Wichita Falls Nighthawks (5-3)
Wichita Falls Nighthawks (5-3)
Sioux Falls Storm Football Release siouxfallsstorm.com Address: 5000 S. Minnesota Ave. Ste 300, Sioux Falls, SD Telephone: 605-274-6686 May 3, 2016 Facebook: /siouxfallsstorm Twitter: @siouxfallsstorm Instagram: Sfstorm_IFL This week: @ Wichita Falls Nighthawks (5-3) SiouxFalls,SD–TheSiouxFalls Storm(8-1)willplayagainstthe WichitaFallsNighthawks(5-3)in Texasagainstatoughhomecrowdon Friday,May6th,wherekickoffisset for7:05PM. TheSiouxFallsStormdefeatedthe GreenBayBlizzardinathrilling66-59 battlelastweekend.Inthatgame, BrandonJohnson-Farrellfinishedthe gamewith65rushingyardsandone touchdown,aswellas31receiving yardsandonetouchdown. QuarterbackLorenzoBrownended with155yards,fourtouchdowns,one interception,andrushedfor21yards. KoreyWilliamsrushedfor25yards andscoredthreetouchdowns.Mike Tatumrushedforfouryardsand scoredonetouchdown,andalsohad 44receivingyards,andscoredtwo touchdowns.TheStormdefense tallied40tackles,foursacks,one interception,threepassbreak-ups andtwoblocks. FortheNighthawks,theteamis lookingtostayunbeatenathomeas theydefeatedtheCedarRapids Titans,61-57.Inthatgame,Jerell Nortonwent16-of-27withthree touchdownsandaninterceptionto goalongwith191yards. Tyler Williamsfinishedwith18yardsand twotouchdowns.JordanJollyhad 122receivingyards,onefumbleand twotouchdowns. Game Information Place: Kay Yeager Coliseum Time: 7:05 PM CT, May 6th Radio: KELQ-FM 107.9, KELO-AM 1320, KWSNAM 1230 and KWSNFM 98.1 Watch games online @ www.ifllive.tv Front Office Staff Owner-/CEO - Todd Tryon G.M - Tyler Pederson Office Man. - Allison Norgaard Dir. Corp.e Sales - Jim Loria Dir. Social Media Mkt – Kayley Shade Gameday Op. – Matt DeHaan Accounting – Jennifer Quincey Player Control – Donnie Hilsenroth Player Personel/Equip – Aaron Bauer 2016 Season Schedule Feb 20 – @Billings W 51-28 (1-0) Feb 26 – vs Cedar Rapids W 54-45 (2-0) Mar 6 - @ Green Bay W 49-31 (3-0) Mar 20 - @ Colorado W 58-55 (4-0) Mar 26 - @ Cedar Rapids L 57-60 (4-1) Apr 9 – vs Cedar Rapids W 62-49 (5-1) Apr 16 – vs Wichita Falls W 71-44 (6-1) Ap 23 - @ Nebraska W 62-44 (7-1) Apr 30 – vs Green Bay W 66-59 (8-1) May 6 - @ Wichita Falls May 14 – vs Spokane May 21 – vs Green Bay May 27 - @ Iowa June 4 – vs Colorado June 11 – vs Iowa June 18 - @ Spokane Week 11 Game Recap 66 – 59 SiouxFalls,SD-TheSiouxFallsStormimprovedto8-1afterwinningagainsttheGreenBayBlizzardonApril30th attheDennySanfordPREMIERCenter,wheretheStormwon66-59. TheStormwouldstrikefirstinthegamewhenKoreyWilliamsraninatwo-yardtouchdown,givingtheStorman early7-0lead.GreenBayfiredbackwhenChevelleBuieraninathree-yardtouchdowntotiethegameat7-7.Lorenzo BrownandMikeTatumconnectedforatwo-yardpass,puttingtheStormbackontop13-7.TheBlizzardansweredwith back-to-backtouchdownsafterJackBramswigconnectedwitha28-yardpassfromMattBehrendtandaKeshauda Spense47-yardruntouchdown,endingthefirstquarterwithascoreof13-20. Openingthesecondquarter,LorenzoBrownfoundCalebHolleyforthefirsttimeofthenightafterasix-yard pass,tyingthegameat20-20.GreenBaywouldanswerwithaMerkeitSummers39-yardtouchdownreception,putting theBlizzardahead20-26.TheStormrecapturedtheleadafterBrandonJohnson-Farrellraninafour-yardtouchdown, puttingthescoreat27-26.SiouxFallswouldscoreagainafterKoreyWilliamsscamperedinaone-yardrush,increasing theirleadto34-26.ChevelleBuieoftheBlizzardscorednextaftera50-yardkickoffreturnandZekeArevalokickeda successful45-yardfieldgoalendingthefirsthalfwitha34-35ballgame. ZekeArevalooftheBlizzardstartedthesecondhalfoffbykickinga34-yardfieldgoal,extendingtheBlizzard's leadto34-38.KoreyWilliamsansweredwithafive-yardrushingtouchdowntohelptheStormretaketheleadat41-38. MarkeitSummersscoredafteran18-yardpasstoendthethirdquarterwiththeBlizzardahead41-45. BrandonJohnson-Farrellconnectedwithafive-yardpassfromLorenzoBrowntostartthefourthquarter, puttingtheStormbackintheleadat48-45.JustinSyrovatkathenscoreda53-yardfieldgoal,increasingtheStorm'slead