Client Handbook Part 2
Client Handbook Part 2
PAu.l Vs.PArN The oVevwhetrning fepulalion af thie WorKis that it is (UV; if peoptehevehcard of Dr Rolf3 Work, PA t N Iherlhaye hv,rd that il hurts. , keeping in mind lhe educqilonalnafureof Structural if s Worl*rnotingthat rt is hardloremain ln,tegration, o?e fo a,leqrningexperiense when ondisw;ftdrawing i4 p4in. fue exgefience of pAinis'verl subjectiveone send ?ersonffirough l*v roof {essurc thctwoutd Will krnrdlbregitt"r \^/ithanol{tcr. :q s I ) Thefe is, haWevcr,A difte(encebetr/een+.hepainrt injuq ahdfue pain of Silructutrallntegrction. W hen rlouiwrst an ankle ona lump4fteld,the ankle firobs dnd rerr'tdinsqtr|qn|fo,Se,terit'hou/sof eV€nda4s. W hcn :5otr practltione(;s atferrrptinllo ftee up Iht trrgsuethqt hasscarred artdthie)<cnedfrom that sarne injunj, T4ounrn1revisrf someafl*uf gain. The differenceig that.onceTjou(practifionerremovesthe ?res9ure,*he pain itott, en d oftBnthere is a feetingoF lightaessor freedomin tlte areq. qndunoler*andirq, tn tfie interestot'communicaflon ['Vcin oluded a ehq,rtttratWe cAnv$e Io l,cep Lloul. geriesenlighteningand posihvc.The besf mny for in t{ris work is probabhlfour to ss/en on achievewtent the sc^l€at rilht, ftcl kze to volunte* a.rutmberef rf I neglectto askr or {or anrltimc dudngt4oursessions Ihat vrvtler lo sinp\ s44t'ouch!'or "elvptn. lnll* :n+ L E 6 ;€ *f \ s5 L4 .85 Ez L) l I "Gelrlourhqnots ,t me o( t'll stul "& ' rloul', l" "Ouch OVerthe tine. Wrthdf4winq or ' fighting bc,ck. t'Ihtc* ]s cboul the limit o( wnc* I want to Know." t' Dis,linc+t\uncomft*a516,lqf I cen Stitt bd ?raea1." "Ihr+g bqiminolta challcnleme.u "still just fine, houqh deepec L,rghf ?rc,%ure Aurc tr'oKtin3. Anyleedbaclaloucan ofreriiwelcome. A cleardiatoquefsvitcl to ttreWork.the more I l0rowabou*how youV,feeling,the better tcan'understandand is one.wego ld4ress.1ourspecificneeds.Thiq process throughlng.ther,no{hin9getsdonewr'tho* rloul ,) qT LQ /. ile gAgtc't6N ser"rgS' The RolfMethod 4 Structural lnlegratiEnhas been ha9 gomgosed Eachsession asa seriesrt len sessiong. itEownsrnqller qoelswi+hinlhe broaderqoalsof gfructrrrat Integratioh,and,ever1hourbnrild'sonl*te . prevfoul worK. I thoughfrloufi ight tiketo havegome ideao?whqtto expe* from Sourgestiofiea'chtirne, so lhat vpu CaApfep^re4ou(sel?andfor a"'kinfrrmed questiongbeforehand.' O NE Thc firsf houri'5a Superficralone, an exploration rneanttoeasethe oulergleeveof iasciq'ffompallerns of strain and the downwqrd.2fiectsofgravi\', Th,eare*s o{ lhe bodl Where Wewill be focusinq are mainly the tl'to^ raxand the outer hlps, makingspacefor4otlu' brealn andunPirtning t4owou..r tguit' of i+s bucklesand crimps. lf qouq,retfti4Kinqol buyrnguloursel?a. new?qir o+ ghoeg,Wcrtunfil qffcr thig Ses9i orrbecauserqouriaS ' quite fiferallrlgain a newpair of ftet! lAe;ee tn *hiSsersion *,hefrcue is ongiving 1ouside6, malcing surethat gtrucfuresthq?belongin the ftont are'inkont, and thosel4ul belon6in the back-qre'in back. This is*he lasfof the superficiclgessiorr s, ryd Wewilt pr.imaritybeworKing gides alongthe of the bod\,lengthen tn1 dnd openinlg. FOUR, mr ffi feel"inq Thfssession frels greal,?