Volume 18, Issue 1 - St Patrick`s College Strathfield


Volume 18, Issue 1 - St Patrick`s College Strathfield
VOL 18 ISSUE 1 2013
Headmaster’s Report
Dear Community of St Patrick’s College,
The Luceat award was inaugurated in 1985 to give particular recognition to members of the College community who have
given special service to the College, the Church, the State or the wider community. It is the highest honour awarded by the
College and is usually presented during Speech Night each year. The 2012 Luceat Award recipient was Mrs Robyn Donnan.
Robyn taught at the College from 1995 and was a member of the College Executive from 2001 until her retirement at the
end of 2010. With the focus of the 2012 Speech Night on the women of St Patrick’s, Robyn was an ideal recipient of this
special award. Part of the tribute paid to Robyn in announcing her as the Luceat recipient included:
Robyn’s undoubted strength of character, her ability to challenge and tackle any issue with dedication, determination and
a real fire in her belly, whilst managing to always maintain an incredible dignity and self-control, is to be commended.
A wonderful wife, a caring mother, a brilliant teacher, an excellent leader of a Catholic School and a selfless friend, Robyn
paved a path for all who enter the halls of the College, but especially for the women who join us in a variety of capacities.
She demonstrated to the young men of the College that strength and tenacity, the ability to fight and tough things out,
are not the domain of the male gender. She taught us the importance of being firm yet gentle, of having a listening ear
but a reflective tongue, of accepting people and the importance of challenging injustices or mediocrity at all levels.
In congratulating Robyn once again on being the 2012 Luceat Award recipient, we thank her for her outstanding
contribution to the College.
The 2012 HSC students achieved some outstanding results. From an educator’s perspective, one of the most pleasing
aspects of the students’ success was their willingness and capacity to work together and assist one another in their
learning. Success came not just in the form of ATAR’s over 90 or the number of Band 6’s achieved – and there were a
significant number of both – but in the variety of subjects and courses that our students allowed their ‘light to shine’.
Outstanding achievements were seen in English (4 Band 6’s in Standard English), Drama (College Vice Captain Nicholas
Cerone placed 5th in the State and Thomas Felgueras’ video selected for Onstage), Music (Music Captain Joshua Taylor
selected for Encore), Visual Arts (David Barden nominated for Artexpress), Studies of Religion (Alexander Cigana placed
9th in the State for SOR II). In addition, the following TAS students had their Major Works for Industrial Technology
(Timber) selected to be shown at the Timber and Working with Wood show this year: Haydon Barnes, Patrick Condon,
Thomas Parkin, Robert Patruno and Patrick Stark. Within all these wonderful achievements were a significant number of
students achieving ATAR’s well above expectation. The College community is justifiably proud of the 2012 HSC cohort.
As mentioned in the first edition of Lucerna last year, our ex-students provide many powerful examples of achievement
and giving to the broader community. The recent announcement of Old Boy Justin Gleeson’s appointment as Solicitor
General of the Commonwealth is a significant example and certainly deserves recognition and celebration. Justin (HSC
’78) was Dux of the College, Dux of the State (first St Patrick’s student to top the State), Captain of 1st XV Rugby and was
an integral part of the Debating Teams. In his HSC, Justin obtained full marks in Latin, History, Economics and English and
only lost 4 marks in Mathematics – an outstanding result. Congratulations Justin, we are proud to claim you as one of
our own and we wish you well in your new role as Solicitor General.
The College has a proud record of involvement in areas of Social Justice. Members of the College community regularly take
their turn in assisting the homeless of Sydney by participating in taking the St Vincent de Paul food van out to the streets on
Night Patrol. The generosity of St Patrick’s College families in supplying food to feed those on the streets is most welcome.
As a truly communal program, parents support staff and senior students in this tangible example of service to and for others.
Mrs Robyn Donnan delivering her
Luceat Award acceptance speech.
Constitutional law expert
and SPC Old Boy, Mr Justin
Gleeson becomes Australia’s
10th Solicitor General.
Part of the graduating class of 2012, many of whom achieved
outstanding results in their HSC.
Mr Roberts with some colourful Year 12
characters at the Senior House Swimming
As we journey through 2013 with all the trials, tribulations, joys and successes may we always keep that motto that has
served the College well in our consciousness, and as a community “Let our Light Shine”.
Live Jesus in our hearts, Forever.
Helping to feed the homeless on Night Patrol:
Liam Jackson, Stephen Chu, Liam Weston,
Victor Yu & Daniel Kirk (Year 11).
Brian T Roberts
Oliver Lavermicocca (Year 10)
Year 12 prefects take on the teachers!
Jarred Sleiman (Year 6)
Douglas Hoban (Year 5)
Nadim Sassine (Year 10) with Michael Dann, Ethan Coorey & Joseph Essey (Year 5)
Kristoffer Neudeck (Year 11)
Christian Taffa (Year 5)
Luca Trinco, Aaron Hizon-Kwok & Maxwell Jackson (Year 6) with Father Jack Evans
& Michael Murdocca (Year 12)
Maxwell Smith & Daniel Mullen (Year 6)
Joseph Cliff (Year 5)
Patrick Taylor & Sam Ryan (Year 12)
Philip Adam & Nicolas Nardo (Year 7)
Max Fiorini (Year 8)
Nathan Chahoud (Year 12)
Jordan Corbett (Year 12)
Caolan Flannery (Year 9)
Mark Cutrupi (Year 10) & Nathan Ibrahim (Year 5)
Michael Di Lonardo & Marcus Toose (Year 12)
Travis Elmir (Year 6)
Rhys Hughes (Year 7)
Mitchell Dunne (Year 8)
Oscar Schmidt-Uili (Year 8)
Dante Perri (Year 5)
Raymond Wehbe (Year 8), Thomas Kearney (Year 7) & Alessio Cerrone (Year 9)
Gianni Discusso & Ryan O’Meara (Year 8)
Michael Testa (Year 10) & Jordan Krejci (Year 5)
Matthew Thomas (Year 11)
Liam Bermingham (Year 8)
Luke Sassine (Year 12)
Sam Shephard (Year 12)
Billy Duckworth (Year 8)
Marcus Lee (Year 5), Jake Dann (Year 10) & William Gibbs (Year 5)
Julian Thomas (Year 6)
Luke Egan (Year 10)
Liam Gullotto (Year 12)
‘United we stand!’ Finn Tweed,
Austin Ball & Giovanni Botte.
