Andreas Meyer AFS-design - FSX FS2004 X


Andreas Meyer AFS-design - FSX FS2004 X
AFS - package
Fighter Bomber Wing 31
Germany Airforce
Andreas Meyer
Fighter Bomber Wing 31 "Boelcke"
The Fighter Bomber Wing 31 "Boelcke" is one of the oldest flying task forces of
the Bundeswehr. With the flight of the first Euro Fighter, on 16 December 2009
was now launched in the air-ground role of the new generation combat aircraft to
the fourth generation.
With the Euro Fighter, the Fighter Bomber Wing 31 "Boelcke" is competent to
carry out its mission as a main defense force within the alliance and national
defense. After reaching the air-ground capability of € Fighters this as a multiple
role-capable weapon system (Multi Role) next to the fight against air targets, the
role of the fighter bomber and thus take over control of ground targets is. The
Fighter Bomber Wing 31 "Boelcke" on 20 June 1958 made by then-Defense
Minister Franz Josef Strauss in service. It is in the Air Force made several
pioneering work. Thus, the weapon system Panavia Tornado PA 200 was first
lodged Nörvenich at the airport in service. On 27 April 2006, the foundation stone
for the construction of the 10.5 million euros down expensive simulator building.
The topping out ceremony was on the 25th Celebrated in October 2006.
Fighter Bomber Wing 31 "Boelcke" ..........................................................................1
Content .......................................................................................................................2
System ........................................................................................................................2
Installation for FS2004...............................................................................................3
Installation for FSX ....................................................................................................4
Choice a Airplane of Fighter Bomber Wing 31 .........................................................5
Choice the airport Nörvenich ( ETNN ) in Germany.................................................6
Problem with DirectX in FSX (SP2) – when required only ......................................7
The weapons system EUROFIGHTER......................................................................8
EUROFIGHTER – overview .....................................................................................9
Technical data of the EUROFIGHTER .....................................................................9
The EUROFIGHTER cockpit – panel .....................................................................10
The EUROFIGHTER cockpit – „LEFT SIDE“ .......................................................11
The EUROFIGHTER cockpit – AUTOPILOT – field ..........................................14
Panavia Tornado.......................................................................................................15
PANAVIA TORNADO – overview ........................................................................16
Technical data of the PANAVIA TORNADO IDS (Gr.4) ......................................17
The Tornado cockpit - panel 1 ( pilot ) ....................................................................18
The Tornado cockpit - panel 2 ( weapon system officer ) .......................................20
Right .........................................................................................................................21
Filesize hard drive:
SUPPORT mailto:
Windows 98 SE / Me / 2000 / XP or Vista
FSX (SP1, SP2, Acceleration Pack) and FS2004
35 MB
350 MB
EXE. file
[email protected]
FSX (SP1, SP2, Acceleration Pack) and FS2004
Installation for FS2004
1. For FS2004 download the „AFS-____-FS9.exe“ to a temporary directory of
your choice.
2. Please start the „AFS-____-FS9.exe“ and install.
3. Set in ... the main directory from FS2004, when not automatic choice.
4. Than start the Flight Simulator.
Please use the AFS-____-FS9.exe only for FS2004 ( = FS9 ).
The textures are not suitable for the FSX.
Installation for FSX
1. For FSX download the „AFS-____-FSX.exe“ to a temporary directory of your
2. Please start the „AFS-____-FSX.exe“ and install.
3. Set in ... the main directory from FSX, when not automatic choice.
4. Than start the Flight Simulator
Please use the AFS-____-FSX.exe only for FSX
The textures are not suitable for the FS2004.
Choice a Airplane of Fighter Bomber Wing 31
1. Start your Flight Simulator
2. Select under "Free Flight" and "aircraft"
3. Select „Jagdbombergeschwader 31 "Boelcke".“
4. The choices are:
- Panavia TORNADO
- EF towing vehicle
5. Check the loading mass
6. Start selection
screenshot from German flight simulator version
Choice the airport Nörvenich ( ETNN ) in Germany
screenshot from German flight simulator version
Name of airport: „Nörvenich AB“
Airport ID: „ETNN“
City with airport: „Nörvenich“
State/region: „Germany“
Runway 7 and 25
3 shelterposition
6 outsidepostion
Problem with DirectX in FSX (SP2) – when required only
This programm use DirectX9 only. Please switch out DirectX 10 trailer !
