i® ISSA • AISS • IVSS International Social Security Association
i® ISSA • AISS • IVSS International Social Security Association
International Social Security Association i® ISSA • AISS • IVSS Documentation Centre Case Postale 1 CH-1211 Geneva 22 RECEIVED 2 8 NOV 2002 International Labour Office JLO INFORM BIT ISSA SOCIAL SECURITY THESAURUS October 2002 SUMMARY Branches 3 Keywords 7 Countries 65 Regions 89 Alphabetical index of keywords 95 102B09/308 engl cp.l OCu c 67T W1 fO.g Branches 00.01.00 - social policy [G1 ] 00.02.00 - social security scheme [G2] 01.00.00 - old age risk [V] 02.00.00 - risk of disability [I] 03.00.00 - risk of survivors [S] 04.00.00 - risk of sickness and promotion of health [M] 05.00.00 - risk of maternity [MT] 06.00.00 - family responsibilities [AF] 07.00.00 - risk of unemployment and employment policy [C] 08.00.00 - risk of occupational accidents and disease [ATMP] 09.00.00 - rehabilitation [R] 10.00.00 - social assistance [SSA1] 11.00.00 - social service [SSA2] 12.00.00 - housing [SSA3] The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 5 Keywords SOCIAL POLICY 00.01.00 - social policy [012] French: politique sociale Spanish: política social Germán: Sozialpolitik 00.01.01 - social security planning [014] French: planification de la sécurité sociale Spanish: planificación de la seguridad social German: Planung dersozialen Sicherheit Definition: The systematic establishment of targets, time frames, financing, legislation, implementation, etc. 00.01.02 - social security reform [010] French: réforme de la sécurité sociale Spanish: reforma de la seguridad social German: Reform der sozialen Sicherheit 00.01.03 - relations between social security branches [024] French: relations entre les branches d'assurance sociale Spanish: relaciones entre las ramas del seguro social German: Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Sozialversicherungszweigen SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEME 00.02.00 - social security scheme [000] French: régime de sécurité sociale Spanish: régimen de seguridad social German: System der sozialen Sicherheit 00.02.01 - social insurance [700] French: assurance sociale Spanish: seguro social German: Sozialversicherung Definition: Compulsory contributory insurance schemes often limited to employees and providing various benefits in cases of illness, old age, unemployment, etc. 00.02.02 - complementary protection [702] French: protection complémentaire Spanish: protección complementaria German: Zusatzversorgung Definition: General term for benefits provided on a compulsory or voluntary basis to improve the coverage provided by a statutory basic scheme. Applies to both pensions and health care. May be organized on a statutory basis, in the framework of a collective agreement, or as an individual arrangement. Synonym(s): complementary benefit; complementary pension The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 9 00.02.03 - mutual benefit society [580] French: mutualité Spanish: mutualidad German: Hilfsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit Definition: Nonprofit associations created to protect their members against various economic and social risks. Members contribute to a common fund and are entitled to benefits from it according to prescribed rules and in case of need. Synonym(s): friendly society; mutual company 00.02.04 - voluntary insurance [170] French: assurance volontaire Spanish: seguro voluntario German: freiwillige Versicherung Definition: Voluntary, optional or extended participation in a social protection scheme. 00.02.05 - private insurance [530] French: assurance privée Spanish: seguro privado German: Privatversicherung Definition: Protection schemes, usually not compulsory by law, provided by private institutions in contrast to state schemes, and which may or may not be profit making. OLD AGE RISK 01.00.00 - old age risk [704] French: risque vieillesse Spanish: riesgo de vejez German: Altersrisiko 01.01.00 - pension scheme [706] French: régime de pension Spanish: régimen de pension German: Rentensystem Definition: General term encompassing schemes set up to provide retirement, disability and death benefits for retired or disabled workers and for war veterans or for their survivors. Use a more specific term wherever possible. Synonym(s): pension plan; pension system 01.01.01 - old age benefit [708] French: prestations de vieillesse Spanish: prestaciones de vejez German: Altersruhegeld Definition: Benefit, usually in the form of periodic payments and sometimes meanstested, attributed to persons as of a given age. (1997) 10 The codes in parentheses are for iSSA use only and have no other significance. Synonym(s): national mandatory pension scheme; public old age pension; state retirement pension 01.01.02 - provident fund [585] French: fonds de prévoyance Spanish: fondo de previsión German: Vorsorgefonds Definition: A compulsory savings plan contributed to by both employee and employer to provide the employee with a lump sum based on previous contribution records on termination of employment. 01.01.03 - private pension scheme [710] French: régime de pension privé Spanish: régimen privado de pension German: private Altersversorgung Definition: A complementary or supplementary scheme, usually voluntary, to improve the coverage of a basic statutory scheme. Applies to old age, retirement, disability and survivors benefits. Synonym(s): personal pension; private old age income support; private pension plan; private retirement benefit; private retirement income security; private retirement income support; supplementary private pension; supplementary retirement income 01.01.04 - saving [625] French: épargne Spanish: ahorro German: Sparen 01.02.00 - elder care [712] French: soins aux personnes âgées Spanish: asistencia a las personas de edad avanzada German: Altenpflege Synonym(s): care of the aged; care of the elderly; care of older persons; caregiving for elders 01.03.00 - occupational pension scheme [714] French: régime de pension professionnel Spanish: régimen de pensión profesional German: Betriebsrentensystem Definition: Schemes set up by employers to provide some degree of financial protection against such contingencies as old age, accidents, illness, death, etc. In some countries, leave, rest periods, life insurance, are also considered as employee benefits. Use the broader term PRIVATE PENSION SCHEME for schemes contracted outside the work environment, and FRINGE BENEFIT for additional remuneration received by employees in cash, kind or services over and above payment for work done, e.g. allowances for housing, meals, travel and moving expenses, etc. (1997). The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 11 Synonym(s): company pension scheme; corporate pension plan; employee benefit plan; employee pension plan; employer provided benefit; occupational pension plan; superannuation 01.04.00 - retirement [039] French: retraite Spanish: jubilación German: Ruhestand 01.04.01 - retirement age [716] French: âge de la retraite Spanish: edad de jubilación German: Ruhestandsalter 01.04.02 - deferred retirement [718] French: retraite différée Spanish: jubilación diferida German: aufgeschobener Ruhestand 01.04.03 - early retirement [720] French: retraite anticipée Spanish: jubilación anticipada German: vorgezogener Ruhestand 01.04.04 - flexible retirement [722] French: retraite flexible Spanish: jubilación flexible German: flexibler Ruhestand Definition: Flexibility in retirement or pensionable age. 01.04.05 - partial retirement [724] French: retraite partielle Spanish: jubilación parcial German: Teilruhestand Definition: The combining of part time employment with receipt of a reduced pension. 01.04.06 - phased retirement [726] French: retraite progressive Spanish: jubilación progresiva German: gleitender Ruhestand Definition: Progressive limitation of hours of work for older workers. 01.04.07 - severance pay [728] French: indemnité de licenciement Spanish: auxilio de cesantía German: Abfmdungszahlung 12 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Synonym(s): dismissal compensation; redundancy benefit; redundancy payment; separation payment; termination benefit RISK OF DISABILITY 02.00.00 - risk of disability [730] French: risque invalidité Spanish: riesgo de invalidez German: Invaliditátsrisiko 02.01.00 - disability benefit [732] French: prestations d'invalidité Spanish: prestaciones de invalidez German: Invalidenleistungen Synonym(s): disability allowance; disability pension; incapacity benefit; invalidity benefit; invalidity insurance 02.01.01 - veterans benefit [734] French: prestations d'ancien combattant Spanish: prestaciones de veteranos de guerra German: Kriegsopferleistungen Synonym(s): war veterans compensation 02.02.00 - disabled person [303] French: handicapé Spanish: persona con discapacidad German: Behinderter Synonym(s): handicapped person 02.02.01 - disabled youth [194] French: jeune handicapé Spanish: joven con discapacidad German: behinderter Jugendlicher Synonym(s): handicapped youth 02.02.02 - disabled children [736] French: enfants handicapés Spanish: niños con discapacidad German: behinderte Kinder Synonym(s): handicapped children 02.03.00 - assessment of disability [043] French: évaluation de l'incapacité Spanish: evaluación de la invalidez German: Einstufung der Behinderung The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 13 Definition: The quantitive evaluation of an insured person's inability to work in his or her former profession or in any other, or of his or her potential for réintégration into a suitable occupation. It is also used in determining the level of benefits. (1997) Synonym(s): evaluation of invalidity 02.03.01 - residual work capacity [738] French: capacité résiduelle de travail Spanish: capacidad residual de trabajo German: Resterwerbsfàhigkeit Definition: A disabled person's remaining work ability following a disabling disease or injury. 02.03.02 - impairment [740] French: déficience Spanish: deficiencia German: Schâdigung Definition: Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function. 02.03.03 - handicap [742] French: handicap Spanish: discapacidad permanente German: Behinderung Definition: Disadvantage, resulting from an impairment or a disability, which prevents a person from fulfilling a role that is normal for his or her age, sex, and social and cultural environment. 02.03.04 - occupational handicap [744] French: handicap professionnel Spanish: discapacidad profesional German: berufliche Behinderung Definition: Disadvantage resulting from an impairment or a disability which prevents a person from obtaining or retaining suitable employment. Do not confuse with WORK DISABLEMENT. Synonym(s): employment handicap; work handicap 02.03.05 - visually disabled [049] French: handicapé visuel Spanish: persona con discapacidad visual German: Sehbehinderter Synonym(s): blind; blindness; visually handicapped 02.03.06 - aurally disabled [746] French: handicapé auditif Spanish: persona con discapacidad auditiva German: Horbehinderter 14 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Synonym(s): aurally handicapped; deaf; deafness 02.04.00 - care of the disabled [748] French: soins aux handicapés Spanish: cuidado a las personas con discapacidad Germán: Behindertenfürsorge Synonym(s): care of the handicapped; disabled care 02.04.01 - constant attendance allowance [058] French: allocation pour soins constants Spanish: asignación por asistencia constante German: Pflegegeld RISK OF SURVIVORS 03.00.00 - risk of survivors [750] French: risque survivants Spanish: riesgo de sobrevivientes German: Hinterbliebenenrisiko 03.01.00 - survivors benefit [752] French: prestations de survivants Spanish: prestaciones de supervivencia German: Hinterbliebenenleistungen Synonym(s): widows pension 03.01.01 - death allowance [754] French: allocation décès Spanish: subsidio por deceso German: Sterbegeld Synonym(s): death benefit; death grant 03.01.02 - funeral grant [756] French: frais d'obsèques Spanish: gastos funerarios German: Bestattungskosten RISK OF SICKNESS AND PROMOTION OF HEALTH 04.00.00 - risk of sickness and promotion of health [758] French: risque maladie et promotion de la santé Spanish: riesgo de enfermedad- promoción de la salud German: Krankheitsrisiko und Gesundheitsfórderung 04.00.01 - health insurance [760] French: assurance-maladie Spanish: seguro de enfermedad German: Krankenversicherung The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 15 Definition: Public or private scheme for reimbursement of medical or hospital care, or compensation for loss of income due to illness, injury or accident. (1997) Synonym(s): health care benefit; medical insurance; sickness benefit; sickness insurance 04.00.02 - accident insurance [762] French: assurance-accident Spanish: seguro de accidentes German: Unfallversicherung 04.01.00 - cash sickness benefit [764] French: indemnité de maladie Spanish: prestaciones monetarias de enfermedad German: Krankengeld Definition: Monetary payment to a beneficiary when unable to work due to illness, as specified by the insurance coverage. (1997) Synonym(s): sick pay 04.01.01 - absenteeism [076] French: absentéisme Spanish: ausentismo German: Absentismus Synonym(s): absence from work 04.02.00 - health policy [766] French: politique sanitaire Spanish: política sanitaria German: Gesundheitspolitik 04.02.01 - managed care [768] French: gestion des systèmes de soins Spanish: gestion de los sistemas de asistencia sanitaria German: Managed Care Definition: Includes the coordination of many forms of treatment, especially complex and expensive cases, with a view to optimize care and reduce expenditure. 