Hallelujah From Messiah George Frideric Handel Revelation 11:15, 19:6, 16 1685-1759 Allegro 1 3 Soprano Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal- le - lu- jah! Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal- le - lu- jah! Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal- le - lu- jah! Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal - le- lu- jah! Hal- le - lu- jah! Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal - le - lu- jah, 3 Alto 3 Tenor 3 Bass 6 S. Hal - le- lu- jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal - le - lu - jah, for the Lord Hal - le- lu- jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, for the Lord Hal - le- lu- jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, for the Lord Hal - le- lu- jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal - le - for the Lord God Om- ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal- le - lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, God Om- ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal- le - lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, for the Lord God Om- ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal- le - lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, for the Lord God Om- ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal- le - lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, for the Lord A. T. B. lu - jah, 11 S. A. T. B. Public Domain 2 16 S. Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, for the Lord A. God Om-ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, God Om-ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, God Om-ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, T. Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal- le- B. 21 S. God Om-ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal- le - lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le- lu - A. Hal- le - lujah,Hal- le- lu - jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal - le- lu - T. lu- jah, Hal - le - lu- jah,Hal-le - lu - jah, Hal - le - lu- jah, for the Lord for the Lord B. Hal- le - lu- jah, 24 S. jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, jah, Hal- le- lu-jah,Hal-le Hal - le - lu - jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, lu - jah, Hal- le- lu - jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, A. - Hal- le - lu - jah, Hal- le - lu - jah, T. God Om - ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal- le- lu- jah, God Om - ni - po- tent reign - eth, Hal- le- lu - jah, Hal- le- lu- jah, B. Public Domain Hal- le - lu - jah, Hal- le - lu - jah, 3 27 S. Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu- jah,Hal le - lu - jah, Hal - A. for the Lord God Om - ni - po - tent reign - eth, Hal- le- lu- jah, for the Lord God Om - ni - po - tent reign - eth, T. Hal - B. Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah,Hal- le - lu- jah, Hal- le - 30 S. le - lu - jah! The King- dom of this world is be - come the King- dom of our Lord and of His Hal- le - lu jah! The King- dom of this world -be - come the King- dom of our Lord and of His The King- dom of world is be - come the King- dom of world is be - come the King- dom of our and He shall A. is T. le - lu- jah! this our Lord and of His B. lujah,Halle - lu- jah! The King- dom of this Lord and of His 38 S. Christ, and of His Christ, Christ, and of His Christ, Christ, and of His Christ, A. T. reign for ev - er and ev - B. Christ, and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ev- er and ev - er, Public Domain for ev- er and ev - er, and He shall 4 44 S. and He shall reign for ev - er and ev - A. and He shall reign for ev - er and ev - er, for ev-er, for ev - er and ev - er, and ev- er, for ev - er and T. er, and He shall reign and He shall reign for ev-er and ev - er, for ev-er and B. reign, and He shall reign for ev-er, for ev-er and ev- er, for ev-er and ev- er for 49 S. er, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, ev- er, King of Kings and Lord of Lords A. T. ev- er, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah, for ev- er and ev- er, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah, for ev- er and B. 54 S. King of Kings, and Lord of A. for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, T. ev- er Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, ev- er Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, B. Public Domain 5 59 S. Lords, King of Kings, A. for ev- er and ev- er, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le- for ev- er and ev- er, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le- for ev- er and ev- er, Hal- le- lu- jah, Hal- le - lu- jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu- jah, Hal-le- T. B. 64 S. and Lord of Lords, and Lord of Lords, lu- jah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, lu- jah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, lu- jah, King of Kings and Lord of and He shall reign, and A. and He shall reign, and He shall T. and He shall reign, and He shall reign, B. Lords, and He shall reign for ev - er and ev - er, 70 S. He shall reign for ev - er and ev - er, for ev - er and ev - er, King of Kings for ev - er and ev - er, King of Kings ev - er, King of Kings, for ev- er and ev-er, for ev- er and ev-er, A. reign and Lord of T. and He shall reign and Lord of B. and He shall reign for ev- er and Public Domain for ev- er and ev-er, and Lord of 6 75 S. Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, and He shall reign for ev - er, for ev- er and ev - er, King of Kings, and Lord of ev- er and ev - er, King of Kings, and Lord of A. Lords, and He shall reign for T. Lords, and He shall reign for ev - er, for ev- er and ev - er, King of Kings, and Lord of Hal-le- lu-jah, and He shall reign for ev - er, for ev- er and ev - er, King of Kings, and Lord of B. Lords, Hal-le-lu-jah, 81 S. Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ev- er and ev - er, King of Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ev- er and ev - er, for ev- er and Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ev- er and ev - er, for ev- er and Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, ev- er and ev - er, for ev- er and A. T. B. and He shall reign for ev - er, for 87 S. Kings and Lord of Lords, Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal- le- lu- jah! Hal-le-lu- jah! Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal - le - lu - jah! A. ev- er, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal- le- lu- jah! Hal-le-lu- jah! Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal - le - lu - jah! ev- er, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal- le- lu- jah! Hal-le-lu- jah! Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal - le - lu - jah! ev- er, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal- le- lu- jah! Hal-le-lu- jah! Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal - le - lu - jah! T. B. Public Domain