The situation in the countries described above, was not so roseate in the beginning, society and state apparatus were not so obliging. But I believe in this project and I hope it is right way, where society should head. The Czech Republic is well known for positive relation to the nature. The non-profit organizations like The Boy Scout and Czech Tourist Club have worldwide favourable response. The giant 1 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic of Czech pedagogy, Jan Amos Comenius, recommended the education as a tool for connection of mankind with the nature from the very beginning of childhood. “Much can be learned in play that will afterwards be of use when the circumstances demand it. A tree must also transpire, and needs to be copiously refreshed by wind, rain, and frost; otherwise it easily falls into bad condition, and becomes barren. In the same way the human body needs movement, excitement, and exercise, and in daily life these must be supplied, either artificially or naturally. “(Keatinge, 1967) So I am asking: “Where should we find better preconditions for the idea of preschool education in the forest preschool? Where should be society opener to this idea than in the Czech Republic?” The topic of the forest preschool in the Czech Republic is quite new and unknown. First similar form of forest preschool was initiated in 2009 as a component of eco–club. First independent forest preschool started its operation last year – 2010. The master thesis should give assistance to people, who will found forest preschool or people, who just want to know more alternatives and information about education in preschool age. If someone will speculate about establishing the forest preschool, some organization steps are unavoidable, so I will focus on them. The result of the master thesis is to find out the opportunities for founding a new forest preschool in my hometown, Strakonice. Hopefully, the foundation of the forest preschool should become a reality in the year 2012. 2 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 1. The Aims and the Purpose 1.1. The Purpose of Master Thesis Main goal of the master thesis is lay down theoretical foundation of the new forest preschool in the Czech Republic. I divided this theoretical foundation into the three parts. In the first part, I will monitor the situation in my hometown. Attitudes, requirements and opinions of my target group – parents with small children in age from three to six years old. Next unavoidable step of theoretical foundation of forest preschool is handbook for founder – I will apply the theoretical basis on the specific forest preschool. This part will content, what should be done before opening operation (contracts, insurance, basic principles...). I will focus on one item of the handbook very carefully – creation the promotion brochure for general public, what will be enclosed in Appendix. It will be an important step for foundation, because how I expect, general public in Strakonice is not acquainted with topic of the forest preschools. 1.1.1. Interim Goals “First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.”(Aristoteles) For successful achievement of main purpose of master thesis, I need to determine interim goals, which help me to stay on the way of the main purpose. If I would not have the interim goals, I could fall into bad ways, where I would probably finish with unsuccessful conclusion. With interim goals researcher can always follow own research. Work Plan of Research 1) Find out legal norms concerning formation forest preschool. 2) Visit initial forest preschools in the Czech Republic and in Sweden. 3) Create questionnaires for parents in my hometown. 4) Distribute questionnaires to the target group. 5) Evaluate the answers from the questionnaires. 6) Create the handbook for founder containing basic steps. 3 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 7) Find out information and results from research in abroad. 8) Create the promotion brochure for general public. 9) Make the conclusion and carefully consider the utility of founding the forest preschool in my hometown. 1.2. Research Questions and Hypotheses My research question has connection with the first (main) part of my analysis. I will monitor the situation in my hometown about forest preschool. My target group will be the parents with children in preschool age. I will ask those questions as: What they know about the topic of alternative education, specifically about the forest preschool? Do they know any other alternatives of education? Are they open for alternatives in education or they just believe in classic way of education? Which advantages and disadvantages of forest preschool can they indicate? Hypotheses are the presumptions, which researcher will state before the whole research. Task of thesis should prove or disprove these hypotheses. I stated my hypotheses, because they will help me to keep on “the right way” of research. Authors are identical of hypotheses significance. Bryman (2004) mentioned hypotheses like key part of every empiric research. Researcher will not verify isolated data, but relation between them. In simply way, the hypothesis asks: What should researchers look for in gained data? 1.2.1. Hypotheses 1) Parents, who don´t know the forest preschools, define badly advantages and disadvantages of education in forest preschools. 2) Parents put emphasis on attributes, for which the conditions in the forest preschools are superior. 3) Forest preschool in the Czech Republic does not have own spot in the Czech legislation. 4) Parents, who are open to alternative education, wish to have closer cooperation with preschools. 5) Parents, who have already some knowledge of alternative education (Waldorf and Montessori), are more open to the alternative education. 6) Parents, who give own children to preschool education later (4 years old and more), are more open to alternative education. 4 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 2. Survey of Literature In literature part I will focus on four basic parts. In first part will be described ideas from great pedagogues in history. In second chapter I expound the system of preschool education in the Czech Republic, because in every country, the system is totally different. Third part will describe alternative methods in education. This chapter is chosen, because forest preschool will draw from similar ideas. And in final part I will describe legislative and legal norms, which are necessary to create forest preschool. Every part plays in the thesis own role. The history describes unique ideas, which we use in nowadays as well. The part of preschool education shows system in one concrete country. The part of alternative methods describe how and also why the concept of other pedagogues methods. And finally the part of legislative helps me to create handbook for founders. 2.1. Main Concepts and Ideas from History of Education Here I describe concepts and ideas, which I consider as an important for the forest preschools and this kind of education – outdoor education. Somebody would not agree with the choice of subchapters and probably determine different main ideas related to the subject of interest. I will write about pedagogy from the old history, because I want to show the idea of FP is not new, from last couple years. Ideas on same base exist in the society long times ago. My purpose in this chapter is emphasized ideas, which are discussed a lot nowadays, as great discovery (importance of movement, fresh air, natural surroundings, obesity...), but these same ideas were proclaimed in history as well. But the society or part of society still ignore the results or conclusions from this problem issue. So I want to show that pedagogues like Dewey, Locke or Comenius came with this idea already. Where is the beginning of the education? This is really tricky question and the answer is not definitely unambiguous. I will focus on some parts of education, which are crucial for me, on some revolutionary ideas and on giants of pedagogy. Non-organization education is old like a mankind. Fathers handed knowledge on their sons, mothers handed information on their daughters etc. Without passing knowledge, from a generation to a generation, our society would not exist, or definitely would not exist on nowadays level. So education is not artificial. Education is artificial in today´s form, but the idea of education is totally natural. Our ancestors naturally started to use “education” for survival of their dynasty - tribe. 5 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 2.1.1. Ancient Greece If I skip in history the education I described above, and what we have not too much information about, I will begin to write from the date I think the pedagogy and education started to play important role in the society. And also I will focus on the parts in pedagogy history, what I consider like a significant moments in outdoor education. We can name some educational systems, which are similar to the today´s one – e.g. educational system in the ancient Greece and Roman ages. They came to realize the importance of education and tried to educate own society. Their conception of education was aimed on different parts of life. “The Greek ideal of education is expressed by them in a magnificent word, combining in its elements the beautiful and the good. Greek education aims at external and internal beauty and goodness; physical and psychical vigor, health, and energy; the harmonious culture of all the powers of body and soul.“ (Hailman, 1874: 12) I consider this idea timeless. But if I take into account other circumstances, someone could controvert. Today, the society thinks how much we are clever. We can invent computers, robots; medicine is on high – level, but almost all of these inventions are artificial, isolated from nature. But we grow up in nature, we are children of nature. And this aspect could people from the ancient Greece and Roman ages take into the consideration much more than people in nowadays. One ideal from the ancient Greece age still persists; “Kalokagathos” – the harmonization of soul and body. “Kalokaghatia is made up of two Greek words: kalos – beautiful, and agathos – benign. In ancient Greece kalokaghatia stood for an ideal nurture concept that featured harmonious development of outward merits and an inner world based on spiritual moral principles.” (Martin, Franc and Zounkova, 2004: 7) The expression “Kalokagathos” is used a lot, but from my opinion, just for lobby purpose. There don´t exist too many people, who would fulfil the idea of “kalokagathos”. In the last years, we could notice some progress (sustainable development, take care of environment) of this whole thinking. So I hope that every small fragment will help, like maybe this thesis. As first teachers similar to today´s teachers, I would mark Greeks philosophers Plato, Aristotle and Socrates. They did not represent classic teachers with a class. A label which better suits for these men is thinkers or philosophers. In non-verify information, these giants of the ancient Greece ages walked through the city and started to talk with other citizens. We can consider this chat as a first nowadays, so called debates on the world. “There was so much of the purely humane in these great men, that, even to-day, they stand out as brilliant 6 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic examples of wisdom and virtue, as earnest searchers after truth, unbiased by national or other prejudices.” (Hailman, 1874: 12) One thing is more than clear and without discussion. All of them had very difficult position in the ancient Greece age, their timeless ideas were dangerous for them and all of them had some problems with the government (Socrates sentenced for atheism and depraving of young, Aristotle sentenced for blasphemy). Their contributions for education and mankind were appreciated much later. Sciences are still marvelling, how they could gain their knowledge without technique and other aids. 2.1.2. John Amos Comenius Other significant era, I would point out, is the time around the turn of 16th and 17th century. Firstly I have to mention a pedagogy giant from Czech Republic, John Amos Comenius. He was supporter of education for the masses, without any differences - age, sex, social position etc. Common basic of education should not be denied for nobody; it was his credo. “He contended that all men need instruction; that all children, rich and poor, high and low, boys and girl should be taught in school. Not that each should learn every science; but all should be so instructed that they may understand the basis, relation, and purpose of all the most important things, having reference to what they are and are to become.” (Hailman, 1874: 59) He described basic periods of education for children until 18 years old and marked the society like an institution, which is responsible for education of people. He also promoted his ideas in Sweden, where in 1649 these ideas created foundations for the Swedish School Regulation. (Dahlin, 2006: 13). Today, mankind in Europe consider these ideas as a matterof-course. But if we look around the whole world, we can find many countries, where are still different conditions of education for people. John Amos Comenius forwardly described the period of the maternal school. However Comenius described preschool period a little bit different, than how we express it today. Still, from point of view of the forest preschools we can find some elements, which are identical. Incorrect understanding of forest preschool´s idea is “back on trees”, as some anonymous wrote in discussion about forest preschools in Czech Republic. Purpose of this way of education is not spending time in nature without any sense and with refusing of progress. The idea is a combination of today´s world (opportunities of technique) and respect to nature (using nature around us). Learning how things work in natural environment. Because children 7 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic maybe know how photosynthesis works chemically from books, but can they described it outside on the real example? Comenius was fascinated by modern technique, what they could use for researches, but still he was an admirer of spirit, nature and humans. “For Comenius, the method proposed had to “follow nature”, that is, to agree with the child´s or the human being´s natural or spontaneous way of learning and development.” (Dahlin, 2006: 16) He was in quite different situation in age of 17th century. They knew nature more than we do today, but they didn´t know more about techniques, so they were fascinated into the techniques. But now, I can say: Today we are in opposite situation, our knowledge about techniques are on higher level than our knowledge about nature in comparison with the mankind of 17th century. It is my opinion, which, I know, it´s hard to prove. But if I would not have this opinion, I could not write about this theme. Comenius summarized children´s development from born to the one sentence, what epitomized whole idea: “He shows how from the cradle it gradually extends the scope of its perceptions to the sitting-room, the order rooms of the house, the yard, the streets, the gardens and fields, to sun, moon and stars, how it become familiar with its limbs and their uses, with animals, plants, stones, and their names, how it learns to distinguish light from darkness, day from night, colours, shapes, numbers, and sounds, how it gains ideas of longer or shorter periods of time, of the development of organic life, of human institution, in thinking and speaking.” (Hailman, 1874: 62) 2.1.3. John Locke I have to mention the ideas of John Locke, who promoted healthy way of being. When I did my research with parents, I met with parent´s opinions: It´s too cold outside and skin and face of my child are not prepared for these conditions. Something on this assertion should be true. Because society still tries to separate from nature, so our body is not prepared for the weather like in the past. For me it is wrong way. My girlfriend´s small sister was five times ill through winter and she is not any exception; she is one of many from her classroom. I had the antibiotics for three times this winter. Do you think it is natural progress? I do not consider this phenomenon as a natural; our bodies were adapted to conditions through passing time. So why are we trying to go against the nature? “The first Thing to be taken care of, is, That Children be not too warmly Clad or Covered, Winter or Summer. The Face, when we are Born, is no less tender than any other part of the Body: „Tis use alone hardens it, and makes 8 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic it more able to endure the Cold.” (Locke, 1989: 84) The Locke´s idea is actually interpretation of nowadays cold baths. But if we want to make our bodies more protectable, we should spend just more time outside. There our body has to react according to the outside conditions. Our body get used to different conditions and become more immune. Outside is our natural environmental. We made buildings, because of our laziness. I am not supporter of some extreme ways, just for specification. I just want to take care of my body. Try to choose healthy way of living, which leads, according to me, to better satisfaction in the life. And also, I want to spread out this conviction among other people. It is one huge opinion, which is difficulty separated to single ideas. But still, I will quote one more Locke´s idea, which is addition for forest preschools. “Another Thing that is of great Advantage to every One´s Health, but especially Children´s, is, to be much in the open Air, and very little as may be by the Fire, even in Winter.” (Locke, 1989: 89) Someone could protest about the fire, which is very often in forest preschools. But we cannot take this idea word by word, we need to transformed this idea to the nowadays; today the fire means heating inside of buildings. 