04.03.00 - health status [480] French: état de santé Spanish: estado de salud German: Gesundheitszustand Definition: The condition of an individual, group or population in terms of qualitative or quantitative health indicators such as morbidity, mortality, etc. 04.03.01 - consumption of health care [028] French: consommation de soins de santé Spanish: utilización de cuidados de salud German: Inanspruchnahme von Gesundheitsleistungen 16 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Definition: The utilization of benefits in kind or services relating to medical treatment, hospital care, etc. 04.03.02 - in patient care [770] French: soins à l'hôpital Spanish: atención hospitalaria Germán: stationàre Behandlung 04.03.03 - out patient care [772] French: soins ambulatoires Spanish: atención ambulatoria German: ambulante Behandlung 04.04.00 - health service [046] French: service de santé Spanish: servicio de salud German: Gesundheitsdienst Synonym(s): health facilities; medical service 04.04.01 - dispensary [774] French: dispensaire Spanish: dispensario German: Werksapotheke 04.04.02 - health centre [776] French: centre médical Spanish: centro médico German: Pflegezentrum Synonym(s): health center 04.04.03 - hospital [055] French: hôpital Spanish: hospital German: Krankenhaus Synonym(s): mental hospital 04.04.05-HMO [780] French: HMO Spanish: HMO German: HMO Definition: A health care delivery system where the provider offers a participant a comprehensive range of health services for a fixed premium. The recipient agrees to use only these services (except in cases of emergency) and thereby obtains a broader set of benefits at less cost. Synonym(s): Health Maintenance Organization The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 17 04.05.00 - medical care [044] French: soins médicaux Spanish: asistencia médica German: medizinische Versorgung Definition: Treatment supplied by medical personnel in a hospital, health service, practice, workplace or at home. It is given by general practitioners, specialists, or by a qualified nurse and may include provision of prescribed drugs. (1997) Synonym(s): health care; health care system; public health 04.05.01 - hospital care [782] French: soins hospitaliers Spanish: cuidados hospitalarios German: Krankenhauspflege 04.05.02 - preventive medicine [056] French: médecine préventive Spanish: medicina preventiva German: Prâventivmedizin 04.05.03 - primary health care [048] French: soins de santé primaires Spanish: atención primaria de salud German: medizinische Grundversorgung Definition: Services, including preventive care such as checkups, screening for diseases, vaccination, etc., provided by general practitioners or health services, but not specialists. (1997) 04.05.04 - alternative medicine [784] French: médecine alternative Spanish: medicina alternativa German: Alternativmedizin 04.05.05 - long term care [199] French: soins de longue durée Spanish: cuidados de larga duración German: Langzeitpflege Definition: Continuous care provided to the elderly or to persons with chronic disease or disability, including care at home or in a nursing home, medical care, social support, etc. Specific provisions usually apply when it is not covered by basic health insurance. 04.05.06 - residential care [786] French: foyer d'accueil spécialisé Spanish: residencia de atención especializada German: Behindertenheim Synonym(s): residential care home 18 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 04.05.07 - dental care [054] French: soins dentaires Spanish: asistencia odontológica German: zahnërztliche Versorgung 04.05.08 - pharmaceuticals [045] French: produit pharmaceutique Spanish: producto farmacéutico German: Pharmaka 04.06.00 - supply of health care [037] French: offre de soins de santé Spanish: oferta de cuidados de salud German: Angebot von Gesundheitsleistungen Definition: Benefits in kind or services available for medical treatment. 04.06.01 - role of the medical profession [500] French: rôle du corps médical Spanish: rol del cuerpo médico German: Rolle der Àrzteschaft Definition: Responsibilities and functions of general practitioners, nurses, etc., regarding social security issues such as expenditure and cost-effectiveness. 04.06.02 - medical control [066] French: contrôle médical Spanish: control médico German: àrztliche Kontrolle Definition: Control imposed by health insurance institutions on either the beneficiaries or the providers of medical care. 04.06.03 - medical examination [788] French: examen médical Spanish: examén médico German: àrztliche Untersuchung 04.06.04 - medical personnel [341] French: personnel médical Spanish: personal médico German: medizinisches Personal Synonym(s): health manpower; medical staff; medical worker 04.06.05 - informal care [790] French: soins informels Spanish: cuidado no profesional German: informelle Pflege Definition: Care for elderly, ill or disabled persons carried out by family members or others. These informal carers often live within the same household. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 19 Synonym(s): family caregiver; informal caregiver 04.06.06 - home care [892] French: soins à domicile Spanish: atención a domicilio German: hâusliche Pflege 04.06.07 - community care [895] French: soins communautaires Spanish: atención comunitaria German: gemeindenahe Betreuung Definition: The provision of health and care services in the neighbourhood of an individual. Do not confuse with NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICE. 04.07.00-disease [053] French: maladie Spanish: enfermedad German: Krankheit Synonym(s): epidemic disease; pathology 04.07.02 - mental disease [047] French: maladie mentale Spanish: enfermedad mental German: psychische Krankheit 04.07.03 - drug abuse [050] French: abus des drogues Spanish: uso indebido de drogas German: Drogenmilibrauch Synonym(s): drug addiction; drug dependency; drug use; substance abuse RISK OF MATERNITY 05.00.00 - risk of maternity [792] French: risque maternité Spanish: riesgo de maternidad German: Mutterschaftsrisiko 05.01.00 - maternity benefit [794] French: prestations de maternité Spanish: prestaciones de maternidad German: Leistungen bei Mutterschaft Synonym(s): maternity allowance 05.01.01 - maternity leave [796] French: congé de maternité Spanish: licencia de maternidad German: Mutterschaftsurlaub 20 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 05.01.02 - paternity leave [798] French: congé de paternité Spanish: licencia de paternidad Germán: Vaterschaftsurlaub FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES 06.00.00 - family responsibilities [800] French: responsabilités familiales Spanish: responsabilidades familiares German: Familienpflichten 06.01.00 - family benefit [802] French: prestations familiales Spanish: prestaciones familiares German: Familienbeihilfe Synonym(s): childrens allowance; dependents allowance; family allowance 06.01.01 - parental leave [196] French: congé parental Spanish: licencia parental German: Elternurlaub Synonym(s): child care leave 06.01.02 - child care [804] French: soins aux enfants Spanish: cuidado infantil German: Kinderfürsorge Definition: Use for general discussion on the provision of child care. Synonym(s): child welfare 06.01.03 - student allowance [806] French: allocation d'études Spanish: subsidio para estudios German: Studienbeihilfe Synonym(s): educational grant 06.01.04 - family policy [808] French: politique familiale Spanish: política familiar German: Familienpolitik 06.01.05 - family welfare [810] French: bien-être familial Spanish: bienestar familiar German: Familienfürsorge The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Definition: The maintenance or improvement of family well-being. 06.01.06 - one parent family [191] French: famille monoparentale Spanish: hogar con un solo progenitor German: Einelternfamilie Synonym(s): lone parent family; single parent family 06.01.07 - dual career couple [195] French: ménage à double carrière Spanish: pareja con doble carrera German: Doppelverdienerhaushalt 06.01.08 - cohabitation [812] French: cohabitation Spanish: cohabitación German: Zusammenleben 06.02.00 - household income [814] French: revenu des ménages Spanish: ingreso de los hogares German: Haushaltseinkommen RISK OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY 07.00.00 - risk of unemployment and employment policy [816] French: risque chômage et politique de l'emploi Spanish: riesgo de desempleo y política de empleo German: Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko und Beschâftigungspolitik 07.01.00 - unemployment [051 ] French: chômage Spanish: desempleo German: Arbeitslosigkeit 07.01.01 - unemployed [392] French: chômeurs Spanish: desempleados German: arbeitslos 07.01.02 - partial unemployment [393] French: chômage partiel Spanish: desempleo parcial German: Teilarbeitslosigkeit Definition: Situation where workers would prefer to work longer hours or full time, but can only find part time work. (1997) 22 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 07.01.03 - long term unemployment [818] French: chômage de longue durée Spanish: desempleo por largo tiempo German: Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit Definition: Usually defined as continuous duration of unemployment of twelve months or more. (1997) 07.01.04 - seasonal unemployment [820] French: chômage saisonnier Spanish: desempleo estacional German: saisonale Arbeitslosigkeit 07.01.06 - structural unemployment [824] French: chômage structurel Spanish: desempleo estructural German: strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit Definition: Unemployment resulting from changes in the composition of the labour force, the structure of the economy, technological change or relocation of industry. 07.01.07 -cyclical unemployment [826] French: chômage cyclique Spanish: desempleo cíclico German: konjunkturelle Arbeitslosigkeit Definition: Mass unemployment or reduction in work resulting from periodic fluctuations in the level of activity in the economy, and associated with the international trade cycle. Synonym(s): demand deficiency unemployment 07.01.08 -frictional unemployment [828] French: chômage frictionne! Spanish: desempleo friccional German: friktionelle Arbeitslosigkeit Definition: Where individuals are temporarily without work, or are between jobs. Synonym(s): temporary unemployment 07.01.09 - disguised unemployment [830] French: chômage déguisé Spanish: desempleo disfrazado German: versteckte Arbeitslosigkeit Definition: Refers to the labour force not reported as unemployed because it is not actively seeking work for one reason or another. Synonym(s): hidden unemployment The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 23 07.01.10 - long term unemployed [832] French: chômeur de longue durée Spanish: desempleado por largo tiempo German: Langzeitarbeitsloser 07.02.00 - unemployment benefit [834] French: prestations de chômage Spanish: prestaciones por desempleo German: Arbeitslosenleistungen Synonym(s): unemployment insurance 07.03.00 - employment policy [836] French: politique de l'emploi Spanish: política de empleo German: Beschâftigungspolitik Definition: Employment policy at national level. Synonym(s): manpower policy 07.03.01 - promotion of employment [626] French: promotion de l'emploi Spanish: fomento del empleo German: Beschaftigungsfôrderung Definition: The promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment by all appropriate means, including through social security, and inter alia, employment services, vocational training and vocational guidance. Do not confuse with EMPLOYMENT CREATION. 07.03.02 - employment creation [838] French: création d'emploi Spanish: creación de empleos German: Schaffung von Arbeitsplatzen Definition: The generation of new jobs, usually related to expansion of the economy, greater investment and its improved distribution to sectors or enterprises requiring a larger labour force. Do not confuse with PROMOTION OF EMPLOYMENT. Synonym(s): job creation 07.03.03 - work incentive [624] French: incitation au travail Spanish: incentivo al trabajo German: Arbeitsanreiz Definition: Measure to encourage resumption of employment after a period of dependency on social security benefits as sole income; or, more generally, to help individuals to take up a remunerated activity. (1997) 24 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 07.04.00 - self employment [840] French: travail indépendant Spanish: trabajo a cuenta propia German: selbstàndige Erwerbstâtigkeit 07.05.00 - youth unemployment [842] French: chômage des jeunes Spanish: desempleo de jóvenes German: Jugendarbeitslosigkeit 07.06.00 - employment [304] French: emploi Spanish: empleo German: Beschâftigung Definition: Work carried out in return for payment. 07.07.01 - reservation of special posts [844] French: postes réservés Spanish: reserva de puestos especiales de trabajo German: Arbeitsplatzreservierung für Behinderte Definition: Employment policies to reserve specified posts in specified industries, public services, etc. for disabled workers. Do not confuse with DESIGNATED EMPLOYMENT. 07.07.02 - designated employment [846] French: emplois réservés Spanish: empleo reservado German: Behindertenberufe Definition: Employment policies accepting the principle that certain occupations are particularly suitable for disabled persons and should be reserved for them. Do not confuse with RESERVATION OF SPECIAL POSTS. 07.07.03 - sheltered employment [848] French: emploi protégé Spanish: empleo protegido German: geschützte Beschâftigung Definition: A form of employment provided for the severely disabled who are unlikely to find work in the open labour market. (1997) Synonym(s): protected employment 07.08.00 - working conditions [850] French: conditions de travail Spanish: condiciones de trabajo German: Arbeitsbedingungen Definition: The physical, social and managerial factors affecting a worker's job environment. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 25 07.08.01 - part time employment [161] French: emploi à temps partiel Spanish: empleo a tiempo parcial German: Teilzeitbeschaftigung Definition: Employment on a regular and voluntary basis for hours substantially shorter than the standard hours. 07.08.02 - flexible hours of work [852] French: horaire de travail variable Spanish: horario de trabajo variable German: flexible Arbeitszeit 07.08.03 - hours of work [854] French: durée du travail Spanish: horas de trabajo German: Arbeitszeit Synonym(s): working time 07.09.00 - training [400] French: formation Spanish: formación German: Ausbildung Definition: Generic term encompassing all forms of training whether they are vocationally oriented or not, at all levels of skill and responsibility. Use a more specific term if possible. 07.09.01 - training policy [856] French: politique de formation Spanish: política de formación German: Ausbildungspolitik Definition: Combination of decisions, objectives and guidance emanating from an official body to fix the goals and priorities for vocational training. 07.09.02 - training course [858] French: cours de formation Spanish: curso de formación German: Ausbildungskurs 07.09.03 - training allowance [860] French: indemnité de formation Spanish: subsidio para formación German: Ausbildungsbeihilfe Definition: Stipend or other payment made by an employer or from public funds to an employee undergoing training for a certain period, usually outside the normal place of work. 26 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 07.10.00 - labour market [619] French: marché du travail Spanish: mercado de trabajo German: Arbeitsmarkt Definition: A system consisting of employers as buyers and workers as sellers, the purpose of which is to match job vacancies with job applicants and to set wages. (1997) Synonym(s): labor market 07.10.01 - labour force participation [862] French: taux d'activité Spanish: tasa de actividad de mano de obra German: Erwerbsbeteiligung Synonym(s): labor force participation; manpower participation rate 07.10.02 - older worker [864] French: travailleur âgé Spanish: trabajador de edad avanzada German: álterer Arbeitnehmer 07.10.03 - retired worker [866] French: travailleur retraité Spanish: jubilado German: Arbeitnehmer im Ruhestand 07.10.04 - disabled worker [868] French: travailleur handicapé Spanish: trabajador con discapacidad German: behinderter Arbeitnehmer Synonym(s): handicapped worker 07.10.05 - woman worker [870] French: travailleuse Spanish: trabajadora German: Arbeitnehmerin 07.10.06 - agriculture [260] French: agriculture Spanish: agricultura German: Landwirtschaft Definition: Use a more specific descriptor if possible. 