Web Links: Please some valuable collections of Journals.
Web Links: Please some valuable collections of Journals.
NEHRU LIBRARY @ YOUR WORKSTATION e-Resource Repository INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA RAIPUR 492012 CHHATTISGARH, INDIA 1 Indira Gandhi KrishiVishwavidyalaya, (IGKV) http://igau.edu.in 2 IGKV Library Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) http://igkv.egranth.ac.in/ http://igkvkohaopac.firstray.in/ Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR): http://www.icar.org.in/ 3 4 KrishiGyan Portal http://igau.nic.in/kmpMAN/kgpcrops/index.aspx 5 AGRICAT http://egranth.ac.in/ 6 WORLDCAT http://www.agricat.worldcat.org 7 IDEAL: Indian Digital Ensemble of Agricultural Libraries http://ideal.egranth.ac.in/ 8 Directory of Open AccessJournals http://www.doaj.org/ 9 Directoryof Open Access Books http://www.doabooks.org/ 10 The Directory of Open Access Repositories http://www.opendoar.org/ 11 Indian AgriculturalResearch Journals http://ep ubs.icar.org.in/ejournal/ 12 AGORA | FAO | Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations http://www.fao.org/agora/en/ AGRICOLA Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library http://agricola.nal.usda.gov/ 13 14 15 16 17 AGRIS Int. Nat. System for Agricultural Sc. & Technology http://www. agris.fao.org/ IndiaStat - Statistical Database : Indiastat.com is an authentic storehouse for socio-economic statistics about India. Provides statistical data, current happenings with a statistical approach, articles from scholars on subjects of social Web www.indiastat.com User igaulib pass word library FAOSTAT http://faostat3.fao.org/home/E DELNETDeveloping Library network. 1.75 crore bibliographic records of books, journals, articles, CD's etc. http://delnet.nic.in ,User : cgigkvr Password : igkv5035 18 Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture CeRA E- Jounals Online Journals: http://cera.iari.res.in/www.jgateplus.com The ICAR has provided Consortium On-line e-Resources service called CeRA under NAIP project from 2008 onwards. It is providing access more than 3500 journals in agriculture and allied disciplines. Annual Review, ASA, ASM, BioOne, CABI, CSIRO, Springer, Indian Journals, IWA, ISHS, OUP, Tailor& Francis, Elsevier, NPG J-Gate Agriculture and Biological Sciences: www.jgateplus.com 19 e-Granth http://egranth.ac.in/ Agricat 2.0 : A Union Catalogue of NARS Libraries http://agricat.egranth.ac.in 20 Krishikosh: is an Institutional Repository under National Agricultural Research System (NARS). http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/ 21 Krishiprabha: Indian Agricultural Doctoral Dissertations Repository service. It provides access to the Ph.D. theses of all the State Agricultural Universities and ICAR institutes in India http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/2323 22 E-learning Portal on Agricultural Education http://ecourses.iasri.res.in/ 23 IGKV Theses Database 24 25 E-Books: ?ASAP http://asapglobe.com/universitylogin.aspx ?KOPYKITAB http://www.kopykitab.com/mylibrary http://igkv.kopykitab.com/ ?ewww.crcnetbase.com ? www.cabdirect.orgwww.cabi.org/ ?Elsevier e-Books/e-Books onSciVerseScience http://www.sciencedirect.com/ CD ROM Database CABI, AGRIS, AGRICOLA from 1972 to cont. (Abstracting Services: Review of Literature) http://igau.edu.in http://igkv.egranth.ac.in Dr. Madhav Pandey Librarian, Nehru Library Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Telelax : +91-0771 2970220, 2970215 (Off.) http://igau.edu.in; [email protected]
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