2.1.4. John Dewey Last person, whom I would like to mention, is mentor of education “Learning by doing”, John Dewey. Dewey pointed out on a reality, when children learn to speak. It is natural process, when a child wants something from mother or father, so he/she needs to ask for that. Nobody teaches us how to speak. We listen to “talking surroundings” and try to integrate. “We did not practice on such words at nine o´clock each morning.” (Dewey, 1915: 42) Dewey claims - pupils can better learn things, which they choose on their own. To the question what children will be doing if school would not exist, Dewey answered “They would be playing outdoors, exercising their bodies by running, jumping or throwing; they would be talking together in groups, discussing what they had seen or heard; they would be making things to use in their play.” (Dewey, 1915: 42-43) I consider this approach as enriching for children definitely in the preschool age. They should use their improvisation and imagination in playing to gain knowledge. This approach forces them to start thinking about things, which leads to the understanding things. This method of learning is great pattern for their future studies. 9 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 2.2. Preschool Education In this chapter I will focus on preschool system in the Czech Republic, because every country has its own individual concept. The second part of the chapter characterizes the forest preschools – history of the idea and main characteristic. 2.2.1. Preschool Education in the Czech Republic Children First of all, it needs to be said that preschool education is not compulsory in the Czech Republic. The compulsory school attendance starts in first year of the primary school - i.e. 6 years old children, in some cases 7 years old. Preschools in the Czech Republic are anchored in education´s legislative as a form of school. So it means that all the same rules are applied. The situation about children´s age is quite complicated. As I wrote above, preschool attendance is not compulsory, but preschool education is aimed on children between ages 3 and 6 years old. Because in the Czech Republic are not enough free places for all children of preschool age, so five years old children (one year before entrance to the primary school) have preferential entitlement. It means that if you would decide to put your five years old child to the preschool, they have to accept him/her. While if you would decide to put your three years old child or four years old child, you have to wait, if there will be enough room for him/her. Although Ministry of education, Youth and Sports in Czech Republic states classes of children could be divided according to their age, reality is quite different. In Strakonice (8 preschools) does not exist any class of children in different age. Situation in other cities are similar. So in legislative could be mentioned classes in different age, but in the reality this exist extraordinarily. You can find in my hometown just classes divided strictly according to year of birth. My opinion is, if there were classes‟ age - heterogeneous → it would certainly mean more work, efforts and maybe problems for management of preschool since they would have to manage the situation: who will be in which class. But for institutions of preschool education it is not necessary, because they have a full capacity anyway. Foundation Just a few preschools are founded in the private sector, the rest of preschools are established from the state treasury. 10 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic “The largest founding entity of nursery schools is the municipality; a small number of nursery schools have been established by private founding entities and churches. Nursery schools are established with full-day operation (more than 6.5 hours a day, but at most 12 hours a day), half-day operation (at most 6.5 hours a day) and boarding operation (full-day and night care).” (Ministry of education, youth and sports, 2006) Law about preschool education also defines time of operation, what every preschool could adjust to its own needs. Basic dividing of preschools is on a full-day and a half-day operation. A preschool fee is determined for all children, with the exception of children, who have preferential entitlement. High of tuition is individual in every preschool. In one class should be maximum 28 pupils. (Ministry of education, youth and sports, 2006) Teachers School law determines who can work in preschool education in Czech Republic with children. “In nursery schools, children are taught by teachers of nursery schools, who mainly have completed secondary education with a school-leaving examination specialised in preschool pedagogy (graduates of secondary pedagogical schools). They can also gain education at higher vocational schools or higher education institutions in a bachelor‟s or master‟s study programme. The education must always be specialised in preschool pedagogy. The weekly extent of direct pedagogical activity of a nursery-school teacher is set at 31 hours.“ (Ministry of education, youth and sports, 2006) About this statement should be long discussion, if is it right or not. But Ministry of education, youth and sports states these strict rules, because of certainty. Working in the children´s sphere where the teachers are responsible for children´s education is very dangerous and full of responsibility. So Ministry tries to minimize the potential risk followed from. Purpose of Preschool Education What parents expect from preschool education, I will analyse in my practical part. But Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports set clear objectives. 11 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic “The task of institutional preschool education is to complement family upbringing and in close connection with it assist in providing the child with an environment having sufficient multifaceted and adequate stimuli for its active development and learning. Preschool education should meaningfully enrich the daily programme of a child during its preschool years and provide the child with professional care.” (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2006) If I can summarize these ideas, preschool education should prepare children for difficult transition from family education to organization education. Preschool represents the intermediate stage between family and the primary school, where children have to be acquainted with basic behaviour in organized institution. In 2005, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports published Framework Education Programme for Preschool Education, where main requirements and aims are characterized. This concept is not so strict; it is just a backbone of the preschool education, which helps preschools to follow the main goal. But the way, how preschool reaches the goal, could be different. Preschools could also for the reaching of the goal use alternative methods as a Waldorf, Montessori, Step by Step methods. (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2006) 2.2.2. Forest Preschools History of Forest Preschool As the first ones who came with the idea of spending and educating children outside, were mothers in Scandinavia – Norway and Sweden in 1950s, but unfortunately we do not have any certified information about it - names of teachers, names of schools, dates. (Borradaile, 2006) Haefner (2002) states first name connected with the idea of forest preschool - Frau Ella Flatau, who established the first forest preschool in 1954 in Denmark. She took her four children every day outside. Soon her neighbours and friends gave their children to her group, so it was followed by a foundation of the first forest preschool; in this case “waldkindergärten”. In Germany, the closest country to the Czech Republic with forest preschools and also with similar preconditions was a first forest preschool registered in 1993. Largely on that fact had a sharing the article from Ursula Friedrich – “Play and learn” published in 1991. Nowadays in Germany operates over than 1000 forest preschools. In Sweden is registered over than 100 forest preschools. These countries we can mark as “the Mekka of forest preschools”, but the idea is starting to spread out very quickly and today we 12 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic can find forest preschools, or institutions based on very similar idea in England, Scotland, United States, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, Austria etc. (Haefner, 2002) History of Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic First mention about similar idea was in 2007, when Linda Kubale, very similar like Ella Flatau in Denmark, took her two children with her friend and her children to the nature. Soon they took care about friend´s children as well. Like the base they used old farm, which was a little bit separated from a village, so they had a close connection with nature. It was unofficially, but idea was quite similar. In 2009 citizens' association “Ekodomov”, what is association with main focus on ecology and on sustainable development, took forest preschool “Šárynka”, which set off morning program, under own wing. Other forest preschools started their operations in 2010, some of them in spring 2011. (Vošahlíková, 2010) Main Idea of Forest Preschool What actually is a forest preschool? We should not look for some hidden sense in the term. Although in Czech translation has forest preschool double meaning, many people to the question what is a forest preschool, answered by second variation – small trees in a protected area. „Our‟ forest preschool is preschool for children and their main territory of activity is a forest or nature. The apt definition provided Borradaile, (2006) “Forest School is literally that – a school in the forest. It enhances mainstream education, offering a different approach to curriculum delivery, being both enjoyable and child, not content, led.” Education in forest preschool stays in same level of other preschools education. So it means that forest preschools expand supply on the education market. As I wrote above, main characteristic of forest preschool is the „playground‟. Pedagogues in forest preschool spend most of the time outside – in forest, on meadows or fields. Predominantly forest preschools have some shelter in extreme conditions – yurt, teepee, cottage etc. Forest preschool in Czech Republic followed their basic motto „outside in all kind of weathers‟. Forest preschool extended supply of preschools, so main purpose of education is quite the same. But still we can find some aspects, on which forest preschool emphasis more. Vošahlíková (2010) states common basic aims of forest preschools in children education: Holistic learning (perceive all senses) Development fine and gross motor skills in nature way – movement in nature Direct experience 13 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Support of togetherness between children Knowledge of animals and plants in their nature environment Recognize own limits Realize beauty of nature, work with silence Although children can´t realize core of their activities, they learn habits and attitudes, which they can deepen in future. “Forest School is a carefully structured, experiential, fun vehicle for outdoor learning, delivered through firsthand experience in a natural habitat. Although many children taking part often see it as „playtime‟ the teachers, carers and parents involved are aware very quickly that it is much more than „just playing‟ in the woods.” (Borradaile, 2006) Children are most excited, if they do what they like. In this age it is mostly a game – playing. So I see “know how” of education for pedagogues in transformation education to the game. Children have to think that they are just playing, but in reality they learn through this playing. From my opinion this transformation should be outside much easier than inside. Other difference with conventional preschool is ratio between number of pedagogues and number of children. Forest preschool usually works with 15 pupils and two pedagogues in one class. Teachers in forest preschool Forest preschools could have a problem with situation described above in the part „preschool education‟. The thing is that today in forest preschools teach mainly enthusiasts who loves nature and sympathize with the whole idea, but very often they are not graduated teachers of pedagogy. Teachers, who I met in forest preschools, are people, who organized summer camps or participated in Scout Boy. And definitely they can work very well with children, but they do not have any pedagogical education, so that is an obstacle. In the forest preschool we can also find teachers – male teachers. Pedagogy staffs, which I saw, are composed from approximately same numbers of men and women. In conventional preschools in the Czech Republic work just women. I consider this fact as a huge advantage of forest preschools, because children can perceive both, role model of women and men. Especially nowadays, it is much more important, because many children grow up in a single-parent family. 14 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 2.3. Alternative Methods of Education The education system was undergoing long development and the process is not definitely finished. The question, how the most effectively teach children (or adults as well), stays still in the air. I think society will never reach the total effective knowledge of learning. But we need to approach an ideal of teaching as close as possible. This chapter come out from the idea that the process of learning is very individual and we cannot use the same pattern of education for all pupils. Now I would like to describe some different approaches of education, from which the forest preschool can draw an inspiration. I do not promote any of the approach as an ideal. I really think that teacher should be smart person, who can use different approaches according to the situation and personality. For clear I state definition of alternative schools. Alternative schools: “Schools that differ in one or more ways from conventional public schools. Alternative schools may reflect a particular teaching philosophy, such as individualisation, or specific focus, such as science and technology. Alternative schools may also operate under different governing principles than conventional schools and be run by organisations other than local school boards.” (Shukla, 2005: 11) 2.3.1. Characteristic of Alternative Methods Almost all methods of education have three aspects in relation – teacher, student and content. In classic Herbart´s triangle of education we can find approximately the same level of relations between these three aspects. On the other hand in alternative methods teacher enters to the relation content and student. And how the teacher enters, depends on him/her. “It is emphasised that the didactic relation is a relation to another relation and that to concentrate on this aspect is "the core of a teacher's profession". “ (Hudson, 2000) 15 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic (Source: Hudson, 2000) Alternative methods put emphasis on different aspects, than the classic way of education. One of these aspects we can read from figure – student tries to understand content and teacher works just like aid, in case of need (some alternative methods described teacher like advisor, or experienced friend). Alternative methods want to arouse children´s inside motivation for learning, for cognition. Next characteristic criterion is a pedocentrism, where child is in the centre of interest and teacher just adapts education´s conditions for the child. A school is in alternative methods understood as the community of teachers, children and parents. There are very close relations and all of these three groups actively participate on the operation of the school. The process of education puts emphasis on creativity and initiative of pupils. The complex education is basic purpose of alternative schools, where they believe in better preparation of child to „the future life‟. (Nagata, 2006) 2.3.2. Function of the Alternative Schools Authors are identical to functions of alternative schools; their contributions. Průcha (2001) described these three. 