07.10.07 - commerce [240] French: commerce Spanish: comercio German: Handel Definition: Use to mean domestic trade. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 27 Synonynn(s): domestic trade; home trade 07.10.08 - manufacturing [270] French: industries manufacturières Spanish: industrias manufactureras German: verarbeitendes Gewerbe Definition: The whole manufacturing segment of the industrial sector, including processing (as in the chemical and metallurgical industries). 07.10.09-mining [250] French: industrie minière Spanish: explotación minera German: Bergbau 07.10.10 - construction industry [350] French: bâtiment et travaux publics Spanish: industria de la construcción German: Baugewerbe Synonym(s): building industry; building trade 07.10.11 - transport [230] French: transports Spanish: transportes German: Transport 07.10.12 - civil service [872] French: fonction publique Spanish: función pública German: Staatsdienst Definition: Body of people working as government officials, usually in administrative occupations. 07.10.13 - armed forces [290] French: forces armées Spanish: fuerzas armadas German: Streitkràfte Synonym(s): air force; army; navy 07.10.14 - cottage industry [874] French: industrie artisanale à domicile Spanish: industria casera German: Heimindustrie Synonym(s): home based enterprise; home based industry 28 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 07.10.15 - family enterprise [876] French: entreprise familiale Spanish: empresa familiar German: Familienunternehmen 07.10.16 - precarious employment [878] French: emploi précaire Spanish: empleo precario German: prekàres Beschaftigungsverhàltnis Definition: Work relation where employment security, which is considered one of the principal elements of the labour contract, is lacking. This term encompasses temporary and fixed term labour contracts, work at home and subcontracting. (1997) Synonym(s): atypical employment; atypical work; intermittent employment 07.10.17 -informal sector [880] French: secteur informel Spanish: sector informal German: informeller Sektor Definition: Includes all unregistered commercial and non-commercial enterprises (or economic activities) without formal organizational structure, but generally with the following characteristics: family ownership, small scale of operation, labour intensive and adapted technology, reliance on indigenous resources, etc. 07.10.18 - dual jobholding [882] French: cumul d'emplois Spanish: empleo doble German: Doppelbeschàftigung Definition: Where a worker holds more than one job at the same time, legally, either for two or more different employers, or as self-employed for one of the jobs. Synonym(s): double jobholding; multiple jobholding; secondary occupation RISK OF OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS AND DISEASE 08.00.00 - risk of occupational accidents and disease [884] French: risque d'accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles Spanish: riesgo de accidentes de trabajo y enfermedades profesionales German: Risiko Arbeitsunfàlle und Berufskrankheiten 08.01.00 - occupational injury [886] French: lésion professionnelle Spanish: lesión profesional German: berufsbedingte Verletzung Synonym(s): employment injury; job injury; work injury The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 29 08.01.01 - occupational accident [888] French: accident du travail Spanish: accidente de trabajo German: Arbeitsunfall Synonym(s): industrial accident; job accident; work accident 08.01.03 - commuting accident [059] French: accident de trajet Spanish: accidente de trayecto German: Wegeunfall 08.02.00 - occupational disease [889] French: maladie professionnelle Spanish: enfermedad profesional German: Berufskrankheit Definition: Harmful effects of occupational activities and work environment on workers' health. 08.03.00 - work disablement [890] French: incapacité de travail Spanish: discapacidad de origen profesional German: arbeitsbedingte Behinderung Definition: Disability resulting from an occupational injury or disease. Do not confuse with OCCUPATIONAL HANDICAP. 08.03.02 - maintenance payment [894] French: allocation d'entretien Spanish: asignaciones de subsistencia German: Unterhaltsgeld Definition: Private or public aid to cover the disabled person's basic living expenses during the rehabilitation period. Synonym(s): rehabilitation training allowance 08.04.00 - prevention of occupational risks [590] French: prévention des risques professionnels Spanish: prevención de los riesgos profesionales German: Verhütung von Arbeitsunfallen und Berufskrankheiten 08.04.01 - occupational safety [896] French: sécurité du travail Spanish: seguridad en el trabajo German: Arbeitsschutz Definition: Measures to prevent or reduce occupational accidents and diseases through training, regulations, etc. Synonym(s): accident prevention; safety at work; workplace safety 30 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 08.04.02 - occupational health [898] French: santé au travail Spanish: salud en el trabajo German: Gesundheit bel der Arbeit Definition: Concerns the physical and mental health of workers and includes the study of work methods, conditions of work and factors in the working environment that may cause diseases or injuries. (1997) Synonym(s): occupational hygiene 08.04.03 - occupational medicine [900] French: médecine du travail Spanish: medicina del trabajo German: Arbeitsmedizin Definition: A medical specialization, the goal of which is to promote and maintain the highest possible level of physical, mental and social well-being of workers. (1997) Synonym(s): industrial medicine 08.04.04 - safety training [902] French: formation à la sécurité Spanish: formación sobre seguridad German: Sicherheitstraining Synonym(s): safety education REHABILITATION 09.00.00 - rehabilitation [903] French: réadaptation Spanish: rehabilitación German: Rehabilitation 09.00.01 - rehabilitation benefit [904] French: prestations de réadaptation Spanish: prestaciones de rehabilitación German: Leistungen zur Rehabilitation Definition: Compensation, services or facilities to help patients recover from accidents or illness, usually with the aim of helping them to return to work. 09.00.02 - rehabilitation programme [906] French: programme de réadaptation Spanish: programa de rehabilitación German: Rehabilitationsmaíinahmen Synonym(s): rehabilitation program The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 31 09.00.03 - vocational rehabilitation [908] French: réadaptation professionnelle Spanish: rehabilitación profesional German: berufliche Rehabilitation Synonym(s): employment rehabilitation: industrial rehabilitation: occupational rehabilitation SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 10.00.00 - social assistance [910] French: assistance sociale Spanish: asistencia social German: Sozialhilfe Definition: Various kinds of assistance in money or in kind to persons often not covered by social insurance and who lack the necessary resources to cover their basic needs. Synonym(s): public assistance 10.00.01 - basic needs [078] French: besoins essentiels Spanish: necesidades esenciales German: Grundbedürfnisse Definition: Human beings' minimum requirements in respect of food, clothing and shelter. 10.00.02 - neediness [912] French: indigence Spanish: indigencia German: Bedürftigkeit Definition: Concerns persons requiring public support. 10.00.03 - means test [914] French: enquête sur les ressources Spanish: verificación de recursos German: Bedürftigkeitsprüfung Definition: Assessment of income and/or assets to determine eligibility for social security benefits. 10.00.04 - social security dependence [916] French: dépendance vis-à-vis de la sécurité sociale Spanish: dependencia de la seguridad social German: Abhângigkeit von sozialer Sicherheit 10.01.00 - poverty [077] French: pauvreté Spanish: pobreza German: Armut 32 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 10.01.01 - income [918] French: revenu Spanish: ingreso German: Einkommen Definition: Income of an individual or a firm. 10.01.02 - guaranteed income [629] French: revenu garanti Spanish: ingreso garantizado German: Mindesteinkommen Definition: Minimum income guaranteed by the state to all persons or families whose income falls below a certain fixed level. Various methods may be used to assure the guaranteed income: negative income tax, family benefits, social assistance, etc. Some schemes include some sort of work incentive. Synonym(s): income maintenance; minimum guaranteed income 10.01.03 - low income [920] French: faible revenu Spanish: bajos ingresos German: Niedrigeinkommen Synonym(s): disadvantaged person 10.01.04 - income redistribution [623] French: redistribution du revenu Spanish: redistribución del ingreso German: Einkommensumverteilung 10.01.05 - social exclusion [922] French: exclusion sociale Spanish: exclusion social German: sozialeAusgrenzung Definition: Process whereby certain persons or groups of persons are reduced to a state of poverty by being excluded, or by excluding themselves, from the mainstream of modern society. Synonym(s): marginalization 10.01.06 - supplementary benefit [924] French: prestations supplémentaires Spanish: prestación suplementaria German: Ergánzungsleistung Definition: Compensation or allowance, usually means tested, to cover the shortfall where benefit entitlement is lower than a prescribed minimum. Synonym(s): means tested benefit; means tested income support The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 33 10.01.07 - negative income tax (926] French: impôt négatif Spanish: impuesto negativo German: negative Einkommenssteuer Definition: System of income maintenance whereby persons below a certain income level with family responsibil ties are exonerated from income tax and receive financial aid through the tax system rather than as social insurance benefits or social assistance payments. SOCIAL SERVICE 11.00.00 - social service [928] French: services sociaux Spanish: servicios sociales German: Sozialeinrichtung Synonym(s): welfare institution HOUSING 12.00.00 - housing [073] French: logement Spanish: vivienda German: Wohnen 12.00.01 - housing policy [930] French: politique du logement Spanish: política de vivienda German: Wohnungspolitik 12.00.02 - housing subsidy [932] French: subvention au logement Spanish: subsidio a la vivienda German: Wohnbeihilfe 12.00.03 - housing needs [934] French: besoins de logement Spanish: necesidades de vivienda German: Wohnungsbedarf LEGALASPECT 40.00.00 - legal aspect [660] French: aspect juridique Spanish: aspecto jurídico German: rechtlicher Aspekt Synonym(s): juridical aspect 34 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 40.00.01 - judicial decision [936] French: décision judiciaire Spanish: sentencia judicial German: juristische Entscheidung Definition: Judgment decreed by a court of justice. Synonym(s): court decision; legal decision 40.00.02 - divorce [192] French: divorce Spanish: divorcio German: Ehescheidung 40.00.04 - standardization [995] French: normalisation Spanish: normalización German: Normung 40.01.00 - legal theory [938] French: théorie juridique Spanish: teoría legal German: Rechtstheorie 40.01.01 - appeal [060] French: appel Spanish: apelación German: Berufung 40.01.02 - penal sanction [061] French: sanction pénale Spanish: sanción penal German: Kriminalstrafe 40.02.00 - social security legislation [940] French: législation de sécurité sociale Spanish: legislación de seguridad social German: Gesetzgebung der sozialen Sicherheit Definition: Use for legislation at national level. 40.02.01 - social security agreement [090] French: convention de sécurité sociale Spanish: convenio de seguridad social German: Abkommen über soziale Sicherheit Definition: Treaty between two or more nations. 40.02.02 - UN Convention [089] French: convention de I'ONU Spanish: Convenio de la ONU German: VN-Übereinkommen The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 40.02.03 - ILO Convention [088] French: convention de l'OIT Spanish: Convenio de la OIT German: IAO-Übereinkommen Definition: Official ILO Conventions; requiring ratification by ILO member States. Indicate the number. 40.02.04 - EC Regulation [087] French: règlement de la CE Spanish: Reglamento de la CE German: EG-Verordnung Definition: An EC Regulation is binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all EC member States. 40.02.05 - harmonization [002] French: harmonisation Spanish: armonización German: Harmonisierung 40.04.00 - international organization [092] French: organisation internationale Spanish: organización internacional German: internationale Organisation Synonym(s): intergovernmental organization 40.04.01 - ILO [942] French: OIT Spanish: OIT German: IAO Synonym(s): International Labor Office; International Labour Office 40.04.02-ISSA [944] French: AISS Spanish: AISS German: IVSS 40.04.03 - EC [946] French: CE Spanish: CE German: EG Definition: The term «European Community» (EC) refers to the three European Communities established by the Treaties of Rome in 1958. Although no formal merger has taken place, they are managed by common institutions and increasingly considered as a unit. Since the entry into force of the Treaty on European Union in 1993 the designation «European Union» has unofficially begun to replace «European Community». (1997) Synonym(s): EEC; EU; European Communities; European Union 36 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 40.04.04 - OECD [948] French: OCDE Spanish: OCDE German: OECD 40.04.05 - World Bank [950] French: Banque mondiale Spanish: Banco Mundial German: Weltbank Synonym(s): IBRD 40.05.00 - insured persons rights [420] French: droit des assurés Spanish: derechos de los asegurados German: Rechte der Versicherten Definition: Legal entitlement to benefits or services, in contrast to benefits dependent upon more discretionary decisions of a local or other authority. 