Firebird 24 - nteu mission


Firebird 24 - nteu mission
Summer 2013
NTEU Chapter 24
Jeri Burger,
Thrisa Tolbert-Cotton,
Suzanne Hanson,
F irebird 24
General Edition
David Hauenstein,
Sherri Spears,
NTEU Lotzoff Memorial Golf Outing
Volume 28
by G. T. Wert
Union Office
One Detroit Center Rm 1020
PO Box 117
his service to NTEU be-
Tee times from 9am-
Detroit, MI 48231
ginning as a steward in
Phone: 313-628-3652
11am will be granted on a
first come basis. The
IRS manager Bill Dosedlo
cost this year is $26 for
President Jeri Burger
created the outing in the
Chief Steward
David Haunenstein
to UMCCC. Golf cart is
Mark your calendars for
1960s as a season end-
September 20, 2013.
ing banquet for the IRS
extra but not required.
golf league. NTEU began
Hot dog, chips and pop
its sponsorship in 1990
are included at the turn.
Last year we had 53 golfers
at Pontiac Country Club
Inside this issue:
fees, prizes and donation
and many other friends so-
From the Pen of 2
the President
cializing in the clubhouse,
Chief Steward’s
zoff, widow of former Chap-
Furlough Days
Did you know?
Steward Updates
including Mrs. Lorraine Lotter 24 treasurer Stan Lot-
and the outing is open to
all friends of NTEU as a
fundraiser for cancer research.
Please contact G.T.
zoff, as we raised funds for
Wert in Detroit Appeals
UM Comprehensive Cancer
or Acquneese King in
Center. The NTEU Golf
Farmington Hills for
Outing was renamed in
more information.
honor of Stan after his
death in 2004 to remember
Membership Campaign
NTEU is Celebrating its 75th anniversary along with its
Summer Recruitment Campaign!
NTEU Chapter 24 asks for your assistance in recruiting non members. Recruiting non members helps NTEU stay strong and have a voice. You will receive an incentive reward of $50
for every new member you recruit from now through September 21, 2013; the new member
will receive $100. If you have questions, please see your steward.
Page 2
Fi re bi rd 2 4
From the Pen of the Chapter President:
“In what are without a doubt the most
challenging times for federal employees, I
thank you for your tireless work on behalf of
federal employees and our country
Colleen M. Kelley
NTEU National President
I echo the sentiments of Colleen,
and add that IRS employees have
and are enduring even more trying times. Let’s take a look at
some of these challenges:
We have already felt the pinch of
the sequester in the three furlough days we had in May, June
and July. I’ve heard from many of
our members that they, and their
families, are suffering due to this
forced loss of pay. How did this
The Budget Control Act of 2011
was passed to resolve the debtceiling crisis. The bill set up a
sequester, or forced across-the
board spending cuts, that
would happen if Congress did
NTEU’s strength
not pass deficit reduction legiscomes from you, the
lation. Congress had until Janumembers. Now,
ary 1, 2013 to pass the necesmore than ever, IRS sary legislation. Congress did
not pass the required legislaemployees need
tion. The American Taxpayer
Relief Act of 2012 delayed the
sequester until March 1, 2013,
needs you.
but Congress still did not pass
the legislation. Sequestration
It is very important to
note that the 2011
Budget Control Act authorized the across-theboard cuts not just for
fiscal year 2013 but every year until 2021.
We could be feeling the
pain for many years to
Bargaining Unit Performance Awards
I know many of you read
the all employee e-mail, dated July 9, 2013, from Principal Deputy Commissioner
Danny Werfel regarding the
BU performance awards.
He believes that the bargaining unit awards should
not be paid. He acknowledges the need to bargain
with NTEU. Negotiations
are ongoing. It is ironic that
managers already received
their awards for work performed last year. Werfel
will “determine options we
can take to eliminate
awards for senior executives.” It’s important to
note that legislation must be
passed to eliminate awards
for senior executives. So, in
effect the only employees
denied their awards are the
bargaining unit employees.
It is NTEU’s position that
this is just plain wrong. The
employees already earned
these awards, were counting on the awards, and
should not be the only em-
ployees not to receive
them. Mr. Werfel’s message was divisive – pitting
those who earned awards
against those that did not.