to51-45.KeshaudaSpenceansweredbackwithaneight-yardrushingtouchdown,puttingtheBlizzardinthelead,51-52. TheStormcamebackwhenMikeTatumraninatouchdownandreeledinthetwo-pointconversionfromLorenzo Brown,toputtheStormbackintheleadat59-52.MarkeitSummersscoredaftera14-yardpass,tyingthegameat5959.Withfivesecondsleftinthegame,MikeTatumscoredafteraten-yardtouchdownpassfromLorenzoBrown,sealing theBlizzard'sfatewithascoreof66-59. BrandonJohnson-Farrellfinishedthegamewith65rushingyardsandonetouchdown,aswellas31receiving yardsandonetouchdown.QuarterbackLorenzoBrownendedwith155yards,fourtouchdowns,oneinterception,and rushedfor21yards.KoreyWilliamsrushedfor25yardsandscoredthreetouchdowns.MikeTatumrushedforfouryards andscoredonetouchdown,andalsohad44receivingyards,andscoredtwotouchdowns.TheStormdefensetailed40 tackles,foursacks,oneinterception,threepassbreak-upsandtwoblocks. TheSiouxFallsStormwillfacetheWichitaFallsNighthawksonFriday,May6thinWichita.Thegamewillkickoff at7:05pm. Current IFL stan din gs for Week 11 Intense Conference Team Record Streak Spokane Empire 7–1 W5 Nebraska Danger 5–5 L3 Billings Wolves 4–5 L1 Tri-Cities Fever 3–6 L2 Colorado Crush 1–8 W1 Sioux F all s Stor m 8 – 1 W4 Wichita Falls Nighthawks 5–3 L1 Cedar Rapids Titans 6–4 W1 Iowa Barnstormers 4 –5 W1 Green Bay Blizzard 2–7 L1 United Conference Team Sioux Falls Storm Gameday Roster Team Captains: Lorenzo Brown, Charlies Sanders, Tyler Knight, Jon Setzer Quarterback HT WT College/NFLExperience 2CarringtonHanna 6’2 220 UniversityofSiouxFalls 8LorenzoBrown 6’0 205 UniversityofSiouxFalls RunningBack HT WT College/NFLExperience 9AngeloPease 5’11 215 KansasStateUniversity/NFL-Packers WideReceiver HT WT College/NFLExperience 4BrandonJohnson-Farrell5’10180 UniversityofRhodeIsland 11MarcusBeaurem 6’2190 TiffinUniversity/NFL-Lions 18CalebHolley 6’3200 EastCentralUniversity/NFL-Bills 23MikeTatum 5’10170OxnardUniversity 25KoreyWilliams6’0185NorthwesternOklahomaStateUniversity/CFL-B.C.Lions OffensiveLine HT WT College/NFLExperience 55CharlieSanders 6’1 330 ValdostaStateUniversity 69RashaudMungro 6’6 315 EasternKentuckyUniversity 71KyleBryant 6’6 315 YoungstownStateUniversity 75MyniyaSmith 6’7 330 SouthernUniversity/NFL-Giants DefensiveLine HT 15ClaudeDavis 6’3 34BrandonPeguese 6’1 47RooseveltRobertsJr.6’4 56MatthewHardison 6’4 58SamCampbell 6’1 95BryanKeys 6’1 DefensiveBacks HT 6ElijahFields 6’2 12MattHermanson 6’0 13JonSetzer 5’10 16J'VontezBlackmon 6’0 24CarltonWatkins 5’10 WT 255 260 250 295 315 330 College/NFLExperience UniversityofSouthFlorida/NFL-Jets HamptonUniversity/NFL-Colts TroyUniversity UniversityofDelaware/NFL-Jets IllinoisStateUniversity MankatoUniversity WT 215 200 180 187 180 College/NFLExperience UniversityofPittsburgh UniversityofMontana WinstonSalemStateUniversity UniversityofTennessee-Martin TiffinUniversity Linebackers HT WT 3TylerKnight 6’0225 Kickers HT WT 19JustinSyrovatka5’9200 College/NFLExperience SouthDakotaStateUniversity PlayerPronunciation College/NFLExperience MississippiValleyStateUniversity J'VontezBlackmon-Ja-VON-tezBlack-mon JustinSyrovatka-JustinSeer-o-vot-ka BrandonPeguese-BrandonPig-geese MyniyaSmith-Min-EYE-aSmith RashaudMungro-Rah-shaudMungro AngeloPease–AngeloPeaz Projected Starters Offense: 55CharlieSanders 75MyniyaSmith 71KyleBryant 8LorenzoBrown 4BrandonJohnson-Farrell 1KoreyWilliams 18CalebHolley 23MikeTatum Defense: 15ClaudeDavis 34BrandonPeguese 95BryanKeys 3TylerKnight 6ElijahFields 16J’VontezBlackmon 13JonSetzer 12MattHermanson More on the Wichita Falls Nighthawks Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 2016 Schedule BYE at Spokane Empire Colorado Crush Iowa Barnstormers Apr. 2 Apr 16 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 May 14 @ Colorado Crush May 21 Nebraska Danger May 27 June 18 June 25 L 65 – 66 (0-1) W 65 – 45 (1-1) W 74 – 47 (2-1) BYE @ Nebraska Danger BYE Tri – Cities Fever @ Sioux Falls Storm Cedar Rapids Titans at Colorado Crush Sioux Falls Storm Mar. 25 June 4 June 11 and Results @ Nebraska Danger Green Bay Blizzard W 64 – 55 (3-1) W 44 – 35 (4-1) L 44 – 71 (4-2) W 61 – 57 (5-2) L 47 – 60 (5-3) Colorado Crush @ Iowa Barnstomers @ Green Bay Blizzard Quick Information CONFERENCE: Intense ADDRESS: 00 8th St #115, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 PHONE: (940) 761-5575 FOUNDED: 2012 YEARS IN IFL: Fourth COLORS: Black, Gold, Silver, White WEBSITE: www.wfnighthawks.com FIRST IFL GAME: 3/1/15 at Colorado L 13-37 ALL-TIME IFL RECORD: 7-13 Arena: Kay Yeager Coliseum (7,380) 1000 5th Street Wichita Falls, Texas 76301 Wichita Falls Nighthawks Gameday Roster Quarterbacks 1 – Charles McCullum 14 – Jerell Norton HT 6’2 6’0 WT 205 190 Running Backs 2 – Edward Wesley HT 5’9 WT 203 W ide Receivers 3 – Tyler Williams 4 – Jordan Jolly 5 – Ja-Mes Logan 10 – Tyron Laughinghouse 15 – Troy Evans HT 5’7 6’2 6’3 6’2 5’9 WT 175 205 190 185 195 Offensive Line 55 – Anthony Jackson 61 – Clint Marsh 72 – Antonio Foster 75 – Jarve Dean HT 6’5 6’4 6’3 6’4 WT 350 330 315 320 College/NFL Experience Arkansas State University Grambling State University University of Memphis University of Houston Defensive Line 11 – Terrance Lloyd 19 – Rodney Gnat 77 – Walter Thomas 99 – Malcolm Goines HT 6’4 6’4 6’5 6’2 WT 250 250 340 315 College/NFL Experience Baylor University/NFL-Texans University of Louisville Oklahoma State University Austin Peay State University Linebackers 17 – Max Davis HT 5’11 WT 225 College/NFL Experience University of Indianapolis Defensive Backs 9 – Cardelro Jones 16 – Charles Pugh 20 – Deante Purvis 21 – Danny Jackson 24 – Davon Key 25 – Neiko Conway 27 – Dominique Joseph HT 6’0 6’1 5’10 6’0 5’10 5’10 6’1 WT 190 215 195 210 205 210 190 College/NFL Experience Clemson University University of West Virginia UNLV/NFL-49ers Midwestern State University University of Tennessee-Chattanooga Midwestern State University University of Virginia Kicker 12 – Rockne Belmont HT 6’0 WT 180 College/NFL Experience Nothern Michigan University Head Coach: Billy Black Defensive Coord: Ernie Cooke Defensive Line: Ivory Howard College/NFL Experience Stillman College University of Arkansas College/NFL Experience Texas Christian University/NFL-Dallas Cowboys College/NFL Experience University of Akron Navarro College University of Mississippi/NFL-Patriots St. Augustine University Marshall University Individual stats against Green Bay LivestatscanbefoundontheIFL'[email protected]! PASSING LorenzoBrown RUSHING BrandonJohnson-Farrell KoreyWilliams LorenzoBrown CalebHolley MikeTatum RECEIVING CalebHolley MikeTatum BrandonJohnson-Farrell KoreyWilliams KICKING JustinSyrovatka KICKOFFS JustinSyrovatka KICKOFFRETURNS BrandonJohnson-Farrell KoreyWilliams CalebHolley INTERCEPTIONRETURNS CalebHolley FUMBLES LorenzoBrown DEFENSIVESTATISTICS # SIOUXFALLSSTORM YDS BRUP BLKS QBH 3 TylerKnight 6 15 ClaudeDavis 4 12 MattHermanson 24 CarltonWatkinsJr. 34 BrandonPeguese 6 ElijahFields 3 16 J'VontezBlackmon 13 JonSetzer 1 23 MikeTatum 1 95 BryanKeys 1 18 CalebHolley TOTALS 28 C-A YDS 14-21 155 TD 4 INT 1 ATT 11 4 4 1 2 YDS 65 25 21 4 4 AVG 5.9 6.3 5.3 4.0 2.0 LG 11 17 24 4 3 TD 1 3 0 0 1 NO 6 4 3 1 YDS 73 44 31 7 AVG 12.2 11.0 10.3 7.0 LG 21 23 19 7 TD 1 2 1 0 FG 1/1 LG 53 XP 7/8 PTS 10 NO 11 YDS 476 AVG 43.3 TB 0 OB 3 NO 3 2 2 YDS 64 48 32 AVG 21.3 24.0 16.0 LG 28 44 16 TD 0 0 0 NO 1 YDS 14 AVG 14.0 LG 14 TD 0 NO 1 LOST 1 SOLO AST TOTAL SACKS-YDS 2 2 2 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 12 - 2-15 7 5 5 - 3 - - 1-6 - 4-30 8 6 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 40 - 3-17 - - 1-9 - - - - 1-6 - 7-37 TFL-YDS - - 0.5-0 - 2.5-14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-14 1-14 FF FR-YDS INT- 1 1 - - - - 3 2 1 2 Sioux Falls Storm Coaches Head Coach: Kurtiss Riggs Kurtiss Riggs is entering his 14th season as head coach of the Sioux Falls Storm. Under his leadership, the Storm have won nine League Championships, including consecutive titles from 2005-2008 and most recently, 2011-2015 seasons. With Coach Riggs at the helm, the Storm achieved the longest winning streak of any professional sports team with 40 consecutive wins and complied a career record of 182-33. Coach