2011-12 Annual Report - The Academy of Holy Angels


2011-12 Annual Report - The Academy of Holy Angels
Preserving our
Providing for the
Planning for the
Annual Report
Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Table of Contents
Letter from the President���������������������������������������������������������� 3
Letter from the Board Chair����������������������������������������������������� 5
Financial Summary����������������������������������������������������������������������15
Legacy Society�����������������������������������������������������������������������������16
President’s Star Council�������������������������������������������������������������17
We Can: The Campaign for the
Academy of Holy Angels����������������������������������������������������������21
Annual Donors to Holy Angels
Gift Level���������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
Alumni������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
Current Parents������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
Past Parents, Friends and Grandparents���������������������51
The Academy of Holy Angels
appreciates the generosity of
its donors, parents, staff, alumni,
volunteers and friends.
The 2011-12 Annual Report
recognizes everyone who
contributed to Holy Angels from
July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
Thank you for your support.
The Development Office regrets
any spelling errors, omissions or
other inaccuracies. To report an
error, please contact the office so
we can correct our records.
Organizations, Matching Gift Companies
and Foundations������������������������������������������������������������������57
Holy Angels Development Office:
Board of Trustees and Staff Members�������������������������56
[email protected]
Scholarships�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
Tributes����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
Starfest 2012: It’s Our Night to Shine���������������������������67
Golf Tournament: Shoot for the Stars������������������������� 70
Booster Club����������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
(612) 798-2624
Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Letter from the President
Fall 2012
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to report on the financial well-being of the Academy of Holy Angels via this
2011-2012 Annual Report. This report will tell you a great deal about the school’s
accomplishments and our ability to support and provide a values-based, college preparatory
education in the heritage of our founders, the Congregation of St. Joseph.
Beyond our current operations, we are embarking on an exciting journey as our strategic
framework and campus master planning initiatives stretch before us. While we celebrate
our cherished heritage in a myriad of ways, our paths to future success will need clarity,
involvement, and ultimately the support of our stakeholders. You are a significant part of
that process.
It is never too early to anticipate a future so monumental that the Academy arises above
other institutions as a model high school, campus, and center for Catholic education in the
Twin Cities. Decisions on our programs, development, enrollment and other areas of the high
school’s sustainability will make such a profound impact on the students we serve, both now
and in the future.
Our long range thinking is essential in assisting leadership and staff to develop our framework
for the future. While we strive to preserve our past and provide for the present, planning for
our future will be a priority on each and every agenda we create. Planning ahead has many
options, but we will emphasize:
continued on page 4
Academy of Holy Angels
Letter from the President, continued from page 3
Campus Master Planning
Have you ever wondered where AHA’s “front door” is? Depending on your relationship with the
school, you might answer differently from the person next to you. To you, the front entrance
might be the doors facing Nicollet Avenue; it might be the new Convocation Center entrance;
it might even be the no-longer-used entrance on 66th Street.
This year, the “front door question” has led to a larger discussion. What’s the best way to
use the wealth in land and facilities with which we’ve been entrusted? It has prompted us to
begin the process of developing a master campus plan to address land use, access, facilities
maintenance and improvement, sustainability, and much more.
Strategic Directions
The Academy of Holy Angels demonstrates that the AHA Way is more than just a catch phrase:
it is vital to our mission and supports our work preparing students “for college and for life.”
I am deeply grateful for the past support you have shown and your willingness to affirm
our work here at Holy Angels. Even during challenging economic times, you have chosen to
provide support and ensure the important work we do makes a difference in the lives of so
many. Your continued support of Holy Angels is paramount to our future.
On behalf of our students, faculty, and staff, I wish to thank you for your many blessings.
Thomas E. Shipley
Annual Report 2011-2012
Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Letter from the Board Chair
Dear Friends of Holy Angels:
Holy Angels — where students become STARS
You could say we’re in the “star-making” business at AHA.
It’s our job to welcome the sometimes exuberant, sometimes
apprehensive fourteen-year-olds who come to us every fall,
and, in just four years — through a partnership with their
parents, their churches, and the community — we transform
them into confident, prepared, eager young adults ready to
take on the world.
Star-making is a big job. It requires dedication and
commitment, exceptionally well-prepared staff and faculty,
thoughtful planning, an eye to the future, and lots of
resources. The purpose of this report is to show you how
we approached that task during the past fiscal year and
how we put the resources you entrusted to us to work,
developing a new generation of STARS.
Of course, we couldn’t reach our goals without the loyalty of
our donors. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, nearly
2,500 community members (alumni, current parents, past
parents and other friends of the school) made philanthropic
gifts to the school. Collectively, they contributed more than
$1 million to this year’s Annual Fund.
On behalf of all of us at the Academy of Holy Angels, I
want to thank all of our donors for playing a vital role in
the success of our students. Because of your generous gifts,
we provide them with an outstanding academic education
steeped in traditional Catholic principles and values.
At Holy Angels, we’re looking eagerly to the future. The past
year has brought new excitement and renewed enthusiasm
to our campus. We’ve begun, and will continue this year,
formulation of a campus master plan and a refinement of our
strategic plan and strategic directions. Of course, we know
that challenges exist, but Holy Angels is well-positioned to
continue and to improve its star-making efforts, now and for
many years to come.
Thank you for joining us in this adventure.
Jeff Ogden
2011-12 Chair, Board of Trustees
Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Preserving our past,
providing for the present,
planning for the future
Preserving our Past
Honoring alumni and community members who serve
is one way we preserve our past. Here are some of the people we
recognized this year.
The Angelus Award
• preserving our past,
Judy Rauenhorst Mahoney ’70 is
this year’s Angelus Award winner.
The Angelus Award goes to an AHA
graduate whose work has benefitted
others. Judy is founder and owner
of Teach Me, Inc. The company has
published 55 award-winning titles,
which teach children world languages
using stories and songs.
• providing for the present, and
The St. Joseph Award
• planning for the future.
Mike and Patty Meehan Cunniff ’65. The St. Joseph Award
is a lifetime achievement award for community members who
have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made outstanding
contributions to the school and community. This year’s recipients
are Mike and Patty Meehan ’65 Cunniff. Mike Cunniff died last
fall and was recognized posthumously. Mike served on the Board
of Trustees and was a key leader in the implementation of the
StarDome project. He also chaired the Endless Opportunities
Capital Campaign. Patty served as an officer in the AHA parent
organization, volunteered with the school and with students and
has been active in reunion event planning.
The 2011-12 School year in review
How do you reprise an entire school year? Here’s one way.
AHA’s new president Tom Shipley often summarizes our
mission in terms of:
Here’s a quick look at how we approached those important
goals this year:
Judy Mahoney is
this year’s Angelus
Award winner.
Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-12 Year in Review continued
AHA’s Activities Hall of Fame
The Possumus Award
•Gretchen Dahl Breyen ’90 was both a basketball and a
volleyball star at AHA and at the University of Minnesota.
Today Gretchen teaches high school math at Convent of the
Visitation School in Mendota Heights.
The Possumus Award is presented to community members
whose volunteer efforts and positive energy have enriched the
AHA Community. The award gets its name from the Latin
word possumus which means “We can.” This year’s recipients
are John and Patti Kasper, Steve and Barb Lapensky, and
Mark Mahgrak ’83.
•John Stocco ’02 played football and baseball at AHA earning
nine varsity letters. At the University of Wisconsin, Madison,
he led the Badgers to the Outback Bowl in 2004 and the
Capital One Bowl twice.
•The 1994 State Championship Golf Team. Members
were Erik Nerhus ’94, Ben Poehling ’94, Wade Susse ’94,
Brad Lindow ’95, Travis Meyer ’95, Loren O’Brien ’95,
Nick Berg ’96, and Coach Randy Nelson.
The Rising Star Young Alumni Award
Brian Taney ’93 is this year’s recipient of the Rising Star Young
Alumni Award. The award recognizes the accomplishments of
young alumni under the age of 40 who have achieved significant
success as students, in professional endeavors, in civic activities,
in community service, and/or in involvement with the Academy
of Holy Angels. Brian is co-founder and current CEO and
owner of GetWireless, LLC, based in Minnetonka. The company
provides internet and wireless access resources.
Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-12 Year in Review continued
Alumni activities are another way we celebrate that AHA
heritage. During 2011-12 we:
•Held our annual gala, Starfest, on campus on Saturday,
April 14, with many alums in attendance.
•Gathered in Fort Myers Florida on March 26, at home of
Bruce and Sheila Diehl Kelly ’56, for brunch and a Twins
spring-training game.
•Hosted our Golden Stars Tea and musical on May 22. Alums
gathered for tea and saw a performance of Hot Mikado.
•Honored the 2005 state-championship runner up football
team during halftime of a football game.
•Hosted our annual golf tournament at Deer Run in Victoria
on June 20.
•Facilitated 11 class reunions.
Our partnership with the CSJs is an aspect of our heritage
that we continue to honor in the following ways:
•Two members of the CSJs serve on our board of trustees.
•We teach the history of the community to all ninth graders
as a part of our church history course.
•Sisters speak about their social justice work to AHA
Theology classes.
•We celebrate the feast day of our founders with a St. Joseph
Day Mass, and the Sisters participate in the Liturgy.
•Many of our most significant awards make reference to the
Sisters of St. Joseph — the St. Joseph Award, the Possumus
Award, and the Angelus Award.
•And even our most recent capital initiative refers to a motto
of the Sisters — We Can.
AHA alums in Florida gathered to meet new president, Tom Shipley,
enjoy brunch and attend a Twins training game in March.
Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-12 Year in Review continued
Providing for the present
Student achievement is what AHA’s “present” is all about.
Here are some of the things our students achieved in 2011-12.
Their accomplishments would not be possible without the gifts
you provide.
•Three named National Merit Scholarship finalists.
Three AHA seniors were named National Merit Scholarship
Finalists this spring. They are Stephen Raab, Hannah Shea,
and Bridget Williams. Five students achieved National Merit
Commended Student status, which means that they did not
continue in competition for scholarships but were commended
for their exceptional academic potential. They are Katelyn
Caron, Nicholas Hirsch, Grace Orstad, Miranda Rich, and
Mary Streiff.
Our Merit Scholar finalists
are (left to right)
Hannah Shea, Stephen Raab,
and Bridget Williams.
• Knowledge Bowl team takes second place in state
competition. The AHA Knowledge Bowl team took second
place at state this winter making its second appearance in the
state finals in two years. About 1,000 Knowledge Bowl teams
compete statewide each year. Of those, only 48 get the chance
to compete in the state tourney.
• Quam named Scholar of Distinction in Theater Arts.
AHA senior Tyler Quam has earned a Scholar of Distinction
in Theater Arts Award from the Minnesota Department
of Education.
• Elizabeth Mattson receives Athena Award. Elizabeth
Mattson is Holy Angels’ 2012 selection for the school’s Athena
Award. The award is presented by the Minneapolis Athena
Awards Committee which honors and recognizes outstanding
senior female athletes from high schools throughout the
metro area.
AHA’s Knowledge Bowl team competed at state
for the second year in a row.
10 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-12 Year in Review continued
•Students receive German Awards. This spring, John
Banovetz was nominated as the student from Minnesota to
compete for a senior study trip to Germany sponsored by
the American Association of Teachers of German and PAD
(Paedagogischer Austauschdienst). Although John did not
win the study trip, he did receive a GLOW award for his
outstanding performance.
• 25.2 ACT. AHA students earned an average 25.2 score
on the ACT this year. The Minnesota average is 22.8.
The national average is 21.1.
• $3.4 million in scholarships accepted. Members of
the class of 2012 accepted more than $3.4 million in college
scholarship awards this spring.
•Monica Knaack chosen for research program. Monica
Knaack spent summer 2012 working in cardiovascular
research at the U of M under the Summer Research Scholars
John Banovetz earned a major
award from the American
Association of Teachers of
•Students compete at state. Sarah Skogmo competed in the
state ski meet; Michael Price and Elizabeth Mattson competed
in the state track meet; Jackie Hartmann competed in the
state girls golf tournament; Connor Flaherty and Jack Riester
competed in the state golf meet. Jack tied for second place.
The table tennis team and the competition cheer squad
competed in state events.
Jack Riester, pictured here with
Coach Randy Nelson, tied for
second place in the state golf
tournament this spring.
11 Academy of Holy Angels
2011-12 Year in Review Annual Report 2011-2012
Staff and faculty achievements are an indication of a school’s
excellence. Here are some of the recognitions our staff and faculty
members earned this year:
• AHA English Teacher Pamela
Boston was selected by MISF
(Minnesota Independent School
Forum) as its Honor Teacher of
the year in the secondary school
• College and Career Center
Counselor Tina Proctor received
this year’s Distinguished Service
Award from the Minnesota
Association for College Admission
Pamela Boston
• Reilly Recognition Grants
announced: Last year, AHA
established the Jill Reilly
Recognition Fund to support teacher
initiatives that enhance programs
at the Academy of Holy Angels.
Awardees this spring are:
–Theology teacher Kevin Chirpich, to work on a
recycling project at AHA
–Theology teachers Lisa Murphy and Kevin Chirpich,
to attend theology workshops
–Math teachers Donna Poshusta and Lindsay Stone,
to advance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math) initiatives at AHA
–Theology teacher Kristin Vanyo, to attend an ISTE
(International Institute for Technology in Education)
•Theology Teacher Kathy Cassidy is the recipient of this
year’s Noonan Award for contributions in nurturing student
achievement during the school year.
•Science Teacher Beth Rehfuss is the winner of this year’s
Lunde Award. The award is presented to a staff member who
has made outstanding contributions to the education, faith,
and well-being of Academy students.
•Associate Director of Development Leah Santer is this year’s
winner of the Staff Service and Dedication Award. The award
is presented by the AHA Community Association to a member
of the staff or faculty who has shown excellence in teaching or
12 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-12 Year in Review continued
Program achievements. Here are some of the new programs
AHA launched in 2011-12 to improve learning and excellence at
Holy Angels.
•Leadership curriculum: As part of its theology program,
AHA is developing a leadership curriculum to prepare
students to engage effectively with their communities and
create positive change.
• Summer school: AHA reorganized and expanded its
summer school offerings this year providing classes in two
categories: Intensive Study (for students who want extra
preparation for the coming school year in areas like writing,
math, and Spanish) and Credit Recovery (for students who
need to complete credits for graduation in courses like
history, English, and theology).
the community before the school’s home football on Friday,
September 16.
•Starfest: It truly was our Night to Shine. Starfest 2012
brought a sold-out crowd of 500 to campus on April 14
for Holy Angels’ annual gala fundraiser. It was the first
on-campus Starfest in many years. It was, by all accounts,
a record breaker. It topped records in attendance and in
overall revenue (the $230,000 total, exceeding last year’s
total by $100,000).
•STEM diploma: Holy Angels is initiating a STEM
diploma option beginning with the class of 2014. Students
who complete specific course requirements as well as
participating in science-and-technology-related cocurricular
activities and in internship and job-shadow projects will be
able to earn a STEM diploma.
•The Stars are Out Tonight: New people, improved
facilities, new ideas — there was new energy at Holy Angels
last fall, and AHA’s Admissions Department decided to
spotlight that energy when it hosted its first The Stars are
Out Tonight festival for students, families, and members of
AHA students can earn a STEM diploma for their work
in science and math.
13 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-12 Year in Review continued
Facilities improvements
This summer AHA converted
unfinished space in its
Convocation Center to four
new classrooms.
•New classroom construction: Thanks to the progress of
AHA’s We Can capital campaign and the $38,000 donated
during the Fund-a-Need promotion at our spring Starfest,
AHA completed four new classrooms in its Convocation
Center this summer. The Convocation Center, constructed
in 2003, was built with unfinished space — specifically
intended for new classrooms in the future. At the same time,
some classrooms on the fourth floor of our original AHA
building were retired.
AHA launched its new kitchen and food service last fall.
•Stars Café: During the summer of 2011, AHA
remodeled and expanded its kitchen and food service area.
The food preparation area expanded into the old food labs
classroom space, transforming the kitchen’s capabilities
and accommodating new equipment and much more
room for food preparation work. In addition to physical
improvements, the school contracted with a new food
service provider, Taher, Inc., to provide expanded menu
options for AHA diners.
14 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-12 Year in Review continued
Planning for the future
•Campus master plan: AHA has begun work on a
comprehensive campus master plan that will assess the entire
complex — buildings and grounds — and examine questions
about best use of the facilities with which the Academy of Holy
Angels has been blessed.
•Strategic directions: At the same time, the school is taking
a new look and is considering ways to make its strategic plan
a more efficient working document to guide us in living our
mission. Board members and staffers are considering nine
broad areas that we call our strategic directions. They are:
–Personnel resources: How do we attract and keep highly
qualified faculty, staff, and administration?
–Faith development: How do we strengthen, enhance, and
improve student understanding of the Catholic identity?
–Academics: How do we best challenge and inspire our
students to excellence?
–Co-curricular activities and sports: How do we build
strong programs and develop student talent?
–Enrollment, marketing, and public relations: How do we
attract a diverse and academically promising student body?
–Resource development: How do we secure and manage the
resources we need?
–Finance: How do we best maintain financial stability and
sound fiscal management?
–Facilities and grounds: How do we preserve our legacy
while developing a state-of-the art physical environment?
–Governance: How do we implement a governance model
that assists Holy Angels in living its mission through
organizational excellence?
•Endowment: A strong endowment benefits a school in many
ways, and Holy Angels has long been considering how to
increase the size of its endowment and to ensure that the fund
grows and provides significant benefits for the school. Last
fall, the Board of Trustees took concrete steps in that direction.
First, it decided to designate $250,000 from the Restricted
Funds account for the school’s endowment. It also created an
endowment committee to define strategies for growing the
fund and managing the asset.
15 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Financial Summary
StarDome 5%
Support Services 6%
Development Income
Income 10%
Support Services
$ 10,155,880
General Contributions
President’s Star Council
Golf Tournament
Financial Aid Contributions
Tuition 79%
$ 1,004,895
We Can Campaign Commitments
and other Multi-year Pledges
Debt Service 11%
Salaries and Benefits
StarDome 1%
Plant & Maintenance 5%
Development and
Communications 3%
and Support
Services 15%
$ 6,327,643
Instructional and Support Services
Administration, Development
and Communications
Plant and Maintenance
Salaries and
Benefits 64%
Debt Service
$ 1,707,056
Endowed and Restricted Gifts
In-kind donations
$ $2,804,816
16 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Legacy Society
The Legacy Society provides lasting support for the
students of Holy Angels through wills and bequests.
Individuals become members of the Legacy Society
by including Holy Angels in a will, creating a charitable
trust that names Holy Angels as a beneficiary,
establishing a charitable gift annuity for the school,
or designating Holy Angels as a beneficiary in a
retirement plan or a life insurance policy.
Presently, 61 donors have joined the Holy Angels
Legacy Society.
If you have included Holy Angels in your will or estate
plan and would like to be recognized in the Legacy
Society (either anonymously or by name) or if you
would like to learn more about how to support Holy
Angels with a planned gift, please contact Brian
McCartan, Director of Development, at (612) 798-2618
or [email protected].
Anonymous (13)
Thomas and Maureen Kent
Neil and Ann Stiehm Ahlstrom ’70
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Jan McKenzie Anderson ’57
Jean and Mark Knutson
Thomas Ford Ascher ’84
Barbara A. Kohler ’52 
Michele and Phil Barnhill
Mary Elizabeth Lahiff ’38 
Lauren and Ben Barron ’01
LaVerne Slagel Lewis ’48 
Helen Lamm Biedron ’55
Kathleen Johnson Lucas ’69
John and Nancy Bierbaum
Lawrence and Barb Matthews
Deidre Ann Brossard ’53
Brian and Beth McCartan
Mary Kay Burns O’Brien Bunker ’42 
Judy McDonald ’82
Molly Cade 
Gerald and Kathleen Hayes Meyer ’53
Lawrence and Phyllis Casey
Tom S.  and Norma C. Noonan
Rev. Robert T. Cassidy 
Jeffrey S. Ogden and Susan Malouf
Mark and Jane Chronister
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill
Kevin and Katie Conneely
Kathleen and John Orner
Betty Hamel Dolan ’47
Jeff and Tressa Patrias
Donald E. and Leone F. Eichten
Stephen ’81 and RaNae Pelner
Arlene Langner Finley ’55
Jill and Patrick Reilly
Margaret  and Richard H. Fleming
Heidi Foley
Richard ’78 and
Marie Welbes Rodier ’78
Don  and Betts Arms Giefer ’45
Russell L.  and Jeannette Streefland
William and
Aileen Owens Gresham ’36 
Elizabeth L. and Paul O. Swanson
Julie Holt
Delmar and Mary Miles Woida ’56
John and Patti Kasper
Elizabeth Parthun Zetzman ’60 
Thomas and Mary Kearney
David and Marlys Anderson Thies ’57
17 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
President’s Star Council
Members of the
President’s Star Council
annually contribute $500
or more to the Academy
of Holy Angels. In 2011-12,
the contributions from
more than 400 members
totaled nearly 90 percent
of all philanthropic
dollars received by the
Academy. Members of the
President’s Star Council
are leaders within the
community, making it
possible for students at
Holy Angels to receive
the best Catholic
education possible.
Anonymous (29)
Kevin and Lynn Benz
Joseph and Mary Cassioppi
John and Anne DePrey
ABC Express, Inc.
Timothy and Anastasia Benz
Catholic Community Foundation
William Dickey and Karen Steiner
Joseph and Kathleen Betlej
Centera Corporation
Direct Source, Inc.
Floyd Adelman
Stephen and Mary Bianchi
Gary and Robin Cerny
AHA Class of 1960
Helen Lamm Biedron ’55
Jon and Lynn Christie
Joseph ’89 and
Rachel Naughton Dolan ’89
AHA Community Association
John and Nancy Bierbaum
Mark and Jane Chronister
Stephen and Jacquelyn Dombrovski
Neil and Ann Stiehm Ahlstrom ’70
Dennis and Grace Bierschbach
Aileen and Michael Cinque
Mark and Jeanette Dubanoski
Janet Albers
Jeffrey and Sharon Birkins
James Clancy ’79
Doug and Jean Dubbink
Alliant Tech Systems
Lon and Bobbi Black
Timothy and Carrie Cleary
James and Carolyn Duffy
Alliss Educational Foundation
William and Wendy Blackburn
Phil and Katherine Fox Clubb ’95
Dundore Events and Entertainment
Ameriprise Financial
Diane L. Roberts Blake ’69
Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
James Dunn ’85
William and Lois Andersen
Irv and Carole Cohen
James and Susan Easton
Roz Andreucci
Kathleen Blatz ’72
and Wheelock Whitney
Kevin and Patricia Cole
Mary Warren Eggenberger ’59
Charlie and Cathy Anhut
John and Margaret Blissenbach
Linda Smith Collins ’68
Bob and Sharon Eichten
Gregory and Ann Anklam
David and Cynthia DeMars Bollig ’85
Kevin and Katie Conneely
Doug and Katy Ascher Eiden ’81
Arch Insurance Group
Thomas and Andrea Bose
Martha Andersen Conners ’79
Elsen Brothers, Inc.
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
Pamela and Joe Boston
David and Anne Cook
Robert and Patti Engel
Leo ’89 and Jane Arms
Boulay, Heutmaker, Zibell and Co.
Scott and Julie Crossman
Anne Hamel Everett ’42
Crosstown Family Dental
John and Linda Exline
Mike and Patty Meehan Cunniff ’65
Zelda Landy Fahey ’58
Custom Refrigeration, Inc.
Mark and Sheila Farmer
Todd and Mary Czachor
Mary Jo Feltl
Richard and Cheryl Fey
Dale Studios
Patrick and Arlene Langner Finley ’55
Michael and Janna Davies
Christopher Flynn ’85
Maria and Thomas Ascher ’84
Associated Bank
Avant Decor
Josephine Bahl
Neil Baker
Leslie and Nancy Banyard
Patricia and Roy Bower-Jernigan
Lisa Boysen
Boyum & Barenscheer, PLLP
Carol and Fred Breitling
Briggs and Morgan
Michele and Phil Barnhill
Frederick and
Mary Spinner Budworth ’62
Scott and Diane Barriball
John and Lisa Buhta
Mark and Joan Davy
Alan and Joanne Foley
Robert and M.J. Bauer
Thomas and Ann Nye Burke ’82
Daniel and Theresa De Grace
Heidi Foley
Michelle and Lucas Baumgartner
Burl Oaks Golf Club
Deer Run Golf Club
Edward and Dawn Folisi
Robert Beck
James and Debra Hartman Burns ’84
The DeLude Family
John and Sheila Sarazin Folkestad ’83
Mary Beeson
Cade Family Foundation
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Brent and Nancy Friendshuh
Cara Irish Pubs
Paul ’77 and Patricia DeNucci
Froehling Anderson
Tony Beldon
Joseph Cassioppi ’00
Thomas and Susan DePauw
Stephen and Susanne Fry
Lawrence and Elizabeth Frye
18 Academy of Holy Angels
President’s Star Council Annual Report 2011-2012
Kathy J. Higgins Victor and
Robert Victor
Thomas and Maureen Kent
Kathleen M. Johnson Lucas ’69
Joe ’83 and Beth Meyer
Joseph and Judy Gallagher
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Drs. N. Martin and Lisa Lunde
Alice Mikhail
GE Capital
Jim and Jane Hileman
Carla Kilkelly
Scott and Michelle Lynch
Matthew and Kaleen Mikulski
General Mills Foundation
Jennings Hill and Sylvia Matzke-Hill
Gary and Kathy King
Gary ’76 and Sheila Machacek
Greg and Laura Keinz Miler ’85
Betts Arms Giefer ’45
John and JoAnn Hillen
Jeffrey and Teresa Zech Kirby ’69
William Mack ’86
Marsha Poeschl Miller ’65
Ryan Gilbertson ’94
Paul and Margaret Hirsch
Michael and Amy Kneeland
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney ’70
Minnesota Independent School Forum
Mary Hadlick Hoedeman ’49
Jean and Mark Knutson
Ratna and Bernie Mallawaaratchy
Minnesota Twins
Tom and Lisa Goblirsch
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Mark and Denise Knutson
Maplewood Imports
Timothy and Lisa Miotti
Gregory Grahn ’91
Curt and Karen Hoffman
Mike and Annette Kojetin
Annette Margarit ’73
Allen and Lori Moen
Michael and Amy Gresser
Jeff and Barb Hoffmann
Kopp Family Foundation
Greg ’77 and Julie Margarit
Momento Images LLC
Gresser Companies
Mark and Kathleen Hollingsworth
Dean and Janell Kraus
Joseph and Patricia Margarit
Thomas and Katherine Moore
Joseph and Linnea Grey
Charles and Ann Welbes Hubbard ’80
Peter and Kym Kronschnabel
Lawrence and Barb Matthews
Patrick and Linda Moriarty
James Gross ’77
Stephen ’83 and Stephanie Huss
Michael and Carole Krutsch
Shannon and Michael Mayer
Frank and Kelli Mork
Loren and
Mary Ann Leininger Gross ’56
IBM Corp. Matching Grants Program
Jason and Sarah Lahr Kuenle ’98
Patrick and Patricia McAdaragh
Gerald and Karen Morris
Infinia Bank
Jamie Kuester ’00
Brian and Beth McCartan
Mulcahy Company, Inc.
Ground One of Minnesota
J.A. Price Agency, Inc.
Angelo and Amy Kusber
Tom and Colleen McCarthy
Jane Randolph Murphy ’58
Bernard Shane Grutsch ’91
Jarod and Rebecca Lunde Jacobs ’91
Mark and Susan Lacek
Katie McCollow
Margaret Murphy
Gloria Hagen ’61
Trace and Michelle Jacques
Todd and Suzanne Laing
Florence McErlane
Timothy ’82 and Beth Murphy
Doug and Denise Hagge
Paul and Jane Foley Jaeger ’53
Stephen Lapensky
Sharon McGinnis & Karl Zgoda
Philip and Rosalba Murray
Robert and Patricia Hall
Mary A. LaRock
Brian and Katy McGrane
James and Ramona Myott
Jill and John Hamburger
Bruce W. Johnson and
Peggy Duffy-Johnson
The McKnight Foundation
Maureen Kelly Neerland ’58
Kathleen Hanley ’71
Jostens Inc.