Please do not buy into his
plan and let the Agency divide us! (Full disclosure –
As full time union I have not
been eligible to receive an
award since 2005)
IRS Budget
Fiscal year 2014 budget proposal released by the House
Appropriations Committee
would slash funding for the
IRS by 24 percent. The reason for the cut is to punish
the IRS for the handling of
tax exempt applications and
the amount of funds spent
on conferences and videos.
Can you even imagine what
the ramifications will be on
the front line employees
trying to do their work?
The IRS is already understaffed and under budgeted.
Such a sharp decrease in the
budget will cripple the
Page 3
Employees have already felt
the effects of a three year
pay freeze. While our pay
has stayed the same, our
expenses have not. Many of
our expenses, such as
health care, gasoline and
food prices, have increased
during this time. But it
doesn’t stop there. Legislation has been proposed to
extend the pay freeze
through 2015, eliminate
step increases, increase the
amount of employee contribution for pension – with
no increase in benefit.
Collective Bargaining
A bill has been introduced
to eliminate collective bargaining at the IRS. This legislation would strip your
rights to be represented by
NTEU. This means you
would no longer be protected by the collective bargaining agreement, aka the contract. This bill would take
away your right to organize
and bargain collectively over
decisions that affect you
work life. Management
would have free reign to
make decisions that affect
us every day. Legislation
has also been introduced to
weaken your union representation. For example,
time for union stewards to
represent employees would
be eliminated.
Other Harmful Legisla-
Legislation has been introduced that would eliminate
the pension benefit portion
of FERS retirement and cut
the social security FERS
supplement. A current bill
under consideration would
change the way cost of living increases would be calculated, from Consumer
Price Index to a “chained
CPI.” This change will result
in lowered benefits for retired employees under
CSERS and FERS. Consideration to change retirement benefit calculations
from high 3 to high 5 is another way of reducing pensions. Legislation has also
been introduced that would
require a 10% reduction in
the workforce.
So what can we do? Let
you member of Congress
and our Senators know that
you want the sequester
stopped. Congress
needs to pass legislation
that will reduce the deficit in a more balanced
way. You can also let
them know that the IRS
needs to be adequately
funded, so we can have
the resources to do our
jobs and meet the IRS
mission. You can send
the message that it is
time for federal employees to have a pay raise,
after a 3 year freeze.
Your opinion, as their
constituent, carries a
tremendous amount of
weight. Visit the
website for an easy and effective way to communicate
with your representatives
on all of these issues. See
your steward if you need
help using or navigating
through the website. You
can make a difference!
IRS employees are being
attacked by Congress,
the media, the public
and by the agency itself.
The only organization
that is committed to
protecting your rights is
strength comes from
you, the members.
Now, more than ever,
IRS employees need
NTEU and NTEU needs
you. Thank you for your
-Jeri Burger
The 2011 Budget
Control Act
authorized the acrossthe- board cuts not
just for fiscal year
2013 but every year
until 2021.
Page 4
F i reb i rd 2 4
Chief Stewards Report
They say that “a dying animal
Don’t wait until you receive
nous information to deter-
bites at its own wounds.”
the proposed removal letter.
mine that while the Agency
With the hiring freeze, pay
TIGTA has been busy, too.
freeze, sequestration, fur-
There have been a couple
loughs, and “scandals” rou-
incidents of employees mak-
tinely in the national news,
ing anonymous complaints on
Agency action against its own
other employees that TIGTA is
employees appears to cur-
investigating. UNAX is still a
rently be on an upswing.
problem. There is an incident
The chapter is presently working several cases of recommended removal for unacceptable performance. These
are the first incidents of such
that I have seen in my tenure
as chief steward; in fact, as a
This year’s Steward
of the Year was
awarded to
Michelle Gray.