40.05.01 - maintenance of acquired rights [068] French: maintien des droits acquis Spanish: conservación de los derechos adquiridos German: Wahrung erworbener Rechte Definition: The retention of accumulated benefit rights or other contractual privileges (e.g. rights to pension and paid leave) when changing jobs or upon termination of employment. Synonym(s): portability: vesting provision 40.05.02 - subrogation [063] French: subrogation Spanish: subrogación German: Surrogation Definition: In an insurance policy, the retention of the right to sue a third party for any damage it may be considered responsible for. 40.06.00 - equal treatment [952] French: égalité de traitement Spanish: igualdad de trato German: Gleichbehandlung 40.06.01 - racial discrimination [175] French: discrimination raciale Spanish: discriminación racial German: Rassendiskriminierung Synonym(s): antisemitism; racial inequality The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 37 40.06.02 - sex discrimination [954] French: discrimination fondée sur le sexe Spanish: discriminación por razones de sexo German: Geschlechterdiskriminiemng Synonym(s): gender inequality; sex inequality 40.08.00 - scope of coverage [016] French: champ d'application Spanish: campo de aplicación German: Geltungsbereich Definition: Population, or parts thereof, protected by social security schemes. (1997) 40.08.01 - universal benefit scheme [956] French: régime universel de prestations Spanish: régimen universal de prestaciones German: allgemeines Sozialleistungssystem Definition: Asocial security scheme applying to all nationals of a country. 40.08.02 - gaps in coverage [079] French: lacunes dans la couverture Spanish: vacíos en la cobertura German: Deckungslücken Definition: Refers to social insurance or social security provisions which do not adequately cover certain contingencies. 40.08.03 - self employed [340] French: travailleur indépendant Spanish: trabajador independiente German: Selbstândiger Synonym(s): freelance worker; independent worker; own account worker 40.08.04 - hotel worker [241] French: employé d'hôtel Spanish: trabajador hotelero German: Hotelangestellter Synonym(s): restaurant worker 40.08.05 - journalist [371] French: journaliste Spanish: periodista German: Journalist Synonym(s): reporter 38 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 40.08.06 - professional athlete [381] French: athlète professionnel Spanish: atleta profesional German: Berufssportler 40.08.07 - civil servant [330] French: fonctionnaire Spanish: funcionario German: Staatsbeamter Definition: Public administration employee. 40.08.08 - international civil servant [958] French: fonctionnaire international Spanish: funcionario internacional German: internationaler Beamter Synonym(s): ILO official; ILO personnel; ILO staff; UN official 40.08.09-clergy [320] French: clergé Spanish: clero German: Geistlicher 40.08.10 - teacher [370] French: enseignant Spanish: maestro German: Lehrer Synonym(s): professor 40.08.11 - prisoner [389] French: détenu Spanish: prisionero German: Háftling 40.08.12 - domestic worker [280] French: employé de maison Spanish: trabajador doméstico German: Hausangestellte Synonym(s): household worker; housekeeper 40.08.13 - seafarer [360] French: marin Spanish: marino German: Seemann Synonym(s): sailor; seaman The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 39 40.08.14 - manager [220] French: cadre Spanish: gerente German: Manager Synonym(s): executive 40.08.15-artist [380] French: artiste Spanish: artista German: Künstler 40.08.16 - performer [960] French: artiste interprète Spanish: artista interprete German: darstellender Künstler Synonym(s): actor; musician; performing artist 40.08.17 - social worker [331 ] French: travailleur social Spanish: trabajador social German: Sozialarbeiter 40.08.18 - military personnel [962] French: personnel militaire Spanish: personal militar German: Militârpersonal Synonym(s): military staff 40.08.19 - migrant worker [310] French: travailleur migrant Spanish: trabajador migrante German: Wanderarbeitnehmer Synonym(s): foreign worker; guest worker 40.08.20 - refugee [964] French: réfugié Spanish: refugiado German: Flüchtling Definition: Persons fleeing their usual place of residence to another country for political or other reasons. 40.08.21 - frontier worker [966] French: travailleur frontalier Spanish: trabajador fronterizo German: Grenzarbeitnehmer The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 40.08.22-tourist [968] French: touriste Spanish: turista German: Tourist 40.08.24 - casual worker [970] French: travailleur occasionnel Spanish: trabajador ocasional German: Gelegenheitsarbeiter Definition: Worker without a contract. 40.08.25 - temporary worker [972] French: travailleur temporaire Spanish: trabajador temporal German: Zeitarbeiter 40.08.26 - part time worker [974] French: travailleur à temps partiel Spanish: trabajador a tiempo parcial German: Teilzeitarbeitnehmer 40.08.27-striker [391] French: gréviste Spanish: huelguista German: Streikender 40.08.28 - clandestine employment [162] French: travail clandestin Spanish: trabajo clandestino German: Schwarzarbeit Definition: Gainful occupation carried out in violation of provisions set by legislation. Synonym(s): illegal employment 40.08.29 - work at home [151] French: travail à domicile Spanish: trabajo a domicilio German: Heimarbeit Definition: Remunerated work performed at home. Synonym(s): homework 40.08.30 - homebound worker [976] French: travailleur immobilisé à domicile Spanish: trabajador confinado en casa German: behinderter Heimarbeiter The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 41 40.08.31 -telework [978] French: télétravail Spanish: teletrabajo German: Telearbeit Definition: Work at a distance (incl. work at home) employing telecommunication and/or computer facilities. Synonym(s): electronic cottage; remote work; telecommuting 40.08.32 - seasonal worker [160] French: travailleur saisonnier Spanish: trabajador de temporada German: Saisonarbeiter 40.08.33 - employee [980] French: salarié Spanish: empleado German: Arbeitnehmer Definition: A person who works for a public or private employer and receives remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips, piece-rates or pay in kind. 40.08.34 - unpaid work [150] French: travail non rémunéré Spanish: trabajo no remunerado German: unbezahlte Arbeit Definition: Actvities without remuneration, e.g. household work, voluntary or civic service, training. (1997) 40.08.35 - volunteer [982] French: volontaire Spanish: voluntario German: Freiwilliger 40.08.36 - student [301] French: étudiant Spanish: estudiante German: Student 40.08.37 -student worker [984] French: étudiant-travailleur Spanish: estudiante trabajador German: Werkstudent 40.08.38 - pupil [986] French: élève Spanish: alumno German: Schüler Synonym(s): school child 42 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 40.08.39 - apprentice [302] French: apprenti Spanish: aprendiz German: Lehrling Definition: Any person undergoing initial training for a recognized apprenticeable occupation during an established period assured by a contract. 40.08.40 - trainee [988] French: stagiaire Spanish: persona en formación German: Auszubildender Definition: A person undergoing training or education with an occupational bias. 40.08.41 - spouse [990] French: conjoint Spanish: esposo German: Ehepartner Synonym(s): husband; wife 40.08.42 - dependant [992] French: personne à charge Spanish: persona a cargo German: UnterhaltsberechtigterAngehóriger SOCIAL SECURITY FINANCING 41.00.00 - social security financing [030] French: financement de la sécurité sociale Spanish: financiación de la seguridad social German: Finanzierung der sozialen Sicherheit 41.01.00-cost [622] French: coût Spanish: costo German: Kosten 41.01.01 - public expenditure [994] French: dépenses publiques Spanish: gasto público German: Staatsausgaben 41.01.03 - cost containment [996] French: controle des coûts Spanish: contención de los costos German: Kostendampfung Synonym(s): cost control The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 43 41.01.04 - efficiency [998] French: efficacité Spanish: eficiencia German: Effizienz Definition: Refers to the quality of service or a procedure, etc. Do not confuse with COST EFFECTIVENESS. (1997) 41.02.00 - method of financing [034] French: méthode de financement Spanish: método de financiación German: Finanzierungsmethode 41.02.01 - pay as you go system [701] French: système par répartition Spanish: sistema de reparto German: Umlageverfahren Definition: Financial system where annual disbursements of social security benefits are approximately in balance with annual receipts. 41.02.02 - defined benefit plan [703] French: système à prestations définies Spanish: plan de prestación definida German: Rentensystem mit garantierten Leistungen Definition: Pension scheme paying benefits expressed as a prescribed percentage of previous insurable earnings. 41.02.03 - defined contribution plan [705] French: système à cotisations définies Spanish: plan de cotización definida German: Rentensystem mit festgelegten Beitràgen Definition: Pension scheme where benefits are based on amounts accrued on a participant's account. 41.02.04 - taxation [067] French: fiscalité Spanish: tributación German: Besteuerung 41.02.05 - subsidy [707] French: subvention Spanish: subvención German: Subvention Definition: Funds given by a foundation, institution, or other organization, usually for a specific purpose. 44 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 41.02.06 - public prívate mix [709] French: combinaison secteurs public-privé Spanish: combinación de sector público y privado German: Kombination von óffentlichen und privaten Tragern Definition: Interaction between the public sector and private sector, for example, in the social security context, a three tiered system composed of a public pension, an occupational pension and private protection (life insurance, savings, property). 41.02.07 - capital formation [711] French: formation de capital Spanish: formación del capital German: Kapitalbildung Definition: The building-up of a capital stock. 41.02.08 - contributions [035] French: cotisations Spanish: cotizaciones German: Beitràge 41.02.09 - user fees [713] French: participation de l'assuré Spanish: participación del asegurado German: Selbstbeteiligung des Versicherten Definition: The amount payable by the insured person in cases where the social security system reimburses or covers only a proportion of costs incurred, (particularly medical costs). Synonym(s): client cost sharing; franchise 41.02.10 - actuarial [715] French: actuariel Spanish: actuarial German: versicherungsmathematisch Definition: Use in connection with insurance and social security schemes. 41.02.11 - actuarial valuation [717] French: évaluation actuarielle Spanish: valuación actuarial German: versicherungsmathematische Bewertung 41.03.00 - pension fund [719] French: fonds de pensions Spanish: fondo de jubilaciones German: Rentenfonds Definition: Accumulated funds used for the purpose of paying current or future pension liabilities. (1997) The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 45 41.03.01 - investment policy [031] French: politique d'investissement Spanish: política de inversiones German: Investitionspolitik 41.03.02 - public investment [721] French: investissement public Spanish: inversiones públicas German: óffentliche Investition 41.03.03 - private investment [723] French: investissement privé Spanish: inversiones privadas German: Privatinvestition SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 42.00.00 - social security administration [020] French: administration de la sécurité sociale Spanish: administración de la seguridad social German: Verwaltung der sozialen Sicherheit 42.00.01 - centralization [725] French: centralisation Spanish: centralización German: Zentralisierung Definition: Use with another appropriate descriptor such as MANAGEMENT, etc. 42.00.02 - decentralization [727] French: décentralisation Spanish: descentralización German: Dezentralisierung Definition: Use with another appropriate descriptor such as MANAGEMENT, etc. 42.00.03 - privatization [729] French: privatisation Spanish: privatización German: Privatisierung Synonym(s): denationalization 42.00.04 - nationalization [731] French: nationalisation Spanish: nacionalización German: Verstaatlichung 42.00.05 - State [470] French: Etat Spanish: Estado German: Staat 46 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 42.00.06 - employers participation [520] French: participation des employeurs Spanish: participación de los empleadores German: Arbeitgeberbeteiligung 42.00.07 - local government [460] French: administration locale Spanish: gobierno local German: Lokalverwaltung Synonym(s): local authority 42.00.08 - trade union [510] French: syndicat Spanish: sindicato German: Gewerkschaft Definition: Organization of employees, usually associated beyond the confines of one enterprise, established for protecting or improving, through collective action, the economic and social status of its members. Synonym(s): labor union; labour union; workers organization 42.01.00 - organisation and methods [022] French: organisation et méthodes Spanish: organización y métodos German: Organisation und Methoden 42.01.01 - national planning [013] French: planification nationale Spanish: planificación nacional German: staatliche Planung Definition: Use for discussions or evaluation of overall economic and social development planning at national level. 42.01.02 - accounting [032] French: comptabilité Spanish: contabilidad German: Buchhaltung 42.01.03 - collection of contributions [735] French: recouvrement des cotisations Spanish: recaudación de cotizaciones German: Beitragseinzug 42.01.04 - annual report [095] French: rapport annuel Spanish: memoria anual German: Jahresbericht Definition: On the activities of an organization. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 47 42.01.05 - administrative cost [026] French: coût de l'administration Spanish: costa de la administración German: Verwaltungskosten 42.01.06 - regulation [065] French: réglementation Spanish: reglamento German: Verordnung Definition: A governmental order having the force of law. 42.01.07 - compliance [737] French: recouvrement forcé Spanish: cobranza coactiva German: Einhaltung Definition: To abide by social security regulations (usually applies to employers' liabilities and obligations). (1997) 42.02.00 - benefit administration [739] French: gestion des prestations Spanish: gestion de las prestaciones German: Leistungsverwaltung 42.02.01 - registration procedure [741] French: procédure d'inscription Spanish: prodecimiento de inscripción German: Erfassungsverfahren 42.02.02 - claim procedure [743] French: procédure de réclamation Spanish: prodedimiento de solicitud German: Leistungsantragsverfahren 42.02.03-takeup [745] French: recours aux prestations Spanish: utilización de las prestaciones German: Inanspruchnahme Definition: The claiming of an entitlement to benefits and allowances. Can also refer to the proportion of overall entitlements. 