James ’84 and Jennifer Larranaga
Sara and Matt McLenighan
Ann and Steve Nelson
Jeffrey and Shannon Hansen
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney
Family Foundation
Craig and Barbara Larson
Mardi and Paul Larson
Joseph ’77 and Sue Schaefer McNamara
James and Rayanne Nelson
Laurie and Stephen Karl
Dianne LaScotte
Mike McNamara
Marty and Kate Flynn Nicklay ’85
John and Patti Kasper
Daniel and Patricia Lavin
Jeff ’79 and Gina Schullo Meacham ’80
William and Sherryle Noleen
Michael and Adrienne Kautzman
Catherine Lawrence & Lee Sheehy
Chris Medrano
The Medtronic Foundation
Terry and Kathy North
Joseph and Christy Heil
Kenneth and
Shari Eggenberger Kawiecki ’89
Gordon Lewis
Peter and Sheila Clifford Lind ’65
Mark and Karen Melhorn
Kevin and Sandra O’Brien
Corrine Heine
David and Nancy Kaysen
Richard and Josefa Melhorn
Margaret Sullivan O’Connor ’82
Gary and Linda Hendlin
Thomas and Mary Kearney
James and
Catherine Srnec Lingenfelter ’80
David Merfield
Suzette and Mike O’Meara
Mike and Sara Kenefick
James and Leslie Lohan
Metro Athletic Supply
Michael and Brenda O’Neil
Margaret A. Kennedy ’64
John ’87 and Mary Lohmann
The Metropolitan
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill and Family
Robert and Barbara Gaertner
Robert and Lisa Harris
Harris Companies
Mark and Peggy Haumersen
Robert and Mary Healy
William Hengen ’00
Hennepin County Dept. of
Environmental Services
Mark and Kathleen Lomauro
19 Academy of Holy Angels
President’s Star Council Annual Report 2011-2012
William M. Oaster
and Katherine A. Courrier
Betty and Steve Ragaller
Mary Schmelz
Maureen Davy Tesch ’89
Waldeck & Lind, P.A.
Mollie Mulheran Raih ’61
Steven and Kathryn Schneider
The Graco Foundation
Wallace Carlson Printing
Jeffrey S. Ogden and Susan Malouf
Jill and Patrick Reilly
Denise Perrizo Schumacher ’58
David and Marlys Anderson Thies ’57
Scott ’85 and Sharon Hall Warmka ’85
John ’88 and Stacey Olk
John Reilly & Michele McKeown
Mark and Maggie Schumacher
James and Cheryl Thomas
Warners’ Stellian Appliance
Gregory and Rhoda Olsen
Michael and Lisa Reilly
Robert Schumacher
Richard and Jessica Thomas
Andrew Webb
Opus Corporation
Timothy and Justine Rethlake
John and Beth Schutz
Matthew and Mary Thompson
John and Megan Wedl
Kathleen and John Orner
Dr. Mary E. Reuder ’40
Securian Financial Group, Inc.
Thomson Reuters
James M. Weides ’78
Jim Page
Robert Seidel
Mark and Lisa Thostenson
Erik and Cathy Weis
Kevin and Canda Palattao
Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union
Suzanne Karnstedt Seyfert ’55
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Weis Builders, Inc.
Park Tavern
Joe and Candy Rinowski
Scott and Patricia Sharkey
Aaron and Julee Titze
Catherine and Pat Weiss
Daniel Passe
Chris ’93 and Amanda Ritz
Mark and Anne Sharockman
Bruce and Barbara Tjossem
Arlene Welbes
Russ and Janet Patience
Paul and Laurie Ritz
Kevin and Jane Shea
The Toro Foundation
Wells Fargo
Jeff and Tressa Patrias
Tim and Kimberly Ritzer
Susan Sherman
Greg and Nancy Trebil
Patrick Pazderka
RJF Agencies, Inc.
Donna Shern
Brian and Ann Turbeville
Ray and Carole Welter
Rita Peller
Richard ’78 and
Marie Welbes Rodier ’78
Thomas E. and Beth Anne Shipley
Briana Westrum and Paul Afong
Phillip Simon ’97
Turning Point Management
Advisors, LLC
James and Julie Simons
Mary Twite
Whitney Foundation
Stephen ’81 and RaNae Pelner
Rogosheske, Sieben, Atkins &
Pugh, LLC
Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program
Sunny Bach Wicka ’51
Lauren and Anastasia Peters
Christopher and Angela Roloff
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
UBS Employee Giving Program
Margaret and David Winter
Dennis and Julie Pfab
Steve Rosch and Julene Lind
Brian and Patti Smith
Jeffrey and Geri Wise
Bishop Lee Piché
William and
Maureen Brombach Rosener ’77
Gail Smith
United Defense
Ken and Mary Pollmann Sommers ’60
Southwest Airlines
Mr. and Mrs. Van Sloun
Michael Wise ’75 and
Brenda Schieffert-Wise
Sports Star Photography Corp.
John and Elizabeth VanderAarde
Delmar and Mary Miles Woida ’56
Mary Haymaker Staley ’61
Mark and Erin Vannelli
Bruce and Patricia Wolfson
Jacqueline Sterling ’99
Viking Forest Products
Jim and Jodi Young
Bill and Cindy Style
Visiting Angels
Joseph and Christine Zappa
Fay Sullivan
Laura and Timothy Vitelli
Marge Carlson Zieska ’56
Mike and Sue Sullivan
Stephen and Carol Vopatek
Taher, Inc.
Chris Wagner ’76
Timothy and Rebecca Waldeck
Thomas and Ludmilla Peller
Dave ’82 and Karen Pelner
Katie and Ted Plunkett
Gregory and Amy Revak Poehling ’79
Benjamin Poehling ’94 and
Lynne Martinson Poehling ’93
Bryan and Diane Ross
Bernard Rosser
Doris and Ron Rothstein
Robert and
Sally Hackenmueller Praus ’58
Paull Rukavina and Patricia Pettit
Jeffrey and Naomi Price
Terrence and Ann Sandvik
Theodore and Antonetta Prins
Leah and Christopher Santer
Greg and Michelle Pulles
Amy Sawyer ’93
Kevin and Ann Quiring
Gregg M. Sawyer
Jeff and Mary Jo Sanderson
Todd White ’80
AHA STARS and their STAR experiences
Elizabeth Mattson receives Star Athletics
and Athena awards
Elizabeth Mattson is Holy Angels’ 2012 Star Athletics Award
recipient. The award winner is chosen by coaches and AHA
administrators and goes to the senior who makes the most
significant contribution in athletics. She also was the 2012
selection for the school’s Athena Award. The award is presented
by the Minneapolis Athena Awards Committee which honors
and recognizes outstanding senior female athletes from high
schools throughout the metro area.
Here are some of her accomplishments in high school athletics:
In track, she competed in the triple jump, the 4x100 relay, and
the 4x200 relay. She was first named to the varsity team in
seventh grade, earned her first letter as an eighth grader, set her
first school record as a ninth grader, qualified for the state meet
for the first time as a sophomore, and also qualified for state as
a junior and senior. She earned five letters in track, was named
all-conference several times and achieved all-state honors as
well. She was team captain both her junior and senior year.
Lizzie also was a member of the volleyball team for four years at
AHA. She earned two letters, was named best defensive player,
and was captain her senior year.
21 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
We Can: The Campaign for the Academy of Holy Angels
Holy Angels introduced its We Can Capital Campaign in 2011
to support program enhancements and facility improvements.
So far, community members have committed $3 million to that
cause. Here are some of the things we’ve accomplished:
•We completed four, bright, new, state-of-the art
classrooms in the unused space in our Convocation Center.
Those classrooms are now home to our World Language
•We’ve completely redesigned and rebuilt our food service
area to provide better, more healthful meals, more space,
and a better dining experience.
•We’ve invested in teacher training and student financial aid.
•We’ve replaced the roof on a significant portion of our
building and made other building improvements.
In fall 2012, AHA entered a final phase of the We Can Campaign
to address other needs consistent with Campaign priorities,
•Facility Improvements: Complete construction of four more
classrooms on the third floor of the Convocation Center.
•Program Enhancements: Fund student financial aid and
professional development for AHA staff.
•Long-Term School Success: Provide for sustainability by
promoting the growth of the AHA Endowment and the
AHA Legacy Society.
To learn more or make a commitment, contact
Development Director Brian McCartan at 612-798-2618
or [email protected].
22 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
We Can: The Campaign for the Academy of Holy Angels Anonymous (7)
Aileen and Michael Cinque
Joseph and Linnea Grey
AHA Community Association
Linda Smith Collins ’68
James Gross ’77
Ameriprise Financial
Kevin and Katie Conneely
Kenneth and Shari Eggenberger
Kawiecki ’89
Mike McNamara
Thomas and Mary Kearney
Mark and Karen Melhorn
Patrick T. ’92 and Ann Kelly
Joe ’83 and Beth Meyer
Patrick and Stacy Brandt McVary ’86
William and Lois Andersen
Scott and Julie Crossman
Loren and Mary Ann Leininger Gross
Brian and Mary Anderson
Todd and Mary Czachor
Michael and Teresa Gurin
Margaret A. Kennedy ’64
Greg and Laura Keinz Miler ’85
Jody and Theresa Anderson
Mark and Joan Davy
Robert and Patricia Hall
Thomas and Maureen Kent
Timothy and Lisa Miotti
Roz Andreucci
Daniel and Theresa De Grace
Jill and John Hamburger
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Thomas and Katherine Moore
Charlie and Cathy Anhut
The DeLude Family
Joseph and Diane Harrington
Carla Kilkelly
Patrick and Linda Moriarty
Arch Insurance Group
Paul ’77 and Patricia DeNucci
Robert and Lisa Harris
Ann Kjorstad
Jerry and Karen Morris
Leslie and Nancy Banyard
Thomas and Susan DePauw
Mark and Peggy Haumersen
Jean and Mark Knutson
Timothy ’82 and Beth Murphy
Michele and Phil Barnhill
Dan and Anne DePrey
Joseph and Christy Heil
Jane and Lawrence Koenig
Margaret Murphy
Robert and M.J. Bauer
Doug and Jean Dubbink
Richard and Elaine Heltne
Mike and Annette Kojetin
Philip and Rosalba Murray
Daniel ’85 and Kimberley Becker
James and Carolyn Duffy
James and Polly Koontz
Maureen Kelly Neerland ’58
Timothy and Anastasia Benz
James and Susan Easton
Hennepin County Dept. of
Environmental Services
Jason and Sarah Lahr Kuenle ’98
Bob and Sharon Eichten
Paul and Kristi Herro
Randall Nelson
Helen Lamm Biedron ’55
Amy Landgren ’94
Jennings Hill and Sylvia Matzke-Hill
Marty and Kate Flynn Nicklay ’85
Melissa Landgren ’99
John and JoAnn Hillen
Terry and Kathy North
Craig and Barbara Larson
Mary Hadlick Hoedeman ’49
Daniel and Patricia Lavin
William M. Oaster and Katherine A.
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Catherine Lawrence & Lee Sheehy
Kimberly Ober
Curt and Karen Hoffman
James and Leslie Lohan
Kevin and Sandra O’Brien
Jeff and Barb Hoffmann
Mark and Kathleen Lomauro
Margaret Sullivan O’Connor ’82
Charles and Ann Welbes Hubbard ’80
Scott and Michelle Lynch
Jeffrey S. Ogden and Susan Malouf
Humboldt Family Foundation
Gary ’76 and Sheila Machacek
Kevin and Diane O’Hehir
Stephen ’83 and Stephanie Huss
Macy’s Inc.
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill and Family
IBM Corp. Matching Grants Program
Greg ’77 and Julie Margarit
Kathleen and John Orner
Annette Margarit ’73
Kevin and Theresa Orth
Paul and Jane Foley Jaeger ’53
Lawrence and Barb Matthews
Eric and Heidi Overman
Bruce Johnson & Peggy Duffy-Johnson
Shannon and Michael Mayer
Kevin and Canda Palattao
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney Family
Brian and Beth McCartan
Jeff and Tressa Patrias
Florence McErlane
Patrick Pazderka
Brian and Katy McGrane
Thomas and Ludmilla Peller
Joseph ’77 and Sue Schaefer McNamara
Dave ’82 and Karen Pelner
John and Nancy Bierbaum
Doug and Katy Ascher Eiden ’81
Jeffrey and Sharon Birkins
Robert and Patti Engel
Lon and Bobbi Black
Anne Hamel Everett ’42
Diane L. Roberts Blake ’69
John and Linda Exline
Kathleen Blatz ’72 and Wheelock
Tim and Sara Blazek
Andrew and Jennifer Block
Pamela and Joe Boston
Patricia and Roy Bower-Jernigan
Lisa Boysen
Teresa Garland Braun ’98
Thomas and Ann Nye Burke ’82
James and Debra Hartman Burns ’84
Mark and Sheila Farmer
Patrick and Arlene Langner Finley ’55
Edward and Dawn Folisi
John and Sheila Sarazin Folkestad ’83
Brent and Nancy Friendshuh
Lawrence and Elizabeth Frye
Doug Fulton and Cindy Baune
Rick and Ann Garland
General Mills Foundation
Ryan Gilbertson ’94
Heather Burns ’99
Glass Today
Theresa Carr ’77
Richard and Rita Tholen Juettner ’54
Tom and Lisa Goblirsch
John and Patti Kasper
Mark and Jane Chronister
Michael and Amy Gresser
23 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
We Can: The Campaign for the Academy of Holy Angels Lauren and Anastasia Peters
Securian Financial Group, Inc.
Bruce and Barbara Tjossem
Katie and Ted Plunkett
Scott and Patricia Sharkey
Brian and Ann Turbeville
Robert and
Sally Hackenmueller Praus ’58
Donna Shern
Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program
Thomas E. and Beth Anne Shipley
United Defense
Jeffrey and Naomi Price
Bill and Carin Simpson
Theodore and Antonetta Prins
Peder and Judith Skogmo
Mark and Erin Vannelli
Kevin and Ann Quiring
Joseph and Sharon Stadnik
Visiting Angels
Betty and Steve Ragaller
Mary Haymaker Staley ’61
Laura and Timothy Vitelli
John Reilly & Michele McKeown
Michael and Erin Steinlage
Chris Wagner ’76
Chris ’93 and Amanda Ritz
Bill and Cindy Style
Steven and Kathy Warmack
Paul and Laurie Ritz
Mike and Sue Sullivan
Scott ’85 and Sharon Hall Warmka ’85
Tim and Kimberly Ritzer
Fay Sullivan
Michael and Sara Hammer Warner ’85
Richard ’78 and
Marie Welbes Rodier ’78
Taher, Inc.
John and Megan Wedl
Greg and Kelly Tangen
Wells Fargo
Maureen Davy Tesch ’89
Whitney Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
Sunny Bach Wicka ’51
The Toro Foundation
David and Marlys Anderson Thies ’57
Michael Wise ’75 and
Brenda Schieffert-Wise
Matthew and Mary Thompson
Bruce and Patricia Wolfson
Thomson Reuters
Timothy and Beth Wynne
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Joseph and Christine Zappa
Christopher and Angela Roloff
Bryan and Diane Ross
Doris and Ron Rothstein
Michael and Lisa Sackmaster
Rod and Robin Sande
Steven and Kathryn Schneider
John and Beth Schutz
Aaron and Julee Titze
AHA STARS and their STAR experiences
John Banovetz honored for excellence
in German
This spring, John Banovetz was nominated as the student from
Minnesota to compete for a senior study trip to Germany sponsored
by the American Association of Teachers of German and PAD
(Paedagogischer Austauschdienst). PAD is a student exchange
organization sponsored by the German government’s department
of education. Although John did not win the study trip, he did
receive a GLOW award for his outstanding performance. The award
acknowledges him as among the premier high school German
students nationwide.
In addition, both Banovetz and Tatjana Mortell earned scholarships
this spring in an essay contest sponsored by the German American
Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Minnesota Chapter. John
earned a $1,000 scholarship and Tatjana won a $500 scholarship.
25 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Annual Donors by Gift Level
President’s Star Council –
St. Joseph’s Circle
Anonymous (6)
Alliss Educational Foundation
Arch Insurance Group
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
Michele and Phil Barnhill
Kathleen Blatz ’72 and
Wheelock Whitney
Wells Fargo
Jeffrey S. Ogden and Susan Malouf
Humboldt Family Foundation
Timothy and Rebecca Waldeck
Whitney Foundation
Opus Corporation
Carla Kilkelly
Wallace Carlson Printing
Betty and Steve Ragaller
Angelo and Amy Kusber
Andrew Webb
John Reilly & Michele McKeown
Gary ’76 and Sheila Machacek
Catherine and Pat Weiss
John and Beth Schutz
Maplewood Imports
Taher, Inc.
Patrick and Patricia McAdaragh
Anonymous (4)
Sara and Matt McLenighan
Michael Wise ’75 and
Brenda Schieffert-Wise
Gregory and Ann Anklam
Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program
Richard and Josefa Melhorn
Joseph and Christine Zappa
Timothy and Lisa Miotti
Marty and Kate Flynn Nicklay ’85
President’s Star Council –
Silver Level
President’s Star Council –
Platinum Level
John and Nancy Bierbaum
Scott and Julie Crossman
James and Debra Hartman Burns ’84
The DeLude Family
Catholic Community Foundation
President’s Star Council –
Gold Level
Paul ’77 and Patricia DeNucci
Aileen and Michael Cinque
Anonymous (3)
William M. Oaster and
Katherine A. Courrier
Anonymous (10)
James and Carolyn Duffy
Kevin and Katie Conneely
Associated Bank
Suzette and Mike O’Meara
James and Susan Easton
Doug and Katy Ascher Eiden ’81
Robert and M.J. Bauer
Kathleen and John Orner
AHA Community Association
Mary Jo Feltl
Mark and Sheila Farmer
Centera Corporation
Dave ’82 and Karen Pelner
Neil and Ann Stiehm Ahlstrom ’70
Robert and Mary Healy
Alan and Joanne Foley
Mark and Joan Davy
Ameriprise Financial
John and JoAnn Hillen
Lawrence and Elizabeth Frye
William Dickey and Karen Steiner
Benjamin Poehling ’94 and
Lynne Martinson Poehling ’93
Mary Hadlick Hoedeman ’49
Doug and Jean Dubbink
Joe and Candy Rinowski
Avant Decor
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney
Family Foundation
Michael and Amy Gresser
Bob and Sharon Eichten
Bryan and Diane Ross
Robert Beck
Gresser Companies
John and Sheila Sarazin Folkestad ’83
Doris and Ron Rothstein
Mary A. LaRock
James Gross ’77
Joseph and Judy Gallagher
Paull Rukavina and Patricia Pettit
Tony Beldon
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney ’70
Thomas and Mary Kearney
Tom and Lisa Goblirsch
Steven and Kathryn Schneider
Timothy and Anastasia Benz
Gregory Grahn ’91
Robert Schumacher
Joseph and Kathleen Betlej
Denise Perrizo Schumacher ’58
Stephen and Mary Bianchi
Mark and Anne Sharockman
Dennis and Grace Bierschbach
Florence McErlane
Diane L. Roberts Blake ’69
Kopp Family Foundation
Frank and Kelli Mork
Roz Andreucci
Joseph ’77 and Sue Schaefer McNamara
Craig and Barbara Larson
Mike McNamara
Annette Margarit ’73
Loren and
Mary Ann Leininger Gross ’56
Marsha Poeschl Miller ’65
Lawrence and Barb Matthews
Ground One of Minnesota
Mike and Sue Sullivan
Jeffrey and Sharon Birkins
Brian and Beth McCartan
Jill and John Hamburger
Richard and Jessica Thomas
Lon and Bobbi Black
Minnesota Independent School Forum
Robert and Lisa Harris
Thomson Reuters
William and Wendy Blackburn
Jeff and Tressa Patrias
Minnesota Twins
Harris Companies
Bruce and Barbara Tjossem
Rooney Family Charitable Foundation
Thomas and Katherine Moore
Gary and Linda Hendlin
Brian and Ann Turbeville
Boulay, Heutmaker, Zibell and
Co. P.L.L.P.
Aaron and Julee Titze
Jerry and Karen Morris
Curt and Karen Hoffman
Mark and Erin Vannelli
Lisa Boysen
Visiting Angels
Terry and Kathy North
Robert and Joyce Humboldt
Kathy Higgins Victor and Robert Victor
Briggs and Morgan
Timothy ’82 and Beth Murphy
Kevin and Sandra O’Brien
26 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Frederick and
Mary Spinner Budworth ’62
Charles and Ann Welbes Hubbard ’80
William and Sherryle Noleen
Bill and Cindy Style
Paul and Kelly Baron
Stephen ’83 and Stephanie Huss
Margaret Sullivan O’Connor ’82
Fay Sullivan
Scott and Diane Barriball
John and Lisa Buhta
Paul and Jane Foley Jaeger ’53
Gregory and Rhoda Olsen
The Graco Foundation
Michelle and Lucas Baumgartner
Thomas and Ann Nye Burke ’82
Bruce Johnson and
Peggy Duffy-Johnson
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill and Family
The Medtronic Foundation
Baxter Healthcare
Cara Irish Pubs
Patrick Pazderka
James and Cheryl Thomas
Kevin and Lynn Benz
Jon and Lynn Christie
John and Patti Kasper
Rita Peller
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
John and Margaret Blissenbach
Mark and Jane Chronister
Katie and Ted Plunkett
UBS Employee Giving Program
David and Cynthia DeMars Bollig ’85
Timothy and Carrie Cleary
Kenneth and
Shari Eggenberger Kawiecki ’89
Mike and Sara Kenefick
Robert and
Sally Hackenmueller Praus ’58
United Defense
Thomas and Andrea Bose
Irv and Carole Cohen
Pamela and Joe Boston
Kevin and Patricia Cole
Margaret A. Kennedy ’64
Jeffrey and Naomi Price
Patricia and Roy Bower-Jernigan
Linda Smith Collins ’68
Thomas and Maureen Kent
John and Elizabeth VanderAarde
Theodore and Antonetta Prins
Boyum & Barenscheer, PLLP
Martha Andersen Conners ’79
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Viking Forest Products
Kevin and Ann Quiring
Jean and Mark Knutson
Peter Waldeck ’93
Daniel and Debra Bredow
David and Anne Cook
Mollie Mulheran Raih ’61
Carol and Fred Breitling
Crosstown Family Dental
Michael and Carole Krutsch
Ted Waldeck ’00
Timothy and Justine Rethlake
Patrick and Julie Brekken
Custom Refrigeration, Inc.
Melissa Landgren ’99
Waldeck & Lind, P.A.
Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union
Burl Oaks Golf Club
James ’84 and Jennifer Larranaga
James M. Weides ’78
RJF Agencies, Inc.
Daniel and Patricia Lavin
Erik and Cathy Weis
Joseph and Mary Cassioppi
D’Amico & Partners
James and
Catherine Srnec Lingenfelter ’80
Weis Builders, Inc.
Joseph Cassioppi ’00
Thomas and Susan DePauw
Richard ’78 and
Marie Welbes Rodier ’78
Wells Fargo
Centera Corporation
Briana Westrum and Paul Afong
James Clancy ’79
Sunny Bach Wicka ’51
James ’79 and Amy Jaeger Clancy ’81
Bruce and Patricia Wolfson
Phil and Katherine Fox Clubb ’95
Mark and Jeanette Dubanoski
Anne Hamel Everett ’42
John and Linda Exline
Patrick and Arlene Langner Finley ’55
Richard Fleming 
Edward and Dawn Folisi
Brent and Nancy Friendshuh
General Mills Foundation
Betts Arms Giefer ’45
Bernard Shane Grutsch ’91
Robert and Patricia Hall
Kathleen Hanley ’71
Mark and Peggy Haumersen
Jennings Hill and Sylvia Matzke-Hill
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Christopher and Angela Roloff
James and Leslie Lohan
Steve Rosch and Julene Lind
William Mack ’86
Ratna and Bernie Mallawaaratchy
William and
Maureen Brombach Rosener ’77
Joseph and Patricia Margarit
Bernard Rosser
Greg ’77 and Julie Margarit
Jeff and Mary Jo Sanderson
Shannon and Michael Mayer
Mary Schmelz
Sharon McGinnis & Karl Zgoda
Mark and Maggie Schumacher
Chris Medrano
Securian Financial Group, Inc.
David Merfield
Suzanne Karnstedt Seyfert ’55
Joe ’83 and Beth Meyer
Scott and Patricia Sharkey
Greg and Laura Keinz Miler ’85
Thomas E. and Beth Anne Shipley
Patrick and Linda Moriarty
James and Julie Simons
Mulcahy Company, Inc.
Sports Star Photography Corp.
Margaret Murphy
Mary Haymaker Staley ’61
President’s Star Council –
Bronze Level
Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
Todd and Mary Czachor
Dale Studios
Michael and Janna Davies
Anonymous (5)
Deer Run Golf Club
ABC Express, Inc.
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Floyd Adelman
Dan and Anne DePrey
Annette Adelmann
Direct Source, Inc.
Charlie and Cathy Anhut
Maria and Thomas Ascher ’84
Joseph ’89 and
Rachel Naughton Dolan ’89
Neil Baker
Stephen and Jacquelyn Dombrovski
Leslie and Nancy Banyard
Dundore Events and Entertainment
27 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Mary Warren Eggenberger ’59
Mark and Susan Lacek
Bishop Lee PichÇ
Ray and Carole Welter
Dean and Elaine Carlson
Elsen Brothers, Inc.
Todd and Suzanne Laing
Gregory and Amy Revak Poehling ’79
Todd White ’80
Kelly Carlson ’94
Robert and Patti Engel
Stephen and Barbara Lapensky
Jill and Patrick Reilly
Patrick and Peggy Wier
Cars with Heart
Zelda Landy Fahey ’58
Mardi and Paul Larson
Dr. Mary E. Reuder ’40
Margaret and David Winter
Susan Casad
Christopher Flynn ’85
Dianne LaScotte
Chris ’93 and Amanda Ritz
Jeffrey and Geri Wise
Heidi Foley
Catherine Lawrence & Lee Sheehy
Tim and Kimberly Ritzer
Marge Carlson Zieska ’56
Cobb Strecker Dunphy &
Zimmerman, Inc.
Froehling Anderson
Gordon Lewis
Alex Rogosheske
Stephen and Susanne Fry
John ’87 and Mary Lohmann
College of St. Benedict /
St. John’s University
Robert and Barbara Gaertner
Mark and Kathleen Lomauro
Rogosheske, Sieben, Atkins &
Pugh, LLC
Anonymous (2)
Chad Commers
Joseph and Linnea Grey
Scott and Michelle Lynch
Terrence and Ann Sandvik
Above All Hardwood Floors
Gloria Hagen ’61
Tom and Colleen McCarthy
Leah and Christopher Santer
AHA Class of 1961
Timothy Conroy and
Mara Sedlar-Conroy
Doug and Denise Hagge
Katie McCollow
Gregg M. Sawyer
AHA Class of 1991
Joseph and Christy Heil
Mark and Karen Melhorn
Amy Sawyer ’93
AHA Stardome
Corrine Heine
Metro Athletic Supply
Kevin and Jane Shea
All Systems Installation
William Hengen ’00
Michael Meyer ’76
Donna Shern
Alliance Bank
Jim and Jane Hileman
Alice Mikhail
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Jody and Theresa Anderson
Paul and Margaret Hirsch
Momento Images LLC
Brian and Patti Smith
Gary and Anne Anderson
Jeff and Barb Hoffmann
Jane Randolph Murphy ’58
Gail Smith
Apres Party and Tent Rental
Mark and Kathleen Hollingsworth
Philip and Rosalba Murray
Ken and Mary Pollmann Sommers ’60
Kathleen Nichols Armstrong ’65
J.A. Price Agency, Inc.