“These are the first
incidents of such that
I have seen in my tenure as chief steward;
in fact, as a steward I
have never seen such
- David Hauenstein
steward I have never seen
such before. Over the years
of this newsletter, we have
published many articles on
what an employee should do
in the event that their performance evaluations or midyear
of TIGTA contacting an employee’s doctor to verify the
legitimacy of the employee’s
leave request. There is also a
case of TIGTA essentially second-guessing the actions of
a revenue officer and finding
fault with the revenue officer’s approach—this would
typically be the domain of
management. I guess the
bottom line would be: be paranoid; assume you are being
reviews begin to warn of dire
This year’s Steward of the
consequences. For that mat-
Year was awarded to Michelle
ter, any negative recordation
Gray. Michelle has been wag-
should not be taken lightly. If
ing a tremendous battle on
you would like to see these
behalf of several employees
articles, please contact me or
over promotion packages.
the newsletter’s new editor,
The first hurtle in such a pro-
Sherri Spears. Foremost,
cess is getting the information
however, if you have concerns
from the Agency; this is done
about recordation or evalua-
through the SharePoint web-
tions, see your steward and
site. In one package, it took
let them know of your prob-
nearly six months for the in-
formation to be loaded on the
Don’t ignore the problem; the
sooner you see us, the more
we can help.
system. It then becomes a
matter of who can access the
information. Nevertheless,
once received, Michelle
mined through the volumi-
provided the sanitized (names
and other identification removed) package for each candidate, it did not provide the
key to determining how each
employee received the final
score they were given, or
even from how the score was
derived. The responses from
management were consistently, “Trust us; they did correctly.” While not obtaining
relief for the employee in the
Step 2 and 3 grievances, this
case has been invoked for
arbitration. Other stewards
have likewise been confounded by the arcane information
provided for promotion packages; let us hope that the
arbitration will alter the current mystery responses we
Awards were also given in
recognition of their efforts as
stewards to Linda Anderson,
Suzanne Hanson, Carol Ann
Lamb, Orlando Mask, and
Jason Peters.
Don’t ignore the
problem; the sooner you
see us, the more we can
Page 5
Legislative Updates
The attack on Federal Workers
by Jessie Dawkins
has continued. It does not appear that the attacks will
abate anytime soon. Our pay has been frozen for 3
years. We have had three furlough days, with possiblymore to come. NTEU is also fighting a battle to keep our performance pay. That battle is continuing. We cannot stop the flow of cutbacks coming from Washington, but we can control
our response to the continued cutbacks. The budget cannot be balanced with federal pay and benefit cuts. At times, it
appears that the cuts are more punitive than necessary. What is NTEU’s response? The national office is meeting with
the leaders, on the hill. These meetings are both face to face, and by written memos. The irresponsible acts are being
combated with logic and facts, which are not always welcome in Washington DC. The National Office is expressing the
suffering, caused by the continuing austerity measures. The sequester does not only affect federal workers. It also affects the American Citizens, who are not employed by the federal government. What can you do? You may help reinforce the message that comes from the National Office. This can be done by contacting your congressional representative, perhaps multiple times. Tell them how the Sequester has affected you personally. Explain how the sequester affects your ability to do your job. Let your representative know how the taxpayers are being inconvenienced, and are suffering due to the austerity measures. Follow up by E-mail, written letters, telephone, and on CAPWIZ. Be relentless and
do not give up. Let your voice, and opinion, be heard. Always be respectful, but firm. Remember that this is a ten year
pay and benefit cut. This is not just for 2013. Every federal employee should contact their representative by e-mail, written letters, telephone, and on CAPWIZ. We must not waver, we must not tire, and we must not falter. (A quote from an
American President) Do not give up.
Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can (make a difference), or think that
you cannot, you are right”!
Your calls, e-mail, letters, and CAPWIZ do make a difference. Please continue
with the communication. If you have not previously communicated with your
representative, now is the time!
Contract Negotiations
by Sue Hanson
It’s Time Again. . . . .
It seems like yesterday that we completed our current contract, but negotiations begin
on the next one in October 2013.
Do you have any issues that concern you? Would you like NTEU to consider adding
these to the list of concerns National brings to the bargaining table? Then make your
concerns known. Just email Jeri with your issue.
If you do not have an issue now, think about your work situation as you are relaxing on
your patio or deck or in the backyard this summer. Sometimes our best thoughts about
work come to us when we are not on the clock. Jot them down & forward them to Jeri.
