improving vocabulary mastery through wordworld programs on
improving vocabulary mastery through wordworld programs on
IMPROVING VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH WORDWORLD PROGRAMS ON PLAYHOUSE DISNEY CHANNEL (A Classroom Action Research of the Fourth Year Students of SD Negeri Wirogomo 02 Banyubiru in the Academic Year of 2010 / 2011) A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Departement of Education Faculty By: IKA CHRISTIYAWATI 113 07 106 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) OF SALATIGA 2011 MOTTO “Working, Learning, and Good Relations by heart” DEDICATION This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1. My beloved father and mother (Mr. Satiyo and Mrs. Menik), thanks for all support, trust, finance and encouragement. 2. My special someone and younger sister (Maz. Fedly Azaly and Dex. Reza), thanks for your kindness and togetherness. 3. All of lecturers of STAIN Salatiga, thanks a lot for your guidance and advice 4. My best teachers in SD N Wirogomo 02 (Mr.Sumardi, Mr.Nugroho, Mrs Mujiati, etc), thanks for your support. 5. My best friends, Aschurotun Nadziroh, Shinta, PnG (Nany, Iin, Hera Mb.Lina, Putri, Wafiq, Thoyib, Sari) 6. Someone who indirectly gives me support in doing this graduating paper 7. My friends in TBI’07 especially TBI D’07 Everyone who knows me and reads this graduating paper ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb Alhamdulillahirabil’alamin, all praises be to Allah the lord of the universe. Due to His blessing, eventually, the researcher could finish this graduating paper without any obstacle. Our blessing and praises to our prophet Muhammad who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness. However, the researcher will not be able to finish this graduating paper well without any help, guidance, and support from other people. Therefore, the writer would like to thanks to: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, as the head of State Institute for Islamic studies (STAIN) of Salatiga. 2. Suwardi, M.Pd, as the chief of education faculty 3. Maslihatul Umami, M.A, as chief of English department, thanks for your help and guidance 4. Ruwandi, M.A, as consultant of this graduating paper who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion and recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. 5. All lecturers of English department, (Mr. Hanung Triyoko S.S, M.Hum,M.Ed, Mr. Ari Setiawan, MA, Mr. Noorwanto, M.Hum, H. Dr. Mr. Sa'adi, Mr. Faisal, M.Hum, Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, S.PdI, MA, Mrs. Woro, M.Pd, Mrs. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE…………………………………………………………………………… i DECLARATION………………………………………………………………. ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES……………………………………........ iii PAGE OF CERTIFICATION……………………………………………….... iv MOTTO …………………………………………………..….………………… v DEDICATION…………...……………………………………………………. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT……..……………………………………………….. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS…………..………………………………………...... ix ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… xii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study…………………................................... 1 B. The are several problem……………………………………… 4 C. The Limitation of the Problem……………………………….. 5 D. The Statement of the Problem…..…….…..………………..... 5 E. Objective of the Study…………...……..….………….…...... 6 F. The Benefits of Study……...……………...………………… 6 G. Hypothesis………………………………………………….... 7 H. Definition of the Key Term…..……….…..…………………. 9 I. Research Methodology…………………………………….... 10 J. Research Paper Organization……………………….………..11 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW A. Media….................................................................................. 16 1. Definition of Media………………………………… 16 2. The Types of Media…….………………………….. 18 3. Language Teaching and Learning Media……...……. 19 4. Advantages of Using Media in Language Teaching and Learning…….………………………………….. 25 B. The General Concept of Cartoon Movie…………………… 26 1. Definition of Grammar……………………………... 30 2. “WordWorld” WHERE WORDS COME ALIVE, Cartoon Movie…………………………………… 27 C. Vocabulary………………………………………………….. 27 1. The Definition of Vocabulary……………………… 27 2. The Type of Vocabulary…………………………… 29 3. Aspect of Teaching Vocabulary……………………. 30 4. The Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary…………... 36 D. The Important of Cartoon for Learning Vocabulary……….. 38 E. Teaching Names of Object at Elementary School………….. 39 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH REPORT A. General Description of SD N Wirogomo 02………………... 42 1. The Location of SD N Wirogomo 02…...………………. 42 2. The List of Educational Facilities and Tools ………….... 43 3. Organization Structure………………………………….. 44 4. The List of Teachers and Staffs………………………… 45 5. The Distribution of Class……………………………….. 47 B. The Subject of the Study……………...………….……........ 48 C. Evaluation Instrument………………………….…….…….. 50 CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSION A. Data Presentation..…………………………………………. 52 1. Student Interest…………………………………………. 54 2. Distribution of Interest………….…………………..…. 115 B. Analysis……………….………………….………………... 115 1. Teaching Implementation………..……..……………… 115 2. Individual Achievement………………………………. 121 3. Class Achievement…………………………………...... 124 C. The Calculation of the Test Result…………...……............. 125 D. discussion……………………………………………….…. 134 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion………...……………………………...……....... 135 B. Implication…………………………………..…………...... 136 C. Suggestions……………...………………………..……...... 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIXES CURRICULUM VITTAE ABSTRACT Ika Christiyawati (11307106) "IMPROVING VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH WORDWORLD PROGRAMS ON PLAYHOUSE DISNEY CHANNEL,(A Classroom Action Research of the Fourth Year Students of SD Negeri Wirogomo 02 Banyubiru in the Academic Year of 2010 / 2011) Graduating Paper. Salatiga: Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri, August 2011. The purposes of this research are divided into two parts. The first purpose of this research is to find out whether or not Media improves the vocabulary mastery of the 4th year students of SD N Wirogomo 02 in the academic year of 2010/2011. The second purpose is to find out the significant difference of vocabulary mastery of the 4th year students of SD N Wirogomo 02 in the academic year of 2010/2011 after the use of cartoon movie. This is classroom action research consists of three cycles. The researcher uses test, documents and observation to collect the data. The data were analyzed and calculated by using t-test formula. If t0 is the same or greater than tt, null hypothesis is rejected. The calculation showed that t0 is greater than tt, it means that there is significant difference after the use of cartoon movie. The researcher concluded that Media improves vocabulary mastery and interest of the 4th year students of SD N Wirogomo 02 in the academic year of 2010/2011. Keywords: Cartoon Movie, vocabulary mastery CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study In order to use a language correctly and properly in communication, one has to master sufficient vocabulary. The writer thinks that many people agree about the previous statement because vocabulary plays an important role in many cases of both receptive and productive process of language. For instance, one cannot understand what he hears/reads if he does not have any idea about the vocabulary which he hears/reads. One cannot express what he wants to say/write as well if he has no idea about what correct/proper words to express. Vocabulary is one of the language components that are very important for communication. If we have less vocabulary, we will not understand what people say. Vocabulary is needed to improve the four language skills that consist of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary is one of the most important language components. Most of the students in SD N Wirogomo 2 get many difficulties to learn English, because of vocabulary mastery. They have lots of problems in the mastery. It can be seen from the result of the mid semester test because the average of the class is just 4,5. It is because the students did not know the meaning of quastions when they do the tests. The proof says that most of the students of SD Wirogomo 2 are not easy to remember English words. The writer assumes that this may be caused by several reasons. First, the students do not have interest in the teaching learning process. Interest is an awareness of someone that an object or case (matter) or situation always deals with him (Djamil, 1997: 70. Interest will appear when the students are aware toward education or information they need. At school, teachers often find out that the students are not interested in learning a subject matter. It also happens in learning English, because they do not have knowledge about the correlation between the subject matter and themselves. It becomes the teachers’ responsibility to give motivation by arranging the conducive situation, so the students will be aware that there is correlation between the subject matter and their life. For example, the teachers should give support and explanation to the students that learning English is very important to their life in this globalization era. The teachers also need to give explanation toward their students about the benefits of leaning English to their life later. Secondly, teachers are still having less creativity when teaching English. Usually they just explain materials without any game, so it can make students bored. Consequently, they must build the interest of the students to learn English by using varieties of methods. For example, the teachers may use watching cartoon movies in teaching-learning process because animation picture with sound, will interest them. Finally, the uses of media and method are not appropriate with the situation of students. Media and method are important in English learning process. Media and method help to understand teacher explanations easily. However, the use of them be must adjusted with the students’ need. The researcher believes that the appropriate use of them will influence their interest and understanding. The fact says that the media and method are unappropiate, thus the students are less interested to sit in. The uncondusive situation is also found in SD N WIROGOMO 02. In English teaching-learning prosses, teacher has not used media or method that can be used to increase the interest and achivement of the students. Therefore, the use of them must be improved. Based on the facts above, the researcher tries to use WordWorld cartoon movies in teaching English in SD N WIROGOMO 02 to improve vocabulary mastery. The researcher believes that cartoon movies can be one of the solutions in the learning. Wordworld is the cartoon movies in the forms of pictures and sounds. By cartoon movies it is expected that students are able to remember English words easily because this presented in words, pictures and sounds. Cartoon movies are necessary to vocabulary mastery because teaching in one hand and the vocabulary mastery on the other hand are complicated. Therefore, audio-visual aids, such as cartoon movie “WordWorld” programs on playhouse Disney channel, that are available in many cartoon movies are a great help in stimulating foreign language study particularly in teaching vocabulary. Through the ways students will use their ears, their eyes, and brain to think about this the language expression. In addition writer expects that, they may make students easy to pronounce words correctly and remember the meaning of words in the long term. Based upon the explanations above, the writer is interested in conducting a research entitles: IMPROVING VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH WORDWORLD PROGRAMS ON PLAY HOUSE DISNEY CHANNEL, (A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEACH OF THE FOURTH YEAR STUDENTS OF SD NEGERI 2 WIROGOMO BANYUBIRU IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/2011). B. Identification of the problem There are several problems faced by SD N Wirogomo 02 based individually and collectively. They may come from linguistic and non linguistic factors. In terms of vocabulary study, the researcher assumes the problems can be identified as follow: 1. The teacher uses traditional method to teach vocabulary in which students are supposed to memorize a set of vocabularies as it is with less teaching media. 