James and Ramona Myott
Southwest Airlines
Daniel and Patricia Bane
Jarod and Rebecca Lunde Jacobs ’91
Maureen Kelly Neerland ’58
The Metropolitan
Rick and Jill Barnes
Trace and Michelle Jacques
James and Rayanne Nelson
Matthew and Mary Thompson
Daniel ’85 and Kimberley Becker
Jostens Inc.
Mark and Lisa Thostenson
Beckman Coulter Foundation
Laurie and Stephen Karl
John ’88 and Stacey Olk
Travelers Insurance
Mary Beeson
Michael and Adrienne Kautzman
Michael and Brenda O’Neil
Greg and Nancy Trebil
Ray and Trish Betton
Ryan Kawiecki ’15
Jim Page
Mary Twite
Andrew and Jennifer Block
Patrick T. ’92 and Ann Kelly
Kevin and Canda Palattao
Mr. and Mrs. Van Sloun
Maria and Anthony Brandel
Gary and Kathy King
Park Tavern
Laura and Timothy Vitelli
Janet Carpentier Brewer ’59
Michael and Amy Kneeland
Russ and Janet Patience
Stephen and Carol Vopatek
Patricia A. Livermore Brink ’55
Mike and Annette Kojetin
Thomas and Ludmilla Peller
Warners’ Stellian Appliance
Diane Bruder
Dean and Janell Kraus
Lauren and Anastasia Peters
Jerilyn Dunn Waters ’82
Father J. Michael Byron
Jamie Kuester ’00
Dennis and Julie Pfab
John and Megan Wedl
Julio and Genevieve Calvillo
Arlene Welbes
Gary and Christine Caple
Continental Diamond
CorePower Yoga
Catherine McDonald Daydif ’60
Daniel and Theresa De Grace
Harry and Calleen De Oliveira
Brian L. Delgado ’85
Denet Kenefick & Associates, P.A.
Serge and Mary Desalvo
Disney Community Relations
Stephen ’88 and Nicole Dolan
Donald’s Apparel and Uniform
John Dornik ’80 and Sarah Kalweit
Jerry and Joan Downes
Paul and Lana Downes
Ellen Drasin
Jonathan Dundore
Eagan Eye Clinic
Ecolab Foundation
Elness Swenson Graham Architects, Inc.
Mark Erazmus ’86
Feltl and Company
28 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Fireside Hearth & Home
Peter and Kym Kronschnabel
Mary Ellen Muckenhirn Wishart ’58
Annette Krueger
North American Company for
Life and Health Insurance
Michael and DeAnne Shea
Jesse ’89 and Annie Juettner Foley ’92
Charles and Teresa Shirron
Dan and Cindy Woods
Steve and Mona Freeberg
Jason and Sarah Lahr Kuenle ’98
Olympic Hills Golf Club
Amanda Skinner ’04
Theresa Yares
Doug Fulton and Cindy Baune
Kenneth LaChance ’91
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill and Family
Peder and Judith Skogmo
Scott and Lynn Young
Mary and Mark Gallardo
Jose and Maria Lala
Thomas and Gayle O’Reilly
St. Catherine University
Larry and Joan Zielke
Rick and Ann Garland
Aaron ’98 and Angela Lapensky
Cully and Heidi Orstad
Jeff and Kim St. Martin
Get Wireless
Peter and Sheila Clifford Lind ’65
Kevin and Theresa Orth
Thomas and Fran Stadelman
Michael and Heidi Girsch
Eric and Heidi Overman
Joseph and Sharon Stadnik
Anonymous (8)
Peter Graves
James and Catherine Srnec Lingenfelter
Stephen Pagel
Dwayne and Rita Strand
Abbott Laboratories Fund
James Gunderson
Stephen and Colleen Short Lucke
Thomas and Virginia Paulson
Jim ’88 and Kimberly Hanke Susag ’88
Acme Comedy Company
Michael and Teresa Gurin
M. Gilbertson Design, LLC
Pearson Orthodontics, P.A.
Patricia McDaniel Sutter ’67
Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Gary and Sarah Gwaltney
MacPhail Center for Music
Bryan ’89 and Jennifer Phillips
Brian Taney ’93
Veronica Ahern ’66
Mary E. Hafertepe ’69
Dr. Joan Madden ’62
James and Leslie Pierce
Greg and Kelly Tangen
Marie Vallez Allen ’69
Trude Nordquist Harrington ’63
Gary Mao and Zhenya Ni
Lloyd Prischmann
Mary Falenczykowski Tanghe ’62
Brian Allingham ’91
James and Aileen Hill
Marquette University
Patrick and Gail Pueringer
Maureen Davy Tesch ’89
American Express Company
William Hjort
Melva D. Mayclin
Michael and Lisa Reilly
The McKnight Foundation
Anne and Frank Amore ’86
Robert and Joan Hoeppner
Anne McElroy
Paul and Anna Riester
The Pentair Foundation
Francis and Anne Daly Amore ’86
Thomas and Therese Hurley
McGrann Shea Law Firm
The Toro Company
Jan McKenzie Anderson ’57
Interstate Battery System of Minneapolis
George and Donna Meador
Kevin ’03 and
Molly Nerhus Rollwagen ’03
Joyce Gross Anderson ’60
Linda Casagrande Jacoby ’62
Mendakota Country Club
Gilbert and Debbie Roscoe
The Toro Foundation
Travis and Mary Sandvik Anderson ’82
Sandra Jeska
Michael and Lisa Sackmaster
James J. Thomson
Elizabeth Menke ’86
Rebekah and Joel Anderson
Jim and the BB’s
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Donald and Martha Tierney
David Metzger
Lisa St. Aubin Anderson ’89
Kerry and James Meyer ’82
Saint Paul Foundation
Wesley and Mary Torsch
Paul and Pamela Kaus
John and Janice Andrzejek
David and Nancy Kaysen
Michael Girsch Agency, Inc.
Rod and Robin Sande
Total Access, Inc.
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Vincent and Jane Kelly
Katy Sawyer ’97
TRIA Orthopaedic Center
Michigan Technological University
Stan and Cindy Bandur
Mark and Deborah Kinney
Michael Scanlon ’77
Barbara Haeg Tuynman ’65
Irene Mikkalson
James and Audrey Banovetz
Minnesota Valley Country Club
Thomas and Joleen Schaefer
University of St. Thomas
Ann Kjorstad
Mary Batey
John Knaack and Margaret Weightman
Minnesota Wild
James Schaefer
Scott and Barbara Vasko
Knowledge Transfer Consulting
Services, Inc.
Robert and Lucy Schuelke
Velocity Hockey Center, LLC
Terri Sumner Moellers ’94
David Baumgardner and
Rita O’Malley Baumgardner
Allen and Lori Moen
Reed and Mari Beth Schulke
Charles ’88 and Denise Musech
Jim and Lori Schumacher
Randall Nelson
Mary Jo Heenan Segal ’57
Todd Nollenberger
Mary C. Weber Severson ’72
Amy Rushin Kolar, M.D. ’88
James and Polly Koontz
Thomas and Kathleen Kregel
Viksnins Harris & Padys PLLP
Steven and Kathy Warmack
Michael and Sara Hammer Warner ’85
Wayzata Asset Management
Therese Beaudette ’50
John and Marguerite Hasselo Becker ’58
Barbara Beiersdorf ’64
Ted and Elaine Bergman
29 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Clare Bernhagen
Patricia Deeney Burns ’67
Julie Darst
Michael and Julie Flaherty
Guthrie Theater
Barbara Boyce Biales ’53
Elaine Workman Butler ’40
Kate Davy ’67
Pat and Ann Dalsin Flynn ’59
John and Carmen Gwazdacz
Helen Lamm Biedron ’55
Phillip and Carla Steger Cable ’78
Christopher and Amy DeCrans
Roxanne Flynn
Thomas ’85 and Lynette Haeg
Terry Bil and Joan Scherrer
Linda Nielsen Caddy ’69
William DeLong ’86
Meghan Foley ’03
Katherine Schindler Hage ’50
Aimee Bissonette & Bryan McKamey
Mike and Mary Louise Campion
Ron and Karlyn DeMars
Peter and Mary Foley
William Hammes ’77
Kathleen Arms Blanke ’51
Mary Carey ’59
Christine and Denny DeNio
Michelle Fox
Kathleen Finley Hanson ’59
Bloomington Drug Co., Inc.
Erica and Garrett Carlson
Mark and Terry Denucci
Deborah Sienko Fox ’73
Ellen Barrett Hanten ’72
Bluff Creek
Caron Chiropractic Health Care
Mary DePauw
Ginny Eichten Fox ’82
Mary Harkess
Ryan ’99 and
Jessica Meacham Boerboom ’99
Scott Carr ’96
Dermatology Specialists
Joseph ’77 and Darla Fraser
Carrie and Todd Carroll
Ginny Melcher DiNovis ’65
Joan Yetter Freda ’53
Hat Trick Hockey
Tom and Colleen Boerboom
Mary Carter ’61
Bernadine Meyer Doll ’57
Eduardo and Maria Elisa Freitas
Joanne LaPole Hawkins ’56
Shannon Griffiths Bogan ’86
Lawrence and Phyllis Casey
Bill and Jeanette Dostal
Robert and Kathleen Frerich
Carol Heimkes
Nicholas Bognanno
Kathleen and Donald Cassidy
James and Mary Friedman
Anne Sullivan Helgason ’76
Deborah Bognanno
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre
Dougherty, Molenda, Solfest, Hills
& Bauer P.A.
Colleen Gallagher ’69
Thomas and Laurie Helling
John and Margaret Bosiger
John and Dianne Cizek
Allan Douglass
Dr. Joseph Garamella
Heritage Links Golf Club
John and Kathleen Boyle
Kevin ’96 and Kaishan Clancy
Downtowner Car Wash
Stephen and Jill Garrison
Paul and Kristi Herro
Brackett’s Crossing Country Club
Robert and Mary Colbert
Jerry and Nancy Harris Driessen ’81
Daniel and Karen Ostrem Garrity ’64
Kathleen A. Hesse ’69
Elizabeth and Joseph Brama
Brian and Jennifer Collins
Frank and Jeri Dunn
Christopher Geist and Kristine Oberg
David Hesse ’77
Terrie Stebbins Brandt ’58
Winnifred Hoch Conger ’45
Terri McClellan Effertz ’67
Jennifer and Jason Hickman
Teresa Garland Braun ’98
William and Madelyn Conrad
Donald and Leone Eichten
Genevieve Genis ’94 and
Jacob Schaffer ’94
Jeffrey Bredemus ’01
Frederic and Susan Contino
Kathleen Peine Eiselein ’60
Brian and Lynda Girouard
Thomas and Mary Lou Fadell Hines ’51
Katherine Olsen Bredesen ’65
Paul and Alice Hurley Corrigan ’78
Donald Elsen
Karla Gluek and Jim Sorboro
HJ Boerboom & Petrolle’s, Inc.
Catherine Clifford Brennan ’66
Nancy Bird Cronin ’61
Gary and Leanne Embretson
Phil ’82 and Lisa Hoeppner
Mark and Gail Brodersen
Duane and
Kathleen Klaesges Crosland ’58
James and Virginia Engel
Michael and
Molly Casserly Goodson ’81
Deidre Ann Brossard ’53
James Cross ’77
Helen Walsh Erickson ’44
Michael and Lynn Brown
Crowne Plaza Saint Paul Riverfront
Stephen Evans
Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery
Tim and Kristi Curoe
John and Rosellen Fairall
Elia Bruggeman
Kevin and Mary Curry
Fat Lorenzo’s
Barbara A. Buckles ’52
Judith Daleki ’54
James and Linda Fink
Rita Reed Buckley ’59
Chris Dallager
John Finnegan ’06
Barbara Mordaunt Burke ’71
Emily Dapper
Karen Fisher
Robert and Sharon Burnham
Sharen Hansen Darling ’58
Veronica Coke Fitzgerald
Michael and Marilyn Brewer
Carolyn Michaud Engelking ’47
Grand Slam Sports and
Family Entertainment
Jeff and Linda Graves
Mary Margaret Gross ’87
Brian and Rachel Grubbs
Victoria Fell Gruber ’84
Dale and Mary Gruenke
Neal Guggemos
Ruth Gustafson
Hilton Minneapolis/Bloomington
JoAnn Reuland Hohenshelt ’58
Thomas and
Patricia McConville Holloran ’48
Brett Howells
Mary C. Williams Huber ’72
Elane Hurinenko
Marvin and Evelyn Huss
Penny Winzen Jacocks ’64
James B. & Catherine L. O’Meara Trust
30 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Laurence and Joyce Beveridge Jarvis ’38
Michael and Kelly LaVine
Kevin and Kate Jaeger McMahon ’86
Mary and Joe Nosek
Darla Pulles
David and Sharon Packard Jasper ’58
Learning Rx
Dirk and Wendy McMahon
Kimberly Ober
Barry Purrington
Daren and Ryan Jensen
Lehman’s Garage
Ellen T. O’Brien ’57
Margaret Reedy Quinn ’48
JMC Retail Group
Len Druskin
Jeffrey ’79 and
Gina Schullo Meacham ’80
Kathleen Marcella O’Brien ’59
Donna Kelly Ramsay ’61
Patricia Rasmussen Johnston ’66
Leonard, Street and Deinard, P.A.
Greg and Barb Melsen
Timothy ’88 and Laura O’Brien
Bruce and Janice Rankin
Janyce Mehr Jones ’59
Sharon Nelson Lethert ’65
Donna Mercer
Carolyn Backdahl Ochsner ’56
Madalon Wachtler Recke ’54
Steven and Shannon Jones
Amy Leyden
Michael ’76 and Erin Merrigan
David and Michele Odalen
Gerald Regnier
Michael ’76 and Jullene Zilka Kallas ’76
George and Dolores Libera
Gerald and Kathleen Hayes Meyer ’53
Kevin and Diane O’Hehir
Todd and Constance Reid
Rachael Keehn ’77
Lifetouch National School Studios
Millennium Hotel
Kristin Olson ’97
Richard and Mary Smith Renk ’85
Richard and Joan Kelley
Lillians of Hopkins
Minnesota Land Title Association
David and Denise Olson
Residential Mortgage Group
Joan Thom Kennedy ’48
Jacqueline Lano Lindskoog ’58
Minnesota Vikings
Lawrence and Lynn Olson
Timothy and Kathleen Reuter
Mary Russell Kenyon ’58
Lindstrom Embroidery
Minuteman Press
Karen Kelly Olson ’89
Judith Simonet Rich ’55
Thomas and Paula Kettell
Mike and Julie Loney
Jean Scholz Mitchell ’44
Robert O’Neil
Jerald Richardson
Peter and Ana King
Scott and Joni Loomer
Daniel and Mary Beth Moline
Mary Bird Orfield ’64
Patricia Doucet Klass ’62
Loras College
Mary Rockwell Monahan ’51
Organized Today
Richfield Recreation Services
Maureen Lannan Kleiderer ’56
Sally Lovegreen
Shelly Ann Moorman ’58
Liliana Orsi
Shelley Riley ’75
Bryant Loving
Alice King Moormann ’56
John and Dr. Katie Sorenson Osborn ’66
Mary McFarland Ritten ’55
Patricia Broad Koch ’51
Elizabeth Maas
Timothy and Kelly Moritz
David and Mary Pat Oslund
Paul and Laurie Ritz
Koch Trucking
Melanie MacLean
Bob and Bridget Martinson Mork ’90
Thomas and JoAn Overton
Elizabeth Rucker ’96
Veronica McGinn Madsen ’64
Mary Grathwol Moser ’57
James and Mary Hadley Packard ’54
Gary and Cynthia Rufsvold
Schmitt Magures ’81
Maureen Connor Moses ’58
Theresa and Lawrence Palmersheim
Dennis and Carol  Miller Ryan ’52
Paul and Jan Kotz
Rosemary and Leo Mallie
Patricia Laux Mueller ’50
Daniel Passe
Mary Ryan
Thomas and Michele Krenn
Judy Berg Mannella ’61
Mary Rocheford Mulheran ’38 
Nicollette Burgess Pauksta ’99
Mark and Colleen Sackmaster
Ramona Nygaard Martin ’56
Dianne Lundblad Mullin ’61
Pfizer Foundation
Pamela Wright Safar ’71
David and Lori Matlon
Blake T. Murnan ’86
Carole Pfeifer Kusienski ’57
Marianne Thode Matson ’51
Wayne and
Michelle Johnston Phillips ’95
David Samuels ’86
Mark Myran and Elizabeth Wagner
Lance Hill Photography
Terry and Margaret Mattson
Ruth A. Hickson Neher ’46
Ronald and Lauri Jo Picotte
Thomas M. Sandvik ’83
Patricia Londo McCormick ’44
Erik Nerhus ’94
Leo and Julia Poehling
Mary Anne Savage ’58
Kathleen Kurimay McCoy ’62
Bill and Sylvia Newfield
William and Holly Porter
Savvi Formal Wear
Barbara Harmon Larson ’60
Christina McCracken
Pat Tait Nicholson ’56
John E. Povolny
Eileen Scallen ’77
Robert and Jean Laue
Charles and Lois McDonald
Deborah Geil Nickerson ’79
John C. Praus ’83
Jeff ’99 and Sarah Lehnert Schaffer ’99
Nancy O’Donnell McDonough ’47
Noodles & Company
Susan Trainor Price ’70
Dr. Rozanne Schmidtlein ’62
Mark and Denise Knutson
Julianne Fischer Kocourek ’56
Jane and Lawrence Koenig
Edward and Maureen Krmpotich
Jean McGee Krogness ’49
Amy Landgren ’94
Mary Jo Larson ’72
Jon Launstein ’88
Anders Sandberg
31 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Barbara and Dallen Schnichels
Michael Taylor ’04
Mary Simonet White ’51
Peg Tait Aguirre ’60
Mark and Kris Audette
Peter and Nghia Schoengart
Teach Me Tapes
Carol Cooper White-Tillemans ’67
Alec Akuloff ’12
Patrick Audette ’02
Ellen and James Schuller
Peter Thelen and Dr. Lynne Gibeau
Lucy Hamel Wilhoit ’56
Al Vento
Augustana College
Gina and Chad Schumacher ’87
George Thibault
Paul ’87 and Erika Willette
Nancy and Daniel Alcombright
Mary Schmidt Bach ’63
Suzanne and Robert Scolamiero
James Thornton and Linda Canfield
Mary Watson Alden ’62
Mary Peterson Scrivener ’61
Cindy and Greg Thorp
Christopher Williams and
Stephanie Wheelock
Erik and Susan Allen
Jonathon ’03 and
Rachel Plantier Backes ’03
Charles and Dolores Seashore
Kelly and Scott Thorp
Sherry Williams-Strand
Andrea Allen
Onis Broderick Baeyen ’54
Julie Tigges and Joseph Bornong
Mark and Wendy Willner
Dennis and Claudette Allingham
Amanda Bandur ’03
Topside Restaurant
Karen Mullin Winter ’55
Gretchen and Antonio Amigon
Mary Setter
Jean Trenary ’77
Beverly Wise
William and Lois Andersen
Dave ’76 and
Mary Jo Anding Bangasser ’76
Patricia WonSavage Shelland ’52
Steven ’85 and Mary Trudell
Delmar and Mary Miles Woida ’56
Mike Anderson
Liz Shepley
Donald and Jane Truhlar
Patrick and Maureen Wollak
Janet Andresen Anderson ’68
Susan Sherman
Curtis and Julie Elsen Tvete ’73
Susan Wright
Kathleen Mackey Anderson ’77
Timothy H. Shern ’79
Joe and Mary Ernst Anderson ’81
Mollie Frey Sherry ’54
University of Minnesota –
Gopher Football
Timothy and Beth Wynne
Sandra Doble Anderson ’87
Timothy and Barbara Shields
Richard and Patricia Van Dyke
XS Consulting Group
Andrew Shimek ’91
Ashley Vaughn
Scott and Cheri Younghans
Reid and
Rebecca Henderson Anderson ’95
Martha Anne La Place Simms ’52
Vera Bradley, Mall of America
Peggy Nichols Zack ’51
Christine Hunt Anderson ’71
Robert Bartlett
Daniel Simms ’86
Viking Trophies
Bridget Zappa
Dean and Mary Anderson
Nicholas and Karen Basil
Slumberland Furniture
Edward and Virginia Doyle Vizard ’56
Wayne Zetzman
Harry Anderson & Judith Weeks
Robert and Laura Bauer
Gary and Linda Smith
Voyager Village
Gary and Jane Zielke
Marion Anderson ’61
Paul and Geralyn Baumgartner ’80
Loren and Laura Solfest
Ann Wagner ’67
Ann M. Spinner Zimdars ’66
Mary Fritz Anderson ’72
Ken and Sandy Bayerl
Beverly Springer
Jayne Reid Walen ’71
Jean George Zimmerman ’70
Mary Hone Anderson ’63
Mary Flinn Beadnell ’51
St. Norbert College
Teresa Blatz Walker ’44
Kent and Carol Anderson
Judith A Martin Beard ’62
Dave and Joanie St. Peter
Christine Rudolph Walsh ’81
Andon Balloons, Inc.
Meghan Beck ’12
John and Mary Peterson Stachnik ’63
Daniel and Kathleen Seidel Walsh ’86
Anonymous (20)
Alexander Andrzejek ’12
James and Priscilla Becker
Michael and Erin Steinlage
Stephanie Rice Warren ’65
Rick and Angie Abbott
Margaret Angevine
J. Becker
Milton and Theresa Stephens
Anne L. Weber-Smith and Steve Smith
Lois Abbott
Rob Anklam ’95
Becker Furniture World
Colette Stone
Olga Andrade Weigel ’53
Abdallah Candy and Gift Shoppe
Ashley Anklam ’03
Daniel and Margaret Hayes Bednarz ’59
Judy Jardine Stucki ’65
Samuel Welna ’04
Gary and Ann-Marie Ablan
Arizona State University
Timothy and Lorelei Bedor
Mary Sullivan Sullivan McCue ’81
Welna Ace Hardware
Chris Addington ’67
Patricia Arnold
Holly Beeson ’12
James and Joan Taylor
Steven and Colleen Werle
JoAnn Christian Adelmann ’65
Sharon Asbell
Mary Ann Kirby Begin ’50
Westwood Sports
Afton Alps Ski Area
Jayne Johnson Atkinson ’79
Genine Barkley Beigle ’52
Lucia Carlin Seidel ’50
Todd and Daina Sentyrz
Less than $100
John ’85 and Cindy Banovetz
John Banovetz ’12
Kyle Banyard ’12
Marilyn Barnicle
Tim and Patti Barrett
Joe and Kathy Bartish
32 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Marie and Robert Bell
Kathleen Barnett Boldischar ’60
Meredith Brown ’12
Canterbury Park
Jane Clifford
Bemidji State University
Judy Knapp Bolin ’63
Matthew and Anne Nelson Brown ’95
Kathleen Capra
Clover Cleaners
Dolores Weinbender Bentley ’62
Bill and Bernice Bordenave
Neil Brozen and Mary Wertz
Caribou Coffee – Richfield Store #1147
Bryan Cole ’99
Anne Egerer Berg ’77
Joseph and Georgia Bortolussi
Bruegger’s Enterprises, Inc.
John and June Carlson
Kathryn Coleman ’12
Geraldine E. Wallace Berg ’53
Sharon Dolezal Bortscheller ’61
Brunswick Zone XL – Eden Prairie
Carmelo’s Restaurant
Colgate University
Douglas Berg
Megan Bose ’02
Bryant Lake Bowl
Jeffrey and Lisa Caron
College of St. Scholastica
Yvonnie Giguere Berglund ’43
Lorraine Kleve Boser ’61
Buca di Beppo
Katelyn Caron ’12
Suzanne Wienke Colling ’86
Laura Kronlage Besler ’96
Vicky Lindgren Bostrom ’62
Coral Ostdiek Buchman ’52
Joan Baskfield Carroll ’53
ComedySportz Improv Theater
Joseph Betlej ’12
Stephanie Botros ’12
Jim and Marcia Hendricks Buckman ’63
Nancy Ferrell Carroll ’65
Therese Daleki Commers ’55
Sherry Theisen Bias ’56
Rita Boulay
Buck’s Unpainted Furniture
Sherry Case
Concordia College
Katie Grahn Bienash ’92
Eleanor Brown Bouley ’52
Katherine Budin ’12
Joseph and Karen Casey
Concordia University - St. Paul
Big Picture Ventures
Susan Bowar-Ferres, PhD, RN ’61
Mrs. Janice L. Buechler ’60
Sr. Donna Casey, OSC ’46
Andrea Condic ’12
Daniel Bowler
Beverly and Dan Bumgarner
Margaret Casey ’62
Alice McCarthy Conine ’61
Black Forest Inn
Thomas and Julie Bowlin
Marge Bergman Bunkers ’62
Kathleen Aman Cashin ’62
Christina Contino ’05
Nancy Zetzman Blakeborough ’59
Brave New Workshop
Wayne and Kathryn Burger
Sheryl Caspers
Andrew Cook ’01
Irene Holman Blakely ’61
Robert Couillard ’80
Joanne Hite Brecount ’57
James ’85 and
Deborah Rocheford Burke ’86
Kate Casserly ’70
Tim and Sara Blazek
Barbara Castagna
Claire Coulter ’12
Ryan Bleau ’12
Parker Bredow ’12
Heather Burns ’99
Dawn Vayder Catcher ’79
Virginia Geienhoff Coverdale ’60
Mary Sandven Blom ’95
Doug Breezee
Lindsay Burns ’12
Terry and Marjorie Caye
James and Bonnie Talbot Cox ’56
Paul and Victoria Blum
Eric and Marianne Trepanier Brekke ’96
Tim and Mary Beth Bungert Burns ’86
CB Richard Ellis Foundation
Michael and Charlotte Crabtree
Sandra Margaret Smith Bly ’61
Nicole Brekken ’12
Riley Burns ’12
Richard Champley
Judy Johnson Crandall ’56
Lester and Carolyn Boatman
Catherine Cross Bremhorst ’61
Patricia Aulwes Burnworth ’63
Champp’s Restaurant
Creighton University
Bobby & Steve’s Auto World
Sam Brenny ’12
Heather Bye-Kollbaum ’92
Chez Daniel Bistro
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Meg Boerner ’12
Judy Heimerl Brick ’57
Cafe LattÇ
Chianti Grill
Neal and Cindy Cronin
Vernon and Lois Boes
Wayne and D’Anne Briggs
Cafe Maude
Hilda Chmielewski
Sr. Mary E. Crowley, OSF ’60
Shirley Scholz Boeser ’44
Courtney Briggs ’12
Caffe Biaggio
Alana Christie ’12
Cub Foods - Edina
Sonya Boeser ’05
Broadway Pizza
Susan Sheady Cahill ’66
Christos Greek Restaurant
Mary Jo Spillane Cummins ’60
Marisa Bognanno ’12
Kathleen Brogan and Mark Lauer
Kathleen Davy Calhoun ’72
Judith Bourke Chumley ’61
Marcia Brown Cunningham ’62
David Bohman ’06
Russell and Debra Brooks
Barbara Campbell
Emily Ciabattoni ’12
Pamela Curley
Catherine Green Bohrer ’55
Sandra Shaffer Brooks ’62
Robert Campbell
Thomas and Linda Clancy
Mary Carroll Curran ’71
Patricia A. Donahue Boie ’59
Kevin Broveleit ’89
Mary Capko Campbell ’57
Susan Moormann Clark ’58
Curran’s Family Restaurant
William and Lynn Brown
Buck and Kristen Campbell
Kathryn Cleary ’12
Robert and Genevieve Dahl
Meghan Boies ’98
Cannon River Winery
33 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Harold and Sharon Dahl
Mary Divine ’66
Cynthia Metz Elg
Sr. Rita Foster, CSJ ’50
Go To College Helper, Inc.