@?l<usualt4leave upbftedand tight 1ia/o Seseion fidoConcentrates mosttlon_gour tov./er legsarrdftet frere Weare qiving4ou 'a soltdfrundationfrom which{o feceiveflleresf *ffiewort. {)5\o The fourth hourigthouqhtof asthedeepesfhour,not becaugeof ke amountof Vtesture applied,but beq,usein fhis s€sgion we beginlo qd'dresim, acfive Coreof lhe bodtl The y1e;glak-esVlaceon the insideso?ldelecls fromthe heelo?the-$ot lo the bq"seof the pelvis. In someculhres+he p€tvisis seena€the seatof fhe sor.t,444 i.ndeed, rf is cenvalh the esfabtishm entof bara,nce in Sirr,tctr,ree hcre drereep,onsibte 6r W,tontlr loart.. boh tiqs as and,W +he odteffifr i1g-l.,yhole.uppr to negotlate tfte unevertdwhce,?ke eai+h.Whcn o^l*n ig able1ogruin!easll4in the nsting" When *lne'pel,riv af connectrve end,sit between thelogs figsqethat eueg ttr" lege,thete is a strongand regiticntbasefrom "f which the structuresof lne back canrise and in-rvhich in the ths visceracanre6t Essenliall!,eve(ygegEion R-olfingseriesis gearedtoward*[e pelvis,fo eslabtish ilshovirtntatit'yand mobitity,but it is in *hefourth, fitth, and sixth hourgthai weveallyfocrtsIhe lar1gi61" ygorKqfouedthe pelvis FI V E is basically Thig see6ion a continuation.of number four. Y1swill prion mari\ be WorKing trhedee?ermusclesol again the abdomen, aftemptingto free the pelvisof an9restrictions. trffi "Fh.w.rllf,? m1.4bse and ia ir1^ruki,'l.riuurf around*tetacefs exkernetvl genlleandcqicui, ond lateygleygs Ne wornb1++te'??a.l;ii"nr; ir'i"im oqa nose Worlc lf you prekr,Solr cafl choose l.t me quideqour ciwnqlouedfin9er in to do lhe to worX,oryou carr refrrgethe wort<gnnrdttl.I would,e.omr" ndlhot tlou o1-ive.if nt V,+h9fi_mesplnt here is rrrinimatqnd' n12(e9l'trKCanbe faia4anating. yovneverknow gixth hourworlcvounds outthefocusonlhe gelvrs, this timeapproaohinqfiom',the loWerbackand Sacrum (tnitbone). receive sessfons four, ln scsgion seVen, the objoofigto t putthe headon,'soto sgeatc. This hourwewoik on balqnciajqour necK and heaAon{hespine, treeing rcslrichonsr.n the tasciqofthe shouldevl,neck,skull and face. Yes,the facel Thie ig anofhernotovious Rdfing *or5; stx idea Irisagood h SEVEr.l f-.a) fivo, gdsixreratverx ll r \llJ bgetherbecauss (1 close fhq arcq,ltSoi4fs11s- I /i ( l a r ed.tnt hiestaq e,q ou l/\/ rl l qqendupfe elin g' UU unbalanced in PrettY e fil\ a ttth hU ll//h\l y,U) lt/htfl,L) V| ' yttNlf tl O ll /! UU ' einc€Uouore smackin [stween4oura1pointmentg the middle of a singutar\ intcngeprocessc-rt5a howrrrucheressu(e lhire isineiie,1"i, iertarin+, fry haveif suddenll relieved. kgardyeT,W.butkoftheacfiontakesslaceinil" vfioreumfortablestrucfures of{he neclch"a *r,rut_ ders,andlhisrsornother s€erion ftom*r,i.fip."pt. Iendtoftoa| . EloHT,N1NEqndTEN aredevoted lo tntqrqtbn *:tne lhl, ,ftr:?eessions natrdworkhes b.asrcalllbeen do,nsnori,qnd eighr qri1"litgaveifqbi" ropicr< ur'*,rk',r, ?:11f1:g: an4parhcutrrlg qreqs stubbirn toughotdpatferns. uba stilictrnginjtothedr .