1) Compensatory - alternative methods try to saturate needs of children, whom classic way of education system does not suit. 2) Diversification - caters plurality of education and through this plurality creates positive competitive environment 3) Innovation - the most important, procure innovation in education; try some experiments → feedback to the future for whole education 16 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 2.3.3. Kinds of the Alternative Schools I will focus on alternative methods, what are used in the Czech Republic. Many different alternative methods exist in the whole world, but a lot of them are very similar. Just name or some unimportant parts can be different. It is not substantial for my purpose, so I will focus just on two kinds of alternative schools. Waldorf Schools In the Czech Republic we register several Waldorf preschools and even seven Waldorf primary schools as well. (Průcha, 2001) Waldorf method should provide freedom of children, but at the same time children should use the freedom for the development of individual ability. According to Dahlen (2007), main concepts of Waldorf schools lay in pupil‟s initiative as a foundation of education and effort of maximization of development activity of pupils. Of course, there are more characteristics of Waldorf methods existing, but I mentioned just characteristics, which forest preschool can apply in own operation. In a forest preschool is definitely more freedom than in a classic way of preschool. However it does not mean anarchy, some basic rules are set and they have to be respected. Freedom is arranged for children in form of environment. Nature provides more opportunities for freedom than a room with four walls. The freedom in forest preschool leads to the independence of children in their activity, which continues in initiative of pupils. Montessori Schools Main concept of schools, which founded Maria Montessori, is freedom in a development of children. Children should not be adopted on “the world of adults”. Montessori concept believes that children can learn the most from their own natural behaviour. Maria Montessori promoted much more than others pedagogues about psychology of child. “If I can be said to have a method of education, it is one based on psychic development of the normal child.” (Montessori, 1972) The concept also believes that children can focus much more if they are interested in the subject. The interest cannot be determined from adults. Children have to find it on their own. Task of teachers is to prepare the conditions for children, do not intervene and just observe the situation. (Gettman, 1987) In forest preschool the personality of child plays an important role as well. I believe that natural surrounding is nature, so where else can children behave more naturally? Children find own interests in nature and through that they take care about their activities. 17 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Many other different alternative methods exist just on the territory of the Czech Republic, but for my objective are more important common characteristics and these two alternative methods described above. Forest preschool is an alternative method, but in the comparison with classic way of preschools we will not find some extremes. Forest preschool tries to take from alternative methods some of their advantages and through this eliminate disadvantages of preschool in the most spread form. 2.4. Legislative In this chapter I will describe legislative conditions, which are related with preschool education in the Czech Republic. First thing what I need to mention is fact, that forest preschools are not included in legislative about preschool education. And the reason why, is more than clear. The history of forest preschools in the Czech Republic is very short. But all new ideas have always a difficult beginning, so we have to face it. I will relate laws about preschool education to the forest preschool, because me and other promoters of the idea believe that education in forest preschools can saturate the needs of children on the same level (or higher) as classic way of preschool. If I want to convince parents, I need to fulfil some conditions of security or equipment. Of course, not all conditions could be fulfilled in the case of forest preschool. But some of them are same for the both type of preschools. 2.4.1. Education The basic document about education in the Czech Republic is represented by “education law number 561/2004 Sb.” This document contents 88 pages and only half page contains information about preschool education. As I wrote earlier on, preschool education is not a compulsory therefore education law does not devote too much attention to it. For my purpose, I will use just first paragraph, where the aims of preschool education and relevance of forest preschools are described. Preschool education should support natural development of child´s personality. To be more concrete, the physical, the emotional as well as the rational part should be developed. Children should learn basic rules of behaving, basic life´s values and human´s relations. In one sentence we can sum it up to: Preschool education should prepare children for a subsequent education. (561/2004 Sb. page 13) Another common document is “regulation number 14” about preschool education, which extends “education law number 561/2004 Sb.” I will point out just important things for 18 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic forest preschool. Options of the time operation of preschools could be a full day, half day or residential operation. For the half day operation, the limit is set on 6.5 hours per day. Another point gives us assistance about dividing children to the classes. Preschools have three age´s classes, where children are divided at the beginning of school year. To the first class go children, who will reach 4 years until the date 31.8. Second class is determined for children who will reach 5 years until 31.8. Third class is the same process with 6 years. On website of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport I found information, as I already mentioned in chapter “Preschool education in Czech Republic”, “Nursery school is organisationally divided into classes. It is possible to place children of the same or different age in a class and create classes that are homogenous or heterogeneous in terms of age. “(Ministry of education, youth and sports, 2006) That´s two contradictory information, but reality claims information from “regulation number 14”. It should be noted that Ministries do not provide absolutely identical information. Regulation also informs about the number of children in class. For our purpose it is important upper limit of this boundary, which represents 24 children in one class. Pedagogue, who will take children outside, can have just 20 children, in special cases 28 children. But these special cases are not described more specifically. Tuitions in preschools are set by the director of each preschool, but the most part of expenses cover municipality, district and state. Forest preschools do not fall under Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. It appears from this that, Ministry does not economically support them. (pp. 61-62, 14/2005 in tack 43/2006 Sb.) 2.4.2. Hygiene Ministry have published a lot of regulations about the hygiene and we should say truthfully, this is the field, where forest preschools have the most problems. Forest preschools simply cannot fulfil some regulations about hygiene and that´s the main reason, why forest preschools are not under support of Ministry. Regulation 410/2005Sb. with tack 343/2009Sb. adjusts conditions about size of area, where children spend time. On one child has to pass 30 squares meters in whole a non-builtup area. On a playground on one child has to pass 4 square meters. Size of space, where children spend time, is described in regulations in detail. So it indicates the importance of the size of children space in education. Afterwards we can read more about plants and trees, which are recommended in the outside space. Same topics in regulations are determined for 19 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic inside places, which is irrelevant for me. Facilities for the education of children must ensure the supply of running potable water according to the special regulation (clean water or composition of water). Regulation states ratio between one child and amount of running potable water – 60 litres water per child. Does really need every child 60 litres running potable water in one day? In paragraph, which is aimed on the conception of day, ministry alerts on the variedness of movement as a prevention in healthy development of children. Children should spend two hours outside, but in extraordinary conditions should be the time shortened. Furthermore in regulation we can also find information such as temperature inside, ventilation room, principle of working children when they are sitting etc. (Regulation 410/2005Sb. tack 343/2009Sb.) 2.4.3. Catering Another problem which we have to handle when founding forest preschools is lunchroom and catering in general. As I have experienced it in practice as well, running hot water (minimum of 45 degrees centigrade) means a difficult obstacle. Every catering facility is obliged has to have own particular room for the preparation of meal and another one for dispensing. Many other conditions must be fulfilled and if these conditions would be really applied in forest preschools, then the main idea of forest preschool will be destroyed. Other option should be transportation of meals from different institutions - classic way of forest preschool or primary school. Transporting of meals has to be performed in special containers, which protect meal before microbiological contamination. Meal has to be transported as soon as possible after being cooked, but at least within 4 hours from thermal adjustment and temperature must not fall below 60 degrees centigrade. I selected only main regulations, which can influent the future forest preschool. Regulation 137/2004Sb. describes very carefully every kind of food (warm, cold, frozen, ready-to-cook meal, ice-cream...) (Regulation 137/2004 Sb. in tack 602/2006Sb.). Sum up I described regulations concerning forest preschools. I aimed on the fields, where forest preschool institution has the most problems. It is question about catering and hygiene mostly. The catering problem could be solving by a few solutions. The basics of all these solutions are described above. In comparison the hygiene problem visualizes obstacle which we need to consider very carefully, otherwise the whole concept could be with the different meaning. 20 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 3. Methodological Part What is exactly the research process that we can encounter in premises of the university almost every day? I agree with Bailey (1987: 11) “The research process is best conceived as a circle.” Someone can think fallacious that it is a straight line with the clear beginning and the clear end, where within these spots we have to gain data and analyze it. But quite often it happens that the researcher will not get a successful conclusion or just a partially successful conclusion. In this case, the researcher should start the circle again and adjust the whole process according to unclear results from the first research. Bailey (1987) defined five basic stages in the research process that all researchers should follow: Source: Bailey, 1987: 11 Before we start to write a thesis, it is necessary to decide which theme we would like to devote our effort to. The author´s interests should definitely play the main touchstone in choosing. Writing about a topic, which author likes is much easier than opposite. The next criterion, no less important, is accessibility of information we urgently need. “Students often wish to conduct a research project that is new, different, and vitally important. This is an admirable goal, of course, but it often leads to the choice of an exotic project for which data sources and references are limited.” (Bailey, 1987: 20). With accessibility of information are closely connected methods of research, which help researcher to collect the data. All of the information we can divide into two basic subgroups – primary data and secondary data. The main difference between them is a source. While secondary data are taken over from other resources that have already been, the primary data are gathered in our research. “Primary data are original data derived from a new research study and collected at source, as opposed to previously published material.” (Qfinance, 2010) 21 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic In the master thesis I will come out from primary data even from secondary data too. I will use a written survey and personal interviews for acquiring primary data. The written survey will be used for acquiring information from parents about their opinions. And personal interviews I will detect with founders, directors or teachers of current forest preschools in the Czech Republic. I will draw from scientific literature, catalogues of libraries, internet search engine, periodicals databases as a secondary data. Gathering Data The third part of a research process is gathering of data. But before we start to collect them, we need to determinate the methods, which we will use for it. The right choice of research methods will make more than half of the work. In my research I will rely on quantitative methods as well as qualitative methods. I regard this fact as very conducive in my research. Researchers mentioned disadvantages of each research method (quantitative and qualitative method). Each method of the research has a set of distinctive disadvantages, which are valid just for the particular method. Disadvantages can endanger the research and the researcher should minimize them for higher probability of a success. Disadvantages of quantitative methods can be overleaped by advantages of qualitative methods and oppositely. Collaboration of these two methods can be useful for the whole research, but we need to consider this - no headlong decision, all methods should have their own purpose in the research. 3.1. Quantitative Research “In quantitative research your aim is to determine the relationship between one thing (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population.” (Hopkins, 2000). This method of research supposes to get a lot of information from many respondents, but this information does not give us deeper opinions and attitudes of population. The aim of quantitative research is testing hypotheses. Hypotheses are formulated before, so we cannot discover new relations, which are not objects of testing. This research uses deductive logic – defined problem → hypothesis → variables → set of acceptable hypotheses and set of unacceptable hypotheses. Results from a quantitative research are applied to the whole researched population (Jeřábek, 1992). 22 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 3.1.1. Reliability The question of reliability should be considered before we start the whole research. We have to consider many of variables, which could incorrectly influent results from research and the conclusion from our research process can be fallacious. “Reliability is concerned with the question of whether the results of a study are repeatable. The term is commonly used in relation to the question of whether the measures that are devised for concepts in the social sciences (such a poverty, racial prejudice, deskilling, religious orthodoxy) are consistent.” (Bryman, 2004: 28) High reliability demonstrates very similar research results, if research is repeated again. Reliability of the research is not connected to validity of the research. Reliability can be high, but validity of research could be zero. 3.1.2. Validity Through validity is measured, what we want to measure (testify value of material). Sometimes it can happen that we want to measure one phenomenon, but using incorrect research methods we measure a different phenomenon. In a quantitative method there is low validity, if respondent cannot give his own opinions, but choosing just from closed answers. The researcher has to consider this knowledge through the formation, in my case, a questionnaire. (Disman, 2002) 3.1.3. Questionnaire The main purpose of a questionnaire is to collect information from a sample of population. This sample should be representative for the whole population. It is necessary to choose our sample very carefully, because we relate the results from the sample to the whole population. Before we can realize our research, we need to determine our target population and what will be our sample of this target population. (Jeřábek, 1992) The target population, in my case, is parents with small children between the age of three and six, who are attending preschools in Strakonice. Basic population is cases from our target population that can be reached. In my case, the basic population is missing the parents whose children were sick and stayed at home on the day when I distributed my questionnaires. 