Patricia Mercer D’Alessandro ’75
Peggy A. Doi ’62
Joe ’75 and Linda Dolezal Elsen ’75
Mary Haugen Fowler ’52
Sr. Jan Dalsin, CSJ ’55
Mary McKeen Dolezal ’65
John and Karen Elsen
Rita Fox ’62
Vincent and
Kathleen Sullivan Goeddeke ’90
Melissa Webert Dalum ’00
Jerome and Joyce Kelash Dominique ’75
Emily June Designs
Margo A. Seal Fox ’51
Duane and Joan Goldammer
Ann Daly
Kathleen Donahue ’57
Jon and Patricia Engfer
Robert and Marian Fox
Theresa Jacobson Gomez ’83
Tom and Patricia Daly
Rae Henrikson Donnelly ’60
Denise Jackson Erickson ’73
Anne C. Frankman ’59
Gonzaga University
Rita M. Murphy Daly ’48
Jean Donohue
Mary and Thomas Ernst ’79
Ernest and Joanne Frankovich
Margaret Reardon Goodge ’56
Kathleen McDonnell Damanskas ’68
Andrew Donovan
Nancy Estrem-Fuller ’70
Peg O’Connor Franzen ’53
Virginia Schlader Goodnough ’61
Gene and Mary Lou Dankowski
Terence and Millicent Adams Dosh ’57
Steven Ethen
Mary Jane Fraser
Leon and Patricia Grahn
Jackie Kram Darst ’53
Paul Dosh ’92
Elizabeth Cuddigan Evans ’61
Eileen Freeman
Sr. Eleanor Granger, OSF ’56
Nicolas and Kim David
Patrick M. and Jane Mather Doyle
Diane Meyer Evenson ’77
Lorraine Ellis Freking ’59
Great Lakes Aquarium
William and Susan Davis
Lois Doyle
Everest On Grand
John and Mary  Bast Frenzel ’45
Sarah Grey ’12
Marilyn Schwartz Davis ’62
Victoria Drake
David and Lynn Evinger
Robert Frerich ’12
Monica Gross ’82
James and Gail Davis
Droolin’ Moose
Mara Exline ’12
Linda Poncin Fugina ’69
Mary Derus Grosse ’62
Mike and Kimberly Nauman Davis ’84
Linda Butler Duchene ’68
Nancy Falk ’69
Janan Nolan Gainor ’57
Brian Gruidl ’96
Kevin Davy ’03
Kathleen O’Reilly Dumas ’61
Janice Farley
Hannah Gallucci ’12
Barbara Keane Gunther ’61
Daniel De Grace ’12
Kenneth F. and Shannon Dunst
Margaret Farmer ’12
Floyd and Jeanette Gast
Linda Welter Gustafson ’71
Patricia Mulrennan De Lapa ’47
Nancy and Gary Dupont
Donald and Veronica Fashant
Ruth Gaustad
Gustavus Adolphus College
D.L. and D.J. De Pauw
Donna Harrer DuPont ’53
Michele Fashant ’81
Patrick and Mary Gazich
Theodore and Dianne Nelson Haag ’61
Michael and Marsha DeGroot
Colleen Burns Durda ’78
Jeffrey and Mary Faust
Lauren Gazich ’12
Mrs. Sandra M. Wozniak Haasl ’63
Barbara Wallin DeMay ’63
Jon Duval ’93
Duane and Kathy Fell
Colleen and Martin Geislinger ’88
John and Elaine Hafertepe
Kathy and Jeff Dennis
Candice Knight Duval ’97
Chris and Anne Deitch Ferguson ’96
Todd I. Geissler ’89
Kathleen Sweetser Hage ’50
Fred and Mary Ellen Denucci
Sharon Rosenow Dwyer ’60
Rita Moskalik Fernandez ’66
Judith Louis Gendron ’56
Jean Funk Haider ’59
Doni and Steve DeNucci ’81
Andrew Easton ’12
Vernon and Regina Fischbach
Janet L. George ’77
Dennis and Suzanne Boeser Halpin ’69
DePaul University
Robert ’88 and
Sarah Harristhal Egan ’89
Christopher Fischer ’90
Kathleen Giblin ’66
Mary Hammes
Cheryl and Jim Fleming ’78
Gretchen Hall Gifford ’90
Stacy Carlson Haneland ’94
Jamie ’93 and Kathryn Burkemper
Derosier ’94
Peter and Mary Egger
Michael Riley Fleming ’60
Kevin Giles ’81
Melani and Troy Hanisch
Patricia Hornig Ehlen ’65
Judy and Robert Fleming ’80
Thomas and Jennifer Gillen
Michael and Martha Hannan
Genoa Desalvo
Brice and Jann Eichlersmith
Margaret Flynn
Mariana Ginder and Michael Goblirsch
Mollie McGraw Detviler ’63
Meredith Eichten ’04
Raymond and Maureen Fobbe
Holly Roam Gintz ’49
Brian and
Laura Schroepfer Hanneman ’88
Elizabeth Houdek Deutsch ’81
El Meson
Margaret Folkestad ’12
Cindy Mills Glessner ’73
Karen Holman DeVries ’62
Thomas and Cheryl Elenz
Grace Forciea ’12
Shannon Curley Glynn ’93
Mary Diercks
Luke Elfering ’12
Michelle DePauw ’12
Renee Leeder Hanning ’60
Michele Margarit Hansen ’72
John and Katherine Hanson
34 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Curtis and Nell Hanson
Marissa Hilario-Pavlow
David Huss ’12
Patricia Davy Johanning ’68
Robert W. and Ruth A. Kemper
James and Margaret Hanson
Sam Hinh ’12
Christine Lenz Hyde ’68
John Carroll University
William and Mary Keniston
Caroline Wolf Harlow ’58
Patricia Corrick Hinton ’50
Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse
Kristopher and Robin Johnson
Marnie Keough
Mark W. Harm ’75
Jerome and Barbara Hirsch
Patricia Kenney Igel ’57
Katie Johnson ’03
Collette Brouette Kern ’62
Christy Harper
Nicholas Hirsch ’12
Joselito and Lilian Ignacio
Joan Carland Johnson ’73
Derek Ketcho ’06
Mary Harrington ’66
Susan O’Donnell Hobot ’59
Illusion Theater
Mary Nelson Johnson ’63
Marilyn A. Kieser ’63
Jacqueline Hartmann ’12
Emily Hoeppner ’12
IMAX Theatre at the Minnesota Zoo
Hal and Catherine Carroll Johnson ’69
Dong Kim ’12
Mary Naughton Hartung ’58
Franklin and Elizabeth Hoffman
Jerome Imsdahl
Mary Anne O’Brien Johnson ’55
Laura Kinowski ’06
Gloria Smith Hartwick ’58
Barbara Plunkett Hoffman ’53
Valdis and Dorothy Inde
Geraldine Fleming Johnson ’64
Victor Kirsch
Mary Jackson Harvey ’69
Megan Hoffman ’12
Chris and Betty Ingram
Mary Jo Dobbelmann Johnson ’57
Robert and Phyllis Klatt
Debra Zieska Hauerwas ’81
Riley Hogan ’12
Interstate Batteries
Jerry Johnson
Deanne Doughty Kocon ’57
Mary Decker Hautman ’78
Janice Hartz Hoistad ’68
Joseph Iverson ’12
Roxanne Johnson
William and Karen Koenig
Jeanine Hawkins
Janet Holland
Daniel and Eileen Kelly Ivory ’58
Emilie Johnson ’12
Michele Bierschbach Kohl ’91
Michael and
Elizabeth Hendrickson Hawkins ’64
Keith and Kathleen Holley
Izzy’s Ice Cream
Kathleen Quinn Johnston ’57
Alan Kolstad ’83
Lara Holley ’12
Colleen Gerdall Jackson ’53
Douglas Jondle and Nancy Bains
Joan R. Koller Kongsvik ’48
John Hawkins ’81
Dallas Holm
Marilyn Miller Jackson ’53
Katherine Jondle ’12
Rosalyn Carroll Kraft ’56
Patricia Frederick Hayes ’65
Shirley Rasmussen Holmberg ’64
Rae Morgan Jacob ’53
Connie Jones
Karen Hall Kral ’69
Thomas and Linda Healy
Julie Holt
Virginia Jones Jacobs ’55
Richard and Rita Tholen Juettner ’54
Kathryn M. Hedges Kram ’58
Barbara Renville Hechsel ’54
Holy Land Brand, Inc.
Jeffrey and Lisa Jamieson
Mary Kading ’35
Mary Krasselt Krasselt-Long ’67
Ruthanne Heenan ’59
Kathleen Conboy Holzer ’62
Elizabeth Jamieson ’12
Mary C. Ward Kalan ’62
Donna Jeanne Goughnour Krile ’62
Brittney Hegg ’12
HOM Furniture
Rosemary Thompson Jantschik ’61
Audrey Emerson Kalgren ’53
Jane Schollmeier Krueger ’72
Sonia Heidinger
Honeywell Foundation
Yvonne Jarrett ’85
Mary Lutgen Kann ’93
John and Kathleen Silcott Kruth ’61
Danielle Heimkes ’12
Suzanne Jelense Hoodecheck ’57
Mary Ellen Jaspers ’05
Patricia Christian Kargel ’61
David Krypel ’82
Hell’s Kitchen
Emily Pierce Horner ’61
Jax Cafe
Mary Elliot Katsuranis ’56
Jeanne Kuchera
Amy Helman
James and Marylee Horstmann
Sharon McGinn Jeffers ’53
Joseph Kaus ’12
Paul Kuester ’97
Lucille Lapole Hendricks ’58
Margaret Wnek Houlihan ’37
Mary Ann Horan Jeffrey ’42
Richard and Jeanette Keinz
Donna M. Caldwell Kurtz ’53
Jaime Henry ’99
Ronald and Mary Jelmo
Barbara Colbert Kelley ’55
Kathleen  and Harold Kutler
Arvid and Barbara Herigstad
James and Larae Hovland
Pauline Martin Jensen ’50
Sheila Owens Kelley ’58
Mary Parker La Fontaine ’53
Annette Cowell Herman ’64
Mary Dexter Howard ’47
In Jeong Jeon ’12
Ellen Rooney Kelly ’61
Dan and Julie Laabs
Joyce Hermann
Mary Richmond Hudrlik ’64
Joe Senser’s Sports Grill
Danny and Mary Kelly
Mary LaChance
Mary Bauman Heruth ’65
Greta Hughes ’05
Joe’s Garage
Laurence and Marilyn Kelly
Mark and Susan LaChance
Mrs. Philomena M. Hesse
Paul ’95 and Suzanne Humbert
Richard and Becky Boeser Johander ’74
Robyn Kelly ’05
Danielle LaChance ’12
James Hidding
35 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Steven Laddusaw & Gail Marback
Ann L. Lilly Lindquist ’59
Patrick Mahoney ’82
Peggy Murphy McGrath ’45
Patricia Carroll Mikus ’62
George and Maureen Coleman Lahr ’71
Sharon Gleason Lingenfelter ’56
Carl and Mary Maijer
Florence Lenihan McHugh ’47
Carolyn Walch Miller ’60
Christopher Lahr ’03
Patricia Linnihan ’59
Samantha Maijer ’12
Jack McIlwain ’12
Eugene and Marcella Mills
Michael and Cathy Lahti
Lions Tap Restaurant
Arnold and Shirley  Majerus
Anne M. McInerney ’71
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Megan Lahti ’12
Jennifer and Alan Littman
Anne Regnier Maley ’80
Ruth McLaughlin ’80
Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine
Richard and Kathy Laliberte
Joshua Littman ’12
Annie Malknecht ’07
Minnesota Historical Society
John and Claudette Lamprecht
Nancy Locken
Kyle Malone ’99
John McLaughlin and
Jean Baker-McLaughlin
Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Kent and Colleen Lapel
Madeline Lomauro ’12
Sr. Shaun Marie Larkin ’50
Deborah Long
Stephen and
Stephanie Trembley Malone ’70
Shannon Schauff McLeod ’87
Kellie Murnan McNamara ’88
Minnesota State University – Moorhead
Mary Alice Jaeger Larson ’78
Roxanne Brant Longman ’68
Blaine and Mary Mamer
H.G. McNeely
Minnesota Swarm
Francis and Sandy Launstein
Kathleen Lopiano
Carol Erhart Manghis ’52
Gerald and Colleen McQuillan
Mary Lautzenhiser ’80
Jennie Hartmann Lorensen ’77
Ashley Marback-Laddusaw ’12
Shannon McQuillan ’12
Minnesota Timberwolves Fastbreak
John Lavin ’12
Gretchen Wedl Lorette ’64
Donna Maier Marceau ’45
Corey and Pamela McSweeney
Minnesota Zoo
Daniel and Karen Lawrence
Natalie Losurdo ’01
Kevin Margarit ’80
Madalyn Kay McWhite-Lamson ’61
Sandra Mishler-Boll
Diane Lawrence
Loyola University
Burnae Mitchell Marrinan ’46
Marlowe Medland
Brian and Lisa Moehn
Luci Restaurants
David Marshak
Marie A. Medvec ’65
Faith Moehn ’12
Ann Rockwell Lueders ’51
Michael and Kathleen Tait Martin ’64
James Melssen ’84
Catherine Bihner Montville ’59
Pearl Lebens
Carol Muckenhirn Lunney ’61
Christine Krypel Martin ’69
Danielle Mendez ’12
Becky Majerus Moody ’88
Thomas and Mary Jo Lecy
Jennifer Lutgen ’94
Mary Martinson
Cheryl Cassady Mendonsa ’63
Mary Elsen Moody ’76
Ernie and Mary Luther ’61
John F. and Catherine K. Marx
Joyce Gregory Merchant ’62
John and Tonya Moon
Luther College
Mary K. Matson ’43
Kevin Merrigan ’78
Lola Leifeld ’51
Phyllis Marx Lutz ’49
Mary Boutang May ’63
Margaret Gartner Merrill ’61
Charles H. Moore and Charlotte E.
Margaret Sorenson Lekander ’67
Camille Lapierre Lydon ’63
Sandra Thompkins May ’61
Stephen and Deborah Meyer
Diane B. Lindgren Moore ’60
Deanna Hartman Lelemsis ’90
Eileen Towey Lynch ’50
Mark McCarthy ’93
Mr. Gregory J. Meyer ’89
Eileen G. Moran ’52
Sean Leonard ’12
Margaret Lynch ’12
Margaret Laux McCarthy ’53
Josephine Feiereisen Morell ’54
Let’s Dish!
Lynn Maaske
Heather McCollor
Keith L. Meyers and Katherine
Arlene Leyden
Macalester College
John and Kelly McCoy
Daniel Meyers ’82
Judith Hessel Moren ’59
Anne Lies ’86
Joan Mace ’61
Michelle McCullum ’92
Derek Michalski ’06
Morgan Stanley
Greg and Teresa Jungwirth Liesener ’87
Carol Conboy MacPeak ’59
Lois and Sean McDermott ’87
Eileen Leeder Michalski ’62
Brien and Catherine Morgen
Susan Kell Limpert ’74
Julie A. Madden ’65
Margaret Sieg McDonnell ’69
Meredith Jaglo Morneau ’63
Virginia Lee Linder ’58
Patrick Maghrak ’82
Mary Shinnick McGinty ’55
Thomas and
Terry Keating Middleton ’67
Margaret Doyle Lindgren ’61
Michael Mahoney
Sr. Mary Ann McGivern ’59
Midtown Global Market
Robert and Virginia Morris
Richard and Claudia Mikos
Margaret Morris-Gronlund ’81
Hau and Phuong Le
Sheila Smith Le Corre ’73
Elizabeth Lecy ’12
Patrick and Cheryl Lehnherr
Francis and Virginia McGoldrick
Sierra Morell-Tomassoni ’12
Nancy Bartosh Morreale ’60
36 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Donors by Gift Level Annual Report 2011-2012
Sheryl Goetzinger Morrison ’81
Thomas Noonan ’97
John and Kathleen Paulson
Donna Poshusta
Natalie Rethlake ’12
Judith A. Mosiniak ’64
Donald and Joyce Nowak
Caroline Paulson ’12
Jerry and Betts Potter
Mary Heimerl Reuder ’53
Courtney Moynihan ’12
Julie Bednarz Oberle ’83
Nicholas and Mary Jo Paulus
Gail Snyder Poulsen ’70
Michael Richardson ’12
Gregory and Kathy Mueller
Rachel O’Brien ’83
Anne L. Pavlik ’70
Thomas Preimesberger ’86
Richfield Flowers & Events
Margaret Koenig Mueller ’84
Michael and Carol O’Brien
Dominique Pavlow ’12
Veronica Prickel ’12
Mary Richter ’71
Judith Muenzhuber
Sharon O’Brien ’60
Cole Pederson ’00
Tina and Marlan Proctor
Gerald and Kathryn Rients
Florrie Deaner Mullen ’62
Patricia O’Brien ’49
Catherine Peller ’12
Marie Pufpaff
Jack Riester ’12
Kayla Mulrooney ’12
Shane O’Brien ’12
Kathleen McDonell Penterman ’59
Pumphouse Creamery
Linda Graham Ripley ’70
Patricia Hames Munn ’61
Dianne Trebil Ocel ’58
Kiara Perez ’12
Punch Neopolitan Pizza
Mary Jane O’Donnell Rippel ’66
Dean and Melpomeni Murdakes
Michael and Anita O’Connor
Barbara Macho Perry ’49
Sarah Pupkes ’12
Craig Ritz ’90
Thomas and Julie Murnan
Sarah Odalen ’12
Melisa Pesha
Roasted Pear Restaurant
Sr. Mary Margaret Murphy, OP ’61
Roger and Elizabeth Merry O’Daniel ’55
Marilynn C. Lerschen Peters ’56
Mary Spack Roberts ’64
Mary Murphy Powers
O’Gara’s Bar & Grill
Molly Newell Peters ’63
Jesse and Jeannine Quam
Michael and Suzanne Robin
Angela Murray ’96
Sean O’Hagan ’04
Sally Peters
Tyler Quam ’12
Rocco Altobelli Corporate Office
Murray’s Restaurant
Old Log Theater
Lee Petersen
Barbara Pfeifer Quinn ’54
Jean-Luc Roche
Genevieve Myran ’12
Jeanne Olive ’72
Barbara Bartsh Peterson ’59
Ray and Stephanie Turgeon Quinn ’62
William Rodier
Genevieve Hansen Nakanishi ’59
Molly Rinowski Olsen ’01
Martha Pettee
Grace Quiring ’12
Chuck and Pauline Rogers
Carol and Joseph Napoleon
Marguerite Johnson Olson ’45
Jon Phillips ’04
Stephen Raab ’12
Kay Henchel Rogers ’72
Lisa Geissler Narloch ’87
Linda Quinn Olson ’68
Mary Shabel Pierce ’35
Peter and Catherine Radintz
Benjamin Rohloff
Brian Naughton ’95
Paul and Sharon Olszewski
Pioneer Creek Golf Course
Gary and Mary Piram
Radisson Hotel Bloomington
by Mall of America
Renee LaChapelle Romain ’52
Richard and Janell Nelson
Carol Susan Richmond Nelson ’57
Tuny Randolph O’Rourke ’63
Margaret Reinhardt Pittelko ’00
Jeff and Cheryl Raile
Kathleen Gallagher Nelson ’67
JoAnn and Dan O’Rourke ’90
Jim and Mary Jo Plantan
Mary Gurholt Ramczyk ’61
Michael and
Rachel Schumacher Rose ’93
Jeff Romatoski and Donnabelle
Pamela Nelson
Grace Orstad ’12
Daniel and Ann Plog
Ed and Margaret Ramirez
Marilyn Johnson Nelson ’58
Pacem Studio
Kevin Poindexter ’06
Dianne Ramsden ’61
Elizabeth Rosener ’12
Deanne T. Gantzer Nelson ’64
Philip and Connie Paquette
Wayne and Catherine Pokorny
Katherine Tuma Ranzinger ’73
Maria Lombardi Roswall ’64
Hannah Nelson ’12
Park Square Theatre
Michael Pokorny ’12
Anthony Reddy
Kevin and Terri Bungert Roth ’75
Gary and Mary Margaret Ness
Stephanie Parks ’99
Taylor Polacek ’12
Charles and Charlotte Gamble Reed ’61
Meghan Roth
Paul ’90 and Nyla Newton
Joanne Russell Parsons ’61
Kathleen Spillane Pomerleau ’71
Charles B. Reed, Jr. ’88
Michael ’94 and Breanne Rothstein
Philip and Sandra Newton
Thomas Patrias ’12
Kathleen Ryan Poole ’57
Regis University
Joan Willenburg Rourke ’65
Stephanie Nitchals
Barbara Tweedy Patten ’65
Michaela Pope ’94
Connor Reid ’12
William and Carolyn Rucker
Songsu Noh
Joyce Paul ’68
Charles and Pauline Poppler
Mary F. Storch Reiter ’33
Jamie Rudolph
Elyse Rethlake ’06
Justin Rudolph ’12
37 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Annual Donors by Gift Level
Paul Ruhland and Rose Jagim
Matthew Schumacher ’06
Robert and Grace Specht
Ronald and Cynthia Sundboom
Theodore and Ruth Treat
Attila Rumy ’98
Marilyn Schunk ’65
Alexandra Specht ’12
Milton and Barb Sunde
Elizabeth Ostrem Tromiczak ’95
Mary Ryan Ryan ’43
Lawrence and Judith M. Schuster
Margaret Waldron Sperry ’58
Marie B. Tromiczak
Amy and J.J. Ryan ’89
Kenneth and Lisa Drum Schwab ’80
Frank and Barbara Fairfield Spinner ’59
Mary Botz Sur ’62
Stephanie Eaton Truhlar ’95
Anne Saevig ’66
Edward and Linda Scislow
Judy Sprenger
Phyllis O. Delaney Sutcliffe ’52
Diane Robbie Truly ’61
Hunter Sager ’12
Amy Scislow ’12
Joann and Michael St. Aubin
Michael and Denise Svec
Tryg’s Restaurant
Saint Cloud State University
Diane Scovill
St. Patrick’s Guild
Jordan Svec ’12
Andrea Turgeon
Saint Louis University
Sebastian Joe’s Ice Cream
St. Paul Saints Baseball Club
Terri Boeser Swan ’66
Sara Beiersdorf Turk ’68
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Jeanne Geyer Sella ’48
Virginia Stadelman
Marilyn V Varner Swanson ’50
Joseph Uhrich
Suzanne Couillard Sandahl ’66
Ginny Hill Sentman ’91
Katja Stadler ’12
Marie Finley Swoboda ’62
Daniel Uhrich ’12
Carolyn Durigan Sandin ’50
Frances Fadell Serpe ’59
Carol Schauls Stahlkopf ’60
Joann Tacl
Daniel and Diane Ulmer
Mary Sarazin ’55
Sew What!
Nancy Steele
Anne and Charles Tacl ’80
Amanda Ulmer ’12
Diane Deveny Sarosiek ’68
Elaine Vernon Steenberg ’62
Beth Wittsack Tepfer ’78
Sarah Ulmer ’12
Michael and Vickie Sauro
Sean and Susan Shand
Patricia Zentgraf Stefanson ’49
Thomas and Barbara Teresi
Mary Beth Beha Undem ’54
Judith Sausen ’56
Shelby Shand ’12
Stefanson Law
Sandra Schneider Teubner ’83
Donald and Judith Unger
Patrick and
Charlotte Krueger Scanlan ’50
Denise Magney Shaughnessy ’65
Pamela Berry Steffens ’01
The Anchor Fish and Chips
Hannah Shea ’12
Sr. Florence Steichen ’46
The Bibelot Shops
United Way of Metropolitan
Atlanta, Inc.
Pat Scallen Schaefer ’54
James and Nancy Sheldon
Alexander Stephens ’12
The Children’s Theatre Company
University of Dayton
Daniel Schaefer ’12
Thomas Shields
Roger and Jeanne Stevens
The Legends Golf Club
University of Denver
Daniel and
Annette Floersch Schaffer ’90
Laurel Rucker Shuman ’96
Jeanne M. Stevens ’68
The Malt Shop
University of Kansas
Patricia A. Siegenthaler
Ian Stonehouse ’12
The Red Stag Supper Club
University of Minnesota – Duluth
Gerald Sieve ’79
Bonita Pawlak Strand ’63
Theatre in the Round
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Philip Skogmo ’12
Sarah Smith Strecker ’92
Ann Friendshuh Thompson ’58
University of Minnesota Morris
Virginia Dehn Slind ’61
Elizabeth M. Streefland ’83
John and Barbara Kuhl Thoraldson ’57
University of Nebraska
Chuck Slocum and Lucille Axelsen
Mary Streiff ’12
Three Rivers Park District
University of North Dakota
Judi Bregel Small ’64
Florence  and Maynard Stucki
Betty Kraker Tichich ’65
University of Notre Dame
David and Kate Anderson Smith ’78
Anthony and Susan Stuppnig
Mary McLaughlin Tillman ’58
University of San Diego
Richard and Leslie Kennedy Smith ’60
William Style ’12
Fr. Mike Tix
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Rebecca Smith ’91
Nicholas and Melissa Casey Suek ’91
Donald and Judy Tobroxen
University of Wisconsin – River Falls
Jane Burke Soshnik ’54
Mary Sullivan
Tom Reid’s Bar and Grill
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Southwest Minnesota State University
Joel and Elizabeth Sullivan
Patricia St. Aubin Trapanese ’63
Christine Unnasch
Mary Peterson Sovik ’63
Linda Sullivan ’62
Lynn and Mark Traun
Theresa Urbaniak
Roger and Deb Scheerz
Megan Kearney Scherf ’02
Stephen and Beryl Schewe
Michelle Campion Schick ’74
Eugene and Chris Schmidt
Matthew Schmidt ’12
Lance Schmitt ’95
Diane Dugan Schuck ’55
Schuler Shoes
Lauren Schulke ’12
Bernele McKenna Schultz ’44
Catherine Ernst Schumacher ’62
Vanderbilt University
38 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Annual Donors by Gift Level
Vertical Endeavors Indoor Rock
Climbing Facility
Casey Pierce Warren ’60
Rosemary Laidlaw Witt ’45
Washington University in St. Louis
Mark and Patricia Wittman
Villanova University
Howard and Judy Bredt Wathen ’57
Elizabeth S Fredericks Wolf ’49
Rodney Vincent and
Gwen McFadden-Vincent
Jessica LaChance Weber ’98
Susan Weberg
Robert and
Judy Masloski Wonsavage ’61
Fred and Marylyn Kranz Wefelmeyer ’52
Woolley’s Restaurant
Helen Budde Weides ’45
Joseph and Janice Worley
Matt Welbes ’83
Michael and Lisa Wright
Mary Lang Wells ’67
C. Noelle Wynne
Susan Rivers Wennes ’58
Beth Burns Wysocki ’61
Theresa Nedry Wentz ’74
Xavier University
George Wertin
Patricia Yaeger
James and Rochelle Westerhaus
Susan Blecha Yanta ’66
Denise Margarit Westerhaus ’81
Yoga Center of Minneapolis
Stephen Westerlund ’76
Gregory Young ’04
Molly Wheeler ’80
Sarah Jaeger Youngblood ’79
Terrence M. White ’84
Youth Performance Company
Larry Wigley
Jennifer Zaligson
Wild Mountain
Madden Zappa ’12
Wildfire Restaurant
Keith and Kay Zempel
Dan and Patricia McGruder Willette ’62
Belinda Cullen Zenk ’81
Bridget Williams ’12
Kimberly Zillmer
Kaye Willner
Roy and Ofelina Zillmer
Richard and Kathy Wilson
Nell Miller Zingsheim ’39
Gabrielle Vincent ’12
Rochelle Vincent ’12
Madonna A. Putz Vitarello ’78
Viterbo University
Michelle Quinn Vodovnik ’87
Judith Bartell Votruba ’61
Jean Scherer Wagener ’57
Claire Towler Wagner ’53
Chris Wagner ’76
Betty Ann Jacobson Wagner ’54
Bernie and Jeanne Freeberg Walch ’55
Dennis and Marilyn Walker
Walker Art Center
Jane Connelly Wallrich ’62
Maggie Walters ’64
Marshall and Vicki Walzer
Patricia Martyn Wannarka ’57
Sr. Mary Ellen M. E. Ward, CSJ ’61
Barbara Jones Warhol ’69
Tyler Warmack ’12
Allison Warmka ’12
Lisa Warren
Winona State University
Darcy Winter
Mary Meitz Winum ’51
AHA STARS and their STAR experiences
Monica Knaack named to
summer research program
AHA junior Monica Knaack earned the
opportunity to spend the summer working
in cardiovascular research at the University
of Minnesota Lillehei Heart Institute under its
Summer Research Scholars Program.