2. The teacher uses conventional teaching strategy. 3. The teacher still uses pure speech. 4. The teacher does not envalue students for their better achievement. 5. Teacher more likes to explain rather than to apply the vocabulary taught. C. The Limitation of the Problem In this research, the writer will limit the problems as follows: 1. The object of the study is limited for the passive vocabulary mastery, in SD N Wirogomo 02. 2. The accuracy will be focused on meaning, spelling and pronunciation. 3. The media which are used in teaching and learning process are cartoon movie WordWorlds (where the words come alive). D. The Statement of the problem Based on problems above the researcher formulates the research questions as follow: 1. How far is the use of WordWorld cartoon movie to improve the students’ interest to study vocabulary of the fourth year students of SD N WIROGOMO 02 in academic year of 2010/2011? 2. Is there any significant difference of vocabulary mastery of the fourth year students of SD N WIROGOMO 02 in academic year of 2010/2011, after the use of WordWorld cartoon movie? E. Objective of the study The objectives of this study are: 1. To find out how far the use of WordWorld cartoon movie can improve the students’ interest to study vocabulary of the fourth year students of SD N WIROGOMO 02 in the academic year of 2010/2011? 2. To find out whether there is significant difference in using WordWorld cartoon movie in improving the vocabulary mastery of the fourth year students of SD N WIROGOMO 02 in the academic year of 2010/2011? F. The Benefits of the Study It is expected that the result of this research contributes some significant progresses in teaching vocabulary. The significances of this research are: 1. For the students in general, the study could enhance the students’ interest and improve the students’ vocabulary mastery then. 2. For teachers, the study providing input in enriching their teaching techniques to be implemented in the classroom. 3. For the school, the study will enrich teaching techniques in the school. 4. For the researcher, the study could bring her to a better understanding of improving students’ vocabulary mastery and give practical contributions to her on how to improve students’ vocabulary mastery using WordWorld cartoon movie. 5. For other researcher, the study could become a kind of references to conduct the same type of research. G. Hyphothesis Hyphothesis is a tentative answer to research question (Azwar, 2010:49). In this research, the writer gives upcoming hyphothesis that there is a significant influence of using WordWorld programs on Playhouse Disney Channel toward students’ improvement in vocabulary mastery. H. Definition of the Key Terms The writer wants to clarify and explain the terms of the title to make understandable meaning, they are following: 1. Vocabulary Mastery Vocabulary is one of aspects in English. It is very important for studying English. Learner who just learns grammar without vocabulary will get difficulties to convey what he or she wants to say. However, learner who just learn vocabulary or just read text or open dictionary will be able to say something (Harmer, 2001; 13). Vocabulary is needed to improve the four English skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This means that the vocabulary plays an important role for the study in their field of study. The students, who are less in vocabulary, will be difficult in understanding the text, unable to speak English, and difficult to write their own idea. In addition, students with a small vocabulary also read slowly because they do not understand many of words or have to stop and look them up in dictionary (Edwards, 2006; 177). Vocabulary is one of the five core components of reading instruction that is essential to successfully teach children how to read. These core components include phonemic awareness, phonics and word study, fluency, Vocabulary, and comprehension (National Reading Panel, 2000). According to Krasen (1993:155), vocabulary is basic to communication if acquirers do not recognize the meaning of the key words used by those who address them; they will be unable to participate in the conversation. It is also very important for the acquisition process. Mastery is a complete control or the state of having control over something superiority in competition, victory eminent skill, or through knowledge (Hornby,1974:153). 2. “WORDWORLD” programs on Playhouse Disney Channel. WORDWORLD Program is a kind of an educative children program (for 3 to 7 years old) on TV which has got three-time Emmy Award-winning, partially funded by the U.S. Department of Education. In each WordWorld television episode, it shows a real interesting education in learning English. A word is built correctly, it morphs into the thing it represents, which gives instant meaning to the word and makes learning to read a playful and entertaining experience for children. WordWorld program was broadcasted at the first on September, 3rd, 2007, which was on PBS KIDS and TV Ontario. After that, this program gets rank as one of the top five children shows on all broadcasters globally. Therefore, after knowing that this program is successful, is broadcasted in Knowledge Networks, EBS in Korea, TVB Pearl in Hong Kong, Playhouse Disney Asia in 19 countries, Playhouse Disney Japan, Playhouse Disney India, Playhouse Disney Australia, France 5, Discovery Kids Latin America, Panda and Singapore 12. Since September 2010 the show could not hold the license to PBS Kids. The content of this program is full of educational content which is based on National Reading Panels 2000 teaching children to read, Besides, it focuses on print awareness, phonics sensitivity and letter knowledge, reading comprehension (including vocabulary development) and socio-emotional skills. Wordworld was developed for television by Emmy award winner Olexa Hewryk and Don Moody. Moody was originally inspired by a study which found that children are likely to pay less attention to words if there is a character on screen at the same time so he founded WordWorld, LLC. In Moody’s opinion, WordWorld’s use of characters that physically resemble the letters that make up their names may cause children to pay more attention to words. “If children want to look at the character, then the words have to be the character,” he said. I. Research Methodology 1. The Setting of the Research The research is be conducted in SD N WIROGOMO 02 which is located at Jl. Argo kelir-Wirogomo km.5 Banyubiru. The subject of this research are the students of the fourth grade in the academic year of 2010/2011. The students are from various areas with various levels of economics conditions. Most of the students have the difficulties in vocabulary mastery and they have under averarage ability. 2. Method of the Research The research method used in this study is a classroom action research. There are some definition of action research. Hopkins say in book (Basrowi and Suwandi, 2008:27) that action research is a form of self reflective inquiry undertaken by participant in a social (including educational) situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of: (1) their own social or educational practices, (2) their understanding of these practices, and (3) the situations in which practices are carried out. The second definion states that Classroom Action Research refers to an accurateness toward learning activity in which it appears intentionally and occurs together in a class. The third is a definition quoted from Division of Education, Indiana University, South Bend which states that Classroom Action Research is research designed to help a teacher find out what is happening in his or her own classroom, and to use that information to take action for future improvement (Basrowi and Suwandi, 2008:27). 3. The Procedures of the Research Since this is a classroom action research, procedures. The procedures are divided into three cycles. The procedures are as follows: a. Action Planning The activities in the planning are: 1) Preparing materials, making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action. 2) Preparing list of students’ name and scoring. 3) Preparing teaching aids. 4) Preparing sheets for classroon observation (to know the situation of teaching learning process when the method or technique or mode is applied). 5) Preparing a test, (to know whether student’s vocabulary improves or not) b. Action Research 1) Introduction/ greeting. 2) Checking the student’s presences. 3) Asking the student about the vocabulary related to the materials. 4) Giving pre-test. 5) The use of cartoon movie media in class. 6) Asking the students orally about the cartoon movie media. 7) Giving post- test. c. Observation Observation is one of the method used in collecting the data. As a scientific method, observation can be sistematically used to observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students’ feeling, thinking and something they do in teaching- learning process etc. d. Reflection The result of the observation is analyzed. It is to record what happens that in observation. Then, researcher will examine the result of the action research that has been conducted. Through the reflection researcher will know the strength and weakness of implementing cartoon movie Wordworld Programs as the media of learning in language class. Beside that there is a new problem in the cycles 1 the researcher must solve the problem in the next cycles. The cycles above can be drawn below: Fig. 4.1. The research spiral taken from Kemmis and Mc. Tanggart (1993:48). 4. Technique of Collecting Data a. Test Test are sequence question, which for measuring or evaluating how far the ability, knowledge, intelligence or attitude someone process either individual or collective (Arikunto, 1992:139). Therefore two kinds of test namely pretest and posttest. The purpose of pretest is to know the result of students’ vocabulary mastery before the researcher teaches by using cartoon movie. After the researcher implementation cartoon movie in English learning process, the researcher carries out posttest to will know the increasing of the student’s vocabulary mastery. b. Documentations Documentation is a number of data that presents the verbal data such as correspondence, journal, memory, report and others which can be mutually responsible (Arikunto, 1996: 236). This method is used to get the data about school which is used as object of the research. The documentary data are achieves from letters, journal and others. The documentation used is in the form of notes, book, transcript and the history book of SD N Wirogomo 02. This method is used to know about the school, the condition of teachers, staff, students and the location of the school. c. Observation Observation focuses about activities to an object using all of five senses (Arikunto, 1996:139). This method is easily used to find concrete data. The researcher is able to monitor directly, for examples the condition of buildings and the geographical location. Observation is to examine students’ interest in classroom activity. To know their interest, the researcher formulates the indicator of interest first and on spread instruments used along the observations. In this case, the researcher role is as the teacher. The researcher used field note which is used to observe and to know the situation and activities during teaching-learning process. By using field note, the researcher would like to know class situation and participation of students. Observation is action which is form interpretation and values of theory. 