Page 6
by Henry Morrison
I am going on two years as a retiree (October, 2013), and retirement is great. The riding season is well underway, with probably 800 plus mile on
the Harley already. I also have a new grandson born in December.
Well if you have read my prior articles you have seen my long running narrative on OPM getting my pension, and health insurance corrected.
Well finally they did get everything corrected and in March of this year - 18 months after retirement I got a refund of over $2,000.00 of the excess health insurance premiums they had been withholding. As you may remember they had me under the wrong plan and had me under a self
and family plan instead of a self only plan. They also were not withholding for a survivor annuity. I think what finally helped get them moving was
I kept sending them e-mails every month or two. They seemed to be more responsive to the e-mails than to the phone calls.
There is some good news from OPM regarding the retirement application backlog they have been experiencing for the last couple of years. The
April 2013 figures are 7,059 applications received, 13,582 applications processed and a remaining inventory of 30,080. That may seem like a lot,
but as of January 2013 they had an inventory of 36,062 and as of January 2012 they had an inventory of 61,108. They have reduced the inventory
by using a lot of overtime. Per their Annual Report issued in May of this year they used over 94,000 hours of overtime during 2012 to reduce the
large backlog.
I mentioned a "survivor annuity" above and withholding to pay for the annuity. OPM does not actually "withhold" from your pension for a survivor annuity, but in the case of a retiree, your pension amount is reduced to pay for the annuity. What exactly is an annuity? Well this newsletter
does not have enough space to cover all of the details, but if you have any questions you can go to: Basically
a survivor annuity provides your surviving spouse a monthly benefit if you die while working or after retiring - assuming you have "elected" the
survivor annuity. It can also provide a benefit to a former spouse(s). It can also provide a benefit to your dependent children until their age of
18, or to age 22 if they are a full time student. The rules for CSRS and FERS are not exactly the same, there is a minimum the employee has to
have worked, for a retiree a survivor annuity has to be elected, and this election reduces your monthly pension benefit, to name but a few of the
things you need to know. This would probably be a good conversation to have with your spouse, even if you are still working. The forms used
for applying for benefits are Standard Form (SF) 2800 for CSRS and Standard Form (SF) 3104. Like I said if you have questions, go to the OPM
web site, they have a ton of information available.
By now everyone has had a day or two off without pay as a result of the sequestration. And what this really should bring into focus for everyone
still working and for retirees, is that the individuals in Washington hold the purse strings. And the importance of you to become and remain politically active. The old idiom that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease", could not be any truer than it was years ago. In my experience your representatives will respond to you if you contact them, you may not like their response or their position on a particular issue. But you have to
keep after them, beat them over the head with the issues that are having a detrimental financial effect on your life. In this regard e-mails are a
great tool, don't use your work e-mail though, instead use your personal e-mail or use the CAPWIZ function at If every employee was
to spend 15 or 20 minutes every week to send an email to their representatives in Washington regarding the federal employee issues effecting
them, I believe they would be a lot more responsive to our issues.
I can be contacted at [email protected] if you have any topics you would like to hear more about (retirement, bow hunting, canning, gardening,
fishing etc).
This is Henry, from down on the farm.
Page 7
By the time you read this we may have suffered through 4 Furlough days. For many it was more painful than expected. I venture to say, because of the increase in Inventories and the expectancy that you meet the same time-frames as when you had
half as many cases, that a day away from the grind was welcomed. But the loss of more of your money, a full day’s pay, was
welcomed a little less.
As employees of the Federal government, we somehow have become public enemy #1. This is evident by the constant onslaught of Bills being introduced that limit our pay, reduce our pay or eliminate our pay. Now they want to throw us in prison
if we dare to enforce the laws which they put in place. (Exaggeration, maybe!)
Our voices are being ignored. Our NTEU representatives are scrapping tooth and nail, every day, trying to convince the folk on
the Hill of our importance and value. You’ve been asked to sign a petition. You’ve been asked to write your senators and representatives. What else could we ask of you? How’s this? Are you treating your furlough day like a paid holiday? Going shopping? Going to the movies? Taking care of business, like paying some bills? Buying groceries? Is this what you’re doing!
