'.ffi/. W trstrauBaE Pnrpennuos MIDA PARA IESTAS GerEruNc Avrurenm! style ..$8.50 Ranch lHueUOS RancherosEsgs styte ....$ 8.50 Mexican a.Hueuosa la lTlexic3n?Egss your choice.. s.Hueuosal GustoEggs $ 8.50 q HueUOS sausage Esgs with Mexican ChOfiz0 $ 8.50 COn with ham ..... ..... Jamdn Eggs $ 8.50 s.Hueuos con essswith sausase SalchiChS $ 8.50 s.Hueuos con chilaquiles$10.00 o PolloBeeforchicken z ChilaqUileS deBistec o dePotto .. e ChalupaS deBistec $ S.00 (3pororden) Chalupa Beefor Chicken ,NdNtoA IToS - APPErTLZER s.PicaditasRanchera t-tirraitdpped wiinuea;;(3;;;#;t irahimio" $s.00 ro.Sopes consu carneal tusto................. $s.00 rr.flachosfTlexicanos $8.50 flachos fflixtos "Nachoswith Mixed meat $8.50 with meatof your choice Tortillatopped Meiican Nachos rs.Buffitosde.Bistec/ Pollo/ Pastoro Uegetariano$8.50 Burritosof: GrilledSteak/ Chicken/ MarinatedPorkor Vegetables n Burritodecamardn $10.00 rsHuaraches $s.00 Shrimo Burrito Largetortillastoppedwith meat TamaleS deElote(each)....... " Tamale Corn (each) rz.TamaleS de Rajaso Uerdes $1.50 $2.00 MexicanTraditionalor GreenTamale (each) Tamalgs 0axaquefros " Oaxaqueffo Tamale o Pollo rsTacosDoradosdeBistec $2.00 Seruidosconaffoz g Frijo1es................ Rolledfriedtortilla(Beefor Chicken)with rice& beans $s.00 zo GOrditaS de Chicharr6n(3pororden) Stufled Fried Patties $s.00 TOStadaS de Tingade Bisteco de Pollo(3pororden)$9.00 "Hardtortillatoppedwithshredded Beefor Chicken ReSseet $S.S5 Pollo q'i.t"n $s.s5 EnChiladaMarinated Pork $S.S5 ChorizOMexican sausage $9,95 Camar6nshrimp $1q.95 UegetarianOVegetarian $s.95 Haulaiiana Ham& Pineapple $10.35 Meats.$12. [Ilixta Especial Mixed a.TaC0Sde Lengua Tonsue tacos .........$s.S a:TaCOSde CafnitaS shredded Pork taco . ............$5 a.Tacos de Campechanos spicytacos .... ..... $6.50 as.TaCOS dg BuChe shredded Throat Pork taco.. . .. $6.50 as.TacOS de Cuerito skinporklacos.. . $6.50 p.TaCOS Spicy al PaStOfMarinated Pork tacos.................. $5.SS as.TaCOS Beef tacos........................... de Bsada Griled asTaCOS de Barbacoa de Res shredded Beef tacos.....$5. m.Tacosde Barbacoa de Chiuo shredded Goattacos.$6 slTacosde Pollo chicken tacos................ ....$ sa. Tacos de Chorizo Mexican sausage tacos..................... $5.SS mTaCOSde Cabeza BeefHead racos............................ $S.50 * Tacos de Tripa Tripe tacos...... .................. $S.50 TtrRlZ\S- sANPIvttr ssTOrtade fTlilaneSade ReSBreaded BeeJ Sandwich........ $6.50 u TOrtade fflilaneSa de POIIOBreaded chicken sandwich $6.50 u.TOrtade BiSteCBeef sandwich. ...................$ $ Torta de Pollo a la PlanchSGrired chicken sandwich ...$6,50 :sTOftaal PaStOfMarinated Pork Sandwich. ...$6.50 porkSandwich............. q0Torta de CarneEnchiladaspicy $6.50 !1.TOftaCubanaCuban Sandwich................................ $ 7.Sg u.TOftade queSOde puerco Head cheese sandwich....... $ 7.99 Quesadillas: "*Pollo con Quesolllix Chicken & Cheese Quesadi||a.................. $ 8.00 *Chorizocon PapasMexican Sausage & Potato Quesadilla....... $ 8.00 *CamardnShrimp Quesadi11a.................... $ 10.0C wQuesadillas conTortillade Harina: ....$7.50 Pollo . Bistec . Chorizo Chicken / Beef/ Mexican sausage *UegetafianS Vegetarian .......... Quesadilla....... $ 10.0t ' C a m a r d n S h r i m p Q u e s a d i t t a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^1. 0 $.0[ !sSincronizadaststuffedTortiila. ...................$ rr TlacogosHl gusto de:Res. Pollo o Carne Enchilada.. $8.50 SeruidoScon ar(oz g frijoles Beef/ Chicken or SpicyPork.Served withRice& Beans p o rl i b r ad e : SeuendeC a r n e $ 1 2 .0 0 .-0.p Meat PerPound: COnTOrtillaS . Carnitas . Lengua . Enchilada . Barbacoa urithTortillas . Reso Chiuo. Pork/ Tongue/ SpicyPork/ ShreddedMeat/ Beefor Goat $ 11.00 Meat spicyPork v CarneEnchilada Griled " $ 11.00 Beet Stvle Cured CeSinaRanChefaMexican Beer * CarneFsadaGriled $ 8.50 .........