42.02.04 - eligibility [042] French: conditions d'ouverture des droits Spanish: elegibilidad German: Anspruchsvoraussetzungen Definition: Conditions which persons participating in a social protection scheme must fulfil in order to receive the benefits. Synonym(s): qualifying conditions 48 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 42.02.05 - beneficiary [747] French: bénéficiaire Spanish: beneficiario German: Empfánger Synonym(s): pensioner; social security client 42.02.07 - calculation [041] French: calcul Spanish: cálculo German: Berechnung Synonym(s): computation 42.02.08 - earnings replacement rate [627] French: taux de remplacement Spanish: tasa de sustitución German: Einkommensersatzquote Definition: The level of pensions expressed as a percentage of previous earnings. 42.02.09 - benefit adjustment [751] French: ajustement des prestations Spanish: ajuste de prestaciones German: Leistungsanpassung Definition: Periodic modifications of benefits to maintain their value in relation to changes in wages and/or prices. 42.02.10 - indexation [753] French: indexation Spanish: indización German: Indexierung 42.02.11 - overlapping of benefits [755] French: cumul des prestations Spanish: acumulación de prestaciones German: Zusammentreffen von Leistungen Definition: Refers to a situation where one or several insurance schemes would pay benefits related to the same or related contingency for the insured person. (1997) Synonym(s): overinsurance 42.02.12 - pension splitting [757] French: partage de la pension Spanish: division de la pension German: Rentensplitting Definition: The dividing of pension rights between partners, e.g. after divorce. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 49 42.02.13 - abuse of social security [062] French: abus de la sécurité sociale Spanish: fraude a la seguridad social German: Miíibrauch der sozialen Sicherheit 42.02.14 - cash benefit [759] French: prestations en espèces Spanish: prestaciones monetarias German: Geldleistungen Definition: Replacement income or cash subsidy paid to an insured person for contingencies such as accident, sickness, old age or occupational disease, or to his or her survivor(s) as specified by the insurance coverage. It is also paid by certain family benefit schemes. (1997) 42.02.15 - benefit in kind [761] French: prestations en nature Spanish: prestaciones en especie German: Sachleistung Definition: In the event of certain contingencies, protection through access to benefits in kind or services rather than monetary compensation. 42.02.17 - fringe benefit [069] French: avantages accessoires Spanish: prestaciones no salariales German: Lohnzulage Definition: Remuneration in cash, kind or services in addition to payment for work done, e.g. allowances for housing, meals, education, travel, relocation, etc. Use OCCUPATIONAL PENSION SCHEME for retirement, accident, illness, disability, or death benefits, etc. financed wholly or partly by employers. In some countries, notably Canada and the USA, leave, rest periods, life insurance, savings plans, etc. are also considered as employee benefits. (1997) Synonym(s): additional remuneration; indirect remuneration; nonwage benefit; nonwage compensation; nonwage remuneration 42.02.18 - payment of benefits [997] French: paiement des prestations Spanish: pago de prestaciones German: Zahlung von Sozialleistungen 42.02.88 - benefit [040] French: prestation Spanish: prestación German: Leistung 42.02.90 - incentive [763] French: incitation Spanish: incentivo German: Anreiz 50 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 42.03.00 - data processing [023] French: traitement des données Spanish: elaboración de datos Germán: Datenverarbeitung 42.04.01 - computerization [767] French: informatisation Spanish: computerización German: Computerisierung Definition: To install or equip with computers. 42.04.02 - EDP [769] French: traitement électronique des données Spanish: elaboración electrónica de datos German: EDV Synonym(s): electronic data processing; interactive processing 42.04.03 - data entry [771] French: saisie des données Spanish: adquisición de datos German: Dateneingabe Synonym(s): keyboarding 42.04.04 - data transmission [773] French: transmission de données Spanish: transmisión de los datos German: Datenübertragung 42.04.05 - data protection [064] French: protection des données Spanish: protección de los datos German: Datenschutz Synonym(s): computer security 42.04.06 - confidentiality [775] French: caractère confidentiel Spanish: confidencialidad German: Vertraulichkeit Synonym(s): right to confidentiality 42.04.07 - information technology [899] French: technologie de l'information Spanish: tecnología de la información German: Informationstechnologie The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 51 Definition: The collection of technologies dealing specifically with processing, storing, and communicating information, including all types of computer and communications systems as well as reprographic methodologies. Use COMPUTERIZATION for the act of installing or equipping with computers. Synonym(s): communications technology 42.04.08 - telecommunications [917] French: télécommunications Spanish: telecomunicaciones German: Telekommunikation Synonym(s): communications 42.04.09 - Internet [919] French: Internet Spanish: Internet German: Internet Definition: A large computer network interconnecting thousands of other computer networks around the world to support services such as online data base access, file transfer, electronic mail, etc. 42.04.10 - data base [931] French: base de données Spanish: base de datos German: Datenbank Synonym(s): data bank 42.04.11 - expert system [941] French: système expert Spanish: sistema experto German: Expertensystem Definition: An artificial intelligence system capable of simulating the thought processes of human experts and of reasoning and drawing conclusions. Synonym(s): knowledge based system 42.05.00 - management [777] French: gestion Spanish: administración German: Management Definition: Comprises three main tasks: supervision and responsibility for increasing the performance of others; allocating labour, material and capital to produce a high return, and decision making. Synonym(s): business administration 52 The codes in parentneses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 42.05.01 - personnel [021] French: personnel Spanish: personal German: Personal Definition: The whole personnel of an enterprise or an organization. Synonym(s): staff 42.05.02 - business strategy [949] French: stratégie d'entreprise Spanish: estrategia empresarial German: Unternehmensstrategie Definition: Use for policies and tactics of an enterprise relating to its external environment, e.g. globalization of the economy, foreign investment, competitiveness, etc. Synonym(s): business policy; corporate strategy; enterprise strategy 42.06.00 - public relations [410] French: relations publiques Spanish: relaciones públicas German: Ôffentlichkeitsarbeit 42.06.01 - client oriented approach [779] French: approche orientée vers le client Spanish: enfoque orientado al cliente German: kundenorientierterAnsatz Synonym(s): client centered approach; client centred approach; customer driven approach DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECT 71.00.00 - demographic aspect [610] French: aspect démographique Spanish: aspecto demográfico German: demographischer Aspekt 71.00.01 - population dynamics [781] French: dynamique de la population Spanish: dinámica poblacional German: Bevólkerungsentwicklung Definition: Population size and composition, and processes involved in population development (e.g. growth, maintenance or decline). Synonym(s): demographic transition; population change The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 53 71.00.02 - population growth [783] French: croissance démographique Spanish: crecimiento demográfico German: Bevôlkerungswachstum 71.00.03 - life expectancy [785] French: espérance de vie Spanish: esperanza de vida German: Lebenserwartung 71.00.04 - family planning [787] French: planification familiale Spanish: planificación familiar German: Familienplanung ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 72.00.00 - economic development [620] French: développement économique Spanish: desarrollo económico German: wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Definition: The process of improving the standard of living and wellbeing of a population by raising per capita income, usually achieved by structural changes in the economy, e.g. a shift in employment from agriculture to manufacturing. Synonym(s): economic change; economic progress 72.01.02 - economic implication [789] French: conséquences économiques Spanish: consecuencias económicas German: wirtschaftliche Implikation Definition: Usually used with descriptors outside the field of economics, e.g. economic impact of educational policy. Synonym(s): economic aspects; economic consequences 72.01.03 - economic conditions [791 ] French: conditions économiques Spanish: condiciones económicas German: Wirtschaftsbedingungen Synonym(s): economic situation 72.01.05 - economic structure [795] French: structure économique Spanish: estructura económica German: Wirtschaftsstruktur Definition: The various sectors of economic activity of a country. 54 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 72.01.06 - economic reconstruction [797] French: reconstruction économique Spanish: reconstrucción económica German: wirtschaftlicher Wiederaufbau 72.01.07 - structural adjustment [630] French: ajustement structurel Spanish: ajuste estructural German: strukturelle Anpassung Definition: Economic and financial policy measures aimed at overcoming economic imbalance. This can occur through adjusting labour policy, tax laws, limiting inflation and external debt, etc. (1997) Synonym(s): adjustment policy 72.01.08 - market economy [799] French: économie de marché Spanish: economía de mercado German: Marktwirtschaft 72.01.09 - planned economy [801] French: économie planifiée Spanish: economía planificada German: Planwirtschaft 72.01.10 - economic theory [803] French: théorie économique Spanish: teoría económica German: Wirtschaftstheorie Synonym(s): political economy 72.01.11 - mixed economy [805] French: économie mixte Spanish: economía mixta German: gemischtes Wirtschaftssystem 72.01.12 - social economy [807] French: économie sociale Spanish: economía social German: Sozialwirtschaft Definition. Cooperatives, mutual benefit societies and nonprofit organizations. 72.01.13 - welfare economics [809] French: économie de bien-être Spanish: economía del bienestar German: Wohlfahrtsókonomie The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 55 Definition: Branch of economics examining effects of economic policies on the wellbeing of people, especially the economic conditions that make persons better off without putting others ata disadvantage. (1997) 72.01.14-economic recession |621] French: récession économique Spanish: recesión económica German: wirtschaftliche Rezession Synonym(s): economic crisis; economic depression 72.01.15 -bankruptcy [811] French: faillite Spanish: quiebra German: Konkurs 72.01.16-inflation [813] French: inflation Spanish: inflación German: Inflation 72.01.17 - economic evaluation [815] French: évaluation économique Spanish: evaluación económica German: wirtschaftliche Bewertung Definition: Determination or measurement of the amount or value of someone's individual or global contribution in relation with the whole national economy, e.g. the contribution of the hidden economy to national income. Synonym(s): economic calculation; economic estimation; economic measurement 72.01.18 - technical cooperation [091] French: coopération technique Spanish: cooperación técnica German: technische Zusammenarbeit Synonym(s): technical assistance 72.03.00 - cost of living [817] French: coût de la vie Spanish: costo de la vida German: Lebenshaltungskosten Definition: The actual cost of goods and services accepted as necessary to life in general. Do not confuse with STANDARD OF LIVING. 72.03.04 - standard of living [819] French: niveau de vie Spanish: nivel de vida German: Lebensstandard 56 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Definition: The level of goods and services obtainable for a given income. Do not confuse with COST OF LIVING. SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECT 73.00.00 - sociological aspect [600] French: aspect sociologique Spanish: aspecto sociológico German: soziologischer Aspekt 73.00.01 -social development [821] French: développement social Spanish: desarrollo social German: soziale Entwicklung 73.00.02 - social implication [823] French: conséquences sociales Spanish: consecuencias sociales German: soziale Implikation Definition: The effects of events, particularly those of a detrimental nature, on social life as a whole. Synonym(s): social consequences; social impact 73.00.03 - social structure [825] French: structure sociale Spanish: estructura social German: Sozialstruktur 73.00.04 - social system [827] French: système social Spanish: sistema social German: soziales System 73.00.05 - social theory [829] French: théorie sociale Spanish: teoría social German: Sozialtheorie Definition: Theory used as a basis for social policy. 73.00.06 - social change [831] French: changement social Spanish: cambio social German: sozialer Wandel Definition: Changes in community life brought about, for example, by improved standards of living through industrialization. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 57 73.00.07 - social conflict [833] French: conflit social Spanish: conflicto social German: sozialer Konflikt 73.00.08 - social solidarity [835] French: solidarité sociale Spanish: solidaridad social German: soziale Solidaritàt 73.01.00 - social category [837] French: catégorie sociale Spanish: categoría social German: soziale Gruppe 73.01.01 - children [193] French: enfants Spanish: niños German: Kinder 73.01.02-youth [300] French: jeunesse Spanish: juventud German: Jugend Synonym(s): adolescent; young people 73.01.03 - older people [200] French: personnes âgées Spanish: personas de edad avan2:ada German: altere Menschen Synonym(s): elderly people 73.01.04 - women [180] French: femmes Spanish: mujeres German: Frauen 73.01.05 - married women [839] French: femmes mariées Spanish: mujeres casadas German: verheiratete Frauen 73.01.06 - rural women [841] French: femmes rurales Spanish: mujeres rurales German: Landfrauen 58 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 73.02.00 - social conditions [843] French: conditions sociales Spanish: condiciones sociales German: soziale Bedingungen 73.02.01 - social indicator [029] French: indicateur social Spanish: indicador social German: sozialer Indikator Definition: Key variables, usually at national level, selected to measure social change in general, or in a particular field, such as health, public safety, education, population, environment, etc. For documents which include indicators on a country, use SOCIAL CONDITIONS or other appropriate descriptors. Synonym(s): social statistics 73.02.03 - living conditions [075] French: conditions de vie Spanish: condiciones de vida German: Lebensbedingungen 73.02.05 - quality of life [845] French: qualité de la vie Spanish: calidad de la vida German: Lebensqualitát POLITICAL ASPECT 74.00.00 - political aspect [640] French: aspect politique Spanish: aspecto político German: politischer Aspekt 74.00.01 - political theory [847] French: théorie politique Spanish: teoría política German: politische Theorie 74.00.03 - welfare state [605] French: Etat-providence Spanish: Estado-Benefactor German: Sozialstaat Definition: A country where politics and administration strive to guarantee the income of individuals or families, and provide for social protection and services for all citizens. Also used more generally to designate countries which have put such policies into practice. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 59 74.00.04 - interest group [849] French: groupe d'intérêt Spanish: grupo de intereses Germán: Interessengruppe Definition: Bodies capable of exercising pressure to affect decision making at the government level. Synonym(s): pressure group PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT 75.00.00 - psychological aspect [650] French: aspect psychologique Spanish: aspecto psicológico German: psychologischer Aspekt 75.00.01 - public opinion [851] French: opinion publique Spanish: opinión pública German: óffentliche Meinung 75.00.02 - attitude [853] French: attitude Spanish: actitud German: Haltung Definition: Point of view, behaviour or action in a given situation, e.g. employers' attitudes regarding social cost. TYPE OF DOCUMENT 90.00.00 - type of document [855] French: type de document Spanish: tipo del documento German: Typ des Dokuments 90.01.00 - history [015] French: histoire Spanish: historia German: Geschichte Synonym(s): economic history 90.02.00 - future [017] French: futur Spanish: futuro German: Zukunft 60 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 90.02.01 - trend [859] French: tendance Spanish: tendencia German: Trend Definition: Use for documents showing the general direction of a particular situation. 90.02.02 - forecast [861] French: prévision Spanish: predicción German: Vorhersage Definition: A conjecture or scenario of what may happen in the future, e.g. FORECAST of the FUTURE elimination of ASSEMBLY-LINE WORK. 90.03.00-theory [011] French: théorie Spanish: teoría German: Theorie 90.03.01 - model [863] French: modèle Spanish: modelo German: Modell Definition: Use only in connection with research and planning. 90.04.00 - evaluation [027] French: évaluation Spanish: evaluación German: Bewertung 90.04.03 - cost benefit analysis [865] French: analyse coûts-avantages Spanish: análisis de costos y beneficios German: Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse 90.04.04 - cost effectiveness [867] French: rapport coût-efficacité Spanish: eficacia en relación con los costos German: Kostenwirksamkeit Definition: Optimal result for a given expenditure. (1997) Synonym(s): cost effective 90.05.00-research [025] French: recherche Spanish: investigación German: Forschung The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 61 90.05.01 - research project [869] French: projet de recherche Spanish: proyecto de investigación German: Forschungsprojekt 90.05.02 - research method [871] French: méthode de recherche Spanish: método de investigación German: Forschungsmethode 90.05.03 - comparison [093] French: comparaison Spanish: comparación German: Vergleich Synonym(s): comparative study 90.05.04 - data analysis [873] French: analyse des données Spanish: análisis de datos German: Datenauswertung 90.05.05 - cross section analysis [875] French: analyse transversale Spanish: análisis transversal German: Querschnittsanalyse Definition: Analysis of selected variables (e.g. consumer behaviour) at a given point in time. 90.05.06 - longitudinal analysis [877] French: analyse longitudinale Spanish: análisis longitudinal German: Langzeitanalyse Definition: Interpretation of statistical data from repeated surveys on the same subject (e.g. working mothers) over a long period of time. 90.05.07 - panel data [879] French: données de panel Spanish: pautas del panel German: Paneldaten Definition: Data sets obtained from monitoring constant samples of individuals or households (e.g. family expenditure) over time. 90.06.00 - statistics [071] French: statistique Spanish: estadísticas German: Statistik 62 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 90.06.01 - statistical table [881] French: tableau statistique Spanish: cuadros estadísticos German: statistische Tabelle Definition: Use in the first part of the descriptor string for compilations of statistical tables; use in the second part where the document contains statistical tables. 90.06.02 - statistical method [883] French: méthode statistique Spanish: método estadístico German: statistische Methode Synonym(s): mathematical statistics; regression; sampling theory; statistical theory; time series 90.06.03 - statistical analysis [885] French: analyse statistique Spanish: análisis estadístico German: statistische Analyse Definition: Use STATISTICAL METHOD for documents on the methodology of statistical analysis. 90.06.05 - projection [887] French: projection Spanish: proyección German: Projektion Definition: The extrapolation into the future of statistical data. 90.07.00 - manual [094] French: manuel Spanish: manual German: Handbuch Definition: A book or set of instructions on how to use equipment or material. Synonym(s): handbook 90.08.00 - bibliography [100] French: bibliographie Spanish: bibliografía German: Bibliographie Definition: Use (1) for any organized list of references (alphabetical or arranged in any other logical way) that is over half a page in length, (2) where a document includes both a bibliography and references, and (3) where a document includes several bibliographies. The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 63 90.09.00 -terminology [110] French: terminologie Spanish: terminología German: Terminologie Countries 65 Afghanistan [AFG, AF] French: Afghanistan Spanish: Afganistán Germán: Afghanistan Albania [ALB, AL] French: Albanie Spanish: Albania German: Albanian Algeria [DZA, DZ] French: Algérie Spanish: Argelia German: Algérien American Samoa [ASM, AS] French: Samoa ED Spanish: Samoa EU German: Amerikanisch Samoa Andorra [AND, AD] French: Andorre Spanish: Andorra German: Andorra Angola [AGO, AO] French: Angola Spanish: Angola German: Angola Anguilla [AIA, AI] French: Anguilla Spanish: Anguila German: Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda [ATG, AG] French: Antigua-et-Barbuda Spanish: Antigua y Barbuda German: Antigua und Barbuda Argentina [ARG, AR] French: Argentine Spanish: Argentina German: Argentinian Armenia [ARM, AM] French: Arménie Spanish: Armenia German: Arménien Aruba [ABW, AW] French: Aruba Spanish: Aruba German: Aruba The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Australia [AUS, AU] French: Australie Spanish: Australia German: Australien Austria [AUT, AT] French: Autriche Spanish: Austria German: Ôsterreich Azerbaijan [AZE, AZ] French: Azerbaïdjan Spanish: Azerbaiyán German: Aserbaidschan Bahamas [BHS, BS] French: Bahamas Spanish: Bahamas German: Bahamas Bahrain [BHR, BH] French: Bahreïn Spanish: Bahrein German: Bahrain Bangladesh [BGD, BD] French: Bangladesh Spanish: Bangladesh German: Bangladesch Barbados [BRB, BB] French: Barbade Spanish: Barbados German: Barbados Belarus [BLR, BY] French: Bélarus Spanish: Belarus German: Belorusse Belgium [BEL, BE] French: Belgique Spanish: Bélgica German: Belgien Belize [BLZ, BZ] French: Belize Spanish: Belice German: Belize Benin [BEN, BJ] French: Bénin Spanish: Benin German: Benin 68 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Bermuda [BMU, BM] French: Bermudes Spanish: Bermudas German: Bermuda Bhutan [BTN, BT] French: Bhoutan Spanish: Bhoutan German: Bhutan Bolivia [BOL, BO] French: Bolivie Spanish: Bolivia German: Bolivien Bosnia and Herzegovina [BAH, BA] French: Bosnie-Herzégovine Spanish: Bosnia y Herzegovina German: Bosnien-Herzegowina Botswana [BWA, BW] French: Botswana Spanish: Botswana German: Botswana Brazil [BRA, BR] French: Brésil Spanish: Brasil German: Brasilien British Virgin Islands [VGB, VG] French: vierges britanniques, Iles Spanish: Vírgenes Británicas, Islas German: Britische Jungferninseln Brunei Darussalam [BRN, BN] French: Brunéi Darussalam Spanish: Brunei Darussalam German: Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria [BGR, BG] French: Bulgarie Spanish: Bulgaria German: Bulgahen Burkina Faso [BFA, BF] French: Burkina Faso Spanish: Burkina Faso German: Burkina Faso Burundi [BDI, Bl] French: Burundi Spanish: Burundi German: Burundi The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 69 Cambodia [KHM, KH] French: Cambodge Spanish: Camboya German: Kambodscha Cameroon [CMR, CM] French: Cameroun Spanish: Camerún German: Kamerun Canada [CAN, CA] French: Canada Spanish: Canadá German: Kanada Cape Verde [CPV, CV] French: Cap-Vert Spanish: Cabo Verde German: Kap Verde Cayman Islands [CYM, KY] French: Caimanes, Iles Spanish: Caimán, Islas German: Caymaninseln Central African Republic [CAF, CF] French: Centrafricaine, République Spanish: Centroafricana, República German: Zentralafrikanische Republik Chad [TCD, ID] French: Tchad Spanish: Chad German: Tschad Chile [CHL, CL] French: Chili Spanish: Chile German: Chile China, The People's Republic of [CHN, CN] French: Chine, République populaire de Spanish: China, República Popular de German: China, Volksrepublik Colombia [COL, CO] French: Colombie Spanish: Colombia German: Kolumbien Comoros [COM, KM] French: Comores Spanish: Comoros German: Komoren 70 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Congo [COG, CG] French: Congo Spanish: Congo German: Kongo Cook Islands [COK, CK] French: Cook, lies Spanish: Cook, Islas German: Cook-lnseln Costa Rica [CRI, CR] French: Costa Rica Spanish: Costa Rica German: Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire [CIV, Cl] French: Côte d'Ivoire Spanish: Côte d'Ivoire German: Côte d'Ivoire Croatia [HRV, HR] French: Croatie Spanish: Croacia German: Kroatien Cuba [CUB, CU] French: Cuba Spanish: Cuba German: Kuba Cyprus [CYP, CY] French: Chypre Spanish: Chipre German: Zypern Czech Republic [CZE, CZ] French: tchèque, République Spanish: Checa, República German: Tschechische Republik Czechoslovakia [CSK, CS] French: Tchécoslovaquie Spanish: Checoslovaquia German: Tschechoslowakei Denmark [DNK, DK] French: Danemark Spanish: Dinamarca German: Danemark Djibouti [DJI, DJ] French: Djibouti Spanish: Djibouti German: Dschibuti The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 71 Dominica [DMA, DM] French: Dominique Spanish: Dominica German: Dominica Dominican Republic [DOM, DO] French: dominicaine, République Spanish: Dominicana, República German: Dominikanische Republik Ecuador [ECU, EC] French: Equateur Spanish: Ecuador German: Ecuador Egypt [EGY, EG] French: Egypte Spanish: Egipto German: Àgypten El Salvador [SLV,SV] French: El Salvador Spanish: El Salvador German: El Salvador Equatorial Guinea [GNQ, GQ] French: Guinée équatoriale Spanish: Guinea Ecuatorial German: Âquatorialguinea Eritrea [ERI, ER] French: Erythrée Spanish: Eritrea German: Eritrea Estonia [EST, EE] French: Estonie Spanish: Estonia German: Estland Ethiopia [ETH, ET] French: Ethiopie Spanish: Etiopía German: Àthiopien European Union [ZZJ, EU] French: Union européenne Spanish: Unión Europea German: Europáische Union Fiji [FJI, FJ] French: Fidji Spanish: Fiji German: Fidschi 72 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Finland [FIN, FI] French: Finlande Spanish: Finlandia Germán: Finnland France [FRA, FR] French: France Spanish: Francia German: Frankreich French Guiana [GUF, GF] French: Guyane française Spanish: Guayana Francesa German: Franzósisch-Guyana French Polynesia [PYF, PF] French: Polynésie française Spanish: Polinesia Francesa German: Franzôsisch-Polynesien Gabon [GAB, GA] French: Gabon Spanish: Gabon German: Gabun Gambia [GMB, GM] French: Gambie Spanish: Gambia German: Gambia Georgia [GEO, GE] French: Géorgie Spanish: Georgia German: Géorgien German Democratic Republic [DDR, DD] French: Allemagne, République démocratique d' Spanish: Alemania, República Democrática German: Deutsche Demokratische Republik Germany [DEU, DE] French: Allemagne Spanish: Alemania German: Deutschland Germany, Federal Republic [FRG, DF] French: Allemagne, République fédérale Spanish: Alemania, República Federal German: Deutschland, Bundesrepublik Ghana [GHA, GH] French: Ghana Spanish: Ghana German: Ghana The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Gibraltar [GIB, Gl] French: Gibraltar Spanish: Gibraltar German: Gibraltar Greece [GRC, GR] French: Grèce Spanish: Grecia German: Griechenland Greenland [GRL, GL] French: Groenland Spanish: Groenlandia German: Grônland Grenada [GRD, GD] French: Grenade Spanish: Granada German: Grenada Guadeloupe [GLP, GP] French: Guadeloupe Spanish: Guadalupe German: Guadeloupe Guam [GUM, GU] French: Guam Spanish: Guam German: Guam Guatemala [GTM, GT] French: Guatemala Spanish: Guatemala German: Guatemala Guernsey [GUE, GS] French: Guernesey Spanish: Guernsey German: Guernsey Guinea [GIN, GN] French: Guinée Spanish: Guinea German: Guinea Guinea-Bissau [GNB, GW] French: Guinée-Bissau Spanish: Guinea-Bissau German: Guinea-Bissau Guyana [GUY, GY] French: Guyana Spanish: Guyana German: Guyana 74 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Haiti [HTI, HT] French: Haïti Spanish: Haití German: Haiti Honduras [HND, HN] French: Honduras Spanish: Honduras German: Honduras Hong Kong (China) [HKG, HK] French: Hong Kong (Chine) Spanish: Hongkong (China) German: Hong Kong (China) Hungary [HUN, HU] French: Hongrie Spanish: Hungría German: Ungarn Iceland [ISL, IS] French: Islande Spanish: Islandia German: Island India [IND, IN] French: Inde Spanish: India German: Indien Indonesia [IDN, ID] French: Indonésie Spanish: Indonesia German: Indonésien Iran, Islamic Republic of [IRN, IR] French: Iran, République islamique d' Spanish: Irán, República Islámica del German: Iran, Islamische Republik Iraq [IRQ, IQ] French: Iraq Spanish: Iraq German: Irak Ireland [IRL, IE] French: Irlande Spanish: Irlanda German: Irland Israel [ISR, IL] French: Israël Spanish: Israel German: Israel The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Italy [ITA, IT] French: Italie Spanish: Italia German: Italien Jamaica [JAM, JM] French: Jamaïque Spanish: Jamaica German: Jamaika Japan [JPN, JP] French: Japon Spanish: Japón German: Japan Jersey [JER, JE] French: Jersey Spanish: Jersey German: Jersey Jordan [JOR, JO] French: Jordanie