The major focus of each scholar’s work is
intensive basic or clinical research, and each
scholar is assigned to work with a laboratory
researcher or faculty mentor. In addition
scholars are introduced to clinical, industrial,
and academic medicine through a variety
of field trips, seminars, and hands-on
experiences. The goal of the scholarship is to
encourage medical and scientific careers in
cardiovascular medicine.
Monica with her cohort at the University of Minnesota. She is second from the right in the front row.
Photo by Mary Garry, Lillehei Heart Institute, University of Minnesota
40 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Alumni
Class of 1933
Mary F. Storch Reiter
Class of 1935
Patricia Londo McCormick
Margaret Reedy Quinn
Mary Lou Fadell Hines
Donna Harrer DuPont
Jean Scholz Mitchell
Jeanne Geyer Sella
Patricia Broad Koch
Peg O'Connor Franzen
Lola Leifeld
Joan Yetter Freda
Bernele McKenna Schultz
Teresa Blatz Walker
Class of 1949
Ann Rockwell Lueders
Barbara Plunkett Hoffman
Holly Roam Gintz
Marianne Thode Matson
Colleen Gerdall Jackson
Mary Hadlick Hoedeman
Mary Rockwell Monahan
Marilyn Miller Jackson
Winnifred Hoch Conger
Jean McGee Krogness
Class of 1937
Mary Simonet White
Rae Morgan Jacob
Mary Bast Frenzel 
Phyllis Marx Lutz
Sunny Bach Wicka
Jane Foley Jaeger
Margaret Wnek Houlihan
Betts Arms Giefer
Patricia O'Brien
Mary Meitz Winum
Sharon McGinn Jeffers
Donna Maier Marceau
Barbara Macho Perry
Peggy Nichols Zack
Audrey Emerson Kalgren
Peggy Murphy McGrath
Patricia Zentgraf Stefanson
Joyce Beveridge Jarvis
Marguerite Johnson Olson
Elizabeth S Fredericks Wolf
Mary Rocheford Mulheran 
Helen Budde Weides
Mary Kading
Mary Shabel Pierce
Class of 1938
Class of 1945
Class of 1952
Donna M. Caldwell Kurtz
Mary Parker La Fontaine
Genine Barkley Beigle
Margaret Laux McCarthy
Eleanor Brown Bouley
Kathleen Hayes Meyer
Therese Beaudette
Coral Ostdiek Buchman
Mary Heimerl Reuder
Mary Ann Kirby Begin
Barbara A. Buckles
Claire Towler Wagner
Sr. Donna Casey, OSC
Sr. Rita Foster, CSJ
Mary Haugen Fowler
Olga Andrade Weigel
Burnae Mitchell Marrinan
Kathleen Sweetser Hage
Carol Erhart Manghis
Elaine Workman Butler
Ruth A. Hickson Neher
Katherine Schindler Hage
Eileen G. Moran
Class of 1954
Dr. Mary E. Reuder
Sr. Florence Steichen
Patricia Corrick Hinton
Renee LaChapelle Romain
Onis Broderick Baeyen
Pauline Martin Jensen
Carol Miller Ryan 
Judith Daleki
Sr. Shaun Marie Larkin
Class of 1939
Nell Miller Zingsheim
Class of 1940
Rosemary Laidlaw Witt
Class of 1946
Class of 1950
Class of 1942
Class of 1947
Anne Hamel Everett
Patricia WonSavage Shelland
Barbara Renville Hechsel
Patricia Mulrennan De Lapa
Eileen Towey Lynch
Mary Ann Horan Jeffrey
Martha Anne La Place Simms
Rita Tholen Juettner
Carolyn Michaud Engelking
Patricia Laux Mueller
Phyllis O. Delaney Sutcliffe
Josephine Feiereisen Morell
Class of 1943
Mary Dexter Howard
Carolyn Durigan Sandin
Marylyn Kranz Wefelmeyer
Mary Hadley Packard
Nancy O'Donnell McDonough
Yvonnie Giguere Berglund
Charlotte Krueger Scanlan
Florence Lenihan McHugh
Lucia Carlin Seidel
Class of 1953
Mary Ryan Ryan
Class of 1948
Marilyn V Varner Swanson
Geraldine E. Wallace Berg
Pat Scallen Schaefer
Mollie Frey Sherry
Class of 1944
Rita M. Murphy Daly
Class of 1951
Barbara Boyce Biales
Deidre Ann Brossard
Patricia McConville Holloran
Jane Burke Soshnik
Shirley Scholz Boeser
Mary Flinn Beadnell
Mollie Campbell
Joan Thom Kennedy
Mary Beth Beha Undem
Helen Walsh Erickson
Kathleen Arms Blanke
Joan Baskfield Carroll
Joan R. Koller Kongsvik
Betty Ann Jacobson Wagner
Margo A. Seal Fox
Jackie Kram Darst
Mary K. Matson
Barbara Pfeifer Quinn
Madalon Wachtler Recke
41 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Alumni Class of 1955
Helen Lamm Biedron
Catherine Green Bohrer
Patricia A. Livermore Brink
Therese Daleki Commers
Sr. Jan Dalsin, CSJ
Arlene Langner Finley
Virginia Jones Jacobs
Mary Anne O'Brien Johnson
Barbara Colbert Kelley
Mary Shinnick McGinty
Liz Merry O'Daniel
Judith Simonet Rich
Mary McFarland Ritten
Mary Sarazin
Diane Dugan Schuck
Suzanne Karnstedt Seyfert
Jeanne Freeberg Walch
Karen Mullin Winter
Class of 1956
Sherry Theisen Bias
Bonnie Talbot Cox
Judy Johnson Crandall
Judith Louis Gendron
Margaret Reardon Goodge
Sr. Eleanor Granger, OSF
Mary Ann Leininger Gross
Joanne LaPole Hawkins
Mary Elliot Katsuranis
Maureen Lannan Kleiderer
Julianne Fischer Kocourek
Annual Report 2011-2012
Rosalyn Carroll Kraft
Ellen T. O'Brien
Marilyn Johnson Nelson
Judith Hessel Moren
Sharon Gleason Lingenfelter
Kathleen Ryan Poole
Dianne Trebil Ocel
Genevieve Hansen Nakanishi
Ramona Nygaard Martin
Mary Jo Heenan Segal
Sally Hackenmueller Praus
Kathleen Marcella O'Brien
Alice King Moormann
Marlys Anderson Thies
Mary Anne Savage
Kathleen McDonell Penterman
Pat Tait Nicholson
Barbara Kuhl Thoraldson
Denise Perrizo Schumacher
Barbara Bartsh Peterson
Carolyn Backdahl Ochsner
Jean Scherer Wagener
Margaret Waldron Sperry
Frances Fadell Serpe
Marilynn C. Lerschen Peters
Patricia Martyn Wannarka
Ann Friendshuh Thompson
Barbara Fairfield Spinner
Judith Sausen
Judy Bredt Wathen
Mary McLaughlin Tillman
Virginia Doyle Vizard
Lucy Hamel Wilhoit
Class of 1958
Susan Rivers Wennes
Mary Ellen Muckenhirn Wishart
Class of 1960
Peg Tait Aguirre
Mary Miles Woida
Marguerite Hasselo Becker
Marge Carlson Zieska
Terrie Stebbins Brandt
Class of 1959
Susan Moormann Clark
Margaret Hayes Bednarz
Janice L. Buechler
Class of 1957
Joyce Gross Anderson
Kathleen Barnett Boldischar
Kathleen Klaesges Crosland
Nancy Zetzman Blakeborough
Virginia Geienhoff Coverdale
Sharen Hansen Darling
Patricia A. Donahue Boie
Sr. Mary E. Crowley, OSF
Jan McKenzie Anderson
Zelda Landy Fahey
Janet Carpentier Brewer
Mary Jo Spillane Cummins
Joanne Hite Brecount
Caroline Wolf Harlow
Rita Reed Buckley
Catherine McDonald Daydif
Judy Heimerl Brick
Mary Naughton Hartung
Mary Carey
Rae Henrikson Donnelly
Mary Capko Campbell
Gloria Smith Hartwick
Mary Warren Eggenberger
Sharon Rosenow Dwyer
Bernadine Meyer Doll
Lucille Lapole Hendricks
Ann Dalsin Flynn
Kathleen Peine Eiselein
Kathleen Donahue
JoAnn Reuland Hohenshelt
Anne C. Frankman
Michael Riley Fleming
Millicent Adams Dosh
Eileen Kelly Ivory
Lorraine Ellis Freking
Renee Leeder Hanning
Janan Nolan Gainor
Sharon Packard Jasper
Jean Funk Haider
Barbara Harmon Larson
Martie Trader Glockner
Sheila Owens Kelley
Kathleen Finley Hanson
Carolyn Walch Miller
Suzanne Jelense Hoodecheck
Mary Russell Kenyon
Ruthanne Heenan
Diane B. Lindgren Moore
Patricia Kenney Igel
Kathryn M. Hedges Kram
Susan O'Donnell Hobot
Nancy Bartosh Morreale
Mary Jo Dobbelmann Johnson
Virginia Lee Linder
Janyce Mehr Jones
Sharon O'Brien
Kathleen Quinn Johnston
Jacqueline Lano Lindskoog
Ann L. Lilly Lindquist
Leslie Kennedy Smith
Deanne Doughty Kocon
Shelly Ann Moorman
Patricia Linnihan
Mary Pollmann Sommers
Carole Pfeifer Kusienski
Maureen Connor Moses
Carol Conboy MacPeak
Carol Schauls Stahlkopf
Mary Grathwol Moser
Jane Randolph Murphy
Sr. Mary Ann McGivern
Christine Ann Wegmann Walker
Carol Susan Richmond Nelson
Maureen Kelly Neerland
Catherine Bihner Montville
Casey Pierce Warren
42 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Alumni Annual Report 2011-2012
Class of 1961
Dianne Lundblad Mullin
Mary Derus Grosse
Trude Nordquist Harrington
Patricia Hames Munn
Kathleen Conboy Holzer
Mary Nelson Johnson
Marion Anderson
Sr. Mary Margaret Murphy, OP
Linda Casagrande Jacoby
Marilyn A. Kieser
Irene Holman Blakely
Joanne Russell Parsons
Mary C. Ward Kalan
Camille Lapierre Lydon
JoAnn Christian Adelmann
Sandra Margaret Smith Bly
Mollie Mulheran Raih
Collette Brouette Kern
Mary Boutang May
Kathleen Nichols Armstrong
Sharon Dolezal Bortscheller
Mary Gurholt Ramczyk
Patricia Doucet Klass
Cheryl Cassady Mendonsa
Katherine Olsen Bredesen
Lorraine Kleve Boser
Donna Kelly Ramsay
Donna Jeanne Goughnour Krile
Meredith Jaglo Morneau
Nancy Ferrell Carroll
Susan Bowar-Ferres
Dianne Ramsden
Dr. Joan Madden
Tuny Randolph O'Rourke
Ginny Melcher DiNovis
Catherine Cross Bremhorst
Charlotte Gamble Reed
Kathleen Kurimay McCoy
Molly Newell Peters
Mary McKeen Dolezal
Mary Carter
Mary Peterson Scrivener
Joyce Gregory Merchant
Mary Peterson Sovik
Patricia Hornig Ehlen
Judith Bourke Chumley
Virginia Dehn Slind
Eileen Leeder Michalski
Mary Peterson Stachnik
Patricia Frederick Hayes
Alice McCarthy Conine
Mary Haymaker Staley
Patricia Carroll Mikus
Bonita Pawlak Strand
Mary Bauman Heruth
Nancy Bird Cronin
Diane Robbie Truly
Florrie Deaner Mullen
Patricia St. Aubin Trapanese
Sharon Nelson Lethert
Kathleen O'Reilly Dumas
Judith Bartell Votruba
Stephanie Turgeon Quinn
Elizabeth Cuddigan Evans
Sr. Mary Ellen M. E. Ward, CSJ
Dr. Rozanne Schmidtlein
Virginia Schlader Goodnough
Judy Masloski Wonsavage
Barbara Keane Gunther
Beth Burns Wysocki
Dianne Nelson Haag
Class of 1962
Gloria Hagen
Emily Pierce Horner
Rosemary Thompson Jantschik
Patricia Christian Kargel
Ellen Rooney Kelly
Kathleen Silcott Kruth
Margaret Doyle Lindgren
Carol Muckenhirn Lunney
Mary Luther
Joan Mace
Judy Berg Mannella
Sandra Thompkins May
Madalyn Kay McWhite-Lamson
Margaret Gartner Merrill
Mary Watson Alden
Class of 1964
Maggie Walters
Class of 1965
Sheila Clifford Lind
Julie A. Madden
Catherine Ernst Schumacher
Barbara Beiersdorf
Marie A. Medvec
Elaine Vernon Steenberg
Karen Ostrem Garrity
Marsha Poeschl Miller
Linda Sullivan
Elizabeth Hendrickson Hawkins
Barbara Tweedy Patten
Mary Botz Sur
Annette Cowell Herman
Joan Willenburg Rourke
Marilyn Schunk
Marie Finley Swoboda
Shirley Rasmussen Holmberg
Judith A Martin Beard
Mary Falenczykowski Tanghe
Mary Richmond Hudrlik
Denise Magney Shaughnessy
Dolores Weinbender Bentley
Jane Connelly Wallrich
Penny Winzen Jacocks
Judy Jardine Stucki
Vicky Lindgren Bostrom
Patricia McGruder Willette
Geraldine Fleming Johnson
Betty Kraker Tichich
Margaret A. Kennedy
Barbara Haeg Tuynman
Gretchen Wedl Lorette
Stephanie Rice Warren
Sandra Shaffer Brooks
Mary Spinner Budworth
Class of 1963
Marge Bergman Bunkers
Mary Hone Anderson
Veronica McGinn Madsen
Margaret Casey
Mary Schmidt Bach
Kathleen Tait Martin
Kathy Cashin
Judy Knapp Bolin
Judith A. Mosiniak
Veronica Ahern
Marcia Brown Cunningham
Mary Hendricks Buckman
Deanne T. Gantzer Nelson
Catherine Clifford Brennan
Marilyn Schwartz Davis
Patricia Aulwes Burnworth
Mary Bird Orfield
Susan Sheady Cahill
Karen Holman DeVries
Barbara Wallin DeMay
Mary Spack Roberts
Mary Divine
Peggy A. Doi
Mollie McGraw Detviler
Maria Lombardi Roswall
Rita Moskalik Fernandez
Rita Fox
Sandra M. Wozniak Haasl
Judi Bregel Small
Kathleen Giblin
Class of 1966
43 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Alumni Annual Report 2011-2012
Mary Harrington
Linda Quinn Olson
Patricia Rasmussen Johnston
Joyce Paul
Dr. Katie Sorenson Osborn
Diane Deveny Sarosiek
Mary Jane O'Donnell Rippel
Jeanne M. Stevens
Christine Hunt Anderson
Katherine Tuma Ranzinger
Sara Beiersdorf Turk
Barbara Mordaunt Burke
Julie Elsen Tvete
Kathleen Mackey Anderson
Anne Saevig
Suzanne Couillard Sandahl
Class of 1971
Mary Carroll Curran
Pamela Matthews Kerber
Sheila Smith Lecorre
Annette Margarit
Stephen Westerlund
Class of 1977
Anne Egerer Berg
Linda Welter Gustafson
Class of 1974
Susan Blecha Yanta
Marie Vallez Allen
Kathleen Hanley
Becky Boeser Johander
Paul DeNucci
Ann M. Spinner Zimdars
Diane L. Roberts Blake
Maureen Coleman Lahr
Susan Kell Limpert
Diane Meyer Evenson
Linda Nielsen Caddy
Anne M. McInerney
Michelle Campion Schick
Joseph Fraser
Nancy Falk
Kathleen Spillane Pomerleau
Theresa Nedry Wentz
Janet L. George
Anonymous (2)
Linda Poncin Fugina
Mary Richter
Chris Addington
Colleen Gallagher
Pamela Wright Safar
Terri Boeser Swan
Class of 1967
Class of 1969
Jean George Zimmerman
James Gross
William Hammes
Patricia Mercer D'Alessandro
David Hesse
Joyce Kelash Dominique
Rachael Keehn
Linda Dolezal Elsen
Jennie Hartmann Lorensen
Patricia Deeney Burns
Mary E. Hafertepe
Kate Davy
Suzanne Boeser Halpin
Terri McClellan Effertz
Mary Jackson Harvey
Mary Krasselt Krasselt-Long
Kathleen A. Hesse
Mary Fritz Anderson
Joe Elsen
Greg Margarit
Margaret Sorenson Lekander
Catherine Carroll Johnson
Kathleen Blatz
Mark W. Harm
Joseph McNamara
Terry Keating Middleton
Karen Hall Kral
Kathleen Davy Calhoun
Shelley Riley
Maureen Brombach Rosener
Kathleen Gallagher Nelson
Christine Krypel Martin
Michele Margarit Hansen
Terri Bungert Roth
Eileen Scallen
Patricia McDaniel Sutter
Margaret Sieg McDonnell
Ellen Barrett Hanten
Michael Wise
Michael Scanlon
Barbara Jones Warhol
Mary C. Williams Huber
Class of 1976
Jean Trenary
Mary Jo Larson
Dave Bangasser
Class of 1978
Carla Steger Cable
Ann Wagner
Mary Lang Wells
Class of 1970
Jayne Walen
Class of 1975
James Cross
Class of 1972
Jane Schollmeier Krueger
Class of 1968
Ann Stiehm Ahlstrom
Jeanne Olive
Mary Jo Anding Bangasser
Janet Andresen Anderson
Kate Casserly
Kay Henchel Rogers
Anne Sullivan Helgason
Alice Hurley Corrigan
Linda Smith Collins
Nancy Estrem-Fuller
Mary C. Weber Severson
Michael Kallas
Colleen Burns Durda
Jullene Zilka Kallas
Jim Fleming
Gary Machacek
Mary Decker Hautman
Kathleen McDonnell Damanskas
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney
Linda Butler Duchene
Stephanie Trembley Malone
Janice Hartz Hoistad
Anne L. Pavlik
Denise Jackson Erickson
Michael Merrigan
Mary Alice Jaeger Larson
Christine Lenz Hyde
Gail Snyder Poulsen
Deborah Sienko Fox
Michael Meyer
Kevin Merrigan
Patricia Davy Johanning
Susan Trainor Price
Cindy Mills Glessner
Mary Elsen Moody
Marie Welbes Rodier
Roxanne Brant Longman
Linda Graham Ripley
Joan Carland Johnson
Chris Wagner
Richard Rodier
Class of 1973
44 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Alumni Annual Report 2011-2012
Kate Anderson Smith
Lisa Drum Schwab
David Krypel
Beth Wittsack Tepfer
Charles Tacl
Patrick Maghrak
Madonna A. Putz Vitarello
Molly Wheeler
Patrick Mahoney
James M. Weides
Todd White
Terrence M. White
Class of 1985
Blake T. Murnan
Thomas Preimesberger
David Samuels
James Meyer
John Banovetz
Daniel Simms
Daniel Meyers
Daniel Becker
Kathleen Seidel Walsh
Timothy Murphy
Cynthia DeMars Bollig
Class of 1979
Class of 1981
Margaret Sullivan O'Connor
James Burke
Class of 1987
Jayne Johnson Atkinson
Mary Ernst Anderson
Dave Pelner
Brian L. Delgado
Sandra Doble Anderson
Dawn Vayder Catcher
Amy Jaeger Clancy
Jerilyn Dunn Waters
Christopher Flynn
Mary Margaret Gross
James Clancy
Steve DeNucci
Teresa Jungwirth Liesener
Elizabeth Houdek Deutsch
Class of 1983
Thomas Haeg
Martha Andersen Conners
Jane Sandvik Hurinenko
John Lohmann
Thomas Ernst
Nancy Harris Driessen
Sheila Sarazin Folkestad
Yvonne Jarrett
Sean McDermott
Jeffrey M. Meacham
Katy Ascher Eiden
Theresa Jacobson Gomez
Laura Keinz Miler
Shannon Schauff McLeod
Deborah Geil Nickerson
Michele Fashant
Stephen Huss
Kate Flynn Nicklay
Lisa Geissler Narloch
Amy Revak Poehling
Kevin Giles
Alan Kolstad
Mary Smith Renk
Chad Schumacher
Timothy H. Shern
Molly Casserly Goodson
Joe Meyer
Steven Trudell
Michelle Quinn Vodovnik
Gerald Sieve
Debra Zieska Hauerwas
Rachel O'Brien
Sarah Hammer Warner
Paul Willette
Sarah Jaeger Youngblood
John Hawkins
Julie Bednarz Oberle
Schmitt Magures
John C. Praus
Class of 1986
Class of 1988
Margaret Morris-Gronlund
Thomas M. Sandvik
Frank Amore
Stephen Dolan
Sheryl Goetzinger Morrison
Elizabeth M. Streefland
Anne Daly Amore
Robert Egan
Sandra Schneider Teubner
Shannon Griffiths Bogan
Martin Geislinger
Matt Welbes
Mary Beth Bungert Burns
Laura Schroepfer Hanneman
Suzanne Wienke Colling
Amy Rushin Kolar, M.D.
William DeLong
Jon Launstein
Thomas Ascher
Mark Erazmus
Kellie Murnan McNamara
Debra Hartman Burns
David Huss
Becky Majerus Moody
Class of 1980
Geralyn Baumgartner
Robert Couillard
Mary Sullivan Sullivan McCue
John Dornik
Christine Rudolph Walsh
Robert Fleming
Denise Margarit Westerhaus
Stephen Hoeppner
Belinda Cullen Zenk
Ann Welbes Hubbard
Class of 1984
Mary Lautzenhiser
Class of 1982
Catherine Srnec Lingenfelter
Mary Sandvik Anderson
Kimberly Nauman Davis
Patricia Flynn Huss
Charles Musech
Anne Regnier Maley
Ann Nye Burke
Victoria Fell Gruber
Anne Lies
Timothy O'Brien
Kevin Margarit
Ginny Eichten Fox
James Larranaga
William Mack
John Olk
Ruth McLaughlin
Monica Gross
James Melssen
Kate Jaeger McMahon
Charles B. Reed, Jr.
Gina Schullo Meacham
Phil Hoeppner
Margaret Koenig Mueller
Elizabeth Menke
Jim Susag
45 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Alumni Kimberly Hanke Susag
Class of 1989
Rebecca Lunde Jacobs
Genevieve Genis
Michele Bierschbach Kohl
Stacy Carlson Haneland
Kenneth LaChance
Amy Landgren
Ginny Hill Sentman
Lisa St. Aubin Anderson
Andrew Shimek
Kevin Broveleit
Joseph Dolan
Rachel Naughton Dolan
Annual Report 2011-2012
Laurel Rucker Shuman
Class of 1997
William Hengen
Jamie Kuester
Cole Pederson
Jennifer Lutgen
Candice Knight Duval
Margaret Reinhardt Pittelko
Erik Nerhus
Paul Kuester
Ted Waldeck
Rebecca Smith
Benjamin Poehling
Thomas R. Noonan
Melissa Casey Suek
Michaela Pope
Kristin Olson
Class of 2001
Michael Rothstein
Katy Sawyer
Jeffrey Bredemus
Jacob Schaffer
Class of 1998
Sarah Harristhal Egan
Class of 1992
Jesse Foley
Katie Grahn Bienash
Todd I. Geissler
Heather Bye-Kollbaum
Shari Eggenberger Kawiecki
Paul Dosh
Gregory J. Meyer
Terri Sumner
Andrew Cook
Natalie Losurdo
Meghan Boies
Class of 1995
Molly Rinowski Olsen
Teresa Garland Braun
Pamela Berry Steffens
Annie Juettner Foley
Rebecca Henderson Anderson
Sarah Lahr Kuenle
Karen Kelly Olson
Patrick T. Kelly
Rob Anklam
Aaron Lapensky
Class of 2002
Bryan Phillips
Michelle McCullum
Mary Sandven Blom
Attila Rumy
Patrick Audette
J.J. Ryan
Sarah Smith Strecker
Anne Nelson Brown
Jessica LaChance Weber
Megan Bose
Katherine Fox Clubb
Class of 1999
Maureen Davy Tesch
Class of 1993
Paul Humbert
Megan Kearney Scherf
Class of 1990
Jamie Derosier
Brian Naughton
Jessica Meacham Boerboom
Class of 2003
Christopher Fischer
Jon Duval
Michelle Johnston Phillips
Ryan Boerboom
Ashley Anklam
Jonathon Backes
Gretchen Hall Gifford
Shannon Curley Glynn
Lance Schmitt
Heather Burns
Kathleen Sullivan Goeddeke
Mary Lutgen Kann
Elizabeth Ostrem Tromiczak
Bryan Cole
Rachel Plantier Backes
Deanna Hartman Lelemsis
Mark McCarthy
Stephanie Eaton Truhlar
Jaime Henry
Amanda Bandur
Melissa Landgren
Kevin Davy
Kyle Malone
Meghan Foley
Bridget Martinson Mork
Lynne Poehling
Paul Newton
Chris Ritz
Class of 1996
Dan O'Rourke
Rachel Schumacher Rose
Laura Kronlage Besler
Stephanie Parks
Katie Johnson
Craig Ritz
Amy Sawyer
Marianne Trepanier Brekke
Nicollette Burgess Pauksta
Christopher Lahr
Scott Carr
Jeff Schaffer
Kevin Rollwagen
Kevin Clancy
Sarah Lehnert Schaffer
Molly Nerhus Rollwagen
Anne Deitch Ferguson
Class of 2000
Class of 2004
Angela Murray
Joseph Cassioppi
Meredith Eichten
Elizabeth Rucker
Melissa Webert Dalum
Sean O'Hagan
Annette Floersch Schaffer
Class of 1991
Brian Taney
Peter Waldeck
Brian Allingham
Class of 1994
Gregory Grahn
Kelly Carlson
Bernard Shane Grutsch
Kathryn Burkemper Derosier
Brian Gruidl
46 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Alumni Jon Phillips
Annual Report 2011-2012
Class of 2012
Luke Elfering
Sean Leonard
Connor Reid
Joshua Littman
Natalie Rethlake
Alec Akuloff
Mara Exline
Michael Taylor
Alexander Andrzejek
Margaret Farmer
Madeline Lomauro
Michael Richardson
Samuel Welna
John Banovetz
Margaret Folkestad
Margaret Lynch
Jack Riester
Kyle Banyard
Grace Forciea
Samantha Maijer
Elizabeth Rosener
Meghan Beck
Robert Frerich
Ashley Marback-Laddusaw
Justin Rudolph
Holly Beeson
Hannah Gallucci
Jack McIlwain
Hunter Sager
Joseph Betlej
Lauren Gazich
Shannon McQuillan
Daniel Schaefer
Ryan Bleau
Sarah Grey
Danielle Mendez
Matthew Schmidt
Meg Boerner
Jacqueline Hartmann
Faith Moehn
Lauren Schulke
Marisa Bognanno
Brittney Hegg
Sierra Morell-Tomassoni
Amy Scislow
Stephanie Botros
Danielle Heimkes
Courtney Moynihan
Shelby Shand
Parker Bredow
Sam Hinh
Kayla Mulrooney
Hannah Shea
Nicole Brekken
Nicholas Hirsch
Genevieve Myran
Philip Skogmo
Sam Brenny
Emily Hoeppner
Hannah Nelson
Alexandra Specht
Courtney Briggs
Megan Hoffman
Shane O'Brien
Katja Stadler
Meredith Brown
Riley Hogan
Sarah Odalen
Alexander Stephens
Katherine Budin
Lara Holley
Grace Orstad
Ian Stonehouse
Lindsay Burns
David Huss
Thomas Patrias
Mary Streiff
Riley Burns
Joseph Iverson
Caroline Paulson
William Style
Katelyn Caron
Elizabeth Jamieson
Dominique Pavlow
Jordan Svec
Alana Christie
In Jeong Jeon
Catherine Peller
Daniel Uhrich
Class of 2007
Emily Ciabattoni
Emilie Johnson
Kiara Perez
Amanda Ulmer
Annie Malknecht
Kathryn Cleary
Katherine Jondle
Michael Pokorny
Sarah Ulmer
Kathryn Coleman
Joseph Kaus
Taylor Polacek
Gabrielle Vincent
Andrea Condic
Dong Kim
Veronica Prickel
Rochelle Vincent
Claire Coulter
Danielle LaChance
Sarah Pupkes
Tyler Warmack
Daniel De Grace
Megan Lahti
Tyler Quam
Allison Warmka
Michelle DePauw
John Lavin
Grace Quiring
Bridget Williams
Andrew Easton
Elizabeth Lecy
Stephen Raab
Madden Zappa
Amanda Skinner
Gregory Young
Class of 2005
Sonya Boeser
Christina Contino
Greta Hughes
Mary Ellen Jaspers
Robyn Kelly
Class of 2006
David Bohman
John Finnegan
Derek Ketcho
Laura Kinowski
Derek Michalski
Kevin Poindexter
Elyse Rethlake
Matthew Schumacher
AHA STARS and their STAR experiences
Students honor Tyler Quam and Madden Zappa
with Mary Medal and Thomas More Award
Tyler Quam and Madden Zappa are this year’s winners of the AHA Thomas
More Medal and the Mary Medal. The Mary Medal was established in 1954.