23 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic A selective sample should represent the basic population, respective the target population. The selective sample should be chosen randomly without any personal preferences. I have chosen the questionnaire from quantitative methods in my research, because I need to collect information from wider population of parents in my hometown. I realized that if reliability should be as high as can be, I need to spread questionnaires into more preschools in Strakonice. If I gave it to just one preschool, the sample of population would be limited and results from the research could be distorted. So I dealt 120 questionnaires in total to four preschools in Strakonice - 30 questionnaires to each preschool. The most dreaded part of the questionnaire belongs to a return ability. Mangione (1995) states percentages classification of a return ability questionnaires for valid research. Return ability Response rate Over 85% Excellent 70-85% Very good 60-70% Acceptable 50-60% Barely acceptable Below 50% Not acceptable Source: Mangione, 1995 79 questionnaires were filled in and returned to the directors of preschools, where I had distributed them. The return ability in my case is nearly 66% which falls into the category of acceptable in the response rate. 66% heads more to the higher boundary than the lower one of this category, so I can say; my research was not influenced by the low return ability. “Response rates are important because the lower a response rate, the more questions are likely to be raised about the representativeness of the achieved sample.” (Bryman, 2004: 136) The creator of a questionnaire has to follow some steps in a process of the questionnaire. For beginners it makes it easy to avoid of mistakes in the process. I mention main steps below. Sequence of Formation Questionnaire 1) List of information that we would like to gain. 2) Preparation of first formulations of questions. 24 Master Thesis - Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic The author of a questionnaire should first time decide clearly, what he/she wants to know and after that formulate the questions. 3) The questions should be in blocks according to the theme of questions. 4) Make transitions between blocks of questions smooth, questionnaire should be fluent. 5) Create an introduction, where you should familiarize respondents with the questionnaire – personal information, the aim of research or a question of anonymity. 6) Pilot study of questionnaire on a sample of respondents, to make sure that questions and offered answers are clear, right formulated and not confusing. (Jeřábek, 1992) Because the questionnaire will be the main research method in the thesis, I will focus more on a description of its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Cheap – in comparison with personal interviews – very considerable. Quick – distribution of many questionnaires in a short time. Absences of the interviewer effects – a person who leads the interviews can influent interviews´ answers – it can be gender, age, interest or mood. No interviewer variability – a questionnaire has still the same order of questions. Convenience for respondents – respondents can choose time when they fill it in; they can be in calm; more focus on answers (Bryman, 2004) I convinced myself about the advantages of questionnaire in the process – the creation of questionnaire took me the most time, then I distributed it to four directors of preschools, who distributed it farther to children´s parents in their preschools. The only ones, who could influent results, were these directors, so I asked them for just giving questionnaires without any instructions. The instructions for filling in were in the beginning of the questionnaire. The last advantage in my list was for me very gratifying – of course returned questionnaires were not totally filled in or without any mistakes or skipped questions. But if I compare it with questionnaires from my bachelor thesis, these questionnaires provide me more compact information. I suppose it is because of the time during which the questionnaire was filled in. Parents could take questionnaires home and devote their time when they wanted. Disadvantages - Difficult evaluation of questionnaire. 25 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic - Low return ability. - No chance to ask extending questions. - Questionnaire could be read as a whole – respondents could read questionnaire as a whole and after that they could start fill it in – distorted questions because respondents already known all of the questions. (Bryman, 2004) - Respondents cannot be willing fill it in conscientiously – we will not collect information we need - Advice and explanation – if respondent do not understand questions or answers no one can help them - Superficiality of answers - respondents may answer superficially especially if the questionnaire takes a long time to complete. An author can partially avoid of this problem if he/she does not ask too many questions. (Milne, 1999) We can avoid of many negative influences´ that rise from disadvantages, if we carry out a pilot study, from which we can remove lacks in the questionnaire. “The next pretest step is to do a pilot study that emulates procedures proposed for the main study. Generally, this means that a considerable amount of resources are being invested in the survey and there is a need to see if all of the parts work.” (Dillman, 2000: 146) I found out in my case too. I had to make even two rounds of a pilot study. At the first time I asked five respondents and found several mistakes. After reformulating questions and answers I did one more pilot study with two respondents in which I checked the correctness of the first reformulating. I tried to make the questionnaire as shortest as I could because I wanted to avoid of the last disadvantage from the list. Actually it was quite difficult because it is in contradiction with collecting a lot of information. You need to find the middle („golden‟) way. After returning of 79 filled questionnaires, I can say, it was successful. 3.1.4. Coding and Analyzing Data The coding and analyzing data should be resolved before of the data collection. We need to consider the whole process and not to be surprised of some errors and mistakes which could arise during the process and treat the whole survey. Bryman (2004) mentioned the opposite process (think about data analysis after data collection) as the common error of researchers. 26 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Source: Miles & Huberman, 1994: 12 Data Reduction After collecting data from my questionnaires, I had two ways on the scheme – a data reduction and a data display. I had a lot of information and answers from the survey but I needed to generalize them and make an order in answers. The data reduction is coding and generalization to the categories and variables. It helped me to put the data to the computer, where I could process this data. A computer works on the base of numbers, so we need to transform answers from words to numbers. “It is much easier to store and retrieve numbers than it is letters and words. It is much simpler and takes less space to assign each answer a number (e.g., yes equals 1 and no equals 2).” (Bailey, 1987: 333) Preparation of a coding key is close connected with data reduction; “pre-coder” has to make a right pattern for the whole system. In the case of closed questions it is simple (e.g. male – 1, female – 2). But in the case of opened questions “pre-coder” has to make categories and strict boundaries between them. The categories could not overleap each other. All the answers in a survey have to be clearly put just in one category. “Entering data into the memory of a computer requires a clear code number for each variable on the questionnaire.” (Bailey, 1987: 339) The last thing we should devote our effort to is a classification of missing or errors data. We try to sort out all the information from a survey as we analyze just the right and complete data. (Jeřábek, 1992) Data Display The step of the data display on scheme above puts the data to computer. In this process we can find some mistakes in our data reduction so we need to return back; reconstruct the pattern and again put data to the program in a computer. 27 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Conclusion In this part we try to verify or deny our researchers questions and hypothesis. We find out the dependence between the variables and we can deduce a conclusion from that. Generally the scientists recommend using graphs, tables and other aids for better illustration. If the researcher cannot verify his own research question or hypothesis (because of insufficient data), it is necessary to return back to one of the steps and very often to the beginning of the whole process (data collection). 3.1.5. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) For analyzing data I use the programme SPSS for Windows. This programme “is possibly the most widely used computer software for the analysis of quantitative data for social scientists.” (Bryman, 2004: 244) I have already worked with this programme and for my needs it is absolutely sufficient. 3.2. Qualitative Research In my research I need to use qualitative methods as well. These methods will be represented by interviews with founders, directors and teachers of forest preschools that have already existed in the Czech Republic. “Qualitative research seeks out the „why‟, not the „how‟ of its topic through the analysis of unstructured information – things like interview transcripts, open ended survey responses, emails, notes, feedback forms, photos and videos.” (Ereaut, 2007) Qualitative research deepens on a problem of a research. Very often it is connected with the respondent‟s attitudes and opinions. The researchers who use these methods do not work with statistic and numerical methods. “Qualitative research is used to gain insight into people's attitudes, behaviours, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture or lifestyles.” (Ereaut, 2007) 28 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Source: Crabtree & Miller, 1992 The aims and objectives in my research are gaining of knowledge of forest preschool foundation and own experience of interviewee. I chose four forest preschools in my closer surroundings and contacted them. I collected data from the visits and analyzed them. Because first time I did not know what I could expect it, I needed to repeat the whole process and arrange other visits in the same forest preschools again. It is necessary to repeat the whole cycle on the field of forest preschools in Czech Republic. How I met more and more people I was getting more information about the forest preschools, but anyone never knows never know everything, so the gaining of knowledge is never-ending process. How I wrote above the forest preschools in the Czech Republic are still in infancy. People have only a little information. Everyone knows something different, but there is no person, who knows everything. An umbrella organization, where participants could share their knowledge and discuss them still does not exist in our country. The demands on a person who performs the qualitative research are higher than in quantitative methods. The success of a research depends on researcher´s skills in the same weight as on the research problem definition. “A qualitative researcher should be curious, creative, and not afraid to trust his or her instincts.” (Corbin & Strauss, 2008: 16). 3.2.1. Interview I have chosen this method in my research, because I need to gain information about the situation of forest preschools in the Czech Republic. Only a few enthusiastics tried to spread this idea. Therefore my plan was to contact current forest preschools and arrange 29 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic meetings where I could acquire useful information for my thesis. There are eight forest preschools in our country. All of them began to operate in the recent past (in 2009 the first forest preschool, the rest of them in 2010). I visited four preschools from these eights which are in surroundings of Prague. According to Hendl (1999) the researcher can choose from different types of interviews. Because at my first visit I did not know what exactly I can expect I decided to use an informal interview. The basic characteristics of an informal interview are to ask questions during the interview. These questions very often follow after some information that we got from previous answers. This kind of interviews put stress on researcher´s skills to establish a positive contact with the respondent. Another necessary skill I can mark is the ability of a quick reacting and following respondent´s answers. However I realized it is much easier if the researcher is engaged in the problem, because it is passion for him/her. Still the researcher should ask and ask more to the deep. After my first visit I had known some basics so I could prepare for other interviews. According to Hendl (1999) I moved from an informal interview to an interview with instructions. The researcher has questions circuit or list of topics which should be followed. It is much effortless for the researcher. If the researcher lost the guideline still he/she could skip on other theme without any negative influence. 3.2.2. Open-ended questionnaires questions I used in my questionnaire questions about parents´ attitudes, opinions or requirements as well. These questions call the open-ended questions. Respondents can answer by own opinion – by own words. In comparison with closed questions, which offer some kind of answers, open-ended questions can provide more qualitative information to researcher. Bryman (2004) mentions the formulating of a question as a most important part. Question should not be too wide, because in that case researcher will get many different answers, which are impossible to sum up. Or researcher by the formulating of question pushes interviewee to specific answer. The special case of questions is mixture of these two variant. Respondent can choose from offer of answers, but there is possibility to express own answer as well in the form of offer „other, please write down‟. My questionnaire is composed from approximately half of open-ended questions and from half of closed answers. It was a purpose because of the gaining diverse information. This conception, from my point of view, is also less boring for respondents, so they can more focus on filling it. 30 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Evaluation of closed answers is quite easy, but the evaluation of open-ended questions needs some order. Bryman (2004) recommends going through all answers and making categories from the answers. The categories should be clear for all answers. The boundaries between the categories have to be strict, otherwise researcher can influent whole research. 3.3. Ethical Consideration “Social researchers must strive to protect subjects from undue harm arising as a consequence of their participation in research. This requires that subjects‟ participation should be voluntary and as fully informed as possible and no group should be disadvantaged by routinely being excluded from consideration.” (Social Research Association, 2003) First I consider an ethical question in my quantitative research. I announced in an introduction of the questionnaire that it is anonymous and voluntary. In my case I guess for truthfulness was better choice – questions about money, investments or knowledge are too personal and intimate. Probably respondents filled answers in more truthfully as anonymous. Also respondents could feel more comfortable and without danger. On the other hand, anonymity seduces to fill in unconscientiously and information should be distorted. In my interviews with directors/teachers I promised not to use the name of the forest preschools. In the Czech Republic the forest preschools are still not supported from the state budget, so some actions of forest preschools are rather health prospered for children but illegal for nowadays (catering or hygiene). All of directors and teachers were open for discussion and provision of information to me. They are pleased if someone is interested in their passion and situation. And of course, they believe that enlightenment could help them. So they are grateful of every person, who will write - spread information - about the situation of the forest preschools in the Czech Republic. 31 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 4. Analysis In my analysis I will interpret the results, what I gained through the whole research. First subchapter will be focused on the results from questionnaires and second subchapter will be focused on the results from interviews. The information from interviews will be connected with the studying of the literature, especially regulations. 4.1. Monitoring of Situation in Strakonice In this chapter I analyze results from questionnaires which should describe the target group more - parents with children in preschool age in my hometown. I was interested in their opinions and requirements concerning the preschool education. Tables with results from the questionnaire that I consider important are put and comment directly in the chapter. Some tables that are not so much important or just too big are enclosed in Appendix under the number 4. 