Proud parents look on as Mr Roberts addresses
the Year 5 boys on their first day at SPC.
New student Lachlan
Bortolussi strides forth!
The Journey Begins…
Belonging to the St Patrick’s College Community
Joseph Essey, Anthony Fasanella, Jean-Paul Maugeri & Sarkis Akle experience the excitement
of their first Junior School Swimming Carnival.
The first month of the school year is all about
getting used to the new school environment.
Luca Trinco (Year 6) leads the
It is a big, busy place. The ‘day one jitters’
procession into the College Chapel at the
commencement of the Year 5 Welcome Mass.
are probably felt more keenly by the mums
and dads than the boys, but a cuppa on the playground helps to settle these. Our
Welcome Mass, Belonging Day and Swimming Carnival all help to give the new
boys a sense of their new home and once they make a few new friends and faces
become more familiar to them, their jitters go too.
Belonging Day allows the boys to take part in structured activities as well as lots
of free time. The day is relaxed and provides the opportunity for the boys to meet
other boys they may not have come across. It’s amazing how quickly the boys get
to know each other through a game of Cricket, Footy or Soccer. Belonging Day
2013 was a blast.
Our Welcome Mass is a much more formal greeting for the newies. The Year 5
boys form our massed choir for this liturgy, whilst our parents help us with the
Mass and the supper. This Mass
also commissions the Parents and
Friends Executive so there is a sense
of new beginnings throughout.
The boys did themselves and
their families proud this year with
their singing. It was wonderful to
witness the pride with which they
belted out their College anthem.
Can they top it in the Year 2020
when they sing at their Year 12
Graduation? Time will tell.
Eucharistic Minister Lawrence Abood (Year 12)
distributes Holy Communion during the Year 5
Welcome Mass.
The other exciting event the boys have taken part in is the Annual House
Swimming Carnival. Hickey House prevailed despite the heavens trying to rain
on their parade, but every house got the chance to scream home some winners
throughout the day. The boys’ support for their newly acquired house team was
remarkable. Once again, a growing sense of belonging was evident. It was like
they had been here for years.
In the upcoming weeks we will celebrate our Junior School Family Dinner and Peer
Support Day, two more big events that help our new boys get the feel of their
College. The message we hope to send from these two events is ‘we value you
and your family’ and ‘you belong’.
So the future looks bright for 2013’s freshest faces.
Luceat Lux Vestra!
Jim Walters
Director of Junior School
On his first day at SPC, Elie
Shehadie dons his father’s, Old Boy
Nick Shehadie (‘91), blue felt hat.
Wide eyed, nervous and excited - the latest
crew of SPC ‘newies’ has arrived! The 2013
Year 5 group have jumped aboard the Blue,
Black and Gold juggernaut and have taken
off on what will be the ride of their lives.
For the next 8 years this cohort will spend
a large percentage of their lives with each
other – in class, at play, on the sporting field,
performing, rehearsing, debating, socialising
– and lifelong friendships and hopefully a love
of all things SPC will be the result.
Cheers and smiles at the Junior School
Swimming Carnival.
Getting to know each other during
Year 5 Belonging Day.
Class of 2012
Distinguished Achievers
A message from the
College Captain
Welcome to the start of the
school year with plenty of fresh
faces, polished shoes, new
diaries and Officeworks tags in
the bottom of school bags.
Back: Br J McDonald, Br B Garvan, Glen Surjadinata, Julian Leto, Aidan Wehbe (2012 McDonald Scholarship recipient),
Christopher Zeidan, Matthew Skinner, James Hancock, Robert Rogulj, Ms Daley, Joshua Taylor, Mr Brian Roberts, Mr John Pierce
Front: Matthew Dal Cin, Christopher Omeissah, Nicholas Cerone, Alexander Cigana & Matthew Costa.
The academic success of the Class of 2012 was widespread, as seen in the 180 Band 6’s from
seventy students, the increased ranking of St Patrick’s in the Top 100 Schools – position 71 –
being the best for decades, the ten All-Rounders on the Distinguished Achievers List (achieving
90+ in 10 course units or more), approximately 30% of the one hundred and seventy one
students achieving an ATAR of over 90, and the top four students being within 0.1 of an ATAR
mark of each other. There were also two students who placed in the State’s Top Achievers lists:
Nicholas Cerone (College Vice Captain) placed 5th in the State in Drama and Alexander Cigana
placed 9th in the State in SOR II.
Our College Dux, Matthew Dal Cin, scored an ATAR of 99.1 through doing what he loved,
namely Music and Italian. He was heavily involved in College life, being in the various choirs,
taking a lead role in the Musical for the past three years and representing in Football and
Athletics. He was a model student who did what was expected and more. His own advice is to
do what you love and work consistently, and the success will follow.
Proxime accesit (2nd place to College Dux), Joshua Taylor earned an ATAR of 99.05, also
achieved from intelligence, very hard work, passion and interest, and complete involvement in
College life. He did three major works in Visual Arts, Music I and English Extension II.