5. Technique of Data Analysis The next activity is analyzing the data. The data is analyzed in two ways; a) Descriptive technique Descriptive technique is used to know students’ participation and their activities in classroom. In this case, the writer use field notes in which record all of activities in classroom. b) Statistical technique This technique is used to know the result of students pre-test and post-test in the three cycles. This technique is applying t-test analysis. The steps as follows; 1. SD The first step, the research will calculate SD, the formula is: Where: SD = standard deviation D = dereferences between pretest and posttest {posttest-pretest} N = the number of subject 2. T-test After calculate the SD, the researcher will calculate t-test, the formula is: Where: t = the result of t-test calculation SD = the result of standard deviation N = the number of subject J. Research Paper Organization This paper is divided into six chapters. This consists of background of study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, benefit of the study, and paper organization. The second chapter is theories which consist of cartoon movies, interest, vocabulary mastery and cartoon movies in teaching vocabulary. The third chapter research report is methodology of research which consists of kind of research, approach of research, population, sample, technique of data collection, technique of data analysis, procedure of research, hypothesis action,. The fourth chapter is teaching implementation and data analysis which consists of cycle 1, cycle II, cycle III, analysis of cycle I, II and III. The last chapter is closure which consists of conclusion and suggestion. Bibliography Appendix CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Media 1. The Definition of Media Media is a Latin word, the plural form of the word medium, which means carrier; or a mean for conveying ideas or communication, or an intermediate state or condition halfway between two extremes (Microsoft® Encarta® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved) Oemar Hamalik says: “Yang di maksud media pendidikan adalah alat, metode dan tehnik yang digunakan dalam rangka lebih mengefektifakn komunikasi dan interaksi antara guru dengan siswa dalam proses pendidikan dan pengajaran di sekolah” (Hamalik, 1997 : 23 ) Media are equipment method, and technique used to make communication more effective and interaction between teacher and students in teaching and learning in schools. Thus, the goals of using media in teaching-learning process are to make the communication and interaction between teacher and students more effective. Gagne in Sadiman, (2008: 6) says: media adalah berbagai jenis komponen dalam lingkungan siswa yang dapat merangsangnya untuk belajar. Gagne in Sadiman, (2008:6) book says media is several kinds of component around student environment use to encourage students to learn. Briggs in Sadiman, (2008: 6) say that: media adalah segala alat fisik yang dapat menyajikan pesan serta merangsang siswa untuk belajar.contohnya, buku, film, kaset, dan film bingkai. Briggs quoted says in Sadiman says that media is all physical equipment containing messages to stimulate of students to learn. For example, book, movie, cassette, and framed film. In line with the two previous definitions, Sadiman et al (2002: 6) says that media are anything used to convey messages from the addresser to the addressee to stimulate mind, feeling, attention, and students’ enthusiasm and attention so they are willing to learn. They add that teaching media are often considered as teaching aids which could be defined as any tools that provide concrete experience and learning motivation, and improve students’ comprehension and learning retention. Based on the previous definitions, it can be concluded that teaching media are anything that are able to stimulate students’ mind, feeling, attention, and enthusiasm so enthused. they will be more motivated and more 2. The Types of Media There are many kinds of media that have been used in language teaching. The followings are some kinds of teaching media proposed by Sadiman et al (2008, 28): a) Graphics Media 1) Picture / photograph 2) Sketch 3) Diagram 4) Charts 5) Graphs 6) Cartoon 7) Poster 8) Map and globe 9) Flannel board 10) Bulletin board b) Audio Media 1) Radio 2) Magnetic tape recording 3) The laboratories of language c) Still projected media 1) Frame film 2) Chain film 3) Transparency media /OHP 4) Opaque projector 5) Microfiche 6) Film 7) Loop film 8) TV 9) Video 10) Game and Simulation 3. Language Teaching and Learning Media Media will help to establish the conditions for the learners to identify or describe something. There are some experts who give their opinion dealing with media: Media are any person, material or events; those establish conditions which enable the learners to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitude (Gerlach, 1980: 241). In other words, Media are the means (usually audiovisual or electronic) for transmitting or delivering messages. (Locatis, Atkinson, 1984:3) From the definition above, it can be said that media are the means for transmitting or delivering messages to motivate students in learning. There are a lot of media in teaching learning process. Gerlach and Elly (1980: 274) classify media into five types: a. Still picture They form as photograph of any object or events which can be presented in text book, illustration, bulletin board materials, slides, filmstrips, frames, or overhead transparencies. b. Audio recording Recordings are maded on magnetic tape, on disc, or on motion picture sound tracts. These are the actual events or sound effects reproductions. c. Motion picture/ video tape recording They are moving images produced in color or black and white from live action or graphic representation. Objects or events can be in normal, slow, time lapse or stop motion. d. Real things They include people, events, objects, and demonstration. Real things are actual objects or events. Simulation is a copy of real situation designed to be as similar as possible to the actual events. e. Programmed and computer-assisted instructions They are the sequences of information (verbal, visual, or audio) designed to elicit predetermined responses. The most common examples are programmed textbook or instructional program prepared for computers. Visual aids are the things that help the teachers implant the idea of what is presented in the mind of the students (Brown 1964: 7). The term visual aids can be interpreted as many substances which play an important role in teaching and learning process. They help students to master the materials which are presented by the teacher more easily. Audio visual aids can also be defined as any material which is employed as a vehicle to support the presentation of the stimulation which makes up the events of instruction. (Gadge 1979: 172) 1. The principles of Audio Visual Selecting How can we select cartoon movies which are good for the students? David Kleeman, the director of the American Center for Children and Media in his article “Selecting Good Cartoon Movies” in ( asks the following questions: a. Does the movie actively engage the pupils, physically or intellectually? When the students watch the movie, they do not have to be passive. It can prompt questions, kindle curiosity, or teach activities to pursue when they watch it. b. Do program’s creators respect this program? Teachers do not have to like every movie their students like. In fact young learners need their own district culture. But the teacher should assure that program’s creators understand and respect how children grow and learn. c. Do the students see others like themselves on television? Young children believe that movies reflect the real world d. How do the makers of this movie regard the young learners? Some program creators see young people as consumers to be sold. Others see them as students to be educated, as future citizens to be engaged in the community, or simply as children, whose work is play. Thus, before we choose a cartoon movie as our teaching media, we have to consider the above questions. 2. The selection of media According to Brown et al (1977: 78), there are six principles of media selection: a. Content Do the media (i.e. video) have significant selection with the lesson? The chosen of certain media must be confirmed to the lesson (message) to be given to the students. b. Purposes The use of audio visual aids should contribute to the teaching learning process significantly. It means that media can facilitate the teaching learning process. c. Price Before buying certain visual aids, a teacher should consider whether the cost or money is in accordance with the educational result derived from its use. d. Circumstances of use In choosing an audio visual aid, a teacher should take into account the environment (school) where he teaches. He should think whether the aid would function effectively in that environment. e. Learners’ verification A teacher should think whether the aid has been tested to certain students. He or she should consider if the tested students are similar to the students who he or she teaches. f. Validation A teacher must think whether there are data providing that the students learn accurately through the use of the aid. Those principles of media selection are to choose the appropriate media that is used to teach the students. By using an attractive and good teaching media, we hope that the goal of teaching English will be achieved and the students are motivated to study English since they will feel they are learning to do something useful with the language. In other words, any special factors which help the teacher to select appropriate media should be used. Many kinds of media such as still pictures, tape recorder, overhead projector, radio, television, computer, etc. are useful for the teacher to achieve instructional goals of the teaching-learning process and they can also be easily formed in our daily lives. In this research, the writer uses audio visual materials; they are a television and videodisc as the media to teach English. 3. Television as One of Audiovisual Aids The classification of audio visual aids: a. Audio aids They are the materials that produce sound, for example radio and tape recorder. b. Visual aids The materials show the shape or the form of the things. They are called as media. There are two visual aids: 1.) Two dimension visual aids For example: graphics, diagram, filmstrip, and slide. 2.) Tree dimension visual aids For example: diorama. c. Audio visual aids They are the materials that produce both sound and picture in one unit, for example: television. Television is an electronic motion picture with conjoined or attendant sound; both picture and sound reach the eye and ear simultaneously from a remote broadcast point. (http// From the definition above, the writer can say that television in general is a means of communication, and it functions as an entertainment, and also learning media. 