4.1.1. Awareness of Alternative Education In questionnaires 3 questions related to the topic of awareness of alternative education were prepared. These questions were asked in the beginning of the questionnaire. The questionnaire should draw in respondents by first interesting questions so I decided for questions about alternative education. Knowledge of FPS Sum % Yes 39 49,4 No 40 50,6 Total 79 100,0 Knowledge of alternative education Sum % Yes 54 68,4 No 25 31,6 Total 79 100,0 Table No. 1: Parents´ knowledge of forest preschool Table No. 2: Parents´ knowledge of alternative education In the first question of the questionnaire I asked parents about their knowledge of existence of forest preschools. When I constructed the questionnaire, I expected less knowledge of forest preschool. Approximately 50% of respondents know the forest 32 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic preschools. The forest preschool education starts to grow in the Czech Republic. So it means parents are inquiring about options for their children. That fact confirms also the next question - if they know some alternatives of education. This question was closed (yes - no), but I was afraid of the trustworthiness of the answers. So I added a broaden open question (“Which alternatives do you know?”) and that was filled in the case of the answer „yes‟ for the previous question. Otherwise, it could happen that respondents answer „yes I know alternatives‟, but they could lie about it, e.g. because of the shame. Almost 70% respondents know at least one kind of alternative education. To sum up, from these two questions I can take positive information. Parents are not indifferent to education of their children. Future forest preschools will use some ideas and concepts from three alternative education systems – Waldorf, Montessori and Healthy PS. The most well-known alternative - Waldorf concept – was filled in by 57% respondents. Montessori and Healthy PS concepts are known by 25% respective 14% of respondents. The table of kinds of alternatives´ education concepts can be found in Appendix No. 4 (Table No.12). If future FP want to work on some bases of these three concepts, it will be necessary to introduce these concepts to parents at promotional lectures (see Promotional Brochure for General Public). The next question was quite crucial for my research. I asked parents about their attitudes to the alternative education. I decided to offer four answers, because of avoiding neutral (middle course) answers. Open to alternative education Sum % Cumulative % Yes 20 26,0 26,0 More so 30 39,0 64,9 Less so 25 32,5 97,4 No 2 2,6 100,0 Total 77 Table No. 3: Parents´ attitudes to alternative education 100,0 From this question very positive number for the future FP raised. Almost 65% of respondents are opened or more so opened to the alternative education. Just two respondents answered no and two respondents skipped the question. From this fact, I can consider the potential market as an accessible. The foundation of forest preschool will depend on other steps, especially on promotion, but the preconditions are very favourable. 33 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic The attitude to alternative education and knowledge of alternative education are two variables that play important role in one of my hypothesis - parents who know alternatives of education (Waldorf or Montessori) are more opened to alternative education. The tables of relation between these variables are enclosed in appendix No. 4 (Table 18). In the case of Waldorf and Montessori education percentages are so similar that we cannot deduce any relation between these two variables. The indication of the relation we can deduce from the option of alternative education – Healthy PS. But the sample of respondents who knew about healthy preschool is too small (11 respondents). Therefore I have to disprove my original hypothesis about the relation of alternative concepts knowledge and attitudes to these concepts. 4.1.2. Information about Preschool Education in General Other questions were aimed generally at preschool education. As principal I consider the information - what parents expect from preschool. This question had to be open because of variability of the answers. If I had pushed respondents to some closed answers it could have distorted the result of the question completely. Expectations from PS N Sum % Development of children - learning 79 47 59 Integration to the collective 79 45 57 Preparation for primary school 79 34 43 Satisfaction 79 29 37 Independence 79 16 20 Day regime, habits 79 11 14 79 8 10 Health, food and ethics Table No. 4: Expectations from preschool education I had to create several categories for evaluation from opened answers. Of course, parents could answer with more items than just one. The most required attributes are development of children (learning) - 59% of parents and integration to the collective – 57%. From these answers I can take the important information. Parents do not expect from preschool education just to teach their children some basic knowledge – drawing or counting, but other aspects as integration to collective as well. This fact confirmed next items on the list 34 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic as well - preparation for primary school, satisfaction, friendships, independence, day regime, habits, health, food and ethics. We should not forget these expectations when we create a specific program for children in the forest preschool. The next question was aimed to factors which are important in parents´ process of choosing preschool. I defined five closed answers with option marking more answers. 81% of respondents stated according to friends´ recommendations. My hometown has 25 thousand of inhabitants, the relations among people are open („everyone knows everyone‟). So it will be very important to have positive „brand„, because our reputation will be spread to the public. If from the beginning parents are timid to put their child to FP, we can turn their attitudes through the satisfied parents, who have already had their child in our FP. 71% of respondents marked the option „according to place of residence„. Strakonice is a small town in comparison with others in the Czech Republic, or even with European cities. But still parents are very sensitive on this aspect. It should be really seriously considered in the process of choosing the place for FP, because accessibility will play the principal role in parents´ decisions. Some respondents marked their answer in the option of „other„: according to place their job, which it should be count as accessibility as well. I was quite disappointed from the result of the option „preschool education programme„. Just 27% respondents marked this reason, because a new FP will put emphasis on its quality of PEP. The complete table is enclosed in Appendix No. 4 (Table No.13). In the next question I asked respondents to make an order of offered items according to the importance from their point of view. The first part was aimed at aspects in relation with base of school and the second part was aimed at aspects in relation with personal benefits of children. The respondents had to number options from 1 to 4. In the evaluation I made from all the answers means as we can see in the table No. 5. Base of school Facilities in PS Qualities of pedagogues Locality of PS Accessibility Mean 2,72 1,15 3,13 Table No. 5: Importance of attributes in the category „Base of school„ 3,00 As dominant category an item named „qualities of pedagogues„ was raised. 83% respondents matched this option with number 1 of the importance. It is not a big surprise, because preschool could have great facilities, great locality and accessibility, but if the level of pedagogues is low, the whole picture of preschool is negative. We are going to focus on this attribute, when we choose pedagogues for permanent employment and temporary 35 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic employment as well. Other aspects have approximately the same means, so I should not make any conclusion from them. Personal benefits Social behaviour Gained skills Satisfaction Mean 2,95 3,25 1,81 Table No. 6: Importance of attributes in the category „Personal benefits„ Health 1,78 The situation in the second part is not so clear, or it has not „evident leader„. Means of two options are almost identical (health of children – 1,78 and satisfaction of children – 1,81). The answers in Table No. 4 states: 59% parents expect to teach their children basic knowledge from preschool – drawing or counting. However if we compare gained skills with other aspects from this table – gained skills has the highest number (3,25), it means the lowest importance from offered answers. This information is a little bit in contrast, but we should consider that the first question was opened and this one was closed. Other explanation can be that parents really expect to teach their children basic knowledge from PS, but they consider this aspect as matter of course, so they did not give low numbers to this question. More important thing that can be stated from these answers, is partially confirmation one of my hypothesis. Health of children finished with the lowest number (1,78). 61 % of parents marked health of children on the first place in the part of personal benefits. The researchers from abroad prove the fact that children from FP were absent less than children from conventional preschools. More about this research I will describe in the part of promotional brochure. Satisfaction of children is the item, which can be difficulty measurable. But we should take from this result easy direct proportion – if children are satisfied in FP, parents will let them in FP. 68 % of respondents marked answer „social behaviour‟ with lower number than the answer „gained skill„. This result showed the comparison between gained social behaviour and gained skills. Parents prefer gained social behaviour from a preschool institution more. So we need to realize that PS is the first institution (except of a family) in children life. So parents notify importance of social behaviour which should be shaped in the young age. Otherwise children will have problems with integration to the society in future. 36 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 4.1.3. Knowledge of Forest Preschool In the questionnaire I introduced very superficially the forest preschools and two forthcoming questions asked respondents about their opinions of advantages and disadvantages. These questions were, of course, opened. First I will analyse advantages. Advantages of FPS N Sum % Knowledge and relation (nature) 79 51 65 Fresh air, staying outside 79 43 54 Better immunity 79 30 38 Nature education 79 12 15 Responsibility and relations 79 11 14 None 79 5 6 3 4 Foundation everywhere 79 Table No. 7: Advantages of forest preschool according to parents From all the answers I made seven categories. 65% respondents mentioned the advantage of knowledge and relation to nature. They wrote in general that children can create positive relation with nature or they will get to know nature. More than half of respondents (exactly 54%) answered with advantages as fresh air and staying outside. What is more interesting is the fact that percentages of the occurrence of advantages are much higher than percentages of the occurrence of disadvantages. From ascertainment of these numbers, future FP could profit. Parents more realized advantages which FP can provide to children than possible disadvantages. Actually I did not expect this disproportion. Better children immunity, which is one of the main reasons, why I would like to found FP, was answered in 30 questionnaires (38% of respondents). The situation about disadvantages is spread out more and with less number of answers. Even respondents together found out 155 advantages, disadvantages were stated only in 92 cases. I can consider that fact very positively, because parents see more advantages than disadvantages. Next positive attribute what I found to the background of FP. The concrete disadvantages we can see in Table No.8. 37 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Disadvantages N Sum % Health, injuries 79 22 28 Hygiene 79 21 27 Comfort, rest 79 17 22 Accessibility 79 13 16 Non variability activities 79 8 10 Worse preparation 79 7 9 4 5 None 79 Table No. 8: Disadvantages of forest preschool according to parents One of my hypotheses is related to the advantages and disadvantages of FP. Parents who do not know FP define advantages and disadvantages of education in FP wrongly. In Appendix No. 4 (Table 17) I enclosed tables, which are aimed at relations of knowledge of FP and advantages/disadvantages. From advantages I chose three the most often mentioned advantages (knowledge and relation with nature, fresh air and immunity). I put these three advantages separately to the relation with the knowledge of FP. Proving my hypothesis is the most considerably seen in the answer “fresh air and staying outside”. Even respondents who know FP wrote this advantage in 28 cases and in 11 cases do not (28:11). Respondents, who do not know FP, wrote the advantage in 15 cases and in 25 do not (15:25). Nowadays, when children (generally people) spend outside less and less time, it should be one of the deciding factors in the health development of human being. Better immunity stated 19 parents from 39 respondents who know FP (19:20). Respondents who do not know FP have ratio 11:29. This lack of knowledge is strengthened in the case of disadvantages as well. Respondents who know FP have ratio of answers 7:32 (7 respondents consider injuries and health as disadvantages FP). Even respondents who do not know FP have ratio 15:25 (15 respondents consider injuries and health as disadvantages FP). From these two relations we can obviously say - parents who do not know FP have fallacious opinions about advantages and disadvantages FP more often than parents who know FP. My hypothesis confirmed most of the items, but some items were not so convincing. One case of disadvantages totally disproved my hypothesis. Parents who know FP stated worse preparation to the primary school in 6 questionnaires (ratio 6:33) and parents who do not know FP have ratio (1:39). Relations are in Appendix No. 4 (Table No. 17). In promotional brochure I state results from researches which prove the fact that children from 38 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic FP are at least as well prepared as children from conventional preschools. In some aspects even got better results (work in group – cooperation). This knowledge of parents´ opinions helps me in the promotional brochure and it will be the content of lectures for public (see Promotional Brochure for General Public). 4.1.4. Cooperation with Preschool Institution One question was aimed at parents´ opinion, how they imagine an ideal cooperation with a preschool. The question was opened and answers were quite similar, so I made just five categories for cooperation of a family and preschool. Cooperation PS and parents N Sum % Communication 79 61 77 Helpful, trustful 79 28 35 Cooperation – trips, voluntary job 79 23 29 Individuation, privacy 79 16 20 Regular meetings 79 7 9 Table No. 9: Parents expectations of ideal cooperation between preschool and parents 77% of respondents answered “communication”. This answer I should take reservedly, because this answer is quite wide and non-concrete. But one category of answers was for me totally surprising. 29% of respondents would like to be drawn more into an operation of preschool. To be more specific, it means common fieldtrips, common solution of problems and voluntary jobs. Many parents would like to participate on a creation and shaping of preschool. We would like to use this aspect in future FP. Around the forest preschool there will be a lot of work, so parents can help with creation new stuffs for children or just with maintenance of our field. Parents also can suggest new ideas, what they would like to have for their children. We should work like a wide family - pedagogues, children and parents. With cooperation in preschool one of my hypotheses is connected as well. Parents who are opened to alternative education want closer cooperation with preschool. Tables of relations between attitude to alternative education and closer cooperation are enclosed in Appendix No. 4 (Table No. 19). But we can see from tables the conclusion which disproves my hypotheses. The answers are spread almost in all options very similarly, which absolutely clearly reject my hypothesis. Still possibility option of closer cooperation should stay in my 39 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic mind, because of total number of parents who want to be involved in operation of the preschool. 4.1.5. Varied Offer of Preschools One question directly asked parents if they embrace varied offer of preschools in Strakonice. 