Equal Third Place in the College’s Order of Merit is Alexander Cigana and Christopher Zeidan
who each scored 99.00. Alexander’s success came in the humanities and the arts, most notably
English Extension II, Visual Arts and SOR II. Christopher’s results came predominantly from
Mathematics Extension I and Mathematics Extension II.
The All-Rounders were: Alexander Cigana, Matthew Costa, Matthew Dal Cin, James Hancock, Julian
Leto, Christopher Omeissah, Robert Rogulj, Matthew Skinner, Glen Surjadinata and Joshua Taylor.
Success in the HSC is not only awarded to the top achievers but to so many students who performed
to the best of their ability. Whether a student received an ATAR of 90 plus or 65, if it is what they
needed, wanted or earned with hard work, then it’s all a great achievement. The greatest successes
of the Class of 2012 however, lay in who they were
and what they contributed. They were gentlemen who
cared about others and shared of their talents. They
banded together to work as a team, and through this
the entire cohort was successful.
As with other years, none of the students mentioned
above just focused on the academics. Embracing the
holistic life of the College is key as it allows balance
and diversity within boundaries. That, and simply
loving what you do, is all that it takes.
Gillian Daley
Year 12 Coordinator, 2012
‘Consistency the key’ 2012 College Dux Matthew
Dal Cin, pictured here with his proud parents.
This was a year I had always
thought so far in the distance,
but which I now find is
‘Turn away from sin and
galloping away with my hands
stay faithful
to the Gospel.’
holding onto the reins. I know
many of my Year 12 colleagues feel the same.
Opportunities surround us at St Patrick’s, and you always miss
100% of the shots you never take. My hope is that we as a
College take every opportunity thrown our way. The College
Swimming Carnivals are a perfect start to the year, with
wonderful participation and an overwhelming spirit. I hope this
continues throughout 2013.
The commencement of Lent began with Ash Wednesday a few
weeks ago, a time of reflection and giving. The College’s focus
for this year will be the Edmund Rice Camps program, Erea
Flexible Learning Centre’s Indigenous Educational Programs,
and Callan Services in Papua New Guinea. By supporting these
causes it is hoped that it will enhance our awareness and
understanding that we are all local, national and global citizens.
I am proud to be leading this College with the support of my two
confidants Vice Captains Kyle McLachlan and Timothy Skinner.
Kyle enthusiastically participates in all aspects of college life from
Rugby to Debating and strives to support anyone along the way.
Tim has continued to be a leader of the college throughout his
holistic involvement in the College community.
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our newly
elected Junior School Captain, Travis Elmir and Vice Captains,
Lachlan Spratt and Luke Malacco on their leadership roles.
We will, along with the entire Leadership team, strive to work
together to reach our goals and support the boys of this
College. All the best for 2013.
Mitchell Orme
College Captain
2013 School Leaders:
Back: College Captain & Vice Captains; Timothy Skinner (Vice Captain), Mitchell Orme
(Captain), Kyle McLachlan (Vice Captain)
Front: Junior School Captain & Vice Captains; Luke Malacco (Vice Captain), Travis Elmir
(Captain) & Lachlan Spratt (Vice Captain).
“A thoughtful, confrontational, moving and professional production”
Ken Hartman
This year Mr Nassar chose a bold and interesting play based on the novel by
Morris Gleitzman. Not only did it challenge us artistically, but it extended us
emotionally. The people involved worked hard to grasp the perspectives, trials
and tribulations of refugees. Furthermore, Boy Overboard helped the cast and
those who witnessed the production appreciate and connect with the plight of refugees.
This was my first year participating in the Drama production, and at first I was unsure
what it would be like, but by the end I had no doubt that it would be amazing. The cast
was a bunch of unique and talented individuals, ranging from Year 5 to 11. Over the
course of two terms these people became my friends.
Some of the cast from the 2013 Drama
production, Boy Overboard.
Charles Carrall
Year 9
For the past 2 years it has been our aim at the P&F to reach out to families and encourage
them to be more involved in College life. With this in mind we will be continuing with our Year
Representatives, a person of contact for each year who will also be involved in particular P&F events.
Already a large number of the community have supported this initiative and in particular I would like
to thank Leslie Abraham, Nancy Del Buono and Sharon Beynon for their work in this area.
The 2013 newly elected P&F committee: Sharon Beynon, Nancy Del Buono, Susanna
Baldacci, Marita Devaney, Wendy Florian, Allen Chu, Sandra Pearce & Leslie Abraham.
Parents &
Already we are well into the term and have had a very busy start to 2013. We hope that our
Welcome Morning on the first day of Term 1, followed by our Year 5 Welcome Mass and the Years
5 and 6 Dinner have all helped new families feel like part of the community of St Patrick’s.
In 2013 we welcome three new ladies to the P&F Executive: Leslie Abraham (Social Coordinator),
Nancy Del Buono (VP Social Events/Social Justice) and Sharon Beynon (Year Representative
Coordinator). Allen Chu (Parent Education) has taken on the additional role of Secretary. Our
thanks go out to all these people for supporting our work and special thanks must also be
extended to Jean Kidd who has retired from the P&F Executive after 13 years of service. We would
also like to thank Glenn McLachlan and Sue Nicholl who finished their time on the P&F Executive
at the end of 2012. These people have given tirelessly of their time and efforts in supporting the
P&F and their hard work and dedication have been truly valued by all in our community.
Please note the following dates in your diaries:
Preparing a welcoming ‘cuppa’ for anxious new parents: Marita Devaney, Wendy
Florian, Kerry Vatovec, Sharon Beynon, Suzy Schasser & Nancy Del Buono.