4. Advantages of Using Media in Language Teaching and Learning. Kemp (1963: 3-4) list the function of media in general or audio visual aids in particular and their contribution to a language learning as follow: a. Learning process become more interactive For example: teacher asked student to watch an English programs on television than ask them to write about that programs. It will be more interesting than the activity of listening from teacher explanation. b. The instruction can be more interesting The using of audiovisual aid can attract the student interest, they will give much attention to teacher instructions and it can lead to an interesting teaching learning process. c. The quality of learning can be improved By using audiovisual aid teacher can improve students’ participations through preparing it and using it as effectively as possible in class room. Than the students knowledge and skill can be improved. d. The positive attitude of students towards what they are learning and to the learning process can be enhanced. It means that teacher will be easier to teach lesson for the student because they have interest in learning process. In Sadiman’s opinion there are four benefit of using media in teaching learning process as follow (2008: 17-18) a. Giving clearer for teacher in conveying lesson to the students b. Facing the limitation of place, and time. c. Facing passive attitude of students when teacher can use media appropriately and variatively. d. Facing difficulties for the teacher in teaching learning process. B. The General Concept of Cartoon Movie 1. The Definition of Cartoon Movie The major use of animation has always for entertainment. However, there is growing use of instructional animation to support explanation and learning. “Cartoon movie is moving diagrams or cartoons that are made up of a sequence of images displayed one after the other. Animations are created for entertainment, ad banners as well as instructional sequences. Cartoon movie is the illusion of motion created by the consecutive display of images of static elements. I film and video production, this refers to techniques by which each frame of a film or movie is produced individually. There frame may be generated by computer or by photographing a drawn or painted image, or by repeatedly making small changes to a model unit, and then photographing the result with a special animation camera. When the frames are strung together and resulting film is viewed, there is an illusion of continuous movement doe to phenomenon known as persistence of vision.” (http// 2. “WORD WORLD” WHERE WORDS COME ALIVE, Cartoon Movie. Word World is a cartoon movie directed by Olexa Hewryk and created by Don Moody, Jacqueline Moody, Peter Schnelder, and Gary Friedman. The writer is interested in this movie and chooses it as the media to teach names of object for the Elementary School students because “WORD WORLD” WHERE WORDS COMES ALIVE cartoon movie provides vocabulary which is suitable with the recent curriculum of Elementary School and there are many repetitions of the words which can help the students to memorize and understand the meaning of the words since they can see the picture of the object in it. C. Vocabulary 1. The definition of Vocabulary As explained in the background of the study, vocabulary takes such a fundamental role in mastering English as foreign language well. There are some definitions of vocabulary proposed by some experts. Horby (1995: 31) mentions his definition of vocabulary as the total number of words in a language and vocabulary as a list of words with their meanings. Hatch and Brown (1995:1) argue that the term vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular language or words that individual speakers of language might use. Burns and Broman (1975: 295) define vocabulary as the stock of words that used by person, class, or profession. The meaning is clear enough that in almost cases of human life, they use set of words. The use of the words itself differentiated according to the field, class, person, or profession. It means that beggar use set of words to ask for some money to rich people, a teacher also use set of words to explain material to the students, a father use set of words to talk to his child, and there are many other examples that show us in most of humans waking time they use set of words to do the activity. However, the use of set of words are different between one person and another person, therefore Burns and Broman emphasized on the three area of using stock words namely person, class, and profession. In the writer’s opinion, vocabulary is one aspect of language which is important in learning language because vocabularies carry meaning which is used in communication. All of the statements about vocabulary show that vocabulary is important in learning English. Moreover, vocabulary has an important role in teaching learning process. According to Scrivener (1994:75) in classroom there are five role of vocabulary, they are: 1. Vocabulary is very important and needs to be dealt with systematically in its own right. 2. We need to distinguish between vocabulary for productive use and for receptive recognition. 3. The learner will be difficult to finish the work, if they have first met some new vocabulary. 4. We need to deal not only with single word lexical items but also with longer, multi word items. 5. Training in the use of English-English dictionaries provides learners with a vital tool for self- study 2. The Types of Vocabulary Generally, some experts distinguish two types of vocabulary: active and passive vocabulary. Harmer (1991:150) distinguishes between these two kinds of vocabulary. The first kind of vocabulary refers to the stock of words which have been taught by the teacher or learnt by the students and which are expected to be able to use. While the second term refers to the words of which the students will recognize when they meet them, but of which they will probably not be able to pronounce. Haycraft (1978:44) also divides vocabulary into two. Similar with the previous paragraph, he also divides it into active and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary is the words that the students understand, can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. On the other hand, passive vocabulary is the words that the students recognize and understand when they occur in a context, but of which they cannot produce correctly themselves. Based on the previous explanation, it can be concluded that there are two types of vocabulary; active and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary could be defined as the words of which the students understand, use and pronounce constructively in speaking and writing. While passive vocabulary could be defined as the words that the students recognize and understand when they meet them, and they might be able to pronounce them in a separated individual word, but they are not able to use and pronounce constructively in speaking and writing. 3. Aspects of Teaching Vocabulary Vocabulary is really wide area in teaching-learning English. Teachers sometimes getting confused in choosing which and how vocabulary has to be taught to their students. There is a need to make limitation in introducing new words to the students and to know the guideline in making sure the students will be master it. Therefore Haycraft (1978: 44-47) provides guidelines for choosing appropriate vocabulary as follow: a. Commonest Words Teacher has to choose words that are commonly used. The lists of common words can be found in the book that they use in English teaching-learning process b. Students Needs When students need to know a word, teaching them about it c. Students Language There are some words that are similar between the first and second language. For example, the word “nama” in bahasa Indonesia is almost similar with the word “name” in English. Another examples: radio-radio, pensil-pencil,etc. d. World Building It is often worth in choosing a word because a general rule can be formed, for example: teach-teacher, work-worker, build -builder. e. Topic Areas To make it easier for the teacher to teach vocabulary, sequence is the key. For example, a simple short dialogue with its sequence: Patient: I’m hungry. Doctor: What? Patient: I want to eat. f. Cross Reference A lot of words are applicable to different situations or specialization. For example, we choose vocabulary connected with part of the body, such as: ear, nose, arm, hand, etc. g. Related Structure Many structures demand their own vocabulary, if you are teaching “may be”, you are likely to introduce a vocabulary connected with possibility. Ur (1996: 60-62) also provides six aspects that are needed to be taught by the teacher. They are: a. Form: Pronunciation and Spelling The learner has to know what a word sounds like (its pronunciation) and what it looks like (its spelling). In teaching, we need to make sure that these two aspects are accurately presented and learned well. b. Grammar The grammar of new items needs to be taught if it is not covered by general grammatical rules. An item may have an unpredictable change of form in certain grammatical contexts or may have some idiosyncratic way of connecting with other words in sentences; it is important to provide learners with this information at the same time as we teach the base form. In other words, when teaching a new verb, we have to teach the past form too; when teaching a noun, we have to teach the plural form too. c. Collocation The collocations typical of particular items are another factor that makes a particular combination sound “right” or “wrong” in a given context. So this is another piece of information about a new item which it may be worth teaching. Collocations are also often noted in dictionaries, either by providing the whole collocation under one of the head-words, or by note in parenthesis. d. Aspects of Meaning 1) Denotation, Connotation, Appropriateness Denotation can define as the meaning of a word, which primarily refers to the real world. For example: dog denotes a kind of animal; more specifically, a common, domestic carnivorous mammal; and both dank and moist slightly wet. A connotation is the associations, or positive or negative feelings it evokes, which may or may not be indicated in a dictionary definition. For example, dog, for British people has positive connotations of friendships and loyalty; in contrast with Arabic, the word “dog”, has negative associations with dirt and inferiority. A more subtle aspect of meaning that often needs to be taught is whether a particular word is appropriate to be taught or not. It is very important for learners to know that a certain word is very common, or relatively rare, or taboo. For example, the word “weep”, is virtually synonymous with the word “cry”, but it tends to be used in writing rather than in speech, and it is much less common than the word “cry”. 