52 respondents from 79 answered “yes”, but I need to take this result reservedly. One thing is marked in the questionnaire “yes, I would embrace varied offer of preschools” and the other one is to use this offer. So from this result I should take the information that parents are not “puritans about preschool education”, but they are open for new kinds and options for their children. In Appendix No. 4 (Table No. 15 and 16) I also enclosed answers to questions about what preschool should offer, if parents pay some amount of money. The most often answer was languages. Parents put emphasis to languages, maybe because some of them were still educated in the old regime, when they could not learn English at school (just Russian) and nowadays they feel a little limited because of that. So they realize the importance of language very well. Other answers were interest groups and ratio of pedagogues and children. The ratio of pedagogues to children will be lower in FP than in conventional preschool (see Handbook), so this aspect will be fulfilled. Interest groups are still in my mind. If it was timely possible, we would like to have some interest groups after the operation of FP. Interest groups should operate separately or with different pedagogues. But I would like to use our field around yurt more than just for operation of FP. Our field should represent a base for some seminars, lectures or other events. The requirements of parents in relation with the price of preschool tuition are more useful for the future. Afterwards, we can go back to my results and create some novelties in operation of FP. The FP should innovate their operation; they should build new impulses or should make new ideas. For achievement of innovation we want to use our own researches, cooperation with parents and cooperation with foreign FP where we have contacts (Germany, Sweden and Norway). 4.1.6. Admittance Year of Children The preschool attendance is not compulsory, so I was interested in what age parents put their children to the preschool education. 40 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Age of admittance Sum % Cumulative % 3 years 31 40,3 40,3 4 years 38 49,4 89,6 5 years 8 10,4 100,0 Total 77 100,0 Table No. 10: The children´s age of admittance Favourite ages of children from results are 3 and 4 years. Half of children admit to preschool education when they are 4 years old. The important information which should be included is that the children whose parents submitted an application were accepted. With the age relates one of my hypothesis - parents who give their children to preschool education later (4 years old and more) are more open to the alternative education. This hypothesis arises from my opinion: if you are not satisfied with conventional preschool education, you will put your children to the preschool later, because you do not want to have your own children in a place where you do not agree with the process. Open to alternative education Yes More so Less so No Total Age of children - admittance Total 3 4 5 Count 6 13 0 19 % 20,7% 34,2% 0% 100,0% Count 11 17 2 30 % 37,9% 44,7% 25,% 100,0% Count 11 8 6 25 % 37,9% 21,1% 75,0% 100,0% Count 1 0 0 1 % 3,4% 0% 0% 100,0% Count 29 38 8 75 % 38,7% 50,7% 10,7% 100,0% Table No. 11: The relation between children´s age of admittance and parents´ attitudes to the alternative education From the table we can clearly read the linear dependence. From 19 respondents who are opened to the alternative education 13 respondents admitted their children in the age of 4 41 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic years (about 35% of parents who put their children to preschool in the age of 4 years: 20% in the age of 3 years). Respondents who are more open to the alternative education answered very similarly - ratio 45%: 38% in favour of 4 years. If we added these two options of attitudes to the alternative education together („Yes‟ and „More so‟), we would get percentages 79%: 59% in the favour of age 4 years. So my hypothesis was proved. We can state relation between the age of children when they admitted to preschool and parents´ attitudes to the alternative education. But this relation does not definitely fit for the group of the age of 5 years, because 25% respondents answered „More so‟ and 75% answered „Less so‟. But the sample of children who admitted to preschool in the age of 5 years, is quite limited (8 children). So we should not deduce any relevant conclusions from it. 4.2. Handbook for Founders Forest Preschools When an organization officially starts its own operation and the public starts to perceive the existence of the institution, much of the work is already behind the founders. Meaning the work, that is often invisible, but which is a prerequisite for the successful operation of the institution. I will focus on basic steps, which will have to be fulfilled. This handbook will be created for exact forest preschool - adapted in our case. But many steps will be general, so other people, who will be interest in it, can use it as well. Foundation Organization In much the same way that I wrote in the legislative part, forest preschools are not under the province of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. So for the foundation of the organization, we have to use a different pattern. The easiest way is to develop citizens association according to regulation 83/1990Sb. Citizen Associations have to be founded by 3 individuals with Czech citizenship and at least one of them has to be over 18 years old. I still need to work out our statutes with all compulsory parts for citizens association. These statutes will be sent to the Ministry of the Interior, which, if all contents correspond with requirements, will officially approve the existence of a citizens association. Because the forest preschool does not fulfil some requirements of being a school, described Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, our organization would not be allowed to use the word “school” in its name. The concrete statutes of our forest preschool are enclosed in appendix No. 2. 42 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Place I consider the question of place to be a key issue of a new forest preschool. We have not yet rented any place, but on a future site of the operation we have some specific requirements. The main requirement for the location should of course be proximity to a forest. Although it is not necessary to be directly in a forest, access to the forest should not be further than a 10 minute walk. We would like to introduce the children to all four elements. Fire we can make, air and wind are almost everywhere (not inside), and children will obviously find earth outside, so we need to arrange just a question of water. Our ideal place includes a river or just some stream, where children can better understand this element, how it is changing throughout the whole year, day by day. Place should be outside of the city, but not so far, because of transportation of children to the children‟s club. Czech society is really sensitive on this theme and in questionnaires I found out that a permanent address is an important factor for the choice of preschool. Another aspect, which we need to think about, is the accessibility of place. Parents will need to bring their children to our location every morning, so they cannot spend extra time for driving or taking children to the children club. There should be the opportunity to get to the place by car, because we realize that almost all parents put their children into the preschool before they go to their place of employment. Another aspect, that should not be forgotten, is security. I mean security of the property of the citizen association, because we plan to have it in a field without a fence. You cannot arrange everything, but you should minimize the danger of vandalism and other undesirable behaviour. That is one part of security; the second one is the security of the children. We should consider dangers to the child, but this aspect belongs to all pedagogues. I believe that if pedagogues determined clear boundaries for the activities and both sides (children and pedagogues) abide by them, then this creates a very secure situation. These requirements are for the beginning of the operation, but we need to look more to the future. The situation on legislative field can be changed in the close future, so we should count with this option as well. Running potable water, well and canalization should be close by and we need to be informed ahead of time about connection to canalization and options. We do not own this kind of estate and we do not have the financial resources to pay for such an estate as well. So the best solution seems to be to ask a city or village, which is close to Strakonice, for support in form of providing funding. Many estates belong to the property of city or village and they can use it, rent it or sell it to privacy person. But if some 43 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic organization asks for estate and this organization will use this estate for a publicly beneficial purpose, the city or village can provide a kind of loan for a symbolic price. Our children‟s club will fulfil the requirements of public beneficial purpose, so we could ask for such support. We already asked about this possibility and village will be interested in it, because it is a good adverting for them as well. Pedagogues In the beginning of our operation we will start probably with one day operation per week. We need to spread the idea of how forest preschools to the subconscious mind of society slowly, but permanently. So from the beginning we will start alone, maybe with just young students of preschool pedagogues, who can use it like the school practice. Our goal in choosing the pedagogue stuff will be both teachers – female and male. Questionnaires show results of parents´ requirements, which include this aspect – missing male teachers in a conventional preschool. From visits in other forest preschools we know, that men are interested in this kind of education much more than a conventional forest preschool. Our pedagogues should have knowledge of first aid from their studies, but if not, we will request for them to fulfil this course. We consider this knowledge as a basic in jobs, where you are working with people, especially children, in the outdoors. Concluding to this chapter I provided an example of a contract for employees (in appendix No. 3). Insurance The question of insurance for a forest preschool is difficult, because of the situation of forest preschools in the Czech legislative. I already contacted some insurance companies, but their approaches were quite distinguished, because of danger from their points of view. So I found other acceptable solution. “Czech council children and youths” is an umbrella organization, which supports associations that work with children or youth in extracurricular activities. Among other things this organization provides the bargain insurance contract (they have one universal common insurance contract with the insurance company) for its members. That is the way for our children‟s club. An insurance company does not accept you directly, because of unawareness of forest preschools. I decided for two kinds of insurance on base of discussions with other directors of forest preschools in the Czech Republic. First one will be aimed at children in case of injury and harm done. Second one will be aimed at pedagogues (staff generally) in case of harm 44 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic done. That is the general concept, but conditions are changing in shorts periods, so details of insurances I will solve directly before the foundation. Operation The children club will start with a one day operation that will have a function of a promotion as well - spreading information about our existence to the general public. Probably, it will be Fridays and operation will be for free or for minimal fee, because we need to address our function to wide public. After some period, I expect 1-2 months will be set off the whole week operation until lunch (7-13h). We will take over a concept of the other forest preschool (from abroad and the Czech Republic as well) – less children at one pedagogue than in classic way of preschools. Ideal ratio will be 15:2, but it will not be strict, we can adapt to the concrete situation. Upper limit of children will be 18 per 2 teachers. Promotion and Public Relations I chose this chapter from simple reason. The success of realization FP will lay on smart promotion and public relations. The society is not familiarized with theme of FP and from the beginning will have definitely distinguished approach. It is necessary to spread the idea naturally without any pressures. I will focus on the promotion more, because it is a content of my studies and I see the promotion as a foundation of success. The idea of forest preschool is new in the Czech Republic, especially in small cities as my hometown - 25 000 citizens. So we need to spread the mission of the forest preschool to the general public. We do not need to cover a larger area than my hometown - potential customers will be parents from city and closest surroundings. So our target of the promotion will lay there. To start a promotion after the official opening is too late, general public should receive information ahead of time, systematically and regularly. We will focus in our promotion on the four basic promotion´s information´s canals – the local newspapers, the local TV, the lectures about theme and the events for children. Since redactors have to fulfil a newspaper every day, I see advantage on our side. Because they will be open for new topic of articles, which can ginger reading up. One of the newspapers is daily, two of them are weekly and one is monthly. We would like contain all of them, because some citizens read just daily or just weekly. My idea is prepared series about the forest preschool, which will content 5-10 issues. Issues will continue from previous issue, so public after whole series can imagine whole mission and an existence of the forest 45 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic preschool. The frequency of issues will be weekly. For example: first week will be presented the main idea and the characteristics of forest preschools, second week advantages, third week disadvantages, fourth week researches from abroad, fifth week forest preschools in the Czech Republic etc. This system of getting information in amounts should wake up public´s interest. Also whole theme - forest preschool - will stay in newspapers approximately for two months (8 issues/weekly), so readers will read it every week - or just see a title, but it will stay in their awareness, what is our purpose. I have already cooperated with newspapers in my hometown, so they already know me. I know they are open for some news, a non dull theme. So approach to the newspaper will not be a problem. In the comparison with newspaper we need to choose other approach for the promotion in the local television. Television attacks to different senses than a newspaper and this fact has to be considered. I decided to start our promotion in television after we will own a basement or after we will start our operation in the form of “Forest Fridays”. In the local television you can present own projects by a classic way of movie or through a presentation with pictures and commentary. The second option is for us better variant. If it had been movie and commentary, people would be more focused on the movie and would not listen the commentary, what is crucial for us. So pictures we will use for an attracting attention of viewers and in the commentary will be introduced whole project. We need to use own pictures for better credibility. So the promotion in television will be set off after the opening of the children´ club operation. If someone will plan to put own children to a care, definitely the parents want to meet pedagogues, directors and other people, who can be involve to the project. From this reason will be lectures in public places as a library or our basement, where will be presented the idea from the beginning. But it will be structured more as a discussion. Parents will have many questions about safety, hygiene or injuries. Our purpose on this lectures will be communication and explanation their questions and surmises. On the lectures our promotion cannot have so wide impact of number of people, but purpose of these lectures will lay in a direct contact with the public. The last communication canal I chose are activities for children. It will be represented by events similar to „children´s day‟. These events will be on Saturdays or Sundays. Whole family can come to our basement and spend there some hours. Children will be in a care of the students of pedagogy, who will create and organize some activities based on our mission outdoor activities. And director and main pedagogues will be disposal for parents in discussion - for their questions and opinions. Whole event will be in the style „relaxed 46 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic atmosphere‟ - activities for children, other fun, barbecue and parents can „switch off‟ from job. From these events, parents should take positive opinions on spending time with children outdoor in nature. For these events and lectures I will create special promotional brochure that will introduce the whole project and parents will take it at home. Basement Forest preschools have several options, how to solve the situation about the base. On our visits in forest preschools we had opportunities to see many different ways of solution