Friday 10 May
Tuesday 4 June Friday 14 June
Thursday 22 August
Saturday 10 August
Friday 31 August
Tuesday 3 September
Thursday 12 November
Mother’s Day Mass & Morning Tea
P&F Meeting (Waterford House)
Blue, Black & Gold Dinner (Le Montage, Leichhardt)
Parent Information evening with Andrew Fuller (Waterford House)
Trivia Night (College Gymnasium)
Father’s Day Mass & Morning Tea
P&F Meeting (Waterford House)
P&F AGM (Waterford House)
All parents would be most welcome to come along and join us in these activities.
If you would like to assist us in any of these activities or would like to contact us
please email [email protected]
Wendy Florian
P&F President
The P&F Association wish to extend a special invitation to
any Old Boys, who wish to gather a table of friends and
share in this great night of entertainment. It is hoped that
the Class of 2003 in particular, is well represented as they
celebrate their 10 year reunion.
In the first week of the school year, boys from Year 10 were fortunate enough to listen to motivational
speaker, Mr John Coutis. Born with a severe disability that rendered his legs useless, John defied medical
opinion by refusing to die. He has since spoken all around the world to politicians, sportsmen and many
other famous people.
So why not take this wonderful opportunity to stay
connected with your alma mater and help us raise funds
for our Lenten focuses this year: Callan Services in PNG,
Edmund Rice Camps and an Indigenous Project.
The theme of his talk was that if you believe in yourself, anything is possible. When speaking to the boys, John
relayed some heartbreaking moments in his life but his optimistic nature and sense of humour were apparent.
His message ‘always give your best efforts
to all that you do and never allow setbacks
to stop you reaching your goals’ seemed to
resonate with the boys.
Friday 14 June
7pm for 7.30pm start
Le Montage Function Centre, Leichhardt
$120 per person inclusive of three course meal, drinks, music & dancing.
This was a great lesson to hear at the start
of the year, and I hope the boys will strive
to reach their goals as the year progresses.
Entertainment: John Field Band
Justin Newman
Year 10 Coordinator
Lounge suit
Friday 31 May
Leslie Abraham 0412 682 820 or email [email protected]
If I can,
you can!
Blue, Black & Gold
Dinner 2013
Mr John Coutis inspires Year 10 students.
Ciaran Breen gets some air on
his MTB skills weekend.
The 2013 Gold ‘Dukes’ ready to get underway for their qualifying expedition.
Back: Cameron Clifford, Daniel Samsa, Samuel James, Joel Carter
Front: Patrick Phillips, Angus Mcpherson, Rory Cree & Jeremy Dang.
Silver & Gold Awardee Connor Honeysett (‘12)
with James Watts (Year 6), after completing
cross-peer tutoring for the decoding program.
Bronze DOE candidates, Charles Carrall & Oliver
Bergin during last year’s Year 8 camp.
Navigation is an important skill
on expeditions.
‘Too good to use mum!’ Joel Carter, Anthony Musolino
& Nicholas Dennis show off their chopping boards as
part of the ‘skills’ component in Bronze.
Mr Tony Walsh and Nathan Disbery (‘09)
at Government House for the Gold DOE
Award Ceremony.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Program at SPC
Since the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program was first introduced to SPC in
1996 with the appointment of our first Outdoor Education Coordinator Mr Ralis
Vane Tempest, it has continued to go from strength to strength. This international
program is a wonderful initiative which offers students the opportunity to create
their own program centering on their passions and interests, and to challenge
themselves beyond the confines of the classroom.
The program itself is broken up into three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold with
involvement in each level designed specifically for the age and ability of the
student. Within each level, participants have a commitment to develop a skill,
participate in a physical activity, volunteer within the community and embark on
an adventurous journey.
Boys in Years 8 and 9 are given the opportunity to enrol in the Bronze Duke of
Edinburgh Program. In doing so they are able to complete their adventurous
journey component by participating in the extra activities provided for them
during the school camps. In terms of physical recreation, the boys may choose to
use their involvement within a College’s sporting team such as Cricket or Football
to fulfil the criteria. Developing a skill may be achieved by a student improving
their reading or playing a musical instrument in the College Band. This component
also encourages boys to embrace new interests such as gardening, learning to
cook or sew.
Probably the most challenging area of the award is that of volunteering within
the College and broader community. Some choose to assist with the coaching
of a junior sporting team. Others become involved with the Rainbow Reading
program before school, or assist in the Canteen or Maintenance Department. It is
also very rewarding to see the number of boys that volunteer outside their school
environment, in organisations such as RSPCA, animal rescue, St Vincent de Paul or
bush regeneration groups. Often volunteering one’s services can be as simple as
mowing an elderly neighbour’s lawn.
By the end of Year 9, boys who have completed their Bronze award may wish
to progress to the Silver program. While there are no limitations on the number
of boys who may enrol in Silver, the logistics of offering mountain bike riding
(as the adventurous journey), limits the maximum number of participants to
twelve. During the winter months three other trips occur for the boys in the Silver
program. The first being a ‘skills’ weekend in the Southern Highlands, followed
by a trip to Lithgow State Forest where the boys experience being outdoors in
sub-zero temperatures. For their final qualifying expedition, a 3 day ride along the
Great North Road near Wisemans Ferry provides a formidable challenge.
As students embark on their Year 11 and Year 12 HSC studies, the choice to
enrol in the Gold program involves a lot of consideration in regards to time
management. It is for this reason that the boys have until their 25th birthday to
complete the Award and expeditions are either offered during non-term time or
away from assessment tasks. The Gold program includes two 4 day kayaking trips
to the Myall Lakes area. The senior boys enjoy the responsibility and autonomy of
planning, preparing and executing their own expedition.