Here’s a thought, since they have decided to remove us from the pay scale for that day, how about we remove ourselves
from the economy for that day? Do no financial transactions on your furlough day. Pay no bills! Make no purchases! No deposits! No withdrawals! Do whatever you want except financial transactions! Don’t even buy gas! They’re constantly showing
us how unimportant we are by their actions against us! Surely they won’t miss our little bit of money? You think TIGTA will
look into you not spending money on a day you didn’t get paid?
The cost of living has continued to rise while our income has actually fallen. We (gov’t workers) have contributed over $100
million toward the National debt. Taking our performance awards will put us near $200 million or over! If Congress believes I
can do without a day’s pay, I believe the economy can do without my money on furlough day!
What about you?
On the Legal Front Line…...
By Scott Whitehead
Jessie Dawkins
The Year to Volunteer
If there was ever a time to be alert, and to participate in your career, the time is now. NTEU is looking for volunteers to assist with union business.
Our members have suffered furloughs, frozen pay, and increased annuity payments. You can make the difference. You may be the missing key to
success. How about volunteering to work on a committee, or to contribute time to a worthwhile cause? We all remember the story of four people, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry with that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody
could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody would not do it. It ended that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody
could have done.
The survival of any organization requires active commitment from it’s members. NTEU is in need of assistance on the legislative front. We are
facing many difficult issues in this climate of “Budget Balancing”. Now is the time to volunteer. Send an e-mail to your Steward and let him/her
know that you would like to assist with legislative programs.
NTEU has noticed a troublesome trend. There have been reports of increased TIGTA activity. Some reports state that people have been followed
to field appointments. This is a great time to remind our members to be vigilant in keeping scheduled appointments. Monitor your time keeping
records and your case activity. Some managers have been looking at Outlook, Activity records, and comparing them to the sign out sheets and
SETRS. It is important that Outlook, the sign out sheet, SETRS, and your case time matches. While this seems elementary, many times they do
not match due to end of cycle changes, which are not corrected. Take a second and check for completeness. If you are working in a call center,
and your calls are monitored, be aware that you are never alone. Do not have an expectation of privacy. Understand that management has access
to phones and computers. The bottom line is to always be professional and above board, in your dealings, at all times, and it will not matter who is
listening, or looking. If you are called into a meeting, and there is an expectation that discipline may be discussed, request the assistance of your
Steward immediately. Management will postpone the meeting, until a Steward is present. Never go to a TIGTA meeting alone!
Page 8
Did You Know??
By Thrisa Tolbert-Cotton and Acquneese King
A UNAX violation can lead to disciplinary action ranging from suspension to dismissal as well as criminal
The IRS policy regarding accessing electronic or non-electronic taxpayer records states employees are only
allowed access to taxpayer records when the information is needed to carry out their tax administration duties.
The Service does not allow an occasional slip up! There is a ZERO tolerance for any unauthorized accesses
to taxpayer accounts and some form of discipline is likely to result from any offense.
It is a UNAX violation to show a co-worker tax records of a celebrity’s account that is assigned to you unless
there is a business reason for doing so.
You are not allowed to access the tax record of relatives, close friends or neighbors, or accounts of any business entity you have any relationship with.
AN IRS employee is not allowed to access taxpayer records when the involvement in the tax matter could cause a possible financial conflict
of interest.
If a co-worker ask you to access a case for them that they do not have an authorized business need to access YOU have committed a UNAX
If a co-worker knowingly ask you to access the account of a neighbor or other individual with whom they have a close relationship , YOU
have committed a UNAX violation.
If a co-worker witnesses you showing another employee taxpayer information they are not authorized to see, or committing what they believe to be a UNAX violation, guidelines state they are to report the alleged violation to TIGTA.
If you happen to inadvertently commit a UNAX violation you are to report the violation to your manager, complete form 11377 and submit
to your manager who will provide you a copy of the form that does not have taxpayer information.
If you are in doubt of whether you should access any taxpayer records talk to your manager BEFORE accessing the information.
As always if you are contacted by TIGTA, CONTACT your steward before attending
any meeting!
As always: NTEU is here for you!
