Media Producer Aida Barrera
Media Producer Aida Barrera
Published by Executive Women in Texas Government FebruarA,1990 Media Producer Aida Barrera To Address February Meeting F EWTC. speaker for the upcoming February luncheon will be Aida Barrera, a long-time television producer-director ofPBS and syndicated programming, now president and owner of TELEMAR Communications, Inc. TELEMAR, a recently formed research and production firm specializing in educational communications technolory and multi-media applications, combines Ms. Barrera's previous experience in television and new communications techniques and technologies. Her company offers creative and innovative solutions to educational problems in schools, at work or in the home. Ms. Barrera, the President and CEO of the Southwest Center for Educational Television for the past 12 years, has created and produced programming on subjects such as immigration, labor problems, racial issues, gang warfare, teen pregnancy, celebrity personality profiles, musics, sports, health, sex, parenting, language, and education. Targeting young people and their families, her programs have featured a range of formats from newsmagazine documentarie s to dramatic, musical, and situation comedies. Series she has produced include Checking It Out, Somebody Else's Place, and Carrascolendas. A native Texan, Ms. Barrera is an award recipient of Leadership America, Leadership Texas and Leadership Austin and was a fellow at Princeton University at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. She has done graduate work at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and the Graduate School of Business and holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Ms. Barrera's television series have received numeroug awards, among them two gold awards from the New York International Film Festival, three Ohio State Awards, a Silver Hugo at the Chicago International Film Festival, and the UNICEF Prize at the Japan Prize Festival. She has also been named "Outstanding Woman of the Year" by Women in Communications. Please join us at this month's luncheon and meet our distinguished speaker Aida Barrera. Feb L990 - EWTG STAR,/I Speak Easy A One Day Seminar For Those Who Don't Find Public Speaking Easy workshop will be held at the offices of Margaret Keys Communications, 301 Congress Avenue, Suite l-80. Participants in Speak Easy also will be eligible for special rates on intensive video coaching sessions to be offered at a later date. Participants will cover topics which include projecting an executive image, using audience strategies; using humo; anecdotes and stories Margaret Keys As executive women, we often are called upon to in public-whether to one person or to hundreds. But no matter how often we speak in public, we still feel we could do more to polish this vital communication skill. A March 13 workshop will offer EWIG members the opportunity to learn how to make the most of their communication abilities, by participating in 'Speak Easy", a one-day seminar presented by Austin communication consultant Margaret Keys. The workshop is designed exclusively for members of EWIG, is limited to 75 participants and is being presented for the registration fee of $75. Nonmembers will be placed on a waiting list in case additional space is available. The fee includes workshop materials, free parking and coffee breaks during the course, which runs from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. The speak 2/EWTG STAR - Feb 199a to enliven a presentation; structuring a presentation for the most effect and making the most of their personal communication style. The workshop is interactive and will allow the fine tuning of individual communication skilis. Ms. Keys is a communication consultant who works with top executives and corporations in both the private and public sectors. She conducts workshops.on a variety oftopics, including presentations skills, witness testimony, negotiation skills, and situational communications. Her company, Margaret Keys Communications, is Austin-based but her work takes her across the country to work with corporate and organizational spokespersons, trial attorneys, witnesses, politicians and business executives. Checks or vouchers will be accepted for registration, and should be payable to Executive Women in Texas Government. No refunds will be given after March 6. Registration forms and more information are available by calling 5721346-675L. Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming... We welcome your contributions to the EWTG S/or, and look forward to hearing your ideas and concerns during the new decade! Please send communications to: Amy Quate 16 Rolling Hills Circle Denton, TX 76205 (817) 382-5510 Fax # (214) 869-9228 The March issue deadline is February 22 Tish Gonzalez appointed acting administrator for Texas Housing Agency The Board of Directors of the Texas Housing Agency (THA) has announced the appointment of EWTG member Tish Gonzalez to the post of acting executive administrator. Chairman of the Board Ken DeJarnett announced the selection of Gonzalez atthe board's regularly scheduled December 6 board meeting in Austin. "No one knows more about how and why the THA functions than Tish Gonzalez," DeJarnett said. "I am confident that Tish will be able to move ahead with the agency's goal of financing affordable housing." Gonzalez has been with THA since 1984 when she took a position as an accountant. She was appointed deputy executive administrator in March of1989. She also has been responsible for the planning and control, internal auditing and finance departments of the THA. Gonzalez holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the lJniversity of Texas at Austin. "I am honored that the Board has given me this challenge," Gonzalez said. "I recognize the need for the agency to establish more extensive partnerships with local governments, nonprofits and other housing providers, to maximize the housing assistance provided to lo.lver income households." The Texas Housing Agency was created by the Texas Legislature in 1979 to provide affordable hosing opportunities for low and moderate income families. The agency fulfills its purpose, in part, by issuing tax exempt bonds to finance single- and multi-family housing throughout Texas. The THA's programs are self supporting, receiving no state or federal tax revenue. 1990 Conference Call EWTGs 1989 Annual Conference was a huge success thanks to the efforts of the many members who assisted with the event. Now is the time to regroup and build new momentum for the 1990 conference! Conferences of this magnitude are only as successful as the planning and coordination which ued on page 4 EWTG STAR - Feb 1990/3 SI8'ON TIIAIUSd XJ.NITSNY (trvd sBxol'u11sny r08zr xo8'o'd aarlncoxg uI uorrroll ssxoJ, luarurrJoaoc rfitus g,rMs ITL9L s3vrsod's'n srvu x.Ins 1990 EWTG'S CONFEHENCE CALL-LET'S DO lT AGAIN! takes place prior to the event. Vice President Daffney Henry has been designated conference chair and she needsyozr help! Included below is a request for members to work on conference committees. If you would like to help your organization and have a rewarding experience too, be sure to sign up for one of the planning committees. Last yeat's planning committee has continued from pase 3 provided a conference planning notebook to make our tasks easier. One of the first items on the planning committee's agenda will be to select a theme for the conference. Ifyou have any ideas or suggestions, please contact Daffney at (512) 389-4808 or STS 885-4808. Sign up now! Early planning is the key to a successful conference. I.990 EWTG CONFERENCE PLAhTNING COMMITTEE I would like to work on the following conference eornnittee: Please check ( ) RegistrationBudget- Facilities Publicity I am willing to serve as cornrnittee chair Yes Prograrn _No Conference theme recommendation: Telephone: (H) Name: (w) Please mail this form to Daffney Henry, Conference Chair, Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmenL,4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78741 A/EW:rc S?nR - Feb 7990
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