On expeditions such as these, and in the broader realm of the Duke of Edinburgh
Award Program, we are lucky to be supported by many wonderful staff who
endeavour to keep the boys motivated, on target and inspired. In particular I
would like to acknowledge the caring and calm Mrs Jane Cotes, who has become
quite a proficient kayaker and Mr Karl Beemster whose fitness and endurance
enables him to keep up with the best of the boys on their mountain bikes and
whose workshops have enabled the boys to hone their woodworking skills. On
some expeditions we have been accompanied by ‘Masterchef’ Mr Derek Rose,
who, in his youth, was not only a Bronze, Silver and Gold DOE awardee but is also
a Queen’s Scout; the highest award achieved in the Scouts.
To all the boys who have either participated in, or are currently undergoing the
Duke of Edinburgh Award Program, I hope that you have found it a rewarding and
worthwhile experience and one which will stand you in good stead for whatever
you choose to do beyond SPC.
Tony Walsh
Outdoor Education Coordinator
Empower, endeavour, experience and achieve!
15A’s player
(Year 10).
e (Year 8) contin
Callum McKenzi
to impress in the
and ISA repres
First V player
ar 12).
Declan Foley (Ye
mers: Finn O’Co
Champion swim
th Year 7).
& Se-
With the summer season fast approaching its conclusion, it is important to acknowledge
a few outstanding achievements. In Baseball, the 14’s and 16’s reached the finals series
with the 14’s losing the preliminary Final and the 16’s winning their Grand Final. In
Basketball, St Patrick’s experienced success in a number of grades and ages. The 1st V
Basketball team were unlucky to lose a few close games and narrowly missed out on
the finals, however the following teams became ISA Premiers: 14C, 14 Gold and 13
Gold with the 17C, 15B, 15 Gold, 14B, 14 Blue and 13B runners-up. Congratulations to
Declan Foley who was selected for the ISA Representative Basketball team.
The 1st XI Cricket team has had another successful season; however they lost a tense
ISA Final against Oakhill College. There were some outstanding performances from
Thomas Burt, Benjamin Manenti, Matthew Thomas, Declan Heels and Christopher
Iaquinto (Captain). Both Christopher and Benjamin have gained selection in the ISA
Representative team and further recognition has been awarded to Christopher by
his selection in the NSW Country School’s team. In Junior Cricket, the 13A and 15A
NDJCA teams reached the Grand Final with the 13A’s finishing as runners-up and the
15A’s being crowned Premiers.
St Patrick’s College is fortunate to be blessed with some outstanding swimming
talent. Se-Bom Lee and Finn O’Connor recently picked up six gold, five silver and
three bronze medals between them at the NSW State Swimming Championships. At
the St Patrick’s Annual House and Age Championships, Callum McKenzie, Se-Bom
and Finn broke six records between them with some of these records having stood
from 1970, 1997 and 1998. Finn and Se-Bom swim with the NSW Junior Sharks and
Callum swims with SOPAC and has qualified for the Australian Age Championships
in 50m and 100m freestyle in April. The College is understandably proud of these
swimmers and their achievements and it is fair to say that they are amongst the very
best swimmers ever to represent St Patrick’s College.
In June and July of this year, thirty students comprising of an Opens and a
Development Squad from the College Cricket fraternity will tour the British Isles
including Ireland, Wales, London and the Midlands. In doing so they will play as
many as nine games against strong competition including one scheduled to take
place inside the grounds of Windsor Castle. It promises to be an exciting time for
all involved and as you can imagine a considerable amount of organisation and
commitment has gone into this very worthwhile tour.
I wish to thank parents who have already been involved in fundraisers for this tour
however, the major event will be a Sports Gala Dinner to be held on 24 May in
the College Gymnasium. The night will bring Australian Test great, Doug Walters to
St Patrick’s as the ‘keynote’ speaker. Many items of Australian sports memorabilia
including a signed bat from Michael Clarke and several signed jerseys from leading
AFL and NRL clubs will be up for grabs on the evening. We are still looking for items
to auction and so any family or businesses able to assist with sponsorship or prizes
are asked to contact the College. To our SPC community, we invite you to book a
table and come along to what promises to be a great evening.
Mark Tyler
College Sportsmaster
Pitcher, Liam
(Year 8).
Jacob Abraham
(Year 7) in action.
ISA representative
& First XI Captain,
Iaquinto (Year 12).
Our Grand Finalists for the Catholic Schools Debating Association Public Speaking Competition were: Thomas Kearney,
Timothy Brattoni, Cooper Greenberg, Nadim Sara, Lachlan Good and Kyle McLachlan. Each Grand Final division had
12 speakers out of an original entry of some 600 speakers. Cooper Greenberg was placed 4th in the Year 8 division and
Kyle McLachlan was placed 2nd in the Senior Division. All of the College’s 2013 entrants performed with distinction.
2013 Public
Michael Robson
Debating Coordinator
Public Speaking Grand Final Success!
William Akerboom
(Year 8) charges home!
Mrs Rutter in the 1960’s.
She loved her time teaching at SPC.
Mrs Rutter (3rd row, 4th from left) was
If you attended St Patrick’s between the years of 1960-1990, then chances
are you would remember Mrs Pauline Rutter, the first female full-time teacher to
be employed at the College. For 31 years she predominantly taught 4th Grade in
the Junior School and to many Old Boys and teaching colleagues, she was a highly
respected, first class educator. But to Mrs Rutter, the young charges who passed
through her class were ‘little gentlemen’ whom she says, ‘were a delight to teach’
and she considers her years at the College to have been the best of her life.