Spanish: Jordania German: Jordanien Kazakhstan [KAZ, KZ] French: Kazakhstan Spanish: Kazajstán German: Kasachstan Kenya [KEN, KE] French: Kenya Spanish: Kenya German: Kenia Kiribati [KIR, Kl] French: Kiribati Spanish: Kiribati German: Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Republic of [PRK, KP] French: Corée, République populaire démocratique de Spanish: Corea, República Popular Democrática de German: Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea, Republic of [KOR, KR] French: Corée, République de Spanish: Corea, República de German: Korea, Republik Kuwait [KWT, KW] French: Koweït Spanish: Kuwait German: Kuwait 76 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Kyrgyzstan [KGZ, KG] French: Kirghizistan Spanish: Kirguistán German: Kirgistan Lao People's Democratic Republic [LAO, LA] French: lao, République démocratique populaire Spanish: Lao, República Democrática Popular German: Laotische Demokratische Volksrepublik Latvia [LVA, LV] French: Lettonie Spanish: Letonia German: Lettland Lebanon [LBN, LB] French: Liban Spanish: Líbano German: Libanon Lesotho [LSO, LS] French: Lesotho Spanish: Lesotho German: Lesotho Liberia [LBR, LR] French: Libéria Spanish: Liberia German: Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya [LBY, LY] French: libyenne, Jamahiriya arabe Spanish: Libia, Jamahiriya Arabe German: Libysch-Arabische Dschamahirija Liechtenstein [LIE, LI] French: Liechtenstein Spanish: Liechtenstein German: Liechtenstein Lithuania [LTD, LT] French: Lituanie Spanish: Lituania German: Litauen Luxembourg [LUX, LU] French: Luxembourg Spanish: Luxemburgo German: Luxemburg Macau [MAC, MO] French: Macao Spanish: Macao German: Macau The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 77 Macedonia [MKD, MM] French: Macédoine Spanish: Macedonia German: Makedonien Madagascar [MDG, MG] French: Madagascar Spanish: Madagascar German: Madagaskar Malawi [MWI, MW] French: Malawi Spanish: Malawi German: Malawi Malaysia [MVS, MY] French: Malaisie Spanish: Malasia German: Malaysia Maldives [MDV, MV] French: Maldives Spanish: Maldives German: Malediven Mali [MLI, ML] French: Mali Spanish: Mali German: Mali Malta [MLT, MT] French: Malte Spanish: Malta German: Malta Man, Isle of [GBM, IM] French: Man, île de Spanish: Man, Isla de German: Man, Insel Marshall Islands [IMA, MH] French: Marshall, lies Spanish: Marshall, Islas German: Marshallinseln Martinique [MTQ, MQ] French: Martinique Spanish: Martinica German: Martinique Mauritania [MRT, MR] French: Mauritanie Spanish: Mauritania German: Mauretanien 78 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Mauritius [MUS, MU] French: Maurice Spanish: Mauricio Germán: Mauritius Mexico [MEX, MX] French: Mexique Spanish: México German: Mexiko Micronesia, Federated States of [MIC, FM] French: Micronésie, Etats fédérés de Spanish: Micronesia, Estates confederados de German: Micronesiens, Bundeslander Moldova, Republic of [MDA, MD] French: Moldavie, République de Spanish: Moldova, República de German: Moldau, Republik Monaco [MCO, MC] French: Monaco Spanish: Monaco German: Monaco Mongolia [MNG, MN] French: Mongolie Spanish: Mongolia German: Mongolei Montserrat [MSR, MS] French: Montserrat Spanish: Montserrat German: Montserrat Morocco [MAR, MA] French: Maroc Spanish: Marruecos German: Marokko Mozambique [MOZ, MZ] French: Mozambique Spanish: Mozambique German: Mosambik Myanmar [MMR, BU] French: Myanmar Spanish: Myanmar German: Myanmar Namibia [NAM, NA] French: Namibie Spanish: Namibia German: Namibia The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Nauru [NRU, NR] French: Nauru, Ile Spanish: Nauru German: Nauru Nepal [NPL, NP] French: Népal Spanish: Nepal German: Nepal Netherlands [NLD, NL] French: Pays-Bas Spanish: Países Bajos German: Niederlande Netherlands Antilles [ANT, AN] French: Antilles Néerlandaises Spanish: Antillas Holandesas German: Niederlàndische Antillen New Caledonia [NCL, NC] French: Nouvelle-Calédonie Spanish: Nueva Caledonia German: Neukaledonien New Zealand [NZL, NZ] French: Nouvelle-Zélande Spanish: Nueva Zelandia German: Neuseeland Nicaragua [NIC, NI] French: Nicaragua Spanish: Nicaragua German: Nicaragua Niger [NER, NE] French: Niger Spanish: Niger German: Niger Nigeria [NGA, NG] French: Nigéria Spanish: Nigeria German: Nigeria Norfolk Island [NFK, NF] French: Norfolk, lie Spanish: Norfolk, Isla German: Norfolk-lnsel Norway [NOR, NO] French: Norvège Spanish: Noruega German: Norwegen 80 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Oman [OMN, OM] French: Oman Spanish: Omán German: Oman Pakistan [PAK, PK] French: Pakistan Spanish: Pakistán German: Pakistan Palau, Republic of [PLW, PW] French: Palau, République de Spanish: Palau, República de German: Palau, Republik Palestinian Authority [PAL, PS] French: palestinienne, Autorité Spanish: Palestina, Autoridad German: Palestinansische Behórde Panama [PAN, PA] French: Panama Spanish: Panamá German: Panama Papua New Guinea [PNG, PG] French: Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée Spanish: Papua Nueva Guinea German: Papua-Neuguinea Paraguay [PRY, PY] French: Paraguay Spanish: Paraguay German: Paraguay Peru [PER, PE] French: Pérou Spanish: Perú German: Peru Philippines [PHL, PH] French: Philippines Spanish: Filipinas German: Philippinen Poland [POL, PL] French: Pologne Spanish: Polonia German: Polen Portugal [PRT, PT] French: Portugal Spanish: Portugal German: Portugal The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Puerto Rico [PRI, PR] French: Porto Rico Spanish: Porto Rico German: Porto Rico Qatar [QAT, QA] French: Qatar Spanish: Qatar German: Katar Réunion [REU, RE] French: Réunion, Ile de la Spanish: Reunión, Isla de la German: Reunion Romania [ROM, RO] French: Roumanie Spanish: Rumania German: Rumânien Russian Federation [RUS, RU] French: Russie, Fédération de Spanish: Rusia, Federación de German: Russische Federation Rwanda [RWA, RW] French: Rwanda Spanish: Rwanda German: Ruanda Saint Kitts and Nevis [KNA, KN] French: Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis Spanish: San Kitts y Nieves German: St. Kitts und Nevis Saint Lucia [LCA, LC] French: Sainte-Lucie Spanish: Santa Lucia German: Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miqueion [SPM, PM] French: Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Spanish: San Pedro y Miquelón German: Saint Pierre und Miqueion San Marino [SMR, SM] French: Saint-Marin Spanish: San Marino German: San Marino Sao Tome and Principe [STP, ST] French: Sao Tomé et Principe Spanish: Santo Tomé y Príncipe German: Sao Tome und Principe 82 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Saudi Arabia [SAU, SA] French: Arabie Saoudite Spanish: Arabia Saudita German: Saudi-Arabien Senegal [SEN, SN] French: Sénégal Spanish: Senegal German: Senegal Serbia [SRB, SS] French: Serbie Spanish: Serbia German: Serbien Seychelles [SYC, SC] French: Seychelles Spanish: Seychelles German: Seschellen Sierra Leone [SLE, SL] French: Sierra Leone Spanish: Sierra Leona German: Sierra Leone Singapore [SGR, SG] French: Singapour Spanish: Singapur German: Singapur Slovak Republic [SVK, SK] French: Slovaque, République Spanish: Eslovaca, República German: Slowakische Republik Slovenia [SVN, SI] French: Slovénie Spanish: Eslovenia German: Slowenien Solomon Islands [SLB, SB] French: Salomon, lies Spanish: Salomon, Islas German: Salomon-lnseln Somalia [SOM, SO] French: Somalie Spanish: Somalia German: Somalia South Africa [ZAF.ZA] French: Afrique du Sud Spanish: Sudáfrica German: Südafrika The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 83 Spain [ESP, ES] French: Espagne Spanish: España German: Spanien Sri Lanka [LKA, LK] French: Sri Lanka Spanish: Sri Lanka German: Sri Lanka St Vincent and the Grenadines [VCT, VC] French: Saint-Vincent et Grenadines Spanish: San Vicente y las Granadinas German: St Vinzent und die Grenadinen Sudan [SDN, SD] French: Soudan Spanish: Sudán German: Sudan Suriname [SUR, SR] French: Suriname Spanish: Suriname German: Surinam Swaziland [SWZ, SZ] French: Swaziland Spanish: Swazilandia German: Swasiland Sweden [SWE, SE] French: Suède Spanish: Suecia German: Schweden Switzerland [CHE, CH] French: Suisse Spanish: Suiza German: Schweiz Syrian Arab Republic [SYR, SY] French: syrienne, République arabe Spanish: Siria, Républica Arabe German: Syrien, Arabische Republik Taiwan (China) [TWN, TW] French: Taiwan (Chine) Spanish: Taiwan (China) German: Taiwan (China) Tajikistan [TJK, TJ] French: Tadjikistan Spanish: Tayikistán German: Tadschikistan 84 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Tanzania, United Republic of [IZA, TZ] French: Tanzanie, République-Unie de Spanish: Tanzania, República Unida de Germán: Tansania, Vereinigte Republik Thailand [THA, TH] French: Thaïlande Spanish: Tailandia German: Thailand Togo [TGO, TG] French: Togo Spanish: Togo German: Togo Tokelau [TKL, TK] French: Tokelau Spanish: Tokelau German: Tokelau Tonga [TON, TO] French: Tonga Spanish: Tonga German: Tonga Trinidad and Tobago [TTO, TT] French: Trinité-et-Tobago Spanish: Trinidad y Tabago German: Trinidad und Tobago Tunisia [TUN, TN] French: Tunisie Spanish: Túnez German: Tunesien Turkey [TUR, TR] French: Turquie Spanish: Turquía German: Türkei Turkmenistan [TKM, TM] French: Turkménistan Spanish: Turkmenistán German: Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands [TCI, TC] French: Turques et Caiques, Iles Spanish: Turcos y Caicos, Islas German: Turks- und Caicosinseln Tuvalu [TUV, TV] French: Tuvalu Spanish: Tuvalu German: Tuvalu The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 85 Uganda [UGA, UG] French: Ouganda Spanish: Uganda German: Uganda Ukraine [UKR, UA] French: Ukraine Spanish: Ucrania German: Ukraine United Arab Emirates [ARE, AE] French: Emirats arabes unis Spanish: Emiratos Arabes Unidos German: Vereinigte Arabische Emirate United Kingdom [GBR, GB] French: Royaume-Uni Spanish: Reino Unido German: Vereinigtes Konigreich United States [USA, US] French: Etats-Unis Spanish: Estados Unidos German: Vereinigte Staaten United States Virgin islands [VIR, VI] French: vierges américaines, Iles Spanish: Vírgenes estadounidenses, Islas German: Amerikanische Jungfeminseln Uruguay [URY.UY] French: Uruguay Spanish: Uruguay German: Uruguay USSR [SUN, SU] French: URSS Spanish: URSS German: UDSSR Uzbekistan [UZB, UZ] French: Ouzbékistan Spanish: Uzbekistán German: Usbekistan Vanuatu [VUT, VU] French: Vanuatu Spanish: Vanuatu German: Vanuatu Vatican [VAT, VA] French: Vatican Spanish: Vaticano German: Vatikan 86 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Venezuela [VEN, VE] French: Venezuela Spanish: Venezuela Germán: Venezuela Viet Nam [VNM.VN] French: Viet Nam Spanish: Viet Nam German: Vietnam Western Samoa [WSM, WS] French: Samoa occidental Spanish: Samoa Occidental German: Westsamoa Yemen [YEM, YE] French: Yémen Spanish: Yemen German: Jemen Yugoslavia [YUG, YU] French: Yougoslavie Spanish: Yugoslavia German: Jugoslawien Zaire [ZAR, ZR] French: Zaire Spanish: Zaire German: Zaire Zambia [ZMB, ZM] French: Zambie Spanish: Zambia German: Sambia Zimbabwe [ZWE, ZW] French: Zimbabwe Spanish: Zimbabwe German: Simbabwe The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. Regions ASEAN countries French: Pays de TAÑASE Spanish: Países del ASEAN German: ASEAN-Lànder Countries: Brunei Darussalam; Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Viet Nam Africa French: Afrique Spanish: Africa German: Afrika Countries: Algeria; Angola; Benin; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Comoros; Congo; Côte d'Ivoire; Djibouti; Egypt; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Kenya; Lesotho; Liberia; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Madagascar; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius; Morocco; Mozambique; Namibia; Niger; Nigeria; Réunion; Rwanda; Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Africa; Sudan; Swaziland; Tanzania, United Republic of; Togo; Tunisia; Uganda; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe Americas French: Amériques Spanish: Américas German: Amerika Countries: Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bermuda; Bolivia; Brazil; British Virgin Islands; Canada; Cayman Islands; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; French Guiana; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Jamaica; Martinique; Mexico; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Pierre and Miquelon; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; United States; United States Virgin Islands; Uruguay; Venezuela Arab countries French: Pays arabes Spanish: Países arabes German: Arabische Lander Countries: Algeria; Bahrain; Djibouti; Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Morocco; Oman; Palestinian Authority; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Somalia; Sudan; Syrian Arab Republic; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen Asia French: Asie Spanish: Asia German: Asien Countries: Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China, The People's Republic of; Georgia; Hong Kong (China); India; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Lebanon; Macau; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Oman; Pakistan; Palestinian Authority; Philippines; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Syrian Arab Republic; Taiwan (China); Tajikistan; Thailand; Turkey; Turkmenistan; United Arab Emirates' Uzbekistan; Viet Nam; Yemen 91 Asia and the Pacific French: Asie et Pacifique Spanish: Asia y el Pacífico Germán: Asien und Pazifik Countries: Afghanistan; American Samoa; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China, The People's Republic of; Cook Islands; Fiji; French Polynesia; Georgia; Guam; Hong Kong (China); India; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kiribati; Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Lebanon; Macau; Malaysia; Maldives; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nauru; Nepal; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Norfolk Island; Oman; Pakistan; Palau, Republic of; Palestinian Authority; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Syrian Arab Republic; Taiwan (China); Tajikistan; Thailand; Tokelau; Tonga; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; United Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Viet Nam; Western Samoa; Yemen Caribbean French: Caraïbes Spanish: Caribe German: Karibik Countries: Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; British Virgin Islands; Cayman Islands; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; French Guiana; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Jamaica; Martinique; Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; United States Virgin Islands Central Africa French: Afrique centrale Spanish: Africa Central German: Zentralafrika Countries: Burundi; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; Congo; Equatorial