2) Meaning Relationships It is useful to know that the meaning of one item may have any relationship with another meaning. Here are some main relationships between those items: a) Synonyms Items that mean the same, or nearly the same; For example bright, clever, and smart are the synonyms of intelligence. b) Antonyms Items that mean the opposite; Rich is the opposite of poor. c) Hyponyms Items that serve as specific examples of a general concept; dog, lion, mouse are hyponyms of animal. d) Co-hyponyms or Co-ordinates: Other items that are the same kind of thing; red, blue, green, and brown are co-ordinates. e) Super ordinates: General concepts that cover specific items; Animal is super ordinate dog, lion, horse. f) Translation Words or expressions in the learners‟ mother tongue that is (more or less) equivalent in meaning to item being taught. There are also other ways of associating meaning that are useful in teaching. For instance, we can relate parts to a whole (relationship between arm and body); or associate items that are part of the same real-world context (tractor, farmer, milking, and irrigate are all associate with agriculture). g) Word Formation One word or multi-word, vocabulary item can often be broken down into small component or “bits”. It is very useful information to know how these small components or bits are put together. If teachers want to teach the common prefixes and suffixes, if the learners know the meaning of sub-, un-, and -able, this will help them guess the meanings of words like substandard, ungrateful, and untranslatable. The students have to be warned that in many common words the affixes no longer has any obvious connection with their root meaning (for example, subject, comfortable). New combinations using prefixes are not unusual, and the reader or hearer would be expected to gather their meaning from an understanding of their components (ultra-modern, superhero). Another way vocabulary items are built is by combining two words (two nouns, or a gerund and noun a noun, or a noun and a verb) to make one item: a single compound word, or two separate, sometimes hyphenated words (bookcase, follow-up, swimming pool) 4. The Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary As everybody knows that, the teaching of vocabulary is as the teaching of structure. To gain the better result on language learning process there will be a need of a good an appropriate technique in teaching vocabulary. Here are some vocabulary techniques that have been stated by Harmer (1992: 90-91). They are as follows: a. Using Realia The teacher gives the referent of the word being taught in the class. He or she brings the objects that become the referent of a word into the class. For example pen, pencil, book, etc. c. Using Pictures This kind of technique needs a well-drawer teacher in order to explain the vocabulary clearly because the picture drawn by the teacher is the visual representation of the object. c. Mime, Expressions and Gestures Sometimes it is almost impossible to explain about the meaning of a word using the previous techniques. If this so, there will be an action as the techniques to explain the word clearly. Most verbs can be easily taught to students using this technique. d. Contrast Some words are easily to be explained to student by contrast it with its opposite. Like the word black contrasted with white. e. Enumeration We can use this technique to present meaning. We can say clothes and explain this by enumerating or listing various items. f. Explanation The simplest way is by explaining directly to the object using a sentence or more. g. Translation There are always some words that the situation needs to be translated. From the techniques used for presenting new vocabulary, Hammer (1992: 90-91) suggests many techniques that will help students learn vocabulary in easier way. It can be concluded that the better way to teach vocabulary is by integrating and mixing them into such an attracting learning. Because there will be a need of a tool or even an assistant to help the teacher hold the class in order to make the learning process run well and WordWorld that incorporated in the form of cartoon movie might be the best answer. In addition Kang and Dennis in Ybarra and Green (2003) state that the contextual approach have been proved much more effective in promoting long-term recall of vocabulary. This approach will be accommodated by the use of cartoon movie. Moreover, this kind of medium will help the teacher maintain the pace of the lesson and the student’s motivation. By teaching in fun nuance, it is expected that it will be easier for the students to learn vocabulary. D. The Importance of Cartoon for Learning Vocabulary Teaching media is needed in teaching learning process to help students to become active. The students have to be active during the teaching learning process including learning vocabularies. By using a cartoon movie in their lessons they can learn words correctly. The writer chooses the cartoon movie to teach names of objects because through the cartoon movie children will learn names of the object by seeing the object in that movie. So, it will help students to memorize the names of the objects. “However, I believe that words do have a special significance for children learning a new language. The word is recognizable linguistic unit and for children in their first language and so they will notice words in the language by showing them object that they can see and touch, and that have single word labels in the first language. From their earliest lessons, children are encouraged to think of new language as a set of words; although of course this may not be the only way they think of it.” (Lynne, 2001: 7) E. Teaching Names of Object at Elementary School The scope of English at Elementary School includes pronunciation, vocabulary, reading, and some functional skills as the basis of learning skills of simple language related to the students’ world (Depdiknas, 2004). It is stated in the curriculum that English is taught in Elementary School from the first grade to the sixth grade. Below are the materials that have to be taught for each grade: a. First grade is focused on greetings, numbers, colors, and school. b. Second grade is focused on greetings, numbers, colors, school, and animals. Fourth grade is focused on parts of body, animals, school activities, and days in week, food, and home. c. Fourth grade is focused on numbers, hobbies, things at home, calendar, family, toys and games, and shopping. d. Fifth grade is focused on mathematics, daily activities, calendar, games and toys, telling time, clothes, profession, and transportation. e. Sixth grade is focused on shapes, telling time, health and hospital, direction and location, order and request, and government. (Depdiknas, 2004) From the explanations above, you can see that the material available in the “Word World” where words comes alive, cartoon movie should be taught in first grade to third grade, but in this research the writer teaches the fourth graders since in SD Negeri Wirogomo 02, the English lesson is only taught for the sixth graders. But, the English teachers may use this media to teach names of objects for the first graders to the third graders as the introduction of English vocabulary. CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT A. The General Description of SD Negeri Wirogomo 02 1. The Location of SD Negeri Wirogomo 02 This classroom action research was carried out in SD N Wirogomo 02 Banyubiru. It is located at Jl. Argo Kelir – Banyubiru km 5 Banyubiru, Wirogomo district of Banyubiru, sub province of Semarang Regency Central Java province. SD N Wirogomo 02 stands up a field more or less 1026 M2. The total number of students of SD Negeri Wirogomo 02 in the academic year of 2010/2011 is 102 students. They consist of 20 students of the first grade, 18 students of the second grade, 17 students of the third grade, 19 students of the fourth grade, 15 students of the fifth grade and 15 students of the sixth grade. In this research the researcher as chose the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Wirogomo 02 as the subject of the research. They consist of 19 students. SD Negeri Wirogomo 02 has 7 classrooms, the first class until the six classes have similar size. The size of classrooms is 7 m x 9 m. They have 4 glass windows in the left side and ventilations. The sunshine can enter the room, so it looks bright and clean enough. The student’s seats are four rows. The front row seats are mostly girls and the back row ones are mostly boys. The classroom action research was done in April 2011 until June 2011. 2. The List of Educational Facilities and Tools Facilities are can be buildings, needed by teachers, students and other educators which are provided by school to support successful in teaching learning process. Good educational facilities can be factors to succeed in teaching-learning process because all of students’ need can be provided. The educational facilities could be seen in the table below: Table 1 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES AND TOOLS IN SD N Wirogomo 02 IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/2011 NO Fasilities Total 1 Classrooms 6 2 Headmaster’s Office 1 Condition Good Good 2 Teacher’s Office 1 4 Library 1 5 Student’s Toilet 1 Good Good 6 Teacher’s Toilet 1 7 Parker area 1 Good Good 8 Cafeteria 1 9 Field 1 10 Computer 1 11 Tools sport Good Good Good Good Good Source: SD N Wirogomo 02, Banyubiru 2011 3. Organization Structure Considering that the duties of headmaster of SD N Wirogomo 02 are so many, that is why the headmaster appoints his staffs to run on of educational activities. The organization structure consists of delegation lines with different duties, as the following scheme: Tabel 2 THE ORGANIZATION OF SD N Wirogomo 02 Foundation School Committee Headmaster Treasurer Secretary Teachers Students Public Relation Affairs 4. List of teachers and staffs in SD N WIROGOMO 02 In teaching learning process, teachers have important roles. Their existence is always needed in every school or educational institution. They teach subjects offered. The Teachers have big roles in teaching-learning process. They have the challenge to bring students in positive side, not only in knowledge but also in moral values. The number of teachers of SD N Wirogomo 02 is 10 persons. The list of teachers and staffs of SD N Wirogomo 02 could be drawn in the table below: Table 3 LIST OF TEACHERS AND STAFFS IN SD N WIROGOMO 02 IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/1011 No Teacher’s Name Graduate Master Position 1 Sumardi S.pd, M. M 2 Mujiati 3 Budiyono, Diplomat Teacher of the second grade 4 Yenni Ayu P D, Diplomat Teacher of the third grade 5 Yuni aris , Diplomat Teacher of the fourth grade 6 Dedy Adian U, Diplomat Teacher of the fifth grade 7 Nugroho, Diplomat Teacher of the sixth grade 8 Musriah, Diplomat Teacher of the religion Senior High School Headmaster Teacher of the first grade 9 Ika Christiyawati Senior High School Teacher of the English 10 Sarju Junior High School Cleaning service 11 Ranto Junior High School Cleaning service Source: SD N Wirogomo 02, Banyubiru 2011 5. The distribution of the class Students are people who want to get something new, not only to learn new knowledge, but also to get other aspects in life such as; social relation, morality and culture. They learn in school at certain time. The distribution of the class in SD N Wirogomo 02 could be seen in the table below: Table 4 THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE CLASS IN SD N WIROGOMO 02 IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/2011 SEX NO CLASS MALE FEMALE TOTAL 1 I 11 9 20 2 II 8 11 18 3 III 4 13 17 4 IV 8 11 19 5 V 6 9 15 6 VI 8 5 15 TOTAL 45 57 102 B. The Subject of the study The subjects of the study in this researcher are fourth year of students of SD N Wirogomo 02 Banyubiru. They consist of 19 students. They are 15 boys and 14 girls. Some girls tend to be silent, but on the other hand some boys are talkative, in learning activities and doing tasks, the girls are better than the boys. The researcher chooses the fourth year students as subjects of the study because the numbers of the students are bigger than the other classes. The following table shows the name of subjects of the study. Table 5 The name of the subjects of study Number of students Names of students 1 Nur Kholis 2 Muhammad Arifin 3 Muhammad 4 Yoga Renaldi 5 Mulyadi 6 Candra Warsito 7 Afjar Sodikin 8 Vivi Setiyowati 9 Fera Ferdiyanti 10 Ardina Rasti 11 Eva Wijayanti 12 Siti Nur Asri 13 Firawati 14 Triyani 15 Ratri Hening 16 Siti Sofiatun 17 Rika Ristiana 18 Risatun 19 M Fajar Istaqim The educational background of the students is divided into two categories. They are the students who graduated from (TK) and the students’ who are not graduated from kindergarten (TK). 85% of the students (16 students) are not graduated from kindergarten (TK) and 15% of them (3 students) are graduated from kindergarten (TK). Most of students live in the villages in Wirogomo district. The students who live in Wirogomo are 52% (10 students). They live in various villages. 5 students of them (26%) live in Jeruk Wangi village, and 4 students (23%) live in Seseh village. The condition of their parents’ socio economic is low up to the middle levels. The educational background of their parents is mostly graduated from elementary school and junior high school. 