The Thomas More Medal was established in 1974. Both medals honor
students who best exemplify the characteristics of the Christian life.
Members of the senior class choose the winners.
Madden is well known at AHA for her volunteer efforts, especially for her
skills in creating, organizing, and executing new projects. For example, two
years ago, she headed up an effort to make and deliver more than 200
warm blankets for people who were homeless or in need. Last winter, she
gathered and facilitated the distribution of more than 1,300 pairs of socks
to people who were homeless.
She has an uncanny ability to inspire others to get involved. AHA art
teacher and technical theater director Dan Dimond said, “Madden came
to theater crew fairly quiet and reserved. Boy, that did not last long, thank
God! Whether it was in theater or the classroom, she pushed herself and
her fellow students to very high standards. She gets it done with grace,
humility, and, oh, so much intelligence. I can’t imagine anyone more
deserving of AHA’s longest-standing honor. It has been a blessing to have
traveled these years with her.”
Madden also won this year’s Student Government Award.
AHA STARS and their STAR experiences
“Tyler Quam is a friend to everyone at AHA,” said College and
Career Counselor Tina Proctor. “He’s truly an AHA Hero and a joy to work
with —friendly, organized, independent, and a self-advocate. And he’s an
incredible actor, too.”
Tyler is indeed an accomplished actor. This spring he earned a Scholar
of Distinction in Theater Arts Award from the Minnesota Department of
Education. The process for earning this award is rigorous. Students first
submit an extensive portfolio of their work in theater along with writing
assignments focused on script analyses, character development, and
performance critiques. Once they reach the finalist round, they participate
in interviews with judges and make formal presentations or take part in
“It’s an exhaustive process,” says AHA Theater Director Gregg Sawyer,
“and it is one that forces students to examine what they do as artists. It
helps them learn what it means to be a professional, working artist.”
Tyler also is the winner of AHA’s 2012 Star Activities Award, given annually
for excellence in the arts, academics, clubs, intramural sports and/or
student leadership.
49 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Current Parents
Anonymous (4)
James and Debra Hartman Burns ’84
James and Susan Easton
John and Carmen Gwazdacz
Mark and Deborah Kinney
Annette Adelmann
Tim and Mary Beth Bungert Burns ’86
Brice and Jann Eichlersmith
Thomas ’85 and Lynette Haeg
Richard and Barbara Klish
Rebekah and Joel Anderson
Phillip and Carla Steger Cable ’78
Doug and Katy Ascher Eiden ’81
Doug and Denise Hagge
John Knaack and Margaret Weightman
John and Janice Andrzejek
Julio and Genevieve Calvillo
Stephen Evans
Robert and Lisa Harris
Michael and Amy Kneeland
Neil Baker
Erica and Garrett Carlson
David and Lynn Evinger
Joseph and Christy Heil
Mark and Denise Knutson
John ’85 and Cindy Banovetz
Dean and Elaine Carlson
John and Linda Exline
Carol Heimkes
Mike and Annette Kojetin
Leslie and Nancy Banyard
Jeffrey and Lisa Caron
Mark and Sheila Farmer
Corrine Heine
James and Polly Koontz
Rick and Jill Barnes
Susan Casad
James and Linda Fink
Scott and Kelli Hemenway
Dean and Janell Kraus
Paul and Kelly Baron
Dawn Vayder Catcher ’79
Michael and Julie Flaherty
Angelo and Amy Kusber
Robert Beck
Jon and Lynn Christie
Margaret Flynn
Kathy J. Higgins Victor and
Robert Victor
Mary Beeson
Aileen and Michael Cinque
Edward and Dawn Folisi
Marissa Hilario-Pavlow
Steven Laddusaw & Gail Marback
Michael and Cathy Lahti
Mark and Susan LaChance
Timothy and Anastasia Benz
Timothy and Carrie Cleary
John and Sheila Sarazin Folkestad ’83
John and JoAnn Hillen
Kevin and Lynn Benz
Steve and Mona Freeberg
Paul and Margaret Hirsch
Mardi and Paul Larson
Clare Bernhagen
Timothy Conroy and
Mara Sedlar-Conroy
Eduardo and Maria Elisa Freitas
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Daniel and Patricia Lavin
Joseph and Kathleen Betlej
David and Anne Cook
Robert and Kathleen Frerich
Curt and Karen Hoffman
Michael and Kelly LaVine
Stephen and Mary Bianchi
Scott and Julie Crossman
James and Mary Friedman
Jeff and Barb Hoffmann
Catherine Lawrence & Lee Sheehy
Jeffrey and Sharon Birkins
Todd and Mary Czachor
Brent and Nancy Friendshuh
Keith and Kathleen Holley
Thomas and Mary Jo Lecy
Lon and Bobbi Black
Julie Darst
Lawrence and Elizabeth Frye
Mark and Kathleen Hollingsworth
Patrick and Cheryl Lehnherr
William and Wendy Blackburn
Michael and Janna Davies
Mary and Mark Gallardo
Charles and Ann Welbes Hubbard ’80
Amy Leyden
Andrew and Jennifer Block
Daniel and Theresa De Grace
Stephen and Jill Garrison
Jeff and Jane Sandvik Hurinenko ’85
Deborah Bognanno
Harry and Calleen De Oliveira
Patrick and Mary Gazich
David ’86 and Patricia Flynn Huss ’86
James and
Catherine Srnec Lingenfelter ’80
Nicholas Bognanno
Christine and Denny DeNio
Christopher Geist and Kristine Oberg
Stephen ’83 and Stephanie Huss
Jennifer and Alan Littman
David and Cynthia DeMars Bollig ’85
Kathy and Jeff Dennis
Thomas and Jennifer Gillen
Trace and Michelle Jacques
Nancy Locken
Patricia and Roy Bower-Jernigan
Thomas and Susan DePauw
Mariana Ginder and Michael Goblirsch
Jeffrey and Lisa Jamieson
James and Leslie Lohan
Thomas and Julie Bowlin
Dan and Anne DePrey
Karla Gluek and Jim Sorboro
Daren and Ryan Jensen
Mark and Kathleen Lomauro
Lisa Boysen
Serge and Mary Desalvo
Peter Graves
Roxanne Johnson
Bryant Loving
Daniel and Debra Bredow
Jerome and Joyce Kelash Dominique ’75
Michael and Amy Gresser
Kristopher and Robin Johnson
Michael Mahoney
Patrick and Julie Brekken
John Dornik ’80 and Sarah Kalweit
Joseph and Linnea Grey
Douglas Jondle and Nancy Bains
Carl and Mary Maijer
Wayne and D’Anne Briggs
Paul and Lana Downes
Monica Gross ’82
Steven and Shannon Jones
David and Lori Matlon
William and Lynn Brown
Ellen Drasin
Dale and Mary Gruenke
Laurie and Stephen Karl
Terry and Margaret Mattson
Michael and Lynn Brown
Mark and Jeanette Dubanoski
Michael and Teresa Gurin
Paul and Pamela Kaus
Shannon and Michael Mayer
James ’85 and
Deborah Rocheford Burke ’86
Doug and Jean Dubbink
Gary and Sarah Gwaltney
Kenneth and
Shari Eggenberger Kawiecki ’89
Christina McCracken
James and Carolyn Duffy
Sharon McGinnis and Karl Zgoda
50 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Current Parents Annual Report 2011-2012
Dirk and Wendy McMahon
Kevin and Canda Palattao
Mark and Colleen Sackmaster
Matthew and Mary Thompson
Joseph ’77 and Sue Schaefer McNamara
Jeff and Tressa Patrias
Michael and Lisa Sackmaster
James J. Thomson
Gerald and Colleen McQuillan
John and Kathleen Paulson
Rod and Robin Sande
Cindy and Greg Thorp
Corey and Pamela McSweeney
Thomas and Ludmilla Peller
Thomas and Joleen Schaefer
Donald and Martha Tierney
George and Donna Meador
Dave ’82 and Karen Pelner
James Schaefer
Julie Tigges and Joseph Bornong
Joe ’83 and Beth Meyer
Lauren and Anastasia Peters
Eugene and Chris Schmidt
Aaron and Julee Titze
Alice Mikhail
Dennis and Julie Pfab
Steven and Kathryn Schneider
Bruce and Barbara Tjossem
Richard and Claudia Mikos
James and Leslie Pierce
Barbara and Dallen Schnichels
Lynn and Mark Traun
Matthew and Kaleen Mikulski
Gary and Mary Piram
Reed and Mari Beth Schulke
Steven ’85 and Mary Trudell
Greg and Laura Keinz Miler ’85
Katie and Ted Plunkett
Mark and Maggie Schumacher
Joseph Uhrich
Timothy and Lisa Miotti
Gregory and Amy Revak Poehling ’79
Jim and Lori Schumacher
Daniel and Diane Ulmer
Brian and Lisa Moehn
Wayne and Catherine Pokorny
Edward and Linda Scislow
John and Elizabeth VanderAarde
Allen and Lori Moen
Jeffrey and Naomi Price
Sean and Susan Shand
Mark and Erin Vannelli
Daniel and Mary Beth Moline
Theodore and Antonetta Prins
Scott and Patricia Sharkey
Patrick and Linda Moriarty
Patrick and Gail Pueringer
Mark and Anne Sharockman
Rodney Vincent and
Gwen McFadden-Vincent
Frank and Kelli Mork
Barry and Joanne Purrington
Michael and DeAnne Shea
Laura and Timothy Vitelli
Dean and Melpomeni Murdakes
Jesse and Jeannine Quam
Kevin and Jane Shea
Steven and Kathy Warmack
Timothy ’82 and Beth Murphy
Kevin and Ann Quiring
Peder and Judith Skogmo
Michael and Sara Hammer Warner ’85
Mark Myran and Elizabeth Wagner
Todd and Constance Reid
Brian and Patti Smith
Lisa Warren
Richard and Janell Nelson
Timothy and Justine Rethlake
Robert and Grace Specht
John and Megan Wedl
Marty and Kate Flynn Nicklay ’85
Paul and Anna Riester
Dave and Joanie St. Peter
Erik and Cathy Weis
Songsu Noh
Shelley Riley ’75
Thomas and Fran Stadelman
Catherine and Pat Weiss
Kevin and Sandra O’Brien
Joe and Candy Rinowski
Joseph and Sharon Stadnik
Briana Westrum and Paul Afong
Margaret Sullivan O’Connor ’82
Michael and Suzanne Robin
Milton and Theresa Stephens
Mark and Wendy Willner
Kevin and Diane O’Hehir
Christopher and Angela Roloff
Bill and Cindy Style
Jeffrey and Geri Wise
William M. Oaster and
Katherine A. Courrier
Daniel Rooney and Lisa Guyer-Rooney
Mike and Sue Sullivan
Gilbert and Debbie Roscoe
Jim ’88 and Kimberly Hanke Susag ’88
Michael Wise ’75 and
Brenda Schieffert-Wise
Kimberly Ober
Michael and Denise Svec
David and Michele Odalen
William and
Maureen Brombach Rosener ’77
Kathleen and John Orner
Bryan and Diane Ross
Maureen Davy Tesch ’89
Cully and Heidi Orstad
Jamie Rudolph
Peter Thelen and Dr. Lynne Gibeau
David and Mary Pat Oslund
Paul Ruhland and Rose Jagim
James and Cheryl Thomas
Stephen Pagel
Paull Rukavina and Patricia Pettit
James and Joan Taylor
Bruce and Patricia Wolfson
Timothy and Beth Wynne
Scott and Cheri Younghans
Joseph and Christine Zappa
Bridget Zappa
Gary and Jane Zielke
51 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Past Parents, Friends & Grandparents
Anonymous (25)
Scott and Diane Barriball
Shirley Scholz Boeser ’44
Thomas and Ann Nye Burke ’82
James and Bonnie Talbot Cox ’56
Lois Abbott
Joe and Kathy Bartish
Nicholas Bognanno
Robert and Sharon Burnham
Michael and Charlotte Crabtree
Rick and Angie Abbott
Robert Bartlett
Deborah Bognanno
Father J. Michael Byron
Neal and Cindy Cronin
Gary and Ann-Marie Ablan
Nicholas and Karen Basil
Patricia A. Donahue Boie ’59
Barbara Campbell
Pamela Curley
Mark and Jeanne Adam
Mary Batey
Bill and Bernice Bordenave
Buck and Kristen Campbell
Tim and Kristi Curoe
Floyd Adelman
Robert and Laura Bauer
Joseph and Georgia Bortolussi
Robert Campbell
Kevin and Mary Curry
Veronica Ahern ’66
Robert and M.J. Bauer
Thomas and Andrea Bose
Mike and Mary Louise Campion
Harold and Sharon Dahl
Neil and Ann Stiehm Ahlstrom ’70
David Baumgardner and
Rita O’Malley Baumgardner
John and Margaret Bosiger
Gary and Christine Caple
Robert and Genevieve Dahl
Nancy and Daniel Alcombright
Pamela and Joe Boston
Kathleen Capra
Chris Dallager
Erik and Susan Allen
Ken and Sandy Bayerl
Rita Boulay
John and June Carlson
Mark and Linda Dalsin
Dennis and Claudette Allingham
Robert Beck
Daniel Bowler
Joseph and Karen Casey
Ann Daly
William and Lois Andersen
James and Priscilla Becker
John and Kathleen Boyle
Lawrence and Phyllis Casey
Tom and Patricia Daly
Kent and Carol Anderson
John and Marguerite Hasselo Becker ’58
Elizabeth and Joseph Brama
Kathleen Aman Cashin ’62
Gene and Mary Lou Dankowski
Dean and Mary Anderson
J. Becker
Maria and Anthony Brandel
Sheryl Caspers
Nicolas and Kim David
Jody and Theresa Anderson
Daniel and Margaret Hayes Bednarz ’59
Terrie Stebbins Brandt ’58
Joseph and Mary Cassioppi
William and Susan Davis
Gary and Anne Anderson
Timothy and Lorelei Bedor
Daniel and Debra Bredow
Barbara Castagna
James and Gail Davis
Mike Anderson
Tony Beldon
Doug Breezee
Terry and Marjorie Caye
Mark and Joan Davy
Harry Anderson & Judith Weeks
Marie and Robert Bell
Carol and Fred Breitling
Richard Champley
D.L. and D.J. De Pauw
Roz Andreucci
Ted and Elaine Bergman
Michael and Marilyn Brewer
Hilda and Robert Chmielewski
Michael and Marsha DeGroot
Charlie and Cathy Anhut
Joseph and Kathleen Betlej
Wayne and D’Anne Briggs
Mark and Jane Chronister
Linda DeLude
Gregory and Ann Anklam
Helen Lamm Biedron ’55
Mark and Gail Brodersen
John and Dianne Cizek
Ron and Karlyn DeMars
Patricia Arnold
John and Nancy Bierbaum
Kathleen Brogan and Mark Lauer
Thomas and Linda Clancy
Mark and Terry Denucci
Sharon Asbell
Dennis and Grace Bierschbach
Russell and Debra Brooks
Jane Clifford
Fred and Mary Ellen Denucci
Mark and Kris Audette
Terry Bil and Joan Scherrer
Michael and Lynn Brown
Irv and Carole Cohen
Mary DePauw
Neil Baker
Aimee Bissonette & Bryan McKamey
Neil Brozen and Mary Wertz
Robert and Mary Colbert
Thomas and Susan DePauw
Stan and Cindy Bandur
Kathleen Blatz ’72 and
Wheelock Whitney
Diane Bruder
Kevin and Patricia Cole
Genoa Desalvo
Elia Bruggeman
Brian and Jennifer Collins
William Dickey and Karen Steiner
Jim and Marcia Hendricks Buckman ’63
Chad Commers
Mary Diercks
Paul and Victoria Blum
Frederick and
Mary Spinner Budworth ’62
Kevin and Katie Conneely
Stephen and Jacquelyn Dombrovski
Lester and Carolyn Boatman
William and Madelyn Conrad
Jean and Hugh Donohue
John and Lisa Buhta
Tom and Colleen Boerboom
Frederic and Susan Contino
Andrew Donovan
Beverly and Dan Bumgarner
Vernon and Lois Boes
Paul and Alice Hurley Corrigan ’78
Terence and Millicent Adams Dosh ’57
Wayne and Kathryn Burger
Daniel and Patricia Bane
James and Audrey Banovetz
Leslie and Nancy Banyard
Michele and Phil Barnhill
Marilyn Barnicle
Tim and Patti Barrett
Tim and Sara Blazek
John and Margaret Blissenbach
52 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Past Parents, Friends & Grandparents continued
Bill and Jeanette Dostal
Vernon and Regina Fischbach
Gary and Martie Trader Glockner ’57
Allan Douglass
Karen Fisher
Tom and Lisa Goblirsch
Jerry and Joan Downes
Veronica Coke Fitzgerald
Duane and Joan Goldammer
Lois Doyle
Richard Fleming 
Leon and Patricia Grahn
Patrick M. and Jane Mather Doyle
Michael Riley Fleming ’60
Jeff and Linda Graves
Victoria Drake
Pat and Ann Dalsin Flynn ’59
Joseph and Linnea Grey
Jonathan Dundore
Roxanne Flynn
Frank and Jeri Dunn
Margaret Flynn
Loren and
Mary Ann Leininger Gross ’56
Kenneth F. and Shannon Dunst
Raymond and Maureen Fobbe
Brian and Rachel Grubbs
Nancy and Gary Dupont
Alan and Joanne Foley
Neal Guggemos
James and Susan Easton
Peter and Mary Foley
Michael and Teresa Gurin
Mary Warren Eggenberger ’59
John and Sheila Sarazin Folkestad ’83
John and Elaine Hafertepe
Peter and Mary Egger
Robert and Marian Fox
Robert and Patricia Hall
Bob and Sharon Eichten
Michelle Fox
Dennis and Suzanne Boeser Halpin ’69
Donald and Leone Eichten
Ernest and Joanne Frankovich
Jill and John Hamburger
Thomas and Cheryl Elenz
Joseph ’77 and Darla Fraser
Mary Hammes
Cynthia Metz Elg
Mary Jane Fraser
Melani and Troy Hanisch
John and Karen Elsen
Eileen Freeman
Michael and Martha Hannan
Donald Elsen
John and Mary Frenzel
James and Margaret Hanson
Joe ’75 and Linda Dolezal Elsen ’75
Stephen and Susanne Fry
Curtis and Nell Hanson
Gary and Leanne Embretson
Doug Fulton and Cindy Baune
John and Katherine Hanson
James and Virginia Engel
Robert and Barbara Gaertner
Mary Harkess
Robert and Patti Engel
Joseph and Judy Gallagher
Christy Harper
Jon and Patricia Engfer
Dr. Joseph Garamella
Joseph and Diane Harrington
Steven Ethen
Rick and Ann Garland
Mark and Peggy Haumersen
Anne Hamel Everett ’42
Daniel and Karen Ostrem Garrity ’64
Jeanine Hawkins
John and Rosellen Fairall
Floyd and Jeanette Gast
Janice Farley
Ruth Gaustad
Michael and
Elizabeth Hendrickson Hawkins ’64
Donald and Veronica Fashant
Christopher Geist and Kristine Oberg
Jeffrey and Mary Faust
Betts Arms Giefer ’45
Duane and Kathy Fell
Brian and Lynda Girouard
Mary Jo Feltl
Michael and Heidi Girsch
Joanne LaPole Hawkins ’56
Robert and Mary Healy
Thomas and Linda Healy
Sonia Heidinger
Carol Heimkes
Franklin and Elizabeth Hoffman
Thomas and Laurie Helling
Janet Holland
Amy Helman
Dallas Holm
Gary and Linda Hendlin
Julie Holt
Arvid and Barbara Herigstad
James and Marylee Horstmann
Joyce Hermann
James and Larae Hovland
Paul and Kristi Herro
Mary Dexter Howard ’47
Mrs. Philomena M. Hesse
Brett Howells
Jennifer and Jason Hickman
Robert and Joyce Humboldt
James Hidding
Elane Hurinenko
Marissa Hilario-Pavlow
Thomas and Therese Hurley
Jim and Jane Hileman
Marvin and Evelyn Huss
James and Aileen Hill
Patricia Kenney Igel ’57
Jennings Hill and Sylvia Matzke-Hill
Joselito and Lilian Ignacio
Jerome and Barbara Hirsch
Jerome and Ione Imsdahl
William Hjort
Valdis and Dorothy Inde
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Chris and Betty Ingram
Robert and Joan Hoeppner
Daniel and Eileen Kelly Ivory ’58
53 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Past Parents, Friends & Grandparents continued
Paul and Jane Foley Jaeger ’53
Robert and Phyllis Klatt
Diane Lawrence
Lawrence and Barb Matthews
Gerald and Kathleen Hayes Meyer ’53
Jeffrey and Lisa Jamieson
Jean and Mark Knutson
Daniel and Karen Lawrence
Terry and Margaret Mattson
David and Sharon Packard Jasper ’58
Mark and Denise Knutson
Hau and Phuong Le
Melva D. Mayclin
Keith L. Meyers and
Katherine Lingofelt-Meyers
Ronald and Mary Jelmo
William and Karen Koenig
Pearl Lebens
Patrick and Patricia McAdaragh
Eileen Leeder Michalski ’62
Sandra Jeska
Jane and Lawrence Koenig
Thomas and Mary Jo Lecy
Tom and Colleen McCarthy
Irene Mikkalson
Richard and Becky Boeser Johander ’74
Paul and Jan Kotz
Gordon Lewis
Heather McCollor
Eugene and Marcella Mills
Jerry Johnson
Thomas and Kathleen Kregel
Arlene Leyden
Katie McCollow
Sandra Mishler-Boll
Roxanne Johnson
Thomas and Michele Krenn
George and Dolores Libera
John and Kelly McCoy
Brian and Lisa Moehn
Bruce W. Johnson and
Peggy Duffy-Johnson
Edward and Maureen Krmpotich
Jennifer and Alan Littman
Charles and Lois McDonald
John and Tonya Moon
Peter and Kym Kronschnabel
Mike and Julie Loney
Anne McElroy
Thomas and Katherine Moore
Kristopher and Robin Johnson
Annette Krueger
Deborah Long
Florence McErlane
Douglas Jondle and Nancy Bains
Michael and Carole Krutsch
Scott and Joni Loomer
Francis and Virginia McGoldrick
Charles H. Moore and
Charlotte E. Chamberlain
Connie Jones
Jeanne Kuchera
Sally Lovegreen
Peggy Murphy McGrath ’45
Richard and Rita Tholen Juettner ’54
Kathleen A. and Harold Kutler
Stephen and Colleen Short Lucke
John and Patti Kasper
Mary Parker La Fontaine ’53
Scott and Michelle Lynch
John McLaughlin and
Jean Baker-McLaughlin
Paul and Pamela Kaus
Dan and Julie Laabs
Elizabeth Maas
Sara and Matt McLenighan
Jerry and Karen Morris
David and Nancy Kaysen
Mark and Susan Lacek
Lynn Maaske
Mike McNamara
Robert and Virginia Morris
Thomas and Mary Kearney
Mark and Susan LaChance
Gary ’76 and Sheila Machacek
H.G. McNeely
Gregory and Kathy Mueller
Richard and Jeanette Keinz
Mary LaChance
Melanie MacLean
Gerald and Colleen McQuillan
Judith Muenzhuber
Richard and Joan Kelley
Steven Laddusaw & Gail Marback
Carl and Mary Maijer
Mary Rocheford Mulheran ’38 
Danny and Mary Kelly
George and Maureen Coleman Lahr ’71
Arnold and Shirley Majerus
Jeffrey ’79 and
Gina Schullo Meacham ’80
Vincent and Jane Kelly
Michael and Cathy Lahti
Ratna and Bernie Mallawaaratchy
George and Donna Meador
Margaret Murphy
Todd and Suzanne Laing
Rosemary and Leo Mallie
Marlowe Medland
Mary Murphy Powers
Jose and Maria Lala
Chris Medrano
Philip and Rosalba Murray
Marie A. Medvec ’65
James and Ramona Myott
Laurence and Marilyn Kelly
Robert W. and Ruth A. Kemper
Shelly Ann Moorman ’58
Brien and Catherine Morgen
Timothy and Kelly Moritz
Thomas and Julie Murnan
Mike and Sara Kenefick
Richard and Kathy Laliberte
Stephen and
Stephanie Trembley Malone ’70
William and Mary Keniston
John and Claudette Lamprecht
Blaine and Mary Mamer
Richard and Josefa Melhorn
Carol and Joseph Napoleon
Kent and Colleen Lapel
Gary Mao and Zhenya Ni
Mark and Karen Melhorn
Pamela Nelson
Stephen and Barbara Lapensky
Greg ’77 and Julie Margarit
Greg and Barb Melsen
Richard and Janell Nelson
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Mary A. LaRock
Joseph and Patricia Margarit
Donna Mercer
James and Rayanne Nelson
Thomas and Paula Kettell
Craig and Barbara Larson
Michael and Kathleen Tait Martin ’64
David Merfield
Deanne T. Gantzer Nelson ’64
Robert and Jean Laue
Ramona Nygaard Martin ’56
Michael ’76 and Erin Merrigan
Gary and Mary Margaret Ness
Francis and Sandy Launstein
Mary Martinson
David Metzger
Bill and Sylvia Newfield
John F. and Catherine K. Marx
Stephen and Deborah Meyer
Philip and Sandra Newton
Thomas and Maureen Kent
Marnie Keough
Gary and Kathy King
Peter and Ana King
Victor Kirsch
54 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Past Parents, Friends & Grandparents continued
Eric and Heidi Overman
Betty and Steve Ragaller
Thomas and JoAn Overton
Jeff and Cheryl Raile
Stephen Pagel
Ed and Margaret Ramirez
Theresa and Lawrence Palmersheim
Bruce and Janice Rankin
Philip and Connie Paquette
Anthony Reddy
Daniel Passe
Charles and Charlotte Gamble Reed ’61
Russ and Janet Patience
Gerald Regnier
John and Kathleen Paulson
Todd and Constance Reid
Thomas and Virginia Paulson
Michael and Lisa Reilly
Nicholas and Mary Jo Paulus
John Reilly & Michele McKeown
Patrick Pazderka
Jill and Patrick Reilly
Rita Peller
Mary F. Storch Reiter ’33
Sally Peters
Timothy and Justine Rethlake
Lee Petersen
Timothy and Kathleen Reuter
Martha Pettee
Jerald Richardson
Dennis and Julie Pfab
Gerald and Kathryn Rients
Ronald and Lauri Jo Picotte
Paul and Laurie Ritz
Mary Shabel Pierce ’35
William Rodier
Jim and Mary Jo Plantan
Daniel and Ann Plog
Richard ’78 and
Marie Welbes Rodier ’78
Leo and Julia Poehling
Chuck and Pauline Rogers
Charles and Pauline Poppler
Alex Rogosheske
William and Holly Porter
Benjamin Rohloff
Jerry and Betts Potter
Jeffrey Romatoski and
Donnabelle Christenson
John E. Povolny
Songsu Noh
Michael and Anita O’Connor
Jeffrey S. Ogden and Susan Malouf
William and Sherryle Noleen
Roger and Elizabeth Merry O’Daniel ’55
Gregory and Rhoda Olsen
Todd Nollenberger
Suzette and Mike O’Meara
Lawrence and Lynn Olson
Terry and Kathy North
Michael and Brenda O’Neil
David and Denise Olson
Donald and Joyce Nowak
Robert O’Neil
Paul and Sharon Olszewski
Kevin and Sandra O’Brien
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill and Family
Cully and Heidi Orstad
Michael and Carol O’Brien
Thomas and Gayle O’Reilly
Kevin and Theresa Orth
Jeffrey and Naomi Price
Steve Rosch and Julene Lind
Lloyd Prischmann
William and
Maureen Brombach Rosener ’77
Marie Pufpaff
Bernard Rosser
Darla Pulles
Kevin and Terri Bungert Roth ’75
Ray and Stephanie Turgeon Quinn ’62
Doris and Ron Rothstein
Margaret Reedy Quinn ’48
William and Carolyn Rucker
Peter and Catherine Radintz
Jamie Rudolph
55 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Past Parents, Friends & Grandparents continued
Gary and Cynthia Rufsvold
Liz Shepley
Florence  and Maynard Stucki
Mary Twite
Larry Wigley
Dennis Ryan
Susan Sherman
Anthony and Susan Stuppnig
Joseph Uhrich
Dan and Patricia McGruder Willette ’62
Mary Ryan
Donna Shern
Joel and Elizabeth Sullivan
Daniel and Diane Ulmer
Kaye Willner
Anders Sandberg
Thomas Shields
Fay Sullivan
Donald and Judith Unger
Richard and Kathy Wilson
Jeff and Mary Jo Sanderson
Timothy and Barbara Shields
Mary Sullivan
Theresa Urbaniak
Darcy Winter
Carolyn Durigan Sandin ’50
Charles and Teresa Shirron
Ronald and Cynthia Sundboom
Richard and Patricia Van Dyke
Beverly Wise
Terrence and Ann Sandvik
Patricia A. Siegenthaler
Milton and Barb Sunde
Mr. and Mrs. Van Sloun
Mark and Patricia Wittman
Michael and Vickie Sauro
Martha Anne La Place Simms ’52
Michael and Denise Svec
Scott and Barbara Vasko
Patrick and Maureen Wollak
Patrick and
Charlotte Krueger Scanlan ’50
James and Julie Simons
Joann Tacl
Ashley Vaughn
Bill and Carin Simpson
Greg and Kelly Tangen
Robert and
Judy Masloski Wonsavage ’61
Roger and Deb Scheerz
Chuck Slocum and Lucille Axelsen
Thomas and Barbara Teresi
Rodney Vincent and
Gwen McFadden-Vincent
George Thibault
Edward and Virginia Doyle Vizard ’56
Joseph and Janice Worley
Richard and Jessica Thomas
Bernie and Jeanne Freeberg Walch ’55
Susan Wright
Michael and Lisa Wright
Stephen and Beryl Schewe
Mary Schmelz
Gail Smith
Richard and Leslie Kennedy Smith ’60
Dan and Cindy Woods
Peter and Nghia Schoengart
Gary and Linda Smith
James and Cheryl Thomas
Timothy and Rebecca Waldeck
Robert and Lucy Schuelke
Loren and Laura Solfest
John and Barbara Kuhl Thoraldson ’57
Dennis and Marilyn Walker
Patricia Yaeger
James Thornton and Linda Canfield
Marshall and Vicki Walzer
Theresa Yares
Kelly and Scott Thorp
Steven and Kathy Warmack
Scott and Lynn Young
Jennifer Zaligson
Reed and Mari Beth Schulke
Ellen and James Schuller
Judy Sprenger
Beverly Springer
Denise Perrizo Schumacher ’58
Joann and Michael St. Aubin
Mark and Lisa Thostenson
Andrew Webb
Robert Schumacher
Jeff and Kim St. Martin
Donald and Judy Tobroxen
Anne L. Weber-Smith and Steve Smith
Bridget Zappa
Wesley and Mary Torsch
Helen Budde Weides ’45
Keith and Kay Zempel
Theodore and Ruth Treat
Arlene Welbes
Wayne Zetzman
Larry and Joan Zielke
Lawrence and Judith M. Schuster
Suzanne and Robert Scolamiero
Virginia and Walter Stadelman
Joseph and Sharon Stadnik
Diane Scovill
Nancy Steele
Greg and Nancy Trebil
Ray and Carole Welter
Charles and Dolores Seashore
Michael and Erin Steinlage
Marie B. Tromiczak
George Wertin
Marge Carlson Zieska ’56
Donald and Jane Truhlar
James and Rochelle Westerhaus
Roy and Ofelina Zillmer
Brian and Ann Turbeville
Carol Cooper White-Tillemans ’67
Kimberly Zillmer
Andrea Turgeon
Patrick and Peggy Wier
John and Nell Miller Zingsheim ’39
Todd and Daina Sentyrz
Mary Setter
James and Nancy Sheldon
Roger and Jeanne Stevens
Colette Stone
Dwayne and Rita Strand
AHA STARS and their STAR experiences
Riester excels at state golf tourney
AHA golfer Jack Riester tied for second place in the state high school golf
tournament this spring.