tee-pee, cottage, brick house, yurt and without base. Definitely we will have our forest preschool with some base - without base, we think, general public will not take us seriously and as the best option we consider yurt. It is shelter which fits to the nature and provides some level of comfort – you can light up the stove inside. I see in the perception of yurt as a big advantage. It is an unusual shelter which is not well known in the Czech Republic, so that fact will entice people - maybe just for observation, but it will be great advertisement. Our existence will spread more and more between the public. Cooperation Our children club would like to cooperate with other institutions in the surroundings. At first common meeting with future pedagogues will be discussion about this subchapter. But institutions we would like to cooperate with should be for example: institution of game wardens, library, other preschools (international), primary school, swimming pool, sauna, animal farms, museums, local pensioner or people, who do old crafts. Economic It is one of the most important items on the manager´s list. Children club will be nonprofit organization as all citizen associations. It means a potential profit had to be put back to the operation of the association. How I wrote above, forest preschools are not donated from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, but our children club should be donated from other institutions. We would like to cooperate with municipal office of village/city, where our children club will operate. This donation should be in a material form - estate, or financial form - money. Also it is possible to apply for a grants announced from village, city, region, state or European Union. Last of options of donates are companies and privacy persons who can support our mission for some kind of exchange – e.g. advertisement of company. Some 47 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic resources will be withdrawn from parents as a tuition fee for their kids. A price of tuition will be arranged according to other aspects of economic. Agreement with Forest´s Owner The program of club will take place in a different places; it is one of basic characteristic of forest preschool – make a diverse surroundings for children. So group of children with pedagogue will move around our base and it is necessary to arrange it. Some properties should be private and some should be municipals. The agreement with a municipal should be without problem, because children club will just spend time in the property - not destroying or damaging. But agreements with a private owner should be in special cases difficult – the human factor. But definitely about this aspect should be taken care before the official operation of the children´s club. Future pedagogues have to focus just on children and they cannot solve potential problems with owners of properties. 48 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 5. Final Discussion The research of the master thesis lies in the theoretical foundations for new forest preschool in the Czech Republic. The foundations are composed from two parts, which will be evaluated separately. Main part of analysis - monitoring of situation in my hometown showed some positive results. My hypotheses helped me to follow the main purpose of the research. From all six hypotheses were proved less or more four of them, two hypotheses were disproved. Generally, parents with children in preschool age have open attitude to alternative methods of education. They also have knowledge of the existing alternative methods. From these results I can state: The potential economic market seems „healthy‟, because the topic is not indifferent for parents. But still, I need to be realistic, the beginning of forest preschool will be taught. The convincing people about other different method of education will be difficult process, but our strategy should be bases on positive approach to parents and children as well. If from the beginning parents are timid to put their child to forest preschool, we can turn their attitudes through the satisfied parents, who have already had their child in our forest preschool. Therefore we will have to work from the beginning totally enthusiastic on 100%, speak with parents and ask them what they expect. I do not believe that we will establish a new forest preschool and we will have a lot of applications in the first day. In every business, it takes some time to create „healthy company„ with stable economic foundations. But the hypotheses which predicted the relation between parents´ attitudes and their knowledge of alternative methods or parents´ attitudes and their requirements on preschool´s institutions were not proved. To sum up results from hypotheses - obvious differences between parents who know and do not know forest preschools or different alternatives of education were not discovered. For my purpose it means; I will approach to the parents without any differences. The hypothesis about knowledge of forest preschool and advantages/disadvantages of this education was proved. But some fallacious assumptions – the higher illness or the accident rate - exist still in the society of parents - even in group of parents who know forest preschools. From this result, I realized enormous importance of the promotion that should be carrying out smartly. With the promotion is connected one part of appendix, where I enclosed the created promotional brochure, which should has a function of the source of information about forest preschool for parents. I tried to write the brochure in non-forcible form. The brochure introduces the topic of forest preschool for parents and tries to offer other option in the 49 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic choosing of institution for children. As persuasive material I mentioned several researches from abroad, which e.g. prove lesser absence in school of children from forest preschools in the comparison with children from the classic way of preschools. In conclusion of the brochure is highlighted fact: forest preschool is way of education which could not fit to everyone. That is purpose. Whole brochure propagates great options in education of forest preschools. But the conclusion is quite opened, parents have to make own opinions, what should come to believe that they are not forced. The promotional brochure is one part of „Handbook‟, which should help me before the foundation. Before the official foundation it should be proceed in the accordance with items in the handbook. It reduces a risk of skipping of some important step. The handbook is created for specific forest preschool, but some common steps should be used for other founders as well. The situation of legislative conditions is not favourable for forest preschools today. But researches and a pilot study are already in a process, so the situation could be changed very soon and forest preschools will be validated as schools. As I cannot rely on that fact, I need to prepare for both variants of forest preschool. Mostly, it relates with questions of food, financial support from state and hygiene. Right now it is difficult for me to look back to my research critically, because success of the thesis will be proved more in the process of realization. Now, I believe everything necessary for foundation is arranged. I would probably change one step of the process with questionnaires during the research. If I would make it again, I will try to deliver questionnaires directly to the parents´ hands. I put it through hands of directors in preschools. Because answers on questions which were related with satisfaction with preschool and similar topics are from my point of view too much positive. Maybe parents did not want to mark some negative answers. Because after the filling in, parents handed in it again back to directors, who collected them. The advantage of my research is future realization, what presents some concrete goal. I could get a firm grip on topic easier, what help me in the whole process. The disadvantage is already mentioned distribution with questionnaires and also the fact of success of realization will be proved in future. Farther research questions are closely evoked with first steps of the foundation. The society of parents with children in preschool age has already some opinions and knowledge of forest preschools. An interesting thing would be make this research again, or new research on very similar base. And compare results after the first promotional actions. Or compare with results after the official opening. How will the society change opinions? 50 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic References Non-periodical: Bailey, K. D., 1987. Methods of Social Research. 3rd edition. New York: The Free Press. Bryman, A., 2004. Social Research Method. 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Corbin, J. Strauss, A., 2008. Basics of Qualitative Research. 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. Crabtree, B. F., Miller W. L., 1992. Doing qualitative research. 3rd edition. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, Inc. Dahlin, B., 2006. Education, History, and, Be(com)ing Human: Two Essays in Philosophy and Education, Karlstad University Studies. Dahlin, B., 2007. The Waldorf School – Cultivating Humanity? Karlstad University Studies. Dewey J., Dewey E., 1915. Schools of to-morrow. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. Dillman, D. A., 2000. 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Available at: <http://aplikace.mvcr.cz/sbirka-zakonu/> [Accessed 27 March 2011]. 53 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Appendix Appendix No. 1: Questionnaire for parents Hello, I am a student of the programme “Outdoor education” at Linköpings University. The theme of my master thesis is inquired into alternative education of preschool. I would like to ask you to fulfil this short questionnaire (10 mins), which is crucial for my research. All of information are anonymous and will be used just in my master thesis. Thank you Jiří Jeřábek 1. Do you know forest preschool for children? YES x NO 2. Do you know other alternative of preschools? YES x NO If YES, please write them ……………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Are you open for the other alternatives of preschools? A) Yes B) More so C) Less so D) No 4. What do you expect from preschool education? 5. According to what did you choose preschool for your children? (possibility more answers) A) B) C) D) E) Recommendation of doctor or pedagogue – psychological counselling Recommendation of friends According to place of residence According to preschool education programme Other, please write them…………………………………… 54 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic A forest preschool is a kind of preschool, where a programme mostly takes place outside in nature. Forest preschools have own motto “outside in all kinds of weather”. As a basement in extreme conditions is used tee-pee, yurt, cottage etc. 6. What advantages could forest preschool bring to children according to you? 7. Which disadvantages could be for children in forest preschool according to you? 8. Please, order the following attributes on the basis from your point of view? A) BASE OF PRESCHOOL (1 – the most important, 4 – the lowest important) Equipment of preschool Quality of pedagogues Locality of preschool (in the centre of city, close to the nature…) Accessibility of preschool MŠ B) INDIVIUAL BENEFITS (1 – the most important, 4 – the lowest important) Acquired social behaviour (cooperation, concentration, patient...) Gained knowledge (recognition, movement, music, expressional abilities…) Satisfaction of children Health of children 8. How do you imagine a cooperation of a family and preschool? 9. Would you embrace variegated offer of preschools? YES x NO 10. Are you satisfied with the operation and the content in preschool? A) Yes B) More so C) Less so D) No 55 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic 11. Where do you spend common time with family? (Please answer on all options) yes no At home On cottage/ grandparents In the nature Sports facilities (swimming pool, bowling…) Culture facilities (concert, cinema, church …) Other (please write where): 12. What should preschool offered, if you would pay preschool´ tuition in the high of 1 500 Kč? 13. What should preschool offered, if you would pay preschool´ tuition in the high of 4 000 Kč? 14. What is your highest level of education (completed)? (cross) father Elementary education Vocational education Secondary school leaving exam University education How old is your child? How many years does your child visit preschool? 56 mother Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Appendix No. 2: The statutes of citizens association The statutes of citizens’ association “Dudáček o.s.” Article 1 Name, form and place of business Citizen association “Children club Dudáček o.s.” (farther just „association‟) is corporate body founded according to law n. 83/1990 Sb. about association of citizens as amended. Place of business on address ... (exact address, where can be association inform via letters...) Article 2 Characteristic of association Association is volunteered, non-governmental, non-profit association of citizens, where are supporters of idea forest preschool. Via association members will promote theme of healthy and natural development of children connected closely to nature. Association will cooperate on other activities, which will be aimed on general public, like confabulations, journeys and other about nature, protecting nature, sustainable development etc. Article 3 Main goals of association Main goals of association are: a) Provide children natural development in their natural environment b) Protect nature around us a spread this idea c) Inform general public about our acting d) Provide general beneficial services in field natural environmental Article 4 Kinds of association activities Kinds of association activities mainly are: a) Operation of Children club b) Organization educations activity like seminars and lectures about outdoor education and life - long education c) Organize social activities like excursions and journeys connected with associations idea Article 5 Membership in association 1. A member of association should be natural person over 18 years old with permanent address in Czech Republic. 2. A membership comes to existence in day, when committee of association decide about acceptance applicant according to his/her written application. Application has to contain: name and surname of applicant, permanent address, birth certificate number, phone number or email address, date of application and own signature 3. About acceptance of applicant will be decide on next committee of association after date of application 4. Members opportunities : 57 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Participate on associations activities Vote and be voted to the authorities of association Present suggestions, objections and themes about operation of association Check year reports about operation of association Use advantages from membership 5. Members responsibilities: Abide by associations statutes Defend mission of associations operation Take care and protect property of association Report about personal changes Pay members fee Article 6 Termination membership The membership terminates: on members request death excluding member for serious violation of statutes Article 7 Authorities of association The highest authority in association is members meeting, what it has to be at least one in a year. Member meeting decides about: a) changes in statutes b) choose committee (at least 3 persons) on one year cycle c) submit report about operation of association and report about economic activities from previous year/term d) make a concept of association for next term e) set amount of member fee f) approve budget for next term g) vote for honest members or exclusion member from association h) decide about exclusion of association Voting system follows rule of overall majority and on member meeting has to participate at least half of members. Operation of association between member meetings managed committee, what vote for chairman like responsible person (chairman communicate in name of association), vice chairman and treasurer. Article 8 Economic activities 1) Association use with resources from a) Members fee b) Donation of natural bodies or corporate bodies 58 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic c) Grants from other subjects These resources association use exclusively for operations, which followed mission of association. 2) Economic results are presented on every members meeting. 3) In case of termination of association, property of association will be had over other corporate body with relative mission and operation Article 9 Final provisions 1) Issues, which aren´t adjusted in these statutes, fall within competence of general laws 2) The statues were approved on founder meeting in ... (date). Statues are valid from date of registration on Ministry of the Interior Czech Republic. 