Map Legend
Map Legend
1st St Maple Ave Rio Salado Pwky ASU Layered Map CSB You can view more parts of Navigation Panels > Layers * AT THE TEMPE CAMPUS Joe Selleh Track STAD Frank Kush Field Tempe Police Station Tempe Transportation Center AQUAT Forest Ave University Dr TOWER 4 CFS COWDN PEBW INTDSB DISCVRY ECG ECF ECE ECD ECC ECB ECANX ECA BA PSY LDS PS SCOB PEBE BAC B ACACI 7E Acacia Hall ACHAL 6F Acourtia Hall ADEL 7F Adelphi Commons AGVHAL 7F Agave Hall ANX 3C Art Annex APMA 3G Perform. & Media Arts AQUAT 3D Aquatic Center ARHAL 7E Arroyo Hall ART 4B Art Building ARWH 4B Art Warehouse ASUPD 7C Police Department ATHLE 3G Athletes Performance BA 6C Business Admin. BAC 6D Business Admin. C Wing BDA 5F Biodsgn. Institute Bldg A BDB 5F Biodsgn. Institute Bldg B BKSTR 6D Bookstore BYAC 3B Brickyard Artisan Crtyrd BYENG 3A Brickyard Engnr. BYOH 3B Orchidhouse(Brickyard) CAM 3C College Ave. Market CDN 4B College of Design North CDS 4B College of Design South CERHAL 7F Cereus Hall CFS 4C Center for Family Studies CGS 4F Ceramics Grad. Studio C BDA d R ce a r Ter Cholla Apartments ISTB4 RURAL RD. LAWLB SRC Tennis Courts Apache Blvd Ocotillo Hall ASUPD ACHAL Hassayampa Academic Village MVHAL ACACI ARHAL VBHAL HONHAL Barrett Honors College SGHAL CHUPAJOBA AGVHAL VDSI VDSK VDSJ VDSG VDSH Vista Del Sol D Map Legend CHPF Lemon St Lemon St S A OCSS LAW VDSCC VDSE VSDB Tempe St. Luke Hospital CHILD BDB Orange Mall E W Tyler St LDS VDSD VDSC 8 TYLER ST. PSYN VDSF N ISTB1 8th St ISTB2 SRC Intramural Fields Tennis Courts APACHE BLVD. Hayden Hall RSS Under Construction Normal Ave Irish Hall College Ave Forest Ave Birchett Park Best Hall ENGRC BKSTR Lemon St GGMA NOBLE CPCOM MU Cady Mall INTDSA SSV 13th St UASB MUR MOEUR Gammage Pkwy 7 CP CGS UCNTRA d WILSN CHAPL EDC 11th St 12th St LSE ED MUSIC 6 LIB LSA LSB/D Cornerstone Mall UCNTRB eR FAC Tyler Mall SS University Dr USE PSH PSC PSF GWC PSB PSAWEXLR ISTB5 PWH LSC Manzanita Hall APMA PSD PSG UCLUB MAIN LIB a Dr rac EDB HSB Soccer Stadium r Te 10th St PSE LL SHESC LYC ART NEEB MHALL MCENT STAUF McClintock Hall COOR GHALL 5 CRC Palo Verde West WGHL Forest Mall 10TH ST. TMPCT FULTN CDN ARWH CDS 9th St UVCMN Alph San Pablo Hall Palo Verde East PABLO ALBER ATHLE Palo Verde Main FULTON CENTER Farrington Stadium Band Practice Field WUC VISTA DEL SOL Parking E HAYDN 7C Hayden Hall CHILD 5G Campus Chldrn’s Cnter CHAPL 5C Danforth Chapel HONHAL 7F Honors Hall CHOLA 5G Cholla Apartments Daley Park HSB 4D Health Service Bldg. CHPF 6F Cmb’d Heat & Pwr Fac. INTDSA/B 6C Interdisciplin. A/B CHUPA 7E Chuparosa Hall IRISH 7C Irish Hall COOR 5B Lattie F. Coor Hall ISTB1 5D Intrdiscip. Sc & Tech. 1 COWDN 4C Cowden Family Rsrcs ISTB2 4E Intrdiscip. Sc & Tech. 2 CP 5D Central Plant ISTB5 4E Intrdiscip. Sc & Tech. 5 CPCOM 6D Computng Commons JNHAL 7F Juniper Hall JOBA 7E Jojoba Hall CPS 8F Central Plant South CRC 5B Ceramics Research Ctr. LAW 6E Armstrong Hall CSAC 2D Carson Stdnt Ath Cntr LAWLB 6E Law Library CSB 1F Community Serv. Bldg. LIB 5C Hayden Library CTRPT 3A Centerpoint LL 4C Languages & Literature CWHAL 7F