\_ Tenth howWorkis all aboutcreahngabody+hql movesGsoneunit Witheaseand freealom.we focusa lot moreon connectin{,perhapsdoingmcre,lllov€tyl€flt sessioQ€. Work*hanin an4 olt\e Prev.ioUg havelearneda lot HopefuttqbUthis timer4orr,wilt bod4.The bhsfCk^ }e(iesie,to me, afqg' aboulr4our on of lhe shellfhat w€calt "me!' cinafingexplora{r Strqctl^rallntegrahonis a beginnia9',e Rolfedbody resgondsftlorereadt\to changee,Ierafter. Thc work thatWehavedonetogetherwill confinuelo rnaniPest rtsetfove(the rnonlhsand4earS'tocome. eR4v r{{ sPAcEANIDArU6 qrevid fu be sesrionseleverT,fwelve, aur.dfltir4-r"en' st6tLtTY R-esPoN there isa certl,inq,rnounf $retgonsabflit! thaf 4at ass1lfie vthenTou'begina Qfrvlvrdl lnlegralion gcfigs. It iE irnportantthaf 4duseelhis qs a Prccessthat 1ou wilt foltowthrouqhunfit comptetron.lnce loubegin your series,louWiltbe dna sfateo(transfo(mafiorl ten is over. fftrou Know+W it ma4 be until eess{on aWhilebetweenappointmenq,bl mo lQow sothaf we can adjust oqr work accordinglrl.Sesgionsone,three, omdsevenqre goodslopping placesif, for Whqtever reason,youfind lnafryu needa breqkin 5ourseries. Realiae,too,thaf this Workis somethingwe do togelhor, twitl be workingwith yuu,notonUou.Youwill be asKedIo parhupal<,andIo ertendUourqett{o h discoveryour Line embracechange and frnd watTs in dail5 trfe. What l'mtqi 4gto sagisthq* the masand soaKinqil alt up sagemoddofjust la4i1grrhere doesnot work"wetlwith Structurat lnfegrahon. cu^ ll...ta CONT INUIN GWOR K [t is generatty(e*omrnendedtttetSouwq.itfrr aboutgiX monthsbeforehaving6ng t?orc Stracfa;al lntqration done. (Youmqq w4nt +" come in sooncri{ bou g* into qn occidcnf of sorneKfnd , dcpefldinqon lhencfure and.szveritl oF+hc in1urr1.; Theworkwill sticlcwith rlou,bulsince wecontin*e lo otronnf,,it iEa 9oout in *he world and bash orrrselveg comein fur q "touch-ug'nowarrdthen. Youwill vrobablSknowwhenUouieedto com€infir (offing and when Lgood,stress-busfingmassage will 40. Advqncedworkis ava,ilabte.There ii a serjesof oneto five sessions designedto taKe*he client*o *?renext hijher levelof inte4rqtion.Thoughqf this point tarn notquatifiedto o(Ier;t nqlelf,l would be haTplIo providejou with tho namesoI localprqctihbnerswho qre certified (or adva.nced gtruch,r,ra t lntegration g€ssions. ON YOUR.OWN thcre qrc mqnSactive*hings youe,ando to tn4lofuo ){ , bodr1*his work AeIoriPallernin1,qoga, Ro|fi n9 Moverrtent, lnt eqahon, Feldenkrais wor k Pit4te; the Atexander lechnique... Seq+lleis fflie d resources wt{h frrexptoring qourptenfial. I wrll bs achvcll seeking oul r.krei'pes 6r sclf- sildr1 frr mlle€tf and4ou.kcl fireeto cheef<mr1 booKshelv* or^46Kme a}rlu+M! o+these oPtro's. *rr t( a.-. # # + 1t n$ a SO/{EFINAL WORPS Hogefutllr*.r curiosit5hasnowbeeqemewhatg4tig!red,andatthe s^me{imefurtherelerlaled.lam cerfcinlrl.qvailabte for morediscussion of theseideaq andalsofor beginning afen-series of jour own. * g s SR{r€sAr<# oncscssion I itlu-bur 34t o4ce to it'r^!r';!"^u i ) 1/ b$le_-----i*\' v2o< fl ) I t ) ; nY-fFAtNrNh fi5lor€6ry wri.rcccivcd a* {he guilf $r Strnsturel lnfcgonlll,r, t o . tht"4 An bA Srahrn, ?ee,c*rcd on {he tntcrnct * ; h*f , llwwv,t.rol[quild . orq r o( on *fia lcVphone ql' S o o( utan l*trrouXhSooAolal{eshioncdma.rl Se,rvic<.. ' esr 3lo+ 48{l^St (in Tabo?lad liler, Co \ I go9ol I Per*frNer +"i +vr.S"iilfle booksw,rsAoncql htrl;e?rrss indns+rr^tgitcnqlr.?n.ksA'me,0grinhn4 / Ynn'll 't find *hem atr '(fut)4Lo-r1-17. I ILLUSTMTIONS areb1 thc tovcltlqnd tetentcd Elcn Fo(nc4,who can be rcacheA' b4 *mail at' ellcn$rncqAiab,aorl.@m 1AoL. Algo,c}tec,I< or af ?.o.bovL5369Sea{tte,WA oul hcr wob ganeqtr Wr'/W.ellanlorneS.'onu v1 xlhc terrns Rtl{cr a@ Rofin4 qrc Frqde'aatt<e4 4{1eRplt lns*r'tuteol$lrwo+wiLtr*eSretion.