Here’s what Coach Randy Nelson had to say about him. “Not only did Jack
excel at state, he was a great captain for us this last year. He provided very
mature leadership and a great example for the rest of the squad on and off
the golf course. He was especially helpful to the younger guys on the team.
“Jack made himself a golfer, starting with a love for the game and then
putting in countless hours of practice and playing and taking lessons from
his pro. This past year he worked with a coach who helped him prepare
for whatever came along on the golf course, mentally as well as physically.
I was thrilled when he took second place in AA State, especially because
he missed last year’s tournament due to an emergency surgery. This year’s
state tournament was a great way for him to wrap up his high school
golf career.”
About his experience at AHA, Jack says, “Being involved in athletics was a
great experience for me. It taught me how to be a great competitor, a great
leader, and how to dedicate myself to something I love.” Jack will attend
the University of St. Thomas in fall 2012 and plans to compete in golf at the
collegiate level.
57 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Organizations, Matching Gift Companies & Foundations
Anonymous (1)
CB Richard Ellis Foundation
Downtowner Car Wash
Humboldt Family Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Black Forest Inn
Champp’s Restaurant
Droolin’ Moose
Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse
ABC Express, Inc.
Bloomington Drug Co., Inc.
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre
Dundore Events and Entertainment
Illusion Theater
Abdallah Candy and Gift Shoppe
Bluff Creek
Chez Daniel Bistro
Eagan Eye Clinic
IMAX Theatre at the Minnesota Zoo
Above All Hardwood Floors
Bobby & Steve’s Auto World
Chianti Grill
Ecolab Foundation
Acme Comedy Company
HJ Boerboom & Petrolle’s, Inc.
The Children’s Theatre Company
El Meson
Interstate Batteries
Christos Greek Restaurant
Elness Swenson Graham Architects, Inc.
Interstate Battery System of Minneapolis
Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Boulay, Heutmaker, Zibell and
Co. P.L.L.P.
Class of 1961
Elsen Brothers, Inc.
Izzy’s Ice Cream
Afton Alps Ski Area
Boyum & Barenscheer, PLLP
Class of 1991
Emily June Designs
J.A. Price Agency, Inc.
AHA Community Association
Brackett’s Crossing Country Club
Clover Cleaners
Everest On Grand
Jax Cafe
AHA Stardome
Brave New Workshop
Fat Lorenzo’s
Jim and the BB’s
Al Vento
Cobb Strecker Dunphy &
Zimmerman, Inc.
Feltl and Company
JMC Retail Group
All Systems Installation
Briggs and Morgan
Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
Fireside Hearth & Home
Joe Senser’s Sports Grill
Alliance Bank
Broadway Pizza
ComedySportz Improv Theater
Froehling Anderson
Joe’s Garage
Alliss Educational Foundation
Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery
Continental Diamond
General Mills Foundation
Jostens Inc.
American Express Company
Bruegger’s Enterprises, Inc.
CorePower Yoga
Get Wireless
Ameriprise Financial
Brunswick Zone XL – Eden Prairie
Crosstown Family Dental
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney
Family Foundation
The Anchor Fish and Chips
Bryant Lake Bowl
Crowne Plaza Saint Paul Riverfront
Go To College Helper, Inc.
Andon Balloons, Inc.
Buca di Beppo
Cub Foods – Edina
Apres Party and Tent Rental
Buck’s Unpainted Furniture
Curran’s Family Restaurant
Grand Slam Sports and
Family Entertainment
Arch Insurance Group
Burl Oaks Golf Club
Custom Refrigeration, Inc.
Great Lakes Aquarium
Kopp Family Foundation
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
Cafe Latté
Gresser Companies
Lance Hill Photography
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Cafe Maude
Dale Studios
Ground One of Minnesota
Learning Rx
Associated Bank
Caffe Biaggio
Deer Run Golf Club
Guthrie Theater
Lehman’s Garage
Avant Decor
Cannon River Winery
Harris Companies
Len Druskin
Canterbury Park
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Leonard, Street and Deinard, P.A.
Baxter Healthcare
Denet Kenefick & Associates, P.A.
Hat Trick Hockey
Let’s Dish!
Becker Furniture World
Cara Irish Pubs
Dermatology Specialists
Hell’s Kitchen
Lifetouch National School Studios
Beckman Coulter Foundation
Caribou Coffee – Richfield Store #1147
Direct Source, Inc.
Heritage Links Golf Club
Lillians of Hopkins
Carmelo’s Restaurant
Disney Community Relations
Hilton Minneapolis/Bloomington
Lindstrom Embroidery
The Bibelot Shops
Caron Chiropractic Health Care
Donald’s Apparel and Uniform
Holy Land Brand, Inc.
Lions Tap Restaurant
Big Picture Ventures
Cars with Heart
Dougherty, Molenda, Solfest, Hills
& Bauer P.A.
HOM Furniture
Luci Restaurants
M. Gilbertson Design, LLC
Catholic Community Foundation
Knowledge Transfer Consulting
Services, Inc.
Koch Trucking
58 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Organizations, Matching Gift Companies & Foundations continued
MacPhail Center for Music
Schuler Shoes
UBS Employee Giving Program
The Malt Shop
O’Gara’s Bar & Grill
Sebastian Joe’s Ice Cream
United Defense
Maplewood Imports
James B. & Catherine L. O’Meara Trust
Securian Financial Group, Inc.
McGrann Shea Law Firm
Old Log Theater
Sew What!
United Way of Metropolitan
Atlanta, Inc.
The McKnight Foundation
Olympic Hills Golf Club
The Medtronic Foundation
Opus Corporation
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Velocity Hockey Center, LLC
Mendakota Country Club
Slumberland Furniture
Vera Bradley, Mall of America
Metro Athletic Supply
Organized Today
Southwest Airlines
The Metropolitan
Pacem Studio
Sports Star Photography Corp.
Vertical Endeavors Indoor Rock
Climbing Facility
Michael Girsch Agency, Inc.
Park Square Theatre
St. Patrick’s Guild
Midtown Global Market
Park Tavern
St. Paul Saints Baseball Club
Millennium Hotel
Pearson Orthodontics, P.A.
Stefanson Law
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
The Pentair Foundation
Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine
Pfizer Foundation
Taher, Inc.
Minnesota Historical Society
Pioneer Creek Golf Course
Minnesota Independent School Forum
Pumphouse Creamery
Teach Me Tapes
Minnesota Land Title Association
Punch Neopolitan Pizza
The Graco Foundation
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
The Legends Golf Club
Minnesota State Fair
The Red Stag Supper Club
Minnesota Swarm
Radisson Hotel Bloomington
by Mall of America
The Toro Company
Residential Mortgage Group
Thomson Reuters
Minnesota Twins
Richfield Flowers & Events
Three Rivers Park District
Minnesota Valley Country Club
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Minnesota Vikings
Richfield Recreation Services
Minnesota Wild
Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union
Minnesota Zoo
RJF Agencies, Inc.
Minuteman Press
Roasted Pear Restaurant
Momento Images LLC
Rocco Altobelli Corporate Office
Morgan Stanley
Rogosheske, Sieben, Atkins &
Pugh, LLC
Minnesota Timberwolves
Fastbreak Foundation
Mulcahy Company, Inc.
Murray’s Restaurant
Noodles & Company
Theatre in the Round
Tom Reid’s Bar and Grill
Topside Restaurant
The Toro Foundation
Total Access, Inc.
Travelers Insurance
TRIA Orthopaedic Center
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Tryg’s Restaurant
Savvi Formal Wear
Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program
Viking Forest Products
Viking Trophies
Viksnins Harris & Padys PLLP
Visiting Angels
Voyager Village
Waldeck & Lind, P.A.
Walker Art Center
Wallace Carlson Printing
Warners’ Stellian Appliance
Wayzata Asset Management
Weis Builders, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Welna Ace Hardware
Westwood Sports
Whitney Foundation
Wild Mountain
Wildfire Restaurant
Woolley’s Restaurant
XS Consulting Group
Yoga Center of Minneapolis
Youth Performance Company
59 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Board of Trustees & Staff Members
Board Members
Brian McCartan
Michele Barnhill
Andrea Allen
Gina Schullo Meacham ’80
Patricia Bower-Jernigan
Gretchen Amigon
Mark Melhorn
Theresa Carr ’77
Christine Hunt Anderson ’71
Randall Nelson
Kevin Conneely
Margaret Angevine
Stephanie Nitchals
James Duffy
Cathy Anhut
Mary Nosek
Jill Hamburger
Michelle Baumgartner
Liliana Orsi
Joseph Harrington
Ray Betton
Jim Page
Stephen Hoeppner ’80
Pamela Boston
Melisa Pesha
Bruce W. Johnson
Carrie Carroll
Donna Poshusta
John Kasper
Sherry Case
Tina Proctor
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Kathleen Cassidy
Jean-Luc Roche
Shannon Mayer
Emily Dapper
Meghan Roth
Jerry Morris
Christopher DeCrans
Doris Rothstein
Timothy Murphy ’82
Christine DeNio
Paul Ruhland
Terry North
Jesse Foley ’89
Gregg M. Sawyer
Kevin O’Brien
Heidi Foley
Deb Scheerz
Sr. Colleen T. O’Malley, CSJ
Mariana Ginder
Thomas E. Shipley
Jeffrey S. Ogden, board chair
James Gunderson
Fr. Mike Tix
Jeff Patrias
Ruth Gustafson
Greg Trebil
Bishop Lee Piché, ex officio
Kathleen Hanley ’71
Joseph Uhrich
Steve Ragaller
Katherine Hanson
Christine Unnasch
John Schutz
William Hengen ’00
Stephen Vopatek
Thomas E. Shipley, ex officio
Michael Kautzman
Susan Weberg
C. Noelle Wynne, ex officio
Carla Kilkelly
Steven Werle
Ann Kjorstad
Christopher Williams
Barbara Klish
Sherry Williams-Strand
Paul Kotz
Dan Woods
Dianne LaScotte
C. Noelle Wynne
David Marshak
60 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Scholarships
Alliss Educational
Class of 1979 Scholarship
James ’79 and Amy Jaeger Clancy ’81
Lindsay Burns ’12
Sam Hinh ’12
Madeline Lomauro ’12
Riley Burns ’12
Nicholas Hirsch ’12
Margaret Lynch ’12
James and Debra Hartman Burns ’84
Emily Hoeppner ’12
Samantha Maijer ’12
Alliss Educational Foundation
Martha Andersen Conners ’79
Tim and Mary Beth Bungert Burns ’86
Megan Hoffman ’12
Carl and Mary Maijer
Andrew Gaertner ’88
Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1980 Scholarship
Katelyn Caron ’12
Riley Hogan ’12
Ashley Marback-Laddusaw ’12
The Graco Foundation
Jeffrey and Lisa Caron
Lara Holley ’12
Jack McIlwain ’12
Jon and Lynn Christie
Keith and Kathleen Holley
Shannon McQuillan ’12
Robert ’88 and
Sarah Harristhal Egan ’89
Class of 2012 Scholarship
Alana Christie ’12
David Huss ’12
Gerald and Colleen McQuillan
Robert and Barbara Gaertner
Emily Ciabattoni ’12
Joseph Iverson ’12
Danielle Mendez ’12
Francis and Sandy Launstein
Annette Adelmann
Kathryn Cleary ’12
Elizabeth Jamieson ’12
Faith Moehn ’12
Jon Launstein ’88
Alec Akuloff ’12
Timothy and Carrie Cleary
Jeffrey and Lisa Jamieson
Brian and Lisa Moehn
Charles ’88 and Denise Musech
Alexander Andrzejek ’12
Kathryn Coleman ’12
In Jeong Jeon ’12
Sierra Morell-Tomassoni ’12
Timothy ’88 and Laura O’Brien
John and Janice Andrzejek
Andrea Condic ’12
Emilie Johnson ’12
Courtney Moynihan ’12
John ’88 and Stacey Olk
John Banovetz ’12
Claire Coulter ’12
Roxanne Johnson
Kayla Mulrooney ’12
Gina and Chad Schumacher ’87
Kyle Banyard ’12
Daniel De Grace ’12
Douglas Jondle and Nancy Bains
Genevieve Myran ’12
Anne Schumacher ’84
Memorial Scholarship
Leslie and Nancy Banyard
Daniel and Theresa De Grace
Katherine Jondle ’12
Mark Myran and Elizabeth Wagner
Meghan Beck ’12
Michelle DePauw ’12
Joseph Kaus ’12
Hannah Nelson ’12
Holly Beeson ’12
Andrew Easton ’12
Paul and Pamela Kaus
Songsu Noh
Joseph Betlej ’12
Luke Elfering ’12
Dong Kim ’12
Shane O’Brien ’12
Ryan Bleau ’12
Mara Exline ’12
Mark and Denise Knutson
Sarah Odalen ’12
Meg Boerner ’12
Margaret Farmer ’12
Danielle LaChance ’12
Grace Orstad ’12
Barry DeLude
Memorial Scholarship
Marisa Bognanno ’12
Margaret Folkestad ’12
Mark and Susan LaChance
Cully and Heidi Orstad
Stephanie Botros ’12
Grace Forciea ’12
Steven Laddusaw & Gail Marback
Thomas Patrias ’12
The DeLude Family
Parker Bredow ’12
Robert Frerich ’12
Michael and Cathy Lahti
Caroline Paulson ’12
Daniel and Debra Bredow
Hannah Gallucci ’12
Megan Lahti ’12
John and Kathleen Paulson
Bernie’s Montessori
Nicole Brekken ’12
Lauren Gazich ’12
John Lavin ’12
Dominique Pavlow ’12
Sam Brenny ’12
Patrick and Mary Gazich
Catherine Lawrence & Lee Sheehy
Catherine Peller ’12
Ratna and Bernie Mallawaaratchy
Courtney Briggs ’12
Sarah Grey ’12
Elizabeth Lecy ’12
Kiara Perez ’12
Wayne and D’Anne Briggs
Jacqueline Hartmann ’12
Thomas and Mary Jo Lecy
Michael Pokorny ’12
Meredith Brown ’12
Brittney Hegg ’12
Sean Leonard ’12
Taylor Polacek ’12
Michael and Lynn Brown
Danielle Heimkes ’12
Joshua Littman ’12
Veronica Prickel ’12
Katherine Budin ’12
Marissa Hilario-Pavlow
Jennifer and Alan Littman
Sarah Pupkes ’12
Annette Margarit ’73
Denise Perrizo Schumacher ’58
Robert Schumacher
61 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Scholarships Annual Report 2011-2012
Tyler Quam ’12
Michael and Denise Svec
Joseph and Georgia Bortolussi
Daniel Uhrich ’12
Pamela and Joe Boston
Michael and
Molly Casserly Goodson ’81
John and Tonya Moon
Jesse and Jeannine Quam
Kevin and Ann Quiring
Amanda Ulmer ’12
Rita Boulay
John and Elaine Hafertepe
Philip and Rosalba Murray
James and Ramona Myott
Gregory and Kathy Mueller
Grace Quiring ’12
Sarah Ulmer ’12
Boyum & Barenscheer, PLLP
Melani and Troy Hanisch
Stephen Raab ’12
Daniel and Diane Ulmer
Michael and Marilyn Brewer
Kathleen Hanley ’71
Gary and Mary Margaret Ness
Connor Reid ’12
Kathleen Brogan and Mark Lauer
John and Katherine Hanson
Julie Bednarz Oberle ’83
Natalie Rethlake ’12
Rodney Vincent and Gwen McFaddenVincent
Robert and Sharon Burnham
Mark W. Harm ’75
Margaret Sullivan O’Connor ’82
Michael Richardson ’12
Gabrielle Vincent ’12
Kathleen Davy Calhoun ’72
Jeanine Hawkins
Philip and Connie Paquette
Jack Riester ’12
Rochelle Vincent ’12
Barbara Castagna
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Ronald and Lauri Jo Picotte
Paul and Anna Riester
Tyler Warmack ’12
Martha Andersen Conners ’79
James and Marylee Horstmann
Katherine Tuma Ranzinger ’73
Elizabeth Rosener ’12
Allison Warmka ’12
Robert Couillard ’80
Jerry Johnson
Shelley Riley ’75
Justin Rudolph ’12
Bridget Williams ’12
Michael and Charlotte Crabtree
Hal and Catherine Carroll Johnson ’69
Kevin and Terri Bungert Roth ’75
Jamie Rudolph
Madden Zappa ’12
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
John and Patti Kasper
Saint Paul Foundation
Hunter Sager ’12
Bridget Zappa
Neal and Cindy Cronin
Vincent and Jane Kelly
Denise Perrizo Schumacher ’58
Dominic and Patricia
Margarit Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Tim and Kristi Curoe
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Robert Schumacher
Mark and Joan Davy
Peter and Ana King
Diane Scovill
D.L. and D.J. De Pauw
Victor Kirsch
Mary C. Weber Severson ’72
Fred and Mary Ellen Denucci
Jane and Lawrence Koenig
James and Nancy Sheldon
Mark and Terry Denucci
Dan and Julie Laabs
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Jerry and Joan Downes
George and Dolores Libera
Loren and Laura Solfest
Patrick M. and Jane Mather Doyle
Kathleen Lopiano
Stefanson Law
Jerry and Nancy Harris Driessen ’81
Joseph and Patricia Margarit
Anne and Charles Tacl ’80
Peter and Mary Egger
Annette Margarit ’73
James Thornton and Linda Canfield
Brice and Jann Eichlersmith
Shannon and Michael Mayer
Donald and Judy Tobroxen
Thomas and Cheryl Elenz
Anne McElroy
George Wertin
Joe ’75 and Linda Dolezal Elsen ’75
Dirk and Wendy McMahon
James and Rochelle Westerhaus
Vernon and Regina Fischbach
Greg and Barb Melsen
Molly Wheeler ’80
Judy and Robert Fleming ’80
Donna Mercer
Richard and Kathy Wilson
Mary Jane Fraser
David Metzger
Eileen Freeman
Gerald and Kathleen Hayes Meyer ’53
Susan Blecha Yanta ’66
Dr. Joseph Garamella
Joe ’83 and Beth Meyer
Marge Carlson Zieska ’56
Duane and Joan Goldammer
Jean Scholz Mitchell ’44
Daniel Schaefer ’12
Matthew Schmidt ’12
Lauren Schulke ’12
Amy Scislow ’12
Edward and Linda Scislow
Shelby Shand ’12
Sean and Susan Shand
Hannah Shea ’12
Philip Skogmo ’12
Peder and Judith Skogmo
Robert and Grace Specht
Alexandra Specht ’12
Katja Stadler ’12
Alexander Stephens ’12
Ian Stonehouse ’12
Mary Streiff ’12
William Style ’12
Jordan Svec ’12
Anonymous (18)
Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Erik and Susan Allen
William and Lois Andersen
Joe and Mary Ernst Anderson ’81
Christine Hunt Anderson ’71
Daniel and Patricia Bane
Nicholas and Karen Basil
Robert and Laura Bauer
J. Becker
Daniel and Margaret Hayes Bednarz ’59
Marie and Robert Bell
Douglas Berg
Aimee Bissonette & Bryan McKamey
62 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Scholarships Annual Report 2011-2012
Florence A. Florance
Memorial Scholarship
Healy Endowment
Scholarship Fund
Catholic Community Foundation
Robert and Mary Healy
General Scholarship
Anonymous (2)
JoAnn O’Neil ’48
Memorial Scholarship
AHA Class of 1961
Michael and Brenda O’Neil
Jan McKenzie Anderson ’57
Kathleen and Donald Cassidy
Catholic Community Foundation
John D. Banovetz
Memorial Scholarship
Christopher and Amy DeCrans
Bernadine Meyer Doll ’57
James and Audrey Banovetz
John and Rosellen Fairall
Kopp Family Foundation
Jarod and Rebecca Lunde Jacobs ’91
Janyce Mehr Jones ’59
Dianne LaScotte
Kopp Family Foundation
H.G. McNeely
Mary LaRock Scholarship
Irene Mikkalson
Mary A. LaRock
Jim Page
James and Cheryl Thomas
San Miguel Scholarship
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Bruce and Barbara Tjossem
Visiting Angels
Hamburger Scholarship
Jill and John Hamburger
Tyler Fey ’00
Memorial Scholarship
Diane Bruder
63 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Memorials
In Memory of Rosemary
Thompson Anderson ’48
In Memory of
Michael Cunniff
William and Mary Keniston
Dan and Patricia McGruder Willette ’62
William and Karen Koenig
Susan Wright
In Memory of
Andrew Gaertner ’88
David and Kate Anderson Smith ’78
Dennis and Claudette Allingham
Jeanne Kuchera
XS Consulting Group
Lois and Sean McDermott ’87
Mary Batey
Richard and Kathy Laliberte
Keith and Kay Zempel
Dennis and Grace Bierschbach
Peter and Sheila Clifford Lind ’65
John and Margaret Bosiger
Scott and Joni Loomer
In Memory of Dorothy Daly
Robert ’88 and
Sarah Harristhal Egan ’89
James and Audrey Banovetz
Katherine Olsen Bredesen ’65
Mary Martinson
Tom and Patricia Daly
In Memory of Isabelle Barker
Russell and Debra Brooks
Florence McErlane
Jim and Marcia Hendricks Buckman ’63
Marsha Poeschl Miller ’65
Kathleen Davy Calhoun ’72
Minnesota Land Title Association
Kathleen Capra
Brien and Catherine Morgen
John and June Carlson
Jerry and Karen Morris
Jane Clifford
Thomas and Julie Murnan
Pamela Curley
James and Rayanne Nelson
Harold and Sharon Dahl
Pamela Nelson
Ann Daly
Joanne Russell Parsons ’61
Gene and Mary Lou Dankowski
Sally Peters
James and Gail Davis
Wayne and
Michelle Johnston Phillips ’95
In Memory of John D.
