OB3318 Demo Board Manual
OB3318 Demo Board Manual
(贝 纳 化 电 ) OB3318 Demo Board Manual OB3318 CCFL Inverter On -B ri gh t Co nf id en ti al to Bo na Fi de Introduction Manual © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -1- OB3318 Demo Board Manual ) Contents 电 Section1: Board Information (page3 to page7) 化 Page3: System function check list & test spec Page4: Test setup & equipments list (贝 纳 Page5: System schematic Page6: Bill of material Page7: PCB gerber file Section2: Test report (page8 to page26) de Page8: System striking frequency & striking voltage Fi Page9: Striking process control and striking timer Page10: Normal operating frequency & voltage Page11: Soft start time na Page12: Soft on/off time Bo Page13: Internal burst mode dimming control (1: Max. brightness) Page14: Internal burst mode dimming control (2: Medium brightness) Page15: Internal burst mode dimming control (3: Min. brightness) to Page16: Internal analog mode dimming control (1: Max. brightness) Page17: Internal analog mode dimming control (2: Medium brightness) ti al Page18: Internal analog mode dimming control (3: Min. brightness) Page19: External LPWM mode dimming control (1: 80% brightness) Page20: External LPWM mode dimming control (2: 20% brightness) Page21: MOSFET VGS & Transformer primary terminal waveform en Page22: System power voltage ripple (continues mode & burst mode dimming) id Page23: System inrush current (continues mode & burst mode dimming) Page24: Open lamp protection in normal operating condition nf Page25: Output current wave crest factor On -B ri gh t Co Page26: System efficiency © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -2- OB3318 Demo Board Manual Board Information Item Check list 电 No. ) 1. System function check list: 化 Main control IC: OB3318 Half bridge Dimming mode: Burst mode, analog mode, external LPWM mode Lamp quantity: 100K dummy load X1 Inf. (贝 纳 A Input voltage: typical 12V Result Operation frequency: 48KHz~52KHz Burst frequency: 195Hz~205Hz Turns ratio: 20:2485 de Endure voltage: 1500V rms 60sec B Secondary leakage inductor: 200mH+10% X’FMR Open lamp voltage less than 95% of endure voltage? Fi Secondary DCR: 770ohm+15% OK Striking voltage higher than lamps’ start up voltage (1000V)? OK na Normal running voltage less than 85% of endure voltage? Striking Time Striking time >1S? 2 Input Current E Switching OK Inrush current less than Spec. or I T? OK Normal running current less than 60% of Spec. (1A)? OK Operating range of VGS less than 90%of Spec. (+25V)? OK Operating range of VDS less than 90%of Spec. (+30V)? OK ti al to D Bo C OK Balance Current difference less than 1mA? none G Efficiency Higher than 80%? OK 72 hours run in test OK en F o 24 hours 40 C burn in test Reliability none o -20~70 C thermal shock test none Vibration test none Item DIM ENA Co 2. Test spec: nf id H Freq Remark 1 12V 3V 5V <100mA - - 2 t IOUT gh IIN 12V 3V 5V <2A 6-7mA 48-52KHz IOUT (max) & Operating frequency test 3 12V 0V 5V <800mA 0.5-1.5mA 195-205Hz IOUT (min) & burst frequency test ri VIN Open lamp test: inverter shutdown 4 12V 3V 0.5V <100mA 0 - On -B On/off test: inverter shutdown © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -3- OB3318 Demo Board Manual ① ② ③ Amplifier HV GND Bo Inverter ENA System board DIM 100Kohm na Fi ④ de (贝 纳 12V 0~3V 5V Current Oscilloscope 化 DC Power Supply 电 ) 3. Test setup & equipments: RTN LOAD to Vin+ ti al 1Kohm Multimeter Test equipment Model Vendor ① DC Power Supply GPS-3303C 3CH GW INSTEK ② Oscilloscope Wave Surfer 424 LeCrow ③ Current Amplifier TCP 300 Tektronix ④ High Voltage Probe P6015A 1000X Tektronix ⑤ Multimeter 45 FLUKE On -B ri gh t Co Item nf id en ⑤ © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -4- © On-Bright Electronics -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 C5 2.2uF Q1 2N3904 R4 10 C2 10nF R1 10K VIN 5V F1 1uF C4 39nF C3 1A VS 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10K R2 OB 3318 P-GAT E VDDA VS ST IME NC CS DIM SV D N-GAT E PGND RI RT AGND 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LOAD: 100Kohm Dummy Load ENA: Disable, 0-0.8V; Enable, 2-5V C7 R6 10K R5 82K 33 R10 33 R9 R7 110K 10nF C8 C6 100nF R8 33K 10nF CP 2 Open CP 1 Open P-GAT E NC C12 51K R14 5 C11 2.2uF C10 2.2uF T1 C15 15nF C14 15pF 3KV 100pF 3KV C13 ) 电 430 R13 100nF C17 