$ 8.50 topped whh onions soBistec EncebolladoSteak Steak. ....... style n Bistec a la lTlexicaflSMexican $ 8.50 peppers izChilesRellenos Stuffed $ 9.00 chicken ereast ......... $ 8.50 Pechugaa la plancha Griled " 8.50 inRedsauce.........$ s*Pechuga en Salsa Roja cncrenereast $ 8.50 lTlole dePollo "Chicken Mexican MoleSauce Covered in a Traditional g Frijoles 7.50 ...............$ Hrroz 1/2 POIIOEnChiladO conEnsalada, "1/2SpicyChicken withSalad, Rice& Beans LaUalentina v [Tlolcajete ....$13.99 SpecialPlatterprepared SpicyPorkMeat, MexicanSausage, withSteak,Chicken, FreshCheese,SlicedOnionsandAvocado - S7€trtftl-:s TacoSalad Grilled "A crispyflourtortillasirerrserveJ'wif;t;;;;i;;i;;i'iiilied $7.50 crrict<en sourcreamandtomatoes. orsteakwithbeans.rice.lettuce. $8.50 Burritostuffedwith grilledchicken,onionsand greensauce, coveredwithcheese,sauce.Servedwith riceand beans so. Burritolllacho inredsauce.... .............. $8.50 Burritofilledwithyour choiceof chickenor beef,toppedwith lettuce, sourcreamand tomatoes.Servedwith riceand beans. ..$8.50 ChimichanRa................ "Onellourtortilla,s-oftof fried,filledwith beeftips and toppedwith cheesesauce,lettuce,tomatoes,guacamoleand sourcream. Servedwith rice and beans. ShrimoChimichanRa.........................$s.s5 "Oneflourtdrtilla.softor fried,'filledwith grilledshrimp,onionsand tomatoes. Toppedwith cheesesauce,lettuce,tomatoes,guacamole andsourcream.Servedwith riceand beans. SteakRanchero "12oz-T-bonesteakcoveredwith rancherosauceon top. $13.50 Servedwith rice,beansand tortillas. $13.50 ......$ 1 r . Ste aka n dSh r i m p "12oz.T-bonesteakcookedon the grillwithshrimpandonions. Servedwith rice,beansand tortillas. 1 :..-* tt tV L l Pechuga enSalsa Roja / PolloEnchilado P e ch u gaa l a Plancha , w E n c h i l a Id a ' 'rf .'\ C6ctel de Camarones 66. Rlambrede Bistec SteakAlambre. ...........$ S.S5 sz.fllambrede Pollochicken Alambre................................... S.S5 se.fllambrede Camar6nShrimp Atambre .....$11.00 ss.fllambrelllixto Special ......$12.00 Mixed Alambre zoFajitade Res Grilled SteakFajita................ $ 10.00 n. Fajitade PolloChicken Fajita............... ......$1U.00 za.Fajitade CamardnShrimp Fajita... ............$ 11.00 aa. Fajita[TlixtaSpecial MixedMeatFa|ita...............................$ 12.00 zr [TlojarraFrita FriedTi|apia.............. ............ $mP zs.[Ilojarraa la Diabla Tilapia ina mexican hotsauce.......... $[TlP zs.Camarones a la Plancha Gritted shrimp. $1q.00 z. C6ctelde CamaronesShrimp Cocktail........... $10.00 aeCamaronesal mojo Defljo snrimpin Garlic Sauce........ $10.S5 ru.Camaronesa la DiablaShrimp in HotSauce................... $11.00 eo. HuachinanRo FriedRedSnapper in a mexican hotsauce. $mP e rH u a c h i n a n f oa l a D i a b | a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$. .m . .P RedSnapper in a mexican hotsauce ezCaldode PolloChicken Soup...... $8.50 s : C a l d od e R e sB e e S f o u p . . . . . . . .$. 8 . ...5. .0 e !C a l d od e P a n c i t aB e t tsyo u p . . .$. .8. . 5 0 ssCaldode Camar6nShrimp Soup$10,00 esSopade [Tlariscos(Uia6ra) S e a f o oSdo u p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.00 MENdDENINES- hPsMEN|U [IliniQuesadilla ...$5.00 lllini[achos......... $5.00 lllini8urrito........... $5.00 Chicken Fingers conpapasfritas/w. F.F.... $5.00 llu66ets ......................... $5.00 . FlanflapolitanoNapolitan F|an....... $3.00 PosrKEs ;ll=':.ffl.:,lT#.1 lli;;; 31 33 . Gelatina Jero................................ $1.50 . Pastelde 3 Leches3 Mitkcake..... $3.50 I Hguas Frescas (Sm).....$ 1.50 Peq. 6r.(Lq).......$ 3.00 Jugosflaturales flllflatural Juice P e q(.S m ) . . . .$. . .3. . 0 0 c r .( L g ) . . . . . . .$. .6. . .0 0 Sodasfllexicanas.. = $ 1.50 Jarrit0s..................... $ 1.50 6ii Licuados a', s . Uainilla, P Fresa. Pl5tano lTlameg.fllango Shakgs: strawberry. il,rlange= Banana. Vanilla. Mamey. $
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