95% of them (18 people) are working as farmers, while just 1 of them work as police. The location of the school is very difficult to find out because it is located in Kelir Mountain, and there is no a public transportations which can be used. Most of students are going to school by walking. Theory of interest According to Slameto, interest is a feeling or liking or interesting in a case or an activity without being asked. Hilgard (slameto 2003:57) isterest is persisting tendency to pay attention to and enjoy some activity or content. Tabel 6 NO Indicators of Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Students watch cartoon movie seriously. 2 Students give full attention to watch cartoon movie. 3 Students have strong memory about movie. 4 Students have good enthusiasms and achievement. 5 Students have high emotional attitude. 6. Student choice use movie the learning process. Good/Fair Poor Tabel 7 Student Interest NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1. Feels Happy 2. Feels Interested 3. Feels Enthusiasm 4. Feels Serious 5. Is More Active 6. Students are not bored in learning 7. Have good concentration 8. Had positive and constructive learning behaviors 9. The Strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher 10. Get good achievement Fair Poor CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION A. Data Presentation 1. Distribution of Score a. Cycle I The students’ score of pretest and posttest in the cycle I could be seen in the following table; NO Name Pretest Posttest 1 Nur Kholis 62 66 2 Muhammad Arifin 72 95 3 Muhammad 51 62 4 Yoga Renaldi 60 72 5 Mulyadi 54 69 6 Candra Warsito 54 50 7 Afjar Sodikin 82 86 8 Vivi Setiyowati 60 74 9 Fera Ferdiyanti 87 94 10 Ardina Rasti 65 94 11 Eva Wijayanti 80 79 12 Siti Nur Asri 88 92 13 Firawati 60 78 14 Triyani 84 96 15 Ratri Hening 52 67 16 Siti Sofiatun 82 92 17 Rika Ristiana 72 84 18 Risatun 68 65 19 M Fajar Istaqim 84 86 69,32 79 Mean b. Cycle II The students’ score of pre-test and post-test in the cycle II could be seen in the following table; NO Name Pretest Posttest 1 Nur Kholis 72 78 2 Muhammad Arifin 60 82 3 Muhammad 64 88 4 Yoga Renaldi 65 75 5 Mulyadi 60 72 6 Candra Warsito 72 76 7 Afjar Sodikin 75 80 8 Vivi Setiyowati 82 96 9 Fera Ferdiyanti 76 84 10 Ardina Rasti 62 88 11 Eva Wijayanti 93 82 12 Siti Nur Asri 70 96 13 Firawati 56 73 14 Triyani 88 86 15 Ratri Hening 61 70 16 Siti Sofiatun 84 96 17 Rika Ristiana 63 77 18 Risatun 70 78 19 M Fajar Istaqim 85 89 71,42 82,42 Mean c. Cycle III The students’ score of pre-test and post-test in the cycle III could be seen in the following table; NO Names Pretest Posttest 1 Nur Kholis 80 94 2 Muhammad Arifin 76 88 3 Muhammad 55 81 4 Yoga Renaldi 70 95 5 Mulyadi 66 92 6 Candra Warsito 75 88 7 Afjar Sodikin 82 96 8 Vivi Setiyowati 88 98 9 Fera Ferdiyanti 77 89 10 Ardina Rasti 52 77 11 Eva Wijayanti 91 85 12 Siti Nur Asri 95 99 13 Firawati 75 82 14 Triyani 66 94 15 Ratri Hening 75 87 16 Siti Sofiatun 81 93 17 Rika Ristiana 72 86 18 Risatun 72 79 19 M Fajar Istaqim 90 96 75,68 93,74 Mean 2. Distribution of Interest a. Cycle 1 Distribution NO Indicators of Interest Excellent 1 Students watch cartoon movie Good/Fair Poor √ seriously 2 Students give full attention to √ watch cartoon movie 3 Students have strong memory √ about movie 4 Students have good enthusiasms √ and achievement 5 Students have high emotional √ attitude 6 Students choose use movie the √ learning process Students Interest Cycle I 1. Nur Kholis Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias 4 Feels Serious 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning √ √ 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 2. Muhammad Arifin Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the learning √ √ √ 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 3. Muhammad Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 4. Yoga Renaldi Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 5. Mulyadi Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 6. Candra Warsito Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias Poor √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 7. Afjar Sodikin Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ Poor 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 8. Vivi Setiyowati Distribution NO Interest Excellent 1 Feels Happy Good/Fair Poor √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 9. Fera Ardiyanti Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 10. Ardina Rasti NO Interest Distribution Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement 11. Eva Wijayanti √ Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Poor √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 12. Siti Nur Asri Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Poor Get good achievement √ 13. Firawati Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias 4 Feels Serious 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Poor √ √ √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 14. Triyani Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy 2 Feels Interested 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher Poor √ 10 Get good achievement √ 15. Ratri Hening Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias 4 Feels Serious 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Poor √ √ √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by √ teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 16. Siti Sofiatun Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about learning √ materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 17. Rika Ristiana Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors Poor 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 18. Risatun Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 19. M Fajar Istaqim Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 3. Distribution of Interest a. Cycle II Distribution NO Interest Excellent 1 Students watch cartoon movie Good/Fair √ seriously 2 Students give full attention to √ watch cartoon movie 3 Students have strong memory √ about movie 4 Students have good √ Poor enthusiasms and achievement 5 Students have high emotional √ attitude 6 Student choice use movie the √ learning process Student Interest Cycle II 1. Nur Kholis Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ Poor 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 2. Muhammad Arifin Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ Poor 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 3. Muhammad Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ Poor 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 4. Yoga Renaldi Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ Poor 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 5. Mulyadi Distribution NO Interest Excellent 1 Feels Happy Good/Fair √ Poor 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 6. Candra Warsito Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 7. Afjar Sodikin NO Interest Distribution Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement 8. Vivi Setiyowati Poor √ Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Poor √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 9. Vera Ferdiyanti Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ Poor 10. Ardina Rasti Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Poor √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 11. Eva Wijayanti Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher √ Poor 10 Get good achievement √ 12. Siti Nur Asri Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory Poor about learning materials has been given by √ teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 13. Firawati Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about Poor learning √ materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 14. Triyani Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy 2 Feels Interested 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors Poor 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 15. Ratri Hening Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Poor √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 16. Siti Sofiatun Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations Poor √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 17. Rika Ristiana Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning √ Poor 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 18. Risatun Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Poor √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 19. M Fajar Istaqim Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active Poor √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ b. Distribution of Interest b. Cycle III NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Students watch cartoon movie √ seriously 2 Students give full attention to watch cartoon movie √ Good/Fair Poor 3 Students have strong memory √ about movie 4 Students have good √ enthusiasms and achievement 5 Students have high emotional √ attitude 6 Student choice use movie the √ learning process Student’s Interest Cycle III 1. Nur Kholis Distribution NO Interest Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 2. Muhammad Arifin NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ Good/Fair Poor 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 3. Muhammad NO Interest Distribution Excellent Good/Fair Poor 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 4. Yoga Renaldi NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement 5. Mulyadi √ Good/Fair Poor NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ Good/Fair Poor 6. Candra Warsito NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ Good/Fair Poor 7. Afjar Sodikin NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ Good/Fair Poor 8. Vivi Setiyowati NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Good/Fair √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher Poor √ 10 Get good achievement √ 9. Vera Ferdiyanti NO Interest Distribution Excellent Good/Fair 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by √ Poor teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 10. Ardina Rasti NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the Good/Fair √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about learning √ Poor materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 11. Eva Wijayanti NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors Good/Fair Poor 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 12. Siti Nur Asri NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ Good/Fair learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ Poor learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 13. Firawati NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the Good/Fair √ √ √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ Poor 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 14. Triyani NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active 6 Student is not bored with the learning Good/Fair Poor √ √ √ 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 15. Ratri Hening NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ Good/Fair Poor learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 16. Siti Sofiatun NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ Good/Fair Poor 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations 8 Had positive and constructive √ √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 17. Rika Ristiana NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ Good/Fair √ Poor 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 18. Risatun NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ 3 Feels enthusias √ Good/Fair Poor 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ 19. M Fajar Istaqim NO Interest Distribution Excellent 1 Feels Happy √ 2 Feels Interested √ Good/Fair Poor 3 Feels enthusias √ 4 Feels Serious √ 5 Is More Active √ 6 Student is not bored with the √ learning 7 