Mar/Apr 2015 Newsletter
Mar/Apr 2015 Newsletter
March April 2015 Annual Fish & Game Club Stag. The Nanaimo Fish & Game Club Annual Stag will be held on March 14, 2015 at the Nanaimo Fish & Game Clubhouse. Refreshments will be served at 6:00pm and dinner will be served at 7:00pm featuring our famous Clam Chowder, Oyster cocktails, BBQ Steak and Game Meat. There will be prizes and entertainment, including a major door prize (Husquvarna Chain saw). Tickets are $30 and are available from Wholesale Sports, Cabela’s, the Caretaker, Gone Fishin’ and members of the executive. Bob Morris CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, & HABITAT SINCE 1905 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. President’s Report. The Annual General Meeting was well attended with 78 members attending and ran very smoothly. The special resolution to increased the dues passed by a large majority. Because it was a special resolution it required a 75% majority to pass and 93% voted in favour of increasing the dues. The election of officers saw some new members step up - Ron Tuson and Dave Bare were elected as directors - with some former members returning - Joe Michaels, Larry Burnett, and Wayne Hamilton were also elected as directors. Chris McFarlane moved up to become one of the Vice Presidents. I would like to thank Rob Thompson, Reg Bigham, and Bob Maltby for serving as directors for several years and to especially thank Sharlene MacLellan for her years of service as the club President. All the budgets for running the club were presented and passed and two budgets for Capital projects were also passed. One was for the Archery/Multi-purpose building and the plan was for it to be of log construction and to be completed to lock up this year. The second project was a flood control/wetlands project behind the ranges. In the past we have had severe floods when the first block of timber was logged off and now that the timber has been logged off the land we purchased we are having problems with excess water again and it is hoped this project will solve those problems. Our guest speaker at the AGM was Ryan Flagg, an observatory support engineer for a company called Ocean Innovation. He gave a very interesting presentation about some of the projects taking place in the Arctic. The Annual Banquet and Fundraiser was held on Feb. 14th. Thanks to the generous support of local business and individuals, the hard work of many club members, and the support of everyone who attended, the event was a great success. As usual the game banquet was second to none. The next event after the Banquet is the annual stag and there is some information about that on the cover page of the newsletter and if you need more info or tickets you can contact the people listed there. Larry McFarlane. CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 2 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Elected Board of Directors: The Nanaimo & District Fish & Game Protective Association publishes this newsletter for the information and benefit of the members. All contents, including but not limited to cartoons, articles, pictures, etc., are copyrighted by their respective authors. Opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the club. Membership ads are free to paid up members to sell, buy, and trade sport related items. First come First served as space allows. Ads will run only in the period covered by the Newsletter unless resubmitted by the advertising member. No free ads will be accepted from any commercial source. Send to: PO Box 211 Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Call or email (250) 390-4391 [email protected] (Please call, write, or email when your item sells) President Larry McFarlane 753-3695 Vice President Kevin Wheatcroft 754-4543 Vice President Past President Treasurer Secretary Recording Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Director Director Director Director Director Director Chris McFarlane Sharlene MacLellan Steve Corscadden Doug Miller Teresa Etmannski Dave Parenteau Doug Janz Bob Morris Ron Tuson John Noble Wayne Hamilton Larry Burnett Joe Michaels Dave Bare 758-9744 722-3564 390-4391 758-1303 758-8799 758-5727 758-0949 758-2116 753-5985 751-8121 754-4996 758-6039 751-0158 714-5075 Discipline & Committee Chairs: Access Archery Archives Big Game Buildings Supervisor Black Powder Caretaker C.O.R.E. Firearms Legislation/Permits Fresh Water Fisheries Firearms Safety Course Forestry Grounds Supervisor Junior Program Native Liaison I.P.S.C. Membership Migratory Birds Newsletter Editor Parks Pollution PPC Communications Saltwater Fisheries Social Skeet Stream Stewardship Trap 22 Rifle Silhouette Greg Stephens Larry McFarlane Geoff Robins Kim Brunt Larry McFarlane Doug Miller Bill Sainsbury John VanLieshout Bob Bennie 751-2245 753-3695 756-9126 390-3951 753-3695 758-1303 245-5461 754-2846 585-4090 Dave Parenteau Andrew Patchett Doug Janz Larry Burnett Larry McFarlane Fred Adkins Ted Barsby Jr. Kevin Wheatcroft Adrienne Abney Al Brown Steve Corscadden Jim Fiddick Wayne Harling Steve Corscadden Fred Adkins Al Brown 758-5727 [email protected] 