In 1960 when Headmaster Brother Hodda employed Mrs Rutter (then known
as Miss Mullins), the teaching staff was predominantly made up of Brothers with
the few lay teachers also being men. The only females in this male-dominated
environment were the administration staff, a couple of part-time music teachers
and Miss Gibson who taught ‘the art of speech’. Mrs Rutter recalls that at the time
not all parents were thrilled about their sons being allocated a female lay teacher
and in fact some even removed their boys from her class and placed them into
one of the other 3rd Grade classes*. She had to work hard to prove herself as an
accomplished teacher but it all paid off when these same parents wanted their sons
to return to her class during the year.
In the 1960’s the lack of resources available to teachers meant that a healthy
imagination and ability to think outside the square was a real bonus. This was Mrs
Rutter’s forté and as such her lessons were never dull! She was always racking her
brains and coming up with new ways in which to motivate the boys and get the
best results from them. There were the little rhymes and songs to help them learn
grammar and punctuation, there was the crown she bestowed to the ‘Arithmetic
King’, and then there was the ‘Gentleman’s Cup’ which was awarded on a Friday
afternoon to a boy who had exhibited wonderful manners during the week. On
occasions when Mrs Rutter felt that things were getting a bit stale in the classroom,
she would take the boys outside on to the back oval for an impromptu game of
‘Rutter’s Rules’. This was similar in style to a game of rounders but because it was
not strictly part of the curriculum, she would assign someone to keep an eye open
and alert her should the ‘boss’ happen to be in the neighbourhood!
Old Boy Mr Andrew Viney (‘81) recalls his time in Mrs Rutter’s 4th Grade class; ‘We
had spelling and arithmetic ‘mentals’ books which we worked from every morning.
This, coupled with ‘dictation’ was very successful in teaching us the basics of grammar
and punctuation. I remember a ‘cursive’ copy book used to practice our running
1960 staff photo.
worked at the College.
one of only a handful of females who
writing. She was relentless! A firm teacher but you felt that she had a real care and
concern about you, she was a sort of mother figure.’ In fact Mrs Rutter concedes that
her boys were almost always well behaved and if ever there was a need to reprimand
a boy she would just send him to ‘Siberia’ (a specially assigned desk!).
One event that Mrs Rutter became famous for was the Drama production ‘Jack
and the Beanstalk’. Again due to a lack of resources the set and props were made up
of any odds and ends she could find and the result made for a very entertaining and
colourful production. Friend and colleague Mrs Mary McInerney (nee Collins) recalls
a time when Mrs Rutter managed to position Headmaster Brother ‘Jack’ O’Shea
right under the sign ‘Jack and the Beanstalk,’ much to the delight of the boys!
This wonderful sense of humour is evident when Mrs Rutter recalls other amusing
incidents which occurred during her time here. For example, whilst changing in
what used to be Fatima house for a swimming lesson, one boy declared that he
had left his swimming trunks back in the classroom. Mrs Rutter instructed the boy
to go and collect them not realising that he would do so whilst completely naked!
‘He was SPC’s first streaker!’ Then there was the time when the boys were all lined
up curbside about to form a guard of honour after a funeral had taken place in the
College Chapel. As it was a hot day it was agreed that the boys would sit and wait
until the teachers alerted them with a whistle when the procession was on its way.
When the whistle finally sounded the boys all stood solemnly to attention with their
caps on their chests only to witness a bewildered looking man driving his truck load
of cabbages slowly past them!
It wasn’t just the boys whom Mrs Rutter adored; it was also the wonderful
staff she had the privilege to have worked with. Whilst at SPC, Mrs Rutter
experienced seven different Headmasters and whilst they were supportive, she says
they pretty much left her alone to do her thing. In the Junior School she worked
closely with teachers like Mr John Greck, a deeply religious man whom she had
enormous respect for and Mrs Mary McInerney whom she describes as a ‘selfless
person, always giving so much of herself to those in need’. Brother Markwell was
another great man, always encouraging innovative teaching ideas and wanting
to keep the boys engaged in learning. He was brilliant in his role as Scholasticate
(Master of Method) at Mount St Mary’s, with the Markwell building being used as
a micro teaching centre where students would come and participate in teaching
demonstrations. As Mr Richard Lawler recalls, ‘she always made time to help these
young inexperienced teachers’.
This photograph, circa 1958, was taken at the quadrangle next to the hall during one
of Headmaster Br Hodda’s weekly meetings. It is a wonderful depiction of life at the
College in the 1950’s as it shows all the boys sitting attentively listening to the latest
College news and no doubt being read the riot act!
The photograph’s owner, Old Boy Lehel Mario Steindl (‘60)* has kindly granted
permission for this photograph to be published in order to give fellow Old Boys a
chance to spot their face in the crowd. Lehel himself can be seen almost centre stage,
kneeling up and looking straight into the camera. Interestingly the braces worn to
keep up the boys trousers were abolished not long after this photo was taken.
*This photo remains the property of Lehel Steindl and as such must not be copied or used for profit.
t on an excursion in 1973
e gentlemen’ out and abou
Some of Mrs Rutter’s ‘littl
‘Milk time!’ c.1972. This was a standa
rd morning ritual for the junior boys
who would each receive one glass bottle
of milk mid-morning. Mrs Rutter
was always concerned about the milk
being left in the sun for too long.
‘Br Markwell was a wonderful man
encouraged and embraced new teachi
ideas’, recalls Mrs Rutter.