Guinea; Gabon; Rwanda; Sao Tome and Principe; Zaire Central America French: Amérique centrale Spanish: América Central German: Zentralamerika Countries: Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua; Panama Central Asia French: Asie centrale Spanish: Asia Central German: Innerasien Countries: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Commonwealth countries French: Pays du Commonwealth Spanish: Países del Commonwealth German: Commonwealth-Lander 92 Countries: Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; Bahamas; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belize; Botswana; Brunei Darussalam; Cameroon; Canada; Cyprus; Dominica; Gambia; Ghana; Grenada; Guyana; India; Jamaica; Kenya; Kiribati; Lesotho; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Malta; Man, Isle of; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Nauru; New Zealand; Nigeria; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Solomon Islands; South Africa; Sri Lanka; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Swaziland; Tanzania, United Republic of; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tuvalu; Uganda; United Kingdom; Vanuatu; Western Samoa; Zambia; Zimbabwe Commonwealth of Indépendant States French: Communauté des états indépendants Spanish: Comunidad de Estados Independientes German: Gemeinschaft Unabhangiger Staaten Countries: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Moldova, Republic of; Russian Federation; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan Developed countries French: Pays développés Spanish: Países desarrollados German: Entwickelte Lander Countries: Andorra; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; Denmark; Finland; France; German Democratic Republic; Germany; Germany, Federal Republic; Greece; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jersey; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Man, Isle of; Monaco; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Portugal; San Marino; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; United States Developing countries French: Pays en développement Spanish: Países en desarrollo German: Entwicklungslânder Countries: Afghanistan; Algeria; American Samoa; Angola; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Aruba; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belize; Benin; Bermuda; Bhutan; Bolivia; Botswana; Brazil; British Virgin Islands; Brunei Darussalam; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Cayman Islands; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China, The People's Republic of; Colombia; Comoros; Congo; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Cuba; Cyprus; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Fiji; French Guiana; French Polynesia; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guam; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Hong Kong (China); India; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Jamaica; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Korea, Democratic' People's Republic of; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Macau; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Marshall Islands; Martinique; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Micronesia, Federated States of; Mongolia; Montserrat; Morocco; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Netherlands Antilles; New Caledonia; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Oman; Pakistan, Palau, Republic of; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Puerto Rico; Qatar; Réunion; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Pierre and Miquelon; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Solomon Islands, Somalia; Sri Lanka; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Sudan; Suriname; Swaziland; Syrian Arab Republic; Taiwan (China); Tajikistan; Tanzania, United Republic of; Thailand; Togo; Tokelau; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Turks and Caicos IslandsTuvalu; Uganda; United Arab Emirates; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Viet Nam; Western Samoa; Yemen; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe 93 Index of Keywords A absenteeism [076] abuse of social security [062] accident insurance [762] accounting [032] actuarial [715] actuarial valuation [717] administrative cost [026] agriculture [260] alternative medicine [784] annual report [095] appeal [060] apprentice [302] armed forces [290] artist [380] assessment of disability [043] attitude [853] aurally disabled [746] 16 50 16 47 45 45 48 27 18 47 43 28 13 80 14 B bankruptcy [811] basic needs [078] beneficiary [747] benefit [040] benefit adjustment [751] benefit administration [739] benefit in kind [761] bibliography [100] business strategy [949] 58 32 49 50 49 48 59 83 53 c calculation [041] capital formation [711] care of the disabled [748] cash benefit [759] cash sickness benefit [764] casual worker [970] centralization [725] child care [804] children [193] civil servant [330] civil service [872] claim procedure [743] clandestine employment [162] clergy [320] client oriented approach [779] cohabitation [812] collection of contributions [735] commerce [240] community care [895] commuting accident [059] comparison [093] complementary protection [702] compliance [737] 4g 45 15 5q 1 g 41 4g 21 5g 2g 28 4g 41 39 53 22 47 27 20 30 q The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 97 computerization [767] confidentiality [775] constant attendance allowance [058] construction industry [350] consumption of health care [028] contributions [035] cost [622] cost benefit analysis [865] cost containment [996] cost effectiveness [867] cost of living [817] cottage industry [874] cross section analysis [875] cyclical unemployment [826] 51 51 15 28 16 45 43 61 43 61 56 28 62 23 D data analysis [873] data base [931] data entry [771] data processing [023] data protection [064] data transmission [773] death allowance [754] decentralization [727] deferred retirement [718] defined benefit plan [703] defined contribution plan [705] demographic aspect [610] dental care [054] dependant [992] designated employment [846] disability benefit [732] disabled children [736] disabled person [303] disabled worker [868] disabled youth [194] disease [053] disguised unemployment [830] dispensary [774] divorce [192] domestic worker [280] drug abuse [050] dual career couple [195] dual jobholding [882] 62 52 51 51 51 51 15 46 12 44 44 53 19 43 25 13 13 13 27 13 20 23 1 7 35 39 20 22 29 E early retirement [720] earnings replacement rate [627] EC [946] EC Regulation [087] economic conditions [791] economic development [620] economic evaluation [815] economic implication [789] 98 12 49 36 33 54 54 33 54 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. economic recession [621] economic reconstruction [797] economic structure [795] economic theory [803] EDP [769] efficiency [998] elder care [712] eligibility [042] employee [980] employers participation [520] employment [304] employment creation [838] employment policy [836] equal treatment [952] evaluation [027] expert system [941] 56 55 54 55 51 44 11 48 42 47 25 24 24 37 61 52 F family benefit [802] family enterprise [876] family planning [787] family policy [808] family responsibilities [800] family welfare [810] flexible hours of work [852] flexible retirement [722] forecast [861] frictional unemployment [828] fringe benefit [069] frontier worker [966] funeral grant [756] future [017] 21 29 54 21 21 21 26 12 61 23 50 40 15 60 G gaps in coverage [079] guaranteed income [629] 38 33 H handicap [742] harmonization [002] health centre [776] health insurance [760] health policy [766] health service [046] health status [480] history [015] HMO [780] home care [892] homebound worker [976] hospital [055] hospital care [782] hotel worker [241] hours of work [854] household income [814] The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 14 35 17 15 15 17 10 gg ' 17 20 41 17 1g gg 26 22 99 housing housing housing housing [073] needs [934] policy [930] subsidy [932] 34 34 34 34 ILO [942] ILO Convention [088] impairment [740] in patient care [770] incentive [763] income [918] income redistribution [623] indexation [753] inflation [813] informal care [790] informal sector [880] information technology [899] insured persons rights [420] interest group [849] international civil servant [958] international organization [092] Internet [919] investment policy [031] ISSA [944] 36 36 14 17 50 33 33 49 56 19 29 51 37 60 39 36 52 46 36 I J journalist [371] judicial decision [936] 38 35 L labour force participation [862] labour market [619] legal aspect [660] legal theory [938] life expectancy [785] living conditions [075] local government [460] long term care [199] long term unemployed [832] long term unemployment [818] longitudinal analysis [877] low income [920] 27 27 34 35 54 59 47 18 24 23 62 33 M maintenance of acquired rights [068] maintenance payment [894] managed care [768] management [777] manager [220] manual [094] manufacturing [270] market economy [799] married women [839] 100 37 30 16 52 40 63 28 55 58 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. maternity benefit [794] maternity leave [796] means test [914] medical care [044] medical control [066] medical examination [788] medical personnel [341] mental disease [047] method of financing [034] migrant worker [310] military personnel [962] mining [250] mixed economy [805] model [863] mutual benefit society [580] 20 20 32 18 19 19 19 20 44 40 40 28 55 61 10 N national planning [013] nationalization [731] neediness [912] negative income tax [926] 47 46 32 34 O occupational accident [888] occupational disease [889] occupational handicap [744] occupational health [898] occupational injury [886] occupational medicine [900] occupational pension scheme [714] occupational safety [896] OECD [948] old age benefit [708] old age risk [704] older people [200] older worker [864] one parent family [191] organisation and methods [022] out patient care [772] overlapping of benefits [755] ^ 30 30 14 31 29 31 11 30 37 10 10 27 22 47 17 49 P panel data [879] parental leave [196] part time employment [161] part time worker [974] partial retirement [724] partial unemployment [393] paternity leave [798] pay as you go system [701] payment of benefits [997] penal sanction [061] pension fund [719] pension scheme [706] 82 21 26 41 12 22 21 44 5q ^ 35 45 1f, The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 101 pension splitting [757] performer [960] personnel [021] pharmaceuticals [045] phased retirement [726] planned economy [801] political aspect [640] political theory [847] population dynamics [781] population growth [783] poverty [077] precarious employment [878] prevention of occupational risks [590] preventive medicine [056] primary health care [048] prisoner [389] private insurance [530] private investment [723] private pension scheme [710] privatization [729] professional athlete [381] projection [887] promotion of employment [626] provident fund [585] psychological aspect [650] public expenditure [994] public investment [721] public opinion [851] public private mix [709] public relations [410] pupil [986] 49 40 53 19 12 55 59 59 53 54 32 29 30 18 18 39 10 46 11 46 39 63 24 11 60 43 46 60 45 53 42 Q quality of life [845] 59 R racial discrimination [175] refugee [964] registration procedure [741] regulation [065] rehabilitation [903] rehabilitation benefit [904] rehabilitation programme [906] relations between social security branches [024] research [025] research method [871] research project [869] reservation of special posts [844] residential care [786] residual work capacity [738] retired worker [866] retirement [039] retirement age [716] risk of disability [730] 102 37 40 48 48 31 31 31 9 61 62 62 25 18 14 27 12 12 13 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. risk of maternity [792] risk of occupational accidents and disease [884] risk of sickness and promotion of health [758] risk of survivors [750] risk of unemployment and employment policy [816] role of the medical profession [500] rural women [841] 20 29 15 15 22 19 58 S safety training [902] saving [625] scope of coverage [016] seafarer [360] seasonal unemployment [820] seasonal worker [160] self employed [340] self employment [840] severance pay [728] sex discrimination [954] sheltered employment [848] social assistance [910] social category [837] social change [831] social conditions [843] social conflict [833] social development [821] social economy [807] social exclusion [922] social implication [823] social indicator [029] social insurance [700] social policy [012] social security administration [020] social security agreement [090] social security dependence [916] social security financing [030] social security legislation [940] social security planning [014] social security reform [010] social security scheme [000] social service [928] social solidarity [835] social structure [825] social system [827] social theory [829] social worker [331] sociological aspect [600] spouse [990] standard of living [819] standardization [995] State [470] statistical analysis [885] statistical method [883] statistical table [881] statistics [071] 31 11 38 39 23 42 38 25 12 38 25 32 58 57 59 58 57 33 57 59 9 g 46 35 32 43 35 9 g g 34 58 57 57 ^ ^ ^ The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. ^ 57 4q 57 43 5g 3c 46 63 63 63 62 103 striker [391] structural adjustment [630] structural unemployment [824] student [301] student allowance [806] student worker [984] subrogation [063] subsidy [707] supplementary benefit [924] supply of health care [037] survivors benefit [752] 41 55 23 42 21 42 37 44 33 19 15 T takeup [745] taxation [067] teacher [370] technical cooperation [091] telecommunications [917] telework [978] temporary worker [972] terminology [110] theory [011] tourist [968] trade union [510] trainee [988] training [400] training allowance [860] training course [858] training policy [856] transport [230] trend [859] type of document [855] 48 44 39 56 52 42 41 64 61 41 47 43 26 26 26 26 28 61 60 u UN Convention [089] unemployed [392] unemployment [051] unemployment benefit [834] universal benefit scheme [956] unpaid work [150] user fees [713] 35 22 22 24 38 42 45 V veterans benefit [734] visually disabled [049] vocational rehabilitation [908] voluntary insurance [170] volunteer [982] 13 14 32 10 42 W welfare economics [809] welfare state [605] woman worker [870] women [180] 104 55 59 27 58 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. work at home [151] work disablement [890] work incentive [624] working conditions [850] World Bank [950] 41 30 24 25 37 Y youth [300] youth unemployment [842] 25 The codes in parentheses are for ISSA use only and have no other significance. 105
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