D2 BA V99 化 (贝 纳 D1 BA V99 de Fi 9 4,5,6 8 20:2485 1,2,3 U2 AO4606 C16 100nF N-GAT E R12 1M VS na Bo R11 10K N-GAT E to 5V C9 47nF ZD2 5.6V P-GAT E ti al en id nf BF/DMOD C1 22uF Co CMP/S ST ENA U1 t gh DIM: 3V, Max. Brightness; 0V, Min. Brightness VIN: 12V Typical ZD1 5.6V R3 10K VIN VIN VIN GND GND DIM ENA CN1 ri -B 6 D2 4 G2 7 D2 3 S2 8 D1 G1 2 D1 S1 1 On L H CN20 OB3318 Demo Board Manual 4. System Schematic: Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 OB3318 Demo Board Manual 5. Bill of material: Parts Designator QTY OB3318/SOP16 U1 1 AO4606(N+P MOSFET) U2 1 22uF/25V/1812 C1 1 10nF/25V/0805 C2,C7,C8 3 39nF/25V/0805 C3 1 1uF/25V/0805 C4 1 2.2uF/50V/0805 C5,C10,C11 3 100nF/25V/0805 C6,C16,C17 3 47nF/25V/0805 C9 NC C12 100pF/3KV/1808 C13 15pF/3KV/1808 C14 15nF/50V/0805 C15 Cost 化 电 ) IC 0 Bo na 1 1 1 R1 10K/0805 R2,R3,R6,R11 4 10ohm/0805 R4 1 62K/0805 R5 1 ti al to 10K/1206 1 R7 1 R8 1 R9,R10 2 R12 1 R13 1 R14 1 ZD1,ZD2 2 BAV99 Dual Diode D1,D2 2 1A Fuse/1206 F1 1 33K/1%/0805 en 33ohm/0805 430ohm/1%/0805 51K/0805 nf Other id 1M/0805 Co 5.6V Zener Diode T1 1 2N3904/SOT23 Q1 1 6PIN Connector CN1 1 2PIN HV Connector CN2 1 PCB OB3318 DEMO BOARD B2 1 ri gh t UI9.8 Transformer On -B de Fi 1 Resistors 110K/1%/0805 (贝 纳 Capacitors © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -6- OB3318 Demo Board Manual 6. PCB Gerber File: de (贝 纳 化 电 ) Top layer: ti al to Bo na Fi Bottom layer: On -B ri gh t Co nf id en Top overlay: © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -7- OB3318 Demo Board Manual Test Report ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 1. System striking frequency & striking voltage en CH1: Gate1 Striking frequency: 68.1KHz id CH2: None CH3: Output voltage Striking voltage: 1.242KV nf CH4: Output current On -B ri gh t Co *Start with lamp open then check output voltage © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -8- OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 2. Striking process control and striking timer CH1: Gate1 Striking time approximately is 1.3S CH3: Striking voltage en CH2: VS Regulated to 3.08V id CH4: STIME Shutdown when STIME voltage rises to 2.72V threshold On -B ri gh t Co nf *Start with lamp open then check output voltage and it’s maintain time © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 -9- OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 3. Normal operating frequency & voltage CH1: Gate1 Normal operating frequency: 51.9KHz CH3: Output voltage On -B ri gh t Co nf id CH4: Output current en CH2: None © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 10 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 4. Soft start time CH1: Gate1 CH2: CMP Soft start time: 10.0mS en CH3: CS id CH4: Output current nf *Soft start function can reduces the inrush current and avoids unnecessary stresses with other inverter On -B ri gh t Co components and CCFL lamp. © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 11 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual On -B ri gh t Co nf id en ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 5. Soft on/off time CH1: Gate1 CH2: CMP Soft on time:536.7uS, Soft off time: 611.9uS CH3: CS CH4: Output current © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 12 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 6. Internal burst mode dimming control (1: Max. brightness) CH1: None CH3: DIM DIM=3.154V en CH2: BF Burst frequency: 196.8Hz id CH4: Output current Output current: 6.82Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 and CP2 open © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 13 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 6. Internal burst mode dimming control (2: Medium brightness) CH1: None CH3: DIM DIM=1.577V en CH2: BF Burst frequency: 196.7Hz id CH4: Output current Output current: 4.82Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 and CP2 open © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 14 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 6. Internal burst mode dimming control (3: Min. brightness) CH1: None CH2: BF Burst frequency: 196.2Hz en CH3: DIM DIM=0V id CH4: Output current Output current: 1.54Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 and CP2 open © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 15 