Riggs is currently a teacher at Roosevelt High School and is the owner/director of POWER Riggs Premier Football Academy. He currently lives in Sioux Falls with his wife Leisa and their two children, Peyton and Afton. Coach Riggs has been named IFL coach year of the year four times. Has won nine league championships Defensive Coordinator: Brian Hermanson Brian Hermanson will be entering his fifth season on the Storm coaching staff. Hermanson boasts 33 years of coaching experience. Earlier in his coaching career, he served as the Defensive Coordinator at Roosevelt High School. He is best known for his remarkable success as the Head Coach at Washington High School from 2005-2012, compiling a 47-3 record during his tenure. Under Hermanson's leadership, WHS played in the 11AA State Championship game for six consecutive years and won the 11AA state title three of the last four years. Coach Hermanson also sent 51 of his players to play in college, 22 of them with Division I schools. Hermanson compiled a 47-3 record while While at Washington High School where he Coached teams who won three state championships. Defensive Backs/Special Teams Coach: Andrie Fields Fields will be entering his fifth season. Andre was a defensive back for the Storm from 2003-09. He also completed four interception touchdowns, tied for second, all-time. During his post-season career, Andre tallied 70.5 tackles, ranking second in the Storm's all-time post-season records. Fields started 108 consecutive games and assisted in four Storm championships. In 2005, Andre earned First Team All-UIF honors in the cornerback position. Andre currently resides in Sioux Falls with his family and works as a Territory Sales Representative for Forest Pharmaceuticals. Throughout his career, Fields tallied 311.5 tackles, which places him fourth all-time in Storm history. He completed his playing career with 13 interceptions, ranking sixth all-time and 76 pass breakups, second on the all-time list. During his 2005 season, he tallied 19 pass breakups, earning him a second ranking in all-team single season records. Quarterbacks Coach: Terrance Bryant Bryant will return for his third season as Quaterback Coach. He initially retired from indoor football after the Storm's 2010 championship run which ended with a loss in Billings Montana, but returned for the winning 2013 season. Upon his first retirement, his #5 jersey was also retired. A career with the Sioux Falls Storm spanning six consecutive seasons, from 2005-10, and again in 2013. Terrance left many achievements in the record books. Terrance led the Storm as quarterback from 2005-2010, 2013 and created a legacy for himself. In 2007, Bryant earned a UIF Conference All-Star selection. He is a resident of Sioux Falls working as a route manager for Pepsi Cola. He led the Sioux Falls Storm to four straight championships in 2005-08, along with a 40 game winning streak. He is a two-time United Bowl MVP (2006 and 2013) and the UIF League MVP in 2006. Defensive Line: Jared Fredenburg Fredenburg will be entering his second season with the Sioux Falls Storm. Coach Fredenburg started his coaching career at Roosevelt High School in 2002. Jared helped coach the Rough Riders to back-to-back state titles in 2006-07 and again in 2011. During the 2012 season, Fredenburg was promoted to Defensive Coordinator for Roosevelt's football program. Jared is a native of Edgeley, North Dakota, attending college at the University of Mary in Bismark, where he played as a defensive back. He obtained his Master's Degree at Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, South Dakota. Fredenburg currently teaches Social Studies at Roosevelt High School. He and his wife, Stacie, reside in Sioux Falls with their three children: Rachel, Kyle and Trevor. Offensive Line: Gerald Davis Davis will be joining the Storm for his first season with the Sioux Falls Storm. He played for the Storm during the 2011-13 seasons. During the 2011 season, he assisted the Storm win the Indoor Football League's