Have good concentrations √ 8 Had positive and constructive √ learning behaviors 9 The strength of the student’s memory about √ learning materials has been given by teacher 10 Get good achievement √ B. Analysis 1. Teaching Implementation In this research, the data consists of pre test, post-test and field note. The data of pre test and post test will show the improvement of the students’ achievement in vocabulary. How far is the acquiring the vocabulary with WordWorld cartoon movie. Field note will show the students’ behavior in teaching learning process. How far is their motivation in teaching learning process? The action of this research consists of cycle I and cycle II. The researcher has done pre research which has been explained in Chapter III. The purpose of doing pre research is to know how the method of the teacher looks like in teaching learning process. So the researcher can plan what are the steps of each cycle in this classroom action research. Moreover the researcher will show the teaching implementation which has been done by the researcher. A. Cycle I 1. Planning The activities are preparing. a. Materials making lesson plan, and designing the steps in doing the acting. b. List of students’ name c. Teaching aids ( e.g. watching cartoon movie) d. Sheet for classroom observation e. Tests (pretest and posttest) 2. The implementation of action. On Thursday, the thirty of March 2011 the teacher (the researcher) entered his English class. Then she is greeted of the students and checked the present of the student. Before the lesson, she gave pretest to class for about 30 minutes. After the student finished doing pretest, she taught vocabulary. She told the students: “students, today we will study vocabulary with theme WordWorld “Duck’s First Sleepover Party”. The teacher told the students that day watched WordWorld movie the title “Duck’s First Sleepover Party”. She asked the student to listen and pays attention this movie if any difficult the student can ask to the teacher. This movie told about WordWorld is “Duck’s First Sleepover Party”. There are five characters in that movie such as; Duck, frog, bear, dog and pig. The story began when duck woke up and got invitation card from dog to join in sleepover party. Then he came to the frog’s house and asked him to go there too, and they came to dog’s party together. Actually duck would like to bring his nest to the party but frog prohibited him. In dog’s house there are bear, pig and dog. Then they started the party, they were dancing together and having fun. At night they prepared to make a bed for sleeping but a duck said that he couldn’t sleep without his nest. Frog have idea to make nest for duck, and finally they can sleepover together enjoyable. Then the teacher gave exercise for the student and the students tried to remember the words that learnt. And time is up, the teacher gave posttest to them about 15 minutes. After that teacher asked the students to learn in home and the learning would continue the next meeting. The teacher closed the meeting. 3. Observation In the first cycle, she and her collaborator observed the teaching learning process. By monitoring the students’ activity in this action, the teacher or she can see that the students still got difficulties in pronouncing vocabularies. Some students pronounced and wrote them incorrectly. B. Cycle II 1. Planning Before doing the research, the researcher prepares the instrument of research. They are: 1. Lesson plan 2. Materials (WordWord cartoon movie) 3. Teaching aid’s (Lap top, speakers, movie) 4. Sheet of the classroom observation 5. Exercise 6. Test (pretest and posttest) 2. The implementation of the action. On the Thursday, seventh of April 2011, the teacher entered in the English class. This is situation. Researcher : “Assalamualaikum wr.wb.” Students : “Waalaikumsallam wr.wb.” Researcher : “Good morning students. How are you?” Students : “Good morning, Miss. I’m fine”. Researcher : “students in this meeting we will continue the lesson that we have studied yesterday, do you remember?” Students : “Yes, Miss”. (Most of students just keep silence) Researcher : “anak-anak pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan melanjutkan pelajaran yang telah kita pelajari kemarin, apakah kalian masih ingat?” Students : “Yes, Miss”. Researcher : “you must remember what have you said yesterday. The teacher asked the student to watched cartoon movie WordWorld with theme “V for Vacation”. The story began when a duck a want to go on vacation. Duck met with monkey which rode by van and said to monkey about his plan to go on vacation and search V for vocation. Duck also met with bird which also goes on vacation by bringing her nest. Bird suggested to him to find out V for Vacation, then he came to bear house and asked the same question. On the way Duck met with monkey again then they came to frog house. Arrive at frog house a duck still confused. Then a bear arrived to inform that she understood about the meaning of V for Vacation. Bear told that duck has to make a vine in order Duck can join on vacation with his friends on the form of V letter. Then the teacher said: “Time is up class, now I will give you an exercise. The posttest is done for about 30 minute. The situation is noise. After the students finished, they submitted the task. 3. Observation In the second cycle, their researcher get the field note which monitoring the student’s activity in the action, student interest and know student ability in understanding vocabulary. In cycle II the students still get difficulty to understand vocabulary but the result of pretest and posttest are better than the result in the first cycle. This is the table which shows the result of pretest and posttest in the second cycle: C. Cycle III 1. Planning a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan and designing the step in doing the action. b. Preparing list of the student’s name. c. Preparing teaching aids (cartoon movie WordWorld) d. Sheet for classroom observation e. Test (pretest and posttest) 2. Implementation of the action On Saturday, the fourteen of April 2011 the researcher entered her English class. She reviewed some difficult vocabularies that student feel difficult. Then she gave pretest for them 10 minutes. After that the teacher and student watched cartoon movie entitled WordWorld “Where Word Come Alive“. It told about the friendship of some animals like sheep, dog, frog, bear, pig, duck and ant. They were playing together and sheep like to singing, pig played with this ball, frog enjoys with his umbrella, and duck brought five ballons. They want to go to travel but the distance is far way. A sheep thought to make something then they make a train. Finally they can enjoy traveling by using train. 3. Observation In the last cycle the researcher was monitoring student activity she helped the students when they got difficulties. She tried to activities to activate the student who were still quiet in repeating the words said the teacher by giving guidance. The teaching learning process in action 3 was increasing the student who said words incorrectly, they can say correctly, and in written form process, there were a few students who found difficulties. The teaching learning process was very active. By observation the teaching learning process in cycle 1, cycle 2. And cycle 3, she concludes that cartoon movie WordWorld can improve the students’ vocabulary. The improvement can be seen through the result of activity from cycle 1, cycle 2. And cycle 3. 2. Individual Achievement Based on the distributions of interest, the researcher concludes that the students’ achievement is various. But most of students could improve and are interested in vocabulary after learning with cartoon movie. The individual achievements of some students are as follows: Nur Kholis feels happy (excellent), Feels interested (excellent), Feels enthusias (excellent), Feels serious (excellent), Is More Active (excellent) Student is not bored with the learning (excellent), has good concentration (excellent), has positive and constructive learning behaviors (excellent), the strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher (excellent), Get good achievement (excellent) His score of pre-test in the first cycle is 65 (Excellent) and becomes 66 (fair) in the post-test. It means that his achievement decreases in the first cycle. But in the second cycle, he got fair score in both pre-test and post-test; 72 in the pretest and 78 in the post test. While in the last cycle, his vocabulary score is improved from 80 (fair) becomes 94 (excellent). Muhammad Arifin has a Feels Happy (excellent), Feels interested , (excellent) Feels enthusias , Feels (excellent) serious (excellent), Is More Active (excellent) The student is not bored with the learning (excellent), Has good concentration (excellent), Had positive and constructive learning behaviors (excellent), The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher (excellent), Get good achievement (excellent). His score of pre-test in the first cycle is 72 (average) and becomes 92 (excellent) in the post-test It means that his achievement decreases in the first cycle. But in the second cycle, he got fair score in both pre-test and post-test; 60 in pretest and 78 in post test While in the last cycle, his vocabulary score is improved from 80 (excellent) becomes 94 (excellent). Muhammad has a Feels Happy, Feels interested (excellent), Feels enthusias(excellent), Feels serious (excellent), Is More Active (excellent) The student is not bored with the learning (excellent), Have good concentrations (excellent), had positive and constructive learning behaviors (excellent), The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher (excellent), Get good achievement (excellent). His score of pre-test in the first cycle is 60 (fair) and becomes 72 (fair) in the post-test. It means that his achievement decreases in the first cycle But in the second cycle, he got fair score in both pre-test and post-test; 64 in pretest and 88 in post test. While in the last cycle, his vocabulary score is improved from 55 (poor) becomes 81 (excellent) Yoga Renaldi has a Feels Happy (excellent), Feels interested (excellent), Feels enthusias(excellent), Feels serious (excellent), Is More Active (excellent) The student is not bored with the learning (excellent), Have good concentrations (excellent), Had positive and constructive learning behaviors (excellent), The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher (excellent), Get good achievement (excellent) His score of pre-test in the first cycle is 60 (excellent) and becomes 72 (excellent) in the post-test It means that his achievement decreases in the first cycle But in the second cycle, he got fair score in both pre-test and post-test; 65 in pretest and 72 in post test While in the last cycle, his vocabulary score is improved from 70 (fair) becomes 95 (excellent) Mulyadi has a Feels Happy (excellent), Feels interested (excellent), Feels enthusias(excellent), Feels serious (excellent), Is More Active (excellent) The student is not bored with the learning (excellent), Has good concentrations (excellent), Had positive and constructive learning behaviors (excellent), The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher (excellent), Get good achievement (excellent) His score of pre-test in the first cycle is 54 (poor) and becomes 68 (fair) in the post-test It means that his achievement decreases in the first cycle. But in the second cycle, he got fair score in both pre-test and post-test; 60 in the pretest and 72 in the post test. While in the last cycle, his vocabulary score is improved from 66 (fair) becomes 92 (excellent) Candra Warsito has a Feels Happy (fair), Feels interested (fair), Feels enthusias(fair), Feels serious (fair), Is More Active (fair), Student is not bored with the learning (fair), Has good concentration (excellent), Has positive and constructive