1. Install this add-on
2. Start the Microsoft FSX
3. Choose a plane your choice
4. Start the simualotion (click start)
5. In the simulation switch button "ALT"
6. Choose options / adjustment / display (graphic settings)
7. In the graphic settings windows choose graphic
8. Deactivate "DirectX 10 trailer" in small box ( without camisole )
9. Exit the FSX, and start the FSX new !
The weapons system EUROFIGHTER
The Eurofighter is a single-seat, twin-engine, agile combat aircraft which will be
used in the air-to-air, air-to-ground and tactical reconnaissance roles.
Developed by Europe’s leading aerospace companies, Eurofighter Typhoon is now
in service with the Air Forces of Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom
and will fulfil Air Force requirements well into the 21st Century. Aircraft
production is ongoing and with 638 aircraft under contract to the four Partner
Nations and Austria, as the first export customer.
The design of Eurofighter Typhoon is optimised for air dominance performance
with high instantaneous and sustained turn rates, and specific excess power. Special
emphasis has been placed on low wing loading, high thrust to weight ratio,
excellent all round vision and carefree handling.
Eurofighter Typhoon has a foreplane/delta wing configuration that is
aerodynamically unstable in the subsonic range. The "delta canard" design shape of
the aircraft is driven by a need for:
• Subsonic/supersonic instantaneous and sustained turn rate performance
• Agility
• Lift and STOL (Short take-off and landing)
• Exceptional acceleration
• Reduced drag
Combining this with a low wing loading, high thrust-to-weight ratio, excellent allround vision and carefree handling results in a truly exceptional aircraft.
Stealth technology is incorporated in the basic design. Features include low frontal
Radar Cross Section (RCS), passive sensors and supercruise capability.
The airframe is constructed mainly from Carbon Fibre Composites (CFCs),
lightweight alloys, titanium and Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP).
EUROFIGHTER – overview
A – Canoby ( STRG E )
B – Canards flutter to compensate for the instability
C – Flaperons without flaps ( Eurofighter has no flaps )
D – Tail hook
E – EJ200 engines
F – Fin with position lights ( L )
G – Air brake ( # )
Technical data of the EUROFIGHTER
Weight empty
Weight start
Max. cargo
Start distance
Landing distance
with afterburner
Max. speed
15,96 m
5,28 m
10,95 m
50,00 m²
11.000 kg
max. 23.500 kg
7.500 kg
< 700 m
< 600 m
2 * 70 kN
2 * 90 kN
Mach 2,00
max. + 9 g/- 3 g
The EUROFIGHTER cockpit – panel
A – MFD 1
B – MFD 2
C – MFD 3
D – „LEFT SIDE“ see rubric „LEFT SIDE“
E – Autopilot – field
F – HUD selection switch
G – HUD display
H – Multifunctionsgauge with vertical gyro, compass & bank indicator
I – Emergency „EMGY“ switch
J – Transponder ident „ID“ switch
K – Autopilot high selection switch
L – Safety switches ( not animate )
M – Ladder ( here open/close canopy )
N – Avionic master switch
O – Landing – tailhook down
P – Brake parachute ( here combination with airbrake )
F1 & F2 – Engine fuel feeding interrupt
A – Numberenterfield ( with example frequency 118,25 )
B – COM 1
C – COM 2
D – Transponder
E – NAV frequency 1
F – NAV frequency 2
H – Course selection switch NAV frequency 1
I – Actual heading
J – Gauge of input numbers ( with example frequency 118,25 )
A – Input frequency 118.25 removed
B – Input frequency 118.25 transfer to COM 1 (press key COM 1 )
Second example:
Adjust > A/P
Input a high „2000“ ft in the numberfield
Press key ALT !!( I mean ALT itude in the panel )!!