United Bowl. Gerald played collegiately at Valdosta State University from 2004-2007, where he was an All-Conference offensive lineman and helped the Blazers win Division II National Titles in 2004 and 2007. After college, he then played two years in the Canadian Football League (CFL). He played for the Hamilton Tiger Cats in 2008 and the Edmonton Eskimos in 2009. Davis played in 2010 for the Billings Outlaws of the Indoor Football League (IFL).Gerald also spent time as a graduate assistant at VSU and Augustana University. He resides in Sioux Falls with his wife, Karen. Assistant Defensive Line: Cory Johnsen Cory Johnsen will be entering his first season with the Storm coaching staff.Cory boasts 10 years of indoor playing experience. Cory, an Aberdeen, SD native, originally came to the Sioux Falls Storm in 2006 and served as the Nose Tackle for 8 Championship seasons. Prior to playing for the Storm, he attended St. Cloud State University, a member of the NCC. Cory saw substantial playing time as a redshirt freshman, started 3 seasons for the team, and was 2nd Team All-NCC his Junior year, a season ending injury plagued his Senior season. During Cory's 10 year career with the Storm, he has numerous All League honors, Cory, his wife Nikki, and daughter Marley Mae currently reside in Sioux Falls. Cory is the Sales & Marketing Manager for the Sioux Falls Shopping News. Cory is is the Storm's All-Time Sack leader, tied for 2nd for Career TFL's, tied for 1st for Career Forced Fumbles, ranks 4th for Career Blocked Kicks, and holds a Career Win-Loss record of 150-16. All-Time Storm Records Name Pass Attempts Year Ryan Aulenbacher 401 2002 (14 games) Terrance Bryant 373 2009 (14 games) Terrance Bryant 371 2010 (14 games) Chris Dixon 363 2012 (14 games) Terrance Bryant 349 2007 (15 games) Terrance Bryant 340 2006 (15 games) Chris Dixon 332 2011 (14 games) Kurtiss Riggs 328 2001 (14 games) Chris Dixon 324 2014 (14 games) Terrance Bryant 321 2008 (14 games) Name Completions Chris Dixon 268 Terrance Bryant 256 Terrance Bryant 253 Ryan Aulenbacher 243 Chris Dixon 224 Terrance Bryant 222 Terrance Bryant 212 Terrance Bryant 210 Chris Dixon 200 Terrance Bryant 184 Year 2012 (14 games) 2010 (14 games) 2009 (14 games) 2002 (14 games) 20011 (14 games) 2007 (15 games) 2006 (15 games) 2008 (14 games) 2014 (14 games) 2005 (16 games) Name Passing Yards Year Chris Dixon 3,321 2012 Chris Dixon 2,856 2011 Ryan Aulenbacher 2,541 2002 Terrance Bryant 2,513 2009 Terrance Bryant 2,446 2007 Terrance Bryant 2,313 2010 Terrance Bryant 2,261 2006 Chris Dixon 2,237 2014 Terrance Bryant 2,037 2008 Kurtiss Riggs 2,003 2001 Name Passing TD's Chris Dixon 74 Chris Dixon 67 Terrance Bryant 52 Terrance Bryant 51 Terrance Bryant 51 Chris Dixon 50 Ryan Aulenbacher 45 Terrance Bryant 42 Lorenzo Brown 39 Kurtiss Riggs 35 Name Carries Sean Treasure Marques Smith Sean Treasure Marques Smith Justin Bivins Justin Bivins Sean Treasure Tory Harrison Chris Dixon James Jones 201 192 191 182 181 169 160 135 118 116 Year 2011 2012 2006 2009 2007 2014 2002 2010 2015 2001 (14 (14 (14 (14 (15 (14 (15 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) (14 (14 (15 (14 (15 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) (14 (15 (14 (15 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Year 2009 2007 2008 2006 2003 2004 2010 2013 2012 2011 Name Rushing Yards Sean Treasure 812 2009 Marques Smith 795 2007 Justin Bivins 723 2003 Marques Smith 720 2006 Chris Dixon 711 2012 Justin Bivins 665 2004 James Jones 621 2011 Sean Treasure 568 2008 Sean Treasure 567 2010 Tory Harrison 555 2013 Year (14 games) (15 games) (14 games) (15 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) Name Rushing TD's Marques Smith 32 Chris Dixon 30 Sean Treasure 25 Justin Bivins 21 Chris Dixon 21 Justin Bivins 20 James Jones 20 Sean Treasure 19 3 TIED 17 - 2007 2012 2009 2004 2011 2003 2011 2008 Year (15 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) Year 2010 2009 2002 2004 2011 2012 2008 2008 2015 2004 