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual CH1: None CH3: DIM DIM=3.01V en CH2: BF Set to high (>3.5V) ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 7. Internal analog mode dimming control (1: Max. brightness) id CH4: Output current Output current: 6.82Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 short and CP2 open © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 16 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual CH1: None CH3: DIM DIM=1.509V en CH2: BF Set to high (>3.5V) ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 7. Internal analog mode dimming control (2: Medium brightness) id CH4: Output current Output current: 4.87Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 short and CP2 open © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 17 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual CH1: None CH2: BF Set to high (>3.5V) en CH3: DIM DIM=0V ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 7. Internal analog mode dimming control (3: Min. brightness) id CH4: Output current Output current: 2.95Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 short and CP2 open © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 18 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual CH1: None CH2: BF Set to low (<0.5V) ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 8. External LPWM mode dimming control (1: 80% brightness) en CH3: DIM LPWM frequency: 200Hz, duty:80% id CH4: Output current Output current: 5.89Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 open and CP2 short © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 19 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual CH1: None CH2: BF Set to low (<0.5V) ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 8. External LPWM mode dimming control (2: 20% brightness) en CH3: DIM LPWM frequency: 200Hz, duty:20% id CH4: Output current Output current: 2.66Ma On -B ri gh t Co nf *Test with CP1 open and CP2 short © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 20 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 9. MOSFET VGS & Transformer primary terminal waveform CH1: N-GATE CH2: P-GATE en CH3: Transformer primary terminal A V_ds1 voltage: 15.0V (pk-pk) id CH4: Transformer primary terminal B nf Ma: Transformer primary voltage waveform On -B ri gh t Co *Check VDS voltage, make sure that it’s less than 60% of MOSFET Spec. © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 21 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual On -B ri gh t Co nf id en ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 10. System power voltage ripple (continues mode & burst mode dimming) CH1: VIN System power voltage ripple: 234mV(continues mode) & 238mV(burst mode) CH2: None CH3: None CH4: None © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 22 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual On -B ri gh t Co nf id en ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 11. System inrush current (continues mode & burst mode dimming) CH1: None CH2: None CH3: None CH4: System input current None inrush current issue © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 23 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 12. Open lamp protection in normal operating condition. CH1: N-GATE Protection delay time: 21.1mS CH2: CMP id en CH3: CS On -B ri gh t Co nf *In normal operation condition, suddenly move out lamp, the inverter should shutdown within 20ms © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 24 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual ti al to Bo na Fi de (贝 纳 化 电 ) 13. Output current wave crest factor CH1: None CH2: None en CH3: None Ioutput_pk - pk 20mA = = 1.49 2 • Ioutput_rm s 2 • 6.70mA Co Crest factor: nf id CH4: Output current wave Ioutput_rms: 6.70mA, Ioutput_pk-pk: 20mA On -B ri gh t Spec.: 1.414+10%=(1.2726~1.5554) © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 25 - OB3318 Demo Board Manual 14. System efficiency 电 ) Test in max brightness condition (DIM>3.0V). 化 Output current: 6.57mA, Load impedance: 99Kohm, output power: 4.273W (贝 纳 Input voltage: 12.1V, input current: 0.40A, input power rate: 4.84W On -B ri gh t Co nf id en ti al to Bo na Fi de System efficiency:4.273/4.84=88.3% © On-Bright Electronics Confidential OB_DOC_DBM_18A0 - 26 -