In 1987, after teaching at SPC for 25 years, Mrs Pauline Rutter became the
first ever recipient of the Luceat Award. A young student by the name of Benedict
Cooper wrote the following in the 1987 Lumen: ‘Many of us in our hundreds have
gone through your class which was like a little home for us. We will never forget you,
your kindness and your discipline but mainly we will remember you as a teacher
who had at heart our Christian education.’ No doubt these words are echoed by
many Old Boys who had the privilege to begin their schooling at St Patrick’s in such
a happy environment.
Nikki Fochesato
College Archivist
*In these early years we had three 3rd Grade and three 4th Grade classes, but by 1967 all 3rd
Grade classes were abolished with only one 4th Grade class remaining, that being Mrs Rutter’s.
Upon Mrs Rutter’s departure from the College in 1990, 4th Grade ceased entirely at the College.
1983 junior teaching staff
Back: Mr Guyer, Mr Law
ler, Mr Warwick, Br Brog
Front: Mrs Rutter, Ms Vella
r, Mr Chmielewski & Mrs
4th Grade boys for
Mrs Rutter takes her
Br Crichton.
impromptu visit to
Two teaching legends; Mrs Rutter with good
friend Br Crichton c.early 1980’s.
Mrs Rutter wa
s seen as a ‘moth
er figure’ to ma
of the boys, pic
tured here in 19
87 during the jun
school athletics
Old Boy Donations
Cricket ‘Baggy’
Peter McInnes (‘53)
Running Spikes
Paul Pinel (‘53)
Various items including SPC cufflinks, 1978 commemorative playing cards & six bottles of 1978 commemorative wine
Patrick Murray (‘54)
SPC Silver Souvenir Spoon
Dr Wallace de Launey (‘44)Old Boys’ Union Life Members Card
Grahame Fitzpatrick (‘46) Two pairs of Running Spikes
James Rider (‘94)
Various items including a Swimming Pennant
and a Politeness Award
Connelly Family
Set of six commemorative glasses and various old Lumens
Lynette Rowan Bruce Rowan’s (‘55) McMahon Trophy for breaking the
100yd record
Pierce Family
Brother Crichton newspaper clipping
Greg Dening (‘81)
1978 commemorative playing cards
If there are any other Old Boys who wish to donate an item to the College’s archives, please contact Nikki Fochesato on 9763 1000 or email [email protected]
Michael Terry (‘85)
The College wishes to thank the following benefactors for their generous donations:
2012 Burke Cup Premiers.
1964 First Old Boys Rugby League
Kicking Off 2013
1966 First Old Boys Rugby Union Team.
SPC Rugby Club
Celebrates 50th Season
St Patrick’s Rugby Club was established in 1964, with the first President
being Michael Iacono (‘62). In that year the club entered a team in the
‘B’ Grade competition of the Western Suburbs Junior Rugby League. It
was coached by Peter Burnicle (‘60) and the players wore a white jumper
with a black collar. During the club’s first two seasons it was League that
was played, but a switch to Union occurred in 1966 in order to coincide
with the College’s change the year before.
1972 Old Boys v College’s First XV.
1993 Kentwell Cup Premiers.
Over the past 50 years St Patrick’s Rugby Club has won the Club
Championship Trophy on five occasions: the Second Division
Competition ‘Reliance Shield’ in 1973 and the Club Championship
in the First Division Competition in 1976, 1994, 1996, and 1998.
In 1976 it became the first club to have all four sides competing
in Grand Finals. The Kentwell Cup trophy has been won on two
occasions, in 1975 and again in 1993.
The 2013 season is already shaping up well,
following on from a successful 2012 where we
were second in the Club Championship. We finished
strongly by winning every point on offer in the
last three weeks and four of our teams went on to
contest in the final series. Unfortunately our Colts
were knocked out after a draw, but our 1st and 2nd
Grade teams progressed to the Grand Final where
2nd Grade were crowned Premiers.
This year we will be watching a couple of junior teams
running around the paddock in the club’s colours.
This exciting development happily coincides with our
50th season celebrations. Once again the club will be
running the Rugby Camp for the boys in the second
week of the April school holidays and will be hosting
the traditional dinner to present the jerseys to the 1st
XV and Prep A’s at the start of the ISA season.
In 2013 our numbers remain strong and we welcome last
year’s Year 12 boys who have also joined the club. They
will continue the tradition under Coach Paul Donnellan.
Today St Patrick’s Rugby Club continues to maintain its fine tradition
1997 ‘Golden Oldies!’
of being one of the leading clubs in the NSW Suburban Rugby
Competition. The club manages six teams each week competing in the Kentwell, Burke, Whiddon, Judd,
Sutherland and Barbour Cups. While the club continues to operate at the highest level, it also strives to
maintain the balance between success on the field and the mateship and camaraderie that is engendered
within the Rugby community.
On Saturday 3 August a celebration dinner is planned to commemorate the club’s 50th season. It promises
to be a wonderful occasion, so please come along and reminisce on the club’s history.
Information about the upcoming season and
celebratory 50th season dinner can be found on
our website at www.sprc.com.au or alternatively
information about the
junior club can be found
at www.spjrc.org
Greg Dening (‘81)
SPC Rugby Club
2013 SPC Rugby Club Juniors.
Old Boys
The Cricket season is finally drawing to a close, and St Patrick’s
Cricket Club has enjoyed another successful season, reaching
the finals with the premiership shield set firmly in our sights.
Whilst our main focus has been on the social side of the
game, developing new friendships and reaffirming others, the
results have also come. We finished 2nd on the table and look
dominant travelling into the final series. Whether it is former
1st XI cricketers or first time Cricket players, we have been able
to create a great atmosphere both on and off the field which in
turn has led to a truly enjoyable experience.
I encourage all those who share a
passion for Cricket and want to
have fun with a few mates on
Saturday afternoon to join the club
in the coming 2013/2014 season.
You won’t regret it.