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 Receiving Name Receptions James Terry 94 James Terry 78 Corey Walker 76 Corey Walker 74 James Terry 74 Carl Sims 72 Bryan Alberty 71 James Terry 70 Judd Harrold 68 Matt Holmlund 67 Name Receiving Yards Carl Sims 1,108 James Terry 926 Corey Walker 881 James Terry 864 Kalen DeBoer 840 Judd Harrold 818 James Terry 796 Clinton Solomon 789 James Terry 777 Matt Holmlund 771 Name Clinton Solomon James Terry Judd Harrold Casey Veenhof Carl Sims James Terry James Terry James Terry James Terry 4 TIED 15 - Receiving TDs 27 22 22 20 20 19 18 17 16 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) 2012 2010 2002 2011 2001 2015 2008 2012 2009 2004 Year (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) Year 2012 2011 2015 2004 2012 2008 2010 2007 2006 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (15 (15 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Special teams Name Kick Return Yards James Jones 1,350 2005 Bryan Alberty 1,335 2008 Bobby Perkins 1,221 2002 Mike Scott 694 2006 Cody Jamison 684 2003 Leon Hall Jr. 670 2007 Korey Williams 664 Chad Gomarko 658 TJ Simmons 641 2009 Andy Traetow 582 2004 Name Kick Return TD's Bobby Perkins 4 2002 Korey Williams 4 2012 James Jones 4 2005 Chad Gomarko 3 2001 Bryan Alberty 3 2008 Torry Harrison 3 2014 James Terry 2 2010 Mike Scott 2 2006 12 TIED 1 Name MFG Return Yards Shannon Poppinga 237 Bobby Perkins 154 Bobby Perkins 144 Leon Hall Jr. 115 Mike Scott 104 Roy Polite 97 James Jones 85 Chad Gomrko 84 TJ Simmons 83 Shannon Poppinga 76 Name MFG Return TD's Shannon Poppinga 2 Shannon Poppinga 1 Brian McIntire 1 Sean Kelly 1 Roy Polite 1 Patrick Wells 1 Cory Johnsen 1 Year 2008 2003 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 Year (16 games) (14 games) (14 games) (15 games) (14 games) (15 games) 2012 (14 games) 2001 (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) Year (14 games) (14 games) (16 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (15 games) Year 2008 2004 2003 2007 2006 2013 2005 2001 2009 2003 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (15 (15 (14 (16 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Name FG % (MIN: 20 Att) Parker Douglass 60.0% Rob Zarrilli 59.0% Parker Douglass 58.8% Adam Hicks 56.5% Parker Douglass 55.6% Parker Douglass 52.0% Parker Douglass 50.0% Parker Douglass 50.0% Adam Hicks 48.9% Nate Krull 47.6% Year 2013 2010 2014 2004 2009 2012 2011 2015 2007 2002 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (15 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Name PAT % (MIN: 30 Att) Parker Douglass 95.7% Parker Douglass 93.1% Parker Douglass 93.0% Adam Hicks 92.5% Adam Hicks 91.9% Adam Hicks 89.9% Rob Zarrilli 89.6% Year 2011 2014 2012 2003 2004 2008 2010 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Parker Douglass Cody Butler Adam Hicks 88.5% 87.8% 86.5% 2013 (14 games) 2009 (14 games) 2006 (15 games) All Purpose Yards Name James Jones Bryan Alberty Leon Hall Jr. James Terry Sean Treasure Chad Gomarko James Jones James Terry Bobby Perkins Korey Williams Total Yards 2,198 1,842 1,467 1,416 1,411 1,352 1,349 1,345 1,332 1,329 Year 2005 2008 2007 2011 2009 2001 2011 2010 2002 2012 (16 (14 (15 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Scoring Name Marques Smith Sean Treasure Chris Dixon Clinton Solomon James Jones Justin Bivins James Terry James Terry James Jones Judd Harrold Total TDs 33 32 30 27 26 24 24 24 22 22 Year 2007 2009 2012 2012 2011 2004 2010 2011 2005 2015 (15 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (16 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Name Parker Douglass Adam Hicks Adam Hicks Rob Zarrilli Adam Hicks Adam Hicks Nate Krull Parker Douglass Nate Krull Adam Hicks Field Goals 27 26 25 23 22 21 20 20 19 19 Year 2013 2004 2005 2010 2007 2003 2002 2014 2001 2008 (14 (14 (16 (14 (15 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Name Parker Douglass Parker Douglass Parker Douglass Parker Douglass Adam Hicks Adam Hicks Adam Hicks Rob Zarrilli Adam