758-0949 758-6039 753-3695 758-8799 754-7010 754-4543 924-4456 722-7142 390-4391 722-2507 753-1864 390-4391 758-8799 722-7142 Wayne Watson Jim Critchlow Wayne Hamilton Chuck Hawtin Jack Gilmour Andrew Patchett 390-6874 390-3444 754-4996 751-1481 758-5302 [email protected] CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 3 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. For Sale CZ 75 SP 01 Shadow two tone for sale in like new condition and a Blade Tech holster for it. I am asking $850.00 for the Shadow and $85.00 for the holster. Call Robert 250-714-5739 Notice to Shooters Long term ATT`s will no longer include taking your Firearm to a GunSmith One will have to apply for a short term ATT for the aforementioned transaction. However, they realize that IPSC, PPC etc. shooters have Gunsmiths work on their firearms numerous times for upgrades etc. In that case, after they apply for a short term ATT more than three times their ATT will be upgraded to include, as before, to take it to the Gunsmiths. AS PER CFO Joe Michaels As you enter the club property you will see danger signs along your right side. This is because conditions have made that area unsafe to be in so please obey the signs and stay out until further notice. CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 4 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Annual General Meeting The annual General meeting was held on Jan. 18th and during the meeting the awards for fishing and hunting were given out. FISHING: Charles Veasey won the biggest Salmon award with a 27 pound Chinook. Jack Gilmour won the biggest Trout award with a 4 lb 2oz trout.. HUNTING: Al Jensen won the award for the largest antlers on an Island deer with a score of 96 4/8 points Jason Slotte & Trevor Wood tied for heaviest Island deer with 130 lb deer Jan Maltesen won the outstanding big game award with a Roosevelt Elk scoring 352 1/8 points Joel MacDermott won the junior outstanding big game award with an Island deer scoring 61 5/8 points MEMBER OF THE YEAR: Cathy McFarlane won the member of the year award. Cathy is one of those members who volunteers and works tirelessly in the background and is truly a deserving recipient of the award. CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 5 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Report On Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility Breach The report on this incident is finally completed and published. It is 156 pages long, quite technical and makes 7 recommendations. Following is the Executive Summary. CONCLUSIONS The Panel concluded that the dominant contribution to the failure resides in the design . The design did not take into account the complexity of the sub-glacial and pre-glacial geological environment associated with the Perimeter Embankment foundation . As a result, foundation investigations and associated site characterization failed to identify a continuous GLU layer in the vicinity of the breach and to recognize that it was susceptible to undrained failure when subject to the stresses associated with the embankment . The specifics of the failure were triggered by the construction of the downstream rockfill zone at a steep slope of 1 .3 horizontal to 1 .0 vertical. Had the downstream slope in recent years been flattened to 2 .0 horizontal to 1 .0 vertical, as proposed in the original design, failure would have been avoided. The slope was on the way to being flattened to meet its ultimate design criteria at the time of the incident. REGULATORY OVERSIGHT The Panel reviewed the roles and responsibilities of the B .C . Ministry of Energy and Mines (the Regulator) and its interactions related to the MPMC TSF. The Panel found that inspections of the TSF would not have prevented failure and that the regulatory staff are well qualified to perform their responsibilities.The Panel found that the performance of the Regulator was as expected. THE FUTURE The Panel has examined the historical risk profile of the current portfolio of tailings dams in B.C. and concluded that the future requires not only an improved adoption of best applicable practices (BAP), but also a migration to best available technology (BAT) . Examples of BAT are filtered, unsaturated, compacted tailings and reduction in the use of water covers in a closure setting. Examples of BAP bear on improvements in corporate design responsibilities, and adoption of Independent Tailings Review Boards . Specific recommendations are made in the body of the report. One comment I found very interesting was in Section 9 “WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE”: If the inventory of active tailings dams in the province remains unchanged, and performance in the future reflects that in the past, then on average there will be two failures every 10 years and six every 30. In the face of these prospects, the Panel firmly rejects any notion that business as usual can continue. On Sept. 2/14 BCWF called for the creation of a ‘Natural Resources Practices Board stating: “In light of these questions and concerns, BCWF has encouraged the B.C. government to expand the mandate of the Forest Practices Board to include a new multi-interest board that provides oversight for all resource extraction activities within the province.’ and that certainly seem like a good idea. The B.C. Conservation Service executed search warrants at the Mount Polley mine and the Vancouver offices of its owner Imperial Metals Tuesday (Feb 3/15) night, in relation to the spill of 25 million cubic metres of waste from the mine's tailings pond last August. Insp. Chris Doyle with the conservation service said the search warrants were issued to support a joint investigation by the B.C. Conservation Service, the RCMP, Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. "The investigation primarily focuses on offences related to the Environment Management Act and the Federal Fisheries Act, but is not limited to these acts," he said. CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 6 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. HIGH RIVER REPORT MISSING KEY ELEMENTS Date: Thursday, February 12, 2015 CANADA'S NATIONAL FIREARMS ASSOCIATION MEDIA RELEASE HIGH RIVER REPORT MISSING KEY ELEMENTS "The long-awaited report on the actions of the RCMP at High River has finally been released, and while it is critical of police actions in kicking in doors, Canadians are still uninformed as to who gave the orders to kick in doors and enter homes and why these searches that were targeted to firearms owners were necessary," said NFA President Sheldon Clare, speaking from Prince George. "What is missing in this report is accountability, and the NFA believes that more than ever, there is a clear need for a judicial inquiry to restore the confidence of Canadians, in High River and everywhere else, in their governments and their police. It is clear that searches made after June 24 were illegal, and that these searches violated people's rights. Someone is responsible for those actions, and it is simply not sufficient to claim that policy somehow justifies the seizure of firearms and ammunition as a standard operating procedure." NFA Life Member and retired RCMP member Dennis Young who took the lead role on investigating the High River matter for the NFA, agreed. "Without clear accountability, these types of police actions will continue, and that is simply unacceptable. This report needs to restore the trust of Canadians, and it has not done so." Clare added, "If it had not been for Dennis Young, the NFA, and the determined efforts of reporters like Lorne Gunter and Brian Lilley at Sun News, much of the High River situation would have been buried. What happened at High River cannot go unchallenged. The NFA will continue to monitor the reaction of High River residents to this report, and we continue to demand that the parties responsible be punished for violating people homes and rights at High River." CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 7 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 23rd Annual Fish & Game F u n d ra i s e r & B a n q u e t CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 8 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 23rd Annual Fish & Game F u n d ra i s e r & B a n q u e t CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 9 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Annual Banquet & Fundraiser While we would like to thank each and every person who worked so hard to bring this evening into being, space does not permit. However certain groups should be recognized. The dedicated Kitchen Crew, who ensure the fish and game donations were properly stored, handled and prepared, and the many members who donated their hard won and much cherished fish and game - not to mention preparing the donation for your dining pleasure. The Banquet Crew who tirelessly set up tables, chairs, tablecloths, accessories, and decorations for the evening, and then came back the next morning to clean everything up. The Fundraising Crew who spent many hours canvassing donations, storing and cataloging items, and then setting up the display tables. The Social Committee and Bartenders who keep the refreshments flowing.. To each and everyone for your willingness to part with your hard earned money in support of this organization - its goals and objectives in the interest of Fish and Wildlife and their Habitat. To Jeff Jorgensen for doing an excellent job as our auctioneer. Please recognize both the individuals and the businesses who generously support the aims of our Association by patronizing their business throughout the year: 49th Parallel A Wee Cupcakery Alberni Outpost Alexandras Restaurant Alf Perala Alloyd Fitness Art Knapps Art Of Brewing Backyard Nature Store Bastion Jewellers Bavarian Imports BC Hydro Bedrock Redi Mix Bowen Auto Repair Buckerfields Cabela's Calais Spas & Billiards Carlo Bryans Cedar Tire Land Central Island Adventure Tours Chase River Dental Center Chico's Restaurant Climbing Gym Cobs Bread Columbia Fuels Country Grocer Craig Stolle Cranberry Arms D& H Sewing Dan & Alexis Bishop Dave & Jeannie Parenteau Dave Stupich Don Sundquist Dr. Pappel Elthea Dueck Ennex, Erickson Roofing Fiat of Nanaimo First