learning behaviors (fair), The strength of the student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher (fair), Get good achievement (excellent) His score of pre-test in the first cycle is 54 (poor) and becomes 50 (poor) in the post-test It means that his achievement decreases in the first cycle. But in the second cycle, he got fair score in both pre-test and post-test; 72 in the pretest and 76 in the post test. While in the last cycle, his vocabulary score is improved from 75 (fair) becomes 88 (excellent) Afjar Sodikin has a Feels Happy (excellent), Feels interested (excellent), Feels enthusias (excellent), Feels serious (excellent), Is More Active (excellent), Student is not bored with the learning (excellent), Have good concentrations (excellent), Has positive and constructive learning behavior (excellent), the strength of student’s memory about learning materials has been given by teacher (excellent), Get good achievement (excellent) His score of pre-test in the first cycle is 82 (excellent) and becomes 86 (excellent) in the post-test It means that his achievement decreases in the first cycle. But in the second cycle, he got fair score in both pre-test and post-test; 75 in the pretest and 80 in the post test. While in the last cycle, his vocabulary score is improved from 82 (fair) becomes 96 (excellent) 3. Class Achievement Based on the table of distribution of score and rank, the researcher concluded that the use of cartoon movie in teaching vocabulary could improve students’ vocabulary mastery. It could be seen from the class achievement which was increased in each cycle. The mean of post-test in all cycle was always higher than the mean of pretest In cycle I, the class achievement was improved. It was proved by the mean of post-test which is increased 10% from the mean of pre-test. The mean of pre test is 69, 32 and the mean of post-test is 79 The mean of post-test in cycle II is increased 12% from the mean of pre-test It was increased from 71, 42 in pre-test to in post-test In cycle III, the class achievement was also improved like in cycle I and cycle II The mean of post-test was increased 20% from pre-test The mean of pre-test is 75, 68 and the mean of post-test is 93, 74 C. The Calculation of the Test Result 1. Cycle 1 a. The score of pretest and posttest Table 6 The result of pretest and posttest of cycle I NO Score of pretest Score of D D2 posttest 1 62 66 4 16 2 72 95 23 529 3 51 62 11 121 4 60 72 12 144 5 54 69 15 225 6 54 50 -4 16 7 82 86 4 16 8 60 74 14 196 9 87 94 7 49 10 65 94 29 841 11 80 79 -1 1 12 88 92 4 16 13 60 78 18 324 14 84 96 12 144 15 52 67 15 225 16 82 92 10 100 17 72 84 12 144 18 68 65 -3 9 19 84 86 2 4 ∑= 184 ∑= 3120 b. Standard Deviation (SD) of pretest and posttest From the data above, the researcher calculated SD of the pretest and posttest, as follow: SD = √∑D 2 _ ∑D 2 N = N √3120 _ 184 19 2 19 √164,21 - ( 9,68) = √164,21 - 9370 = √7051 = = 8,397 c. T-test calculation t = ∑D N 5D √N – 1 t = 184 19 8,397 √ 19 – 1 = 9,68 8,397 √18 9,68 8,397 4,24 = 9,68 1,98 = 4,888 2 Statement: if the arithmetic is greater than the t-table score so null hypothesis is rejected Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significant different between pretest and posttest H table with n = 19 is 2,09 t arithmetic is 4,888 t-table < t-calculation = 2,09 < 4,888 It shows that Ho is rejected Therefore there is significant difference between pretest and posttest 2. Reflection After analyzing the result of the action in the cycle I, the researcher concludes that it is very important for the teacher to be careful with the student’s pronunciation. She can ask the students three or four times to repeat the words. Action I also show that the students can improve their vocabulary 2. Cycle II a. The score of pretest and posttest Table 7 The result of pretest and posttest of cycle II NO Score of pretest Score of posttest D D2 1 72 78 6 36 2 60 82 22 484 3 64 88 24 576 4 65 75 10 100 5 60 72 12 144 6 72 76 4 16 7 75 80 5 25 8 82 96 14 196 9 76 84 8 64 10 62 88 26 676 11 93 82 -11 121 12 70 96 26 676 13 56 73 17 289 14 88 86 -2 4 15 61 70 9 81 16 84 96 12 144 17 63 77 15 225 18 70 78 8 64 19 85 89 4 16 ∑= 209 ∑= 3937 b. Standard Deviation (SD) of pretest and posttest From the data above, the researcher calculated SD of the pretest and posttest as follow: SD = √∑D 2 _ ∑D 2 N = N √3937 _ 209 19 2 19 √20721 - ( 11) = √207,21 - 121 = √8621 = = 9,285 c. T-test calculation t = ∑D N 5D √N – 1 t = 209 19 9,285 √ 19 – 1 = 11 9,285 √18 11 9,285 2 4,24 = 11 2,19 = 5,023 Statement: if the arithmetic is greater than the t-table score, the null hypothesis is rejected Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significant difference between pretest and posttest H table with n = 19 is 2,09 t arithmetic is 5,023 t-table < t-calculation = 2,09 < 5,023 It shows that Ho is rejected Therefore there is significance difference between pretest and posttest. 4. Reflection After analyzing the result of the action in the cycle 2, the teacher concludes that the students can improve their vocabulary. They can answer the question well It is also easy for them to remember words in English than before. The teacher realizes that some students are interest to improve their vocabulary through Word World cartoon movie that consist of picture, color and full animation. It is necessary for her to continue This mode presentation, the teacher, therefore continued to the next cycle (cycle 3) 3. Cycle III Furthermore, the researcher by analyze the student’s improve of vocabulary by t-test calculation. The steps are as follows: a. The score of pretest and posttest Table 8 The result of pretest and posttest of cycle III NO Score of pretest Score of pretest D D2 1 80 94 14 196 2 76 88 12 144 3 55 81 26 676 4 70 95 26 625 5 66 92 26 676 6 75 88 13 169 7 82 96 14 196 8 88 98 10 100 9 77 89 12 144 10 52 77 25 625 11 91 85 -6 36 12 95 99 4 16 13 75 82 7 49 14 66 94 28 784 15 75 87 12 144 16 81 93 12 144 17 72 86 14 196 18 72 79 7 49 19 90 96 6 36 ∑= 261 ∑= 4978 b. Standard Deviation (SD) of pretest and posttest From the data above, the researcher calculate SD of pretest and posttest SD = √∑D 2 _ ∑D 2 N = N √4978 _ 261 19 2 19 √262 - (13,74 ) = √262 - 188,79 = √73,21 = = 8,556 c. T-test calculation 2 t = ∑D N 5D √N – 1 t = 261 19 8,556 √ 19 – 1 = 13,74 8,556 √18 13,74 8,556 4,24 = 13,74 2,02 = 6,802 Statement: if the arithmetic calculation is greater than the t-table score, the null hypothesis is rejected Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significance difference between pretest and posttest. H table with n = 19 is 2,09 T calculation is 6,802 T-table < t-calculation = 2,09 < 6,802 It shows that Ho rejected Therefore there is significance difference between pretest and posttest. 5. Reflection After analyzing the result of cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3, it can be concluded that using WordWorld cartoon movie can increase the interest of students involve actively in learning vocabulary in the class. The result of the written test is also good The result of pretest, posttest and oral test were used to know the score of vocabulary mastery. As stated before there were three cycles in this action research, each cycle is measured by pretest, posttest, posttest and oral test. The pretest and posttest consist of 20 and 15 test items. All items of the test can be seen in the appendix. She gave pretest to students before they are taught movie gave posttest after them one taught by movie in each cycle. She also gave oral test to each student during the teaching learning process in each cycle. She gave a question that must be answered by the students orally. The oral test was used to know the students who can answer correctly. D. Discussion The improvement from cycle 1 to cycle 3 can be seen in the following table: Table 9 The analyses of students in improvement NO 1 ANALYZE CYCLE I CYCLE II CYCLE III 69,32 71,42 75,68 MEAN - PRETEST - POSTTEST 79 82,42 93,74 2 T-TABLE=19 2,09 2,09 2,09 3 T-CALCULATION(T-TEST) 4,888 5,023 6,802 If t-table is the same or greater than t-calculation, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. From the t-test calculation above it is greater than t-table, so, Ho is rejected. Therefore there is a significant difference between pretest and posttest. It shows that WordWorld cartoon movie gives influence to improve students’ vocabulary. CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion Based on the previous theoretical reviews and data analysis, the writer draws the conclusion of this research as follows; 1. There are influences of using cartoon movie in teaching vocabulary to the vocabulary mastery of the fourth year students of SD N Wirogomo 02 in the academic year of 2010/1011. It is shown by means of pre-test and post-test in the three cycles. The mean score of pretest is 69,32 to 79 in posttest cycle I them, the mean score of pretest 71,42 to 82,43 in posttest cycle II, and the mean score of pretest 75,68 to 93,74 in posttest cycle III. 2. There is any significant difference of vocabulary mastery of the fourth year students of SD N Wirogomo 02, after the use of cartoon movie. It is shown by the result of calculation of t-test in the three cycles. In the cycle I, the calculation of t-test is 4,888 higher than ttable 2, 09. In the second cycle, the calculation of t-test is 5,023, which higher than t-table 2, 09. While in the last cycle, the calculation of t-test is 6,802 higher than t-table 2.09, by the level of significant of 5 %. B. Implication The result of the research shows that the use of WordWorld cartoon movie can improve students’ motivation, interest an achievement. The implementation of WordWorld cartoon movie is reasonable because it can give students a great motivation to learn English especially vocabulary. Thus, cartoon movie is good to improve students’ interest, motivation and achievement in the vocabulary improvement. C. Suggestion Based on the result of the study and conclusion, the researcher would like to suggest as follow: 1. For the teachers a. The strategy of teaching vocabulary will influence the students’ ability to learn vocabulary. They should pay attention to the fact that students’ motivation during teaching learning process is the important aspect which should be increased. The use of various methods is suggested to make students more encouraged to improve the teaching learning process. They should enhance their ability in teaching English especially when she taught using WordWorld cartoon movie to improve vocabulary mastery, so the students will remember the words easily. The teacher should teach vocabulary effectively, because the teacher’s roles in teaching learning process influence students in improving their vocabulary mastery. Besides, the teacher should ask the students to study English continually. Cartoon movie gives motivate to student to learn harder than before. Point had reached by each. b. The English teachers should give the students’ motivation and great explanations that learning English especially vocabulary is such an easy and interesting thing to learn. c. The use of instructional media or aids should be encouraged. It would facilitate the students to understand the learning a subject. And possibly, it will make the instruction more impressive. 2. To other researchers It has been known from the result of the study that using WordWorld cartoon movie can improve students’ vocabulary mastery, interest and motivation. Hereby, it is hoped that the result of the study makes the English teacher use an appropriate teaching mode of on improving student’s vocabulary mastery. Based on the explanations, the researcher would like to suggest to other researchers, that the result of the study can be used as additional reference for further researches with different samples and occasions. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. 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