Hicks Adam Hicks PATs 134 120 87 81 80 79 76 69 69 64 Year 2011 2012 2015 2014 2005 2004 2007 2010 2013 2006 (14 (14 (14 (14 (16 (14 (15 (14 (14 (15 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Name Marques Smith Sean Treasure Chris Dixon Parker Douglass Clinton Solomon Parker Douglass Adam Hicks James Jones Adam Hicks Parker Douglass Total Points 198 192 180 164 162 159 157 156 155 150 Year 2007 2009 2012 2011 2012 2012 2004 2011 2005 2013 (15 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (16 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Defense Name Mark Blackburn Tyler Knight Tyler Knight Donnie Hilsenroth Mark Blackburn Donnie Hilsenroth Mark Blackburn Justin Landis Mark Blackburn Tyler Knight Tackles 128.0 122.0 117.5 107.0 102.5 102.0 100.0 99.0 97.5 91.5 Name Tackles for Loss Nate Fluit 23.0 Rachman Crable 18.5 Tyler Knight 18.5 Jeremiah Price 18.0 Eze Obiora 18.0 Nate Fluit 16.5 Claude Davis 16.0 4 TIED 14.5 Name Sacks Nate Fluit 18.0 Nate Fluit 15.0 Nate Fluit 14.5 Leif Murphy 14.5 Rachman Crable Leif Murphy 12.0 Cory Johnsen 11.0 Nate Fluit 10.5 Austin Flyger 10.5 Cory Johnsen 10.5 Name Shannon Poppinga Bobby Perkins Donta Moore Justin Landis Bobby Perkins Jovan Jackson Bobby Perkins Shannon Poppinga Shannon Poppinga 9 TIED Year 2006 2003 2007 2007 13.5 2009 2009 2004 2006 2008 Year 2007 2013 2014 2002 2010 2001 2006 2006 2005 2015 Year 2003 2013 2014 2013 2015 2004 2015 - games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) (15 games) (14 games) (15 games) (15 games) 2010 (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (14 games) (15 games) (14 games) Interceptions 10 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 Name Pass Breakups Bobby Perkins 20 Andre Fields 19 Shannon Poppinga 18 Trice Crump 18 Shannon Poppinga 16 Shannon Poppinga 15 Shannon Poppinga 15 Shannon Poppinga 14 Bobby Perkins 14 Andre Fields 14 (15 (14 (14 (14 (14 (14 (15 (15 (16 (14 Year 2005 2001 2011 2007 2002 2011 2003 2007 2008 – Year 2002 2005 2002 2005 2008 2006 2007 2001 2003 2007 (14 (16 (14 (16 (14 (15 (15 (14 (14 (15 (16 (14 (14 (15 (14 (14 (14 (15 (14 games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) games) Individual Game Records Category Name Points Tory Harrison Passing Yards Chris Dixon Passing TD Chris Dixon Receiving (No.) Mike Tatum Receiving Yards James Terry Receiving TDS 3x, MR: Carl Sims Rushing Yards Sean Treasure Rushing TDs Chris Dixon Interceptions Matt Hermanson Adonis Armstrong Sacks Eze Obiora Tackles Tyler Knight KO Return Yards Korey Williams Field Goals Parker Douglass Game 3.15.15 3.9.12 3.26.11 5.18.12 3.14.11 4.23.11 5.23.09 6.1.12 6.13.15 5.31.15 5.17.14 3.26.11 6.9.12 3.2.13 Performance at COL 36 at WIC 403 at WIC 9 vs CHI 14 vs WEN 158 at BRI 5 at MUS 166 at WYO 5 at GB 2 at BEM 2 vs BEM 4 at WIC 21 vs COL 165 vs NEB 4 Awards Championships (9) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Conference titles (11) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Division titles (10) 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Retired Numbers 5 – Terrance Bryant – QB 46 - Donnie Hilensroth - LB 7 – Casey Veenhof – QB/WR 93 – Nate Fluit – DE 10 – Shannon Poppinga – S 14 – Mark Blackburn – LB/S 17 – Bobby Perkins – CB 21 – Corey Walker – WR 25 – Adam Hicks - K Awards and Honors 2002 Western Division Defensive MVP – Donnie Hilsenroth (LB) 2004 Pacific Conference Coach of the Year – Kurtiss Riggs Pacific Conference General Manager of the Year – Colin Steen South Dakota's Sportswriters Association "Top Independent Team" 2005 United Bowl I MVP – Adam Hicks (K) First Team All-UIF: Mark Blackburn (LB) Shannon Poppinga (S) Andre Fields (CB) James Jones (KR) Second Team All-UIF: Adam Hicks (K) Radio Broadcaster of the Year – Rich Roste Best Game Day Presentation Best Mascot – Blizzard Executive of the Year – Colin Steen 2006 UIF MVP – Terrance Bryant (QB) UIF Defensive Player of the Year – Nate Fluit (DL) UIF Most Improved – Marques Smith (RB) UIF Coach of the Year – Kurtiss Riggs United