Choice Haircuts Frank Bajich Frank Gilbert Frankies Restaurant Freighterliner Friesens Fur Canada George Denton Get West Adventure Tours Gone Fishin Great Canadian Oil Change Green Thumb Harbour Chandler Harris Kia Highway Tire Hub City Paving Hub City Springs Ice Nail Bar Intercraft IRIS Visual Group (Commercial St) Jim Tyson (Investors Group) Joe Michaels John Noble Jonanco Workshop Jora Design Kenworth Krog & Co KT Pain Tattoos Laird Wheaton Landlubber Pub Marks Import Auto Mid Island Auto Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations Mr. Lube Mrs. Riches Restaurant Nanaimo Toyota Nanaimo Wine Shoppe North End London Drugs North End White Spot Panago Pizza Pioneer Fireplace Quality Foods R.J. Lamoth CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 10 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Restore Rev Propeller Rob & Claire Murphy Robinson Rentals Rocky Creek Holdings Romper Room Ron's Drywall Schnitzer Sharecost Shar-kare Shaw Cablesystems Slegg Lumber Slice Restaurant Smith Transport Steve Corscadden Tania's Restaurant Teddy's Tackle Terrier Blades The Ladies at Desiree Tattoos Tim Hortons Brooks Landing Tim Hortons Dickinson Turley's Florist United Rentals Valhalla Pure Vi White Wellington Pub West Coast Helicopters Wholesale Sports Nanaimo Windward Pub Woodgrove Chrysler Yellow Bird Galleries BC WILDLIFE FEDERATION VANCOUVER ISLAND REGION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the BC Wildlife Federation Vancouver Island Region will be held at the Nanaimo Fish & Game Club on March 28th and 29th this year. All the clubs send voting delegates but everyone is invited to attend the sessions during the day. The issues that will be dealt with are Conservation, Access, Allocation, Firearms and any other issue that effects the entire Region. We will also elect the board of directors for the coming year. A nominating committee is always looking for people who would like to become involved in these issues and during the meeting nominations will be accepted from the floor. The Nanaimo Club has always been a big supporter of the Region and currently has four members holding positions on the board. On Saturday night there will be a dinner and a small fundraiser to help support the activities taken on by the Region. For more information contact Dave Parenteau at (250) 758-5727 or [email protected] CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 11 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Rally at Victoria Legislature to protest changes to Allocation Policy - March 2, 2015. There will be a Rally to protest the amendments to the Wildlife Allocation on Monday March 2, 2015 between 11am and 1pm at the BC Legislature building in Victoria. The amendments to the Wildlife Allocation Policy announced on Feb. 6/15 do not go far enough in providing an equitable balance between the rights of B.C. resident hunters to access wild game and the business needs of guide-outfitters, who service foreign trophy hunters. In most other provinces and U.S. states, foreign hunters are limited to 5 - 10 percent of the wildlife allocation. Recent changes to the Wildlife Allocation Policy announced by the B.C. government in December 2014 awarded the 245-member Guide-Outfitters Association of B.C. (GOABC) up to an unprecedented 40 percent of the allocation for some species. Consequently, the new policy reduced resident hunters’ share of wild game across much of B.C. The most recent amendments provide some marginal adjustments to the wildlife allocation splits previously announced. Many B.C. residents rely on hunting to feed their families healthy organic meat. In the Thompson region, for example, resident hunters’ share of moose was increased to 85 percent from 80 percent announced in December. Still, resident hunters have lost five percent of the available moose allocation in the region, which was 90/10 percent between resident hunters and guide-outfitters under the 2007 Wildlife Allocation Policy. You have all been engaged in petitions, Facebook pages, rallies, letters to MLAs, Ministers, and the Premier, visits to MLA offices, town-hall meetings just to name a few. This is a reflection of how passionate we are about this debacle. We must now rally together collectively to make this peaceful protest work. Now is the time for Resident Hunters to put our differences aside and ACT. TOGETHER. A unified message and protest will be another effective tool to help overturn the new policy. For more information contact Kyle Stelter at [email protected] or 250 619-8415. Dave Parenteau is trying to organize a bus at a good rate. If you are interested contact him at (250) 758-5727 or [email protected] . CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 12 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 13 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 14 NANAIMO & DISTRICT FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. CONSERVING FISH, WILDLIFE, AND HABITAT SINCE 1905. 15 Nanaimo & District Fish & Game Protective Association P.O. Box 211 Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Publications Mail 40888503