59 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Appendix No. 3: The agreement about the work The agreement about the work (until 150 hours in the calendar year) The employer: Dudáček, o.s. Address The employee: Name of pedagogue Address of pedagogue Above two parts of contract make a deal about work in citizen association Dudáček, o.s. on position in the pedagogue stuff. Place of work: Czech Republic, mainly place of citizen association Day of starting of contract: (date) Day of ending the contract: (date) Scale of hours per week: max 150 hours in calendar year Arranged salary: x per hour Conditions: 1. The employee will be performed his/her work conscientiously and personally. The employee will fulfil conditions of regulations of association, mostly regulations about security. 2. The employee pledge to keep information in the company, safe important knowledge, which know from his/her performance in the association and should be kept in secret. 3. The employer will prepare for employee working condition for safe and regular performance. Employee will be informed about with conditions in the contract and conditions relation with his/her position. 4. The other rights and obligations follow from Labour Code and other regulations relate working-law relations. 5. This contract is in three copies, two of them followed employer and one to employee. 6. The employer has to report about changing personal information. 7. The salary will be pay retrospectively for one month always to 10. next month (salary for April will be paid until 10.5.) 8. This contract could to be cancelled by agreement to arranged day. Termination should be from whatever reason or without reason with notice period one month, which starts, when was written termination delivered. 9. The agreement about work could be cancelled immediately in case of serious wrongdoing according to /§53 a §54 Labour Code/. In ...............................................(city, date) ………………………………… Employers Signature …………………………… Employees signature 60 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Appendix No. 4: Tables Kinds of alternative education N Sum % waldorf 79 45 57 montessori 79 20 25 healthy PS 79 11 14 others 79 19 Table No. 12: Kinds of alternative education 24 According to choose N Sum % Friends 79 64 81 Place of residence 79 56 71 PEP 79 21 27 Doctor 79 2 3 others 79 12 15 Table No. 13: Attributes, what influent choosing of preschool Embraced offer Sum % Yes 52 65,8 No 27 34,2 Total 79 100,0 Table No. 14: Embracing wider offer of preschools Descriptive Statistics 1500Kč – 600SEK N Sum % Languages 79 17 22 Interest groups - sport 79 17 22 Ratio P:CH, men 79 15 19 Not interested 79 10 13 Excursion, trips 79 10 13 Transport, operation period 79 9 11 Food, surroundings 79 8 10 Logopaedics 79 4 Table No. 15: What should preschool offer in case of amount of money 5 61 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Descriptive Statistics 4000Kč – 1500SEK N Sum % Not interested 79 22 28 Ratio P:CH 79 19 24 Languages 79 16 20 Trips, cooperation 79 15 19 Transport, operation time 79 15 19 Equipment 79 11 14 Healthy food 79 10 13 From 2 years 79 5 Table No. 16: What should preschool offer in case of amount of money 6 Know FP Knowledge, relation - nature Total yes no No 11 17 28 Yes 28 23 51 Total 39 40 Table No. 17a: Relation between knowledge of FP and advantages Know FP Fresh air 79 Total yes no No 11 25 36 Yes 28 15 43 Total 39 40 Table No. 17b: Relation between knowledge of FP and advantages Know FP Immunity 79 Total yes no No 20 29 49 yes 19 11 30 Total 39 40 Table No. 17c: Relation between knowledge of FP and advantages 62 79 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Know FP Hygiene Total yes no No 25 33 58 Yes 14 7 21 Total 39 40 Table No. 17d: Relation between knowledge of FP and disadvantages Know FP Health, Injuries 79 Total yes no No 32 25 57 Yes 7 15 22 Total 39 40 Table No. 17e: Relation between knowledge of FP and disadvantages Know FP Comfort, rest 79 Total yes no No 29 33 62 Yes 10 7 17 Total 39 40 79 Table No. 17f: Relation between knowledge of FP and disadvantages Know FP Preparation on primary school Total yes no No 33 39 72 Yes 6 1 7 Total 39 40 Table No. 17g: Relation between knowledge of FP and disadvantages 63 79 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Open to alternative education Waldorf no yes Total Total Yes More so Less so No 8 13 9 2 32 % 25,0% 40,6% 28,1% 6,3% 100,0% Count 12 17 16 0 45 % 26,7% 37,8% 35,6% ,0% 100,0% Count 20 30 25 2 77 % 26,0% 39,0% 32,5% 2,6% 100,0% Table No. 18a: Relation between attitude to alternative education and knowledge alternative education system Waldorf Open to alternative education Montessori no yes Total Total Yes More so Less so No Count 14 23 18 2 57 % 24,6% 40,4% 31,6% 3,5% 100,0% Count 6 7 7 0 20 % 30,0% 35,0% 35,0% ,0% 100,0% Count 20 30 25 2 77 % 26,0% 39,0% 32,5% 2,6% 100,0% Table No. 18b: Relation between attitude to alternative education and knowledge alternative education system Montessori Open to alternative education Healthy PS no yes Total Total Yes More so Less no No Count 14 28 23 1 66 % 21,2% 42,4% 34,8% 1,5% 100,0% Count 6 2 2 1 11 % 54,5% 18,2% 18,2% 9,1% 100,0% Count 20 30 25 2 77 % 26,0% 39,0% 32,5% 2,6% 100,0% Table No. 18c Table No. 18b: Relation between attitude to alternative education and knowledge alternative education system Healthy PS 64 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Open to alternative education Helpful, trust More so Less so No Count 12 21 17 1 51 % 23,5% 41,2% 33,3% 2,0% 100,0% Count 8 9 8 1 26 % 30,8% 34,6% 30,8% 3,8% 100,0% Count 20 30 25 2 77 No Yes Total Total Yes % 26,0% 39,0% 32,5% 2,6% 100,0% Table No. 19a: Table No. 18b: Relation between attitude to alternative education and kind of cooperation between parents and PS Open to alternative education Cooperation No Yes Total Total Yes More so Less so No Count 12 24 16 2 54 % 22,2% 44,4% 29,6% 3,7% 100,0% Count 8 6 9 0 23 % 34,8% 26,1% 39,1% 0% 100,0% Count 20 30 25 2 77 % 26,0% 39,0% 32,5% 2,6% 100,0% Table No. 19b: Relation between attitude to alternative education and kind of cooperation between parents and PS Open to alternative education Communication No Yes Total Total Yes More so Less so No Count 3 2 10 1 16 % 18,8% 12,5% 62,5% 6,3% 100,0% Count 17 28 15 1 61 % 27,9% 45,9% 24,6% 1,6% 100,0% Count 20 30 25 2 77 % 26,0% 39,0% 32,5% 2,6% 100,0% Table No. 19c: Relation between attitude to alternative education and kind of cooperation between parents and PS 65 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Appendix No. 5: Promotion Brochure for General Public Promotional Brochure for General Public Forest Preschool – “Nature Education in Nature” Introduction Simply forest preschool is kind of preschools where children are learning similar as in conventional preschools with the difference of a place. The place of operation in forest preschool is not just in forest but generally outside in nature. Forest preschools do not provide too much different knowledge, but they offer a different way how to reach the educational goal. Children are in the environment, where they can learn by the all senses. Experts consider that fact very enriching in the education of children. Predominantly forest preschools have some shelter (yurt, tee-pee, cottage etc) which is used in extreme conditions. Forest preschools in the Czech Republic follow their basic motto “outside in all kind of weathers”. Background As the first ones who came with the idea of spending and educating children outside, were mothers in Scandinavia – Norway and Sweden in 1950s. Sources states first name connected with the idea of forest preschool - Frau Ella Flatau, who established the first forest preschool in 1954 in Denmark. She took her four children every day outside. Soon her neighbours and friends gave their children to her group, so it was followed by a foundation of the first forest preschool; in this case „waldkindergärten‟. Nowadays ‟forest education‟ presents mainly Germany (over 1000 forest preschools), Norway, Sweden and Denmark. But the idea is starting to spread out very quickly and today we can find forest preschools, or institutions based on very similar idea in the whole world. Like an example we can use first forest preschools in United States, Japan, Canada, Scotland and Switzerland... In Czech Republic first indications of forest preschool are dated in 2007, when Linda Kubale, very similar like Ella Flatau in Denmark, took her two children with her friend and her children to the nature. Soon they took care about friend´s children as well. Like the base used old farm, this was a little bit separated from village, so they had close connection with nature. First official forest preschool was founded in 2009 on the suburb of Prague – “Ekodomov” – but the operation of forest preschool is just one activity of the citizens' association, which is focused on ecology and on sustainable development. Nowadays we 66 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic register 8 children´s club, which work on a base of forest preschool. Some others will start operate in recent future. Mission The main purpose of forest preschools is same education as in conventional preschool, with a difference that forest preschools are focusing on some aspects in children development more. Basically outdoor education tries to teach in reality without some distortion influent by the environment. Vošahlíková (2010) states common basic aims forest preschools in children education: Holistic learning (perceive all senses) Development fine and gross motor skills in nature way – the movement in nature Direct experience Support of togetherness between children Knowledge of animals and plants in their nature environment Recognize own limits Realize beauty of nature – forest – work with silence Advantages From education children outside is raised many advantages, which can positively influent development of child. Some of advantages are closely connected with the environment, where forest preschools operate and some of them from different approach of pedagogic uses in forest preschools. Gained Knowledge gain an awareness of the outdoors and the environment reduce nature deficit disorder developing own ideas in nature environment self-esteem social skills teamwork and disposition to learn Gained Other Benefits make decisions, solve problems and taking risks 67 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic first-hand experiences develop young children‟s independence positive effect on the health and the physical development of children spending time on fresh air eliminating risk leads to a child´s inability to assess danger a positive mental attitude and confidence self-awareness self-regulation intrinsic motivation motor development better understanding system of clothes Researches from Abroad Researches about the comparison children from conventional preschools and children from forest preschools were carry out several. I will introduce just few of them. Illness Grahm et al. in 1997 pursued the relation between kinds of preschools and illness of children. Even the absence in conventional preschools was 8%, in forest preschool just 3%. In the parents´ evaluation in forest preschools more than half of parents stated that their children became more immune, especially classic cold, runny nose etc. Grahm as well found out, children from forest preschool have less injuries, because children slowly and individually develop own movements. For example he stated one preschool in Germany, where were a lot of injuries and accidents. The group of insurance experts came to the preschool to examine the whole situation. They got the conclusion: preschool is so „safe‟ that is actually „unsafe‟. In the preschool were so much safety measures (round corners of table, safety doors on stairs or children got many orders). Sometimes we think that we are doing the best for our children, but just the reverse is the true. Influence of Nowadays Age Researches of Institute of Robert Koch in Germany showed some effects followed from life in today´s world. The elements of research were wider group than just preschool 68 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic age. They aimed at research on children between 3 and 17 ages. From 17 641 participants they got these results. 43% of children from 4 to 17 years do not touch own feet while they are bending forward 15% of children from 3 to 17 years have overweight 17% of children until 17 years have allergic illness 22% of children from 11 years to 17 years have disorder of behaviour Creativity Sarah Kiener (2003) realized own research about the comparison of children from conventional and forest preschool in creativity. For example children (181 children) should found out different ways how to get from the start of line to the end of line. Or on paper was drawn many shapes, children were drawing everything to these shapes to complete whole picture according to their imagination and creativity. Children from forest preschools gained better results in creativity, concentration on work and patient. School Preparation Parents think very often that forest preschools do not prepare children so well as a conventional preschool. On this aspect was realized research in Germany in 2002. Petr Häfner in his doctoral studies researched the difference between children from forest preschools and conventional preschools in many aspects. 103 pedagogues in first year of primary school evaluated 230 children from forest preschools and 114 children from conventional preschools. Questionnaire had 42 questions which were divided to 6 basic categories. Results are demonstrated in graph No. 1. We can say children from forest preschools are not prepared worse than children from conventional preschools. In some aspect even children from forest preschool reached better evaluation, for example cooperation. 69 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic Skills children from forest preschools and classic way of preschools Average points 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 children from FP 0 children from CP Kinds of skills Graph No. 1 – Preparation´s children in first year of primary school Disadvantages As every option in some choice, forest preschools have own disadvantages as well. Some disadvantages are common for all people, but more disadvantages are individual - each person has to consider it. How I wrote above, children from forest preschool has not worse gained skills, which are needed for primary preschool. So it means we need to look for the disadvantages in daily operation. Common Disadvantages forest preschool are not support from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport yet problems with legislative about food ticks dirty clothes Individual Disadvantages hygiene comfort of children weather and temperature 70 Master Thesis Foundation of the Forest Preschool in the Czech Republic These items, how I wrote, are individual. Someone could think the level of hygiene in the forest preschool is not sufficient for children, someone could have opposite opinion. It depends on particular parents and nowhere is written, what level of hygiene is the best for children. Yes, someone could argument with regulation 410/2005Sb. with tack 343/2009Sb. about hygiene in schools and similar facilities. But this regulation is published, because of danger, which could follow from neglected care. I mean people, who could start to do business in „children economic sector‟ without passion of education. They will have just purpose of earn money. This situation definitely does not fit on the case of forest preschool. Understanding of comfort is so individual, how I found in questionnaires as well. Someone could consider spending whole time outdoor in nature as a very uncomfortable and someone could consider this time more comfortable than inside. With this aspect is connected question about weather and temperature. For some children could be limit of temperature 0 degrees centigrade and for other one -15 degrees centigrade. Pedagogues have to know all limits of every child and adapt conditions for everyone individually. If pedagogues will work with children as a one group, especially in winter times it will bring many risk situations. We would like to avoid dangerous of that through stuff of graduated teachers of pedagogy or students of preschool pedagogy. Conclusion Forest preschools are representing alternative of education for our children in preschool age. It offers educating children in nature surroundings, where children could better understand a reality (e.g. rotating of four seasons or natural phenomenon etc). Children spend their educate time on the fresh air, what is, how all of us know it, absolutely necessary today in technology world. Forest preschool brings a several benefits and some disadvantages for children, which has to be considered by parents. Forest preschool will not fit to all children (parents). We cannot say, which preschool educate systems is better and which one is worse. Of course, our stuff think forest preschool is „the right way‟ of education, but we realized it should be just our idea. We do not impose this opinion to the public; our purpose is to offer other option of preschool education, which will widen supply on the preschool education market, what should be definitely profitable for whole society. 71