Bowl II MVP – Terrance Bryant (QB) First Team All-UIF: John Semchenko (OL) Nate Fluit (DL) Mark Blackburn (LB) Second Team All-UIF: Terrance Bryant (QB) Marques Smith (RB) Nate Scheuer (OL) Austin Flyger (DL) Best Mascot – Blizzard Best Game Day Operation UIF Executive of the Year – Colin Steen UIF Dance Team of the Year – Lightning Girls South Dakota's Sportswriters Association "Top Independent Team" 2007 United Bowl III MVP – Casey Veenhof (WR) UIF Coach of the Year – Kurtiss Riggs UIF Western Conference All-Star Terrance Bryant (QB) Marques Smith (RB) Leon Hall Jr. (WR) Paul Keizer (OL) Nate Fluit (DL) Leif Murphy (DL) Mark Blackburn (LB) Justin Landis (S) UIF Dance Team of the Year – Lightning Girls UIF's Best Public Address Announcer – JJ Hinsch UIF's Volunteers of the Year – Tom and Jean Slattery 2008 United Bowl IV MVP – Mark Blackburn (LB) Western Conference All-Star Sean Treasure (RB) James Terry (WR) Paul Keizer (OL) Cory Johnsen (DL) Mark Blackburn (LB) Shannon Poppinga (S) Bryan Alberty (KR) 2009 First Team All-IFL Bruce McCaleb (OL) Second Team All-IFL Sean Treasure (RB) Cory Johnsen (DL) 2010 Second Team All-IFL: James Terry (WR) Zac Tubbs (OL) 2011 IFL Best Game Operations IFL MVP – Chris Dixon (QB) IFL Offensive Player of the Year – Chris Dixon (QB) First Team All-IFL: Chris Dixon (QB) James Terry (WR) Myniya Smith (OL) Charlie Sanders (C) Second Team All-IFL James Jones (RB) Tommy Chavis (DL) Second Team Ironman (Excelled on Offense and Defense) Stewart Franks (S/WR) 2011 United Bowl MVP – Brian McIntire (LB) 2012 First Team All-IFL: Chris Dixon (QB) Carl Sims (WR) Myniya Smith (OL) Charlie Sanders (C) Second Team All-IFL Clinton Solomon (WR) DeJuan Fulghum (LB) IFL Offensive Player of the Year – Chris Dixon (QB) IFL MVP – Chris Dixon (QB) 2012 United Bowl MVP – Jeremiah Price (DE) 2013 First Team All-IFL: Myniya Smith (OL) Charlie Sanders (C) Rachman Crable (DL) Tyler Knight (LB) Parker Douglass (K) Second Team All-IFL: Jeremiah Price (DL) Roy Polite (CB) IFL Defensive Player of the Year – Tyler Knight (LB) 2013 United Bowl MVP – Terrance Bryant (QB) IFL's Top 10 Players of the 2013 Season: #2 Tyler Knight (LB) #4 Sioux Falls Storm Offensive Line: Charlie Sanders (C) Myniya Smith (OL) Gerald Davis (OL) 2014 IFL Hall of Fame Inductee: Terrance Bryant (QB) (2005–10, 2013) Rich Roste (Radio Voice) (2000–present) First Team All-IFL: Myniya Smith (OL) Charlie Sanders (C) Tyler Knight (LB) Tory Harrison (KR) Second Team All-IFL: Chris Dixon (QB) Eze Obiora (DE) Kyle Theret (S) Parker Douglass (K) IFL Best Fan Base IFL Offensive Player of the Year – Chris Dixon (QB) IFL Defensive Player of the Year – Tyler Knight (LB) 2014 United Bowl MVP (co-MVP's) Chris Dixon (QB) James Terry (WR) IFL's Top 10 Players of the 2014 Season: #2 Chris Dixon (QB) #3 Tyler Knight (LB) #6 First Team All-IFL Offensive Line: Charlie Sanders (C), Myniya Smith (OL) 2015 IFL Hall of Fame Inductee: Chris Dixon (QB) (2011–12, 14) First Team All-IFL: Judd Harrold (WR) Myniya Smith (OL) Charlie Sanders (C) Corey Johnsen (DL) DeQuan Starling (DB) Second Team All-IFL: Rashaud Mungro (OL) Tyler Knight (LB) Elijah Fields (LB/DB) IFL Best Fan Base IFL Community Relations Award IFL Coach of the Year – Kurtiss Riggs 2015 United Bowl MVP Brandon Johnson-Farrell (WR/KR) IFL's Top 10 Players of the 2015 Season: #4 Judd Harrold (WR) #8 Tory Harrison (RB) Single Game Records Category Name Game Performance Points Tory Harrison 3.15.15 at COL 36 Passing Yards Chris Dixon 3.9.12 Passing TD 3.26.11 at WIC 9 Chris Dixon at WIC 403 Receiving (No.) Mike Tatum 5.18.12 vs CI 14 Receiving Yards James Terry 3.14.11 vs WEN 158 Receiving TDS 3x,MR: Carl Sims 4.23.11 at BRI 5 Rushing Yards Sean Treasure 5.23.09 at MUS 166 Rushing TDs Chris Dixon 6.1.12 at WYO 5 Interceptions Matt Hermanson 6.13.15 at GB 2 Adonis Armstrong Sacks Tackles Eze Obiora Tyler Knight 5.31.15 at BEM 2 5.17.14 vs BEM 4 3.26.11 at WIC 21 KO Return Yards Korey Williams 6.9.12 vs COL 165 Field Goals Parker Douglass 3.2.13 vs NEB 4