Cottonwood Hall LS 5D Life Sciences Center DISCVRY 6C Discovery Hall LSC 5D Life Sciences C-wing ECA-G 5D Engineering Center LSE 5D Life Sciences Tower ED 6B Farmer Building LYC 4C Lyceum Theatre EDB 5B Payne Hall MAIN 4D Old Main EDC 6B Education Lecture Hall MANZH 4E Manzanita Hall ENGRC 5D Engin. Rsrch Cntr MB 7C Best Hall FAC 5B Nelson Fine Arts Center MCENT 5C Matthews Center FULTN 4C Fulton Center MCL 5C McClintock Hall GGMA 6B Gammage Auditorium MHALL 5C Matthews Hall GHALL 5C Dixie Gammage Hall MOEUR 6C Moeur Building GWC 4E Goldwater Center MSHAL 6F Mesquite Hall CERHAL ASU Building Parking Area McAllister Shuttle Intercampus Shuttle RWHAL 7th St Myrtle Ave Mill Ave Centerpoint College Ave BYENG BYAC CAM ANX CTRPT WHALL 3 STADIUM sW ay 6th St MSHAL BYOH ran Wells Fargo Arena WFA McAllister Ave 6th St Ve te WGTF VDDM Rural Rd UNIV. TOWERS WTF BBTS Whiteman Tennis RFPF Center CSAC University Towers Tempe City Hall Palm Walk h St Tempe Post Office Hayden Mall Maple Ave Ash Ave 5th St TRACK PACKARD DR. KGC Kajikawa Football Practice Fields Sun Angel Stadium Desert Aboretum Park Sun Devil Stadium McAllister Mall 2 ASU Karsten Golf Course Hobbs Varsity Golf Facility JNHAL 3rd St Sun Angel Clubhouse Golf Performance Center PBS WILOHAL Ave *The layer view option is only available with Adobe Reader 8.0 Download at Packard Stadium Packard Dr 1 North Locker View> CWHAL Layers button or under Athletes’ Place St on the this map2nd by clicking Flash Bus Stop Valley Metro Stop Light Rail Station Adelphi Commons Adelphi II Commons Spence Ave Sonora Center Map not to scale updated 3.2011 USB CPS F G MU 6C Memorial Union MSB Hall MUR 5D Murdock Lecture MUSIC 6B Music Building MVHAL 7E Mohave Hall NEEB 5B Neeb Hall NOBLE 5E Noble Science Library OCOT 7D Ocotillo Hall OCSS 5G Off-Campus Stdnt Srv PABLO 3D San Pablo Hall PEBE 6E Physical Ed. East PEBW 6D Physical Ed. West PSA-H 4D Physical Science Wings PSY 5E Psychology Building PSYN 4E Psychology North PVE 3D Palo Verde East PVM 3D Palo Verde Main PVW 3D Palo Verde West PWH 4D Piper Writers House RWHAL 6F Rosewood Hall SAC 1H Sun Angel Clubhouse SCD 8F Sonora Center SCOB 5E Schwada Building SGHAL 7F Sage Hall SHESC 4C Sch.Human Ev.Soc.Chg SRC 8E Student Recreation Cplx SS 5C Social Sciences H SSV 6C Student Services Building STAD 2D Sun Devil Stadium STAUF 5B Stauffer Comm. Vista del Cerro Dr TMPCT 4B Tempe Center TOWER 4B Tower Center TRACK 2F Sun Angel Stadium TSB 6D Temp. Std Bus. Srvs UASB 5D Undergrad Academic UCLUB 4D University Club UCNTRA 3H University Center A UCNTRB 3H University Center B UNIVT 2C University Towers USB 8G University Services Bldg USE 4E Urban Systems Engin. VBHAL 6F Verbena Hall VDDM 6F Verde Dickey Dome VDS 8E Vista Del Sol Cmplx. WEXLR 4D Wexler Hall WFA 3E Wells Fargo Arena WGHL 4C Wrigley Hall WGTF 2H Women Gymst Train. WHALL 5C West Hall WILOHAL 6F Willow Hall WILSN 5C Wilson Hall WTF 2H Wrestling Training WUC 6F Weatherup Center
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July 2016
July 2016
City of Baytown - Monthly Permit Report
Permit Type: BLCERTOCC