Jack Corry (‘10)
Old Boys
St Patrick’s Football Club (SPFC) is entering its twelfth season and will this
year enter five teams in the GHFA competition. Since its inception the club has
prided itself on an overwhelming amount of registrations being Old Boys and
this year players range from their 40’s to having left the College last year.
SPFC looks forward to keeping the College updated with our progress and
already has an eye on this year’s Founders Day Cup clash against the First XI,
in which they will be eager to atone for last year’s loss!
Damien Bellemore (‘02)
SPFC Registrar
Class of 1965 – 48 Year Reunion
Although a smaller group of eight turned up for our 47th annual
reunion, it was another wonderful occasion. We had many apologies
from our absent friends and hopefully this year more are able to attend.
Details are as follows:
Friday 8 November 2013
Coronation Club
Burwood Road, Burwood (opposite Burwood Park)
Graham Smith
E [email protected] P (02) 4990 6222
Ed Walters
E [email protected] M 0416 221 500
Phillip Kidson
P (07) 4092 6682
Class of 1951 (IC) & 1953 (LC)
– 60 Year Reunion
Wednesday 9 October 2013
10am at St Patrick’s College Chapel
(only street parking available excluding Hydebrae Street,
no parking on College Campus)
Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood
Marz’s 1944 class
meet again!
Shortly before Christmas last,
on 12/12/12, twenty-four
enthusiastic, octogenarian
survivors of Brother Marzorini’s
1944 Year 7 class, together
with a sprightly Brother
McGlade, convened once again
at Burwood’s Coronation Club.
This occasion completed the 68th cycle of dates which began on the morning of the 4/4/44.
Most thought that 12/12/12 may be our Grand Finale, but the enthusiasm in the room at our last
meeting indicates we should continue to ‘let our light shine’. Watch this space!
Frank Byer (‘48)
Classmates are invited to call Frank Byer on 0425 300 143 regarding this year’s reunion on 4 April 2013.
Camaraderie still strong for the Class of 1952
In October last year, we had a great turnout for the Class of 1952 (IC 1950) Diamond Jubilee Mass and
Reunion. In all 27 Old Boys from a list of 39 were able to attend in what proved to be a thoroughly
enjoyable day. Special guests included Brother McGlade, Luke
and Cameron Mitchell, sons of the late Paul Mitchell, as well
as John Thackray, John Walford (‘51) and Peter Bennett (‘53)
bringing the total head count to 33.
It was a wonderful day of camaraderie and reminiscences
between classmates whom we had first met over 60 years ago.
I would especially like to thank all those who travelled great
distances to be with us and share in what was to be a truly
memorable celebration.
Peter Bennett
E [email protected] P (02) 9697 0778
Paul Pinel
P (02) 9809 3766
Class of 1962 – Celebrate their Golden Jubilee
Des Purtell
P (02) 9968 3095
John Carew
P (02) 4385 4118
The 50 Year reunion of the Class of 1962 (IC 1960) was held on Friday 26 October 2012. The group first
met at the College where we were kindly given a tour of the grounds by Mr Michael Robson and also
met the Captain of the First XI Cricket team, Christopher Iaquinto. We then proceeded to Strathfield
Golf Club for dinner.
A total of fifty Old Boys attended the evening along
with three teachers from our school years; Br Brian
Berg, Br Dan Stewart and Mr Rod Speering who had
made the trip all the way from Queensland for the
occasion. At the conclusion of dinner the College
anthem and war cry were rendered one more time!
Class of 1963 – 50 Year Reunion
Saturday 28 September 2013
From 6pm
Ryde Parramatta Golf Club, Victoria Road, West Ryde
John Ballesty
E [email protected] M 0418 447 999
John Leary
P (02) 9638 3565
Class of 1973 – 40 Year Reunion
Please mark the following date in your diaries, further details to follow.
Saturday 26 October 2013
Rick Russo
E [email protected]
Paul Sheehan
E [email protected]
Peter Harrington
E [email protected]
Old Boys’ Reunions
Terry Chadwick (‘52)
Not only were many memories shared and
friendships rekindled, but we also managed to raise
just over $3,600 for two Christian Brother charities.
Tom McKibbin (‘62)
Class of 1987 – Reunite after 25 years
A great night was enjoyed by everyone who attended
the Class of 1987, 25 Year reunion. Although not all
were able to attend, like 1987 College Captain Miguel
Ayesa who was on assignment in Japan, others
dropped by when they could. Former Vice Captain of
the College and current Labor Minister Tony Burke
was present, and a special guest appearance was
made by our other Vice Captain Grant ‘the sponge’
Bevan towards the end of the night.
This was an evening shared with a great bunch of
blokes who I look forward to catching up with again when we celebrate our 50th reunion in 2037!
Paul Mitchell (‘52) 1935 – 2012
‘Mitch’ was an iconic figure in the Class of 1952. Chosen to be Captain of the First XIII, he fractured his skull in the last trial match and missed
the entire season. His open friendly manner and broad sense of humour ensured that he was admired and respected by all his classmates.
The youngest of ten children, he came to SPC from Blacktown, and after completing the Leaving Certificate he went on to Bathurst Teachers
College. A few years later he obtained a degree in Agricultural Science providing the impetus for the Mitchell Biochemical Company. This
successful venture enabled him to live in the country where he was in his element growing beans, potatoes and bananas. He was also one of
the pioneers responsible for producing 20 acres of macadamias from scratch.
Mitch is survived by his wife Mary, their four sons, and their families.
Alan Quinlan (‘87)
Luceat Lux Vestra
Francis Street, Private Mail Bag 1,
Strathfield NSW 2135
T 9763 1000 F 9746 2294