Stephen and Jacquelyn Dombrovski
In Memory of Melissa Boeser
Sonya Boeser ’05
In Memory of
Becky Budworth ’92
Frederick and
Mary Spinner Budworth ’62
In Memory of Bob Burke
Jane and Lawrence Koenig
In Memory of
Carol Eckman Busch ’62
Karen Holman DeVries ’62
In Memory of Agnes
Mary (Molly) Coffey ’48
Thomas and Patricia McConville
Holloran ’48
William and Susan Davis
Michael and Marsha DeGroot
Ginny Melcher DiNovis ’65
Mary McKeen Dolezal ’65
Raymond and Maureen Fobbe
Jesse ’89 and Annie Juettner Foley ’92
Daniel and Karen Ostrem Garrity ’64
Ruth Gaustad
Michael and Heidi Girsch
Shannon Curley Glynn ’93
Mary Bauman Heruth ’65
Janet Holland
James and Larae Hovland
Richard and Rita Tholen Juettner ’54
Charles and Pauline Poppler
Peter and Catherine Radintz
Jill and Patrick Reilly
Chuck and Pauline Rogers
In Memory of Barry DeLude
The DeLude Family
In Memory of
Joseph Donnelly
Rae Henrikson Donnelly ’60
In Memory of
Dale Eggenberger
In Memory of Janice Fell
John ’88 and Stacey Olk
Gina and Chad Schumacher ’87
In Memory of
Sr. Angele Gleason
Mollie Mulheran Raih ’61
In Memory of Eunice
and Thomas Keane
Barbara Keane Gunther ’61
Irene Holman Blakely ’61
Diane Bruder
Judy Sprenger
Helen Budde Weides ’45
Timothy ’88 and Laura O’Brien
Jerome Imsdahl
Kenneth and Shari Eggenberger
Kawiecki ’89
Gary and Linda Smith
Stephanie Rice Warren ’65
Charles ’88 and Denise Musech
In Memory of Ione Imsdahl
In Memory of Tyler Fey ’00
Timothy and Rebecca Waldeck
Francis and Sandy Launstein
Ryan Kawiecki ’15
Denise Magney Shaughnessy ’65
Elizabeth Ostrem Tromiczak ’95
Jon Launstein ’88
Mary Warren Eggenberger ’59
Eileen Scallen ’77
Judy Jardine Stucki ’65
Robert and Barbara Gaertner
In Memory of
Joanne Floersch
Daniel and
Annette Floersch Schaffer ’90
In Memory of Martin Kuehne
Doris and Ron Rothstein
In Memory of
Kathleen Cayley Kutler ’53
Harold Kutler
64 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Memorials Annual Report 2011-2012
In Memory of M. Joseph
Beverly Wise
Marie and Robert Bell
Eileen Freeman
Joe ’83 and Beth Meyer
Rosemary Laidlaw Witt ’45
Aimee Bissonette & Bryan McKamey
Dr. Joseph Garamella
Jean Scholz Mitchell ’44
Lois Abbott
Mark and Patricia Wittman
Joseph and Georgia Bortolussi
Duane and Joan Goldammer
John and Tonya Moon
Harry Anderson & Judith Weeks
Marge Carlson Zieska ’56
Pamela and Joe Boston
Michael and
Molly Casserly Goodson ’81
Gregory and Kathy Mueller
Rita Boulay
Boyum & Barenscheer, PLLP
John and Elaine Hafertepe
James and Ramona Myott
Michael and Marilyn Brewer
Melani and Troy Hanisch
Gary and Mary Margaret Ness
Gordon Lewis
Kathleen Brogan and Mark Lauer
Kathleen Hanley ’71
Julie Bednarz Oberle ’83
In Memory of
Patrick J. Mahoney
Robert and Sharon Burnham
John and Katherine Hanson
Margaret Sullivan O’Connor ’82
Kathleen Davy Calhoun ’72
Mark W. Harm ’75
Philip and Connie Paquette
Barbara Castagna
Jeanine Hawkins
Ronald and Lauri Jo Picotte
Martha Andersen Conners ’79
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Katherine Tuma Ranzinger ’73
Robert Couillard ’80
James and Marylee Horstmann
Shelley Riley ’75
Michael and Charlotte Crabtree
Jerry Johnson
Kevin and Terri Bungert Roth ’75
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Hal and Catherine Carroll Johnson ’69
Saint Paul Foundation
Denise Perrizo Schumacher ’58
Patricia Arnold
Sharon Asbell
John and Nancy Bierbaum
Robert Campbell
Jane Clifford
Fred and Mary Ellen Denucci
Mark and Terry Denucci
Doni and Steve DeNucci ’81
Gary and Leanne Embretson
Vernon and Regina Fischbach
Eileen Freeman
In Memory of LaVerne
Slagel Lewis ’48
Michael Mahoney
In Memory of
Shirley Majerus
Becky Majerus Moody ’88
Neal and Cindy Cronin
John and Patti Kasper
In Memory of
Nathan Malby’85
Tim and Kristi Curoe
Vincent and Jane Kelly
Robert Schumacher
Mark and Joan Davy
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Diane Scovill
Yvonne Jarrett ’85
D.L. and D.J. De Pauw
Peter and Ana King
Mary C. Weber Severson ’72
Fred and Mary Ellen Denucci
Victor Kirsch
James and Nancy Sheldon
Mark and Terry Denucci
Jane and Lawrence Koenig
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Fred and Mary Ellen Denucci
Dan and Julie Laabs
Loren and Laura Solfest
Jerry and Joan Downes
George and Dolores Libera
Stefanson Law
Anne and Charles Tacl ’80
Michael and Heidi Girsch
Cindy Mills Glessner ’73
James and Margaret Hanson
James Hidding
David and Nancy Kaysen
Jane and Lawrence Koenig
Thomas and Michele Krenn
Philip and Rosalba Murray
In Memory of Dominic
and Patricia Margarit
H.G. McNeely
Anonymous (18)
Gerald and Kathleen Hayes Meyer ’53
Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Patrick M. and Jane Mather Doyle
Kathleen Lopiano
Eugene and Marcella Mills
Erik and Susan Allen
Jerry and Nancy Harris Driessen ’81
Joseph and Patricia Margarit
Donald and Judy Tobroxen
Jerry and Karen Morris
William and Lois Andersen
Peter and Mary Egger
Annette Margarit ’73
George Wertin
Philip and Rosalba Murray
Joe and Mary Ernst Anderson ’81
Brice and Jann Eichlersmith
Shannon and Michael Mayer
James and Rochelle Westerhaus
Thomas and Virginia Paulson
Christine Hunt Anderson ’71
Thomas and Cheryl Elenz
Anne McElroy
Molly Wheeler ’80
Jill and Patrick Reilly
Daniel and Patricia Bane
Joe ’75 and Linda Dolezal Elsen ’75
Dirk and Wendy McMahon
Richard and Kathy Wilson
Mary McFarland Ritten ’55
Nicholas and Karen Basil
Vernon and Regina Fischbach
Greg and Barb Melsen
Fay Sullivan
Robert and Laura Bauer
Judy and Robert Fleming ’80
Donna Mercer
Susan Blecha Yanta ’66
Steven and Kathy Warmack
J. Becker
Mary Jane Fraser
David Metzger
Marge Carlson Zieska ’56
Daniel and Margaret Hayes Bednarz ’59
Gerald and Kathleen Hayes Meyer ’53
65 Academy of Holy Angels
Donors – Memorials Annual Report 2011-2012
In Memory of
Joseph J. McErlane, Sr.
In Memory of
Anne Schumacher ’84
Florence McErlane
Annette Margarit ’73
In Memory of Mary K.
Sutton Medland ’66
Denise Perrizo Schumacher ’58
Robert Schumacher
Marlowe Medland
In Memory of Michelle
M. (Nicklay) Schaffer
In Memory of Bernice
and Victor Muckenhirn
Lon and Bobbi Black
Mary Ellen Muckenhirn Wishart ’58
In Memory of Mary Alice
Thies Nedry Smith ’39
In Memory of
Cathy Nelson ’61
Theresa Nedry Wentz ’74
Lola Leifeld ’51
In Memory of
Patricia Snyder ’55
In Memory of
Theodora Menges Page ’57
Roger and Elizabeth Merry O’Daniel ’55
Kathleen Donahue ’57
In Memory of
Eugene R. Wise
In Memory of
Judith King Passe ’57
Daniel Passe
Michael Wise ’75 and
Brenda Schieffert-Wise
In Memory of Kay and
Joe Schmidtlein
In Memory of Alice & Bob
Workman and deceased
class of ’40 classmates
Dr. Rozanne Schmidtlein ’62
Elaine Workman Butler ’40
In Memory of
Elizabeth Zetzman ’60
Wayne Zetzman
66 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Tributes
In Honor of AHA
Class of 1957
In Honor of AHA College
and Career Center Staff
Terence and Millicent Adams Dosh ’57
John and Elizabeth VanderAarde
In Honor of AHA
Class of 1961
Lorraine Kleve Boser ’61
Margaret Doyle Lindgren ’61
In Honor of Jean Farrell
Susan Casad
In Honor of
Nicholas P. Hirsch ’12
In Honor of
Walter Schmiesing
Jerome and Barbara Hirsch
John ’85 and Cindy Banovetz
In Honor of Carla Kilkelly
In Honor of
Madden Zappa ’12
Michael and Lisa Wright
In Honor of
Tommy Fitzgerald ’15
In Honor of Griffin Baker ’12
Veronica Coke Fitzgerald
John Knaack and Margaret Weightman
In Honor of
Grace Forciea ’12
In Honor of
Elizabeth Lecy ’12
Catherine Lawrence & Lee Sheehy
Thomas and Mary Jo Lecy
Neil Baker
Patricia Hames Munn ’61
In Honor of Kathleen
Lyman Barrett ’43
In Honor of AHA
Class of 1965
Ellen Barrett Hanten ’72
Marsha Poeschl Miller ’65
In Honor of Mario Bianchi ’13
In Honor of Grace ’12
and Jack Forciea ’15
In Honor of
Marissa Mahoney ’13
William and Sherryle Noleen
Diane Lawrence
Michael Mahoney
In Honor of
Devon Bowdry ’11
In Honor of Will ’10
and Mara Geist ’12
In Honor of My Mother
Roy and Ofelina Zillmer
Christopher Geist and Kristine Oberg
In Honor of Jack ’11 and
Meredith Brown ’12
In Honor of
Davin Hanson ’99
In Honor of Emily ’08,
Paul ’10 and
Grace Orstad ’12
Michael and Lynn Brown
Curtis and Nell Hanson
Cully and Heidi Orstad
In Honor of Kate Hanson
Daniel and Kathleen Seidel Walsh ’86
In Honor of Kristine
Champley Kelly ’99 and
Conor Champley ’03
In Honor of
Kristin Peterson ’96
In Honor of AHA
Class of 1996
Richard Champley
Elizabeth Rucker ’96
In Honor of Diane De Lapa
In Honor of AHA
Class of 1971
George and Maureen Coleman Lahr ’71
In Honor of AHA
Class of 1981
Margaret Morris-Gronlund ’81
In Honor of AHA
Class of 1986
In Honor of AHA
Class of 2010
Michael and Lisa Wright
Patrick Mahoney ’82
In Honor of Kay Hibben
Geraldine E. Wallace Berg ’53
Patricia Mulrennan De Lapa ’47
In Honor of
Francis John Higgins III
In Honor of
Kellsie De Oliveira ’14
Kathy J. Higgins Victor and Robert
Harry and Calleen De Oliveira
Joanne Russell Parsons ’61
Patricia Yaeger
In Honor of Greg and
Amy Poehling ’79
Leo and Julia Poehling
In Honor of Joan Rourke ’65
Steven and Colleen Werle
Bridget Zappa
In Honor of Daniel Zielke ’03
Larry and Joan Zielke
67 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Starfest 2012: It’s Our Night to Shine
Cash Donors
James and Carolyn Duffy
Brian and Beth McCartan
Bryan and Diane Ross
Melissa Landgren ’99
The Toro Foundation
Steven and Kathryn Schneider
Starfest Platinum Sponsor
Mulcahy Company, Inc.
Anonymous (3)
Rita Peller
Starfest Gold Sponsor
($2,500 – 4,999)
Jeffrey S. Ogden and Susan Malouf
Starfest Supporter
($100 – $249)
Scott and Patricia Sharkey
Amanda Skinner ’04
Kelly and Scott Thorp
Anonymous (2)
Aaron and Julee Titze
Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union
Patricia and Roy Bower-Jernigan
Mark and Erin Vannelli
Gary and Jane Zielke
RJF Agencies, Inc.
Lisa Boysen
Arch Insurance Group
Scott and Julie Crossman
Associated Bank
Sports Star Photography Corp.
Todd and Mary Czachor
Harris Companies
The Medtronic Foundation
Sharen Hansen Darling ’58
Starfest Donor
(Less than $100)
Scott and Kelli Hemenway
Tyco Electronics Matching Gift Program
Michael and Janna Davies
Anonymous (1)
Wells Fargo
Dan and Anne DePrey
Kevin and Lynn Benz
Joseph ’77 and Sue Schaefer McNamara
Briana Westrum and Paul Afong
Mark and Jeanette Dubanoski
Terry Bil and Joan Scherrer
Alice Mikhail
Kevin and Sandra O’Brien
Michael Wise ’75 and
Brenda Schieffert-Wise
James and Linda Fink
Lon and Bobbi Black
Greg and Laura Keinz Miler ’85
Peter Graves
Diane L. Roberts Blake ’69
Mark Myran and Elizabeth Wagner
Dale and Mary Gruenke
Maria and Anthony Brandel
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill and Family
Kathy J. Higgins Victor and
Robert Victor
William and Lynn Brown
Todd and Constance Reid
Kevin ’96 and Kaishan Clancy
Elyse Rethlake ’06
Aileen and Michael Cinque
Stephen ’80 and Beth Hoeppner
Timothy and Carrie Cleary
Jean-Luc Roche
Jill and John Hamburger
Charles and Ann Welbes Hubbard ’80
Harry and Calleen De Oliveira
Paull Rukavina and Patricia Pettit
J.A. Price Agency, Inc.
Jeff and Jane Sandvik Hurinenko ’85
Kathy and Jeff Dennis
Mark and Colleen Sackmaster
Mark and Susan Lacek
Richard and Joan Kelley
David and Lynn Evinger
Amy Sawyer ’93
Michael and Amy Kneeland
John and Sheila Sarazin Folkestad ’83
Thomas and Fran Stadelman
Jason and Sarah Lahr Kuenle ’98
Brent and Nancy Friendshuh
Mike and Sue Sullivan
Richard and Josefa Melhorn
Maureen Davy Tesch ’89
Anonymous (1)
Christopher Geist and Kristine Oberg
Timothy and Lisa Miotti
Doug and Denise Hagge
Matthew and Mary Thompson
James and Debra Hartman Burns ’84
Timothy and Kelly Moritz
Paul and Margaret Hirsch
Lynn and Mark Traun
Chad Commers
Trace and Michelle Jacques
Marshall and Vicki Walzer
Pamela Matthews Kerber ’73
Terrence M. White ’84
John Knaack and Margaret Weightman
Michael and Lisa Wright
Mark and Kathleen Lomauro
Marge Carlson Zieska ’56
Sara and Matt McLenighan
Doris and Ron Rothstein
Brian and Ann Turbeville
Visiting Angels
Wallace Carlson Printing
Starfest Silver Sponsor
($1,000 – 2,499)
Neil and Ann Stiehm Ahlstrom ’70
Avant Decor
John and Nancy Bierbaum
Boulay, Heutmaker, Zibell and
Co. P.L.L.P.
Starfest Bronze Sponsor
($500 – 999)
Starfest Promoter
($250 – $499)
Briggs and Morgan
Curt and Karen Hoffman
William M. Oaster and
Katherine A. Courrier
Custom Refrigeration, Inc.
Jim and the BB’s
Bishop Lee Piché
David and Nancy Kaysen
Katie and Ted Plunkett
Doug and Jean Dubbink
Patrick and Patricia McAdaragh
Barry and Joanne Purrington
Margaret Sieg McDonnell ’69
68 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Starfest 2012: It’s Our Night to Shine ITEM Donors
Brackett’s Crossing Country Club
Colgate University
Everest On Grand
Joe’s Garage
Brave New Workshop
Fat Lorenzo’s
John Carroll University
College of St. Benedict /
St. John’s University
Mary Jo Feltl
Broadway Pizza
College of St. Scholastica
Fireside Hearth & Home
Bruce W. Johnson and
Peggy Duffy-Johnson
Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery
ComedySportz Improv Theater
Joseph and Judy Gallagher
Jostens Inc.
Bruegger’s Enterprises, Inc.
Concordia College
Go To College Helper, Inc.
Thomas and Mary Kearney
Brunswick Zone XL – Eden Prairie
Concordia University – St. Paul
Gonzaga University
Ann Kjorstad
Bryant Lake Bowl
Kevin and Katie Conneely
Buca di Beppo
Grand Slam Sports and
Family Entertainment
Richard and Barbara Klish
Continental Diamond
Buck’s Unpainted Furniture
CorePower Yoga
Great Lakes Aquarium
Knowledge Transfer Consulting
Services, Inc.
Burl Oaks Golf Club
Creighton University
Ground One of Minnesota
Paul and Jan Kotz
Cafe Latté
Scott and Julie Crossman
James Gunderson
Annette Krueger
Cafe Maude
Crowne Plaza Saint Paul Riverfront
Gustavus Adolphus College
Todd and Suzanne Laing
Caffe Biaggio
Cub Foods – Edina
Guthrie Theater
Lance Hill Photography
Cannon River Winery
Curran’s Family Restaurant
Gary and Sarah Gwaltney
Learning Rx
Canterbury Park
Kathleen Hanley ’71
Lehman’s Garage
Cara Irish Pubs
Dale Studios
Harris Companies
Len Druskin
Caribou Coffee – Richfield Store #1147
D’Amico & Partners
Let’s Dish!
Kelly Carlson ’94
Deer Run Golf Club
Mark and Peggy Haumersen
Amy Leyden
Carmelo’s Restaurant
Hell’s Kitchen
Lifetouch National School Studios
Caron Chiropractic Health Care
Ron and Karlyn DeMars
Gary and Linda Hendlin
Lillians of Hopkins
Sherry Case
DePaul University
Hilton Minneapolis/Bloomington
Lindstrom Embroidery
Kathleen and Donald Cassidy
Thomas and Susan DePauw
Holy Land Brand, Inc.
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre
Dermatology Specialists
HOM Furniture
James and
Catherine Srnec Lingenfelter ’80
Chez Daniel Bistro
Disney Community Relations
Chianti Grill
Donald’s Apparel and Uniform
Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse
Jon and Lynn Christie
Downtowner Car Wash
Illusion Theater
Christos Greek Restaurant
Droolin’ Moose
IMAX Theatre at the Minnesota Zoo
Bobby & Steve’s Auto World
Aileen and Michael Cinque
James and Carolyn Duffy
Izzy’s Ice Cream
David and Cynthia DeMars Bollig ’85
Clover Cleaners
Dundore Events and Entertainment
J.A. Price Agency, Inc.
Bill and Bernice Bordenave
Cobb Strecker Dunphy &
Zimmerman, Inc.
Bob and Sharon Eichten
Jax Cafe
El Meson
Sandra Jeska
Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
Emily June Designs
Joe Senser’s Sports Grill
Anonymous (5)
Abdallah Candy and Gift Shoppe
Above All Hardwood Floors
Acme Comedy Company
Floyd Adelman
Afton Alps Ski Area
AHA Stardome
Al Vento
All Systems Installation
Mark and Martha Allen
Andrea Allen
Alliance Bank
Andon Balloons, Inc.
Apres Party and Tent Rental
Arizona State University
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Augustana College
Rick and Jill Barnes
Becker Furniture World
Bemidji State University
Helen Lamm Biedron ’55
Black Forest Inn
Kathleen Blatz ’72 and
Wheelock Whitney
Pamela and Joe Boston
Lions Tap Restaurant
John ’87 and Mary Lohmann
Loras College
Loyola University
Luci Restaurants
Luther College
M. Gilbertson Design, LLC
Macalester College
MacPhail Center for Music
69 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Starfest 2012: It’s Our Night to Shine continued
Judith Rauenhorst Mahoney ’70
Paul Ruhland and Rose Jagim
The Legends Golf Club
Viking Forest Products
Maplewood Imports
Terry and Kathy North
Saint Cloud State University
The Malt Shop
Villanova University
Katie McCollow
O’Gara’s Bar & Grill
Saint Louis University
The Metropolitan
Viterbo University
McGrann Shea Law Firm
Old Log Theater
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
The Red Stag Supper Club
Stephen and Carol Vopatek
Sara and Matt McLenighan
Olympic Hills Golf Club
Savvi Formal Wear
The Toro Company
Voyager Village
Mark and Karen Melhorn
Joseph and Felicia O’Neill and Family
Gregg M. Sawyer
Theatre in the Round
Walker Art Center
Michigan Technological University
Organized Today
James Schaefer
Mark and Lisa Thostenson
Warners’ Stellian Appliance
Midtown Global Market
Liliana Orsi
Schuler Shoes
Three Rivers Park District
Washington University in St. Louis
Greg and Laura Keinz Miler ’85
Pacem Studio
Jim and Lori Schumacher
Wesley and Mary Torsch
James M. Weides ’78
Millennium Hotel
Park Square Theatre
Mark and Maggie Schumacher
Tryg’s Restaurant
Erik and Cathy Weis
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Park Tavern
Sebastian Joe’s Ice Cream
University of Dayton
Weis Builders, Inc.
Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine
Bishop Lee Piché
Sew What!
University of Denver
Catherine and Pat Weiss
Minnesota Historical Society
Pioneer Creek Golf Course
University of Kansas
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Tina and Marlan Proctor
Scott and Patricia Sharkey
University of Minnesota – Duluth
Wild Mountain
Minnesota State Fair
Patrick and Gail Pueringer
Thomas E. and Beth Anne Shipley
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Wildfire Restaurant
Minnesota State University – Moorhead
Pumphouse Creamery
Slumberland Furniture
University of Minnesota Morris
Minnesota Swarm
Punch Neopolitan Pizza
Brian and Patti Smith
University of Nebraska
Christopher Williams and Stephanie
Minnesota Timberwolves
Fastbreak Foundation
Southwest Airlines
University of North Dakota
Sherry Williams-Strand
Radisson Hotel Bloomington
by Mall of America
Southwest Minnesota State University
University of Notre Dame
Winona State University
Minnesota Twins
St. Catherine University
University of San Diego
Dan and Cindy Woods
Minnesota Valley Country Club
Regis University
St. Patrick’s Guild
University of St. Thomas
Woolley’s Restaurant
Minnesota Zoo
Jill and Patrick Reilly
St. Paul Saints Baseball Club
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Xavier University
Minuteman Press
Richfield Flowers & Events
Mike and Sue Sullivan
University of Wisconsin – River Falls
Yoga Center of Minneapolis
Daniel and Mary Beth Moline
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Youth Performance Company
Momento Images LLC
Richfield Recreation Services
Roasted Pear Restaurant
Teach Me Tapes
John and Elizabeth VanderAarde
Murray’s Restaurant
Vanderbilt University
Randall Nelson
Rocco Altobelli Corporate Office
The Anchor Fish and Chips
Noodles & Company
RFCF (See Notes)
The Bibelot Shops
Vertical Endeavors
Indoor Rock Climbing Facility
The Children’s Theatre Company
70 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
Donors – Golf Tournament: Shoot for the Stars
Star Sponsor
($1,000 – $2,500)
Silver Sponsor
($250 – $499)
Taher, Inc.
Brian Taney ’93
Hat Trick Hockey
Richfield Recreation Services
Frank and Kelli Mork
Briggs and Morgan
Total Access, Inc.
William Hengen ’00
Paul and Laurie Ritz
Mike and Sue Sullivan
Burl Oaks Golf Club
Velocity Hockey Center, LLC
Heritage Links Golf Club
Timothy and Rebecca Waldeck
Scott and Julie Crossman
Viksnins Harris & Padys PLLP
Jennings Hill and Sylvia Matzke-Hill
Kevin ’03 and
Molly Nerhus Rollwagen ’03
Deer Run Golf Club
Wagner, Falconer & Judd, LTD.
Brett Howells
Denet Kenefick & Associates, P.A.
John and Megan Wedl
Interstate Batteries
Jonathan Dundore
Michael Wise ’75 and
Brenda Schieffert-Wise
JMC Retail Group
Bronze Sponsor
(Less than $250)
Michael and Adrienne Kautzman
Jacob Schaffer ’94 an
Genevieve Genis ’94
Mark and Deborah Kinney
Jeff ’99 and Sarah Lehnert Schaffer ’99
Lance Hill Photography
Liz Shepley
Stephen and Barbara Lapensky
Timothy and Barbara Shields
Lindstrom Embroidery
Steve Lucas Photography
James and Leslie Lohan
Bill and Cindy Style
Bryant Loving
Michael Taylor ’04
Gary ’76 and Sheila Machacek
James J. Thomson
Waldeck & Lind, P.A.
Gold Sponsor
($500 – $999)
Eagan Eye Clinic
Steven and Shannon Jones
Bernard Rosser
Doris and Ron Rothstein
Amy Sawyer ’93
Thomas and Joleen Schaefer
Gregory and Ann Anklam
Bob and Sharon Eichten
Scott and Diane Barriball
Get Wireless
Centera Corporation
Corrine Heine
Crosstown Family Dental
John and JoAnn Hillen
Direct Source, Inc.
Curt and Karen Hoffman
Dundore Events and Entertainment
Interstate Battery System of Minneapolis
Elsen Brothers, Inc.
George and Donna Meador
Froehling Anderson
Mendakota Country Club
Ryan ’99 and
Jessica Meacham Boerboom ’99
Lawrence and Elizabeth Frye
Michael Girsch Agency, Inc.
Patricia and Roy Bower-Jernigan
Brian and Beth McCartan
Tom Reid’s Bar and Grill
Doug and Denise Hagge
Minnesota Twins
Elizabeth and Joseph Brama
Metro Athletic Supply
Topside Restaurant
Kathy J. Higgins Victor and Robert
Minnesota Wild
Jeffrey Bredemus ’01
Minnesota Vikings
Steven ’85 and Mary Trudell
Erica and Garrett Carlson
Erik Nerhus ’94
Bruce W. Johnson and Peggy DuffyJohnson
Todd Nollenberger
Kathleen and John Orner
Carrie and Todd Carroll
University of Minnesota –
Gopher Football
Laurie and Stephen Karl
Pearson Orthodontics, P.A.
Champp’s Restaurant
William M. Oaster and
Katherine A. Courrier
Mardi and Paul Larson
Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union
Kevin and Katie Conneely
Greg and Nancy Trebil
Paul and Anna Riester
Brent and Nancy Friendshuh
Viking Forest Products
Alex Rogosheske
Michael and Heidi Girsch
Todd White ’80
Rogosheske, Sieben, Atkins &
Pugh, LLC
Michael and Amy Gresser
Jim ’88 and Kimberly Hanke Susag ’88
Rick and Jill Barnes
Kevin and Lynn Benz
Bloomington Drug Co., Inc.
Bluff Creek
Neal Guggemos
Thomas ’85 and Lynette Haeg
Vera Bradley, Mall of America
Patrick Pazderka
Susan Weberg
James and Leslie Pierce
Samuel Welna ’04
Gary and Mary Piram
Westwood Sports
William and Holly Porter
Mark and Wendy Willner
Todd and Constance Reid
Scott and Cheri Younghans
Michael and Lisa Reilly
Timothy and Kathleen Reuter
71 Academy of Holy Angels
Annual Report 2011-2012
AHA Booster Club
The mission of the AHA Booster Club is to support all AHA co-curricular
activities with funds raised through the sale of AHA activity passes and
at the annual steak fry and auction.
Here is a list of the Booster Club’s funded activities for
the 2011-12 academic year:
Academy of Holy Angels
Boys’ Hockey
• Mini storage unit for
• Clothes dryer
• Bus trailer for equipment
• Game nets
• Coaches’ Salary
Activities Department
• AHA letters, participation
certificates, team awards
and captains’ awards
Alpine Ski
• Competition Bibs
• Game nets
• Player Benches
Confident. Prepared. Connected in Faith.
The mission of the Academy of Holy Angels
is to educate and nurture a diverse student population
so that each student, as a whole person,
may achieve full potential to excel intellectually,
to live spiritually, to lead responsibly, to act justly,
and to serve selflessly.
6600 Nicollet Avenue South | Richfield, MN 55423

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