With them going to save the high „2000“ ft in the autopilot
The EUROFIGHTER cockpit – AUTOPILOT – field
Input in autopilot:
AP / AT – Autopilot / autotrottle master switch
HDG – Hold heading
TRK – Hold track
ALT – Hold altitude
MACH – Hold mach number
IAS – Hold indicate speed
„LEFT SIDE“ field switch over:
A/S – Autopilot dates: input high, vertical speed and so on
FREQ – Frequency dates
RAD 1 – Radio contact of RAD 1
RAD 2 – Radio contact of RAD 2
N 1 – Identification NAV 1
N 2 – Identification NAV 2
ADF – Identification ADF
Panavia Tornado
The Panavia Tornado is a family of twin-engine combat aircraft, which was jointly
developed by the West Germany, United Kingdom and Italy. There are three
primary versions of the Tornado; the Tornado IDS (Interdictor/Strike) fighterbomber, the suppression of enemy air defences Tornado ECR (Electronic
Combat/Reconnaissance) and the Tornado F.3 (only United Kingdom) a air fefence
variant. It is one of the world's most sophisticated and capable interdiction and
attack aircraft, with a long range, large payload and high survivability.
Developed and built by Panavia, a tri-national consortium consisting of MBB of
West Germany, British Aerospace, and Alenia Aeronautica of Italy. The Tornado
first flew on August 14, 1974, and saw action with the RAF and AMI (Italian Air
Force) in the Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm). International co-operation
continued after its entry into service within the Tri-National Tornado Training
Establishment, a tri-nation training and evaluation unit operating from RAF
Cottesmore, England. Including all variants, 992 aircraft were built for the three
partner nations and Saudi Arabia (first export customer).
A – Radom open ( STRG E )
B – Air refueling probe ( FS9: SHIFT W / FSX: STRG W )
C – Canoby open ( STRG E )
D – Swing Wing ( F5, F6, F7, F8 )
E – Elevator
F – Afterburner engine with thrust reverser ( F1 and then F2 )
Technical data of the PANAVIA TORNADO IDS (Gr.4)
Wing area:
Empty mass:
Takeoff weight:
Max. weight:
Internal tank:
Employment radius:
Maximum range:
Achievement without afterburner
Achievement with afterburner
Max. speed:
Service ceiling:
Climbing rate:
Climbing time on 9.000 m:
Take-off run:
Landing run:
16,72 m
8,60 m ( 65° swivel )
13,91 m ( 25° swivel)
5,95 m
26,60 m²
14.501 kg
20.411 kg
27.216 kg
4.660 kg
1.390 km
2.560 km
3.890 km
two Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk-103
38,48 kN
82,77 kN
2,337 km/h Mach 2.2 on over 10.975 m
1,480 km/h Mach 1.2 on sea level
15.240 m
165 m/s
1 min 30 s
1.000 m
900 m
The Tornado cockpit - panel 1 ( pilot )
A – Climbing announcement
C – g - Force meter
D – HUD operating unit
E – Navigation keys
F – Light switch
G – Radarscope
H – Radar illusion receiver
I – Control unit for engine control
J – Landing flap and swivel wings announcement and flaps lever
K – Climbing announcement
L – Speed measurer
M – Altimeter
N – Artificial horizon
O – Course indicator
P – Map announcement
Q – Autopilot
R – Instrument panel for engine control
S – Trim wheel
T – Freezing up switch and pitot heat
U – Stop clock
V – Compass
W – Multi-functional unit ( built-in functions of the ms Flight Simulator )
( here switch to panel 2 )
The Tornado cockpit - panel 2 ( weapon system officer )
A – Climbing achievement
B – Altimeter
C – Autopilot
D – Rear view mirror
E – Tornado GPS mission unit 1
F – Tornado GPS mission unit 2
H – Control unit Tornado GPS 1
I – Control unit Tornado GPS 2
J – Control unit of the radar
K – Landing flap and swivel wings announcement and flaps lever
L – Stop clock
M – Speed measurer
N – Multi-functional unit ( built-in functions of the ms Flight Simulator )
( here switch to panel 2 )
This product is a Add-On for the Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Please use a licenceversion of the Flight Simulator only.
You may the addition use private only.
Andreas Meyer
[email protected]
Copyright: Andreas Meyer

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