Page 9
Steward Updates
Heartfelt thanks to retired stewards Barry Begeny, Mary Cook, Carol Engelsman and Dennis Johnson. Barry Begeny
became a steward for LMSB (now LB&I of course) in 1996. He also was a member of the Chapter 24 Executive Board
for many years. Mary Cook was another long term board member. Mary accepted a temporary steward position in
1992. Her temporary assignment lasted over 20 years! Mary represented the Lansing POD, was a member of the
chapter’s Oral Reply Committee and the Assistant Chief Steward for the Outstate PODs. Carol Engelsman volunteered to be a steward in 1985, serving for 27 years. She was an Executive Board Member for many years as well as
representing members in several PODs during her tenure. Dennis Johnson represented the employees in the Ann
Arbor Post of Duty since 2009. We wish you all a long and wonderful retirement!
Some chapter stewards decided to resign from steward duties. Catharine Kelley started representing the members
in the Ann Arbor POD in 1998. She subsequently became the steward in Appeals. Catharine was a member of the
Oral Reply Committee as well. Dave King became a steward in 1997 and was the steward located in Benton Harbor
for many years. He also represented members in Kalamazoo then Portage as well as Collection members in Grand
Rapids. Dave was also a member of the chapter’s Oral Reply committee. Shortly after the Benton Harbor office
closed, Dave decided to relinquish his steward duties. Susan Doolittle, steward for Counsel also resigned her steward position. Susan had also served as the Chapter’s Legislative Coordinator. Mary Beth Miller, Pontiac Steward,
Membership Coordinator and Training Coordinator decided to step down after completing the huge task of coordinating Chapter 24’s local training in May. Brian Norton, steward in Pontiac and the chair of the last two election committees also decided to take a break from stewardship. Thank you all for your dedication and experienced representation for the members of Chapter 24!
The chapter is pleased to welcome several new stewards. LaShaundra Moore is now the steward for the
Taxpayer Assistance Service in Detroit. Star (Estrella) Montgomerie has joined Orlando Mask in representing the members of LB&I across the state. Greg Taylor represents the Collection employees in the
Pontiac POD and is a member of the Legislative Committee. Carol Ann Lamb is the steward for the Collection members in Grand Rapids. The chapter also appointed Sherri Spears as steward for the Pontiac
POD, as well as her appointment as the editor of the newsletter. Thank you all for volunteering to become
Chapter 24 stewards!
Our thoughts go out to the families of NTEU members
that have passed away.
Cheryl Birkhold, Revenue Agent, Portage
Pauline Fenderson, Detroit Taxpayer Assistance
Karel Foley, ACS, Detroit
A new website for
NTEU Chapter 24 is here.
Check it out today!!!
“Losing 10 percent of your pay in a single pay period is no small matter,
especially when you face the same rising prices for necessities that are
affecting your friends. Neighbors and community.”
NTEU National President Colleen M. Kelley
5% of federal workforce furloughed as agencies shut down
Federal Times May 24, 2013
Congratulations to those who have retired!!
Louis Bantom, Jr. Larry Bayer
Barry Begeny
Jack Brown
Wes Bulik Mary Cook Brice Davis II
John Engels Carol Engelsman John Gancarz
Larry Hains Joyce Houston Dennis Johnson
Donna Jones Sandra Kendrick
Tinesha Leverette
Dorothy Miller Paul Molin
Hattie Morant Laura Pappas Frank Porta
Althea Ray
Randall Walkowicz
Mary Williams
From the Old Editor
Karen Young
- David Hauenstein
As I wind down my career with IRS and
NTEU, I relinquish my position as editor
of this newsletter. Sherri Spears has
graciously volunteered to take up the
challenge as editor. With that, I exit the
newsletter stage and sincerely wish her
the very best.
“All the world is a stage
And all men and women,
merely Players
They have their exits and
their entrances
And one man in his time
plays many parts.”
-As You Like It, Act II,
Scene 7, William Shakespeare
Evelyn Whitfield
Thank you David, I look forward to serving NTEU 24 and taking on the
auspicious task that you graciously performed with dedication and commitment. I take on the mantle with pride, only hoping I can do half a
good a job as you.